journal reflection: august 15 th , 2011 scripture: 1 corinthians 15:20-22

What do you think it means to be “alive in Christ”? Do you think you have ever had a taste of that sort of life here on earth? *Today is the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary. This means she was taken into heaven, body and soul. Write a little to our mama, Mary, asking her to be with you today. Write your response in your Religion composition journal. One paragraph minimum. JOURNAL REFLECTION: AUGUST 15 TH , 2011 SCRIPTURE: 1 CORINTHIANS 15:20-22

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Journal Reflection: August 15 th , 2011 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-22. What do you think it means to be “alive in Christ”? Do you think you have ever had a taste of that sort of life here on earth? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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What do you think it means to be alive in Christ? Do you think you have ever had a taste of that sort of life here on earth?*Today is the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary. This means she was taken into heaven, body and soul. Write a little to our mama, Mary, asking her to be with you today.

Write your response in your Religion composition journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 15th, 2011Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-22Why do you think Jesus says that being rich makes it hard to enter the kingdom? What can God do for you that you cant do for yourself?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 16th, 2011Scripture: Matthew 19:23-26Why doesnt Jesus want us to be envious? What happens to us when we become envious? What happens to us when we celebrate others joys and blessings? What happens when we are grateful for our own blessings?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 17th, 2011Scripture: Matthew 20:1-15Are you invited to this wedding feast? Would you be too busy to go? How is heaven like a wedding feast? In what ways are we invited to heaven? (hint: think about the sacraments)

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 18th, 2011Scripture: Matthew 22:1-10How can we love God with our whole heart? How can we love God with our whole soul? How can we love God with our whole mind?In what ways have you loved God today?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 19th, 2011Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40How does going to church help us grow in faith and love? What did you do yesterday after mass? Was it an example of faith and love? Did the Eucharist transform you? Did you let Jesus transform you to be a better person?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 22nd, 2011Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5How do people get dirty on the inside? How can we get clean again? List at least five ways that we can purify ourselves.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 23rd, 2011Scripture: Matthew 23: 25-26How can Jesus know Nathanael, since he has never met him? Does Jesus know you? Do you want to be His friend? Write to Jesus telling Him how you feel about this.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 24th, 2011Scripture: John 1:45-51How can we get ready to receive Jesus? If Jesus came to earth today, would you be ready to go with Him to heaven?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 25th, 2011Scripture: Matthew 24: 42-44Who is the bridegroom? Which group are you in, the five that were foolish or the five that were wise? Which group do you want to be a part of? What can you do today to be in the wise group?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 26th, 2011Scripture: Matthew 25: 1-13How do you encourage your friends and family to do what is right? Who encourages you to do what is right? How do they encourage you?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 29th, 2011Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:14-1711Why are the people in the crowd so amazed by what Jesus has done? Do you think it is amazing? Name one amazing thing that Jesus has done in your life and write about it.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 30th, 2011Scripture: Luke 4: 31-37Is there anything in your life that needs the healing power of Jesus?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:August 31st, 2011Scripture: Luke 4: 38-41What does Jesus meanyou will be catching people? How does this idea fit into your life? Do you think you will be, or already are, a good catcher of people?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 1st, 2011Scripture: Luke 5: 1-11If Jesus is the bridegroom, who do you think the bride will be? Write five people who are brides.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 2nd, 2011Scripture: Luke 5: 33-35Why does such a great crowd of people come to Jesus? What kind of person in the crowd would you be? One that reached out for Jesus healing power or one that simply witnessed and watched?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 6th, 2011Scripture: Luke 6: 12-19Do you think the crowd was surprised by what Jesus said? Are you? What are some of the ways in which you are blessed? List 10 ways

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 7th, 2011Scripture: Luke 6: 20-2317How can Mary help you to know Jesus more? Write a short prayer to Mary, our mama. Tell her the things you need in order to know her Son better.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 8th, 2011Scripture: Matthew 1:18-23What kind of sight is Jesus talking about? What kind of specks are in your eye (what kind of sins are you struggling with)?What do you need to do in order to become a better person?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 9th, 2011Scripture: Luke 6: 39-42Why might Jesus be amazed by the centurions faith?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 13th, 2011Scripture: Luke 7: 1-10Why does Jesus have power over life and death?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 13th, 2011Scripture: Luke 7:11-17How is Mary our mother also? Who has Jesus given you to love and support?