journal of la asapp: architectural ... - rishika sen

JOURNAL OF L A T E X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 1 ASAPP: Architectural Similarity-based Automated Pathway Prediction System and its Application in Host-Pathogen Interactions Rishika Sen, Somnath Tagore, and Rajat K. De, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—The significance of metabolic pathway prediction is to envision the viable unknown transformations that can occur provided the appropriate enzymes are present. It can facilitate the prediction of the consequences of host-pathogen interactions. In this article, we have proposed a new algorithm ASAPP (Architectural Similarity-based Automated Pathway Prediction) to predict metabolic pathways based on the structural similarity among the metabolites. ASAPP takes two-dimensional structure and molecular weight of metabolites as input, and generates a list of probable transformations without the knowledge of any externally established reactions, with an accuracy of 85.09%. ASAPP has also been applied to predict the outcome of pathogen liberated toxins on the carbohydrate and lipid pathways of the hosts. We have analyzed the disruption of host pathways in the presence of toxins, and have found that some metabolites in Glycolysis and the TCA cycle have a high chance of being the breakpoints in the pathway. The tool is available at Index Terms—Pathogen informatics, Toxins, Perturbation, Metabolic pathway, Similarity, Chemoinformatics, Chemical structure. 1 I NTRODUCTION Pathogens are infectious agents that disrupt the proper functioning of the host and cause diseases. One of the modus operandi by which pathogens ambush the host is via protein secretion, using the mechanism of secretion systems [1]. These secretion systems discharge protein(s), called effectors, into the body of the hosts which have the capability to distort the usual metabolic pathways leading to the occurrence of unfamiliar transformations. Other than effectors, small molecules called toxins, secreted by pathogens into the host, cause diseases on contact with or absorption by body tissues interacting with biological macromolecules. This results in perturbation of the host system [2]. The significance of pathway prediction is to comprehend the possible undisclosed transformation(s) (reaction(s)) that can materialize provided the appropriate enzymes are available. Our algorithm is an attempt towards achieving this goal. Multiple attempts have already been made for pathway prediction. In silico prediction of pathway came into existence when Karp et al. developed the PathoLogic tool [3], followed by the PathMiner [4], Pathway-Hunter [5], Oh et al. [6], PathPred [7], and UM-PPS [8] predicting xenobiotic biodegradation pathways, and Rahnuma [9]. The mechanism behind the PathoLogic algorithm was hard-coded, with complicated interactions among various rules, making the algorithm difficult to maintain R Sen and R K De are with the Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. E-mail: rishikasen [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] S. Tagore is with Califano Laboratory of Systems Biology, Columbia University Medical Center, Herbert Irving Cancer Research Center, New York, USA. Manuscript received April 19, 2005; revised August 26, 2015. and extend. Following PathoLogic Tool, McShan et al. developed PathMiner [4], a heuristic-based path inferring algorithm. SMILES representation of chemical compound was used to represent metabolites in PathMiner [4] and Pathway-Hunter [5]. However, SMILES representation lacks a standard methodology to generate the representation. Canonical SMILES attempted to alleviate this issue, but there could be some variance in canonical SMILES depending on what tool was used to create them. For each canonical SMILES string of length n, there are [n × (n +1)]/2 different sequence of atoms [10]. Different representation of SMILES of the same metabolite leads to different similarity scores between two metabolites. Similarly, PathMiner [4] uses Manhattan distance between the SMILES sequences of all the metabolite pairs to determine the similarity between the two, thus predicting transformations among the metabolites. However, this method predicts a linear pathway without considering the possibility that branching in the pathway may exist. Likewise, InChI format based software may generate different InChI strings for the same molecule, depending on the choice of a multitude of options [11]. It also lacks the ability to represent polymers. Pathway Hunter tool aims to find the minimum pathway between two metabolites. Soon after PathMiner, specialized tools like PathPred [7] and UM-PPS [8] attempted to predict only the xenobiotic biodegradation pathway. In reality, the metabolic pathways are not restricted to xenobiotic pathways. In fact, xenobiotic pathways make up for only 12% of the metabolic pathways (there are 181 pathways listed in KEGG, among which 21 are xenobiotic). Oh et al. and PathPred [7] used RDM (R: Reaction center; D: Difference atom; M: Matched atom) patterns for pathway prediction. In xenobiotic pathways, 80% of the RDM patterns corresponding to each of the

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ASAPP: Architectural Similarity-basedAutomated Pathway Prediction System and its

Application in Host-Pathogen InteractionsRishika Sen, Somnath Tagore, and Rajat K. De, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The significance of metabolic pathway prediction is to envision the viable unknown transformations that can occur providedthe appropriate enzymes are present. It can facilitate the prediction of the consequences of host-pathogen interactions. In this article,we have proposed a new algorithm ASAPP (Architectural Similarity-based Automated Pathway Prediction) to predict metabolicpathways based on the structural similarity among the metabolites. ASAPP takes two-dimensional structure and molecular weight ofmetabolites as input, and generates a list of probable transformations without the knowledge of any externally established reactions,with an accuracy of 85.09%. ASAPP has also been applied to predict the outcome of pathogen liberated toxins on the carbohydrateand lipid pathways of the hosts. We have analyzed the disruption of host pathways in the presence of toxins, and have found that somemetabolites in Glycolysis and the TCA cycle have a high chance of being the breakpoints in the pathway. The tool is available at

Index Terms—Pathogen informatics, Toxins, Perturbation, Metabolic pathway, Similarity, Chemoinformatics, Chemical structure.



