july 2013 ryde connector

Join the fight to keep the open space in Ryde 3A Smalls Rd and Tennis World site 2013-14 NSW Budget Securing the future for NSW New Multicultural Community Liaison Officer Chantha Mau Our community in pictures Flashing lights for every school in NSW My role as a Minister North Ryde road safety enhancement New red-light speed cameras How I can help you Petitions Contact Victor: 5-9 Devlin Street Ryde NSW 2112 P (02) 9808 3288 F (02) 9877 6222 [email protected] www.victordominello.com.au VictorDominelloMP Dear Constituents During my time as the local member for the wonderful area of Ryde, I have worked in partnership with the community in order to implement a number of initiatives. The current fight to retain open space in the area of Ryde has been no different. There have been three particular proposals which have been quite concerning to not only myself, but also to constituents of the area; the development of the north side of Epping Road, the possible development of the Tennis World site, and the potential development at the 3A Smalls Road site. I have, and will continue to, fight vigorously for the preservation of land for open space, and for responsible development. My advocacy on the retention of the Small’s Road Site is consistent with my approach to the preservation of land for open space across Ryde whether it is Tennis World, the Meadowbank Foreshore Development or the Ryde Hockey Fields. The Tennis World site should be available for use by the people of Ryde and I, along with the Federal Member for Bennelong, John Alexander MP and the constituents we represent and work with, will continue to advocate for its retention as open public space. My strong stance on this is consistent with my passion for preserving land for open space across the Ryde electorate. This view is no different with my approach to 3A Smalls Road. This site was formerly Ryde High School, and even I remember catching the bus from the end of this road in my daily commute to Holy Spirit Primary as a child. This site has long been characterised by its use for education, and I strongly believe this should not change. Just as my constituents are, I am deeply concerned by the threat of the playing fields being replaced by high-density development. I recently sent out two petitions to the residents of the great area of Ryde; one for the retention of Tennis World, and the other for Smalls Road. So far, I have received a good response from concerned residents but we still need more. There are copies of these petitions on the back of this issue of the Connector; if you haven’t already done so please complete and return the signed petition to my office to continue the fight. Yours sincerely, The Hon. Victor Dominello MP Member for Ryde , The petitions are on the back page Ryde Connector A Community Newsletter from Victor Dominello MP July 2013 Join the fight to keep the open space in Ryde IN THIS ISSUE

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Page 1: July 2013 Ryde Connector

Join the fight to keep the open space in Ryde3A Smalls Rd and Tennis World site

2013-14 NSW BudgetSecuring the future for NSW

New Multicultural Community Liaison OfficerChantha Mau

Our community in pictures

Flashing lights for every school in NSW

My role as a Minister

North Ryde road safety enhancementNew red-light speed cameras

How I can help you


Contact Victor:5-9 Devlin Street Ryde NSW 2112

P (02) 9808 3288F (02) 9877 6222

[email protected] VictorDominelloMP

Dear Constituents

During my time as the local member for the wonderful area of Ryde, I have worked in partnership with the community in order to implement a number of initiatives. The current fight to retain open space in the area of Ryde has been no different.

There have been three particular proposals which have been quite concerning to not only myself, but also to constituents of the area; the development of the north side of Epping Road, the possible development of the Tennis World site, and the potential development at the 3A Smalls Road site. I have, and will continue to, fight vigorously for the preservation of land for open space, and for responsible development.

My advocacy on the retention of the Small’s Road Site is consistent with my approach to the preservation of land for open space across Ryde whether it is Tennis World, the Meadowbank Foreshore Development or the Ryde Hockey Fields.

The Tennis World site should be available for use by the people of Ryde and I, along with the Federal Member for Bennelong, John Alexander MP and the constituents we represent and work with, will continue to advocate for its retention as open public space. My strong stance on this is consistent with my passion for preserving land for open space across the Ryde electorate.

This view is no different with my approach to 3A Smalls Road. This site was formerly Ryde High School, and even I remember catching the bus from the end of this road in my daily commute to Holy Spirit Primary as a child. This site has long been characterised by its use for education, and I strongly believe this should not change. Just as my constituents are, I am deeply concerned by the threat of the playing fields being replaced by high-density development.

I recently sent out two petitions to the residents of the great area of Ryde; one for the retention of Tennis World, and the other for Smalls Road. So far, I have received a good response from concerned residents but we still need more. There are copies of these petitions on the back of this issue of the Connector; if you haven’t already done so please complete and return the signed petition to my office to continue the fight.

Yours sincerely,

The Hon. Victor Dominello MPMember for Ryde

,The petitions are on the back page

RydeConnectorA Community Newsletter from Victor Dominello MP July 2013

Join the fight to keep the open space in Ryde


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While forecast revenue has fallen significantly across the nation since we came to government, we have again ensured expense growth does not exceed revenue growth.