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 15th, 2011Scripture: John 19: 25-27Who supports your faith, and how? What do you need? Encouragement? Prayer? Make a list of 7 people that support your faith. Write a letter to them, as a group, telling them what you need to keep your faith strong.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 16th, 2011Scripture: Luke 8: 1-3What is the light Jesus is talking about? How do you share this light with others? How do you share it with yourself?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 19th, 2011Scripture: Luke 8:16-18What is the word of God Jesus is talking about?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 20th, 2011Scripture: Luke 8:19-21Why did Jesus call sinners to be his followers?Has Jesus called you to be his follower?In what ways have you followed him?Write a list of 3 ways in which you have followed Jesus today.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 21st, 2011Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13How is the power of Jesus different from Herods power? Whos power would you rather have protecting you; Jesus or Herod?Why?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 22nd, 2011Scripture: Luke 9:7-9Who do you think Jesus is?If Jesus had so much power, why do you think he had to suffer?Why do we suffer?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 23rd, 2011Scripture: Luke 9:18-22What is so wonderful about being a little child? What is Jesus trying to tell his disciples? What is Jesus trying to tell you today?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 26th, 2011Scripture: Luke 9: 46-48Do you think the disciples understand how Jesus uses his power? Do you understand how he uses his power? What kind of power do you need from Jesus today?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 27th, 2011Scripture: Luke 9: 51-5630Who could the Ancient One be? Who is the king?Also, what do you think about the Archangels?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 29th, 2011Scripture: Daniel 7: 13-14Why do you think the people confess as a whole community instead of individually?Do you need to confess something today? If so write down what you need to confess.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:September 30th, 2011Scripture: Baruch 1: 15-18Who is our neighbor? Have you ever helped someone you didnt know or like? Make a plan to help one person today. What will you do? Who will you help?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 3rd, 2011Scripture: Luke 10: 29-37What does this Gospel teach us about how to welcome Jesus into our lives? What is the better part that Mary has chosen?Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 4th, 2011Scripture: Luke 10: 38-42How does it feel to call God Father? What other names do you use for God? Make a list of the ten names you remember from our Chp. 1 review from the other day.Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 5th, 2011Scripture: Luke 11:1-4What do you think Jesus means when he says, Knock and the door will be opened? What door opens when we pray? What door do you need to be opened, the door of grace, peace, patience, forgiveness?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 6th, 2011Scripture: Luke 11: 9-13What might Jesus be telling us about how to pray? How often do you pray? What do you usually pray about or for? What is one way you can improve your prayer life?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 7th, 2011Scripture: Luke 11: 5-8How does giving to the poor and needy make us clean on the inside? When was the last time you helped or gave to the poor and needy? If you havent done so in a while, or ever, make a plan today to do this soon. Where will you go? How will you help? What will you give?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 11th, 2011Scripture: Luke 11: 37-41The Pharisees donate herbs. What are they not giving that Jesus thinks they should give?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 12th, 2011Scripture: Luke 11: 42-44If everyone has been given the same gift of love and forgiveness by God, is there any reason to boast?How have you been forgiven by God?Do you look at others as innocent, forgiven children or do you focus on what theyve done wrong?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 13th, 2011Scripture: Romans 3: 21-27How does it help to know how much God loves you?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 14th, 2011Scripture: Luke 12: 1-7What could the rich man have done with his extra crops instead of storing them? What treasures are you storing up?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 17th, 2011Scripture: Luke 12:13-15What do you think the plentiful harvest Jesus is talking about might be? What kind of wolves are there in our land? What does it mean when Jesus says, And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not, it will return to you?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 18th, 2011Scripture: Luke 10:2-6Who is serving in your community? How do you help the community? Name three ways in which you have helped the OLPH community. Name three ways in which you have helped your home community.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 19th, 2011Scripture: Luke 19: 39-43How would being a slave to God feel different from being a slave to sin?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 20th, 2011Scripture: Romans 6:20-23Paul prays that the Ephesians be rooted and grounded in love. What might this mean? Are you called to be the same? How exactly?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 21st, 2011Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-19What could it mean to live according to the Spirit? What does it mean to live as Gods children? How could we learn to do this?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 24th, 2011Scripture: Romans 8: 12-17Can you think of something little that makes Gods kingdom grow? Name one little thing that you are doing that makes Gods kingdom grow?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 25th, 2011Scripture: Luke 13: 18-21Who could the owner of the house be? How do we enter this house?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 26th, 2011Scripture: Luke 13: 22-24What do you think Jesus wants for the people of Jerusalem?