Pathogens are infectious agents that disrupt the properfunctioning of the host and cause diseases. One of themodus operandi by which pathogens ambush the host isvia protein secretion, using the mechanism of secretionsystems [1]. These secretion systems discharge protein(s),called effectors, into the body of the hosts which have thecapability to distort the usual metabolic pathways leadingto the occurrence of unfamiliar transformations. Otherthan effectors, small molecules called toxins, secreted bypathogens into the host, cause diseases on contact withor absorption by body tissues interacting with biologicalmacromolecules. This results in perturbation of the hostsystem [2]. The significance of pathway prediction is tocomprehend the possible undisclosed transformation(s)(reaction(s)) that can materialize provided the appropriateenzymes are available. Our algorithm is an attempt towardsachieving this goal.

Multiple attempts have already been made for pathwayprediction. In silico prediction of pathway came intoexistence when Karp et al. developed the PathoLogic tool[3], followed by the PathMiner [4], Pathway-Hunter [5],Oh et al. [6], PathPred [7], and UM-PPS [8] predictingxenobiotic biodegradation pathways, and Rahnuma[9]. The mechanism behind the PathoLogic algorithmwas hard-coded, with complicated interactions amongvarious rules, making the algorithm difficult to maintain

• R Sen and R K De are with the Machine Intelligence Unit, IndianStatistical Institute, Kolkata, India.E-mail: rishikasen [email protected], [email protected],[email protected]

• S. Tagore is with Califano Laboratory of Systems Biology, ColumbiaUniversity Medical Center, Herbert Irving Cancer Research Center, NewYork, USA.

Manuscript received April 19, 2005; revised August 26, 2015.

and extend. Following PathoLogic Tool, McShan et al.developed PathMiner [4], a heuristic-based path inferringalgorithm. SMILES representation of chemical compoundwas used to represent metabolites in PathMiner [4] andPathway-Hunter [5]. However, SMILES representation lacksa standard methodology to generate the representation.Canonical SMILES attempted to alleviate this issue,but there could be some variance in canonical SMILESdepending on what tool was used to create them. For eachcanonical SMILES string of length n, there are [n×(n+1)]/2different sequence of atoms [10]. Different representation ofSMILES of the same metabolite leads to different similarityscores between two metabolites.

Similarly, PathMiner [4] uses Manhattan distance betweenthe SMILES sequences of all the metabolite pairs todetermine the similarity between the two, thus predictingtransformations among the metabolites. However, thismethod predicts a linear pathway without consideringthe possibility that branching in the pathway may exist.Likewise, InChI format based software may generatedifferent InChI strings for the same molecule, dependingon the choice of a multitude of options [11]. It also lacks theability to represent polymers. Pathway Hunter tool aimsto find the minimum pathway between two metabolites.Soon after PathMiner, specialized tools like PathPred [7]and UM-PPS [8] attempted to predict only the xenobioticbiodegradation pathway. In reality, the metabolic pathwaysare not restricted to xenobiotic pathways. In fact, xenobioticpathways make up for only 12% of the metabolic pathways(there are 181 pathways listed in KEGG, among which 21are xenobiotic). Oh et al. and PathPred [7] used RDM (R:Reaction center; D: Difference atom; M: Matched atom)patterns for pathway prediction. In xenobiotic pathways,80% of the RDM patterns corresponding to each of the

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transformations in a pathway was unique [6], and couldbe used to uniquely identify a transformation pair. Thus,the rule for transformation of one metabolite to anotherwas more certain for the xenobiotic metabolite, providedthe RDM patterns were taken into consideration. Similarly,UM-PPS [8] [12] was solely applicable for the predictionof bio-degradation pathways. It has a predefined setof transformation rules which needs to be manuallyupdated in order to upgrade the algorithm. Anotherpathway prediction system, known as Rahnuma [9], usedthe existing experimentally verified reactions to create apathway. It has consciously overlooked a set of metabolitesand assumed an upper threshold value for the length of thepathways, above which the pathways were not taken intoaccount.

In this article, we have designed a novel generalizedalgorithm, called Architectural Similarity-based AutomatedPathway Prediction (ASAPP) which is used to predictpathways based on the structural resemblance of themetabolites. It has been seen that in a considerable numberof pathways, there is structural similarity among theprimary metabolites. ASAPP is a versatile algorithm whichconsiders two-dimensional structure (atoms and bonds aswell as molecular weight) of the metabolites, as inputs tobuild an array of probable transformations independently.It does not depend on any externally established reactions.Moreover, ASAPP has an accuracy of 85.09% when testedon 41 predefined pathways (Supplementary InformationTable S1-S3). We have applied the algorithm in the domainof host-pathogen interactions to analyze the effect of toxinson the metabolic pathways of the host. The tool ASAPP hasbeen made available at


