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ESL 036/046 Quarter B Jan 03 Tu take roll introduce myself Syllabus / $25 fee personal questionnaire / emergency form (see below) Introduce yourself in a group of 4 --native country/how long in Seattle/who did you come with/do for fun (each classmate then asks a question) Regroup in a group of 6 and introduce again Ask students to introduce themselves individually to class RAAI p.5 "You Are A Winner" Listen to story twice ask partners questions about story A "You Are A Winner" 1. What is the man's name? 3. What prizes did he win? 5. How much did the man pay to have the prizes sent to him? 7. Did you ever get cheated out of your money? When? 9. Do you think this could happen in your native country? Why? B "You Are A Winner" 2. What did he find in his mailbox? 4. How did the man pay to have the prizes sent to him? 6. What emotion did the man feel when he read that he was a winner? 8. Did you ever win something? What? 10. Do you think this could ever happen to you? Why? answer my questions: 1. What does the man find in his mailbox? 2. What does the woman say when she answers the phone? 3. What does the man have to pay for? 4. Does the man pay with cash, a credit card or a check? 5. What does the man plan to do with the jewelry? 6. How many boxes does the man get in the mail?

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ESL 036/046 Quarter B

Jan 03 Tu

take roll

introduce myself

Syllabus / $25 fee

personal questionnaire / emergency form (see below)

Introduce yourself in a group of 4 --native country/how long in Seattle/who did you come with/do for fun(each classmate then asks a question)Regroup in a group of 6 and introduce againAsk students to introduce themselves individually to class

RAAI p.5 "You Are A Winner"Listen to story twice ask partners questions about storyA"You Are A Winner"1. What is the man's name?3. What prizes did he win?5. How much did the man pay to have the prizes sent to him?7. Did you ever get cheated out of your money? When?9. Do you think this could happen in your native country? Why?B"You Are A Winner"2. What did he find in his mailbox?4. How did the man pay to have the prizes sent to him?6. What emotion did the man feel when he read that he was a winner?8. Did you ever win something? What?10. Do you think this could ever happen to you? Why?

answer my questions:1. What does the man find in his mailbox?2. What does the woman say when she answers the phone?3. What does the man have to pay for?4. Does the man pay with cash, a credit card or a check?5. What does the man plan to do with the jewelry?6. How many boxes does the man get in the mail?7. Why is he surprised when he opens the boxes?collect

Pass out text with incorrect wordsListen again and look for incorrect words

(with errors)"You Are A Winner"

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One day David Johnson gets home from work and opens his mailbox. In the mailbox he sees this postcard:

David T. JohnsonYou are a winner!

A car, a check for $25,000,

or a new TV is going to be yours. Call for your prizes.


David is happy. He likes the prizes. David looks at the telephone number on the postcard. It's a long distance call, but he dials the number. A worker answers the phone. "Congratulations!" she says. "You win!" David wins many prizes. He wins a color TV and some beautiful jewelry. He also wins 100 dollars. The woman says, "You must pay the cost of mailing the prizes. It costs $390.00." David thinks that is very exciting, but he wants the prizes. He uses his checkbook to pay the $395.00. David is happy. He's going to give the jewelry to his daughter. He's going to give the dolls to his little girl for Christmas. He can't wait for the prizes to come. The next week David gets two small, cardboard boxes in the mail. David opens the boxes and he is very confused. The 100 dolls come in a little box. Each doll is very tiny--only 1 inch (2.54 cm) tall. The jewelry is made of real gold and the TV is a toy. David is disappointed. He paid $395.00 for the prizes! He lost his money!

(corrected version)"You Are A Winner"

One evening David Johnson gets home from work and opens his mailbox. In the mailbox he finds this postcard:

David T. JohnsonYou are a winner!A car, a check for

$25,000, or a color TV is going to be yours. Call for your prizes.


David is excited. He wants the prizes. David looks at the telephone number on the postcard. It's a long distance call, but he dials the number. A woman answers the phone. "Congratulations!" she says. "You win!" David wins many prizes. He wins a color TV and some gold jewelry. He also wins 100 dolls. The woman says, "You must pay the cost of sending the prizes. It costs $395.00." David thinks that is very expensive, but he wants the prizes. He uses his credit card to pay the $395.00. David is happy. He's going to give the jewelry to his wife. He's going to give the dolls to his little girl for her birthday. He can't wait for the prizes to come. The next week David gets two small, light boxes in the mail. David opens the boxes and he is very surprised. The 100 dolls come in a little box. Each doll is very small--only 1 inch (2.54 cm) tall. The jewelry is not real gold and the TV is a toy. David is angry. He paid $395.00 for nothing! He lost his money!

read text togetherdiscuss vocabulary

Problem Solving p.1 "Lane’s Problem"

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                 When Lane came to the United States seven years ago, he went to English classes and studied hard. He also got some training in welding. Then he got a good job with a big company. Lane has been working there for the last four years. His pay is very good and he saves a lot of his money. He should be happy, but he is sad and lonely.                It's Sunday again. He hates Sundays. He went to the beach alone and watched the happy families having fun. Then he went to a restaurant alone and watched many young couples enjoying their meals. After that he went to a movie and felt lonely again. Now he is alone at home.                Lane is 35 years old. His parents and brothers and sisters are still in his country. He misses them. He wants to have a wife and children. Some of his friends go to bars and meet women there, but Lane does not like to drink. In his country parents help sons find good wives. Who can help him here? Where can he meet a nice woman in the United States?

(w/ partner) talk about picturediscuss together/vocabulary

read to class

read "Comprehension Check" to classTrue/False1. Lane is 35 years old and single. True2. His family lives in the United States. False3. He just got a job. False4. He is a hard worker. True5. He has saved a lot of money. True6. Lane enjoys his weekends. False7. He likes to go to bars even though he doesn't drink. False8. He is sad and lonely on Sundays. True9. He has an American girlfriend. False10. He wants to get married. True

discuss answers

have students do "What's Happening?"

HW: Have students read text and practice reading out loudAlso: What advice can you give Lane about meeting people in the U.S.?

Personal Information

1. What is your name?

2. What is your address? Apartment #

City Zip Code

3. What is your phone number?

4. What is your birth date? month: day: year:

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5. What is your NSCC student identification number?

6. Do you have a job now?

What is your job now?

Do you like it?

7. What is your native country?

8. What languages do you speak?

9. How long have you lived in the United States?

10. Are you a U.S. citizen?

11. Why did you come to the U.S.?

12. Do you have any children? How old are your children?

13. What jobs did you have in your native country?

14. What do you like to do for fun?

15. Is there anything else that you want me to know about you?

Emergency Information

1. If you get sick or hurt at school, who should I call for you?


Phone number:

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What is this person’s relationship to you? (father, wife, friend)

Does this person speak English?

What other languages does this person speak?

2. What medicine are you allergic to?

3. What prescription medicine do you take now?

Jan 05 Th

Add an interactive activity in case this isn't enough material for a whole class session

(Continue) Problem Solving p.1 "Lane’s Problem"

look at picture againpractice reading text togetherdiscuss

have groups give Lane some advice (modified from "What Would You Do?" p.4)

Help Lane solve his problem. Pretend that Lane asks you how to meet people in the United States. Give Lane some advice. What would you say to him?Lane, I think you should ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

regroup students and have them read original group's advice

ask students if they think it is easy to meet people in the UScompare this to meeting people in their country

in new groups do "Talk It Over"

discuss with class how husbands and wives meet in their countrypoll students to determine who got married at the youngest agewhat is the common age to get married?is divorce common?

have groups do "Share Your Ideas"

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discuss together

Jan 10 Tu

*****The following class content used Fall 2006*****Dictation (collect)Bring an overhead to show after collectingRead each sentence once and then go back and read again (3 or 4 times total)1. My family had many pets when I was a child.2. Her children are afraid of the animals at the zoo.3. We saw several birds sitting on the telephone lines.4. The restaurant has a large fish tank in the lobby.5. Farm animals often live inside a big red barn.

Dictation Name ______________________________1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________________________________

(in groups) What is your favorite animal? Why?What animal do you like the least? Why?What is the last animal that you touched? Where?What is your best/worst experience with an animal?

A) (In groups of 4) describe your animal and have group try to guessB) categorize list of animals into 4 categories of your group’s choice.example: use airplane train bus helicopter car boat bicycle submarine skateboard 1) transportation for children 2) transportation for air 3) transportation for water 4) cheap transportationC) Play “animals” 20 questions each person gets to ask one yes/no question and then guesscorrect guess gets card. person with most cards wins.


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RAAI2 p.78-9 "Kudzu"


One warm day in January, Tim Sanders' truck broke down on the highway near Greenville, Alabama. He got a ride home, but he didn't have enough money to tow the truck into town. He and a friend went back to get the truck, but they couldn't find it. Several months later they tried again. They drove up and down. Then they stopped near a large hill of vines by the side of the road. Tim took out an ax and started to cut away the vines. There was his truck. In just six months, kudzu vines had covered it completely!

Kudzu is a plant native to Japan and China. It is a vine with large, green leaves and small, purple flowers. The roots of one plant sometimes weigh 200 pounds (91 kg) and lie 10-12 feet (3-3.6 m) deep in the ground.

In 1876, the Japanese government brought kudzu to the United States as part of a plant show. American gardeners thought it was beautiful and began to plant it everywhere. Some gardeners found that animals liked to eat it and told farmers to plant it to feed goats, cows, and horses.

In the 1930s, the U.S. government paid people to plant kudzu to protect the soil. The government scientists didn't know that kudzu grows very quickly in the warm weather of the Southeastern United States.

In the summer, kudzu can grow one foot a day or up to 60 feet in a season. It now covers 7 million acres of land in the South. It covers anything that is not moving: homes, cars, and telephone poles. It takes over whole fields so that nothing else can grow. Some forests are dying because kudzu blocks out the light that the trees need to live. No birds or animals can live in a forest covered with kudzu.

Now the government is trying to kill the kudzu. Scientists tried poisons, but the kudzu did not die. It just grew faster. Scientists have found one kind of caterpillar in the South that eats kudzu. They are also thinking about bringing some insects from China. These insects like to eat kudzu, but they might eat other plants, too. This might cause new problems.

For now, kudzu is here to stay. So if you visit the South, don't leave your car by the side of the road. If you do, you might need an ax to find it!

