jurilogie paul van appeven- juridische boeken info ...jurilogie – paul van appeven- juridische...

JURILOGIE paul van appeven- juridische boeken info ([email protected]) Nieuwe boeken en nieuwe edities vanaf 2012, geselecteerd voor de praktijk 19) EUROPEES RECHT, INTERNATIONAAL RECHT & RECHTEN VAN DE MENS 19 a: Europees Recht & Internationaal Recht STAND 01-04-2020 NIEUW in 2020 : Customs Law of the European Union Practical overview of the customs and trade laws of the EU. The new edition takes into account the recent entry into force of the Union Customs Code (EU Reg. No. 952/2013 of 9 October 2013 UCC), declining all the procedural and substantive innovations. The text contemplates the global reconsideration of the customs relationship due to the introduction of the new Union institutes and special regimes, as well as the electronic clearance systems ECS (Export Control System) and EMCS (Excise Movement Control System), on the subject of excise duties. Great importance was still given to the peculiarities of the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) regime and to the exclusive opportunities that now the particular status together with that of CTP (Certified Taxable Person) will be able to grant only to companies certified in international transactions, due to the new provisions of the UCC. Illustrates practical cases on controversial aspects of the application of the Union rule, such as royalties on imports, the regulation of ‘virtual’ deposits, the determinations of origin. The discipline of ‘made in’, also for the new criticalities induced by the so-called Trade Wars is examined with a view to highlighting the opportunities granted by the Union rules to overcome the protective duties placed on goods from certain countries in trade conflict. The criticalities of the movement of goods with preferential origin are also examined. Contemplates the operational solutions for the customs reconciliation of Transfer Pricing adjustments, advocated by the World Customs Organization and the International Chamber of Commerce. With regard to the Union landscape, the text offers insights on the issues of Brexit and Quick Fixies in the field of Community VAT. M.Fabio (KL- 9789041161253) 5 e dr. maart 2020 704 pag. geb. ca. € 310,00 the Energy Charter Treaty The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) provides a multilateral framework for energy cooperation through the operation of more open and competitive energy markets, while respecting the principles of sustainable development and sovereignty over energy resources. This is an in- depth, article-by-article commentary on all aspects of the Treaty and is essential for the large number of investors who are resorting to the protection of the ECT. Provides clear and comprehensive discussion of all provisions, analysing them against the background of other relevant writings such as case law and academic papers. Also offers insightful coverage and analysis of the history and background, as well as discussion of its relationships with other treaties. As energy investors and the legal community become more aware of the Treaty, the number of disputes relating to it is rapidly increasing, and the book considers the growing volume of case law concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of the treaty. K.Hobér (OUP- 9780199660995) maart 2020 688 pag. geb. ca. € 260,00 EU Digital Law - Article-by-Article Commentary The European Commission adopted its Digital Single Market Strategy in May 2015. Three years later, legislative measures are emerging which aim to tackle the unique legal problems arising from the supply of digital content and which will shape the development of national and European law in the future. The Digital Content Directive is set to play a central rule in this development. Its provisions on conformity and remedies for non-conforming digital content concern the heart of the protection for the consumer. Its rules will not only have to be transposed into national law over the coming years but will also interact with existing provisions from the Consumer Rights Directive 2011/83/EU, the E-Commerce Directive 2000/31/EU, and the Portability Regulation 2017/1128 in order for the legal framework on the supply of digital content to function. Contains an in-depth, article-by-article analysis of core provisions concerning the supply of digital content: from the pre-contractual information duties

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Page 1: JURILOGIE paul van appeven- juridische boeken info ...JURILOGIE – paul van appeven- juridische boeken info (pvappeven@wxs.nl) Nieuwe boeken en nieuwe edities vanaf 2012, geselecteerd

JURILOGIE – paul van appeven- juridische boeken info ([email protected])

Nieuwe boeken en nieuwe edities vanaf 2012, geselecteerd voor de praktijk


19 a: Europees Recht & Internationaal Recht STAND 01-04-2020

NIEUW in 2020 :

Customs Law of the European Union

Practical overview of the customs and trade laws of the EU. The new edition takes into account

the recent entry into force of the Union Customs Code (EU Reg. No. 952/2013 of 9 October

2013 – UCC), declining all the procedural and substantive innovations. The text contemplates

the global reconsideration of the customs relationship due to the introduction of the new Union

institutes and special regimes, as well as the electronic clearance systems ECS (Export Control

System) and EMCS (Excise Movement Control System), on the subject of excise duties. Great

importance was still given to the peculiarities of the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator)

regime and to the exclusive opportunities that now the particular status – together with that of

CTP (Certified Taxable Person) will be able to grant only to companies certified in international

transactions, due to the new provisions of the UCC. Illustrates practical cases on controversial

aspects of the application of the Union rule, such as royalties on imports, the regulation of

‘virtual’ deposits, the determinations of origin. The discipline of ‘made in’, also for the new

criticalities induced by the so-called Trade Wars is examined with a view to highlighting the

opportunities granted by the Union rules to overcome the protective duties placed on goods

from certain countries in trade conflict. The criticalities of the movement of goods with

preferential origin are also examined. Contemplates the operational solutions for the customs

reconciliation of Transfer Pricing adjustments, advocated by the World Customs Organization

and the International Chamber of Commerce. With regard to the Union landscape, the text

offers insights on the issues of Brexit and Quick Fixies in the field of Community VAT.

M.Fabio (KL- 9789041161253) 5e dr. maart 2020 704 pag. geb. ca. € 310,00

the Energy Charter Treaty

The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) provides a multilateral framework for energy cooperation

through the operation of more open and competitive energy markets, while respecting the

principles of sustainable development and sovereignty over energy resources. This is an in-

depth, article-by-article commentary on all aspects of the Treaty and is essential for the large

number of investors who are resorting to the protection of the ECT. Provides clear and

comprehensive discussion of all provisions, analysing them against the background of other

relevant writings such as case law and academic papers. Also offers insightful coverage and

analysis of the history and background, as well as discussion of its relationships with other

treaties. As energy investors and the legal community become more aware of the Treaty, the

number of disputes relating to it is rapidly increasing, and the book considers the growing

volume of case law concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of the treaty.

K.Hobér (OUP- 9780199660995) maart 2020 688 pag. geb. ca. € 260,00

EU Digital Law - Article-by-Article Commentary

The European Commission adopted its Digital Single Market Strategy in May 2015. Three years

later, legislative measures are emerging which aim to tackle the unique legal problems arising

from the supply of digital content and which will shape the development of national and

European law in the future. The Digital Content Directive is set to play a central rule in this

development. Its provisions on conformity and remedies for non-conforming digital content

concern the heart of the protection for the consumer. Its rules will not only have to be

transposed into national law over the coming years but will also interact with existing

provisions from the Consumer Rights Directive 2011/83/EU, the E-Commerce Directive

2000/31/EU, and the Portability Regulation 2017/1128 in order for the legal framework on the

supply of digital content to function. Contains an in-depth, article-by-article analysis of core

provisions concerning the supply of digital content: from the pre-contractual information duties

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and cancellation rights to conformity and portability of digital content. Comments give not only

detailed explanations of the background and purpose of the provisions in order to assist

interpretation, but also indicate potential difficulties and solutions in order to ease

transposition and implementation of the rules on the supply of digital content.

R.Schulze,D.Staudenmayer(Beck-9783406732485)februari 2020 ca.1300 pag.geb. ca.€ 280,00

De UK-editie is al verschenen maar aanzienlijk duurder dan de in Duitsland uitgegeven versie

EU eIDAS-Regulation - Article-by-Article Commentary

Provides rule-by-rule commentaries on the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European

Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for

electronic transactions in the internal market. The eIDAS regulation aims at proving a

framework for secure and trustworthy electronic transactions in the EU. Offers comprehensive

comments on all provisions of this regulation containing references to European scholarly

writing. A cross-border project providing analysis from different EU countries. In order to

assess the arising legal issues the contributions reflect both aspects of the eIDAS regulation:

On one hand the technological-neutral approach intended by this regulation, but also the

nevertheless technically determined definitions and provisions of this very specific field of law.

A.Zaccaria e.a.(ed.) (BECK- 9783406742972) februari 2020 379 pag. geb. ca. € 218,00

EU Energy Law Volume XII - Electricity Market Design in the European Union - the

new legal framework for decarbonising Europe's Electricity Market

Written by all the key European Commission officials responsible for drafting, negotiating and

now implementing the ‘Electricity Market Design’ package. Essential reading for all those

involved in the regulation and development of Europe’s electricity industry. Provides in-depth

analysis of the new legal framework for decarbonising Europe’s Electricity Market.

M.Carbonella e.a. (C&C-9789077644690) februari 2020 300 pag. geb. € 245,25

the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - A Commentary

The leading authoritative and comprehensive article-by-article commentary on the EU GDPR.

Adopted in April 2016 and applicable from May 2018, the GDPR is the centrepiece of the recent

reform of the EU regulatory framework for protection of personal data. It replaces the 1995 EU

Data Protection Directive and has become the most significant piece of data protection

legislation anywhere in the world. This pan-European analysis of the GDPR examines each

article of the GDPR in sequential order and explains how its provisions work. An introductory

chapter provides an overview of the background to the GDPR and its place in the greater

structure of EU law and human rights law. Account is also taken of closely linked legal

instruments, such as the Directive on Data Protection and Law Enforcement that was adopted

concurrently with the GDPR, and of the proposed new E-Privacy Regulation.

C.Kuner e.a.(ed.) (OUP- 9780198826491) februari 2020 1488 pag. geb. ca. € 395,00

EU Law - Treaties and Legislation / Europees Recht - Verdragen en Wetgeving

a bilingual compilation / een tweetalige verzameling

Studying EU law at Dutch Universities and Hogescholen is an intellectual challenge but also a

linguistic challenge. Whilst, in practice, the application of EU law in front of Dutch courts will

take place in Dutch, many EU law courses at Dutch Universities or Hogescholen are taught in

English or lecturers of these courses prescribe English-language textbooks although the course

itself is held in Dutch. Dutch students of EU law must therefore master this subject in both

languages: Dutch and English. Offers a bilingual compilation of the most important EU law

texts (the EU Treaties and the most important EU regulations and directives). Texts in English

and Dutch are featured next to each other in form of a synopsis.

R.Repasi (ed.) (B-9789462906693) begin februari 2020 946 pag. € 29,95

EU State Aid Law - Emerging Trends at the National and EU Level

Recent years have seen significant evolution in European Commission's approach to State aid

policy. Analyses enforcement of State Aid law in the aftermath of State aid Modernization

initiative, identifying a number of emerging trends at both national and EU level. Unpacks

recent developments that have contributed to decentralization of the enforcement of State Aid

law, including the General Block Exemption Regulation which allows a larger number of aid

schemes to be implemented by national authorities without prior notification to the European

Commission. Also considers the increasing role of national courts in the enforcement of State

Page 3: JURILOGIE paul van appeven- juridische boeken info ...JURILOGIE – paul van appeven- juridische boeken info (pvappeven@wxs.nl) Nieuwe boeken en nieuwe edities vanaf 2012, geselecteerd

aid rules, as well as the Commission's current reliance on State Aid policy to pursue common

objectives of EU interest, thus shaping a de facto EU industrial policy.

P.Parcu e.a.(ed.) (E.Elgar- 9781788975247) maart 2020 264 pag. geb. ca. € 128,00

European Banking Union

Analyses implications of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution

Mechanism (SRM) for banks in Europe. The new edition provides reflection on the efficacy and

problems with the central banking regulatory regime. There are new chapters on fit and proper

testing under the SSM and deposit guarantee schemes. A additional chapter considers the

impact of the Bank Resolution and Recovery Directive (BRRD) and its interaction with the SRM

by detailed analysis of relevant case law. Also includes brand new chapters covering a range of

subjects. Unique to the second edition, experienced scholars and practitioners explore The

Deposit Guarantee Scheme, fit and proper testing within the SMM, BRRD and SRB in practice.

D.Busch, G.Ferrarini (OUP-9780198827511) 2e dr. februari 2020 736 pag. geb. ca. € 255,00

European Energy Law Report XIII

Chapters on "Newcomers in the Electricity Market: Aggregators and Storage", "Hydropower

Concessions in the EU: A Need for Liberalisation or Privatisation?", "Investments and des-

Investments in the Energy Sector", "Offshore Decommissioning in the North Sea", "CCS as a

Climate Tool: North Sea Practice" and "From EU Climate Goals to National Climate Laws".

M.Roggenkamp,C.Banet (ed.) (I-9781780689500) januari 2020 500 pag. ca. € 160,00

Grondbeginselen van het Recht van de Europese Unie BELGISCHE UITGAVE

Beschrijft en analyseert op overzichtelijke en toegankelijke wijze de huidige stand van het

Unierecht, met inbegrip van de Brexit. Het gaat onder meer in op de fundamentele beginselen

van de rechtsorde van de Europese Unie en haar instellingen, de besluitvorming in de Unie, de

bronnen van het Unierecht, de procedures van rechtsbescherming, de interne markt, de

regelgeving inzake mededinging en staatssteun en het externe optreden van de Unie.

G.DeBaere,J.Meeusen (I-9789400011809) februari 2020 378 pag. ca. € 115,00


Recht van de EU - Basisjurisprudentie (I-9789400011663) 4e dr. 946 pag. ca. € 78,00

Recht van de EU – Bronnen (I-9789400011793) 558 pag. ca. € 78,00

bij gelijktijdige aanschaf van alle 3 delen verleent de uitgever 15% korting

In the Court We Trust - Cooperation, Coordination and Collaboration between the ECJ and

Supreme Administrative Courts

The preliminary reference procedure has long been envisaged as a judicial dialogue between

the European Court of Justice and national courts. However, in reality the relationship appears

to be closer to one of growing separation. Tries to find out: what is behind this ? A study of the

existing literature, combined with a case law analysis and interviews with judges, has shown

that there are a number of important stumble blocks hindering the communication between

these courts, such as language barriers, time constraints, and a failing digital infrastructure.

On a deeper level there also appears to be a lack of mutual trust that prevents Supreme

Administrative Courts from using the possibilities the procedure provides, such as the

opportunity to offer provisional answers to the Court of Justice and the use of requests for

clarification by the latter. Offers an explanation for the lack of collaboration between the

European Court of Justice and national courts. Provides inside information on how judges from

the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and Supreme Administrative Courts interact.

Combines literature review with case law analysis and interviews. TILBURGS MEESTERWERK

R.v.Gestel,J.de Poorter (CUP- 9781108481274) januari 2020 256 pag.geb. ca. € 108,00

Justice, Home Affairs and Security - European and international institutional and policy


Insight into the development of the EU in the areas of justice, home affairs and security,

embedded in a broader international context. In addition to the main part, dedicated to the EU,

the book features chapters on cooperation in the areas concerned at Benelux, Schengen,

Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE, G8/G20, OECD and UN levels. The chapter structure is

identical for all cooperation levels addressed, discussing their actual policies after sketching

their historical development and institutional structure and functioning.

G.Vermeulen,W.De Bondt (M- 9789046610169) 3e dr.maart 2020 321 pag. € 39,00

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the Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law - Volume III: Constitutional

Adjudication: Institutions

Fourteen country reports and two cross-cutting contributions investigate the antecedents,

foundations, organization, procedure, and outlook of constitutional adjudicators throughout the

Continent. They include countries with powerful constitutional courts, jurisdictions with

traditional supreme courts, and states with small institutions and limited ex ante review. In

keeping with the focus on a diverse but unified legal space, each report also details how its

institution fits into the broader association of constitutional courts that, through dialogue and

conflict, brings to fruition the European legal space.

A.von Bogdandy e.a.(ed.) (OUP-9780198726418) maart 2020 976 pag. geb. ca. € 265,00

Praktische Aanwijzingen voor de Partijen inzake bij het EU-Hof Aangebrachte Zaken

Het Hof van Justitie van de EU geeft nieuwe aanwijzingen ter behandeling van zaken wegens

digitalisering van de gerechtelijke procedure en ontwikkelingen op wetgevingsgebied.

Publicatieblad EU, 14 februari 2020 14 pag. NED. & Engelse Tekst GRATIS PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa Nieuwsbrief 2020 nr. 3 (maart)

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het EHRM en het HvJ EU, onder redactie van het

Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. Circa 40 uitspraken

van het Hof van Justitie en circa 30 van het Hof voor de Mensenrechten op 60

onderwerpsgebieden, van aanbesteding tot vrijheid van meningsuiting.

Rechtspraak Europa, februari 2020 88 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa Nieuwsbrief 2020 nr. 2 (februari)

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het EHRM en het HvJ EU, onder redactie van het

Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. Circa 50 uitspraken

van het HvJ EU en circa 30 van het EHRM op 50 onderwerpsgebieden.

Rechtspraak Europa, februari 2020 83 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa Nieuwsbrief 2020 nr. 1 (januari)

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het EHRM en het HvJ EU, onder redactie van het

Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. Circa 110 uitspraken

en conclusies op 55 onderwerpsgebieden, van aanbesteding tot witwassen.

Rechtspraak Europa, januari 2020 85 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Remedies and Procedures before the EU Courts

Reliable, thorough guide to the renewed rules of procedure of the Court of Justice and the

General Court as well as updated provisions and practice directions, including the relevant case

law, together with a focus on the extensive treatment of remedies available in these courts

and how to secure them. Clearly explains which rules apply and how to proceed in the course

of any kind of case and any situation likely to arise. Describes foundations and principles to

specific issues regarding the assignment of cases, preliminary rulings, rules on evidence,

annulment, illegality, failure to act, pleas, judgments and orders, appeal and much more.

Covers all essential elements of Court of Justice of the EU procedure, including:division of

competences between the Union courts; admissibility; rules regarding anonymity;service of

documents; setting and extension of time limits, hearings, witnesses and experts;deposit and

recovery of sums; application of competition rules, rules on state aid and rules on trade

protection; rules in cases concerning intellectual property rights; rules in actions brought on

the basis of an arbitration agreement; rules governing access to documents; languages;legal

aid; interim measures; damages; expedited procedures; and scope of the rules on costs.

R.Barents (KL-9789403511405) 2e dr. maart 2020 1008 pag. geb. ca. € 329,00

the Role of Not Party in the Trial before the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

The limitations of the present investigation impose to restrict the analysis to the trial system of

the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as it is not possible to examine in depth the problem of

the position of the third state. Intends to contribute to the reconstruction of the structural

features of the intervention as not party, as foreseen by articles 62 and 63, of the ICJ Statute.

D.Liakopoulos (M-9789046610152) februari 2020 843 pag. € 75,00

the 2003 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Convention - a commentary

Analyses the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage,

UNESCO's latest and ground-breaking treaty in the area of cultural heritage protection.

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Intangible cultural heritage is broadly understood as the social processes that inform our living

cultures, and our social cohesion and identity as communities and peoples. On the basis of this

conception, the Treaty proposes to turn our understanding of how, for whom, and why

heritage is safeguarded on its head, by putting communities, groups and individuals at the

centre of the safeguarding process. Provides an authoritative guide to interpreting and

implementing not only this Treaty, but also its ripple effects on how we think about cultural

heritage and our experience with it as a part of our living cultures. Werelderfgoed handboek !

J.Blake,L.Lixinski (ed.) (OUP-9780198824787) februari 2020 560pag. geb. ca. € 215,00

WTO Law and Domestic Regulation - Exploring the Determinants for the Impact of the

WTO on Domestic Regulatory Autonomy

How much regulatory leeway do members of the WTO actually have ? Explores the impact of

WTO law on domestic regulatory autonomy. Identifies and critically analyses the mechanisms

working in WTO law that cause increasing interferences with domestic law and thus restrain

the regulatory autonomy of the WTO members. Proposes ways in which WTO law be

conceptualised to enhance the policy space of WTO members. Demonstrates flexibilities in

interpreting and applying WTO core principles and provisions and explores interpretive and

institutional conceptions that could allocate greater policy leeway to WTO members.With the

re-alignment of the relationship between the WTO and its members, particularly in light of the

Trump administration's arguably more adversarial stance, this book is to be much welcomed.

W.Weiss (BECK-9783406744105) februari 2020 441 pag. geb. ca. € 195,00

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verschenen in 2019:

Ars Aequi - Jurisprudentie Europees Recht 1963-2018

Geselecteerde cruciale uitspraken van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie van 1923 tot

en met 2018. Elke uitspraak is voorzien van een beknopte noot.

J.Sap(red.) (A-9789492766366) 4e dr. januari 2019 505 pag. € 39,50

Ars Aequi Wetsedities - Europese staatssteunregels - editie 2020

Een handreiking voor het (praktische) gebruik van de staatssteunregels voor nationaal beleid.

Actuele selectie van de toepasselijke wet- en regelgeving op het gebied van het EU-

staatssteunrecht per 01-10- 2019. Naast compilatie van regels geeft inleiding overheden en

marktpartijen structuur en kan worden gebruikt als leidraad voor toepassing van de

staatssteunregels. Om beleidskansen van Europese staatssteunregels optimaal te benutten

moeten overheden bij het uitwerken van financiële transacties met of ten behoeve van

ondernemingen, zoals subsidieverordeningen, achtereenvolgens de volgende vragen

beantwoorden:1. Wat is staatssteun ? 2.Kan voorkomen worden dat er sprake is van

staatssteun ? 3. Kan voorkomen worden dat staatssteun moet worden aangemeld ? 4. Hoe kan

een voorspoedige goedkeuring door de Commissie worden bereikt ? Aan de hand van deze

vragen zijn Europese staatssteunregels op basis van art. 107 VWEU hier ingedeeld, zodat

overheden duidelijk kunnen zien naar welke regels zij bij de beantwoording van de vraag

moeten kijken. Deze gewone staatssteunregels worden in dit boek duidelijk onderscheiden van

de staatssteunregels voor DAEB. Voor landbouw- en vervoersteun gelden afzonderlijke regels.

