june 2014 scene

1 Sea Cliff Scene June 2014 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Alan Newman In May our normal routine of important mat- ters such as reviewing financials, considering land- scape request, and planning our next paint cycle was upstaged by concern for safety of ourselves, our homes, and our neighbors as fire erupted not too far east of us. We opened up emergency sprinklers on the east slope as a precaution and started to review any and all steps we need to take to lessen the fire dan- ger to our community. I took calls from residents regarding fire safety procedures as well as calls from out-of-town homeowners wanting to know if their homes were still there. Fortunately for them and us, there was some smoky air, and we survived just fine. The firefighters helped us all. We had the Carlsbad weed abatement of- ficer, Monty Kalin, walk our slopes last summer and to the best of my knowledge we followed his recommendations. We will ask him to return once his schedule permits to check if there is anything else we should be doing. We've also arranged to clear roofs and gutters of debris and leaves on 33 different homes, which were noted by a quick sur- vey, as soon as this can be scheduled. Remember, you are responsible for checking gutter grooves and requesting clearing if necessary. I assure you that the board will do whatever we can reasonably do to reduce our exposure to fire danger. June is our annual meeting and elections. I hope to see you there. . * * * * * * * ELECTION DAY!! The Sea Cliff Annual Meeting and Elec- tion will be held at the Pavilion on Wednesday, June 18 th Refreshments begin at 5:00 p.m. PLEASE BRING REFRESHMENTS! The Annual Meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. As of May 26 th 116 ballots had been received. We need 37 more for a quorum!

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Page 1: June 2014 Scene


Sea Cliff Scene

June 2014


by Alan Newman

In May our normal routine of important mat-

ters such as reviewing financials, considering land-

scape request, and planning our next paint cycle

was upstaged by concern for safety of ourselves,

our homes, and our neighbors as fire erupted not

too far east of us.

We opened up emergency sprinklers on the

east slope as a precaution and started to review any

and all steps we need to take to lessen the fire dan-

ger to our community. I took calls from residents

regarding fire safety procedures as well as calls

from out-of-town homeowners wanting to know if

their homes were still there. Fortunately for them

and us, there was some smoky air, and we survived

just fine. The firefighters helped us all.

We had the Carlsbad weed abatement of-

ficer, Monty Kalin, walk our slopes last summer

and to the best of my knowledge we followed his

recommendations. We will ask him to return once

his schedule permits to check if there is anything

else we should be doing. We've also arranged to

clear roofs and gutters of debris and leaves on 33

different homes, which were noted by a quick sur-

vey, as soon as this can be scheduled. Remember,

you are responsible for checking gutter grooves and

requesting clearing if necessary.

I assure you that the board will do whatever

we can reasonably do to reduce our exposure to fire


June is our annual meeting and elections. I

hope to see you there.


* * * * * * *


The Sea Cliff Annual Meeting and Elec-

tion will be held at the Pavilion on

Wednesday, June 18th

Refreshments begin at 5:00 p.m.


The Annual Meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.

As of May 26th

116 ballots had been received.

We need 37 more for a quorum!

Page 2: June 2014 Scene


If you haven’t yet, please mail your

Ballot today!

* * * * * * *


from Alan Newman and Jim Sevier are

found on the last page.

* * * * * * *



(Postponed from May 14 due to fire)

The Sea Cliff Summary is informational only and

has not been subject to Board approval.


Board Members Present: President, Alan

Newman; Vice President, Jim Sevier; CFO,

Bob Coates; Secretary, Carroll Smith

Board Members Absent: Director-at-Large,

Stan Haynes

Lindsay Management Services: Barb Palmer

and 3 members in attendance.


Minutes- Approved the minutes of April 16,

2014 with corrections.

Finance reports – The Financials ending April

30, 2014 were approved as submitted, subject

to audit.


