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Pope John Paul II’s THEOLOGY OF THE BODY The Theology of the Body "The beauty of creation reflects the infinite beauty of the Creator" - CCC 341

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Pope John Paul IIs

THEOLOGY OF THE BODYThe Theology of the Body"The beauty of creation reflects the infinite beauty of the Creator" - CCC 341

LearnersHigh School Juniors and Seniors Interested in Human Sexuality according to the Catholic Church Seeking a fuller understanding of self

Flag of Vatican City

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A fte r i stru cti n o n Po p e n o J h n Pa u lI s T h e o l g y o f o I o th e B o d y , stu d e n ts w i l l u n d e rsta n d th e fu n d a m e n ta lte a ch i g s a n d n co n ce p ts w i 8 0 % th a ccu ra cy.


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of pictures, questions, and feedback


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Prior KnowledgeHave

a basic knowledge of the Catholic Church and her teachings Some knowledge of Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul IIs Theology of the Body

ng more deeply into that Mystery will we be able to ask what

Karl Rahner The way we came to know of -was that He being. damental and innate vocation love every human laid down His life for us; so we ought to - 1 John 4:16 - John Paul II

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Theology of the Body Summary Video

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Prepare to take quite a journey! This slide show will teach you all about JP2s Theology of the Body. You will explore the original unity of Man and Women, the importance of a pure heart, The Theology of Marriage and Celibacy, and Humanae Vitae. Take time to let it sink in! There will be a quiz and you will be writing a paper!

Theology of the Body

H O M E PA G E : C l ck a fo o tp ri t to i n begi ! nTheology of the Body Basics:

Pope John Paul II Biography:

Original Unity of Man and Woman: Final Quiz:

More Info: Help


Help!Simply click on the footprints to go from slide to slide .Click the foot going to the left Click the foot going to the right to go back to go forward

Also , at the bottom of some slides there are websites that you can go to for more information on the exact topic we are covering . GOOD LUCK!

Theology of the Body Basics

What is Theology of the Body? Why a Theology of the Body? Made in the image of God! Our Bodies Reveal God! Centrality of Sexuality in Gods Plan Food for Thought

What is Theology of the Body?

ing of the body, sex, love, and what it means to be created as a male and female. It has shed light on

he beginning, before sin, (original man), who he is now, after the fall (Historical

Pope John Paul II explains human sexuality, and spends time explaining issues such as contraception and

Pictures:, http://catholicearthcareoz .net/graphics/pope_jp2_child .jpg

Why a Theology of the Body?Picture:

n a culture of death that distorts the beauty of our creation and we can only begin to live in a culture of life if we know what that ng through our bodies. This is why John Paul II can say that if we live according to the truth of our sexuality, we fulfill the ver

ne is capable of making visible what is invisible, the spiritual and the divine.

It becomes

a theology, (study of God), because the body makes God visible Genesis

want to know about who He is, how we are to live, who we are, the , the reason He created u

Made in the Image of God

xplains how in the beginning things were different than they are now. Mathew 19:4-5, 8 from th

above all else we are called to love. Also, God in His essence is a Trinity, a life giving communion of persons. God has revealed his innermost secret:

ow we resemble God, it helps to know who God is. Whoever is without love does not know God fo

Through nuptial union then, the two becoming one flesh God, who is a communion of per


Our Bodies Reveal God!

ortant gift from God (our bodies ARE NOT bad)let us not forget how the Incarnate Word became flesh. Christianity (Catholic

The body is so good that you cant even

some unsolvable puzzle, but rather the innermost reality of God and his eternal plan for humanity which is so far beyond anythin


Centrality of Sexuality in Gods Plan

ry us in total communion with God (eternal life with him)! Romans 6:5, Eph. 1:10. God wants to reveal His pla

mself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Chris es and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.

nderstand our bodies in its creation; for the Body makes visible what is invisible. Now lets remembe

Food For Thought!What is your view on sex? The TOB says that it is good, and reveals God to us. Did you ever think of our sexuality being a good thing, especially in the spiritual realm? Do you agree that the Body is good? Did you ever think that through our bodies and nuptial union we may come to reveal a mystery of Gods plan for us? How might knowing this change how we perceive the world around us; television, music, clothes we wear, and how we interact with the opposite gender?

