johor trial bi p1 20110002

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  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002






    Satu am

    1I .



    Kertas .soalan ni mengandungi 40 soalan.Jmrab semua soalan.

    Tiap-tiap so(tlqn diihtti oleh empat pilihan ja,rvapan, ieittt A, B, C dan D. Bagisetiap .soqlanpilih satu av'apan ,sahaja. Hitamliiln.sennn jatrapan qnclqpadake ta s atv apail o bj ek f t'u g tl secl a kan.

    aJ .

    Kertassoalan ni mensandrursi4 halamanbercetak

    [Lihat halaman sebelrrh]SULIT@?0ll Hak Cipta JPNJ

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    SLII,IT lzt IQuestions I -l{) rrltr husedctt !ltt irtfitt"tttt:ttiorri\,ttr.

    i tRE Y()tJTALENTEDENOtrGH?Thc DnrnraClrrb ri l l l lrcsctl l l conlcdt,cntit ir":dRurnplcsti ltskiu'.on lTth Junc. \nattdil iun o strlccl ltc;tclon rrud ctrcsscsil l l lc h{rld n i.hcMusicRoourat -3.00 n}on25"' vlin 2o l.

    Tlrc rcrrd uurlitiot'r ;rnbcstbc rcplaccdlith.,\ lr sclcctiorrltrocclB :l )r';tcticL.c.ssionC an;rcting roccssD rrprcscrr t l r l iorrcssiorr

    W i l i t t r 1 , \ t l i i \ u ( ) t Il ! l l ( ) \ t ' \ ' ( ) l l l 1 . .( ) i l t i . \ l1 l

    ' l ' lrcpostcr-abovcncortragcsorr o bcA l i lc l rlf checrliil(l conlidcntD intc l l igcrr t

    IL ihathahmanscbelahISULI 'T

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    DearKak Seri.irlt'lamilv is in a sacl tate f allairs, t'l;-mumancl adar-euellthe tirne. As a resultmy brotherand trrysisterSta\;Aw'\' frotn homernostof the irne. havenobody o cliscussny problernsvith. am alsohavinsproblcmsn mv studies.\'hat am to do?

    Lonelv Bor'. Johor Baluu.

    3 l-onelvBo\"s protrlclns trrted i'omhis.\ ParentsB rlt:rirsC stucliesD siblines

    -l Theactivih thatburn.she east aloriessA ioggingB aerobicsC sr i rntn i r rgD brisk i'alkine

    l\ lI\D YOL;R STE,PS

    5 Th e phraseabove ellsus toA u'alk propcrlvB u'alk carefullvC look out fbr the stePsD look u hereyo u al'egong

    l2 l l ,A 1011 akcipta PN'r [Lilrat halarnan sebelah]SULIT

    Act vit ies Ca lor ies urn t.\crobics 7.4J0gsing 9.3Su'imnrinq ( ) . ( JBrisku'l lkrns 6 . 6

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002



    From he carl.oonA pr.u:rlierlB alrr.15p1C pruseclD rtanrecl

    st.t1p,r*E nor'.t ha t t.he :o1r5 bang


    [Lihat halam an sebelahSTILIT

    THE I\I ODERNJE\4IELLERYLong ago. ol dmd drrmo.dused o be hes',nrrbo1f a per:on'swealth ou'everhi s s no onger ecesst$/oday.Jor,radays,lashygadgetsik e heB acJrba4', ndroicl hone,phone,pa dancl Cs ar ettetiis -0ns1dft-erihe rrrr',L r aperr,.rrr'stat.r.rsn t.he rrr:itl r

    (BERl.lAh,LqAPRIL t, ?ril1)

    The n'ordmar,hn thepassageur bestbe eplaceclnlthA sgnB shou'C brurdD drryla;,'

    Forgett Nathan, ou arenotgo inganywhere nt i lyouc lean our oonr l

    l2il tA?0lI s} c&tnIPI.g

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    luST ny ' :lo ptn$ttcsnc$!

    I From heposter,we kttou' ha tplastic agsA should ave hepeopleB canpollute heworldC candestroyhe earthD shoulclnote tsecl

    Questlons9 -t0 are based n the able belov,.

