justin ayars insights profile - motivating director

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My Insights Profile, which describes me as a Motivating Director in my leadership and personality styles.


Page 1: Justin Ayars Insights Profile - Motivating Director

Justin Ayars

03 June 2014

Foundation ChapterManagement Chapter

Page 2: Justin Ayars Insights Profile - Motivating Director

Justin Ayars

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 2

Personal Details

Justin Ayars

Richmond Business Alliance

Date Completed: 03 June 2014

Date Printed: 04 June 2014

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Justin Ayars

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 3Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.

ContentsIntroduction............................................................................................................... 4

Overview .................................................................................................................. 5Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5

Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5

Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6

Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8

Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9

Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10

Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11

Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12

Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13

Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15

Management .......................................................................................................... 16Creating the Ideal Environment .................................................................................................... 16

Managing Justin ........................................................................................................................... 17

Motivating Justin........................................................................................................................... 18

Management Style ................................................................................................. 19

The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 20

The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 21

Page 4: Justin Ayars Insights Profile - Motivating Director

Justin Ayars

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 4

IntroductionThis Insights Discovery profile is based on Justin Ayars’s responses to the Insights PreferenceEvaluator which was completed on 03 June 2014.

The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocratesidentified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built aroundthe model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This modelwas published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings.Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work inunderstanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to thepresent day.

Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understandingand development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths andweaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help themto better respond to the demands of their environment.

Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. Itreports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or deleteany statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identifywhether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.

Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and takeaction. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them onareas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personallyand interpersonally.

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Justin Ayars

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OverviewThese statements provide a broad understanding of Justin’s work style. Use this section to gain abetter understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.

Personal Style

Justin enjoys work that involves moving projects forward. Both for himself and others, fun,relaxation and free time are scheduled and prioritised events. He can be quite inventive andsomewhat ruthless when something or someone is obstructing him. He is seen as a powerfulleader as he is able to think on his feet. To manage his tensions, he needs to be constantly incontrol and get things done without wasting time. People with whom Justin works are aware ofhis excellent organisational qualities and commercial aptitude.

Both alert and outspoken, Justin can see the fatal flaw in a proposal or position but will oftenargue (and often enjoys arguing) on either side of an issue from a position of “devils advocate”.He is usually less interested in new principles and theories than new projects and processes. Athis best, he is responsible, industrious, decisive and energetic. He likes to have control of mostsituations and can speak out clearly and forcibly when he sees the need to do so. Gifted withclarity of thought and articulation, Justin is an excellent communicator and presenter.

Justin is seen by others as pragmatic, dependable and able to get things done. He is aggressive,competitive, ambitious and seeks to win. He feels more secure when he can control a situationby ensuring other people conform to his thinking. In developing the success of his “vision” hemay unconsciously tend to compare himself with the success of others, disassociating himselffrom the envy that this process may generate. At work he often makes significantly more startsthan finishes and he may need someone else to follow through with the details.

Hard work, busy schedules and merit-based remuneration are hallmarks of the way Justinprefers to work. When he allows feelings to go ignored or unexpressed, he can eventuallyoverreact emotionally to difficult interpersonal challenges. With his keen analytical abilities andgood strategic thinking, Justin can almost always find the rationale for the things that he wants todo. Justin is a pragmatic individual who can be as tough as the situation warrants. Details andthe deeper interpersonal skills are not his strong points as he is mainly interested in seeing thepossibilities beyond the present.

Tasks that involve practical day-to-day maintenance tend to frustrate him. He resists beinglabelled by others and is engaged in a never-ending search for self-knowledge and self-identity.Sociability, combined with a solid work ethic can result in the setting of high performancestandards in both himself and the others who work or interact with him. He focuses on truth,accuracy and productivity, but this can be seen by others as a rather one-sided commitment tohis work. Justin likes working where he can achieve immediate, visible and tangible results.

Interacting with Others

Justin likes to be valued for his directness and strength in relationships. As he takes a rationalapproach to life, he may be seen as tough, blunt, impatient and insensitive to the needs andfeelings of others. He may need to work at taking the feelings of others into account and to learnto express his appreciation of others more readily. Justin is alert to changing situations and will

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Justin Ayars

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2014. All rights reserved. Page 6

act quickly to get results, giving direction or instructions to others as he thinks is necessary.Justin can turn his talents to many jobs, but finds more satisfaction from work that allows him touse his creativity and interpersonal skills.