Architectural - Several architectural applica-

tions were approved. The Committee dis-

cussed front gate damage and concluded that

they would rather not develop a standard

guideline for front gates but rely on repair

instructions published in the Scene. Ted

Johnson will be working with a homeowner

to develop and install a prototype of utility

closet doors. The Committee will make a

recommendation to the Board whether it is a

recommended design when the prototype is

completed. Ted Johnson was authorized to

approve an Architectural Change Request

for installation of an A/C unit once it is

submitted. An owner inquired about in-

stalling a metal garage door. The Architec-

tural Committee has asked him to investi-

gate a prototype metal or fiberglass garage

door that looks like the wood doors with like

trim for the Committee to review.

Enhancement – The Enhancement Commit-

tee continues to greet new owners and resi-


Finance - The CFO reported that the budget

is looking good three months into the year.

Lakes – The Lakes Committee and Wel-

come Committee hosted a walk around the

lakes with Ed Simpson and Pono from Santa

Fe Nursery. The event was a success and

approximately 30 people were in attendance.

The Board approved $50.00 gift cards as a

thank you to Ed & Pono for putting on a

wonderful presentation.

Landscape – The Landscape Committee

recommended removing an Alder tree by

Lake III and the Board approved the remov-


Maintenance - The Maintenance Committee

recommended installing a new lock cylinder

on the clubhouse door and the Board ap-

proved the installation of the new lock cyl-

inder. The Community key will work to

open the new lock.

Pools & Spas - The Pools Committee re-

ported the janitorial crew continues to clean

the duck droppings from the pool decks on

an as needed basis, however duck season is

winding down and the decoy geese will be

retiring soon. The volunteer pool monitors

Page 3: June 2014 Scene


will be asked to resume the summer moni-

toring of the pools.

Public Affairs – Alan Newman attended the

Southwest Quadrant meeting and reported

that the Principal for Pacific Rim Elemen-

tary School was in attendance to give a

presentation. Pacific Rim is rated 10 out of

10 in top schools and peer-group school,

which makes the area very desirable for new


Ad-Hoc – The Ad-Hoc Committee reported

that Caltrans will soon hire a company to

begin the design of the sound wall they are

proposing to install between the I-5 and the

homes on the west side of Linden. The Sea

Cliff Ad-Hoc Committee will be involved

with the design plans and giving their input.

It was reported that out of 79 homes on the

west side of Linden, 22 homes have a sound

wall that was part of original construction.

Caltrans should be mailing the HOA a letter

sometime in June to begin the process of ed-

ucation and approval. The cost for the sound

wall will be paid by Caltrans; however, the

maintenance and cleaning of the sound wall

may be Sea Cliff’s. Soon a letter will be

drafted to the owners on the west side of

Linden to be followed by a special meeting

to discuss the sound wall options and other

impacts on the community.

Tennis – The Tennis Committee did not

have a report.

Welcome - The Welcome Committee con-

tinues to greet new owner/tenants. There is a

new ping pong table ready for use at the Pa-

vilion. Children 14 and under must be ac-

companied by an adult.

Deadline for the Sea Cliff Scene is May 23, 2014.


John Heying has installed a device on the tennis

court gates to prevent intruders from reaching

through to open the gate handles without a key. La

Jolla Pools will be correcting some issues with the

pool deck at no charge. Preparation for the next

painting cycle is getting underway and bids to in-

spect siding/trim repairs on 300 homes are being



RFBA submitted by 7121 Linden Terrace re a light

shield over an SDG&E light was discussed. The

work order log was reviewed. The Treebeard

walkthrough report was reviewed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Homeowners are advised

to check with their insurance companies to ensure

adequate coverage on the property.


Bids to repair the cracked sidewalk in front of 7148

Lantana were reviewed. The Board requested that

Treebeard submit a bid and an amount of $250 was

approved for the repair. La Jolla Pools is correcting

a defect in encasing the valves in concrete at no

charge. A proposal to re-state the Governing Docu-

ments was reviewed. A Representative from Prime

Co Painting was in attendance to give a presentation

of the company’s proposal to inspect all of Sea

Cliff’s units prior to painting. Legal issues were

discussed. Violation Log – the Board reviewed the

violation log, no action needed; Vehicle Permit Log

– the Board reviewed the Vehicle Permit Log, no

action needed. Correspondence re violations was





NOTE: This is an informational summary of Board

actions. Complete Board of Director meeting &

Committee minutes are available for review in the

Clubhouse following approval.

