journal 1 baraka the first storytellers julio cantillo

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  • 8/8/2019 Journal 1 Baraka the First Storytellers Julio Cantillo


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    Julio Cantillo

    Professor Shaw


    October 25, 2010

    Baraka and The First Storytellers

    Baraka was an eye opening film that captured different sceneries in different places of the

    world by not showing where it was located but what was there to appreciate. The film can be

    considered an environmental excerpt about earth. It emphasizes on the rituals performed in very

    traditional places of the world. The movie takes us through a very serene environment by

    showing us different natural scenes such as, waterfalls, volcanoes, animals and people

    performing peaceful rituals. Formerly, it fast-forwards to the hectic lives that we are living as of

    now by showing New York City and Los Angeles. Then, it slows down and takes us back to the

    more serene and peaceful portion of the earth. Joseph Campbells The First Storytellers is a

    documentary which explains the natural universe and the symbolism of the circle of life. It also

    emphasizes on the mythology from different cultures and the different rituals that are performed.

    All the mythology is linked to rituals which takes us out of the realm of reality. These two films

    come together to explain the importance of identifying yourself with nature and find

    harmonization not with the body but with the consciousness.

    As people living in this century, we get carried away by busy schedules, hectic traffic,

    office hours, overtime and many other irrelevant things. However, we do not stop and stare to

    appreciate and value what is in front of us. Humans are accustomed to overlooked nature; they

    are not connected to the realm of the natural universe. As Joseph Campbell said, people have to

    go through a near dead experience in their lifetime in order to appreciate life. Some people

    take family for granted but after their experience they seem to realize how important it is for

  • 8/8/2019 Journal 1 Baraka the First Storytellers Julio Cantillo


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    them. Campbell said that we are all searching for something in life which takes us to the function

    of man and women in society. In earlier societies as a woman reaches her adulthood, she is

    secluded from the tribe because she is sacred. She becomes the creator of life. As the initiation of

    manhood, the man goes through a painful circumcision to symbolize adulthood. All these rituals

    are very sacred and nature-oriented by sacrificially symbolizing praise to their respective deities.

    Campbell explains how rituals in modern society have diminished and become less natural and

    sacrificial. Theres no ritual for humans to become a member of what they are when turning

    adults. Like Campbell, Baraka shows how nature has decreased in over-populated cities. For

    example, Baraka shows sceneries of mountains and forest full of fog, a natural phenomenon, butthen it compares it to the fog of the city which consists of air pollution, smoke and carbon

    dioxide. Both films depict the idea of having rituals to link to the cycle of life which alternately

    leads to eternity.