In this section, we describe the proposed methodology forautomated pathway reconstruction. A pool of metaboliteshas been considered as input in the form of atoms and bondsas well as molecular weight. The output is a list of probabletransformations in the form of compound pairs, indicatingthat the transformation between these two compounds arehighly probable. We have extracted structural informationof the metabolites from the KEGG database [13]. KEGG hasbeen considered as the primary database due its versatility,routine updation and robustness. Consider for example, apathway given in Figure 1. It is the Oxidative phase of thepentose phosphate pathway, where Glucose 6P (C011721)is the initial metabolite and Ribulose 5P (C00199) is thefinal metabolite. The arrows indicate the transformation ofmetabolites via the reactions2. For example, the metabo-lites D-Glucono-1,5-lactone 6-phosphate (C01236) and 6-Phospho-D-gluconate (C00345) are transformable via thereaction R02035. Using the present Architectural Similarity-based Automated Pathway Prediction (ASAPP) algorithm,we have computed the chance of these transformations of

1. Each metabolite in KEGG is identified by its unique ID of theformat C*****.

2. Each reaction in KEGG is identified by its unique ID of the formatR*****.

Fig. 1. The oxidative phase of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway. Theovals contain the metabolite IDs and the rectangles stand for reactions.For example, metabolite beta-D-Glucose 6-phosphate (C01172) getstransformed into D-Glucono-1,5-lactone 6-phosphate (C01236) via thereactions R02736 and R10907 (as given in KEGG).

one metabolite to another, depending on the two dimen-sional structural similarity between the metabolites.

Fig. 2. Two dimensional structure of the metabolite Glycerone phosphate(C00111) has been laid out as given in KEGG KCF (XML format) files,where each atom has been numbered. Segments of length three, fiveand seven have been constructed, and their constituent atoms havebeen shown. The edges represent the bonds between the atoms.

2.1 Algorithm

The algorithm ASAPP has been designed to predict a path-way involving possible reactions among metabolites, basedon two-dimensional structural similarities between a pairof metabolites. Each metabolite has been perceived as aundirected graph containing bonds and atoms as shownin Figure 2. The symbols used in the algorithm and theirmeaning have been summarized in Table 1. The modulatedflow of ASAPP has been depicted in Figure 3.

2.1.1 Reading metabolite information from KEGGAtoms, bonds among the atoms and molecular weightsof the metabolites has been automatically extracted fromKEGG by the algorithm. The algorithm reads the metabolitenames as input and maps a name to a KEGG ID. For each

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TABLE 1Description of symbols used in ASAPP

Symbol Descriptionn (∈ N) Number of metabolitesmi (∈ N) Number of atoms in ith metaboliteαik kth atom of ith metaboliteMn Set of n input metabolite names obtained from KEGGT Set of metabolite pairsX(3)

p , X(5)q , X(7)

r Sets of atoms involved in pth, qth and rth segments of length three, five and seven, i.e., each segment consistingof three, five and seven atoms respectively

x(3)p , x(5)

q , x(7)r Sequence of atoms in the pth, qth and rth segments of length three, five and seven, i.e., each segment consisting

of three, five and seven atoms respectivelyA

(3)i , A

(5)i , A

(7)i Sets of segments of length three, five and seven, generated from ith metabolite

δi (∈ N) Number of bonds in ith metaboliteλi (∈ N) Number of atoms in ith metaboliteε(3)ij , ε

(5)ij , ε

(7)ij (∈ N) The number of common three, five and seven-atom segments, respectively, between ith and jth metabolites

β(3)ij , β

(5)ij , β

(7)ij (∈ R) Standardized score of the number of common three, five and seven-atom segments, respectively, between ith and

jth metabolitesζi (∈ R) Molecular weight of ith metaboliteξij (∈ R) Standardized difference in molecular weight between ith and jth metabolitesωij (∈ R) Final score depicting the similarity between ith and jth metabolitesC

(1)i , C

(2)i , C

(3)i Sets of metabolites/compounds having highest, second highest and third highest similarity score values, respec-

tively, with ith metabolite

metabolite, the corresponding two dimensional structure,in the form of atoms and bonds, has been obtained on-line from the KEGG KCF (XML format) files, along withits molecular weight. Using this information, the processof segmentation of metabolite has been carried out. Weare considering the connections between the atoms in ametabolite as edges.

2.1.2 Segmentation of the metabolitesAfter accumulation of information, the next stage issegmentation. In a reaction, product metabolite have beenformed by integrating multiple segments of two or morereactants. Segments are continuous linear sequence ofconnected atoms, such that an n-atom sequence has n − 1bonds. Three, five or seven-atom segments have beenconsidered for representing a metabolite. Some metabolitesare so small that a five or seven-atom segment cannot beused represent the metabolite in totality, while they canform segments of size three. For larger metabolites, theseven-atom segments are able to represent the structuralsimilarity in a better way than the three or five-atomsegments. Two structurally dissimilar molecules may havecommon three-atom segments, but the chance of havingfive-atom or seven-atom segment is comparatively less. InSection 2 of Appendix, it has been mathematically provedthat a metabolite can be broken down into multiple 3-atomsegments. Joining these three-atom segments will lead tothe formation of the original atom. On the other hand, forfive and seven-atom segments, one or more atoms may notfind its place in any of the segments formed. Hence theiramalgamation would not lead to the original 2D structureof the metabolite.

