jqgliwfww7' '7':mrv the milt jj ujujj · 2015. 5. 30. · js-wato-hes, clocks and...

'7':Mrv " ? & JQgliWfWW7' frffF fh -- jrp iviwripqiift Vft'Uj'jjy'rs " , '".risp.yi i rt" i '"y liviwo'jtT Mwfnt ,fiftv. MgffJt'vn ' w'.'iiw I l I rfl 'iv,w,f"iRifnr"',fcn' 1 ' m THE MILT CJy ) ilACJ ! Jj UJujj ill 1 i 1 I J JL JiL 1 i No. 168. H. AUGUST 1882. Subscription HONOLULU, I., TUESDAY, 15, 60 lcnt prr Jluiilli. THE DAILY BULLETIN 1b published every mdrnlng by tho Daily Bulletin Pvhmbhino Co., and circulated throughout the town, nnd forwarded to the other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, 50 cts. per month.' 6. Carbon Kehvon, Editor. All business communications to be ad. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, Post Offlco Box No. 14. ' J. O. Clbviok, Manager. " Sam," said old Jake to, his sonr " what branches is ycr studyin nt school" "lam studying several, grammar among the number,' an- swered tho boy. " Studyin' gram- mar is ycr? "Wat has yer learned' bout it tcr day." u I have learned that two negatives make one atllrma-tive.- " " 'Splain do situation ter de ole man." "Why, n negative is 4 no,' and an affirmative is ' yes,', "That is a plain as I can mako it." "I'se glad that yer's 'splained, Now look heah, Sam. Didn't, ycr steal dat haffcr dollar outen do drawer?" 44 No, sir." " Tell me de truf, Sara. Didn't vcr take dat money?" "No, sir." " Come heah 'tcr me, sah, fur yer's dun knowledge it. Said 4 no twist dat means yes. Oh7 I so forced ycr inter 'fession!" and the old man thrashed the boy until tho money w as surrendered. Statistics have been published in England, showing tho amount of proof spirits distilled, imported, and consumed in the United Kingdom during the year 1881. They givp.a total distillation oi'3U,264,8U gat Ions, of which 10,623,803 vrero dis- tilled in England, 18,998,487 hi Scotland, and 9,642,519 in Ireland. Duty was paid on 29,771,426 gal lons, and 28,730,7,19., gallons were consumed 17,0 14,'967 gallons in Enorland: 6.562.259 In Scotland, and 5,123,463 in Ireland. The amount in bonded stores at the end of the year was 49,354,510 gallons, of which 7,758,133 wero in England, 20,718,461 in Scotland, and 2U,v, 913 in Ireland. The committee having, in charge the erection of tho Garfield Memorial Church in "Washington is making rapid progress with the work, Ground v?as broken on May. 23, the nnd foundation was commenced on June 13, and the corner-ston- e will be laid, tith the, usual public cere- monies, on July 2'bne year from the daj- - President Garfield was shot. President Hjnsdalc, of Hiram Col- lege, Ohio ; the Hon. Messrs. A. S. "Willis, of Kentucky, and A. H. Pcttibonc, of Tennessee, have ac- cepted invitations to deliver addiess-e- d on the occasion. A general in- vitation is extended to prominent members of the church throughout the country to be presort. At Stockholm has just appeared a book which will widely interest tho geographers, although only 200 copies of it have been printed. It bears 'the title i Le Livrc .do Marco Polo ;' fac Bimilo d'un mnnuscrit du 14 siecle, conserve a lalMbliothequc Royale de Stockholm, public avec preface p.ir A. Nordenskjold." Tho manuscript dates from the first halfof-th- e fourteenth century, and came oi iginally from the library of Charlc6 V. of France. It js a nar- rative of the celebrated Venetian travels, nnd, of course, it has a spe- cial value from being so early in date. Disraeli paid $100 a share for tho 176,002 sharos of Suez Canal stock he bought for tho' British Govern ment. Disraeli's investment has paid ncr cent of the tonnuco pas sing through the Oanal is hors. This investment is, of course worth fight- ing for aside from England's" claims on tho Egyptian Government for loans mad e to Ismail by Englishmen. B. F. EHLERS & Go., All the Latest Uovoltiei in Fancy Goods 71 CMS " .. "s. GRAND V2 " m B sV w fnnrffx enldw. W mm "V A from 30 to so per cent below the usual prices, during the next 30 days. v. ML Mellis, NwYork Life jM V ff f t j teg8,pp0'000. Purely apply This Company issues every fotm of The tontine issued (by this Company better Agent those offered by anyother company 71 C. O. 'f V J EWELEJtT,6lTICrAN, Dealer lipllawalian CurloHltlfcs. Store In tho Gazette" bulld-4- i lng, opposite the Bank. ECKART, ManuXacturmB -- Jeweler. No.Ul3.and 116 Hotel 150 street. Chaa. D. Gemsch, Practical "Watchmaker. 86J- - Hotel Street, the' 123 3m International Hotel, -- a D. W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always on hnnd a nice stock of JS-Wato- hes, Clocks and Jewelry."a Repairing Watches and Clocks a Spocl-alt- y, No. 55'IIotcl Street. i 32 Drink Fisher's CIDER 1 Bo favorably known throughout tho Hawaiian Islands. Sold by all respectable No.13 Liliha st., Honolulu 71 A LI, PERSONS SEEKING - Employment, and all parties cither n or atjuiy'lofjlho Islands iu the Uroup In want of Employee will please mako their wants known to the anderslgncd, who will do all In their power to fUllhclr prden. , V. C. Jonci. jr.. J. B. Atherlon, B. P. Dillingham, Employment Committee Y. M. C. A. ' 1 G.;H. ROBERTSON, r DrajToan b'c'sf teams In tovn. Telephone No,. 65. 16 LIME AND' BRICKS Ex Almy, FOR SALE) In quantifies to snit, At Lowest Prices. f$l By Castli & Cooxe DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM CHAMPAGNE . Hcoeived by every steamer, INDUCEMENTS Offered at the bsecond ANNUAL uvfSI, 104 Fort St. Insurance Go. Surplus, 810,000,000, Mutual. returns than For particulars to 'desirable policy. policy yields BEHGER, General Haw'n Islands. '.'Hawaiian opposite dealers. Honolulu Bark aMgefWwiMJi in1 in. in i Robert Lew on, C. K. Cqokc. TEWERS & COOE, - (successors to Lcirers . IJIcksnn.) Importers r.nd Di'nlcru In Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Fort street. Uuuoluln. ' " 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers m Taints, Oils, Nulls, Salt and BulkllnK Materials of every klud, cor. Fort and Queen st;., Honolulu. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealers In Lumber and all kludx of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nulls, etc. 71 HOLLISTER & Co., Wholesale and Import- ers of Fine Tobaccos and Oltjnrs, and Manufacturers of tioda Water, Ginger Ale, &c, &c, 1!1 & PHILLIPS, Practical Plunibeis, GasFittersnnd Copper- - House and Ship Job Work promptly' executeu. 17 fCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. - Impor'cr and dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, hliocs and slippers. , 63 BROWN & CO., Importers nnd In Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. 9 M reliant it., Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON Works Co. Steam ensint. sucrur mills, boilers, coolers, iron, brass and lead castings; machinery of fvcry description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blickninlthlng. Job work executed on short notice. 1 JAMES H. HANLON OENEKAI Blaoksmith and Farrier. Is now permanently located at the shop on Klnp street, lately occupied bv Mr. Geo. West. ' 112 Dr. Do Fries, Veterinary Surgeon. The Doctor has Inst returned from a tour aroupc) the Islands, and holds llat-trl- recoinnlcndatlons frnm numerous manager and prUato owners of hows for his skill and capabilities in curing all manner of diseases and complalntu In stock. All orders to bo left at Jus. Dodd's Pantheon Stables. 115 Rqchvpod and Cedar POSTS rr FEET LONG, fwr fale In anyquan titles, by , - t 34 - , Amxn& Robeson, i I FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. Claiu stprvikal). Wm. U. Irwlu. WM. G. IllWIN & COMPANY, Factors and Commission Agonts, Honolulu " 1 GW. MAOFARLANE & C6., and Commission Mcr. chant. Robinson's Firc-llro- Building, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 & COMPANY, General Commission Agents, Queen strtet, Honolulu. 1 AS. CJ.EGlIOKNfi.Go.1Jinportors Commission Merchants, Deal ers In General Mcivhundlsc, Queen nud Kaithumnnn sU., Honolulu. 78 II. A. P. Cuter. P. C.Jones, Jr. It E W ER & CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants Queen street, Honolulu. 1 'piIEO. II. DAV1ES & CO-- ., Import er and Commission Merchant": ucunts lor Lloul's and tho J.lvcriionl Underwriters, lirltlsh and Foreign In suraucu Compnrjy, and Northern Aseur-nnc- o Company. 71 ED. llOFFSCHLAKUKlt & CO., J niiioi ten and Coinmissioii Mcr-clinnt- h, lit nolulu, 'Oahu. 1 T. WATEHIIOUSE, Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen, st , Honolulu. 1 MS. GR1NBAUM & CO., of Qenoral Mer- chandise and Commission iMerchunts, Honolulu. i MS. GRINBAUM & CO. , Mcu-linnts- , 214 Cnlifoiiiiu streot, San Frnuclsco, en i. T? T. LE N EUAN &,C O -- 1- Importers and" CommfsaloiT'Iir. chants, Nuuonu St., Honolulu. l 8.N. Oatle. J. n. Athcrton. C AS T L Er & ,C O O K E . Shipping and Commission' Mcr-clmut- s. Importer nd Dealers iu (kn. eial Merchandise, No. 80 Xing street, Honolulu. " i -- i : WO CHAN & Co., Importers' and Gcnoral Dealers In Lngllsh. American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantntinu Tcaand General Supplies. Also, white antl,c61orod con- tract mattlntr, all qualities nnd prices. Cfif- f- No. 22 Nutiiinu Street, oppnu'.te Mr. Afong's. , , 61 H.n.WllllRDii, A.Chos&irdtish, '. II. Almond TA71LLIAMS, DIMOND & Co.. T Shipping and Commission Mer- chants, Union Block-- , corner Pine and Market stress, San Francisco, Cul. AGFHTS for t Pacific Mall Steamship Company, .I'.iclHc Steam Nayigatlon Corqpiiny, i.'uuara JtoyaivSi.U) stcamsmp company Cal. line of Pao'kita fron.iTZvYork, Hawaiian line of Packets', China Traders Insulauce Co, (limited), Murlnu lnsunince Co. of London. 71 rjIIARLiSS T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSIJTCSS AGENT. Ofllce, In Makeq'slock corner Qucon and Kaahumanu streets. Honolulu.. 21 TOHN A. HASIJs'GER, " Afjcnt to take Acknow lodgments to Contractu for Labor. interior juice, Honolulu. T E. T1SEMAN,"27 Merchant nf " Real Estate Bro'-e- r, Employment Apont nnd General Ofilcp'Buslnf ss. Telephone, No. 172.J v i in . r ,' THE,(CELEIIU'rEn r Lilikitlatii 'Manifesto ! OF THE ', ELECTION CAMPAIGN of Fehrunry, 182, TranMaUd by1 II. L. Hhcldon ; published byT, G. Thrum. Prrice, :: fiS cents. May be had at Jt WfRobertfop ,Co' ir Vlt liU a PEOPLE'S LINE OF mSSSSL ter- - O M n 1 B u S 8 13 S TBa Jamks Douij, j - - 1'iopriolor. NUUANU VALLEY ROUTE: ' Up trips: I.eau V. O. Iruln ft Cn'. j A.M. fi:15, 7:00, 8:00, 10::I0. lM. 12:03, 2:00, 4:00, 5:10, 0:30, 0:00 Down trips: Lcmo Kixol'J. II, 1'aty. - A.M. 0:30, 7:H(J, &M0, 11:00. r.M. 12:45, 2sH0, 4 : 10, 6: 10, 7:00,9:20 StiNiiAY Time Tah1.r." j '" Up trips; I,cnMV. O.lrwln & Co'i. '' A.M. 9:00, 10:00. i, P.M. 13:10, 4:00, QiHO, S;1C. Down trips; I .a IIik. of .1, II. I'atr. .. A.M. -- 9::i0, 10:30. i, vK P.M. 2::t0, 1:30, 7:10, 9:10. IlKUUTAXIA & 1'UN'AHOU .ST. ItOUTi:, Up trip: fyjnM- - V Cj lrlu A (Vk, t a.m. 0:00, 15:50. 7:15. 10:00, l'.M 12:0.'), 2:00, 1:00, 5:10,0:45, 10r Down trips: I.cae I'unnlioii ftrtct, v n A.M. G:30, 7:25, 8.40, 11:10. r.M. 12 :45, 3 :10, 4 :30, 0 ;10,7 :10,10:20 Sunday Timi: Tauif. Leave the Stables, cor. Fort and Hotel sts., for Funahou Street, Lous llraiicli Baths, fate 50 cts., baths Included : A.m. I5::i0 to Walklki; 0:00, 10:00, and 12:15. , r.M. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklki: 6:46 and 8: 15. Downtrlpu: I.ea c runahou utrcct, r a.m. 8:00, 9:110, 10:30. r.M. 12:10, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 9:00. WAIKIKI ROUTL: Out trips: LeaeW. O. Iiwitt i. Co.'s I a. M. 7:45, 10:00. ' n r.M 2:00, 5:10. Down trips: Leino Walklki. '. ' ' a. M. S:20, 10:50' ' r.M 2:50,5:50. , ' Sunday trips: Leao stables. ', j a. St. 6:30. , , , r.M. 2:00, 1:00. Leiuc Walklki: a.m. 7:40. '' r.M. 2:50, 5:10. The Long Brunch Baths will be tho ter- minus. Professionals. SB. DOLE, T.imr ml Xotnrv Pub- - No. 10 Kaiiiium t uu st. 11 T M. DAVIDSON, AttoinovatLnw " 24 Mei chant sticet. 10 ipn'ANCIS M. HATCH, Atlorimy - at Law, 15 Kaahumanu gt. 23 i i JOHN RUSS'KLL. Attorney tit Law, cornel- - of Foil and Merrh tut Htieeth (up Klulr'-'- ) 115 (5n 1CIIAIJD V. JJIOKEHTON, Attorney nwl CouiiHellor nt Liuv. Money (o lend on Mortenes of Free- holds. Olllce, No. at Meiclmiit Ht. 1 pECIL BROWN, ATTORNEY v nnd Counsellor at Ltw, Notary Pub- lic, nijd Accntfnr taking Ackiurnkdj,'-ment- s pf liistiumcnts for tlib Iplund of Oahu. No. 8 K.mliumanu street, Hono- lulu .1 II.LIAM O. SMITH, Attor noy at Law, No. UG Meiohnnt street. t ! , , 73 lm M. 1IAOAN, M. D., V Physician & Surgeon, Office, 223 Fort streot. 'Olllce bonis from 10 to 12 a.m.; nnd 3 to 5 r.M, " Residence 104 Niiunuu ,st. , , 101 O. TKOUSSEAr bops to notify - DR. friends that he has riMiml'il ' practice in Honolulu. Residence and i, consultimr roonih No. 7!Punclibol t, i opposite the miikal f;ati othe. Quucn' S, Conutlnp hours from 0 d.m 9 to 12. Telephone No. 103. CO lm i DR. EMI'JHSQN, jrp(,Idcnca and con- - I rooinn at No. 2 Kukul bt., '" " " ' I corner of Fort." 1 Telephone No. 140. 50 2m i A FULLER, Surveyor for'Biirp'nu 1 Veritas. , . 7L ' TrRAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Piano- - forlft nnil Dir'nn. Tunlnur Innll'iv - " - .......n ... ., j its branches lo. 4 WE. HOWELL, Cottsultingmid ; ructing r.ngineer; olllco ' .to iiercii.ini- treit. SO 2m M. W. McOhoraov & Son, ) V Proprie'toiH Honolulu Tunnqry;" Dealers in Hides, Tallow & LenUjer,.M Also, Groceries, PnniloiiR v , 71 Salt, otc.TeU., 'a;o? I i