    9 If we arestressed,e strould o he ollowingexceptA meditateB takemedicineC go for a holidayD rvork sltorter ou's

    10 The vord n'tanage.anbesfbe replacedwithA cureB solrreC causeD handle

    [Lihat halaman ebelahlSULIT

    STR_E S N,IANAGEN,TENTTypes f stress \l"ays o rrunuge tress

    Work relatedsft'ess Takesome irneof tReducevor-kingoursGo on arelaxing racation

    Llncontrolledtress IvleditationSe e doctorPrioritizernpottalt liings

    l?lt A 2un bkcipraPI.u

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002



    12 A orB s oC anclD but

    1 3 A i sB areC \\rasD were

    14 A giveB gavoC givenD giving

    l2/l a 2o1lHa kcipta PN I

    12/lQuestions 1 18 ure bused n he blla+,ing*tt.

    Hundredsof online social networkingsites are arrailablehese days relating o rrariousinterests farnilt'. i'iendships nd business etrvorking, mongothers. Sites ike Facebooluv{1'Space.Hi5, BeboandFriendster reverl'popular. About 85percurtof lr{alaysia's nlinepopulationspendtheil tirneon-!!- socialnetrvorking ites,\\,hat reall-v rivesonlineusers o these ocialnetworking ites? Someexperts elier,'et istheil ability o establish ndmaintain elationshipsstablishedn real ife. luoughonline contacts

    12 e','en ld relationships.People 13 allorved o communicateluou,sh ntelactivemedia.Tlreyare4moreopt ionstointeractfrequerrt lyrvi tht1reucontacts.Expertsalsofoundtlratexistingrelationsl.ripsformedinreal-1ifema1'bestr.engtlrenedLsocia1nehvor1iings tes.

    People aneasilyexplore therpeople's ersonaliveseasilv. t alsoprol'ides plaform toreconnect ld relationships. 16 . social ehvorking ites ar,'ebecomea tool or theonlineuserso improve their self-esteem. l7 belie'i,ehat hemore i'iends hey ha'i,e.hemorepopular hey eel. People 18 excited o receive eedbackon the content heypublishthroughhe sites.Somealsohavea sense f securitY hen hey eel hat hel'arebeingsurroundedt'a circleof fi'iends.

    (Adapted.front'.*y)11 ;\ this 15 A tluough

    B that B alongC these C afterD those D o\/er

    16 A FurthermoreB N{oreor,'erC HorverrerD Therelbre

    I7 A IB \\''eC YouD Thel'

    18 A getB gotC getsD gotten

    [Lihat halaman sebelah]SULIT

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002



    6Quest ions9 2 lRectclhecliclogtrc elou, mcl ltoosehe bestmectningfor hepln'ases nclerlinecl.Aqilah vas"'isited y herchildhoodrisnd.Gina.Aqilah: \\iorv Gina!You areas all AS oul'father ow!Gina: Yes.youare ight. takeafter 19)hirna lot.Aqilah: Horv s6,'1,1rssr harre ot grorvnmuch. I canstill put on (20) hebluedress nY

    mum bought br my ts'elfthbirlhday.By the \'av.areyou in the debating eam?L'nfortunateh', o, I havegi','en p (21)debating. am currentlv n theclratnaeam.

    takeafterA act ikeB look ikeC u'alk ikeD behave ike

    20 putonA f i tB tu'C weal'D keeP

    2l sivenupA chosenB stoppedC continuedD postponed


    [Lihat halaman sebelahlSULIT12ll rg :o l r Hak iptaPNr

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    SULIT 7Quest ions2-21Reaclhestory elow ncl hoosehebestmeaningforheetpressionsnclerlined.Darshens the irst o arri've t school.He s always n earh'bird (22).Intheclassroom,epavs ul lattention n class.He getsdotvn o (23)cornplete ll his hornervork eforehe goeshorne.He doesnotlike to do his rvorkat the astmoment.At home.he hasa cat nAp(24) fter lunch. Then.he attendspianoclasses ndplays ootball n theevening.22 an earh'bird