P.Kuypers,M.de Wit (red.) (A-9789492766328) 3e dr. oktober 2019 914 pag. € 49,50

Authority and Legitimacy of Environmental Post-Treaty Rules

In the international law of the 21st century, more and more regulation comes in the form of

post-treaty rules. Developed in environmental law, this trend increasingly spreads to areas

ranging from tobacco regulation to arms trade. Offers the first systematic examination of these

decisions, resolutions and recommendations adopted by treaty bodies, to assess their

effectiveness. Shows that the authority of such rules is in question as, in practice, treaty

parties retain almost complete discretion when it comes to their implementation. This

conclusion gives rise to two key questions. To what extent does this ambiguous authority

affect adherence to procedural principles like legal certainty, non-arbitrariness and the duty to

state reasons? And can the legitimacy of the process and content of post-treaty rules fill the

gaps in their authority? Shines a light on this crucial but neglected area in international law

scholarship and forms a starting point for improvements and reform.

T.Staal(UvA) (HART- 9781509925568) mei 2019 328 pag. geb. ca. € 104,00

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Aviation Cybersecurity - Regulatory Approach in the European Union

As the aviation industry becomes more reliant on technology, which is increasingly becoming

more interconnected, sophisticated and automated, the number of vulnerabilities is increasing,

and this is impacting safety and security. This is because cyberattacks are becoming more

prevalent, with the potential to cause accidents and incidents. Cybersecurity in aviation is

becoming a serious issue that all aviation stakeholders must consider in order to protect

contractual partners, third parties and themselves. In order to increase cybersecurity,

regulators at all levels are beginning to react to the threat of cyberattacks. Addresses the

question whether the current regulatory approach in the European Union is appropriate for

international civil air transportation. Based on a critical analysis of EU aviation law, as well as

related international law, with particular emphasis on cybersecurity as a transversal topic, it

will be argued that the current legal status quo is not appropriate and needs to be changed.

B.Scott (B-9789462369610) september 2019 266 pag.geb. € 75,00

Basic Documents on International Investment Protection

International law of foreign investment is a field of public international law. Its key

characteristic is the extent of substantive and procedural decentralisation: while often sharing

certain structural elements, both substantive obligations and mechanisms of international

dispute settlement are mostly opposable only between the particular parties, even when

expressed in multilateral form. This second edition adopts a new structure that better reflects

the concurrence of various reform proposals with the fairly stable stratum of instruments that

inform the current practice. With this systemic dynamic in mind, the selected documents are

divided into three parts: Past, Present, and Future. The Past sets out the legal background to

modern investment protection law. The Present provides generalist international law materials

(sources and responsibility), a selection of the more important instruments with substantive

investment rules, and rules of international dispute settlement regarding investment

protection. The Future (new for this edition) lists a number of possible directions of future

development, including a variety of approaches that maintain the traditional procedural kernel

of investor-State arbitration as well as proposals for more significant change, with non-State

actor involvement in dispute settlement either rejected or moulded into a judicial mechanism.

M.Paparinskis(ed.) (HART-9781509907854) mei 2019 936 pag. ca. € 94,00

Behind and Beyond the Chicago Convention - the Evolution of Aerial Sovereignty

The Convention on International Civil Aviation that concluded in Chicago on 7 December 1944,

the Chicago Convention, is one of the most ratified multilateral agreements currently in force,

with 193 States Parties. Commemorating the 75th birthday of this Convention investigates the

following topics: analysis of the absolute character of sovereignty; territorial jurisdiction with

respect to airspace; market access and behaviour under economic regulation; liberalisation of

air services; position of airlines, airports, and providers of air navigation services in the context

of the management of air traffic (ATM); regulation of drones, also in relation with the

distinction between civil and State aircraft; role of international, principally ICAO, and regional

aviation organisations, in particular, that of the European Union; environmental protection

measures such as abatement of noise and reduction of the damaging effects of gaseous

emissions; new methods of communication such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems

(GNSS); security in aviation, with special reference to the adoption of cybersecurity measures.

Annexes include the original texts of the Paris Convention 1919 and Chicago Convention 1944.

P.Mendes de Leon (KL-9789403511313) september 2019 504 pag.geb. ca. € 175,00

Bellamy & Child-European Union Law of Competition

The leading authority on EU competition law now in its eighth edition. Offers a clear and

comprehensive exposition of law and procedure with exhaustive citation of judicial and

legislative authorities. Fully up-to-date with major developments in substantive law and case

law. New to this edition: analysis of new competition case law from the General Court and

Court of Justice, particularly jurisprudence relating to essential concepts within Articles 101

and 102 TFEU, coverage of the EU Damages Directive and the European Commission

recommendations on collective redress, with a focus on the growth of private enforcement,

evaluation of settlement decisions following the Commission's adoption of a settlement

procedure for cartel cases, the EU's revised regime for transfer technology agreements.

D.Bailey,L.John (OUP-9780198794752) 8e dr. januari 2019 1872 pag. geb. ca. € 527,00

the Cambridge Handbook of Immunities and International Law

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Few topics of international law speak to the imagination as much as international immunities.

Questions pertaining to immunity from jurisdiction or execution under international law surface

on a frequent basis before national courts, including at the highest levels of the judicial branch

and before international courts or tribunals. Nevertheless, international immunity law is and

remains a challenging field for practitioners and scholars alike. Challenges stem in part from

the uncertainty pertaining to the customary content of some immunity regimes said to be in a

'state of flux', the divergent – and at times directly conflicting - approaches to immunity in

different national and international jurisdictions, or the increasing intolerance towards impunity

that has accompanied the advance of international criminal law and human rights law.

Examines international immunity law in a comprehensive manner and provides an accessible

overview of the wide range of immunity regimes in international law, their content, differences

and commonalities. Contains an up-to-date treatment of a wealth of national case law from a

wide range of jurisdictions. Auteurs zijn verbonden aan universiteiten van Gent en Brussel !

T.Ruys,M.Angelet,L.Ferro (ed.) (CUP- 9781108417884) juni 2019 790 pag. geb. ca. € 188,00

Commercial and Economic Law in the European Union

Provides quick and easy guidance on such commercial and economic matters as business

assets, negotiable instruments, commercial securities, and regulation of the conditions of

commercial transactions. Starts with a general description of the specifically applicable

concepts and sources of commercial law. Discusses obligations of economic operators and

institutions, goodwill, broker/client relations, commercial property rights, and bankruptcy.

Discussion of economic law covers the laws governing establishment, supervision of economic

activities, competition law, and government taxation incentives.

J.Stuyck (KL- 9789403513331) augustus 2019 272 pag. ca. € 92,50

Contemporary Issues of the Law of Treaties

Collection of essays dealing with issues of contemporary significance in the law of treaties. The

topics dealt with are: the character of treaties, interpretation, material breach, fundamental

change of circumstances, optional clause, and method of expression. Extensive attention is

given to multilateral environmental agreements. The recent jurisprudence of the ICJ, which

contributed to the development and clarification of a number of aspects of the law of treaties,

is also covered, in particular the Gabíkovo-Nagymaros case and the Bakassi Peninsula case.

M.Fitzmaurice,O.Elias(ed.) (B- 9789077596067) juli 2019 300 pag. geb. € 97,00

Council of Europe (CoE)

No other book gives such a clear, uncomplicated description of the organization’s role, its rules

and how they are applied, its place in the framework of international law, or its relations with

other organization. Proceeds logically from the organization’s genesis and historical

development to the structure of its membership, its various organs and their mandates, its role

in intergovernmental cooperation, and its interaction with decisions taken at the national level.

Its competence, its financial management, and the nature and applicability of its data and

publications are fully described. Heldere uitleg over de Raad van Europa (i.t.t. de EU).

T.Kleinsorge (KL-97894 03513423) 3e dr. juli 2019 264 pag. ca. € 93,00

Data Protection Law in the EU: Roles, Responsibilities and Liability

Seeks here to determine whether EU data protection law should continue to maintain the

controller-processor model as the main basis for allocating responsibility and liability. Begins

with an in-depth analysis of the nature and role of the controller and processor concepts. The

key elements of each are examined in detail, as is the associated allocation of responsibility

and liability. To identify the main problems that occur when applying the controller-processor

model in practice, a number of real-life use cases are examined (cloud computing, social

media, identity management and search engines). Critical evaluation is made of the choices

made by the European legislature in the context of the GDPR. It is clear that the GDPR has

introduced considerable improvements in comparison to EU Directive 95/46.

B.Van Alsenoy (I-9781780688282) maart 2019 694 pag. € 115,00

Elementair Internationaal Recht - Elementary International Law 2019

Tweejaarlijks basismateriaal betreffende het internationaal publiekrecht, inclusief het

internationaal institutioneel recht, en een zeer ruime selectie uit internationale en nationale

jurisprudentie. Voorts zijn bepalingen van Nederlands recht opgenomen (zoals geldend per

voorjaar 2019) die van groot belang zijn voor de doorwerking en toepassing van internationaal

recht in de Nederlandse rechtsorde. Daarnaast zijn meer gespecialiseerde teksten opgenomen.

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T.M.C.Asser Inst. (Asser Press- 9789067043588) juni 2019 850 pag. € 21,00

the EU Citizenship Directive: A Commentary

Defines the right of free movement for citizens of the European Economic Area. Applies to EU

citizens and their family members who move to another Member State. This might seem a

straightforward definition, but immediately questions arise. Who determines if a person is an

EU citizen at all ? What about dual citizens of two Member States, or of one Member State and

a non-Member State (a 'third State')? What is the position of EU citizens who move to one

Member State, and then return to their home Member State ? Special emphasis is placed on

highlighting the connections and interactions between the Directive's constituent provisions so

as to permit a global appreciation of the system of free movement rights to which the Directive

gives effect. Each provision is annotated containing a detailed analysis of the case-law of the

Court of Justice as well as of related measures impacting upon the Directive's interpretation

including European Commission reports and guidelines on the Directive's implementation.

This new edition includes dscussion of relevant case law and has been expanded to include

detailed discussion of rights of EU and UK citizens after Brexit in the withdrawal agreement.

E.Guild e.a.(OUP-9780198849384) 2e dr. oktober 2019 400 pag. geb. ca. € 175,00

EU Competition Law Handbook JAARLIJKSE UITGAVE

The 30th edition of this annual guide to EU competition law, provides a comprehensive digest

of Commission decisions and competition cases before the EU and national courts, cross-

referenced by subject matter, for the swift location of the full list of relevant case-law,

regulations and notices. Distinct sections on: General Competition Rules and Mergers and

Acquisitions; analytical digest divided by subject matter; detailed tables show the type of

decision reached by the Commission or Court of Justice, the type of agreement or activity, the

product in question and any fine imposed; Tinted thumb tabs aid navigation through the book.

M.VanDerWoude e.a.(S&M-9780414072480)30e dr. december 2019 ca. 1500 pag ca.€ 360,00

EU Framework for Foreign Direct Investment Control

Analysis of a new and controversial European Union (EU) approach on how to deal with

disparate attitudes among EU Member States with regard to foreign direct investment (FDI).

Analyses the current and proposed regimes of FDI screening in the EU, highlighting

mechanisms designed to enhance FDI’s advantages and minimize its drawbacks. Detailed

examples of how FDI screening works in practice are included, along with a comparative view

of FDI screening in the United States. Contributions commenting on the EU Regulation deal

with the process of adopting the Regulation and the impact of opposing views and how the

Regulation aligns with EU policy in the areas of trade, investment and competition.

J.Bourgeois e.a.(KL-9789403518831) december 2019 ca. 400 pag. geb. ca. € 130,00

EU Justice Scoreboard 2019

In Nederland wordt, vergeleken met andere EU-lidstaten, relatief weinig uitgegeven aan rechtspraak en Nederland heeft relatief weinig rechters—en vooral weinig vrouwelijke

raadsheren. Ook ligt de advocatendichtheid onder het Europese gemiddelde.

Europese Commissie(9789276031666) april 2019 68 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

EU Law Beyond EU Borders - the Extraterritorial Reach of EU Law

Addresses the impact of EU law beyond its own borders, the use of law as a powerful

instrument of EU external action, and some of the normative challenges this poses. The

phenomenon of EU law operating beyond its borders, which may be termed its 'global reach',

includes the extraterritorial application of EU law, territorial extension, and the so-called

'Brussels Effect' resulting from unilateral legislative and regulatory action, but also includes the

impact of the EU's bilateral relationships, and its engagement with multilateral fora and the

negotiation of international legal instruments. Maps this phenomenon across a range of policy

fields, including the environment, the internet and data protection, banking and financial

markets, competition policy, and migration.

M.Cremona,J.Scott (ed.) (OUP- 9780198842170) mei 2019 272 pag. geb. ca. € 98,50

the EU Law Duty of Consistent Interpretation in German, Irish and Dutch Courts

Examines the case law of the European Court of Justice concerning the requirement to

interpret national law in conformity with EU law directives. Offers an in-depth analysis of the

application of this obligation in three Member States: Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands.

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The key question is to what extent the established theories of supremacy of EU law, national

constitutionalism and constitutional pluralism adequately explain the relationship between EU

and national law under the duty of consistent interpretation.

S.Haket (I-9781780688794) november 2019 356 pag. ca. € 92,00

European Constitutions Compared

Comprehensive study of the institutional setting of European Constitutions and provides a

systematic study of the constitutional principles and organisation of state powers. The

following issues are addressed: Terminology; Notion and Functions of Constitution; Sources of

Constitutional Law; Constituent and Amending Power; Protecting the Constitution; Directive

Principles; Fundamental Constitutional Principles; Division of Powers; Division of Functions;

Parliament; Head of State; Government and Administration; The Judicial Power.

A.Weber (Beck-978 3406729232) mei 2019 221 pag. geb. ca. € 157,00

EU Energy Law Volume II - Competition Law and Energy Markets

The Commission continued to enforce competition law vigorously in the energy sector. The

Gazprom case was brought to an end with the acceptance of commitments aimed to address

the Commission’s main concerns, including market segmentation, excessive pricing and

potential competitive distortions in the development of gas infrastructure. Other cases were

concluded as well, such as the Commission’s investigation into access to key natural gas

infrastructure in Bulgaria, leading to fines being imposed on the incumbent gas operator.

Further, the Commission launched an investigation into restrictions to the free flow of gas sold

by Qatar Petroleum in Europe. On the mergers side, the acquisition of Uniper by Fortum, two

important electricity suppliers in the Nordic region was cleared unconditionally, not least

because of the high level of interconnectivity between different countries in the Nordic area,

indicating a step-change in market definition. RWE's acquisition of E.ON electricity generation

assets was also approved. An in-depth review of E.ON's proposed acquisition of RWE’s Innogy

is now ongoing. Finally, we saw a remarkable amount of activity in the field of State Aid. The

Commission finalised its sector inquiry on capacity mechanisms, looking at 35 existing or

planned mechanisms in 11 Member States. The final report was published at the end of 2016,

together with legislative proposals on the 'Clean Energy for All' package. Renewable energy

schemes continued to throw up new challenges. Specific capacity mechanisms were approved

in several Member States over this period.

L.Davies e.a.(Claeys& Casteels-9789077644676) 5e dr.september 2019 1450 pag. geb. € 322,-

the European Energy Transition: Actors, Factors, Sectors (European Energy Studies

Volume XIV)

The energy transition is Europe’s flagship project. The energy transition corresponds to a large

scale economic and cultural change. It encompasses sector coupling- linking up sectors that

have ignored each other previously, like mobility and power. What is the meaning of

digitalization, and how to face cybersecurity risks ? What is the response to energy poverty,

that 50 million Europeans are victims of ? While the geographical scope is Europe at large,

divide lines from the past continue to exist, and new ones emerge: What are the borders of

the new Energy Europe ? Analyses the factors driving change: where are we on climate and

sustainability, competitiveness and market, and security of supply ? Presents the actors: what

genesis of and what contemporary institutions for European energy policy, how is energy

addressed by the national and by the European; what about the active customer paradigm and

the many startups and business models changing, as well as NGOs? Looks into sectors: power,

gas, mobility and the powerful push from digitalization. Proceeds with a reality check, based on

facts and figures and reflects on modelling.

S.Nies (ed.) (C&C- 9789077644607) februari 2019 544 pag. geb. € 159,50

Europese Rechtspraak - Algemeen Deel #2

Belangrijkste uitspraken van het Hof van Justitie van de EU over institutionele en materiële

Europese recht. In pricipe bestemd voor het onderwijs bij het Handboek Europees Recht.

R.v.Ooik,T.Vandamme(Eu-978 9089522191) 2e dr. december 2019 334 pag. € 25,00

Europese Vliegtuigpassagiersrechten - bij vertraagde of geannuleerde vluchten


Onderzoek naar de invloed van de Europese wetgever en het Europees Hof van Justitie.

In 2017 werden er binnen de Europese Unie ongeveer 1 miljard vliegtuigpassagiers vervoerd.

De bescherming die hun bij vertraagde en geannuleerde vluchten wordt geboden, staat te

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lezen in de Verordening Vliegtuigpassagiersrechten ((EG) nr. 261/2004). Ondanks haar goede

bedoelingen, heeft de Verordening met ernstige problemen te kampen. Juridisch-technische

onduidelijkheden, haar potentiële ongeldigheid alsook de vele verregaande tussenkomsten van

het Hof van Justitie zorgen ervoor dat het moeilijk is om nog door de wolken de lucht te zien.

Beoogt rechtsonzekerheid weg te werken en toepassing van de Verordening te verbeteren.

Door onduidelijkheden uit te klaren, repercussies in kaart te brengen en concrete oplossingen

naar voren te schuiven, is dit een onmisbaar naslagwerk voor de praktijk.

Publicatie reeds in 2018 aangekondigd, maar vertraagd.

R.v.d.Bruggen (DieKeure- 9789048632824) mei 2019 450 pag. € 130,00

an Ever-Changing Union ? - Perspectives on the Future of EU Law in Honour of Allan Rosas

Allan Rosas is one of the leading European Union jurists of his generation. His impact on the

legal landscape of the EU has been immense. This collection brings together colleagues from

the worlds of the judiciary, academia and practice to grapple with one of the key questions

underpinning his contribution: is the trajectory of EU law one of ever-changing union? With

essays exploring a range of topics from national identity and European construction to Brexit.

this collection is a fitting tribute to an unrivalled EU law career.

K.Lenaertse.a.(ed.) (HART- 9781509923663) december 2019 408 pag.geb. ca. € 135,00

Guidance on the Interpretation and Application of Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5

April 1993 on Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Contracts

De Europese Commissie heeft een mededeling gepubliceerd met richtsnoeren om meer

duidelijkheid te verschaffen over vraagstukken rond toepassing van de Richtlijn oneerlijke

bedingen in consumentenovereenkomsten.

Europese Commissie, 22 juli 2019 104 pag. GRATIS PDF OP AANVRAAG

the History of the European Union - Constructing Utopia

The EU celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2017, but celebrations were muted by Brexit and the

growing sense of a crisis of identity. However, as this seminal work shows, the history and

ambition of the European Union are considerable. Written by key (mainly Italian, French,

German) stakeholders who, between them, acted as architects, adjudicators and arbitrators of

the project, it presents the definitive history of the first two generations of the European

Union. Revisits birth and consolidation of the great project of a united Europe and the political,

institutional, judicial and economical frameworks of the European Union: from the process

towards integration, to the advancements and the impasses in building a political union.

G.Amato e.a.(ed.) (HART-9781509917419) februari 2019 592 pag. geb. ca. € 148,00

the Implementation of International Law in the National Legal Order

States enjoy a wide margin of freedom in the choice of means and methods to fulfil their

obligations under international law. However, implementation sometimes requires the

involvement of the state body entrusted with the task of adopting legislation: the national

legislature. This study explores its role in the implementation of international law at home and

analyses the regulation of national implementing legislation under international law.

E.Beenakker (diss.RU Leiden) juni 2018 351 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

the Interface Between EU and International Law - Contemporary Reflections

Despite their many obvious interconnections, EU and international law are all too often studied

and practised in different spheres. While it is natural for each to insist on its own unique

characteristics, and in particular for the EU to emphasise its sui generis nature, important

insights might be lost because of this exclusionary approach. This book aims to break through

some of those barriers and to show how more interaction between the two spheres might be

encouraged. In so doing, it offers a constitutional dimension but also a substantive one,

identifying policy areas where EU and international law and their respective actors work

alongside each other. Offering a 360-degree view on both EU and international institutional

and substantive law, this collection presents a refreshing perspective on a longstanding issue.

I.Govaere,S.Garben (ed.)(HART- 9781509923380) mei 2019 368 pag. geb. ca. € 110,00

International Civil Aviation - Treaties, Institutions and Programmes

Comprehensive study of the relevant body of treaties, institutions and programmes with

respect to international civil aviation – taking also into account the future needs of the aviation

community – airports, carriers and passengers alike. International air law has relevance to our

daily lives:enables travel by air to almost any destination in a relatively safe and efficient way.

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D.v.h.Kaar (B-9789462369726) november 2019 320 pag. € 89,00

Introduction to Space Law

Completely revised and substantially rewritten edition since the previous version of 2008,

providing a concise and structured analysis of legal aspects of both traditional and more recent

space activities. Updated text includes new or expanded material on the proliferation of non-

state and commercial entities as space actors, the appearance of innovations in space

technology, the evolving international law of satellite telecommunications in a networked

world, and the adoption of national laws and international soft law mechanisms that

complement the international treaty regime. Offers a clear analysis of the legal challenges that

play a role in new and traditional areas of space activity including the following: peaceful uses

of outer space; protection of the space environment; emergence of new legal mechanisms in

space law; role of Europe in space; telecommunications; commercial use of space resources;

human space flight; small satellites; remote sensing; and global navigation satellite systems.

The five United Nations Treaties on space are included as Annexes.

T.Masson-Zwaan,M.Hofmann(KL-9789041160607)4e dr. febr. 2019 248 pag.geb. ca.€ 120,00

Jaarboek Energierecht – 2018 DEELS BELGISCH RECHT

Belicht de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen toe die zich in 2018 hebben voorgedaan in het domein

van het energierecht (in zijn ruime betekenis). Inhoudsopgave beschikbaar.

K.Deketelaere,B.Delvaux (red.) (I-9789400009998) juni 2019 346 pag. € 129,00

Jurisprudentie en Documentatie Internationaal Publiekrecht

Ruime selectie verdragen, resoluties en commentaren van internationale organisaties en

internationale en nationale gerechtelijke uitspraken,in principe bestemd voor het onderwijs.