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 27th , 2011Scripture: Luke 13:34-35Why does Jesus pray before choosing his disciples? Do you find it helpful to pray before making important decisions?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 28th, 2011Scripture: Luke 6:12-16If Jesus were giving a party, whom do you think he would invite?How do you think he would decorate?What would he serve on the menu?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:October 31st, 2011Scripture: Luke 14: 12-14What is it like to be Gods child? Are you becoming more like Jesus?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 1st, 2011Scripture: 1 John 3:1-3What is it that God has given Jesus, that he should not lose? What has God given to you, that YOU should not lose?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 2nd, 2011Scripture: John 6:37-40 Who is the good shepherd in this parable? Who are the sheep? What do you think about the good shepherd leaving his 99 flock of sheep just to go and find one lost sheep? How do you think God acts as this good shepherd? Do you think he leaves his flock just to save one person?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 3rd, 2011Scripture: Luke 15:1-7What is Paul so proud of? Does he think he did the work himself? What work in your life have you done that you can give boast to God? What good things have you worked hard at that you can praise God for?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 4th, 2011Scripture: Romans 15: 17-21Has anyone rebuked (scolded) you in a way that helped you? How did it help? Humility takes a lot of work and courage, but it can quickly be accomplished. Think about the next time you might be rebuked by someone and make a plan to act humbly at that moment.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 7th, 2011Scripture: Luke 17: 1-4When do you feel at peace? What disturbs your peace? Why do you think this book is called Wisdom? What connection does this reading have with the first reading for this past Sunday?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 8th, 2011Scripture: Wisdom 3:1-3Why do you think Jesus feels so strongly about the temple? What does Zeal for your house will consume me mean?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 9th, 2011Scripture: Psalm 84:2, John 2:13-17What are some things invisible to our eyes that help us to know that Gods kingdom really with us?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 10th, 2011Scripture: Luke 17: 20-21What rules the world? Powerful people? Money? God? What rules your world? Make a list of the five main things around which you revolve. Jesus revolved around:His disciplesHis teachingsHis miraclesHis loving othersHis travelsWrite your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 11th, 2011Scripture: Wisdom 13:1-3What do you want to see? What literal things do you want to see in your life, in school, in your home, and in the world?How does Jesus help us to see?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 15th, 2011Scripture: Luke 19: 1-10Does fear ever cause you to hide the gifts God has given you? Explain.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 16th, 2011Scripture: Luke 19: 11-23What are the things that bring Gods peace into your life?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 17th, 2011Scripture: Luke 19:41-44How is your church a house of prayer? What helps you feel especially close to God and to your fellow Christians?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 18th, 2011Scripture: Luke 45-48Why does Jesus say that the poor widow has given more than the others? What can you give? Make a list of five things you can give to better the kingdom.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 21st, 2011Scripture: Luke 21: 1-4Who can you trust to teach you about Jesus?Who can trust you to teach them about Jesus? What kind of choices can you make to be more trustworthy of teaching others about Jesus?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 22nd, 2011Scripture: Luke 21:5-8What could it mean to gain your soul?What is your endurance? What keeps you strong in your faith even when you are being persecuted and things are tough?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 23rd, 2011Scripture: Luke 21:12-19What do you think it is that the disciples are able to see that others have not seen?What are you thankful for? Make a list of five things that bring you joy/you are thankful for.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:November 29th, 2011Scripture: Luke 10:21-24How would you describe the rock that Jesus wants us to build on?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 1st, 2011Scripture: Matthew 7:21, 24-27Did the opening of the blind mens eyes depend on their faith in Jesus? Could Gods work in our lives depend on our faith?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 2nd, 2011Scripture: Matthew 9:27-31How can we help each other be strong in faith? List three things you can do today that can help others in their faith?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 5th, 2011Scripture: Isaiah 35:3-7Which words sounded especially hopeful to you?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 6th, 2011Scripture: Isaiah 40:3-5, 10-11When we are feeling tired and powerless, how can we receive Gods strength, power, and energy?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 7th, 2011Scripture: Isaiah 40:28-31Can you picture yourself answering the angel? What would you say if that happened to you?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 8th, 2011Scripture: Luke 1: 26-33, 38How do our lives change when we do Gods will?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 9th, 2011Scripture: Isaiah 48: 17-19Why do you think the angel tells Mary that nothing is impossible for God?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 12th, 2011Scripture: Luke1:30-31,34-38What does the prophet say Gods people are like?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 13th, 2011Scripture: Zephaniah3:11-13What helps you to know if Jesus is the one who is to come?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 14th, 2011Scripture: Luke 7:8-23How does God show us his love?