joint spectral radius and path-complete graph … · of path-complete graphs, such as the de bruijn...

JOINT SPECTRAL RADIUS AND PATH-COMPLETE GRAPH LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONS * AMIR ALI AHMADI, RAPHA ¨ EL JUNGERS, PABLO A. PARRILO, AND MARDAVIJ ROOZBEHANI Abstract. We introduce the framework of path-complete graph Lyapunov functions for ap- proximation of the joint spectral radius. The approach is based on the analysis of the underlying switched system via inequalities imposed among multiple Lyapunov functions associated to a labeled directed graph. Inspired by concepts in automata theory and symbolic dynamics, we define a class of graphs called path-complete graphs, and show that any such graph gives rise to a method for proving stability of the switched system. This enables us to derive several asymptotically tight hierarchies of semidefinite programming relaxations that unify and generalize many existing techniques such as common quadratic, common sum of squares, path-dependent quadratic, and maximum/minimum- of-quadratics Lyapunov functions. We compare the quality of approximation obtained by certain classes of path-complete graphs including a family of dual graphs and all path-complete graphs with two nodes on an alphabet of two matrices. We derive approximation guarantees for several families of path-complete graphs, such as the De Bruijn graphs. This provides worst-case perfomance bounds for path-dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions and a constructive converse Lyapunov theorem for maximum/minimum-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions. Key words. joint spectral radius, stability of switched systems, linear difference inclusions, finite automata, Lyapunov methods, semidefinite programming. 1. Introduction. Given a finite set of square matrices A := {A 1 , ..., A m }, their joint spectral radius ρ(A) is defined as ρ (A) = lim k→∞ max σ∈{1,...,m} k kA σ k ...A σ2 A σ1 k 1/k , (1.1) where the quantity ρ(A) is independent of the norm used in (1.1). The joint spectral radius (JSR) is a natural generalization of the spectral radius of a single square matrix and it characterizes the maximal growth rate that can be obtained by taking products, of arbitrary length, of all possible permutations of A 1 , ..., A m . This concept was introduced by Rota and Strang [48] in the early 60s and has since been the subject of extensive research within the engineering and the mathematics communities alike. Aside from a wealth of fascinating mathematical questions that arise from the JSR, the notion emerges in many areas of application such as stability of switched linear dynamical systems, Leontief input-output model of the economy with uncertain data, computation of the capacity of codes, continuity of wavelet functions, convergence of consensus algorithms, trackability of graphs, and many others. See [33] and references therein for a recent survey of the theory and applications of the JSR. Motivated by the abundance of applications, there has been much work on efficient computation of the joint spectral radius; see e.g. [21], [11], [10], [36], [43], [38], [25], [26], [24] and references therein. Unfortunately, the negative results in the literature certainly restrict the horizon of possibilities. In [12], Blondel and Tsitsiklis prove that even when the set A consists of only two matrices, the question of testing whether ρ(A) 1 is undecidable. They also show that unless P=NP, one cannot compute an * A shorter and preliminary version of this work has been presented in [4] as a conference paper. Amir Ali Ahmadi, Pablo A. Parrilo, and Mardavij Roozbehani are with the Laboratory for In- formation and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Email: {a a a, parrilo, mardavij} Rapha¨ el Jungers is an F.R.S.-FNRS fellow and with the Department of Math- ematical Engineering, Universit´ e catholique de Louvain. Email: [email protected]. 1

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Page 1: JOINT SPECTRAL RADIUS AND PATH-COMPLETE GRAPH … · of path-complete graphs, such as the De Bruijn graphs.This provides worst-case perfomance bounds for path-dependent quadratic




Abstract. We introduce the framework of path-complete graph Lyapunov functions for ap-proximation of the joint spectral radius. The approach is based on the analysis of the underlyingswitched system via inequalities imposed among multiple Lyapunov functions associated to a labeleddirected graph. Inspired by concepts in automata theory and symbolic dynamics, we define a class ofgraphs called path-complete graphs, and show that any such graph gives rise to a method for provingstability of the switched system. This enables us to derive several asymptotically tight hierarchiesof semidefinite programming relaxations that unify and generalize many existing techniques such ascommon quadratic, common sum of squares, path-dependent quadratic, and maximum/minimum-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions. We compare the quality of approximation obtained by certainclasses of path-complete graphs including a family of dual graphs and all path-complete graphs withtwo nodes on an alphabet of two matrices. We derive approximation guarantees for several familiesof path-complete graphs, such as the De Bruijn graphs. This provides worst-case perfomance boundsfor path-dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions and a constructive converse Lyapunov theorem formaximum/minimum-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions.

Key words. joint spectral radius, stability of switched systems, linear difference inclusions,finite automata, Lyapunov methods, semidefinite programming.

1. Introduction. Given a finite set of square matrices A := {A1, ..., Am}, theirjoint spectral radius ρ(A) is defined as

ρ (A) = limk→∞



Aσ1‖1/k , (1.1)

where the quantity ρ(A) is independent of the norm used in (1.1). The joint spectralradius (JSR) is a natural generalization of the spectral radius of a single square matrixand it characterizes the maximal growth rate that can be obtained by taking products,of arbitrary length, of all possible permutations of A1, ..., Am. This concept wasintroduced by Rota and Strang [48] in the early 60s and has since been the subjectof extensive research within the engineering and the mathematics communities alike.Aside from a wealth of fascinating mathematical questions that arise from the JSR,the notion emerges in many areas of application such as stability of switched lineardynamical systems, Leontief input-output model of the economy with uncertain data,computation of the capacity of codes, continuity of wavelet functions, convergence ofconsensus algorithms, trackability of graphs, and many others. See [33] and referencestherein for a recent survey of the theory and applications of the JSR.

Motivated by the abundance of applications, there has been much work on efficientcomputation of the joint spectral radius; see e.g. [21], [11], [10], [36], [43], [38], [25],[26], [24] and references therein. Unfortunately, the negative results in the literaturecertainly restrict the horizon of possibilities. In [12], Blondel and Tsitsiklis prove thateven when the set A consists of only two matrices, the question of testing whetherρ(A) ≤ 1 is undecidable. They also show that unless P=NP, one cannot compute an

∗A shorter and preliminary version of this work has been presented in [4] as a conference paper.†Amir Ali Ahmadi, Pablo A. Parrilo, and Mardavij Roozbehani are with the Laboratory for In-

formation and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Email: {a a a, parrilo,mardavij} Raphael Jungers is an F.R.S.-FNRS fellow and with the Department of Math-ematical Engineering, Universite catholique de Louvain. Email: [email protected].


Page 2: JOINT SPECTRAL RADIUS AND PATH-COMPLETE GRAPH … · of path-complete graphs, such as the De Bruijn graphs.This provides worst-case perfomance bounds for path-dependent quadratic

2 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

approximation ρ of ρ that satisfies |ρ − ρ| ≤ ερ, in a number of steps polynomial inthe bit size of A and the bit size of ε [50]. It is easy to show that the spectral radiusof any finite product of length k raised to the power of 1/k gives a lower bound onρ [33]. However, for reasons that we explain next, our focus will be on computingupper bounds for ρ.

There is an attractive connection between the joint spectral radius and the sta-bility properties of an arbitrarily switched linear system; i.e., dynamical systems ofthe form

xk+1 = Aσ(k)xk, (1.2)

where σ : Z→{1, ...,m} is a map from the set of integers to the set of indices. It iswell-known that ρ < 1 if and only if system (1.2) is absolutely asymptotically stable(AAS), that is, (globally) asymptotically stable for all switching sequences. Moreover,it is known [39] that absolute asymptotic stability of (1.2) is equivalent to absoluteasymptotic stability of the linear difference inclusion

xk+1 ∈ coA xk, (1.3)

where coA here denotes the convex hull of the set A. Therefore, any method forobtaining upper bounds on the joint spectral radius provides sufficient conditionsfor stability of systems of type (1.2) or (1.3). Conversely, if we can prove absoluteasymptotic stability of (1.2) or (1.3) for the set Aγ := {γA1, . . . , γAm} for somepositive scalar γ, then we get an upper bound of 1

γ on ρ(A). (This follows from the

scaling property of the JSR: ρ(Aγ) = γρ(A).) One advantage of working with thenotion of the joint spectral radius is that it gives a way of rigorously quantifying theperformance guarantee of different techniques for stability analysis of systems (1.2)or (1.3).

Perhaps the most well-established technique for proving stability of switchedsystems is the use of a common (or simultaneous) Lyapunov function. The ideahere is that if there is a continuous, positive, and homogeneous (Lyapunov) functionV : Rn → R that for some γ > 1 satisfies

V (γAix) ≤ V (x) ∀i = 1, . . . ,m, ∀x ∈ Rn, (1.4)

(i.e., V (x) decreases no matter which matrix is applied), then the system in (1.2) (orin (1.3)) is AAS. Conversely, it is known that if the system is AAS, then there exists aconvex common Lyapunov function (in fact a norm); see e.g. [33, p. 24]. However, thisfunction is not in general finitely constructable. A popular approach has been to tryto approximate this function by a class of functions that we can efficiently search forusing convex optimization and in particular semidefinite programming. Semidefiniteprograms (SDPs) can be solved with arbitrary accuracy in polynomial time and leadto efficient computational methods for approximation of the JSR. As an example, ifwe take the Lyapunov function to be quadratic (i.e., V (x) = xTPx), then the searchfor such a Lyapunov function can be formulated as the following SDP:

P � 0γ2ATi PAi � P ∀i = 1, . . . ,m.


The quality of approximation of common quadratic Lyapunov functions is a well-studied topic. In particular, it is known [11] that the estimate ρV2 obtained by this

Page 3: JOINT SPECTRAL RADIUS AND PATH-COMPLETE GRAPH … · of path-complete graphs, such as the De Bruijn graphs.This provides worst-case perfomance bounds for path-dependent quadratic

Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 3

method1 satisfies

1√nρV2(A) ≤ ρ(A) ≤ ρV2(A), (1.6)

where n is the dimension of the matrices. This bound is a direct consequence ofJohn’s ellipsoid theorem and is tight [7]. Morover, it is known that applying thecommon quadratic method to products of increasing length from the set A gives anasymptotically exact method for the computation of the JSR [7], [9].

