,jw kwkjcry vftl i i i etuicaptuin crane of tho myrtle bo.it club, captain thompson of tho unknown...

,"JW W"- - I l. N iH Aiwijtfll- KWKjcry -- nnff-fi v.n Ni o J VfTl 1 Tl lik I I i I etui "With which, is Incorporated ihe "Independent," VOL. l. tfO. 125. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1895. PRICE 5 CP.N ViX TECE HXerip Bulletin "With which Is incorporated the iMiErnxii. nNT. Hawaiian Copyright hj- - A- - V. Gumi, Juno 22, ISS15. Publlnliel every ilay except Sunday nt 000 KitiR Street. Honolulu, II. 1. suiisriui'TroN ii.vn. Per Month, nny where In tlio Ha- waiian Islands 7ft Per Vear 8 (XI Per Venr, posttu.iil to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Yetr, postpaid, other Foreign CountrioH in OH I'nynlilo Invnrliiblv In Ailvimen. Advertisements iinncctwnpnnled by unecific instructions inserted till ordered out. Advertisements discontinued before expiration of snecillcd period will bo churped as if continued for full term. Liberal ullownnco on yearly and half yearly contracts. Address all communications to the edi- torial department to "Editor Hulletiii." Business letters should bo nddressod to 'Manager Evening Bulletin." Tulephono 250. P. O. I5oe 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. AYEft'S HAS MO EQUAL toit Tim it wtu ci'in: or Golds, Coughs, Influenza, a:v.) SORB TZiCR.O.T. t "V i'Nv '' TjtlWllfVC I I ivi rs ,111- - I1IU3. uiy ,Jjr .rnXvyV nuoiliu tlio In- - CHERRY ' i1"' pi'iecm. rnnW ''" '"'li'i-- 1"CP. TJ? V"' l' . Whoop r H -- '"iniiiK.i-e the ptilinonar trunlil towh.ili th yiums arc M lMtllt-- . ill. U' lit. 'Ill- . l.Mril S.I effective, an Acer's Cto'j pQCtcrai HIGHEST AWT'.BSl AT TUJ! TiiiiiiiniiiM ii ini " ftj,ri iiirr u i.t World's Gres.t Expositions. CPTt'u r' of rtio ip '.'ilt'ittoi). . 'II i i. Ajt'i-- riit-rr- - I l I trout inri.t ' t'i wri'T, hi i I Im n i. In tho hi f tracb of our I'uUliM, Hollistor Drug Co.. L'd. Solo Agents for the Jtcptihlt-- of Uawpit. M'.IIHW.ILWIffMIITW.I1 1' ija Soract!Hs Interesting ! i Imports of Champagne In- to the United Stales, ritOM .u.. 1st to .il'.sE 1st, 1895 CflM'H. G II Mumm it Co.'s extra dry 30.S31 Poinmory fc Greuo 11,708 i Jloot k Clmiuloii 9,ti08 Houlsicok it Co., (dry Monopolc) 7.fi01 Louis Itoederor XA'.iS lluintirt 3 iyc Punier Juuot !.2tiG Irroy & Co 1.78.) rvo. Clicquot 2,378 BouahbSuo 082 DolbeckACo 728 St. Mnicouux . 33 1 KiuyitCo. 2(0 Clins. lloidsiock "'"") Various Tot) 81,860 COMPILED FROM CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS. Macfarlane & Co., Solo AgontsforG. II.Mnmm it Co. for tho Hawaiian Islands." f IN THE HICHER COURTS. TifiiKt: iiANKitui'T r.sT.u;s that YIEI.I)i:i) IMOlt Itl'.TllltNS. Kxteimltiii of Tlino III tlio Sprcclielw Cho IIcciimnc Ilcrcndaiit In Abacnt III Europe, Friday was roturu day for llio stimmoiis of the Hawniinn Gom-moroi- al and Sugar Co. ngninst Olnus Sprockols. L, A. Thurston nppoared . for pluintifl", and I?. M. Match for dofondant, bo-for- o Judpe Cooper- - A motion b dofondant for extontion of timo to plexd was aftor orgutnont, Mid tho timo was ordered extended till Friday, December Cth. Tlie mo- tion wns SMpportod by aflidavits of V. SI. Giflard, nttornoy-in-fa- ct for dofondant, and "W. A. Krnuov', ono of his attorneys. It oots forth as reasons the following: "That defendant is not a resi- dent of this country, and is now in Europe; thut tho acts, matters and tilings not up in tho complain- ant's hill of complaint can only bo mot by a porsonal answer by tho dofonuant; that counsel for tho dofondant aro not instructed in tho premisosnndcanot bo until full opportunity is had of communi eating with the defendant; that the mutters calling for answer are not within the porsonal know- - j lodge of defendant's attorncy-ii.- - luct, residing at Honolulu, all of which more fully appears in tho aflidavit of V. M. Giflard, and of V. A. Kinnoy, horowith filed and made a part horeof." 1'eforo Jiiduo Coopor tho will of Keahi NakanKiki was admitted to j probate, and letters testamentary woro ordered to iK'Oio to &. M Damon under 500 bond. fir petitioner. L. B. Korr had his accounts us assignee of AVinjj liing, a bank- rupt, al'nwed and was granted his discharge on filing ncoipts. There w.is a biluuco on. account of liquidation to credit of the estate of 50. The claims ainuiutod to $f)(;7.30,Mr. Kerr's alou-- j being Tho same assiguco was ordered in llio bankruptcy L'llbU of IIlliniHlHltO. In this case he paid :M9.90 moro than ho ro- - ecivod mi Bottling tlio cstnto. Tho claims amounted to 511-11.-1- divided as follows. L. 13. Korr $779.7-1- , Gonealvos .t Co. ifl8-1.25- , JS. Hotlschlaegor A Co. S12-1.7- and Macfarlane it Co. S52.75. Tho calo of bankrupt's stick netted .t91. Mr. Kerr was also discharged as assignee of Shoon Hing. lie had realized from tho estate $172,-o- o, and expended 1202.75, leaving a balunco of .$203.80, loss $25 for necessary counsel foes. Thoro wero twenty unsecured claims aggregating $4099.41. bosidos a claim of if 1G9 04 that ieal-ize- d a balance of $30.95. Judge Cooper yostorday heard a bill to determine a lease, brought by W.Kalaehao agsinst W.C Achi and others. Mugoon and Hum- phreys for plaintiff; Achi for de- fendants Paul Neumann has filed oxop-tion- s for defendants to the deci- sion of J udgo Cooper in Aswan vs. I'ung Luui and 1'ung Yok. V. A. Kinnoy has iiled notico of appoal for defendant to Judge Whiting's docision in favor of plaintiff in the suit fur doath bonofit of Antonio da Costa"! Daniel against tho Portuguese Mutual Bonofit Society. Andrew McCabo has entered a suit for $1000 damages against Ah Leong, for bringing defendant before tho District Court on n charge of malicious injury in tho destruction of s!x bunchos of ba- nanas. Mnliu Ako und Ako her hus- band havo entored a suit of ojeot- - tnont against JnmeH Campboll for land on Nuuanu street containing 302 hquaro fathorna. J. W. Smithies of Honolulu has ontorcd an ojpctmont suit against tho Hutchinson Sugnr Plantation tor two pieces of land in W aio-bin- u, Kan, llawuii, containing rospectivolv threo mid a half and four and acres. ro.vrit.u-- r i,AnoKi:ifi. 1iikllliii of tlio CIiIiickc Wlin Arrived by lli S. s. Clilnn. Following is tho allotment of 'Chinese male contract laborers lately landed from tho B. S. China: Hawaiian Sugar 'Co 00 Hamakua Plantation Co 13 Pioneer Mill Co 30 Kahuku Plantation Co 30 Wuiakea Mill Co 30 Kilauoa Sugar Co 25 Mukeo SupirCo SO Union Mill Co 15 llawi Mill 15 Hakalau Plantation Co iO Olowalu Sugar Co 1" Kohala Sugar Co 20 Total 339 Those for .Mnui and Hawaii will bo sent by tho Wilder' h steamer Kilauoa Hon on Tuesday morninc, and those for Kauai hy tho Intor-Islan- d Company's steamers. A I'ainlly Jnr. A telephone messago was re- ceived at the polico station at about 11 o'clock that a woman was being bo.itou on tho corner of Punchbowl and Emma stroets. Captain Cook sont one of his mounted police to tho scene and on his roturu he reported that the affair wan all over whon ho got thoro. Ho had hunted up th" woman and found thut she had buen chastised by her husband. The woman said that such things woro not unusual in tho family, and that when hor husband beat her too hard sho ran away until ho cooled oil", when she returned homo. Sho did not desiro to ou- ter any complaint against him. To Il ii Iirtmi Alliilr. , Thoro wns a meeting of tho Li Ilima Club at tho Hawaiian Hotel last night to make arrange- ments for tho dance at Indepen- dence Park "oxt Friday evening. Evening dress was prescribed for tho occ.ision. Vocal musio will intersporso with tho dances. II. v. Poor, A. Smithies and J. M. Sims woro appointed a e.unmittoc to carry out tlio arrangements. Lncroksv I'rurlllii. About a dozen Ihciosho players, led by Mr. Coibett, took part in I met ice on tho baseball grounds estorday afternoon. Several load- ing young athletes, including Captuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves in this newly imported gamo. A SitirlniiM Clirvli. F. II. Moudonhall, a lato arrival fiom tho Coast, was arrested this morning at 11:40 by officer Gus Cordes on a ohurgo of obtaining money nndor false pretences by passing a worthless chock on John Buckley of tho Hotel stables. Moudonhall drow a check on Sprockols' bank for $20 and got Buckloy to cash it, woll knowing ho had no funds in tho bank to make it good. Pram U. S. Journal ut ilcdteinr. f'rof. W.H. rieke,wlia m.ikc a Bpcciulty of Eplloiy, li.m wlllmut ilonbt treated nml cured more caeca tliau inyllvliiKl'lij'tlclant'ilieurcniiUnftoiiUlilntf. Wo 4ove hi ard.jfcnxi- orUyciirVtniiillni;ciiHil by hlin. lloMililili'a:ilu.ilili'workontliwili.caowliiclilie "1'inUnllh a l.irire h.itiloiif Inn nliilute cure, free to iyuffvrcrvti4 m lyuudiliclr P.O. anil Kxprrii Ail. dre.8. Wi aitilnx, W. II. I'KtK :, i'. V 4 Liikr St., Xtw Vork. f- - AT THE AMERICAN LEAGUE. sii. iMniii:Nsrj:iN sim:aks mioct I, AMI ON HAWAII. Selcv Nicecrc by oTCl SprnUrrs- - j:dllorToiVHc IIInciirmow Aitncn- - llon, r li In nnil Immigration. Tho Aiiiorioan Loaguo mre'ing was opened last evening b' chair- man Murray tit 7:4-5- . About one hundred wore present. After a remark upon tho state of tlto weather, the chttirmnn in- troduced A. B. Loebonstein, of Uilo, who enter! lined tho audi-onc- u foreoiuo twenty-liv- e minutes. Mr. Loebonstein begged to bo excused for feeling slightly llus-tr.te- d and nervous; said public Bpoaking was not his forto, mid that us a rule his nudionces consist- ed of five Japs, who constituted his field force whilo ongagod in the work of government survoy oil tho big island. He then doscribod in n vory interesting manner the various botlies of Government and (ouco) Crown lands in tho difforont dis- tricts of Hawaii; spoko of tho pe- culiar subdivisions made during the old days, the natural wonders; lava treos, great caves, warm springs which riso and fall with the title, although situ- ated hundrods of feet abovo tidal water; the gieat craters of Puna; once active, hut now surrounded by tho dousist forest growth. In tho oldon timo tho popula- tion was divided into two classes, iriespectivo of casto or po'itical tribt-ship- . Ono of theso inhabit- ed tho higher forest lands mid the other tlio seashore. Through continued ages of intercourse for the purposes of trade, numerous small paths had bron worked through tho forests and lowor tracts of d area, and in time tho heavy ruins hail worn tin so paths into hollow gullies, thus forming ap- parently natural dividing lines between tho various bodies of agricultural land. Afterwaids tho wars and political changes had caused tho people to mingle in a different manner, and tho cause of formation of these litl'o gulluci was lost sight of and forgotten. But they weio at a still later date u-- ed as boundary lines, anil are to a very large extent today. The enormous caves, many of them full of the skeletons of lmig-dea- kanakas, and containing the beautiful lava stalactites and stalag- mites, wore described. Mr. l.oebenslein then wont on to state that the Governiuout lauds in I'uiia, Hilo. Hamakua and other districts of Hawaii compris- ing ovor 300,000 acres, adding as much more Crown land, made a total area of 000,000 notes, half of which is good i.gricultnral land of sufficient valuo, at prosont low selling pricos, to not only pay all tho nationnl debtof Hawaii but to run tho Government in all dopurtuients, for two yours to come. Those who were always harping on the tltomo of Govern- ment insolvency should know this. The forest strip, encircling tho island at a width of from seven to fourteou miles, contains much timbor of great valuo. Hilo is to bocomo, with the settling up of her lands, tho build- ing of a railroad through the o.int'fiold which stretches from Waiakoa to Kohala district, and tho consequent increase in cnnmiorco, tho metropolis of tho islands noxt to Honolulu. The speaker advocated tho nil vertising, in America, of our advantages. He said Hawnii had a homo and prospootivo wealth for thousands of wide awako Am- ericans who were struggling under heavy burdous hi the States. Ho defied unyono to cito an instance during the past threo ye-ir- whero an cuorgctio white man had con.o hero and tucK-io- d the problems of the soil and failed. Believed small farms to be Hawaii's salva- tion. Two burning ques- tions were now boforo us: "taxes' and "lands." Ono mil- lion ncres of ltuid belonged to corporations paying taxes thereon at.au nssoFfou valuation 01 Tlio S2.50 per acre. Small holders woro paying, for the sumo quality of land, on an of $50 por aero valuo. There wore inn in the hall who for yours hud possessed interests identical with plantations and had seen white mechanics obd skilled labor replaced by cheap Asiatics, l.reak down the political force of tho corporations with a fiood tido of whito immigration. "Shall Hawaii bo tho lund of homes mid whito people- or of serfs and sugar ?" Wo must havo a laud law with- out conditions, idontical with that of America. The catiso of annex- ation will not succeed under any other kind. After Mr. Loebonstein had finished spenkirg tho chairman called unon W. W Hull, who has recently returned from a trip to the States. Mr. Hall desoribod his travels briefly and said much intorest was felt, throughout America, in Hawaiian nllairt, and tho major- ity, ho thought, favored annexa- tion. Ho spoko of trado revival, big crops; farmers are again cul- tivating whiskers, which tho hard timos of '91 had made it impos- sible to keep up. Mr. Waity was then asked to make a fow remarks. He said he had ony been hero a year, but it was tho pluaaantost your of his lifo. Had hoed bonus nnd shuck- ed pumpkins during his youth. Ed Towso's benign countonanco and warm and mellow smilo then illuminated tho hall for a brief spueo. Mr. Towse said that the American League was responsible f ir tho existenco of the present Government and was in honor bound to support the republic. Ho could prove tho matter of re- sponsibility if ho had his algebra, butunfoituiiately ho had forgotten it. Ho said that when Congress met at Washington in December next, two Hawaiian questions would eoino beioro it: Aunexa tiou anil cable. lf not settled at that session they would prob.iblv not come up until after tho in auguration lie in .'. Mineral sent hug a hiring committee to Washington to pu-- h for us, and recommeud'-- Mr. Hatch. The Asiatic question ought to bo no obstacle to annex- ation. Any one of the largo Ani- - irlrtii ,i ftlln.u ii'.Mil.l )il,u,l llw. V'.ll... jbl. '...,t t.tCW.t IIIU 40,000 Asiatics of tho islands in i a month's time. But if wo can't got tho ll.ig bring Americanism hero. Already tho laws restrict tho coming of the undesirable Japanese and Chinaman, and cllort rightly placed will supplant them by intelligent Caucasians. Each and ovory American shr.uld write his friends to boom cable, annex- ation mid immigration. Mr. Murray closed tho moeting with the auiiouncomeut that tho regular business meeting would ho held on Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 7:30 p. in. Ileiiltb Olllt'o Totl-i- the otlico of tho Hoard of Health has been removed from tho small wooden house at the south west coiner of tho old Gov- ernment building yard to rooms on the lower floor of tho Judiciary building. Tlio house vacated has boon occupied by the Board for ton years, having previously boon ii Bed for tho Tax ollico for somo years. It will now bo used as a storeroom for tho Board of Health, which has acquired a lot of stuff during tho lato siege of oholora. The now ollico quarters are fitted up in good shape, and give more room than tho old both for clerical work and mooting. mEJ I) 1 DTJ1!) l8 betit on file lit K. ". Atjeiu-y- , III und HI Keliiuit;i', Sua Kiunebc-o- , ( ililuriil.i, wlici't. cuiitracU lor nd vcrliiai: in in- mudu fur it. EVERYBODY BOYS FISH,. sci:m: at Tin; I'lNii.-nAieuir- r THIS .llOllMNt;. Number nnd Viirlrtlr of VU, (( cclviil mid S.,1,1 f'r.rr. About Hie Nil m n lleloro. Thurston's building of glass and iron boro some re.senib'anee to a market this morning, and crowd-?-o- f hnyois wont nway happy in of tho first fish thoy Imvo hud for weeks. Buvers wore mostly natives and Japanese, although many hacks ladon with white customers drove up later in the morning, after it became known that a supplv of fish had been received. Inspector Keliipio passed the first lot of fish at 5 o'clock this morning and oven nt that early hour thoro wcro purchasors.Sinco. that time ami up to 11 o'clock, the timo of tho roporter's visit, 34 baskets, aggregating 2230 fish, woro rocoi veil, of which 150 woro unsold. Tho prices ohnrged woro about the samo as usual, good mullet being sold nt two and throe for 21 cents according to size. Inspector Koliipio 1ms a desk aud a clerk who enters in a bools ruled for the purposo tho names of the salesman and carrier, number of baskets, description aud nnra-bo- r of fish, the timo of arrival and hour of final disposal of oach consignment of fish received. Tho fish received this morning were mostly mullot.althongh thoro wero small lotsofomaka, kumu, woko. awa, aholeholo and hahalalu, and they c.nno from Aieu, Waikole, Halawa, W.iiawu, Mnuimlua.Ewn, iSiu und Koolau. .N'inetoon sepa-rat- o consignments in all wore re- ceived up to 11 a.m. and thoy woro distributed among olevor salosmon. Large quanlitios of deop soa fish aro expected this nftornoon, lLlill tho nll.m.itc. ,.,, 1.. .a ,l. ply will equal tho demand. l no record started bv the in- spector will be kopt up, ns it is desirable iu ohtiin souio reliable statistics of tho consumption i: : .1 . . .... inn iii uus There city. are no data at hand concerning the sales at tho old market and consequent- ly no comparisons can bo made. No shell-fis- h or s-- a weed had come in when tho reporter l.-- ft the nun kot. Hand Cuiii'i'i'i, Tho usual Sat unlay afternoon concert at Emma Squiru will bo givon today, commonoini; at l o'clock. Bindmastor Hoitininu, has proparod the following oxeot-le- nt program: Coronation .March, from )vfrturt:"iVKn'wAv.idliVi:'''::!,0lVt "(ii-iiiiil- Vul-- e llrlllanli-."- . op? lS....Cliopiu Son;; (coup, without words, "!' CJ), Mniilebtolin ltecrlc (Iroin the violin kolo, op. ) l.ulop "Chaiup.urne" t.lilrl'ul Uuvruii t'unoi. Jin M Clu'ur-.Tliikliit- f, Ono of tho features at London's tobacco show is the Jean Bouso patont cigar-makin- g miichino,. which, without occupying mujh moro space than a typewriter, cau. turn out botwoon 25C0 and 300Q cigars in a day of ton bonis. -- lianuutii Journal. Tliul Tired I'ccllmi Is n common complaint nnd It U a ilnniicroii, )iiiptom. II means that the yu-i- Udcblli-tali-- d hecaiihc of Impure blood, and In condlllcnlt I. cupcclally Habit- - to Mlatkti "'. dlseaso. Hopd fearhaparllla U the remedv fur HiU conillllon, aud aUo for that wcalincf.L mai or'ufc "' t''"'"Ce f '". ci5!- - Hooii'h 1'ii.i.h act , vet promnttr unii cllielentl on the bow el. and liver. "WW A .. !krfft.---?'iS- t Ii .'I i i ' a

