joseph a. hyde, president, e. c. freyschlag, vice ... · fred m. ferrell, assistant cashier. first...

Joseph A. Hyde, President, E. C. Freyschlag, Vice President. James H. King, Cashier. Fred M. Ferrell, Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK PHIILPSBURG, MONTANA. Corner Broadway and Sansonme. ABOUT TOWN. Miss Bielenberg, of Deer Lodge, spent Sunday with Mrs. C. N. Childs. A special meeting of the Ladies' Guild will be held at Mrs. Wm. Ray's, Friday, June 2, 1893, at 2:30 p. m. The Northern Pacific has issued an- other handsome world's fair folder, printed in four languages. Will Loring, the Western Union tele- graph operator, has been laid up for a week with the prevailing complaint-- grip. Leonard Lauer departed for the home of his parents at Leedston, Minnesota, yesterday. From there he will go to the world's fair. James Patten and M. E. Doe drove out to Silver lake last Sunday. They say the road is not in very good condition in that direction. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild will be held at the resi- dence of Mrs. Wm. Ray Tuesday, June t, 1893, at 2:30 p. m. James G. Evans has let a contract through Charles Suiter,the architect. for building a neat residence above the Catholic church, for rental purposes. Joseph Rice, from Wellington, Kansas, arrived in Philipsburg during the past week. He is looking up a location and may conclude to locate in Philipsburg. Dyer Dawson is here this week visiting his sister, Miss Sadie Dawson. Mr. Daw- son is making for South Africa now after spending several months traveling in this country. Owing to her failing health, W. E. Ab- bright found it necessary to remove his wife to Deer Lodge Monday morning. We are sorry to note that this altitude is too severe for Mrs. Albright to live in. Miss Norma Freyschlag will return from California. about the middle of June, in company with Misses Kate and Linda, the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Freyschlag, who have been attending school at Oakland during the past winter. Messrs. Morgan and Hubert, of the Combination company, have been en- gaged during the past few days in sur- veying for the proposed new road to Black Pine. They were caught in the hail and rain storm of Monday and came te town during the evening wet as rats. Miss Alice Rodgers, who formerly re- sided in Philipsburg and who s'ill enjoys the pleasure of many friends here, was a welcome arrival last Monday, where she stopped off for a day and then continued her journey to Snokane Falls. During the two years last past Miss Rodgers has resided at Springfield, Illinois. Hon.John M. McDonald, for a number of years past assistant United States district attorney for Montana,has opened a law office at Philipsburg, where he has gone to take charge. Mr. McDonald has hundreds of friends throughtout Montana who wish him abundant success in the booming town of Philipsburg.- Helena Herald. Mrs. Roberts and daughter, of Flint station, were in town Monday to see Mr. Roberts, who is confined at the county jail. The prisoner is one of the men who was arrested on suspicion of being an accompliceto the supposed attempted escape of J. W. Brown, the man who killed Joe Gird. It is the opinion, how- ever, that no such charge can be proven against him, as it is a pretty hard charge to prove. Goods Well Bought and offered at a popular price. That de- scribes our stock Exactly. Some Merit in such a stock, isn't there? That's the kind you like to select from, isn't it? We take pleasure in Showing you our goods and telling you Exactly What They Are. No hard feelings if you don't buy. W ork ell Done That describes our Watch and Jewelry work. No cause for corn- plaWor Done int on anything we do. No unreasonable charges. Yours For Business, Broadway, first door East of Gannon & Neu FRANK THOM AS III III S25 CrENTS DRe5ss GooD S hc Ask Us to show you our Dress Goods. We have the Youri Choice of about Five D)ozen Boys Waists for Best iin the City and 25 •. AT RIGHT PRICES. Our First Remnant Sale Began Monday, May 22d. We Have Upwards of 300 Remnants. Call Early and Get First Choice. FR~Y5CMLAG, M.FMAPPIMN &6 CO. Ill II Danny Roach spent several days ot the past week in Anaconda. James G Evans was no from Missoula again this week on a short business trip. George Storrar, proprietor of the Rum- sey iron works, was a Sunday visitor in Philipsburg. Mass will be celebrated in the Catholic church next Sunday morning at 8 o'clock by Father A. H. Lambaere. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Byrne, of Stone Station, attended services here last Sun- day in the Catholic church. Thomas S. Smith arrived from the east Tuesday evening after spending several weeks in travel and recreation. M. E. H. Gannon, of the large clothing and dry goods firm of Gannon & Neu, is reported as seriously sica this week. Next Sunday the services at the M. E. church will consist of Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. and preaching in the evening. Miss Nellie Taggett, the New Chicago school teacher, spent Saturday and Sun- day with her sister, Mrs. Petey Towey, in the 'burg. The two-story brick now under way by the Boyd brothers, and adjoining their livery rapidly nearing completion. It is already leased for a barroom. Preparations are being made for the proper observance of children's day at the Methodist church. A most impres- sive and patriotic program will be used. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Botsecheider, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Jacky and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen and children will compose a party to the world's fair to start next Monday morning. W. H. Maughn, who had charge of the Northern Pacific express office here dur- ing the absence of Agent Coy, started for Chicago last Sunday in comuany with Mrs. Maughn to visit the world's fair. In an old cabin near Butte, that had been occupied by Antonio Biava, one of the victims of the Silver Bow mine hor- ror, was found a tin box, buried three feet down in the ground, that contained $1,590 in gold and currency. Mike Boland, of Combination, spent a day in town during the past week in the interest of the Miners' Union celebration at that place. Mr. Boland says it will be a good one and invites the people of Philipsburg to attend, and says that a cordial welcome will be extended all guests. Further particulars of the event will be found in another column. John M. McDonald, Esq., for several years past assistant United States at- torney for Montana, has established a law office at Philipsburg where he goes to-day to take charge. Mr. McDonald has made many friends in Helena and throughout the state, and bears a repu- tation for intelligence and ability that commends him to any community. His many friends wish him abundant success in that thrifty town.--Helena Independ- ent. May 26. Henry Lewis arrived Tuesday evening from a two months' visit at his old home in Howardsville, Virginia. Henry reports having had a right royal time among his former associates in the south and some new acquaintances that he made seems to have pleased him very much. While our friend seems glad enough to be in Philipsburg again, it is plain that his fascination for the dear old south is ripened since his late visit, and he may either return there or have some one come out here. John M. McDonald, the attorney and counselor-at-law, who came here from Helena to locate, has rented the front rooms over the store of L. W. Shodair, where he may be found at any time from now on attending to business. Mr. Mc- Donald is well known in the profession throughout the state, having been as- sistant to Attorney General Weed during his administration. At present Mr. Mc- Donald's family are visiting in the east, where they may be obliged to remain for several months for the benefit of Mrs. McDonald's health. When they return, however, they will come to Philipsburg for permanent residence. IC)-E CR IAMM At the parlors of Mes- ICE CREAM dmes MKay and O'Neil, Anderson building, lower Broadway. Delicious ice cream in various flavors. Open every even- ing. Lower Broadway. 13-tf. D O PRICE'S _aa3lBaking Powder The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes-4o Years the Standard. There will be services at Rumsey to- morrow evening by Rev. G. W. Jenkins. Already the boom of Kaslo, in the Slo- can country, shows signs of collapse. Prices of real estate are too high and are on the decline. Walter Robinson started on an eastern trip yesterday morning. He will meet his wife in Iowa and they will go from there to Chicago's big show. Remember THE MAIL gives a discount of one dollar for all subscriptions paid in advance. Send us your name and we will give you the best weekly paper in Montana. Mrs. J. F. Kaust and children have ar- rived from Elliston for future residence here, Mr. Kaust having been appointed to permanent charge as station agent at the Northern Pacific depot. M. E. H. Gannon, of the Gannon & Neu firm, has been confined to his home for a week with a severe attack of fever. He is improving now, and we hope to see him in active life again soon. A Hit! That is what some people think they are doing, but in reality are advertising us. Everybody knows what a watch and jewelry club