In [43], the use of sum of squares (SOS) polynomial Lyapunov functions of degree2d was proposed as a common Lyapunov function for the switched system in (1.2).The search for such a Lyapunov function can again be formulated as a semidefiniteprogram. This method does considerably better than a common quadratic Lyapunovfunction in practice and its estimate ρVSOS,2d satisfies the bound

12d√ηρVSOS,2d(A) ≤ ρ(A) ≤ ρVSOS,2d(A), (1.7)

where η = min{m,(n+d−1


)}. Furthermore, as the degree 2d goes to infinity, the

estimate ρVSOS,2d converges to the true value of ρ [43].The semidefinite programming based methods for approximation of the JSR have

been recently generalized and put in the framework of conic programming [45]. Weshall also remark that there are powerful techniques for approximation of the JSRthat do not use semidefinite programming, such as approaches based on computationof a polytopic norm [24], [25], [26]. Research in the computation of the JSR continuesto be an active area and each novel technique has the potential to enhance not onlyour ability to solve certain instances more efficiently, but also our understanding ofthe relations between the different approaches. An increasing number of the currentlyavailable methods for JSR approximation are being (or have been) implemented in theJSR Toolbox, a MATLAB based software package freely available for download [17].Extensive numerical experiments comparing some of the different approaches havebeen carried out using this toolbox and recently reported in [14].

1.1. Contributions and organization. It is natural to ask whether one candevelop better approximation schemes for the joint spectral radius by using multipleLyapunov functions as opposed to requiring simultaneous contractibility of a singleLyapunov function with respect to all the matrices. More concretely, our goal is tounderstand in what ways we can write inequalities among, say, k different Lyapunovfunctions V1(x), . . . , Vk(x) that imply absolute asymptotic stability of (1.2) and canbe checked via semidefinite programming.

The general idea of using several Lyapunov functions for analysis of switched sys-tems is a very natural one and has already appeared in the literature (although to ourknowledge not in the context of the approximation of the JSR); see e.g. [32], [13], [15],[36], [38], [35], [37], [30], [29], [20]. Perhaps one of the earliest references is the work on“piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions” in [32]. However, this work is in the differ-ent framework of state dependent switching, where the dynamics switches dependingon which region of the space the trajectory is traversing (as opposed to arbitraryswitching). In this setting, there is a natural way of using several Lyapunov func-tions: assign one Lyapunov function per region and “glue them together”. Closer to

1The estimate ρV2 is the reciprocal of the largest γ that satisfies (1.5) and can be found bybisection.

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4 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

our setting, there is a body of work in the literature that gives sufficient conditionsfor existence of piecewise Lyapunov functions of the type max{xTP1x, . . . , x

TPkx},min{xTP1x, . . . , x

TPkx}, and conv{xTP1x, . . . , xTPkx}, i.e., the pointwise maximum,

the pointwise minimum, and the convex envelope of a set of quadratic functions [30],[29], [20], [31]. These works are mostly concerned with analysis of linear differen-tial inclusions in continuous time, but they have obvious discrete time counterparts.The main drawback of these methods is that in their greatest generality, they involvesolving bilinear matrix inequalities, which are non-convex and in general NP-hard.One therefore has to turn to heuristics, which have no performance guarantees andtheir computation time quickly becomes prohibitive when the dimension of the systemincreases. Moreover, these methods solely provide sufficient conditions for stabilitywith no performance guarantees.

Another body of work which utilizes multiple Lyapunov functions and is of partic-ular interest for us appears in [36], [38], [35], [37]. In these papers, several fundamen-tal control problems (e.g. stability, feedback stabilizability, detectability, disturbanceattenuation, output regulation, etc.) are addressed for discrete-time switched sys-tems using multiple Lyapunov functions and hierarchies of linear matrix inequality(LMI) conditions. The special case of these results that handles the stability ques-tion for arbitrarily switched linear systems is directly relevant for our purposes. Thisincludes some of the LMIs associated with the so-called path-dependent quadratic Lya-punov functions [36], and another family of LMIs that are in a certain sense dual tothose of path-dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions; see [38]. In contrast to thepiecewise Lyapunov functions discussed previously, these techniques, being naturallySDP-based, do not suffer from computational difficulties associated with solving bi-linear matrix inequalities. Moreover, just like the case of sum of squares Lyapunovfunctions, the hierarchies of LMIs in [36], [38] are asymptotically exact for computa-tion of the JSR. In other words, the infinite family of the LMIs provides necessaryand sufficient conditions for switched stability. We will revisit some of these LMIsin this paper, prove approximation guarantees for them, and relate them to commonmin/max-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions.

Motivated by the premise that techniques combining multiple Lyapunov func-tions and convex optimization provide powerful tools for stability analysis of switchedsystems, we believe it is important to establish a systematic framework for derivingconvex inequalities among multiple Lyapunov functions that imply stability. More-over, it is naturally desired to understand the performance of the resulting convexprograms in terms of approximation of the JSR, just like we do for several classesof common Lyapunov functions (e.g. common quadratic or common SOS). In moreconcrete terms, the questions that motivate our paper are as follows: (i) With a focuson conditions that are amenable to convex optimization, what are all the differentways to write a set of inequalities among k Lyapunov functions that imply absoluteasymptotic stability of (1.2)? Can we give a unifying framework that includes allthe previously proposed Lyapunov functions in the literature? Are there new setsof inequalities that have not appeared before? (ii) Among the different sets of in-equalities that imply stability, can we identify some that are more powerful thansome other? (iii) The available (finite) convex programs based on multiple Lyapunovfunctions solely provide sufficient conditions for stability with no guarantee on theirapproximation quality for the JSR. Can we give converse theorems that guarantee theexistence of a feasible solution to our search for a given accuracy of approximation?

The contributions of this paper to these questions are as follows. We propose a

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 5

unifying framework based on a representation of Lyapunov inequalities with labeledgraphs and by making some connections with basic concepts in automata theory. Thisis done in Section 2, where we define the notion of a path-complete graph (Defini-tion 2.2) and prove that any such graph provides an approximation scheme for the JSR(Theorem 2.4). In Section 3, we give examples of families of path-complete graphsand show that the previously proposed techniques come from particular classes ofpath-complete graphs whose path-completeness is “easy to detect” (e.g., Corollary 3.4,Corollary 3.5, and Remark 3.2).2 We also show that the concept of path-completenesscan easily produce new stability proving LMIs not previously present in the literature(e.g. Proposition 3.6 and Remark 3.3).

In Section 4, we characterize all the path-complete graphs with two nodes for theanalysis of the JSR of two matrices. We present a full characterization of the partial or-der induced on these graphs according to their relative performance in approximationof the JSR (Proposition 4.2). In Section 5, we study in more depth the approximationproperties of a particular pair of “dual” path-complete graphs that seem to performvery well in practice. The LMIs associated with these dual graphs appear in [15], [36],[38]. Subsection 5.1 contains more general results about duality within path-completegraphs and its connection to transposition of matrices (Theorem 5.1). Subsection 5.2gives an approximation guarantee for the graphs studied in Section 5 (Theorem 5.4).Subsection 5.3 contains several numerical examples, in particular some that comefrom three application domains: (i) asymptotics of overlap-free words, (ii) computa-tion of the Euler ternary partition function, and (iii) continuity of wavelet functions.In Section 6, we prove a converse theorem for the method of max-of-quadratics Lya-punov functions (Theorem 6.1) which tell us how many quadratic Lyapunov functionssuffice in worst case to achieve a given approximation quality on the JSR. We alsoderive approximation guarantees for a new class of stability proving LMIs that involvematrix products from the set A with different lengths (Theorem 6.2). Finally, ourconclusions and some future directions are presented in Section 7.

2. Path-complete graphs and the joint spectral radius. In what follows,we will think of the set of matrices A := {A1, ..., Am} as a finite alphabet and wewill often refer to a finite product of matrices from this set as a word. We denote theset of all words Ait . . . Ai1 of length t by At. Contrary to the standard conventionin automata theory, our convention is to read a word from right to left. This is inaccordance with the order of matrix multiplication. The set of all finite words isdenoted by A∗; i.e., A∗ =



The basic idea behind our framework is to represent through a graph all thepossible occurrences of products that can appear in a run of the dynamical systemin (1.2), and assert via some Lyapunov inequalities that no matter what occurrenceappears, the product must remain stable. A convenient way of representing theseLyapunov inequalities is via a directed labeled graph G(N,E). Each node of thisgraph is associated with a (continuous, positive definite, and homogeneous) Lyapunovfunction Vi : Rn → R, and each edge is labeled by a finite product of matrices, i.e., bya word from the set A∗. As illustrated in Figure 2.1, given two nodes with Lyapunovfunctions Vi(x) and Vj(x) and an edge going from node i to node j labeled with the

2Although there may be other LMIs in the literature that we are unaware of, it is safe for usto assume that they too must form special cases of our framework. In recent work to be reportedelsewhere (see [5] for a preliminary version), we have shown that all stability proving Lyapunovinequalities in our setting come from path-complete graphs.

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6 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

matrix Al, we write the Lyapunov inequality:

Vj(Alx) ≤ Vi(x) ∀x ∈ Rn. (2.1)

Fig. 2.1. Graphical representation of Lyapunov inequalities. The edge in the graph abovecorresponds to the Lyapunov inequality Vj(Alx) ≤ Vi(x). Here, Al can be a single matrix from Aor a finite product of matrices from A.

The problem that we are interested in is to understand which sets of Lyapunovinequalities imply stability of the switched system in (1.2). We will answer thisquestion based on the corresponding graph.

For reasons that will become clear shortly, we would like to reduce graphs whoseedges have arbitrary labels from the set A∗ to graphs whose edges have labels fromthe set A, i.e., labels of length one. This is explained next.

Definition 2.1. Given a labeled directed graph G(N,E), we define its expandedgraph Ge(Ne, Ee) as the outcome of the following procedure. For every edge (i, j) ∈ Ewith label Aik . . . Ai1 ∈ Ak, where k > 1, we remove the edge (i, j) and replace it withk new edges (sq, sq+1) ∈ Ee \ E : q ∈ {0, . . . , k − 1}, where s0 = i and sk = j.3

(These new edges go from node i through k − 1 newly added nodes s1, . . . , sk−1 andthen to node j.) We then label the new edges (i, s1), . . . , (sq, sq+1), . . . , (sk−1, j) withAi1, . . . , Aik respectively.

Fig. 2.2. Graph expansion: edges with labels of length more than one are broken into new edgeswith labels of length one.

An example of a graph and its expansion is given in Figure 2.2. Note that if agraph has only labels of length one, then its expanded graph equals itself. The nextdefinition is central to our development.

Definition 2.2. Given a directed graph G(N,E) whose edges are labeled withwords from the set A∗, we say that the graph is path-complete, if for all finite wordsAσk

. . . Aσ1of any length k (i.e., for all words in A∗), there is a directed path in its

expanded graph Ge(Ne, Ee) such that the labels on the edges of this path are the labelsAσ1

up to Aσk.

In Figure 2.3, we present seven path-complete graphs on the alphabet A ={A1, A2}. The fact that these graphs are path-complete is easy to see for graphs

3It is understood that the node index sq depends on the original nodes i and j. To keep the

notation simple we write sq instead of sijq .

Page 7: JOINT SPECTRAL RADIUS AND PATH-COMPLETE GRAPH … · of path-complete graphs, such as the De Bruijn graphs.This provides worst-case perfomance bounds for path-dependent quadratic

Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 7

H1, H2, G3, and G4, but perhaps not so obvious for graphs H3, G1, and G2. One wayto check if a graph is path-complete is to think of it as a finite automaton by introduc-ing an auxiliary start node (state) with free transitions to every node and by makingall the other nodes be accepting states. Then, there are well-known algorithms (seee.g. [28, Chap. 4]) that check whether the language accepted by an automaton is A∗,which is equivalent to the graph being path-complete. Similar algorithms exist in thesymbolic dynamics literature; see e.g. [40, Chap. 3]. Our interest in path-completegraphs stems from Theorem 2.4 below that establishes that any such graph gives amethod for approximation of the JSR. We introduce one last definition before we statethis theorem.

Fig. 2.3. Examples of path-complete graphs for the alphabet {A1, A2}. If Lyapunov functionssatisfying the inequalities associated with any of these graphs are found, then we get an upper boundof unity on ρ(A1, A2).

Definition 2.3. Let A = {A1, . . . , Am} be a set of matrices. Given a path-complete graph G (N,E) and |N | functions Vi(x), we say that {Vi(x) | i = 1, . . . , |N |}is a graph Lyapunov function (GLF) associated with G (N,E) if

Vj (L ((i, j))x) ≤ Vi (x) ∀x ∈ Rn, ∀ (i, j) ∈ E,

where L ((i, j)) ∈ A∗ is the label associated with edge (i, j) ∈ E going from node i tonode j.

Theorem 2.4. Consider a finite set of matrices A = {A1, . . . , Am}. For a scalarγ > 0, let Aγ := {γA1, . . . , γAm}. Let G(N,E) be a path-complete graph whose edgesare labeled with words from A∗γ . If there exist positive, continuous, and homogeneous4

functions Vi(x), one per node of the graph, such that {Vi(x) | i = 1, . . . , |N |} is agraph Lyapunov function associated with G(N,E), then ρ(A) ≤ 1

γ .Proof. We will first prove the claim for the special case where the edge labels

of G(N,E) belong to Aγ and therefore G(N,E) = Ge(Ne, Ee). The general case

4The requirement of homogeneity can be replaced by radial unboundedness which is implied byhomogeneity and positivity. However, since the dynamical system in (1.2) is homogeneous, there isno conservatism in asking Vi(x) to be homogeneous.

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8 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

will be reduced to this case afterwards. Let d be the degree of homogeneity of theLyapunov functions Vi(x), i.e., Vi(λx) = λdVi(x) for all λ ∈ R. (The actual value of dis irrelevant.) By positivity, continuity, and homogeneity of Vi(x), there exist scalarsαi and βi with 0 < αi ≤ βi for i = 1, . . . , |N |, such that

αi||x||d ≤ Vi(x) ≤ βi||x||d, (2.2)

for all x ∈ Rn and for all i = 1, . . . , |N |, where ||x|| here denotes the Euclidean normof x. Let

ξ = maxi,j∈{1,...,|N |}2

βiαj. (2.3)

Now consider an arbitrary product Aσk. . . Aσ1 of length k. Because the graph is path-

complete, there will be a directed path corresponding to this product that consistsof k edges, and goes from some node i to some node j. If we write the chain of kLyapunov inequalities associated with these edges (cf. Figure 2.1), then we get


. . . Aσ1x) ≤ Vi(x),

which by homogeneity of the Lyapunov functions can be rearranged to(Vj(Aσk

. . . Aσ1x)


) 1d

≤ 1

γk. (2.4)

We can now bound the spectral norm of Aσk. . . Aσ1

as follows:

||Aσk. . . Aσ1 || ≤ max


||Aσk. . . Aσ1



) 1d


V1dj (Aσk

. . . Aσ1x)

V1di (x)


) 1d 1


≤ ξ 1d



where the last three inequalities follow from (2.2), (2.4), and (2.3) respectively. Fromthe definition of the JSR in (1.1), after taking the k-th root and the limit k →∞, weget that ρ(A) ≤ 1

γ and the claim is established.

Now consider the case where at least one edge of G(N,E) has a label of lengthmore than one and hence Ge(Ne, Ee) 6= G(N,E).5 We will start with the Lyapunovfunctions Vi(x) assigned to the nodes of G(N,E) and from them we will explicitlyconstruct |Ne| Lyapunov functions for the nodes of Ge(Ne, Ee) that satisfy the Lya-punov inequalities associated to the edges in Ee. Once this is done, in view of our

5A reviewer kindly pointed out an alternative and shorter way of proving the second part of thistheorem, without relying on the notion of expanded graphs. We present the proof with expandedgraphs because the explicit relationship between the Lyapunov functions of a graph and its expandedversion prove to be useful in showing equivalence of certain path-complete graphs in terms of thequality of approximation that they provide on the JSR.

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 9

preceding argument and the fact that the edges of Ge(Ne, Ee) have labels of lengthone by definition, the proof will be completed.

For j ∈ Ne, let us denote the new Lyapunov functions by V ej (x). We give theconstruction for the case where |Ne| = |N |+ 1. The result for the general case followsby iterating this simple construction. Let s ∈ Ne\N be the added node in theexpanded graph, and q, r ∈ N be such that (s, q) ∈ Ee and (r, s) ∈ Ee with Asq andArs as the corresponding labels respectively. Define

V ej (x) =

{Vj (x) , if j ∈ N

Vq (Asqx) , if j = s.(2.5)

By construction, r and q, and subsequently, Asq and Ars are uniquely defined andhence,

{V ej (x) | j ∈ Ne

}is well defined. We only need to show that

Vq (Asqx) ≤ V es (x) (2.6)

V es (Arsx) ≤ Vr (x) . (2.7)

Inequality (2.6) follows trivially from (2.5). Furthermore, it follows from (2.5) that

V es (Arsx) = Vq (AsqArsx)

≤ Vr (x) ,

where the inequality follows from the fact that for i ∈ N , the functions Vi(x) satisfythe Lyapunov inequalities of the edges of G (N,E) .

Remark 2.1. If the matrix Asq is not invertible, the extended function V ej (x)as defined in (2.5) will only be positive semidefinite. However, since our goal is toapproximate the JSR, we will never be concerned with invertibility of the matrices inA. Indeed, since the JSR is continuous in the entries of the matrices [33, p. 18], wecan always perturb the matrices slightly to make them invertible without changing theJSR by much. In particular, for any α > 0, there exist 0 < ε, δ < α such that

Asq =Asq + δI

1 + ε

is invertible and (2.5)−(2.7) are satisfied with Asq = Asq.To understand the generality of the framework of “path-complete graph Lyapunov

funcitons” more clearly, let us revisit the path-complete graphs in Figure 2.3 for thestudy of the case where the set A = {A1, A2} consists of only two matrices. For allof these graphs if our choice for the Lyapunov functions V (x) or V1(x) and V2(x) arequadratic functions or sum of squares polynomial functions, then we can formulatethe well-established semidefinite programs that search for these candidate Lyapunovfunctions.

Graph H1, which is clearly the simplest possible one, corresponds to the well-known common Lyapunov function approach. Graph H2 is a common Lyapunovfunction applied to all products of length two. This graph also obviously impliesstability.6 But graph H3 tells us that if we find a Lyapunov function that decreaseswhenever A1, A2

2, and A2A1 are applied (but with no requirement when A1A2 isapplied), then we still get stability. This is a priori not obvious and we believe this

6By slight abuse of terminology, we say that a graph implies stability meaning that the associatedLyapunov inequalities imply stability.

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approach has not appeared in the literature before. Graph H3 is also an example thatexplains our reasoning behind the expansion process. Note that for the unexpandedgraph, there is no path for any word of the form (A1A2)k or of the form A2k−1

2 , forany k ∈ N. However, one can check that in the expanded graph of graph H3, there isa path for every finite word, and this in turn allows us to conclude stability from theLyapunov inequalities of graph H3.

The remaining graphs in Figure 2.3 which all have two nodes and four edgeshave a connection to the method of min-of-quadratics or max-of-quadratics Lyapunovfunctions [30], [29], [20], [31]. If Lyapunov inequalities associated with any of thesefour graphs are satisfied, then either min{V1(x), V2(x)} or max{V1(x), V2(x)} or bothserve as a common Lyapunov function for the switched system. In the next section,we assert these facts in a more general setting (Corollaries 3.4 and 3.5) and show thatthese graphs in some sense belong to “simplest” families of path-complete graphs.

3. Duality and examples of families of path-complete graphs. Now thatwe have shown that any path-complete graph yields a method for proving stability ofswitched systems, our next focus is naturally on showing how one can produce graphsthat are path-complete. Before we proceed to some basic constructions of such graphs,let us define a notion of duality among graphs which essentially doubles the numberof path-complete graphs that we can generate.

Definition 3.1. Given a directed graph G(N,E) whose edges are labeled withwords in A∗, we define its dual graph G′(N,E′) to be the graph obtained by reversingthe direction of the edges of G, and changing the labels Aσk

. . . Aσ1of every edge of G

to its reversed version Aσ1 . . . Aσk.

Fig. 3.1. An example of a pair of dual graphs.

An example of a pair of dual graphs with labels of length one is given in Figure 3.1.The following theorem relates dual graphs and path-completeness.

Theorem 3.2. If a graph G(N,E) is path-complete, then its dual graph G′(N,E′)is also path-complete.

Proof. Consider an arbitrary finite word Aik . . . Ai1 . By definition of path-completeness, our task is to show that there exists a path corresponding to this wordin the expanded graph of the dual graph G′. It is easy to see that the expandedgraph of the dual graph of G is the same as the dual graph of the expanded graph

of G; i.e, G′e(Ne, E′e) = Ge′

(Ne, Ee′

). Therefore, we show a path for Aik . . . Ai1 in


. Consider the reversed word Aii . . . Aik . Since G is path-complete, there is a pathcorresponding to this reversed word in Ge. Now if we just trace this path backwards,

we get exactly a path for the original word Aik . . . Ai1 in Ge′

. This completes theproof.

The next proposition offers a very simple construction for obtaining a large familyof path-complete graphs with labels of length one.

Proposition 3.3. A graph having any of the two properties below is path-complete.

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 11

Property (i): every node has outgoing edges with all the labels in A.Property (ii): every node has incoming edges with all the labels in A.Proof. If a graph has Property (i), then it is obviously path-complete. If a graph

has Property (ii), then its dual has Property (i) and therefore by Theorem 3.2 it ispath-complete.

Examples of path-complete graphs that fall in the category of this propositioninclude graphs G1, G2, G3, and G4 in Figure 2.3 and all of their dual graphs. Bycombining the previous proposition with Theorem 2.4, we obtain the following twosimple corollaries which unify several linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) that havebeen previously proposed in the literature. These corollaries also provide a link tomin/max-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions. Different special cases of these LMIshave appeared in [30], [29], [20], [31], [36], [15], [38]. Note that the framework ofpath-complete graph Lyapunov functions makes the proof of the fact that these LMIsimply stability immediate. We also remark that the following corollaries, and hencethe graphs in Proposition 3.3, already include infinite subsets of path-complete graphsthat are not only sufficient for stability of (1.2), but also necessary. Examples of suchinfinite sets of LMIs with their proofs of necessity are given in [36], [38].

Corollary 3.4. Consider the set A = {A1, . . . , Am} and the associated switchedlinear system in (1.2) or (1.3). If there exist K positive definite matrices Pj such that

∀(i, k) ∈ {1, . . . ,m} × {1, . . . ,K}, ∃j ∈ {1, . . . ,K}such that γ2ATi PjAi � Pk, (3.1)

for some γ > 1, then the system is absolutely asymptotically stable, i.e., ρ(A) < 1.Moreover, the pointwise minimum

min{xTP1x, . . . , xTPKx}

of the quadratic functions serves as a common Lyapunov function.Proof. The inequalities in (3.1) imply that every node of the associated graph has

outgoing edges labeled with all the different m matrices. Therefore, by Proposition 3.3the graph is path-complete, and by Theorem 2.4 this implies absolute asymptoticstability. The proof that the pointwise minimum of the quadratics is a commonLyapunov function is easy and left to the reader.

Corollary 3.5. Consider the set A = {A1, . . . , Am} and the associated switchedlinear system in (1.2) or (1.3). If there exist K positive definite matrices Pj such that

∀(i, j) ∈ {1, . . . ,m} × {1, . . . ,K}, ∃k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}such that γ2ATi PjAi � Pk, (3.2)

for some γ > 1, then the system is absolutely asymptotically stable, i.e., ρ(A) < 1.Moreover, the pointwise maximum

max{xTP1x, . . . , xTPKx}

of the quadratic functions serves as a common Lyapunov function.Proof. The inequalities in (3.2) imply that every node of the associated graph has

incoming edges labeled with all the differentmmatrices. Therefore, by Proposition 3.3the graph is path-complete and the proof of absolute asymptotic stability then follows.The proof that the pointwise maximum of the quadratics is a common Lyapunovfunction is again left to the reader.

Remark 3.1. The linear matrix inequalities in (3.1) and (3.2) are (convex) suf-ficient conditions for existence of min-of-quadratics or max-of-quadratics Lyapunov

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functions. The converse is not true. The works in [30], [29], [20], [31] have addi-tional multipliers in (3.1) and (3.2) that make the inequalities non-convex but whensolved with a heuristic method contain a larger family of min-of-quadratics and max-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions. Even if the non-convex inequalities with multiplierscould be solved exactly, except for special cases where the S-procedure is exact (e.g.,the case of two quadratic functions), these methods still do not completely characterizemin-of-quadratics and max-of-quadratics functions.

Remark 3.2. The LMIs associated with “path-dependent quadratic Lyapunovfunctions” of any given path length (see [36]) and the LMIs associated with “parame-ter dependent Lyapunov functions” [15]—when specialized to the analysis of arbitrarilyswitched linear systems—are special cases of Corollary 3.4 and 3.5 respectively. Thisobservation makes a connection between these techniques and min/max-of-quadraticsLyapunov functions which is not established in [36], [15]. It is also interesting to notethat the path-complete graph corresponding to the LMIs of path-dependent quadraticLyapunov functions of any path length (see Theorem 9 in [36]) is the well-known DeBruijn graph [23]. The “path length” of these Lyapunov functions is interestingly thedimension of the De Bruijn graph. We will analyze the bound on the JSR obtained byanalysis via this path-complete graph in later sections since we have empirically ob-served that path-dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions are among the most powerfulones in comparison to all of our graphs.

The set of path-complete graphs is much broader than the family of graphs con-structed in Proposition 3.3. Indeed, there are many graphs that are path-completewithout having outgoing (or incoming) edges with all the labels on every node; seee.g. graph He

4 in Figure 3.2. This in turn means that there are several interesting andunexplored Lyapunov inequalities that we can impose for proving stability of switchedsystems. Below, we give one particular example of such “non-obvious” inequalitiesfor the case of switching between two matrices.

Fig. 3.2. The path-complete graphs corresponding to Proposition 3.6.

Proposition 3.6. Consider the set A = {A1, A2} and the switched linear systemin (1.2) or (1.3). If there exist a positive definite matrix P such that

γ2AT1 PA1 � P,γ4(A2A1)TP (A2A1) � P,γ6(A2

2A1)TP (A22A1) � P,


2 PA32 � P,

for some γ > 1, then the system is absolutely asymptotically stable, i.e., ρ(A) < 1.Proof. The graph H4 associated with the LMIs above and its expanded version

He4 are drawn in Figure 3.2. We leave it as an exercise for the reader to show (e.g. by

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 13

induction on the length of the word) that there is path for every finite word in He4 .

Therefore, H4 is path-complete and in view of Theorem 2.4 the claim is established.

Remark 3.3. Proposition 3.6 can be generalized as follows: If a single Lyapunovfunction decreases with respect to the matrix products

{A1, A2A1, A22A1, . . . , A

k−12 A1, A


for some integer k ≥ 1, then ρ(A1, A2) < 1. We omit the proof of this generalizationdue to space limitations. We will later prove (Theorem 6.2) a bound for the qualityof approximation of path-complete graphs of this type, where a common Lyapunovfunction is required to decrease with respect to products of different lengths.

When we have so many different ways of imposing conditions for stability, itis natural to ask which ones are more powerful. The answer clearly depends onthe combinatorial structure of the graphs and does not seem to be easy in general.Nevertheless, in the next section, we compare the performance of all path-completegraphs with two nodes for analysis of switched systems with two matrices. Someinteresting connections between the bounds obtained from these graphs will arise.For example, we will see that the graphs H1, G3, and G4 always give the same boundon the joint spectral radius; i.e., one graph will succeed in proving stability if andonly if the other two will. So, there is no point in increasing the number of decisionvariables and the number of constraints and impose G3 or G4 in place of H1. Thesame is true for the graphs in H3 and G2, which makes graph H3 preferable to graphG2. (See Proposition 4.2.)

4. Path-complete graphs with two nodes. In this section, we character-ize the set of all path-complete graphs consisting of two nodes, an alphabet setA = {A1, A2}, and edge labels of unit length. We will elaborate on the set of alladmissible topologies arising in this setup and compare the performance—in the senseof conservatism of the ensuing analysis—of different path-complete graph topologies.

Before we proceed, we introduce a notation that will prove to be convenient inSubsection 4.2: Given a labeled graph G(N,E) associated with two matrices A1 andA2, we denote by G(N,E), the graph obtained by swapping of A1 and A2 in all thelabels on every edge.

4.1. The set of path-complete graphs. The next lemma establishes that forthorough analysis of the case of two matrices and two nodes, we only need to examinegraphs with four or fewer edges.

Lemma 4.1. Let G ({1, 2} , E) be a path-complete graph with labels of length onefor A = {A1, A2}. Let {V1, V2} be a graph Lyapunov function for G. If |E| > 4, then,either

(i) there exists e ∈ E such that G ({1, 2} , E\e) is a path-complete graph,or

(ii) either V1 or V2 or both are common Lyapunov functions for A.Proof. If |E| > 4, then at least one node has three or more outgoing edges.

Without loss of generality let node 1 be a node with exactly three outgoing edgese1, e2, e3, and let L (e1) = L (e2) = A1. Let D (e) denote the destination node of anedge e ∈ E. If D (e1) = D (e2) , then e1 (or e2) can be removed without changingthe output set of words. If D (e1) 6= D (e2) , assume, without loss of generality, thatD (e1) = 1 and D (e2) = 2. Now, if L (e3) = A1, then regardless of its destination node,e3 can be removed. If L (e3) = A2 and D (e3) = 1, then V1 is a common Lyapunov

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function for A. The only remaining possibility is that L (e3) = A2 and D (e3) = 2.Note that there must be an edge e4 ∈ E from node 2 to node 1, otherwise either node2 would have two self-edges with the same label or V2 would be a common Lyapunovfunction for A. If L(e4) = A2 then it can be verified that G({1, 2}, {e1, e2, e3, e4}) ispath-complete and thus all other edge can be removed. If there is no edge from node2 to node 1 with label A2 then L(e4) = A1 and node 2 must have a self-edge e5 ∈ Ewith label L(e5) = A2, otherwise the graph would not be path-complete. In this case,it can be verified that e2 can be removed without affecting the output set of words.

One can easily verify that a path-complete graph with two nodes and fewerthan four edges must necessarily place two self-loops with different labels on onenode, which necessitates existence of a common Lyapunov function for the underly-ing switched system. Since we are interested in exploiting the favorable properties ofgraph Lyapunov functions in approximation of the JSR, we will focus on graphs withfour edges.

4.2. Comparison of performance. It can be verified that for path-completegraphs with two nodes, four edges, and two matrices, and without multiple self-loopson a single node, there are a total of nine distinct graph topologies to consider. Ofthe nine graphs, six have the property that every node has two incoming edges withdifferent labels. These are graphs G1, G2, G2, G3, G3, and G4 (Figure 2.3). Note

that G1 = G1 and G4 = G4. The duals of these six graphs, i.e., G′1, G′2, G

′2, G

′3 =

G3, G′3 = G3, and G′4 = G4 have the property that every node has two outgoing

edges with different labels. Evidently, G3, G3, and G4 are self-dual graphs, i.e., theyare isomorphic to their dual graphs. The self-dual graphs are least interesting to ussince, as we will show, they necessitate existence of a common Lyapunov function forA (cf. Proposition 4.2, equation (4.2)).

Note that all of these graphs perform at least as well as a common Lyapunov func-tion because we can always take V1 (x) = V2 (x). Furthermore, we know from Corollar-ies 3.5 and 3.4 that if Lyapunov inequalities associated with G1, G2, G2, G3, G3, andG4 are satisfied, then max {V1 (x) , V2 (x)} is a common Lyapunov function, whereas,

in the case of graphs G′1, G′2, G

′2, G

′3, G

′3, and G′4, the function min {V1 (x) , V2 (x)}

would serve as a common Lyapunov function. Clearly, for the self-dual graphs G3, G3,and G4 both max {V1 (x) , V2 (x)} and min {V1 (x) , V2 (x)} are common Lyapunovfunctions.

Notation: Given a set of matrices A = {A1, . . . , Am} , a path-complete graphG (N,E) , and a class of functions V, we denote by ρV ,G (A) , the upper bound on theJSR of A that can be obtained by numerical optimization of GLFs Vi ∈ V, i ∈ N,defined over G. With a slight abuse of notation, we denote by ρV (A) , the upperbound that is obtained by using a common Lyapunov function V ∈ V.

Proposition 4.2. Consider the set A = {A1, A2} , and let G1, G2, G3, G4,and H3 be the path-complete graphs shown in Figure 2.3. Then, the upper bounds onthe JSR of A obtained via the associated GLFs satisfy the following relations:

ρV ,G1(A) = ρV ,G′1 (A) (4.1)


ρV (A) = ρV ,G3(A) = ρV ,G3

(A) = ρV ,G4 (A) (4.2)


ρV ,G2(A) = ρV ,H3

(A) , ρV ,G2(A) = ρV ,H3

(A) (4.3)

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 15


ρV ,G′2 (A) = ρV ,H′3 (A) , ρV ,G′2(A) = ρV ,H′3

(A) . (4.4)

Proof. A proof of (4.1) in more generality is provided in Section 5 (cf. Corollary5.3). The proof of (4.2) is based on symmetry arguments. Let {V1, V2} be a GLFassociated with G3 (V1 is associated with node 1 and V2 is associated with node 2).Then, by symmetry, {V2, V1} is also a GLF for G3 (where V1 is associated with node2 and V2 is associated with node 1). Therefore, letting V = V1 + V2, we have that{V, V } is a GLF for G3 and thus, V = V1+V2 is also a common Lyapunov function forA, which implies that ρV ,G3 (A) ≥ ρV (A) . The other direction is trivial: If V ∈ V isa common Lyapunov function for A, then {V1, V2 | V1 = V2 = V } is a GLF associatedwithG3, and hence, ρV ,G3

(A) ≤ ρV (A) . Identical arguments based on symmetry holdfor G3 and G4. We now prove the left equality in (4.3), the proofs for the remainingequalities in (4.3) and (4.4) are analogous. The equivalence between G2 and H3 isa special case of the relation between a graph and its reduced model, obtained byremoving a node without any self-loops, adding a new edge per each pair of incomingand outgoing edges to that node, and then labeling the new edges by taking thecomposition of the labels of the corresponding incoming and outgoing edges in theoriginal graph; see [47], [46, Chap. 5]. Note that H3 is an offspring of G2 in this sense.This intuition helps construct a proof. Let {V1, V2} be a GLF associated with G2.It can be verified that V1 is a Lyapunov function associated with H3, and therefore,ρV ,H3 (A) ≤ ρV ,G2 (A) . Similarly, if V ∈ V is a Lyapunov function associated withH3, then one can check that {V1, V2 | V1 (x) = V (x) , V2 (x) = V (A2x)} is a GLFassociated with G2, and hence, ρV ,H3

(A) ≥ ρV ,G2(A) .

Fig. 4.1. A Hasse diagram describing the relative performance of the path-complete graphsof Figure 2.3 together with their duals and label permutations. The graphs placed in the samecircle always give the same approximation of the JSR. A graph at the end of an arrow results inan approximation of the JSR that is always at least as good as that of the graph at the start ofthe arrow. When there is no directed path between two graphs in this diagram, either graph canoutperform the other depending on the set of matrices A.

Remark 4.1. Proposition 4.2 (equation 4.1) establishes the equivalence of thebounds obtained from the pair of dual graphs G1 and G′1. This, however, is not truefor graphs G2 and G2 as there exist examples for which

ρV ,G2 (A) 6= ρV ,G′2 (A) ,

ρV ,G2(A) 6= ρV ,G′2

(A) .

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The diagram in Figure 4.1 summarizes the results of this section. We remark thatno relations other than the ones given in Figure 4.1 can be established among thesepath-complete graphs. Indeed, whenever there are no relations between two graphs inFigure 4.1, we have examples of matrices A1, A2 for which one graph can outperformthe other. These examples are not presented here but are available online and can beretrieved from [1].

Based on our numerical experiments, the graphs G1 and G′1 seem to statisticallyperform better than all other graphs in Figure 4.1. For example, we ran experimentson a set of 100 random 5× 5 matrices {A1, A2} with elements uniformly distributedin [−1, 1] to compare the performance of graphs G1, G2 and G2. If in each case wealso consider the relabeled matrices (i.e., {A2, A1}) as our input, then, out of thetotal 200 instances, graph G1 produced strictly better bounds on the JSR 58 times,whereas graphs G2 and G2 each produced the best bound of the three graphs only 23times. (The numbers do not add up to 200 due to ties.) In addition to this superiorperformance, the bound ρV ,G1

({A1, A2}) obtained by analysis via the graph G1 isinvariant under (i) permutation of the labels A1 and A2 (obvious), and (ii) transposingof A1 and A2 (Corollary 5.3). These are desirable properties which fail to hold forG2 and G2 or their duals. Motivated by these observations, we generalize G1 and itsdual G′1 in the next section to the case of m matrices and m Lyapunov functions andestablish that they have certain appealing properties. We will prove (cf. Theorem5.4) that these graphs always perform better than a common Lyapunov function in 2steps (i.e., the graph H2 in Figure 2.3), whereas, this is not the case for G2 and G2

or their duals.

5. Further analysis of a particular family of path-complete graphs. Theframework of path-complete graphs provides a multitude of semidefinite programmingbased techniques for the approximation of the JSR whose performance vary withcomputational cost. For instance, as we increase the number of nodes of the graph,or the degree of the polynomial Lyapunov functions assigned to the nodes, or thenumber of edges of the graph that instead of labels of length one have labels of higherlength, we obtain better results but at a higher computational cost. Many of theseapproximation techniques are asymptotically tight, so in theory they can be used toachieve any desired accuracy of approximation. For example,

ρVSOS,2d(A)→ ρ(A) as 2d→∞,

where VSOS,2d denotes the class of sum of squares homogeneous polynomial Lyapunovfunctions of degree 2d. (Recall our notation for bounds from Section 4.2.) It isalso true that a common quadratic Lyapunov function for products of higher lengthachieves the true JSR asymptotically [9], [33]; i.e.7,

t√ρV2(At)→ ρ(A) as t→∞.

Nevertheless, it is desirable for practical purposes to identify a class of path-complete graphs that provide a good tradeoff between quality of approximation andcomputational cost. Towards this objective, we propose the use of m quadratic Lya-

7By V2 we denote the class of quadratic homogeneous polynomials. We drop the superscript“SOS” because nonnegative quadratic polynomials are always sums of squares.

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 17

punov functions assigned to the nodes of the De Bruijn graph8 of dimension 1 on msymbols for the approximation of the JSR of a set of m matrices. This is precisely thegraph of path-dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions of path length 1 [36]. Thisgraph and its dual are particular path-complete graphs with m nodes and m2 edgesand will be the subject of study in this section. If we denote the quadratic Lyapunovfunctions by xTPix, then we are proposing the use of linear matrix inequalities

Pi � 0 ∀i = 1, . . . ,m,γ2ATi PjAi � Pi ∀i, j = {1, . . . ,m}2 (5.1)

or the set of LMIs

Pi � 0 ∀i = 1, . . . ,m,γ2ATi PiAi � Pj ∀i, j = {1, . . . ,m}2 (5.2)

for the approximation of the JSR of m matrices. We note that the LMIs in (5.1)have appeared in [15, 38] and those in (5.2) have appeared in [36]. Throughout thissection, we denote the path-complete graphs associated with (5.1) and (5.2) with G1

and G′1 respectively. (The De Bruijn graph of dimension 1, by standard convention, isactually the graph G′1.) Observe that G1 and G′1 are indeed dual graphs as they can beobtained from each other by reversing the direction of the edges. For the case m = 2,our notation is consistent with the previous section and these graphs are illustratedin Figure 3.1. Also observe from Corollary 3.4 and Corollary 3.5 that the LMIs in(5.1) give rise to max-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions, whereas the LMIs in (5.2)lead to min-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions. We will prove in this section that theapproximation bound obtained by these LMIs (i.e., the reciprocal of the largest γ forwhich the LMIs (5.1) or (5.2) hold) is always the same and lies within a multiplicativefactor of 1


of the true JSR, where n is the dimension of the matrices. The relation

between the bound obtained by a pair of dual path-complete graphs has a connectionto transposition of the matrices in the set A. We explain this next.

5.1. Duality and invariance under transposition. In [19], [20], it is shownthat absolute asymptotic stability of the linear difference inclusion in (1.3) defined bythe matrices A = {A1, . . . , Am} is equivalent to absolute asymptotic stability of (1.3)for the transposed matrices AT := {AT1 , . . . , ATm}. Note that this fact is immediatelyseen from the definition of the JSR in (1.1), since ρ(A) = ρ(AT ). It is also well-knownthat

ρV2(A) = ρV2(AT ).

Indeed, if xTPx is a common quadratic Lyapunov function for the set A, then itis easy to show that xTP−1x is a common quadratic Lyapunov function for the setAT . However, this nice property is not true for the bound obtained from some othertechniques. For instance, the next example shows that

ρVSOS,4(A) 6= ρVSOS,4(AT ), (5.3)

8The De Bruijn graph of dimension k on m symbols is a labeled directed graph with mk nodes andmk+1 edges whose nodes are indexed by all possible words of length k from the alphabet {1, . . . ,m},and whose edges have labels of length one and are obtained by the following simple rule: There isan edge labeled with the letter j (or for our purposes the matrix Aj) going from node i1i2 . . . ik−1ikto node i2i3 . . . ikj, ∀i1 . . . ik ∈ {1, . . . ,m}k and ∀j ∈ {1, . . . ,m}.

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18 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

i.e., the upper bound obtained by searching for a common quartic SOS polynomial isnot invariant under transposition.

Example 5.1. Consider the set of matrices A = {A1, A2, A3, A4}, with

A1 =

10 −6 −18 1 −16−8 0 17

, A2 =

−5 9 −141 5 103 2 16

, A3 =

−14 1 0−15 −8 −12−1 −6 7

, A4 =

1 −8 −21 16 3

16 11 14


We have ρVSOS,4(A) = 21.411, but ρVSOS,4(AT ) = 21.214 (up to three significantdigits). This phenomenon is not due to the SOS relaxation and should be attributedto common quartic polynomial Lyapunov functions more generally. We know thisbecause all five polynomial nonnegativity conditions in this problem (on the Lyapunovfunction and its decrements w.r.t. the four matrices) are imposed on ternary quarticforms. It is known from an old result of Hilbert [27] that all nonnegative ternaryquartic forms are SOS.

Similarly, the bound obtained by non-convex inequalities proposed in [19] is notinvariant under transposing the matrices. For such methods, one would have to runthe numerical optimization twice—once for the set A and once for the set AT—and then pick the better bound of the two. We will show that by contrast, thebound obtained from the LMIs in (5.1) and (5.2) are invariant under transposingthe matrices. Before we do that, let us prove a general result which states that forpath-complete graphs with quadratic Lyapunov functions as nodes, transposing thematrices has the same effect as dualizing the graph. We are grateful to a reviewer whokindly made us aware that an independent and earlier proof of this fact for certainfamilies of path-complete graphs appears in [38].

Theorem 5.1. Let G(N,E) be a path-complete graph, and let G′(N,E′) be itsdual graph. Then,

ρV2,G(AT ) = ρV2,G′(A). (5.4)

Proof. For ease of notation, we prove the claim for the case where the edge labelsof G(N,E) have length one. The proof of the general case is identical. Pick anarbitrary edge (i, j) ∈ E going from node i to node j and labeled with some matrixAl ∈ A. By the application of the Schur complement we have

AlPjATl � Pi ⇔

[Pi AlATl P−1j

]� 0 ⇔ ATl P

−1i Al � P−1j .

But this already establishes the claim since we see that Pi and Pj satisfy the LMIassociated with edge (i, j) ∈ E when the matrix Al is transposed if and only if P−1j

and P−1i satisfy the LMI associated with edge (j, i) ∈ E′.Corollary 5.2. ρV2,G(A) = ρV2,G(AT ) if and only if ρV2,G(A) = ρV2,G′(A).Proof. This is an immediate consequence of the equality in (5.4).It is an interesting question for future research to characterize the path-complete

graphs for which one has ρV2,G(A) = ρV2,G(AT ). For example, the above corollaryshows that this is obviously the case for any path-complete graph that is self-dual.Let us show next that this is also the case for graphs G1 and G′1 despite the fact thatthey are not self-dual.

Corollary 5.3. For the path-complete graphs G1 and G′1 associated with theinequalities in (5.1) and (5.2), and for any class of continuous, homogeneous, andpositive definite functions V, we have

ρV,G1(A) = ρV,G′1(A). (5.5)

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 19

Moreover, if quadratic Lyapunov functions are assigned to the nodes of G1 and G′1,then we have

ρV2,G1(A) = ρV2,G1

(AT ) = ρV2,G′1(A) = ρV2,G′1

(AT ). (5.6)

Proof. The proof of (5.5) is established by observing that the GLFs associatedwith G1 and G′1 can be derived from one another via V ′i (Aix) = Vi(x). (Note that weare relying here on the assumption that the matrices Ai are invertible, which as wenoted in Remark 2.1, is not a limiting assumption.) Since (5.5) in particular impliesthat ρV2,G1

(A) = ρV2,G′1(A), we get the rest of the equalities in (5.6) immediately

from Corollary 5.2 and this finishes the proof. For concreteness, let us also prove theleftmost equality in (5.6) directly. Let Pi, i = 1, . . . ,m, satisfy the LMIs in (5.1) forthe set of matrices A. Then, the reader can check that

Pi = AiP−1i ATi , i = 1, . . . ,m,

satisfy the LMIs in (5.1) for the set of matrices AT .

5.2. An approximation guarantee. The next theorem gives a bound on thequality of approximation of the estimate resulting from the LMIs in (5.1) and (5.2).Since we have already shown that ρV2,G1

(A) = ρV2,G′1(A), it is enough to prove this

bound for the LMIs in (5.1).Theorem 5.4. Let A be a set of m matrices in Rn×n with JSR ρ(A). Let

ρV2,G1(A) be the bound on the JSR obtained from the LMIs in (5.1). Then,


(A) ≤ ρ(A) ≤ ρV2,G1(A). (5.7)

Proof. The right inequality is just a consequence of G1 being a path-completegraph (Theorem 2.4). To prove the left inequality, consider the set A2 consisting of allm2 products of length two. In view of (1.6), a common quadratic Lyapunov functionfor this set satisfies the bound

1√nρV2(A2) ≤ ρ(A2).

It is easy to show that

ρ(A2) = ρ2(A).

See e.g. [33]. Therefore,



V2(A2) ≤ ρ(A). (5.8)

Now suppose for some γ > 0, xTQx is a common quadratic Lyapunov function forthe matrices in A2

γ ; i.e., it satisfies

Q � 0γ4(AiAj)

TQAiAj � Q ∀i, j = {1, . . . ,m}2.

Then, we leave it to the reader to check that

Pi = Q+ATi QAi, i = 1, . . . ,m

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20 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

satisfy (5.1). Hence,

ρV2,G1(A) ≤ ρ



and in view of (5.8) the claim is established.

Note that the bound in (5.7) is independent of the number of matrices. Moreover,we remark that this bound is tighter, in terms of its dependence on n, than theknown bounds for ρVSOS,2d for any finite degree 2d of the sum of squares polynomials.The reader can check that the bound in (1.7) goes asymptotically as 1√

n. Numerical

evidence suggests that the performance of both the bound obtained by sum of squarespolynomials and the bound obtained by the LMIs in (5.1) and (5.2) is much betterthan the provable bounds in (1.7) and in Theorem 5.4. The problem of improvingthese bounds or establishing their tightness is open. It goes without saying thatinstead of quadratic functions, we can associate sum of squares polynomials to thenodes of G1 and obtain a more powerful technique for which we can also prove betterbounds with the exact same arguments.

5.3. Numerical examples and applications. In the proof of Theorem 5.4,we essentially showed that the bound obtained from LMIs in (5.1) is tighter than thebound obtained from a common quadratic applied to products of length two. Ourfirst example shows that the LMIs in (5.1) can in fact do better than a commonquadratic applied to products of any finite length. We remind the reader that theseLMIs correspond to the dual of the De Bruijn graph of dimension one and appear in[15], [38].

Example 5.2. Consider the set of matrices A = {A1, A2}, with

A1 =

[1 01 0

], A2 =

[0 10 −1


This is a benchmark set of matrices that has been studied in [7], [43], [6] because itgives the worst case approximation ratio of a common quadratic Lyapunov function.Indeed, it is easy to show that ρ(A) = 1, but ρV2(A) =

√2. Moreover, the bound

obtained by a common quadratic function applied to the set At is


V2(At) = 212t ,

which for no finite value of t is exact. On the other hand, we show that the LMIs in(5.1) give the exact bound; i.e., ρV2,G1

(A) = 1. Due to the simple structure of A1 andA2, we can even give an analytical expression for our Lyapunov functions. Given anyε > 0, the LMIs in (5.1) with γ = 1/ (1 + ε) are feasible with

P1 =

[a 00 b

], P2 =

[b 00 a


for any b > 0 and a > b/2ε.Example 5.3. Consider the set of randomly generated matrices A = {A1, A2, A3},


A1 =

0 −2 2 2 40 0 −4 −1 −62 6 0 −8 0−2 −2 −3 1 −3−1 −5 2 6 −4

, A2 =

−5 −2 −4 6 −1

1 1 4 3 −5−2 3 −2 8 −1

0 8 −6 2 5−1 −5 1 7 −4

, A3 =

3 −8 −3 2 −4−2 −2 −9 4 −1

2 2 −5 −8 6−4 −1 4 −3 0

0 5 0 −3 5


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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 21

A lower bound on ρ(A) is ρ(A1A2A2)1/3 = 11.8015. The upper approximationsfor ρ(A) that we computed for this example are as follows:

ρV2(A) = 12.5683


V2(A2) = 11.9575ρV2,G1

(A) = 11.8097ρVSOS,4(A) = 11.8015.


The bound ρVSOS,4 matches the lower bound numerically and is most likely exact forthis example. This bound is slightly better than ρV2,G1

. However, a simple calculationshows that the semidefinite program resulting in ρVSOS,4 has 25 more decision variablesthan the one for ρV2,G1

. Also, the running time of the algorithm leading to ρVSOS,4

is noticeably larger than the one leading to ρV2,G1. In general, when the dimension of

the matrices is large, it can often be cost-effective to increase the number of the nodesof our path-complete graphs but keep the degree of the polynomial Lyapunov functionsassigned to its nodes relatively low. For example, a path-dependent quadratic Lyapunovfunction with path length 2 (i.e. the De Bruijn of dimension 2) also achieves the exactJSR by solving a system of LMIs with 9 quadratic functions and 27 constraints.

Example 5.4. Consider the set of matrices A = {A1, A2}, with

A1 =

[−1 −1−4 0

], A2 =

[3 3−2 1


A lower bound for ρ(A) is ρ(A2A1)1/2 = 3.917384715148. Here are some upperapproximations for this example computed via four methods:


V2(A2) = 3.9264ρVSOS,4(A) = 3.9241ρV2,G1

(A) = 3.9224ρV2,H3

(A) = 3.917384715148.


This example is interesting because the graph H3 (see Fig. 2.3) is the cheapest com-putational method among the four (e.g. it has only one unknown matrix variable andthree constraints, versus one unknown and four constraints for H2, two unknownsand four constraints for G1), but yet it is the only method that gets the JSR exactly.This shows that the quality of the different methods depends on the particular set ofmatrices. In particular, the method corresponding to the graph H3, which has not ap-peared in the literature to the best of our knowledge, can outperform other choices inmany randomly generated examples. For this example, if we increase the degree of thecommon SOS Lyapunov function from 4 to 6, or the path length of the path-dependentquadratic Lyapunov function from 1 to 2, then these methods also get the JSR exactlythough at a higher computational cost.

Example 5.5. Consider the set of matrices A = {A1, A2}, with

A1 =

[0.8 0.65

−0.34 0.9

], A2 =

[0.43 0.62−1.48 0.14


A lower bound for ρ(A) is ρ(A1A1A1A2)1/4 = 1.1644. Here are three upper boundscomputed for this example:


V2(A2) = 1.2140ρV2,G1

(A) = 1.1927ρV2,H3

(A) = 1.1875.


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22 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

Fig. 5.1. The path-complete graph LH3 is obtained from H3 by associating each word in theset {A1, A2A1, A2

2} with a different node on a complete directed graph of order 3, in which all theoutgoing edges from every node have the same label.

Once again, graph H3, which is an example of a new method, outperforms the othertwo methods even though it solves a smaller semidefinite program.

What is also interesting in the above example is that it is quite challenging to provethat ρ(A1A1A1A2)1/4 in fact gives the exact JSR; i.e. it is hard to find a matchingupper bound. This goal can be achieved for example by a common SOS Lyapunovfunction of degree 14, but not by one of degree 12 or lower. Similarly, path dependentquadratic Lyapunov functions of path lengths 1, 2, 3, or 4 fail to find the exact JSR.However, if we combine the SOS method with path-dependent Lyapunov functions (i.e.assign SOS Lyapunov functions to nodes of the De Bruijn graph), then the exact JSRcan be achieved by “{path length, SOS degree} pairs” equal to {1, 10} or {2, 8} or{3, 6}.

If one works with quadratic Lyapunov functions only, then path dependent quadraticLyapunov functions of path length 5 succeed in getting the JSR exactly. The resultingsemidefinite program has 32 unknown Lyapunov functions (matrix variables) and 96LMIs. By using new path-complete graphs, we were able to get the JSR exactly withonly 6 unknown quadratic Lyapunov functions and 42 LMIs. The graph that achievedthis (not shown) consists of 6 nodes and 36 edges and is closely related to Remark 3.3.Each node of this graph has 6 outgoing edges with exactly the same label going to the6 nodes of the graph. The labels on the outgoing edges of the different nodes are re-spectively {A2, A1A2, A

21A2, A

31A2, A

41A2, A

51}. We leave it to the reader to check that

this graph is path-complete.Performance on application-motivated problems. In the remainder of this

section, we consider computational problems that arise from three different applicationscenarios. In all of these applications, the underlying problems have been alreadyshown by the existing literature to be related to the computation of the JSR ofcertain matrices. We thus focus on the computational aspects, and demonstrate theusefulness of the path-complete graph Lyapunov function framework in situations thatarise from practical scenarios.

Before we proceed, we introduce two new graphs LH3 and LH23 which can be

verified to be path-complete9. The first graph, LH3, is shown in Figure 5.1 and isobtained by associating each word in the set {A1, A2A1, A

22} with a different node

9For brevity, we do not provide proofs of path-completeness.

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 23

on a complete directed graph of order 3, in which all the outgoing edges from everynode have the same label. The second graph, LH2

3 (not shown), is a complete di-rected graph of order 9, and is obtained by applying the same principle to the set10

{A21, A

22A1, A2A12, A4

2, A2A1A22, A1A

22, A2A1A2A1, A

32A1, A1A2A1}. Finally, we

will use Dn to denote the De Bruijn graph of dimension n. (The number of symbolsof the De Bruijn graph will be clear from the context and always equal to the numberof matrices whose JSR is under consideration.)

Example 5.6. Application to Computation of the Number of Overlap-Free Words. It was shown in [34] that the problem of computation of the smallestexponent of growth of the number of overlap-free or repetition-free binary words (see,e.g. [8]) reduces to the computation of the JSR of two sparse matrices A1 and A2 inZ20×20+ . These relatively large-size matrices are explicitly presented in [34, 24], and

are not repeated here in the interest of brevity. More precisely, letting un denote thenumber of overlap-free binary words of length n, we have:

inf{r | ∃C : un ≤ Cnr} = log2 ρ({A1, A2}).

It was conjectured in [34] that ρ({A1, A2}) =√ρ(A1A2) ≈ 2.51793404. This con-

jecture was recently proven in [24] via a variation of the complex polytope algorithmspecialized to non-negative matrices. In Table 5.1 we report the results of numericalcomputation of upper bounds on ρ({A1, A2}) using various path-complete graphs. Theapproximate solver times are also reported which correspond to the CPU time of a 2.5Ghz PC running the solver SeDuMi [49] on MATLAB.

Table 5.1

solver time

ρV2,G1(A) = 2.5259 0.25 sec

ρV2,H3(A) = 2.5223 0.16 sec

ρV2,D2(A) = 2.51793404 1.87 sec

ρV2,LH3(A) = 2.51793404 1.05 secρ(A) = 2.51793404

The graphs D2 and LH3 indeed provide an exact (up to machine precision) nu-merical value of the JSR and the running time of the SDP associated with LH3 is only1 second. These computations show that the path-complete graph Lyapunov functionframework can provide very efficient methods for computation of the JSR in situationsof practical and theoretical interest.

Example 5.7. Application to Computation of the Euler Ternary Parti-tion Function. The problem of computation of the smallest exponent of growth ofthe Euler ternary partition function [44] can be reduced to the problem of computa-tion of the JSR of three matrices with binary 0 or 1 entries. Herein, we examine aspecial case reported in [24], where the complex polytope method is applied to providethe exact value of the JSR of three 7-by-7 matrices with 0 and 1 entries:

ρ({A1, A2, A3}) =√ρ(A2A3) ≈ 4.722045134.

In this case, the path-complete DeBruijn graph of dimension 1 yields an upper boundon the JSR with great accuracy in a fraction of a second; we have ρV2,D1

(A) =

10The words in this set correspond to paths of length two on H3.

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24 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

Table 5.2

N=17 N=19 solver time

ρV2,H1(A) = 0.118781760 0.097472458 0.15 sec

ρV2,H4(A) = 0.097471788 0.36 sec

ρV2,G1(A) = 0.097463499 0.46 sec

ρV2,H3(A) = 0.097407530 0.37 sec

ρV2,H31(A) = 0.097403543 0.77 sec

ρV2,D2(A) = 0.097334910 0.75 sec

ρV2,D3(A) = 0.097332287 1.12 sec

ρV2,D6(A) = 0.097306933 9.66 sec

ρV2,LH3(A) = 0.097380084 0.60 sec

ρV2,LH23(A) = 0.097306828 3.70 sec

ρ(A) = 0.118781760 0.097301716a

aThis number is only a lower bound on the JSR, given by ρ(A21A

22)1/4. We conjecture that it is

equal to the true JSR.

4.722045134, and the computation time is 0.15sec on a 2.5 Ghz PC.Example 5.8. Application to Continuity of Wavelet Functions. Daubechies’

wavelet functions are orthonormal functions φN with compact support on [0, N ], sat-isfying

φN (x) =


ckφN (2x− k)

where, N is a positive integer and the coefficients ck, 0 ≤ k ≤ N , satisfy certainadditional constraints [22, 33]. The problem of computation of the Holder exponent ofcontinuity of the wavelet functions [16] is closely related to the problem of computationof the JSR of two linear operators, see, e.g., [33, Chap. 5], [42] and [22]. Herein, weare interested in computation of the JSR of the associated matrices for values of N =5, 7, . . . , 19. The matrix pairs {A1N , A2N} are of dimension (N − 1)/2 and have beenposted online in [2] along with annotated MATLAB code for their computation. Weremark that the JSR of the associated pairs of matrices for odd values of N ∈ [5, 15],were first reported in [22], where it was shown (numerically) that

ρ({A1N , A2N}) = max(ρ(A1N ), ρ(A2N )), N = 3, . . . , 15. (5.12)

Our numerical analysis conforms with the results of [22] for N ≤ 15 and a singlecommon quadratic Lyapunov function (ρV2,H1

(·)) provides the exact (up to machineprecision) numerical value of the JSR. For brevity, we do not repeat here the numericalvalues of the JSR for N ≤ 15, and instead present the numerical upper-bound on theJSR for two more values of N , i.e., N = 17 and N = 19. Table 5.2 summarizes11

our numerical analysis for N = 17 and N = 19. For N = 17 the pattern holds anda single common quadratic Lyapunov function provides the exact value of the JSRwhich also satisfies (5.12). Surprisingly, however, for N = 19 this pattern breaks andnot only (5.12) does not hold, but also a common quadratic Lyapunov function does

11As before, the approximate solver times correspond to the CPU time of a 2.5 Ghz PC runningSeDuMi [49] on MATLAB.

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Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 25

not give the exact upper bound! The best upper bound we are providing is obtainedby graph LH2

3 which has 9 nodes and 90 LMIs. To the best of our knowledge noneof the methods in the existing literature provide a better upper bound at a comparablecomputation cost.

6. Converse Lyapunov theorems and approximation with arbitrary ac-curacy. It is well-known that existence of a Lyapunov function which is the pointwisemaximum of quadratics is not only sufficient but also necessary for absolute asymp-totic stability of (1.2) or (1.3); see e.g. [41]. This is perhaps an intuitive fact if we recallthat switched systems of type (1.2) and (1.3) always admit a convex Lyapunov func-tion. Indeed, if we take “enough” quadratics, the convex and compact unit sublevel setof a convex Lyapunov function can be approximated arbitrarily well with sublevel setsof max-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions, which are intersections of ellipsoids. This ofcourse implies that the bound obtained from max-of-quadratics Lyapunov functionsis asymptotically tight for the approximation of the JSR. However, this converse Lya-punov theorem does not answer two natural questions of importance in practice: (i)How many quadratic functions do we need to achieve a desired quality of approxima-tion? (ii) Can we search for these quadratic functions via semidefinite programmingor do we need to resort to non-convex formulations? The same questions can natu-rally be asked for min-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions. The theorem and remarkthat follow provide an answer to these questions by relying on the connections thatwe have already established between min/max-quadratics Lyapunov functions andpath-dependent Lyapunov functions [36] and their duals [38]. Our results further pro-vides a worst case approximation guarantee for path-dependent quadratic Lyapunovfunctions of any given path length, and similarly for their duals.

Theorem 6.1. Let A be a set of m matrices in Rn×n. Given any positive integerl, there exists an explicit path-complete graph G consisting of ml−1 nodes assignedto quadratic Lyapunov functions and ml edges with labels of length one such that thelinear matrix inequalities associated with G imply existence of a max-of-quadraticsLyapunov function and the resulting bound obtained from the LMIs satisfies

12l√nρV2,G(A) ≤ ρ(A) ≤ ρV2,G(A). (6.1)

Proof. Let us denote the ml−1 quadratic Lyapunov functions by−1x,

where i1 . . . il−1 ∈ {1, . . . ,m}l−1 is a multi-index used for ease of reference to ourLyapunov functions. We claim that we can let G be the graph dual to the De Bruijngraph of dimension l− 1 on m symbols. The LMIs associated to this graph are givenby−2il−1� 0 ∀i1 . . . il−1 ∈ {1, . . . ,m}l−1

ATj−2il−1Aj �−1j

∀i1 . . . il−1 ∈ {1, . . . ,m}l−1,∀j ∈ {1, . . . ,m}.


These LMIs appear in [38] and are known to be asymptotically exact. The fact that Gis path-complete and that the LMIs imply existence of a max-of-quadratics Lyapunovfunction follows from Corollary 3.5. The proof that these LMIs satisfy the bound in(6.1) is a straightforward generalization of the proof of Theorem 5.4. By the samearguments we have



V2(Al) ≤ ρ(A). (6.3)

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26 A. A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani

Suppose xTQx is a common quadratic Lyapunov function for the matrices in Al; i.e.,it satisfies

Q � 0(Ai1 . . . Ail)

TQAi1 . . . Ail � Q ∀i1 . . . il ∈ {1, . . . ,m}l.

Then, it is easy to check that12−2il−1= Q+ATil−1




) + · · ·+(Ai1Ai2 . . . Ail−2

Ail−1)TQ(Ai1Ai2 . . . Ail−2


i1 . . . il−1 ∈ {1, . . . ,m}l−1,

satisfy (6.2). Hence,

ρV2,G(A) ≤ ρ1l


and in view of (6.3) the claim is established.Remark 6.1. Arbitrarily good approximation bounds identical to those in Theo-

rem 6.1 can be proven for min-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions in a similar fashion.The only difference is that the LMIs in (6.2) would get replaced by the ones corre-sponding to the dual graph of G, i.e., the De Bruijn graph which is associated withpath-dependent Lyapunov functions [36].

Our last theorem establishes approximation bounds for a family of path-completegraphs with one single node but several edges labeled with words of different lengths.Examples of such path-complete graphs include graph H3 in Figure 2.3 and graph H4

in Figure 3.2.Theorem 6.2. Let A be a set of matrices in Rn×n. Let G ({1} , E) be a path-

complete graph, and l be the length of the shortest word in A = {L (e) : e ∈ E} . ThenρV2 ,G (A) provides an estimate of ρ (A) that satisfies

12l√nρV2 ,G (A) ≤ ρ(A) ≤ ρV2 ,G (A).

Proof. The right inequality is obvious, we prove the left one. Since both ρV2 ,G (A)and ρ are homogeneous inA, we may assume, without loss of generality, that ρV2 ,G (A) =1. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that

ρ(A) < 1/ 2l√n. (6.4)

We will show that this implies that ρV2 ,G (A) < 1. Towards this goal, let us first

prove that ρ(A) ≤ ρl(A). Indeed, if we had ρ(A) > ρl(A), then there would exist13

an integer i and a product Aσ ∈ Ai such that

ρ1i (Aσ) > ρl(A). (6.5)

Since we also have Aσ ∈ Aj (for some j ≥ il), it follows that

ρ1j (Aσ) ≤ ρ(A). (6.6)

12The construction of the Lyapunov function here is a special case of a general scheme for con-structing Lyapunov functions that are monotonically decreasing from those that decrease only everyfew steps; see [3, p. 58].

13Here, we are appealing to the well-known fact about the JSR of a general set of matrices B:

ρ(B) = lim supk→∞maxB∈Bk ρ1k (B). See e.g. [33, Chap. 1].

Page 27: JOINT SPECTRAL RADIUS AND PATH-COMPLETE GRAPH … · of path-complete graphs, such as the De Bruijn graphs.This provides worst-case perfomance bounds for path-dependent quadratic

Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions 27

The inequality in (6.5) together with ρ(A) ≤ 1 gives

ρ1j (Aσ) > ρ

ilj (A) ≥ ρ(A).

But this contradicts (6.6). Hence we have shown

ρ(A) ≤ ρl(A).

Now, by our hypothesis (6.4) above, we have that ρ(A) < 1/√n. Therefore, there

exists ε > 0 such that ρ((1 + ε)A) < 1/√n. It then follows from (1.6) that there exists

a common quadratic Lyapunov function for (1+ε)A. Hence, ρV2((1+ε)A) ≤ 1, whichimmediately implies that ρV2 ,G (A) < 1, a contradiction.

A noteworthy immediate corollary of Theorem 6.2 (obtained by setting A =⋃kt=rAt) is the following: If ρ(A) < 1


, then there exists a quadratic Lyapunov

function that decreases simultaneously for all products of lengths r, r + 1, . . . , r + k,for any desired value of k. Note that this fact is obvious for r = 1, but nonobviousfor r ≥ 2.

7. Conclusions and future directions. We introduced the framework of path-complete graph Lyapunov functions for the formulation of semidefinite programmingbased algorithms for approximating the joint spectral radius (or equivalently estab-lishing absolute asymptotic stability of an arbitrarily switched linear system). Wedefined the notion of a path-complete graph, which was inspired by concepts in au-tomata theory. We showed that every path-complete graph gives rise to a techniquefor the approximation of the JSR. This provided a unifying framework that includesmany of the previously proposed techniques and also introduces new ones. (In fact,all families of LMIs that we are aware of are particular cases of our method.) Weshall also emphasize that although we focused on switched linear systems becauseof our interest in the JSR, the analysis technique of multiple Lyapunov functions onpath-complete graphs is clearly valid for switched nonlinear systems as well.

We compared the quality of the bound obtained from certain classes of path-complete graphs, including all path-complete graphs with two nodes on an alphabetof two matrices, and also a certain family of dual path-complete graphs. Amongthe different path-complete graphs considered in this paper, we observed that the DeBruijn graph and its dual, whose LMIs appear in the earlier work [36], [38], havea superior performance on average (but not always). Motivated by this fact, westudied these graphs in further detail. For example, we showed that stability analysisvia these graphs is invariant under transposition of the matrices, results in commonmin/max-of-quadratics Lyapunov functions, and produces upper bounds on the JSRthat are always within a multiplicative factor of 1/ 4

√n of the true value, already for

the first level of the hierarchy. Finally, we presented two converse Lyapunov theorems,one for the well-known methods of minimum and maximum-of-quadratics Lyapunovfunctions, and the other for a new class of methods that propose the use of a commonquadratic Lyapunov function for a set of words of possibly different lengths.

We believe the methodology proposed in this paper should straightforwardly ex-tend to the case of constrained switching by requiring the graphs to have a path notfor all the words, but only the words allowed by the constraints on the switching. Arigorous treatment of this idea is left for future work.

Another question for future research is to determine the complexity of checkingpath-completeness of a given graph G(N,E). As we explained in Section 2, well-known algorithms in automata theory (see e.g. [28, Chap. 4]) can check for path-completeness by testing whether the associated finite automaton accepts all finite

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words. When the automata are deterministic (i.e., when all outgoing edges fromevery node have different labels), these algorithms are very efficient and have runningtime of only O(|N |2). However, the problem of deciding whether a non-deterministicfinite automaton accepts all finite words is known to be PSPACE-complete [18, p.265]. Of course, the step of checking path-completeness of a graph is done offlineand prior to the run of our algorithms for approximating the JSR. Therefore, whilechecking path-completeness is in general difficult, the approximation algorithms thatwe presented indeed run in polynomial time since they work with a fixed (a priorichosen) path-complete graph. Nevertheless, the question on complexity of checkingpath-completeness is interesting in many other settings, e.g., when deciding whethera given set of Lyapunov inequalities imply stability of an arbitrarily switched system.

Some other interesting questions that can be explored in the future are the fol-lowing. What are some other classes of path-complete graphs that lead to new tech-niques for proving stability of switched systems? Can we classify graph operationsthat preserve path-completeness? How can we compare the performance of differentpath-complete graphs in a systematic way? Given a set of matrices, a class of Lya-punov functions, and a fixed size for the graph, can we efficiently come up with theleast conservative topology of a path-complete graph? What properties of a set of ma-trices make a particular path-complete graph Lyapunov function better than anotherone? What are the analogues of the results of this paper for continuous time switchedsystems? To what extent do the results carry over to the synthesis (controller design)problem for switched systems? These questions and several others show potential formuch follow-up work on path-complete graph Lyapunov functions.


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