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Page 1: ,JW KWKjcry VfTl I I I etuiCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves

,"JW W"- -


l. N

iH Aiwijtfll-KWKjcry


v.n Ni o J

VfTl 1 Tl lik I I i I etui"With which, is Incorporated ihe "Independent,"

VOL. l. tfO. 125. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1895. PRICE 5 CP.N ViX

TECEHXerip Bulletin"With which Is incorporated the iMiErnxii.


Hawaiian Copyright hj- - A- - V. Gumi,Juno 22, ISS15.

Publlnliel every ilay except Sunday nt000 KitiR Street. Honolulu, II. 1.

suiisriui'TroN ii.vn.Per Month, nny where In tlio Ha-

waiian Islands 7ft

Per Vear 8 (XI

Per Venr, posttu.iil to America,Canada, or Mexico 1000

Per Yetr, postpaid, other ForeignCountrioH in OH

I'nynlilo Invnrliiblv In Ailvimen.Advertisements iinncctwnpnnled by

unecific instructions inserted till orderedout.

Advertisements discontinued beforeexpiration of snecillcd period will bochurped as if continued for full term.

Liberal ullownnco on yearly and halfyearly contracts.

Address all communications to the edi-

torial department to "Editor Hulletiii."Business letters should bo nddressod to'Manager Evening Bulletin."

Tulephono 250. P. O. I5oe 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.


HAS MO EQUALtoit Tim it wtu ci'in: or

Golds, Coughs,Influenza, a:v.)


"V i'Nv '' TjtlWllfVCI I ivi rs ,111- - I1IU3. uiy

,Jjr .rnXvyV nuoiliu tlio In- -

CHERRY ' i1"' pi'iecm.

rnnW ''" '"'li'i-- 1"CP.

TJ? V"' l ' . Whoopr H-- '"iniiiK.i-e

the ptilinonar trunlil towh.ili th yiumsarc M lMtllt--. ill. U' lit. 'Ill- . l.Mril S.Ieffective, an

Acer's Cto'j pQCtcraiHIGHEST AWT'.BSl AT TUJ!TiiiiiiiniiiM ii ini " ftj,ri iiirr u i.t

World's Gres.t Expositions.

CPTt'u r' of rtio ip '.'ilt'ittoi). . 'II i i.Ajt'i-- riit-rr- - I l I trout inri.t 't'i wri'T, hi i I Im n i. In tho hi f tracbof our I'uUliM,

Hollistor Drug Co.. L'd.Solo Agents for the Jtcptihlt-- of Uawpit.


Soract!Hs Interesting !


Imports of Champagne In-

to the United Stales,

ritOM .u.. 1st to .il'.sE 1st, 1895


G II Mumm it Co.'s extradry 30.S31

Poinmory fc Greuo 11,708i Jloot k Clmiuloii 9,ti08

Houlsicok it Co., (dryMonopolc) 7.fi01

Louis Itoederor XA'.iS

lluintirt 3 iycPunier Juuot !.2tiGIrroy & Co 1.78.)

rvo. Clicquot 2,378BouahbSuo 082DolbeckACo 728St. Mnicouux . 33 1

KiuyitCo. 2(0Clins. lloidsiock "'"")


Tot) 81,860


Macfarlane & Co.,

Solo AgontsforG. II.Mnmm it Co.for tho Hawaiian Islands."



TifiiKt: iiANKitui'T r.sT.u;s thatYIEI.I)i:i) IMOlt Itl'.TllltNS.

Kxteimltiii of Tlino III tlio SprcclielwCho IIcciimnc Ilcrcndaiit In

Abacnt III Europe,

Friday was roturu day for lliostimmoiis of the Hawniinn Gom-moroi- al

and Sugar Co. ngninstOlnus Sprockols. L, A. Thurstonnppoared . for pluintifl", andI?. M. Match for dofondant, bo-for- o

Judpe Cooper- - A motion bdofondant for extontion oftimo to plexd was

aftor orgutnont, Mid

tho timo was ordered extended tillFriday, December Cth. Tlie mo-

tion wns SMpportod by aflidavitsof V. SI. Giflard, nttornoy-in-fa- ct

for dofondant, and "W. A. Krnuov',ono of his attorneys. It oots forthas reasons the following:

"That defendant is not a resi-

dent of this country, and is nowin Europe; thut tho acts, mattersand tilings not up in tho complain-ant's hill of complaint can onlybo mot by a porsonal answer bytho dofonuant; that counsel fortho dofondant aro not instructedin tho premisosnndcanot bo untilfull opportunity is had of communieating with the defendant; thatthe mutters calling for answer arenot within the porsonal know- -

j lodge of defendant's attorncy-ii.- -

luct, residing at Honolulu, all ofwhich more fully appears in thoaflidavit of V. M. Giflard, and of

V. A. Kinnoy, horowith filed andmade a part horeof."

1'eforo Jiiduo Coopor tho will ofKeahi NakanKiki was admitted to

j probate, and letters testamentaryworo ordered to iK'Oio to &. M

Damon under 500 bond.fir petitioner.

L. B. Korr had his accounts usassignee of AVinjj liing, a bank-rupt, al'nwed and was granted hisdischarge on filing ncoipts. Therew.is a biluuco on. account ofliquidation to credit of the estateof 50. The claims ainuiutodto $f)(;7.30,Mr. Kerr's alou-- j being

Tho same assiguco was orderedin llio bankruptcy

L'llbU of IIlliniHlHltO. In this casehe paid :M9.90 moro than ho ro- -

ecivod mi Bottling tlio cstnto.Tho claims amounted to511-11.-1- divided as follows. L. 13.

Korr $779.7-1- , Gonealvos .t Co.ifl8-1.25- , JS. Hotlschlaegor A Co.S12-1.7- and Macfarlane it Co.S52.75. Tho calo of bankrupt'sstick netted .t91.

Mr. Kerr was also dischargedas assignee of Shoon Hing. liehad realized from tho estate $172,-o- o,

and expended 1202.75, leavinga balunco of .$203.80, loss $25 fornecessary counsel foes. Thorowero twenty unsecured claimsaggregating $4099.41. bosidos a

claim of if 1G9 04 that ieal-ize- d

a balance of $30.95.Judge Cooper yostorday heard a

bill to determine a lease, broughtby W.Kalaehao agsinst W.C Achiand others. Mugoon and Hum-phreys for plaintiff; Achi for de-

fendantsPaul Neumann has filed oxop-tion- s

for defendants to the deci-sion of J udgo Cooper in Aswanvs. I'ung Luui and 1'ung Yok.

V. A. Kinnoy has iiled noticoof appoal for defendant to JudgeWhiting's docision in favor ofplaintiff in the suit fur doathbonofit of Antonio da Costa"!Daniel against tho PortugueseMutual Bonofit Society.

Andrew McCabo has entered asuit for $1000 damages against AhLeong, for bringing defendantbefore tho District Court on ncharge of malicious injury in thodestruction of s!x bunchos of ba-

nanas.Mnliu Ako und Ako her hus-

band havo entored a suit of ojeot- -

tnont against JnmeH Campboll forland on Nuuanu street containing302 hquaro fathorna.

J. W. Smithies of Honolulu hasontorcd an ojpctmont suit againsttho Hutchinson Sugnr Plantationtor two pieces of land in W aio-bin- u,

Kan, llawuii, containingrospectivolv threo mid a half andfour and acres.

ro.vrit.u-- r i,AnoKi:ifi.

1iikllliii of tlio CIiIiickc WlinArrived by lli S. s. Clilnn.

Following is tho allotment of'Chinese male contract laborerslately landed from tho B. S.China:Hawaiian Sugar 'Co 00Hamakua Plantation Co 13Pioneer Mill Co 30Kahuku Plantation Co 30Wuiakea Mill Co 30Kilauoa Sugar Co 25Mukeo SupirCo SOUnion Mill Co 15llawi Mill 15Hakalau Plantation Co iOOlowalu Sugar Co 1"Kohala Sugar Co 20

Total 339Those for .Mnui and Hawaii

will bo sent by tho Wilder' hsteamer Kilauoa Hon on Tuesdaymorninc, and those for Kauai hytho Intor-Islan- d Company'ssteamers.

A I'ainlly Jnr.A telephone messago was re-

ceived at the polico station atabout 11 o'clock that a womanwas being bo.itou on tho corner ofPunchbowl and Emma stroets.Captain Cook sont one of hismounted police to tho scene andon his roturu he reported thatthe affair wan all over whon hogot thoro. Ho had hunted upth" woman and found thut shehad buen chastised by her husband.The woman said that such thingsworo not unusual in tho family,and that when hor husband beather too hard sho ran away untilho cooled oil", when she returnedhomo. Sho did not desiro to ou-

ter any complaint against him.

To Il ii Iirtmi Alliilr.

, Thoro wns a meeting of thoLi Ilima Club at tho HawaiianHotel last night to make arrange-ments for tho dance at Indepen-dence Park "oxt Friday evening.Evening dress was prescribed fortho occ.ision. Vocal musio willintersporso with tho dances. II.v. Poor, A. Smithies and J. M.Sims woro appointed a e.unmittocto carry out tlio arrangements.

Lncroksv I'rurlllii.About a dozen Ihciosho players,

led by Mr. Coibett, took part inI met ice on tho baseball groundsestorday afternoon. Several load-

ing young athletes, includingCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.itClub, Captain Thompson of thoUnknown Baseball Club, Arch.Smithies and T. Cummins arolikoly to distinguish themsolvesin this newly imported gamo.

A SitirlniiM Clirvli.F. II. Moudonhall, a lato arrival

fiom tho Coast, was arrested thismorning at 11:40 by officer GusCordes on a ohurgo of obtainingmoney nndor false pretences bypassing a worthless chock onJohn Buckley of tho Hotel stables.Moudonhall drow a check onSprockols' bank for $20 and gotBuckloy to cash it, woll knowingho had no funds in tho bank tomake it good.

Pram U. S. Journal ut ilcdteinr.f'rof. W.H. rieke,wlia m.ikc a Bpcciulty of Eplloiy,li.m wlllmut ilonbt treated nml cured more caeca tliauinyllvliiKl'lij'tlclant'ilieurcniiUnftoiiUlilntf. Wo4ove hi ard.jfcnxi- orUyciirVtniiillni;ciiHil by hlin.lloMililili'a:ilu.ilili'workontliwili.caowliiclilie"1'inUnllh a l.irire h.itiloiif Inn nliilute cure, free to

iyuffvrcrvti4 m lyuudiliclr P.O. anil Kxprrii Ail.dre.8. Wi aitilnx,

W. II. I'KtK :, i'. V 4 Liikr St., Xtw Vork.

f- -


sii. iMniii:Nsrj:iN sim:aks mioctI, AMI ON HAWAII.

Selcv Nicecrc by oTCl SprnUrrs- -

j:dllorToiVHc IIInciirmow Aitncn- -

llon, r li In nnil Immigration.

Tho Aiiiorioan Loaguo mre'ingwas opened last evening b' chair-man Murray tit 7:4-5- . About onehundred wore present.

After a remark upon tho stateof tlto weather, the chttirmnn in-

troduced A. B. Loebonstein, ofUilo, who enter! lined tho audi-onc- u

foreoiuo twenty-liv- e minutes.Mr. Loebonstein begged to bo

excused for feeling slightly llus-tr.te- d

and nervous; said publicBpoaking was not his forto, midthat us a rule his nudionces consist-ed of five Japs, who constituted hisfield force whilo ongagod in thework of government survoy oil thobig island.

He then doscribod in n voryinteresting manner the variousbotlies of Government and (ouco)Crown lands in tho difforont dis-tricts of Hawaii; spoko of tho pe-culiar subdivisions made duringthe old days, the natural wonders;lava treos, great caves, warmsprings which riso andfall with the title, although situ-ated hundrods of feet abovo tidalwater; the gieat craters of Puna;once active, hut now surroundedby tho dousist forest growth.

In tho oldon timo tho popula-tion was divided into two classes,iriespectivo of casto or po'iticaltribt-ship- . Ono of theso inhabit-ed tho higher forest lands mid theother tlio seashore. Throughcontinued ages of intercourse forthe purposes of trade, numeroussmall paths had bron workedthrough tho forests and lowortracts of d area, and intime tho heavy ruins hail worntin so paths into hollowgullies, thus forming ap-parently natural dividing linesbetween tho various bodies ofagricultural land. Afterwaids thowars and political changes hadcaused tho people to mingle in adifferent manner, and tho causeof formation of these litl'o gulluciwas lost sight of and forgotten.But they weio at a still laterdate u-- ed as boundary lines, anilare to a very large extent today.The enormous caves, many ofthem full of the skeletons of lmig-dea-

kanakas, and containing thebeautiful lava stalactites and stalag-mites, wore described.

Mr. l.oebenslein then wont onto state that the Governiuout laudsin I'uiia, Hilo. Hamakua andother districts of Hawaii compris-ing ovor 300,000 acres, adding asmuch more Crown land, made atotal area of 000,000 notes, half ofwhich is good i.gricultnral landof sufficient valuo, at prosontlow selling pricos, to not only payall tho nationnl debtof Hawaii butto run tho Government in alldopurtuients, for two yours tocome. Those who were alwaysharping on the tltomo of Govern-ment insolvency should know this.The forest strip, encircling thoisland at a width of from seven tofourteou miles, contains muchtimbor of great valuo.

Hilo is to bocomo, with thesettling up of her lands, tho build-ing of a railroad through theo.int'fiold which stretches fromWaiakoa to Kohala district, andtho consequent increase incnnmiorco, tho metropolis oftho islands noxt to Honolulu.

The speaker advocated tho nilvertising, in America, of ouradvantages. He said Hawnii hada homo and prospootivo wealthfor thousands of wide awako Am-

ericans who were struggling underheavy burdous hi the States. Hodefied unyono to cito an instanceduring the past threo ye-ir- wheroan cuorgctio white man had con.o

hero and tucK-io- d the problems ofthe soil and failed. Believedsmall farms to be Hawaii's salva-tion. Two burning ques-tions were now boforo us:"taxes' and "lands." Ono mil-

lion ncres of ltuid belonged tocorporations paying taxes thereonat.au nssoFfou valuation 01 TlioS2.50 per acre. Small holdersworo paying, for the sumo qualityof land, on an of $50por aero valuo.

There wore inn in the hall whofor yours hud possessed interestsidentical with plantations andhad seen white mechanics obdskilled labor replaced by cheapAsiatics, l.reak down the politicalforce of tho corporations with afiood tido of whito immigration."Shall Hawaii bo tho lund ofhomes mid whito people- or ofserfs and sugar ?"

Wo must havo a laud law with-out conditions, idontical with thatof America. The catiso of annex-ation will not succeed under anyother kind.

After Mr. Loebonstein hadfinished spenkirg tho chairmancalled unon W. W Hull, who hasrecently returned from atrip to the States. Mr.Hall desoribod his travelsbriefly and said much intorestwas felt, throughout America, inHawaiian nllairt, and tho major-ity, ho thought, favored annexa-tion. Ho spoko of trado revival,big crops; farmers are again cul-tivating whiskers, which tho hardtimos of '91 had made it impos-sible to keep up.

Mr. Waity was then asked tomake a fow remarks. He said hehad ony been hero a year, but itwas tho pluaaantost your of hislifo. Had hoed bonus nnd shuck-ed pumpkins during his youth.