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Page 1: JQgliWfWW7' '7':Mrv THE MILT Jj UJujj · 2015. 5. 30. · JS-Wato-hes, Clocks and Jewelry."a Repairing Watches and Clocks a Spocl-alt-y, No. 55'IIotcl Street. i 32 Drink Fisher's

'7':Mrv " ? & JQgliWfWW7' frffF


-- jrp iviwripqiift Vft'Uj'jjy'rs ", '".risp.yi

i rt" i '"y liviwo'jtT Mwfnt ,fiftv.MgffJt'vn ' w'.'iiwI l I rfl

'iv,w,f"iRifnr"',fcn'1 ' mTHE MILT CJy ) ilACJ! Jj UJujj ill 1 i 1I J JL JiL 1 i

No. 168. H. AUGUST 1882. SubscriptionHONOLULU, I., TUESDAY, 15, 60 lcnt prr Jluiilli.

THE DAILY BULLETIN1b published every mdrnlng by tho

Daily Bulletin Pvhmbhino Co.,and circulated throughout the town, nndforwarded to the other Islands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, 50 cts. per month.'6. Carbon Kehvon, Editor.All business communications to be ad.

dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, PostOfflco Box No. 14.

' J. O. Clbviok, Manager.

" Sam," said old Jake to, his sonr" what branches is ycr studyin ntschool" "lam studying several,grammar among the number,' an-

swered tho boy. " Studyin' gram-

mar is ycr? "Wat has yer learned'bout it tcr day." u I have learnedthat two negatives make one atllrma-tive.- "

" 'Splain do situation ter deole man." "Why, n negative is4 no,' and an affirmative is ' yes,',"That is a plain as I can mako it.""I'se glad that yer's 'splained, Nowlook heah, Sam. Didn't, ycr stealdat haffcr dollar outen do drawer?"44 No, sir." " Tell me de truf, Sara.Didn't vcr take dat money?" "No,sir." " Come heah 'tcr me, sah, furyer's dun knowledge it. Said 4 notwist dat means yes. Oh7 I soforced ycr inter 'fession!" and theold man thrashed the boy until thomoney w as surrendered.