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:December 15th, 2011Scripture: Isaiah 54:9-10Why do you think Jesus is able to baptize with the Holy Spirit?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 3rd, 2012Scripture: John 1: 29-34To whom would you want to introduce Jesus? Why? What would you hope they learn from meeting Him?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 4th, 2012Scripture: John 1: 35-42Why does Philip want Nathanael to meet Jesus?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 5th, 2012Scripture: John 1: 43-51What does this scripture tell us about Jesus? Does it also tell us anything about ourselves?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 6th, 2012Scripture: Mark 1: 7-11Have you ever seen a Baptism in your church? What was it like? Why do you think Christians are baptized?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 9th, 2012Scripture: Matthew 3:13-17Have you ever poured out your soul before the Lord?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 10th, 2012Scripture: 1Samuel 1:10-20Who are the people in our society who are unwelcome and made to live apart?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 12th, 2011Scripture: Mark 1: 40-45Why do you think the companions of the paralyzed man went to so much trouble to bring him to Jesus?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 13th, 2011Scripture: Mark 2:1-12If the Sabbath is a day to come closer to God, what things would be good to do on the Sabbath?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 17th, 2012Scripture: Mark 2: 23-28Why do the Pharisees want to destroy Jesus?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 18th, 2012Scripture: Mark 3:1-6Imagine that you were in the crowd coming to see Jesus. What would you want Jesus to do for you?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 19th, 2012Scripture: Mark 3:7-12What special qualities would an apostle have? Do you think you have those qualities fit for an apostle? If not, do you want those qualities? If so, how would you use those special qualities?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 20th, 2012Scripture: Mark 3:13-19How do you think Jesus was able to cast out demons? Why do you think he did this? What demons do you need cast out from your heart or mind? Take some time to center yourself and reflect on this.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 23rd, 2012Scripture: Mark 3:22-27Who is Jesus family? Do you consider Jesus apart of your family?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 24th, 2012Scripture: Mark 3:31-35What does Jesus mean by the amount we give is the same amount we get? Why do you think receiving depends on giving?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 26th, 2012Scripture: Mark 4:21-25How does Gods kingdom grow in us? What are the seeds that help us grow in our faith?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 27th, 2012Scripture: Mark 4:26-29What does this story tell us about Jesus? His power? His compassion? His ability to be available to his faithful?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:January 30th, 2012Scripture: Mark 5:1-15How is Jesus a light? In what ways is Jesus a light to you? How are you a light to others?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 2nd, 2012Scripture: Luke 2:27-33Where do you think David got his strength? David carried five stones that helped him defeat Goliath (sin). What five things can you use as stones to help you defeat sin?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 3rd, 2012Scripture: Sirach 47: 3-11How can we touch Jesus when we need healing? In what ways can we invite Christ into our lives in order to receive healing for something that pains us?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 6th, 2012Scripture: Mark 6:53-56Is it possible to follow all the rules about small things and appear to be holy, but miss the main point about being a loving person?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 7th, 2012Scripture: Mark 7: 1-8Why do you think Jesus was pleased by the womans answer? Would Jesus be pleased with your answers? Are you real with him or do you just say what he wants to hear?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 9th, 2012Scripture: Mark 7: 24-30How does Jesus open our ears to hear and our mouths to speak? What is God calling you to say?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 10th, 2012Scripture: Mark 7: 32-37How is Jesus reaction to the Pharisees who ask for a sign different from his reaction to the sick who ask to be healed?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 13th, 2012Scripture: Mark 8:11-13What puffs up the Pharisees so they cant see who Jesus is?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 14th, 2012Scripture: Mark 8:14-21What things help us to understand who Jesus is?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 16th, 2012Scripture: Mark 8:27-30What do you think Jesus means when he says his followers must take up their cross? What is your cross?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 17th, 2012Scripture: Mark 8:34-36What do you think the followers of Jesus can learn from children?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 21st, 2012Scripture: Mark 9: 33-37What do you think Jesus means when he says his followers must take up their cross? What is your cross?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 23rd, 2012Scripture: Luke 9:22-25Who do you think the bridegroom that Jesus mentions might be? Who are the wedding guests?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:February 24th, 2012Scripture: Matthew 9:14-15When you pray, do you believe God will give you good things? What do you really need from God?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 1st, 2012Scripture: Matthew 7:7-11Why do you think God wants us to be at peace with each other before we worship? Is there anyone you need to make peace with this Lent? Write a letter to them in your journal, now, but you dont have to give it to them.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 2nd, 2012Scripture: Matthew 5: 21-24Why do you think Jesus says that the measure you give will be the measure you get back? Have you experienced this?