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January 1998 July 1998

listen twiceanswer questions in groups (put answers in my notes)

1. What is Kudzu?2. Where is Kudzu originally from?3. Describe how Kudzu looks.4. How big can it get?5. How did Kudzu come to the United States?6. Why did American gardeners plant it?7. Why did American farmers plant it?8. Why did the U.S. government pay people to plant Kudzu in the 1930s?9. In what part of the U.S. does Kudzu grow the quickest?10. How quickly can it grow?11. How does Kudzu harm forests?12. Why did Tim Sanders leave his truck near the highway for so long?13. How long did it take for Kudzu to cover Tim's truck?14. What happened when scientists tried killing Kudzu with poison?15. What are two other solutions that scientists want to try?

listen againdiscuss questions togetherpass out text

make yes/no questions about text (some with "yes" answer, some with "no")*****The preceding class content used Fall 2006*****

Jan 12 Th

Problem Solving p.6 "Maria's Problem"Look at picture / discuss with a partner or groupWhat do you see in the picture? What is the young woman doing? What is she thinking about? How does she feel?

read story to class

Maria's Problem Maria Garcia is the youngest of six children. Her family came to the United States six years ago. Her parents work very hard, but they don't have a lot of money. Maria will finish high school in June. She will be the first person in her family to graduate from high school. She is an excellent student. She won a four-year scholarship to a college in another state. Her family is very

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happy and proud of her. They want Maria to go to college. They are glad that the scholarship will pay for her education. Maria wants to go to college, but she has a problem. She is in love. Her boyfriend Tony does not want her to go away for four years. He is 27 and he wants to get married now. He has a good full-time job with benefits in a factory. He wants to have a wife and family. He says he will take care of Maria and she doesn't need a college education or a job. Maria doesn't know what to do.

do “Comprehension Check” orally(collect but don't go over yet)

1. Maria comes from a large family.2. Maria's family has plenty of money.3. Maria is a very good student.4. Her family will pay for her college education.5. She has a scholarship at a college in her city.6. Maria's family wants her to go to college.7. Maria's boyfriend Tony wants her to go to college.8. Tony has a good job in a factory.9. Tony wants his wife to work.10. Maria loves Tony, but she also wants to go to college.

Name _________________________

1. yes no2. yes no3. yes no4. yes no5. yes no6. yes no7. yes no8. yes no9. yes no10. yes no

do “What’s Happening” orally Then have groups compare answers (hand out questions)

1. How long has Maria's family been in the United States?2. How many brothers and sisters does Maria have?3. Who will pay for Maria's college education?4. Is the scholarship from a college near Maria's hometown?5. For how many years will Maria have to go away to college?6. Does Maria want to go to college?7. Who is Tony?8. How does Maria feel about Tony?9. Why doesn't Tony want Maria to go to college?10. Do you think Tony is too old for Maria?

discuss questions togetherread text together

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do “Talk It Over”

Discuss the questions with your classmates. Talk about your personal experiences. Compare your country and the United States. What is the same? What is different?

Discussion Questions1. Did you go to high school or college in your country? Did anybody in your family go to high school or college?2. How many years did your parents go to school?3. Do you have to get a good education in your country so that you can get a good job?4. Is education free in your country or do you have to pay for it? Is it expensive?5. How many years do most men go to school in your country? How many years do most women go to school in your country?6. Who gets a better education in your country, men or women? Why?7. How many years do people in the United States go to school?8. What do young, unmarried women do in your country? Do they work, go to school or stay home? What do they do in the United States?9. Do many women work outside the home in your country? In the United States? Which women work outside the home most in your country: young single women, married women, women with children, women with no children, widows, divorced women, poor women, rich women, old women? What about in the United States?10. Do you think it is important that young men and women get a good education in the United States? Why? Why not?11. Why do Maria's parents want her to go to college?12. What should Maria do?

do “Share Your Ideas” individually and then in groups

What do you think young men and women should do? Read the following statements. Circle your answer. Circle "Men" or circle "Women" or circle "Men" and "Women."

1. Young Men / Women should learn to cook and clean.2. Young Men / Women should go to college.3. Young Men / Women should get some training.4. Young Men / Women should get a job.5. Young unmarried Men / Women should live with parents or relatives.6. Young unmarried Men / Women should live with roommates.7. Young unmarried Men / Women should live with their boyfriends or girlfriends.8. Young Men / Women should help their parents sometimes.9. Young Men / Women should take care of their parents all the time. 10. Young Men / Women should let their parents support them.11. Young Men / Women should take care of themselves.12. Young Men / Women should work before they get married.13. Young Men / Women should get married and stay home.14. Young Men / Women should get married and then work.15. Men / Women should get married when they are between 18 and 25 years old.16. Men / Women should get married when they are between 26 and 30 years old.17. Men / Women should get married when they are over 30 years old.18. Young married Men / Women should stay home and take care of the children.19. Young married Men / Women should get a job.20. Young married Men / Women should get a job and take care of the children.Look at your answers. Are the things you think men should do different from the things you think women

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should do? How are they different? Why are they different? Share your answers with your classmates. Give reasons for your choices.

LOFT visit: Live Action English

Jan 17 Tu

*****The following used Fall 2006*****RAAI p.79-80 "Babe Didrikson Zaharias" (see text below--I combined the 2 articles/audio is on CD)(bring overhead pics of Babe)

put her name on the board and ask if any of the students have heard of her

Have students listen for events from these important years (write the years on the board) 1930, 31, 32, 46, 49, 50Listen again

Babe Didrikson ZahariasToday many women are athletes. They compete in the Olympics and they play professional sports, too.

That was not true many years ago. People thought women were too weak to play sports. They thought women might get hurt when they ran or jumped.

Some women thought this idea was wrong. They worked hard to become athletes. One of the first professional women athletes was Babe Didrikson Zaharias.

Babe was born in 1911. Her real name was Mildred, but the kids in the neighborhood called her Babe. She could hit home runs just like Babe Ruth, the best baseball player at that time. She could also kick a football very far--farther than any of the boys in the neighborhood.

She could play basketball, too. She was the best player on her high school basketball team. Once Babe scored 104 points in one game. She was also on the baseball, volleyball, swimming, and tennis teams at her high school. Babe loved sports.

When Babe was a teenager, she had a dream. She wanted to be a great athlete. After high school Babe began to do track and field. She went to her first track meet in 1930. She competed in four events and won all of them.

In the same year a company hired Babe to work as a secretary and play basketball on the company team. She played well and led her team to win a national basketball championship in 1931. Babe was an incredible athlete.

In 1932 she competed in a national track and field meet. Babe won first place in five events and tied for first place in another event--all in three hours!

Two weeks later Babe went to the Olympics. She competed in three events and won medals in all three. She was the only person to win running, throwing, and jumping events.

After the Olympics, Babe was famous. Everybody knew about Babe. She began to play many different sports--bowling, billiards, tennis, and baseball. She also played professional basketball.

Then she started to play golf. In 1946, she won 17 golf tournaments in a row. In 1949, Babe helped start the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA). She later won 31 LPGA tournaments. In 1950, the newspapers called her the "greatest female athlete." Her dream came true!

answer these questions in groups1. According to this story, what was not true many years ago?--Today many women are athletes. They compete in the Olympics and they play professional sports, too.2. Why didn't people think that women could play sports?--People thought women were too weak to play sports. They thought women might get hurt when they ran or jumped.

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3. When was Babe born?--Babe was born in 1911. 4. What was Babe's real first name?--Mildred5. Why did the kids in her neighborhood start calling her "Babe"?--She could hit home runs just like Babe Ruth, the best baseball player at that time. 6. What was Babe's dream when she was a teenager?--She wanted to be a great athlete.7. What sports did Babe play in high school?--basketball, baseball, volleyball, swimming, and tennis8. What did Babe do in 1930?--She went to her first track meet in 1930. She competed in four events and won all of them. In the same year a company hired Babe to work as a secretary and play basketball on the company team. 9. What did Babe do in 1931?--She played well and led her team to win a national basketball championship in 1931. 10. What did Babe do in 1932?--In 1932 she competed in a national track and field meet. Babe won first place in five events and tied for first place in another event--all in three hours! Two weeks later Babe went to the Olympics. She competed in three events and won medals in all three. 11. What did Babe do in 1946?--In 1946, she won 17 golf tournaments in a row. 12. What did Babe do in 1949?--In 1949, Babe helped start the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA). 13. What does LPGA mean?--Ladies Professional Golf Association 14. How many LPGA tournaments did Babe win?--She later won 31 LPGA tournaments. 15. In 1950, what did the newspapers call Babe?--In 1950, the newspapers called her the "greatest female athlete." 16. When did Babe become famous?-- After the Olympics, Babe was famous. Everybody knew about Babe.

listen again

regroup and discuss answersdiscuss together

Extra questionsHow far could she kick a football?-- She could also kick a football very far--farther than any of the boys in the neighborhood.What was the only job that Babe had that was not sports?--A company hired Babe to work as a secretary. What sports did Babe play professionally?--Basketball and golfTry to name all of the sports Babe played during her life.--Baseball, basketball, billiards, bowling, football, golf, swimming, tennis, track and field, volleyball

look at text together*****The preceding used Fall 2006*****

“Find someone who likes to…” activity (see below) Be sure to explain that questions are not asking about

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YOUR personal opinion but about the sentences on your paper

(example for overhead)I like to play football.I like to watch basketball on TV.I like to go to hockey games.

Find someone who likes to play golf. Find someone who likes to watch tennis on TV. Find someone who likes to go to soccer games.

Discussion questionsWhat sports do you play now?What sports did you play when you were a child?What are the most popular sports to watch in your native country?Do women play sports in your native country?Who is the most famous athlete from your native country (past or present)? Tell your group about this person.If you could be a professional athlete, what sport would you like to play? Why?What sports do you think are the easiest to play?What sports do you think are the most difficult to play?

I like to play football.I like to watch hockey on TV.I like to go to golf tournaments.

Find someone who likes to play soccer. Find someone who likes to watch baseball on TV. Find someone who likes to go to basketball games.

I like to play baseball.I like to watch volleyball on TV.I like to go to basketball games.

Find someone who likes to play hockey. Find someone who likes to watch soccer on TV. Find someone who likes to go to football games.

I like to play soccer.I like to watch tennis on TV.I like to go to football games.

Find someone who likes to play volleyball. Find someone who likes to watch hockey on TV. Find someone who likes to go to baseball games.

I like to play hockey.I like to watch golf on TV.I like to go to baseball games.

Find someone who likes to play tennis. Find someone who likes to watch volleyball on TV.

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Find someone who likes to go to soccer games.

I like to play volleyball.I like to watch basketball on TV.I like to go to soccer games.

Find someone who likes to play golf. Find someone who likes to watch tennis on TV. Find someone who likes to go to hockey games.

I like to play tennis.I like to watch football on TV.I like to go to hockey games.

Find someone who likes to play basketball. Find someone who likes to watch golf on TV. Find someone who likes to go to volleyball tournaments.

I like to play golf.I like to watch baseball on TV.I like to go to volleyball tournaments.

Find someone who likes to play football. Find someone who likes to watch basketball on TV. Find someone who likes to go to tennis tournaments.

I like to play basketball.I like to watch soccer on TV.I like to go to tennis tournaments.

Find someone who likes to play baseball. Find someone who likes to watch football on TV. Find someone who likes to go to golf tournaments.

I like to play football.I like to watch hockey on TV.I like to go to golf tournaments.

Find someone who likes to play basketball. Find someone who likes to watch tennis on TV. Find someone who likes to go to baseball games.

I like to play baseball.I like to watch volleyball on TV.I like to go to basketball games.

Find someone who likes to play football. Find someone who likes to watch golf on TV. Find someone who likes to go to soccer games.

I like to play soccer.

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I like to watch tennis on TV.I like to go to football games.

Find someone who likes to play baseball. Find someone who likes to watch basketball on TV. Find someone who likes to go to hockey games.

I like to play hockey.I like to watch golf on TV.I like to go to baseball games.

Find someone who likes to play soccer. Find someone who likes to watch football on TV. Find someone who likes to go to volleyball tournaments.