Pope John Paul II Biography

urch's leading mother died JP2 went to a shrine and he said to CouncilsometimesYou must be my mother now. of the council, John Paul helped theas well as his papacy, showing ve. After his thinkers, he participated in the Second Vatican the Blessed Mother, called Vatican II. As a member He carried this into his priesthood church to examine its position

gan studying at a secret seminary run by the archbishop of Krakow and was ordainedspread hisJohn Paul of faith and peace. Rome where he finished his doctorate in theology. thre er of the Catholic Church, he traveled the world, visiting more than 100 countries to in 1946. message spent two years in But he was close to home when he faced the greatest

n many topics, including his opposition to capital punishment. A charismatic figure, John Paul used his influence to bring about political change and is credited with the fall of comm

nosed in 2001. John Paul II died on April 2, 2005, at his Vatican City residence. More than three million people waited in line to say good-bye to their beloved religious leader at St. atabase_images/pope_john_paul_II. jpg

Text Adopted from:

Fishers of Men Video

Fishers of Men Vocational Video

Part One: Part Two:

he priesthood. This is a fantastic video explaining the vocation to the priesthood in a very real and honorable wa

Back to Biography

The Original Unity of Man and WomanIn the Beginning Man and Woman: A mutual gift for each other Food for Thought


In The Beginning

ng. Gods plan for man and woman being together was not an accident, he made us for each other. At first however Adam was

; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they sh

Key Points:

oMan longs to give himself away in love oLove is the mans vocation He shouldnt be alone (Gen 2:18) bec oThe first man awakened from his sleep as both male and female.

emininity and masculinity, was actualized by preserving the interior characteristic (innocence) of the donation of oneself and of the acceptance of the other as a gift.

hall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh. And they w

the woman rediscovers herself at the same time because she has been accepted and welcomed. She is only able to rediscover herself though, when s


Man and Woman: A Mutual Gift for Each Other Man Finds Himself, by making a since

Food For ThoughtoHave you ever thought of Man and Woman as being mutual gifts for each other? oHow do you feel about Woman being given to man as a gift? Do you understand how they are still equals even though Woman was given to the man? oDoes this information change the way you are going to live your life? oMany people are more driven to give and love after learning about the Theology of the Body. They have an understanding of their sexuality and they feel fulfilled in their relationships with God and each other!

oDo you feel like you are making Love your vocation? oThe Theology of the Body presents Love as the natural vocation of Man. He explains that we reflect God, and God is love.

Quiz TimeThe Original Unity of Man and Woman

Body it is time to test your knowledge on Pope

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To First Question:


What did JP2 say man and woman were to each other?

Really Good Friends Slaves Mutual Gifts Things to be used

Yes! Correct!M a n a n d W o m a n a re m u tu a l g i to e a ch o th e r! fts

To Next Question

Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r J I sa ys th a t m a n P I a n d w o m a n w e re m a d e to g i ve th e m se l s to e a ch o th e r ve u n se l sh l fi yBack to Question

Question 2

The Love between man and woman is

Like every other kind of love Unique because it is a radical self-giving & self-s Like a motherly love, you can love more than on Similar to the love between two animals

Yes! Correct!T h e Lo ve b e tw e e n m a n a n d w o m a n i a ra d i lse l - g i n g s ca f vi o f th e m se l s to e a ch o th e r! ve

To Next Question

Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r J I sa ys th a t m a n P I a n d w o m a n a re ra ti n a l o a n i a l w h o fi d th e i m s n r fu l l m e n t i se l -g i n g fi l n f viBack to Question

Question 3

The Theology of the Body is a collection of what?Books

written by a pope 12 Letters written to the Catholic Church Ancient Text rediscovered in the 19th century 129 General Audiences

Yes! Correct!T h e T h e o l g y o f th e B o d y w a s o w ri n b y Po p e J h n Pa u lI i tte o In 1 2 9 G e n e ra lA u d i n ce s! e

To Next Question

Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r J I w ro te o ve r 1 0 0 o f P I th e se d o cu m e n ts i h i ti e a s n s m p o p e , a n d th e y w e re th e n co m p l e d i i to th e T O T B . nBack to Question