Let us consider pth three-atom segment x(3)p =

αik−1αikαik+1, qth five-atom segment x(5)q =

αik−2αik−1αikαik+1αik+2 and rth seven-atom segmentx(7)r = αik−3αik−2αik−1αikαik+1αik+2αik+3 of ith

metabolite. Thus,

X(3)p = {αik−1, αik, αik+1}; (1)

X(5)q = {αik−2, αik−1, αik, αik+1, αik+2}; (2)


X(7)r = {αik−3, αik−2, αik−1, αik, αik+1, αik+2, αik+3};


where 1 6 i 6 n, and αik is not a terminal atom; p, q, r ∈N; p, q and r = 1, 2, ..., such that

A(3)i = {x(3)p |p ∈ N} (4)

A(5)i = {x(5)q |q ∈ N} (5)

A(7)i = {x(7)r |r ∈ N} (6)

Two dimensional structure of a metabolite can be depictedin the form of these segments. The segments can becombined to form a larger segment of any length. Initiallytwo bonds with one common atom have been combined toform a three-atom segment. For example, bonds αik−1αikand αikαik+1 have been combined together to form segmentαik−1αikαik+1, where αik is the common atom between thebond atoms. Subsequently, two three-atom segments havingonly one common terminal atom have been concatenated toform a five-atom segment. Likewise, a five-atom segmenthas been concatenated with a three-atom segment to form aseven-atom segment. For example, consider a certain three-atom segment αik1−1αik1αik1+1 and a certain five-atomsegment αik2−2αik2−1αik2αik2+1αik2+2. If k1 − 1 = k2 − 2or k1−1 = k2+2 or k1+1 = k2−2 or k1+1 = k2+2, thesetwo segments can be concatenated to form a seven-atomsegment.

The segments are formed following the rule such thatall segments, except the first one should contribute to theaddition of only one new atom. Consider a set F containingall the atoms α1, α2, ...αmi

of ith metabolite whosesegments need to be formed. Let x(3)p = αik−1αikαik+1

be the first continuous segment of length three. Initially,A

(3)i = φ. Since x

(3)p is the first segment formed, A(3)

i ismodified as A(3)

i = A(3)i ∪ {x

(3)p }. The atoms in X

(3)p are

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Fig. 3. Flowchart of ASAPP

now removed from F . Hence, F = F − X(3)p . The second

segment of length three has been formed in a way suchthat any one of the terminal atoms must be present inF while the other two atoms must not be present in F .Let the new segment formed be x

(3)p = αikαik+1αik+2.

Previously, the atoms αik−1, αik and αik+1 were removedfrom F . Comparing the previous and the new segmentformed, αik and αik+1 are common atoms. These twoatoms were already removed from F . The terminal atomαik+2 is present in F . This atom, which is common in thenew segment X(3)

p and F , has been removed from F . Thus,A

(3)i = A

(3)i ∪ x

(3)p . Hence, for the segments, except the first

one, we have

F =

{F − (F ∩X(3)

p ), if |F ∩X(3)p | = 1;

F, otherwise.(7)

Segments have been formed until F becomes empty, andonly those segments have been retained, which have ledto the removal of only one atom from F . Formation of thesegments of size five and seven is a tweak of the aboverule, such that, F may not be empty even after all possibleunique segments are formed.

Consider Figure 2 for an example. There are

m = 10 atoms in the metabolite, such that,F = {α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, α7, α8, α9, α10}, where α1=OH,α2=C,... and so on. We aim at forming three-atom segmentsinitially. The first segment x

(3)p = α1 − α2 − α3 is

formed such that X(3)p = {α1, α2, α3}. Initially, A(3)

i = φ.Since it is the first segment, A(3)

i = A(3)i ∪


}. The

atoms in the segments are removed from F . New Fbecomes F = {α4, α5, α6, α7, α8, α9, α10}. Let the nextsegment formed be x

(3)p = α2 − α3 − α5 such that

X(3)p = {α2, α3, α5}. According to the rule, α5 is the only

atom that is common in both X(3)p and F , hence α5 is

removed from F , leading to F = {α4, α6, α7, α8, α9, α10}and A(3)

i = A(3)i ∪


}. Repeating the previous operation,

the next segment formed is x(3)p = α4 − α3 − α5 such thatX

(3)p = {α3, α4, α5}. According to the rule, α4 is the only

atom that is common in X(3)p and F , hence α4 is removed

from F , leading to F = {α6, α7, α8, α9, α10} and X(3)p is

retained. Suppose the next segment formed is α2 − α3 − α4

such that X(3)p = {α2, α3, α4}. According to the rule, since

|F ∩X(3)p | 6= 1, no deduction is performed in this step and

X(3)p is discarded. In this particular example, five-atom

segments can be formed so that F becomes empty at theend. During the formation of seven-atom segment, the atom

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α4 remains in F even after all the seven-atom segmentshave been formed. No seven-atom continuous segmentcontaining the atom α4 can be formed. The next step is tofind the similarity between pairs of metabolites in terms ofcommon segment count.