Statistics have been published inEngland, showing tho amount ofproof spirits distilled, imported, andconsumed in the United Kingdomduring the year 1881. They givp.a

total distillation oi'3U,264,8U gatIons, of which 10,623,803 vrero dis-

tilled in England, 18,998,487 hiScotland, and 9,642,519 in Ireland.Duty was paid on 29,771,426 gallons, and 28,730,7,19., gallons wereconsumed 17,0 14,'967 gallons inEnorland: 6.562.259 In Scotland, and5,123,463 in Ireland. The amountin bonded stores at the end of theyear was 49,354,510 gallons, ofwhich 7,758,133 wero in England,20,718,461 in Scotland, and 2U,v,913 in Ireland.

The committee having, in chargethe erection of tho Garfield MemorialChurch in "Washington is makingrapid progress with the work,

Ground v?as broken on May. 23, thennd foundation was commenced onJune 13, and the corner-ston- e willbe laid, tith the, usual public cere-monies, on July 2'bne year fromthe daj-- President Garfield was shot.President Hjnsdalc, of Hiram Col-

lege, Ohio ; the Hon. Messrs. A. S."Willis, of Kentucky, and A. H.Pcttibonc, of Tennessee, have ac-

cepted invitations to deliver addiess-e- d

on the occasion. A general in-

vitation is extended to prominentmembers of the church throughoutthe country to be presort.

At Stockholm has just appeared abook which will widely interest tho

geographers, although only 200copies of it have been printed. Itbears 'the title i Le Livrc .do Marco

Polo ;' fac Bimilo d'un mnnuscrit du14 siecle, conserve a lalMbliothequcRoyale de Stockholm, public avecpreface p.ir A. Nordenskjold."Tho manuscript dates from the firsthalfof-th- e fourteenth century, andcame oi iginally from the library ofCharlc6 V. of France. It js a nar-

rative of the celebrated Venetiantravels, nnd, of course, it has a spe-

cial value from being so early indate.

Disraeli paid $100 a share for tho

176,002 sharos of Suez Canal stock

he bought for tho' British Govern

ment. Disraeli's investment has paid

ncr cent of the tonnuco pas

sing through the Oanal is hors. Thisinvestment is, of course worth fight-ing for aside from England's" claimson tho Egyptian Government forloans mad e to Ismail by Englishmen.

B. F. EHLERS & Go.,

All the Latest Uovoltiei in Fancy Goods71


.. "s.


V2 " m B sV w

fnnrffx enldw. W m m"V A

from 30 to soper cent below theusual prices, during thenext 30 days.

v.ML Mellis,

NwYork LifejM V ff f

t j teg8,pp0'000.Purely


This Company issues every fotm ofThe tontine issued (by this Company better

Agentthose offered by anyother company71 C. O.

'f V

J EWELEJtT,6lTICrAN,Dealer lipllawalian CurloHltlfcs.

Store In tho Gazette" bulld-4- i

lng, opposite the Bank.

ECKART, ManuXacturmB-- Jeweler. No.Ul3.and 116 Hotel


Chaa. D. Gemsch,

Practical "Watchmaker.

86J-- Hotel Street, the'123 3m International Hotel, -- a

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hnnd a nice stock of

JS-Wato-hes, Clocks and Jewelry."a

Repairing Watches and Clocks a Spocl-alt- y,

No. 55'IIotcl Street. i 32

Drink Fisher'sCIDER 1

Bo favorably known throughout thoHawaiian Islands. Sold by all

respectableNo.13 Liliha st., Honolulu 71

A LI, PERSONS SEEKING- Employment, and all parties cithern or atjuiy'lofjlho Islands iuthe Uroup In want of Employee willplease mako their wants known to theanderslgncd, who will do all In theirpower to fUllhclr prden. ,

V. C. Jonci. jr.. J. B. Atherlon, B. P.Dillingham, Employment Committee Y.M. C. A. ' 1

G.;H. ROBERTSON,r DrajToan b'c'sf teams

In tovn. Telephone No,. 65. 16


FOR SALE) In quantifies to snit,

At Lowest Prices.f$l By Castli & Cooxe





Hcoeived by every steamer,


Offered at the


uvfSI,104 Fort St.

Insurance Go.Surplus, 810,000,000,

Mutual.returns than

For particulars to

'desirable policy.policy yields

BEHGER, General Haw'n Islands.






aMgefWwiMJi in1 in. in i

Robert Lew on, C. K. Cqokc.

TEWERS & COOE,- (successors to Lcirers . IJIcksnn.)

Importers r.nd Di'nlcru In Lumber and allkinds of Building Materials, Fort street.Uuuoluln. ' " 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers mTaints, Oils, Nulls, Salt

and BulkllnK Materials of every klud,cor. Fort and Queen st;., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealers InLumber and all kludx of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nulls, etc. 71

HOLLISTER & Co., Wholesaleand Import-

ers of Fine Tobaccos and Oltjnrs, andManufacturers of tioda Water, GingerAle, &c, &c, 1!1

& PHILLIPS, PracticalPlunibeis, GasFittersnnd Copper- -

House and Ship Job Work promptly'executeu. 17

fCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.- Impor'cr and dealer in Gent's,

Ladles' and Children's boots, hliocs andslippers. , 63

BROWN & CO., Importers nndIn Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. 9 M reliant it., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWorks Co. Steam ensint. sucrurmills, boilers, coolers, iron, brass

and lead castings; machinery of fvcrydescription made to order. Particularattention paid to ship's blickninlthlng.Job work executed on short notice. 1


Blaoksmith and Farrier.Is now permanently located at the

shop on Klnp street, lately occupied bvMr. Geo. West. ' 112

Dr. Do Fries,Veterinary Surgeon.

The Doctor has Inst returned from atour aroupc) the Islands, and holds llat-trl-

recoinnlcndatlons frnm numerousmanager and prUato owners of howsfor his skill and capabilities in curingall manner of diseases and complalntuIn stock.

All orders to bo left at Jus. Dodd'sPantheon Stables. 115

Rqchvpod and CedarPOSTS

rr FEET LONG, fwr fale In anyquantitles, by , - t

34 - , Amxn& Robeson,



FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Claiu stprvikal). Wm. U. Irwlu.

WM. G. IllWIN & COMPANY,Factors and Commission

Agonts, Honolulu " 1

GW. MAOFARLANE & C6.,and Commission Mcr.

chant. Robinson's Firc-llro- Building,Queen street, Honolulu. 1

& COMPANY,General Commission Agents,

Queen strtet, Honolulu. 1

AS. CJ.EGlIOKNfi.Go.1JinportorsCommission Merchants, Deal

ers In General Mcivhundlsc, Queen nudKaithumnnn sU., Honolulu. 78

II. A. P. Cuter. P. C.Jones, Jr.It E W E R & CO.,

Shipping and Commission MerchantsQueen street, Honolulu. 1

'piIEO. II. DAV1ES & CO--., Importer and Commission Merchant":

ucunts lor Lloul's and tho J.lvcriionlUnderwriters, lirltlsh and Foreign Insuraucu Compnrjy, and Northern Aseur-nnc- o

Company. 71

ED. llOFFSCHLAKUKlt & CO.,J niiioi ten and Coinmissioii Mcr-clinnt- h,

lit nolulu, 'Oahu. 1

T. WATEHIIOUSE,Importer and Dealer In General

Merchandise, Queen, st , Honolulu. 1

MS. GR1NBAUM & CO.,of Qenoral Mer-

chandise and Commission iMerchunts,Honolulu. i

MS. GRINBAUM & CO. ,Mcu-linnts- , 214

Cnlifoiiiiu streot, San Frnuclsco,en i.

T? T. LE N EUAN &,C O--1- Importers and" CommfsaloiT'Iir.chants, Nuuonu St., Honolulu. l

8.N. Oatle. J. n. Athcrton.C A S T L Er & ,C O O K E .

Shipping and Commission' Mcr-clmut- s.

Importer nd Dealers iu (kn.eial Merchandise, No. 80 Xing street,Honolulu. " i

-- i :

WO CHAN & Co.,Importers' and Gcnoral Dealers

In Lngllsh. American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantntinu Tcaand GeneralSupplies. Also, white antl,c61orod con-tract mattlntr, all qualities nnd prices.

Cfif- f- No. 22 Nutiiinu Street, oppnu'.teMr. Afong's. , , 61

H.n.WllllRDii, A.Chos&irdtish, '. II. AlmondTA71LLIAMS, DIMOND & Co..

T Shipping and Commission Mer-chants, Union Block--, corner Pine andMarket stress, San Francisco, Cul.

AGFHTS for t

Pacific Mall Steamship Company,.I'.iclHc Steam Nayigatlon Corqpiiny,i.'uuara JtoyaivSi.U) stcamsmp companyCal. line of Pao'kita fron.iTZvYork,Hawaiian line of Packets',China Traders Insulauce Co, (limited),Murlnu lnsunince Co. of London. 71


Agent to take Acknowledgments toLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSIJTCSS AGENT.Ofllce, In Makeq'slock corner Qucon

and Kaahumanu streets. Honolulu.. 21

TOHN A. HASIJs'GER," Afjcnt to take Acknow lodgments toContractu for Labor. interior juice,Honolulu.