His communication style is honest, direct and to the point and he prefers others to be similarlycandid with him. He may sometimes present himself as an “expert”, fully knowledgeable on asubject and eager to educate others about it. This can sometimes prove embarrassing whenchallenged by a more qualified expert. Bringing enthusiasm and energy to most activities, he canturn a dull managerial task into a game by using his persuasiveness and creativity to maintainthe interest and commitment of others. He might confess to being puzzled by others' perceptionof him as rigid and intractable. This perception may result from his tendency to express hisindependent views rather directly. Although Justin may protest about the pressure of attendingfamily events, it would seldom occur to him not to be present, as these occasions are importantto him.

Justin's work style is down-to-earth, assertive and persuasive. Being respected by his peers is ofgreater importance to Justin than being liked. Very much a positive team player, he enjoys thesupport of most people, although he may become too optimistic about what others will produceand is let down occasionally as a consequence. His outgoing nature may lead him to misinterpretthe significance of some issues. Sometimes seen as blunt and forthright, he may tread on otherpeople's toes without knowing it.

Decision Making

Justin tends to be seen as strong, analytical and impersonal. Good at organising, decisive, quick,logical and strong in reasoning power, he values truth in the form of fact, formula, method andjudgement. He enjoys the executive role and usually rises to challenges although he needssomeone around with enough common sense to bring up overlooked facts and take care ofimportant details. Owing to his desire to move on to the next challenge or toward the larger goal,he often makes decisions too hastily. Impatient with what he may see as inefficiency andincompetence, he can take tough decisions when the situation calls for it. He is a good, practicaljudge of character, and tends to use intuition where both people and decisions are concerned.

Justin is seen by many as a natural leader and decision maker. Justin enjoys making decisions.He likes to be in control of things and values efficient and effective decision making. He prefersaction to conversation and enjoys dealing with difficult situations the moment they arise. Justin'smany accomplishments are achieved mainly through determination and perseverance inreaching or exceeding his high standards. With his enthusiasm and spontaneity, Justin brings arefreshing approach to decision making.

He is more interested in the future consequences of his actions than in the present condition ofpeople or projects. Justin's tendency to think “out loud” enables others to follow his line ofthinking. In practising active and long-range thinking and planning, he is logical, analytical,objectively critical and prefers to be convinced by reason. He likes to convert everything intopossibilities, ideas, plans and schemes and his initiative and imagination leads him to start manynew projects which he may not always complete. Justin is self-reliant and is not frightened totake “the path of maximum resistance” in his efforts to produce the best results.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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Key Strengths & WeaknessesStrengthsThis section identifies the key strengths which Justin brings to the organisation. Justin hasabilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of thefundamental gifts he has to offer.

Justin’s key strengths:

● Has a well developed sense of urgency.

● Sees innovation as a necessity.

● Enjoys a challenge.

● Assertive, strong communicator who thinks on his feet.

● Will look for the good in people and events.

● Ability to communicate his vision to others.

● Dynamic negotiator.

● Outgoing and direct.

● Resourceful.

● Boundless energy, capable of adopting a number of roles simultaneously.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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Key Strengths & WeaknessesPossible WeaknessesJung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weaknessis simply an overused strength. Justin's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areasas possible weaknesses.

Justin’s possible weaknesses:

● Should avoid china shops.

● May not dot all the “i”s and cross all the “t”s.

● Dislikes and avoids routine tasks.

● “Tells” rather than “asks”.

● Dislikes and rebuts personal criticism.

● Doesn't always consider the fuller implications of his actions.

● May ignore the practicalities.

● Gets so involved may ignore his own and others needs.

● His need for variety may leave some tasks incomplete.

● Fears dropping his guard.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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Value to the TeamEach person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in whichthey operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Justin brings,and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.

As a team member, Justin:

● Keeps others on track.

● Is opportunistic, original, spontaneous and versatile.

● Breaks down barriers to completion.

● Will show loyalty and directness to other team members.