    A one vhoanivesbefore imeB one r,ho eaves fterothersC one vhopa1'sull attentionD onewho works astminute

    23 getsdorvn oA doesa taskplaifirlll'B doesa taskcarefullyC does taskseriouslyD doesa taskhumiedly

    24 a catnapA a full recessB a shortsleepC a quick essonD a cornpleteest

    [Lihat halaman sebelahlSULIT

    t2/ l

    l2 l l a .2o l l Hak ip ta PNJ

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    t"",,itl llnlirh*r tlt*rllElJf,l I lUlllltfvFr rryrrT I HIbY+ \Wb discount ol afamily of 6. Freegames or childrenaged12 andbelorv.

    IlelconooBtrruthensukJOHOR DARUL TAKZII\'I-t{ow tagett6we?. Stuf thegooglemaprTake a btrs.

    Wattr aetfvittbs - waterslides.w'atersplash, aftingandsur{ing.

    Arngntities:r Air-conditioned

    apatments.r Barbequeareas.

    r Only 46 kilornetresfi'orn Johor Balrruand 300 kilometresfrom Kuala Lumpur.

    Cal-eteriaselling ocal andrvesterl dishes.Prayer oom for Muslimrrisitors.

    + Thispackage. s validlhem l" to l4tt'Attgttst, 20ll

    BQnestions 2428 are hasedon the follo'wing ,ooster.

    25 The holiday package s best brA a group of foreign visitorsB a group of visitors trorn JohorC a family consisting of six membersD chil&en aged hvelve years old urd abot'e

    26 The arnenitiesare provided toA add ftur to the activi tiesB nrake the thetne park beautilulC provide comfort for the vi:itorsD encourage isitors to catry out rnot'eactivities

    ILihat halaman sebelah]SULITl?iL A 2ot1tal.' tiptaJFNJ

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    SULIT t2tl

    27 Visitorscanclo he ollorving ctivities xceptA ' h a v i n g a b a r b e q u eB surfing he nternetC plat'ino rvatergamesD sliding nto he vatel'

    28 Anlone vho s interesteclo get o the heme arkwill not havedifficulties ecauseA it isclose o hecit ies.B public ransports available.C the map of the ocation s provided.D thepark s a popular olida,v estination.

    Questions 9-31ctre ctsedn the.follov;ingrticle.

    Kellie's Castle s a specLrcular ansionsituated ear Batu Gajah,Perak. The remainsof thisml,sterious uilding is locatedabout a 30-rn inutedrive fi'om Ipoh. This castleoncebelonged o WilliarnKellie English ubber vcoon. n the ate 19thcenturv. The castle vasnot completeas Smith eftfor Englandn the middleof its construction ndnsvercalneback o lt'Ialar,sia.

    Like an.v ther old and abandoned uilding,Kellie's Castle ssunounded y dark myster'1,. ince twasbuilt during he British occupation f I\,'Ialaya,he structure f the magnificent uilding s rrerymuch ofa colonialdesign. t has argepillars.big rvindorv anes nd ,r'indingpiral-shapedtaircases.

    Thereare many ascinating et mysterious toriesattachedo it. The most amousof them s thatthe castle s a token of Smith's love lbr his u'iIe. Agnes Smith. The Perak StateGovernment as akengreatmeasureso sa.i'ehe castle iom l'urtherdestruction. t rvasoncea shelter or drug-addicts, eggarsancl ornelesseople.

    Atternpts 'eremade o traceSmith'sdescendantsn England. ut u'ithoutsuccess ecauseherewasnevera reportabouthim havingany children. The castle s nolv a popular ouristspot. However,secretunnel n the castle asbeen losed s t is toodangaous o be explored.(Adaptedfrorn EnglishEs,centialr/ol 2011)

    29 The ext s mainlyaboutA apopular ouristspot n Perak.B theeffort o saveKellie'sCastleC anEnglish ubber ycoon.William Kellie SmithD thehistorvof Perak uring heBritishoccupation