R.v.Alebeek e.a.(red.)(B-9789462368231) 8e dr. augustus 2019 979 pag. € 48,00

Litigating the Aviation Case

Aviation law is a constantly evolving area of practice, continuing to change in response to the

many challenges facing the industry. This revised edition offers important updates and insights

on traditional issues as well as in-depth discussion of current and evolving topics, many of

which are in response to the multijurisdictional nature of aviation. The book's 38 chapters

address critical issues in aviation litigation, including: Jurisdiction, forum non conveniens,

preemption, the Montreal Convention, unruly passengers, preservation of evidence, insurance

coverage, damages,impact of trade sanctions and medicare on litigation, and more.

A.Harakas(Am.BarAss.- 9781634255806) 4e dr. april 2019 880 pag. ca. € 200,00

Luxembourg Report on European Procedural Law: Volume I: Impediments of

National Procedural Law to the Free Movement of Judgments

Comparative examination and empirical evaluation of national procedural rules and practices,

and further assesses the key procedural problems that impact mutual trust and the free

movement of judgments in light of national and European Court of Justice case law. Provides

an exhaustive overview of the similarities and differences of civil procedure in all EU Member

States, and their impact on the recognition and enforcement of judgments. Offers the most

comprehensive, empirically driven comparative investigation of national civil procedure thus far

in Europe. Using an extensive dataset comprising hundreds of interviews and responses to a

multi-language online survey, examines the rules of civil procedure in all EU Member States,

and identifies their impact on mutual trust and the free movement of judgments.

B.Hess,P.Ortolani (Beck- 9783406736667) juni 2019 480 pag. geb. ca. € 190,00

Luxembourg Report on European Procedural Law, Volume II: Implementing EU

Consumer Rights by National Procedural Law

EU consumer law affords a number of substantive rights to consumers. Often the protection of

these rights is undermined as a consequence of the complexity and lack of knowledge in the

Member States of EU consumer legislation and case law. Comparative examination of the

enforcement of these rights in the EU Member States, with an extensive empirical evaluation of

national procedural rules and practices. Following a comprehensive assessment of the nature

and characteristics of EU consumer law, the volume identifies and evaluates key procedural

themes that shape the equivalent and effective protection of EU consumer rights in light of

European Court of Justice case law. Examines the rules of civil procedure in all EU Member

States, and identifies their impact on the protection of consumers under EU consumer law.

B.Hess,S.Law (Beck- 9783406736674) juni 2019 637 pag. geb. ca. € 190,00

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SETPRIJS DEEL I & II (isbn 9783406741005) 1143 pag. geb. (2 vol) ca. € 314,00

the Maastricht Collection Vol. I+II+ III +IV : International and European Law

Comprises a broad selection of legal instruments and provisions that have proven to be

particularly relevant and useful. Includes codes and statutory legislation from France,

Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK, international treaties and instruments of international

organisations, as well as the Treaties and selected secondary legal instruments of the EU. The

provisions contained are reproduced in the original English or in the authentic English version,

where applicable, or they are freshly translated. Many existing translations of written law,

including officious translations available on government websites, are significantly out of date

and not sufficiently faithful to the original. They often seek to turn old-fashioned or ambiguous

original texts into modern and elegant English. Or, instead of translating, they seek to explain

how certain terms or formulations are interpreted in practice. Translations remain true to the

content, style, and syntax of the original as far as possible. Next to a comprehensive update

and revision of all the instruments, this sixth edition also contains a number of useful

additions, such as legislation relating to Brexit and statutory legislation on criminal procedure.

With these updates and additions, The Maastricht Collection now presents itself as an even

more comprehensive resource for European, international, and comparative law.

S.Hardt,N.Korne (Eu- 9789089522115) 6e dr. september 2019 2500 pag. (4 vol) Set € 95,00


the Maastricht Collection Vol. I: International and European Law

(Europa Law- 9789089522153) 6e dr. 1000 pag. € 40,00

the Maastricht Collection Vol. II: Comparative Public Law

(Europa Law- 9789089522160) 6e dr. 314 pag. € 25,00

the Maastricht Collection Vol. III: International and European Private Law

(Europa Law- 9789089522177) 6e dr. 597 pag. € 30,00

the Maastricht Collection Vol. IV: Comparative Private Law

(Europa Law- 9789089522146) 6e dr. 294 pag. € 25,00

New Perspectives on Fiscal State Aid - Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Fiscal State Aid


In-depth analysis of this topics, taking a giant step towards defining the connection between

effective state aid control, its legitimacy and a desirable functioning of the internal market for

the twenty-first century. The core elements of this fundamental analysis include: selectivity as

applied in the case law of the Court of Justice; whether and to what extent state aid law limits

European Union (EU) Member States in designing anti-tax avoidance measures; protection of

legitimate expectations; to what extent national judges are required to apply state aid rules ex

officio; powers of national judges in connection with the national obligation of guaranteeing an

immediate and effective recovery on the basis of an order issued by the European

Commission; and connection between legitimacy of state aid law and effectiveness of state aid

control. Includes a thorough investigation of the notion of fiscal state aid by focusing on the

most recent decisions of the European Commission concerning mismatches.

C.De Pietro (ed.) (KL-9789403514154) augustus 2019 248 pag. ca.€ 113,50

Official Secrets and Oversight in the EU - Law and Practices of Classified Information

Offers a uniquely comprehensive and in-depth legal account of official secrets in the European

Union. Critically analyses their implications for oversight and fundamental rights. Based on

forty interviews with practitioners and other stakeholders, it offers an understanding of the

practices of official secrets and provides a critical and much-needed perspective on how

parliamentary, judicial and administrative oversight institutions deal with access to classified

material and the dilemma of oversight to concurrently ensure secrecy necessary for EU

security policies and openness needed for democratic processes and fundamental rights.

Discerns shifts in institutional practice of oversight at the European Parliament and the Court

of Justice of the European Union that disproportionately favour secrecy and the protection of

classified documents while creating serious limitations to open democratic deliberations and

access to justice, and delivers new insights on the EU's development as a security actor as well

as its autonomy from Member States, showing how rules on official secrets were a means for

the EU to gain more autonomy in external security cooperation. Author at Maastricht Univ.

V.Abazi (OUP-978019 8819219) april 2019 224 pag. geb. ca. € 98,00

Oil & Gas Contracts: Principles & Practice

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Covers standard industry documents covering providing the legal framework for upstream,

midstream and downstream petroleum contracts, with accompanying commentary on their

application to energy transactions and related matters. Looks at issues relating to mineral

laws, including licences, and host government and inter-governmental agreements. Examines

preliminary participation contracts, including agreements and concessions relating to

confidentiality, area of mutual interest, joint study, joint bidding and joint wells; data trade

and sharing contracts; and enforceability of reasonable endeavour and best endeavour

covenants. Assesses model form joint operating agreements, including contents, accounting

procedure, and trust deeds. Examines drilling, procurement and services contracts. Discusses

the principles of unitisation and unitisation agreements, and considers pooling and other joint

development options, pre-unit agreements, UUOA and JOA relationships, principles of

petroleum lifting and commingling, balancing agreements, title interests, allocation and

attribution/substitution agreements. Looks at project structures for gas liquefaction and LNG

regasification, contracts for terminal access and provision of services. Deals with oil, gas and

LNG sales contracts dealing in detail with their respective terms. Goes through shipping

contracts, including ship leasing, time and voyage charter-party terms, contracts of

affreightment and bills of lading. Addresses pipeline transportation contracts, looking at the

transporter and shipper perspectives, pipeline system rules, sales and transportation contract

interfaces, cross-border pipeline investment protection, agreements for pipeline crossing,

proximity and tie-in, and pipeline capacity management agreements. Examines corporate and

project finance agreements, taking into account contingent consideration, royalty deeds,

volumetric production payments, reserves based lending agreements, debt prioritisation and

security interests. Considers key corporate and social responsibility issues.

P.Roberts (ed.) (S&M-9780414069305) 2edr. december 2019 ? pag. geb. ca. € 450,00

Ontdek het Internationale Recht - met speciale aandacht voor de rol van Den Haag,

internationale stad van vrede en recht

Het doel is een bijdrage te leveren aan een beter begrip van het internationale publiekrecht en

het internationale privaatrecht, met inbegrip van de laatste trends en hoogtepunten. vertelt

tevens het verhaal van deunieke en historische band tussen het internationale recht en de stad

Den Haag. De stad werd door voormalig VN Secretaris-Generaal Ban Ki-moon als “Epicentrum

van internationale gerechtigheid en het afleggen van verantwoording” beschreven.

W.v.Genugten e.a.(W-9789462406056) augustus 2019 220 pag. € 29,95


Discover International Law (W-9789462406049) 226 pag. € 29,95

Découvrir Le Droit International (W-9789462406049) 226 pag. € 29,95

El Derecho International al Descubierto (W-9789462406018) 216 pag. € 29,95

the Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Law

First comprehensive account of comparative environmental law. Examines in detail the

methodological foundations of the discipline as well as the substance of environmental law

across countries from four vantage points: country studies from all continents, responses to

common problems (including air pollution, water management, nature conservation,

genetically modified organisms, climate change and energy, chemicals, waste), foundational

components of environmental law systems (including principles, property rights, administrative

and judicial organisation, command-and-control regulation, market mechanisms, informational

techniques and liability mechanisms), and common interactions of environmental protection

with the broader public, private, and criminal law contexts.

E.Lees,J.Viňuales )ed.) (OUP- 9780198790952)mei 2019 1328 pag. geb. ca. € 205,00

the Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in International Law

Jurisdiction plays a fundamental role in international law, limiting the exercise of legal

authority over international legal subjects. But despite its importance, the concept has

remained underdeveloped. Discussions of jurisdiction in international law regularly refer to

classic heads of jurisdiction based on territoriality or nationality, or use the SS Lotus decision

of the Permanent Court of International Justice as a starting point. Globalization has increased

the need for jurisdiction to be applied extraterritorially, non-State forms of law provide new

theoretical challenges and intersections between different forms of jurisdiction have become

more intricate. Provides a necessary re-examination of the concept of jurisdiction in

international law through a thematic analysis of its history, contemporary application, and how

it needs to adapt to encompass future developments in international law. Examines some of

the most contentious elements of jurisdiction by considering how the concept is being applied.

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S.Allen e.a. (ed.) (OUP- 9780198786146) september 2019 624 pag. geb. ca. € 170,00

the Oxford Handbook of United Nations Treaties

Argues that the greatest contribution of the UN is not what it has achieved (improvements in

health and economic development, for example) or avoided (global war, say, or the use of

weapons of mass destruction). It is, instead, the process through which the UN has

transformed the structure of international law to expand the range and depth of subjects

covered by treaties. Offers the first sustained analysis of the UN as a forum in which and an

institution through which treaties are negotiated and implemented. Provides unique insights

into UN treaty-making. Through thematic and technical parts, it also offers a lens through

which to view possibilities and limitations of international law and relations.

S.Chesterman e.a.(ed.)(OUP-9780190947842) september 2019 720 pag. geb. ca. € 132,00

Prejudiciële Spoedprocedure en Versnelde Procedure – Themafiche Hof v.Justitie EU

Wanneer komt een zaak in aanmerking voor versnelde afdoening door het HvJ EU ? Teneinde

een snellere afdoening door het Hof van Justitie van de EU mogelijk te maken van zaken

waarin dat noodzakelijk is, is voorzien in een versnelde procedure en (voor prejudiciële

procedures op het gebied van de ruimte van vrijheid, veiligheid en rechtvaardigheid) in een

spoedprocedure. Op welke gronden kan toepassing van de prejudiciële spoedprocedure of de

versnelde procedure gerechtvaardigd zijn ?

Hof v.Justitie EU, april 2019 29 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Procesvertegenwoordiging Hof van Justitie EU – Jaarbericht 2018

In 2018 hebben het EU-Hof en het Gerecht 59 zaken afgedaan waaraan de Nederlandse

regering een bijdrage heeft geleverd. EU-rechtspraak kan van invloed zijn op het Nederlandse

recht en beleid. Door actief haar visie naar voren te brengen in zaken bij de Europese hoven,

oefent de Nederlandse regering invloed uit op deze rechtsontwikkeling. Alle zaken worden

door de regering beoordeeld op een Nederlands belang bij deelname aan de procedure.

Min.v.Buitenlandse Zaken, april 2019 72 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa Nieuwsbrief 2019 nr. 12 (december)

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het EHRM en het HvJ EU, onder redactie van het

Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. Circa 65 uitspraken

en conclusies op 45 onderwerpsgebieden, van aanbesteding tot vrijheid van vereniging.

Rechtspraak Europa, december 2019 85 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa Nieuwsbrief 2019 nr. 11 (november)

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het EHRM en het HvJ EU, onder redactie van het

Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. 70 uitspraken op 50

onderwerpsgebieden,van aanbesteding tot [email protected]

Rechtspraak Europa, november 2019 92 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa Nieuwsbrief 2019 nr. 10 (oktober)

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het EHRM en het HvJ EU, onder redactie van het

Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. 250 uitspraken op 50

onderwerpsgebieden,van aanbesteding tot [email protected] Rechtspraak Europa, oktober 2019 90 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa Nieuwsbrief 2019 nr. 8/9 (augustus/september)

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het EHRM en het HvJ EU, onder redactie van het

Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. 250 uitspraken op 50

onderwerpsgebieden,van aanbesteding tot [email protected]

Rechtspraak Europa, september 2019 83 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa Nieuwsbrief 2019 nr. 7

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het EHRM en het HvJ EU, onder redactie van het

Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. 230 uitspraken op 50

onderwerpsgebieden; van aanbesteding tot vervoer. [email protected]

Rechtspraak Europa, juli 2019 83 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa – Nieuwsbrief 2019 nr.6

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Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens

(EHRM) en het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (HvJ EU). Rechtspraak Europa komt tot

stand door een samenwerkingsverband tussen het Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk

Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. Het archief is te raadplegen op rechtspraak.nl. Rechtspraak

Europa rechtstreeks ontvangen? Stuur een mail naar [email protected]

RechtspraakEuropa, juni 2019 85 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Rechtspraak Europa – Nieuwsbrief 2019 nr.4

Maandelijks overzicht van de rechtspraak van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens

(EHRM) en het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (HvJ EU). Rechtspraak Europa komt tot

stand door een samenwerkingsverband tussen het Gerechtshof Amsterdam en het Landelijk

Bureau Vakinhoud Rechtspraak. Het archief is te raadplegen op rechtspraak.nl. Rechtspraak

Europa rechtstreeks ontvangen? Stuur een mail naar [email protected]

RechtspraakEuropa, april2019 98 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Regulating a Revolution - Small Satellites and the Law of Outer Space

Small satellites make space accessible to non-professionals and on an individual level. Explores

the status of small satellites vis-à-vis international space law, examining which provisions are

applicable and what kind of legal issues the traditional definitions pose when considering novel

small satellite activities. Sheds clear light on current regulatory challenges raised by the

commercial and research activities of small satellites as well as by governmental and military

applications. Covers the legal implications in such aspects of small satellite revolution as the

following: liability for damage caused or suffered by small satellites; state responsibility for

non-governmental space activities employing small satellites; registration of space objects;

launch practices; online availability of components and launch slots; connection between small

satellites and space debris; role of space insurance; legal challenges posed by large

constellations of small satellites. Provides case studies showing how these challenges can be

dealt with, offers deeply informed insights on emerging trends and future developments.

N.Palkovitz (KL- 9789403517629) november 2019 ca. 300 pag. geb. ca. € 165,00

Remedies for Infringements of EU Law Legal Relationships between Private Parties

Nog geen inhoudelijke informatie verstrekt door de uitgever

I.Aronstein (K-9789013155983) december 2019 476 pag. € 84,50

Rewriting the History of the Law of Nations - How James Brown Scott Made Francisco de

Vitoria the Founder of International Law

In the interwar years, international lawyer James Brown Scott wrote a series of works on the

history of his discipline. He made the case that the foundation of modern international law

rested not, as most assumed, with the seventeenth-century Dutch thinker Hugo Grotius, but

with sixteenth-century Spanish theologian Francisco de Vitoria. Far from being an antiquarian

assertion, the Spanish origin narrative placed the inception of international law in the context

of the discovery of America, rather than in the European wars of religion.

P.Amorosa (OUP-9780198849377) oktober 2019 368pag.geb. ca. € 110,00

Sanctions Law

Examines how sanctions (UN,EU, ECHR,US,UK) restrictions work in practice, and what the

implications are for multinational businesses operating across numerous sanctions regimes.

Considers the interrelationship between sanctions at the supranational and national levels,

including the impact of the far-reaching US sanctions regime. The aim to provide a framework

for engaging with the relevant legislation and the main issues arising therefrom. Where there

are relevant materials, be they legislative or case-law, these are outlined at the start of each

chapter. The chapters dealing with challenges to sanctions designations each include a section

with key principles, providing the clearest possible treatment of the subject.

R.Gordon e.a.(HART-9781509900145) januari 2019 226 pag. geb. ca. € 118,00

Space Law - A Handbook

Describes the legal grounds for human activities in outer space and on celestial bodies. At the

outset, an overview of the history of space flight, of space law and the applicable legal sources

is given as well as the main legal concepts of international space law. Following this the

national and international legal regime for space activities is introduced. Finally, an outlook is

give as to the main legal and legislative tasks of the future. To this extent, close attention is

also paid to the astrophysical and mechanical prerequisites of such activities. Contains various

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pictorial presentations, references to relevant literature as well as short summaries of each

chapter facilitating a quick orientation and easy approach to this area of law.

S.Hobe (BECK-9783406695377) juli 2019 400 pag. geb. ca. € 195,00

Trade Relations after Brexit

Brings together contributions from leading economists and legal scholars that raise crucial

questions and challenges with respect to the Brexit negotiations. In doing so, the contributions

do not only look at the withdrawal agreement but, beyond that, at the future trade relations

between the UK and the EU after the entry into force of a possible withdrawal agreement. The

authors are driven by the conviction that the future relationship between EU and UK shall allow

the utmost possible degree of economic freedoms in the benefit of both sides, taking into

account political restraints deriving from UK to meet the main objectives of the Brexit

campaign and addressing the special circumstance of the Northern Irish peace process, and

from the EU, preventing the emergence of incentives to destabilise the European integration.

F.Kainer,R.Repasi(ed.)(Nomos-9783848751334) begin januari 2019 300 pag. geb. ca. € 78,00

Upgrading Trade and Services in EU and International Trade Law

Contains various chapters dealing with the question how to upgrade trade in services. At the

multilateral level, fundamental differences, inter alia in relation to the intrusiveness of

liberalization on regulatory autonomy, have led to a stalemate. Yet, liberalization of services

trade does move forward, as numerous free trade agreements have entered into force while

others are being negotiated. This raises various new issues, as the precise impact of FTA

obligations on national legislation is far from clear. Conversely, in EU law liberalization of trade

is much further developed revealing new problems, for example relating to the digital economy

and new case law of the Court of Justice on the Services Directive. The contributions in this

book extensively discuss some of the issues which arise under international law and EU law in

light of the liberalization of services markets. This volume in the Radboud Economic Law series

is based on the contributions presented at the third Radboud Economic Law Conference, held

at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, on 15 June 2018.

S.Tans,M.Veenbrink(W-9789462405325) juni 2019 190 pag. € 49,95

Victim Reparation under the Ius Post Bellum - An Historical and Normative Perspective

At a time when international law has a tendency to take a purely positivistic and international

approach, questions whether an embrace of an evaluative approach alongside the politics of

war and peace is more practical and effective for war victims. Provides a never-before-

conducted contextual insight into how the issue has been handled historically, analysing case

studies from major wars from the seventeenth century to the modern day. Uses as-yet

untouched archival documentation from these periods, which uncovers unique data and

information on international peacemaking, and actually demonstrates more effective practices

of reparation provisions compared with today. Combines historical analysis with modern day

developments to provide normative assertions for a future reparation system. Includes a

contextual account of selected wars. PDF INHOUDSOPGAVE EN VOORWOORD OP AANVRAAG.

S.Musa (Cambridge UP- 9781108471732) februari 2019 296 pag. geb. ca. € 117,00

WTO Law of Subsidies - a Comprehensive Approach

Comprehensive analysis of the law of subsidies under the WTO regime. Subsidies are arguably

the dominant theme in International Economic Law and a prolific case law has been elaborated

by WTO Panels and Appellate Body in response to the multitude of complaints lodged in the

past two decades (Softwood Lumber, Airbus, Boeing, etc.). The case law and norms

disciplining subsidies under the WTO legal regime are of utmost importance first for

international trade ministries, parliaments, and international institutions (OECD, CNUCED, FAO,

etc.). However, non-governmental organizations (World Wide Fund, etc.) are also directly

concerned by this topic regarding, for example, fisheries subsidies and their impact on

overexploitation of marine resources. The private sector (fishing fleets, fishermen, extractive

industries, etc.) is also affected by this topic particularly regarding future investments.

M.Benitah (Kluwer Law- 9789403503608) juni 2019 770 pag. geb. ca. € 228,00


Verschenen in 2018: Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law

Page 17: JURILOGIE paul van appeven- juridische boeken info ...JURILOGIE – paul van appeven- juridische boeken info (pvappeven@wxs.nl) Nieuwe boeken en nieuwe edities vanaf 2012, geselecteerd

This fully updated eighth edition encompasses the plethora of recent developments and

updates in the field, and includes new dedicated chapters on international human rights, self-

determination and international economic relations, an extended history and theory section

reflecting the evolution of new and critical approaches in the field and a greater focus on

terrorism and international criminal law.New and updated chapters include: creation and

recognition of States, territory, law of the sea, immunities, state succession, nationality and

individual rights, protection of the environment, settlement of disputes, use of force and armed

conflict. Na 20 jaar een nieuwe druk van deze klassieker die al in mijn boekhandelstijd bij

Scheltema in de 70er en 80er jaren aan de UvA verplichte kost was (sweet memories).

A.Orakhelashvili (Routledge- 9780415243568) 8edr. december 2018 582 pag.ca. € 41,00

Appeals Before the Court of Justice of the European Union

Describes the rules governing appeals before the Court of Justice of the European Union. The

appeal is the judicial remedy by which a party may contest a decision of the General Court of

the European Union. It concerns matters in which the Tribunal has jurisdiction such as,

competition, mergers, state aids, access to documents, restrictive measures, EU staff, trade

marks, and other areas of intellectual property. It is specific to the ECJ, and can only be

learned through the case-law. Description of the case-law, and of the rules that the lawyers

pleading appeal cases are required to know.