I like to play volleyball.I like to watch basketball on TV.I like to go to soccer games.

Find someone who likes to play hockey. Find someone who likes to watch baseball on TV. Find someone who likes to go to tennis tournaments.

I like to play tennis.I like to watch football on TV.I like to go to hockey games.

Find someone who likes to play volleyball. Find someone who likes to watch soccer on TV. Find someone who likes to go to golf tournaments.

I like to play golf.I like to watch baseball on TV.I like to go to volleyball tournaments.

Find someone who likes to play tennis. Find someone who likes to watch hockey on TV. Find someone who likes to go to basketball games.

I like to play basketball.I like to watch soccer on TV.I like to go to tennis tournaments.

Find someone who likes to play golf. Find someone who likes to watch volleyball on TV. Find someone who likes to go to football games.

I like to play football.I like to watch hockey on TV.I like to go to golf tournaments.

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Find someone who likes to play baseball. Find someone who likes to watch tennis on TV. Find someone who likes to go to volleyball tournaments.

I like to play baseball.I like to watch volleyball on TV.I like to go to basketball games.

Find someone who likes to play soccer. Find someone who likes to watch golf on TV. Find someone who likes to go to tennis tournaments.

I like to play soccer.I like to watch tennis on TV.I like to go to football games.

Find someone who likes to play hockey. Find someone who likes to watch basketball on TV. Find someone who likes to go to golf tournaments.

I like to play hockey.I like to watch golf on TV.I like to go to baseball games.

Find someone who likes to play volleyball. Find someone who likes to watch football on TV. Find someone who likes to go to basketball games.

I like to play volleyball.I like to watch basketball on TV.I like to go to soccer games.

Find someone who likes to play tennis. Find someone who likes to watch baseball on TV. Find someone who likes to go to football games.

I like to play tennis.I like to watch football on TV.I like to go to hockey games.

Find someone who likes to play golf. Find someone who likes to watch soccer on TV. Find someone who likes to go to baseball games.

I like to play golf.I like to watch baseball on TV.I like to go to volleyball tournaments.

Find someone who likes to play basketball. Find someone who likes to watch hockey on TV. Find someone who likes to go to soccer games.

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I like to play basketball.I like to watch soccer on TV.I like to go to tennis tournaments.

Find someone who likes to play football. Find someone who likes to watch volleyball on TV. Find someone who likes to go to hockey games.

Jan 19 Th

(I brought this material in because -ed pronunciation came up in reading the Babe Didrikson Zaharias story last class)Pronunciation of past tense "-ed" Write the past tense ending of these verbs and indicate the pronunciation of "-ed"

d remove ed want t pass d drag d peel ed wait t cook d grab t stuff ed remind d call ed rent t drop d fire ed need t wash ed pad

discuss voiced (b, g, l) / unvoiced (s, f, k)-t/-d/-ed

*****The following used Fall 2006*****Business Directory Assignment (see below)

Business Directory AAutozone Car Rental......................................5496 Conner StreetBargain Stereo Shop......................................3684 Truman RoadCity Library...................................................6565 Main StreetCommunity Fitness Center.............................5801 Sunset RoadDavid's Pet Store............................................1489 Weaver StreetFamily Video Rental......................................2589 23rd AvenueFirst Rate Computer Sales.............................567 Maple StreetKwon's Supermarket......................................866 Lee StreetLakeside TV and Computer Repair Service...3030 5th StreetMartin's Discount Pianos...............................7420 Crocker Road

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Mary's Bridal Store........................................7822 Ranch RoadQuality Pet Grooming....................................1982 Taylor AvenueRed Dragon Chinese Restaurant....................723 Gorman AvenueRusso's Italian Restaurant..............................151 Lake StreetUptown Laundromat......................................136 31st Street

Questions to ask about Business Directory BWrite the business name and the address.1. Where can I see a new movie? 3. Where can I buy some eggs and bread? 5. Where can I learn to use a computer? 7. Where can I buy some gas for my car? 9. Where can I take my sick puppy? 11. Where can I get my car washed? 13. Where can I borrow some money? 15. Where can I buy some new books? 17. Where can I buy some exercise equipment? 19. Where can I learn to play the piano?

Business Directory BCorner Cafe and Bookstore............................175 Stone AvenueDowntown Cinema........................................4966 Beach AvenueEastside Exercise Equipment Sales................605 Cherry RoadFull Service Car Wash....................................236 40th StreetGentle Care Veterinary Clinic.........................881 Pine StreetHappy Kids Daycare......................................7251 Hill StreetHitech Computer School................................9410 Valley RoadMonty's Gas Station.......................................731 Marina AvenueNeck and Back Pain Clinic............................448 1st StreetPrime Bank....................................................9994 Oak RoadRudy's Hair Salon..........................................300 Lighthouse StreetSeaview Jewelry Shop....................................8002 Dalton StreetSparkle Pool Cleaning Service.......................942 Market RoadSuperstar Music Lessons................................3514 Wave StreetTony's Corner Market.....................................118 23rd Avenue

Questions to ask about Business Directory AWrite the business name and the address.2. Where can I wash my clothes? 4. Where can I rent a car? 6. Where can I buy a computer? 8. Where can I borrow some books? 10. Where can I eat some Italian food? 12. Where can I buy a piano? 14. Where can I go to exercise? 16. Where can I buy a puppy? 18. Where can I rent a movie? 20. Where can I get my computer repaired?

Then have pairs work together to try to answer these questions:What business can help me if I need childcare?

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Where can I buy a CD player?What business can help me if I just bought a swimming pool?What business can help me if I was injured in a car accident?Where can my sister buy a wedding dress?What business can help me if my dog is dirty?Where can I buy a diamond necklace?Where can I get my hair cut?Where can I buy some vegetables (2)?Where can I get lunch (3)?*****The preceding used Fall 2006*****

LOFT visit: Pronunciation Power

Jan 24 Tu

*****The following used Fall 2006*****Have groups answer these number questions. Each student reads some of the questions. (see below for print format)

1.      How many days are there in a week? 72.      How old do you have to be to get a driver’s license in the US? 163.      How many sides does a pentagon have? 54.      What number is considered bad luck in the US? 135.      How many eggs are in half a dozen? 66.      How old do you have to be to run for president in the US? 357.      How many players are there on a baseball team? 98.      What is the speed limit when you drive near a school? 209.      How many musicians play in a string quartet? 410.  How old does a US citizen have to be in order to vote? 1811.  How many arms does an octopus have? 812.  What is the smallest number that has two digits? 1013.  How many times can the same person be elected president in the US? 214.  What number do you see on the clock at midnight? 1215.  How many scoops of ice cream are in a triple-scoop ice cream cone? 3

(Groups of 5) 1. How many days are there in a week? 6. How old do you have to be to run for president in the US? 11. How many arms does an octopus have?

2. How old do you have to be to get a driver’s license in the US? 7. How many players are there on a baseball team? 12. What is the smallest number that has two digits?

3. How many sides does a pentagon have? 8. What is the speed limit when you drive near a school? 13. How many times can the same person be elected president in the US?

4. What number is considered bad luck in the US? 9. How many musicians play in a string quartet? 14. What number do you see on the clock at midnight?

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5. How many eggs are in half a dozen? 10. How old does a US citizen have to be in order to vote? 15. How many scoops of ice cream are in a triple-scoop ice cream cone?

(Groups of 4) 1. How many days are there in a week? 5. How many eggs are in half a dozen? 9. How many musicians play in a string quartet? 13. How many times can the same person be elected president in the US?

2. How old do you have to be to get a driver’s license in the US? 6. How old do you have to be to run for president in the US? 10. How old does a US citizen have to be in order to vote? 14. What number do you see on the clock at midnight?

3. How many sides does a pentagon have? 7. How many players are there on a baseball team? 11. How many arms does an octopus have? 15. How many scoops of ice cream are in a triple-scoop ice cream cone?

4. What number is considered bad luck in the US? 8. What is the speed limit when you drive near a school? 12. What is the smallest number that has two digits?

(Groups of 3) 1. How many days are there in a week? 4. What number is considered bad luck in the US? 7. How many players are there on a baseball team? 10. How old does a US citizen have to be in order to vote? 13. How many times can the same person be elected president in the US?

2. How old do you have to be to get a driver’s license in the US? 5. How many eggs are in half a dozen? 8. What is the speed limit when you drive near a school? 11. How many arms does an octopus have? 14. What number do you see on the clock at midnight?

3. How many sides does a pentagon have? 6. How old do you have to be to run for president in the US? 9. How many musicians play in a string quartet? 12. What is the smallest number that has two digits? 15. How many scoops of ice cream are in a triple-scoop ice cream cone? *****The preceding used Fall 2006*****

RAAI 1 p.57 "A Different Child"

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A Different Child

In the United States, many children ____________________ at age 3. Most children ____________________________ when they are 5 years old. They _________________________ at about age 15. When they go to ______________________________, they usually start at 18. They often _____________________________ at the age of 21.

Michael Kearney is _____________________________. He is _________________________. He began to ___________ when he was 8 months old. At age 3, he ___________________________ and began to _____________________________. At age 5, he _____________________________. In high school, Michael ________________________. The classes were _______________________, and he _________________. He left high school, and his mother


When he was 6 years old, he ____________________________________. Then he _____________________________. At age 10, he ___________________________________ with a _____________________________ in _____________________________, the study of _____________________________. At the university, he also _____________________________. He took many _____________________________ classes. At age 12, he _____________________________ and received _____________________________ in _____________________________.

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Michael is _____________________________. In the future he wants to be the __________________________________, a ________________________, or __________________. Who knows? Michael is very smart, so maybe he will _____________________________!

A Different Child(Bring this on overhead)

In the United States, many children go to preschool at age 3. Most children start elementary school when they are 5 years old. They go to high school at about age 15. When they go to college or vocational school, they usually start at 18. They often graduate from college at the age of 21.

Michael Kearney is not like most children. He is very, very smart. He began to read when he was 8 months old. At age 3, he read fifth-grade books and began to understand algebra. At age 5, he went to high school. In high school, Michael learned very quickly. The classes were too easy for him, and he felt bored. He left high school, and his mother taught him at home.

When he was 6 years old, he studied at a community college. Then he went to a university. At age 10, he graduated from the university with a Bachelor's degree in anthropology, the study of humans. At the university, he also studied about the earth. He took many geography and geology classes. At age 12, he finished graduate school and received his Master's degree in anthropology.