* * * * * * *


The Clubhouse Door has a new Doorknob Lock

that takes Community Keys – Due to intermittent

problems with the timer-controlled lock on the

Clubhouse door, the Board decided to re-key the

lock on the door knob to accept the new Communi-

ty keys. This will allow access 24/7, as done for

other community facilities. The old electronic lock

Page 4: June 2014 Scene


will remain and can be used (if not broken) as a


If you have not picked-up your new keys,

you can sign for them and pick them up at the Man-

agement Company or have them mailed at your ex-

pense to your home. Call the Management Compa-

ny at (760) 436-1144 before visiting or to have

them mailed.

Committee Sign-Up – Please sign-up to join one or

more of our committees at the bulletin boards. The

Sea Cliff Community can benefit from your ideas

and talent. In July the Board will select committee

members and committee chairs, but let us know that

you’re interested and eager to work.

Please Help by Bringing Refreshments to the

Annual Meeting – Even if you haven’t signed up,

please help ensure a delightful feast by bringing

your refreshments to the Pavilion before 5 PM on

the 18th. Thanks in advance.

2013 Audit Results – The Board approved the audit

report for our 2013 fiscal year. It has been mailed to


Do You Live on the West Side of Linden? If so,

you will receive, via e-mail or regular mail, a brief

letter describing the beginning steps being taken to

work with Caltrans as they plan to widen the I-5.

Please stay tuned for more info as we learn of their

plans and how they impact Sea Cliff.

No Bikes or Scooters in the Interior of the Com-

mon Area - Please remind your residents and

guests that “Riding of bicycles, skateboards, roller

skates or scooters is not allowed on the walkways,

in the pavilion area or common green property.”

This rule is in place in the common areas to prevent

activities which might be or become an annoyance

or nuisance to occupants of Sea Cliff or which

might in any way interfere with the rights of quiet

enjoyment of the occupants of Sea Cliff. The streets

can be used for many of these activities with atten-

tion to safety.

Required General Notices are Posted at the Ki-

osks – This is a reminder that our three kiosks are

the official site for HOA notices. All HOA meeting

announcements, agendas, rules changes, and many

other official notices are posted there as required by

the Davis-Stirling Act. Lindsay Management Ser-

vices has been designated to receive official com-

munications on behalf of the Board. Please submit

any communication requiring Board response in

writing by way of the Request for Board Action

Form (RFBA).

* * * * * * *


A log of Architectural Committee approvals

is sent to the Board each month.

For assistance please call me at (760) 707-

6803, or Lois Martyns at (760) 431-1928.

* * * * * * *

ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE by Judy Snider and Alix Szold

It’s almost Tea Time! We still have some

openings for this event, Sunday, June 8th at 2:00 pm

at the Gazebo. Call Judy Snider, (760) 931-1262, or

Linda Mettling, (760) 931-5731, for reservations.

This event is limited to 32 participants. We ask for

reservations to be made ASAP to help us plan.

Page 5: June 2014 Scene


And, a heads up for our July event: Steel

Drums Party on July 19th. Watch for notices on the

mail kiosks and in next month’s newsletter for de-


If interested, we would love to have you join

our committee. Fresh ideas and helping hands are

always welcome. Please sign up at your mail kiosk.

We have lots of fun planning and executing various

festivities as well as suggesting ways to enhance our

community. We meet the second Thursday of each

month at 10:00 am.

* * * * * * *


The finance committee and the Board ap-

proved the Audit and it is being sent to all home

owners. The results show that the HOA was

$18,354 under budget. The Board will be transfer-

ring this amount, if approved by the voters, to our

reserve account. The Board is planning to move up

the painting phase one year and the finance commit-

tee has determined that the funds are available.

This, however, will increase the dues for next year.

The number has not been determined until we com-

plete our yearly reserve study by M and M. We are

still looking for interested people to be on the Fi-

nance Committee to sign up.

