js best practices (jquery)

XYZ- Javascript Best Practices For maximizing Front End performance Avoid inefficient jQuery selectors ................................................................................................................. 2 Cache selected elements .............................................................................................................................. 2 Use delegate() when possible ....................................................................................................................... 3 Use efficient event delegation ...................................................................................................................... 3 Minimize DOM manipulation........................................................................................................................ 4 Avoid global variables ................................................................................................................................... 4 Use Object literals ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Do not pass strings to setTimeout() or setInterval() ..................................................................................... 5 Optimize string concatenation...................................................................................................................... 5 De-reference unused objects........................................................................................................................ 5 Avoid loops if possible, but when needed ensure they are efficient ........................................................... 6 Prohibited functions ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Do not mix CSS with JavaScript ..................................................................................................................... 6 Optimize Browser Layout Calculation ........................................................................................................... 7 Validating Code ............................................................................................................................................. 7

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: JS Best Practices (JQuery)

XYZ- Javascript Best Practices For maximizing Front End performance

Avoid inefficient jQuery selectors ................................................................................................................. 2

Cache selected elements .............................................................................................................................. 2

Use delegate() when possible ....................................................................................................................... 3

Use efficient event delegation ...................................................................................................................... 3

Minimize DOM manipulation ........................................................................................................................ 4

Avoid global variables ................................................................................................................................... 4

Use Object literals ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Do not pass strings to setTimeout() or setInterval() ..................................................................................... 5

Optimize string concatenation ...................................................................................................................... 5

De-reference unused objects ........................................................................................................................ 5

Avoid loops if possible, but when needed ensure they are efficient ........................................................... 6

Prohibited functions ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Do not mix CSS with JavaScript ..................................................................................................................... 6

Optimize Browser Layout Calculation ........................................................................................................... 7

Validating Code ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Page 2: JS Best Practices (JQuery)

Avoid inefficient jQuery selectors Too general Use the closest persistent ancestor with an ID to look up an element instead of just a class, which

requires traversing the entire DOM.

$('.className') // Avoid this, it’s slow!

$(‘#someAncestor’).find(‘.className’); // Use this

cachedElement.find(‘.className’); // Or this

Pseudo selectors These are the slowest selectors to use, there is usually a better way to do what you’re trying to. Avoid

them at all costs.

$('.overlay:hidden') // this takes 200ms in IE8

Attribute selectors These are also very slow, use a class instead if it is available.

$('select[name=attribute]') // Avoid this

Finding elements with id's within other elements When an element has an ID, it is always faster to simply select it than searching within another


$('#element).find('#anotherElement') // Avoid this

self.cache.body.find(‘#anotherElement’) // Avoid this

$(‘#anotherElement’) // Use this

Looping elements Use the good ol’ basic FOR instead of the $.each for looping. It has been proved that the Jquery loop is

slower in performance - http://jsperf.com/jquery-each-vs-for-loop/6

$.each(a, function() {

e = this;

}); // Avoid this

for (var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) {

e = a[i];

}; // Use this

Cache selected elements Selecting the same element multiple times causes unnecessary DOM traversal, instead cache the

element in a variable and reuse it.

/* Avoid this */


// do some stuff


Page 3: JS Best Practices (JQuery)

/* Use this instead */

var myElement = $(‘#element’);


// do some stuff


Use delegate() when possible When multiple elements within a persistent container trigger the same action, use delegate() instead of


<ul id=”myList”>

<li><a href=””>Link 1</a></li>

<li><a href=””>Link 2</a></li>

<li><a href=””>Link 3</a></li>

<li><a href=””>Link 4</a></li>


/* Slower */

var myList = $(‘#myList’);

myList.find(‘a’).bind(‘click’,function(){/* doSomething() */});

/* Faster */

var myList = $(‘#myList’);

myList.delegate(‘click’, ‘a’, function(){/* doSomething() */});

Use efficient event delegation Do not delegate to the body or the document when there is another option. Instead, delegate to the

target’s closest persistent ancestor. Also, delegation is not necessary when you are binding to unique

elements with an id (with the exception of Overlays, or if the unique ID is added/removed from the page


/* Avoid this */

$(‘body’).delegate(‘.someClass’, ‘click’, function(){…});

/* This is better */

$(‘#Main’).delegate(‘.someClass’, ‘click’, function(){…});

/* This is best */

$(‘#closestAncestor’).delegate(‘.someClass’, ‘click’,


Page 4: JS Best Practices (JQuery)

Minimize DOM manipulation Accessing and modifying the DOM is very expensive and should be kept to a minimum.

