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Jai HO ! International Haidakhandi Journal Autumn 2014

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  • Jai HO !

    International Haidakhandi Journal

    Autumn 2014

  • Babaji quote 3

    Gorakhvani - the words of Gorakhnath 4-5

    Gurupurnima at Schweibenalp July 2014 7

    Jai HO ! Jai Haidakhandi Outreach Mission Statement 8-9

    News from Around the World

    Holland 10

    USA 11-12

    France 12

    Poland 13

    Russia 14

    Bulgaria 15

    Haidakhandi Samaj - News from India

    Letter from Alok 16-17

    Invitation to this Ashwin/Autumn Navaratri 18

    Maha Shakti Dhuni 18-19

    Foreigners Long Term Visas 19

    Shri Babajis Charitable Hospitals 20

    The Babaji Ashram in Bihar 21-23

    Hindu Festival Dates 2014-2015 24

    Jai HO ! Jai Haidakhandi Outreach - Satsangs 25-33

    Jai HONext Steps 34

    Haidakhandi Family - by MayaRam 35-36

    In Memoriam for Sam Shyam 36

    Welcome to the natural world Permaculture at Schweibenalp 37

    Gopal Hari 38-40

    The charitable programmes of Planetbabaji 41-42

    Editorial 43

    Jai ! Haidakhandi Outreach

    Page No.

    For On-Line version of this Journal see: http://www.internationalhaidakhandijournal



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    My Fire is upon you

    and it will not leave you,

    not in battles, nor in times of rest.

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    Gorakhvani - the words of Gorakhnath

    In 1976 Shri Babaji made a trip to Nepal with Shastriji and several other

    devotees. He started to recite versus in the old language of the Sadhu and

    Yogi's of India. He said that Shi Guru Gorakhnath was speaking through

    Him. It was there that Shri Babaji spoke words of Shri Guru Gorakhnath to

    Kamalo (Vishnu Datt Shastriji) who noted down this precious message the

    Lord gave to the world. It has been lovingly compiled and translated

    together with Gaura Devi into a small booklet now known as the


    Gaura Devi wrote: Babaji told me to sit in meditation inside the temple

    of Gorakhnath in Hairakhan. I felt Babaji was showing me what would

    have been my way (in previous lifetimes): a yogic path of detachment and

    meditation, a hard path that he conferred to only a few people. In fact He

    said that during this Kali Yuga it is very difficult to practice inner

    concentration, because in this period of decay, mans mind is stressed

    since the very first day of birth and never finds peace: so the most

    effective practice is that of karma yoga, action dedicated to the divine.

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    In the Gorakhvani book, Babaji spoke as Gorakhnath:

    Give up all the negative karma and keep a firm determination in

    your mind.

    If you want salvation from Kal (time) come to My shelter, then you

    will liberate and take across all those who are sleeping in this world.

    Strength in yoga is not required at this time;

    Strength in penance is not required at this time;

    The only strength required is the power of the Name of the Lord.

    I have given many types of knowledge and many teachings.

    Now the time for knowledge and meditation is gone, the only

    practice left is the repetition of the name of Hari.

    Do not try to churn the ocean, Kamalo, churn your mind instead.

    There is nothing outside; everything is in the mind Kamalo.

    Inside the mind there is a big ocean of milk and big islands.

    Everything is present there and all of creation is present inside

    ones body.

    Always sing the glory of Gorakh and repeat the name of Shiva with


    Keep a firm determination and the Name will take you across the

    ocean of this world. Do or dont do other things, but do Japa

    perfectly and this will take you to the heaven of Shiva.

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    Gurupurnima at Schweibenalp July 2014

    We celebrated wonderfully at Schweibenalp, 250-300 of us

    A joy filled concert with Turkantam, inspired dance performances,

    Sundars daughter Elischewa sang classical western prayers, and we

    sang bhajans and preformed Puja. It was as amazing as it usually

    is, whenever we gather in His name. The weather was challenging

    but actually we all enjoyed the time immensely. Our family came

    to gather and Magic Happened !

    There were many gatherings (satsangs) discussing the future, and

    so this time the satsangs were not so much about stories from the

    past. The question arose: "What are we doing to serve humanity, to

    serve the Babaji in our hearts, how do we live the message today,

    Right Now!? How can we unite as individuals and Invoke the

    Lord of our Hearts to inspire us to Be the service that brings Joy to

    our lives? Babajis family warmly received and joyously celebrated

    the bigger, broader and more universal concept, exploring ways to

    reconnect and be inspired to serve.

    Sundar and Schweibenalp embodied the idea of the universality of

    Babaji and his message. Some seem to believe Babaji was an

    Indian man whose gift was a lot of rules to follow, but most

    embrace a larger reality of Babaji as the invisible Presence the

    living Universal Guru, who is guiding our lives moment by moment,

    the Presence that when remembered always encourages us to a

    higher purpose. You were with us, we felt your presence, and how

    can it be otherwise? Kharku and Jamuna

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    Jai HO ! Jai Haidakhandi Outreach

    While reading this you might like to listen to the original soundtrack on: the lyrics, in a medley of languages

    including Hindi, Urdu & Punjabi, evoke hope and a sense of triumph overcoming obstacles.

    The Vision: To expand joy through service

    Mission: To inspire and support a profound new impulse of the

    international Babaji community into service, teaching and action.

    Tasks and Functions:

    To invite a spirit of radical and far-reaching questioning and opening of

    ourselves and the Babaji community for a positive future. An initiative

    that gives a platform for international devotees seeking to embody Shri

    Babajis teachings of truth, simplicity and love, and create shared

    pathways to happiness through service. An initiative that, through its

    modern interactive, process and system oriented methods is a

    compliment to the Indian Haidakhandi Samaj, and one that will inspire

    and unite people in harmony to make a difference and fulfil Babajis

    mission of serving humanity.

    We agreed to set up a non-profit/charitable organisational in the form

    of a non-hierarchical association or cooperative, and to organise who and

    what team focalises each of the following tasks, while holding the

    connection question: is everything we do connected with the sacred

    presence of Babaji ?

    Maintaining a talent inventory and Supporting groups /projects such

    as: Health, healing and education; sustainable living; business people;

    crafts people; new projects; internet technology; musicians and pujas; the

    next generation/younger persons.

    Supporting Ashrams and Centres by:

    Organising Visits/Tours - satsangs, music, teachings; educating

    communication skills (e.g. recommended daily community conversations

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    and meetings); looking at how to help with local community needs;

    encouraging voluntary work in local communities, and encouraging

    business opportunities.

    An Education wing covering areas such as:

    Health and Healing and sustainable living models (as in the Kamalaya

    project, Schweibenalp Permaculture, etc); meditation, japa and puja

    training; and communication competences.

    Communication tasks:

    Establishing internet presence (blog, website, Facebook, etc.);

    communication with India Samaj; maintaining and promoting the

    International Haidakhandi Journal; networking within and beyond the

    Babaji community; and supporting initiatives by Planetbabaji.