* * * * * * *


The Lakes Walk-Around Event on Sunday,

May 4th, was a great chance for people to meet and

learn about the care of our lakes. Our manager Ed

Simpson and his assistant Pono led the way, de-

scribing sources and culture methods for a wide va-

riety of water lilies and other aquatic plants. Ed be-

gan his fascinating talk in the middle of Heron

Lake, where he picked a gorgeous pink lily. He de-

scribed the petals, the stem, and the heavy rhizome

(tuber) that anchors each plant. It’s hard to believe

each flower only blooms for three days. Then we

proceeded to Lazy Lagoon to learn the names of

other lilies and some of their origins. Some varie-

ties come from a nursery in Los Angeles that works

with the Huntington Gardens. Others were bred at

the St. Louis Botanical Gardens, while many trace

their origins to Monet’s garden in Giverny, France.

Following the walk we enjoyed viewing live

bass, mosquitofish, scuds, and damselflies caught

by Pono. These aquatic creatures indicate good wa-

ter quality and a healthy, balanced pond ecosystem.

After the demonstrations came homemade

refreshments and a chance to meet and chat.

Thanks to the Welcome Committee, there were a

number of new faces to add to those who really ap-

preciate our beautiful, natural lakes.

Page 6: June 2014 Scene



Please don't feed ducks

or other wildlife!

* * * * * * *


Last month I wrote about our drought condi-

tions and on May 14th we were all given a grave

reminder of how vulnerable Carlsbad is under ex-

treme weather conditions for fire risk! Our Land-

scape Committee will be working closely with our

Board in a most proactive way to minimize Sea

Cliff's vulnerability to fire as much as possible. All

residents can help by making sure their gutters are

clean and if not, contacting Lindsay Management

Company to put their name on the list. Also, resi-

dents need to remove any dead plants or weeds

from their backyards. We will be removing dead

brush on our slopes on west Linden and east Lanta-

na in areas under Sea Cliff’s jurisdiction. Our

Carlsbad fire marshal will be making recommenda-

tions for us as well as those responsible for the re-

maining areas of these slopes.

Now that summer weather is here, we will

be battling brown spots in our grass even more!

Nature will dictate that all grassy areas cannot be

perfect as we may wish. Our Smart Water System

continues, along with our wonderful irrigation team,

to prevent water waste, especially in this time of a

most serious drought. The occasional larger brown

patches of grass you may see at times usually reflect

a problem with an irrigation valve or sprinkler

heads malfunctioning. Israel, from Treebeard, is

checking our irrigation system all over Sea Cliff on

Monday through Friday, but due to our very expan-

sive property, it is impossible to have all stations

always working in an ideal fashion.

Atlas Tree Company has been here these

past two weeks to trim our trees and look for tree

concerns. Our orchid trees by the tennis courts are

healthy but do not look so as summer is not their

season, so not to worry! We are postponing the

planting of new trees until the fall when our weather

is more favorable.

The north pool perimeter plantings will fi-

nally be completed by June 1st. We are very pleased

with our new magnolia tree at the north pool en-


The clubhouse now has a well-stocked sup-

ply of Landscape Action Request (LAR) forms for

homeowners to request landscape changes. Please

send those to Lindsay Management Company for

landscape concerns. You may also contact me with

landscape issues at [email protected] or

(760) 931-0128.

Page 7: June 2014 Scene


* * * * * * *


Be Kind to Your Front Gate – It is the owner’s

responsibility to repair damage to their front gate,

latch, and walls. You can avoid cracks in the block

walls near your front gate by following two simple


Align the short latch bar with a light tap (up

or down) so it enters the gate catch easily.

(This may be bad for some gates because the

bar may break off. If that happens, it can be

welded back easily.) Also the latch can be

centered by adjusting the hinge side bolts in

or out at the top or bottom hinge of the gate.

To avoid cracking the block wall, close the

gate gently.

* * * * * * *


If you’re not a north pool user, you might

not be aware that four beautiful and extremely

useful blue umbrellas are now in place on the pool


It was time. The much appreciated but rather

old and shabby neutral colored umbrellas were/are

relics from the past. Actually, they’re the original

Sea Cliff umbrellas, dating from 1987-ish. At that

time, a young resident with a toddler and an infant

offered to shop for them. (Both children have grad-

uated from college by now!) She obviously knew

the dangers of the sun rays on pristine baby skin.

