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Jonathan Lee Recruitment Analysis of the “work for us” page: Recommendations on structure, use of images and video and any other issues

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Post on 21-Jan-2018




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Jonathan Lee Recruitment

Analysis of the “work for us” page:Recommendations on structure, use

of images and video and any other issues

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Define success!

• Unless there is a clear, unambiguous statement of the objectives needing to be achieved we will not know if we are making progress to them – or in fact even what they are

• What is the target that the page needs to aim for? - better ROI? – conversion rate? – AVOV? – newsletter sign-up? – social media followers? - number of people applying for jobs at Jonathan Lee?

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What are the current KPIs for the page?

• Unless you know the current performance of the page it is impossible to know if your efforts have improved it

• So to do an effective job, we first need to establish the baseline upon which we are trying to build and get all of the marketing stats for this pages

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What does the target market think of the page?

• You are NOT your own target audience!

• You inevitably care more about a page than any visitor ever will!

• Conduct a usability study with actual users of the site to see what the intended target audience thinks of the page and where it could be improved (and never a focus group!)

• Do not design for internal stakeholders: they are not the ones that pay the bills!

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First impressions

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Issues and suggested improvements (1)

• Top level navigation: seems small and cramped – probably due to the logo being on the same line as the subsection headers

• Navigation text is in all caps – which always imposes a 20% reading speed loss

• Jobs sub-nav: all in caps and centre aligned – another cognitive penalty to reading speed

• Search box is not in the standard place on the page of top right – and there is no way to search for anything on the site that is not a job

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Issues and suggested improvements (2)

• Highlight of which section you are in on the main navigation is too subtle

• No visual connection between “work for us” in main nav and the title on the page

• Breadcrumb trail floating in mid-air

• Title in nav bar “work for us” has no relation to title on page “Recruitment Consultant Jobs and Careers”

• Too large a gap between nav bar and actual content

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Issues and suggested improvements (3)

• Inconsistent use of capitalisation in sub-headers: in Some Cases Each Word is Capitalised and not in others.

• Video is too long: only 4% of people watch to the end of a 10 minute video: should be cut into shorter sections of – say – one person talking - and interspersed around the page

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Issues and suggested improvements (4)

• On the mobile version of the site the “work for us” section is not on the menu – and when you go to the search function it only allows you to search for jobs and not for pages on the site

• The responsive version of the site is delivered through different pages – not by adapting the existing pages for the device they are viewed on

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Issues and suggested improvements (5)

• For a page that mentions “people” so much there are very few images of people! – only one is in the video thumbnail

• People look at images of people – all eyetracking studies show this

• Get more images of actual staff onto the page

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• The page looks professional and polished

• However – the page does not seem to focus on achieving conversion to any particular call to action – perhaps because CTA’s have not been defined on a page by page level?

• Would benefit from a more granular approach to implementing calls to action

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A recruitment career for a company that puts people first.

• Alongside industry excellence we are passionate about delivering a socially responsible framework both within the business for our staff and externally throughout our local community. From our Investors in People accreditation, competitive salaries and commitment to learning and development through to our corporate charitable donation scheme, we firmly place people at the very heart of what we do.

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A recruitment career with a company that puts people first.

• We are passionate about making Jonathan Lee Recruitment the best place to work. That means that we pay competitive salaries and have a real commitment to training and developing our staff. We are accredited Investors in People and donate to charity through a corporate donation scheme. Social responsibility and putting our staff first are not just slogans with us: they are at the heart of what we do every day.

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Examples of work

• University of Birmingham accommodation site

• HAS intranet

• Venuebirmingham

• The Bramall Music Building

• Birmingham Day Nursery

• Birmingham Green Party – especially crowdfunding £3,700 in 10 days

• The Bryan Talbot fanpage

• Handicare presentation

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Thank-you for listening!

Any questions?

James Robertson

07970 678 133