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Week 21 – John chapter 21 Jesus’ Mission Passes to the Church 1. Read John 21:1-14 Jesus illustrates the mission of the church a. Over the prior two weeks, the disciples had experienced a tumultuous sequence of events. Think about what you have read in the past several lessons of our study. List some of the disciples’ recent experiences that had shaken their world. b. Why did God send Jesus? What is the mission of Jesus? What is the focused purpose of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection? (John 3:16-17) c. What daunting challenge had Jesus given His disciples in His first appearance to them after His resurrection? (John 20:21) d. After the resurrection, the disciples returned to Galilee, and one evening they decided to go fishing together. It was probably a welcome return to an occupation that was manageable and familiar. How did their fishing go that night? (John 21:3) Quick review: Chapters 13-17 of John’s gospel contain Jesus’ last teaching lesson for His disciples. On the last day of His earthly life, Jesus revealed to His beloved disciples that He would be crucified, buried, and would rise again on the third day. Jesus also revealed that He was sending His disciples to continue His mission after His departure. Jesus was empowering these simple Galileans and giving them the responsibility of carrying on His mission of spreading the gospel. It is not only the disciples who are empowered and called to this mission, but also those who believe in Jesus as a result of their message. That includes us. In this last chapter of the book of John, we learn how Jesus’ mission will continue. We learn how we are to understand our calling as followers of Jesus and messengers of the gospel. This account begins at the Sea of Galilee, where seven of the disciples—experienced fishermen—have gathered together at dusk after deciding to go fishing.

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Page 1: John Week 21- Chapter 21 - 9 - Amazon Web 21 – John chapter 21 Jesus’ Mission Passes to the Church 1. Read

Week 21 – John chapter 21 Jesus’ Mission Passes to the Church 1. Read John 21:1-14 Jesus illustrates the mission of the church

a. Over the prior two weeks, the disciples had experienced a tumultuous sequence of

events. Think about what you have read in the past several lessons of our study. List some of the disciples’ recent experiences that had shaken their world.

b. Why did God send Jesus? What is the mission of Jesus? What is the focused purpose of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection? (John 3:16-17)

c. What daunting challenge had Jesus given His disciples in His first appearance to them after His resurrection? (John 20:21)

d. After the resurrection, the disciples returned to Galilee, and one evening they decided to go fishing together. It was probably a welcome return to an occupation that was manageable and familiar. How did their fishing go that night? (John 21:3)

Quick review: Chapters 13-17 of John’s gospel contain Jesus’ last teaching lesson for His disciples. On the last day of His earthly life, Jesus revealed to His beloved disciples that He would be crucified, buried, and would rise again on the third day. Jesus also revealed that He was sending His disciples to continue His mission after His departure. Jesus was empowering these simple Galileans and giving them the responsibility of carrying on His mission of spreading the gospel. It is not only the disciples who are empowered and called to this mission, but also those who believe in Jesus as a result of their message. That includes us.

In this last chapter of the book of John, we learn how Jesus’ mission will continue. We learn how we are to understand our calling as followers of Jesus and messengers of the gospel. This account begins at the Sea of Galilee, where seven of the disciples—experienced fishermen—have gathered together at dusk after deciding to go fishing.

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e. Jesus appeared to them in the early morning. How did Jesus enable them to become abundantly successful after a fruitless night of hard work? (John 21:4-6)

f. Read Luke 5:4-11. This account in Luke describes a similar miracle that had occurred at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. As John saw this new miraculous catch of fish, what did John conclude about the man on the shore? (John 21:7)

g. In Luke 5:10, Jesus had told Peter that from then on, they will be catching men, rather than fish. How does this imagery of being a “fisher of men” illustrate the purpose of the gospel message? (See John 12:46)

h. For personal reflection: Sometimes our daily lives are so busy that we miss opportunities to share spiritual truth with others. Remember that you have been entrusted with the knowledge of life-saving truth. Are you willing to offer that truth to others? Consider the typical activities of your life—are there people you encounter frequently who may be open to hearing about Jesus? Write down the names that come to mind. Make a plan for taking some of these casual relationships to a deeper level.

Throughout the gospel of John, we have enjoyed the richness of Jesus’ use of metaphors. Jesus is the Light of the world; He is the Word; He is the true Vine; He is the Shepherd of the sheep. Our understanding of this account in John 21 will be enriched as we consider elements of the story that have metaphorical impact in the ancient world.

