j*rt» wed>esb»t. vaici k, ^mm gouverneur business men's...

^$$m .*•* " ' <•£»"'J*rt» V** c- - •n •*. »-%> + -• *• v~.;-?.*/:* **r^ v.^.. *,3?" xssmi* mini, WED>ESB»T. VAICI K, itm ^mm .< ; '"» " " « H U H 1 I U HM * »• yiULA^a OFFICIAL oi*tcTO*v. #y* —•«•••»••••• MiMiiH "•"""""""-••iHninMina < aiig,„i^ CX-EKK-LSSO, B * PKBSUWTT—M H I"urce. TRt*irr«at»—Wartrr \\ C«ur*» It C^t.rt . c. A W. Msiitsim. TREASURER—I~ W. r»wMk*. Harvey Alien, Burt { 4 Gouverneur Business Men's Directory WIHI^ The house should be provided with Mull r i A M uAliri" a * # **** met ^°^ of sewage disposal. FOR Flul Wfc m - "f " d «•**•*- °" 1| reducing the danger of pollution or nuisance in cm** of leakage or improp- er opermik>n of the system. ^^ . ija w - -- j Contrary to the OMI! opinion, small kHcheo ahould be deposited hi .tightly , sewage 3itmM ^ ^ %omt wtteh . 2Tt!l. f ^ v ^ " * tepoMd of itegand car*. It t> well tp study the *y bsrying in the neids. burning or'system and witch the action in the) to the pigs The aae of privy j cadre plant for any signs of clogging I NlCHTI S1KKCT i Confectionery and Ice Cream ! CEYSTAL PALACE [Home *ase «anOirN Ire Creoan* N»da Haters sad ( igan j Phone :<M, Main St •salt* «< sot be x is aankarr f j* t « Is a necessary feature ji Wtthovt h thet the family U is danger. ve and veil arm**** amay he in' ersry J*, la a &mtter that for a time whoa oth not pre** for attention considered the vaults and leeching or overSowta* cosapoois ahould be absolutely avoid- ed; aince they are likely to be source* of Ue srorst contamination. The farmer should become arqustnted with the various types of wells and the boat enothada of protection, and the well ahosJd be or water Umt^t It the sewsge te appflod continuouslr to tike final dis- posal ayatem and In tuch quanikies l that Che aystem U kept aatursted v the niter or disposal ares becomet water teSfed and ~sewace tfck" and ^ * : to he^ stfectiTe. The gTtm*e Nt 8* No l$ »om. OS. M Kt%v. o«-o f*»rwt^ CTTT ENOQIaUJR Jrf-> ^ K h. POUCB JC9TI K -G^rx* \Xg r*rk«-r CHJKF OK WLi-'K Wij^, L^ r . POUCK J*, >\T«*>rs:<l. j COht>i:>>ivN\KK-VVm. L 1 Uaydesv » nX ; PBfU>*TBKDr:\T OP W*A7i:il- > woaka ifKWKKs AND >:UK .' latemaUsnpl lee Cresnu Csnieetlsn* ALARMS' v L \ ' W ' ^r« rrwit ---* (V«r« i* HsyOcm. ^5 Main 'Sirwt lioavem^- J 08. SUTTY. Bakeries DAWLEY f 8 "" 'PIONEER BAKERY" Pare r re^l iiaard U^ds 1 enfectien* . / t?ry aad t Ifart I*hoov133-L Main St I Musical Instnupqrta, Eta ^ ^ , CHAS M TAIT i Pfcsns*—Tktrssss—K^ est Low Prkos—Ensy 1107 K. Main St- . Over Cryatal Paisos Yiait or TRAINS. f *•«•» r^n- ! L ^ ° CarUd ** to excllde ! t n p a c u a i i aepamtor of area« and Ir^2T 0, "s.^ 0 ^ 1 01l^r * , °/ ^ontaa^} sewa<s from the kitchen aink or dsi- No . 4 battioB wnk* M has been ImpoasUrfe ry room. If crease is allowed to enter 1 No. * to restore or have been overlook^ , iht tewer it eccnxatti^es and event-.' In the selection, location, and the *VM»A^S . T -• s m. l: is a. BV , 4 JSP- p, HI. Groceries and Meats ~ I*. A SWETT SUpW and Fancy ^rorciies -UeBe and Wefttero Xeat» Phon« lde-j ../ Main PL KENYON S BAKERY The b>U hi Baked €oe4t .\a fsr l. S. Tmdinc Stamp* F^ *^ V.-W IPark St Tlcirslat, Mask*! Mask ^ Main Street * Ovor Painting and Barbers d . - - - Too department noajsinltlnf of a well tt is always a rood a bulletin ti*ins a detail- jy^ to tcmMer permanence in addi- of a simple aanitary } tion to anfety. The well should pene- tystsm aoJtabla for the sTera«e farm [ t ^ to ^ Teis ^ Iow th ^ l of lbe waiehi oonsists of t% paxes and ^ronnd-wntar surface ta the drie*i IS flffuros and diacokms with i snattmi . of tsbies Jt will be sent! « n \ * - . > w - * Iwrmer r* Lii^ti^ rnpoUutod sprm** are. ss a rule. cmrmer on application. 4**wwi ,nnrr^ ^# V . (M .«^i» The #ow bslietin U the result dT ^ ^ ^ ^ water wlw>lT - j No No. -, No. » No. J No. 1 1? No, T No. I No. S ree to since. careful study. Convenience, com- ually clogs the system. No cost of material or labor has been quoted in the new bulletin, since theee rsry eonsidersily with time and locality, bat nothing has been recommended which is not considered to be an economical investment for '• the progressive farmer. Progressive | cii>s sr^ making large expenditures the water usually comes from great for san tary systems to protect the heslth of their people, and similar pro- j tectiotj b due the countr/ residents > so gravel However, springs are sub- { Any farmer who feels that the san- )ect to pollution from the same sourc- , itary arrangements in his home are , , es as wells and ahould ho closely j not entirely saii&factory is urged toL tme nor skill to install the .Ttnnle '-ZZZ1 r.^^^Ti :JT" I K! Pr i! 1! - ^ ^ ** D6partaleIlt of Africal- ^ sss ystem aunosted. a reliable plonX ^ ! t l ^ ^ T « ^ '^ fJ*l rTpiimp expert or a sanitary en-! E ^ i S ! t t ^ *fl ^ i system sJomg similar lines. j tkm tp(m ^^t mmTbm9 ^ mMd wwmgt ^ hi9 ^^^^ r ^Tiata/or -••• ,. / > i5 a. m. ; : i* s* s. m. s , l.SS p. m. f »•• «...j i ! • p. B3 | »r II s5 r^ «* i *t*Nvt\ys. / EDWARDS BRANCl y WKtrK-AVsl «»p. m 11.Si p. m, ort and ty hare all -been con- f depths within the rock or is filtered through many layers of sand and al- No. sss . / No SM *'.. No. WH ... idered and they may all be obtained ' f the auggostions given are practi-' airy applied wish care and common^ No. No. lets pr*~ IlfS^r^S^f^ reC °s' S d «»P- •»•»»* ho!«. The ^ d b« row luttoct tetum. it j enam ^n ^ ^^ •wiw MW.^ . ,3«o«rdtog •prtas supplies u apply for the Department of Agricul* tures new free bulletin. With the , No. St7 help of a reliable plumber or sanitary j . rf engineer he will he able to wort out JJo JJ? ! a simple and economical solution for BUTTON TRTJTHERPORD •The Unite Grocery- High Grade Uroeerteis Frsiu, \ege- ./ tabic*, Etc % r^ Phoue *S-W aialn SL 7^iij. BROWN" r, Grecerteis Frmits, Prs^b^as OyiUerv E R FREDENBEEG Ten«srieJ Parlerw—Fsor iBnrhers (arars Phyes and Teherce Main S'.re*-t CHAS. A. BARKLEY J BarVr>-># Waltiag Prompt and teartessi le ill Phone ^1-W Ointow-St. ! WILL It JONES. 