journal prompt. you are getting very sleepy… confucian confusion

Journal Prompt However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them? Buddha

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Journal Prompt

However many holy words you read, however many you speak,

what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?


You are getting very sleepy…

Why do some people get hypnotized more easily than others depending on religion /background?

Why do you think people so easily followed Buddha and believed that he had become "enlightened"?

How do Hindus believe karma affects reincarnation?

Feeling Zen

What is the



Buddhism and

Zen Buddhism?

How did the one

become the


Confucian Confusion

How are Zen Buddhism and Confucianism similar?

How are they different?

How does Taoism fit in?

Where does Hinduism fit?

Why was YeYe so adamant that Christianity couldn’t be true?

OHM…….What is the difference between

meditation and prayer?

On page 92 it says, “We Buddhists believe that if we are enlightened,

then our lives will be expressions of our ethics. If we should behave

unethically, then we are not enlightened.”

How does this concept apply to Christianity? 

Keys to the Kingdom What are the most important differences

between Zen Buddhism and Christianity?

What is the difference between faith and self-awakening?

What happens to truth when there is no absolute authority?

Why is it that certain concepts of Christianity cannot be understood in the Chinese language and culture if the Gospel is for everyone? How can it be taught effectively?

Of Cabbages and Cockroaches

Have you ever had a “cockroach in the soup” experience, in which your perception changed because you gained new and unexpected information?

How does the cockroach incident reflect the way many Christians respond to unexpected situations? How should believers respond?

What can you learn from the cockroach in the soup?

East West Home Best

“These days, more and more westerners are looking for answers from eastern thought in their search for their inner being.” Why does it seem that Christianity is not answering those questions anymore?

Briefly discuss the key differences between Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. How is each finding a “creator” in life? What is the key purpose for all three?

How did Yen Mah's brief Catholic immersion change the way she looked at Buddhism and the way her grandpa meditated ?

What people, events, or

things caused the Western

mindset to believe that man

must conquer the universe,

contrary to the Eastern

mindset that man coexists

with the universe and

adapts to it.(pg. 99-100)

Why is it impossible to

separate from the


One with theUniverse

It’s About Time—or is it? On page 88, Seng

Chao argues that

time is unreal. Is his

logic correct, or is

there a gap in his


How does that same

logic apply to motion?

How can merit be

permanent if time

and motion do not


Ultimate Pain Avoidance

Four Noble Truths leading to Enlightenment:

Pain and suffering are common in life

Human cravings give rise to unhappiness

Suffering can be avoided

Pain can be avoided by following an eight-fold path of behavior

Refute these ideas with a

Biblical approach.

Yen Mah makes a monumental error in the concept of God.

What is her error and how would you correct it?


Next up

Read “The Lessons

of Silence” (228-


Begin to consider

what your core

values are and


Download the

Composing Log and

begin to write

down your thought