is-what a benefit it is-and knows what Wahlen says he does. No Backsliding. Although but a few weeks old it is growing fast-the watch and jewelry club, I mean. If you have not read about it stop in at my place and learn of something to your advantage. Speaking of repairing, we do repairing of all things-watch and jewelry--and do all of it at home-right in our place of business-do not send it out to some one-or out of town. . Call and see my elegant stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry of every description, and a large line of Silverware. Fine hand engraving done in the store. Your, the jeweler, J. C. Wahlen. Jeweler Thomas' window display is the finest this week of any yet seen here. Diamonds, Watches and fine jewelry are shown in profusion and few indeed are they that pass the window without stop- ping to admire it. Why Join a watch club when you can get any article in our stock and pay $1, $2 or 83 aweek on it? We save you all the trouble and expense of a club. Yours for business, . FRANK THOMAS. We Will Sell you anything in our stock on weekly or monthly payments. No clubs, no drawings, no delays, no trouble. Just straight business. FRANK THOMAS. Machine Oils, a full line for sale by M. E. Doe & Co. A good line of gloves at McLeod's. Get your shoes repaired at McLeod's, he cobbler. If you want the latest in a suring hat go to Fred, the tailor. Go and see the latest in spring neck- wear at Fred's, the tailor. Don't forget that Fred, the Chicago tailor, makes clothes at all prices. Just received by Fred, the tailor, a fine line of dress and working gloves. If you want to save money on men's furnishing goods, go to Fred, the Chicago tailor. If you want the nobbiest thing in a spring suit, go to Fred, the Chicago tailor. Go to Fred, the tailor, and see the elegant line of spring Derby hats just received. For fine watch repairing, go to L. Chatelain, next door to Morse's hall. All work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Go to Charley McLeod for your rubbers and rubber boo' s. Go and see the elegant line of pants patterns Fred, the Chicago tailor, is making up for $10. The next time you want a pair gloves just go to Fred, the tailor, and see what he can save for you on them. Mr. Francis Gallagher, the well-known tailor, wishes to inform his friends and patrons that he is now engaged in the establishment of Fred, the Chicago tailor, where all will be received with a hearty welcome. Coal and Lime. In connection with my Lumber Busi- ness, I have added the celebrated Galt Coal and Lime-A No. 1-both of which I invite the public to give a trial. Orders by mail or telephone will receive prompt attention. CHAs. A. ANDERsoN. GANNON & NEU'S Emporium of Fashion GREAT SACRIFICE SALE Boots, 8hoes,8lippers, 1essthan Gost We have concluded to reduce our stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes and Slippers to a few num- bers, and in order to do this we will for the next 30 days quote the following prices: Former Price. 160 Pairs Kid Slippers.. at $1 25 81. 75 __ 100 do .. at 175 275 75 do .. at 200 300 Former Price, 75 do .. at 300 5 50 75 Pairs Kid $3 50 $5 50 100 Pairs Kid Shoes .... at 125 200. 260 Pairs Mens' Shoes.. at 1 25 2 00 100 do .... at 225 375 148 do .. at 175 275 125 do .... at 250 400 336 do .. at 175 300 136 do .... at 325 500 136 do 200 350 50 do .... at 350 525 148 do .. at 275 400 148 do .. at 300 450 286 do .. at 3 75 550 The best selected line of Chenilles, Curtains and Table Covers To be found in the city at greatly reduced prices. FULL LINE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR At less than cost of making; material not taken into account. You cannot mistake the place, for it is right in the heart of the city and the LEADING DRY COODS EMPORIUM Gannon & Neu PHILIPSBURG HARDWARE HOUSE, GEORGE B. CAIN; PROP, ----- DEALER IN --- Hardwar8, 8to s and Tinwars FINE CUTLFRY AND SPORTING GOODS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE AGENT FOR "MAJESTIC" WROUGHT STEEL RANGES My prices sell the goods, my employees deliver them and guarantee satisfaction. Philipsburg and Granite Lumber and Fuel Company WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL AND ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Sash and Doors and all kinds of Building Material. We ship in carload lots and can therefore save our customers money on every.. thing we handle. We keep in stock the Rock Springs, Pennsylvania Hard, Oum- berland and Blossburg Blacksmiths' Coal The celebrated Elliston Lime always on hand. PHILIPSBURG AND GRANITE LUMBER AND FUEL CO. Yards at N. P. Depot Office Cor. Broadwvay & Holland