2.1.3 Computing similarity between a pair of metabolites

Following the process of segmentation, the next step isto quantify the similarity between a pair of ith and jth

metabolites. Considering a pair of metabolites, the numberof common three-atom, five-atom and seven-atom segmentsbetween these are counted as follows:

ε(l)ij = |A(l)

i ∩A(l)j |, l = 3, 5, 7 (8)

The score β(l)ij , corresponding to ε(l)ij (l = 3, 5, 7), has been

obtained by standardizing the number of common segmentsas

β(l)ij =


|A(l)i ∪A

(l)j |+ δi + δj +mi +mj


Molecules of metabolites are of varying sizes. Hence,the count of common segments requires standardization.The scores have been standardized based on the completestructure of each metabolite. The similarity between twometabolites depends primarily on four factors:

1) Number of three-atom common segments betweentwo metabolites.

2) Number of five-atom common segments betweentwo metabolites.

3) Number of seven-atom common segments betweentwo metabolites.

4) Difference in molecular weight of two metabolites.

The similarity score between a pair of metabolites has beenfound to increase with the number of common three-atom,five-atom and seven-atom segments. Higher the number ofmatched segments, higher is the structural similarity be-tween a pair of metabolites. Factor 4 above has been foundto have an inverse association with the similarity score.For most of the metabolites, it has been noticed that closerthe two dimensional structures of two metabolites, lower isthe difference in the molecular weights. The standardizeddifference in molecular weights has been considered as acontributing factor for computing the similarity scores, andis defined as:

ξij =abs(ζi − ζj)δi + δj


Thus, the final score for each metabolite pair is

ωij = β(3)ij + β

(5)ij + β

(7)ij − ξij (11)

2.1.4 Probable transformations

The metabolite pairs have been sorted in descending orderof their final scores ωij , from highly probable to highlyimprobable transformation pairs. Mean, quartile and triplets

have been used as the threshold values to isolate the proba-ble transformations from the improbable ones. Using mean,the set of probable transformations are:

feasible pair ={(Ci,Cj)|ωij >

∑(n,n)(i,j)=(1,1) ωij(n


) , i 6= j}

(12)The third quartile of the scores has been computed as an-other threshold value. For each metabolite, three metabolites(other than the metabolite under consideration) have beenfiltered on the basis of similarity scores which has the maxi-mum resemblance with the metabolite under consideration.The similarity score for ith metabolite with the rest of themetabolites in the list have been sorted as:

ωij1 ≤ ωij2 ≤ ωij3 . . . ≤ ωijn−1 , i 6= j (13)

Three metabolites having the highest similarity values withthe ith metabolite, are extracted as follows:

C(1)i =

{Cj |score(Cj) = ωijn−1

, i 6= j}


C(2)i =

{Cj |score(Cj) = ωijn−2

, i 6= j}


C(3)i =

{Cj |score(Cj) = ωijn−3

, i 6= j}


Here C(1)i stands for the metabolite with maximum

similarity to the ith metabolite, C(2)i designates the

metabolite with next best similarity with respect toC

(1)i , and C

(3)i denotes the metabolite with the next

to next best similarity with respect to C(1)i . Due to the

better performance of triplet method, the final list oftransformations for ith metabolite is C

(1)i , C

(2)i , and C



Algorithm 1 ASAPPProcedure ASAPPn← nomPerform initializationwhile i ≤ n

Compute all possible unique 3,5 and 7-atom segmentsand store

them in A(l)i where l = 3, 5, 7.

while i ≤ nj ← i + 1while j ≤ n

Compute the number of common sized segments inA


and A(l)j and store the value in ε(l)ij .

Standardize the common segment count ε(l)ij as β(l)ij .

Compute the segment score γij by summing β(l)ij .

Calculate the effect of molecular weight ξij(abs(ζi−ζj)


)Generate the final score ωij

(γij − ξij

)Sort ωij in descending order. Find the mean value of ωwhile i ≤ n

Prune ω for 3 metabolite with maximum similarity toith metabolite

Discard metabolites having ωij greater than the meanof ω.Output probable transformations

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As a precautionary measure to ensure that unnecessarytransformations are not reported, we have used thecombined mean and the triplet parameters to generatethe probable list of transformations. After the top threemetabolites have been obtained based on the final similarityscore ωij , these metabolites are filtered using the mean

value( n∑i,j=1i 6=j


)). The metabolites which have scores

greater than the mean value, are taken into considerationand the rest are discarded.

The overall complexity of ASAPP is O(n2x2), where xis the maximum number of atoms in a metabolite and n isthe total number of metabolites. The detailed complexityestimation has been given in Appendix Section 1. Themathematical validation of ASAPP has been given inAppendix Section 2. Algorithm 1 describes the step-wisecomputation of ASAPP.


In this section, we shall describe how the algorithm hasbeen applied to predict possible transformations in multiplecrucial carbohydrates, lipid/fat and amino acid metabolicpathways. We have compared our results with the alreadyestablished sets of transformations in KEGG.

3.1 Performance ComparisonASAPP has been applied on 41 pathways (Table S1-S3 inSupplementary Information) involving 782 metabolites and17556 transformation pairs as enlisted in KEGG. In orderto analyze the performance of ASAPP, we have consideredthe transformations not enlisted in KEGG as not occurringat all. Such a consideration may not be correct since thepresence of appropriate (yet unknown) enzymes may leadto the occurrence of such transformations. The summary ofthe performance measures has been depicted in Table 2.