Ed Towso's benign countonancoand warm and mellow smilo thenilluminated tho hall for a briefspueo. Mr. Towse said that theAmerican League was responsiblef ir tho existenco of the presentGovernment and was in honorbound to support the republic.Ho could prove tho matter of re-

sponsibility if ho had his algebra,butunfoituiiately ho had forgottenit. Ho said that when Congressmet at Washington in Decembernext, two Hawaiian questionswould eoino beioro it: Aunexatiou anil cable. lf not settled atthat session they would prob.iblvnot come up until after tho inauguration liein .'. Mineralsent hug a hiringcommittee to Washington to pu-- h

for us, and recommeud'-- Mr.Hatch. The Asiatic questionought to bo no obstacle to annex-ation. Any one of the largo Ani- -irlrtii ,i ftlln.u ii'.Mil.l )il,u,l llw.V'.ll... jbl. '...,t t.tCW.t IIIU

40,000 Asiatics of tho islands in i

a month's time. But if wo can'tgot tho ll.ig bring Americanismhero. Already tho laws restricttho coming of the undesirableJapanese and Chinaman, and cllortrightly placed will supplant themby intelligent Caucasians. Eachand ovory American shr.uld writehis friends to boom cable, annex-ation mid immigration.

Mr. Murray closed tho moetingwith the auiiouncomeut that thoregular business meeting wouldho held on Tuesday, Oct. 15, at7:30 p. in.

Ileiiltb Olllt'o

Totl-i- the otlico of tho Hoard ofHealth has been removed fromtho small wooden house at thesouth west coiner of tho old Gov-

ernment building yard to roomson the lower floor of tho Judiciarybuilding. Tlio house vacated hasboon occupied by the Board forton years, having previously boonii Bed for tho Tax ollico for somoyears. It will now bo used as astoreroom for tho Board of Health,which has acquired a lot of stuffduring tho lato siege of oholora.The now ollico quarters are fittedup in good shape, and give moreroom than tho old both for clericalwork and mooting.

mEJ I) 1 DTJ1!) l8 betit on file lit K. ".

Atjeiu-y- , III und HI Keliiuit;i', SuaKiunebc-o- , ( ililuriil.i, wlici't. cuiitracU lor ndvcrliiai: in in- mudu fur it.


sci:m: at Tin; I'lNii.-nAieuir-r

THIS .llOllMNt;.

Number nnd Viirlrtlr of VU, ((cclviil mid S.,1,1 f'r.rr. About

Hie Nil m n lleloro.

Thurston's building of glass andiron boro some re.senib'anee to amarket this morning, and crowd-?-o- f

hnyois wont nway happy inof tho first fish thoy

Imvo hud for weeks. Buvers woremostly natives and Japanese,although many hacks ladon withwhite customers drove up later inthe morning, after it becameknown that a supplv of fish hadbeen received.

Inspector Keliipio passed thefirst lot of fish at 5 o'clock thismorning and oven nt that earlyhour thoro wcro purchasors.Sinco.that time ami up to 11 o'clock,the timo of tho roporter's visit, 34baskets, aggregating 2230 fish,woro rocoi veil, of which 150 worounsold. Tho prices ohnrged woroabout the samo as usual, goodmullet being sold nt two and throefor 21 cents according to size.

Inspector Koliipio 1ms a deskaud a clerk who enters in a boolsruled for the purposo tho names ofthe salesman and carrier, numberof baskets, description aud nnra-bo- r

of fish, the timo of arrival andhour of final disposal of oachconsignment of fish received. Thofish received this morning weremostly mullot.althongh thoro werosmall lotsofomaka, kumu, woko.awa, aholeholo and hahalalu, andthey c.nno from Aieu, Waikole,Halawa, W.iiawu, Mnuimlua.Ewn,iSiu und Koolau. .N'inetoon sepa-rat- o

consignments in all wore re-ceived up to 11 a.m. and thoyworo distributed among olevorsalosmon.

Large quanlitios of deop soafish aro expected this nftornoon,lLlill tho nll.m.itc. ,.,, 1.. .a ,l.ply will equal tho demand.

l no record started bv the in-spector will be kopt up, ns it isdesirable iu ohtiin souio reliablestatistics of tho consumptioni: : .1 . . ....inn iii uus Therecity. are nodata at hand concerning the salesat tho old market and consequent-ly no comparisons can bo made.

No shell-fis- h or s-- a weed hadcome in when tho reporter l.--ft

the nun kot.

Hand Cuiii'i'i'i,Tho usual Sat unlay afternoon

concert at Emma Squiru will bogivon today, commonoini; at lo'clock. Bindmastor Hoitininu,has proparod the following oxeot-le- nt

program:Coronation .March, from

)vfrturt:"iVKn'wAv.idliVi:'''::!,0lVt"(ii-iiiiil- Vul-- e llrlllanli-."- . op? lS....Cliopiu

Son;; (coup, without words,"!' CJ), Mniilebtolinltecrlc (Iroin the violin kolo, op. )

l.ulop "Chaiup.urne" t.lilrl'ulUuvruii t'unoi.

Jin M Clu'ur-.Tliikliit- f,

Ono of tho features at London'stobacco show is the Jean Bousopatont cigar-makin- g miichino,.which, without occupying mujhmoro space than a typewriter, cau.turn out botwoon 25C0 and 300Qcigars in a day of ton bonis. --

lianuutii Journal.

Tliul Tired I'ccllmiIs n common complaint nnd It U a ilnniicroii,)iiiptom. II means that the yu-i- Udcblli-tali-- dhecaiihc of Impure blood, and In

condlllcnlt I. cupcclally Habit- - to Mlatkti "'.dlseaso. Hopd fearhaparllla U the remedvfur HiU conillllon, aud aUo for that wcalincf.Lmai or'ufc "' t''"'"Ce f '". ci5!- -

Hooii'h 1'ii.i.h act , vet promnttr uniicllielentl on the bow el. and liver.

"WWA .. !krfft.---?'iS- t Ii





Page 2: ,JW KWKjcry VfTl I I I etuiCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves

ro M in nil: iu:Tiiti:i) iiiiiuii.au.

A Cain In 1 lil'li n Tliilliilrr SturmMmlr H i:) for Him.

"Speaking of cinclios," said thejrotirod bniglar, "tho oasiest, soft-

est, binoothost snap I ever struckwis in a house in u mini II town inItlnnlo Island. Thoro wnsa thun-der storm coining up as 1 wentalong town id this 1ioum, nnd justas 1 got there it began In spriuklo.If there's anything I like it's tohoar torm outside whenwoti'ro settled down all Hung andcomfortable within.

"lint hero w. s something I

tondn'l counted on. Tho thunderwan miring nnd plunging like udozen onithquakes bustin' downthi"Ugh tliu sky, nnd it kept thohouse in a all tho timo.I knew nob dy could sleep in thatthundor. Thoj'd be ftiro to hoall awake bit hero I was, and 1

hated to lose a night, and afterVd waited a littlo and tho stormdidn't show any signs of lettin'up, I tl. ought I'd go ahoad and

anyhow. Tho first room I

Im.lcoil into un stairs settled tliowhole busino.s. I

"0or in ono corner of the room,boyond a b-- d, I saw a womanfunding in front of an openclosot d- or. Two children hopp-- d

mil f tliH lmd.niid tho mothertmiuIw.A tlioni into tlt closot andth.T crowded in heisoif and pulbdif. ... . I...1 4 ..!. 1 f IV llC 111 I

Miu uom sum ii(,ui, ""Tory simple Unbind away, noJiolp; two cnildron sleeping inanother roum, woke up by thunder,como into thoir mother's loom,fill scared; mothor puts cln'drcnin... .'...nt ......nml imtu in herself,. asw.w v. -alots of folks do in thundoistorms.And then 1 walked over and turn-

ed tho koy in the lock, and thornyon are; no danger of their coiningout till tho storm is over, anyway,but just as wall to bo suro aboutit, and thou 1 jnst quietly gothrough tho house. It lMi't big,.md it doesn't tako long, and 'skip; and that's all thero is to it."

Nmn York Sun.

rnosr ccuriiY oi'

;iIaiolnnctt linn llio (ircutot I'lufoof Tlortunrr Arcliltet turo.

Prob.ibly tho most costly pieceof mortuary architecture that evor

was or evor will bo mooted is thestructure nt Winchester, Mass.,vrhoroiu lie tho remains of Dr.Francis 15. Hillor, the total

on which has boon near-

ly .fSnO.COO. The c.uved casketcontaining tho body cost nlnno550,000, a similar ono beingplacedtit its side in readiness for Mis.Hitler's corpse. It was by hordirections that this uuigiiificonttomb was built.

Tho area of tho building isCOO sqnaio foet, and its height issevonty-fiv- e fcot. It has a domeresomb'ing that of an Orientalrnosquo, tho front boing of Gothicdesign. Wrought iron and brtsshave boon usod must lavishly forthogitos and other portions ofbuildings, while tho lamp whichillutirnatos tho post of a watch-icna- n

C whoso wages aro paid out ofa ppocial fund piovided for thopurpose) cost some $10,000.

Tho knobs on tho outor doorsare of solid gold, weighing four

.1r. Aiinl. ...Lila IK. nwwl .1 1 1 innaIJUlllllio iUil, IVIlli' lliu "ill iiiiiui'.iiion tho caskets onoh contain JfGOO

worth of gold. St. Louis Rciniblic.

Pecullur Temperance Creed.

Acliylku, in Siberia has a re-

markable tempornnco society. Itamembers moot in church onoaptembor 1 and swear heforo thoaltar tint they will drink no winoor liquor "from morn-ing." They then go out and drinkbald all day until no man orwonipn is loft sober. For tho restof the year they aro total nb- -


A ItlllcrciK'c.Bridget has just informed tho

Mnwoleninii visitor that the ladywas not at homo, and as sho ro-t- ur

iod to tho kitchon sho moral- -5y.ed :

"It makes a great diiroronce,"quoth sho, "whin an' how yozpractice a good t'ing. Not tollin'ti loio undo George Washingtonfamous , but, begorrah, 'twould

Ihov losht mo mo job." Kxchuwje.-

I'liluono llunli'il Almlloii.The United States Secrotnry of

Kne Treasury sent a telegram tothe Collector of Customs nt Og- -

lonshnrg, N. Y. , dirocting himnot to ndmit any of tho 2oO'Ch- i-

vnes' recently landod at Van- -.convor, on loute to tho AthmtnJExposition.

frJiiftfHifc- -

Yellow Fellows

Ilido your Wheels oasyfor a fow days, so ns tokeep thorn in good con-

dition to sell second hand,for as soon ns you boo thofamous "Stearns" cyclo,you will want ono, nndyou will want to got nilyon can for your oldwhoel from some ono whocan't n (lord to rido such ahigh grade wheel as tho"Stearns."

Wo hnvo twenty ono(21) whools on tho bark"Albert' now two weeksout from S. F., and wotiro going to soil wheels,DON'T FORGET JT. .

Om prices and tortusnro going to bo in koop-in- g

with the times, nndyou will bo ablo to get ahigh grado whoel nt n"hod rock" price

Watch for tho "Yellow Fellow."

ft 0. Hull tt Soil,no-- tr Ascnts for K. C. Steam A C o.




A Naturally Boiled

Water, pronounced by

peoplo who know to ho

tho best on the Market.

This Wnter received

tho vory highost awurd

nt tho . . .

calilOFDia :. mraaiioM 11



As n Table Boverngo,



is a favorito and oasily

lond3 all othorMinoral


Benson Smith & Co.

WholeHiuo nnd retail ngents for tlio;Ha-wniir-



Ordway & Porter

" """7?iTriV"""tl-'L-1 r Fii','r nil

ZtSSSS&!SmBKBMpff mmmmwmgmmmw;.


ffilURaimsincotho or-"- y

gnnizntion of tho (innhas boon to the

of Honolulu withlii st class furnituio at atp Thogiowth of tho istho best wo canodor as a verificationthat we have never di-

verged from our motto.In this advoitiscmont

we call your attontion ina way to tho var-ious of furnituiowo carry by submittinga fow designs ofthat ho in everyhomo.

China aro nsmuch in as hod-stcad- s,

they aro noiu tho list of luxuries;

tho crnzo for collectingodd bits of China or briea brae, and the dpsiro tokeop them in n

placo for showingto ono's has madothe China closot indis-pensable. Wo have theminor for wall or

.corner. Tlioso in anoak nro

bocauso thov

M 11 lifi H


odium price.business








various styles, singledouble,


..ablo, tho durability of3t he finish on"ed'eet of making them

appoar new.


r1mi I 11

t ' 3t' 'm B; "" mm.

v w HBKI 111


VoU probably know what it is to scatter sowing, hooks, paporsb! and sundries on shelves, bureaus and wherever is most con-vonio-

This has boon tho caso with many peoplo because thoyhnvo not hotin ablo to socuro tables at anything like roasonnbloprices. Wo soil you tables with tops 2'Jx2'2 inches, olegantly finish-ed and durable, for 'fU.OO. You'vo paid double tho money for some-thing of half the valuo and thou stoppod buying bocauso you con-sidered youisolf sold. Wo do not conliuo oursolvos to this cheaplino but havo them in every conceivable stylo. Uoavy quartorodoak with hands nnoly enrvod logs and brass mountings. Diniugtables in endless vaiiety in either nak or walnut.

Wo also carry a large stock of chairs snitiblo for any room in thohones. As with tho tables tiio prico depends largely unon tho qua-lity; wo havo no old stock so that ago of tho goods makos no dif-ference in tho prico. "Wo do not keop furniture long ouough forpieces to got old. Tho only goods of that oharnctor soon in our storois what pooplo havo bought olsowhero and brought to us to havo madoovor. Wo havo un upliolstory department in which work of thefinest character isdone. Forhapn you'vo noticed ologantly upholstor-o- d

Couches in tho show rooms and thought thoy wore mado abrond I

Thoy aro tho work of our mon and we fool a just pride iu turningout work that compaios favorably with that mado in tho largestfactories in tho United Statns.


HI 'lm

'H'HE utter impossibility of nu attempt to hnvo a din-B- Jing room well fnrnishod without a sideboird has

boon demonstrated in half the hours in Honolulu.Thoro is no necessity for anyone going without onewhon they havo a stock like onii I diuv from Thoono slnwn is of quartered Oak s.t-- pol.sh finish andhas Fronch bovol plato glass. In the higher pricedsidoboards amnio spneo is allowed for silverware. Ourstock of plain oak sideboirds has never boon equalledin Honolulu.

fishioiiahloaro servico- -

oak has the

JfijNE bureau is scarcely ado-- &?

quato to hold all tho "shirts,uudorwonr, etc., of a gentlemannnd wifo; two bureaus in a roomlUako it Inp-sidi- -d pni tioiiluilywhen they nro not tho same pat-tor- n.

A CuiiTONiun, no matterwhat tho design or color, addsfinish to tho room just as a pianodoos to a parlor.

it rnny sound egotistical, but woholiovo wo havo tho hngest stockof those nrtioles to Miiect fromoutside San Francisco.

Oak is tho style oftouost selectedfor tho Baino reason as given re-

garding Chinn closets, but withour stook thero is no limit us tostylo of wood. Oak, Bitch or Ash,it is all tho same, wo can supplythorn in twonty odd styles. Wohave them with or without toilots;plain top and with either Gormanor Fronch bevel mirrors, andpolished or varnished surface

Tho half dozou drawers in aGhifibnior make it possible tosoparato tho clothes and keep thornalways iu place. If youhavo evorhad ono you know tho valuo; ifyou havo not got one while thoprico is bolow bed-roc- k.

IfeM 111

JJUH hftir mattresses nro mado up in the best quality of tick-S- T

ins, bound with the host bed laco. havo borders".! inol.oadoop, stitohod twico around.

Mattrossos mado of moss hnvo the same caro on our part nstlioso of hair. Tho difi'eronco in piico is accounted for by tho dif-ference botweou moss and hair. This work has tho attontion ofoxporioncod upholstoiers, and no bettor mattresses can bp boughtanywhoro than we mako. Tho prices aio govornod by tho size ofthe beds nnd number of pounds of hair used.

,Uotel Street.



Page 3: ,JW KWKjcry VfTl I I I etuiCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves

ciimtcii si:iivk:i.s.Wiero Honolulu People nin) Wor-

ship 'luiuorrim.CkntoaIi Union Ciiuiicii, eornor Herein-uinn-

Kicharda streets. Douglas 1'. Mr-nl-

minister. Services for Sunday, Octo-ber l.ltli: 0:55. in., Sunday school anilllllilo classes; 11 ft. Hi., l'uhlic worship uiulnerinon, "Tho l'remnt Wolk nml Oprmrlu-nlt- y

of the Church." 4 :.') .Junior ChristianKmleavor liieetiue. 0:30 V. 1 8. C. K,prayer meeting. 7 30, public- worship amisermon: "Tho Second CommandmentHpiritunl Wowhlii." Suntlnj Bchools: Jii-anes-

lu Lyceum at 10 n.m.; Portuguese,in tho chuicU on Miller street at p m.Prayer uideting Wednesday, nt Ti.'iUp. in.,in the cliurrh; entruuoo on I'.lchanb strict.Topic: "Meiubeiship in tho Church.' Acordial welcome tocciyone.

Homan OATltot.tr CiTilKlutAi. ServiceSunday, Sept. id, will be n follows- - U

nud 7 a. in., Low Maw with lloljII a. m. Mum with Kiiiish

10:30 n. tit. High Mushwith native, sermon; 'J p. m. Idwiry andnative instruction: I ii. in . native instruction and lteiiedletioii, Weekdays, TowMass at (1 and 7 a. in.

St. A.mhikuV f'ATlir.imM. lht i fiunluyafter Trinity, October 13th. Oatlieduil

0:SO n. m., clcliratloii of Holy Com-

munion; 11.00 a. ni. matins nud hvriuon;3 30 p. m., ovensong in Hawaiian, uithser-m'on- ;

7:30 p.m., uvoniiig prayer with ser-

mon.Tho son ices of the Second Coiigrepaliou of

St. Audrows' Cathedral tomorrow (Miii'lay)will l! an follows: Drift a. in., morningprajcr with sermon; To Deiim, Wood-

ward, in 1) major; hymns 'JU and titll;"HnrketimitoMo"by Stillh.in. 0.l.rp

m , evensong with ermnti; Magnilleit, andNunc tlimi'tU to iluublo chants, hyuit.'248, '217 and '20.