    Finally we committed to International Fund Development involving:

    Fundraising coordination and establish a funders group.

    This Jai HO mission and tasks project was initiated by:

    Lok Nath (USA), Sundar (Switzerland), Kharku (Thailand), Jamuna (Thailand), Gayatri

    (USA), Uday (India), Raghuvir (Thailand), Ramloti (USA), Bo (Sweden), Giuliano

    (Switzerland and Italy), Sam (USA), Raghunandan (ITALY), Mukundi (France), and

    Rob (UK).

    For the full report on the Gurupurnima Satsangs and the Jai Ho initiative

    please see pages 25 to 34

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    News from Around the World

    Holland - Guru Purnima 2014 at Sada Shiva Dham by Bhaskaranand

    It is not only at Siddhashram, the Centre of Unity in Switzerland that Guru

    Purnima has been celebrated this July. Also at Sada Shiva Dham we

    celebrated the day of Guru Purnima. It has been a beautiful day with lots

    of sun and the prevailing feeling was one of peace, harmony and

    happiness. This day, where we celebrated the inner and outer guru,

    especially Mahavatar Babaji and Shri Munirajji, was clearly imbued with

    Babaji and Munirajji's spiritual Presence. About 50 people including

    children visited on that day. In part it was a reunion, in the sense that

    people who had not been visiting the ashram for some time had returned

    and we met each other again so there were many happy faces.

    A Bhakti Festival at Sada Shiva Dham - May 2015 by Kailash

    Next year, end of May, Sada Shiva Dham is celebrating the Bhakti Festival.

    As Kharkuli said: What you did in England has inspired us to run a Bhakti

    festival in Holland next year! So, on a weekend between Spring Navaratri

    and Gurupurnima 2015 there will be a bhakti festival at Sada Shiva Dham

    in Holland. We had this idea after attending the bhakti festival in England

    organised by Trisha and Tabla Tom and others. We enjoyed the music, the

    open atmosphere, the diversity of activities and people taking part, such

    as those connected with gurus like Ammaji and Neem Karoli Baba.

    For our Holland festival we have invited musicians like Tabla Tom,

    Turkantam and Moti Ma and others will follow. Apart from the ashram

    programme there will be hatha yoga sessions and a great variety of

    workshops. We intend to raise money for charities such as the eye camps

    in India. The Bhaktifestival starts Friday 29 may 2015. Those wanting to

    help are very welcome some days before it starts and will get reduced

    prices. More news will be spread on the website of Sada Shiva Dham.

    From November 2014 you will be able to sign in. Hope to see you there.

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    USA - Lessons Learned at the Ashram by Ramloti

    Having lived at the Haidakhandi Universal Ashram in Crestone, Colorado

    for nearly 25 years now, I am surprised by all the new insights I have while

    doing the practices that I have done so many times before. For instance,

    getting up early to be pujari in the temple. This entails a wake up at 4am

    and coming to the temple after my meditation, bath, and yoga. This is

    always a special time for me in the quiet, dark hours of the morning.

    Bathing and adorning all of the murtis is the primary duty, and it is

    definitely our life-size murti of Haidakhandeswari that takes the longest,

    usually a good hour. (see back page of Journal Ed)

    As I dress and decorate Her with malas, jewels and flowers I am in such

    bliss and I am totally focused on every detail. Suddenly an hour has

    passed away and I realize that during this time, I have had no other

    thoughts except the Divine Mother. She is amazingly beautiful so it is easy

    to be concentrated on only Her. As I sing the aarati, the verse, Sadhak ki

    budhi simit tu sidheshvara maha hai, Sadhana sulabha bata de O shanta

    svarupa vale, suddenly takes on a deeper meaning. It speaks about giving

    us easy sadhana because our minds are limited. For me this morning puja

    to Ma is a perfect example of easy spiritual practice because I am so


    We recently received a magnificent murti of Old Haidakhan Babaji that

    was enlivened by Shri Babaji and Shastriji in 1978. It lived for years in the

    Hawaiian Ashram with daily pujas. Since that Ashram no longer exists,

    Hiroman, who received the murti from Babaji, decided it should now live

    here. This brought up a bit of a dilemma for me as to whom to bathe first

    in the morning, Baba or Mother ? I had been reading the Shri

    Divyakathamrit the night before and had come upon the touching part

    when Lord Shiva was telling the heavens that He was going to incarnate

    for the welfare of the world as Shri Babaji. The Divine Mother quickly said

    that She wanted to come with Him to help serve as well. His response was

    so sweet: Oh Divine Goddess! Every moment You dwell in My heart. You

    are known by the names of peace, contentment, and intellect. There is no

    difference between Me and You just as the fire and its property of warmth

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    are inseparable, likewise there is no difference between You and Me.I

    always dwell wherever Your blessed feet set forth. The minute I began

    the puja, I knew immediately that They should be bathed together

    because They are always one and the same. This was another strong


    Finally I want to speak about our Annual Family Week and how

    serendipitous it always is. In May, a couple from Boulder and their 8 year-

    old son came into the Ashram Shop. As they bought their son an Om t-

    shirt I blurted out, That is what I bought for my grandsons to wear at

    Family Week, perhaps you should come too. They asked a little about the

    week and on the spot they reserved the last room. The parents felt it was

    just what they needed, a week of spiritual refreshment at the Ashram with

    many other like-minded families. And their son loved it. I just received an

    email from them as they travelled visiting family. They said that the usual

    long driving was a joy this year as their son wanted to listen to Om

    Namah Shivaya over and over again.


    After our summer week-end dedicated to Babaji at Nirmal and Kalaas

    organic farm on the tip of Brittany, the French Samaj is already preparing

    its next fall retreat in the Auvergne central part of France. In a wild and

    beautiful area, the gite of Michel will accommodate us to experience

    together the ceremonies, satsang, karma yoga and much more. This kind

    of event is a great way to share and enhance our faith, to support and

    know each other better and discover each others talents. Once for

    example, we were enjoyed a presentation on mandalas, followed by a

    small recital of Indian traditional music by some of the participants.

    To come to our Auvergne gathering the date is 8th to 11th of November (it

    will be possible to arrive on the evening of the 7th)

    Place : Saignes near Ussel (by train), or Clermont-Ferrand (by plane)

    Contribution : we will share food and energy (at cost)

    All is still in preparation and if you want to get more details when

    available, please contact Mukundi : [email protected]

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    Poland - Bhole Baba Seva Dham Ashram, Lanckorona - by Paramanand

    Here is some short news from our center in Poland. We are recently

    developing in the direction of a bed and breakfast with vegetarian food.

    As before we are also hosting Yoga groups.

    Bhole Baba Seva Dham now has its own piece of ground for a temple to

    be built in the future. We always attract some visitors at Navaratri and at

    our weekly 10am havans on Sundays. We are also offering ayurvedic

    massages. All these activities seem to integrate very well and you could

    say we are a Haidakhandi Holiday center where Babaji can give something

    good for everyone whether it is a coffee or liberation: the choice is up to

    our guests !

