john lloyd mea582 fall 2011 final project [email protected] john lloyd mea582 final project1

GRASS and Python Testing John Lloyd MEA582 Fall 2011 Final Project [email protected] John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project 1

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  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • John Lloyd MEA582 Fall 2011 Final Project [email protected] John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project1
  • Slide 3
  • Introduction Environment Setup Linux Windows Running Python Testing Methodology Test Cases Results Conclusions John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project 2
  • Slide 4
  • Setup Linux and Windows Environments Built GRASS from source code Python script Script partitions the shoreline Written by Eric Hardin Tested script Linux Windows John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project3
  • Slide 5
  • Introduction Environment Setup Linux Windows Testing Methodology Test Sets Results Conclusions John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project4
  • Slide 6
  • Linux and Windows Built GRASS from source code Latest versions not dependent on pre-built binaries Debug problems by following execution in code Add enhancements Understand algorithms GRASS Wiki - John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project5
  • Slide 7
  • CentOS Linux 5.7 Free distribution of Enterprise Linux Installed groups for software development Downloaded prerequisite packages for GRASS Downloaded GRASS source code ( Compiled and Installed John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project6
  • Slide 8
  • Microsoft Windows7 Professional OSGeo4W Installs binaries of open source geospatial software for Windows MinGW Minimalist GNU for Windows A Unix like environment for Windows Downloaded prerequisite packages for GRASS Downloaded GRASS source code Compiled and Installed John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project7
  • Slide 9
  • Introduction Environment Setup Linux Windows Running Python Testing Methodology Test Sets Results Conclusions John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project8
  • Slide 10
  • script Open Source Interpreted Contains GRASS APIs Written by Eric Hardin Graduate Research Assistant at NCSU Used to partition the shore along Outer Banks Creates Lines/transects perpendicular to shore Or polygons along the shore Parameters Distance between transects Length of transects John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project9
  • Slide 11
  • Introduction Environment Setup Linux Windows Running Python Testing Methodology Test Sets Results Conclusions John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project10
  • Slide 12
  • Run Test Cases in Linux Defects found? Fix Defects Run Test Cases in Windows Defects found? Finish Yes No Start Compare Linux/Windows Output Layers Layers the Same? No Yes John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project11
  • Slide 13
  • Parameter Verification Set Verifies detects and handles incorrect parameters 10 test cases Shoreline Dataset Verification Set Nags Head shoreline in NC State Plane 9 test cases Polylines of Various Shapes Set Polylines not representative of shorelines 12 test cases WGS84 Set Data in the WGS84 projection 3 test cases John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project12
  • Slide 14
  • Parameter defects Before: ValueError: invalid literal for float(): xxx After: ERROR: Invalid transect_spacing value. Windows Compatibility Defects ValueError: close_fds is not supported on Windows platforms ERROR: Unable to open ASCII file Transects along network of lines failed in Windows but passed in Linux Logic defects Output layer always correct layer if produced John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project13
  • Slide 15
  • John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project14 50m Transects along Shore50m Polygons along Shore Transects around circleTransects along in street network (created in Linux only)
  • Slide 16
  • John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project15 #################################### # write transects def writeTransects( transects, output ): transects_str = '' for transect in transects: transects_str += '\n'.join( [ 'L 2\n'+' '. join(map(str,end_points[0])) +'\n'+' '.join(map(str,end_points[1]))+ '\n' for end_points in transect ] ) a = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() a.write( transects_str ) grass.run_command('', flags='n',, output=output, format='standard') a.close() #################################### # write transects def writeTransects( transects, output ): transects_str = '' for transect in transects: transects_str += '\n'.join( [ 'L 2\n'+' '. join(map(str,end_points[0])) +'\n'+' '.join(map(str,end_points[1]))+ '\n' for end_points in transect ] ) # JL Rewrote Temporary File Logic for Windows _, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp() a = open(temp_path, 'w') a.write( transects_str ) a.close() grass.run_command('', flags='n', input=temp_path, output=output, format='standard') Example 1. Changed Temporary File Creation System Call # JL Handling Invalid transect_spacing parameter try: transect_spacing = float(options['transect_spacing']) except: grass.fatal(_("Invalid transect_spacing value.")) if transect_spacing == 0.0: grass.fatal(_("Zero invalid transect_spacing value.")) transect_spacing = float(options['transect_spacing']) Example 2. Added Additional Parameter Validation
  • Slide 17
  • Introduction Environment Setup Linux Windows Running Python Testing Methodology Test Sets Results Conclusions John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project16
  • Slide 18
  • Setting up environment from GRASS source Problems encountered Linux - missing packages Windows - environment variables for python Advantages of build from source not realized Previous testing eliminated logic defects Special testing for Windows needed Now fit for multiple environment and applications John Lloyd MEA582 Final Project17