● Contributes vigorously and enthusiastically.

● Can perform several roles at once.

● Encourages others to compete.

● Demonstrates leadership and involvement.

● Is a creative problem-solver.

● Can focus equally upon “task” and “process”.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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CommunicationEffective CommunicationsCommunication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For eachperson certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifiessome of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Justin. Identify themost important statements and make them available to colleagues.

Strategies for communicating with Justin:

● Be sure he sees evidence of your support.

● Present an overview of the essence of the important facts.

● Keep up with his pace.

● Seek his opinions and ideas before imposing yours.

● Allow him time to consider all the information.

● Provide incentives and encouragement.

● Be realistic while offering possibilities and solutions.

● Match his pace in presenting to him.

● Be straightforward, fast, efficient and to the point.

● Bring proof and evidence of performance.

● Let him decide on the way forward.

● Allow him to review the agenda.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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CommunicationBarriers to Effective CommunicationCertain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Justin. Some of the things to beavoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective andmutually acceptable communication strategies.

When communicating with Justin, DO NOT:

● Show disagreement with or disrespect for his principles.

● Be vague or imprecise.

● Speak too slowly or hesitantly.

● Try to hoodwink or mislead.

● Bore him with the routine or details.

● Underestimate his abilities to decide for himself.

● Tell him what to do or how to do it.

● Undermine his authority.

● Be dull, dour or redundant.

● Procrastinate, prevaricate or interrupt him.

● Try to manipulate him towards your viewpoint.

● Appear timid or ineffective.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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Possible Blind SpotsOur perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who weare onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our lessconscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “BlindSpots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test themfor validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.

Justin’s possible Blind Spots:

Justin needs to work toward making commitments to fewer projects so he completes more of theones he begins. As a logical and impersonal analyst, he doesn't always consider the impact ofhis decisions on others. As a forthright, results oriented individual, he will challenge authority,take risks, overstep boundaries and act without reference.

He may exert pressure on others to do the “right thing” from a moral standpoint - but the “rightthing” comes from his perception. He may appear aggressive and too strong willed at times. Hehas a short fuse and when pushed may become loud, rigid and domineering, bringing a highlevel of stress to the team or his peers. He may rely on personal forcefulness and, if necessary,intimidation to achieve his aims. He may not wish to hear the objections of others because, tohim, his own position usually seems unquestionable.

He may have to give up some of the control he constantly seeks and, rather than seeing thingsonly in black and white, learn to see the grey areas in life and become more adaptable. He tendsto dismiss views of others which differ widely from his own. Attempting to be more flexible andopen-minded will help prevent Justin from becoming too rigid. While appreciative of good work,critical glances may reveal Justin's impatience with errors or poorer quality output. His preferencefor living in the moment and adopting an “emergency” style of responding to crises can generatea rather chaotic environment for others around him.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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Opposite TypeThe description in this section is based on Justin's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often,we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are differentto our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personalgrowth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.

Recognising your Opposite Type:

Justin’s opposite Insights type is the Supporter, Jung’s “Introverted Feeling” type.

Supporters are affable, amiable, steady, loyal individuals who get on well with others. They builda close relationship with a small group of associates in the work environment. Justin will see theSupporter’s efforts being directed at retaining the familiar and predictable. Supporters look forconstant appreciation from others and may be slow to adapt to change. They will often go the“extra mile” to help someone they consider as a friend.

Justin may suspect the Supporter requires assistance in eliminating the old and embracing thenew. Supporters are cautious, conventional, diplomatic and sincere and may avoid decisionmaking until many of the facts and details are available to them. The Supporter is intent onmaintaining a low profile. In order to perform well, the Supporter needs specific and detailedinstructions before starting a job.

Justin will experience frustration when the Supporter, if challenged, becomes stubborn anddefiant. Supporters are easy going and low key people and like to feel needed and significant inother peoples’ lives. Even if a mistake has been made by someone else the Supporter mayspend a lot of time sympathising and attempting to diffuse responsibility. Disagreements oropposing views can be stressful to Supporters. If the conflict in the workplace becomes too greatthey may become restless and uneasy, often withdrawing to avoid further conflict.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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Opposite TypeCommunication with Justin's Opposite TypeWritten specifically for Justin, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effectiveinteraction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel.