• The sea was viewed as place of darkness, chaos, and danger. • The one who catches fish draws the fish out of the dark realm of the sea and

brings them into the realm of light and life where the fish will feed many.

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i. What had Jesus prepared for His disciples as they came ashore from their labor? (John 21:9) What did Jesus invite them to do? (John 21:12-13)

j. For personal reflection: Throughout the gospels we find repeated affirmation that Jesus desires to have a relationship with us. Read Revelation 3:20. Although we often may use this verse when we share the gospel with unbelievers, it is an invitation from Jesus written to believers. Jesus stands at the door and knocks. If you will open the door to Him, He will come in and eat with you, and you with Him. It’s an offer of intimacy. It’s an offer of fellowship. Jesus desires more from us than simply to believe in Him; He wants us to know Him in a personal way. Think about your life and your own relational intimacy with Christ. Jesus did not come to be merely a supplement to your life. He is not meant to be merely an adjunct to your life. He has come to transform your life. He has come to be the focus of your life, the goal of your being, the core of your identity. Are you willing to invest in your relationship with Jesus? What would that look like in your life? What steps can you take to make yourself available to growing in fellowship with Him?

Note: In that day, inviting someone to eat with you was a pledge of friendship. It was a way of saying, “I want to be your friend. I want to have fellowship with you.”

On the last day of Jesus’ life, Peter had publicly denied Jesus three times while sitting around a fire. On this early morning by the Sea of Galilee, the risen Jesus has called the disciples to Himself around a different fire. After they had eaten together, Jesus began to question Peter in the presence of the other disciples.

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2. Read John 21:15-25 Jesus restores and commissions Peter a. Read the account of Peter’s three-fold denial of Jesus in Luke 22:54-62. What was

Peter’s reaction to his failure after he heard the rooster crow? (Luke 22:61-62)

b. Jesus addressed Peter in a formal manner and asked a solemn, penetrating question three times. What did Jesus ask Peter (three times) to affirm? (John 21:15-17)

c. For deeper thought: Although Peter had failed Jesus shamefully; nevertheless Peter did love Jesus. What aspects of Jesus’ unlimited grace do you see in Jesus’ three-fold response to Peter? How does Jesus’ response go beyond mere forgiveness? (John 21:15-17)

d. Read Mark 10:43-45. Jesus calls on Peter to live out his love for Jesus by feeding and caring for the flock of God. What does this commission teach you about what Jesus seeks in His followers?

e. For personal reflection: When Jesus refers to His people as lambs or sheep, it is not a compliment. What are the realistic characteristics of sheep? What does this suggest to you about the sort of people that Jesus calls us to love, forgive, and serve?

f. For personal reflection: We tend to seek great things for our lives, but Jesus calls us to serve others. Do you see opportunities in your life where you can express your love for Jesus by feeding His lambs? Take a moment to pray about this and write down possibilities that come to mind.

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g. In John 13:37, Peter had declared that he would lay down his life for Jesus. During this early morning encounter with Peter, Jesus revealed that Peter’s rash statement in the upper room was, in fact, accurate. How did Jesus describe the death that Peter would die? What would his death accomplish? (John 21:18-19)

h. When Peter pressed Jesus to disclose the future ministry and fate of John (the disciple who referred to himself as beloved), Jesus deflected Peter’s question; it was none of Peter’s business. How did Jesus emphatically summarize Peter’s duty (and ours)? (John 21:22)


Summary of what we have learned about Jesus in the Gospel of John

John wrote this book to give evidence that Jesus is God the Son. Jesus is God in human form. He was sent to reveal the truth of God and the love of God. He is the source of fullness of life. Jesus came to lay down His life for us; He died so that we may live. In His death on the cross, Jesus has conquered evil and destroyed the power of death. His resurrection from the dead proves that His claims are true—He is the author of life, the Word of God, the Light that shines in the darkness.

Jesus calls us to believe in Him for eternal life and to follow Him as beloved children of God, on mission to extend salvation to the ends of the earth.

Jesus invites us to follow Him as disciples, living for the glory of God

and proclaiming the gospel to the ends of the earth

Note: the expression “stretch out your hands” is thought to refer to crucifixion.

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Additional notes