1'iilst MirrnoiitsT LriscnrAi. Ciit'iu'illlev. II V. Peck, pastor, Suudaj m'Iucck,Oct. 13th, 10 a. in., Sunday school, Mr (',J. Day, superintendent. 11 n.m., sermon.Sunject: "Paul's Herri 'h Desire" 7:3" p.m.,tennon; (Subject, "The Essontials of Chris-tianity.- "

W iliiesduy, 7.3'.' ii. m., prayerbcrviceH. Topics: "Tim Holy Spirit."Meeting held in liall over Tracy' store,corner of Foitand Hotel streets, entr neoon Hotel street. A cordial wleoinu to all.

CiimsTiAV Cnriu'ii Harmouj Hull,Kliigstroet,betwoon Port and Alnl.cn streets.T. 1). Garvin, pastor. Preaching at II a.m. and 7:30 pm. Morning theme "llnil.l.ilia a Spiritual Temple." livening thutut."Tho Value and the Power of a Name."Lord's day school, 11:45 am. Youug pen-pl-

inoctiwjnt 0:l."i pm. Subject, "l'niityof Heart." Prayer meeting Tuesday, at 7:30pm. JJiblo class in the parsoimgu, cornerof Kiuf and Iticliards strestH, Mond ly 7:30pm. Subject: without works isdead;" Jns., !!d chap. The pvb'.ic are cor-dially iuiitcd to these services.

SALViilov Ai.m Sunday, Oct. 13th,7 a. m., drill, Captain Laugriilgc. II a.m.,"The King's Highway." Adjutnut GorgoEgner. Is45 ti. in., juuior soldiers' meoting,Lieutenant bharpless. 3 p. in., "Shurpshooting," Mrs. Adjutant I'gner; 7:30 pin.,'Scriptural Adjutaut O.Uglier.


Tim ArL'orcurcut I'lguro op Trco ofIllooil.

Tho most wonderful optical ont

known f tho oyo ex-jie-

in that which produceri tlic"blood troo," or the "tirborMSCcntfigure of Purkinio." Tho gioutopticiun uooidentully inndo tliisdiscovery of tliu '"blood trep," or' tirboroset-n- t fi3uroM vhi"li bcurshis imino Hovurul years ngo, andsincu his tiino it Iihb boon tvd inthousands of curious test cxiuri-ment- s.

Shutyourfielf up ia a dark roomnt night and move a cvnallo orlighted lump bucl: and forth veryrapidly bofui-- tho tyos. Afttr aiow second's the air Ruiroundingtlio cn'idlo will ar.'uimo a leoppun: or rouitisii coior. wnicn ra)i-id- l?

takes unon stsolf the appear-nnc- o

of if -- ' "f hlood. Ovor thisred buu.vniu.il. ' ramifying in nl1directions1, limy io booii tho veinsand blood-vossol- w st.inding out inbold roliof, whilo toward thecenter of tho figure thoro uppersa dark, trunkliko line,serves as a "body" for your "trooof blood.'' the trunk being mostplninly visible whore tho opticneivo enters tho oye. Kxchanye.

Telegraph Vole of l'ajur.Paper tolograjih polos aro the

latest development of the art ofpapor usoful. Theso polos aromade of papor pulp, in whichborax, tallow, etc., aro mixed insmall qiitintitiefi. The pulp iscast in n mould, with n core inthe center, forming u hollow rodof tho desired length.

lie IIIuIum Itutli i:mU Ment.

"Idon'tknow ot'anothor boast,'1observod tho Ho, "who is able

to make both ends meat.Ho was obliged, however, to

explain that ho meant hoadchoosoand pickled w' fuot beforo thelull tluvor of his hop mot was ap-

preciated. Vdroil TrUiune.

Very Drunk, Indeed.Jaspor Curry was lighting

drunk last night.Jumpup Is that so ?

Jaspor Yes, ho wont home,even though ho know that hismothor-in-lu- was thoro waitingfor him.- - Truth.

20 lbs. WMVT.

of 9,

Nestle's $

Tour doctor

will tell you

It Is thesafest dietfor baby

Food 1

, 4&im I J'Twii' mm


HOLLISTER DRUG CO., L'D,Audits for tho Hawaiian Inlands.

Business Cards.


103 Hotel street, Honolulu.47-- tf


Engrosser - and - Illuminator120, Nuiinuu Avo.. noxt totlio "Whito Mouse".Telophono G10.


318 Fort St. - IVlephono 91.27-3m- s

C. B. DWIGHT,Docs ell kinds of Work iu

Cement & Stone Sidewalks & Curbing

Ho has on hnnd a ltirfio supply ofChiticso Qranito Curb nml always keepsHnwniiim Curbiujf Stone. EstiiuntcsKiven ntul lowes4, prices nssureil. Tele-ohou- o


ED. C. ROWE,lloune, Si(jn nmlOruiimciitnl . .

. . PAINTER . .Paper Hanger and Decorator.


Howe's Liquid SUtthuj.G20 Kins Street.

31 IClnrj Street.O. J. WALI.EK ... JlANAOr.lt



Navv Contractors.


A Good FertilizerTo Suit the Times

At $30 per ton of 2(100 llw.Aiiulyiod us follows:

10 per cout. Phosphoric Acid. J solutilonml itvaUahlo.

(i percent, l'otahh (actual).!1 per cent Ammonia.1(J per cunt. I.liuu (Carbonate).






40 por cout. to IS per centholublo lu water, 111 ijuiiii-title- s

to suit.


A r. cooki; j



Business Cards,



Cor. Kort nml Queen Htreets, Honolulu.




Fort Htrpet, Honolulu.


MANUrACTOiiiNa Jp.wr.LEit and Watch- -MAKI3H.

ICukiti Jewelry n Sppcinlty. Particularntteution pnlil to nil kinds of repairs.

Onmiibell Block. . aicrchimt Street.


Stkam Enoinm, Huoau Jtir,i.H, Uoilhiis,(7noT.riIH. lllflV llttlau AVt. T.t...


Jlnehinery of Every Doscriptiou Slndcto Order. Particular ntteution piiid toShips' UlnekKmitliiiiK. Job AVork

nt Short Xotiee.


Doalors in Lnmbor mid Coaland Building Mntorials of allkinds.

Qnoon Rtroot, Honolulu.

h. mx co.,Wholesale and Retail

GKOCERSJ8 Eort Street, Honolulu

Telephoncr 2' P.O. Box 170iul tf

A. V. G-EA-


G09 King St.


Stand adjoining B. Huckfeld &Co., Fort street. General Cart-ing and Drnyngo Business done,

in 7 tf


Japanese Goods!203 IFtort Street.


SAIL AND TENT MAKER.Awnings a Specialty. Over Cali-

fornia Food Company's store.30-t- f.


T. Krstise, - - - 0?rop.

;crny goon1 er eek 12.00

Opoclal Sssitlily KatoolThe Iiest of Attemlniieo, the Uest Situn- -uoti una tlio I'liiuHt Jleulu in this City



H11.0, Hawaii.

TOL'ltlHTS AND OTJJEltS VISITINOllllo eau ilml kullnl'le board and leilirhiL' bvenlllPK 011 JOHN I.VCU1KJUS.

In eciiiiicetlon Hllh the abut u lie can fumilvjou with 'KorelKii and Dnmeiitlf Fruits,Clear cud Tiiljaccd,Cool Drlnkn, etc.

M-l- y.

. G. Irwin & Co.(mjiiteu).

Wm. G. Irwin, - President nud MannBer',W. JI. Oiirnrd, - beeretary nud Treasurer

Tlieo. O. Porter, Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Oommission Agents.





Business Cards.

Merchants Exchangea. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

Comer KIiir A Nuiiniiii Htrerls, Ilnnolulu

Cliolco Liiiior.s nml Fine JJer.Tolophono 401.

(Successor to Chits. Hnnimer.)

HARNESS KAEEEKino and Foiit STiinr.is,

Is prepnrcil to mnnufncluro nil kimUnml grades of Ilnnd-tnnd- o Hnrness nlshort notice.

V,VV,:s,T "v I'HICIM I'lIK CASH.All work Kunrntitred to bo HnHsfncton

beforo lcnviuc the shop. 5.3m '

Jose Do Espirito Santo,GUITAR MAKER

T&ro-Patc- li and Ukulele Guitar?

Made of Hnwalinu Woods.

Kt'AfcO.NAlll.r rmcK.s.

130 Fort Street Opposlto Club StnhleK.Cl-t- f.

H. G- - BIART.FINK WATCH lUSI'AIIUKG.Island Jewelry miulo to order

Souvonii Spoons, Gold wireJowclry, otc.

C Island onlors solicited.1 O. Gortz's btcro.

Fort Street. G2- -t

(Slftupi'BcIrBls-SiiO- .

Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands


Principal Parts ot" the World,nnd

Transnct a General Banking,


To the fPublic and Tourist3.

Any party wishing to t.iko nrido around the Island, or to thePali, can bo aecomonulatod nt asmnll cojt by F. Smith, tlio Hunman. At Smith's Stablos can befound nt a moment's notice Buss-es, WngnaottoH, IJngRlob, SaddleHorses, etc , for hire.

Special nttontion paid to Tour-ists wishing to take in the sightsnt a small fare. This is tho cheap-est plaoo in town.

Horses broke, double orsinglo;also horses bought, sold or

For fuithor particularsupply to

F. SMITH.Bus and I.ivory Stablos.

King St, botwcen Fort and Bethel.Telophono 108. June 18.

Castle t?t Cooke(I.IMITt.li)

Life pireOITDlMfin Vijh IM0



Life Insurance CornyOF 1J0STON.

Etna Fire Insurance CompanyOF JIAHTFOHD.

115-t- f.


The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOlt SALE

A Few Shares of

l'ula Sugar Stock,lliiwalian Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Gororimiont and ltMortgage Sugar Planta-tion ItoilllH.

tSJ?" For pnrticuliira niijily to

Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

408 l'ort Strent - Houolnln

Merit Wins,ic&B&ifjsxisiSS?33uy your

We Have Led The Market For Six Years;

Ami nro constantly improving our lines; cus-tomers know this is no boast

New Lasts, New Patterns and New Bows andOrnaments, and you find no fault with ourprices, 'no does. .

liio nvdZaxi. -ULfact


CREOLERecord, 2:15.Champion Hawaiian

Ilui T.s.

reotOiorvetnun,:Zeo II,2.74: Hecvle.nml otlieritklreii nml ImIiiiiiI'ROMiTrit savi.

Hro of Creole. 'J'J'i Kiltie. j:.w ierHniii2.n, Aiiox, it:3i; Truimll,.Ji.1; Waller. '.:;Wiilra. I'lilen, all I'llAIIIIK llllll),nml of Hie iIiiiiih utjlrilllun-tine- , limn

'.'.17. Visor, !:& ot Tlivl,

l'mrr. .Hum of Oreole, 'J.l.'.; I:ukU',1!

Hwik i.K


( Nl4



2'Sl -

Kll(.ht, L'L".'. illimli.i j, riil Fltet,

IlrirNEni:Sire nl

rilulit, 'J3:21; iinti iiiiiiih oi .iinnrouI'llnie, 2 J'' I'lilrn-c- , j. ill,Kniii l'rnii (I), j:j i,; UnM..lale II, I 11 linlllll, 1 l,

hllillil, i 2 .' , . ruiitii Kiln,Hid rhct, 2 ai.'4.

Fleet a.lHjMnv, IVmal ;,,)

IIUHI fit ,f, 2 it; StfT- -

llnir, hire nl s In i iu, IaU),iIiiiii oi j lii 2 ia,- - drme,limn I Creole, i is


of us




-u.rers' S3n.oe Co.

21 .702

Record, 2:21 1-- 2.

IIi.uk Hull (l'rudeu )

.lf.'i;17: IJITKN- -

K. .11

ol7Ur I'UTTtlL MSI

Hruof . in ,i umliliijni;ol V trottirt mill ii(tr

Kaiiio,vlinn ot I'rulrtv Ultif.,,

f Iowa Cintr 2,f. . . . .

91V.Mre oljfiiij-olU-t

ll.iluir. anj i -- liiimriitL Ij,i TinmkvMaiu

I'LAXTUL Slji- -.if Hun . . Kn- -

Kt!,; jlVAiaiiil ilain bolSl

(H'll'OIITLU- -


JLii Honolulu--X. ii. i.

Crkii.k is tliepuiicst, fastest and best liifil ktiillion tlmt ha iwrbren iniiioi"oil into tho Hawuiiiiii lbliimlH. lie redueed liis reeord oL':L'0 to L'.IS in .'VtiiliiiniiCul., AtlKtlht LM, 1811 1, distiuicini; his w hole Held in the lirst hcr.t; :he:i 'iKiiin t'in ktockton, Cul., Septeiuber 2:t, 1S1M, v ltmiiiL; the lirst heitt ii, :Mo-- J fourtlheat i u 2 : 1 5, and fifth heat in " ID, IuovIiik that ho is a remarkably '.ve'ii,, nej jtic n mii'i'ilv rune lifirsii. "Creolii lie l'riiiniitir nut nf (.mo.i In. it... .,'... .. .

that ho is eaiiable of ?ettiii( a mark of 2:10 and in one of the puniest stnll'oi.sthin year, and liesidei. Ik'Hiu game, is one i f tint buit formed, and reinurki.bly

llrealtrnuil Spurltman, Sept. !!.", 1SUI.) lie in 16J IiiiikIh hluh nud aiioerful build throughout. Hit) enlor ih elovsv blnek with one white hind foot"IliM deposition is all that could be desired, and his action mij urb. lie is a gurc-foa- l

Kctter.Tonus foO, with usual return privilege. Will make the season at tl o


'"O. Box 480. FOTTTSTT) Tki.epho.se 24&--


Buy New & Second-Ha- ni


COItNEIl OF 1King & Nuuanu Sts.


rj- -i ,




Page 4: ,JW KWKjcry VfTl I I I etuiCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves


m 4-- V'f .




Tt r7


' r




i m

I '

BI AUTHORITY.3Tisanci I)eiiiTMr, Hunt v or )

JIomrir, 11. I , October lltli, 18!).',


tlmportfr, In making entry nt tlio CustomHouse, will ponitlvcly idontlfy each rosewith its contoiiH Ampto tinio it hero al-

lowed fur notification of tins necessity to nil

foioign cousiRiiont, nml failuio to eompl)uftcr the dato nlne named ull inoitahljcomo Increased ilclay ami cxpeuso hefoiolllverj of tliu noodi. 1'roui nml after the

same il to, llio leriiictioti of Foreign e

In Customi entries will bo re un eiltoy the Cunlonw.

IAS. n cAsru:.Colloctor-Goncn- il of Custom.

ApprovedS. M. I)Mi),

MnilMer of I'iimnco 12," 3t

Tenders for Making Uniforms for

the National Guard of Hawaii.


October 11th, lhl", fScaled tenders will bo received bj the

uudcrsinntd until 2 o'clock noon of WED-

NESDAY, October Hi, I&9.", for mippblugtlm National Ounrd of Hawaii without'bundled nnd lift (more or less) Ditto 1'lannelJlloustx, nml one hundred uud fiftj (moreor less) White Duoh l'nnts.

Mouses to bu well sou oil with silk threndTil material for nil garuunlH to bowtllshrunk, cut and uinde to mciumie, to the

ntuu .itisfaclion of the undersigned,ririnuncl duck, trimmings and pattern as

per samples nt Ileadipmrters.Tenders to bo marked "Ilids for Cloth-

ing" and nildrcksed to Captain 0,Aside , Qunrtenuastcr, IIcadqiir.rteiH Na-

tionnl Guard of Hirau 1

The undersigned resenes the right toreject an) or nil bids.

w.o asiilky,Qunrtcrmahtcr 1st llcginient, Nn.

tiounl Guard of Hawaii.

ApprovedF. M. HvTfit,

Miuisterof Foreign Affairs. 12.5-3- 1

UhAlsjmllTH.s I'lltsT KlUIMI.ST, NA-

TIONAL OuAiin of Haw ui,ilosoine, It. II, October 10th, 18'W.

i;i:miiil oudi.iis no. ij.Each Company Coinrunuiler will report

m nrittng to Itcgimeutal Hcadquaiters, onthe morning nftor drill, tho names of enchnumber of his compiii) absent from drill,mnd the reasons assigned, if an , for suchnbocnce.

Ih eoiuniand ofCOEONFJi McLEAN.

J. W. I'llATT,

Cuptain and Adjutant. 12.r 2t

Regulations of the Board of Health

nil FOl Till llouuiot IIuitii,Humiiuiu, II. I., OiTniAull, ISM.

The taking rf lish, shell fish or any pro-du-

of the sea or water of any ))oud,itreu.i , cnek, inlot, bay or harbor, or upontho si u to a distance of two milts from thenhore, betwicu Diamond Head nnd AhuuVoint, in tho District of Kona, Islnnd ofOahu, nnd from tho mountains to tho tea,is strictly prohibited

The sale of lisli and of nil products of theben, is prohibited m tho Distuct of Honolulu,excepting nt tho New Market Duilding,where scale lish, clnms and lobsters fromtho wateis outsido of tbouboe limits mayVie txpobid for sale under the supervision ofiliisptctois appointed by tho Hoard oflltultli.

Oysters from l'tail Ilullior ma bo soldlscwlu.ro under special permit.

Such Inspectors shall liao the power tom uo, condemn nnd iWro) nuy fish or pro-duct of tho sea Prosed for salt , or brouyhtto tho market, which they shall hnve reasonto was taken from the locality pro-hibited by these Ittgulations, or which shall;ippear to bo unfit for food.

Tho Itcguldtioii of the Iionrd of HenlthtcIo'iiil! to the taking and sale of fish in thoicaid Ditriet of Kona, dated September3rd, Ihl.", is lurch rescinded.

B) order of the Hoard of Hiailli

WILLIAM O SMITH,liM-- 2t l'lisidi lit lloaid of Health.

517 Euei7iJ7$ Bulletin

'Villi which Is ln orpnruli il tlio'liideiioiifle'iit.