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Page 1: Joseph A. Hyde, President, E. C. Freyschlag, Vice ... · Fred M. Ferrell, Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK PHIILPSBURG, MONTANA. Corner Broadway and Sansonme. ABOUT TOWN. Miss

Joseph A. Hyde, President,E. C. Freyschlag, Vice President.

James H. King, Cashier.

Fred M. Ferrell, Assistant Cashier.


Corner Broadway and Sansonme.

ABOUT TOWN.Miss Bielenberg, of Deer Lodge, spent

Sunday with Mrs. C. N. Childs.A special meeting of the Ladies' Guild

will be held at Mrs. Wm. Ray's, Friday,June 2, 1893, at 2:30 p. m.

The Northern Pacific has issued an-other handsome world's fair folder,printed in four languages.

Will Loring, the Western Union tele-graph operator, has been laid up for aweek with the prevailing complaint--grip.

Leonard Lauer departed for the homeof his parents at Leedston, Minnesota,yesterday. From there he will go to theworld's fair.

James Patten and M. E. Doe droveout to Silver lake last Sunday. Theysay the road is not in very good conditionin that direction.

The regular monthly meeting of theLadies' Guild will be held at the resi-dence of Mrs. Wm. Ray Tuesday, Junet, 1893, at 2:30 p. m.

James G. Evans has let a contractthrough Charles Suiter,the architect. forbuilding a neat residence above theCatholic church, for rental purposes.

Joseph Rice, from Wellington, Kansas,arrived in Philipsburg during the pastweek. He is looking up a location andmay conclude to locate in Philipsburg.

Dyer Dawson is here this week visitinghis sister, Miss Sadie Dawson. Mr. Daw-son is making for South Africa now afterspending several months traveling inthis country.

Owing to her failing health, W. E. Ab-bright found it necessary to remove hiswife to Deer Lodge Monday morning.We are sorry to note that this altitudeis too severe for Mrs. Albright to live in.

Miss Norma Freyschlag will returnfrom California. about the middle ofJune, in company with Misses Kate andLinda, the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Freyschlag, who have been attendingschool at Oakland during the pastwinter.

Messrs. Morgan and Hubert, of theCombination company, have been en-gaged during the past few days in sur-veying for the proposed new road toBlack Pine. They were caught in thehail and rain storm of Monday and camete town during the evening wet as rats.

Miss Alice Rodgers, who formerly re-sided in Philipsburg and who s'ill enjoysthe pleasure of many friends here, was awelcome arrival last Monday, where shestopped off for a day and then continuedher journey to Snokane Falls. Duringthe two years last past Miss Rodgers hasresided at Springfield, Illinois.

Hon.John M. McDonald, for a numberof years past assistant United Statesdistrict attorney for Montana,has openeda law office at Philipsburg, where he hasgone to take charge. Mr. McDonaldhas hundreds of friends throughtoutMontana who wish him abundant successin the booming town of Philipsburg.-Helena Herald.

Mrs. Roberts and daughter, of Flintstation, were in town Monday to see Mr.Roberts, who is confined at the countyjail. The prisoner is one of the menwho was arrested on suspicion of beingan accompliceto the supposed attemptedescape of J. W. Brown, the man whokilled Joe Gird. It is the opinion, how-ever, that no such charge can be provenagainst him, as it is a pretty hard chargeto prove.

Goods Well Bought and offered at a popular price. That de-scribes our stock Exactly. Some Merit in

such a stock, isn't there? That's the kind you like to select from, isn't it? We take pleasure in Showing

you our goods and telling you Exactly What They Are. No hard feelings if you don't buy.

W ork ell Done That describes our Watch and Jewelry work. No cause for corn-plaWor Done int on anything we do. No unreasonable charges.

Yours For Business,

Broadway, first door East of Gannon & Neu FRANK THOM AS


S25 CrENTS DRe5ss GooDS hc Ask Us to show you our Dress Goods. We have theYouri Choice of about Five D)ozen Boys Waists for Best iin the City and


Our First Remnant Sale Began Monday, May 22d. We Have Upwards of 300 Remnants. Call Early and Get First Choice.


Ill II

Danny Roach spent several days otthe past week in Anaconda.

James G Evans was no from Missoulaagain this week on a short business trip.

George Storrar, proprietor of the Rum-sey iron works, was a Sunday visitor inPhilipsburg.

Mass will be celebrated in the Catholicchurch next Sunday morning at 8 o'clockby Father A. H. Lambaere.

Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Byrne, of StoneStation, attended services here last Sun-day in the Catholic church.