A detailed description of the performance of threegroups (carbohydrate, lipid/fat and amino acid) have beengiven in the Supplementary Information Figures S1-S3.Among the carbohydrate metabolic pathways, amino sugarand nucleotide sugar metabolism pathway has obtainedthe highest accuracy of 95.22%. Similarly, among the lipidpathways, primary bile biosynthesis ASAPP has achievedthe highest accuracy of 93.98%. Finally, among the aminoacid metabolism pathway, tryptophan metabolism hasobtained the highest accuracy of 93.07%.

Considering all the pathways, a trade-off has been noticedamong the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity (Table 2).When using the mean value of scores as a threshold, a highsensitivity but a low accuracy and specificity have beennoticed, while on the other hand, the triplet method, a highaccuracy and specificity, and a low sensitivity have beenfound. The quartile method has an average performance.Considering the three performance measures, we havechosen triplet method for prediction since it has givenbetter performance in terms of accuracy and specificity, and

has generated the least number of false positives.

Figure 4 shows the flow of synthesis and degradationof ketone bodies pathway formation using ASAPPinvolving 6 metabolites. The algorithm starts with onesingle compound. The initial metabolite considered hereis a. High scores obtained by a is with the metabolites b(ωa,b=0.310) and c (ωa,c=0.301). Hence, we have obtainedtwo new metabolites from a. Considering the newlyobtained metabolite b, high score obtained is with a(ωa,b=0.310) and c (ωb,c=0.2888). Since a already existsin the pathway, the transition from b to c is added.Considering the newly obtained metabolite c, the highscores obtained are b (ωb,c=0.2888), a (ωa,c=0.301), and d(ωc,d=0.0960). Since a and b are already in the pathway, dis added to the existing pathway and a transition is madefrom c to d. With metabolite d, the high score obtained iswith c (ωc,d=0.2960), e (ωd,e=0.1851) and f (ωd,f=0.2326).Metabolite c is already in the pathway, e and f arenow added. Apart from the above mentioned pathway,the formation of six other pathways (alpha linoleic acidmetabolism, linoleic acid metabolism, glycolysis pathway,TCA cycle, alanine aspartite and glutamate metabolism,and valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis) have beendepicted in the Supplementary (Figure S1-S6).

For a particular pathway, if the scores of most of thetransformations are close to each other, then it can beconcluded that the pathway constitutes structurally similarmetabolites. Considering the alpha linoelic acid metabolismpathway (Figure S1) under the group of amino acidmetabolism, it has been seen that apart from the transitionbetween the molecule no. 24 (Traumatic acid) and 25((9Z,15Z)-(13S)-12,13-Epoxyoctadeca-9,11,15-trienoic acid),other transformations are associated with similar scoreamong themselves, ranging from 0.265 to 0.294 (shortinterval) indicating that the compounds involved in thispathway are structurally similar to each other.

3.2 Application of ASAPP in the field of host-pathogeninteractions

Toxins are substances created by plants and animals thatare poisonous to humans. These toxins, once in the bodyof the host, intervene with the normal functioning of themetabolism of the host [14] (Supplementary InformationSection 3). Pathogen liberated toxins have been seen to havea spectrum of upshots on their hosts. The transformationmechanism of natural toxins need to be studied in details asthese help in proper drug designing ( [15]).

The two dimensional structural similarity of the toxinswith the metabolites are of significance and needs to beexamined. Consider a simple pathway consisting of thetransformations A→ B, B→ C, and C→D. Consider a toxinX having high similarity with the metabolite B. Occurrenceof unknown reaction may block the transformation of B →C. The other metabolites which react with B to produce Cmay as well, due to structural similarity and in the presenceof appropriate enzyme, react with X to produce a differentmetabolite which is not C. Besides, if B is structurally similarto X, B can transform to X in the presence of appropriate

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TABLE 2Performance comparison of various thresholding methods used in ASAPP

Performance measures Mean Quartile Triplet

Accuracy 45.95 74.45 84.20Sensitivity 79.80 49.14 29.00Specificity 43.14 75.77 86.13

Fig. 4. Step-by-step formation of the synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies pathway using ASAPP. a (Acetoacetyl-CoA), b (Acetyl-CoA), c(Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA), d (Acetoacetate), e (Acetone) and f ((R)-3-Hydroxybutanoate) are the compounds whose corresponding KEGG IDsare given. In each time step, one compound, whose transformations have not been considered previously and which is a recent addition to thepathway, is considered for finding the transformations related to that compound.

enzyme and other metabolites. As soon as X is produced,the other metabolites, A, C, and D have a chance of reactingwith X in the presence of the appropriate enzymes and thusbreaking the pathway. The summary of the probable toxintransformations to/from metabolites from KEGG have beendocumented in Supplementary Information Table S4.

3.3 Prediction of possible pathway breaks due to thepresence of toxinsWe have executed ASAPP on the metabolites involved inthe Glycolysis and the TCA cycle. We have considered 52toxins from KEGG, one toxin from each of the categoriesof toxin. None of these toxins have any reported set ofreactions in KEGG. For each of these toxins, we havepredicted the consequence of its presence in the glycolysis(Figure 5 a) and the TCA cycle (Figure 5 b).