SAiUiiUAY, - - OCT. 12, 1895


K w'!' be well for tho fiovorn-Kvae- nl

to heeJ tho warnings fni-sib- l,)

g von by coriespondonts of''tliifi paper, with icgard to tho e

of dredgings fiom thoioulobt pait of the harbor iu tlio

icuid&le f a populous noighboihood."Bo sun you 1110 right and then

go abend" would bo n Rood mottotobftir in mind in dealing withth m question. Togo by no bntteiarguments than tho followingfrom yoslordny's Star would buiccklcsi

The bright 'utollecta Hiiggostingthiit tho dredger fs nuiiioiouslynnd nml with neglectnfurothotighl being pormiltod tomiiky nn nssuilt on tho publichealth, mo giving themaohes ngood ilcnl ol untif-cPH-iifi- woiry.Tho diedg-- r ' g tng to kill con-tagion and destitn fiith. Thofotid 0070 now testing in wait tsto ho diawn fioin its slimy bed,titMitod to disinfection cud expos-ed to tho sun. When it is decid-ed to Mop woik with tho odorlessexcavators nnd gub.igo wiigons intho intoiost of public health it

ill bo timo to talk of plncmg thodredgor in rotten row for the snnioreason.

Tho following from the Adver-

tiser contains an ounce of fuelTrhich is worth moio than a tonof theory:

A hovero opidomic of yellowfeor is laging in Vein Cruz. Tel-egraph disp.itehes from th it placostate that "tho work of thedredger in tho hnrboi undoubted-ly tends to ineronso tho miciobicinfluences." It will be a goodthing to henr this fact in mind inplanning for tho resumption ofdrodging oporntions in our ownharbor.

It is not moroly possible duugerfrom cholor.i whioh our corros-pouden- ts

drendod from tho dis-charge pipe of tho dredger. Thenh.is been no small amount of fi'vorprovident in Honolulu within re-co- nt

months, and indeed utcortain seasons every your thosame thing is noted yes, andrecorded in the mortuary toportsThoro aro obsorvod facts tendingto provo that fleshly upturnedsoil even if never ospeci.illy contaminated, as well us earth onwhich houohold refuso erother foul subst.moos, solidor liquid, lmvo boon dopositod, isbrooding ground for fovor. Cho-lera has not tho only germs to boguarded against. As was romarki dorally to the Bulletin on thissubject tho othor day: "Thocholoia bacillus is said to iviltaway under two hours of sunshine.It is a queer beast anyway. Butthoio aro gorms of other baddiseases which ure foitilized bythe sun and dissominnttd on thobreezes."

Nobody has 9Uggosted the Starknows very well "placing thediodgcr iu rotten row." Theioaro othor places on land or uponor beyoud tho letf, to looward oftho town, whore it may disohargoits sludgo instead of in tho midstof a populous section Bettorthan anything would boto have dump scows madefor carrying tho dredgingsout into tho opon ocean.Tho Government will nssumo a

fearful responsibility if it deposithnibor bottom oo.e and old fish-rnark- ot

corruption under thonoses of tho settlors of Loleo, whohavo only escaped as bya miraclo from the contagionof choloia cases that appealedat both ends of the block on thonorth side of King Thoproposal to tient the dischaigo todisinfection is nonsenso. Thornaio not onough disinfectants intho country to adequately surofur that proces, liecauso the usual11 v fiom tho pipe is so impetuouHu d of such Milumo that it cannothe oortakon, oxcopt by a cntarnctt)f disinfecting fluid oqiul to Ka-po- na

fills in Hood timo. Shouldthe phn ho persisted in, thoio willlikely bo a flight from tho local ofity of such inhabitants as cannflird tho oxponse of romovingwith thoir littlo oiks nnd house-hold goods. Thoso compolled to

0.remain will wait in dre.id tho out-laoi- k

of a foor tpidomio.

If you feol out of sorts, oall atthe Critorion nnd tty our icfresh-in- g in

Seattlo Beor on duiught.

Tr -r- mm iijpy"


Thoro is ono nohloman to eoryfifteen inhabitants of Waisaw,which is about tho proportion of

, otlicc-holdo- rs to tho whilo population of Honolulu.

An outbuist of jealousy in thomidday Star at the liwmnngEvEXtNd Bulletin shows lowthe wind is blowing. Our enviouscontemporary will pinbabh. how-ove- r,

como out on Monday as usualwoll-stock- with tho nows tlmtthe Bulletin gives today.

An exchar.go says that goner il

denunciations of conuption in of-fi-

do no good, but whon specificwrongs aio committed all citizonsshould unite in opposing themOur noighbois on the CommonScold might pondor on this withadvantage.

Empeior William is running onelectricity, iu tho interests bothof Ins own comfort and publicutility. Lately it was announcedhe had a telephono cir construct-ed to follow him on his excursionslrom Borlin. It will bo seon iuan item olsewhoio that the im- -

pmiai yucht Hohonzoiiem is fm- -

nished with nn olectric light ilngfor uso at night. Tho HawaiianGovernment might got a similar11 ig of its own to signal filibustersshould thoy altompl a thiof-lik- e

approach in tho night.


rllilecii ncilscc liiclmllns OhImi'olle:e--l'stn- ti Worth SI 1,0011.

W. 0. Smith has fillod a peti-tion for piobuto of tho will of thelate Mrs. Alico F. Hitchcock,widow of tho lato Hnrvoy HexfudUitchc ick, who was author of thoEnglish -- - Hawaiian Dictionaryuo.11 ing ins namo. Tlio tostatorilmfl in TTnnnlnln m, Annnol 'IIaged 10 years, loaving an estatevalued at J, WO, of which 200is ropresontod by real ostttoonLiliha stroet and tho rest by pro-missory notes and securities. Thedevisees and legatees are as follows:

Margaret Biowu Hitchcock,d inghtor, SelOOO; Walter A. Hardy,biothor. WOO; William L. Hardy,biother, SoOO; Maty U. ilnidy,sistor, 1000; Alice Dean, nmce,and William Dean, nophow, 2000each, to be used in their education;Chailos Hitchcock, nophew, ofllilo, 250; Chi u C,.lleg, $7r0,to fun id a scholaiship to bo knownas the "Hnivey Hexfoul Hitch-cock Scholarship;" Alice and MayKluegel, H00 each.

To her father, Jacob Haidy,is bequeathed "Andrews' PasturoLot" in Nuunuu Milli'v adiounntrLiliha stioit, and also all otheiproperty of which sho might diopossessed not iu tho will othor wisodisjtosed of, to bo used iu estab-lishing a homo for them and thosurvivor of thorn, nnd to theheiis and assigns of tho survivorof them.

E. G. Hitchcock, brother, isbequeathed tho copyright of tlioEnglish - Hawaiian Dictionary,Oahu College, largo specimen caseof hmis callod "Kilauoa" as amunoriil to hor lato husbiud,Alieo Doau, diamond pin; AlaryK. hitchenck, nieco, small spoei- -men caso of lavas; Cora E. Town- -

atturn. also tlio Centoniiiiiluoous; .Mis. u. 11. iiitolicock. Or-itur, two paintings by 1). HowaidHitchcock; C. binith, headsof tho "Mudonn 1" mid the ' lgdalnne:" Hultio C. Hitchcock.nieco, tho "Sunsot" nictuie, Man" Hardy, family poitinits andalbums, tho pictuio "little Tommy," sihorwato and personal be-

longings; Mrs. S. A. Thuiston,aunt, tho diotionaiy giou tostutor by hor husband; 11. AV A. --

drois, uncle, tne organ at llilo.In caso of the doath of her

du lighten bofuio attaining the ngiyoars, tho liiopoih

devised to her shall go to Jacobllmdy and Maiy Li. 111

equal bhures.Tho appoints William

Smith tho gu.iidian of hoidaughter and oxocutor of her w ill ,

also, for tho purposes of tho prop-erty devised to thorn, guardian ofAlice and Dean. lhowill was executed August 10, 18!)j,

nrosenoo of Annotto P. 1).Lamb.and L. A. Thuiston.

fimelyJopie5Judge CMen of Oakland

recently gave a young man iedwoman some good advice whenhe 1 el used to grant her adivot ce. The couple had beenman ied three vears and werequite young, but they evident-ly got along about as well asmost man ied people do. How-ever, the young woman thoughtshe ought to have a divorceand tiled a complaint againsther husband alleging cruelty.The specific facts set forthwere that her husband frequently slapped het, whetherplayfully or not the complaintdoes not and that oncehe spoke crossly to her. This,however, was while the hus-band was putting up a stove,and therefore cannot be won-dered at. On another occasionthe young wife says her hus-band threatened her, but inanswer to (he Judge she ex-

plained he had told hertne proper tiling to bring herunder subjection would be toraise a tailllly. iillt tlllS poorhusband's greatest ofTense layin his feet. He had bie onesaccording to his wife, and onone occasion he had the auda-ci- tv

to place them in her lap,and she said, "he had his bootsoff."

In refusing to grant a divorceon such trivial testimony JudgeOgden gave the wife a littlefatherly lecture. " You canhardly expect the court to grantyou a divorce upon such testi-mony. If we were to grantyou a divorce upon that show-ing there would not be acouple in Oakland that wouldnot be entitled to a divorce. Itis impossible to find humannature that is ideally perfect.There are many little imper-fections that education ana as-

sociation will smooth off, andmarried people must exeiciseforbearance and patience. In-

stead of widening the breachclose it up. A young couplesuch as you are will find mar-ried life a veiy happy existenceif you will refui n to your homeand not do just what you havebeen doing heretofore."

That Oakland Judge hadsome sense, indeed it is ap-parent that his wisdom aroselrom experience. It is a pitythere are not more like him. Ifthere were there would befewer divorces and more hap-

py homes. What is homewithout a mother-in-la-w andthe privilege of putting yourfeet on your wife's lap withoutputtingVour boots on first.

All of which reminds us ofanother little story. By thesieamer Australia we have re-

ceived one of the largest con-signments of hardware everlanded on these fly specks ofthe Pacific. It comprises anassortment of nhted wnrp. i'HmI

f1. '. Jlulwire cloth, Hour sifters, blacksmith s bellows, wire mats,cutleiy, feather dusters, hoehandles, California lawn sprink-lers, lanterns, shovels, riceplows, bath tub enamel, Dis-sto- n's

No. 2 cane knives, millsaw tiles, sole leather and as-

sorted goods such as varnishes,patent water closets, paintburner's, Hendry's mixedpaints, hose in all sizes andqualities, metallic paint in oiland shooting

We have" also received afresh shipment of "Tribune"and "jWonarch" bicycles, withlamps and fittings of all kinds.

All of the above goods areon the wharf and may be ship-ped to any port of the islands.

The Hawaiian Hardware Go. Ltd.

Opposilt Bpretduibf HVorft,

send, niece, modal and tliplnmn 'coffee pots, three and five-uemv- ed

Centonnml Ehibi riimic,,5 niinn fnuc cfa,








Now Advortisornorifs.

Fall Opemng-9gi-

TJir fall oiioniiiK nl "' "Nippon Millinery Tailors willcoiuf.v tiro on . ...

Sntiintu), Oil.

continuing for three da s Alargo nnd handsome neinutiiieiit

or IMplllKMi

Hals, Ke.illiori, Flowers, imdllcs,Killing Hals, l.lugeile. Etc.

All of tlio very latest sllo ru direct fromNew York will bo shown.

Miss Caliill.Ailingtnu lllock, Hotel street. 12l-.1- t

Oysters.Spawning Season over.Quarantine ut nn end.Fresh Ilawniiun Oystersfrom Pearl Harbor cannow bo bad eveiy dny byordering thoin from theGrocery Store of

m-t- f H.E.McINTYRE&BRO.





made nnd repaired.

2Piirtieuliir atlontion paid to



121-- tf Queen St.

Save Money!

You throw away dollars everyyour in broken lamp chimneys.Cotter stop it now whilo you canget a propaiation that will preventa chimnoy from breaking whonput on wet. Pi of. liumbolt's

compound will do tin'sand will prevent tho explosion ofkoiosono oil and gasoline Woaro solo agouts for this monnia- -tion us well as for the Now IdealSowing Machino, tho equal to anyhigh priced article and wo soil itfor $30 and 35 with attachments.1C000 feet of mouldings for picturefiaraos just leceived by tho"Albeit;" also oval and circularframos, something now and ele-gant.

The Pacific Hardware Co.

Cummins' Block.I


Lime & StoneCompany.



Offer for sale tho het quality o( Limo attiiuiulIiiK maikotrate 'lhm I.imo is thoKeiiuiim article, puiu ami himplo. Jfo u

hiihntuucoi iihciI.3i.Hiug up 217 and lemo jonrorderH.



T. ICrsvLso, ... 2rop.

l'or Dny 8 2 (0Per Week ll 00

Sjsoelal Eiatoa I

Tlio I3est of Attendance, the .lest Situa-tion and lho I'luest MeaN 111 this City

$50 PRIZE.

Hie Joint Commlttio appointed lo reportupon di lZn for a' Droit yfa nml Depatt-men- t

Scald, Imllp, uirirctlonii for a ,IIimiI for a (Irenl Soul of the l!i public, and offer a

pure 01 lilt) Dollar, ue ,)Kd o the peroimliurcdielKn U neiepted by the I ecl-lal-

It Is the opinion of tho Committee that theral should hi ul.ont tlirculuplics In diameter

aid that tlio pr- - i nt u, ,tl, -- Un man kc c oko niiia I ka pono,' hi reulmd

Competitors an icque.tod to shrn a na

lo iheir .lelKns. and nrlle theirleal names on a si parato pipor, c,u0,,iK tiewhole In aaealcj tnulopo aihlrcmid to theSet retan of the roinnilllrn n,,.i m..i-- .i'I)olirn for Great Sial "

The competition will cI,e cii the Ut ,laj otDecember, 1S0"i

rurtlni hiformatlm, may bo had of theSei rctar)0 m noiii;uTso.,

I ! lw Secretary orthcCoininltlcoon 8eal


V,1'5 "'.'' 'I""""! spot onWe ,0 had .Ick ma. lathe limn liul it i, ,,ur nllJcuit one In hnpph r InIn and

ini-ii- n s In 011 tlioinoto airalnl.ii,lloilo not ut. to tiy ,"oinmhtlmi to lioimc clean-i- ns

nllalw, uml the cansome of the hours durliiL- - thodi) to making their dresses orsi lectin,; material lor tluiu.

Durlncthe dull ihn t10pla'uewelnve inerliaulcd allIII. ,L,,ri ,lln,ni!l""' "lock and

price to null t,etime, Jsl looknttl,,. irooiUand compare the prlu, ,thli!e past"' " bl1" 1",ill, '

Boys' Suits,t2't0 upnards.

Children' Suits,I.atet t), liftv (ents to a.much asjon want to p).

Slioesfor tho ehlhlren a !K) cents a pair.

XindioN' Shoes1'lno iinnllt) from ?l 45.

"vu '"i11 " "neof hon9e.r,.rnlh.iiikii.iU1ii)oiii life as ue cam. nor il'd'jou cec, Sce .utl. alut- - for)our mono)

Slieetlnrjs, Toweling, BedSpreads, Hair and Clothes

Brushes. '

lowc price"1" lIri'' S0a rul"ic'' ,0,b


Turkeys !


Thanksgiving andChristmas.

A largo flock, onouyh for ovcr)hody.lace orders carl) to Insure largest birds.




i iAnd want the properthing both in cut andstylo and desire tohave tho latest Pat-tern you must call on

edeiros $ Co,Hotel street

Ami Don't You Forget It?

Page 5: ,JW KWKjcry VfTl I I I etuiCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves

I 4 v "J"1

EVENING BULLETIN'. OCTOHEH 12. 185)5. JEm iwww 0"9 'fc

!- -


Cricket practice nt G.

B.iiul concort at Emmn squnroat 4.

Ilalunloi is now commoted withKnu by tuiupli.'iio.

Tlio now fashinnablo Ilotcl11 cbcliou is now opon.

It ik twolvo days ninco tho Instcaso of cholera nppoarod.

Local raiding uiattor will 1)3

found on tho inside pagos.

Pnyson Caldwell will bo thoeditor of tho llilo Tribune.

A word to tho wiso is HtiHicicnt.Subscribo for tho BuM.ivriN.

J. A. Mohrton and family woro

among tho Hull's passengois.lluby Doxtor r.nd his mcing

whoi'l woigh 155 pounds together.

Tl.o nunriuitiuo of tho Chinesent tlit) island will bo up on Mon-

ti uy.

William Henry of Kanooho and)r Uussoll of Wuinnao aro in tho

city.OahuColIrg' will put u football

tonni in tho field tho coiningseason.

Japanese m"ot tonight to pr -t-

.-st agiinst not gotting any mail

oi tho China.

Tho hi' i noon band concort attho Exoo-:.v- o grounds yesterdaywas much appreciated.

Tho pipo lino connooting withtho drodgor will bo laid undortho road bolow tho King streotbrhlgo.

Stonraship compmios nro notletting any grass grow under thoirfeet or under tho IiooIb of thoirships for that mattor.

Special Lndios' Day nt Boretn-ni- a

Tennis Courts, which will bocrondod with members of thefair sox this afternoon.

SmsSouci will ho filled withvisitors tomorrow, l'ooplo wish-ing a good swim and lunchshould not fail to go to this pop-ular resort.

Loigh H. Irrino, who was horoah correspondent of the Examin-er, has returned from the Eustand is doing special detail workon tho Examiner.

A nnmhor of people have an-nounced thoir intontiou of com-peting for tho fifty dollar pr-z- i

offered for tho bot dosign for agioat so.il for tho ltepublic.

Tho editor of tho Loudon DailyChrouiclo who wns receiving anannual silnry of $7000, resignedbacauso tho propriotor refused toprohibit tho publication of "tips''on rnci'..

1'residont Sm'th of the Boardof Health hub promulgated alotter of thnuks to tho military forthoir sorvices in the rocont epi-demic, and ir propariuR anotherto tho public gouorally.