C.Naômé (OUP-9780198826255) september 2018 368 pag. geb. ca. € 190,00

Arbitration Under International Investment Agreements - A Guide to the Key Issues

Investor-state arbitration is a form of dispute settlement that allows foreign investors the

opportunity to seek compensation for damages or discriminatory practices, most of which arise

out of breaches of treaty obligations by the governments of host countries. With a high level of

public interest involved in these cases, the awards of these tribunals are subject to much

scrutiny and debate. As a result, up-to-date knowledge of the key topics of investment

arbitration is integral for those practicing in the field, especially given the rapid development of

international investment law. Describes the most important procedural and substantive aspects

of investment arbitration in a practical and accessible manner. Covering all procedural stages

of investor-state arbitration, the text provides a broad overview of the key topics including the

role of precedent, counterclaims, third party funding, bi-trifurcation, burden of proof regarding

jurisdiction, attribution, breach of treaty and contract claims, fair and equitable treatment,

indirect expropriation, and culminates in the enforcement of investment awards.

K.Yannaka-Small (OUP-9780198758082) 2e dr. juli 2018 960 pag. geb. ca. € 232,00

Attribution in International Investment Law

The notion of attribution is primarily used to determine if the State is responsible for the

wrongful conduct of persons or entities with links to the State. In the context of international

investment law, the exponentially growing arbitration jurisprudence arising from international

investment agreements, especially bilateral investment treaties, reflects the extent and risk of

attribution determined in investment relationships that often involve State enterprises. The

analysis responds to such questions as the following: When is a conduct attributable to the

State for the purposes of its responsibility under international investment law ? What legal

instruments govern the question of attribution under international investment law ? In what

circumstances is the State the proper party to a contract entered into by a State-owned

enterprise with an investor protected by an investment treaty ? How can State policymakers

minimise their international legal responsibility within the existing framework of attribution in

international investment law ? How can investors maximise their protection within the existing

framework of attribution in international investment law ? Also covered are the procedural

treatment of attribution by investment tribunals, explication of such broad-brush wordings as

‘elements of governmental authority’ and ‘under the direction or control’ and the impact of the

rise of State-owned enterprises as investors.

C.Kovács (Kluwer Law-9789041196750) september 2018 352 pag. geb. € 200,00

Boom Basics – Europees Recht

F.Amtenbrinke.a. (B-9789462904590) 8e dr. augustus 2018 ca. 330 pag. € 13,50

Brexit and Migration – civil liberties, justice and home affairs

This study focuses on the future relationship between the UK and the EU following the UK’s

withdrawal from the EU in the field of migration (excluding asylum), including future

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movement of EU citizens and UK nationals between the EU and UK. Moreover, it investigates

the role of the Court of Justice of the EU.

European Parliament, October 2018 104 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Code of Best Practices for the Conduct of State Aid Control Procedures

Nieuwe gedragscode voor Staatssteunprocedures. De Europese Commissie heeft een nieuwe

Gedragscode voor een goed verloop van Staatssteunprocedures vastgesteld. Hiermee wil men

handvatten bieden aan lidstaten, ondernemingen en andere belanghebbenden.

European Commission, juli 2018 20 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Comparative International Law

By definition, international law, once agreed upon and consented to, applies to all parties

equally. It is perhaps the one area of law where cross-country comparison seems

inappropriate, because all parties are governed by the same rules. However,as explained here,

states sometimes adhere to similar, and at other times, adopt different interpretations of the

same international norms and standards. This book achieves three objectives. The first is to

show that international law is not a monolith. The second is to map the cross-country

similarities and differences in international legal norms in different fields of international law,

as well as their application and interpretation with regards to geographic differences. The third

is to make a first and preliminary attempt to explain these differences. It is organized into

three broad thematic sections, exploring: conceptual matters, domestic institutions and

comparative international law, and comparing approaches across issue-areas.

A.Roberts,M.Versteeg e.a.(OUP-9780190697570) februari 2018 640 pag. geb. ca. € 95,00

Concise European Data Protection, E-Commerce and IT Law

This thoroughly revised and updated third edition pinpoints, in a crystal-clear format, the

meaning and application of currently relevant provisions enacted at the European and Member

State levels. The material has been rearranged and brought into line with the vibrant and

constantly shifting elements in this field, with detailed attention to developments (new to this

edition) in such issues as the following:cybersecurity; privacy rights; supply of digital content;

consumer rights in electronic commerce; Geo-blocking; open Internet; contractual rules for the

online sale of (tangible) goods; competition law in the IT sectors; consumer online dispute

resolution; electronic signatures; and reuse of public sector information.There is a completely

new section on electronic identification, trust and security regulation, defining the trend

towards an effective e-commerce framework protecting consumers and businesses accessing

content or buying goods and services online.

S.Gijrath e.a. (KL-9789041194077) 3e dr. december 2018 1000 pag. geb. ca. € 215,00

the Court of Justice of the European Union - Multidisciplinary Perspectives

In 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) celebrated 65 years. If it were to

retire, the Court would be able to look back at a fascinating journey, from its relatively humble

beginning on 4 December 1952 as part of the then brand-new European Coal and Steel

Community, to one of the most important and exciting judicial institutions in Europe, perhaps

in the entire world. This volume is dedicated to improving our understanding of the Court in

relationship to other actors, including other EU institutions, the Member States, national

courts, third countries, and international organisations. It is based on a conference at

Stockholm University in December 2016, and includes contributions by both lawyers and

researchers in other fields, as well as current members of the Court.

M.Derlén,J.Lindholm (ed.) (Hart-9781509919086) januari 2018 248 pag. geb. ca. € 90,00

Cyber Espionage and International Law

The advent of cyberspace has led to a dramatic increase in state-sponsored political and

economic espionage. Argues that these practices represent a threat to the maintenance of

international peace and security and assesses the extent to which international law regulates

this conduct. The traditional view among international legal scholars is that, in the absence of

direct and specific international law on the topic of espionage, cyber espionage constitutes an

extra-legal activity that is unconstrained by international law. Challenges here that assumption

and reveals that there are general principles of international law as well as specialised

international legal regimes that indirectly regulate cyber espionage. Explores, in terms of

general principles of international law, how the rules of territorial sovereignty, non-intervention

and the non-use of force apply to cyber espionage. Investigates the role of diplomatic and

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consular law, international human rights law and the law of the World Trade Organization in

addressing cyber espionage. Also examines whether developments in customary international

law have carved out espionage exceptions to those international legal rules that otherwise

prohibit cyber espionage as well as considering whether the doctrines of self-defence and

necessity can be invoked to justify cyber espionage. Concludes that policymakers should

nevertheless devise an international law of espionage which, as lex specialis, contains rules

that are specifically designed to confront the growing threat posed by cyber espionage.

S.Buchan (ed.) (Hart-978 1782257349) december 2018 248 pag. geb. ca. € 94,00

Data Protection and Privacy. Vol II - The Internet of Bodies

Brings together papers that offer conceptual analyses, highlight issues, propose solutions, and

discuss practices regarding privacy and data protection. Results of the 11th. International

Conference on Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection, CPDP 2018, (Brussels January 2018).

Explores the following topics: biometrics and data protection in criminal justice processing,

privacy, discrimination and platforms for men who have sex with men, mitigation through data

protection instruments of unfair inequalities as a result of machine learning, privacy and

human-robot interaction in robotized healthcare, privacy-by-design, personal data protection

of deceased data subjects, large-scale face databases and the GDPR, the new Europol

regulation, rethinking trust in the Internet of Things, fines under the GDPR, data analytics and

the GDPR, and the essence of the right to the protection of personal data. This interdisciplinary

book was written while the reality of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 was

becoming clear. It discusses open issues and daring and prospective approaches.

R.Leenese.a.(ed.) (Hart-9781509926206) december 2018 344 pag. geb. ca. € 75,00

Data Protection and Privacy. Vol I - The Age of Intelligent Machines

The subjects of Privacy and Data Protection are more relevant than ever with the European

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becoming enforceable in May 2018. Explores

Directive 95/46/EU and the GDPR moving from a market framing to a `treaty-base games

frame', the GDPR requirements regarding machine learning, the need for transparency in

automated decision-making systems to warrant against wrong decisions and protect privacy,

the riskrevolution in EU data protection law, data security challenges of Industry 4.0, (new)

types of data introduced in the GDPR, privacy design implications of conversational agents,

and reasonable expectations of data protection in Intelligent Orthoses. Offers conceptual

analyses, highlight issues, propose solutions, practices regarding privacy and data protection.

R.Leenese.a.(ed.) (Hart-9781509919345) eind december 2017 256 pag. geb. ca. € 65,00

Diplomatic Law - Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

Essential guide to changing methods of modern diplomacy and shows how challenges to its

regime of special protection for embassies and diplomats have been met and resolved.

Analyzes the reasons for the widespread observance of the Convention rules and why in the

special case of communications - where there is flagrant violation of their special status - these

reasons do not apply. Describes how abuse has been controlled and how the immunities in the

Convention have survived onslaught by those claiming that they should give way to conflicting

entitlements to access to justice and the desire to punish violators of human rights. Describes

how the duty of diplomats not to interfere in the internal affairs of the host State is being

narrowed in the face of the communal international responsibility to uphold human rights.

E.Denza (OUP-9780198825654) 4e dr. februari 2018 472 pag. ca. € 52,00

Draft Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland from the European Union

De Europese Commissie heeft een ontwerp terugtrekkingsakkoord tussen de Europese Unie en

het Verenigd Koninkrijk gepubliceerd. In 120 pagina's worden onder meer de rechten van

burgers, kwesties als goederen die vóór de datum van de terugtrekking in de handel zijn

gebracht, de financiële regeling, overgangsregelingen en institutionele bepalingen, en een

protocol over Ierland / Noord-Ierland in een juridisch tekst gegoten.

Europese Commissie 28 februari 2018 119 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Effectiveness and Application of EU and EEA Law in National Courts - Principles of

Consistent Interpretation

In the current decentralised system of European Union (EU) and European Economic Area

(EEA) law enforcement, national courts play a crucial role in securing the effectiveness and

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application of the law. A great deal of legal research has been expounded on how the Court of

Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Free Trade Association Court (EFTA

Court) have established and developed the key mechanism for doing so – namely the principle

of consistent interpretation. Yet the principle’s scope and limits can only be fully understood if

one looks to the final outcome of cases at national level, and how national courts charged with

the duty of applying the principle actually do so when faced with such issues in practice.

Contributors from 14 European states examine the reception of the principle through national

case-law, focusing on three issues: reception and understanding of the concept, its criteria for

application, and its limitations. The individual contributions are compared in an comparative

chapter that identifies considerable tension between the goals of uniform and homogenous

application of the principles, and a plurality of different approaches at national level.

C.Franklin (ed.) (I-9781780686554) november 2018 646 pag. geb. € 139,00

Emissions Trading Schemes under International Economic Law

The announcement by China that it will implement a national emissions trading scheme

confirms the status of this instrument as the pre-eminent policy choice for mitigating climate

change. China will join the dozens of existing and emerging schemes around the world - from

the EU to California, South Korea to New Zealand - that use carbon units (otherwise known as

emissions permits or carbon credits) to trade in greenhouse gas emissions in a multi-billion

dollar global carbon market. However, to date, there has been no consensus about this pre-

eminent policy instrument being regulated by international economic law through the World

Trade Organization, international investment agreements, and free trade agreements.

Addresses this issue by evaluating whether carbon units qualify as 'goods', 'services', 'financial

services', and 'investments' under international economic law and showing how international

economic law applies to emissions trading scheme in diverse and unexpected ways. Further,

by engaging in a comparative assessment of schemes around the World. Illustrates how and

why all emissions trading schemes engage in various forms of violations of international

economic law which would not, in most instances, be justified by environmental or other

exceptions. Demonstrates how such schemes can be designed or reformed in ways to ensure

their future compliance.

J.Munro (OUP-9780198828709) september 2018 224 pag. geb. ca. € 108,00

EU Competition Law Handbook - 2019 JAARLIJKSE UITGAVE

Comprehensive digest of Commission decisions and competition cases before the EU and

national courts, conveniently cross-referenced by subject matter, for the swift location of the

full list of relevant case-law, regulations and notices. Distinct sections on: General Competition

Rules and Mergers and Acquisitions. Detailed tables show the type of decision reached by the

Commission or Court of Justice, the type of agreement or activity, the product in question and

any fine imposed. Key new cases include: Mergers: AB Inbev/SAB Miller, Dow/Dupont,

Qualcomm/NXP, Wabtec/Faiveley, ChemChina/Syngenta, J&J/Actelion, Fox/Sky,

Vodafone/Liberty Global, Teva/Allergan, Abbott/Alere, IAG/BMI; and important court cases

including Ernst & Young and Marine Harvest (on the concept of "gun jumping"), Austrian

Asphalt (on the concept of "full functionality"). Antitrust: Trucks cartel, settlement decision in

the lighting systems case, Qualcomm case on exclusivity payments, Intel appeal on loyalty

rebates, appeals in the reinforcing bars and freight forwarding cartel cases, Telefonica appeal

relating to the non-compete clause agreed with Portugal Telecom. Plus more recent national

decisions from the UK, Germany, France, Netherlands and other EU Member States.

M.VanDerWoude(ed.)(S&M-9780414068162) 29e dr. december 2018 1010 pag. ca. € 310,00

EU Customs Law

Provides a fully updated treatment of legislation, new treaties and cases in the two courts of

the EU especially but also in Member States. Also includes commentary on the Union Customs

Code and secondary legislation, and increased coverage of areas such as the wider role of

customs authorities apart from the collection of customs duty, such as security of goods and

post 9/11 developments generally, the history of customs unions and their implications for

governments, non-EU customs unions to which EU law is relevant, and the inter-relation

between customs duty and direct tax.

T.Lyons (OUP-9780198784029) 3e dr. juli 2018 704 pag. geb. ca. € 197,00

EU Energy Law Volume III: Renewable Energy in the Member States of the EU

Focuses from a broad perspective on the latest developments in the EU Member States in the

renewable energy sector as well as on energy efficiency. Describes energy market legislation

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with special focus on market design and system integration including support mechanisms,

grid access, licensing, planning, auto production, interconnection, network planning, security of

supply.Elaborates on structural fund use within the sector. Separate chapter on each country.

D.Fouquet (ed.) (C&C-9789081690478) 2e dr. mei 2018 1300 pag. geb. € 295,00

EU Hof van Justitie – Jaarverslag 2017

Nederland is weer terug in de top 3 van landen met de meeste prejudiciële vragen aan het

Europees Hof van Justitie. Dat blijkt uit het jaarverslag van het Europees Hof over 2017. Vorig

jaar bekleedde Nederland met 26 vragen nog de vierde plaats na Duitsland (84 vragen), Italië

(62 en Spanje (47). Jaarverslag bevat een overzicht van gerechtelijke werkzaamheden.

Hof v.Just.EU Jaarverslag 2017 compleet 62 + 259 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

European Energy Law Report XII

Includes chapters on “Developments in EU Energy Law”, “Renewable Energy: Cross-border

Projects and Dispute Settlement”, “Capacity Reserve Mechanism”, “Prosumers”, and “New

Developments in the European Gas Market”.

M.Roggenkamp,C.Banet (I-9781780686721) november 2018 314 pag. € 155,00

European Privacy Regulation - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for privacy


Presents European privacy regulation for privacy professionals, with its main focus on the

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Introduces European courts, includes the recitals,

provides factsheets and has a convenient index. Captain Privacy explains the seven biggest

misunderstandings of the GDPR, summarises each article in a tweet, highlights important

sections and refers to fines. As such, Captain Privacy makes the GDPR easily accessible

without overlooking its details. Updated, international version of the 2016 edition.

S.Fennell e.a. (W-9789462404687) 2e dr. februari 2018 …. pag. € 14,95

Europese Almanak 2019 JAARLIJKSE UITGAVE

De Europese Almanak helpt bedrijven, instellingen en particulieren op weg die te maken

krijgen met Europese wet- en regelgeving. Bevat naam- en adresgegevens van instanties en

personen, adressen van en informatie over de Europese instellingen en andere Europese

organisaties, uitgebreide informatie over het Nederlands openbaar bestuur met Europa in het

takenpakket, onderwijs in Europees recht en beleid in Nederland, uitgebreid register.

(S-9789012403269) oktober 2018 480 pag. € 237,45

Europese Dienstenrichtlijn - Rechtspraak over de toepassing van de Europese

Dienstenrichtlijn: Een handleiding voor decentrale overheden

Zowel beleidsmedewerkers als juristen van decentrale overheden krijgen in de praktijk te

maken met de Dienstenrichtlijn. Deze handleiding helpt hen met behulp van relevante

passages uit jurisprudentie op weg bij de juiste toepassing.

Kenniscentrum Europa Decentraal juli 2018 15 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Europese Rechters in Gesprek

Waarom stellen nationale rechters prejudiciële vragen aan het Hof van Justitie van de EU

(HvJ)? Van welke antwoorden voorziet het HvJ deze vragen? Wat doet de verwijzende rechter

met deze antwoorden? Deze vragen worden in drie hoofdstukken onderzocht, waarbij telkens

zaken vanuit dit perspectief worden geannoteerd. Wat de motieven voor verwijzing betreft zien

wij een scala aan verwijzende rechters langskomen: precieze rechters, pragmatische rechters,

activistische rechters, erkenning zoekende rechters, dominante rechters en soevereine

rechters. Ook het HvJ vertoont meer gezichten dan misschien werd verwacht. Naast het geven

van bruikbare antwoorden kan het Hof ontwijkend, rigide, onvermurwbaar, slordig en te

directief zijn. De reacties van de verwijzende rechters ten slotte, lopen uiteen van tevreden

volgzaamheid, frustratie, ongeloof, tandenknarsende navolging en voortzetting van het

gesprek door een nieuwe verwijzing, tot regelrechte rebellie.

M.Loth,J.Krommendijk (B-9789462904422) eind januari 2018 137 pag. € 29,00

GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - Post-Reform Personal Data

Protection in the European Union

Comprehensive commentary in the market on the post-reform personal data protection in the

European Union (EU). The book offers an extensive discussion of all principles of personal data

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processing, obligations of data controllers and processors and rights of data subjects. It gives a

broad account of the legal and practical aspects of the EU personal data protection law

following its recent reform, the most extensive since the first EU laws in this area were

adopted and implemented into the legal orders of the Member States. Personal data protection

has become one of the central issues in any understanding of the current world system. In this

connection, the EU has created the most sophisticated regime currently in force with GDPR.

GDPR is applicable directly in all Member States, providing for the unification of data protection

rules within the EU. It poses a problem in enabling international trade and data transfers

outside the EU between economies which have different data protection models in place.

M. Krzysztofek (KL-9789403505947) 2e dr. december 2018 344 pag. geb. ca. € 160,00

International Law - A European Perspective

Comprehensive analysis of the classic doctrines and main areas of international law from a

European perspective, meeting the needs of the many European law schools teaching public

international law in English. Special attention is devoted to the practice of the EU, the Council

of Europe and European States – both civil law and common law countries – with regard to

international law. Analyses the interplay between international law, EU law and national law in

the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU, the European Court of Human Rights and

national jurisdictions in Europe. Provides insights into how the international legal practice of

the EU and its Member States impacts the development of international law, both in terms of

doctrines such as treaty-making and customary law, the exercise of (extraterritorial)

jurisdiction, state responsibility and the settlement of disputes, as well as particular sub-fields

of international law, such as human rights law and international economic law. Covers other

important areas such as the use of force and collective security, the law of armed conflict, and

global and regional international organisations.

STUDIEBOEK met samenstellers van Belgische en Nederlandse universiteiten !

J.Wouters e.a.(ed.) (Hart-978 1849464161) december 2018 1136 pag. ca. € 48,00

the International Law on Climate Change

Provides a survey of the international law on climate change, explaining how significant

international agreements have sought to promote compliance with general norms of

international law. Provides an account of the rules agreed upon through lengthy negotiations

under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and multiple

other forums on mitigation, geoengineering, adaptation, loss and damage and international

support. It is supported by a suite of online resources featuring regularly updated lists of

complementary materials and weblinks, and annually updated briefs for specific chapters.

B.Mayer (CUP-9781108419871) juli 2018 332 pag. ca. € 125,00

the Law of Nuclear Energy

Offers a comprehensive overview of nuclear law and nuclear power projects, providing a

foundation upon which countries can establish or develop legislative frameworks and regulate

nuclear power projects. Covers the development of nuclear power projects, providing, amongst

other things, guidance on producing a tender document evaluating tenders, a review of the

key provisions of a nuclear construction contract and an introduction to nuclear finance. It

also has chapters covering the front and back end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Discusses small

modular nuclear reactors (“SMRs”) and future issues in international nuclear energy law. The

2nd edition has been updated throughout and features new chapters on: Nuclear energy for

policy makers, including in the context of climate change and sustainable development,

nuclear liability, nuclear waste management, disposal and reprocessing.

H.Cook (S&M-9780414055889) 2e dr. april 2018 678pag. geb. ca. € 310,00

Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht

145 - KNVIR Preadviezen - Climate Change: Options and Duties under International Law

E. Hey and F. Violi: The Hard Work of Regime Interaction: Climate Change and Human Rights

J. Spier: Private Law as a Crowbar for Coming to Grips with Climate Change ?

A.Soons: An Ocean under Stress: Climate Change and the Law of the Sea [summary]

(Asser Press- 9789067043564) november 2018 73 pag. € 26,65

the Oxford Handbook on the United Nations

Provides in one volume an authoritative and independent treatment of the UN's seventy-year

history, written by an international cast of more than 50 distinguished scholars, analysts, and

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practitioners. Provides a clear and penetrating examination of the UN's development since

1945 and the challenges and opportunities now facing the organization. Assesses implications

for the UN of rapid changes in the world - from technological innovation to shifting foreign

policy priorities - and the UN's future place in a changing multilateral landscape. Citations and

additional readings contain a wealth of primary and secondary references to the history,

politics, and law of the world organization. Also contains appendices of the UN Charter, the

Statute of the International Court of Justice, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

T.Weiss,S.Daws (ed.)(OUP-9780198803164) 2e dr. aug. 2018 1024 pag.geb. ca. € 119,00

Oxford Principles of European Union Law. Volume 1: The European Union Legal Order

Since the 1957 Rome Treaty, the European Union has changed dramatically - in terms of its

composition, scope and depth. Originally established by six Western European States, the EU

today has 28 Members and covers almost the entire European continent; and while initially

confined to establishing a "common market", the EU has come to influence all areas of

political, economic and social life. In parallel with this enormous geographic and thematic

expansion, the constitutional and legislative principles underpinning the European Union have

constantly evolved. This three-volume study aims to provide an authoritative academic

treatment of European Union law. Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical assessment

of the state of the law. Doctrinal in presentation, each volume nonetheless tries to present a

broader historical and comparative perspective. Volume I provides an analysis of the

constitutional principles governing the European Union. Covers history of the EU, constitutional

foundations, the institutional framework, legislative and executive governance, judicial

protection, and external relations. Volume II explores the structure of the internal market,

while Volume III finally analyses the internal and external substantive policies of the EU.