Question 4

The body and it alone is capable of what?Moving

around this earth, breathing, and runnin Thinking about logical things Making visible what is invisible, the spiritual and Performing Sexual Intercourse

Yes! Correct!The body and i al ne i t o s ca p a b l o f m a ki g vi b l e n si e w h a t i i vi b l , th e sp i tu a l s n si e ri a n d th e d i n e ! viTo Next Question

Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r J I sa ys th a t th e P I B o d y h a s i o w n th e o l g y , a n d ts o th a t i re ve a l th i g s th a t t s n n o th i g e l ca n n seBack to Question

Question 5

Who and what is God?He

is He is He is He is

Love Ugly Hate a princess

Yes! Correct! W h o e ve r i w i o u t l ve d o e s s th o n o t kn o w G o d fo r God is Love. 1 John 4 : 8 .

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Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r th a t i th e b o o k o f n J h n i sa ys th a t w h o e ve r i o t s w i o u t l ve d o e s n o t kn o w th o G o d b e ca u se G o d i . sBack to Question

Question 6

The Catholic Church says that the body is what?The

root of all evil So good that you cant even fathom it! Not to be trusted, you must conquer it. Just something you walk around in

Yes! Correct!T h e T h e o l g y o f th e B o d y o te a ch e s th a t th e B o d y i so s g o o d th a t yo u ca n n o t e ve n fa th o m i ! tTo Next Question

Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r th a t i th e T O B , i n t d i sse s h o w o u r b o d y i n o t scu s e vi l

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Question 7

What is Gods ultimate plan for us?Have

us suffer for disrespecting us To use us for manual labor in heaven To make us unhappy on earth To marry us in total communion with God.

Yes! Correct!G o d s u l m a te p l n i to ti a s marry us in total co m m u n i n w i G o d ! o th

To Next Question

Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r th a t i sa ys th a t i t n th e b e g i n i g , m i d l , a n d e n d n n d e o f th e b i l i ta l a b o u t b e t ks M a rri g e aBack to Question

Question 8

What did John Paul do after the death of his mother?Go

to a shrine and tell Mary that she was his mo Decide that life has gotten him down and becom Nothing, the death of his mother didnt affect him He decided he was super-human and didnt need

Yes! Correct!After the death of his mother when he was only 9, John Paul went to a shrine and told Mary that she had to be his mother now.

To Next Question

Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r J I sa ys th a t m a n P I a n d w o m a n a re ra ti n a l o a n i a l w h o fi d th e i m s n r fu l l m e n t i se l -g i n g fi l n f viBack to Question

Question 9

The Vocation of Man is toLove Hate Sin Giggle


Yes! Correct!T h e V o ca ti n o f e ve ry m a n a n d o w o m a n a l ve i to l ve i s o b e ca u se w e a re i th e i a g e n m o f G o d w h o i Lo ve . sTo Next Question

Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r i sa ys th a t w e a re t m a d e i th e i a g e o f G o d w h o n m i Lo ve s

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Question 10

True or False, John Paul was the first pope from Poland?

True False

Yes! Correct!Po p e J h n Pa u lI w a s fro m o I Po l n d ! M o st o th e r Po p e s a w e re fro m I l ! ta y

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Sorry! Try Again!R e m e m b e r Po p e J h n Pa u lw a s o n o t a n I la n p o p e ta i

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Theology of the Body

CONGRATULATIONS!!You know the basic concepts in Pope John Paul IIs Theology of the Body! Good Job!


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To Learn More


The Theology of the Body Christopher West Wild at Heart John Elderage Captivating John and Staci Elderage The Thrill of the Chaste Jason Evert When God Writes Your Love Story Eric and Leslie Ludy


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Works Cited:

Works Citedh t t p ://www.c a t h o lic c u lt u re .o rg /lib ra ry/vie w.c fm ?re c n u m = h t t p ://ww w.e w t n .c o m /lib ra ry/PAPALDOC/JP2 TBIND.HTM h t t p ://ww w.c a t h o lic c u lt u re .o rg /lib ra ry/vie w.c fm ?id =


9 6 5 &re p o s = 1 &s u b re p o

The End of the Road!