julie hibben, spf sig project director

Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director Debbie Synhorst, SPF SIG Project Coordinator & Prevention Consultant Dr. Ousmane Diallo, Epidemiologist Iowa’s Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) *Getting Started Webinar* Iowa Department of Public Health, Division of Behavioral Health

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Iowa’s Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) * Getting Started Webinar *. Iowa Department of Public Health, Division of Behavioral Health. Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director Debbie Synhorst, SPF SIG Project Coordinator & Prevention Consultant - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director Debbie Synhorst, SPF SIG Project Coordinator & Prevention

ConsultantDr. Ousmane Diallo, Epidemiologist

Iowa’s Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG)

*Getting Started Webinar*Iowa Department of Public Health, Division of Behavioral Health

Page 2: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Webinar Instructions

• Open and close your panel

• View, select, and test your audio

• Submit text questions • Q&A addressed at the

end of today’s session• A recorded version of

today’s session will be available

Page 3: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

SPF SIG CharacteristicsIowa received funding in July 2009

from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), SAMHSA

$2.13 million for five years15% for state-level activities85% for community-level activities

after Strategic Plan is approvedBuild system capacity at the state and

local level

Page 4: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

SPF SIG GoalsPrevent the onset & reduce the

progression of substance abuse, including childhood & underage drinking

Reduce substance abuse-related problems in communities

Build prevention capacity & infrastructure at the State and local levels

Page 5: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

SPF SIG Key Principles Data Driven ProcessAcross the LifespanPublic Health ApproachConsumption and ConsequenceDifferent Planning Model

Page 6: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

WHAT?SPG SIG Cooperative Agreement with


Two Levels:

State: FY 2010-2014 Advisory CouncilWorkgroupsEvaluation

Page 7: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Table of Organization



Governor of Iowa





CouncilEBP TrainingCultural



23 SPF SIG Funded Counties

Capacity Coaches

Page 8: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

IOWA PRIORITIESReduce underage alcohol use (under

age 21)

Reduce adult binge drinking (18 and over)

Page 9: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

WHAT?SPG SIG Cooperative Agreement with CSAPTwo Levels: Local: FY2011-2014

Contact Amendment with the Comprehensive Substance Abuse Prevention agencies

Collaboration Agreement with Drug Free Communities, other coalitions and stakeholders, jointly developed, signed and submitted to IDPH for approval


Page 10: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Coalition InvolvementThe SPF SIG needs to be rolled out

by a county coalition/collaborationCould be a subcommitteeAll DFCs in the county must be

involvedAll other Substance Abuse

coalitions need to be involvedKey stakeholders are necessary

Page 11: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

DFC InvolvementAll DFCs in the county must receive a

subcontractEither: Entire funding amount to DFCOr DFC hires Project CoordinatorOr DFC hires EPI staff memberOr DFC leads an environmental strategyOr DFC administers the Readiness SurveyOr DFC leads a Town Hall MeetingOr …

Page 12: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Key StaffRequired - SPF SIG Project Coordinator -

1 FTE hired per countyCounty decide who will hire and

supervise the Coordinator and where they will be housed

Optional - Part time or contract for EPI lead staff person

SPF SIG Liaison from Comprehensive contractor

Page 13: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Collaboration Agreement Key Project Staff Stakeholders MeetingDescription of Coalition(s) involvedMOU

Page 14: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

WHO?23 Counties

1. Allamakee9. Dickinson17. Lee2. Appanoose 10. Dubuque 18. Monona3. Audubon 11. Fayette 19. Plymouth4. Benton 12. Hamilton 20. Ringgold5. Chickasaw 13. Jackson 21. Sac6. Clayton 14. Jefferson 22. Tama7. Clinton 15. Johnson 23 Woodbury8. Delaware 16. Jones

Page 15: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

WHO?Comprehensive Substance Abuse

Prevention ContractorsAlcohol and Drug Dependency Services of

Southeast Iowa (17)Area Substance Abuse Council (4, 7, 13, 16)Compass Pointe Behavioral Health Services (9)Community and Family Resources (12)Green Hills Area Education Agency (20) Helping Services for Northeast Iowa, Inc. (1, 8,

10, 11)

Page 16: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

WHO?Comprehensive Substance Abuse

Prevention ContractorsJackson Recovery Centers (18, 19, 23)Mid-Eastern Council on Chemical Abuse (15)New Opportunities (3, 21)Pathways Behavioral Services, Inc. (5)Southern Iowa Economic Development Association (2,

14)Substance Abuse Services for Clayton County, Inc. (6)Substance Abuse Treatment Unit of Central Iowa (22)

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Page 19: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Strategic Prevention Framework Step 1: AssessmentStep 2: CapacityStep 3: PlanningStep 4: ImplementationStep 5: Evaluation

Inherent within each step is cultural competency and sustainability

Page 20: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Five Step ProcessASSESSMENT

Local EPI Workgroup (LEW)At least three people, meet at least

monthlyChairperson is not the SPF SIG

CoordinatorSPF SIG Coordinator is a memberChairperson will attend regional training

Page 21: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Five Step ProcessASSESSMENTLocal EPI Workgroup (LEW)Complete the Community Assessment

Workbook (CAW)Complete Readiness SurveyIdentify data gaps and other local indicatorsComplete cross site and other evaluation


State EPI Website

Page 22: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Five Step ProcessCAPACITYTrainingResource MappingCounty Prevention System Checklist

and Organization ChartNew Partners and Relationship


Page 23: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Five Step ProcessPLANNINGLogic ModelsActions PlansRole of EBP WorkgroupInclude returning Veteran and/or

family member

Page 24: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Ah Hah!Intervening VariablesContributing FactorsCausal FactorsRoot CausesWhy here?But why here?Drill down

Page 25: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Five Step ProcessIMPLEMENTATIONEnvironmental StrategiesFidelity of ImplementationMedia Campaign

Page 26: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Five Step ProcessEVALUATIONProcess:

Online Documentation Support System (ODSS)Interviews

Outcome:Community –Level Implementation (CLI)Surveys through the Management Reporting Tool (MRT) – twice annually

Page 27: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Five Step ProcessCULTURAL COMPETENCYInfuse throughout the SPF ProcessTrainingCultural Competency PlanFocus on Specific Involvement

YouthReturning veterans and their


Page 28: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Five Step ProcessSUSTAINABILITYInfuse throughout the ProcessTrainingSustainability Plan

Page 29: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

TimelineWebinars on March 16 and March 23Capacity Coaches announced on

March 23Invitation letters to be sent out the

week of March 14Collaboration Agreement due May 6Regional trainings on the

Assessment and Capacity steps in June

Page 30: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ 1. What is the grant period?

A 1. FY2011-FY2014

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Frequently Asked QuestionsQ 2. How much funding is available per


A 2. Each of the 23 counties will receive $18,000 in base funding to start the Assessment and Capacity steps from April 1, 2011-June 30, 2011. This funding will assist counties in hiring a full-time staff person dedicated to the project, supplies, benefits, mileage to trainings and meetings, support for a local EPI workgroup and other costs as necessary.

Page 32: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ 2. How much funding is available per county?

A 2. In FY11, counties will receive $18,000 to begin work on the Assessment and Capacity steps of the SPF. During FY12, counties will receive a $70,000 base and another level of funding dependent on county population based on 2009 Census data. This funding model is an equitable way to distribute additional funding to each county and will provide additional resources to counties with a higher population.

Page 33: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ 3. Can a staff member’s time be split with

another project?

A 3. The expectation is that each county will hire a fulltime FTE to manage all aspects of the SPF SIG Project in the county. The staff may be included in a subcontract. Other situations would need to be clearly justified and approved by IDPH.

Page 34: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ 4. Can community specific

issues/strategies be funded since this is a county project?

A 4. A specific community coalition could be funded with a subcontract to carry out part of the Action Plan only in the specific community so long as over the entire Action Plan appropriate strategies are implemented in the entire county.

Page 35: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ 5. Is information available about future

years of funding after FY2012?

A 5. Future budgets will be dependent on congressional appropriations and approval of any carry over funds. If the SPF SIG would be level funded for FY2013 and FY2014, funding levels may be similar in FY2013 and FY2014 to FY2012 but that is only the best projection for now.

Page 36: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ5. When will contract amendments be issued?

A5. IDPH will need a letter from each Comprehensive agency stating their intent to participate in the project. Then each county will need to complete their Collaboration Agreement in order to decide the county budget. After a budget is submitted to IDPH, the contract amendment process will begin.

Page 37: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

ResourcesDr. Ousmane Diallo, Epidemiologist

[email protected] Julie Hibben, Project Director

[email protected] Linda McGinnis, Prevention Consultant

[email protected] Patrick McGovern, Lead Evaluator

[email protected] Debbie Synhorst, Project Coordinator

[email protected]

Page 38: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

ResourcesIDPH SPF SIG Webpage


Iowa SPF SIG Workstationwww.iowaspfsig.org

Iowa Epidemiological Websitehttp://iconsortium.subst-abuse.uiowa.edu/EPI/MainFrame.html

Page 39: Julie Hibben, SPF SIG Project Director

Let’s Get SPFed!