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Page 1: Journal of Scientific Industrial Research - NISCAIR 59(7) (Contents).pdf · Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research VOLUME 59 531 Development of Clones and Somaclones Involving

Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research


531 Development of Clones and Somaclones Involving Tissue Culture, Mycorrhiza and Synthetic Seed Technology

Satyawati Sharma, Suman Kashyap & Padma Vasudevan

541 Parliamentary Influence on National Science ;md Technology Policy: The Role of Parliament Committees

Nirmal Haritash



Review Paper

Reports the work done in producti on of clones. somac lones along

w ith mycorrhi zati on, and sy ntheti c seed technology for reclaiming

the wastelands (mainl y salt affected areas). Syntheti c seed production

is an appropri ate technology fo r rural areas as it does not require

sophisticated laboratori es. Further, mycorrhi zation o f mi cropropa­

gated plant lets either in vo lv ing ti ssue culture or sy ntheti c seed tech ­

nology hardens the sap lings under fi eld conditi ons.

Pa ers

T he paper hi ghlights the signifi cance o f the role o f Parli amentary

Inst ituti ons in the present scenari o o f increased ro le o f Sc ience ;111d

Tech nology (S&T) in the development process. In th is context. it

d iscusses about the su peri or ity of the recentl y constituted departmen ­

tall y- related Parliamentary Standing Committee (DRSC) of Parlia­

ment on S&T , Envi ronment and Forests in enhanci ng the ro le o f

Par l iament in intluencing po licy dec isions on S&T. The study reveal s

that the scrutin y of S&T insti tuti ons th rough thi s ve ry Comm ittee

system is more effect ive mechanism in mak ing executive accountable

to Parli ament. The Committee whil e scru tin izing the budgetary pro­

posa ls. mid- term appra isa ls, annu al reports , etc. has pi npoi nted \'ari ­

ous lacunae in the S&T related po l ic ies of theM inistr ies/Departments under its purv iew and has suggested vari ous changes in the po l icic\

of the concerned department. However. the analys is bring.· out that

though the rate o f acceptance of the reco mmendations by the respec­

tive department is quite high. however. the rate of ac tion taken on the

recommencb ti ons is very slow. T he study conc ludes with some suggestions for m;tking the ·commit tee System· more effeui vc in

infl uenci ng po licy dec isions in S&T in the ach ieveme nt of \'an nus

soc ioecon()mic goals of the soc iety.

(i) .I Sci lnd Hes, 59(7) (2()()())

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556 Ti02 Catalysed Photodegradation of Leather Dyes, Acid Green 16

S Sakthivel, n Neppolian, llanumathi Arabindoo, M Palanichamy & V Murugesan

563 Thermal Stabilisation of Polyvinyl­chloride: Effect of Rubber Seed Oil Derivatives on the Thermal Degradation of Polyvinylchloride

F E Okieimen

569 Effect of Nature of Alkali on the Zeta Potential , Colour and Particle Size of Chromium (III) Hydroxide

K J Sree ram, .J Raghava Rao , llalachandran Unni Nair & T Ramasami



Ti02 photocatalysed degradati on of leatlw·· ri' <'. Ac id Green 16 is reported. The dye could be deco lori secl w. t:,: " .' \i •ni n and demi ner­a li sed within 3 h, indicating the versatil ity of the process .

. § 60 0 " 0

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T ime , h

Thermal degradati on or polyvi nylchloride is studied under non­ox idati ve and ox idati ve condi tions in the presence or epox idi sed rubber seed oil and metal soaps of the oil. The effect of the rubber seed oil derivati ves on the thermal degradation of polyv inylchlori de is assessed . The stab il is ing ability of the rubber seed oil de ri va ti ves is compared with that of Jatroph a seed oil.

The nature of precipitant alkali is found to in tl uence the settl ed vo lume, bulk density, particle size and zeta potential of chromic hydrox ide generated. MgO when used as prec ipita nt alkali gives ri se to parti cles of higher densi ty compared to other alkali es and hence least settl ed vo lume. While sonication infl uences the i'.cta potenti al of chromic hydroxide generated using MgO and NaOH . it /las heen found not to intluence that generated using Na2C0 3. The colour of chromic hydroxide generated varies with the nature of prec ipit:1nt alkali thereby indicating varying degree of po lym ri zati on.