1 Paper Hanging and PaJejiptt mates Psniiiajf j [phone '*"•-• .. #<r W. Jam ' . ' - l_gM»sfeB*BSSSSSSl yT ..-•**•) Ik > t 1 Shoes ~ Cleaning ' ;jfr* t^ HrtdaV- x ^HejussXle4ning Oeoa Phono.XeS-^/ Main St Xtc M Phone Xi-i Clcton SL VSli£\S. _ for aafe-j # 0r« THIBn.MMH in the, New York Tribune TTLISHIP ion of wnter supply. t simple plumb- ,4—A wafe disposal of fsrm sewage. ^ V»* Heed ef Pare Water. airing should alwaji l?e fenced to keep out stock Sprint supplies ahould be frequently examined for pol- lution of any kind, and the water should be boiled before drinking, if possible, although this is not absolute- ly necessary in all cases. After a pure water supply has been made available for the farm home, the quantity of water needed must be considered. ~A suitable pumping equipment must be chosen, and than! a satisfactory means for distributing oodm»d W polloted. TwentHWe of ^Sj*"** *"' " t * r . m «* ** » * - boss nollttted were bad only because ^ - - / Apnrs wa|er aupply is one of the lost important factors in farm life s-dajE, em .typhoid lever, dysentery, nd other disorders may be carried by npurn waters. Farm-water supplies re 'very subject to pollution. Of 79 rates! water supplies in Minnesota, iveattgatidhs Showed that 20 were ./... !W p. m. 4S p. m. m.n a. m. ?:4S p. Hi. )VKL AND DCPAR Of MAILV - should I* at thepostof- CASH GROCERY * JAS. k. T0r v (U Prep, - l Groceries at Liiinr Prices • ; Park St Tribune Bldp E. W. JACKSON Ideal Grocery and Meat Market j >>> ( a t e r to Voar latereist!* ; Phone M-L Main SC MARSH . T h e Hsme ef Good Sheet" ,!' -1 es** for Mesu > : - ^shn KeUej- fsrfTomrn* Main St i QoirvemoUV »fri J Fnrnitiire and Undertaking . P7W. SPltAGirE Vnsertaker and Emnsiaser. ^f srnitaxe. Phone W-JA z Dentists. j Qhmce Henrsi t to It V Gas Phone P.7AKME&. - a^-l is IV m Over Mend Drug Co* 4dHr*9mMa ssss^aw**Jav^r^#o -*v Main St B. LAVAR. Fresh and Salt Meat*, PoaHry, *4A ... Lard, Vegetable*, Etc. KAPLAN AND SAIDEL J. H. McLEAK. REAL ESTATE : < . i Phone S4-L ,, 3iain 8t Dry Goods, Carpets, CkrtilKtc. GEO. M FRAZIER - The "Style Craft* befort? train time. ahOT*.> r with tiie exception of No. S I tSee l^Tione ZS B c i e n e n t l j Main St A!l carry The/Kew Tork mail arirves op No. IT The Uyta* rerteroay of the ^ 1 of i "2frtS\»w Tcrk .hou.d ]MV . on So. battleship No j&9 is a reminder that S / 4 . » p. as.) to set first d>:iv«ijy in Insurance. FsrmMare, icom Steves nod Hangen, j5Mi IT. Main Phone 4W f PPOP» ^*W f poor snrface protection, and could isiljr have been made safe. Practi- ally nil the surface supplies were nQnted. taring these investigations I of the fknhs examined showed a >core of ry^hoid fever. *Surtsc*wster supplies should not ait(M for household pnrposes or * w«hhU milk cans. They Should 9t : er« ^bJ used for laundry purpos- i imieaa ^ other supply is avails- Is: S«tn water from the root is of- * poflttted b* dust, loaves, and the ropptega from birds. Any person who drinks water from irfhee supplies endangers his health -such supplies are not adequately loteeted and then >urincd. ' Clstems for Stornge, Where underground waters ace haruyj » obtain,'Cisterns may be used where J * store of mtn water and surface -j ippttes will he filtered and partially iriheeV ...,^3, v ;/.-,-.-,-f .,;/•} The chrtern should be of wa^er-tigbt instruction, to prevent leakage" and prevent pollution frqm *be neigh- irtngsotl It ahould ha*Ve as over- m drain snd a ti^ht/cover. There mU also be suitsbie provisioti for mining or SKerlng the water pre sus ^te*s>pnjufe to the sistern. Wshh>^smln/be Ssiesrssj^ed. ! j^arm wnria nee often polluted from sr sonrpeSw4 They mr% often locat- \ far ewvSaiiesvee near the barn or able* or e4ose to the back door, out slops are th/own. \ ••rroundlng Che well be- rated with organic filth and surface wrater percolating roosh ft to carry iu load of cop- toinatlon hsio the weH. . v / The bnrbhmg.or covering is ofjen Mety constractod of boards, permit- ig assail antmals and vermin to The Department of Agricultures rural engineer shows that the quan- tity of water which should/be rided will depend on the power the amount needed on whethe service la for the entire' farm the house only. / / Hand-operated systems/hre appll cable where smal| quandties are re- quired for house aeffice only, but in case water U wasted for stock al- tbe for so. the use electric mojor, house hydraulic ram is necesearr ^ lt/k windmill is used the stojrageysnoald be large enough for at least three days' supply, to pro- vide ^ater in case of calm weather. I Where the other sources of power are j need the storage capacity need not Le*ceed one days supply ~ ing table,gives approximate quantl- per day in the United tSstes is still replacing its obsolete war vessels witjr^igger stronger ones. No. SSyTnd her sister" \ ship, th/ PennsylvsnU, will be the most tormidshle vessels of their /type, with Displacements of about/il,400 tonA and mainyeatteries of twelve 14- ioch guna. Isey sill be helpful ac- cessions toAhe navy. Yet gratification at their>comp]etion will/oe tempered by the^act that they will hardly keep our Jnaval establishment abreast of thjrmore rapidly expanding establish- ents of our ohief rivals for sea power. . :; in 1912 but one new Dreadnought was authorized and in 1913 but one, so that naval construction has been materially checked and the United £t*te3 lost ground relatively fn those two years Which- -tov will be- ulfncuh for 11 to reeoTer. Instead of standing second to Great Britain, we have fal- W York. DATC Or PAYINO TAXSt . , Water R««t. Seml-anttnally. Mar m . Ncnrember 1st Viliaoe Tax. Aanually, July. •cbooi Tax. Annually, September. .Town Tax- .