    Please click on: To read about my Soft Skill

    Trainings & Vision Management consultancy

    Russia The new Russian Samaj

    We have now had an open meeting in Moscow to register and sign the

    official papers for the Russian Samaj, with 22 members. Muniraji had

    stressed the importance of first creating a Samaj and going on from there.

    The Samaj will spread Babaji's message through website and publications,

    and it can support Ashrams, centres and devotional activities throughout

    the Country.

    The board members chosen and appointed on this meeting are Pujari,

    Annapurna, Giriraj, Sunita, Mayaram, Namrata and Arman. Also the

    advisory board members for life are Tara, Giriraj and Pujari.

    Looking forward to meet and work with many devotees in Russia, from

    Moscow to Surgut.

    Pujari and Anjani

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    Russia - Hairakhandi Love Center (Zaluchnoe, Moscow)

    Since the beginning of 2014 many changes have happened here: we have

    normal electricity, drilled our own artesian well and have a constant

    source of hot water (solar battery). We planted some fruit trees and a lot

    of flowers. There are some temporary constructions but we are planning

    to build a residence building with some rooms and a dormitory. So a large

    pile of building materials is already stacked up on the compound waiting

    to take shape ! So that visitors can to stay in more comfort. There are

    plans for a temple, a kitchen with a large space to make a bandara. This is

    a cute centre where karma yoga is practiced with love in the past, present

    and future. This August we are starting the foundations for the residence

    building. We perform puja and araati and every Friday, Saturday and

    Sunday, and also on Sundays Uma Shankar does havan.

    Uma Shankar and Jai Shri are very often present in the summer months

    hosting visitors who can free themselves from the clutches of Moscow to

    join the peace of Babajis centre outside Moscow. They are warmly inviting

    you for a visit for next summer. A swim in the velvet waters of the river

    close by is warmly recommended. Contact: [email protected].

    Mobile phone: +7 926 127 13 37 Arman. Social net:

    (Zaluchnoe is 140 km south west of Moscow (2 hours drive) and in 2011 Munirajji

    visited here during Gurupurnima celebrations in Russia. - Ed.)

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    fb: Babajis Ashram Bulgaria

    fb: Markus Maria Ludwig

    Rai Dass: 00359 878 575 681

    Email: [email protected]

    Translated the name of the Babaji Ashram in the hills of Bulgaria means

    Sacred Place Sunray. It was given in 2009 by Shri Muniraji who

    approved and supported my vision of creating a place where people from

    different spiritual backgrounds can meet and work together in truth

    simplicity and love. As I had to realise through time, far less people than I had at first imagined were ready for such a common project; even

    though nearly everyone visiting felt it a very positive experience only very

    few would take this inspiration as a reason to regularly participate in the

    activities. Activities means: to keep up the morning and evening devotional

    program taking place in the tipi, plus the permanent work to maintain the

    land of nearly 5 acres, the garden and the various building activities.

    In the last 2 years the universe has started sending people, sometimes in

    very magic ways, from all around the globe. Be it just for a short visit or a

    longer stay, they all expressed deep appreciation about the highly

    energetic transformational power of the place, which at the same time

    offers a very close contact with nature and simplicity of living. Much like it

    used to be in Haidakhan in the older days.

    You are all welcome to spend time with us any time between mid-April

    and December. Our simple straw-bale guest house as well as a wooden

    house will offer necessary shelter and comforts. Come, get inspired and

    experience the joys of simple karma yoga and see the place grow and

    develop in front of your very own eyes..

    Since 2007 we have been celebrating Navaratri at the Black Sea in the

    month of August, it is a very enriching experience healthy for body, heart

    and soul. Feel welcome to join us also for this event.

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    News from India

    Dear All,

    For the past couple of years we have been discussing various plans and

    suggestions regarding the much needed renovations and maintenance of

    Shree Babaji's property in Haidakhan. In November 2012 our Gurubhai

    Raghuvirji spent a lot of time and energy and came up with a report on the

    proposed renovation work. Thereafter Col. Bhagwan Rana on joining the

    Samaj was asked to make a survey of the work and give an updated report,

    which he submitted in December 2013. Some of the suggestions made by

    the above have already been carried out but the major work still needs to

    be undertaken.

    The Executive Committee of the Samaj has been actively looking into all

    the possibilities of undertaking the major renovations. During last Navratri

    hectic discussions took place to draw up an action plan for the Ashram

    including Fakirabad, with cost estimates. I am glad to inform you that one

    of our members Smt. Taruna Patel was present during the ongoing

    discussions and volunteered to offer the services of their Civil Engineer to

    carry out a survey and give his report on the total project. As a result, Mr

    Hitesh B Prajapati and his team visited Haidakhan on 19th & 20th April'14

    and have submitted his comprehensive report with measurements and

    approx. cost estimates.

    Mrs. Taruna Patel has very kindly committed to a major part of the cost of

    the project and has agreed to provide the initial funds to start it. So Phase

    1 of the project can be started immediately and completed before the

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    monsoons set in. Shree Vijay Bhattiani has offered to coordinate with the

    team to work out the details of logistics.

    Friends, the total cost of the project is estimated to be around Rs.1.25

    Crores (about US dollar 260K) and needs the support of all the members.

    We intend to complete the total renovation work within a period of one

    year, so I appeal to all to support and cooperate to make this big ' karma

    yoga ' project a big success . This will be a big ' seva ' to our beloved Guru

    Shree Shree Babaji. BBKJ With Kind regards, Alok Banerjee

    Necessary Repairs to Haidakhan by Hitesh Prajapati

    Roads from ashram to bridge and bridge to mandir at the entry need to be

    widened. Repairing of outside floor /passages leading to all buildings, connecting

    passages of buildings, mandir, and rooms. All the terraces having cracks and in

    50% of the area they are in bad condition. Heavy seepage problem back side the

    office area where there is open land, during monsoon heavy leakages. Drainage

    and leakages in toilet blocks in Russian building. Roof replacement in office

    building. Roof replacement with structure at Fakirabad building. Fakirabad 2

    attached toilets require in rooms and expansion of toilet block. Changing of WCs

    throughout ashram. Water tank construction for storage of good water for

    drinking water. Kitchen expansion and sore room renovation. General

    maintenance and repair for wooden door/window. Solar system for hot water,

    light and for pumping of water. All electrical related issues plus


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    Invitation to this Ashwin/Autumn Navaratri

    In the name of our Guru Babaji, the chairman of our Samaj, Shri Alok

    Banerjee is inviting you to celebrate the Ashwin Navaratri with us in

    Anandpuri ashram in Chiliyanoula, India.