Who could say “no” to such a kind offer? So before

long - voila! The north pool deck with its four re-

tractable umbrellas instantly became a friendlier

environment for swimmers and sunbathers alike.

Over the years, various residents have kindly re-

paired and mended specific umbrellas as needed,

Linda Olson being the most recent angel of this

task. The rest, as they say, is history.

Enjoy using our new treasures, and please

remember to retract them when you leave the pool

area. The winds have been known to blow over one

or more of the umbrellas.

South pool users: the geese are gone! Even

though this year’s ducklings haven’t all made the

scene yet, pool committee members realized the ef-

fectiveness of the geese (meant to dissuade the mat-

ing mallards from using our pools as romantic get-

aways) had long dissipated. Drat! However, the de-

coys worked for quite a while. Unfortunately, due to

unknown circumstances, the mating season has last-

ed longer than usual - three months already - and,

apparently, familiarity has bred contempt. Alas.

Welcome, little mother

Can’t we just be friends?

* * * * * * *

Page 8: June 2014 Scene




(SWCHAC) MEETING May 5, 2014

by Jim Coniglio

The merry month of May got off to a roaring

(rather let's say "pre-fire") start at 8:00 am with a

dynamic continental breakfast of Starbucks coffee,

pastry, and donuts. This was quickly followed by

yet another amazing speaker, Principal Robert De-

vich of nearby Pacific Rim Elementary School.

Principal Devich filled in details of his

background: growing up in a family of educators in

the Detroit suburbs was interesting, as was his par-

ents’ dismay when he started carving a successful

career in the business world after graduating from

college. But then came the realization that he really

should be an educator/administrator, so he returned

to college to pick up the necessary degrees and

forge his foundation of "ancestral genes and tech-


Currently logging over seven years at nearby

Pacific Rim Elementary and meeting the criteria for

a "laid back, firmly gentle dictator," he began reset-

ting the basic four corners of his school: administra-

tors, teacher/educators, parents, and of course "lit-

tle" students.

Fairly quickly teachers learned that

"flip/flops" were no longer acceptable in the class-

room and that the principal would spend a few mo-

ments in every classroom (well over 30 of them)

every day to augment ideas and concepts with each

teacher and student (now over 900 enrolled). It has

apparently developed into a very workable ap-


Parents learned that they needed to stay

close to both the school and their child and to fol-

low some instructions themselves. As for the little

students, they began to be amazed at how electronic

devices could be used to learn something more than

simple games. Modern technology has become a

stalwart of both classroom and homework assign-

ments, even for the youngest children.

So then, how has it all played out thus far?

Pacific Rim Elementary was ranked #1 of all Carls-

bad schools (the district has been a long term "pow-

er" in San Diego County) with an API score of 972!

(School year 2012/2013). Area Realtors estimate

that score alone adds $30,000 to the value of homes

within the school's boundaries.

Well, after that news, I thought back to my

elementary school daze in the late 1940s - yikes!

Things were simple in those days. I remember my

best class was lunch!

Our next meeting on Monday, June 2, 2014,

may well feature another breakfast and another in-

teresting and timely speaker, Carlsbad's Emergency

Preparedness Director. We meet at 8:00 am and it's

over at 9:00 am. Remember to eat fast! Alta Mira

#4 HOA Clubhouse, 6750 Paseo Del Norte.

* * * * * * *


Contact me if you have questions or concerns. I am

at (760) 715-9898.

* * * * * * *


by Kathy Hoffman

The committee continues to welcome new

owners/residents as notified by LMS of new resi-

dent registrations. Recently we have several new

registrations and will be following up with each one

in the next few weeks. Thanks to LMS for being

very prompt in sending on the current information.

The Welcome Committee participated with

the Lakes Committee in sponsoring the recent Lakes

Walk-Around with our Lakes Manager, Ed Simp-

son. Our Welcome members made personal calls to

new 2013/2014 residents, inviting them to the walk.