( i i) J Sci lnd Res, 59(7)(2000)

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575 Studies on Energetic Compounds­Part Nineteen: Preparation· and Ther­molysis of N-Methylanilinium and N,N-Dimethylanilinium Nitrates and Perchlorates

Gurdip Singh, Inder Pal Singh Kapoor & Smiju Jacob

583 Influence of pH of Water on Mechani­cal Properties of Sandstone-An Experimental Approach

R K Dubey & T N Singh

587 Evaluation of Tincture Prepared from Jussiaea sufji-t.tticosa Linn.

T Murugesan, Jiaur Rahaman Gayen, .Jayanti Poddar, Swati Biswas, M Pal & 8 P Saba

591 Ion-exchanged ZSM-5 Zeolites as Catalysts for Toluene Disproportionation Reaction

M A Abdal Kareem, Shri Chand &

I M Mishra


Pa ers

Thermal and ex plos ive charac te ri sti cs of nitrates and perchlorates sa lts of n-methylaniline and n, n-d imethy laniline are studi ed by TG, DSC, DTA, DTG and igniti o n delay measurements.


,.--.::'":...:":.:,• I::.:IN::<0'---7 011,N(CII ,)NO,

I 0·5"C v 6") N - MAN

I 20% IICIOj



Scheme I

The experimental study undertaken on 80 cylindrical NX s ize C hunar sandstone samples prepared from coll ected sandstone blocks of C hu­nar locality , District Mirzapur, UP is reported. The study suggests th at the compressive strength , tensile strength , shear strength , and cohesi ve strength observed in sandstone increases with increase in pH of water, while the angle of friction decreases with increase in pH of saturated medium , i.e., water.

Tincture of Jussiaea sujji-uticosa Linn . is prepared fro m diffe rent strengths of alcohol such as 30, 40, 50. 60, 70, 80. 90, and I 00 per cent v/v by macerati o n period of7 , 14, and 21 d and some co-chem ical properti es like pH , specific gravity , tota l so li d matte r content and the presence of chemical components are examined. It is found th at th e tincture of Jussiaea suffi·uticosa prepared with 50 per cent per ce nt v/v alcohol is useful to achieve maximum therapeutic efficacy .

Production of benzene and p-xylene by disproportionation of to luene is cat:ri ed out using ion-exchanged HZSM-5 catal ysts in a downflow continuous fix ed bed reactor at I atmos. The ion- exchange is done by replac ing H+ ions of the ZSM-5 with Ni , Cr, Mg, Bi an~cl Zn . The

results indicate an increased to luene conversion as well as per cent p-xylene in the xylenes mixture much higher than its equilibrium value.





250 :;oo JSO 400 450 $00 sso 600 ~c

rleacllon 1empeu1ture "c

(iii ) J Sci lnd Res, 59(7) (2000)

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5% Study of Genuinity of Saffron Samples-A Case Study

S M llakre, R Krishnamurthy & B M Shinde

The paper ana lyses saffron samples fo r adulte ration referred to thi s laboratory. The pe rcentage of water-sol ubl e and alcoho l- so lu ble in the fak e samples di f fer considerab ly whe n compared with genu ine

samples . A nalyti ca l techniques such as H PTLC and UV spectro­photometry are used fo r qualitati ve ide ntifi cat io n of the constituents,

i.e. , c roc in and pi crocroc in in the refe reed samples . A n attempt is made to separa te and identify the c roc in . pi c rocroc in . and sa franal

constituents in th e sa ffro n samples by HPTLC.

Report 599 International Conference on Chemistry-A Report

Shailendra Tripathi & Geeti llansal

Book Reviews --------------------------------~~

602 • Material Marvels

Revie,ver: H S Ray

• Economy and Organization- Indian Institutions Under the Neoliberal Regime

Reviewer: N Mrinalini

Sci-Tech Update

605 • Super sensors developed

• New database on chlorine emissions

• Superbug assimilate pollutants possess radioactive waste

• Pine-A som-ce of industrial chemicals

• n-Butanol, the starting material for several chemical industries, is forecast to grow up to 2005

• Nicotine: a hope for brain disorders

• Superior catalyst developed to withstand impurities of fuel

• Future of fuel cells

• Inaudible waves can tackle hard water problem

• Alfalfa and soyheans processed on the spot

• New sulphur recovery process developed

• A low-cost upllow anaerobic filter designed

• Alternati ve to gelatin developed

• Hot and cold sensations can tickle our taste buds

• New building material from •·ecycled glass

• Materials for high-temperature sealing developed

• Carbon nanotubes a•·e useful containers for hydrogen at room temperature

( i v) 1 Sci lnd Res, 59(7)(2000)

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Sci-Tech Update

• Clean burner developed

• Super glue from seaford

• Molecular lasers and their applications

• Tiny test tubes developed

• Electrical transport through DNA exhibits semiconductor behaviour

• Surfaces modified with hydridosilanes

• Mitsubishi gas chemical enhances H20 2 derivatives

• Ni-48 discovered

• Thin layer chromotography-a tool for combinatorial synthesis

• New class of potential anti-TSE drugs

• Acetylcholine neurotransmitter-ins and outs

• Part of the cellular mechanism preventing tumor formation uncovered

• Radio spectrum requirement for Indian Railways safety net-A report

• Announcement