    This Divine Mother festival will start at 25th of September and will last till

    the 4th of October. These joyful days of celebration are a devotional feast

    filled with worship and heartfelt bhajan & kirtan. To be present there is

    for your spiritual upliftment and purification the best gift you can give

    yourself. But if you are unable to join us in Chiliyanoula then try to visit

    your local ashram during these days as the Divine Mother is omnipresent

    and this blessed period very beneficial to deeply connect. This is so

    wonderful when we are united in good numbers and Babaji's presence is

    strongly sensed amongst us. Wherever you are and whatever you do,

    take some time off during these Navaratri days to renew, refine, and

    rejoice with your connection with the source of all form, The Divine


    Maha Shakti Dhuni

    Most of us know from out Herakhan visits how wonderful it is do an aarti

    and havan ceremony at the Maha Shakti Dhuni. Particularly around the

    Navaratri period one can be lucky to get a seat inside, and quite a number

    of people enjoy the ceremony from the platform outside. With the dhuni

    building nicely painted and well cleaned, included the gardens around, it

    may be hard to imagine but for the last few years this sacred place is left

    to itself a few weeks after Navaratri. This lack of puja goes on all thru the

    monsoon and practically until Ashwin Navaratri. This our beloved Maha

    Shakti with its big open windows - where nature blows the leaves around

    and the fire goes out completely.

    Last year Planetbabaji jumped into action. He created a circle with friends

    from the dhuni and collected some funds. From this Shri Baji Singh, a

    villager who has been serving the dhuni and Fakirabad since many years

    was hired to keep the Dhuni clean and the fire on once a day. But the

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    desire rose for more. Planetbabaji then shared this story and he lobbied

    for pujaris to perform the fire puja. Almost instantly the call was

    answered by two young Germans who were ready to serve. One has

    already been serving from the beginning of this present monsoon, and the

    next one is ready to do so from October all thru the winter. The Maha

    Shakti Dhuni has always been independent from the Indian Samaj

    organisation, including financially. How wonderful to know that now this

    Magical place where the kund was originally shaped by Babaji's own hand,

    where so many people have been able to serve the Divine Mother and so

    many more have had wonderful moments and darshan of Her, is now

    taken care of properly.

    There is a chance for you to be part of this circle by offering yourself for a

    time to do this seva. Being pujari there through the monsoon is not a duty

    for the fainthearted. One is mostly alone, the weather and conditions are

    challenging, but it is such a powerful place to do sadhana and experience

    a close connection with Shakti Ma. You can be assisted if necessary with

    visa applications and if needed a small pocket money can even be

    provided. There is also possibility of joining the Maha Shakti circle and

    making a small donation to keep all these services possible. But for this we

    are still in the process of setting up a paypal account to make this easy.

    You can get more info here : go to Dhuni

    Seva leela"

    Foreigners Long Term Visas from Indian Samaj:

    We are providing better service for our foreign devotees who apply for

    long term visas. In the past year I have been able to assist several people

    get long term visas as well as renewals. Now this task is being handled by

    Mr VR Rao our Administration Manager,

    contact: [email protected]

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    Shri Babajis Charitable Hospitals

    During Gurupurnima in Switzerland we spoke about Seva in action. Even

    if suffering is all around, it is not always easy to know or trust how to

    respond to todays global needs. However regarding this we are lucky in

    that we have our charitable hospitals in India where we know that we can

    help a lot in Babaji's name. Here are just a few facts: we have been able

    to serve 22,385 outpatients in the last year with subsidised charity. 6000+

    have been given free medical help in various camps in the mountainous

    regions. In addition we have performed 1329 cataract eye surgeries a year

    with 40% free charity. And Rupees 3,000,000+ of medicine has been


    We can give back sight to a practically blind eye for 25 Euro's given the

    systems we have set up in Chiliyanoula. The number of camps we are

    setting up in remote rural areas in the Himalayas is still increasing. It is

    still happening and we are doing it together in His name !

    We will be continuing these services on into the future and we therefore

    request that you continue to be part of it. See what you can do to

    connect organisations and people who are moved to help sustain this

    service. We have all sorts of ways of expanding our service and with that

    our responsibilities also increase. Most of all we request you to remember

    this hospital and feel part of it and help in any way you can to sustain it in

    its service to the poor & needy of the Kumoun region, the Himalayan

    province that Herakhan Baba loved so much.

    For more information and bank details etc please visit our page :

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    The Babaji Ashram in Bihar - Extracts from Letter by Shri Alok Banerjee

    During His physical presence Shree Babaji visited Bihar many times and

    established many temples and ashrams in Patna and other places and

    thousands of Biharis became his ardent devotees. One such Ashram/

    temple established by Him was in Dariyapur , about 30 kms from Patna, in

    the family owned home of Late Shree Shiv Nandanji better known as

    'Sethji of Bihar'. After the passing away of Sethji this Babaji Ashram was

    engrossed in family disputes and became a neglected property. By His

    grace and the initiative taken by the Samaj through the Babaji devotees of

    Bihar , a Babaji Trust is in the final stages of being registered. The trustees

    have been able to amicably negotiate with the family members and

    restored this old Babaji Ashram Property and have carried out extensive

    renovations through their own resources.

    It is a matter of great joy that Shree Padukas of Shree Babaji will visit the

    restored Dariyapur Ashram for a three days Paduka Pujan , Havans and

    Kirtan from 2nd to 4th May 2014 . The devotees of Bihar have extended

    their invitation to all Babaji devotees to join them on this auspicious


    Letter from Vijay Kumar - 9th May 2014:

    Dear Sanjeev, Kudos to Alok Bhai for having revived Dariyapur Dham,

    Bihar which was in a sort of oblivion since Baba's Mahasamadhi. Infusing

    life back into Dariyapur Dham would have taken some persistent follow up

    and dedication. After seeing the report I feel motivated to join you next

    time. I have been told that your initiative of organising Baba's Padukas at

    Dariyapur Dham has infused lots of enthusiasm and energy amongst

    hundreds of devotees who had gathered there to celebrate the Paduka


    Please see next two pages for a lively report of these events

    from Sanjeev Sarna.

  • 22

  • 23

  • 24

    2014 - 2015 DATES

    SEPTEMBER 2014

    2nd Radha Ashtam

    8th Anant Chaudas

    9th Purnima & Ekam Shradha

    24th Pittar Amavasya

    25th Ashvin (Autumn )

    Navratri Starts

    OCTOBER 2014

    2nd Gandhi Jayanti

    3rd Durga Navmi

    (Navratri Ends)

    4th Vijay Dashmi

    8th Sharad Purnima

    12th Karwa Chauth

    16th Ahoi Ashtami

    21st Dhan Teras

    22nd Choti Diwali

    23rd Diwali, Amavasya &

    Laxmi Puja

    24th Annakoot

    25th Bhaiya Dooj

    NOVEMBER 2014

    6th Purnima & Guru Nanak


    15th Mahakal Bhairav Jayanti



    DECEMBER 2014

    6th Purnima & Dattatreya Jayanti

    22nd Amavasya

    25th Christmas


    JANUARY (2015)

    1st New Year

    5th Purnima

    13th Lohri

    14th Makar Sankranti

    20th Amavasya

    24th Basant Panchami


    Republic Day India

    FEBRUARY 2015

    1st Shri Babaji Mahasamadhi

    3rd Magh Purnima

    17th Maha Shivaratri

    18th Amavasya

    22nd Shri Babajis Prakatya

    MARCH 2015

    5th Holika Dahan & Purnima

    6th Dhulandi Holi

    20th Amavasya

    21st Chaitra Navratri starts

    and Samvat 2072

    28th Shri Ram Navmi

    29th Navratri Ends

    APRIL 2015

    2nd Mahavir Jayanti


    Hanuman Jayanti &



    JULY 2015

    31st July Guripurnima


    OCTOBER 2015

    13th Ashvin (Autumn )

    Navratri Starts

    21st Durga Navmi

    Navratri Ends

  • 25

    Jai HO ! Jai Haidakhandi Outreach

    To inspire and support a profound new impulse of the international

    Babaji community into service, teaching and action.