^' Annually, December F l R i ALARM STATIONa * »> No. 12. Main Street at Bridge No. IS. ^ , Main Street in front of St. Lawrenos D.A.LEGGETT.;> \ . -. I^rSAKCE , Fire, Life, Aeeident mad Henlth Egert Block , y Main St. Billiard Parlor W,E. PATRICK - The Brunswick Billiard Parlor Cigars sad Tobacco phone 8J-J JMain 8t B. P. BJtOWN. i General Inters***, Bead Ettate and' .^CSSBS | Cor. John Lad Ch. hXa. Phone S2-W Hardware windmill, engine, ( Iefi below Germany and now stand v Wi ; No. 14. ' Main and Waidh Streets. No. «. ' Depot and Sterliac Streets. No, H. Main and Bosk Wand streets. No. 83. Hailenbaro, Sohsstown ans; Streets^ - ••^•flo. »•. West Prospect Streetfarfront^f Lacs Milt Parker and West Main and Streets, esn Streets Streets.' NS* SS« m 8treeta. No. as. Rock Island Streets. He, ZT. . treet ahit Trinity Avenae. the ties of water required gallons: .^ Each member of the family for . all purposes'will require .. Each cow will require Each horse will require Each hog will require .. Each sheep will require .. r- 25-40 12 2H The water consumption wilt vary * 1 to the necessity rpace in construe from day to day and with the seasons. L rtll- . f . . lf Fire protection should,also be consid- u h , g " ored, tnd in determining the size * < £ " * * * • tsnt the maximum amount likely to ¥f a - year am he required should be provided. . t . ^... For a family of six persons, a 800- for *fy«**te* gallon supply should be sufficient if 1 *•'•-*•*' m the-wnter is used in the house only. On a farm where water is supplied to a family of six persons, 10 h 12 cows,'25 hogs, andWS sheep daily storage supply should be 500 gallon!, and whntever additional amount, if any, the farmer cessary^for fire pro *• ;Plsmsihsr atsst The plumbing systajsf for^ the aver/1 J. V. The fOU BeUshle" Insurance Agent Ik Business Kearly Forty Tears jfrodie Blk. .. . Main St 'U— i ' i '» - — —'- D. M.HAZELTON Fire, Life, Accident - nnd Llabfllty' Insurance, jo Main 8t. Egert Blk. Phone S&-L third in rank, and ear present status is being disputed by both France and [ cu D ton and Japan. -*.-.*'•. Our responsibilities as the leading pd'wer in the Western Hemisphere re- quire us to maintain a first class na- vy, We have far more need of sea J The >llow- j iwwer than Germany has and only r : flags'and Cordon Streets, 'tittle less peed of it than Great Brit a!n. Money spent on thevnary is ojlr; /*T * • DlSTA>«ca TASLC r national insurance. Unless bur navy i 'in m»e* and tenths of miles between i- ^„»i .^^„-^ M^ *- \r I villages and Ooor*rien<\ mem*ored on is really adequate for natianajr pur-;. lhe nearest puWic rosd. poses the money spent on i ^ s prac- i Antwerp 3 . .^... * ically wasted. .We have^lot ^een \ cTnTon" 111 building rapidly enough^ft th§ last j P^^^ BUSH A COLLINS Steves, Bnnges, Hardware, . and Hestisg ., .,• -:*--• ^,..' Phone ta^W ~ . . < ihtshs Bt J. H. tiARPEJitssst Hardware ef All Ktada\ Sssla, Boon, Blinds, Etc. . -•' Hione 10§>B , Mnts St Garage, Auto Supplies, Etc Coal. Wood, Etc ETA: JENNE&CO. Balls. A Besdins; Iron Cs. Csal A HARD COAL Weed; Cessest, TOe, Hnsoas 9 SnppUes Phone: Ofhcel42-W—AftergHrs, 222-M Drugs and Prescriptions . W. H. DEAPEE ':/' Drugs, Coafectlena, . Newspapers, WHITNEY'S OAEAOE Largest and Best Esoipped H L.- ..-&LXawresos County .F^-:t : John Bt *•* : /-r •--•'v^PkoBs 174-K ,. .W. K LY¥LE ,;/.. •" •^ Ointsn Street Garage . •: Stsdebaker *U Waal Cnrs ; AH Kinds sf Bensir Work Phone 223-J « Clinton Bt rSTOEIE BROTHERS f General Distrlhutora for :,»'"'-\ Hinmaa MOking Mschfne snd Ideal Gasoline Engines ' Uohn St ; • Oouvemeur PeriodksJs, Etc, SB 10 | three or four " years.^FortiTnately. I BOWSST ! Copgress la now be m^re slive i Pi«* - - - •'- quickening the Heiiesboro ,. Two/new Dread- i Hammond . inly^fc authorised igiTrtovUi;'*: ree would not be too I Morrtstown sho/d be voted next j ? S S m f Dsin" yeary4fter to make u 1912 and 1SU • Main St Photographers. >et ArgsmeatatiTe What's ttfe shape of the earth?'' asked the W»cher, calling suddenly on Willie.. / .. ^Ronso, M was the answer. ' "How do you inow it's round?" *jtl right," said WIllie r "Its squat* thsh. I don't mean to argue about it" 1---ChTisUan Register. . 11 Into the well; and surface water rrylng SKh and*manure; especislly ! Age farm home shwsTd be simpje Add ter rains, rums Into lhe well from i*t» material and construction alafuld durable. Both dee^ and shallow weiia aret«rranged hfeeVto contassinsGoo. Of 1H deep d 411 shallow farm wells examuv in Indians, l i t of the sleep wells *e sa* good suaTtty. 4S were had. 4 Id were doubtful; 15* of the shsl- •V wefl wsters mere good 20$ were ry>ad, as<42 weredoootfuL ar ion oftssi depesids largely OS 7 the 1 qwslfty of sxetl sssmnl rae tweft , d stock a fspaldon that the sH Pipes Scarry the nearly ^straight line ifi the point of 'of lesdJSpe or lend for (Usmking water in small private They Alwnys 1^ - * **Now, my son, yop are married. Be what a man ous^t lo be.^ "How do I know just-what a Norwood .< .••#•••...•-.•»••. OxBoW Osdensburg * Pitcairu ...\ •'• Popes Mills Potsdam * Rossi* .„•,. «b .... •••««.-..- R t eh TiUe * •», Syhria aakt Spragueville •'. BofoenrillS ...'..,../* ^ v ,. •. Wegstcble ,.*.r:77.., Tork "• t , TOWNSHIP brnctRS. SUPERVISOR \i B. O. KINHEY RexaU Storef 'BeliableJ^rescriptiens a Hpecisltv Phoneitf^J Main St MEADDEUO^O. . Dregs, Paint*, Ofls, Tsrmlshes, Wall 4 y , Paper, £tc Phone sC-R - Main St Cafes and Restaurants r C. C- CX7NNINOHAM. , Photography ... - / Crayen and Water Colors * 17 Main St * Over A. Kidneys Harness and Wagons J. W. HENDERSON Hsrneits, Wsgenm Slelgka, Ete. 1 £terytslng for the Horse Phone 223-L . . aintmi 8t COX DRY GOODS 8T0RB. A Good Pisco ss assy AsVsssss? M Phone 124 ; . ^ & H RYAN WertsTs Masonic Bldg. : "—•"•^>^.