Harry Wootton has gono out oftho bicycle agency businoss andhereafter E. U. Hall it Son willhandlo the Kamblor machine.Mr. Wootten has all ho can do tonttend to his constantly increasing repairing business.

Tho finost grado of orgnndiosnt tho Tomplo of Fashion clear-ance gale has boon reduced fromGOcts. to 35cts. per yard, and thonext grade has boon reduced from35ets. to 25cts. per yard. Thesegoods cn bo bought at this figuroThursday, Friday and Saturdayonly. w

1). Howard Hitchcock has re-

turned to town and is located athis studio at tho corner of Hoteland Fort streets upstairs, ontrancoon Hotel sheet, where ho has re-

opened his classes in drawing andpainting. Studio afternoon athomos Fridays from 2 p. in. to 4p.m. Ywtoi'sul ways welcome.

Tho leinple of Fashion has nnimtnonto stock of dotted Swissmuslins 15 inchua wide, formerprieo 50c. They aro now soilingfor liou per yard. Anothor quuli-- t'

that sold for 35o has boonto 25c per yard. This

offer holds good for Thursday,Friday and Saturday of tins wokonly.

A horrified poliooman recentlyarrested a bloomor girl on theprincipal stroot of Minneapolismid compolled her to walk homothrough tho back streets. Owingto the shortnoss of her hloomorsas oxhibited in court tho police-man was sustained by his supo- -

him dismissed from tho forco lor

Ponplo rend tho Ikl.l.rfiN.Thoy only casually glanco at itscontemporaries.

Hawaii will soon linvn tolo-pho- nic

connection botweon nilparts of tho island.

Tho old familiar bundles of fullwrapped in ti leaves mudo theirappcaruueo this morning.

Tho 3onnington will visit tholast rosting pluoo of Captain Co.ikbofoio returning to this port.

llilo bolhs nro making themos'of the BonniiiKton's visit and aroenjoying much unwonted gaioty.

Announconiont of ovoning edu-cational clussos is made by D. W.Corhott, general soorot ry Y. M.C. A.

Forty-tw- o lopers woro sent toMolokai by tho Likolike yester-day, the accumulation of tureomonths.

Miss Oahill's storo has beencrowded today, tho occasion being her fall oponiug of millinorygoods.

Polor 0. Jones will load the ser-vices at G:.'J0 p.m. tomorrow at thoY. M. C. A., and discourso on thosubject of "Our Leader."

Judgment has beon rondoredin tho Distriot Court for thoplniut'ff in tho caso of J. Correavs. W. H. Cummings for $87 83

Finely furnished rooms withhath and olhor modern improve-ments for rent at ronsonahloprices ut 29 Bcretauin streot.

"Wlion drinking Goysor Watortho plonsant fact is recalled that ithas undergone tho only process ofpurification, viz , that of boiling.

Tho brickwork on tho cold stor-age works will be complotod bynext Saturday, by which time200,000 bricks will have boon usedup.

Great timos aro nnticipated to-

night around tho merry-go-roun- d,

us projoctod improvomonts willsoon causo its romoval to .motherlocation.

Some of the wlioWilo mer-chants liava boon sending oir asmuch us thirty tons of morchan-dis- o

on a single steamer duringthe past week.

Tho directors of tho Ho.ilauiBoat Club held a mooting yc&tor-da- y

afternoon at the room of theChamber of Lommorco and transacted routine business.

Tho Mikalnila will bo nut onhiriogiilar route next woek ftndtho Iwnlani will also bo got readyio Dwwii no jiuoaiuio, id relievo toopresent rush of island traffic.

Kauai, alms Honry Numbortwo, was arrostod this morninglor violating tho regulations oftlio Hoard ot Honlth in iiiuminrovorbourd from the steamer Ko-auho- u.

Tho Salvation Army starts intomorrow on a week of bolf-doni-

and prayer, during which it isproposed to make it moro thanusuilly interesting for tho oldgentleman in black.

G. H. Harrison, practical pianoand organ mnkor and tunor, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at Hawaiiun Nows Co.will recoivo prompt attentiou. Allwork guaranteed to bo tho smoos dono in factory.

Correspondents of tho Bulletinshould hand in their communion-- t

ons early in tho day to iusuropublication. All display advor-tisemont- s

should be sont to thobusiness office boforo noon of eachday. Iloadiuer und "Uv Authnr--ity' noticos may bo sent iu anytimo up 2 j). rn.

Tho private Kindorgarten ofMiss Craig will bo opened onMonday morning, Oct. 7th, at Jo'clock. With Miss Craig therewill bo associated this yoar in thocue of the Kindergarten MissPauahi Jiidd, a recent graduato ofthu Golden Gate Kindm-oirfm- i

Association, and also Miss EllaThrum.

Extinouishixo Fines Ono oftho old school readers furnishessome oxcollent liro rules whiohrun thusly. Yoll as much aspossiblo, throw all minors andchinawaro out of tho windows,persons bolow will recoivo thornupon their heads, wrap the coalHcuttle up in a hlankot and lowerit carefully to tho ground, placethe tongs astride of yonr shoulderand carry them gently down stairs,got oxcited. Whon tho hubbubhas coased go to Brown it Kuboy's

riora yhou tho girl trial to got n(l thoy will your misiini'?i jowelry and cutlery nt ruiiHimahlo

Wailnn was arrestod atfor assault and ballory

1 p inon his


Two che-f- a pamblois, A. KKapultt and Jvoawe, nero hauledin this morning.

Iiiui Ho, a Chineso rico planterof AVuulm, was ariested th smorning mi a charge of ijmy inthe second dogreo.

l'ro))riotoi3 of tho new Cli'no etlie.iter will mako an etloit tn j.etthat institution in running orderfor Monday night.

Seattle Beer is a mild nud refiesh-- iig drink, it will credo lhsh

and generally improve tho syst-i-

On draught at Criterion.Mauleha is held for invert ga-tio- n

at tho Polico Station forleiviug port in violation of therules ot the Hoard of Health.

The trial of Ah Cheo, for ns- -suulting Miki (w) on October 4thby throwing a bucket of dutywater ovor her, resulted in hisdischarge this morning.

Builders will havo a chance bo-

foro many days of bidding for thocontracts of a numbor of newBchoolhouses and toiiohors' cot-

tages in various districts.Eminont counsol werj ongiged

in a Chineso en so in tho l'ohcoCourt this morning, I. A. Thurs-ton conducting the prosocutionand Paul Neumann the defense.

L. B. Ktrr has received by theAustralia u new lino of Scotchginghams, whito and creamcropons and whito cotton duckfor Indies' und children's dresses.

Tho morning sossion of the Distriot Court was almost entirelytnkon up with tho trial of a Chinose extortion and conspiracy caso.which will b.) concluded on Mou-di- y.

H. H. Williams calls ntteniontoulirgo line of rred furniturejust received by the bark Albertand for salo at tho City FurnitureStore, corner Fort and Beretauiastreets.

A largo number of tho localsportsmen uro making prepara-tions for a trip to tho othor side ofthe island this afternoon. Thegamo season commenced on September loth, hut this is tho firstopportunity the boys havo hadto get away. Game is roportodboth plontifu' and in good con-dition.

White mu-li- ns figured andstriped and of tho finest qualitycan bo had in any quantity at theTemple of h s'liou oloaran'cn -- alo.Tho 40 ct goods aro now 25cts,tho 25ct prices havo boon markeddown to lGcts and you can buy forlOcts poryard all that were form-erly lOJjcts. These prices holdfor Thursday, Friday and Satur-day of this woek.

ISccr n a 'lviupcruiicu Advovutr.In ordor to impress upon vonr

mind tho fact tint the StultleJireivhvj und Multintj Co'x beersaro Mild, Light and Lively, wobelow give tho avet ago per cent ofalcohol iu various liquors in com-pu- r

son :

"Jtuinicr" liter. . . 3.4 por cont"Ohj)ic" liter, .. H.4Alo 7.4Cider 8.0Claret 13.IJWhisky 510On draught at tho Critorion.

. .

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, woek or month. Tonus: 2dand 60 conlu por night- - $1, and?1 25 nor vvcoi;.

Typewriter Por Sale.

A HKMINirro.V Tjpewiller, Iu llrtt- -

"" luiiiiiuuii, n ill ire Hold l III up,

-- '' a. v (ii:.it.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(lisiited).

Wm. Q. Inviu, - I'reBulont mul JlnniiKerCliuw HprccItdN, - - .

"r filir"r,h - Sforotiiry and TroimururLheo. O. l'oitur, Auditor

Sugar Factors1ND

Commission Agents.


OOEaNIC steamship companyOF SAN F1UN0ISCO, OAL.'

2Iov Advo tkomorts


l.um-.- i am (iiNTi.rMi-- II nironlt inft toi-nl-l llieiittcntlouof the iiulilie to in) YiiIi'k lliilrTiinlr, wlilili l Hie llrilmul (inlj kniiwn tu nlilchimi'ltlM'ly tiirni rii Imlr luck ta lln nrlitlnitlcolor witlimit i),. I Iiiilonu llniicllun mul i;lM' tlio public liiymilumii uunrnn-tu-

Hint It linn lieun tvntvil III uvrry loni'i-h-nlil-

ny, mul hni pniM-i- l it it If tin- - imlv llnlrSpi'i'lllc It Mopt ii; Iminvilliitvlymul rri'.ites n liiurlonL'routli. C'ontiilii noInjiirlnuKlnuri'ilIiiit. It Nnot ntlct.) orj;rciii!;on It make the hnlron, jnutfi-lul- ,

lliilli, kwi it In curl mul rvinoict ilaiul-rut- f.

riirKvntlvincii nnil laillc wllli linlralllllcpni), Ktrrakcil uniy, vnllrrlv eray anil

ltl. HAM) I11:AI)S, It Is epivlally rvcom-liiciu-


Alldruirs!l'itiil,rlcc?l;alo Yalo'n SkinKuimI, .M, Ynle's (,'oinpcvlon Creatu, 1

Yiilc'n l'ace PoiviKt, 50c; Yale's llcmitjSoap,

Sic. Mmc. Yale, Hcaltli and CoinplcxlonSpcclallit.Ti iniik" of llcaat. 110 State nt.Chicago, (lulje to llcauh nmlleJ tzvc

IIOUltUN DltUQ CO.,Wholesale. Aucntq.

Evening Educational ClassesAT tiii:

Y. M. C.Subject tauirlit by first cla tiMiliorf.

Hnokki'ipliiK, 'Ijpewritlni;, M- i-ihanlenl l)ralni;, Mnu'liitf, lleailliiit. Spelling,Writing, Arltliini'tle ami (rsiuiiuar

I5f l'"r lermi, etc.,ring up telephone 3(iy.

lS5-- Tt

w with I



applj at the olllce or

D. W. Corbett.ixrinl ."lecntarr.

For Sale.

riAntio ci.ixki:h nuirf sailcenter Kjaril. lrnutli 111 lift. Xdv

mul ill lino wiler.

121-,'- Jt



shapu, lirbt-clus- u Apply


UOl iu: la hereby ulvcn that Ike mnrtgVMy iiviu uy Ktyi Mim IIKHINI ,llll Mliii .ii, on uinii in .Mtmnulim, lur. i uil nnil

r leaked In the fattifjitliui ul both parties.Mow Sli't; Will aniline all ohllKatloniianaliiitalii lain), I'JIWt

Fox Sale.

TVI'KWUITKK IN I'KKKKClApply at ulllcc ut


I1UUCKI'ort stretl.

Horse for Sale.

rou non-iayjii:- opIwanl. Wl) will Kll nn TIIfUtlA V

October 2!)tli, ISO.", ut I'ubllo Auction, litthe Auction rooms of Jiiuies 1'. MorL'nii, iu

1,uy JIulu- - CLU1J s ' A1ILL

Honolulu. Septembers;, ISO.'). 113-ti-

Rooms to Let.FUKNISIIKI) llOOMS TO LUT4 (larilou Lnno, nt ery riiison-nblurnti-


io Epicures,






Mux. II KliMUiNN uUhen to aunniiuic tothu public til lluniilulu that rw li.i lea.ulthe Diiknun pn mle on lli'Ktiinl.i aliutuheie bhu Mill dpi n u tirol-tl.i- ss Until to Liu

known m

"THE RICHELIEU."I)n jou lh a hr.t-cla- i.

that Ihe lu.uket iiIIiiiiIh, inmN.f the Illicit

Iu Mullmanner a to make the tillhlc ihnihlj palu-tabl-

if ym ilo, trj

"TPIE RICHELIEU."Thu illiilui; riMiin will be prinuiiintlj open

eil on SATURDAY. Oitobcr U'lli, forlinn laiin. Mt.ib, until ii In carte or tableil'hnte.

l,vi ncljeouDinnerHrcikfjHt.,

..IS to S.a).

..'j .IU tn T il)ii to 'J.

A llniltiil numlier of tlt'i;nntl fuiulthiilrouui, tlttul with electric lluhi. Hln,'le ortu mi lie, can be obtained on application.

Mrs, B, Ifroiiimnn,r.-3-- 3




: N. :



Honolulu, H. I.


W3 Fort Street


Just rocoiveJ Ex.

REED12H tf







N. S.


A full lino sizes,it redncod prions,







5i0 Forttr.

To wo still have

plenty, stock 1ms not

boon nnd now

arrivals on hand.








When Comes





iJome Seeker- - cuaaSieSiCSKSSSy

sNMX-- -

1r, , , , ,vur new iruci o miiio itu.s jnsi ucecplatted and is now on the market. TlicscbaiUtinS sites are located opposite Pnna-ho- u

College, facing on Maknki and Puna-ho- w

streets and. ilder Avenue. II ola7inevery advantage for these tnfs;the arethe car line, then hu7u city water, theyhave line shade trees; t lie Jin est residenceportion, of lhce.it if is located, around J'ana-lio- w

College, and. the magnijicent vieiv cannever shut oat uy outer outlaw s; innlevation high and, entirely suit time for

-:. . .......7,,..,... 7'Ai.,.,.n'.,.t7 'i.sui... :i ii.i' mi it I nil o 1 1 I i I f I iiwiii'an d 125 ft. deep, and the terniscun be had



















City Furniie,)


k. Albert



Haw Contractor tu


-- -: :--











fjifC 7 cA

H. H. W 1- - LI-A-M- ( ranngor).Undert iker' im.l Embnlmcr.

IClxicr Stroot.Wai.leii JKnahhi.




rB. O. ROWE,irimo, Sign andDiimmunlnl , .

. . PAINTER . .Paper Hanger and Decorator.

MANrvAorcame op

lio '' Liquid Stullitff,020 llin fitreet.

JUva (prico?.

iv- -,i

a niaKtfkh . FB'WWBB'TJl' 'M



Page 6: ,JW KWKjcry VfTl I I I etuiCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves


. ''jri

-- I :fr "tyEVENING BULLETIN, 0CT0BI5R 12, 1805.


A DNrotorr 7tmli tit l!nliinIn Aln

Tho lhiHsiuim linvo undo n lin-

gular discovery in Central Afia.in Turkostiui, on tbo right bunkof the Anion Darin, is n uliniu ofrocky hills Hour tho Bokhnrnntown of Karki, unu n number oflargo caves which, upon examin-ation, woro found to load to anunderground city, built apparent-ly lone before tho Cliristion era.According to elligies, inscriptionsand designs upon the gnM andsilver money uncnilhud fromamong tho ruins, tho uitonce oftho town dates back to soino twoconturies bef-u- the birth ofChrist.

The undprjjround Hoklinrnncity IS about two V. ruts long, amiIS composed ol all euorinoi.shlbvrinth of cnrriiloiN, streetsanil squite.v (mriOUUilod byllOUSUS and "thor




or till en stories high. llie Odl- -,...u ...,.....in ll kinds nf. ,1irmatin.l.Un lVJ. ....w

utensils, pots, urns, vases, etc.In some of tho streot? fulls ofearth and rock have obstructedtho passages, but generally thovisitor cm walk about freolywithout so much ns lowering hishead.

Tbo high dogroo of civil zationuttitinod by tho inhabitants of thocitv is shown by tho fact thntthey built II SOVOral htOriPB, bythe symmetry of tho streets andsquares, and by tho boauly of thobaked clay nud metal ntonsilsnnd of the omamonts and coinswhich havo been f und. LondonJ'ublic Opinion.

.Mexico' (Jrratrt t'cmiilr.The groat templo in tho City of

Mexico wns 11 stone structure offive stnges or stories, 300 feetsquare at 'ho b'.'O nnd 120 foothigh. Thero wero oight similarstructures of almost similar size intho city, mnl nearly 2000 muchsmaller.



Tn tlin nw ljrnisn i iiriinnient'

tliero aro 1.J1 griultintoa of Oxford,110 of Onmbridgo, 24 of London,31 of Scotch and 20 of Irish uni- -

versities. Of tho public schools t

Eton is first with 101 members.then coraos Harrow with 51; Rug-fe- y

has oiuy 17. Tho oldest mom-"be- ris Mr. Villiers. who is03; next

comes Sir John Mowbray, whonominnt.d tho Speaker; ho is 81.Tho youngest members are Rich-ard Cnrendisli, A. B. Iiaihurstnnd V'iscnunt Milton, all 23, nndall bol"iiging to families in thopooragu.

1'rofeS'or Riohet jmblisbessomfigures of morttlit from dinhthoria in tho Itovuo Scion tifiquewhich seoms to show that oithertho disenso has this yent taken amilder form or elso Dr. Ronx'ssoruin treatment is effective. Thedootlis in 18' in Paris hospitu'swero li00; h n 1887 to 1891 theyworo from '.100 to 0G0 a year; from1892 to 1891 thev nvrngod 73!5;

in 1895 they w re 239.

Over 250 tieos in tho famousOrangerio of Ver-nnlle- s have por-lsh- ed

during the last four years,including tht Grand Bourbon, or"oranger du eoiinntnbln," which(lutes from tho sixteenth century,and the others nro in bad condi-tion. This is dun, it is said, tothoir bavin? beon watered with aliquid containing injurious chomi-cal- s.