Michael is still studying. In the future he wants to be the host of a television game show, a college professor, or an actor. Who knows? Michael is very smart, so maybe he will be all three!

discuss heteronymssynonym (different word--same meaning) angry/madantonym (different word--opposite meaning) hot/coldhomonym (different spelling--different meaning--same pronunciation) sun/sonheteronym (same spelling--different meaning--different pronunciation) a) refuse--stress change b) read--pronunciation changeCan you pronounce each of the underlined words?(underline and Unbold the words before printing)1. It only takes one minute. (noun)2. The crack was minute. (adj)3. A small object is on the table. (noun)4. The lawyer will object. (verb)5. We gave them a present. (noun)6. I will present my report. (verb)7. I have a permit to sell food. (noun)8. They will permit us to leave. (verb)9. I have a bow and arrow. (noun)10. Let's bow to the audience. (verb)11. Close the door. (verb)12. It’s close to my house. (adj)13. The wind is blowing. (noun)14. Wind up the clock. (verb)15. Please excuse me. (verb)16. She has a good excuse. (noun)

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17. A dove flew from the tree. (noun)18. The boy dove into the water. (verb)19. The pencil lead is broken. (noun)20. She will lead us home. (verb)21. Where do you live? (verb)22. The television news is live. (adj)23. There is a tear in his eye. (noun)24. Don't tear the paper. (verb)

Jan 26 Th

Review Heteronyms

Heteronyms Quiz Name _____________________Listen to your teacher, and put a checkmark by the pronunciation that you hear. 1. ____ It only takes one minute. __X__ The crack was minute. 2. ____ A small object is on the table. __X__ The lawyer will object. 3. __X__ We gave them a present. ____ I will present my report. 4. __X__ I have a permit to sell food. ____ They will permit us to leave. 5. __X__ I have a bow and arrow. ____ Let's bow to the audience. 6. __X__ Close the door. ____ It’s close to my house. 7. __X__ The wind is blowing. ____ Wind up the clock. 8. __X__ Please excuse me. ____ She has a good excuse. 9. ____ A dove flew from the tree. __X__ The boy dove into the water. 10. ____ The pencil lead is broken. __X__ She will lead us home. 11. __X__ Where do you live? ____ The television news is live. 12. ____ There is a tear in his eye. __X__ Don't tear the paper.

Discussion questions 1. When did you start school in your native country? 2. How big was your school? 3. What were your favorite subjects in school? 4. Which subjects did you dislike? 5. Do boys and girls study the same subjects in your native country? 6. Do most people graduate from high school in your native country? 7. Do most people attend college in your native country? 8. To get a good job in your native country, is it necessary to go to college? 9. What subjects do you think are the most important for high school students to study?10. What subjects do you think are the least important?

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Do School Survey Exercise (see "School Survey Exercise" excel file)Name Country Age you started Favorite Subject Least Favorite Subject

LOFT visit: myefa.org episode 5

Jan 31 Tu

Discuss findings of School Survey Exercise from last class.

Have each student answer these questions in group: What was the last thing you spent money on? Did you use cash, check, credit card or debit card?Where did you spend this money?Ask students individuallyWhat is the difference between credit/debit card?

Read "Northgate Mall" to students read again and ask students to write down the 3 most important pieces of informationshare in groups / discuss together

Then look at picture

Northgate Mall, ca. 1960

pass out version with errorsread again slowly and have students try to correctgo over together using overhead and discuss vocabulary

Dictation (Bring an overhead for self-correction)

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1. Northgate Mall opened on April 21, 1950, and it was an instant success. 2. It had a children's play area to attract shoppers. 3. The uncovered mall had stores on both sides of a wide, outdoor walkway. 4. When the mall opened, Interstate 5 had not been built yet. 5. Today, Northgate Mall has over 125 stores and restaurants.

Have groups create their own "mall"pick location in Seattle area / name mall choose 10-12 stores (name--don't use actual stores / and describe--try to be specific)make a directory of store locations (include parking/bathrooms/places to eat)

group discussion: compare shopping in your native country/US

(correct version)Northgate Mall is often credited as being the nation's first suburban shopping center.It opened on April 21, 1950. The Bon Marché had a three-story, $3 million dollar store at the south end of the mall. Other original tenants were the National Bank of Commerce, an A&P grocery store, Ernst Hardware, Newberry's, and Nordstrom's shoes. At the time, Northgate Mall was not covered. The stores were on both sides of a wide, outdoor walkway. There was room for 80 stores, and Northgate Mall was an instant success, even though many retail spaces were still vacant. As new tenants signed on, the stores were opened four or five at a time, with great publicity. Northgate Mall used polar bear cubs, a Cadillac giveaway, and a children's play area to attract shoppers. New, electric-eye doors in some stores helped shoppers who were carrying packages.When it opened, Northgate Mall was outside of the Seattle city limits, and Interstate 5 had not been built yet. The north end of Seattle was chosen for the mall because of the area’s dramatic growth over the previous 20 years and because of the canal bridges at Aurora Avenue N and Roosevelt Way NE. A five-cent shuttle bus carried shoppers to and from the end of the Seattle Transit System at N 85th Street.After Interstate 5 opened in 1965, Northgate Mall spent $10 million on a 25-store expansion that doubled the mall’s size. By that time, the mall included a movie theater and Northgate Hospital.In 1974, Northgate Mall was enclosed to provide a climate-controlled environment. Today, Northgate Mall has over 125 stores and restaurants.

(version with errors) REMOVE UNDERLINE BEFORE PRINTINGNorthgate Mall is always credited as beginning the nation's first suburban shopping center.It opened in April 23, 1915. The Bon Marché had a three-store, $3 million dollar store at the south entrance of the mall. Other original tenants were the American Bank of Commerce, an A&P drug store, Ernst Hardware, Newberry's, and Nordstrom's shoes. At the time, Northgate Mall was uncovered. The stores were on one side of a white, outdoor walkway. There was room for 18 stores, and Northgate Mall was an instant success, even though many rental spaces were still vacant. As new tenants signed up, the stores were built four or five at a time, with great publicity. Northgate Mall used polar bear cubs, a Cadillac gift, and a children's play area to attack shoppers. New, electric-eye doors in some stores held shoppers who were buying packages.When it opened, Northgate Mall was inside of the Seattle city limits, and Interstate 5 had not been finished yet.

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The north end of Seattle was picked for the mall because of the area’s dramatic growth over the last 20 years and because of the canal bridges at Aurora Avenue N and Roosevelt Way NE. A five-cent shuttle bus carried people to and from the end of the Seattle Transit System at N 80th Street.After Interstate 5 was finished in 1965, Northgate Mall spent $10 million on a 25-store expansion that increased the mall’s size. By that time, the mall had a movie theater and Northgate Animal Hospital.In 1974, Northgate Mall was closed to provide a climbing-controlled environment. Today, Northgate Mall has opened 125 stores and restaurants.

Feb 02 Th

Dictation (COLLECT--but bring an overhead to show the class)6. Northgate Mall opened on April 21, 1950, and it was an instant success. 7. It had a children's play area to attract shoppers. 8. The uncovered mall had stores on both sides of a wide, outdoor walkway. 9. When the mall opened, Interstate 5 had not been built yet. 10. Today, Northgate Mall has over 125 stores and restaurants.

Have students presents their malls from last class

Use remaining time to have students write and perform a short radio commercial for their mall. It must include some kind of special promotion.

LOFT visit: myefa.org / small group work

example1. Winter is the first season of the year.2. After winter comes spring.3. The next season is called summer.4. And the fourth season is fall.

1. John's alarm clock rang at 6:30am.2. He turned it off and went back to sleep.3. When he woke up again, it was 8:15.4. He was very late for work

1. Lisa has been a musician for most of her life.2. She started playing the piano when she was 4 years old.3. When she was a teenager, she could play seven different instruments.4. Now she teaches violin to high school students.

1. My family will have a picnic in the park this weekend.2. If it rains, we will sit at the covered tables near the parking lot.3. But if it is sunny, we will sit on a picnic blanket under the trees.4. Either way, I'm sure we will have a nice time together.

1. Do you know what time the department meeting starts?2. I think it was canceled because the department manager is out sick.3. But I saw the manager in his office 20 minutes ago.4. Well, the meeting was scheduled for 2:30. Maybe you should go just in case.

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1. Tom is helping his sister remodel her kitchen, and he is getting very frustrated with her.2. After he bought the wallpaper that she picked out, she changed her mind and chose to paint the walls instead.3. When Tom was nearly finished painting the kitchen, she decided that she wanted a darker color.4. When she saw the darker paint that Tom brought, she realized that wallpaper would look better after all.

1. Mary ordered some party invitations online over two weeks ago, but they still haven't arrived.2. When she called the company to ask about the delay, no one could give her a straight answer.3. She asked to speak to the supervisor, and he told her that the invitations would arrive soon.4. Her party is in less than three weeks, so she is considering buying some different invitations somewhere else.

A. example: The next season is called summer.1. When he woke up again, it was 8:15.2. Lisa has been a musician for most of her life.3. My family will have a picnic in the park this weekend.4. Do you know what time the department meeting starts?5. After he bought the wallpaper that she picked out, she changed her mind and chose to paint the walls instead.6. She asked to speak to the supervisor, and he told her that the invitations would arrive soon.B. example: After winter comes spring.1. He was very late for work2. When she was a teenager, she could play seven different instruments.3. Either way, I'm sure we will have a nice time together.4. But I saw the manager in his office 20 minutes ago.5. Tom is helping his sister remodel her kitchen, and he is getting very frustrated with her.6. Her party is in less than three weeks, so she is considering buying some different invitations somewhere else.C. example: And the fourth season is fall.1. John's alarm clock rang at 6:30am.2. Now she teaches violin to high school students.3. If it rains, we will sit at the covered tables near the parking lot.4. I think it was canceled because the department manager is out sick.5. When Tom was nearly finished painting the kitchen, she decided that she wanted a darker color.6. When she called the company to ask about the delay, no one could give her a straight answer.D. example: Winter is the first season of the year.1. He turned it off and went back to sleep.2. She started playing the piano when she was 4 years old.3. But if it is sunny, we will sit on a picnic blanket under the trees.4. Well, the meeting was scheduled for 2:30. Maybe you should go just in case.5. When she saw the darker paint that Tom brought, she realized that wallpaper would look better after all.6. Mary ordered some party invitations online over two weeks ago, but they still haven't arrived.

Feb 07 Tu

RAAI2 p.69 "A Woman's Place" SCAN TEXT INTO THESE NOTESWhat do you think this will be about?discuss

Some women's names you will hear: Lucretia Mott

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony Sojourner Truth Sandra Day O'Connor

This passage is about American Women's HistoryAs you listen, write down the years that you hear


1776, 1830s, 1860, 1861, 1920, 1945, 1949, 1981 (21st century)

(in groups) what years did you hear? what is this story about?

discuss years heard together

listen again

oral T/F statements (bring statements on overhead)1. In 1776, women in the U.S. had the same rights as men. FALSE2. In 1776, some women in the U.S. could own homes. FALSE3. In the 1830s, women in the U.S. wanted the right to vote. TRUE4. Before the Civil War, many women in the U.S. had to do men's jobs for the first time. FALSE5. In 1860, a few states passed laws that gave only married women the right to own houses. TRUE6. After World War I, women in the U.S. got the right to vote. TRUE7. After World War II, women in the U.S. got equal pay for equal work. FALSE8. Sandra Day O'Connor had a hard time finding a job after she graduated from law school. TRUE

poll students but don’t give answers yetlisten again w/statements on overheaddiscuss answers

Put these events in chronological order: (bring on overhead)a. The Civil War began in the U.S. and American women took men's jobs.b. The U.S. became a country. American women didn't have equal rights.c. Women in the U.S. can have any job they want.d. Women's groups in the U.S. began to fight for rights.e. World War II ended. American women wanted equal pay for equal work.f. Women in the U.S. voted for the first time.answer: (b, d, a, f, e, c)discuss

In groups, discuss this vocabulary from the story. What do these words and phrases mean? (Write on board) Declaration of Independence rights fight for rights women's rights movement serve on juries occupation equal pay for equal work law firms

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Listen again and complete these sentences. Not exact wording of story1. In 1776, when the United States became a country, husbands ________________ their wives.(owned)2. In the 1830s, women started groups to ____________________________________________(fight for their rights)3. In 1861, the Civil War took men away from their families, so women had to __________________________________________________________________________________________(do men's jobs for the first time)4. After the war, Susan B. Anthony joined Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton as a leader of __________________________________________________________________________(the women's rights movement)5. Women's work during World War I helped the United States win the war, so President Wilson decided to ____________________________________________________________________(help women win the right to vote)6. Women again took men's jobs during World War II, but when the war ended, the women _____________________________________________________________________________(did not want to leave these jobs)7. Sandra Day O'Conner was one of the best students in her law school, but when she graduated she _________________________________________________________________________(had trouble finding a job)8. In the United States in the 21st century, a woman's place is ___________________________(any place she wants to be)

discussion questions1. Do men and women have equal rights in your country today? 2. Describe what men and women's rights are like in your country today.3. Do you think this is good?4. Has it always been this way?5. What jobs do you think should be for men only?6. What jobs do you think should be for women only?

pass out text

listen again w/text

(in groups) tell your group about someone famous in the history of your native country. Who is she/he? Why is she/he famous? When did she/he live?