T E. T1SEMAN,"27 Merchant nf" Real Estate Bro'-e-r, EmploymentApont nnd General Ofilcp'Buslnf ss.

Telephone, No. 172.J v i in. r

,' THE,(CELEIIU'rEn rLilikitlatii 'Manifesto !


of Fehrunry, 182,TranMaUd by1 II. L. Hhcldon ; published

byT, G. Thrum.

Prrice, : : fiS cents.May be had at Jt WfRobertfop ,Co'





ter-- O M n 1 B u S 8 13 S TBa

Jamks Douij, j - - 1'iopriolor.

NUUANU VALLEY ROUTE: 'Up trips: I.eau V. O. Iruln ft Cn'. j

A.M. fi:15, 7:00, 8:00, 10::I0.lM. 12:03, 2:00, 4:00, 5:10, 0:30, 0:00

Down trips: Lcmo Kixol'J. II, 1'aty. -

A.M. 0:30, 7:H(J, &M0, 11:00.r.M. 12:45, 2sH0, 4 : 10, 6: 10, 7:00,9:20

StiNiiAY Time Tah1.r." j '"

Up trips; I,cnMV. O.lrwln & Co'i. ''A.M. 9:00, 10:00. i,P.M. 13:10, 4:00, QiHO, S;1C.

Down trips; I .a IIik. of .1, II. I'atr...A.M. -- 9::i0, 10:30. i, vKP.M. 2::t0, 1:30, 7:10, 9:10.

IlKUUTAXIA & 1'UN'AHOU .ST. ItOUTi:,Up trip: fyjnM-- V Cj lrlu A (Vk,

ta.m. 0:00, 15:50. 7:15. 10:00,l'.M 12:0.'), 2:00, 1:00, 5:10,0:45, 10r

Down trips: I.cae I'unnlioii ftrtct, v nA.M. G:30, 7:25, 8.40, 11:10.r.M. 12 :45, 3 :10, 4 :30, 0 ;10,7 :10,10:20

Sunday Timi: Tauif.Leave the Stables, cor. Fort and Hotel

sts., for Funahou Street, Lous llraiicliBaths, fate 50 cts., baths Included :

A.m. I5::i0 to Walklki; 0:00, 10:00,and 12:15. ,

r.M. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklki: 6:46and 8: 15.Downtrlpu: I.ea c runahou utrcct, r

a.m. 8:00, 9:110, 10:30.r.M. 12:10, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 9:00.

WAIKIKI ROUTL:Out trips: LeaeW. O. Iiwitt i. Co.'s I

a. M. 7:45, 10:00. ' nr.M 2:00, 5:10.

Down trips: Leino Walklki. '.' '

a. M. S:20, 10:50' 'r.M 2:50,5:50. , '

Sunday trips: Leao stables. ', ja. St. 6:30. , , ,r.M. 2:00, 1:00.

Leiuc Walklki:a.m. 7:40. ''r.M. 2:50, 5:10.

The Long Brunch Baths will be tho ter-minus.


SB. DOLE, T.imr ml Xotnrv Pub- -No. 10 Kaiiiium t uu st. 11

T M. DAVIDSON, AttoinovatLnw" 24 Mei chant sticet. 10

ipn'ANCIS M. HATCH, Atlorimy- at Law, 15 Kaahumanu gt. 23

i i

JOHN RUSS'KLL. Attorney tit Law,cornel-- of Foil and Merrh tut

Htieeth (up Klulr'-'- ) 115 (5n

1CIIAIJD V. JJIOKEHTON,Attorney nwl CouiiHellor nt Liuv.

Money (o lend on Mortenes of Free-holds. Olllce, No. at Meiclmiit Ht. 1

pECIL BROWN, ATTORNEYv nnd Counsellor at Ltw, Notary Pub-lic, nijd Accntfnr taking Ackiurnkdj,'-ment- s

pf liistiumcnts for tlib Iplund ofOahu. No. 8 K.mliumanu street, Hono-lulu .1

II.LIAM O. SMITH, Attornoy at Law, No. UG Meiohnnt

street. t ! , , 73 lmM. 1IAOAN, M. D., V

Physician & Surgeon,Office, 223 Fort streot. 'Olllce bonisfrom 10 to 12 a.m.; nnd 3 to 5 r.M, "

Residence 104 Niiunuu ,st. , , 101

O. TKOUSSEAr bops to notify -DR. friends that he has riMiml'il 'practice in Honolulu. Residence and i,consultimr roonih No. 7!Punclibol t, iopposite the miikal f;ati othe. Quucn' S,

Conutlnp hours from 0 d.m 9to 12. Telephone No. 103. CO lm iDR. EMI'JHSQN, jrp(,Idcnca and con- - I

rooinn at No. 2 Kukul bt., '"" " ' Icorner of Fort."

1Telephone No. 140. 50 2m i

A FULLER, Surveyor for'Biirp'nu 1

Veritas. , . 7L '

TrRAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Piano- -forlft nnil Dir'nn. Tunlnur Innll'iv- " - .......n ... ., j

its branches lo. 4

WE. HOWELL, Cottsultingmid ;ructing r.ngineer; olllco '

.to iiercii.ini- treit. SO 2m

M. W. McOhoraov & Son, ) V

Proprie'toiH Honolulu Tunnqry;"Dealers in Hides, Tallow & LenUjer,.M

Also, Groceries, PnniloiiR v ,71 Salt, otc.TeU., 'a;o?



Page 2: JQgliWfWW7' '7':Mrv THE MILT Jj UJujj · 2015. 5. 30. · JS-Wato-hes, Clocks and Jewelry."a Repairing Watches and Clocks a Spocl-alt-y, No. 55'IIotcl Street. i 32 Drink Fisher's

TV r


WW a?

$fa $ai!s igulbitq,



At Sales Room of E. P. Adams,at 10 n. m., Grand Chinese Art Saleof Valunble Goods.


Lvceum: Bible Class, nt 7:30.Excelsior Lodge, I.O.O.F. at 7 .80

Saturday Night's ConcertSaturday night was an event in

the nnnals of tho musical world inHonolulu. Although the perform-ance was denominated n concert, theraison d'etre wao Cowcn's Cantata,the Itoso Maiden. This Cantata isa production of the new EnglishSchool, and abounds with light and

sparkling melodies, such as the ductNo. 8, the trio No. 7, and the cho-

ruses Nos. i) and 12. Want ofspace forbids us to go critically intothe musical construction of it, but

'wo reprint the condensed story onwhich tho wor. s arc founded.

The Queen oi tha Flower Fulnct,weary of u life of unbroken calm, praysof tho newly returned Spring that howill bestow upon her also tho gift nflove that he bestows upon man. liewarns her of the risk she runs, butfinally yield to her entreaties bychang.ing her while nlio sleep, Into tho form ofa beautiful girl. Under the nameof Rose-blosso-

she wanders through tho worldto find the love that she heckx, and meetswith a girl who, having been betrayedand deserted by her lover, loses hersenses and dies broken-hearted- . But,undeterred from her search, Hoscblos.Bom becomes the wife of a forester,with whom she lives for a time In suchperfect happiness, that she cannot Mir-viv- o

his death. The elves bewail thefate of .their Queen, and curse love asfatal to peace and lwijiplness.

The performance is readily divid-

ed into two parts. The first numberwas a selection from Cimarosa's " 11

Mntrimoulo Segreto," played by theparlor orchestra; Violins: Primo,Mr. Bcrgcr ; Sccondo, Miss Ponti ;

Tertio, Mr. Mullcr; Viola, Mr. Mar-

ques ; 'Cello, Mr. "W. Taylor ; Piano,Mr. Scarborough. Tho second num-

ber was a cavatina, from the firstact of llobcrt 1c Diable, sung byMiss Ponti. This is, wc believe, thoyoung lady's first appearance beforetho public of Honolulu, so thatharsh criticism would be uncalledfor, as well as wc just. Miss Pontipossesses a pure and llcxiblo sopranovoice of great compass which, evi-

dently, has been well-traine- d.

Miss Pond's rendition of the songwas warmly applauded, she likewisereceived the only bouquet of theevening. The third number on theprogramme was a selection by theparlor orchestra, from Donizetti's"Etoito dc Seville." In this andthe other performances of the orchestra it received well merited applauseTho orchestra was on tho first partunder the able baton of Mr. Marqueswho also arranged the scores fromwhich they played. Next came thopiece do resistance of tho eveningCantata. I he principals were MrsPaty, soprano; Mrs. .1. F. Brown,contralto; Mr. Ilnckfcld, tenor; andMr. T. R. Walker, baritone. MrsPaty is an established favorite withthe musical public of Honolulu, andalthough suffering from a slightcold, sang with all the verve andelasticity of a truo artiste. Herinterpretation of tho composer'sideas was remnrknblo for its faith-fulness. Her most successful effortswere tho duct with Mr. Walker andtrio with Mrs. Brown and Mr.Walker.

