justification of the torah

Zekeniam Y’Isra’EL Sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of reconciliation) by whom we have now received the ( Atonement) reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration [ehyeh asher ehyeh] ( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be). א ב: הֶ יְ הֶ ר אֶ שֲ ה אֶ יְ הֶ אI AM הֶ יְ הֶ אMy Memorial for generation after generation.”

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Page 1: Justification of the Torah

Zekeniam Y’Isra’EL

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

[ehyeh asher ehyeh]

( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).

ב א

אהיה אשר אהיה :


אהיה My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Page 2: Justification of the Torah

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,


"And YHWH said to mosheh , 'I am that which I am. [ehyeh asher ehyeh]' and he

said, 'so you will say to the sons of Y’isra’EL, "I am [ehyeh] has sent me to you."

'and YHWH said further to mosheh, 'now you are to say to the sons of Y’isra’EL,

"YHWH, elohey of your fathers Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Yaa’qob [Jacob],

has sent me to you. this is my name forever, and this is my memorial for

generation to generation." ' "Shemoth 6:3," 'and I appeared to Abraham, to

Yitzchak, and to Yaa’qob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name, YHWH,

was not well known (famous) to them.

YHWH, ELohey Tsebaoth, is his name.

The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Rhomaios 2.12-13

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All those who are without Law are sinners; and without the Law they're destroying

themselves. But those who are under Law and who still sin are judged by the Law.


Those who just listen to the Law aren't righteous before YHWH (Yahuah);

Only those who obey the Law will be called righteous.

Written in their hearts,

Rhomaios 2.14-16

Whenever people of the nations who don't have the Law naturally obey things in the Law,

they not only have the Law,

they are the Law!


When they obey the Law,

They show that it's written in their hearts, and it works with their consciences

there and examines their thoughts.

Then it will either accuse them or defend them in the Day when The YHWH (Yahuah) judges

the hidden things of men by this good news that I'm preaching (through the HaMashiyach

Yahu(ah)shua ).

“Written on their hearts”: an allusion to

Deut. 11:18

Therefore shall you lay up these My Devarim in your lev and in your nefesh, and bind them

for a ot (sign) upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.:

Yirmiyahu 31:33.

'This is my Sacred Agreement, which I'll arrange with Y’Isra’El in those days,' says

Jehovah: 'I will write My Laws in their minds and their hearts. Then they'll be My people

and I'll be their YHWH (Yahuah). There's no way they will teach their neighbors and

brothers, and tell them they must know YHWH (Yahuah)! For, all will know Me from the

small to the great, and I'll deal kindly toward their errors and sins… no way will I

remember [their sins] anymore.'

How do we justify the teachings from YHWH (Yahuah) and not man

1 Yochanan 2: 27

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I realize that you don't need anyone to be teaching you, since the anointing that you

received from him is still in you. His anointing is teaching you about everything… it's true

and it doesn't lie. So, just as it taught you, remain in him.

Which brings us to the Definition of a Jew/Y’Isra’elite

being a Jew is something that can't be seen, and [true] circumcision isn't something that

can be seen in the flesh. Rather, it's something that's inside the hidden Jew. Because,

circumcision is in the Ruakh of the heart, not from something that's written… it's not there

to be praised by men, but by The YHWH ( Yahuah)!

'So, a Jew/Y’isra’Elite isn't what you are on the outside, nor is circumcision something

that's outside on the flesh.'

In other words, the faithful Gentiles had become 'spiritual Jews,' or the symbolic 'twelve

tribes of Y’IsraEl.' So, it was to this 'new nation' that all the promises and Sacred

Agreements apply

Rhomaios 2.17-24

Now, if you are called a Jew and you're resting on the Law and taking pride in your

YHWH (Yahuah); and if you understand His Will and all the excellent instructions of the

Law; and if you think that you're a guide to the blind and a light for those who are in


(Someone who can instruct the unreasonable and teach babies);

and if you fully grasp the knowledge and truth in the Law;


do you, [the one] who teaches others, also teach yourselves?

And you who preach Do not steal… do you steal?

And you who teach

Do not commit adultery… do you commit adultery?

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And you who are disgusted with idols… do you take things from [their] temples?

And you who take pride in [YHWH (Yahuah)'s] Law… do you dishonor YHWH (Yahuah) by

breaking the Law?

For it is written:

'YHWH (Yahuah)'s Name is being blasphemed among the nations on account of you


Loukas 6:46

And why call ye me, Master, Master, and do not the things which I say?

Bayit upon a rock:

The second letter of all creation is beyth, the rock being the first Aleph

Mattiyahu 7:24-28

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him to a

wise man, which built his Bayit upon a rock:And the rain descended, and the floods came,

and the winds blew, and beat upon that bayit; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a

rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened

to a foolish man, which built his bayit upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the

floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that bayit; and it fell: and great was the

fall of it.