Considering Glycolysis pathway metabolite acetyl-coa (C00024), thiamin diphosphate (C00068) and s-acetyldihydrolipoyllysine (C16255) have the maximumchance of being the breakpoints of the pathway as depictedin Figure 5 a and Table 3. For example, toxin Anisatin(C09294) has high structural similarity with the metabolitebeta-D-Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (C05378). In presence ofthis toxin and appropriate enzyme, the metabolites thatreacted with beta-D-Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (C05378) toform D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (C00118) or Glyceronephosphate (C00111) may react with the toxin to produceunknown compounds in such a way that pathwayscan redirect from its usual course. Among the rest ofthe metabolites, 1,3-bisphospho-d-glycerate (C00236),2,3-bisphospho-d-glycerate (C01159), pyruvate (C00022),l-lactate (C00186), acetate (C00033), acetaldehyde (C00084),and ethanol (C00469) have been observed to have the least

TABLE 3Toxins having structural similarity with the metabolites of Glycolysis

KEGG Compound KEGG Toxin

Thiamin diphosphate(C00068)

Brucine (C09084), Echimidine (C10299),Cylindrospermopsin (C19999), Gonyautoxin1 (C16855), Philanthotoxin (C20052),Arenobufagin (C20035)

Acetyl-CoA (C00024) alpha-Chaconine (C10796), Nodularin(C15713), Okadaic acid (C01945), BrevetoxinA (C16839), Azaspiracid (C16907)


alpha-Chaconine (C10796),Nodularin(C15713), Okadaic acid (C01945), Azaspiracid(C16907), Cephalostatin 1 (C20060)

chance of being the breakpoints, i.e., the pathway has a highchance of not getting perturbed at these points.

Considering the TCA cycle, the possible breakpoint metabo-lites are acetyl-coa (C00024), S-acetyldihydrolipoyllysine(C16255), succinyl-coa (C00091) ands-succinyldihydrolipoyllysine (C16254) as depicted inFigure 5 b and Table 4. Among the rest of the metabolites,pyruvate (C00022) and fumarate (C00122) have the leastpossibility of being the breakpoints. Further analysisleads to finding that the toxin azaspiracid (C16907) hasthe maximum likelihood to affect the Glycolysis and theTCA cycle as azaspiracid (C16907) has a high structuralsimilarity with s-succinyldihydrolipoyllysine (C16254).Closely following these two toxins are the toxins nodularin(C15713) and okadaic acid (C01945), which too have a highchance of disrupting the pathways. A detailed result of thepresence of toxin in the pathways have been documented

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(a) Glycolysis

(b) TCA

Fig. 5. The pathway models depicting the transformations within the (a)Glycolysis and (b) TCA pathway. The gray dots represent the break-points in the pathway. The black dots signify other metabolites whichhave a lower probability of being the breakpoints in the pathway.

in the Supplementary Information Table S4.

3.4 Analysis of ASAPP with respect to other toolsThere exist several pathway prediction tools, viz.,PathoLogic [3], PathMiner [4], Pathway hunter [5],Um-PPS [8], and Rahnuma [9]. However, ASAPP hasa different aim compared to these methods. Besides, ithas been noticed that apart from PathPred, none of theother tools are publicly available. Although PathPred isavailable, there is a fundamental difference between the

TABLE 4Toxins having structural similarity with the metabolites in the TCA cycle

KEGG Compound KEGG Toxin

Acetyl-CoA (C00024) alpha-Chaconine (C10796), Nodularin(C15713), Okadaic acid (C01945), BrevetoxinA (C16839), Azaspiracid (C16907)


alpha-Chaconine (C10796), Nodularin(C15713), Okadaic acid (C01945), Azaspiracid(C16907), Cephalostatin 1 (C20060)


alpha-Chaconine (C10796), Pectenotoxin 1(C16871), Brevetoxin A (C16839), Azaspiracid(C16907), Cephalostatin 1 (C20060)

functionality of PathPred and ASAPP. PathPred takesin one metabolite as input and finds all the pathwaysinvolving that metabolite from KEGG database. PathPreddoes not predict a new pathway. ASAPP, on the otherhand, takes a group of metabolites as inputs and predictpossible pathways involving them. Moreover, unlikeASAPP, the functionality of PathPred is limited to onlyxenobiotic pathways. Unavailability of the prediction toolsand the limited functionality of PathPred make ASAPPmore significant and the need for its availability crucial. Asummary of the analysis of ASAPP with respect to the othertools has been given in Table 5.

Prediction of host-pathogen interactions has been done atthe population level [16], gene-level [17] and protein-level[18] [19] [20] [21]. At the population level, the statisticsof the population of pathogen species interacting withhost species are taken into consideration to predict novelinteractions between a new pathogen and a host species[16]. At the gene-level, the pair of genes, one from thehost and the other from the pathogen, is predicted to beinteracting [17]. Host-pathogen interactions at the proteinlevel are well studied. Host proteins, which interact withpathogen proteins, are predicted [19]. However, none hasbeen done on the basis of metabolites and disruption ofpathways. A summary of the analysis of ASAPP in thedomain of host-pathogen interactions has been given inTable 6. ASAPP is one of a kind tool using which one canpredict the probable pathway breaks in the host due totoxins from pathogens.