/* Avoid this */

var container = $(‘#container’);

for(var i=0, length = someArray.length; i < length; i++) {

// Modifies the DOM on each iteration of the loop



/* Use this instead */

var container = $(‘#container’);

var markupString = ‘’;

for(var i=0, length = someArray.length; i < length; i++) {

markupString += ‘<li>…</li>’;


// Only modifies the DOM once


Avoid global variables Global variables and function names are a very bad idea, and must be avoided. If one needs to be

available to the global scope, they must be a member of a relevant namespace using object literal


/* Avoid This */

var current = null;

function doSomething() {…};

/* Use this, if there is not already a namespace to use (in most

cases there will be) */

var myNameSpace = {

current: null,

doSomething: function(){};


Use Object literals Objects should never be declared using constructors, doing so is overly verbose and causes a lot of

overhead. Object literal syntax should be used instead.

/* Slower */

var foo = new Object()

foo.bar = 'property';

foo.baz = 'property1';

var fooBar = new Array();

fooBar[0] = 'first slot';

Page 5: JS Best Practices (JQuery)

fooBar[1] = 'second slot';

/* Faster */

var foo = {

bar: 'property',

baz: 'property2'

} ;

var fooBar = [

'first slot',

'second slot'


Do not pass strings to setTimeout() or setInterval() Instead, pass function names or anonymous functions. A string passed to setTimeout will be executed

globally with eval, which is very slow.

// Slower


// Faster

setTimeout(functionName, 1000);

// Also good

setTimeout(function(){/* doSomething() */},1000);

Optimize string concatenation Each time the + operator is used, a new string is created in memory and concatenated to the value

assigned to it. Instead, directly build upon the existing variable.

// Slower

a += ‘b’ + ‘c’;

// Faster

a += ‘b’;

a += ‘c’;

De-reference unused objects Once a variable or element or event-binding is no longer needed, dereferencing it will get ahead of the

JS garbage collection and free up memory. This is especially important for IE

// Delete objects

namespace.foo = { bigData: 'foobar' };

// Do something with namespace.foo

delete namespace.foo;

Page 6: JS Best Practices (JQuery)

// Detach listeners when no longer needed

someElement.removeEventListener(type, fn, false) // Native

$(someElement).unbind(type); // jQuery

// Remove DOM elements when no longer needed

someElement.parentNode.removeChild(someElement); // Native

$(someElement).remove(); //jQuery

Avoid loops if possible, but when needed ensure they are efficient In all program languages, loops should be avoided if at all possible. If they are necessary, keep as much evaluation or variable creation outside of the loop as possible. Also, cache array lengths in a variable. Avoid nested loops.

// Slower

for(var i=0; i < someArray.length; i++) {

var container = document.getElementById(‘containerId’);



// Faster

var container = document.getElementById(‘containerId’);

for(var i=0, length = someArray.length; i < length; i++) {



Prohibited functions The following have been proven to be inefficient, and should be avoided.



for-in loops

while loops

Do not mix CSS with JavaScript Whenever possible styling should not be done with JavaScript, unless style needs to change based on user-interaction. If JavaScript needs to adjust the style of an element, it must do so without manipulating style attributes directly. Instead, add/remove a CSS class, and allow the CSS to style the element.

// Slower


Page 7: JS Best Practices (JQuery)

// Faster


Optimize Browser Layout Calculation Setting styles on an element invalidates the browser's layout so that looking up certain style and layout properties will cause the browser to compute the position of every element on the page. The more elements on the page, the more costly the calculation. It is possible to minimize the amount of times this happens.

// Slower

elementA.className = "a-style";

var heightA = elementA.offsetHeight; // layout calculated

elementB.className = "b-style"; // invalidates the layout

var heightB = elementB.offsetHeight; // layout calculated again

// Faster

elementA.className = "a-style";

elementB.className = "b-style";

var heightA = elementA.offsetHeight; // layout calculated

var heightB = elementB.offsetHeight; // layout is up-to-date

Validating Code Syntactical quality of code must be ran though JSHint - a JavaScript validation tool that gives a detailed report about syntax warnings and their meaning. Clean and valid code means less confusing bugs, easier maintainability, and better code security. http://www.jshint.com/