On the day of the walk we had a really great turn-

out. Everyone enjoyed learning all about our Sea

Page 9: June 2014 Scene


Cliff lakes, including "critters" who live in the

lakes, as well as all about our beautiful water lilies,

from Ed and his assistant, Pono. Thanks to members

of both Lakes and Welcome Committees, we also

enjoyed some delicious snacks after the walk, while

getting to know new and old Sea Cliff residents.



The mission of the Welcome Committee is

to meet and greet our new residents and supply

them with a packet of information about living at

Sea Cliff and the Carlsbad area.

As a new resident, if you have not been con-

tacted by a Welcome Committee member, please

call Kathy Hoffman, Welcome Committee chairper-

son, at (760) 931-6589.

* * * * * * *

COMPUTER USER GROUP by Rainier Apolonio

Hello everyone.

Thank you all for coming out to my open

session meeting for the month of May. I hope eve-

ryone found some valuable information that can be

used in everyday life. Our next meeting will occur

Saturday, June 14th at 9AM in the Clubhouse. We

will be talking about several tips and tricks that you

can do with your Mac and PC as well as mobile de-

vices like iOS and Android. As always, all are wel-

come! Hope to see you there.

* * * * * * *


LIKE THEATER? by Len Smith

The Sea Cliff Readers Theater, an oppor-

tunity for residents to read dramatic and comedy

scripts, is being formed by new resident, Len Smith.

Early-evening readings will be monthly in

the clubhouse, and participation is open to all resi-

dents. The readings will include adaptations of

plays, Academy Award-winning films, and familiar

Golden-Era radio dramas like Suspense and I Love a

Mystery, and the comedy shows of Jack Benny and

Fred Allen.

Scripts will be provided by Len, and no the-

atrical experience is required. There will be no

memorization of lines and no public performances,

just fun.

Interested residents should e-mail Len at

[email protected] or call at (442) 244-


And please join us for our first meeting on

Tue, June 3rd from 7-9 PM in the clubhouse.

* * * * * * *


to the July, 2012


Please make the following pencil or pen-and-ink

additions and changes to update your


As of 5/25/2014 since 4/25/2014:

Page 5 – Add BAGHERI, Hamid & Toni –

7013 Lavender – 858-334-3868

Pg 5 – Delete BAKER entry

Pg 6 – Delete BRITTON entry – Add CAO,

Mindy – 7104 Linden

Pg 7 – Add CHO Soyon – 7317 Lantana

Pg 11 – Delete GOLDEY entry

Pg 13 – Delete JANSSON entry

Pg 14 – Delete KING entry

(See next page)

Page 10: June 2014 Scene


(Continued from previous page)

Pg 15 – Add LINDER, Gary & Janet – 880


Pg 21 – Delete SCHMID-JANSSON entry –

Add SCOTT, Steven – 7104 Linden

Pg 24 – Add TUCKER, Pearce & Linda –

7203 Linden – 619-517-3124

Pg 24 – Add VICK, Garrett – 919 Myrtl

Pg 25 – Add WONG, Clarence – 7317 Lan-


Pg 25 – Delete WRIGHT, Christopher &

Ana entry

Pg 31 – 880 Heather – Replace JANSSON

and SCHMID-JANSSON info with


Pg 35 – 7317 Lantana – Delete WRIGHT in-

fo – Add CHO and WONG info

Pg 36 – 7013 Lavender – Add BAGHERI


Pg 36 – 7104 Linden – Replace BRITTON

info with CAO and SCOTT info

Pg 37 – 7203 Linden – Replace KING info

with TUCKER info

Pg 40 – 7421 Linden – Delete GOLDEY en-


Pg 40 – 919 Myrtle – Replace BAKER info

with VICK info

For changes prior to 4/25/2014, see previous

editions of the Scene.

* * * * * * *


Please complete and return the Election

Ballot before the deadline.

* * * * * * *

Get your copy of the Sea Cliff Scene

by e-mail ! If you wish to receive a color copy of the

newsletter by e-mail, contact Jim Lang at

[email protected] or (760) 438-6680, with

your e-mail address.

You will have the newsletter sent to you by

e-mail in PDF format. If you would rather have it in

Word document format, please so state.