Problem Solving p.95 "Anh and Tong's Problem"Look at picture / discuss with a partner or groupRemove overhead and ask these questions orally (have students write answers)1. Is the woman wearing a watch?2. Write down everything that is on the table.3. Is there an oven in the picture?4. Is there a refrigerator in the picture?5. Is there a microwave oven in the picture?6. Write down everything that is on the counter behind the woman.7. What can you see out the window?8. What time is it in the picture?

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read story to classAnh is a young housewife with two children. She and her husband Tong came to the United States four

years ago. Tong is an assembler in a factory. He works hard and takes good care of his family. Sometimes he works seven days a week, and he comes home very tired.

Anh has a lot of free time. The children go to school, and they don't come home for lunch. Anh cooks breakfast and dinner. She cleans their small apartment, washes clothes in a washing machine, and she watches a lot of TV. Anh used to visit her friends and neighbors, but many are working now and some have moved away. She wants to go out on weekends, but Tong doesn't want to because he is working or he is too tired. Anh is lonely and bored.

Anh wants to learn to drive and wants to work. When she talks to Tong about this, he gets angry. He doesn't have time to teach Anh to drive. He doesn't want to buy a second car. And he doesn't want Anh to work. He thinks a wife should stay at home and take care of the children while the husband goes to work.

do (adapted) “Comprehension Check” orally(collect and then show statements on overhead)1. Anh and Tong have many children. false2. Anh and Tong came to the United States more than two years ago. true3. The children stay home all day. false4. Tong works part-time. false5. Anh has a lot of free time. true6. Anh wants to stay home on weekends. false7. Anh isn't lonely. false8. Anh wants to learn how to drive. true9. Tong doesn't want to buy another car. true10. Tong thinks women should stay at home. false

Name _________________________

11. yes no12. yes no13. yes no14. yes no15. yes no16. yes no17. yes no18. yes no19. yes no20. yes no

have students do “What’s Happening” in groups1. When did Anh and Tong come to the United States?2. How many children do they have?3. What do the children do every day?4. How many days a week does Tong work?5. What does Anh do every day?6. Where are Anh's friends and neighbors?7. What does Anh want to do on weekends?8. What does Tong want to do on weekends?9. What does Anh want Tong to teach her?10. Why does Anh want to go to work?11. Why does Tong get angry?

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(adapted from “Talk It Over” skip #5 and #10)Discussion Questions1. Where do you have more free time, in your country or in the United States? Why? Are you sometimes lonely or bored in the United States? Why?2. Do you have friends in the United States? If yes, where did you meet your friends? What do you and your friends do together?3. Did you have many friends in your country? Where did you meet them? What did you do together?4. Do you know how to drive? Is it important to know how to drive in your country? Why? Why not? Do many women drive in your country? Is it important to know how to drive in the United States? Why? Should women also know how to drive? Why?5. Do many women have jobs in your country? What kinds of jobs do women have in your country? Do most women in your country do their own housework or do they pay someone else to do it?6. What jobs do women have in the United States? Why do so many women in the United States work? Do most women in the United States do their own housework or do they pay someone else to do it?7. Do men from your country like their wives to have jobs outside the home? Why? Why not? Do some married women from your country now have jobs in the United States? Do they like their jobs? Why? Why not? Who takes care of their children while they work? How do you feel about working mothers?8. Do you think women with pre-school children (children under 5 years) should stay at home or go to work? Do many American women with young children work? Who takes care of their children and the housework?9. If a woman doesn't have a job because she doesn't have any training, transportation or English skills, what can she do so she isn't bored?

Feb 09 Th

RAAI2 p45 “No More Pain”Listendiscussanswer questions (below) in groups (put each question on a card)put sentences (below) in orderread

1. At the beginning of the story, how many needles are sticking out of Daniel's body? (a dozen)2. What happened to Daniel a year ago? (he had a car accident)3. What did Daniel's doctor give him? (prescription medication and physical therapy)4. How well did that work? (it made him feel a little better but he was still in pain)5. How did Daniel feel at first about getting acupuncture? (he was scared)6. Why did he feel this way at first? (he thought the needles would hurt)7. Did acupuncture help Daniel immediately? (no, in the beginning the treatment didn't seem to help)8. What does Daniel's acupuncturist do before every treatment? (he examines Daniel)9. What does the acupuncturist ask Daniel about? (he asks about his physical symptoms)10. How long have people in China used acupuncture for? (for thousands of years)11. According to the story, what three countries have used acupuncture for centuries? (China, Korea and Japan)12. Since the 1980's acupuncture has become popular in what three places? (Europe, Canada and the US)13. In 1997 what organization wrote a report about acupuncture? (the US National Institutes of Health)14. What 2 things did the report say acupuncture stops? (some kinds of nausea and pain)15. Can you name 6 other things acupuncture can help? (headaches, asthma, allergies, arthritis, muscle soreness

and injuries)16. How many American medical doctors now use acupuncture in their offices? (more than 4000)17. How many acupuncturists are there in the US? (15,000)18. Do all health insurance companies pay for acupuncture? (no, but more and more of them do)

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Daniel DaSilva is lying on a table. A dozen thin needles are sticking out of his back, shoulders, arms, legs, and neck.

He looks like a human pincushion, but he doesn't care.

Daniel is getting an acupuncture treatment, and the needles make him feel better. After the treatment Daniel talked about his experience with acupuncture.

A year ago I had a car accident, and I was in a lot of pain, said Daniel. My doctor gave me prescription medication, and I had physical therapy.

That made me feel a little better, but I was still in pain. Then my doctor sent me to get acupuncture.

I was scared at first. I thought the needles would hurt, but they didn’t. In the beginning the treatment didn’t seem to help.

But now my pain is almost gone. Before every treatment the acupuncturist examines Daniel and asks about his physical symptoms.

He also looks at what Daniel eats. He studies Daniel’s thoughts and feelings, too.

Then the acupuncturist treats the pain by putting thin needles into specific points on Daniel’s body. In China people have used acupuncture for thousands of years.

It has been common in Korea and in Japan for centuries. Since the 1980s acupuncture has become popular in Europe, Canada, and the United States.

At first many doctors in these parts of the world were not sure acupuncture really helped people. So they studied acupuncture for many years.

They began to see that the treatments often helped their patients. In 1997 the U.S. National Institutes of Health wrote a report about acupuncture.

The report said that acupuncture stops some kinds of nausea and pain. It also said that acupuncture helps headaches and asthma.

Some people believe it is an excellent treatment for allergies and arthritis. Acupuncturists also treat athletes for muscle soreness and injuries.

Now medical schools in the United States are teaching doctors about acupuncture. More than 4,000 medical doctors use acupuncture in their offices.

Some doctors, like Daniel’s, are sending their patients to one of the 15,000 acupuncturists in the country. More and more health insurance companies are paying for acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture is helping people. Research shows that it works.

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Soon it will be very common all over the world to see a human pincushion.

LOFT visit: myefa.org / small group work

Feb 14 Tu

Dictation (COLLECT and bring overhead)1. In high school, my favorite subject was English.2. My history teacher was nice, but he gave too many tests.3. My friends thought our science class was interesting, but I didn't.4. I had math class first thing in the morning and was often tired.5. I learned a lot in my social studies class, and I liked the teacher.

RAAI p.60 "Circus School" (see text below)listen once and discuss in groups

listen again and ask questions (dictation style) 1. What can you learn at circus school? 2. How many circus schools are there around the world? 3. What are some of the countries that have circus schools? 4. Where is one of the biggest circus schools? 5. How old are the students at the circus school? 6. Can deaf people take classes there? 7. What is the most popular class at the circus school? 8. Are all of the classes in the daytime? 9. How old is the doctor who says, "I love the feeling"? 10. Why does the 17-year-old high school student take classes at the circus school?

pass out questions and have students discussdiscuss together

look at text and complete partial sentences

(Print landscape)Circus School

Do you want to fly through the air on a trapeze? Do you want to learn to juggle? Now you don't have to join the circus. You can go to circus school. There are 27 schools around the world--in Canada, England, Australia, and the United States.

One of the biggest schools is the San Francisco School of Circus Arts. All kinds of people take classes there. The most popular class is trapeze. On any evening, doctors, teachers, hairdressers, and elementary school students line up to fly through the air. The school has students from 4 to 79 years old. Blind and physically challenged students can learn to fly, too. Anyone can do it.

Why do the students do it? "I love the feeling," says a 45-year-old doctor. "When you're at the end of the swing, you're weightless." "I'm scared of high places," says a 17-year-old high school student. "I go on the trapeze to learn not to be scared."

Be careful! When you , you .

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Some of the first . One man in . Then he tried . Now he , not ! Another teacher was when she . She says, "I . I and ."

(Be careful! When you try it, you may not want to stop. Some of the trapeze teachers first tried it for fun. One man received a Bachelor's degree in economics. Then he tried trapeze. Now he teaches trapeze, not economics! Another teacher was a college student when she first tried it. She says, "I didn't finish college. I ran away and joined the circus.")

discuss circuses you've seen--when? where? what do you remember? did you like it? common in your country? attitude toward circus performers?

(In groups) Tell your group the most interesting/strangest thing you ever learned in school.

Now take turns discussing these topics (print on cards)Tell your group about what you will do tomorrow.Describe your living room.Tell your group about what you like to do every day.Describe your favorite place to visit in Seattle.Describe the last time you were sick.Describe the largest animal that you have ever seen.Tell your group about the most famous person from your country.Pretend you are a high school teacher and tell your group about your job.Tell your group about the most money you have ever had in your hands.Tell your group about the oldest person that you have ever known.Tell your group about the most frightened you have ever been.Tell your group why they would enjoy visiting your country.

call on students and have them choose a topic to talk about to the whole class

Feb 16 Th

Problem Solving "Luigi and Paula's Problem"

look at picture and discuss with a partner

Remove picture and ask students to write answers1. What is on the wall behind the man’s head?2. How many envelopes are on the table?3. Is the checkbook open or closed?4. Is he holding the pen?5. What’s on the table by the window?6. Can you see more than one tree outside?7. How many boxes is she carrying?