London's stroet names nro aHOtircc of endless confusion. Thnroaro now 151 Church streots, 129Union streots and 11G New streotB.British loyalty is shown in 99Quoen, 95 King and 78 Prince'sstreets, wMlo royal names nroborno by 119 John, 109 Goorge,1)1 Chin-leu- . 83 William, 87 Jamesand 57 Elizabeth streets.

Tho Los Angeles Council haspassed a circus ordinance, so thatheroaftor nil doih.r shows will payS1000 for llm fust duy of theirvisit, and S800 for tho second duy,and 50-co- shows will bo tixodS500 for the first day nnd 350for tho socond day, and $50 forall sido shows.

I woiiltlna gie tho lintio's song,bop morry on tho hroomy leo, forall the harps that ovor rang in alltho halls of ministrelsie; mair do.irto me. whore bush or hreer amaiif;tho pathless heather grows, tholintio's wild swoet note to henr,nson tho ev'nin' hreezo it Hows.Burns.

Mr. Jiorman IK XoungOUdawA, N. Y.

Helpless as an InfantAfter Pneumonia Weighed 00 lbs

Hood's Sarsnparllla Mndo Him Foolns Young no a Boy.

"0. 1, float A Co., Lowell, Mass.i

thanks for llood't ftarniparilla. I sin on 1117

letenth bottle ami It lia truly licen a bleslngto myself nn.l w Ifo. 1 had n severe attack o!pneumonia List December, and It was thoughti ,houM die. but X Kr.dually pulled througli,ftl then not seem tu; B:dn any strength. 1

Unci to bo helped like an lutjiit, and had fallennuayfromliito ho lbs. 1 read about Iiood'ibariiparllla, and 1 decided to tako It.

I Soon Onlnod In Strengtho that I could sit up, and then having a sorer

pain In tho small of tny bnck, sent for n TusSaneg l'Mster, which soon cured me ol

Hood's5 Curesthat iron. iU, Today I feci m well us over Id

toy 11 V. nml as young as a boy, although I amIn ra lt year. I cannot express tho Kratltmltofnv h rtfnr llund'S.irs.tparllla." NouhasX). iui.Vi, OMdawa, Olsruo Co., New York,

Heod'o Pllla oure Constipation by rcstorInjUie iierUUItle acUon of Uie aUmculary canal

Hobron Drue: Co., L'd,Solo Agents for the Itepublie of Hnwaii.


HeailimartcTs Enlcmrisc Brewirnr Co

Largest Consignmont of Beerthat over arrived hero, now

on DraughtJ. DODD. I'rop'i


fTftrrjcm, either singlo or double, mndo lutuo intest stylo nnd ol tho best material, ifJ'ou w"ut ft now Cllrri"K top. If you wnnt

firHt clagH Sail(11() ma(lo n'r nnv other Ar.tide iu the Humes' or S.uhllery"liue, it willpy you to call on

C. It. COLLINS,337 King St,

l V. liox 4Uii Telepliouo UU'J.84-- tf


Repairs Garden Hos?, Sprinklers. Water Taps.

Etc, Etc.

Snw FiliiiB nnd nil kinds of Tools Sharp-ened, including CarviiiK KnivtM nnd Hcis-Bor- s.

Ijiiwn Jlowcrs ropitired and for rent.Also, Setting OInss in fact nil kinds ofJobbing. Work called for nnd returned.Shop nnd ri'iidunce en Miller street,lliutf up Telephone 8M. tf

fi JLZL trTTiT.'.i- .T-



WEI.1.1, KlCIIABlBiOS it Co.,(Itntleinen: I wns very much run

tin. I WAS l'l HI-- 1IA WK1 Id l.l).wiiilns I could brfnro I wn taken nick)ouri(i and do all the v for my family

vcrv inucii Dieastit wiin n Mti i now





Pace's .".

n HUIMHNO HUllNKU UnCKNTbYIII Milwaukee, without IiiHtirnnrc,

Ik'Ciiiihoii cK'ikft'OlKiUT to rcticw certniupollcloi promptly an instructed.

"Ho vrns discharged."A fow days Inter, the owner dloil without

itiHiirnuro on his life, leaini n widow andtlirco yomig children in poerty, bccaiiROho had NKUIXCTICI) to Insure. As proernst.inntiou U moro rulpiblo limn forgotfulmwperhapu tho ownor is having IiIh punish-lucn- l

NOW."AIOltAIj I Couiultntiou nml offlco treat-

ment freo. Special nttcnlinn gUcutaprocrtstinators."


The Equitable Life Assurance Society

of thUnitedStales.

Bruce Cartwrlght,General Manager for tho Ilnwaiinn Ittlauds:

G()-t- f


Carriage Manufactory128 & WO FOUT STKEET.

Carriage BuilderAND lsnrAiiinii.

Blicksmithing in All Sis Branches.

Orders from the other Islands in IlttiUi.ing, Trimming, I'nintinp, etc., etc.,

Promptly attended to.

W. W. WHIUIIT, Proprietor.(Successor to a. West)


: and :

Undertaking Establishment.

TO-AIUN- BLOCK, COK.vv Fort and Borotania Sts.

Day Tolophono : : : : 81GNight : : : : 849

H. H. Williams,SO-t- f Slannger.

uilding Lots!At WAIKIK1 on enr Uiio nnd oifl'A- -

LAMA ItOAD uenr FertiliziuKl'lnnt.

Those Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desimblo Aero TrnctH near llio city nmlothor Properties for snle.

unuci:, avajjing co.,Dealers in Lots nnd liiinds,

tf CO'J Fort Stieet, ucnr KiiiR.

TEM:riioNn 007, P. O. Uox 321


lint tlutiiks to riiino s Culery Conipounil I

""v wuitiiiuiiiiii it.niii;



Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian

Sans SouciSeaside

Tho plensnntost, quietest,shadiest nml most porfectly ap-pointed sonsido rosort on thoIslands. It is only four milesfrom tho heart of tho city nndwithin onsy reach of the tramcars,which run every twonty minutesor oftonor. Elegantly furnisheddotnohed cottiiges or rooms aroobtainable on oasy terms. Thetublo is supoiior to that of nny oftho oitj hotels and nil tho modernconveniences nro provided.

Picnics and bathing parties canobtain extra accommodations bytelephoning in advanco.

Tho bathing facilitios of SansSouci nro suporior to thoso of nnyplncoon tho bench. 89-t- f


Our Stock ot Summer Goodsis nckiiowlodgcd by every-body to bo the finest on tlioHonolulu miirkot, nnd con-

sists of everything Usefulnml Ornamental. Our pricesaro moderate. Jewelry inspecial designs manufactur-ed to order on short notice.

JACOBSEN & PFEIFFER.P. O. Box 287 Fort Streot.



I nm now prepnred to Movo Furaiiuiin better Blmpo than any other espre.concern in thu city, ns I havo a WAOClnriro cnoiicli to inovo n wholo hcrsof i

of Furnituro nt ono lond.lmvo tho lutest PIANO MOV1NC.'AKA'l'US nud L'unrnntcn io mnvn

iliuos without HCrnlciiiiiL'. Io nnv nnrt. ntII... !... ftrt n r '. ."uiiy ior i inn n rustier nnddon't enro who ituows it; nm always tobo found at ray Stnud,

Cor. Nuuanu & King Streots,1'elcpliouo '215.

T CS"I move my Furnituro SO FASTUnit it ninkes ray competitors SWEATto even look nt mo.

Yours for Business only






This is the Medicine ThatMakes People Well!

down, lind no npprtilo nt all, wns very ncrvoun, liml no Klefi) niiilitor ilny; to nuiu it all



nf jne. I have rceoininundod the Compound to threo families already nml they aioiiiKinu my nun imiiiiu. nmi wouut Baujijitsi) ll lu ai.i. nviiu AJtiiHiirruiiiwu





SIo.ntkosk. Pa.. Seot. 25. 1804

can now eat and sleep nml work just asi ,n'ini:u i.hi ituiiima, j ,u(v uci'jfi iuo

YotirH u'siipcttiillv.MRS. AUG. DARItOW.



' .V

m, .:'&&. J&. ljiT ,;.! ' l'liV" '!

'i fSmbA


Importers of

While Iirolhcrs' Cement,

Corrugated Iron Roofing,

Galvanized Water Pipe

Paints and Oils.


C. cfc G. Fine Flour,

Hay, Grain, and Groceries,

Hardware and Culler,'Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Elo.


Oldest Furniture and Under-taking Establishment mHonolulu.

Tll. 179. :

Beaver Saloon,II. J. NOI..TE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALTj UOUItS.


Cigars and TobaccoAI.WAYS ON HAND.

The . . .

Hawaiian Electric


Tins ft largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring n specialty.

THEO. HOPPMANN,32-t- Manager.


Horizontal Slide Valvo En-giu- o

motlo by Honolulu IronWorks Co. iu 18S5. Boro ofCyliudor 13": Lenth of Stroke40": Crtnk Shaft on loft ofCylinder: Hand Revorsing Goor.Diaraotor of Fly-whe- el Sizoof Engine Bed 3 foot wide x 20ft.long.

For further particulars apply to

Theo. H. Davies'fe Co., Ltd.49 -t- f."

(511 Kikg St.

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, II. I.

Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Storo. my 13.

ltlc Draught Beer!

Ex " Micm-era,-"

The finest in tho luutl at



-- ARE







.IQood poundation

H.E.Walker,A front.

Merchant streot. 104



Page 7: ,JW KWKjcry VfTl I I I etuiCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves





. 4 vrr Tf V If ,-- v


j;viurriuiM:i) to tiii: viiiti:u.

A Letter Tlinl linn Traveled MerOconm mnl t'oiilliicutn.

On tlio first day of April Inst

Dr. C. I. Wood mailed a lotlornddrossod t. A. W. Illtt, M. D.,

Torraco Cottago. Lnndour, Muh-sooui- o,

North Western Presidency,India, and toduy it oamo buck tohim through tho local noutofllco,

bearing twouty-on- o dillbront post-

marks and several inscriptions.According to these tholettor roached its dostin-iitio- n

only to find that its ownorhnd moved to Hilaspur in anothorpresidency. It was forwarded tohim thore, but tho doctor had leftfor tho United Statos, leaving in-

structions to have his nviil forwardqd to the Foreign Mission inChicago. Tho letter duly followodhim thoro but ho hud not turnedup, which is shown by too f.ict ofits boiui! ndvoitlsed in liio Chi- -

cago papors. No one applying fortho lottcr it was returned to tinwritor at onco. If Dr. Wood hadnot taken tho precaution of hav-

ing his name and nddross printedon tho envelope, it would haveboon sent to tho doad lettor oflicoin Washington, oponed to find thenamo of tho writer and then roturned to him.

Dr. Wood should keep tholettor ; . travoled curiosity, forit twice tr s3ed tlio Pacific, At-

lantic, Meditorrant-a- and IndinuOceans, passod twico through thoSuez canal, and by rail twicoacross tho continents of Amoricaand Europe, besides Hoveral

thousand milos in India. Allof this wob dono in alittlo over six months, during onoor more of which it was lying intho Chicago oflico. Practically itshows tlio marvelous facilities fortho careful transmission of mailmatter now in voguo among thocivilized nations of tho world.

m m

Virtue or Nlcolliio.

From investigations at Groon-wio- h,

it oppcars that tho cholera-bacill- us

doos not liko smoko. Itsharos tho foolings, says tho Lon-

don Tolograph, of tho tribo ofcannibals who petitioned an ovau-gelic- al

society to sond some mis-

sionaries who woro mombors ofthe Anti-Tobac- co Society. Thoauthorities at tho workhouso,whore eholora recently broke Oiit,liavo discovorod thatnialo inmateswho had boon great smokorn, orwho had boon in tho habit ofallowing tobacco, passod unscath-ed through tho epulomic. Nearlyevory man was or had boon asmoker, and tho statistics showthat only omhty-thr- eo males wereattacked, us compared with ICOfomalos. It was found thnt whenn man was soizwl with the diseaseit took n very mild form. Sovernlold Irish women in tho workhouso,who smfkod before thoir admis-sion, and now, whon they couldmunngo it, had all escaped. Notono of them had boon attacked.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, woek or month. Torms: 25and 50 conts per night f 1, and$1.23 uor week.

Lndies on tho other Islands cando thoir shopping by post byapplying to L. 13. Kerr forsamples. They should enibracothis opportunity, and got a singloyard at wholosalo prices.

City Carriage Co.. J. S. And-rad- o,

manager. It you want ahack with good horso and ouro-- ftil drivor ring up iVlephono HI),

corner of Fort and Merclmulstreets, iinok at all hours.

Bicyolers aro likely to got cut,sorapod, sprained, bruised, orsome wuv hurt. No matter which,an application of ltodding'sRussia Salvo will take away thoHimirt and pain, and cure thotroublo in n hurry. Thousandsof whoolmon novor go on thoroad without it. Why shouldyon ' 25 conts buys it of any drug-gist. Handy box for your pockot.Hollister Dr-i- Co.. Acts.



,iiitU'H Cusli Store.

14.l UH I'ront St.,SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.

Tin: I3i:ht Tukatmiint koh Ciio-i.kii- a

Whon promptly mid pro-perly treated a recovery is almostcertain. This una fully demon-strated during the provalonco ofCholera in Now York in 18(5(i.

Go to hod as soon ns the firstsymptoms apponr, remain as quietas possiblo, and take Chnnibor-Iain'- s

Colic, Cholera and Diar-rhoea Uomedy in double dosoauntil tho min ceases, and thennftor onch operation of the bowelsinoro than natural. Sond for aphysician, but tako this romedyin this way until he arrives. Theromedy should bo kept at handrondy for instant use. It shouldbe taken within five minutes aftertho first symptoms anpoar. Cham-berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-rliiu- a

Uomedy is tho most success-ful medicine that hns yet boonproduced, not only r..r tho milderforms of bowel complaint, but for(lie 'nost virulent forms of AsinticCh..lT. Forsaloby BENSON,SMITH & CO. 11-1-- m

1 zk? C" ft

mm Iin lis e Iv i 3 2 2 y

lf 11 (ft


tfJflT-Estinint-es given on all

kinds of Stona, Bricl: end A onlwork. lirg si root. 17- tf

ILANIWAI BATHS.Tho popular Son9ido Resort for

lndios and children. Good ac-





225 Quoon streot, Honolulu, II. I.47-t- f


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Apprnisemont of RealEstato and Furniture.

nU lin

The SINGER Received

54 First Awards for Si:wjnoand Emiiuoiiikky Work

at tho Woild's Fair, Chicnuo, 111.,boing tho largest numbor of award,obtained by any Exhibitor, andmore than double the numbergivon to all other Sewing Ma-

chinesB. BnuoKimoN,

Agont.my31 tf Bothol 8t.. Honolulu.




Also Whito nnd 31nck Sandat tho vory lowest marketrates. Tolphono No. 414.

77 tf

H. HACKELD & CO.Uavo just rccoivod a now Supply of tho

Celebrated "Danish. Beer"Of tin- - following Briiids :

"Gold Label,""Mimic" and

"Export."Also, Just to hand a largo consignment of

Genuine Bavarian Hops!







Lincoln Block, King stroot.

Clias. Hustace









P--oO 1 3zc 1 n

2 p a o 2


s i

- --1u O H p 1B o 2 2. -


w ua s p 2 B""2.t-- ifB a oa at

o US On rg &. o01 a cW cm 2, 01 oS'gW SP. HH -1

oo c : s. 3CD 3o rt a fS

a F . O 03

--. ao M05 Z ts cro o

Tolophono 119.

BLOCK Honolulu, H. 1.

II. r. Walton05 . ( I I OI a

SO . S3W. r o 52. H cr

"I r S.c o acrc o

D C aa v3 2. S- - tr ws CO

S &. o ? Wa ms o "

aO Ulco


2 tr o Wd 5--

3U) --J


MIT 5" - "1 , I

03 a (3 O0 a 33

VT 03 r&B -to o 0 'A

D2 O C

H Q S! 1 Co O (9

II. I'. Vt'.w.Tov,.ManaociiI

p. 0. box in


1ST , Tllki-iiom- liRi. PAINT CO.

H. E. McINTYRE & BRO.,Hnnui amo diuui n

Groceries, - Provisions - and Feed.Hw ooU BeotlTtd by Brery Ptoket from the Ktam BUUi and orop.

ITBESH - OALIFOBNIA - PRODUCE BY - EVEBY - STEAUHR.All Ordtn hlthlallv attended to and Ooodi murtnd to any

Part of th. Olty KKB.lau 0uf Souootd. Satmmotioii QvAuimw





-- I I'or nlp


We have

If you will oxomiae our sto k of


URNISHINGS,You will ngroo thnt for

St3rle, QiJ.a,lit3r a-zx-d. Prices.

Stand UnequalledIn Honolulu. . .

ifSTOur Goods recoivod by vessels just from tho Coast aro artisticin tho minutest detail.


Telej)hono lJir5.



A lino of an 1 nncyIsland orders

LEWISTolophono 210.



No 74 King



Out) I,) it,,. -


ri: Jfi-- t Street.

the besT



grocsrios, as low as the lowost.solicited.

& CO.,1. 0. Bos 297


lioclvooiTi SolsSide BoardsDiiimf"; TablesUpholstered GoodsAtatti'osscs .Tjounnros

Chairs in Variety.

Honolulu, II, 1.

New Goods! New Goods! Now Goods I


All Delicacies in Our Line.

complete st.iplo




ix-- . jfat&mk. .Jfttwtmmxsm'j&txi'i . -






Page 8: ,JW KWKjcry VfTl I I I etuiCaptuin Crane of tho Myrtle Bo.it Club, Captain Thompson of tho Unknown Baseball Club, Arch. Smithies and T. Cummins aro likoly to distinguish themsolves

fs I




. T 'w



Tiir sri.3ii:n u..iiam. i'itnii.i:i: aiiii iiwvaii i'oici.

Steamer JamrOlnlirn lcinrl--Meinii- -

er.tlokolll Arrl rroinLminlOilier Wlinrl Jotllni: I oil ii)

The tmik Santiago I nt Hllo.