    [Lihat halamarnsebelah]STILITl2 l l g 2on Hakcipta PNI

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    3 1




    1 0

    Visitols o Kellie's Castle ansee he bllorving eatures xceptA hugepillars.B a secret ururel.C rvinding taircases.D large vindo\\' anes.The vorddescendantsanbe eplacedvithA ancestorsB relativesC workersD childrenKellie'sCastlesA a castle uilt during heBritishoccupationB a shelteror thehomeless eopleC located 0 km a\\'a\,1iompohD closecl s t is dangerous

    ThePerakStateGoverrunents savinghe castleoA attract nol'e ouristsB rememberAgnesSrnithC completets constructionD trace VilliamSmith'sdescendants

    Kellie's Castles mostprobabll'amous or itsA secretB historl'C locationD mvsten'


    [Lihat halarnan sebelah]SULITl2/l ra rol r Hakcipta PNJ

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    SULIT 1tQuestions 35 - 37 are. bct,sed n the..follou;it1g oenl.

    35 Theold manwasgaspingor ail becauseA he vassickB he g'asat heclinicC theair u'aspollutedD theclinic vas rorvded

    36 From stanza . u'ecan nfi;r that he riversareA diq,B stagnantC overtlou'ingD contaminated

    37 The epetition f thephrase v:ant in thepoemshon'shat hepersonasA hoprngB criticisin-eC dernandingD condemning

    12l l ta : ol t Hak ipta PNJ


    [Lihat halaman sebelah]SLiLIT

    Th e Dead CrowHe sarv a cleadcrou'in a chainnear he post office.He sarvan old mangasping br airand a babv barely ablein a crowclecl norningThis land is so rich.\\'hv should u'e suftbr

    to breatheclinic.Lke his'?

    I rvantcleanair'for rn1' randchildrar.I n'ant the Cctmnedfool.sto learrehe orests lone.I rvant he rees o grow,the rivers un free.and he eafihcovered 'ith grass.Let thepoliticiansplanhow we rnav ive rvith clignitl,',norvandahvays.

    A. SamaclSsicl

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002


    t2euestions38- 40 are basetl n theextract.fromhe,Ehorttor,vOf BungaTelur and Bally Shoes.

    Well. hat eavesust R\'I430.00o be aised.Wait a minute. vhat f hecoulcl a\/e n thebunga elur.Alter all, he,v 'ereust hard-boiled ggs. hevcoulclboil a lot of eggs vl'richveredir-t heapf bought rom the Department fAgriculture nd hen heycouldbe handed round n ravs.He tried o sellhisicleas n thebunga elur o thervomenfolk.His sisterglaredat him.

    ,,Andhowrvouldpeople now t's thebungaelur or )'our vedding?""\\i'ell."countereclarnal.lhat'sno problern.We'll sticksticlotabelson

    them."His sister ollecl er evesn disbelief ndsmacked erhandon hetfbreheacl.amalhoughthat neant ismissal. hose ungaelurcouldbe quiteexpensive. e haclanother rilliant deau,hichhe recountedo hissister"

    "How about f ,vou istlibuteHackssrveetsnstead f hard-boileclggs'1"FIis ast deau'as eally he ctst trat','for issister'

    "Any moreof yourbrilliantsuggestionsnd he veddings off! I mean,OFFI"Shestormed ff into hekitchen.

    38 Jamal uggestedistrbuting heHacks tt,eetsecauseeA liked easing is sisterB triecl o cut clou'n is expensesC thought hev verehis bestchoiceD pret.erred\\'eets 'u'er arcl-boiledggs

    39 Thepluase he ctstsr'r111,br hissistershon,s atnal'sdea vastrobabll'A unsuitableB impossibleC impracticalD unaccePtable

    [Lihat halaman sebelah]SULITl2 l l A ?o1lHa kcipta PN J

  • 8/4/2019 Johor Trial Bi p1 20110002



    4A From the extract we canconcludelratA the hard-boiled ggs vere ostlvB .Iamal'sdeas vereappro'u'edy his sisterC Jamal's ister id not rvant im to getmaniedD the bunga elur rs amust n a v,Ialay edding


    l -l t2tl

    [Lihat halarnan sebelahlSULITl2/l eg 2ol1Ha kcipra PNJ