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Luigi is waiting for his wife Paula to come home. He is very angry. Paula went shopping again. She probably took the credit cards and charged some more things. He just got a bill for the things she charged last month. It was a large bill. He doesn't know if he can pay it. Every month Luigi writes checks for the house payment, car payment, furniture payments and the payments on their three credit cards. He worries that there will not be enough money for all the bills, food, insurance and other expenses this month. They don't have that much money in their savings account. What will they do if he loses his job? How will he pay all the bills? Luigi loves Paula. He wants her to have nice things, but he knows he can't pay for all the things she wants. Paula must stop charging things until the bills are paid off. Paula doesn't understand. She thinks that with these credit cards they can buy anything they want and then pay later. She thinks Luigi worries too much.

Have students read statements in groups of 3 or 4

(groups of 4)1. Paula is waiting for her husband to come home.5. Paula pays cash for everything.9. Luigi has lots of money in a savings account.

2. Luigi is angry.6. Luigi and Paula have to pay many bills every month.10. Luigi wants Paula to stop charging things.

3. Paula is at work.7. Paula spent a lot of money last month.

4. Paula likes to go shopping.8. Luigi lost his job.

(groups of 3)1. Paula is waiting for her husband to come home.4. Paula likes to go shopping.7. Paula spent a lot of money last month.10. Luigi wants Paula to stop charging things.

2. Luigi is angry.5. Paula pays cash for everything.8. Luigi lost his job.

3. Paula is at work.6. Luigi and Paula have to pay many bills every month.9. Luigi has lots of money in a savings account.

read questions orally to groupshave one student at a time try to tell group the answerthen go back and call on students to answer1. What is Luigi doing?2. Where is Paula?3. How does Paula pay for the things she buys?4. Why is Luigi angry?5. What kind of payments do Luigi and Paula have every month?6. How many credit cards do they have?

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7. What is Luigi worried about?8. How does Luigi feel about Paula?9. What does Paula think she can do with the credit cards?10. What might happen if Luigi loses his job?

LOFT visit

Feb 21 Tu

Use context clues to guess the missing word

Do these examples on the board first:That bird has a _____ in its mouth.The window _____ when I pushed it.

Do these examples orally:My sister has a _____jacket.Where did you buy your _____.

Do orally/students write an answer1. Please use your ____________________ when you take the test.2. The children ____________________ an old watch in the park.3. There was a ____________________ smell in the kitchen.4. She needs to ____________________ before she goes home.5. Last week, we had to go to ____________________.6. ____________________ jewelry is the most expensive.

Use context clues to guess the missing word.Write 3 words that can fill the blank in each sentence.1. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 2. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 3. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 4. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 5. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 6. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Look at sentences on overhead and discussDiscuss what kind of word can fill the blank and why (context)

Item matching activity(print at 14 font size/2 columns/landscape/double spaced)Partner Abirthday cake refrigerator 4th of July pillow eggs birds water shopping cart hammer

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calendar student restaurant dancing computer car Partner Bmenu supermarket days soap steering wheel homework birthday candles printer fireworks music blankets nails nest toast freezer

Do information gap activity

Name Item Purchase MethodJohn computer checkSally fruit cashSarah flowers debit cardMary necklace checkWilliam dishwasher credit cardRebecca shirt credit cardRichard camera cashLisa DVD player debit cardTom pizza cashMartin magazine debit cardTony shoes checkDiana gloves cashPatrick CD debit cardAdam groceries credit cardLinda towels checkAnn airplane tickets credit card

Name Item Payment Method____________________ computer check

Sally ____________________ cashSarah flowers ____________________

____________________ necklace checkWilliam ____________________ credit cardRebecca shirt ____________________

____________________ camera cashLisa ____________________ debit cardTom pizza ____________________

____________________ magazine debit cardTony ____________________ checkDiana gloves ____________________

____________________ CD debit cardAdam ____________________ credit cardLinda towels ____________________

____________________ airplane tickets credit card

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Name Item Payment Method____________________ shirt credit card

Richard ____________________ cashLisa DVD player ____________________

____________________ pizza cashMartin ____________________ debit cardTony shoes ____________________

____________________ gloves cashPatrick ____________________ debit cardAdam groceries ____________________

____________________ towels checkAnn ____________________ credit cardJohn ____________________ checkSally fruit ____________________

____________________ flowers debit cardMary ____________________ checkWilliam dishwasher ____________________

Name Item Payment Method____________________ shoes check

Diana ____________________ cashPatrick CD ____________________

____________________ groceries credit cardLinda ____________________ checkAnn airplane tickets ____________________John computer ____________________

____________________ fruit cashSarah ____________________ debit cardMary necklace ____________________

____________________ dishwasher credit cardRebecca ____________________ credit cardRichard camera ____________________

____________________ DVD player debit cardTom ____________________ cashMartin magazine ____________________

Name Item Payment MethodSally ____________________ cash

____________________ flowers debit cardMary necklace ____________________William ____________________ credit card

____________________ shirt credit cardRichard camera ____________________Lisa ____________________ debit card

____________________ pizza cashMartin magazine ____________________Tony ____________________ check

____________________ gloves cashPatrick CD ____________________Adam ____________________ credit card

____________________ towels checkAnn airplane tickets ____________________John computer ____________________

Name Item Payment MethodRichard ____________________ cash

____________________ DVD player debit cardTom pizza ____________________Martin ____________________ debit card

____________________ shoes checkDiana gloves ____________________Patrick ____________________ debit card

____________________ groceries credit cardLinda towels ____________________Ann ____________________ credit cardJohn ____________________ check

____________________ fruit cashSarah flowers ____________________Mary ____________________ check

____________________ dishwasher credit cardRebecca shirt ____________________

Name Item Payment MethodDiana ____________________ cash

____________________ CD debit cardAdam groceries ____________________Linda ____________________ check

____________________ airplane tickets credit card____________________ computer check

Sally fruit ____________________Sarah ____________________ debit card

____________________ necklace checkWilliam dishwasher ____________________Rebecca ____________________ credit card

____________________ camera cashLisa DVD player ____________________Tom ____________________ cash

____________________ magazine debit cardTony shoes ____________________

Name Item Payment Method____________________ flowers debit card

Mary necklace ____________________William ____________________ credit cardRebecca shirt ____________________

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____________________ camera cashLisa ____________________ debit card

____________________ pizza cashMartin magazine ____________________Tony ____________________ checkDiana gloves ____________________

____________________ CD debit cardAdam ____________________ credit card

____________________ towels checkAnn airplane tickets ____________________

____________________ computer checkSally ____________________ cash

Name Item Payment MethodLisa ____________________ debit cardTom pizza ____________________

____________________ magazine debit cardTony ____________________ check

____________________ gloves cashPatrick CD ____________________Adam ____________________ credit cardLinda towels ____________________

____________________ airplane tickets credit cardJohn computer ____________________Sally ____________________ cashSarah flowers ____________________

____________________ necklace checkWilliam ____________________ credit card

____________________ shirt credit cardRichard camera ____________________

Name Item Payment Method____________________ CD debit card

Adam ____________________ credit cardLinda ____________________ checkAnn airplane tickets ____________________

____________________ computer checkSally fruit ____________________

____________________ flowers debit cardMary ____________________ checkWilliam ____________________ credit cardRebecca shirt ____________________

____________________ camera cashLisa DVD player ____________________Tom ____________________ cashMartin ____________________ debit card

____________________ shoes checkDiana gloves ____________________

Group Discussion Questions1. Who does the shopping in your family? Where do you go shopping? What do you like to buy?2. Do you use credit cards or do you pay cash for the things you buy? Have you bought anything on credit? What?3. How do people in your country pay for the things they buy? Do they pay cash, write a check or use credit cards? What about in the United States?4. Can you go shopping in your country if you don't have any money? Can you go shopping in the United States if you don't have any money? If yes, how?5. Who can get a credit card? Is it easy or difficult to get a credit card?6. If you have a credit card and you charge something this month, when do you have to pay for it? What happens if you only pay part of the bill?7. Is it good to have a credit card sometimes? If so, when? Why?8. How can using credit cards get people in trouble? What can happen?9. What is a bad credit rating? Who gets a bad credit rating? Is a good credit rating important? Why?10. Many people buy cars and furniture on credit. What happens if they can't make the payments?11. What should you do if you lose a credit card?12. Do you think it is better to pay cash for the things you buy or buy them on credit? Why?

Read All About It p.31"Jeans Today"what do you think the story will be about?listen to storyanswer questions belowlisten again to check answerslook at answers in groups

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discuss togetherask each other questionslook at text together

“Jeans Today” questions1. Why did the man go to the hospital?2. What did the nurse say to the man at the hospital?3. What did the man say to the nurse?4. What did the people at the Levi Strauss Company do when they heard about the man's story?5. Why do people like their jeans so much?6. What happens every time you wash denim jeans?7. What are some other kinds of clothing that are made of denim material?8. How many pairs of jeans do people buy every year?9. In one year people bought pairs of jeans.10. If you put all of those jeans in a line, they will go around the world times!

What is your favorite article of clothing?What does it look like?What is it made of?When (and where) did you buy it or get it?How often do you wear it?Why do you like it?example: My favorite article of clothing is a sweater. It is a V-neck sweater with long sleeves. It is made of light blue wool. I got it last year. I usually wear it once a week. I like it because my wife gave it to me for my birthday.

Feb 23 Th

Use context clues to guess the missing wordDo orally/students write an answer1. She gave a ____________________ to her friend.2. My neighbor ____________________ to plant flowers in her garden.3. A ____________________ car was parked in front of the house.4. ____________________ can help you wake up on time. (Answer can be plural--or singular with an article)5. They are laughing and ____________________ in the restaurant.6. He painted the walls with a ____________________ color.

Write three words that can fill the blank in each sentence.1. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 2. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 3. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 4. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 5. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 6. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Look at sentences on overhead and discussDiscuss what kind of word can fill the blank and why (context)

class discussion groups: do you want to be rich? why/why not?list 5 advantages and disadvantages of being rich

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Can you list 5 things better than being rich?if a rich friend was to buy you a gift, what would you want? (you must keep it or use it. you can't sell it for the money. it must be something real and purchasable—no Eiffel Tower)What does “rich” mean to you?

LOFT visit

Feb 28 Tu

Spot the Difference (see "Hocus Focus.doc")1. "Complaints" sign is missing2. Woman has no hat3. Bell is on counter4. Box has no stripes5. One boxing glove is missing6. Shopper's hat is black

Spot the Difference (see "BBQ pic differences.doc")1. 2nd cloud 2. bird3. triangles on hat band4. fly5. smile6. apron stains7. cat/dog8. hot dog/hamburger9. salad spoon(s)10. salad cover

Problem Solving p24 Dolores' Problemlook at picture and discussread story once (He doesn't want any trouble with the neighbors or the landlord.)

do Comprehension check 1. Dolores is married.2. She lives in an apartment.3. Dolores bought a house last year.4. Her children like to play in the yard.5. All the children in the neighborhood live in houses with yards.6. Many children play in Dolores yard.7. The children never fight.8. Dolores gets money for babysitting.9. Dolores' landlord is angry.10. Dolores neighbors like to watch the children play.

collecthave students discuss What's Happening questionsdiscuss togetherpass out text and read togetherhave students discuss Talk It Over questions

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Write 4 scenarios to give to groups Have groups write "advice" for Dolores. Each group writes as a different person (the landlord, a neighbor, Dolores' husband, Dolores' mother) Call on groups in this order.