R.Schütze,T.Trimidas (OUP-97890199533770) maart 2018 1440 pag. geb. ca. € 360,00

A People’s Court ? - A Bottom-Up Approach to Litigation Before the European Court of Justice

Each year the European Court of Justice delivers over a thousand decisions on the basis of EU

law that affect the Member States as well as the lives of their citizens. Most of these decisions

are the result of requests for a preliminary ruling sent by national courts and tribunals seeking

an interpretation of EU law. While this procedure is seen as central to the transformation of

Europe, significant ambiguity remains on why it is used, and who is primarily responsible for its

success. Examines the practice of the preliminary reference procedure. By approaching it from

the perspective of those who participate in it, the study takes on prevalent assumptions about

the how and why of national court cases that reach the European Court of Justice through a

request for a preliminary ruling. This empirical research will appeal to scholars engaged in the

relationship between law and European integration as well as practitioners and litigants

interested in the practice of the preliminary reference procedure.

J.Hoevenaars (B-9789462368293) april 2018 332 pag. € 65,00

Petroleum Contracts and International Law

Addresses aspects of international law examining oil and gas agreements between states and

private companies and their intersection with rules of international law. Provides detailed and

insightful coverage of the current practice as well as commentary and analysis based on the

authors' extensive experience. Covers topics such as the nature of international petroleum

contracts, petroleum agreements as state contracts, issues of contract stability, the

development of bilateral investment treaties, natural resource cycles, political risks and the

specific petroleum policies of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the

International Monetary Fund and the International Development Association.

R.Dolzer (OUP-9780198715979) oktober 2018 336 pag. geb. ca. € 119,00

State Aid and the Energy Sector

Offers a comprehensive and compelling account of State aid law and policy and its application

to the energy sector. Explores general questions from the definition of State aid to its

application in Member States by national courts. It also examines questions of procedure,

questions of compatibility, and State aid and the EEA. PART I: THE DEFINITION OF STATE AID,



Netherlands, Austria, Italia, Greece, Belgium, Spain).

L.Hancher e.a. (ed.) (Hart-9781509913688) maart 2018 640 pag.geb. ca. € 190,00

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Transformation of EU and Eastern Mediterranean Energy Networks : Legal, Regulatory

and Geopolitical Challenges

Comprehensive outline of selected core issues that define the regulatory and political

challenges of energy networks in the EU and its links with the Eastern Mediterranean. Aims to

identify the key elements that shape the future of gas and electricity networks in Europe and

examines the regulatory challenges that policy-makers and legislators face in delivering robust

and e-ective policies for the future. Provides an insight into the links between the European

Union’s Energy Policy and some of the key geopolitical elements currently facing the Eastern

Mediterranean region. Analysis of legislative issues on the integration of European energy

markets and digitalisation of energy networks provides a valuable insight into future

transformation of the energy market in the EU and potential impact in Southeastern Europe.

L.Hancher,A.Metaxas (ed.)(C&C – 9789077644638) september 2018 120 pag. geb. € 79,50

the Transformation or Reconstitution of Europe - the Critical Legal Studies Perspective on

the Role of the Courts in the European Union

It is generally understood that EU law as interpreted by the ECJ has not merely reconstituted

the national legal matrix at the supranational level, but has also transformed Europe and

shaken the well-established, often formalist, ways of thinking about law in the Member States.

This innovative new study seeks to examine such a narrative through the lens of the American

critical legal studies (CLS) perspective. The introduction explains how the editors understand

CLS and why its methodology is relevant in the European context. Part II examines whether

and how judges embed policy choices or even ideologies in their decisions, and how to detect

them. Part III assesses how the ECJ acts to ensure the legitimacy of its decisions, whether it

resists implementing political ideologies, what the ideology of European integration is, and how

the selection of judges influences these issues. Part IV uses the critical perspective to examine

some substantive parts of EU law, rules on internal and external movement, and the European

arrest warrant. Seeks to determine whether the role of the ECJ has really been transformative

and whether that transformation is reversible. Part V considers the role of academics in

shaping the narratives of EU integration.

T.Perišin,S.Rodin (ed.) (Hart-9781509907250) maart 2018 256 pag. geb. ca. € 92,00

the Trump Administration and International Law

Argues that President Trump has thus far enjoyed less success than many believe, because he

does not own the pervasive "transnational legal process" that governs these issue areas.

Shows how those opposing Trump's policies during his administration's first two years have

successfully triggered that process as part of a collective counter-strategy akin to Muhammad

Ali's "rope-a-dope." Surveys immigration and refugee law, human rights, climate change,

denuclearization, trade diplomacy, relations with North Korea, Russia and Ukraine, America's

"Forever War" against Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, and the ongoing tragedy in Syria.

Illustrates the many techniques that players in the transnational legal process have used to

blunt Trump's early initiatives. The high stakes of this struggle, and its broader implications for

the future of global governance-now challenged by the rise of populist authoritarians-make this

exhausting counter-strategy both worthwhile and necessary. GEEFT DUS ENIGE HOOP !

H.Koh (OUP-9780190912185) oktober 2018 232 pag. geb. ca. € 28,50

UNCITRAL Arbitration

The UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules have proved instrumental to the effective resolution of

transborder, commercial, investment-treaty, and inter-State disputes. This book is the only

article-by-article commentary of both the generic 2010 Rules and the Transparency Rules of

2013. Extensively referring to the UNCITRAL travaux préparatoires, considers: the principal

legislative intent behind each new or revised article or, the reasons for the absence of

revision;where an article is revised, or entirely new provisions are introduced, an explanation

of the issues that the revision intended to address, and an analysis of the discrete issues that

arise in respect of each article. This deeply informed resource offers a comprehensive

understanding of both sets of UNCITRAL Rules. This book serves as the pre-eminent

commentary and analysis on the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and the Transparency Rules.

J.Paulsson,G.Petrochilos (KL-9789041127334) maart 2018 672 pag.geb. € 186,00

Unjust Enrichment in European Union Law

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Which rights and obligations arise from the EU principle prohibiting unjust enrichment? This is

the first publication to thoroughly examine the consequences this principle has for private law

relationships. As the interplay between EU law and national private law intensifies, the

question arises how the EU principle prohibiting unjust enrichment plays into various legal

relationships involving one or more individuals. Puts forward a compelling analysis, taking into

account the functions of unjust enrichment in a number of national law systems and the

functions of general principles of EU law, as well as case law of the Court of Justice of the EU.

For analytic purposes, links are identified between EU causes of action based on undue

payment, unjust enrichment and unlawful act, respectively, followed by a discussion whether

or not such actions should be founded on violation of an EU provision having direct (horizontal)

effect. Gains a deeper understanding of how the Court of Justice may further develop EU law

on the basis of private-law principles. Illuminates which rights individuals may derive from

such legal principles and - if they can do so - under which circumstances.

M.v.d.Moosdijk(K-9789013151497) november 2018 320 pag. € 91,00

Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law

Provides complete and specialized coverage of EU competition law applicable to vertical

agreements, and detailed and practice-oriented analysis of the EU regulatory framework as

applied the Commission and the EU courts. Considers issues directly relevant in the

commercial world, answering questions such as: Under what conditions may a supplier impose

territorial restrictions on his dealer network?: Is it possible to impose maximum retail prices?:

Are customer restrictions permissible in a selective distribution system?: Can a supplier

assume an exclusive supply obligation?: Is an exclusive supply-back obligation included in a

subcontracting arrangement enforceable ?

F.Wijckmans,F.Tuytschaever(OUP-9780198791027)3e dr.januari 2018 496 pag.geb. € 242,00

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties - A Commentary

Provides an in-depth article-by-article analysis of all of the Vienna Convention’s provisions.

Each provision’s analysis consists of (I) Purpose and Function of the Article, (II) Historical

Background with Negotiating History, (III) Elements of the Article and finally (IV) Treaties of

International Organizations. Contains a comprehensive legal analysis of all aspects of the

international law of treaties.Where the law of treaties reaches into other fields of international

law, e.g. the law of state responsibility, relevant interfaces are discussed and contextualized.

O.Dörr,K.Schmalenbach(Spr.-9783662551592)2e dr. maart 2018 1527 pag. geb.ca. € 275,00


Verschenen in 2017 : All Rise - the high ambitions of the International Criminal Court and the harsh reality

The ICC is considered a beacon of hope, tasked to go after perpetrators of genocide, crimes

against humanity and war crimes. It has the responsibility to deliver justice. The court is now

fifteen years in existence. How has the ICC been doing? In a vivid and gripping style, and with

unique insights, the Dutch journalist Tjitske Lingsma tells the story of the ICC, that got started

on 1 July 2002 and now has 124 member states. The court is damaged by government

obstruction, intimidation of witnesses, its own failures and member states threatening to

withdraw. This is the sobering account of a court that could not live up to its expectations. But

as a relative young institution, the ICC should be given the benefit of the doubt. With its

important task to bring justice, it is too valuable to fail.

T.Lingsma (Ipso Facto-9789077386200) september 2017 450 pag. € 29,95

Cases, Materials and Text on European Law and Private Law

Deals with the horizontal effects of EU law: its effects on relationships between individuals. To

a large extent, these effects have been created by the Court of Justice of the European Union

(CJEU) on the basis of the European Treaties. The main focus is on the developments relating

to primary EU law and their influence on national private law. Studies instances where EU

primary law has already directly or indirectly influenced the case law in the Member States, or

where it is expected to do so soon. Compared to the well-known impact of EU directives on

private law, these developments concerning primary EU law are hardly noted by private

lawyers and perhaps not sufficiently explained by scholars of EU law. Highlights developments

in the areas of competition law, fundamental freedoms, non-discrimination, general principles

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of EU law, ex officio application of provisions of EU law and implementation of directives,

including harmonious interpretation and Francovich liability.

A.Hartkamp,C.Sieburgh,W.Devroe (Hart-9781509911875) maart 2017 528 pag. ca. € 51,50

the Council of Europe – its laws and policies

The Council of Europe, of which all European States are members, plays a pivotal role in the

promotion and protection of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Europe. The

organization's primary and secondary law, its institutional structure, and its far-reaching fields

of activities are comprehensively and systematically analysed. This volume investigates the

impact of the Council's activities within the national legal systems of the Member States and

the dense web of relationships between the Council of Europe and other international

organisations. An important reference work on one of the most influential organizations in

Europe, the book concludes that the Council of Europe has played a considerable role in the

constitutionalization process of regional public international law.

S.Schmahl,m.Breuer (ed.) (OUP-9780199672523) maart 2017 1056 pag. geb. ca. € 168,00

Diplomatic Law in a New Millennium

Brings together 20 experts to provide insight into some of the most controversial and

important matters which characterise modern diplomatic law. They include diplomatic asylum,

the treatment (and rights) of domestic staff of diplomatic agents, the inviolability of

correspondence, of the diplomatic bag and of the diplomatic mission, the immunity to be given

to members of the diplomatic family, diplomatic duties (including the duty of non-

interference), but also the rise of diplomatic actors which are not sent by States (including

members of the EU diplomatic service). The authors of the book include some of the leading

authorities on diplomatic law (including a delegate to the 1961 conference which codified

modern diplomatic law) as well as serving and former members of the diplomatic corps.

P.Behrens (ed.) (OUP-9780198795940) augustus 2017 432 pag. geb. ca. € 95,00

Directory on EU Case Law on Competition

Covers all decisions of the Court of Justice and the General Court of the EU on competition law

through the end of 2016. The book is structured as follows: Hundreds of headings and

subheadings present virtually every point from which a researcher is likely to start + each

subject heading starts with extracts having a more general meaning followed by extracts

relating to specific points or situations + extracts are accompanied by cross references where

appropriate + extracts are drawn from all EC competition case law encompassing every

judgment and order in the ‘Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the General Court’

(‘Summary of the Judgment’) until 2017 + under about 900 headings (forty-seven chapters

with numerous divisions and subdivisions).

R.Bartents (ed.) (KL-9789041183637) 2e dr. augustus 2017 1432 pag. geb. ca. € 265,00

Division of Competences between the EU and the Member States -Reflections on the

Past, the Present and the Future

The issue of competence division is of fundamental importance as it reflects the 'power

bargain' struck between the Member States and their Union, determining the limits of the

authority of the EU as well as the limits of the authority of the Member States. It defines the

nature of the EU as a polity, as well as the identity of the Member States. After over six years

since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, it is high time to take stock of whether the

reforms that were adopted to make the Union's system of division of competences between the

EU Member States clearer, more coherent, and better at containing European integration, have

been successful. This book asks whether 'the competence problem' has finally been solved

S.Garben,I.Govaere (ed.)(Hart-9781509913480) oktober 2017 360 pag.geb. ca. € 87,00

Energy Transitions: Regulatory and Policy Trends

Highlights the recent developments in EU energy law and underlying policy aspects that shape

the regulatory approach to energy. By acknowledging the multidisciplinary nature of energy

law, its close relationship with policy issues and its development as an evolving new sector-

specific legal field, this book reflects the multifaceted nature of EU energy law by focusing on

the most topical issues of EU energy law and policy today. It examines regulatory and

institutional developments in EU energy law, the case law of the Court of Justice in the field of

energy, and different policy dimensions and external aspects of EU energy law. The themes

covered include: capacity mechanisms, interactions between EU and international

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organisations and jurisdictions outside the EU, application of general EU law to the energy

sector, sustainability aspects such as the current state of renewable energy support schemes

and waste-to-energy processes, underground gas storage facilities, and various aspects of

shale gas developments in the EU.

S-L.Penttinen e.a.(ed.) (I-9781780684048) maart 2017 274 pag. € 95,00

Environmental Crime in Europe

The aim is to explore how environmental crime is controlled and environmental criminal law is

shaped and implemented within the European Union and its Member States. Examines the

legal framework, looking in particular at Directive 2008/99/EC, and the specific competences of

the EU in this domain. Provides a detailed analysis of environmental criminal law in seven

Member States, focusing inter alia on the basic legislation, the way in which environmental

pollution is criminalised and the main actors in place to enforce environmental criminal law. In

so doing, it provides a much needed explanation of the evolution of environmental criminal law

in Europe at Union level and how this is implemented in selected Member States.

A.Farmer,M.Faure (ed.) (Hart-9781509914012) december 2017 392 pag. geb. ca. € 95,00

European Energy Law Report Vol. XI

The European Energy Law Reports are an initiative taken by the organisers of the European

Energy Law Seminar which has been organised on an annual basis since 1989 at Noordwijk

aan Zee in the Netherlands. The aim of this seminar is to present an overview of the most

important legal developments in the field of International, EU and national energy and climate

law. This volume includes chapters on “EU Energy and Climate Law – Policy & Jurisprudence”,

“Energy and Climate Treaty Developments”, “Energy Infrastructure Developments: Offshore

Electricity Systems and Network Investments”, “Heat Supply Legislation in the EU” and

“Security of Energy Supply and Safety”.

M.Roggenkamp(ed.) (I-9781780684697) november 2017 345 pag. € 155,00

European Legal Methodology (Ius Communotatis nr. 7)

EU law is an autonomous legal system. It requires its own methodology, independent of the

national traditions of the Member States. The contributions discuss the foundations of

European legal methodology in Roman law and in the development of national legal methods in

the 19th century as well as the economic and comparative background. Core issues of legal

methods such as the sources of law, the interpretation of EU primary law and secondary

legislation, the concretisation of general clauses, and judicial development of the law are also

analysed. Furthermore, the temporal effects of EU directives on the one hand and of

judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union raise specific issues of EU law.

Contributions are also devoted to issues of a multi-level legal system. Beyond general aspects,

directives, in particular, raise special questions: what is their impact on the interpretation of

national law; and what are the methodological consequences of a transposition of directives

beyond their original scope (‘gold-plating’)? Further contributions inquire into methodological

issues in contract law, employment law, company law, capital market law and competition law.

They illustrate the general aspects of European legal methods with a view to specific

applications and also reveal specific issues of methods which occur in these areas. Finally, legal

methods from national perspectives of different Member States, namely France, Germany,

Italy, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom, are examined. The authors reveal national

traditions of legal methods and national preconceptions and illustrate the application of EU

legal methods in different national contexts.

K.Riesenhuber (I-9781780682594) mei 2017 750 pag.geb. € 148,00

the European Union and International Dispute Settlement

Explores the connections between the European Union and international dispute settlement.

Highlights the legal challenges faced by the principal players in the field: namely the EU as a

political actor and the Court of Justice of the EU as an international and domestic judiciary. In

addition, it places the subject in its broader context of international dispute settlement, and

the participation of the EU and its Member States in international disputes. Focuses on

horizontal and cross-cutting themes, bringing together insights from the different sectors of

trade, investment and human rights, and offering a variety of perspectives.

M.Cremona e.a.(ed.) (Hart-9781509903238) september 2017 320 pag. geb. ca. € 92,00

the European Union and Social Security Law

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The aim is to examine how EU law relates to and impacts on the national social security

systems of the Member States. It asks three key questions. Firstly, it looks at how the internal

market and its developments have eroded Member States' sovereignty over their social

security systems, despite the fact that the EU has limited competence in the field. It then

explores, secondly, how the Union Citizenship and, thirdly, the Charter of Fundamental Rights

has affected the coordination of these regimes.

J.Paju (HART-9781509911578) augustus 2017 232 pag.geb. ca. € 80,00

EU Citizenschip and Direct Taxation – burgerschap van de unie en directe belastingen

The main question addressed in this study is: how has the concept of EU citizenship influenced

the legal autonomy of Member States; most notably in the field of direct taxation and are the

implications of that influence on the tax autonomy of Member States acceptable? Proefschrift !

E.Ros (EUR) mei 2017 397 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

EU Competition Law Handbook

Comprehensive citator for Commission decisions and competition cases before the EU and

National courts, conveniently cross-referenced by subject matter. Updated annually, this is the

27th edition, incorporating decisions and developments up to July 2016. MAIN FEATURES:

comprehensive citator of Commission decisions and competition cases before the EU and

national courts, categorised in highly detailed concepts of competition law by experts in the

field, two distinct “books” addressing 1) General Competition Rules and 2) Mergers and

Acquisitions, each book uses a sophisticated tree structure to drill down to particular types of

agreement, practice or legal question, covers Commission decisions and competition cases

before the EU and national courts, national cases are included where relevant to a competition

lawyer in other jurisdictions, the second book contains extensive reference tables for the

location of full text judgments and English case summaries online.

M.v.d.Woude (ed.) (S&M-97890414064263) 27e dr.november 2017 1010 pag. ca. € 310,00

EU Energy Law and Policy – South European Perspective (Eur. Energy Stud. Vol. XII)

- Meeting the Challenges of a Low Carbon Economy

Navigating the challenges of a low carbon Europe: energy market regulation, the future of

RES, and ensuring security of supply. Provides an insight into some of the most significant

issues presented at the Florence School of Regulation and Hellenic Energy Regulation

Institute’s joint conference on European energy law and policy (September 2016 in

Athens).The purpose of the conference was to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current

status of the European and Greek energy sector, and the issues it faces, from both a legal and

an economic perspective. The discussions included an assessment of the low carbon challenges

for Europe, examining the future of renewable energy systems and support mechanisms,

electricity market design, and the current regulatory framework of the gas and electricity

markets in Greece. Finally, the discussions turned to the future role of Distribution System

Operators, both in their function as independent supervisors of the electricity market and in

their evolving relationship with the Transmission System Operators.

L.Hancher,A.Metaxas (ed.) (C&C- 9789077644553) september 2017 200 pag. geb. € 85,00

Europees Privaatrecht –Jurisprudentie 1963-2017 NIEUWE A.A. JURISPUDENTIEBUNDEL

Bevat voor het privaatrecht relevante arresten van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie,

alsmede rechtspraak van de Hoge Raad waaruit de toenemende invloed van het EU-recht op

het privaatrecht blijkt. De uitspraken zijn weliswaar speciaal geselecteerd voor het onderwijs.

Maar daarnaast is deze bundel is ook zeer bruikbaar voor de rechtspraktijk.

R.v.Leuken (red.) (A-9789069169323) juni 2017 446 pag. € 29,50

Europees Recht Dit klassieke handboek analyseert de beginselen van het recht van de Europese Unie na het

Verdrag van Lissabon. De hoofdlijnen van het Europees recht en de instellingen van de

Europese Unie worden systematisch in kaart gebracht. Dit is dan ook hét actuele

Nederlandstalige basiswerk over het Europees recht. In een groeiend aantal rechtstakken is de

Europese invloed niet meer weg te denken. Zo verschijnt het Europese Unierecht op de

voorgrond van het arbeidsrecht, het socialezekerheidsrecht, het fiscaal recht, het strafrecht,

het ipr, het procesrecht, het bank- en verzekeringsrecht, het vennootschapsrecht enz. In al

deze rechtstakken ontstaat een samenspel van Unierecht en nationaal recht, wat een grondige

kennis van het Unierecht noodzakelijk maakt. Het handboek van Kapteyn dateert nog uit 2003.

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K.Lenaerts,P.VanNuffel (I-9789400008830) 6e dr. november 2017 728 pag.geb. € 145,00

Europese Almanak –Tusseneditie 2017

De EU krijgt steeds meer invloed op de Nederlandse besluitvorming en economie. De kans om

rechtstreeks met de EU te maken te krijgen, wordt alsmaar groter. In deze Almanak vindt u

direct de naam- en adresgegevens van de juiste instantie en de juiste persoon.

(S-9789012400312) juni 2017 116 pag. € 50,00

Europese Basisteksten

Volledig herziene ( tot 01-01-2017)teksteditie met geconsolideerde versies van het Verdrag

betreffende de Europese Unie en het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie

hun plaats, alsmede hun protocollen en bijlagen, en de verklaringen, gehecht aan de Slotakte

van de Intergouvernementele Conferentie die het Verdrag van Lissabon heeft aangenomen.