Mrs. J. F. Brown excelled herselfin her solo. She was in bettervoice than ever. Mr. Hackfcldpossesses an excellent tenor voice,especially in tho upper register, buteccmed suffering a little from nerv-ousness; but let him conquer thisand we can assure him, he will takea high rank in the musical world.Mr. T. R. Walker possesses a pleasing baritone voice, of good qualityand in his solo, displayed an execu-tion which reached in places to anartistiolovcl. The numbers whichstruck the popular fancy wero the

wedding chorus, the female chorusand the finale. The chorus deservereal praise for the unflagging spiritwhich they displayed throughout,and their marked attention to theconductors baton. Mr. J. F. Brownplayed the piano part in tho con-

certed pieces. When wo say thatProf. Bcrger conducted we sayenough for our renders to know thntit was the best of its kind.

Now that we have praised faith-fully we also have to blame in twothiugs ; first, the concert was ratherlong, two hours and a quarter from8 o'clock is a trial of patience in .anearly rising town like Honolulu;second, the reserving of the scatswas detective, as we nenru severalcomplaints of the same scats beingreserved for two and even threedifferent parties. The attendancewas fair, tho parqucttc and dresscircle being filled to the extent oftheir capacity ; but tho gallery wasvery empty. Wc were disappointedin finding the financial success wasnot so great as the artistic andmusical. We trust, however, theSociety will not be discouraged, butwill go on in its good work, and giveus a similar treat at some futuretime.

Wilder' Marine Railway.Yesterday, by special invitation,

our reporter inspected Mr. Crandall'spatent gearing in tho works connect-ed with the above. The specialpoints claimed for this patent are thegreat strength of the gears, especial-ly tho teeth and the lessened friction.The form of tooth which Mr. Crund-n- ll

has patented is said to be thestrongest in the world, and is so ar-

ranged that the whole of the toothis in contact at once, just enoughroom being left for each tooth todrop out as the next one takes hold.At tho timo of contact the wheelsseem inextricably fixed together, andthe whole looks as if it were one solidmass, yet the wheel moves on andteeth succeed ono another withoutthe slightest noiso or apparently anyfriction. The engines were runningat a piston speed of 1,500 feet perminute, an unusual speed in thispart of the world. There is no back-lash in the gearing, and we wouldcall tho attention of mill-owne- rs andplanters to tho fact that this patentcan be applied to all gearing, andespecially to mill-gearin- g, whereverstrength is an absolute necessity.Tho machinery is now being tried toget it into working order, and thewhole of the works arc expected to bein full working order when the cradleis complotcd, probably about January. Tho parts of the machine wereconstructed by G. Forester & Co. ofLiverpool, from Mr. Crandall'sdrawings. ' Since April the water lothas been filled in, tho buildings andmachinery set up and two sectionsof track finished, which, consideringthe short timo is remarkably quickwork.

When the wholo is complete thetrack will extend 670 feet from theengine house into thefcarbor, andend in 33 feet of water. Tho capacity oi tne work is estimated as atleast capable of taking a vessel of1,800 tons and ballast. The trackis constructed on the aro of a circleand tho cradle is planned that a ves-sel will sit perfectly level on it andremain in the same position; intwenty minutes from the tinio shegrounds on the cradle the workmenwill be able to work on her out ofwater. Tho keel blocks of tho cradlearc so arranged that a man carryinga pianK on nts suouiucr can walkright under tho bilge. A platformgoes round the cradle 3 feet wideand about 20 feet above the bottomfrom which the bilge blocks arcoperated, and the vessel moved intoany convenient position. Tho wholeof these can be shifted in ten minutes by one man. Tho peculiar fenture of tho bilge blocks is that theycan be let down and replaced withtho greatest ease by a knuckle joint,another of Mr. Crandall's patents!This is the twenty-thir- d dock builtunder Mr. Crandall'sBuncrvlsinn. andis, on his own statement, far ahead ofany of the rest." "There is noother in America, of elmilar capacityas gooa as it."

Great credit is duo to Mr. Wilderfor having secured the bervices of boable a man as Mr. Crandall to super-vise this important work. Mr.luckor also deserves great creditfor his ubaro of ' le work.

Wo. would call tho attention of

Government' and the Board of Healthto the advantages to be derived bygetting the proprietors of the rail-

way to bring down a quantity ofsand ana, till up tne uais Dy .Kisuer-man- 's

Point and the places where anoffensive stench is noticeable nt lowwater. The Government wouldhave splendid lots of land availablefor building upon and the health ofthe community would be renderedbetter. It has been calculated thatland to the value of $250,000 couldbo so reclaimed.


Correspondence Is solicited on tho top.ics of the day, or what may become so.

Wo reserve the right to exercise pure-ly personal matter.

no uo not noiu ourselves responBiuicfor tho opinions expressed by our oor- -

respondents. isn.

Mr. Editor, Tho Saturday Pressin referring to the recent withdrawalof Government advertising from ccr-- 'tain newspapers, asks, lugubriously,41 has the spoils system begun ?" Ican Inform the editor of the Pressthat tho " spoils system" begansome timo back. Among the firstacts of the "Carter Administrationwas the removal of several personsfrom the posltimis to which they hadbeen appointed by the foimcr Minis-try. Having myself bceu one of theparties in question, I may be pre-sumed to know whereof I affirm.The official letter from tho InteriorDepartment calling for my resigna-tion is Still in my possession, and isat the service of tho editor of thoPress, should ho care to look at it.No reason for my removal was as-

signed1 or assignable, except that Iwas obnoxious to the members of aring who had been accustomed torun a certain department of thisGovernment to suit their own pur-poses, for some years past.

You are at liberty to givo myname to any one who takes sufficientinterest in the matter to ask for it.

One Who Knows.

The Auditor Generalship is notaccepted yet.

Two drunks and two assault andbattery at tho Police Court yester-day.

Great dissatisfaction exists at thoPremier's taking all the responsi-bility and work of tho Boards, &c,of which he is only a member. Nomeetings arc called and the othermembers have no opportunity of ex-

pressing their opinions or talcing anyaction.

Mn. A. F. Cooke's new schooner,the Moi Keiki, will probably sail to-morrow for Christmas Island, on afishing trip. It is intended to takea party of men down there and leavethem on the Island, and make regu-lar trips to and from Honolulu. Thetrip will probably take from 10 to 12days.

The articles of bijouterie andvertu for sale to-da- by Mr. E. P.Adams, at his Chineso Art Sale, arcwell worth purchasing. Amongstthcrri we specially notice two bronzevases, exquisitely curved, about 7feet high, including their pedestals.

vRusiors were extensively circu-lated yesterday that the loan hadbeen successfully negotiated, andthat Mr. Spreckels had agreed toloan the wholo of it. This, however,is denied authoritatively. Nothingis yet complete as the bonds are noteven printed. A later rumor statesthat Bishop & Co. will lend, fromtime to time, what the governmentrequires for carrying out the require-ments of tho Act; but tho wholeamount will not bo borrowed in twoyears. We give tho above asrumor simply, as inquires made inofficial quarters were answered bystating that nothing definite is done.

Ed.A sensible suggestion has been

made to us that the Board of Healthshould meet and arrange to divideits duties amongst its members sothat each might have something todo. It would then, no doubt, beeasy, to weed out tho non-worke- rs ;

that is, if thero are any ; "but as noopportunity is given them, now, todo anything, either individually oras a Board, it is .difficult to tell whattheir, character for worlcmay be. Itmay be possible, however, that thePresident iuteuds to run the affairhimself, 'no no meetings have beencalled latoly.

Otnt special Correspondent, on hisreturn from Hilo, hod a most enjoy-able trip over the 17Amllcs of railway trotn Itounla to Mahukona. Hespeaks in 'glowing terms of the bos- -

pltality-nn- d courtesy of tho residentsot both. places.

The residents of Hilo gnvo a luauon Thursday, August 10th, to cele-

brate the first anniversary of thestoppage of the lava flow whichthreatened io destroy ,that town lastyear. More than G00 sat down toenjoy tho good things generouslyprovided. The lions. Nnwahl andHaupu gave an explanation of theiraction in tho late Legislature. Theentertainment began at 11 a.m. andlasted till n Into bohr" A pleasantfeature was thnt no cases of drunk-enness occurred 'during' the wholeday. Among the guests present wereHer Ex i Kckaulikc, Governess ofjnawuu , noil r o layman, xurs. juy-ma- n,

Hon. Nawahi and wife., Hon.Haupu and' wifo, Rev T Conn andwife, Rev D B. Lyman and wife, RevIS P Parker and wife, Rev W B Ole-sc- n

and wife, ,Mr and Mrs Severance,Dr Wcdmore ,and danghtcrV Capt.Elderts, Capt. Spencer, Mr. and MrsBcckley; Mr. and Mrs. J.-- U Kawainui, Mr and Mrs Kennedy, -- Sir nndMrs Jordnn, Mr and Mrs Roso, Mrand Mrs Richardson; Mr Martin,J. Kckipi and others.

Auction Sales by ELF. Adams

THIS DAY, TUESDAY,August is, a(710 a.m.,

At Sales Room.


Bronze Stands,Bronze Vases,

Marble Ton Tables,, .Inlaid Stools,

Garden Seats, Bowls,

Card Cases, Slippers,'Crepe Shawls,

, Fine Silk Fans, &aE. P. Adams, Auctioneer.