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 5th, 2012Scripture: Luke 6:36-38Are you ever tempted to tell others what to do, when you arent doing it yourself? What does Jesus want us to be like?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 6th, 2012Scripture: Matthew 23: 1-12How does our trust in God help us? What is the water that helps us grow?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 8th, 2012Scripture: Jeremiah 17: 5-8Is there someone you need to forgive this Lent? Tell Jesus about this.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 13th, 2012Scripture: Matthew 18:21-33What does it mean to obey Gods voice? How does God speak to us? What has God said to you today?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 15th, 2012Scripture: Jeremiah 7: 23-26How do the works of Jesus show us that his power comes from God? How do you know when God is working in your life?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 19th, 2012Scripture: Luke 11:14-20Why do you think Jesus asks if the man wants to be healed? What would you say if Jesus asked you if you wanted to be healed? What do you need healing for in your life?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 20th, 2012Scripture: John 5: 1-9How does having Gods love in us change the way we read scripture?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 22nd, 2012Scripture: John 5: 39-47What could his hour had not yet come mean? Has your hour come yet? Throughout this season of Lent, how have you surrendered to Christ?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 23rd , 2012Scripture: John 7:25-30What does a servant of the Lord do? What do you do for the Lord?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 26th, 2012Scripture: Luke 1:35-38How does Jesus help us understand who he is?Who do you think he is?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 27th, 2012Scripture: John 8: 25-30Why do you think the people are so angry at Jesus? What kind of stones do you throw at Jesus? Distrust, disbelief, lies, sin?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 29th, 2012Scripture: John 8: 51-59How do you think we can know that Jesus is Gods Son? This Sunday is Palm Sunday, how are you preparing to have Christ enter your life like he entered Jerusalem?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:March 30th, 2012Scripture: John 10:31-39Who really understands and loves Jesus in this story? How can we come closer to Jesus?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 2nd, 2012Scripture: John 12: 1-8What does Peter fail to understand? How have you been like Peter, denying Jesus and his love?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 3rd, 2012Scripture: John 13: 31-38Why should Christians be bold? Can you think of a Christian who is bold in doing Gods will? What was Easter like for you? Reflect for a couple of sentences and write about what your Easter was like.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 16th, 2012Scripture: Acts 4:23-31How were the Christians of one heart? How are we as a class of one heart? How is your family of one heart? Would you consider non-Christians of the same heart as the apostles?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 17th, 2012Scripture: Acts 4:32-35How do the disciples know they are obeying God? How do we know?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 19th, 2012Scripture: Acts 5: 27-32Do you think Gamaliel believes in Gods power? In what ways can you relate to what Gamaliel is feeling?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 20th, 2012Scripture: Acts 5: 34-40How is Gods power made known through Stephen? How is Gods power made known in your life?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 23rd, 2012Scripture: Acts 6: 8-15How is Stephen like Jesus? How can we be more like Jesus? How can we be more like Stephen?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 24th, 2012Scripture: Acts 7:51-60How does Jesus feed us?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 27th, 2012Scripture: John 6:52-58How do the sheep know the shepherds voice? How do you know Gods voice? What does his voice say to you?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:April 30th, 2012Scripture: John 10:1-10Why were the people of the church called Christians? What does it mean to be called a Christian? *Write a special letter to Mary, asking her for prayers for yourself and people in your life. Thank her for her beautiful example.

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:May 1st, 2012Scripture: Acts 11:22-26How does Jesus show us the Father? How does the Father show us Jesus? And how does the Holy Spirit manifest, become real, in your life?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:May 3rd, 2012Scripture: John 14:6-10What does Paul want the people to understand? What does Paul want you to understand?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:May 7th, 2012Scripture: Acts 14:8-15How can we live in Jesus love?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:May 10th, 2012Scripture: John 15: 9-11What does it mean to abide or live in Christs love? What does it look like and feel like?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:May 14th, 2012Scripture: John 15:9-17What makes Christians joyful? What makes you joyful? Make a list. Do any of them have to do with Christ or your relationship with Him?

Write your response in your journal. One paragraph minimum. Journal Reflection:May 17th, 2012Scripture: John 16: 16-20What does Jesus mean when he says that Paul is persecuting him?Then, read pg. 82 and 83.Answer the following questions:What have you done this week to keep true the rules of this classroom?What have you done today to keep true the rules of this school?What will you do to keep true the rules of your home? Journal Reflection:May 13th, 2011Scripture: Acts 9: 1-9Find and record in your journal the following things:Beattitudes7 SacramentsThe four Parts of the MassGifts of the Holy SpiritTheological VirtuesCardinal VirtuesFruits of the Holy SpiritCorporal Works of MercySpiritual Works of MercyFind or write from memory these prayers:Hail Holy QueenThe AngelusGlory BeHail MaryOur FatherNicene CreedThe five basic ways to pray