Although the Budget remains in deficit (returning to surplus in 2014-15), the bottom line would be $19 billion worse off if savings measures were not taken.

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Controlling expenses so they do not exceed revenueReducing payroll tax burden to support new jobsDelivering $60 billion to fix the infrastructure backlogBoosting funds for front-line services

NSW Budget2013-14

Securing the future for NSW

The NSW Liberals & Nationals Government is securing the future of the State by delivering a Budget that consolidates the rewards of tough decisions and reforms.

We’ve managed to again live within our means and reduce debt to get the Budget back on track to surplus.

Despite global economic challenges, we are committed to delivering our election commitments to improve frontline services, protect the vulnerable and invest in critical infrastructure – whilst maintaining NSW’s triple-A credit rating.

This Budget boosts funding for Health by $884 million; Education by $524 million; and Police by $171 million. This builds on the 5,000 additional nurses, teachers and police officers recruited since March 2011.

A record $14.6 billion investment in Transport and Roads will help deliver better infrastructure and improved services. The Budget will also provide a $300 million boost to the Building the State package - extending the first homebuyers scheme and providing priority infrastructure to increase the supply of new housing.

This Budget is about securing our future to make NSW number one.

To find out more information on the NSW Government’s priorities and commitments, please visit www.premier.nsw.gov.au

The Hon Barry O’Farrell MP Premier of NSW


Driving Jobs Growth

Message from the Premier

The NSW 2013-14 Budget consolidates the rewards of tough decisions and reforms undertaken over the past two years to secure the future for Ryde.

Despite revenues falling below expectations, NSW is now living within its means. This Budget invests in services and infrastructure while reducing forecast debt by $9 billion.

The NSW Budget 2013-14 invests almost $60 billion for infrastructure across the State.

Business owners from Ryde will benefit from the lift in the payroll tax threshold and the increased payroll tax rebate for new jobs. First homebuyers from Ryde who buy a new home will benefit from the extension of the Building the State package with more than $35,000 in assistance available.

Securing Ryde’s Future

Budget investments for Sydney Up to $400 million for the F3-M2 Link to ease congestion on Pennant Hills Road;

$40.6 million to continue the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital redevelopment;

$81.8 million to continue the construction of the Royal North Shore Hospital clinical services building and $52.1 million to complete the Royal North Shore Public Private Partnership redevelopment;

$3.1 million to continue the development of the Graythwaite Rehabilitation Centre at Ryde Hospital;

A new primary school on the Lower North Shore, a new high school at Crows Nest, new classrooms at Chatswood, Harbord, Lane Cove West, Artarmon and Clarke Road Public Schools as well as replacement of aged buildings at Mowbray Public School; and

$696 million to expand and improve services for people with disability, their families and carers and older people in the Sydney Metropolitan Region.

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NSWNSW 다문화지역사회 연락관 찬타 마우 씨 다문화지역사회 연락관 찬타 마우 씨이스트우드 지역의 새로운 다문화지역사회 연락관으로 찬타 마우 씨가 임명됐다. 그의 직무는 지난 3월 시작됐다. 뱅크스타운 지역의 다문화지역사회 연락관으로 18년간 재직한 바 있는 마우 씨는 이 분야에서 폭넓은 경력을 쌓아왔다. 마우 씨는 경찰과 지역사회간의 협력관계 증진을 바탕으로 지역 치안유지에 열정을 보여온 ‘소통하는 주민’이다. 그의 주요 업무는 경찰 역할의 홍보, 그리고 범죄 예방 및 범죄에 대한 우려감 해소를 위한 경찰의 지역사회와의 연대 지원 등이다. 마우 씨는 “제 능력과 더불어 경찰과 지역사회에 대한 지식을 지역사회에 활용할 수 있는 기회를 갖게 돼 무척 고무적으로 생각한다”고 말했다. 이런 점에서 그는 “지역사회 단체와 구성원들 그리고 단체대표들과 다각적인 만남을 갖고 이스트우드 경찰서와 지역사회 간에 이미 구축된 기존의 긍정적인 협력관계를

더욱 증진시킬 수 있는 방안을 모색하고 싶다”며 강한 열정을 보였다. 이스트우드 LAC는 지난 1년 전 사퇴한 아우 씨의 후임으로 새로운 다문화지역사회 연락관이 선임된 것에 대해 무척 반기는 분위기다. 마우 씨는 이미 지난 2013년 4월 30일 열린 혼스비/쿠링가이 PCYC 행사를 준비하는 등 본격적인 활동에 돌입했다. ‘지역사회 파트너십 데이’로 불린 이 행사는 혼스비/쿠링가이 PCYC의 스테이지 도색작업을 위해 30명의 자원봉사자를 지원키로 한 ‘노바티스(Norvatis) 제약사’와의 협력관계를 기념하기 위해 마련됐다. 새로운 단장작업을 통해 회관 시설의 개선과 더불어 더 많은 청소년들의 회관 사용을 증진시키는계기가 될 것으로 기대된다. 마우 씨는 월요일부터 금요일까지 이스트우스 경찰서를 통해 연락이 가능하다.

