john cage mail art… putacaso john cage mail art… supposing

John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

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Work and Contribution ; John Cage mail art… supposing; Project by Angela Caporaso for the first hundredth anniversary of his birth.


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John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

Page 2: John Cage mail art… putacaso       John Cage mail art… supposing

John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

per il primo centenario della nascita

…ogni processo subisce interferenze parziali o totali ad opere del caso… C.G.Jung

John Milton Cage (Los Angeles, 5 settembre 1912 – New York, 12 agosto 1992), musicista americano, tra i pochi che siano riusciti ad influenzare profondamente la musica europea; i suoi interventi in Europa, tra il ’54, ’57 e ’58, suscitano infatti l’immediato interesse delle avanguardie musicali che avvertono prontamente quanto di nuovo, inquietante e stimolante vi sia nella musica del compositore americano. Egli studia prima con Adolph Weiss, allievo di Schönberg e poi con lo stesso Schönberg e fin dall’inizio le sue composizioni hanno un carattere nettamente sperimentale. Negli anni trenta inizia un legame sia sentimentale che artistico con Merce Cunningham, coreografo precursore della danza post‐moderna, che proseguirà per tutta la vita. Non intendendo qui circoscrivere la complessa vicenda artistica e musicale di Cage, questa iniziativa vuole invece porre l’accento sul concetto di casualità – alea – che dagli anni cinquanta in poi irrompe nella sua evoluzione artistica. Influenzato dal Buddismo Zen e dal filoso Daisetz Teitaro, Cage va a sostenere il principio della non intenzionalità nella composizione artistica e cerca di svincolare i suoni da ogni espressività introducendo sia nella composizione che nell’esecuzione il concetto di indeterminazione. Cerca quindi di mettere insieme i suoni in modo del tutto aleatorio e, per farlo si serve di vari procedimenti. Ad esempio, nei 4 libri di Music of Changes (1951) tutto ciò che è scritto è frutto del lancio delle 3 monete de I Ching o libro dei mutamenti. E noi sappiamo che ne I Ching ci si preoccupa esclusivamente dell’aspetto accidentale degli eventi. Il nesso causa‐effetto, tanto caro agli occidentali, passa inosservato.

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John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

Ne I Ching abbiamo il sincronismo che è l’opposto della causalità;e cioè, mentre per il pensiero occidentale l’importanza è posta sulla sequenza degli eventi, ci troviamo dinanzi ad un pensiero che pone l’accento prima di tutto sulla coincidenza

degli eventi in un dato tempo e in un determinato spazio. Gli eventi accadono proprio allora perché sono interdipendenti tra loro così come sono interdipendenti da chi li osserva. L’indeterminazione cageana non è mai assoluta e la sua poetica va ad inserirsi in quel filone culturale che incrina i principi del pensiero occidentale e ne denuncia il fallimento. Diventa allora impossibile non pensare a Tristan Tzara e al movimento dada per l’assoluta preferenza accordata al gioco e alla

combinazione casuale di parole e di oggetti, o, tanto per fare un nome, non ricordarci del dripping, ovvero del colore lasciato

gocciolare sulla tela, di Jackson Pollock.

Angela Caporaso

Nb : nulla di quanto scritto può essere riportato senza autorizzazione

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John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

Tecnica: libera Formato:libero, max a4 Scadenza: 30/7/2011 Partecipazione:libera; le opere inviate non saranno restituite. Importante : solo opere su busta o cartolina postale; ogni altro supporto non sarà accettato. Tutte le opere saranno pubblicate al seguente indirizzo: [email protected] Le casuali traversie del viaggio postale, i fortuiti incontri di percorsi sconosciuti determinano infine la peculiarità dell’opera entrata a far parte del progetto.

Inviare le opere a

Angela Caporaso via Roma 117 ‐81100 Caserta ‐ Italia

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John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

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John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

for the first hundredth anniversary of his birth

… every process suffers partial or total interferences to work of case…


John Milton Cage (Los Angeles, 5th

September 1912 ‐New York, 12th

August 1992), is an American musician, among few of those that

deeply succeeded to influence European music. His participations in Europe, among '54, '57 and ‘58, has aroused in fact the

immediate interest of the musical vanguards that immediately perceive what is new, disturbing and stimulating in the music of the

American composer.

He studies before with Adolph Weiss, disciple of Schönberg, and then with Schönberg himself. From the beginning his compositions

have a clearly experimental character.

In the thirties he begins a tie both sentimental that artistic with Merce Cunningham, choreographer precursor of the post‐modern

dance, that goes on for all the life.

Not meaning here to circumscribe the complex artistic and musical vicissitude of Cage. This initiative wants instead to place the

accent on the concept of chance ‐alea ‐that from the fifties onwards breaks into his artistic evolution.

Influenced from Zen Buddhism and from the philosopher Daisetz Teitaro, Cage supports the principle of the intentionality in the

artistic composition and he tries to free the sounds from every expressiveness, introducing both in the composition that in the

execution the concept of vagueness.

He tries therefore to put together the sounds in a quite random way and, in order to make it, he uses different procedures.

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John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

As an example, in the 4 books of Music of Changes (1951), all that is written is fruit of the launch of the 3 I Ching coins, or book of


And we know that in the I Ching is worried exclusively of the accidental aspect of the events. The nexus cause‐effect, so glad to the

Occidentals, passes unnoticed.

In the I Ching we have the synchronism that is the opposite of the causality. That means, while for the western thought the

importance is placed on the sequence of the events, here we find ourselves in front of a thought that first of all places the accent on

the coincidence of the events in a given time and a determined space. The events happen just at that time, because they are

interdependent among them as they are interdependent from who observes them.