Thomas S. Smith arrived from the eastTuesday evening after spending severalweeks in travel and recreation.

M. E. H. Gannon, of the large clothingand dry goods firm of Gannon & Neu, isreported as seriously sica this week.

Next Sunday the services at the M. will consist of Sunday school at10 o'clock a. m. and preaching in theevening.

Miss Nellie Taggett, the New Chicagoschool teacher, spent Saturday and Sun-day with her sister, Mrs. Petey Towey,in the 'burg.

The two-story brick now under way bythe Boyd brothers, and adjoining theirlivery rapidly nearing completion.It is already leased for a barroom.

Preparations are being made for theproper observance of children's day atthe Methodist church. A most impres-sive and patriotic program will be used.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Botsecheider, Mr.and Mrs. C. F. Jacky and sons and Mr.and Mrs. Fred Bowen and children willcompose a party to the world's fair tostart next Monday morning.

W. H. Maughn, who had charge of theNorthern Pacific express office here dur-ing the absence of Agent Coy, startedfor Chicago last Sunday in comuany withMrs. Maughn to visit the world's fair.

In an old cabin near Butte, that hadbeen occupied by Antonio Biava, one ofthe victims of the Silver Bow mine hor-ror, was found a tin box, buried threefeet down in the ground, that contained$1,590 in gold and currency.

Mike Boland, of Combination, spent aday in town during the past week in theinterest of the Miners' Union celebrationat that place. Mr. Boland says it willbe a good one and invites the people ofPhilipsburg to attend, and says that acordial welcome will be extended allguests. Further particulars of the eventwill be found in another column.

John M. McDonald, Esq., for severalyears past assistant United States at-torney for Montana, has established alaw office at Philipsburg where he goesto-day to take charge. Mr. McDonaldhas made many friends in Helena andthroughout the state, and bears a repu-tation for intelligence and ability thatcommends him to any community. Hismany friends wish him abundant successin that thrifty town.--Helena Independ-ent. May 26.

Henry Lewis arrived Tuesday eveningfrom a two months' visit at his old homein Howardsville, Virginia. Henry reportshaving had a right royal time among hisformer associates in the south and somenew acquaintances that he made seemsto have pleased him very much. Whileour friend seems glad enough to be inPhilipsburg again, it is plain that hisfascination for the dear old south isripened since his late visit, and he mayeither return there or have some onecome out here.

John M. McDonald, the attorney andcounselor-at-law, who came here fromHelena to locate, has rented the frontrooms over the store of L. W. Shodair,where he may be found at any time fromnow on attending to business. Mr. Mc-Donald is well known in the professionthroughout the state, having been as-sistant to Attorney General Weed duringhis administration. At present Mr. Mc-Donald's family are visiting in the east,where they may be obliged to remain forseveral months for the benefit of Mrs.McDonald's health. When they return,however, they will come to Philipsburgfor permanent residence.

IC)-E CR IAMM At the parlors of Mes-ICE CREAM dmes MKay and O'Neil,Anderson building, lower Broadway. Deliciousice cream in various flavors. Open every even-ing. Lower Broadway. 13-tf.

D O PRICE'S_aa3lBaking

PowderThe only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum.

Used in Millions of Homes-4o Years the Standard.

There will be services at Rumsey to-morrow evening by Rev. G. W. Jenkins.

Already the boom of Kaslo, in the Slo-can country, shows signs of collapse.Prices of real estate are too high and areon the decline.

Walter Robinson started on an easterntrip yesterday morning. He will meethis wife in Iowa and they will go fromthere to Chicago's big show.

Remember THE MAIL gives a discountof one dollar for all subscriptions paid inadvance. Send us your name and wewill give you the best weekly paper inMontana.

Mrs. J. F. Kaust and children have ar-rived from Elliston for future residencehere, Mr. Kaust having been appointedto permanent charge as station agent atthe Northern Pacific depot.

M. E. H. Gannon, of the Gannon &Neu firm, has been confined to his homefor a week with a severe attack of fever.He is improving now, and we hope to seehim in active life again soon.

A Hit!That is what some people think they are doing,but in reality are advertising us. Everybodyknows what a watch and jewelry club is-whata benefit it is-and knows what Wahlen says hedoes. No Backsliding.

Although but a few weeks old it is growing fast-the watchand jewelry club, I mean. If you have not read about it stopin at my place and learn of something to your advantage.Speaking of repairing, we do repairing of all things-watchand jewelry--and do all of it at home-right in our place ofbusiness-do not send it out to some one-or out of town. .

Call and see my elegant stock of Diamonds,Watches, Jewelry of every description, and alarge line of Silverware. Fine hand engravingdone in the store. Your, the jeweler,

J. C. Wahlen.Jeweler Thomas' window display is the

finest this week of any yet seen here.Diamonds, Watches and fine jewelry areshown in profusion and few indeed arethey that pass the window without stop-ping to admire it.


Join a watch club when you can get anyarticle in our stock and pay $1, $2 or 83

aweek on it? We save you all thetrouble and expense of a club. Yoursfor business, . FRANK THOMAS.

We Will

Sell you anything in our stock on weeklyor monthly payments. No clubs, nodrawings, no delays, no trouble. Juststraight business. FRANK THOMAS.

Machine Oils, a full line for sale byM. E. Doe & Co.

A good line of gloves at McLeod's.Get your shoes repaired at McLeod's,

he cobbler.If you want the latest in a suring hat

go to Fred, the tailor.Go and see the latest in spring neck-

wear at Fred's, the tailor.Don't forget that Fred, the Chicago

tailor, makes clothes at all prices.Just received by Fred, the tailor, a

fine line of dress and working gloves.If you want to save money on men's

furnishing goods, go to Fred, the Chicagotailor.

If you want the nobbiest thing in aspring suit, go to Fred, the Chicagotailor.

Go to Fred, the tailor, and see theelegant line of spring Derby hats justreceived.

For fine watch repairing, go to L.Chatelain, next door to Morse's hall. Allwork guaranteed and promptly attendedto.

Go to Charley McLeod for your rubbersand rubber boo' s.

Go and see the elegant line of pantspatterns Fred, the Chicago tailor, ismaking up for $10.

The next time you want a pair glovesjust go to Fred, the tailor, and see whathe can save for you on them.

Mr. Francis Gallagher, the well-knowntailor, wishes to inform his friends andpatrons that he is now engaged in theestablishment of Fred, the Chicago tailor,where all will be received with a heartywelcome.

Coal and Lime.

In connection with my Lumber Busi-ness, I have added the celebrated GaltCoal and Lime-A No. 1-both of whichI invite the public to give a trial. Ordersby mail or telephone will receive promptattention. CHAs. A. ANDERsoN.



Boots, 8hoes,8lippers, 1essthan GostWe have concluded to reduce our stock of Ladies'

and Gentlemen's Shoes and Slippers to a few num-bers, and in order to do this we will for the next 30days quote the following prices:


160 Pairs Kid Slippers.. at $1 25 81. 75 __100 do .. at 175 27575 do .. at 200 300 Former

Price,75 do .. at 300 5 50 75 Pairs Kid $3 50 $5 50100 Pairs Kid Shoes .... at 125 200. 260 Pairs Mens' Shoes.. at 1 25 2 00100 do .... at 225 375 148 do .. at 175 275125 do .... at 250 400 336 do .. at 175 300136 do 325 500 136 do 200 35050 do .... at 350 525 148 do .. at 275 400

148 do .. at 300 450286 do .. at 3 75 550

The best selected line of

Chenilles, Curtains and Table CoversTo be found in the city at greatly reduced prices.

FULL LINE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEARAt less than cost of making; material not taken into account.

You cannot mistake the place, for it is right in the heart of the city and the


Gannon & Neu


----- DEALER IN ---



AGENT FOR "MAJESTIC" WROUGHT STEEL RANGESMy prices sell the goods, my employeesdeliver them and guarantee satisfaction.

Philipsburg and Granite Lumber and Fuel CompanyWHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN

COAL AND ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBERLath, Shingles, Sash and Doors and all kinds of Building Material.

We ship in carload lots and can therefore save our customers money on every..thing we handle. We keep in stock the Rock Springs, Pennsylvania Hard, Oum-berland and Blossburg Blacksmiths' Coal The celebrated Elliston Lime alwayson hand.


Yards at N. P. Depot Office Cor. Broadwvay & Holland