^nt Clothing stud TrxhtoMmfm I^ONARD * ITTLLER Csstont snd ! s»ays» and Morris Bttt v &^'^<a&*:-M*i it'' ! :*g DR. r. J. nagsa. SostkM m ^Si-^ -Z*^ •:-*&$& •W ' " » X* CHAMPION ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING t. THE COUNTRY TAVERN R. JL Richardssn Cs^ Press. —O«o, H. ROWHSOR. THK ^BACK—A. H. Ah- [ r Clinton Street Richardson Ce^ Mosls ti Outs • Gonremeur FREEHAIf BROS. , Harness, Wagoaa, glearls, twr Costa, r Tsnnks, Bags Fkmi Rschinery ; J Phone ol-R* ainton BL Attorney. JUSTICES OF , ^__ -bwtt. A. J ISoCtiy.^rusBao Paris, j . ^Caaries Bodmaa. J lirdWT^ CLERK^Hmrfr C. Rogers. " ] gUFERIlCTENT>E?«V OF H1GHWATS—'[ OeoTM. Dodds. i CXttXDCTOR—Stepoen* M. 'I'hayer. l!OVE«SKER OP ttK ^POOR--^Ie»ry posslblei -Tour wiTe wttl*! Irtish full. plan, t" 00 ^^ The use ' and specincstioiis."—Louisriile Cour-1 ^- Arthur c^mnsinp receptacles " ler Journal be avoided m y sewer ptnn»haug serves is Tor the w s w plumbing. drainage system should ho ^o 4 •: I TOWN MEETING—Febnisry. ISIS. .1 strutted MM to enrry sVay compietety " ' everything enrpUed Ism It anjd 'it. ton Transcript, should be constantly vested, frequent- j m ty and thoroughly HushedL and have of its opeuhngs % the COUNTY OfriClAL OI«ECTO«V. SURROGATE—ALJUC R- Hemxnan. . a; Sb4f^l hoar\hst your friend, itr \ ~ £ ^ ^ i ^ c i ^ •• P^is The | Drinkietkh's hshtss are very irregular 1 i^sto ^ K -^"~ w ; «on« i .He.—^'BssiiMi! > |UgulnT as a clock COCXTT cl-ER»t-Wear w, Hai>. JERRY'S QUICKUnfCH Ladies' and Gents*' Dhsasg ROOSJ \ Regular Dinner? &+< Xhsehes fterved st ill Henrs Phone M-W Opera House Blk. V R G./ALDRICH. Attsmey and C*sn»eior-si*Law Phone 141-i •*• . : 'Main «t^ Amnsements. WONDERLAND THEATRE -'-— wit kssTTtrxr '• ^ Hko stent Ueeh»ei Pictures. Program J 4 W«.&anUTll ] fhanged ftiery >lglsL High Grade Liquors ssd ClgsrsW^L GanthJer. PrcT). Park St ; Lunches n Specialty t . ; , -— —— Phone 3S-J ' . - Main St Plnmbing. ar\er stnner DSfTRlCT ATTOS3CFT—^b» C Crsp- ^ 7^ \ ly ^guarded. All drains, sofi pipe, | electing his isms; 'wide* ta>bs—No; nth water or so to detect leaks* waste pipe should be smter-tight rooms; -widow? ,0 a:r tight All plumbtng should I 7 tested by nllsng with water or 1 ASSIST ANT TMITTWCT ATTTENEX- f w*—m^j -••••iw, » | SHKRIF. —Trsd P. t>ay, Catatos. ' Gshhs—Is it true that Hunter is ne- COROKER-^ or. ssyer. CowTrmesr to codrt a gay i STPERI>rrEN''EXT OF THE POJK - Hartow A Umstesd. <Stcios- , "A ' ict£RK B"ARI> or St-PER\1S0RS- ss to\naske c*ns M H** Cawto^. ofttr- OOC^TT ^ri3u?rrKxr>E?rT or * HKJHWATfr-JO* M Howard. Og ~— % t "-laessWrs 5ot Pnilsostj -Tesehed.^ ^ cocsir ^EA-ER of WIHGHT* AND ME. KENTJT1ELD Ales Wine*, Lienors SUM * W. Main 8t GoowerneoT. Jewelers und Opticians - j O H CLirrORD. Ptsmatag and Hesthsg .. SS-41 - Clinton St E. K. HALL _ ' Watches; risck«. ^eweiry, Mrerwnre, \ I st disss. Etc GATES A WATSON Etc.! Repair Ma s Bt. Work Over Carpenters Hardware, Funeral IHreetor snd _. Prompt Perjoosl Office: 1T7 Main St, Ttlepbone lSS-W n^B, 110 Sock ufahd St Phone STT-K LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK—Fanuant to an^roer of Alrle f R. Jferriman, t»iftirogat« sf torn OsssrtjM M 8t Uvra^e, ami s^aordlssr SiatMVe In sueh cm*** maSe t Sotior tm hrT*%? mirtax Sp sil perSQi tag <ciaim* sswkist ti»e sstase of Ball, late of the t«wn of Edwards in «sM County, Seieessed. Usat thry srs ffO- joired to exufbit'lJie ISBM, WIU the voaeoers thereof, to Uke swttsvrrbsra st the residence of Ira C. afi*es as tns U0- as* of Gdward*, m said Cousity. «ss us ^om UM rrth oar of Jane nes*. * ' * UaUd, l>eeefna«r i s d , 2S1S. > ci IRA C. hTTLant - v - ". LEC/M HAXL. ^ EARt, BANCROFT. Attorwy. lO-D-«b Xdwsrds, K. T. Phone C-W Mate SL Millinery anything? y—Let's see. do t e-i a cent my hoy around paying t .^ It Is s food >des j Vbe process of sewage noors VtaV'th* crTbed M /be new rsUettn ta nortry for farmXjpuiMr- * sserhsaVs I snd nsrtlt bsrtenai con * ^ttstlsg of a nrelhsshssry sootic task ^trentnsesjt by aayTVntkss so a satkrsi soH by rsrtaoe or s^hsvrtsce distrl- or lo a sporialry nrepnred II-• Borrowby—No going around to pr. * j«tf Td overiooked anybody s>ssd m r*^sfT nor- ' ^"ae sencic tnsvk. >tf^*-g4> & tsthe lT * ' tQi Sa^srosj wj] ros be dumped Isac an he should be all Khe w«(j or sprW *a con^es>»ce and; A soos sasj us.** pr e^a^ces are x, ca.- nasi kssst tree *om soCnt- *hxsl sa iiaml sgi srOl permA, ttas ***** •« r » »r **»*<x>. j A: ce* \-r. JR E. GO0DN0UGH _ Jeweler snd Optician j Watches, C leeks Silverware, £ie» 1 43osoni^ NUK* or & K T V ' «• st Hatck f.«nect^ * - 1 Frr* ; ^ r ^ e r . CSx*^£. S*-aTar4 R. PVme 1*-W Maos 5t Jtre \MrDrs*-3»y» H i s n * i « i . . . R Bt YORK : <>ptsssetri*.t j , MISS H0URIHAN j rp-4o4he.SJaa«e NOTICE—Piiiiaasji t s . e s order sf Alrle R Herrinaao. sWrrossue sf the rf «t. UWTWM ttat«t«-m swes Souos hcrebr ghr*s U> SU *ng c^aisns sgalset the estate"«f Ksrass W* Karsb. 1st* of the Tew* of a said Oewsty. 0>CSSHM« *«Qti2r*d to eihlact the Toscteers thereof, to the Tae Flrmt, KstionaJ Bsutk A thS Vinage of Oorrrv^r ht cys on sr h«Sors ths isth day sf ! *est. * * ^ JJsted. October t7th. 1WVL y w. PARJUER. F'loor c -J -. w. Rodger Starr Larenes. Tesr Eye* rorTectry 0*r Bask ef Gc-srers^ir 7 FULLER StfRDS | First Canst U n r y Barns, Nr^st* P^ot« 4NR CUaton St J L BslLDWIN Urery sssd ***» Mshsev M AO Ronrs tt-i. . ' U ClhAas . _ ,,' '.. - WiHie-4^w t is the truth ntrn than nction? Paw—Well, It ss snore of a stra Aaa Scthm. my ecu-—Chscsnamti ttfrcr. _ . _... eTuper:ntessdeot--m'hsi we was maw —» ••*• ^ it in s night wsichmsx thai 11 wstch, aJart sod ready, for t."e slightest nosj adxsu.-oc sf rr riii •usabsdj can sle«p wtk one and both onri ex aad * not aTrsid to tsckel tkig s+f m - . , . .. . Ar^piimxt—1 s*e, s*? HI som wife axoassst-^sssgu. : - '- " _ ^ is or who 1 SSV amy- t "z * .; •"'a^i *.~ *3» - '"a^ J*i > < ^a».^hE: -Afil