And it came to pass, when Yahu(ah)shua (יהושע) had ended these sayings, the people were

astonished at his teaching:

Yochanan 3:36,

So he who believes in the Son will have age-long life; but those who disobey him won't see

life, for the wrath of YHWH remains upon them.'

age-long life, means everlasting life.

Jas. 2:17-24

So, faith that doesn't do anything is dead! Now, someone can say, 'though you may do good

deeds, I have [more] faith!' But you show me your faith without good deeds and I'll show

you my faith by the good things that I do. So, you have faith that there's just one YHWH

(Yahuah), do you? That's good… but so do the demons! They believe and it frightens them!

Do you care to know, O empty man, that faith that doesn't do anything is useless? Wasn't

our father Abraham called righteous because of the things he did, such as when he offered

up his son Isaac on the altar? You can see that his faith worked along with the things that

he did, and [his] actions were what made his faith perfect. So, the scripture was fulfilled

that says, 'Abraham put faith in YHWH (Yahuah), which was considered to be

righteousness,' and he was called 'YHWH (Yahuah)'s friend.'

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So you see, a man is called righteous by the things he does, not just by his faith.

I.e., if there is no outward result of your belief, how is there any proof that it is genuine?

YHWH is one: the foundation principle of Y’Isra’Elites faith, as mentioned by Paul in

Romans 3:29-30,

Or is He the Elohim only of the Jews and not of the Gentiles also? No, He is the Elohim of

Gentiles also,

If Gentiles must become Jewish in order to belong to Elohim--which would be the case if

right standing with YHWH could be based only on Torah-observance -- then YHWH is only

a local deity like all the rest, and not the Elohim of anyone anywhere in the world who

trusts in Him.

since it is one and the same Elohim Who will justify the circumcised (through faith) and the

uncircumcised (also through faith).

Compare Deut. 10:16,

So circumcise [off] the excess fleshiness that hangs over your heart, and don't be stiff-

necked any longer!

With every word we cut into it, the stone that encompasses our hearts is weakened and

eventually this second set of "slabs" will be broken as well as our hearts are "circumcised",

so that the raw sensitivity of our hearts is exposed and He can carve His commandments

into it, and it will scar so that we never forget them, for they will call to us constantly. We

need to experience the pain together so we can see the truth together. A stiff neck (caused by

stubbornness or anxiety) does not allow us to look upward for direction or to the left or

right at how our actions affect those around us. This was the real point that His custom of

circumcision was to teach them. Circumcision, removing the fat from around our hearts,

and bowing our necks are all pictures of the same concept. There is actually a bone in the

neck which is called the "lux" which, if fused or missing, prevents one from bowing his head

or turning his face around (repenting). This bone is usually found in ancient tombs even if

the rest of the body has decomposed, so it is considered a symbol of resurrection. Stiff-

necked people cannot look with certainty to the hope of being resurrected. As we circumcise

our hearts, the stiff neck will loosen up as well. We then need to exercise it to keep it loose!

which says the truest circumcision is that of the “heart”. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians

discusses this in more detail. Faith: confidence in what Yahu(ah)shua has accomplished for

us where he is alluding to Malachi 2, which speaks of the impartiality Yaakov is

emphasizing. Paul immediately makes the disclaimer that he is not making the Torah void,

but is establishing it. However, he explains this in a complex philosophical way; Yaakov

knows that most of their audience needs something simpler and more concrete. Clearly if

the demons have this fact right as well, it alone is not enough to put one in right standing

with YHWH! Fruitless human being: or, foolish man—in answer to Paul’s “O foolish


Gal. 3:1

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O senseless Galatians! Who has charmed you, so that you [can] not [be] persuaded of the

truth—you before whose eyes Yahu(ah)shua HaMashiyach Yahshua th was clearly depicted

among you as crucified?

Charmed you: or bewitched you, literally with the “evil eye”; Aramaic, made you envious

(of something with lesser value). Depicted: Aram., portrayed like a portrait.

He is addressing only one man here—Paul himself. He shows through his letter that he is a

more learned man even than Paul’s teacher, Gamaliel. Paul was the one who picked this

fight by opposing Kefa and the others whom Yaaqov had sent to Paul

Gal. 2:11

But when Kefa came into Antioch, I opposed him to [his] face, since he was blameworthy,

Came to Antioch: while Paul was there (Acts 15:35). Kefa was one of the “pillars” (v. 9), so

his actions were likely to be imitated by all (and were indeed, v. 13), and thus Paul thought

they had to be “nipped in the bud”. Blameworthy: with the nuances of being seen through,

caught, standing condemned, and having known better.

who were leaders Yahu(ah)shua Himself had established. He was only one witness, and a

single witness against a ruler in Y’Isra’EL is not accepted.

2 Cor. 13:1

This [is] the third [time] I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall

every word be established.

This is another reason Yaa’qob had to keep telling him to watch his tongue and be careful

what he said, for now he had to be publicly corrected. Yitzhak: This story is found in Genesis

22. Our ancestor: inclusive of all to whom Yaakov is writing, and shared in common with

him. Declared to be righteous: by YHWH overtly, but also by anyone who judges based on

what he sees. Here Yaakov is directly answering Romans 4. He is saying, in effect, that Paul

stopped reading the Genesis account too soon, for Paul makes a distinction between

circumcised people and uncircumcised, in violation of the command against partiality.

Yaakov is correcting him by reminding him that Avraham did not really prove he had faith

until he acted on it. While there was value in his faith, it only earned him the heavenlies—

descendants like the stars. In 22:12, YHWH says, “Now I KNOW that your fear Elohim”,

and proceeds to give him additional promises—of inheriting the earth as well! The reason is

“because you have done this thing” (22:16). Now his faith is no longer merely wishful

thinking. It is not just spirit (which means wind as well); it is concrete—an accomplished,

fulfilled fact. Compare Numbers 13:16, which makes Yaaqov’s point in Paul’s more mystical

style. (It was Moshe that changed Hoshea, which means “salvation” to Yehoshua—a

salvation that is YHWH’s in particular.) Until we come all the way home and live the

complete covenant, our salvation is only a promise and a prophecy.

The Greek word that we translate as righteous is dike (pronounced, dee-kay). And while the

ancient Greek meaning was tendency, the use of this word in the Scripture implies justice

and conformance to established standards. Justice means doing the right thing; and

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conformance to established standards (in the Scripture) refers to following the ways of

YHWH (Yahuah). So, the word righteous can also be translated as just, since righteousness

is so closely tied to justice.

Rhomaios 6:12-14

'As the result, don't allow sin to rule your mortal bodies and don't obey its desires. Nor

should you offer your body parts as unrighteous weapons of sin. Rather, offer yourselves to

YHWH (Yahuah) as someone who has been raised from the dead, and [offer] your body

parts to YHWH (Yahuah) as weapons of righteousness. So, sin must not be your master,

because you aren't under Law, but under [YHWH (Yahuah)'s] loving kindness.'

Although faith is required to prove ourselves righteous, speaking about what we believe is

what saves us

Rhomaios 10:10

'It is this belief in your heart that makes you righteous, but it's your mouth, when it

confesses this, that brings salvation.'

A righteous person has faith in YHWH (Yahuah) and His promises

Rhomaios 3:28.

'We believe that a man is called righteous due to his faith, so he doesn't have to follow the


How do we explain the above

Ivrim 8:8-12


The time is coming, says YHWH (Yahuah), when I will make a new Sacred Agreement with

the House of Y’Isra’El and with the House of Judah. This won't be like the Agreement that I

made with their ancestors at the time that I took them by the hand and led them out of the

land of Egypt… because they didn't keep their side of it. As the result, I stopped caring for

them, says YHWH (Yahuah). This is the Agreement that I'm going to make with the House

of Y’Isra’El at that time, says YHWH (Yahuah): I'll put my laws in their minds and write

them in their hearts. I will become their YHWH (Yahuah) and they will be My people. Then,

the citizens of the land won't have to teach their brothers about YHWH (Yahuah), because

they will all know Me, from the least to the greatest of them. And I will be merciful toward

their unrighteousness, and I'll forget their sins.'

'There's going to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous.'

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But I do admit to this:

But this I confess to you, that according to the way which they call a sect, I so worship the

YHWH (Yahuah) of my fathers, believing all things which are in the law, and those written

by the prophets, having hope toward YHWH (Yahuah), which they themselves also

entertain, that there is to be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. And

in this do I exercise myself to have always a conscience void of offense toward YHWH

(Yahuah) and man.

Yahu(ah)shua spoke these words

Yochanan 5:24-28

'I tell you the truth; He who hears what I say and believes in the One that sent me will have

age-long life… he won't come into the judgment, for he has crossed over from out of the

death and come into the life! ‘I also truthfully say that the time is coming … when the dead

will hear the voice of the Son of YHWH (Yahuah) and those who listen will live. For, just as

the Father has life in Himself, He has also given the Son life in himself, and authorized him

to do judging… because he is [also] the son of man.

'Don't be surprised at this, because the hour is coming when everyone in the tombs will

hear his voice and come out; those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those

who practiced what is foul to a resurrection of judgment.

I'm being judged over my hope in the resurrection of the dead!'we should

remember the poor;

Revelation 20:12

Then I saw the dead – the great and the small – standing before the throne, and

several scrolls were opened. Then another scroll was opened, which was the Scroll of Life.

And the dead were then judged by the things that were written in the scrolls, according to

the things that they had done.

Since they are able to stand for judgment, in what sense are they dead?