Om een vergelijking met de door het Verdrag van Lissabon gewijzigde Verdragen te

vergemakkelijken, werden opnieuw de concordantietabellen met de oude en de nieuwe

nummering van de twee Verdragen opgenomen. Vervolgens teksten inzake de Europese

rechtspleging, daarna documenten aangaande de Europese besluitvorming, met name de

reglementen van orde van het Europees Parlement, de Europese Raad, de Raad en de

Europese Commissie, de besluiten van de Europese Raad en de Raad betreffende het

voorzitterschap van de Raad, het kaderakkoord over de betrekkingen tussen het Europees

Parlement en de Europese Commissie, de "comitologie"-Verordening en de Verordening over

het burgerinitiatief. Tot slot het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie en de

daarbij horende toelichtingen en het Europees Verdrag tot bescherming van de rechten van de

mens en de fundamentele vrijheden, samen met enkele aan dit Verdrag gehechte protocollen.

T.Joris,J.Monnet (red.) (M-9789046608593) 9e dr. februari 2017 1014 pag. € 39,95

Europese Staatssteunregels – 2017 - handreiking voor het benutten van de beleidskansen

Om de beleidskansen van de Europese staatssteunregels optimaal te benutten moeten

overheden bij het uitwerken van financiële transacties met of ten behoeve van

ondernemingen, zoals subsidieverordeningen, de volgende vragen beantwoorden: wat is

staatssteun? Kan voorkomen worden dat er sprake is van staatssteun? Kan voorkomen worden

dat staatssteun moet worden aangemeld? Hoe kan een voorspoedige goedkeuring door de

Commissie worden bereikt? Aan de hand van deze vragen zijn de Europese staatssteunregels

op basis van art. 107 VWEU hier ingedeeld. Deze gewone staatssteunregels worden duidelijk

onderscheiden van de staatssteunregels voor DAEB. Voor landbouwsteun en vervoersteun

gelden afzonderlijke regels. Omdat overheden bij het maken van steunmaatregelen vaak te

maken kunnen hebben met een combinatie van gewone steun en landbouwsteun, zijn de

vrijstellingsverordeningen en de richtsnoeren voor staatssteun in de landbouw- en

bosbouwsector en in plattelandsgebieden niet gescheiden opgenomen. Dat is wel het geval

met de staatssteunregels voor vervoer.

B.Hessel,M.v.d.Velden e.a.(A-9789069168791) maart 2017 876 pag. € 49,50

Free Movement of Civil Judgments in the European Union and the Right to a Fair Trial

Examines the attainment of complete free movement of civil judgments across EU member

states from the perspective of its conformity with the fundamental right to a fair trial. In the

integrated legal order of the European Union, it is essential that litigants can rely on a

judgment no matter where in the EU it was delivered. Effective mechanisms for cross-border

recognition and the enforcement of judgments provide both debtors and creditors with the

security that their rights, including their right to a fair trial, will be protected. In recent years

however, the attainment of complete free movement of civil judgments, through simplification

or abolition of these mechanisms, became a priority for the European legislator. The text

uniquely combines a thorough discussion of EU legislation with an in-depth and critical

examination of its interplay with fundamental rights. It contains an overview and comparison

of both ECtHR and CJEU case law on the right to a fair trial, and provides a great number of

specific recommendations for current and future legislation.

M.Hazelhorst ( T.M.C.Asser Press-9789462651616) maart 2017 448 pag. € 120,00

Frontex and the EBCGA - A Question of Accountability

Discusses the question to what extent Frontex (and, to a more limited degree, its successor,

the European Border and Coast Guard Agency) can be held accountable for breaches of EU law

acting both inside and outside EU territory.The issues covered include a detailed discussion of

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Frontex' tasks and competences, the legal position and status of EU agencies, agency

accountability and the distinction between the notions of accountability and responsibility as

well as the extraterritorial applicability of EU law. It also addresses the question whether an

individual complaint mechanism can and should be introduced within the Agency's setup.

A.Poméon (W-9789462403598) juli 2017 189 pag. € 30,00

Humanitarian Intervention as an Exception to the Prohibition on the Use of Force

The core objective of the United Nations is to strive towards peace and security in international

community. Recent flows of refugees to Europe have led to wonder how the international

community could help both people facing abuses of their fundamental rights, and also

European countries to which they are immigrating. However, since 1945, the use of force has

been prohibited with no mention of interventions for humanitarian purposes. The question

remains, when unauthorised humanitarian intervention as a last resort measure can be

justified in a world of jus cogens prohibition of the use of force. In public international law, new

rules of customary law emerge through sufficient State practice and opinio juris, therefore it

might turn out that humanitarian interventions will be justified under customary international

law. Always when concerned with the protection of human rights, specific criteria shall be

drawn in order to prevent abuses. The present book is a master thesis, which is going to

answer the question of justifiability of the use of force for humanitarian purposes without the

United Nations Security Council approval, drawn from Iraq and Kosovo cases, and evolving

customary international law.

P.Zvržina (W-9789462403963) juli 2017 760 pag. € 59,95

Infringement Proceedings in EU Law

Handbook on infringement proceedings under Articles 258-260 of the Treaty on the

Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Infringement proceedings constitute a significant

proportion of proceedings before the CJEU and play a key role in the development of EU law.

Their immediate purpose is to obtain a declaration that a Member State has, by its conduct,

failed to fulfil an obligation under the EU Treaties. The aim is to bring that infringing conduct

and its effects to an end and, ultimately, to eliminate infringements across the Union.

Thoroughly explains the functioning of infringement proceedings, their requirements and

related policies, including issues such as:the European Commission’s discretion to bring a case

before the Court; the author of the infringement, including national courts or private entities;

Member States’ procedural and substantive defences; the different procedures under Articles

258, 259 and 260(2) and (3) TFEU; rights of private parties; interim measures; financial

sanctions; Member States’ liability; and the roles played by the European Parliament and the

Ombudsman. Particular attention is devoted to rules that have not yet been fully interpreted,

or where the current interpretation or application of the rules seems problematic.

L.Prete (KL-9789041169006) maart 2017 484 pag. geb. € 145,00

Inleiding Humanitair Oorlogsrecht

Humanitair oorlogsrecht is het internationale recht dat geldt tijdens gewapende conflicten, met

het doel de schadelijke gevolgen voor mensen te beperken en te voorkomen. Humanitair

oorlogsrecht beschermt personen die niet (of niet meer) deelnemen aan een gewapend conflict

en het geeft regels die wapens en het gebruik ervan beperken. Het Rode Kruis is van oudsher

de promotor en bewaker van het humanitair oorlogsrecht en speelt een belangrijke rol in

conflictgebieden. De afdeling Humanitair Oorlogsrecht van het Nederlandse Rode Kruis heeft

als kerntaak de kennis van het humanitair oorlogsrecht in Nederland te verspreiden.

A.Vermeere.a. (TMC Asser Press-9789067043540) 2e dr. oktober 2017 288 pag. € 27,50

International Energy Law

Provides a systematic approach to legislation and legal practice concerning energy resources

and production in International Energy Law. Describes the broad international energy set up,

administrative organization, regulatory framework, and relevant case law pertaining to the

development, application, and use of such forms of energy as electricity, gas, petroleum, and

coal, with attention as needed to the pervasive legal effects of competition law, environmental

law and tax law. A general introduction covers the geography of energy resources, sources and

basic principles of energy law, and the relevant governmental institutions. Then follows

a detailed description of specific legislation and regulation affecting such factors

as documentation, undertakings, facilities, storage, pricing, procurement and

sales, transportation, transmission, distribution, and supply of each form of energy. Case law,

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intergovernmental cooperation agreements, and interactions with environmental, tax, and

competition law are explained.

M.Naseem(KL-9789041185501) maart 2017 ca.160 pag. ca. € 92,00

International Investment Arbitration – Substantive Principles

Detailed critical review of the substantive principles of international law applied by investment

arbitration tribunals, and a clear and comprehensive description of the present state of the

law. This second edition is fully updated to take account of the arbitration awards rendered in

the period since 2007. Key areas of coverage include: instruments under which investment

disputes arise; legal basis of treaty arbitration; dispute resolution and parallel proceedings;

who is a foreign investor, including nationality issues and foreign control;what is an

investment; investors' substantive rights, including fair and equitable treatment;expropriation;

compensation and remedies. Arbitration of overseas investment disputes is one of the fastest

growing areas of international dispute resolution. The exponential growth of international

investment in recent years has led to the signature of over two thousand Bilateral Investment

Treaties (BITs) between foreign states, in addition to a wealth of multilateral treaties and other

forms of concession agreements. The legal principles that have developed in this area are

subject to intense debate, and are still in a state of flux. While tribunals routinely state that

they are applying principles of public international law to determine disputes, many of the

principles applied have only been developed recently in the context of investment treaty

arbitrations, and tribunals are often guided more by the approaches taken by other tribunals,

than by pre-existing doctrines of public international law.

C.McLachlan e.a.(OUP-9780199676804) 2e dr. september 2017 704 pag. ca. € 79,00

Lasok's European Court Practice and Procedure

When the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance drafts its own procedural

rules, and when it makes decisions on procedural matters, it turns to Paul Lasok's highly

regarded book for confirmation and guidance. It is therefore an essential work of reference and

practical advice for all legal practitioners preparing a case to be heard before the European

Court of Justice. The third edition has been updated and amended to take account of the

changes to the jurisdiction and procedure of the Court of First Instance, plus the significant

changes brought about by the signing of the Treaty of Nice in order to reduce the increasing

workload of the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance.

K.Lasok (Bloomsb.-9781845920661) 3e dr. februari 2017 1888 pag. geb. ca. € 365,00

the Law of Maritime Blockade - Past, Present, and Future

Close examination of maritime blockade unveils a sinister character that can, in cases where

countries are highly reliant on imports of foodstuffs to feed their populations, prove incredibly

deadly, particularly for the young and elderly. This book is unique in that it is the only

contemporary book that is dedicated to the study of the law of maritime blockade in the

context of modern humanitarian law. Reviewing the development of blockade law over the past

four centuries, this publication provides a historical analysis of the law as it emerged, tracing

its evolution through armed conflicts between 1684 and the present. Referring to the

starvation caused by the blockade of Germany during World War I and the humanitarian crisis

caused by the sanctions regime against Iraq (1991-2003), this book demonstrates that

blockade can have extremely deleterious effects for vulnerable civilian populations. In this

context the current law of blockade is examined, and found to be deficient in terms of its

protection for civilians. Recognizing and advocating that blockade should remain as a valid and

effective method of warfare, the book offers a template for a modern law of maritime blockade

that incorporates many of the traditional aspects of the law, while reducing the possibilities

that blockades can cause or exacerbate humanitarian disasters.

P.Drew (OUP-9780198808435) december 2017 192 pag. geb. ca. € 100,00

Liesbeth Lijnzaad: Collected Essays on International Law

On 14 June 2017, Liesbeth Lijnzaad was elected as Judge in the International Tribunal for the

Law of the Sea, the first Dutch member of the Tribunal. It is one of the many avenues her

career could have taken after her years of service as the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of hte Kingdom of the Netherlands. This volume pays tribute to Liesbeth

Lijnzaad's contribution to the development of international law to date as a scholar. It bringst

together all her articles in the fields of general international law and law of treaties, human

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rights and women's rights, international humanitarian law, and law of the sea. It necessarily is

a snapshot as it may be expected that many more contributions are to come.

R.Lefeber e.a. (ed.)(B-9789462367845) september 2017 ca. 500 pag. € 95,00

Limits to EU Powers - A Case Study of EU Regulatory Criminal Law

EU policy-makers are bound to ensure that any EU legislation must fall within the remit of the

EU's competences. This monograph looks at this highly contested issue, with particular

reference to European Union criminal law. Looks at the powers enjoyed by the EU to impose

criminal sanctions to suggest mechanisms by which legislative powers could be kept in check.

Argues that the main responsibility for providing checks against the exercise of EU power lies

with the EU judiciary. Argues that the most effective form of review is procedural and through

the case study of sanctions, provides the basis for such a review.

J.Öberg (Hart-9781509903351) juli 2017 256 pag. geb. ca. € 80,00

the Maastricht Collection Complete (Vol. I,II,II,IV)

The compilation is based on the Maastricht University Law School’s longstanding expertise in

teaching and researching European, international, and comparative national law. It includes

codes and statutory law from France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom,

international treaties, as well as legal instruments of the European Union. The provisions are

reproduced in the original English or in the authentic English version, where applicable, or they

are freshly translated under critical editorship. Existing translations of written law, including

officious translations available on government websites, often seek to turn old-fashioned or

ambiguous original texts into modern and elegant English. Or, instead of translating, they seek

to explain how certain terms and formulations are interpreted in practice. The translations

remain as faithful as possible to the content and linguistic style of the original, thus allowing

the reader not only to appreciate the substance but also the authentic form of legal sources.

Due to the significant expansion of the collection, this new edition has been divided into four

reader-friendly volumes, which can be ordered separately:

• Vol. I - International and European Law (ISBN 9789089521941) 1081 pag. € 40,00

• Vol. II - Comparative Public Law (ISBN 9789089521958) 281 pag. € 25,00

• Vol. III - International and European Private Law (ISBN 9789089521965) 655 pag. € 30,00

• Vol. IV - Comparative Private Law (ISBN 9789089521972) 298pag. € 25,00

S.Hardt,N.Kornet (ed.) (Eur.Law-978089521934) 5e dr.sept, 2017 2341 pag (4 vol.) € 95,00

the Making of a New European Legal Culture: the Aarhus Convention - At the crossroad

of comparative law and EU law

The Aarhus Convention entered into force more than 20 years ago. It lays down the pillars of

environmental democracy, that is a governance systems where citizens and civil society

organisations are fully involved in the decisions affecting the environment we all live in. The

Convention is an ideal testing ground upon where to study how legal principles, rules and

institutions behave once they are moved from one jurisdiction to another and how the recipient

jurisdiction reacts at receiving a transplant. The analysis from a legal cultural approach the law

in the EU and 8 Member States provides a much richer picture about how the Aarhus

Convention has been implement and what are the legal cultural enablers and obstacles to the

full development of environmental democracy in different jurisdictions.

R.Caranta,A.Gerbrandy e.a.(ed.) (Eu-9789089521903) december 2017 467 pag. € 68,00

New Technologies and EU law

What is the nature of the relationship between the fields of new technology and EU law? What

challenges do new technologies pose for the internal market and the fundamental principles of

the EU? The first part explores the EU's approach to the regulation of scientific and

technological risk, and the link between the regulation of technology and the internal market.

In detail, the chapters analyse the interaction between EU law, bioethics and medical and

health technologies. The 2nd. part enhances on this, and the chapters scrutinize specific policy

areas in order to explain the alternate ways in which EU policy and technology cooperate.

M.Cremona (OUP-9780198807216) juni 2017 288 pag. geb. ca. € 73,00

Ownership of Satellites - 4th Luxembourg Workshop on Space and Satellite Communication


The reason for opening this discussion is the fact that on the one hand, the main legal

problems remain - only the launching State can register a space object and only the launching

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state is liable for damages caused by the satellite, and on the other hand the emergence of

several new phenomena, such as condominium of satellites or the exponential existence of

small satellites. Furthermore, the relation between the registration of space objects under UN

framework and the assignment of frequencies is practically unknown to non-internals.

M.Hofmann,A.Loukakis (ed.) (NOMOS-9783848739219) juni 2017 296 pag. ca. € 84,00

the Politics and Economics of Eastern Mediterranean Gas (European Scenarios &

Policy Vol.III)

Since 2010, the Eastern Mediterranean region has become a hotspot of international energy

discussions due to a series of gas discoveries in the offshore of Israel, Cyprus and Egypt.

Provides a comprehensive analysis of all these developments, assessing the realistic

implications of regional gas discoveries for both Eastern Mediterranean countries and the EU.

S.Tagliapietra (C&C-9789077644577) september 2017 108 pag. geb. € 75,00

Post-Reform Personal Data Protection in the European Union - General Data Protection

Regulation (EU) 2016/679

Comprehensive discussion of all principles of personal data processing, obligations of data

controllers, and rights of data subjects in the context of General Data Protection Regulation

(GDPR, i.e., Regulation (EU) 2016/679). The European Union (EU) has created the most

sophisticated regime currently in force with the GDPR of 2016. GDPR will become applicable

directly in all the Member States, providing for a unification of data protection rules within the

EU. It, however, also poses a problem of enabling international trade and data transfers

outside the EU between economies which have different data protection models in place. This

book forms the core of the personal data protection regime. Among the broad spectrum of

aspects of the subject covered are the following: summary of the changes introduced by the

GDPR; new territorial scope, key principles of personal data processing; legal bases for the

processing of personal data;marketing, cookies, and profiling; new information clauses;

new Subject Access Requests (SARs), including the ‘right to be forgotten’ on the Internet, the

right to data portability, and the right to object to profiling; new data protection by design and

by default; benefits from implementing a certificate; data transfers outside the EU, including

Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs), Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), and special features of

EU-US arrangements. This book references many rulings of European courts, as well as

interpretations and guidelines formulated by European data protection authorities, examples

and best practices.

M.Krzystofek (Kl-9789041162373) januari 2017 272 pag. geb. € 127,50

Principles and Practice in EU Sports Law

Assesses sporting bodies' claims for legal autonomy from the 'ordinary law' of states and

international organizations. Sporting bodies insist on using their expertise to create a set of

globally applicable rules which should not be deviated from irrespective of the territory on

which they are applied. The application of the lex sportiva, which refers to the conventions that

define a sport's operation, is analysed, as well as how this is used in claims for sporting

autonomy. The lex sportiva may generate conflicts with a state or international institution such

as the European Union, and the motives behind sporting bodies' claims in favour of the lex

sportiva's autonomy may be motivated by concern to uphold its integrity or to preserve

commercial gain. Underlines the tense relationship between lex sportiva and national and

regional jurisdictions which is exemplified with specific focus on the EU. The development of EU

sports law and its controversies are detailed, reinforced by the example of relevant legal

principles in the context of the practice of sports law. The intellectual heart of the text

endeavours to make a normative assessment of the strength of claims in favour of sporting

autonomy, and the variation between different jurisdictions and sports is evident. Furthermore

the enduring dilemma facing sports lawyers is whether sport should be regarded as special,

and in turn how (far) its special character should be granted legal recognition.

S.Weatherill (OUP-9780198793656) juli 2017 400pag. geb. ca. € 95,00

Principles on Climate Obligations of Enterprises

GHG emissions must be reduced at great pace and to a significant extent to keep global

warming below 2 and preferably 1,5 degrees Celsius. This can only be achieved if the

obligations of major players – States, enterprises and investors – are sufficiently clear.The

Oslo Principles aimed to discern the legal obligations of States. Focusses on the obligations of

enterprises and investors. They identify the reduction obligations of enterprises, and articulate

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a series of related obligations. Investors can and many already do play an important role to

stem the tide. Aims to provide a legal basis for active investment management and

engagement geared at stimulating enterprises to comply with their legal obligations. An

extensive commentary further explains the Principles and their legal underpinning.

T.Bogge e.a. Expert Group(B-9789462368088) december 2017 292 pag. € 32,50

Private Law and the Internal Market - Direct Horizontal Effect of the Treaty Provisions on

Free Movement

Private law and private law relationships in Member States of the European Union are

increasingly influenced by EU law. Sometimes, this influence is predictable, for instance

because EU law provides expressly that violation of a rule shall produce a specific private law

effect (Article 101(2) TFEU). Less predictable are the consequences where the Court of Justice

interprets provisions of EU law ostensibly addressed to the Member States such as creating,

modifying or extinguishing rights and obligations in legal relationships between individuals.

Since 1974 the Court has given interpretations to such direct horizontal effect to some of the

TFEU provisions on free movement. Seeks to establish the links between the relevant

judgments and, by analysing them in the context of the various mechanisms used by EU law to

influence national private law, considers whether the Court’s approach to one free movement

provision can be predictive of other free movement provisions and if so, to what extent. It also

discusses the impact which accepting direct horizontal effect has on the grounds that must be

available to individuals as a defence to alleged infringement of a free movement provision.

R.v.Leuken (I-9781780684666) juni 2017 226 pag. geb. € 79,00

Procesvertegenwoordiging Hof van Justitie EU – Jaarbericht 2016

In 2016 hebben het Hof van Justitie en het Gerecht van de EU 62 zaken afgedaan waaraan de

Nederlandse regering een bijdrage heeft geleverd. Het ging om 57 prejudiciële zaken en vijf

rechtstreekse zaken. Het oordeel van de Europese hoven komt in ruime meerderheid overeen

met het standpunt van de Nederlandse regering.

Min.BuZa, mei 2017 66 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Recht van de Europese Unie

Een studieboek datechter door zijn diepgang en de vele verwijzingen, zeer bruikbaar voor de

praktijk en de rechtswetenschap. Daarbij komen de volgende onderwerpen aan de orde:

de institutionele structuur, besluitvorming, rechtsbeginselen, rechtsbescherming, beleid en

ontwikkeling van de Europese integratie. Volledig bijgewerkt inclusie BREXIT.

F.Amtenbrink,H.Vedder (B-9789462900837) 6e dr. maart 2017 ca.550 pag. € 52,50

Regulation of the EU Financial Markets - MiFID II and MiFIR

Comprehensive and expert examination of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II,

which comes into force in January 2018 and will have a major impact on investment firms and

financial markets. Offers detailed guidance on interpretation of MiFID II, its measure and aims

which include: to increase transparency; better protect investors; reinforce confidence;

address unregulated areas; and ensure that supervisors are granted adequate powers to fulfil

their tasks. After a thorough overview of the various innovative features of the new legislative

framework in comparison with the former MiFID, the book's chapters are grouped thematically

to cover the following areas: general aspects; investment firms and investment services;

trading; supervision and enforcement; and reform perspectives.

Brings together expert opinions of leading practitioners, providing a variety of perspectives on

the new regime and the likely effect of the increased regulation.

