
Joy, Fear, and Impatience are what a good character makes you feel. A thoughtful and interesting character always leaves you wanting more, like a good movie, once it’s done, you’re always left wanting more. The characters that took me on a roller coaster ride were, Jane from Jane Eyre, John and Mustapha from Brave New World, and Edgar from King Lear. These characters lead me up and down on roller coaster full of joy. “You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both” (Ralph Emerson) Power is what Mustapha Mond chose; he gave up his joy and dreams, for ultimate power. Mustapha thought a perfect world did not need humanity; all it needed was stability and happiness. In order to get this social stability, it was required to have some sacrifices; like art, science, religion, and life. For this very reason Mustapha stood out, his ideas and philosophy were wrong. He basically helped create a more advanced version of Cuba. Mustapha Mond was portrayed as Fidel Castro. A very powerful person, who controlled everyone, and everything, constructed a world in whic... There are heroes all over the world. What makes a hero are the choices they make and the things they accomplish. Spiderman is that hero and this essay will explain why. There are three areas of argument, which is the bridge of Spiderman's life. The first one is about a helper who supports the hero during a difficult time that would help him succeed through his journey. The second argument would be the most adventurous parts of the quest. The final argument would be different but important aspects

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Post on 29-Sep-2015




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Joy, Fear, and Impatience are what a good character makes you feel. A thoughtful and interesting character always leaves you wanting more, like a good movie, once its done, youre always left wanting more. The characters that took me on a roller coaster ride were, Jane from Jane Eyre, John and Mustapha from Brave New World, and Edgar from King Lear. These characters lead me up and down on roller coaster full of joy.You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both (Ralph Emerson) Power is what Mustapha Mond chose; he gave up his joy and dreams, for ultimate power. Mustapha thought a perfect world did not need humanity; all it needed was stability and happiness. In order to get this social stability, it was required to have some sacrifices; like art, science, religion, and life. For this very reason Mustapha stood out, his ideas and philosophy were wrong. He basically helped create a more advanced version of Cuba. Mustapha Mond was portrayed as Fidel Castro. A very powerful person, who controlled everyone, and everything, constructed a world in whic...There are heroes all over the world. What makes a hero are the choices they make and the things they accomplish. Spiderman is that hero and this essay will explain why.There are three areas of argument, which is the bridge of Spiderman's life. The first one is about a helper who supports the hero during a difficult time that would help him succeed through his journey. The second argument would be the most adventurous parts of the quest. The final argument would be different but important aspects of the quest. In the movie Spiderman, Peter Parker/ Spiderman is the hero as his life consists of the stages Protected Youth-the helper appears, The call to adventure and New Landscapes-Road of Trials.

Every hero needs help sometime through his or her quest, even Spiderman. Peter?s uncle, Ben is the only one but a great helper in his life. He helped him in many ways. He had raised him to be, intelligent, a good person, honest and never to commit a crime. That is really important for a hero because it could decide his destiny of being a hero or a criminal. Uncle Ben also gives Peter life saving wise words, which would be the reason, why Spiderman is Spiderman. ?These are the years when a man changes to a man he is going to become for the rest of his life? (Spiderman 2002) and ?With great power comes great responsibility?(Spiderman 2002). Peter is very lucky to have a helper like his uncle who helps him through his many stages.

Like any hero Spiderman is always on an adventure. The real reason he became Spiderman is due to the death of his Uncle Ben. Peter Parker had to seek justice. He then donned the costume of Spiderman and began to be a vigilante crime fighter. Mr.Ozbourne (father of Peter?s best friend) is a rich and greedy man. But he is hungry for fame and power. Because he is about to lose his company, he constructs experiments on himself that unleashes his evil and dangerous alter ego. The Green Goblin is now created. This part is very important because now a villain has emerged and could be a risk towards Spiderman. This is probably the climax of Spiderman?s quest. The Green Goblin has put Spiderman into a very difficult predicament. He has kidnapped MJ and a bus of children and has threatened Spiderman to choose which one to save while he is about to throw them into the ocean. ? Let die the woman you love or suffer the children ha ha ha ha. Make your choice Spiderman and see how a hero is rewarded. Now choose!?(Spiderman 2002). This part is important because Spiderman must choose whom he must save and this shows how much of a hero he is. These adventures all merge together to form just a pathway through his quest. Each adventure represents Spiderman as a hero from within.

There are different and important aspects of Spiderman?s quest, which makes him a true hero. The Green Goblin tries his luck with Spiderman by persuading him to join him into a life of crime and evil. ? They found you amusing at first but eventually they will hate you. Join me and imagine what we could accomplish together?(Spiderman 2002). Spiderman thinks about Green Goblin?s offer but refuses right away because he knows that this world needs a heroic man to stop crime. Spiderman also has a knack for saving MJ, the woman he loves. It has been twice that he saved her life. Once from a falling building and another time from a gang of thugs. This is important because now MJ has fallen in love with him. The sinister part of Green Goblin?s plan is that he has found out the true identity of Spiderman. Mr. Osbourne remembers this when he cut Spiderman and he saw the same cut on Peter when he sat down to dinner with him. Now the dangerous part of this is that Green Goblin can use this knowledge to his advantage and destroy Spiderman. These new trials explain the importance of Spiderman?s quest very deeply.

In the movie Spiderman, Peter Parker/Spiderman is a hero as his life consists of the stages, protected youth/ the helper appears, the call to adventure and new landscapes ? road of trials. The summary of the three arguments are, Uncle Ben helping Peter, when the adventure part starts and the different aspects or points in Spiderman?s quest. I think Spiderman is a great hero because he looks out to save the city even though the entire city doesn?t appreciate him, and he is trying to stop a dangerous criminal like the Green Goblin. He has all the aspects of a true hero and the life stages. This is what a true hero is consisted of.