O. Wilder & Co's. 170 lw

FOR BALE OR LEA8E- -AStore Building and Outhouses.That desirable store formerly

occupied by L. Turner, at Waiohlnu,Hawaii. For particulars apply to L.Turner. Waiohlnu; or to A. S. Clcghorn& Co., Honolulu, i (100 lm

Wonted Immediately,

A GIRL to operate on a Sewing Ma-

chine; also, two Dressmakers.Apply to Mrs. A. Ji'. Meiaib' Dress

Making Establishment, 101 Fort st.103 2w

Potatoes & Onions.ON ilArJD, and to arrive per Steam-

ers, a choice lot of ofEarly Host and Garnet Chile Potatoesand silver-ski-n Onions. In lots to suit.105 lw ' LAINE As Co.


A FINE LOT OF '11 Contraot" and Imperial,"


White and Colored,For sale in quantities to suit. Also,

, wnoicc Detections oi

Wall Paper,Including

Latest Styles of Dooorations.105 2w LEWERS & COOKE.

NEW BOOKSJust Received by

J; "W;.,BOBERTSpN &,C0.Preadamttes by Alex.'winchell,1 '

The Twins of Table.Mountalh, by BretHartc.' V. ' ' ' 1.A '

Handy Rooks ofPopular Quotations'.

Campaigns of'tha Civil War, by'Gen. ILJl.Clst.

lw &c, &o, Ac. 104

fS ron" Buhday morning last, anLOST, FELLOWS' PIN-'Ca- mp

ml AT. Ink dnstirn. Tlll finder will bowell rewarded by returning same to J.W Dnhnllm, Jtf fV 103 lW

The ccntrc-plec- o ' of a GoldLOST set with five small prarls.Tim nrlm- - will l linmlinmelv rewardedon returning same to J. W. Robertson &

CO. "ou Saturday evening, on theLOST, Iload, between Mr. Henry

Carter's and Mr. J. S. Walker's pre-

mises, two pieces of MUSIC "Tnnhau-ser,- "

and "Secret LoVc." The underv HI receive tho thanks of the owner byleaving the same at the office of J. W.llobcrtson a Co's. 14

POUND, a black and tan TER1UEK1? DOG, with collar, chain and tag,Ns. 038. Owucr can have the same byapplying at the Artesian Ico Works, andpaying cost of this notice. 103 lw

Sugar Plantation. Stock .SALE. The undersigned hareFOR sale a few shares of stock of

Ave Sugar Plantation Companies. Lia-

bility Limited; stock valuable.Wg O. Smith & Co., Stock Brokers,

105 lw 33 Jiercliant street.

T70U SALE. A PIANO, of the manu-- 4;

facturc of A. Bord. The Piano isin good tune, and will be sold at a low'price. Tof further particulars apply ti'J.'W. Robertson A Co. 105 lw

FOR SALE, LOT No. 124, InPark, dimensions 54 x 300,

lacing the beach, and wall fenced. Ap-

ply to C. O. Botor.it. 143--

,T?OR SALE, a two-seat- ed wagonJ? with pole and shafts, and adouble harness, nearly new prica$150. May Xx seen in rear, of No.20 School at. W. G. Nccdhara. 72


10 H. Hack!rid & Co.

SALE, one new Scow, capablo of- holding 10 tons, built by G. Emmes,

and now, In good order. For further particnlars apply to Tuao. II Daviks t Co.


LET. Two Well.fnrnJshcd Rooms.TO to No. 4 Garden Lane. 150 lw

rpWO PFFICI3 TO LET, on the seo-- X

ond floor of the buUdlnj; occupiedby J. W. Robertson A eo 13

LET STARLE-O- KINO ST.,TO rear of A. Kerr's Paint Emporium.Apply to G. Webt. 103 lw

Pasturage Notice.ALL persons having horses or ether

iu the pastures at KEWA--LO, (residence of Mr. S. M. Carter,) aroImrnltv nntlfrM? In Mmmilnlflle In re.gard to pasturage charges with thunacrsignen, otnermxc mcu viiaiai&will hrOliiMo to hp Imnmiiulpd.July 31, 1883. (1C0 1 w) W. L. Wilcox- -

. HARD SOAP,Toilet Soaps, Blue Mottled Soap, .

just received. Our toilet soapsand cheap, families would do

well to axaraine.96 A. S. CLanoH . Co

CJ-- . WEST.Carriage jfife Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Expros Wagonaand every kind of vehicles


Blacksmithing, horso-ahoein-

and all kinds of repairing dono.

Hawaiian J onmal, " Ko Ha- - .THE Pax Aika," owned andedited by Kawainui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. C Merchant st. 1

Drink Palmer & C.e'a

GINGERALE75 cents per dozen 41

WATER I WATER!IRRIGATION after this date (Juno

is limited to (4) fourhours per day,

From C to 8 la the morning, andFrom 4 to 0 in tho cvenhtg.

Permission to Irrlcato daring moroconvenient hours willbe granted on ap-

plication, to tho Superintcnpcnt,Perrons found irrigating except dur-

ing specified honrs will have their pri-vileges suspended without notice,

G. D. Fbkktii,Supt. Water Works.

Approved: Signed, H. K. ICaai,Minister of Interior. 131

A lire man with mndor- -

WANTED. who Is, both 'mer-chant and accountant, can hear of n

business opportunltyby addresa-ngCPD- .,

Bullotln bfflcc.i Principalsonly. All communications strictly con-fidential. 105

Page 3: JQgliWfWW7' '7':Mrv THE MILT Jj UJujj · 2015. 5. 30. · JS-Wato-hes, Clocks and Jewelry."a Repairing Watches and Clocks a Spocl-alt-y, No. 55'IIotcl Street. i 32 Drink Fisher's




i ttmrn


Dunond Uoail, Aug. IB, 0:30 n.iri

Light N.E. wind.

Arrivals.August 14

Stmr Watmanalo from WaimnnaloAug. 15

Schr Mile Morris ftom Lanal

Departures.August 14 .

Stmr Iwalani, lor Kona and KauStmr C It Bishop for KauaiStmr Lehun for Moloknil and MauiStmr Kilauca Hou Tor KahululSchr Pauahi for OokalaSchr Kalunn for WaialuaSchr Kalaa for KalihiwaiBk Cnibaricn, for San FranciscoSchr Halcakala, for Pcpcckeo

Vessels Leaving this day.'

Stmr Likcllko for UlloStmr Mokolii for KoolauSchr Emma for Waianao & WaialuaSchr Waimalu for Hnpuu

' Passengers.For Kahului, per Kilauca Hou

Aug 14 Miss Applcgato, MissCath-car- t,

Master Robinson, Mrs Ahkongand child, F C Green, Mrs LcaI and

, child, Mrs Bachelor, and 65 deck.For Molokai, per Lchua, Aug 14.

Dr Fitch, Mr Bryant and 70 deck.For Kauai, per C R Bishop, Aug

14 Rev Mr Wainwright, A Horner,W H Fuller, H. A. Luscomb, J. M.Horner, W ,B Godfrey, Miss andHarris, E Stretz, P T Thornton, DrWalters, H J Kauai, T R Lucas, and45 deck.

For Kona and Kan, per Iwalani,Aug 14 Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Cohb,WAP Brewer, C A Van Nostraud,D II Nahinu and wife, H-- J Kau-han- c,

J Bryant, D Halleck, D Na-on- e,

Col. Spreckels, W G Irwin, JMott .Smith, H T Mclntyre, Rev. HBingham, B J Tailor, and 65 deck.

Vessels in Port.H. B. M. S. Sappho, Clark.H.I.M.S. Chrlstoforo Colombo, ,

Br Stmr Anjer Head, Roper.Ocr hk Josefa,Gr bk Adolph, KoppelmannGtr.Bk Paradox,Haw brig NInlto, CameronAm bk K L Pettlnglll,Am bark Edward May, JohnsonAm tern HeraAm bktne Jane A Falkinburg, ForbesAm bktne Ella,-- Brown.Am bgtne Consuelo, Howard

Vessels Expected.Ble Hum 'From J)uoHaw bk Chlclago fm Ncwcasclc, JulyAm bk Emerald fra Pt Gamble, JulyBr stmr Canton, fm San Fran, Aug 12

Brit stm Suez, Dodd, fm S F, Aug 14

8S Australia, from Sydney, Aug 28Bt stmr Hnnsa, fm ht Michaels. AugBk Oberon, fm Liverpool, AugBktne Eureka, from S3. F. Aug 10Bk Emma, from Pucot Sound, Aug 18Haw bk Kale, f in Bremen SeptStmr City of Sydney from S F, Sept 8Am bk Martha Davis, from Boston SpHaw bk Iolftrtl, from Bremen. OctNor bk Imacos, fm New York, Oct IIBktne Kllkatat, from Pugct SoundBk Camden, from Pugct SoundBr bkOlengaber, fm Liverpool,Brit ship British Ambassador, NC.NSWNIe bk Reralilo. from Nc, NSW duo

. Ger bk Fclho, fm HongkongAm bktne Monitor, from Humbold, for

Mahukona,Am bktnu Uncle John, from Eureka, for



ARTISTIC MANNERA nvN Isidor Rosenorantz.0 Communications to be

SJ Left at J. W. Robertson & co's

Gs Medium Bread,ex Calbarien, for sale In

auqntltles to suit by9G A. S. CLSOUORK.& Co.