The vagueness of Cage is never absolute and his poetics becomes part in that cultural trend that crack the principles of the western

thought and reveals its failure.

Then, it’s impossible do not think to Tristan Tzara and to the movement dada for the absolute preference conceded to the game

and the accidental combination of words and objects, or ‐just to put a name ‐do not remember the dripping, the color left to drip

on the picture, of Jackson Pollock.

Angela Caporaso

Nb: nothing than written can be reproduced without authorization.

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John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso

Send the works to Angela Caporaso via Roma n 117 ‐81100 Caserta ‐Italia Technique: free Format: free, max a4 dead: 7/30/2011 Participation: free; the sent

works will not be given back. Important: only works on envelope or postcard; every other support will not be accepted. All the works will be published to the

following address: [email protected] The accidental misfortunes of the shipping, the chance encounters of

unknown distances at last determine the peculiarity of the work became

part of the plan.

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John Cage Mail Art …….putacaso


John M. Bennet - U.S.A.

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Emilio Morandi - Italia

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Cesar Reglero/Boek 861 - Spagna

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Tiziana Baracchi - Italia

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Vittore Baroni - Italia

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Matteo Manduzio - Italia

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Raffaella Formenti - Italia

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Égo_tek - Italia

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Mirta Caccaro - Italia

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Roberto Scala - Italia

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Mirta Caccaro - Italia

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Ruggero Maggi - Italia

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Égo_tek - Italia

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Horst Baur - Germania

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Jarmo Sermilä - Finlandia

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Silvano Pertone - Italia

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Renato Sclaunich - Italia

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Alejandro Thornton - Argentina

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Silvano Pertone - Italia

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Alfonso Caccavale - Italia

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Alfonso Caccavale - Italia

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Lamberto Caravita - Italia

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Monica Lasconi - Italia

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Silvano Pertone - Italia

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Mara Caruso - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Bee Domingos - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Tania Luzzatto - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Vera Regina Presotto - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Eny Herbst - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Eny Herbst - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Bruno Capatti - Italia

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Jane Beatriz Sperandio Balconi - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Maria Darmeli Araujo - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Giovanni Bonanno - Italia

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Maria Do Carmo Toniolo Kuhn - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Marittrê Bergamin - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Maria Grazia Martina - Italia

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Maria Grazia Martina - Italia

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Maria Grazia Martina - Italia

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Circulaire132 - Canada

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Antonio Amato - Italia

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Piet Franzen – Paesi Bassi

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Dorian Ribas Marinho - Brasile

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M. Julieta R.Damasceno Ferreira - Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Dorian Ribas Marinho - Brasile

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Dorian Ribas Marinho - Brasile

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Leci Bohn – Grupo Gralha Azul – Brasile

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Diane Bertrand - Canada

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Ion Isaila - Germania

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Walter Pennacchi - Italia

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Giancarlo Pucci - Italia

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Robert Tucker - USA

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Antonio Tateo - Italia

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Rosanna Veronesi - Italia

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Clemente Padin – Uruguay

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Bruno Gheerbrant – Belgio

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Pierpaolo Limongelli - Italia

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Mariano Filippetta – Italia

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Domenico Severino - Italia

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Francisco Sanchez Gil - Spagna

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Eraldo Di Vita – Italia

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Antoni Mirò - Spagna

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Alfredo Rosenbaum – Argentina

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Domenico Severino - Italia

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Bruno Neiva – Portogallo

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Carlos Anton - Spagna

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Carlos Anton - Spagna

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Monica A. Gonzales - Argentina

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Pedro Bericat - Mutesound - Spagna

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d.e.a. Massimiliano Coscia - Italia

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Piet Franzen – Paesi Bassi

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Piet Franzen – Paesi Bassi

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Patrizia Battaglia - Italia

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Sergio Eduardo García Rangel - Messico

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Shahrul Sahee - Malesia

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Rosa Gravino – Argentina

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Ars e Design – Argentina

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Cecilia Alejandra Lezcano - Argentina

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_Guroga - Venezuela

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Enzo Correnti - Italia

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Enzo Correnti - Italia

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Bruno Cassaglia – Italia

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Daniele Davalli – Italia

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Ryosuke Cohen – Giappone

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Julio Lamilla (ni) - Cile

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Carlo Iacomucci - Italia

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Maurizio Follin/It's Only Mail Art - Italia

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Diane Bertrand - Canada

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Monica A. Gonzales - Argentina

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Antonio Amato - Italia

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Serse Luigetti - Italia

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Clemente Padin – Uruguay

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Ammoni Rax - Italia

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Silvia Soares - Portogallo

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Ruggero Maggi - Italia

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Costarocosa gruppo - Francia/Italia

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Emilio De Tullio - Italia

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Renata and Giovanni Strada- Italia

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Renata and Giovanni Strada- Italia

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Susana Ribuffo –Spagna

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Luciana Bratina - Italia

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Susana Picasso- Argentina

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Felipe Lamadrid - Spagna

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Saiful Amir - Malaysia

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Angela Caporaso - Italia

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Matteo Manduzio - Italia


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Nicola Frangione - Italia

2 Dicembre 1977 - Teatro Lirico di Milano.

John Cage in occasione di una sua importante e storica Performance di Action Poetry,

insieme ai suoi testi ha sul tavolo anche un libro

di Nicola Frangione

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Antonio Amato - Italia

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Luca Miti - Italia