Have groups read adviceHave groups do Share Your IdeasChoose 5 that are the most important to you.

Mar 02 Th

Begin this activity individually then group students

Your yacht is sinking near a deserted, jungle island and your group only has enough time to grab 5 of the ten things listed below.

Which will you choose?


1. a gun and 30 bullets2. a hand mirror3. 20 matches4. a sharp knife5. 24 cans of beans6. 4 blankets7. a new first aid kit8. a pair of binoculars9. 50 feet of rope10. a small fishing net (5 feet x 5 feet)

Listen to Talk It Up p.87

Do "Listen For Context" orally / then poll students / listen again and discuss1. When and where do you think this conversation took place? a. after class in the classroom b. at Dr. Shaeffer’s office during her office hours. c. in the afternoon outside on campus2. How does Sang Won feel about his grade at the start of the conversation? a. relieved b. concerned c. satisfied3. How does Sang Won feel about his grade at the end of the conversation? a. relieved b. concerned c. satisfied

Do "Listen For Details" orallyWhich of these suggestions does Sang Won's teacher make:

Study harderMeet with her during her office hoursGet a tutor

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Drop the classAsk a friend for helpChange his study habitsGo to the school’s learning centerCheat on a testOne more, what was it? (Take an English class next term)

(My questions)Partner A1. What did Dr. Shaeffer write on Sang's test? ("See me.")3. What does Sang's teacher think is especially difficult for him? (the short essay questions)5. What subject has Sang Won always been good at? (math)7. How does Dr. Shaeffer know that Sang understands the class material? (his contributions in class are good)9. Why did Dr. Shaeffer give a list of sample test questions to Sang? (so he can practice writing about class concepts)Partner B2. What does Sang's teacher think he needs to change? (his study habits)4. Is Sang having trouble with any of his other classes? (no)6. How much does Sang study for Dr. Shaeffer's class? (More than for any other.)8. What did Dr. Shaeffer give to Sang? (a list of sample test questions)10. What does Sang's teacher want him to do next week? (Check back with her and let her know how it's going)

(groups of 3)1. What did Dr. Shaeffer write on Sang's test? 4. Is Sang having trouble with any of his other classes? 7. How does Dr. Shaeffer know that Sang understands the class material? 10. What does Sang's teacher want him to do next week?

2. What does Sang's teacher think he needs to change? 5. What subject has Sang Won always been good at? 8. What did Dr. Shaeffer give to Sang?

3. What does Sang's teacher think is especially difficult for him?6. How much does Sang study for Dr. Shaeffer's class? 9. Why did Dr. Shaeffer give a list of sample test questions to Sang?

(groups of 4)1. What did Dr. Shaeffer write on Sang's test? 5. What subject has Sang Won always been good at? 9. Why did Dr. Shaeffer give a list of sample test questions to Sang?

2. What does Sang's teacher think he needs to change? 6. How much does Sang study for Dr. Shaeffer's class? 10. What does Sang's teacher want him to do next week?

3. What does Sang's teacher think is especially difficult for him?7. How does Dr. Shaeffer know that Sang understands the class material?

4. Is Sang having trouble with any of his other classes? 8. What did Dr. Shaeffer give to Sang?

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Dr. Shaeffer is a professor of Business Administration. One day, Sang Won, a student inone of her classes, comes to ask her for help.SANG WON: Excuse me. Uh, Dr. Shaeffer? Do you have a second?DR. SHAEFFER: Sure. Come on in and have a seat. What do you need?SANG WON: You wrote “see me” on my test. I know I didn’t do so well on it.DR. SHAEFFER: Well, yes. I’m glad you’ve come to chat. Do you have any idea whatthe problem might be?SANG WON: No. Actually, I’ve been reading all the assignments, and I’m studying foryour class more than any other. I think I’ll just have to drop the class.DR. SHAEFFER: Don’t be so hard on yourself. This is a challenging subject. Yourcontributions in class are good, so I can tell you understand the material. You probablyjust need to change your study habits. How are you doing in your other classes?SANG WON: Well, I’ve always been pretty good at math, so that’s OK. And I haven’thad any tests in my other classes yet.DR. SHAEFFER: You know, the short essay questions seem to be especially difficult foryou.SANG WON: Yeah.DR. SHAEFFER: So, perhaps your writing skills need some work. Let me give you a listof sample test questions I have so you can practice writing about class concepts. Let’ssee…here it is. You should take it to the learning skills center. They can help you brushup your writing and teach you some test-taking strategies. And if you still need morehelp, I can recommend a tutor. And next term, you should consider taking an Englishclass.SANG WON: But do you think I still have a chance to pass your class?DR. SHAEFFER: It’s still early in the term, so if you stick with it, you’ll still be able todo quite well.SANG WON: Whew. What a relief.DR. SHAEFFER: Check back with me next week. Let me know how it’s going, ok?SANG WON: Sure. Thanks a lot.DR. SHAEFFER: Glad to help!

Mar 07 Tu

Take Charge Book 2 "Spot The Difference" p.59/60Take Charge Book 2 "Spot The Difference" p.47/48

RAAI book2 p.64 "Get Out Of Your Car"What do you think this information will be about?

listen twicehave students discuss with a partner what they heard

have students answer these questions in groups

1. What are the alternate forms of transportation mentioned in this story?bus, subway, car pool/company van, running, skates, ski, walk

2. What other alternate forms of transportation can you think of?ferry, airplane, bicycle

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3. What things happen when there are many single-occupant vehicles on the road? Can you think of some answers that are not mentioned in the story?(not all specifically mentioned in story) traffic, more accidents, air pollution

4. According to this story, what 3 things will happen if we leave our cars at home and find a different way to travel?breathe more easily, get some exercise, have some fun

discuss together / write on board

listen again / add answers to questions above?

have students work together to fill in the missing information in the article below

In groups, have students choose an alternate form of transportation (a different one for each student)Work together to write answers to these interview questions: How do you travel to work? What are the benefits? Would you recommend this type of transportation for everyone? Why?

Call on students to read answers

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. They sit in their cars on crowded roads, moving slowly. 2. They look at all the other people alone in their cars, too. There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. Some people take the bus or subway to work. 4. Other people drive with friends in a car pool. Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. These are all good ideas, but some people are trying more unusual ways to get to work.Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. He got home so late that he didn't have time for his hobby, running. Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. So Garrett started running to work. Now Garrett enjoys his hobby twice a day.Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. She was going to be late for work, and she didn't know what to do. Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. She put on the skates, put her shoes in her briefcase, and skated to work. 10. Now she skates to work almost every day. She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. High in the Rocky Mountains, some people ski to work. The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. They ski down the other side to get to their jobs in town. 13. At the end of the day, they put their skis on a bus and ride back home.14. There are many ways to get out of our cars.

Page 46: Jun 30 Mo - North Seattle Collegefacweb.northseattle.edu/jeaton/For Christine...  · Web viewHow many musicians play in a string quartet? ... Now she teaches violin to high school

There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. We will breathe more easily, get some exercise, and have some fun.Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. They sit in their cars on crowded roads, moving slowly. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. They look at all the other people alone in their cars, too. There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. Some people take the bus or subway to work. 4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. Other people drive with friends in a car pool. Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. These are all good ideas, but some people are trying more unusual ways to get to work.Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________

Page 47: Jun 30 Mo - North Seattle Collegefacweb.northseattle.edu/jeaton/For Christine...  · Web viewHow many musicians play in a string quartet? ... Now she teaches violin to high school

There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. He got home so late that he didn't have time for his hobby, running. Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. So Garrett started running to work. Now Garrett enjoys his hobby twice a day.Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. She was going to be late for work, and she didn't know what to do. Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. She put on the skates, put her shoes in her briefcase, and skated to work. 10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. Now she skates to work almost every day. She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________

Page 48: Jun 30 Mo - North Seattle Collegefacweb.northseattle.edu/jeaton/For Christine...  · Web viewHow many musicians play in a string quartet? ... Now she teaches violin to high school

She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. High in the Rocky Mountains, some people ski to work. The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. They ski down the other side to get to their jobs in town. 13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. At the end of the day, they put their skis on a bus and ride back home.14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. There are many ways to get out of our cars. There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. __________________________________________________________________________

Get Out of Your Car!

Every day 100 million people in the United States get into their cars and drive to work alone. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________There has to be a better way to get to work! There is! 3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________Some companies buy vans so their workers can drive to work together. Other companies are moving their offices to the suburbs so that more employees can walk to work. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett Jackson owns an athletic shoe store. To get to work he had to drive around the Santa Monica Mountains. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________Garrett likes to run marathons, races that are 26.2 miles (41.92 km) long. One day Garrett had an idea. He had to drive 15 miles around the mountain to get to his store, but it was only 7 miles over the mountain. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________Midori Harada was frustrated. Cars on Interstate 95 hadn't moved an inch for 15 minutes.8. ___________________________________________________________________________Then she remembered she had her daughter's inline skates in the trunk. Midori pulled off the highway and parked her car. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. __________________________________________________________________________She gets to work faster and gets her exercise, too.11. __________________________________________________________________________The ski lift opens at 6 a.m. and takes these workers up the mountain. 12. __________________________________________________________________________13. __________________________________________________________________________14. __________________________________________________________________________There are many good reasons, too. If we leave our cars at home just one day a week, the air pollution in our cities will be 50% less. 15. We will breathe more easily, get some exercise, and have some fun.

Mar 09 Th

Take Charge Book 2 Number the pictures, tell the story p.55

Interview students about how "they" travel to work (from last class)Tomo, Hakim, AlkaSasan, Askale, Manjit, StanislavMulu, Muy Chou, Valentin

RAAI book 2 p48 "An Apple A Day"

Page 49: Jun 30 Mo - North Seattle Collegefacweb.northseattle.edu/jeaton/For Christine...  · Web viewHow many musicians play in a string quartet? ... Now she teaches violin to high school

Listen to storylist foods mentioned listen again and add to listdiscuss together

assign certain foods to groups and have them listen for health benefitsbrightly colored vegetables (Women may cut their chances of getting breast cancer by 30-70%)spinach and yellow corn (may prevent heart disease)cranberry juice (may prevent bladder infections)grapes (help fight allergies, heart attacks, and strokes)soybeans (may prevent osteoporosis, may also prevent breast cancer)garlic (may prevent colds, flu, and even cancer)

look at text

Have students discuss in groups what foods are considered cures/prevention for sickness and disease in their countries.