    The group of elders who have been organising the European

    Gurupurnima celebrations since 2004 met for two days at Schweibenalp

    before this 2014 Gurupurnima festival. As one of us said: We are in a

    new era without one eminent guide. This must be Babajis will. Babaji left

    us like this in order that we communicate and become a strong brother-

    sisterhood. So we began creating an opportunity among ourselves for

    reflection and open communication and spontaneity, not prescriptive but

    opening to new possibilities with no fixed agenda. We wanted to look at

    our Babaji family situation and find new ways of being effective. So we

    heart/brain-stormed about the following:

    what do we have (as a Babaji community) ?

    Answers came: Devotion, shakti, love, bliss, holy fire, rituals, properties,

    ashrams, bhajans, navaratris, gurupurnima, international community,

    Babajis teaching, Munirajjis teaching, music, experiences of Babaji,

    hospitals, satsangs, books and CDs, friends, His promise, service, freedom,

    Om Namaha Shivay, etc.

    and what do we need more ?

    Answers: A language for the young, an educational system, concrete

    worldly projects, more charitable work (outside India), projects for human

    service, bhajan tours, structure, communication, supportive network,

    cooperation, a clear vision as to how to spread Babajis message, clean

    water in Haidakhan, vision for the future, staff, walking in each others

    shoes, shared values, courage, money and power, unity and stability.

    Then the question: Just suppose Babaji does not return in body before

    we elders die, what do we want to envisage/vision for our Haidakhandi

    community ? What would we like to help create for the future leave

    behind us as a legacy ? Our answers included:

  • 26

    Self-supporting ashrams. Good communications inside and outside our


    More togetherness support of ongoing projects. Ecologically

    sustainable ashrams.

    An international structure to better connect and train our community and

    ourselves and with which to connect with other well-intentioned


    An organisation which is flexible enough to be continued and which can

    transmit without dogmas.

    An inspired Babaji community for young people and which is well

    connected with other divinely inspired communities. A common basic

    language for all, to share ideas.

    Eco-humanism connecting with others and recognising our


    A management structure to organise and fund Bhole Baba Tours all

    around the world.

    Revolutionary Babaji finding its purpose and contribution in the new

    radically changing world, and how this can be expressed in our language

    and culture.

    Finally, we all agreed that we wanted to help create for the future: more

    love and light, music, vibrant loving Babaji centres, more hope, less ego,

    harmonic moments, and that we can live Babajis teachings in new radical

    ways to help others and to build interconnectedness with God.

    We then asked: how to take these aspirations forward ?

    We looked at what is the role and what are the functions of the

    Indian/international Haidakhandi Samaj and whether we are a world-wide

    or an Indian spiritual sanga? How does this express itself culturally,

    socially structurally now? How would we want it to be? Are we in a

    position to choose? Do we consider additional forms? If so what might

    be the purpose and role of another form to compliment the Indian Samaj?

    Our answers included among other things: supporting Ashrams/Centres

    and their succession issues, supporting outreach (global work), inspiring

    and uniting the Babaji family and communicating with the next

    generations. So we drew up the Jai HO document to describe the sort of

  • 27

    organisation that would be needed to take all these ideas forward. We

    would like it to be non-hierarchical and more like an international Babaji

    association or cooperative. But because this organisation of like-minded

    souls needs to raise money to fund projects, we need a minimum

    structure and membership in order for it to have a bank account and to be

    internationally registered/recognised as a non-profit charitable

    organisation (so as to be able to receive charitable funding and also not

    have to pay taxes on these funds). How to create this structure and not

    fall into the old patriarchal-hierarchical patterns of the past ?

    The following are extracts from the General Satsang meetings held at

    Gurupurnima regarding this proposed new outreach.

  • 28

    GENERAL SATSANG MEETINGS during Gurupurnima attended by 50 to 150 people at a time.

    Lok Nath began each of the three Satsangs explaining that the group of elders

    who had been meeting each year had discussed how to enhance and nurture

    all the work of Babajis people in the world. That we concluded that needed

    new outreach and support in the West and that we had made concrete

    proposals as to how to provide this. He opened the floor for contributions and

    comments and the sharing of ideas and projects for serving Shri Babajis work

    for humanity. Here follows extracts from each days large group Satsangs:

    Lyla Talked of her work to distribute Babaji books in France

    from a simple beginning of a book on Mahendra Baba.

    Sabine Encouraged us to communicate through Singing

    Paramahansa Gives stress prevention and release exercises to others and

    talks about Babaji when asked what motivates his


    Kharkuli Suggested we distribute a questionnaire with open and

    inspiring questions. Necessary for us to look at our dark

    side so maybe we should ask those who have stopped

    coming to events ?

    Sam We are His Body. He has lit our lamp from His lamp. If I

    am a little finger on the body then its good to know other

    parts of the body. Then the body can move in a

    coordinated way. Also, the point of power is who is in

    the room at the moment and who has a YES ! It is not

    fruitful to speculate why people may have left.

    Raghunandan How to involve young people ? Finding ways such as yoga

    classes maybe. But I feel a bit helpless: how to inspire

    and talk about values ?

    Megha Young people do not respond to rules and dogmas. Give

    then something really shining and deep. I work with

    distributing food, like my Mama did for me. Give them the

    chance to experience good things: something of value that

    they can relate to, not just dogmas. The 20s are searching

    and the 30s are deciding and settling.

  • 29

    Gayatri I cannot imagine what its like to be a daughter or son

    where a family is falling apart, where the children do not

    witness truth, simplicity and love. Where there are photos

    of Babaji up, and yet fighting between parents. There are

    people out there who can help us walk our talk. Other

    Foundations that inspire young people, such as the Neem

    Karoli Foundations meals on wheels for the poor and


    Ramloti People are missing family. In Crestone it is this family

    atmosphere that people are attracted to, such as serving

    people with food.

    Lok Nath began the second Satsang asking the question: how can we enhance

    and nurture all the work and look to the future? What things are being done

    now and what would people like to see done ? How is your genius manifesting

    in the world. (We finished by discussing how we would form small discussion

    groups at the final Satsang the following day):

    Jamuna (Kamalaya)-

    I know there is more to germinate. How to foster that?

    What are the breadcrumbs that Babaji is putting on our

    way to lead us and for us to find out where we are being

    pulled ? I believe in collaboration with others who are

    more experienced in a particular area. And cross-

    pollination and support.