We have developed a novel algorithm ASAPP (ArchitecturalSimilarity-based Automated Pathway Prediction), whichpredicts biochemical transformations from the 2D structureof metabolites. We have predicted the chance of atransformation of one metabolite to another, dependingon the two dimensional structural similarity among themetabolites and the difference in their molecular weights.Depending on these factors, we have given a score to eachtransformation and applied various thresholding policies todetermine the final list of probable transformations. Unlikeother similar tools for pathway prediction, ASAPP has beenmade publicly available at

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TABLE 5Comparative analysis of ASAPP with some existing tools

Tool name Aim Input Output Applicationdomain


ASAPP Predict possible pathway (linear/non-linear)among them

List of metabolites Pathway with all thegiven metabolites pre-dicted

All metabolicpathways


PathoLogic [3] Creating pathway genome database (PGDB) file Annotated genome of anorganism

PGDB file Xenobiotic path-ways


PathMiner [4] Find linear path between these two compoundsfrom KEGG

Initial metabolite, finalmetabolite in SMILESformat

Linear pathway Xenobiotic path-ways


Pathway hunter[5]

Find shortest path between two metabolites usingKEGG pathway information

Two metabolites in SMILESformat

Shortest linear path-way

Xenobiotic path-ways


PathPred [7] Predict all pathways in which that metabolite ispresent from KEGG

One metabolite Set of pathways Xenobiotic path-ways


Um-PPS [8] Recognize functional group in metabolite and ap-ply group to group transformation as enlisted inUM-BBD database

One metabolite, draw themetabolite on MarvinViewJava applet

Predict all pathways inwhich that metaboliteis present

Xenobiotic path-ways


Rahnuma [9] Predict pathways using the metabolites fromKEGG

KEGG pathways, metabo-lites

Pathways in which themetabolites occur



TABLE 6Analysis of prediction systems in the domain of host-pathogen interactions

Tool Description Level Aim

ASAPP Metabolite Predict possible pathway breaks due to toxins produced by pathogensDallas et. al. [16] Population Predict connections between host species and pathogen species on a population levelReid et. al. [17] Gene Predict genes involved in host-pathogen interactionsAlguwaizani et. al. [18] Protein Predict unknown PPIMariano et. al. [19] Protein Predict unknown PPINourani et. al. [20] Protein Predict unknown PPIDyer et. al. [21] Protein Predict unknown PPI

By in silico analysis, we have shown how the presenceof toxin in the host body may adversely affect its metabolicpathways. Here, we have predicted the outcome of 52such toxins on the Glycolysis pathway and the TCAcycle. The effect of toxins on other pathways still needsto be explored. The field of host-pathogen interactions isemerging as a crucial area of infectious disease research inthe post-genomic era. It is a budding research field wherenew discoveries are getting announced almost each daythroughout the globe. The discovery of the dynamics ofpathway perturbation during host-pathogen interactionswill aptly facilitate further development in the field ofdiscovering new drugs and new therapies for differentdiseases. Likewise, pathway perturbation is a crucial aspectof pathogen infection. Hence, further study in this field isneeded in future.

Appendices are given in separate file titled Ap-pendix.pdf.


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Rishika Sen received her BSc and MSc degreesin Computer Science from University of Calcutta,India, in 2012 and 2014 respectively. She iscurrently working towards the Doctorate Degreeat Machine Intelligence Unit in Indian StatisticalInstitute, Kolkata, India. Her current research in-terest includes bioinformatics,computational bi-ology and machine learning.

Somnath Tagore has received his BSc degreefrom University of Calcutta in 2003, MSc degreefrom Manipal University in 2005, MTech degreefrom West Bengal University of Technology in2007 and PhD(Engg) engineering from ISI (Ja-davpur Univ) in 2014. He was a Post-doctoralfellow at Cancer Genomics and BioComputingLab, The Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan Univer-sity, Safed, Israel. Currently, he is working asa Research Scientist at Califano Laboratory ofSystems Biology, Columbia University Medical

Center, Herbert Irving Cancer Research Center, New York, USA. Hiscurrent research interests include Systems Biology, Network Medicine,Infectious disease modeling, Cancer metabolomics, Data mining, In-silico metabolic engineering, Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization.

Rajat K. De Rajat K. De is a Professor work-ing at Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statis-tical Institute, Kolkata, India. He obtained hisPh.D. degree from the same Institute in 2000.He was a Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow atthe Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Institute,Johns Hopkins University, USA, during 2002-2003. During the last 15 years, Professor Dehas been working in the area of bioinformaticsand in silico systems biology. Recently, he hasstarted working on Big Data Analytics and Deep

Learning in the domain of bioinformatics, systems biology and health-care. Professor De visited the Department of Medicine, University ofCalifornia, San Diego, in 2017 and 2018, with a Fulbright-Nehru Aca-demic and Professional Excellence Fellowship. He has published about90 research papers in international journals, conference proceedingsand in edited books, and co-edited three books.