Shirts and Hosiery,Fancy and Blue Flannel Shirts,White Shirts in great variety,Imported crpress'.y for this market.78 lw A. S. Cleghorn & Co.



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook nnd Baker.

No..71 Hotel at. Telephone 74. 59

&" Fan, Oriental Olivetti andSpanish Jaces ici(l'b'&, iold, at td

prices during the inventorySal'at the Honolulu ClotihhoEuro&iuv. A. M, Miu.ua.

Wlft'y'iir r? ?VK?,4

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.THE Al

Iron Steamer Suez,DODD, .... COMMAMUXa

Will leave Honolulu

FOR 8AN FRANCISCOon August 22nd,

For frolght or passage, having superioraccomodations, apply to1J4 Wm. Q. Inwiw & Co., Agents.


The line clipper bktne

Jane A Falkinburg,Forbes. .... Mast jr.

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For frelgut or passage appiy to

Castle & Cooke, Agents


The clipper bktneElla,

Brown, .... Master,Will havo quick dispatch fortho abovoport. For freight or passage apply to

C. BiiEWEn & Co., Agents.


Chaa. Brewer & Co. will dispatch the

Bark Amy Turner,Newell, . - . - - Master,

From Boston, on the 16th October next,If sufficient Inducement offers.

Orders for goods should go forwardat early date to Insure shipment. Forfarther particulars apply to144 3w C. Brkweb fc Co., Agents

Steamer Likolike,King, Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahnlna, Mna-lae- a-

Bay, Makenn, Mahukona,Laupahoehoo and Hllo.

Returning, will touch at all thealovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1


ship Company.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,The Splendid Steamship

Australia,Carglll, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about August S3.

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,

Dearborn . - Commander,On er about Sept. 3.

For freight or passage apply toH. Hackfeld & Co., Agents.

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamers

The Iwalani,Bates, .... - Commander

Rnns regularly to Kona nnd Kau,as per following Time Table:

Leavhs Honolulu at 4 p.m. okMonday, July S Thursday, Aug. 24Thursday, Jnly 13 Monday, Sept. 4Monday, July 34 Thursday, Sept. 14

Thursday, Aug. 3 Monday Sept. 35Monday, Aug. 14

Aukivks at Honomjlv:Tuesday, July 11 Friday, Sept. 1Friday. July 21 Tuesday, Sept. 12Tuesday, Aug. 1 Friday, Sept. 22Frida; Aug. 11 Tuesday, Oct. STutsday, Aug. 32

The C. B. Bishop,. CommanderBerry, - - -


Monday, at & rat., for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Eieelc, and Waimca, Kauai.


Nawiliwili cvorv' Friday evening.

Schooner 'Emma,Will leave Honolulu EVERY TUE8.


Returning Saturdays.For freight or passage, having superiorcabin accommodations, PP'y to theCaptain on board.' 164


M The Brig Ninito,Having undergone extensive repairs:with a good Inventor, and well foundIn nails, rigging. &c, is now oflered forsab. For particulars Inquire of

117 A. J. CAitTwniniiT.

& No nted 0 going barefootedifyu can get your Moots, Shoesand Slippers 50 cents cheaper atthe Honolulu Clothiho Emporiumthan elsewhere. A. M. Meixis.

TTNION FERD COMPANY. A. WU Ilusu, Manager. Seo advertise

ment on other page. 23


HONGKONQ MP CHINASSm The A 1 British Steamer

ANJER HEAD,Alfred Roper, Commander,

Will have quick dispatch for the abovoport. For freight or passage apply to

II. Hackfei.d & Co., Agents.

H. HACKFELD & CO.Havo just received

Ex Consuelo,"60 barrols Lime,

SO barrels O. Q. Flour,

60 cases Medium Bread,

Cases Soda Crackers,

Cases Fancy Crackers,

Leather Belting,

Babbit Metal,

Cane Knives,

Sewing Machine,

Sal Twino,

Etc., Etc., te.


H. HACKFELD & Co.Aug 1th 161


The Following GoodsTo arrive on- - the

S.S. "Hansa" from London,Due here on August 27th:

Tons Black Annealed Fencing Wire,assorted,

Tons GaWanized Iron Roofing, storkbrand,

Nests round and oval Qalv. Iron Tubs,Galvanized Iron Buckets,Tinned.iron Saucepans and Kettles,Cases Cane Knives,Cases Taper Saw Flics,Cases Butcher Knives,Barrels of J. B. White fc Bros Portland

Cement,Cases of Box Irons,

A small assortment of



A Large Assortment--or Twt


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Jnst received, aad for sal by

WILDER 00.Call and examine. 147

Artesian Ice Works


BslPffWssi '

ICE DKMVKUKl) to all part of theand suburbs at all hours of the

day.Orders from the other Islands prompt'

ly attended to.Office at W. E. Fostbr's, Saddler,

Fort street.166 Telephone Ho. 111. 2m


ONOLULU ICE MANUFACTORY.XX Ice delivered to all parts of thoCity. Shipping supplied In quantitiesto Kiilt, TtiM)ione, No. 58, Offlco atWilder A Co.. 18









PHIL STEIN,Carriage Maker,

Nos. 28 and SO Fort street,(above Hotel.)

New Carriages of all kindson hand and built to order.

Repairing, Painting and Trimming75 promptly executed.


Only Fifty Cta. per Found

Chocolate Creams !

This delicious and very nutritious

ConfectionIs manufactured fresa very week by

Practical Confeotloner and Pastrycook.

Warranted to bo

Strictly P.ure!For sale at his Pioneer Steam Candy

Manufactory, 71 Hotel street,lift Honolulu. 2m

FOR SALE, a No. 3

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc, all In goodorder; can ho run by stoara or horsepower, Just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS TIE CHEAPEST

69 LAIUE & Co., 34 Fort st,


VNE e--f the most comfortable andJ neatly located cottage in Honolulu

to rent, furnished, or will sell furnitureon the mo3t reasonable terms. Housecontains five rooms with garden and nilconveniences. Rental of House, 830per month. Furniture entirely new andcomplete. Reason for disposal ownerleaving the Kingdom. Apply at onceto J. E. WlRKMANH,

1S8 Real Estate IJrokor


NOTICE I beg to notify my manyfriends and customers that

Mr. N. PetersonHas charge of my

DRAYAGE BUSINESS,And that ho will bo pleased to accom-

modate them In that lino with the

Best Teams on tho BoaohWsV Ring up Telephone No. 05

Whon yon want teams, or leave ordersat the office on Queen street, betweenWlldor's and Dowsctt's. Don't- - forgutU10 Number, G5.139 111) O. H. ItOBBRTSOK.

fgT Heavy Biack Bunting alC5 cents a yard during the Inven-tory Sals at he. Honolulu Clot-tw- o

Emvouuu. A M. Mkllib.


'- ,mm-

Lowers & Cooke,

Lumber .Merchants,Keep constantly on hand n full

assortment of

Lumber of all Kinds.Paints, Oils, Varnishea,

Brushes of all sorta.

Wall Paper, Nails,71 Spikes, &c, Ac

The Patent IndestructibleShnft-Sprin- g

AWTIrRATTLER!By their use all rattllng.of tho abaft

Is prevented.

Every pair warranted. Try thom andyou will use no others.

For sale by

G. WEST, .

HI 2w No. 70 Quce-- i stroot,

PILSENER BEER!Jdst Rocoivcd per

Bark Edward May, ,

A small lot of the eolebratedPILSENER BEER! '

"Which wo offer, in quantities, toBuit purcnasers. aiso

Wines and Liquors!IK

Warranted good QttaUttes.120 2w Ed. Hoflschlaeger & Co,


Californian Mules !

Expected per Lndy Larapson.W Apply to C. Brewer t Co.


and Builder,'Honolulu Btcam Planing Mills, Espfo.

nado, Honolulu.Mnnufactiirci all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work dulsh. Turning, 8crolI and BandSawlug. All kinds of Sawing aud Plan-'- 1

Jug, Morticing anil Tenanting.Orders promptly iittoudcil to ami work

guaranteed. OnUvs from tbo otheraolloitcd 2i.

Page 4: JQgliWfWW7' '7':Mrv THE MILT Jj UJujj · 2015. 5. 30. · JS-Wato-hes, Clocks and Jewelry."a Repairing Watches and Clocks a Spocl-alt-y, No. 55'IIotcl Street. i 32 Drink Fisher's

' ' '


llf'""11 '" "" '"'"



M. MINERNY,Importer and Dealer

1 Clothing, Boots andToilet Articles. l!oaket



: Gents' Furnishing Goods, Valises,Traveling Hugs, AVatches, Diamonds, Jewelcry and Silver-war- e, otc.

n.frlt..nat Hnrnnr nt T?trt im Mnrolmnf st.. TTminllllll.i;1 u.,..w.f; AT THIS WELL KNOWM ESTABLISHMENT

Can always

f Full Lilies of Superior Furnishing Goods,

8ST Call and Select ono thoso Celebrated "S

Gold Medal Waltham Wa'ichesMay (32)

Brueo Cnrtwright. W.