* * * * * * *

Cocktail Party 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, June 10th at the Pavilion

Bring your own libation

(Hors d'eouvres optional)

Join your friends and neighbors

for some fun

See you there


* * * * * * *

Page 11: June 2014 Scene



Pool & Spa users can expect to be asked

about their residency or guest status.

Please be considerate of residents and

guests and observe the posted safety rules

while using pools and spas.

* * * * * * *


The pools & spas at Sea Cliff are kept within proper

sanitation levels at all times as regulated by the

Health Department. Every gallon is filtered several

times a day and filters are cleaned regularly. Chlo-

rine will kill all the bacteria but some bacteria take

longer to kill than others. It is very important for

swimmers to practice good hygiene and avoid bac-

teria from entering the water.

Don't swallow the pool water. Avoid getting

water in your mouth.

Practice good hygiene. Shower with soap

before swimming and wash your hands after

using the toilet or changing diapers. Germs

on your body end up in the water.

Take your kids on bathroom breaks or check

diapers often. Waiting to hear "I have to go"

may mean that it's too late.

Change diapers in a bathroom or a diaper-

changing area and not at poolside. Germs

can spread in and around the pool.

Wash your child thoroughly (especially the

rear end) with soap and water before swim-

ming. Invisible amounts of fecal matter can

end up in the pool.

Don't swim when you have diarrhea. You

can spread germs in the water and make oth-

er people sick.

* * * * * * *


Sidewalks are for Walking


* * * * * * *


During summertime when driving

on our streets, please be extra cautious

since the skateboarders, bike riders and

others use them too.

Sometimes, especially if not proper-

ly supervised, young ones can dart into

the street at unexpected times and places.

Please be especially cautious and

observe the 15 MPH speed limit – and

have a good, safe summer.

* * * * * * *

Page 12: June 2014 Scene



Sea Cliff Board of Directors Alan Newman President 840-7800

[email protected]

Jim Sevier V.P. 448-5670

[email protected]

Bob Coates C.F.O. 931-9420

[email protected]

Carroll Smith Secretary 931-8743

[email protected]

Stan Haynes Director-at-Large 931-1293

[email protected]

Committees Architectural

Ted Johnson [email protected] 707-6803

Jim Sevier Board Liaison


Judy Snider [email protected] 931-1262

Alix Szold [email protected] 931-0128

Jim Sevier Board Liaison


Bob Coates (Acting) 931-9420

Bob Coates Board Liaison

Lakes Anne Spacie [email protected] 918-9302

Carroll Smith Board Liaison


Alix Szold [email protected] 931-0128

Alan Newman Board Liaison


Harry Doyle [email protected] 918-9891

Stan Haynes Board Liaison

Pools & Spas

Pat Leahy [email protected] 931-1733

Stan Haynes Board Liaison

Public Affairs

Jim Coniglio [email protected] 931-0210

Alan Newman Board Liaison


Tom Pappas [email protected] 715-9898

Bob Coates Board Liaison


Kathy Hoffman [email protected] 931-6589

Carroll Smith Board Liaison

Lindsay Management Services 6126 Innovation Way

Carlsbad, CA 92009

(760) 436-1144

Fax (760) 436-2566

Kathy Wright, Community Manager

[email protected]

Barb Palmer, Admin Assistant

[email protected]

* * * * * * *

Sea Cliff Scene

Publisher Sea Cliff Board of Directors

Board Liaison Alan Newman

Printer Lindsay Management Services

Editor/ Design/Layout/Calendar Jim Lang

(760) 438-6680 [email protected]

Proofreader Pat Leahy

Sea Cliff Web Site Web Master Bob Millington (Acting)

Rainier Apolonio (Site Update)

* * * * * * *

Reservations for Private Use

of the Clubhouse or Pavilion

All requests for use of either the Clubhouse or Pa-

vilion for a private party must be made through

Lindsay Management Company. Please complete

and mail a Clubhouse and Pavilion Reservation

Form to either Kathy or Barb 10 days in advance.

Their phone numbers and e-mail addresses are on

this page.

* * * * * * *

Note that information provided herein is based on available

information and believed to be correct; however, the Sea Cliff

Homeowners Association is not responsible for its accuracy.

Page 13: June 2014 Scene

Sea Cliff June 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2


AM (Alta Mi-


Yoga: 9 AM



Club: Noon


Theater: 7-9




10:30 AM

Prayer Group:

10:30 AM

(7411 Linden)

Crafty Ladies:

1:30 PM


Bunko: 7 PM

6 7

Private Party:

9 AM – 9 PM




Tea: 2 PM



Yoga: 9 AM


10:15 AM



Club: Noon


Party 5-7

PM (Pavil-



Prayer Group:

10:30 AM

(7411 Linden)

Crafty Ladies:

1:30 PM



10 AM




Users Group:

9 AM



Yoga: 9 AM


10:15 AM



Club: Noon

Finance: 6



Prayer Group:

10:30 AM

(7411 Linden)

Crafty Ladies:

1:30 PM

Annual Meet-

ing: 6 PM


5 PM






Yoga: 9 AM



Club: Noon


Prayer Group:

10:30 AM

(7411 Linden)

Crafty Ladies:

1:30 PM


Lunch Bunch:

11:30 AM



29 30

Yoga: 9 AM

Page 14: June 2014 Scene


Why are we inviting you? We’re inviting you and inviting you to invite your friends, your neighbors, any Association representative, everyone interested in Carlsbad Communities.

What is SWCHAC?

We are a non-profit, no cost compilation of residents and board members from associations within the southwest quadrant (South of Palomar airport Rd., west of El Camino Real) of Carlsbad who meet once a month on the 1st Monday of each month (excluding Holidays, then the second Monday)

What does SWCHAC do?

We provide interesting and informative speakers with Q&A on various topics to Carlsbad residents. We have speakers from City of Carlsbad, Police Dept., Traffic Dept., Schools, Various Development Representatives, Airport, CalTrans, Strawberry Fields, Desalination Plant Updates, CMWD, and Homeowner Association related topics; New Laws, Pending Legislation, etc.

Come check it out - Alta Mira #4 Clubhouse, 6750 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad 92011 Come spend 60 minutes, we start at 8:00 AM sharp and end promptly at 9:00 AM.

“It’s early – but it’s worth it!”

Enjoy a continental breakfast! Hear community updates.

June 2 David Harrison, Emergency Preparedness Manager, City of Carls-

bad, will review preparedness plans for Carlsbad.

This notice sent compliments of 760-720-0900 / www.grgmgmt.com

Page 15: June 2014 Scene
Page 16: June 2014 Scene
Page 17: June 2014 Scene

Sea Cliff Annual Meeting and Election

Happening Now ............................

The election of members for the Board of Directors is underway! This year there are two (2) openings for the Board of Directors and two candidates. Write-ins are allowed, but vote for no more than two persons. There is one other item to vote on. It allows the HOA to avoid taxes on any excess of membership income over membership expenses for the year ending December 31, 2014, by retaining them to cover future expenses. The Board recommends a “Yes” vote on that. Please make sure you complete and return the Ballots as soon as you can. Ballots must be received prior to 5:50 p.m. on Wed, June 18th!

Committees are very important here at Sea Cliff and we hope you will join one and help serve our community. Committees usually meet once a month for about two hours. You may sign up at the committee meeting or on the sign-up sheets posted at the kiosks, or you can call the committee chairperson and tell him/her you would like to be on the committee. Those already on a committee will be able to sign up for next year at the regular committee meeting. Committee member volunteers go through an approval process by the Board before membership is confirmed. Refer to the back of the Sea Cliff Scene to find a list of all committees and their chairpersons. Committee responsibilities are shown on their Charters that can be found in the book in the Clubhouse.


Sea Cliff Annual Meeting and election will be held at the Pavilion on Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Refreshments begin at 5:00 p.m. The Annual Meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.

Page 18: June 2014 Scene


As of the March 28th deadline, two candidates had submitted statements (which are on file at Lindsay Management Services) in reply to the following sentences on the Candidacy Request forms: “I am interested in running for a seat on the Sea Cliff Homeowners Association Board of Directors. Please accept my formal request for my name to be added to the Annual Meeting Ballot. I am a member in good standing.”

Alan Newman –

Jim Sevier –