Justin Ayars: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:

● Praise his contribution before finding fault.

● Appreciate his ability to amass a wide range of information.

● Deal with “here and now” projects.

● Take the time to get to know him well.

● Allow him to explain the logic behind his views.

● Deal with him privately and on a one-to-one basis when appropriate.

Justin Ayars: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:

● Assume that because you have “told it like it is”, this will make the slightest difference to theway that he does things.

● Implement change for change's sake.

● Substitute rhetoric for accuracy.

● Delegate tasks without reasonable and sufficient explanation.

● Assume his pauses imply lack of interest.

● Question his loyalties or genuine interest.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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Suggestions for DevelopmentInsights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.However, listed below are some suggestions for Justin’s development. Identify the mostimportant areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into apersonal development plan.

Justin may benefit from:

● Making a special effort to show appreciation and to acknowledge others contributions.

● Reflecting on just how considerate some others think he is.

● Appearing more sensitive to others feelings.

● Accepting rather than rejecting negative feedback.

● Reducing the level of activities in his life.

● Trying to finish one thing completely before moving to the next.

● Controlling his occasional moments of anger.

● Experiencing from the past and focusing on the present.

● Avoiding driving others as hard as he drives himself.

● Reflecting for a moment before responding.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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ManagementCreating the Ideal EnvironmentPeople are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits theirpreferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not. Thissection should be used to ensure a close match between Justin’s ideal environment and hiscurrent one and to identify any possible frustrations.

Justin’s Ideal Environment is one in which:

● There is ample opportunity to express ideas.

● Ideas can be practically applied.

● There is little “traffic” or social interaction.

● There are clearly defined objectives.

● No one stands on ceremony.

● His organisational skills are used to the full.

● He is able to constantly develop and extend his skills.

● Direct and forthright communication is welcomed.

● Rules and regulations have not yet been invented!

● Activities, variety and change are constantly taking place.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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ManagementManaging JustinThis section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Justin. Some of theseneeds can be met by Justin himself and some may be met by his colleagues or management. Gothrough this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to build a personalmanagement plan.

Justin needs:

● People he can call on for support where necessary.

● Several projects on the go simultaneously.

● Objective, direct and honest feedback - stand well back!

● The ability to define at least some of the rules.

● To control the pace and deadlines.

● To be noticed.

● To be reminded of what he has not yet done.

● To be allowed to set limits to aid self protection.

● Compliments on his appearance, grooming and “style”.

● To be brought down to earth every now and again.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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ManagementMotivating JustinIt has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the environmentin which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can help to providemotivation for Justin. With his agreement, build the most important ones into his PerformanceManagement System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation.

Justin is motivated by:

● Setting stretching goals for himself and others to achieve.

● Flattery, praise, popularity and visibility.

● Merit based remuneration - reward through success.

● Regular breaks from routine.

● Participation in lively arguments, debate and discussions.

● Being consulted, and having his views implemented.

● The possibility of winning against the odds.

● A relentless drive to competency and effectiveness.

● Seeing the results of his efforts.

● Status, influence and prestige.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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Management StyleThere are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situationalapplications. This section identifies Justin’s natural management approach and offers clues to hismanagement style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be further explored.

In managing others, Justin may tend to:

● Appear to project the blame onto others when things go wrong.

● Prompt people who naturally work at a slower pace.

● Place responsibility elsewhere if failure occurs.

● Confront people who are not pulling their weight.

● Become very defensive if his competence is questioned.

● Expect others to work as hard as he does.

● Take on too much and over extend himself.

● Get frustrated with those who do not share or cannot see his vision.

● Delegate administration and concentrate on outcomes.

● Seek to boost team performance through exceptional personal input.

Personal Notes

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Justin Ayars

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The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel

Conscious Wheel Position43: Motivating Director (Accommodating)

Less Conscious Wheel Position3: Motivating Director (Focused)

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Justin Ayars

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The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics

Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious)





3.20 2.00 4.60 4.6453% 33% 77% 77%











1.40 1.36 2.80 4.0023% 23% 47% 67%


Less Conscious

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