journalism task 4


Upload: bisi-oyejola

Post on 15-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Journalism task 4


Page 2: Journalism task 4

Before everything I took pictures on my I phone of each make-up products that I am going to be using. I also took pictures of the model after, I used pictures of me without make-up on aswell. I chose to take pictures of my make-up products because those where that make-up products I would be using on my model and I would be putting it in my magazine to people can see how much it costs. I also took pictures of my model to show the end result of the make over.

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When I took the pictures I used my USB Wire to connect the pictures into the computer.

Then I saved the pictures I wanted to use into a file called “Me” just so I know that those are my pictures in my Journalism 2 file.

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After that I made a lay out of my journal page. I madeOne side a side where I can write all that I want to write In my journal and the other side I put small boxes there so I can put the pictures of all the products I used and the prices also what it does.

This is the layout of my journal where I am going to be writing the article.

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This was my original template that I was going to use for my magazine.

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After that I decided which pictures I would be using for my journal.

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This was my overall outcome of my magazine journal .