多元文化社区新警民联络员多元文化社区新警民联络员Ms. Chantha MauMs. Chantha Mau

我们很高兴地向大家介绍Ms.Chantha Mau, 她是Eastwood 警局新来的多元文化社区事务办公人员(警民联络员),她的工作已于今年3月开始。Ms.Mau在警民联络方面有广泛的工作经验,已有18年的 Bankstown警民联络员的工作经历,她对建立警局与社区良好关系的工作充满了热情。她的工作主要是帮助警局与社区加强联络,减低犯罪率。Ms.Mau 说:”我很高兴能在我自己居住的区域运用我以往的经验为警民联络做一些工作,我期待与社区居民和各

社区组织一起合作,进一步加强Eastwood警局与社区的联系”。Eastwood警局是在Ms. Au 离职一年后,又重新填补了警民联络员这一职位。Ms.Mau已经参与并协助了2013年4月30日的the Hornsby/Ku-ring-Gai PCYC活动,这一活动被称为“社区关系日”,主要是与Novartis Pharmaceutical 公司合作,他们将派30名义工义务油漆Hornsby/Ku-ring-Gai PCYC中心的舞台,这将使更多的当地年轻人使用这个中心。

Ms.Mau每周一到五在Eastwood 警局工作。


New Multicultural Community Liaison Officer

Chantha Mau We would like to introduce Ms Chantha Mau, the new Multicultural Community Liaison Officer (MCLO) for Eastwood Local Area Command. She started in March this year. Ms Mau has extensive experience as a MCLO, having worked in the MCLO role for 18 years in Bankstown Local Area Command. Ms Mau is a people person, who is passionate about community policing and relationship building between police and the community. Her role is to promote the role of police, and assist police in engaging community in order to reduce crime and the fear of crime.

Ms Mau says “I am excited in bringing my skills and knowledge about police and community relationship building in to my own local area. I am eager to meet with community organisations, community members and representatives to enhance the existing positive relationship between Eastwood Police and the local community as a whole”.

Eastwood LAC is thrilled to have their MCLO position filled after Ms Au vacated about one year ago.

Ms Mau has already coordinated an event at the Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai PCYC on 30 April 2013. This event

is called “Community Partnership Day” in partnership with Novartis Pharmaceutical Company who will be providing 30 volunteers to paint the stage at the Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai PCYC which is our local PCYC. This makeover will improve the centre and attract more young people to use the centre.

Ms Mau can be contacted at Eastwood Police Station, on Monday to Friday.

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My Ministerial office reached a fantastic milestone in April when I released the NSW Government’s new plan for Aboriginal affairs.

Called OCHRE – Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility, Empowerment – the plan was developed after the Ministerial Taskforce on Aboriginal Affairs, which I chaired, held 27 public forums and heard from more than 3000 people across NSW.

The plan, which was close to 18 months in the making, includes reforms to support more Aboriginal people to stay at school and transition to work; builds local decision making skills in communities and; ensures government and community are more accountable for how money is spent.

Later this year I will announce the roll out of the following pilot initiatives in selected communities ahead of a wider rollout:

� Opportunity Hubs to provide school students pathways to real jobs by getting local employers involved in career planning early on at school;

� Aboriginal Language and Culture Nests to provide a continuous pathway of learning from pre-school to tertiary education for Aboriginal language learners and teachers, at school and at home;

� A Local Decision Making model to develop the decision making skills of local Aboriginal governance bodies to make decisions about local service delivery;

� Connected Communities, a current initiative that is changing

the way educational services are delivered in 15 regional schools by working in partnership with Aboriginal communities.

The NSW Government is committed to putting Aboriginal people at the heart of decision making if real achievements are to be made.

Earlier this month I released a Statement of Principles for employers across NSW to protect the rights of our 2 million volunteers and recognise their invaluable contribution to the community.

Already, 12 high-profile NSW organis-ations including Taronga Zoo, St John NSW and the YWCA NSW have agreed to sign the new Statement of Principles for Recognition of Volunteer Rights developed by the NSW Government.

Volunteers are vital to the successful operation of countless organisations, but as unpaid workers their rights can sometimes be overlooked. By signing the Statement of Principles, organisations send a clear signal to current and potential volunteers that their contributions will be valued and their rights will be respected.

They should be treated with fairness, respect and dignity and have their

Flashing lights for every school in NSW

NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell, Treasurer Mike Baird and Roads Minister Duncan Gay recently announced an acceleration of the school zone flashing lights program, to ensure every school in NSW has a set of flashing lights by December 2015. This has been made financially possible by using a two phased approach.

Phase one type lights will be installed at schools on roads which are deemed to

be high risk, while the phase two type lights will be installed on lower risk roads.

The phase two lights started here in Ryde in 2009 with a different approach championed by Peter Olsen and Victor Dominello MP. Safety of children is paramount and it was with this in mind that the flashing lights were installed with the help of local Rotary Clubs at a substantially lower cost. The lights, which ask drivers to “Check Speed”, were installed on private property at all schools in the area at a fraction of the cost.

This approach, awareness for drivers, safety for our children and lower cost to install, is now being rolled out throughout our state and I congratulate Peter Olsen for his initiative and our Ryde Community for assisting me to launch this programme back in 2009/10.

Premier’s Harmony DinnerPremier’s Harmony Dinner

My Role as a Minister

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As your local Member of Parliament I can:

� Represent you in parliament.

� Take your concern directly to the appropriate Minister or department to get a response.

� Put you in touch with a service that can help you.

� Advise you of your rights and further action you may care to take.

� Lobby for more resources for your group or community.

� Work with you to achieve positive outcomes and to make democracy work for us all.

As your State Member I also deal with:

� Aging and Disability

� Attorney General

� Community Services

� Primary, Secondary Education and TAFE

� Emergency Services

� Fair Trading

� Health, Dental and Public Hospitals

� Industrial Relations

� Land and Water Management

� Local Government

� National Parks

� Main Roads

� Police

� Primary Industries

� Public Housing

� Public Works

� Transport


North Ryde road safety enhancement

New red-light speed camerasThe power of the pen and strong community determination has succeeded in pedestrian safety being addressed at the intersection of Cox’s Road and Lane Cove. A small group of parents in the North Ryde Community came together with a common passion - to see a safer crossing for their children and indeed all pedestrians at this intersection.

They contacted their school principal and their local member and together the community set out to achieve change.

The Hon. Duncan Gay, Minister for Roads and Ports noted that the Community of North Ryde had made it very clear through their correspondence, representations from the Hon. Victor Dominello MP and their community petition that a red-light speed camera would improve road safety at this busy intersection.

I am pleased to advise the Cameras have been installed and became operational in late April. I wish to acknowledge Katherine Israel, Penny Joseph, Nicole Starling and Rebecca Ebel for their tireless work to assist our community.

rights recognised. That’s why the NSW Government has introduced a statement of seven principles outlining best practice in managing volunteers.

Last month I spoke at the Premier’s Harmony Dinner where the Premier Barry O’Farrell honoured five citizens for their exemplary service to the multicultural community in NSW.

In front of 700 people representing NSW’s vibrant multicultural communities, Mr O’Farrell presented them with the inaugural Premier’s Multicultural Community Medals.

I was also fortunate last month to announce the latest group of students to win the Premier’s ANZAC Memorial Scholarships. The 16 Year 10 and 11 students from schools across NSW will make a pilgrimage to sites of historical military significance in South East Asia, including Singapore, to learn more about the ANZAC legacy.

Authorised by Victor Dominello MP, Ryde, NSW. Design & Artwork by APM Graphics Management. Printed by Impress Printers NSW Pty Ltd, 92 South Street, Rydalmere, NSW 2116.This newsletter was produced using parliamentary entitlements.










Interpreter services can be organised if required. In order to assist our Korean constituents in addressing state issues, a bilingual Korean staff member will be available on Mondays. To assist our Mandarin speaking constituents a bilingual staff member is available on Fridays.

뉴사우스웨일즈 주정부 이슈와 관련한 한국계 지역구민들의 민원을 돕기 위해 매주 월요일 영어와 한국어를 구사하는 직원이 근무합니다.如果有需要的话,我们可以安排口译服务。每周五,我们还有讲普通话的员工为选民服务。

CONTACT VICTOR:5-9 Devlin Street, Ryde NSW 2112 P (02) 9808 3288 F (02) 9877 6222 [email protected] www.victordominello.com.au VictorDominelloMP





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Please complete and return either or both signed petitions to:The Office of the Hon. Victor Dominello MP

Ground Floor, 5-9 Devlin Street, Ryde NSW 2112 or email [email protected]

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