D.Busch,G.Ferrarini (ed.) (OUP-9780198767671) januari 2017 768 pag. geb. ca. € 260,00

Renewable Energy in the Member States of the EU

Provides a complete overview on the relevance of Renewable Energy in all EU member states

and the developments in these countries over time. To give an even broader perspective,

contributions on some non-EU countries such as USA, Switzerland and China are also included.

Not only development plans and requirements by the state and other authorities, but also

support mechanisms, grid access rules and codes, authentication methods, cross-border

trading and guarantees of origin, supervision of the renewable energy sector, overview of

planning, construction and operation and use of specific structural and cohesion funds for

renewable energy project development are all included in this new volume. Each country has

its own chapter in which all these topics are discussed.

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D.Fouquet,C.Jones (ed.)(C&C-9789081690478) 2e dr. maart 2017 1250 pag. geb. € 295,00

The Role of Gas in the EU’s Energy Union

The EU’s gas market is at the very centre of the Energy Union, and is changing faster than

ever before. Indeed, the European Council has stressed repeatedly the EU’s priority of ensuring

its gas security, and promoting liquid and competitive gas markets across the whole of the EU.

The Commission has proposed a revision to the gas Security of Supply Regulation and

negotiations are close to finalisation. Earlier this year, the Commission published an ‘LNG

Strategy’. In terms of market integration, the progressive adoption of grid codes is further

integrating markets, and the emergence of active trading hubs in North West Europe, is seeing

the emergence of similar liquid markets throughout the EU. The EU has also been actively

pursuing its aim of diversifying its sources of gas supplies, making progress in bringing the

Southern Corridor to fruition, and is actively looking at other potential suppliers, for example

in the Eastern Mediterranean. And in the competition policy field the Commission has equally

been active, scrutinising the behaviour in particular of companies holding dominant positions in

parts of the EU.

C.Jones (ed.) (C&C-9789077644447) maart 2017 300 pag.geb. € 170,00

State Immunity in Dutch Civil Proceedings

The law of State immunity is set in a “world in-between” - in more ways than one. It is a part

of public international law; its application, however, is subject to national law of civil

procedure. Historically, it has almost exclusively been part of customary law and therefore

notoriously difficult to grasp. Now, with the adoption of the United Nations Convention on

Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property, there is a realistic chance of

establishing a binding and uniform set of rules internationally. Though not yet in force, the

United Nations Convention has already been embraced by courts as a welcome representation

of the current state of customary law. Viewed from the Dutch perspective, this book examines

the historical evolution of current Dutch views on State immunity. It examines in depth the

relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention. The centrepiece of the book is a critical

analysis of the conformity of these provisions with those of the relevant current Dutch law of

civil procedure and the current Dutch views on State immunity. The analysis does not shy

away from the potential for conflict and evaluates the possible added value the convention

may have for Dutch legal practice.

E.Ruppert (K-9789013141740) februari 2017 ca. 260 pag. geb. € 59,00

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – a commentary

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) entered into force in 1994 and

has since been ratified by about 160 states, including all the Member States of the EU and the

EU itself. The Convention defines the rights and duties of national states with regard to the use

of the seas. UNCLOS consolidates customary international law and various Conventions

previously adopted by the international community. This Treaty, the most comprehensive ever

concluded, is often referred to as 'the constitution for the seas'. This Commentary focuses

particularly on the interaction between UNCLOS and the European legal order, for example in

the field of the prevention or the reduction of environmental pollution and the fair distribution

of natural resources. EEN LANGE WEG NA HUGO DE GROOT’S MARE LIBERUM ANNO 1609 !!

A.Prölls (Beck-9783406603242) maart 2017 2617 pag.geb. € 490,00

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verschenen in 2016:

Commission Notice on the Notion of State Aid as referred to in Article 107 (1)TFEU

Europese Commissie publiceert zienswijze over tax rulings en Staatssteun.

De Europese Commissie heeft een nieuw document gepubliceerd waarin staat welke

Staatssteun wel en niet is toegestaan binnen de EU. In het document staan onder andere

maatregelen omtrent de vrijheid van lidstaten om via tax rulings de belastingdruk van

ondernemingen te verlagen. Het bevat bovendien een waarschuwing voor ondernemingen dat

zij niet langer ongelimiteerd kunnen schuiven met winsten en kosten en dat intercompany

contracten altijd gebaseerd moeten zijn op marktconforme prijzen. Dat geldt ook voor

transacties waarbij sprake is van niet-materiële zaken, zoals IE-rechten.

European Commission 2016 68 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

EU Competition Law . Vol. IV : State Aid

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This second edition of the State aid volume constitutes a state of the art description and

analysis of all aspects of the State aid discipline. Above all, it sets out all the novelties of the

State Aid Modernisation programme which was launched in 2012 and completed in summer

2014. The new edition reviews all major guidelines, frameworks and legislation, including the

Procedural Regulation, the Enabling Regulation, the General block exemption Regulation and

the de minimis Regulation. The book explains the Commission's overall approach to

compatibility of State aid, describes the new common principles for assessment and discusses

the new requirements for evaluation and transparency. It gives a detailed account of the new

rules on research, development and innovation, energy and environment (including the ETS),

risk capital and risk finance, regional development, and rescue and restructuring of firms in

difficulty. The book also explains the first rules ever adopted by the Commission on important

projects of common European interest. It discusses the relationship between State aid and the

Structural Funds, in particular in light of the new use of those funds via financial instruments.

All the main economic sectors affected by the modernisation programme are discussed,

including broadband, cinema, public service broadcasting, aviation, maritime and land

transport, agriculture and fisheries. A special section is dedicated to services of general

economic interest, introducing the new SGEI package and explaining how it has been applied.

The section on banking provides a full account of how the rules and enforcement practice have

evolved since the start of the financial crisis and discusses the issues which arise with the

introduction of the new regulatory framework for a European Banking Union. The notion of aid

section takes account of the most recent jurisprudence of the Union Courts and the

Commission's decisional practice, thereby addressing issues frequently faced by practitioners

and public authorities.

L.Flynn e.a. (ed.) (CC-9789077644300) 2e dr. mei 2016 2000 pag geb. (2 vol.) € 375,00

EU Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large-Scale Projects

Selection of the contributions presented at the EELF Conference. Governments, companies,

environmental associations and citizens all over the European Union (EU) are struggling with

large scale projects. On the one hand large scale projects can contribute to economic

development, on the other hand they often also raise environmental concerns. Because of their

size and potential impact, large scale projects usually lead to heavy debates and quickly

become of great symbolic value. Consequently, large scale projects are excellent examples of

the difficulty to balance economic development with environmental protection.The types of

large scale projects, planned as well as ‘under construction’ in the EU, are very diverse. One

can think of all kinds of infrastructure projects (motorways, railways, waterways, stations,

ports, airports,...), building projects (offices, housing projects, sports stadiums, redevelopment

of brownfields,...), waste projects (incineration, landfill,...), energy projects (electricity and gas

networks, wind farms, biogas installations, heat networks, extraction projects,...), climate

projects (CDM projects,...), water projects, etc. In order to promote the legal thinking about all

kinds of environmental and planning law aspects of large scale projects, Hasselt

University and KU Leuven, Campus Brussels jointly hosted from 10 to 12 September 2014 the

second European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) Conference, with as central topic

“Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large Scale Projects”. The conference focused

more specifically on the following aspects: - The role of spatial and environmental planning,

- Permitting and review procedures, - Critical sectoral regimes, - Horizontal measures.

The book is subdivided into six main themes: general, public participation, environmental

impact assessment, water, nature, land use. COMPLETE INHOUDSOPGAVE OP AANVRAAG.

B.Vanheusden (ed.) (I-9781780683812) maart 2016 384 pag. € 90,00

European Contract Law and the Digital Single Market – the implication of the digital


The EU is committed to making the Single Market fit for the digital age, by enhancing the

protection of consumers and data subjects, while providing businesses with the legal certainty

they need to invest in this field and support growth and innovation. In this context, European

Contract Law and the Digital Single Market, an edited collection consisting of carefully selected

contributions by leading scholars, addresses the impact of digital technology on European

Private Law in light of the latest legislative developments including the EU Regulation of 27

April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data

and on free movement of such data, as well as the European Commission’s proposals of 9

December 2015 for a Directive on the supply of digital content, for a Directive on online and

other distance sale of goods and for a Regulation on the cross-border portability of online

content services in the internal market. The book analyses new and urgent issues in the field

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of contract, data protection, copyright and private international law: namely the EU approach

to personal information as a tradeable commodity and as the object of a fundamental right of

the individuals concerned, the protection of consumers’ and users’ rights in contracts for the

supply of digital content and on online and other distance sales of goods, the cross-border

portability of online content services, the new features of standard contracts in the digital

market and the issues surrounding the emergence of the so called platform economy.

A.De Franceschi (I-9781780684222) september 2016 266 pag. € 69,00

Europese Almanak 2017 JAARLIJKSE UITGAVE

De EU krijgt steeds meer invloed op de Nederlandse besluitvorming en economie. De kans om

rechtstreeks met de EU te maken te krijgen, wordt alsmaar groter. In deze Almanak vindt u

direct de naam- en adresgegevens van de juiste instantie en de juiste persoon.

(S-9789012398725) december 2016 356 pag. € 94,50

Europese Basisverdragen

Europese basisverdragen zoals deze luiden na de inwerkingtreding van het Verdrag van

Lissabon op 1 december 2009 en de toetreding van Kroatië op 1 juli 2013. Wijzigingen van het

primaire Unierecht die de Europese Raad heeft kunnen bewerkstelligen zijn meegenomen.

R.v.Ooik,T.Vandamme (red.) (K-9789013136562) 9e dr. juli 2016 ca. 300 pag. € 20,50

Handbook of Shale Gas – Law and Policy

Petroleum law and policy in the UK to date has focused on the oil and gas resources in the

North Sea, and their regulation over the last fifty years. However, a new source of petroleum

in the UK is emerging - that of the unconventional petroleum resource of shale gas. This book

will be a thematic book considering the shale gas law and regulation. Whilst there will be a

focus on the UK, the book will place it within a wider global context. Rather than a theoretical

focus, the book aims to have a practical, applicable focus, so that the reader can apply the

legal principles and policies to their jurisdiction. It will focus on five major themes: overview

and introduction to shale gas activities; shale gas economics and energy security; access to

shale gas resources; shale gas law and regulation; and the future of shale gas.

T.Hunter (I-9781780682426) juli 2016 398 pag. geb. € 124,00

Improving Privacy Protection in the Area of Behavioural Targeting

This PhD thesis discusses how European law could improve privacy protection in the area of

behavioural targeting. Behavioural targeting, also referred to as online profiling, involves

monitoring people's online behaviour. To protect privacy, the EU lawmaker mainly relies on the

e-Privacy Directive, as well as on general data protection law. The thesis is a legal study, but it

incorporates insights from disciplines such as computer science, behavioural economics, and

media studies. Uitermate actuele materie uitputtend onderzocht.

F.Zuiderveen Borgesius (UvA december 2014) 490 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Ook de :summary: van 31 pag. is GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

International Air Law and ICAO

This is the third edition of the acclaimed International Air Law and ICAO, first published in

2008. The book has been fully updated to take the latest developments into account.

Specialized legal literature dealing with different aspects of international air law is rare, the

developments often overtake the existing writings and there is a continuous need not only for

updating but also for future-oriented thinking. There is a practical need for a compact but

exhaustive and easily comprehensible textbook or reference book that deals with the most

general aspects of international air law, as well as with the constitutional issues and law-

making functions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This book fills this gap

as it is a general treatise of the law of international civil aviation aimed at the needs of

university students and educators, government authorities, airlines, practicing lawyers,

journalists, international organizations and the general public.

M.Milde (B-9789462366190) 3e dr.oktober 2016 450 pag. geb. € 90,00

Jaarboek Energierecht 2015 BELGISCH RECHT

Met dit Jaarboek Energierecht 2015 lichten de auteurs de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen toe die

zich tijdens het voorbije kalenderjaar hebben voorgedaan in het domein van het energierecht

(in zijn ruime betekenis). De bijdragen zijn van Raf Callaerts, Thomas Chellingsworth, Bram

Delvaux, Frederik Dewaele, Klaas Nijs,Stephanie Schildermans, Wouter Vandorpe, Lothar Van

Driessche, Dominique Vanherck en Damien Verhoeven.

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K.Deketelaere,B.Delvaux (red.) (I-9789400007406) mei 2016 288 pag. € 125,00

Jurisprudentie en Documentatie Internationaal publiekrecht

Bevat een ruime selectie verdragen, resoluties en commentaren van internationale

organisaties en internationale en nationale gerechtelijke uitspraken die zien op de toepassing

van het internationaal publiekrecht.

R.v.Alebeek e.a.(red.)(B-9789462902268) 7e dr. november 2016 1018 pag. € 40,00

Legal Aspects of EU Energy Regulation

Wide-ranging international focus, including chapters on every Member State of the EU,

analysis of links to the Energy Community and with key energy suppliers to the EU.

Strong practitioner focus emphasises the workings of EU energy law, particularly with respect

to utilities, such as the effectiveness of regulation, judicial and regulatory decisions, and

commercial responses to energy directives and regulations. Emphasises new developments in

the energy sector, including the impacts of national and EU renewable energy initiatives, the

Energy Union, Network Codes and the prospective content of a Fourth Energy Package.

New to this Edition: Now covers all EU Member States (New chapters on Belgium, Bulgaria,

Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,

Malta, Northern Ireland, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden).New chapters dealing with EU

external energy relations, the role of ACER and the ENTSOs. All national coverage now includes

reports on the effectiveness of the Third Energy Package in the light of EU security, state aid,

climate change targets, investment issues and legal responses to the financial crisis. All new

and updated chapters include a focus on the developing low-carbon energy sector in the EU.

P.Cameron,R.Heffron (OUP-9780198743224) 2e dr. november 2016 832 pag.geb. ca. € 248,00

het Recht van de EU voor Decentrale Overheden

Legt uit op wanneer decentrale overheden zoals provincies en gemeenten met bepaalde

onderdelen van het EU-recht te maken krijgen en hoe zij daarmee moeten omgaan. Het

gehanteerde beleidsmatige Europabewustzijn stimuleert die overheden om primair te kijken

naar de beleidsdoelstellingen van de EU en te bezien in hoeverre die aansluiten op hun eigen

beleid. In de EU is, in afwijking van bepaalde neoliberale lidstaten, gekozen voor de sociale

markteconomie die alle ruimte biedt voor duurzaamheid, milieu en sociaal beleid. Decentrale

overheden moeten het beleidsmatig hebben van de zeer omvangrijke uitzonderingen op de

verboden van vrij verkeer en staatssteun en van de nu al op duurzaamheid en sociaal beleid

afgestemde aanbestedingsregels. Goede kennis van bestaande regels en beleidskansen biedt

provincies en gemeenten de mogelijkheid hun beleidsvisie op duurzaamheid, milieu en sociaal

beleid verder af te stemmen met de Commissie. Dat kan leiden tot beleidsmatig gewenste

aanpassingen van de interne marktregels.

B.Hessel (A-9789069168555) september 2016 355 pag. € 39,50


Turkey and the EU: Energy,Transport and Competition Policies (European Energy

Studies Vol IX)

Product of a research project on Turkey-EU relations launched at the time when Turkey’s

accession talks were coming to a standstill. This project focused on strategic aspects of Euro-

Turkish relations with a view to assessing how Turkey’s regional policy and its role in the

neighbourhood might be reconciled with those of the EU even when its membership prospects

remained bleak. These studies are aimed to (i) examine the extent to which Turkey’s policies

have the potential to converge with those of the EU’s neighbourhood policies; (ii) provide a

better understanding of how Turkey’s regional priorities might serve to strengthen or detract

from its EU membership goals; and (iii) reassess Turkey’s potential to complement and

reinforce EU policies and practices in its neighbourhood. By examining the three policy areas

(energy, transport, and competition), this book aims to enhance understanding of both

Turkey’s and the EU’s positions, help identify the extent to which their differences may be

reconcilable in these three areas, and provide by means of concrete examples fresh ideas and

alternative approaches for formulating complementary and coherent neighbourhood policies.

A.Evin,E.Hatipoglu,P.Balasz (C&C-9789077644379) juli 2016 210 pag. geb. € 85,00

Understanding Joint Operating Agreements

The Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) is widely used in the petroleum industry as a contractual

framework for joint ventures across different continents and standards. The first part of this

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book deals with considerations prior to entering into a JOA, such as compliance with bribery

laws; standards, practices and procedures across the petroleum industry; enforceability of

JOAs and understanding decommissioning obligations. The second part focusses on key clauses

within any JOA covering topics including health and safety considerations; liability and

insurance; and control of operations and expenditures. This is a unique publication dedicated

to analysing all of these key practical issues faced by oil and gas companies in different parts

of the world in negotiating and implementing a JOA in a single book publication.

E.Pereira (ed.) (I-9781780684116) november 2016 402 pag. geb. € 149,00


Verschenen in 2015:

de Dienstenrichtlijn in Nederland - De gevolgen van richtlijn 2006/123/EG voor de

nationale rechtsorde vanuit Europees perspectief De Europese Dienstenrichtlijn 2006/123/EG heeft tot doel de uitoefening van het vrij verkeer

van diensten en de vrijheid van vestiging te vergemakkelijken teneinde een echte interne

markt voor diensten te realiseren. Zij moet dienstverrichters als bouwbedrijven, makelaars,

architecten en horecaondernemingen in de gelegenheid stellen om zich gemakkelijk permanent

te vestigen in een andere lidstaat, of daar tijdelijk werkzaamheden te verrichten. De richtlijn

verplicht de lidstaten hiertoe onder meer vergunningsprocedures zo eenvoudig mogelijk te

houden en onnodige belemmeringen die de eerlijke concurrentie op de interne markt in de weg

staan, op te heffen. Daarnaast bevat de richtlijn verplichtingen op het gebied van e-

government en administratieve samenwerking tussen de lidstaten. Op de lidstaten rust de taak

om met behulp van het nationale recht aan al deze verplichtingen uitvoering te geven. Zowel

in wetenschap als praktijk roept dit echter een groot aantal vragen op. Deze uitgave bevat een

diepgaande analyse van de juridische verplichtingen die voortvloeien uit de Dienstenrichtlijn,

geeft antwoord op de vraag welke grenzen de richtlijn stelt aan de nationale regelgevende

bevoegdheden en hoe de richtlijn door de nationale instanties kan worden uitgelegd en

toegepast. Ten slotte is nauwgezet in kaart gebracht op welke wijze de richtlijn in Nederland

ten uitvoer wordt gelegd en welke consequenties de richtlijn heeft voor het Nederlandse recht,

in het bijzonder het nationale bestuursrecht.

div. (B-9789462901339) oktober 2015 652 pag. € 70,00

EU Citizenship & the Constitutionalisation of the European Union

It has been 20 years since Union citizenship was introduced under the Treaty of Maastricht, yet

it remains a topical and contemporary issue. The main research question underlying this study

is whether and how European citizenship affects the constitutionalisation of the European

Union. The present study connects European citizenship with European constitutional

processes, in order to grasp the constitutional relevance of EU citizenship. To this end, the

different aspects of European citizenship are specifically linked to features that are, commonly,

found in constitutions. The effect of and relation between European citizenship and four of

these constitutional ‘building blocks’ are assessed. First of all, the effect of European

citizenship to the vertical division of powers between the Member States and the European

Union is analysed. Second, the way European citizenship relates to a common ideology,

existing of fundamental rights protection and democracy, is discussed. Moreover, the effect of

European citizenship on judicial review and the hierarchy of norms in the European Union is

addressed. Finally the question is posed how and to what extend European citizenship affects

the constitutionalisation of the European Union and how European citizenship can be placed

within the European constitutional context.

H.v.Eijken (9789089521569) januari 2015 310 pag. € 72,00

EU Language Law

Comprehensive account of all language regulations and arrangements which currently exist in

EU law. First and foremost, it covers the various explicit and implicit language regimes of EU

institutions, bodies and agencies, explaining how and why they came about. It also explores

numerous other EU language provisions in the area of freedom, security and justice, relating to

quite diverse topics such as road traffic offences, recognition of national court decisions, the

European Arrest Warrant and crime victims. It also discusses EU linguistic provisions in the

internal market regarding product labelling or the language proficiency assessment of

professionals such as medical doctors or lawyers seeking to provide services in other EU

Member States. Many other issues such as language testing for newcomers in society and

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language proficiency requirements for employment are investigated. This book highlights an

often neglected, yet tremendously important aspect of EU integration: the language issue.

S.v.d.Jeught (Eu-9789089521729) oktober 2015 303 pag. € 64,00

European Regulation of Company Law 2015-2017

Includes European company law directives and regulations, and also proposals such as the

proposed Fifth Directive of 1972, the proposed Directive on single-member private limited

liability companies and the proposed Directive on long-term shareholder engagement and

corporate governance statement, as well as other important documents, such as the EC

Corporate Governance Action Plan and the EU Corporate Governance Framework (EC green

paper). All texts have been updated till June 2015.

R.Mellenbergh,G.Raaijmakers (ed.) (A-9789069166810) juli 2015 374 pag. € 32,50

Europees Internationaal Rivierenrecht

Behandelt in extenso alle juridische aspecten verbonden met het gebruik van binnenwateren

voor scheepvaartdoeleinden, met name door binnenschepen. Zowel publiekrechtelijke als

privaatrechtelijke vraagstukken komen daarbij aan de orde. Etaleert op een meesterlijke

manier de uitgebreide historische en juridische kennis van het Europese rivierenrecht en voert

de lezer mee op een intrigerende tocht naar de schepping van een juridisch systeem waarmee

bijna iedereen wordt geconfronteerd maar wat weinigen werkelijk kunnen bevatten.

De verschillende grote ontwikkelingen die stapsgewijs tot stand zijn gekomen, van de Franse

revolutie over het Congres van Wenen, het verdrag van Parijs van 1856 naar de grote

verkeersconferenties in de 20ste eeuw, worden met meer dan een vaardige hand beschreven

en geanalyseerd. Bijzonder boeiend is het plaatsen van het Europese rivierenrecht binnen het

grotere kader van het internationaal publiek recht. Fundamentele aspecten zoals de vrijheid

van scheepvaart en de institutionalisering van het rivierenrecht worden grondig behandeld en

geven zonder meer een grote meerwaarde aan dit boek. Het toetsen van de materie tegenover

het recht van de Europese Unie en tegenover andere dan scheepvaartgebruiken van de

waterwegen vervolledigt de aanpak van de auteur waarmee het voorliggende werk een bijna

alomvattend beeld geeft van het Europese rivierenrecht.

M.DeDecker (9789046607428) februari 2015 1328 pag. geb. € 280,00

Europese Almanak 2016 JAARLIJKSE UITGAVE

De EU krijgt steeds meer invloed op de Nederlandse besluitvorming en economie. De kans om

rechtstreeks met de EU te maken te krijgen, wordt alsmaar groter. In deze Almanak vindt u

direct de naam- en adresgegevens van de juiste instantie en de juiste persoon.

(S-9789012396769) december 2015 256 pag. € 94,50

Europese Almanak 2015 – tusseneditie

De EU krijgt steeds meer invloed op de Nederlandse besluitvorming en economie. De kans om

rechtstreeks met de EU te maken te krijgen, wordt alsmaar groter. In deze Almanak vindt u

direct de naam- en adresgegevens van de juiste instantie en de juiste persoon.

(S-9789012395700) augustus 2015 90 pag. € 48,95

Europese Basisteksten

De inhoud is opgedeeld in vier delen. Teksten bijgewerkt tot en met 021-10-2015. In deel 1

bevat de geconsolideerde versies van het Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie en het

Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie hun plaats, alsmede hun protocollen en

bijlagen, en de verklaringen, gehecht aan de Slotakte van de Intergouvernementele

Conferentie die het Verdrag van Lissabon heeft aangenomen met tevens een aantal

constitutionele besluiten. Om een vergelijking met de door het Verdrag van Lissabon

gewijzigde Verdragen te vergemakkelijken, zijn de concordantietabellen met de oude en de

nieuwe nummering van de twee Verdragen opgenomen. Deel 2 bevat teksten inzake de

Europese rechtspleging, terwijl in deel 3 documenten terug te vinden zijn aangaande de

Europese besluitvorming, met name de reglementen van orde van het Europees Parlement, de

Europese Raad, de Raad en de Europese Commissie, de besluiten van de Europese Raad en de

Raad betreffende het voorzitterschap van de Raad, het kaderakkoord over de betrekkingen

tussen het Europees Parlement en de Europese Commissie, de “comitologie”-Verordening en

de Verordening over het burgerinitiatief. Het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese

Unie en de daarbij horende toelichtingen worden aangetroffen in deel 4, dat afsluit met het

Europees Verdrag tot bescherming van de rechten van de mens en de fundamentele vrijheden,

samen met enkele aan dit Verdrag gehechte protocollen.

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T.Joris (ed.) (M-9789046607817) 8e dr. november 2015 1010 pag. € 39,50

de Europese Staatssteunregels 2015 - een handreiking voor het benutten van de


Om de beleidskansen van de Europese staatssteunregels optimaal te benutten moeten

overheden bij het uitwerken van financiële transacties met of ten behoeve van

ondernemingen, zoals subsidieverordeningen, achtereenvolgens de volgende vragen


1. Wat is staatssteun?

2. Kan voorkomen worden dat er sprake is van staatssteun?

3. Kan voorkomen worden dat staatssteun moet worden aangemeld?

4. Hoe kan een voorspoedige goedkeuring door de Commissie worden bereikt?

Aan de hand van deze vragen zijn de Europese staatssteunregels op basis van art. 107 VWEU

in deze bundel ingedeeld, zodat overheden duidelijk kunnen zien naar welke regels zij bij de

beantwoording van de vraag moeten kijken. Deze gewone staatssteunregels worden in dit

boek duidelijk onderscheiden van de staatssteunregels voor DAEB. Voor landbouwsteun en

vervoersteun gelden ook afzonderlijke regels. Omdat overheden bij het maken van

steunmaatregelen vaak te maken kunnen hebben met een combinatie van gewone steun en

landbouwsteun, zijn de vrijstellingsverordeningen en de richtsnoeren voor staatssteun in de

landbouw- en bosbouwsector en in plattelandsgebieden niet gescheiden opgenomen. Dat is wel

het geval met de staatssteunregels voor vervoer. Wanneer overheden bij de samenstelling van

subsidieverordeningen de beleidskansen van de AGV benutten, kunnen zij voorkomen dat het

overgrote deel van hun subsidiebeleid problemen gaat opleveren met de Europese


B.Hessel,M.v.d.Velden (red.) (A-9789069166377) juli 2015 834 pag. € 49,50

Indirecte Discriminatie in de EU op Grond van Nationaliteit – Casus onderwijsrecht en


Artikel 18, alinea 1 VWEU bevat een algemeen discriminatieverbod op grond van nationaliteit.

Dit verbod omvat volgens het Hof van Justitie naast directe ook indirecte discriminatie, waarbij

de discriminatie wordt veroorzaakt door een niet uitdrukkelijk verboden

onderscheidingscriterium dat in de praktijk hoofdzakelijk in het nadeel werkt of kan werken

van de EU-onderdanen die afkomstig zijn uit een andere lidstaat. Onderzocht wordt welke de

slaagkansen zijn van de rechtvaardigingsgronden die de EU-lidstaten voor het Hof van Justitie

inroepen om hun nationale maatregelen te rechtvaardigen die de onderdanen afkomstig uit

een andere lidstaat op indirecte wijze discrimineren op grond van hun nationaliteit. En meer

specifiek: in welke mate slaagt het Hof erin om de belangen van de Unie, de EU-lidstaten en

de EU-burgers met elkaar te verzoenen wanneer het zich buigt over de

rechtvaardigingsgronden die EU-lidstaten inroepen om hun indirect discriminerende

maatregelen in het kader van het diensten- en personenverkeer te rechtvaardigen?

Wanneer is er volgens het Hof van Justitie in het diensten- en personenverkeer sprake van

indirecte discriminatie op grond van nationaliteit en welke gronden kunnen de EU-lidstaten

inroepen om hun indirect discriminerende nationale maatregelen die betrekking hebben op het

diensten- en personenverkeer te rechtvaardigen?

L.Van den Broeck (9789046607077) januari 2015 500 pag. € 95,00

Judicial Coherence in the European Union

Selection of interesting papers presented at the Third REALaw Research Forum, which was held

in Utrecht on January 30, 2015. The overarching theme of the colloquium was Judicial

Coherence in the European Union. Ever since the establishment of the EU’s judicial system,

coherence in the administration of justice within the EU has been an intriguing topic for debate

amongst legal scholars and practitioners. Throughout the development of EU (administrative)

law in recent decades, courts have been major players in shaping the EU legal order in law and

practice. In the overwhelming majority of cases in everyday EU legal practice, national courts

and tribunals fulfil the duty of ensuring that the law is observed in the interpretation and

application of EU law. Recent judgments clearly illustrate that judicial coherence in the EU

concerns a shared responsibility of the Court of Justice and the courts in the Member States.

Between the lines, anticipation of the growing horizontal interaction between national courts of

the EU Member States can be observed.

K.de Graaf e.a.(ed.) (P-9789462510999) eind december 2015 422 pag. € 89,50

Jurisprudentie Europees Recht 1963-2014

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Cruciale uitspraken van Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie, voorzien van beknopte noot.

J.Sap,M.Smit(red.) (A-9789069164915) 3e dr. februari 2015 460 pag. € 34,50

Justice, Home Affairs and Security - European and International Institutional and Policy


Fffers an insight into the historical, institutional and topical development of the EU policy in the

areas of justice, home affairs and security, well-embedded in a broader international context.

The main part of the book, dedicated to the EU, is therefore preceded by a part on relevant

cooperation on the Benelux and Schengen levels and followed by a part on cooperation in the

areas concerned on Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE, G8, OECD and UN levels. Without a

proper understanding of those cooperation levels, the development and functioning of the EU

would be hard to fully grasp. Before addressing the actual policy dimension, all parts start with

a historical introduction and a sketch of institutional structures and functioning.

G.Vermeulen,W.de Bondt (M-9789046607473) februari 2014 269 pag. € 30,00

de Prejudiciële Procedure - oude problemen of nieuwe uitdagingen?

In zijn oratie behandelt Jurian Langer artikel 267 van het Verdrag betreffende de werking van

de Europese Unie, misschien wel het meest succesvolle artikel van de Europese verdragen.

Veel belangrijke Europeesrechtelijke concepten zijn immers ontwikkeld naar aanleiding van

prejudiciële vragen. Welke factoren bepalen het succes van de prejudiciële procedure?

J.Langer (RUG) maart 2015 21 pag. GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Prevention and Compensation for Transboundary Damage in Relation to Cross-border

Oil and Gas Pipelines (Energy & Law. Vol. 17)

Cross-border pipelines provide a relatively safe but economic tool for transportation of large

quantities of oil and gas across international borders. Nowadays the international oil and gas

pipeline network is expanding millions of kilometers worldwide. Meanwhile, just like any other

industrial activities, pipelines cannot be kept completely safe from accidents. In the case of

crossborder pipelines, unless appropriate measures have been taken by the parties involved

for the prevention of such accident, the risks of such accidents are greater since control and

monitoring are shared and it is more difficult to attribute blame for any

transboundary damage. Addresses the impact and application of various policy instruments

and regulation at the international level, which may be considered as an appropriate

instrument to guarantee the safety of cross-border oil and gas pipelines. Furthermore

addresses the issue of international responsibility for significant damage which may be caused

by the cross-border pipelines, with an emphasis on the roles of states. The author provides

answers to questions such as: What are the potential harms associated with cross-border oil

and gas pipelines? What is the international legal regime applicable to cross-border pipelines?

What are measures used to prevent and reduce damage which may be caused by crossborder

pipelines? Is the current international legal regime applicable to crossborder and cross-country

pipelines designed in such a way that it enables an effective prevention of trans-boundary

damage? Under which conditions can states be held responsible for trans-boundary damage

caused by pipelines? An economic analysis of safety and environmental regulation in relation

to cross-border oil and gas pipelines in providing actors with adequate incentive to internalize

pollution cost complements the book. Moreover, a detailed study of provisions of international

and regional instruments in prevention of transboundary damage and compensation of such

damage caused by crossborder pipelines will be provided. As a result this book contains the

latest update of international and regional instruments with respect to prevention and

compensation of transboundary damage caused by pipelines.

M.Piri Damagh (I-9781780683614) november 2015 482 pag. geb. € 149,00

Recht door Zee – hedendaags internationaal zee- en maritiem recht BELGISCH RECHT

Het recht van de zee, zowel op internationaal als nationaal vlak, is blijvend in evolutie. Naar

aanleiding van het emeritaat van professor Eddy Somers, expert in internationaal zee- en

maritiem recht, stelden An Cliquet en Frank Maes een uniek liber amicorum samen, met

actuele ontwikkelingen in het internationaal zeerecht en het maritiem recht. Het eerste deel

handelt over ontwikkelingen in het internationaal zeerecht en gaat in op de toepassing van het

Zeerechtverdrag op Arctica, mariene ruimtelijke planning, mariene gebiedsbescherming,

mensensmokkel op zee, piraterij, hulp en bijstand. Het tweede deel gaat in op het maritiem

recht en omvat bijdragen inzake beveiliging van Belgische schepen, bewarend beslag op

zeeschepen, ‘transportfacilitatie’, staking in de haven en de regionalisering van de

binnenvaart. In het derde deel komen een aantal ruimere maritieme thema’s aan bod: de

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historiek van de breedte van de territoriale zee, havenplanologie in Vlaanderen, scheepsafval

en havenontvangstinstallaties, veiligheidsmaatregelen in de havens, samenwerking tussen

Vlaanderen en Nederland inzake de Schelde en de estuaire vaart. Het geheel is opgevat als

eigentijds handboek, rijk gestoffeerd voor iedereen met interesse in de zee en het zeerecht.

Met bijdragen van Erik Franckx, Fanny Douvere, Frank Maes, An Cliquet, Jasmine Coppens,

Klaas Willaert, Gwen Gonsaeles, Walter P. Verstrepen, Clive van Aerde, Kristiaan Bernauw,

Patrick Humblet, Marc De Decker, J.W.P. Prins, Jozef Cuyt, Georges Allaert, Guido Van Meel,

Dirk Vernaeve, Jacques D’Havé, Antoine Vuylsteke en Marc Vantorre

A.Cliquet,F.Maes (ed.)(M-9789046607749) augustus 2015 470 pag. € 92,00

de Spitzenkandidaten-procedure: genesis and nemesis of a constitutional convention?

De voornaamste politieke fracties in het Europees Parlement kozen in de aanloop naar de

verkiezingen van 2014 ieder een lijsttrekker, een Spitzenkandidat, en spraken af alleen de

winnende kandidaat te accepteren als voorzitter van de Europese Commissie. Dat zou meer

transparantie moeten opleveren en de belangstelling voor de parlementsverkiezingen moeten

vergroten. Deze door de redactie van het Nederlands Juristenblad geselecteerde topscriptie

beschrijft de wordingsgeschiedenis van de Spitzenkandidaten-innovatie. ‘This time, it’s

different’, blokletterden affiches van het Europees Parlement in de aanloop naar de

verkiezingen van 2014. Voorheen droegen de regeringsleiders in de Europese Raad een

Commissievoorzitter voor, waarna het Parlement de kandidaat slechts kon goedkeuren of

afwijzen. Dit keer zou het anders gaan, en zou de nominatie niet het resultaat moeten zijn van

schimmige koehandel. De voornaamste politieke fracties in het Parlement kozen ieder een

lijsttrekker, een Spitzenkandidat, en spraken af alleen de winnende kandidaat te accepteren

als voorzitter van de Europese Commissie. Dat zou meer transparantie moeten opleveren en

de belangstelling voor de parlementsverkiezingen moeten vergroten. De “coup” was succesvol.

Ondanks tegenstand van diverse lidstaten, met name van het Verenigd Koninkrijk van David

Cameron, werd Jean-Claude Juncker, de kandidaat van de Europese Volkspartij, voorgedragen

door de Europese Raad en gekozen door het Europees Parlement. Artikel 17(7) van het

Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie, waar de benoemingsprocedure in is geregeld, was

ongewijzigd gebleven. Desondanks was de rol van de Europese Raad in het nominatieproces

sterk verminderd, ten faveure van het Europees Parlement. Een kleine institutionele revolutie

had plaatsgevonden. Deze scriptie beschrijft de wordingsgeschiedenis van

de Spitzenkandidaten-innovatie en beschouwt de procedure door het prisma van

constitutionele conventies. Betoogd wordt dat de procedure op dit moment een broze

conventie vormt. Verdere wijzigingen zijn evenwel noodzakelijk om ervoor te zorgen dat de

ontwikkeling daadwerkelijk bijdraagt aan parlementaire democratie op het niveau van de

Europese Unie. Zonder dergelijke veranderingen komen de kracht en consolidatie van de

conventie in gevaar, en kan de nieuwe procedure er zelfs toe leiden dat er nog meer

vraagtekens worden gezet bij democratie op Europees niveau.

P.Post (Leiden Univ.( juli 2015) GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

Understanding EU Internal Market

Provides a detailed analysis of the objectives, principles and methods of EU Internal Market

law. It focuses on the substantive law of the Internal Market, the strongest, most developed

and most original part of EU law. The authors introduce the reader to the legal peculiarities of

EU Internal Market Law: its sources, instruments, methods of interpretation, effects, and the

relationship between Union and national law (Introductory Chapter). They also acquaint the

reader with the acquis communautaire: the case law of the European Courts and secondary EU

legislation. From this starting point the book takes the reader to the issue of personal

application of EU law: from being only a law for market citizens (individuals acting in the

market) EU law has become the law for all citizens and residents living in Member States

(whether they are active market participants or not). Thus, EU law determines everybody’s

everyday rights and duties alongside (and occasionally overriding) existing national law

(Chapter I). This is based on the principle of equal treatment. What follows is an analysis of

the original liberal esprit des lois of EU law, the opening and keeping open of markets through

the free movement rules (Chapter II) and competition and IP rules (Chapter III). The current

trend of setting adequate standards – most important the horizontal standards, applying to

everybody (such as non-discrimination and fundamental rights) – is discussed as well.

(Chapter IV). A special chapter is devoted to autonomy since the generous, but not unlimited

grant of autonomy (Chapter V) to the market citizen must be respected by Member States and

fellow market citizens. Finally the question of accountability and liability of the Union itself, of

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its Member States, of undertakings and of citizens is discussed as well (Chapter VI).

N.Reich e.a, (I-9789050957472) 3e dr. september 2015 720 pag. € 125,00

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verschenen in 2014:

Diplomatiek Recht Toegepast in België BELGISCH RECHT

België telt een groot aantal diplomatieke zendingen. Dit boek licht de Belgische praktijk toe ten

aanzien van de bovengenoemde zendingen en analyseert de wijze waarop het Verdrag van

Wenen dagelijks wordt toegepast door de verschillende Belgische autoriteiten.

Voornamelijk bedoeld als een gids voor diplomatieke zendingen gevestigd in België, maar ook

voor ambtenaren, magistraten, advocaten en gerechtsdeurwaarders geconfronteerd met

juridische vraagstukken bij de toepassing van diplomatiek recht in België.

B.Theeuwes e.a. (red.) (9789046607206) oktober 2014 182 pag. geb. € 49,95

Europese Almanak 2015 JAARLIJKSE UITGAVE

De Europese Unie krijgt steeds meer invloed op de Nederlandse besluitvorming en economie.

Met de Europese Almanak vindt u direct de naam- en adresgegevens van de juiste instantie en

de juiste persoon: adressen van en informatie over de Europese instellingen en andere

Europese organisaties, in totaal met ruim 1500 contactpersonen; uitgebreide informatie over

het Nederlands openbaar bestuur dat Europa in zijn takenpakket heeft en over het onderwijs in

Europees recht en beleid in Nederland;een uitgebreid register.

(9789012394444) december 2014 384 pag. € 93,50

Handboek Luchtrecht

Weergave van een studie van internationale en Europese verdragen, verordeningen, nationale

wetten en regels, betrekking hebbend op het luchtruimgebruik. Hoe wordt er omgegaan met

de intensivering van de ‘traffic’ in de lucht en hoe zijn toezicht en handhaving van het

luchtruim geregeld? Aangezien door het toenemend gebruik de kans op ongelukken met

schade en/of letsel aan gebouwen, personen, goederen en dieren zal toenemen, krijgt ook het

aansprakelijkheids-/verzekeringsvraagstuk aandacht. Evenals het privacy-aspect aangezien

met onbemande luchtvaartuigen audiovisuele opnamen en foto’s worden gemaakt en controle

kan worden uitgeoefend op burgers. Hoe wordt dit geregeld en gewaarborgd? Om die reden

wordt ook ingegaan op de vraag hoe dit rechtsgebied zich verhoudt tot andere rechtsgebieden,

als privacyrecht, aansprakelijkheids- verzekeringsrecht, eigendomsrecht, bouwrecht.

W.Parlevliet (9789013124293) mei 2014 124 pag. € 49,50

Inleiding Luchtrecht

Uitleg over de totstandkoming van internationale luchtvaart regelgeving, organisaties die deze

regels opstellen en de invloed daarvan op de Nederlandse luchtvaartwet- en regelgeving. Een

toenemende rol speelt hierin de Europese burgerluchtvaartorganisatie EASA. Thematische

wordt regelgeving met betrekking tot inrichting en het gebruik van luchthavens, beveiliging

van passagiers, luchtruimtestructuur, verkeersleiding, luchtwaardigheid van vliegtuigen,

vluchtuitvoering en transport van gevaarlijke lading beschreven. Ingegaan wordt op

bevoegdheden en verantwoordelijkheid van de vliegtuigbemanning, handhaving van de orde

en veiligheid op een luchthaven, toezicht op de naleving van de luchtvaartvoorschriften,

opsporing en vervolging van strafbare feiten en onderzoek naar oorzaak van ongevallen.

R.Schnitker (9789491073977) maart 2014 395 pag. € 69,00

Rechtspraak Europa – Nieuwsbrief van het Gerechtshof Amsterdam

Jaargang 3, no. 12 (december 2014)

Deze nieuwsbrief bevat een overzicht van actuele rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie van de

EU (arresten en conclusies) en van het Europees Hof voor de rechten van de mens over de

maand november 2014. De nieuwsbrief wordt mogelijk gemaakt door het gerechtshof

Amsterdam in samenwerking met het Landelijk Stafbureau (LSB) en wordt gepubliceerd op het

weblog European Courts en op de website van het gerechtshof Amsterdam.

M.de Werd,R.Andrea, J.Bik (vaste redactie) deze aflevering GRATIS OP PDF OP AANVRAAG

voor andere afleveringen zie de website van het Gerechtshof A’dam


Verschenen in 2013 :

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Grondrechten – de Nationale, Europese en Internationale Dimensie

Integraal en gestructureerd overzicht van de eisen die vanuit het internationale, Europese en

nationale recht gesteld worden bij de bescherming van grondrechten als folterverbod, vrijheid

van meningsuiting, recht op schone leefomgeving en nog vele andere. Een compleet overzicht.

B.Barentsen e.a. (9789069169200) november 2013 462 pag. € 39,50

het Moderne EVRM

Systematische behandeling van het verdrag op grond van de jurisprudentie van het EHRM.

F.Vlemminx (9789089747389) februari 2013 442 pag. € 49,00


Verschenen in 2012 :

Autonomie van de Nationale rechter in het Europees Recht

Kenmerken van de deze rechterlijke autonomie onderzocht aan de hand van de Nederlandse

Europeesrechtelijke rechtspraak over vestigingsvrijheid en vrijedienstenverkeer in de praktijk.

H.v.Harten (9789089745668) november 2011 300 pag. € 51,50

Grondlijnen van Europees Recht

De eerste inleiding Europees recht, inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een omvangrijk handboek.

R.Barents,L.Brinkhorst (9789013076578) 13e dr. april 2012 876 pag. € 55,00

Straatsburgse Myj/meringen

Bundeling van de in NJCM Bulletin verschenen unieke mijmeringen van Egbert Myer gedurende

zijn jaren (2004-2012) als rechter aan het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens.

E.Myer (9789058509178) december 2012 292 pag. € 24,95

Unierecht in de Nederlandse Rechtsorde

Geactualiseerde nieuwe editie over de doorwerking van het Europese recht op breed terrein.

F.v.d.Burg,W.Voermans (9789013093223) 4e dr. januari 2012 306 pag. € 47,50