Loukas 9:60

[Yahu(ah)shua ] told him, 'Let the dead bury their dead, but you go out and preach the

Kingdom of YHWH (Yahuah)

Paul speaks of the body being 'dead' because of sin.

Romans 8:10,

So, if the HaMashiyach Yahu(ah)shua is in you, your body is indeed dead through sin, but

the Ruakh is alive through righteousness.

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1 Corinthians 15:22-25

And as all are dying because of Adamah, all will be made alive in the HaMashiyach

Yahu(ah)shua ; but each one in his own order… the first fruits of the HaMashiyach

Yahu(ah)shua , followed by those who belong to the HaMashiyach Yahu(ah)shua when he

arrives. Then in the end, after he has brought all governments, authorities, and powers to

nothing, he will hand over the Kingdom to his YHWH (Yahuah) and Father. For, he must

rule [as king] until [YHWH (Yahuah)] will have put all his enemies under his feet. And then

the last enemy, death, will be no more.

Yochanan 5:24

Truly, Truly, I say unto thee:"He that hears My Word, and believes in Him that sent Me,

have everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but has crossed over from

death to life (l'chaim)."

Many here are very misled to the simplicity of his wondorous truth

Recognize that YHWH (Yahuah)'s righteous servants have never been referred to as 'the


You are going far astray!

Mark 12:26, 27

And as touching the dead, that they rise: have you not read in the sefer Mosheh, how in the

bush Elohim speak to Him, saying:I [am] the Elohim of Avraham, and the Elohim of

Yitzchak, and the Elohim of Yaakov? He is not the Elohim of the dead, but the Elohim of the

living: You are going far astray!

So in YHWH (Yahuah)'s eyes, Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov aren't considered 'the dead.'

Rather, those who are called the dead are the 'unrighteous' that Paul spoke of at

Acts 24:15

And I have this hope in YHWH (Yahuah) (which they also share) that there's going to be a

resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous.

the millions of humans who have never proven loyal to YHWH (Yahuah), but who haven't

been found deserving of 'the garbage dump (gr. GeHenna).' So, the living must receive

another type of earthly resurrection, which we have concluded must be the first


This thought (that there will be resurrections for both those whom YHWH (Yahuah)

considers to be the living and those who He considers as being the dead) is proven by the

words of kefa, when he said concerning Yahu(ah)shua

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Acts 10:42,

Then he ordered us to preach to the people and to testify to them that he's the one that

YHWH (Yahuah) selected to judge the living and the dead.

Deut 6:4

Shema, Yisrael: YHWH (יהוה) Eloheinu YHWH (יהוה) Echad:

And thou shalt ahav YHWH (יהוה) Eloheicha b'kol l'vavcha(thy heart), b'kol N'feshcha (thy

soul), b'kol modecha (thy might). And elleh Devarim, which I tzavah thee this day, shall be

b'l'vavcha: And thou shalt melammed (teach) them diligently unto thy banim, and shalt

dvar (talk) of them when thou sittest in thine bayit, and when thou walkest by the way, and

when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon

thine hand, and they shall be as totafot (טוטפות; frontlets) between thine eyes. And thou

shalt write them upon the mezuzah (מזזה ) of thy bayit, and on thy Sha'ar.

[He said], Listen, O Y’Isra’El; Yisrael: YHWH (יהוה) Eloheinu YHWH (יהוה) Echad:, and

you must love Him with your whole mind, with your whole life force, and with all your

strength. These words that I am commanding you today must stay in your hearts and in

your lives. Then you must teach them to your children… speak of them while you're sitting

[with them] at home, while you're walking along, before you go to bed, and when you get

up. 8You must tie them to your hands as a sign and keep them before your eyes. Write them

So, it appears as though kefa wasn't saying that those who are physically alive and those

who are physically dead would be judged by Yahu(ah)shua, but he was speaking of those

who are considered to be the living in YHWH (Yahuah)'s eyes, and those who are the dead

in His eyes (those who are awaiting a resurrection of judgment).

Eloneinu Yahu(ah)shua HaMashiyach

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In His Name

blessed be, in His name

'YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, 'YHWH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that

Yahu(ah)shua (

passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O YHWH, [thou] Ben ( יהושע

David. And

Yahu(ah)shua stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do

unto you?

They say unto Him, YHWH, that our eyes may be opened. So Yahu(ah)shua had

compassion [on them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes

received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

Shalom in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YHWH



Remember me and pray for me that YHWH will be gracious unto me and be


unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to them that read and


hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though

worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for


or make a secular traffic of the Ruakh (spiritual work): what a scandal is it for a

Page 13: Justification of the Torah

man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from the


HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to

get a

living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege

The Everlasting Covenant is The Sabbath

Eloneinu Yahu(ah)shua HaMashiyach be with your Ruakh