Tlie steamer" Keniiliou nud Kaala arc duo


Tlie ntcniiHT Kllnum lloii broiislil M hnul

of cattle from llnwitll Ctmly.The nclioonor ltrttlc Minor, In hnllat lor

Kureka fallril out thl afternoon

Tlie ahlp Marie Hapkfcli! I iiiiloadliH;

o er nt tlit? railway wharf.

Tin-- hiirk Vomit Queen li llulriieil i mil'i g

t'l t S S Ol input anil l how at Mi'litikmii.,

Tins steamer Kllau-- a Hon poei to Mi.

lliiniimii ami lllloncal lunula afit-noo- n.

The slninmlilu Kiiliulul Ironi ban lVaur-w-

with emeriti men hanilirr bu not it ttrrluilat the port of Kuliului.

Tho nchoouei Kittvuiluui whose

wis delayed until toilay, sailed thw after-

noon with n full load for Kooliui.

The steamer Moknlil arrleil In port tin

miming from the I.epi'i llleinent anil IjiurI

villi thuiiMinl iluk hiail "f cattle Sin .aon Mouila alUruotui lor all the pint on

Molokal, l,ilitiiui uiul l.niuil

The l'.ihala migai oil tin ! Hall n- - 1111

loadeil Into tin l.rk uilictr Web h tmla

Tlie Hutchinson plaatatlon mgar (l'KV b.n;

,,l No 1 ami ai bait ! N - wu" ,ftkl'" '"Uevunh doik warehouse to a ill tliu .irrhnlof tlie Auttrulhi

The stcann-- V (I Hall arrlid In poit fiom

leemrd llanall porta l"t eUMiln:: biingiui;44 cabin anil ileel. paeiiBer, flU'J l'E of

niar, '.W bast eollee ami SO bead of laltle.Cominaiider Minemou ripoite line weather

the whole ojar,e.

The Hnmakun "iiirirnu" the Ka Mol taunloadullnto tin- - blp 9 P llllehioek today

It will be about thin wiekiUforotlii lllteh-eoikna- ll.

a Captain (iatin ban d"lded to

wait for a full load before leavlni for the New

Vork refinery.

Tho U S a Bennington nrmod at Hilo

last Sunday afternoon ami wax giten tlie

freedom of tho harboi. The oflleeis and

Tews worn pi veil pcnuisulon to come ashore

mid tho bltiejiclceU aro now lunliij; a good

tiuia with the belles of the IUiuy City. Tho

lleuulngton will probably leno tho port for

Ktulukekun Hay iu a few days. '


Slmr Mokolll. from Molnkiland Iiu.ilSclir Molnlilne,KuaiMnl, from Koholalele,

Hawaii.Sinn (i 1U11, Slme.Kon. Ironi Maul and

llawejlStmr KeauLou, Thompson, from Hawaii

HKl'AHl'1 Kl""

Sclir Kit M li, Ma.ia, f r Knholalele.

Sclir Kawallanl, lot. for Knnlnit.

Am afh IlerlU Minor, Kaiii,Jor Kurcka.

i'.snnxoi:iH Ainiivni).

IVr ilmr V.--

f. Hall fmtn Ma.il and Hawaii

X I". !.' , fe an I ' liililiui, J A Mihr-le- n,

wife and - lnldi.ii, I U llup.il. V

llapal. Mif- - I. llapii. Mi F J Hapal, Mrs

lliukcj anil ilaul.i.r, Mr- - iliu and Sihll-iln- n.

Mia Uil mil hihi'.u, Ml Fleinlng,

.MjBtir V Ku - -m M it rn Deiha (J), and

10 nil ibikf.lVr aleari r Mi' nil from Molokal and

l.aual Ur II U Hiiilnock and 3 clilldon,mid tl dei l


Mikahala. rreim.m. I'M Xawlllwlll, Kuloa,

Kleele, Mukaueli, Wahnui, Kikaha and XII- -

liaii, . wil 1"', in p in.

Mokolll, Milin sr, lor Kiiunakakal, Kn--

niftlo, I'ukoo, ll.ilawa, Uallau, lVlekunu,

I.ahalin and I.an.il, Monday,

let II, at ft prnKll.iue.1 Him lui Olowalii, Maliiikonu, llo- -

iioinil, Kukalau, I.a iuhochoe, Ilakiilaii,

Hllo (mall onl TueMlay, Oit. IS, at 4 pin


I'a-- Mokolll 21X1 sheep.

Kk 'A' fi Hal' H"- -' ,""J, 6""ar, S'ii hax

rolleo, Wo .' '". so '"-'-

Kv Kllauia Ilou ftll Iliad bale

wool.i:..Molabnie-liH7b.igaiigar- for T. II

D. A. Co.

VJ" frtl-L- - IX l'OUT.

i,a :. ski..VJ8? Reniiliiutoii.l'ianuin.Maie Inland (Hilo;U83 Olympla, lleed, 8 F (I.aluhia)


(Coasti i not Ineluih d In llila lUt.)

Haw hk Andrew Weh h, Drew, S F

.tmlik Albert, (JillUths, S P.tiei lmrk.lCtil.1'1', I.nerpoolAiinliSl'HIUlieoek. Sr

m bk Matlld.i SMiii-on- , l'gt Miiind

AinbkC 1) llrjant. JiiloIimii, l.ajnan Inland(ivrshlp Mario Haekfeld, Walter., IliuiuciiAm hk Forest (liiun, Djieborg, I.ahaln.i.


Vfln-e- U Where fromA-- bk lMward Ma .... "'".Mn hk Amy Turner.... New Urk.llraihtilllard '

Am aehr Anna h I (hahiilnl).llrbkfil ol Ai! hildu. Newcastle...(iei hk .1 C I,llcuier.....llieliieli.....llrhk AldeigroM I.hurpool...,Haw hklil'HIthet ....wm fch Hubert l.eir...l't Sound.Am hthr Kit g C n Nowcistlc. . . .

derail II Ilaiklehl ,...NJJr bk Coryphene Newcastle....

t. . .ddkv Vi.j iiflrirr rfc


Due.. .Due. ..Duo

. ..Due. ..Due. . Due....Due...Due

Duo... DueOet 1ft

.Oil 1ft

. Oct 15

m rh llnhfrt Siarlrf Xfwetle. .Oct 15

m bk Simltioh Nrwea'tlc Ort ItV r bk iter nga NewiaUb (let V.i

mbktn8 S CaMlcH F Oct Mtin neb Win lliiwilen Newenitle Not 1

m liktn Annlla Kureka .Nut .111

Am bk HoIIUhooiI HoMoii Dec DO

Wilder's Steamsbip Go.

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, Prei. B. B. R08K, B.

Onpi.,1. A. JUNO, Port Bupt.

Stmr. KINATJtCUMB. Ooi lT,

WW Imt Uonololn at 2 r. m.. toaohlnR atLahalna, Haalaea Day and Makana theearae day; Mahaiona, Kawalhae and

the following day, arrlTlng atHllo the aama eranlnc.


Tuesday .'lot ) Tmsdey.... Oct. 15Friday. . v ' " ' I"'!""'. .. fW.25Tuesday Nov. 1!) TueBilay Nov. fi

Friday Nov. 15) Friday Nov. 15Tuesday I'm-- . 0 1 ' uay . Nov. 1!"

Friday Dm- - "n ' . . Hw, 'ITiififav Die. '7Friday. . . .Dec. 27

Kotimuuii, will .ir.t olio at 1 o'clockr. ., touching nt. lu pahoehoe, Mah'i-knu- a

and Kawa'.liae aamaday; Makuni.,Maalaea Kay arvl Mbalna the followln;!tay arriving at Hniioluln the afternoonaof TiiPBda) a and Friday a

BST- - o Freight will b recalvad afterU noon on day of tailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,OMtEHOK. ConuMniar,

Will leava Honolnln Toeadajs at 5 r. m..WaicuinK at Krhulai. JIhd, Hamon andKip- 'iqiq, Maul. lletarnhiK arrlvea utHon. nm tuomlnf;a

Will cMl nt Nun, Khopo, on second tripat oncb month.

CT" No Freight will ba received afterr. k. on aay of saUlnR.

This Company will roerves the riphttomake cnnne.e in tho lluieof departuie andarrival of Its stoaniers wit hem notice andIt v.1 I not be rtaontitlu for any cine--

naniiai nrt.Itin li r t O t rdHlI'onslv'ntes iiiiiut be at tlie Landings to

receive their Freight; this Comjiany willnbtli .Id lifH resjKJiuible for freight alterjt hai been lai'deci.

Llic tinlv at owner's risk.Tlil on. puny will not be responsible for

Hrn-t- cr alunbl'of passengers unlesspiiu i In ihe carf of I'uryen.

Piinan; era are ri'nuested to parchaseliehtrii b fore nibatking Those failing todo to . 11 be subject to an additionaljharjee at twenty-liv- e r cent.




Arrive Honolulu l.invo Honolulut.Wlll

..... u . l?A . for S. F.Sept. ISO Oct. 2Oct. 21 Oct.27Nov. 15 Nov. 20

THROUGH LINEFrom Snu Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. Sun Fimicisco.

.lrriif Ifunolulu. l.eme Ilunuluhi.

Alnmedn ..Oct. 21 3Iiiriiioan. . Oct. 17

ASK YOUJt G ROC EllFoil Fathst Excr.LLr.NT Flodii.HiuhoHt Kmdo Flour on tho market.Cost tho Hiimo as all other urbt-clas- s


Central YEeat VIarl;et;

Lou's lluililniR, Nuuuiiu St.A 1'IltST CLASS M.irkot iu every

aspect.Ordcrn ilelivurod promptly to all purls of

ho city.WISTllIiOOK & C, 1!ES

1'ropin.tors.M7 Telephone 1M.

Slav 20-t- f.

The SINGER Received

54 First Awni ds fir Hkwjsu JIa-CHIN-

lind EMIlltOIIlUltY Wohkat tho World'H Fnir, Clucuo, 111.,being tho largest nunilior ni'nw i id,obtiinod by any I'xliibitur nndmoro than doii'Io tho niimborgivon to all oihor tiewiiig Ma- -

chinosB. IlUlIlilltSoH.

Afont.my 31 tf Iiothol st., FIoiKilulu.




Also White nnd Black Sandnt the very lowest marketrates. Tolphonu Xu. 4M.

Canadian-Australia- n

StonmiTB of tho nbovo IjIiip ruiitiiiiff in connection with tlio

PACIFICBetween Vancouver, li. 0., ntnl Sydney, N. S. V., mid callintr nt Victoria, U. 0.,

Honolulu and Suvn (Fiji),

uauisB nzTJE ufrr nonsroXjivrjijTrOn or iitnml Uio dnles below stnted, viz.:

Sydney nnil Hua, fur Vleturln anil from Vlrtnrln ntnl Vnnromer, It. C InVniiciiiner. II. t'.i

Stmi "Warrimoo" . . .October 2

Tlmnifrli Tiflct'ts ImsiumI from lloiiiiltilu to Ciiiiudii,United Stittt'S nnil Huropu.

ritr.iaiiT anij I'Ahicniikii aoesth:D. SIoN'icom., Jlontrenl, Cnnndn,

Houbht Kwtn, WiimipeK, Cnnndn.31. 31. STr.itN, Sun Fnuieico, (Jul.

O. Alrlj. Diiow.v, Vmieotiver, II. V.




Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tho New nnd Fiuo Al Steel Steamship

"Mariposa"Of the Ooennio StenniMiip Coinpntiy willbo duo nt Honolulu from by dney nndAucklmid on or nlxmt

Octo"ber 17th,And ill lenve for the iilxivo port with3Iiuls nnd rnsseiiKers on or nijout tlmtdnte.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New nnd Fine Al Steel Steamship

"Alameda"Of tho Ocennie Stenmship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from San Frnnciscoon or nbout

Octo"ber 24,And will hae prompt despatch with3IniU and VnsHejiKeru for tho nluivo portH.

The uudersiKiied nro now preparedto issuo

Tliroiijrh Tickets tt All Pointsin tho Vnitcil States.

KT'ror further particulars reKnidincFreinht or IWiiae apply to

Vm. G. IRWIN &G0., L'd,General Agents.

nsTaiiusunn in 1S58.


Jli.nohilu, llnunliau Ulan.!..

Tnm-iie- t n nemm Uaiikini? nud T.x'clmne.0 IJusiness. Jjians ninilo on appioed

H lw dlM" iiutcd, CoiiiinciciiilcrcilitH yranluil. l)ipuits iccilod on rnr-rin- t

ncrouut hiilijcet to el ml;.I of creilit Kmud on tho jirincip.ilcities of tliu wnilil.

AhuiIs of Tho Liverpool, Lonilou andGljbe Insiiiiimu Company.


Short Talks.

to havi: iiom:owi:n say s:i,ooo,I from tlio 1'. 11. A: 'h. Assuciutioii, at

Ihcir last iiitiuu. would hao toil ouS:t7..ri(l mt niinilli, foi hny, 10 years, u totalof Sl.fioO- - :i,0K) win n your inortRnKo wouldlio caiiLL-lloil-

. I,.rit)0i.l.ri00 inti'ii-h- t hi 10

years, or Sl.ri0 inUreht in 1 year, j.i."d3pinuutou $3,000.

( :;o to ti :io . m.OllllIur: J4 ,oS ,. Mi

Chamber ol Commerce lloouis,A. V. GJSAR,

79-t- f Socretnry.



noxt to Lucns' ilill

Ships' Blacksmithing

Carriage Building

and Repairing

Drays, Carts and

Wagon Building






Steamship Line


Sutn unit SjilneytHlmr "Jliowern". .Kept.

t3J For Freiulit nnd Piishuko mid nilOeiicrnl liifonniition, apply lo


A Kent h lor mo iinwnuiin isinnus.

hik Mail fai-- AND TIIK- -

Occidental & Oriental Steamsliip Co.


StenmerH of Uio iiIkixo ComnnnicH illcnll nt Honolulu on their wuv to the''1m.,v I,ort ou or nUmt ll' f'llwiipdntes:

Stmr Cliinn .Oct. 29, 1895Stmr Coiitio Nov. .H, 181)5

Stmr City of Peking. . ..Dec. 28, lb95

For SAN FEANCISC0:Steamers of the alio o Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong nnd Yokohama lo the alioveimrt ou or nliout thu lolloiu; dates:

Stmr Coptic Nov. C, 1895Stmr City of PehitiK. . . Dec. 0, 1895Stmr Coptic .Inn. J5, 1R90Stmr China Feb. 2i, 1890

lifilGS 0! rSSSSgS 318 uS iCllDWS'.


Cabin S150.1X) S1V0.00Cnbm, round trip, i

mouths .:25.0O 202.50Cabin, round trip. 12

months 202 ) 810.25KuropemiSteornjie 85.00 100.00'

CSyl'netiKPrH puyms full faro will boallowed lOiieieent oil' leturii faro if ro- - '

turniiif,' within twelvo months.

C2TFor Freight and l'assafio apply to


tt Agents.

C'jnsol dale! Sola Water Co., Lt

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.

KOLLISTER & CO.,A(,'ents.

J .1 Si u.i in, J, itl Chl.EY, I



Honolulu. II. I.Sitm,ivn & IlvcKt.r.v, JIiurir'rB.

FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGESiu t ho City. ilh Competent nnd Care-

ful Drhois.

JSS 'Tourists nnd others desirous of view-i- n

tho most desirable p lints of inter-est in and about the City will do

well to secure 0110 of ourCarriages.

GENTLE SADDLE HOUSES,For Ladies or Gentlemen, always on


Stand at the Pantheon Stables.Corner of Foit nud Hotel Streets.


Ilnw'i. Hotel Stables, 32.l'antlieou Stables, ill" Fiuduon Stables, 118.


fc0l KIr,G5Tn.'i-- u



K ridaySaturday


FORMER PRICES "!!? cc',ts "w 3r cc"18



Dotted JS-wisss- j

EORiAlICR PRICIDSforgot tliejlays,





.40 cents now 2f cents.y.r) " " 20 ".25 " " lfiH ". l (ifi 10

i .50 cents now ;$5 centst .115 " " 20 "






Sat-u.rd.a3- r,


R00TBEERTliiH gront honio-inml- o drink is ns hcnlthful ns it is plenfi-m- t.It is good till the time; good for tho children; good for

tho grown-u- p folks; good for ovoiybod- y- harmful to none.It keeps tho blood jmre nnd cool, strengthens tho system nndcounteracts tlio effects of tho hent. It is nbbolutoly freo fiomn siuglo intoxicating property nnd is everywhere recognized as

A Temperance DrinkFor Tempnncj P eople.


aio pour srm:i:r.

1And bo can you in-

side, outsido nndnil tho wny throughby drinking

11 td

Forgot tlie

exscan Caoar 7V

A package of UireV Uoolbeer extract will innko live uul-'i'- i.

.1: 1: . 1.. 11..., . .ixiiii uiireminh uiu hiiblllipio Will IlliyoUC Cllll 1IIIIKO 1110delicious, bpiirklinir, eilorvescent bovernyo without

troublo or expense. Ask your storekeeper for it, mndo onlyby Tho Charles E. Hire, Co., Philadelphia, U. S. A.

" Wo have used your llootUer for tho last threojinis nnd think tbeio isnothiiiR equals it. Mi.s.N. bn ki.l, Ti'.IS Xoithtmipton stieet, Huston, Mass."

' I have Ikioii nMiif; Jour Itnutliuer lor three yeais, ami hnvo i.'Coiuiiienikdit to many of uiv friends. 1 h.,e 11K0 beu milch pleai-e- with it. It is re-freshing nourishing, in fact vouls aio ituiileiiiiato tnoxpress its worth. Xlns.S.Hkaun, State htrvut, between Contain.e, New Oilo.nn, L. A., U.S. A."


Iloniiox Dni'o Company, AVholesnlo Druggist.Bkssox, Smith &. Company, " 'IIou.ihTKii Dituo Company, "Li'.v.is & Company, Groc

gaxJSgacSSiaea Jgl

wmn sMoxmcIDo 3N"t


This is an espccialbrniul imported only by us. It is positivelythe best Cigar in tho city for tho money.

Imported and for sale by