    Jamuna and Kharku want to set up internships for young people, sponsor

    people through schools, support women who need help during transition,

    fund a pujari for a time in Kamalaya, and to be more participating in the

    local community (such as their garbage collection and clean beaches


    Gayatri suggested encouraging voluntary work in local communities such

    as litter days where we organize clean-up-our-streets crews and also

    establishing free boxes (clothes, and household recycling boxes), as easy

  • 30

    ideas to implement and get us started. Check out our free box system in

    Crestone at: She also

    said that in Crestone they have a full moon drum circle in the woods which

    gets lots of interest and brings the community together.

    Sam said that we have not had a structure or mechanism to support and

    honour all the work Babaji devotees are doing. We are the body of Babaji

    and act as his sacred presence in the world. How can we find out about

    each other and interconnect. We need online communication system


    During the satsangs difficult material emerged: people expressing their

    pain, tensions, VIP problems. Someone said that where we have Babaji

    as our master/guru then we will be confronted by our own shadow

    (unconscious) sides. The pain needs space to be heard.

    Maya explained how in some ashrams people have been treated badly:

    working all day and still having to pay to stay there. It was agreed that we

    need trainings within ashrams, trainings in communication, and meetings

    with no time restriction maybe. It was suggested that when a new

    person arrives at one of our Centres or Ashrams that they are teamed up

    with a mentor, a brother or sister. In Bacca they teach children about

    deities and puja: encouraging even small children (6 yrs old upwards) to

    bring round the aarti lamp and prasad.

    An Italian man shared how the Italian part of the body is very sick. There

    was a huge majority of Italian devotees when Babaji was in body, but now

    more than 50% of Italian devotees think that it is finished. People are still

    repeating the black army leela, shouting at someone because they are not

    wearing a lungi in aarti or are wearing shoes in the wrong place. It is

    impossible to do things together, business or social in this abusive

    atmosphere. But now we have a fantastic younger generation. We need

    to build cooperative ways of working. Why have we never been able to

    create an Italian restaurant at Cisternino ?! Raghuvir said that there had

    been very serious attempts in Italy to heal these problems and to try to

    start cooperatives. These problems are not new and we need to take

  • 31

    the chance to put together ways of solving these problems. Ed: But we

    are being invited to attend Gurupurnima in Cisternino, Italy in 2015 !

    Usha who is English but lives in Italy, said how she is hoping to start a

    project on 6 hectares near Bologna to help children who live in cities to

    relate to animals and plants, and to have a dhuni. She has started a little

    private English language school for children and wants them to learn

    about the land, such as the Permaculture system of land management.

    Sundar shared how tough it was to set up the community of 30 at

    Schweibenalp, as it is functioning now. (But it seems to be working very well

    Ed.) The shadow shrinks if you look at it !

    Haripyari from England came to Babaji through Gopal Hari and Ambikas

    music. They just played music and when I asked about the photo beside

    where they were playing, they said that it was of their teacher Babaji and

    how he was the Band Leader ! She went on to talk of the Bhakti festival in

    Glastonbury organised by Trishna, Tabla Tom, Durga Das and Harisudha

    etc. How hundreds turned up to attend whole immersion days of kirtan

    singing and celebration of music from many Indian traditions: Neem

    Karoli Baba people, others from Ammachi, Anandamayi Mar, etc. To start

    with short pujas were conducted from different Indian traditions followed

    by kirtan from each tradition, so that not simply Babaji, but all the

    traditions/gurus took part. As Kharkuli said: What you did in England has

    inspired us to run a Bhakti festival in Holland next year !

    On the third Satsang day Gaby helped us self-select being part of a smaller

    interest group. These groups met for 1 to 1 hours and comprised:

    A Young people and New Projects Group, A Health & Healing Group,

    Music and Puja Group, Craft & Business Group, Admin Jai HO group, and

    an Anyone Else group.

  • 32

    Young Persons and New Projects Group

    Health, Healing and Teaching Group

    Music and Puja Group

  • 33

    Five people from General Satsang chose to join the Admin/Jai HO Group

    Urmila from Germany a member of the German Board, Bo from Sweden

    (who founded the Swedish ashram in 1992), Sam from USA , Giuliano from

    Switzerland and Italy, and Mukundi from France. Giuliano sits on the

    Italian Bhole Baba Samaj committee and will share with them our

    discussions and proposed Jai HO project. Mukundi chairs the French


    Unfortunately the Admin Group was unable to rejoin the larger group at

    completion of that days satsang as it had to attend a pre-arranged

    meeting with Marc from Kamalaya who was offering us an hours

    group/business consultation. We learnt many useful ideas from Marc but

    particularly how the oldest unifying forum known in the world (as gleaned

    from both American Indian and other traditions) was a council of elders

    but who themselves were beholden to a council of guilds or trades.

    Both these would then support leaders/managers that carried out the

    actual work required. Mark suggested that as soon as structure is

    planned that some people will run away. There is no structure without

    hierarchy and that the more the structure the more the potential for

    dissent and negative authority projection. We need room for free

    movement and chaotic process within our structure, as creative lateral

    thinking and work need not threaten the structure. We need to create

    spaces within for flexible groups representing other tribes and geographic


    We felt that the various groups meeting that afternoon for Satsang were

    groups of the guilds/trades being built the council of guilds and maybe

    geographic tribes. The key challenge will be to build unity and to

    concentrate on who does what task in this new project. We decided to

    sit together as a team for 3 to 5 days as soon as physically possible. The

    meetings so far had been about inspiration, intent, enthusiasm and

    commitment; the next stage will be about grounding the tasks.

    Babaji is showing us the way, Munirajji quietly smiling and wondering when

    we will wake up, they want us to be bold, to be brave, to connect with them

    and be instruments of their love.

  • 34

    Jai HONext Steps

    How to create a forum for each of the Interest/Talent Groups to

    communicate together, welcome new members, etc. ? For instance see

    MayaRams Portal (on opposite page) or create an invitation only Facebook

    group, etc ? Some groups were initiated in Schweibenalp and these

    first ones were as listed below. Email lists of those who attended each

    group were recorded and members of each group shared their interests

    and talents, and their thoughts about this new Jai HO impulse of

    communication and support. These email lists by group are held by

    Mukundi in France [email protected]

    Health & Healing Group had two sub-groups, which were:

    (a) Different kinds of Yoga, Tai-Ji Quan, Wutao, Rebirthing, Jahra etc.

    with 5 participants from Italy, Estonia, USA, Germany and France

    (b) Psychotherapy, Food therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbs,

    Cooking Courses, Art Therapy, Naturopathy, Panchkarma, Healing,

    NVC, Education, Peace Demonstrations with 7 people from Germany,

    and one each from Thailand, UK and Italy.

    Music and Puja Group with 15 people from 7 different countries

    Craft & Business Group with 12 people: such as a tour operator from

    Latvia, people who teach and practice healing, organic farming,

    dressmaking and stitching, catering, beekeeping, candle making, malas,

    copper crafts, kindergarten, English teaching.

    A Young people and New Projects Group with 10 people from Italy,

    Switzerland, Germany UK and USA.

    Jai HO Admin Group of 14 elders and country coordinators who have

    been meeting for a number of years at each European Gurupurnima.

    Anyone Else Group - interests: integration in ashrams, to offer our

    presence, work with marginalised people (e.g. in prisons), communicating

    about philosophy, values, linguistic skills and listening.

  • 35

    Haidakhandi Family - by MayaRam Bhole Baba Connect:

    My gratitude towards Babaji is infinite: he cultivated me, gave me strength

    to live and guided me. But after years of selfishly relating just me-Him, I

    realised my stagnation and turned to other people. I realised that in group

    development we can learn more, experiment with new ways of

    communicating and help Humanity in difficult transitions. Maybe He came

    to support us, and not to be different and special for us.

    I call our society Haidakhandi Family. We are spiritual brothers and sisters

    because we have the same spiritual Father and Mother. But for my blood

    relatives, brothers and sisters, I take care. I am curious what they do and I

    help them, if I can. What about my spiritual relatives? I do not even know

    their birth names. I meet them a few times per year when we gather for

    celebrations. When Babaji brings us together! But I am interested to

    continue contact, conversation and projects with my spiritual

    relatives also in daily life. I am not hiding myself and maybe I can find

    some Family members with similar ideas.

    Babaji did not accept a division into public and private. Todays idea of

    private is a product of modern industrialisation, begun in the 18thC.

    Everyone who meditates and concentrates on God cannot divide private

    life out of communication with Him. But everyone has Him in his heart and

    we all are connected. Actually all individuals in our group, who are

    interested, can intuitively connect to everyone and get information during

    meditation from each part of the group. Pain or happiness from one

    person is part of everyones feelings. Our separation and division is an

    illusion. What we need to do, is to behave in accordance with this Truth,

    we need to talk freely about our personal worries, pain and problems. We

    should not hide our feelings about group activities, such as ashrams and

    centre projects, West-v-India relations, Haidakhan organisation

    Spreading bad news around like whispers, or behaving as if problems do

    not exist, is the most negative action we can imagine. In this way we create

    negative thoughts. Somebody expressing themselves is not bad; but when

    we judge that expression, then we exclude and divide. To tell bad news

  • 36

    openly, is not excluding and dividing. We need to learn from each others

    experiences. So, Im suggesting that we should freely share all our

    experiences, and not just holy ones. We should admit that we dont know

    how to make good organisation, how to make ashrams, centres and

    personal relations. We should admit that we, as humans, need to learn

    how to create better society.

    In 2010 we created Portal Bhole Baba Connect where one

    can share thoughts, feelings and experiences about our family and

    activities in Haidakhandi society. Lets re-activate communication

    between ourselves.

    We invite all interested to also join the business part of the Portal, where

    we can share ideas and join our strengths together to manage money

    flow, personally and as a group. Individually most of us are not very strong

    in business matters, because most of us devoted a large part of our lives

    to spiritual interests and work. But if we join our small powers together,

    we could be much stronger than each one of us can individually. Todays

    world is divided and people believe that everybody should do his/her thing

    alone. This is exactly what perverse sovereignty power actually wants. To

    rule is to divide. We should turn around this in Babajis name.


    In Memoriam

    SAM Shyam - from Stroud, UK.

    Sangita has emailed to let us know of Sams

    passing. She writes: Going through Sam's

    papers after his death, I came across the

    following he'd written to himself: Do puja every

    morning, mantra every day. Whatever spiritual

    practice, do gradually. It doesn't happen

    overnight. Be content and happy with your life

    situation and try to live a good life, based on

    spiritual values and ideals. Try to serve others.

    Be content, be happy. Be at Peace. I am always

    within you. Bhole Baba ki jai.

  • 37

    Welcome to the natural world Permaculture at Schweibenalp

    Watch this video and all will be revealed:

    A Sustainable Permaculture system for an Alpine environment

    Since 2011 Schweibenalp has begun to develop the first alpine

    Permaculture system at 1100 meters above sea level in the central

    mountains of Switzerland. Because of the long winters and the height, the

    time for cultivation is short, therefore many micro climate zones have

    been developed, especially to harness and store solar energy and to store

    water by building stone walls, etc. The beauty of this project is that it

    allows the growing of vegetables, herbs, fruit trees, and other good things

    for the whole community and also for some local restaurants, such as the

    5 star hotel down the road where they deliver gourmet herbs. These

    outlets are willing to pay for quality.

    So what is Permaculture?

    It is an approach for sustainable planting, but its also a way of life thats in

    balance with nature and all beings; an interactive, interdependent eco-

    system between animals, humans, minerals, plants, water, earth, and air.

    Permaculture is concerned with storage and the renewal of energy, and

    natural recycling During Gurupurnima we had a 45 minute inspirational

    guided tour through the permaculture garden, with expert Nina

    Webekind. Please see the link above to learn and see more about it.

  • 38

    Bhole Baba Ki Jai !

    Bhole Baba Ki Jai !

    GOMA by Gopal Hari

    Since I was young, music was a very import part of my life. I got my first

    guitar when I was 14, and since 1971 I have played in various bands. In

    1979, some musical friends and I moved into a big house with many

    rooms and started recording. In 1981, there was an opportunity to have a

    recording contract but essentially I was no longer happy about our

    message. For me, music was always a medium for expressing the joy of

    life and to elevate others and making people happy. In spite of the

    seductive opportunities offered, I decided to leave the band. I needed a

    fundamental change in my life; everything seemed to be empty and

    meaningless. This was my Saturn Return period. I told the band that the

    concert of the 5th of June, 1982, was to be my last one, saying good-bye.

    So on that day we all were sitting together in a rather depressed mood

    before leaving to give this concert, when suddenly the phone rang: my old

    friend had just returned from India and wanted visit me the next day.

    It was at that moment that an invisible hand gripped my heart and

    pressed it tightly, this horrified me. I left the house overwhelmed with

    emotions and ran into the garden as I felt I might be having a heart attack.

    Gopal Hari

    Our beloved Gopal Hari left his body on

    Good Friday 18th April 2014 at 13.45

    Thank you for your love and support,

    Ambika, Shambo and Veda

    For the past 3 years, Ambika cared for

    Gopal Hari like a murti, with love and

    joy. Ambika really lives Babajis teaching

    karma yoga is the real kirtan. We

    remember Goma for their cosmic kirtan,

    but it is Ambika, Shambo and Vedas

    dedicated service that continues to

    inspire so many.

  • 39

    The most horrible thing was that I had no idea what was happening to me:

    it was as if my whole being was falling apart into chaos. After some time

    the thought occurred to me that this must be to do with the return of my

    friend. The rest of my days experience was as if I was enveloped into

    some nebula: everything around me appeared unreal, like a shadowy

    world without any reason and sense.

    The next day my friend arrived, and I was astonished to find in front of me

    a totally transformed person in whose eyes there was shining a well-

    known yet also alien Light. He moved into an empty room in the house

    and for the two next days I stayed exclusively with him, as far as was

    possible. It was as if another world had come in with his arrival. My

    feelings were confirmed when he set up an altar and burning incense

    sticks. On the altar there was the photo of an exotic young man whom

    my friend called Babaji. An extraordinarily strong radiation both horrified

    and enticed and thrilled me. On the third day after his arrival, my friend

    asked if I would accompany him on his next Indian trip in order to meet

    Babaji. A joyous yes came from the inmost depth of my heart. That

    night, Babaji appeared to me for the first time in a dream in the youthful

    shape of Krishna. Dripping with sweat and with a pumping my heart I

    awoke and knew that Babaji had called me.

    Over the following months I had to let go everything that I was used to,

    and I opened myself to this new adventure. Finally in November 1982 we

    set off for India and Babaji. I find it very difficult to describe in words what

    this first encounter with Babaji unlocked within me: to be standing in front

    of a being who knows everyone of your thoughts and feelings is like both a

    destruction and a creation, both together in one eternal moment. The

    first words which Babaji spoke to me were: You Kirtan (Kirtan is the

    singing of holy mantras and chants). Over the following months, which

    appeared to me like several lives, I was allowed to stay in His Divine

    Presence. Babaji said to me: Every day you stay with me is like twelve


  • 40

    One evening during my stay I was with Babaji in the temple, he was

    drawing me towards him and said, Your name Gopal Hari, and he

    smiled at me radiatingly (Gopal and Hari are two names of Krishna). At

    this moment I felt as if my past was washed away and a new life kindled

    within me.

    After three months I returned to Germany. My stay however was but short.

    After about four weeks, one evening I asked Babaji inwardly if I could see

    him again soon, and the next day an air ticket was offered to me, and two

    weeks later I was again with Babaji. During this second visit I received

    initiation as a Pujari (temple priest) and received Babajis blessings for

    passing on his message through Bhajans and Kirtan. He told me that I will

    have a family with two children. On the last morning of my stay Babaji told

    me that I will never see him again in this form, but he will always be with

    me and will guide me and my work. Some months later Babaji left his


    In November 1981, touring through England, I had met my soul partner

    Ambika. We recognized each other at once and felt that we had known

    each other for a very long time. Ambika lived at her home in Ireland. She

    is a wondrous, hilarious, friendly and magnanimous character. In spring

    1984 we moved together to England. Ambika and I soon began working

    together under the name GOMA. In 1987 and 1991 our sons Shambo and

    Veda were born who both are now good strong parts of GOMA as

    essential now as ever. Throughout all these years we have worked

    together to give concerts and satsang in Ashrams, spiritual and alternative

    centres, in schools and churches, at festivals and exhibitions and in city

    and village halls. We performed regularly in England, and also in Ireland,

    Belgium, Holland and Germany, and other countries also invited us. The

    holy mantras, the names of God and the Divine Mother have power to

    inspire, elevate and heal. They touch our hearts and fill us with Love, Hope

    and Light.

    Bhole Baba Ki Jai !

  • 41

    The charitable programmes of

    For nearly five years we have been sending daily news from Haidakhan,

    Chilianaula and other Babajis Ashrams on

    People respond very positively to these daily pictures from Babaji places

    and a leela has started now that people are beginning to donate money

    for this work. First planetbabaji invested in technical equipment and when

    this was enough, then more and more charitable projects have been

    completed. It started with the school established at Sri Visnu Datt Misra

    Shastriji place in Rajgarh, where rooms were painted, a computer room

    with six working places, new windows and doors and two water cool/filters

    were installed.

    After this the village school of Haidakhan was provided with water, warm

    mats for sitting on and every Christmas the children receive warm socks.

    Also they get regular food additives such as soya and channa and once a

    week fruits. This will continue. In addition the electricity will be repaired.

    And now the next school project has begun: the Bhoria School Haidakhan


    khan_bhoria_school_project.html) which is a forgotten school in a

    forgotten part of Haidakhan village at the bottom of Mount Siddhesvar.

    Water is running again and soon there will be new toilets made by myself.

    Also warm seats will be provided, the ground in front of the School will be

    renewed and again a food service will be established. Now with my motor

    bike all the necessary things can be bought without having to pay

    commission, and Gopal, our taxi driver helps me get the right prices.

    After the terrible news from India that girls are often raped and the most

    horrible news of girls hanged after being raped, planetbabaji created a

    new leela: Toilets for the poor, this to avoid the untouchable girls with no

    toilets having to go out into the fields where they are vulnerable to attack.

    I will start at the Haldwani railway station where a slum is located, to give

    families with daughters toilets attached to their huts or other systems, so

    they dont need any more to go outside. In the mountains this is also

    danger from tiger attack in the wilds.

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    So is now asking for your support to enable these

    worldwide charity projects to happen. The results of the charitable

    donations are posted on and there you can see all thats

    been done, and details of what is work-in-progress or planned in the near


    For donations there are the links on this site and there is a PayPal account

    under the name: [email protected] and also there is the bank

    connection. Here people can send money free of transfer costs from


    Name: schediwy

    IBAN: DE18490510650008533895


    Please write on the transfer as to which area you are donating:

    For planetbabaji

    or for Bhoria School

    or for Haidakhan school

    or for Toilets

    Thank you for your love. lalbaba

    Bhoria School - Haidakhan

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    We want to inspire you to communicate about our new Jai HO project in

    the West, in addition to your continuing support of projects in India as

    described in this Journal. So why not:

    (a) Start up a Talent Group on Facebook (we recommend a closed group

    by invitation only) and share ideas and support each other in your daily

    work. And if you want to contact those who joined talent groups at

    Schweibenalp then email Mukundi in France on [email protected]

    (b) Write about your business or Blog, make links and discuss global issues


    (c) Come up with new ways to support and help our struggling ashrams (in

    Europe particularly) by organizing visits and tours to share music, satsang,

    or help them with vital business/educational/outreach projects.

    (d) Help us organise fundraising to pay for tour travel, educating

    communication skills and other educational programs, and health and

    healing events at these ashrams and centres.

    (e) Just get networking to help each of us not to feel so on our own, in our

    daily karma yoga and lifes difficulties.

    But whatever you are inspired to do please check the connection question:

    is everything we do connected with the sacred presence of Babaji ?

    The responsibility for the content of the IHJ lies with the Editors, with the

    support of their Editorial Board of Alok, Lok Nath, Gayatri Devi, Raghuvir and

    Kharku. The Editors do not take responsibility for individuals stories or

    articles. We often need to edit information sent to us, for the purpose of

    shortening the length of articles or improving written English or presentation.

    Please contact Editors on [email protected]

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    Divine Mother murti Crestone, USA

    This Journal is printed in India by the Haidakhandi Samaj,

    Regd Office: 54 Hanuman Road, New Delhi -110 001 Regd No. Delhi S-1455

    For On-Line version of this Journal see:
