join the green party of england & wales

Diversity Equality Community Society Honesty Democracy Civil liberties Animal protection Green economy Fairness Human rights Sustainability Environment Living wage Justice Change Peace IF YOU SHARE OUR VALUES – JOIN US!

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Post on 04-Apr-2016




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This leaflet has introductory information about the Green Party and includes a joining and donation form.


Page 1: Join the Green Party of England & Wales

Diversity Equality Community

Society Honesty DemocracyCivil liberties Animal protection

Green economy FairnessHuman rights Sustainability

Environment Living wage Justice Change Peace

I F Y O U S H A R E O U R V A L U E S – J O I N U S !

Page 2: Join the Green Party of England & Wales

We are the only party fighting hard for a fairer society where the needs of people – not big business – come first. Our strong political vision doesn’t sway with the winds of convenience or bend with shifts in fashion, and unlike other parties, we don’t accept donations from large corporates or the unions.

We want to see a healthy, democratic society where people can live free from discrimination, where we measure success not just by narrow economic indicators but by taking account of personal freedom, social equity, health, happiness and human fulfilment.

We believe that humankind depends on the diversity of the natural world for its existence and that we must tackle the environmental challenges before us.

To make sure our voice is heard we need your support. Please join the Green Party today and help us to change our world by building a more equal, more resilient society.

Every new member who joins the Green Party makes our call for change a little louder. And the louder our voice, the harder it will be to ignore.

“These are exciting times for the Green Party – the election

of the first ever Green MP represents a truly historic

moment. We made our breakthrough with the backing of

people like you who want a new politics based on honesty,

justice and fairness. Now, every new member who joins us

will give us a stronger voice in Parliament.”


Keith Taylor and Jean Lambert, Green Party Members of the European Parliament. Jean was voted Justice and Human Rights MEP of the year 2005.

Page 3: Join the Green Party of England & Wales

Every new member who joins the Green Party makes our call for change a little louder. And the louder our voice, the harder it will be to ignore.

W I T H YO U R H E L P, W E W I L L F I G H T F O R C H A N G E I N 8 K E Y W AY S

1 Maintaining public spending on the services that we all need. The government must invest to create jobs and ensure that we don’t fall further into another recession.

2 Building the pressure for a real global initiative to tackle climate change. We will work hard for a fair, ambitious and legally binding agreement to cut carbon emissions and insist that Britain leads the way in developing renewable energy technologies.

3 We want the cancellation of the planned Trident replacement. We are fundamentally opposed to wasting billions of public money on this deadly and unnecessary weapon. Nuclear weapons should have no place in Britain’s future.

4 Cutting carbon and creating jobs. We propose a Green New Deal that will improve public transport and provide free insulation in every home. This will reduce fuel bills and create a million new jobs.

5 Protecting low-paid workers. We will fight for a ‘Living Wage’ to ensure low-income workers earn enough to provide for themselves and their families. We’ll also fight for controls over high pay and over our dangerously risky financial services industry.

6 Fair pensions and free social care for older people. We believe in introducing a Citizen’s Pension along with free care and support for older people.

7 Giving every child the best possible chance in life. We will work for schools to be properly funded in the public sector and accountable to parents and local authorities.

8 Protecting human rights and stopping unjust, unnecessary wars. We will demand a progressive foreign policy and the withdrawal of UK troops from Afghanistan.

Join us now! Visit or fill in the form overleaf

Promoted by Howard Thorp on behalf of the Green Party, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London, EC2A 4LT. Printed on 100% recycled paper by Acanthus Press Ltd, Unit 21, Ryelands Farm, Bagley Road, Wellington TA21 9PZ . Designed by

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP was voted the UK’s Most Ethical Politician in 2007, 2009 and 2010 by Observer readers,

and is one of the Environment Agency’s Top 100 Eco-Heroes.

Page 4: Join the Green Party of England & Wales

The Green Party Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to apply by Direct Debit

Please fill in the form and send to: FREEPOST RSLK-URKB-SRYL, The Green Party, LONDON EC2A 4LT

Service User Number Name and full postal address of your Bank/Building Society

Name(s) of Account Holder(s)

Branch Sort Code

Bank/Building Society Account Number

Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit instructions for some types of account


Instruction to your Bank or Building SocietyPlease pay The Green Party Direct Debits from the account detailed in the instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with The Green Party and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society.



I/we would like to make a one-off membership payment for one year only Standard individual £31.00 Standard joint £41 Student £5 Low/Unwaged individual £10.50 Low/Unwaged joint £14.00 plus a donation £

I enclose a cheque made payable to The Green Party or Please debit my debit / credit card

Card no. Valid from /

Expiry date / Security code Issue number

Signature (s)

Date / / Your details

Name (s)

Your address


Home tel.


Please tick if you are under 30/Student of any age, and would like to receive updates from the Young Greens. Date of birth / /

Join the Green Party I/we would like to join the Green Party accept its aims and do not belong to any other political party

I/we would like to give a monthly amount of £3 £5 £10 £25 OTHER Min £2.60

Please return this form to FREEPOST RSLK-URKB-SRYL, The Green Party, LONDON EC2A 4LTBy becoming a member you are agreeing to your contact details being transferred between the national Green Party and your local and regional Green Parties. The information you have provided will also be added to our internal electoral register. We will not pass the details of members or supporters to any other organisation.

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