jose luis serrano

ORGANIZATION Hecho por: José Luís Serrano Cano

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. ORGANIZATION Hecho por: Jos Lus Serrano Cano

2. 3. 4. 5. Departments 6. Human Resources

  • Training: Arranges courses for the staff
  • Wages and salaries: Pays the staff
  • Personnel: Recruits new employees

7. Production

  • Production: Manufactures the products
  • Packeging:Puts the products in boxer and crater.
  • Distribution:Dispatches the products and sends them.
  • Quality:Organizes control systems to provent mistakes.
  • Maintence: Services the machines and equipments.

8. Marketing

  • Sales: Sells the products to costumers.
  • Marketing:Places how tosell new products.
  • After-sales service:Looks after customers problems and complains.
  • Advertising: Places ads in magacines.

9. Finance

  • Buying: Purchases supplies.
  • Customers acounts: Invoices customers.
  • Financial service: Deals with taxation, investment and cash management.

10. Business-related vocabulary WORD FORMATION VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE MEANING Employ Employee/-er/-ment Employed/-ing Dar trabajo Advertise Advertising/-ment Advertised/-ing Anunciar Produce Product/-ion Produced/-ing Producir Supply Supplies/-er Supplied/-ing Proveer Sell Selling Sold/Selling Vender Arrange ArrangementArranged/-ing Convocar Recruit Recruitment/-er Recruited/-ing Contratar Manufacture Manufacturer Manufactured/-ing Fabricar Complain Complaint Complained/-ing Quejarse BuyBuying Bought/Buying Comprar 11. VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE MEANING Organize Organization Organized/-ing Organizar Invest Investment Invested/-ing Invertir Train Training Trained/-ing Formar Package Packaging Packaged/-ing Empaquetar Maintain Maintenance Maintained/-ing Mantener Distribute Distribution Distributed/-ing Distribuir Manage Manager/-ment Managed/-ing Dirigir Know Knowledge Known/-ing Saber Communicate Communication Communicated/-ing Comunicar Obtain Obtaining Obtained/-ing Obtener Succeed Success Successful Tener xito Understand Understanding Undestand/ing Entender 12. 13. THE END