Union Feed CompanyCARRIES THE -- ,

Largest and Best Stock

HAY, GRAIN AND FEEDOf All description, and guarantees to keop a full supply







ffa constantly

52 JSTSend orders to


Tirst quality of best Are wood

For Sale Cheap!Either In cord wood or cut and split to

order. &" All wood delivered toany part of the city without

extra charge.Bend orders to

Enterprise Planing MillB,127 Fort Btreet,71



j?Lt $53LO a. Coid.Apply to

8. M. CARTER,187 lm P.M.8.S. Wharf.


Just received ex Furuess Abbey.

1200. Coils of Manilaand Sisal Rope, all sites.

For sale low by

03 2m ' A. W. Polreo & Co.

$10.00 Rewardbe paid for information thatWill lead to the conviction of

whoever maliciously cut the tailfeathers off, and plucked the backand brent feathers out of a Peacockbelonging to inc. A further rewardof? 10 will be paid for informationleading to the conviction of whoever

.i stole ? PeaehickH about a month old,belonging to me, from Pawaa onWednesday the 24th ultq.

, Geo. II. Luge.Pawaa, Little Britain, June 9, 1882

-- OF-

WILDER & Co.,i Goneral Agents for the

Mutual Life Insurance Oo.

of New York,

The Largest, Safest and Most

Economical Life Insurance Co' in the world,

$ Cash assets', - - over 890,000,000

Ifr4 For information concerning the& Company and for rates of insurancer npply to Wilder & Co., General

' 'Agents ; or J. E. Wjsemak, Solicit

,' g Agent.



Trunks,CntlerVi etc., etc.

i U?"" V

,- - -- .

be found ..j e


S. Lnoe. A. W. Bush.

.- "p

1. ,

on hand.

A. V. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.

THE OLD CORNEREstablishes, 18SS.

Hakt Bkos., : :' Proprietors.

M EALSServed up In first-clas- style at nil hours

Open from 2. a, m. to 10 p. xo. ,

Always on hand.

Cigars Tobacco, Pipesdie., &c. Also,

Iced. Irixils!75



For sale at25 A. W. HicniRDSON's


-O- F-i '.

BOOK and, JOB,




, -



"How do you and your pa getalong now?" asked a storekeeper ofthe bad boy, as he leaned againstthe counter instead of sitting downon'a tool, vrhilo he bought'a bottloof 'liniment. '

"Oh, I don't know. Ho don'tseem, to appreciate me. What heought to have is'tf (leaf and dumbboy, with only one leg and botharms broke, tb"6n ho could enjoy aquiet life. But I am too gay for pa,and you needn't be surprised if you(ncver see mo again. I talk of going.off with a ciftjus. Since I played the'variegated dogs on pa there seems tohave been a coldness in the' family,and I sleep on the roof."

"Variegateddogs," said the store-

keeper, "what kind of a game isthat? You have not played anotherdaisy trick "on your'pa, have you?"

"Oh, no, it was nothing of thatkind. You know pa thinks ho issmart. He thinks because ho isforty-eig- ht years old that he knowsit all,;, but itdon'r-ecm- 1 to rne asthough a man of his age, that hadsense, would let a tailor palm off onhira'a pair of pants so tight that ho

would have to .use a button hook tobutton them: but they can catchhim on everything, just as though hewas a kid smoking cigarettes.-- ' Well,you know pa drinks Bome. ' Thatnight the new club opened he camehome pretty fruitful, and next morn-ing his head ached so he saidjhevrould buy mo a dog if I would godown town and get a bottlo of pollynurious water for him. You knowthat dye house on Grand Avenuewhere they have got the four whitospitz dogs? When T went after thepenurious water I noticed they hadbeen coloring their dogs with thedye .stuff, and-- put up a job1 withthe dye man's littlo boy to help meplaj' it on pa. They bad one dogdyed pink, another blue, anotherfed, land another Jgrceh, and' I toldtlio boy I w'ouldfltreat him. to", icecream if he would let one out at atime, when I came down with pa,and call him in and let another out,and when' wo started to go. away tolet them all out. What I wanted todo was to paralyze pa and make himthink hebad.got 'em, got dogs theworst way'. So about 10 o'clock,when his head got cleared of! and hisstomach got settled, he changed endswith his cuffs,, and wo' came downtown, and I told him I knew wherehe could get a splendid whito spitzdog for. roc for five, dollars,! and if hewould got it I wouhrne'vcVdo any-

thing disrespectful again,-an- wouldjust set upjnights to pleaso bira, and!help him up-stai- re and get seltzerfor him. So we went by the dye-hous- e,

and just as I told him Ididn't want anything but a whitedog, the door oponcd and the pinkdog camo out and. uarkeaat us, andI saidi 'That'shinii' ;aii'd ho boycalled4 him" back.' Pa looked asthough liehad.tlie cpyoand.hlB eyesBtuckjout; 'anctfnb' fluidIIennery,that Is'a'pink'dbgVShd'lBaia; 'Noit is a whito dog, paj'i and just thenihe green dog camo out, and I askodpa if it wasn't a pretty white dog,and pa he, turned pale and said:'Hell, b6yr that's a green dog.What'B got into the dogs?' I toldhim he must be 'color-blin- d, and wasfeeling in my pocket for a strap totiol'tho dog, and,vtclling(h'im' ho mustbo carcfnliof his health or ho wouldsee something worse than dogs, whenthe gr,ccn dog .went jn'aud,.tho bluodog.came rushing out and barked atpa. Well, pa, leaned against .a ree-bo- x,

and his eyes stuck out likeslops on an organ, and the sweatwas all over his face in drops aa bigas kernels of hominy.'


N . t r


Importers and Dealers in'


Hardware, Agricultural Implements,,. JIouso Furnbhing Goods, Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, &c.

Have made large additions to their stock ofgoods

To which they Invite the attention of buyers. . ,

Simple and cheap devices for holding Tubular Lanternsunderneath tho body of a carriage',' for tho purpoao of v- -

lllumluatlngtbo roadway. .

Tho "Warner" TubularLantern Holder.

MM--CPm All styles i of Tubular

examine our stodc. ..u

& CO., Fort Street.!'f"L'.U' .iiiiwbm-..- i in iilmpi .



New styles of Plows,

A full line of Tinware, and manynumsrouB

Call anV125 ,

II I'l 1.U1IIII'

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

number, Gas Fitter, &c. -

Stoves and: Manges.of all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,House Furnishinjr Goods,

77 Chandeliers, LampB,f&c.

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,.

Tabic and PieFruits,Nice lircakfaBt Goods, such as

Candle Fish, Salmon andPie Pork In 61b. Tins,

Sultadle for families, fc or sale by0G . j A. S. Cucohorh ' Co.

J. EOBERTSOS: & CO?,Havd just .

The followingOpera-an-

Olivette,ratlencc, ,

Claude'Duval,The Pirates of Penzanoo,Boccaccio,Manola,Fatlnltia,

n,Birth-plac- .Mothers's -- - i

Dn.,Hallc.Lu Band. Banjo arrangement,Dip rao in ae uaiaen.eea, w

Ii1.i. 1 1 (i If AiititnlnaJJ1UC aillltUilU 1UUUIIUUIU, ' .,

Since last wo met, ItUlfe. ' uflHS- -

Tho Whltelltoso. .from. Mother's. .Grave,Tho world goos rouna and ronpa,:'Dars one more rlbber for ta cross,The Mclntyre's,Goln for tho cows,

' --- " -The'OldTlcfralnT'My little baby brother, ' t'vt

Days of Youth, , .

Up the Thames, mtrlow woods.La Diva Polkk1 ' ' .

Jolly Utter Gallop, '

The new Racquet Galop,I'atti's Echo Song,

' ! V

Tho "Coulter."

-- HfllluVnHI'jHHHBHHBDlClpd. '

Harrows ;

Novelties, new so this market, too 'to mention.


W-'Received ' I



ESTABLISHMENT,At JMrs. A. M. Mellis Cloak and

Mantle Making Department,No. 104 Fort Street, : : HonoluluOrders exocutod at short notioe: 72

Just Received,Per bktnc Eureka, x full line of

BYCICLE SHIRTS'Sllki merino and cotton.

Pajama Suits, Etc01 A. Vf. lUchardson & co.

New Music: nBound. Music:

ifa Mascott, .. , , , . f i" rSmith's Musical 'Albuinl 3 3 4 5 6?V?Children's hour of Pleaimro,

tscnooi, ny Karl urbach,Oems of Waldtcufcl. UsModern Oems. .X


Blessed' I)reama ' . 'Inithe gloaming, ,

The Tryst,AcrosR the tfelds,My dear, fIttle Home o'er the Sea.Lea K Mortaj' " . "Poor little Swallow.DqM.ycjur heart! bpat thio'tojncjiteminiscenco," i r,Vll hold my heart so still,Her I love and her alone,Bright land of gold, H f

if J.-- i't !IfinrlM T.niin , I'l. 1 "fl-.-- -- i . ... i.... ,,

linrai festival a uecreauon, ' ar.Vlctsrithdes Itcvcrie, .! ten.v,Boochcronl's celebrated Minnetlo,-,- ;

Hazel Klrke Polka. .., ,' ..

;.J3pngs :;"

Instrumental :