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Page 1: J*rt» WED>ESB»T. VAICI K, ^mm Gouverneur Business Men's Directnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070443/1914-03-25/ed-1/seq-8.… · ^$$m .*•* "

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V** c- -

•n •*. »-%> + - • *• v~.;-?.*/:* * * r ^ v . ^ . . *,3?"

x s s m i * m i n i , WED>ESB»T. VAICI K, itm ^mm .<;

' " » • " " • « H U H 1 I U H M


»• yiULA^a OFFICIAL oi*tcTO*v. # y *

— • « • • • » • • • • • M i M i i H " • " " " " " " " - • • i H n i n M i n a < a i i g , „ i ^ CX-EKK-LSSO, B *

PKBSUWTT—M H I"urce. TRt*irr«at»—Wartrr \\

C«ur*» I t C^t.rt . c. A W. Msiitsim.


Harvey Alien, Burt {


Gouverneur Business Men's Directory W I H I ^ The house should be provided with

Mull r i A M u A l i r i " a * # **** m e t ^ ° ^ of sewage disposal.

FOR Flu l Wfcm- "f "d « • * * • * - °"

1| reducing the danger of pollution or nuisance in cm** of leakage or improp­er opermik>n of the system.

^ ^ . ija w - - - j Contrary to the OMI! opinion, small kHcheo ahould be deposited hi .tightly , sewage „3itmM ^ ^ %omt w t t e h . 2 T t ! l . f ^ v ^ " * tepoMd of i teg and car*. It t> well tp study the *y bsrying in the neids. burning or'system and witch the action in the)

to the pigs The aae of privy j cadre plant for any signs of clogging I


i Confectionery and Ice Cream ! CEYSTAL PALACE [Home * a s e «anOirN Ire Creoan*

N»da Haters sad ( i g a n j Phone :<M, „ Main St

•salt* «<

sot be

x is

aankarr f j * t « Is a necessary feature ji

Wtthovt h thet the family U i s danger.

ve and v e i l arm**** amay he in' ersry

J*, la a &mtter that for a time whoa oth

not pre** for attention considered the

vaults and leeching or overSowta* cosapoois ahould be absolutely avoid­ed; aince they are likely to be source* of U e srorst contamination. The farmer should become arqustnted with the various types of wells and the boat enothada of protection, and the well ahosJd be

or water Umt^t It the sewsge te appflod continuouslr to tike final dis­posal ayatem and In tuch quanikies l

that Che aystem U kept aatursted v the niter or disposal ares becomet water teSfed and ~sewace tfck" and ^ * :

to he^ stfectiTe. The gTtm*e Nt 8* No l$

»om. O S . M Kt%v. o«-o f*»rwt^ CTTT ENOQIaUJR Jrf-> ^ K h . POUCB JC9TI K -G^rx* \Xg r*rk«-r CHJKF OK WLi-'K W i j ^ , L ^ r .

POUCK J*, >\T«*>rs:<l. j COht>i:>>ivN\KK-VVm. L 1

Uaydesv » nX;PBfU>*TBKDr:\T OP W*A7i:il- >

w o a k a ifKWKKs A N D >:UK .' latemaUsnpl lee Cresnu Csnieetlsn* ALARMS' v L \ ' W ' ^r« rrwit ---* (V«r« i* HsyOcm. ^ 5 Main 'S irwt l i o a v e m ^ -

J 08. SUTTY.

Bakeries DAWLEYf8 ""

'PIONEER BAKERY" Pare r re^l iiaard U ^ d s 1 enfectien*

. / t?ry aad t Ifart I*hoov133-L Main St

I Musical Instnupqrta, Eta ^ ^ , CHAS M TAIT i Pfcsns*—Tktrssss—K^

es t Low Prkos—Ensy 1107 K. Main St- . Over Cryatal Paisos

Yiait or TRAINS.

f *•«•» r^n- ! L ^ ° C a r U d ** to e x c l l d e ! t n p a c u a i i aepamtor of area« and I r ^ 2 T 0 , " s . ^ 0 ^ 1•01l^r* , °/ ^ontaa^} sewa<s from the kitchen aink or dsi- No. 4 battioB wnk* M has been ImpoasUrfe • ry room. If crease is allowed to enter 1 No. * to restore or have been overlook^ , iht t e w e r i t eccnxatti^es and event-.'

In the selection, location, and the

* V M » A ^ S

. T -• s m. l: is a. BV ,

4 J S P -p, HI.

Groceries and Meats ~ I*. A SWETT

SUpW and Fancy ^rorciies -UeBe and Wefttero Xeat»

Phon« lde-j . . / Main PL

KENYON S BAKERY The b>U hi Baked €oe4 t

. \ a fsr l . S. Tmdinc Stamp* F^ *^ V.-W IPark St

Tlcirslat, Mask*! Mask

^ Main Street * Ovor

Painting and Barbers

d — . - - -

Too department noajsinltlnf of a well tt is always a rood a bulletin ti*ins a detail- j y ^ to tcmMer permanence in addi-

of a simple aanitary } tion to anfety. The well should pene-tystsm aoJtabla for the sTera«e farm [ t ^ to ^ T e i s ^ I o w th^l o f l b e

waiehi oonsists of t% paxes and ^ronnd-wntar surface ta the drie*i IS flffuros and diacokms with i snattmi .

of tsbies Jt will be sent! « n \ * - . > w - * Iwrmer r* L i i ^ t i ^ rnpoUutod sprm** are. ss a rule. cmrmer on application. 4**wwi ,nnrr^ ^# V . ( M . « ^ i »

The #ow bslietin U the result dT ^ ^ ^ w a t e r w l w > l T-

j N o • N o . -,

No. » No. J No. 1


No, T No. I No. S

ree to since.

careful study. Convenience, com-

ually clogs the system. No cost of material or labor has

been quoted in the new bulletin, since theee rsry eonsidersily with time and locality, bat nothing has been recommended which is not considered to be an economical investment for '• the progressive farmer. Progressive | cii>s sr^ making large expenditures

the water usually comes from great for san tary systems to protect the heslth of their people, and similar pro- j tectiotj b due the countr/ residents >

so gravel However, springs are sub- { Any farmer who feels that the san-)ect to pollution from the same sourc- , itary arrangements in his home are , , es as wells and ahould ho closely j not entirely saii&factory is urged toL

tme nor skill to install the .Ttnnle ' -ZZZ1 r . ^ ^ ^ T i :JT" I K! P r i ! 1 ! - ^ ^ ** D 6 p a r t a l e I l t of Africal- ^ sss ystem aunosted. a reliable p l o n X ^ ! t l ^ ^ T « ^ ' ^ f J * l r T p i i m p expert or a sanitary en-! E ^ i S ! t t * f l ^

i system sJomg similar lines. j tkm tp(m ^ t mmTbm9^ mMd wwmgt^hi9 ^^^^ r ^ T i a t a / o r

-••• , . / > i5 a. m. ; : i* s* s. m. s

, l.SS p. m. f »•• « . . . j i ! • p . B3 |

• »r II s5 r «* i *t*Nvt\ys.


y WKtrK-AVsl

« » p . m 11.Si p. m,

ort and ty hare all -been con- f depths within the rock or is filtered through many layers of sand and al-

No. sss . / No SM *'.. No. WH . . .

idered and they may all be obtained ' f the auggostions given are practi-' airy applied wish care and common^

No. No.


pr*~ IlfS^r^S^f^ reC°s'S d «»P- •»•»»* ho!«. The ^ d b« row luttoct tetum. it j enam ^n ^ ^^ • w i w M W . ^ . ,3«o«rdtog •prtas supplies u

apply for the Department of Agricul* tures new free bulletin. With the , No. St7 help of a reliable plumber or sanitary j . rf

engineer he will he able to wort out JJo JJ? ! a simple and economical solution for

BUTTON T R T J T H E R P O R D •The Unite Grocery-

High Grade Uroeerteis Frsiu, \ege-. / tabic*, Etc % r^

Phoue *S-W aialn SL

7 ^ i i j . BROWN" r, Grecerteis Frmits, Prs^b^as OyiUerv

E R FREDENBEEG Ten«srieJ Parlerw—Fsor iBnrhers

(arars Phyes and Teherce Main S'.re*-t

CHAS. A. BARKLEY J BarVr>-># Waltiag

Prompt and t e a r t e s s i le i l l • Phone ^1-W Ointow-St.

! WILL It JONES. 1 Paper Hanging and PaJejiptt

mates Psni i iaj f j [phone '*"•-• .. # < r W. Jam ' . ' - l_gM»sfeB*BSSSSSSl


. . - • * * • )

Ik > t 1


~ Cleaning

' ;jfr* t^ HrtdaV-x^HejussXle4ning Oeoa

Phono .XeS-^/ Main St

Xtc M Phone Xi-i Clcton SL

VSli£\S. _

for aafe- j # 0r« T H I B n . M M H in the,

New York Tribune


ion of wnter supply. t simple plumb-

,4—A wafe disposal of fsrm sewage. ^ V»* Heed ef Pare Water.

airing should alwaji l?e fenced to keep out stock Sprint supplies ahould be frequently examined for pol­lution of any kind, and the water should be boiled before drinking, if possible, although this is not absolute­ly necessary in all cases.

After a pure water supply has been made available for the farm home, the quantity of water needed must be considered. ~A suitable pumping equipment must be chosen, and than! a satisfactory means for distributing

oodm»d W polloted. TwentHWe of ^Sj*"** *"' " t * r . m « * ** » * -boss nollttted were bad only because — ^ - - /

Apnrs wa|er aupply is one of the lost important factors in farm life s-dajE, em .typhoid lever, dysentery, nd other disorders may be carried by npurn waters. Farm-water supplies re 'very subject to pollution. Of 79 rates! water supplies in Minnesota, iveattgatidhs Showed that 20 were

./... ! W p. m. 4S p. m.

m.n a. m. ?:4S p . Hi.


should I* at thepostof-

CASH GROCERY * • JAS. k. T0rv(U Prep, - l

Groceries at Liiinr Prices • ; Park St Tribune Bldp

E. W. JACKSON Ideal Grocery and Meat Market j

>>> (ater to Voar latereist!* ; Phone M-L Main SC

MARSH . T h e Hsme ef Good Sheet" ,!'

-1 es** for Mesu > : -^shn KeUej- fsrfTomrn*

Main St i QoirvemoUV »fri J —

Fnrnitiire and Undertaking . P7W. SPltAGirE

Vnsertaker and Emnsiaser. ^f srnitaxe.

Phone W-JA

z Dentists.

j Qhmce Henrsi t to It V Gas


P.7AKME&. -a^-l i s IV m

Over Mend Drug Co*

4dHr*9mMa ssss^aw**Jav r #o -*v

Main S t

B. LAVAR. Fresh and Salt Meat*, PoaHry, * 4 A

... Lard, Vegetable*, Etc.



i Phone S4-L , , 3iain 8 t

Dry Goods, Carpets, CkrtilKtc. GEO. M FRAZIER -The "Style Craft*

befort? train time. ahOT*.> r with tiie exception of No. S I

tSee l^Tione ZS B c i e n e n t l j Main St A!l

carry The/Kew Tork mail arirves op No. IT

The Uyta* rerteroay of the ^ 1 of i "2frtS\»w Tcrk .hou.d ] M V . on So. battleship No j&9 is a reminder that S / 4 . » p. as.) to set first d>:iv«ijy in


FsrmMare, i com Steves nod Hangen,

j 5 M i IT. Main Phone 4W f PPOP» *W

f poor snrface protection, and could isiljr have been made safe. Practi-ally nil the surface supplies were nQnted. taring these investigations I of the fknhs examined showed a >core of ry^hoid fever. *Surtsc*wster supplies should not a i t (M for household pnrposes or * w«hhU milk cans. They Should 9t : er« bJ used for laundry purpos-i imieaa other supply is avails-Is: S«tn water from the root is of-* poflttted b* dust, loaves, and the ropptega from birds. Any person who drinks water from irfhee supplies endangers his health -such supplies are not adequately loteeted and then >urincd. '

Clstems for Stornge, Where underground waters ace haruyj » obtain,'Cisterns may be used where J * store of mtn water and surface -j ippttes will he filtered and partially iriheeV . . . , ^ 3 , v;/.-,-.-,-f .,;/•} The chrtern should be of wa^er-tigbt instruction, to prevent leakage" and

prevent pollution frqm *be neigh-irtngsotl It ahould ha*Ve as over-m drain snd a ti^ht/cover. There mU also be suitsbie provisioti for mining or SKerlng the water pre sus ^te*s>pnjufe to the sistern.

Wshh>^smln/be Ssiesrssj^ed. ! j arm wnria nee often polluted from sr sonrpeSw4 They mr% often locat-\ far ewvSaiiesvee near the barn or able* or e4ose to the back door, out

slops are th/own. \ ••rroundlng Che well be­rated with organic filth and surface wrater percolating

roosh ft to carry i u load of cop-toinatlon hsio the weH. . v / The bnrbhmg.or covering is ofjen Mety constractod of boards, permit-ig assail antmals and vermin to

The Department of Agricultures rural engineer shows that the quan­tity of water which should/be rided will depend on the power the amount needed on whethe service la for the entire' farm the house only. / /

Hand-operated systems/hre appll cable where smal| quandties are re­quired for house aeffice only, but in case water U wasted for stock al-

tbe for

so . the use electric mojor,


hydraulic ram is necesearr ^ lt/k windmill is used the stojrageysnoald be large enough for at least three days' supply, to pro­vide ^ a t e r in case of calm weather.

I Where the other sources of power are j need the storage capacity need not Le*ceed one days supply ~

ing table,gives approximate quantl-per day in

the United tSstes is still replacing its obsolete war vessels witjr^igger stronger ones. No. SSyTnd her sister" \ ship, t h / PennsylvsnU, will be the most tormidshle vessels of their /type, with Displacements of about/il ,400 tonA and mainyeatteries of twelve 14-ioch guna. I s e y s i l l be helpful ac­cessions toAhe navy. Yet gratification at their>comp]etion will/oe tempered by the^act that they will hardly keep our Jnaval establishment abreast of thjrmore rapidly expanding establish-

ents of our ohief rivals for sea power. . :;

in 1912 but one new Dreadnought was authorized and in 1913 but one, so that naval construction has been materially checked and the United £t*te3 lost ground relatively fn those two years Which- -tov will be- ulfncuh for 11 to reeoTer. Instead of standing second to Great Britain, we have fal-

W York.

DATC Or PAYINO TAXSt . , Water R««t.

Seml-anttnally. Mar m. Ncnrember 1st Viliaoe Tax.

Aanually, July. •cbooi Tax.

Annually, September. .Town Tax- .^ '

Annually, December F l R i ALARM STATIONa

* »> No. 12. Main Street at Bridge

No. IS. ^ , Main Street in front of St. Lawrenos

D.A.LEGGETT.;> \ . -. I^rSAKCE ,

Fire, Life, Aeeident mad Henlth Egert Block , y Main St.

Billiard Parlor W,E. PATRICK -

The Brunswick Billiard Parlor Cigars sad Tobacco

phone 8J-J JMain 8 t B. P. BJtOWN. i

General Inters***, Bead Ettate and' .^CSSBS |

Cor. John Lad Ch. hXa. Phone S2-W


windmill, engine, (Ief i below Germany and now stand

vWi ; No. 14. ' Main and Waidh Streets.

No. « . ' Depot and Sterliac Streets.

No, H. Main and Bosk Wand streets.

No. 83. Hailenbaro, Sohsstown ans;

Streets^ - • • • ^ • f l o . »•.

West Prospect Street far front^f Lacs Milt

Parker and

West Main and


esn Streets Streets.'

N S * SS« m 8treeta. No. as.

Rock Island Streets. He, ZT. .

treet ahit Trinity Avenae.


ties of water required gallons: . Each member of the family for

. all purposes'will require . . Each cow will require Each horse will require .« Each hog will require . . Each sheep will require . .


25-40 12


The water consumption wilt vary * 1 to the necessity

rpace in construe from day to day and with the seasons. L r t l l - . f . .lf Fire protection should,also be consid- u h , g " ored, tnd in determining the size * < £ " * * * • tsnt the maximum amount likely to ¥f a-

year am he required should be provided. . • t . . . . For a family of six persons, a 800- f o r *fy«**te*

gallon supply should be sufficient if1 *•'•-*•*' m

the-wnter is used in the house only. On a farm where water is supplied to a family of six persons, 10 h 12 cows,'25 hogs, andWS sheep daily storage supply should be 500 gallon!, and whntever additional amount, if any, the farmer cessary^for fire pro *• ;Plsmsihsr atsst The plumbing systajsf for^ the aver/1

J. V. The fOU BeUshle" Insurance Agent

Ik Business Kearly Forty Tears jfrodie Blk. . . . Main St ' U — i ' i '» - — — ' -

D. M.HAZELTON Fire, Life, Accident • -

nnd Llabfllty' Insurance, jo Main 8t . Egert Blk. Phone S&-L

third in rank, and ear present status is being disputed by both France and [ cuDton and Japan. - * . - . * ' • .

Our responsibilities as the leading pd'wer in the Western Hemisphere re­quire us to maintain a first class na­vy, We have far more need of sea J

The > l l o w - j iwwer than Germany has and only r : flags'and Cordon Streets, 'tittle less peed of it than Great Brit a!n. Money spent on thevnary is ojlr; /*T * • DlSTA>«ca TASLC r national insurance. Unless bur navy i ' i n m»e* and tenths of miles between i- ^„»i . ^ ^ „ - ^ M^ *- \r I villages and Ooor*rien<\ mem*ored on is really adequate for natianajr pur-;. l h e nearest puWic rosd. poses the money spent on i ^ s prac- i Antwerp 3. .^. . . * ically wasted. .We h a v e ^ l o t ^een \ cTnTon"111

building rapidly enough^ft th§ last j P ^ ^ ^

BUSH A COLLINS Steves, Bnnges, Hardware,

. and Hestisg ., .,• -:*--• ^,..' Phone ta^W ~ . . < ihtshs Bt

J. H. tiARPEJitssst Hardware ef All Ktada\ Sssla, Boon,

Blinds, Etc. . -•' Hione 10§>B , Mnts S t

Garage, Auto Supplies, Etc

Coal. Wood, Etc

ETA: JENNE&CO. Balls. A Besdins; Iron Cs. Csal A

HARD COAL Weed; Cessest, TOe, Hnsoas9 SnppUes Phone: Ofhcel42-W—AftergHrs, 222-M

Drugs and Prescriptions . W. H. DEAPEE ' : / '

Drugs, Coafectlena, . Newspapers,

WHITNEY'S OAEAOE Largest and Best Esoipped H

L.- ..-&LXawresos County .F^-:t :

John Bt *•* : /-r •--•'v^PkoBs 174-K ,. .W. K LY¥LE ,;/.. •" •^ Ointsn Street Garage .

•: Stsdebaker *U Waal Cnrs ; AH Kinds sf Bensir Work

Phone 223-J « Clinton Bt

rSTOEIE BROTHERS f General Distrlhutora for :,»'"'-\ Hinmaa MOking Mschfne

snd Ideal Gasoline Engines ' Uohn St ; • Oouvemeur

PeriodksJs, Etc, S B

1 0 | three or four " years.^FortiTnately. I B O W S S T ! Copgress la now be m^re sl ive i Pi«* • • - - - •'-

quickening the Heiiesboro , . Two/new Dread- i Hammond .

inly^fc authorised igiTrtovUi;'*: ree would not be too I Morrtstown

s h o / d be voted next j ? S S m f Dsin" yeary4fter to make u

1912 and 1SU

• Main S t Photographers.

>et ArgsmeatatiTe What's ttfe shape of the earth?''

asked the W»cher, calling suddenly on Willie.. / ..

^Ronso,M was the answer. ' "How do you inow it's round?"

*jtl right," said WIllier "Its squat* thsh. I don't mean to argue about it"

1---ChTisUan Register. .

11 Into the well; and surface water rrylng SKh and*manure; especislly ! Age farm home shwsTd be simpje Add ter rains, rums Into lhe well from i*t» material and construction alafuld

durable. Both dee^ and shallow weiia aret«rranged hfeeVto contassinsGoo. Of 1H deep d 411 shallow farm wells examuv in Indians, l i t of the sleep wells

*e sa* good suaTtty. 4S were had. 4 Id were doubtful; 15* of the shsl-•V wefl wsters mere good 20$ were ry>ad, as<42 weredoootfuL

ar ion oftssi depesids largely OS7 the

1 qwslfty of sxetl sssmnl

rae tweft ,

d stock a fspaldon that the


Pipes Scarry the

nearly ^straight line ifi the point of

'of lesdJSpe or lend for (Usmking water in small private

They Alwnys 1 ^ - * **Now, my son, yop are married. Be what a man ous^t lo be.^

"How do I know just-what a

Norwood .< .••#•••...•-.•»••. OxBoW Osdensburg * Pitcairu . . . \ •'• Popes Mills Potsdam — * • Rossi* .„• , . «b . . . . • ••««.- . . -R t eh TiUe * •», Syhria aakt Spragueville •'. BofoenrillS . . . ' . . , . . / * ^ v , . •. Wegstcble ,.*.r:77.., Tork "• t

, T O W N S H I P b r n c t R S . SUPERVISOR


B. O. KINHEY RexaU Storef

'BeliableJ^rescriptiens a Hpecisltv Phoneitf^J Main St

MEADDEUO^O. . Dregs, Paint*, Ofls, Tsrmlshes, Wall 4y , Paper, £ t c Phone sC-R - Main St

Cafes and Restaurants r

C. C- CX7NNINOHAM. , Photography . . . - /

Crayen and Water Colors * 17 Main St * Over A. Kidneys

Harness and Wagons J. W. HENDERSON

Hsrneits, Wsgenm Slelgka, Ete. 1 £terytslng for the Horse

Phone 223-L . . aintmi 8 t

COX DRY GOODS 8T0RB. A Good Pisco ss assy AsVsssss? M

Phone 124 ; . ^

& H RYAN WertsTs

Masonic Bldg. :"—•"• > . nt Clothing stud TrxhtoMmfm

I^ONARD * ITTLLER Csstont snd ! s»ays» and

Morris Bttt v &^'^<a&*:-M*i i t ' ' !:*g DR. r. J. nagsa.

S o s t k M m ^Si-^

- Z * ^ •:-*&$&

•W ' " » X*



t. THE COUNTRY TAVERN R. JL Richardssn Cs^ Press.

—O«o, H. ROWHSOR. THK ^BACK—A. H. Ah- [

r Clinton Street

Richardson Ce^ Mosls ti Outs

• Gonremeur

FREEHAIf BROS. , Harness, Wagoaa, glearls, twr Costa,

r Tsnnks, Bags Fkmi Rschinery ;

J Phone ol-R* ainton BL


JUSTICES OF , ^__ -bwtt. A. J ISoCtiy.^rusBao Paris, j

. ^Caaries Bodmaa. J lirdWT^ CLERK^Hmrfr C. Rogers. " ]


i CXttXDCTOR—Stepoen* M. 'I'hayer. l!OVE«SKER OP ttK ^POOR--^Ie»ry

posslblei -Tour wiTe wttl*! Irtish full. plan, t " 0 0 ^ ^ The use ' and specincstioiis."—Louisriile Cour-1 - Arthur c^mnsinp

receptacles " ler Journal be avoided m y

sewer ptnn»haug serves is Tor the w s w plumbing.

drainage system should ho ^o

4 •: • I


.1 strutted MM to enrry sVay compietety " ' everything enrpUed Ism It anjd 'it . ton Transcript,

should be constantly vested, frequent- j m ty and thoroughly HushedL and have

of its opeuhngs % the


. a; Sb4f^l hoar\hst your friend, itr \ ~ £ ^ ^ i ^ c i ^ •• P^i s The | Drinkietkh's hshtss are very irregular 1 i ^ s t o ^ K - ^ " ~ w ;

«on« i .He.—^'BssiiMi! >|UgulnT as a clock COCXTT cl-ER»t-Wear w, Hai>.

JERRY'S QUICKUnfCH Ladies' and Gents*' Dhsasg ROOSJ \

Regular Dinner? &+< Xhsehes fterved st i l l Henrs

Phone M-W Opera House Blk.

V R G./ALDRICH. Attsmey and C*sn»eior-si*Law

Phone 141-i •*• . : 'Main « t ^


-'-— w i t kssTTtrxr '• ^ H k o stent Ueeh»ei Pictures. Program J 4 W « . & a n U T l l ] fhanged ftiery >lglsL

High Grade Liquors s s d ClgsrsW^L GanthJer. PrcT). Park St ; Lunches n Specialty t . ; , - — — —

Phone 3S-J ' . - Main St P lnmbing .

ar\er stnner DSfTRlCT ATTOS3CFT—^b» C Crsp-^ 7^


ly ^guarded. All drains, sofi pipe, | electing his isms; 'wide* ta>bs—No;

nth water or so to detect leaks*

waste pipe should be smter-tight rooms; -widow? ,0 a:r tight All plumbtng should I 7tested by nllsng with water or


f w*—m^j - • • • • i w , » | SHKRIF. —Trsd P. t>ay, Catatos. ' Gshhs—Is it true that Hunter is ne- COROKER-^ or. ssyer. CowTrmesr

to codrt a gay i STPERI>rrEN''EXT OF THE POJK - Hartow A Umstesd. <Stcios-

, "A ' i c t £ R K B"ARI> o r St-PER\1S0RS-ss to\naske c*ns M H** Cawto^.

o f t t r - OOC^TT ^ri3u?rrKxr>E?rT o r * • HKJHWATfr-JO* M Howard. Og

~ — % t "-laessWrs 5ot Pnilsostj -Tesehed.^ ^ c o c s i r ^EA-ER of WIHGHT* A N D

M E . KENTJT1ELD Ales Wine*, Lienors SUM

* W. Main 8 t GoowerneoT.

Jewelers und Opticians - j

O H CLirrORD. Ptsmatag and Hesthsg .. SS-41 - Clinton S t

E. K. HALL _ ' Watches; risck«. ^eweiry, Mrerwnre,

\ I st d isss . E t c


Etc.! Repair

Ma s Bt.

Work Over Carpenters Hardware,

Funeral IHreetor snd

_. Prompt Perjoosl

Office: 1T7 Main St , Ttlepbone lSS-W n^B, 110 Sock ufahd St Phone STT-K

LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK—Fanuant to an^roer of Alrle f R. Jferriman, t»iftirogat« sf torn OsssrtjM M 8t U v r a ^ e , ami s^aordlssr SiatMVe In sueh cm*** maSe t Sotior tm hrT*%? mirtax Sp sil perSQi tag <ciaim* sswkist ti»e sstase of Ball, late of the t«wn of Edwards in «sM County, Seieessed. Usat thry srs ffO-joired to exufbit'lJie ISBM, WIU the voaeoers thereof, to Uke swttsvrrbsra s t the residence of Ira C. afi*es as tns U0-as* of Gdward*, m said Cousity. «ss us ^om UM rrth oar of Jane nes*. • * ' * UaUd, l>eeefna«r isd, 2S1S. > ci

IRA C. hTTLant - v • - ". LEC/M HAXL. ^

EARt, BANCROFT. Attorwy.

lO-D-«b Xdwsrds, K. T.

Phone C-W Mate SL Millinery

anything? y—Let's see. do t e-i

a cent my hoy around paying

t . ^

It Is s food >des j Vbe process of sewage noors VtaV'th* crTbed M /be new rsUettn ta nortry

for farmXjpuiMr- * sserhsaVs I snd nsrtlt bsrtenai con * ^ttstlsg of a nrelhsshssry sootic task

^trentnsesjt by aayTVntkss so a satkrsi soH by rsrtaoe or s^hsvrtsce distrl-

or lo a sporialry nrepnred II-• Borrowby—No going around to pr. * j«tf Td overiooked anybody s>ssd

m r*^sfT nor- ' ^"ae sencic tnsvk. >tf^*-g4> & tsthe l T * ' tQi Sa^srosj wj] ros be dumped Isac an

he should be all Khe w«(j or sprW *a con^es>»ce and; A soos s a s j us.** pr e^a^ces are x , ca.-

nasi kssst tree *om soCnt- *hxsl sa iiaml sgi srOl permA, ttas ***** •«r» »r **»*<x>. j A: ce*

\ - r .

JR E. GO0DN0UGH _ Jeweler snd Optician j

Watches, C leeks Silverware, £ie» 1 43osoni^ NUK* o r & K T V ' «• st Hatck f.«nect^ *

- 1 Frr* ; ^ r^er. CSx*^£. S*-aTar4 R. PVme 1*-W Maos 5 t Jtre \MrDrs*-3»y» H i s n * i « i . . .

R Bt YORK : <>ptsssetri*.t

j , MISS H0URIHAN j rp-4o4he.SJaa«e

NOTICE—Piiiiaasji t s . e s order sf Alrle R Herrinaao. sWrrossue sf the

rf « t . U W T W M ttat«t«-m swes Souos t» hcrebr ghr*s U> SU *ng c^aisns sgalset the estate"«f Ksrass W* Karsb. 1st* of the Tew* of a said Oewsty. 0>CSSHM« *«Qti2r*d to eihlact the Toscteers thereof, to the Tae Flrmt, KstionaJ Bsutk A thS Vinage of Oorrrv^r ht cys on sr h«Sors ths isth day sf

! *est. * * ^ JJsted. October t7th. 1WVL


F'loor c -J -.

w. Rodger • Starr


Tesr Eye* rorTectry 0 * r Bask ef Gc-srers^ir

7 FULLER StfRDS | First Canst U n r y Barns,

Nr^st* P^ot« 4NR CUaton St

J L BslLDWIN Urery sssd ***» Mshsev

M AO Ronrs tt-i. . ' U ClhAas

. _ ,,' '.. -WiHie-4^wt is the truth ntrn

than nction? Paw—Well, It ss snore of a stra

Aaa Scthm. my ecu-—Chscsnamti ttfrcr. _ . _...

eTuper:ntessdeot--m'hsi we was

maw — » • • * • ^

it in s night wsichmsx thai 11 wstch, aJart sod ready, for t."e slightest nosj adxsu.-oc sf rr r i i i •usabsdj can sle«p wtk one and both onri ex aad * not aTrsid to tsckel t k i g s+fm - . , . .. .

Ar^piimxt—1 s*e, s*? HI som wife axoassst-^sssgu.

•: - '- " _ ^

is or who



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><^a».^hE: -Afil