LOFT visit

An Apple A Day

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" But what about a carrot or a strawberry? For years doctors and dieticians have told us to eat more fruits and vegetables. Now they think fruits and vegetables may even prevent disease. Eating foods like grapes, corn, and spinach may keep us from getting sick. How many fruits and vegetables should we eat? Experts say five to nine servings each day will keep us healthy. This may sound like a lot. Some people in the United States eat only one serving a day. But people from Asian and Mediterranean countries eat many servings of fruits and vegetables. In these countries, fewer people get cancer or heart disease than in the United States. (1 serving = 1/2 banana, 1 small apple, or 1/2 cup peas) Here are some of the things doctors and dieticians have learned about fruits and vegetables:• Eating a diet full of all kinds of fruits and vegetables may cut our chances of getting lung and colon cancer by 30-40%. It may also cut our chances of getting stomach cancer by 60%.• Women who eat lots of brightly colored vegetables like carrots, spinach, tomatoes, and corn may cut their chances of getting breast cancer by 30-70%. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables have certain chemicals that fight diseases. Brighter colors mean more of these good chemicals.• Spinach and yellow corn may prevent heart disease.• Cranberry juice may prevent bladder infections. Women who take cranberry capsules get 40% fewer bladder infections.• Grapes help fight allergies, heart attacks, and strokes.• Soybeans may prevent osteoporosis, a disease of the bones. They may also prevent breast cancer. Eating only one serving of soybeans a week may cut the chances of getting breast cancer by 15%.• Garlic may keep us healthy and may prevent colds, flu, and even cancer. How can we remember which fruits and vegetables to eat? One dietician says, "Eat a colorful diet to stay healthy. Every day eat something orange like a mango, something yellow like a peach, something green like broccoli, and something red like tomatoes." If we follow this advice, we may be able to stay healthy and live longer.Mar 14 Tu

Interview students about how "they" travel to work (from last class)Tomo, Hakim, Alka

Page 50: Jun 30 Mo - North Seattle Collegefacweb.northseattle.edu/jeaton/For Christine...  · Web viewHow many musicians play in a string quartet? ... Now she teaches violin to high school

Sasan, Askale, Manjit, StanislavMulu, Muy Chou, Valentin

In groups, have students choose an alternate form of transportation (a different one for each student)Work together to write answers to these interview questions: How do you travel to work? What are the benefits? Would you recommend this type of transportation for everyone? Why?

Call on students to read answers

Problem Solving p106 "Ker's Problem"look at picture and discussread story once to class

Sua and Ker are a young couple from Laos. They have three young children. Ker's mother lives with them and takes care of the children. Sua and Ker go to school. Ker is getting training in landscape and gardening. He was a farmer in his country and he likes to work outdoors with plants, trees and flowers. His wife Sua is studying English. Last week Ker's teacher told him about a job in a big apartment complex. Ker went and talked to the manager. The manager needs someone to do the gardening and to clean the laundry rooms and swimming pool area. The starting wage is $5.50 an hour. The benefits are one week of paid vacation a year and health insurance after three months on the job. Ker would like to do the gardening, but he doesn't want to clean the laundry rooms and the pool area. He isn't sure if he should take the job because he will only make $250 more a month than he and his family get from welfare payments right now. He is also worried because the health insurance won't start right away.

orally do "Comprehension Check" (altered version)1. Sua and Ker are married. (true)2. Sua's mother lives with them. (false)3. They have to pay a babysitter when Sua goes to school. (false)4. Ker is getting training in landscape and gardening. (true)5. Ker wants to work in a factory. (false)6. Ker got a job as a gardener and laundry room cleaner. (false)7. Ker likes to clean buildings. (false)8. Ker and his family receive welfare right now. (true)9. The job pays more than welfare. (true)10. The health insurance will start right away. (false)

Have students do "What's Happening?"1. Where are Sua and Ker from?2. How many children do they have?3. Who takes care of the children while Sua and Ker go to school?4. What did Ker do in his country?5. What kind of training is he getting now?6. What did Ker's teacher tell him?7. What are the job duties?8. How does Ker feel about the job duties?9. What is the pay and what are the benefits?

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10. What worries Ker about taking the job?

Have students discuss "Ker, you should _________because _________."

Have students do "Share Your Ideas" see "job grid.xls"

Have students discuss "Talk It Over" questions

Listen to "You Make Me Feel So Young"

You make me You make me And every time I I'm such a that you speakI want to go I want to go Just like a You and I are just like Running across lots of forget-me-nots.You make me You make me feel there are to be , and to be ,And even when I'm I'm going to feel Because you make me

You make me feel so young.You make me feel so spring has sprung.And every time I see you grinI'm such a happy individual.The moment that you speakI want to go play hide-and-seek.I want to go and bounce the moonJust like a toy balloon.You and I are just like a couple of totsRunning across the meadowPicking up lots of forget-me-nots.You make me feel so young.You make me feel there are songs to be sung,Bells to be rung, and a wonderful fling to be flung,And even when I'm old and grayI'm going to feel the way I do todayBecause you make me feel so young.

Minimum wage info:

(edited version from info below)Information about Minimum Wage in the U.S.

Page 52: Jun 30 Mo - North Seattle Collegefacweb.northseattle.edu/jeaton/For Christine...  · Web viewHow many musicians play in a string quartet? ... Now she teaches violin to high school

Minimum wage is the lowest hourly wage allowed by federal and state labor laws in the United States. It generally applies to unskilled or semi-skilled laborers working in service industries or manufacturing plants.

Certain occupations such as agricultural workers are usually exempt from minimum wage requirements and so are certain service workers who receive tips. The United States Congress must approve any adjustments to the federal minimum wage..

Congress is currently considering raising the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $6.65 per hour. Congress last increased the minimum wage (by 90 cents) in 1997.

The minimum wage law began in 1938 when the minimum wage was 25 cents per hour. The minimum wage has been raised several times since then. The minimum wage law is enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Efforts to increase the minimum wage are generally supported by unions and liberal anti-poverty organizations, who say it will help the nation's working poor. A full-time minimum wage worker currently makes just $10,712 per year, well below the poverty line for a family of three.

Opponents include conservative organizations and the business community, especially small businesses and retailers, who argue that increasing the minimum wage will increase unemployment because small businesses who pay such wages will be forced to make layoffs.

Congress is not required to change the federal minimum wage rate, but members of Congress routinely request a raise in the minimum wage rate. Individual states have the right to raise their own minimum wage rates above the current federal minimum wage rates.

Minimum Wage in Washington State (since the federal increase to $5.15 in 1997)2006 $7.63 2005 $7.35 2004 $7.16 2003 $7.01 2002 $6.90 2001 $6.72 2000 $6.50 1999 $5.70 (1997 $5.15)

(from http://www.policyalmanac.org/economic/minimum_wage.shtml)Congress is currently considering raising the minimum wage by $1.50, from $5.15 to $6.65 per hour in three installments. Congress last enacted legislation in 1996, increasing the minimum wage by 90 cents from 1996-1997.

The minimum wage was first enacted in 1938 as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). It is enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration. Initially just 25 cents per hour, the minimum wage has been raised several times in the decades since. In real (inflation-adjusted) terms, the minimum wage reached its peak in 1968, when it was worth $6.92 in 1998 dollars.

Efforts to increase the minimum wage are generally supported by unions and liberal anti-poverty organizations, who say it will help the nation's working poor. A full time minimum wage worker makes just $10,712 per year, well below the poverty line for a family of three.

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Opponents include conservative organizations and the business community, especially small businesses and retailers, who argue that increasing the minimum wage will simply increase unemployment, as small businesses who pay such wages are forced to make layoffs. Some argue that every ten percent increase in the minimum wage results in a loss of 100,000 jobs.

Supporters point to a controversial study by Princeton economists David Card and Alan Krueger of minimum wage employees in New Jersey, which found little or no impact on employment. Economist Robert Solow, an MIT Nobel Laureate, wrote in a 1995 New York Times article that the “main thing about the research is that the evidence of the job loss is weak.... And the fact that the evidence is weak suggests the impact on jobs is small.”

Opponents argue that many minimum wage workers are teenagers or entry level workers with few skills who need these jobs to break into the labor force, and who are not the primary bread winners within their households. Supporters say that most of those affected by a minimum wage increase are adults aged 20 and over, and more than half of all teenagers earning the minimum wage are in households with below-average incomes.

- Updated 9/1/02

(from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-minimum-wage.htm)Minimum wage is the lowest hourly wage allowed by federal and state labor laws. It generally applies to unskilled or semi-skilled laborers working in service industries or manufacturing plants. Certain occupations such as agricultural workers are usually exempt from minimum wage requirements, as are certain service workers who receive tips or other compensation equal to the minimum wage. In the United States, Congress must approve any adjustments to the federal minimum wage law currently in effect. Because of an act passed under the Clinton administration, individual states now have the right to raise their own minimum wage rates above the current federal requirement.

There hasn't always been a minimum wage law to protect unskilled or semi-skilled workers. Until the 1930s, individual wages were determined largely by employers. Workers had to accept whatever compensation was offered or simply remain unemployed. This didn't necessarily mean that all employers of that time paid extremely low wages, but the laws of supply and demand often led to the most desperate workers accepting low bids. Industrialists such as Henry Ford routinely offered higher wages to skilled or trainable workers, but the working conditions could be brutal and the workday lasted 12 hours or more.

Organized labor unions, along with the Democratic politicians who supported them, began to demand a standardized minimum wage for all workers. In 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt proposed the first federal minimum wage under his National Recovery Act. This act called for a minimum wage of 25 cents per hour. The Supreme Court struck down the National Recovery Act as unconstitutional, rendering the minimum wage unenforceable. In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act reinstated the same 25 cent federal minimum wage, along with the legal mechanisms necessary to adjust it over time. At first this act only covered a few transportaion and agricultural industries, but later amendments included service workers and general laborers.

There is no mandate to change the federal minimum wage rate, but members of Congress routinely request consideration for a raise. If an adjustment is approved, the minimum wage is generally raised in phases over the space of a few years. It has never been raised above the poverty level of a family of four with one working adult. The highest minimum wage based on real spending power was realized in 1968, when the average worker earned the equivalent of $18,000 by today's standards. This discrepancy between the poverty level and the real spending power of the minimum wage has led to more than a few heated debates between lawmakers.

Opponents of the current minimum wage system suggest that current wages discourage the working poor from improving their skills or seeking higher paying jobs. Certain jobs could be filled very quickly if workers were

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allowed to negotiate their own wages. Minimum wage workers also continue to qualify for many government programs such as food stamps, creating a dilemma for those who don't want to become reliant on social welfare programs but cannot earn a living wage. Many economists agree with this criticism of minimum wage law, citing the long-term problems of raising other salaries across the board to compensate for a raise in the minimum wage. Certain union-backed wages are specifically determined as a percentage above the current federal minimum wage.

Those who favor the federal and state minimum wage laws claim that workers are protected from exploitation by employers. By establishing a legal minimum wage for dangerous or physically demanding jobs, laborers can be assured of fair compensation for their efforts. As far as increases in the federal minimum wages are concerned, a rising tide lifts all boats. Historically, few jobs have been lost due to an increased minimum wage. When other salaries are adjusted upward to compensate, the result is often a stronger economy with higher consumer spending.

Both sides of the minimum wage issue present strong, well-supported arguments, but there has rarely been an organized effort to repeal the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act which created it. The federal minimum wage and its effect on the economy continues to be debated by both Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike.