jukebox volume two excerpt

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  • 7/29/2019 Jukebox Volume Two Excerpt


  • 7/29/2019 Jukebox Volume Two Excerpt


    Copyright 2013 Camille Leone

    This story is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents are invented by

    the author or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any similarity to

    actual persons or events is purely coincidental.

    All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in form or by any means

    without the prior written consent of the author.

  • 7/29/2019 Jukebox Volume Two Excerpt


    Chapter One


    Something wasnt right.

    Although the guests mingling in the salon of top country singer Dory Cartwrights palatial

    home were too plastered to notice, Simone Westwood Burr felt it, and she could see it. But then,

    why would this mostly white, wealthy crowd even care when the black waiters started

    whispering among themselves, many of them pointing her way? Hiding in a corner shed staked

    out earlier in the evening, resting her swollen feet and her growing belly, Simone had to admit

    Dorys home put all others to shame. The winding staircase was a dead ringer for the one in

    Gone with the Wind, complete with plush, velvet runners. Confederate memorabilia greeted

    Simones wandering gaze no matter where she looked, from the decorated rebel general with

    whiskers as distinguished as his uniform, scowling down at her on a far wall, to the numerous

    busts on pedestals and Civil War muskets and swords decorating the living room. There was

    even a full replica of a Confederate uniform on a headless dummy, as well as the flag Old Glory

    draped in welcome over the pillared entryway. Shed overhead a few partygoers say that Dorys

    collection was the finest in all the south.


    Simone sat up, wondering if shed fallen asleep. She gave the waiter a smile but he was all

    business, taking away her glass in workman-like fashion, wiping down the table where her

    coaster had been, reserving his brightest smile for the few people who looked over at them. And

    he had light eyes. They were so light she could swear they were blue. It was such a shock she

    wondered if it was possible that the child she carried could have blue eyes, just like his or her

    Uncle Eli. When the waiter bent down to flick at an imaginary crumb on the floor, he whispered,

    Miss Dory sent me to fetch you, so that you can be with your husband.

    They traded stares. With her heart pounding so hard, she swore he could hear it. Johnny. . .

    hes-hes okay?

    Someone walked by and the waiter straightened up, the intrusion making him give a

    practiced, patented smile. Hello, nice to see you again sir. Can I get you anything?

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    Instead of acknowledging the waiter, the man glared down at her. Unlike some of the other

    guests, he didnt try to make nice with small talk. As far as Simone was concerned hed just

    come over to get a closer look at the young black woman who dared to call herself Mrs. Johnny

    Burr. His stare took in her slick bangs and bouffant, psychedelic rainbow colored gown, and that

    she was most definitely pregnant.

    The waiter blew out a relieved breath when the man retreated into the crowd. His smile

    faded once they were alone again. Im gonna help you up, and well walk outta here like were

    just having a conversation. True to his word, he took one of her forearms as she used the other

    to push herself off the couch. It was like swimming in a bowl of Gelatin. The more he pulled, the

    deeper she sunk into the cushions. Gritting his teeth, he counted off and gave a mighty tug. Once

    she was on her feet, they weaved through the crowd, averting the curious stares of those

    watching. The closer they got to that rebel generals portrait the more Simones apprehension


    Yeah, if you stare back at my great-grand pappys painting too long, itll make ya sick, the

    waiter joked. Ole Marion Iron Gut Holliwell tries to intimidate all us colored folk. Only he

    never liked to admit his fondness for black puddin.

    Simone gave him a weak smile. He said his name was Morgan, and as they escaped he kept

    nodding and pretending as if he were showing her where the powder room was located. Instead

    he took her to a door just off the kitchen, into a pantry that was as large as her parents living


    Dory Cartwright was conferring with a few of her waiters. One man was holding his back,

    and the others looked as if theyd been in a fight. She didnt have to guess who theyd tangled


    Wheres my husband? Simone demanded, noticing bruises and bloody noses on several

    men. Why isnt he here?

    We got him locked up good and tight in the underground cooler, Dory said. She was a

    singer known more for her duets with some of country musics top male artists than her own hits.

    With reddish blonde hair and sparkling brown eyes, Dory liked wearing tight dresses, high heels

    and lots of hairpieces. Her sky high hairdos were as humorously talked about as her larger than

    life, southern belle persona.

    Why is my husband locked in your cooler? Simone asked, in a voice brittle with edge.

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    Aint nothin in there that can hurt him, Dory hurriedly explained, her three story cake of

    a chignon wobbling precariously, like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I dont use it for wine no

    how. Ill take you to see him. Morgan, get one of my minks to put over her. Its as chilly as a

    polar bears ass down there.

    Morgan readied himself for a sprint, stopping long enough to ask, Your stole or your full

    coat Miss Cartwright?

    Now Morgan, you know that stole is just a shoulder wrap, so it wont do nothin to ward

    off the cold in that cellar. I swear, sometimes I think I should a kept your brother on instead of

    you. If it wasnt for your beautiful bedroom eyes, I probably wouldve. Dory winked at Simone,

    showing she was just kidding, placing a tender arm around girls shoulders to steer them both

    away from prying eyes. And ears. Sugar, Johnnys had way too much to drink. He started

    saying things I dont think you want no one else to hear, not with that crowd out there. Its best

    to let em think hes still meeting with me. I already gave one reporter a cover story on how Im

    gonna do a duet with him on my next album. I threw em off the hunt by sayin we needed to

    confer about it in my drawing room. But theyre like blood hounds, they can sniff out a lie.

    Cause with the way your man charmed the Grand Ole Opry crowd and then fell apart this

    evening, this sort of thing can end his career, right here and now.

    There was nothing Simone could do except agree. But if Dory didnt already know about the

    publics reaction over Johnnys marriage to her, then she sure wasnt gonna spell it out. And she

    couldnt defend how rowdy hed gotten after downing drink after drink during the party. Instead

    of the quiet calm hed exhibited in the limo on the way over hed become combative and moody,

    demanding to know if anyone had said something to her, loudly announcing that if they didnt

    stop staring, hed bust a few heads.

    Dont you fret none. I told them scandal hungry vultures to get to steppin, Dory said.

    And dont nobody mess with Dory Cartwright after she says skedaddle. Besides that, I got the

    band playing good and loud, so nobody can hear a thing in the front room.

    The waiter named Morgan returned, huffing and trying to catch his breath as he handed a

    floor length sable mink to Dory, who covered Simones shoulders and pulled the separate pieces

    together as if she were swaddling a babe.

    Morgan, you and them other boys, yall come along too. Lift up her hem so she doesnt


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    Obediently, one man picked up the left side and another quietly picked up the right. Simone

    followed Dorys bright as a beacon hair down one long hall until they reached a cellar door that

    led to a number of wooden steps. Morgan caught her arm, making sure she didnt tumble face

    first down the darkened stairs.

    I was too cheap to put in an elevator. Guess its just because Im still a poor country girl at

    heart, Dory explained, as they all lowered their heads in order to fit through a cubby hole of a


    A man guarding the wine cellar door jumped to attention when he saw Dory coming. He was

    younger and heavier, and he clutched a garden tool as if he needed it to defend himself.

    Hows he doing? Dory asked, keeping her voice low.

    He was quiet for spell Miss Dory. First I thought hed gone to sleep. But he was tryin to

    fool me into opening the door. So yall might wanna cover your ears.

    Simone ignored Dorys suggestion to keep back. She leaned into the door, pressing her ear

    against the wood, hoping Johnny could sense she was near. Johnny? Johnny Im here. Me and

    the baby. We love you.

    What she got back caused her to stumble away and catch her heel on the silk insides on the

    stole. The door rumbled in response and a siren of a wail rose up, choked off by a sobbing

    cough. Ragged and reedy with strain, Johnny kept begging for someone to save him Mister

    Please!!! Mister, dont leave me here! Take me with you!

    That wasnt her husband. Behind that door was some wounded soul making warbled cries

    and almost unintelligible pleas in a childs voice. Johnny, its Simone. Im here. Im here for


    Help me, please help me . . . make him stop-

    She looked back at Dory and at the men. Collectively, they dropped their eyes.

    She knew a little bit about the kind of pain Johnny was in, remembering how she felt when

    Aunt Laverne spoiled her sweet sixteen gathering by destroying her innocence. But this was

    something different. It was something evil that hed gone through, and the memory of that act

    wouldnt let go until it destroyed him.

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    Let my husband out, she commanded, addressing the man holding the weapon. When he

    didnt respond, she turned to Dory. I want you to let Johnny out of there.Now.

    We cant do that, Dory said. It took six of my boys to corral your man the first time. Gus

    just about threw his back out wrestling with him. And . . .

    And what?

    Dory sighed, nodding towards Morgan for a further explanation. The man stepped forward,

    his face deeply contoured by the overhead light.

    Hes been calling us lots of names. Morgan cleared his throat and pursed his lips, then

    finally came out with the rest of it. I know you married him, but hes referred to us being

    Negroes a bunch of times. Only he didnt use that word, if you know what I mean. We . . . I

    wouldnt want you to hear that, not with you being pregnant and all-

    Simone fought to collect herself, resting against the door to keep upright. Hes never called

    me that. Not even once. NEVER. So if youre not letting him out, I need to be in there with him


    I know my husband. And I know what hes gone through. We practically grew up together.

    So Morgan? The mans eyes narrowed at her saying his first name. Maybe it was because she

    wasnt Dory, and only his employer could call him that. Or maybe it was because he didnt take

    kindly to her marrying someone like Johnny. Someone who fit the bill of the bigots hed dealt

    with all his life. Please believe me when I say hes suffered enough.

    Morgan shook his head, stepping back to wait for Dorys command.

    Please, Simone whispered. Please let me see my husband.

    Dory smiled at her. Thats my girl. I knew you had it in ya. Morgan, send one of these boys

    to get me another stole. Youve done enough running for one night. Hurry up now, cuz Im going

    in with her.

    As they waited, Dory wanted assurance that she was alright. She had Simone sit on the chair

    the man guarding the door vacated. Babies can feel when their mommas upset. You dont

    wanna think bad thoughts when youre carrying a child, cuz itll carry over to them.

    Thats what Mama said, Simone thought. The more Dory Cartwright spoke, the more she

    used little facial tics to emphasize her statements. As they talked, she reminded Simone of her

    mother. And right about now, she needed Mamas . . . she needed her adoptive mothers God

    fearing strength and guidance.

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    When the door was unbolted and slowly opened, they all tensed, expecting Johnny to rush

    out and attack them.

    Where the hell is he? Dory whispered.

    Hes in a corner, Simone said. Most kids hide in a corner.


    They didnt understand, but how could they? A roaring drunk had been subdued, an angry

    young man who was throwing out racial slurs. But now they were seeing another side. And the

    story of his anger, of his disappointment with any black man wearing a uniform came spilling out.

    Johnny grabbed the pant leg of one of the men, thanking him for coming back, crying because

    someone had finally heard his plea.

    I found him! one of the waiters announced. Its like she said. Hes over here huddled against

    this corner.

    Following the voice of the male whod spotted Johnny, Simone attempted to bend down to

    let her husband see her face, momentarily forgetting that her size made that highly difficult.

    Morgan had a hold of her elbow, helping her bend low enough to cup his face. Johnny? Im

    here, baby. I love you.

    He lifted his head, viewing her through tired, red rimmed eyes. There was dried blood on his

    chin and his knuckles were scraped raw. Johnny looked past her, staring hard at Dory. Mom?

    Oh sweetie. Dory seemed to hold her breath, not exhaling until Johnny called to her again,

    saying a word she hadnt heard in years.

    Mom? Johnny tried to rise by sliding up the wall. Morgan helped Simone back away, as

    Johnnys voice became even more childlike. Ill be a good boy now Mom. Dont lock me up,

    dont keep me in the basement.

    Dory opened her arms wide, and Johnny began weeping. All Simone remembered was Dory

    swatting, laying Johnnys head upon her lap, stroking his hair, promising him everything would

    be just fine. Simone watched them, her heart heavy, the babys kicks insistent and agitated.

    I . . . I should go . . . the baby- she stuttered.

    The other men parted, letting Morgan escort her back upstairs. As they entered the kitchen

    most of the other cooking staff were gathered around a long table. One worker with thick salt and

    pepper hair captured in a net simply shook her head in disbelief, while a few women dressed in

    black and white uniforms expressed dismay and sorrow. Their chatter made Simone stop in her

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    tracks. She stood in the middle of the room, unwilling to walk back where she came and unable

    to go any further.

    Their eyes condemned her for marrying outside her race. And to somebody like Johnny.

    He was attacked, she announced, without hesitation. Because they needed to know. And

    she wanted them to know. It happened when he was a boy. There was a black porter . . . only he

    was ordered out by the man. And thats why-thats why . . .

    She was falling forward until steady arms rushed to her side, and Morgan cradled her against

    his chest. Hes in good hands with Miss Dory, and well be sure to look after him.

    The woman wearing the large hair net approached them with sadness in her eyes and a

    nervous smile. Are you planning on staying the night, like Miss Dory said? You dont want to

    leave him here. This house is cursed.

    Shut up Ella, Morgan ordered. Shes been through enough.

    Ellas eyes snapped up to meet Morgans, and she wasnt backing down. We all know

    whats going on here. Soon as I saw that boy I knew. Hes close enough to be Miss Dorys son

    come back to life, and shes been praying for a second chance.

    Through a fog of tears, Simone pulled away from Morgan. What are you talking about?

    Ella, Morgan warned. This dont have nothin to do with her.

    I was here, you werent. And I remember how Miss Dorys boy changed. He was happy

    and healthy. And then something bad happened. I didnt say anything until it was too late. I sat

    here and watched that boy destroy himself. Im not staying on to witness another.

    Simone looked from Ella to Morgan. Dory has a son?

    Morgans stare burned into Ellas but she refused to stop talking. Thats right, she did.

    Wont nobody admit it, but I put everything together, what with Miss Dory always on the road.

    Now youve gone and done it. Shit, didnt I tell you? Morgan cursed. Miss Dory had a

    son. So what? And hed be about her husbands age. But thats as far as the resemblance goes.

    Dread replaced hurt, but Simone had to know, so she continued to press. But what

    happened to him?

    Im through telling tales, especially since hes dead, Ella said, her voice breaking up with

    emotion. He hung himself, right before he turned fifteen, a long time ago. Her eyes rose to the

    heavens. And Im the one who found that childs body.

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    Chapter Two

    For the first time in a long while, Simone was sleeping in a full bed, the kind that one of

    Dorys maids said she needed to rest in because of the baby, and because of who she was. The

    day staff taking care of Dory Cartwrights home were younger, and as a result they knew she

    was one half of the hit making Pop duo Westwood and Burr. The girl assigned to her named Tess

    peppered Simone with questions. When are yall gonna make another record?

    Simone stared at the food on her tray. Everything was encased in silver, from her tea cup to

    the grits and eggs on a gleaming plate. There was even a little silver bell she could ring if she

    wanted service. Im not really in a position to sing any time soon. I just wanna relax and havemy little girl.

    Oh I bet shell be pretty, like you. Only shell have good hair, like your husband.

    Good hair? That was something shed heard when her first pregnancy ended tragically.

    Mama said her little girl had good hair after viewing the body.

    Hes not really a racist, is he? Tess seemed genuinely confused. Its too bad, because

    hes so fine. Riley said he was, but Morgan said naw, after Ella called everybody together-

    Simone didnt answer, trying to think her way through this. Johnnys drunken tirade had

    spread through the staff grapevine, especially the hateful words hed used. Morgan and Ella were

    older, like her parents. They still used colored and Negro to describe themselves. But

    Tess was younger, and Riley was probably younger too. For her generation, it didnt matter what

    the reason. If Johnny called one of them the wrong thing, then hed forever be branded a bigot.

    What exactly did Ella say?

    She said we ought not to be getting into your business. She said you need your rest, and to

    stop gossiping, because your man was out of his head, especially after he came down yesterday

    and told everybody how sorry he was. He even agreed to sign my album of yours. And he didnt

    get mad when I said Id rather have your autograph instead.And Elis. He said hed be sure to

    tell his brother how much I like his singing. That white boys got soul.

    Tess well intentioned way of limiting the damage made Simone smile. Johnny woke up


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    Yes Maam.

    He was able to get up in the morning, even after the party?

    Tess opened her mouth, then snapped it shut, then opened it again. Miss Simone, that big

    party was two days ago. Youve been asleep this whole time.

    Oh God. Oh God no. When she woke up, she thought it was the next day. Shoving her tray

    aside, Simone touched her stomach, searching to make sure it was still full and round. Our


    Your babys fine. Miss Dory had the doctor here. And your husband was sitting right there

    in that chair, all night long. He didnt leave until Miss Dory threatened to put him in the wine

    cellar again, only this time without any alcohol.

    Whe-wheres Johnny now?

    Theyve all gone fishing.

    They who?

    Morgan came back in this morning, some of the other staff went . . . and your husband. Oh,

    and my boss, Miss Dory decided to go too. She cancelled all her meetings and even her studio

    time to stay here.

    Tess, do you know what the doctor said? Can I get up and walk around?

    Im supposed to make sure you stay in bed, and to bring you whatever youd like.

    Folding her arms over her stomach, Simone observed Tess watching her reaction. Okay,

    Ill stay in bed. Only, Ill like to use the phone.


    Shed forgotten all about the time difference between the US and England. The last thing

    Simone wanted to do was catch Eli coming in from a night out or to interrupt his sleep. With a

    few more hours to wait her mind wandered, her thoughts turning to home, and when Johnny

    picked her up after her extended stay in New York, almost seven months ago. It was a trip that

    changed her life, because shed decided to quit show business to become a full time wife and

    mother. Delivering the news to her singing partner, Eli Burr was one of the hardest things shed

    ever had to do.

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    When her plane landed in Milburnes airport, Simone could see how the place had changed.

    More girls were wearing mini-skirts and exaggerated false eyelashes, and the guys had hair down

    to their shoulders. She stopped to sign a few autographs until Johnny just about growled at the

    growing crowd, announcing that they needed to go. There were a few squeals of recognition

    from the females who realized her husband as the infamous Johnny Burr, the man whod stolen

    his brothers singing partner right from under him, in more ways than one. Some even hoped to

    get a glimpse of Eli, but Simone explained that he was still in New York. As they made their

    way to Johnnys truck, people shouted her name. She smiled and waved before they finally got

    on the road. There was an even bigger change awaiting her in Standard. About a mile before

    town a large billboard proclaimed Standard the home ofThe Burr Brothers, with an early photo

    of the two. Her name and likeness were nowhere to be found. And vandals had painted nigger

    loveron Johnnys face.

    She leaned back on the headrest, hoping to catch a nap before seeing her family. Home

    sweet home.

    Johnnys voice was quietly serious. We cant go back to Standard as a married couple.

    It took a moment to sink in before she peppered him with all kinds of questions. He didnt

    interrupt, letting her go on about how unfair it all was and that her father would see to it that

    theyd be together.

    You should know that your dad was the one who told me about it, he finally said, gripping

    the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white.

    That sinking feeling in her stomach was only part of it. When he caught her wiping her eyes,

    pulling over on the road was mandatory.

    No amount of blinking would stop the angry tears falling from her eyes, like a soft summer

    rain. Why didnt you say something about this when I called? she asked.

    I didnt want to worry you.

    You didnt want- Her words ended abruptly. Getting mad at him wouldnt change

    anything, especially since they were in this together.

    I figure we can stay in a motel close to town, until we decide what to do, he said, staring

    straight ahead. You can take the truck and visit your folks if you want.

    But where will you be?

    Probably in the room. I might hook up with Marshall to record a few new tunes.

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    Why dont you come with me?

    We cant be together in public, not in Standard. The Klans been making some threats, and

    your Dads afraid they might act on em.

    Im not afraid.

    He gave a rueful smile, shaking his shaggy, bowl cut hair. Your Dad told me youd say

    that. So he wanted me to tell you that if its not you, then some innocent person might get hurt.

    And he didnt think youd want that.

    It was worse than shed imagined. But why? Were not hurting anyone. I thought with that

    other couple getting their marriage upheld, I thought the Loving case applied to everyone like


    He turned to face her so quickly, she jumped. Green eyes bored into her startled brown

    ones. Simone, what do you want me to say? Damn it all to hell, I dont know why this is

    happening. They call it miscegenation, and they say we broke the dag gone law when we got

    married. So the Standard city council is obligated to follow the law. You think they give a shit

    about a court case in another state? Heres the deal. If we step one foot in Standard together, both

    of us will be arrested and hauled off to jail.

    Gravel crunched under the tires as he pulled into the parking lot of a small, dingy looking

    motel. Once they entered the room, the dry, warm air outside was replaced with stifling

    mugginess. Johnny had set up a couple of fans that greeted them as soon as the door opened, but

    that wouldnt be enough, especially not with the sun beating down on their section of the motel.

    The place was painted various shades of peach and beige. It was the kind of place no maid had

    touched in days, because the management couldnt afford to hire one full time.

    You tired? he asked, closing the door with his boot heel as he set her luggage down.

    Uh-huh. Stripping off her dashiki inspired shirt, she was just about to wiggle out of her

    jeans when she caught him staring hard. Is something wrong?

    I was just wondering . . . if you might wanna . . . He ducked his head, his voice all but a

    mumble as his mop of chestnut colored hair fell forward. But if youre too tired, if you need to

    get some sleep for the babys sake-

    Instead of answering Simone unzipped her bell bottoms, letting the fabric slide downward

    and pool around her ankles. Stepping out of them, she bent over to give him a good view of her

    butt as she gathered the jeans off the floor. She wiggled out of her panties slowly, getting horny

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    just watching how hard he grew watching her undress. After so many weeks apart, foreplay was

    the least of her concerns.

    Excluding the first few times theyd fumbled into lovemaking, Johnny always took his time.

    And today was no different. He came up behind her, his hands sliding down her breasts, cupping

    and squeezing them, passing a thumb lightly over her nipples. Twisting her head to meet his lips,

    Simones shoulders fell back to give him greater access to her neck and every part of her that he

    wanted to explore. His touch was more insistent as it traveled past her hips, finding what lay

    between her legs.

    The friction of his jeans against her backside, the tips of his fingers swirling and rubbing

    against the most sensitive part of her.Lord Almighty, but those long fingers of his were driving

    her crazy!But when had they landed on the bed? Probably around the same time hed

    practically torn off his own jeans, only he still had one leg stuck in his pants while they were

    busy grunting and whimpering, skin slapping against skin, kissing with fervor, the room filling

    with the sounds of them having sex without regard to who was on the other side of the wall

    listening. When he pulled out to flip Simone on her knees, she loudly protested their separation.

    To make up for it, he spread her legs even further apart as he continued to pound, gripping the

    front of her thighs to use as leverage. Hanging on to the edge of the bed, Simone met his thrusts

    with the force of her own, especially since she didnt want to land on the floor. At one point she

    almost did, but Johnny grabbed her by the waist and hauled her back. Thats when she spotted a

    copy of The New York Post on the carpet. Splashed across the front page was a photo of her, Eli

    and Joe Willie Namath, the gregarious quarterback of the New York Jets. They were laughing

    and walking into Bachelors III, a Manhattan nightclub owned by the star football player.

    Surprise and guilt made her words come out as heaving breaths. Nothing. Happened.


    Thank you for reading this excerpt. To find out when this book will be released, please

    go to http://wikkidsexycool.com

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    Coming Soon: