joflh jelliff & co - · offlcc houra; 7 ui 0 a.m., 1 l o dmid t 8 v. u. 18-3opd...

DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, JEESEY, SATURDAY MAY 1, 1875. NO.-a.-, ERA i'jES'J.II.VOGT. ".fjHOilAHii PIIOIIIETOII Morris Btreot nair Blaokwoll. "TI.IUII UP mnwciurnm _ . - - - J2.0I ^*j ia " - - — 1.01 H) montH - " " " * * " ' il and Queenstown f fullowliiK Hltinmithlp lines : NATIONAL, ,.i mill Great Wonteru. off Slate Roofing 01IX F. KTICICI.I5, Oounseller at Law AND J1ASTJ3II IN CHANCHHY, BOCKAWAY, N._.T 'HAIII DRESSING. , C,o MMInc formerly oorapM l>>' «>• I'"-' I'lrtlciilaraUtonlloii glyciit™ cntt"- uCi'ct ami Brounil. 1-1 J. J. VREELAND, !iii'l»eiiter and Builder, Jobbing promptly attended to. IIUCKWELI, 81., ujjit '" ""'^ 11 takwi, ami material famished. DOVER. N. J. 3. JOLLEY, Proprietor. 11 or son ami Cnrringuii lo !•*>(• J T. MiPURT, Counsellor at Law, AXD MASTER IN CHANCERY, iu (lie Vatlonal Union Bank Buildiii; lLACFu-.Li.Sr., DOVER, N. J. TIUIIllOL'Il & QM1TII, T0I1HEYS & OOONOEIXOItS AT LAW, Cui. Dlicltwctl and Bautax Ud. DOVER, N. J. >HiljL-r21Ui, 1BT3. 1-lyr A. UII.I.EY, , Otnrtnl Furnishing Undertaker IKSSia) AUCTIONEER AND C0MMIS- HIOXEH Of DEliDH, .Ml orders promptly attouded to; itSWELl, SlIIEET, Dover, N. J. MANUFACTURO OP images and Sleighs, Of Kvtry DctcrlptlDii. Bhokwll an J Bergon Sis, uu VEU, n, J. •tfalar attend™ pid lo repairing nnd QVKlt [.AHOIUTOHV. ' «!• and ^oaljOT of .11 facrlpliam of KKSANDMIJNEUAtS CABEFULLV MADE. art'CeuilltoAimlBhcil oil application. DowJIiirrinCouniyN.'j. •Uen Palraor & Son, •Vcntcra AND lluilrtci's. '; N. J. iromptly attended to. f. PALMER, Architect. PIANOS, 'gansand Melodeons ^paired and Tuned *'" ln I l»'l »r Morri« bum,. Ad- W. K. WniOHT, Dovnr, N.J 5r "•TOHXKv AT LAW, OrrotatE SEOHK'H BASK. WING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON", J SSEX STREET, '"•» «»1US8IOX HODUEand Donal,) 6| gn and Domestic Sagar AWAVSONIIAND. 'ASSAGE TICKETS M > HANCE& Co. 's STORE, ORAM, N. J. S °O,OOO EDTJOED PRICE. ER & ,, AI , MEIt) D °VEE, N. J. S Cards. II. A.TfENNBTT,""»iTl) r , IIOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SCItGEON, Cor, Blackwell & Warren Sts,, (OppoHitoDover Dank,) DOVEH.H.J., niflfum'R <>r Womon and Children, and of t)i ]:jo anil Bar ftiwolaltion. Offlcc Houra; 7 Ui 0 A.M., 1loDmid 7 to 8 V. U. 18-3Opd SURVEYOR. Surveys, Levels mid Grades nmdo for Public andFiivalo Improvements. Oman; SUSSEX STREET, [Near tho Canal Bridge.] 8 y BOYEIt, N. J. .T. M. DASSETT, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, IICCKAWAY, W. J. ALL OltDEIW PI10MITLY ATTENDIiU TO lfl-Oin p J. L. CURTIS, Manufacturer of Segars and DEALER IS IMPORTED PIl'ES, TOU&GCO Qiid OIGAItB, OiiposiLo MANSION HOUSE, MORBISTOWN. 0. B. G-AGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office on Sussex Street, In tlio bullilfngformerly occurilod •» an oiDuu h Hour; McFnrlun, flrat floor. DOVER, N. J. Colludiuiifl nttomlwl tu willi rilliiruuci?. Atuo, Agont Tor tho best Lift) aud l'lni lust wu Cuiuiiiiiiiiu.. H-Jy, W00DP0RT HOUSE, THOMAS IlllIGIIT, Proprietor, WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. rpillti wdl-ltnown proporlj has recently heei A. 'oxtum-ivelr improved and modomtEud, fo tliu •ccommodAllon of tliono nocking Aretirci KiiiniiiLT raidoncii. Hitualuil at tlio lioad Lftlio h :pQtcong it is ono of tho most deal.. MoiilacoH'-f inland roHoit to bo touml within ha Kamo din area of Now York. lit tlio midst if tho flnent ino.mtiiiii Bcoueryof Northern N( _'orsojr, with iixcolleiit hunting and (labins, QI tlua drives, it in not surpoBsod byany other thfl locality. fl-nces loava Dover, oifilit mlloB dinliut, on tlio nrnrnl of tho Dot. Lark. &Wont, It. II. trnliii IRA C. COOPER Mason and Builder. Contracts talion for all kinds of llnaon WorJ nd Jobbing. LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT, Furntuhed at short nolico. S. R. OSMUN. * Dentist, MOItUISTOWN, N. J., Holu Proprietor Tor ITorria County (if Fnl.orn'i Ptttrnt Rtilgc. Gold Filling a Spocinlt)'. Liquid Nitrous Oildo fla>, Ac, Ac, &c. ALLIE'S HOTEL, Succasunna Plains, N. J A. E. DECAMP, Prov'r, murSHotolisaltuatodintlio moat lieanlifu X valloyln Mnrria County, and la not nor n.igm>[M>y n»y Ideation Tor hoaltlifiilnosi. It la tonliguoua to Bohooloy'a Mountain, tni equl-dlntanl from Btidd'd Lako mid Lako Hopat- mg, thocountry in tlio vicinity being .moan Tor iti lino mountain scenery and oieol- lont drivoa, Aa aninland summer retreat It' tiiong tlio beat. . Llvory attached. 20tf Mansion House. .00 YARDS FROMP . L. &W. DEPOT 1 . ar. Win. BROWN, Prcp'r. Eiccllont accammoilallonn far transient _ jortnnnciil boarders, also n llvory nod boarding tablo attached to tho honse. raHsongerj taken nnd from HIIIIC'B Lako nnd Lako Hoiwtcon Tflnnonnblo clinrgOH. 25-tt EOKTB, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE, IL00D OUAK0, POUDIIETTE, PEHUYIAH _ QUANO, PLA8TEU, VOORHEES BR0TIIERS. W-Cni MorriutowB, N. J A1OLL.KK & BACKOFF'S BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS, (CORN Ell or SUflSEX iND CANAI. WTA.,^ DOVJSItj.lC. J. all kinds of FOItEION and DOMESTIC LIQUORS and SEGARS AIBO, WAOKESIIUTH, ADAM 4 CO.'BCOIO- irfltedLagor. ALlW.MINEKALWATEnS, etc natnntly on lianil. MOLLER'S OrERA HOUSE, ipaeioua Hall tolw Jut for nil kimlri of ftnt imeU 40-l A. Beexner, JIKAL I2STATB AGENT, llnckwoH.St.,iieur Snuees,Davor, N.J. HOUSES AND LOTS FOIl SALE. For clDHcriptlonB ofPropcrty anil pirtlculars inquiro nt ttia ofllco. CONOLLY *t QUAIL, SLATE and METAL OOFES, C3 SOUTH Clli AVENUE, NEW YORK. 3OS0LLY'3 PATENT FIBE PHOOF IIOOFB. Roofa ropi\.roiland painted. Galvnnkea Iron Coniicoa, autterd, Lcndora nml Ventilators. vnt. COXOLI.V. QKonaE QUAIL. T EATnER BELTING, HOBO, UocWnorj 011B, ko. Blnsling nnd Mining ?owdor, Fasa, Drill Sf eel, lli>:jmor«, ic. C*nn1 llnrroff*, Shovel*, TieLB, fto. voonnEES DUOS. )^j m Mooninroiw, N. 3. THE "WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE P R I C E .©50*.* A HE tlin best nnd chenpeat in tho markot. f\_ Having received the grand prha tnoitnl m,l diplomaTof honor at Uio fnmoQi World'a rnlnnal Eipodtlon nt WMIDI, Anatrfi, in the ,-ear 1B73, for boat mncliiuo In tho world,-iiro IIDW mi exhibition nndtorsslo on easy torma at H. D. CJIAHE'8. Largo dlaconnt for cash. JOSEPH KAISER, Agent. If ih: t. !>. i"lui<l"i: D3IITISW, Goodalo &Vouglit's Drug Store Wbol'o !ia will liepkaMoil loittlrml !u nilcallb pertaining to liiHprojcflKloii. Hr..T<jl>i!fit'i-il^u Ilio osncncnua of Hovcn ^UUIK' ulimb f.i>nl[<-a:inti in thct<raullt:ooriJ?ntiHlrv, Hif til wditli l,;,fl been la tlio City <>r Dovur. 1 litv.? lA,-n ,^ Hal pniua in tlio pMrrecllnn of tin; Nitrous Oxide G-as, which la tlio Ijoutanrstlif.liD nowin'iui- r<>i- .!:>- painlcHBextracliuii of loatli. I ul:m ii^c tU>j new lias, tailed tho FLUID or CON';!) UAH. Teith filled n-ltU gold,from iJiiD.M Bilvur jrty conta to OBO dollar. UcauUrul Sets or Tc , for WO, nil Plates, warra «atl«r«otloii. I tnko pioaeuro inroftrriiiH I.) llibrol|[>w;n goLtlumon: Itov. E, 0. Mogio, Dr. J. C. Kins, Dr. T, It. OritUnilon. M. II. BU'tcmon, .', S. B. Jolmstoii, Opposite gogur's- New Ben!! Orw(lomlnlf It Voiisli's Urn; Sl.'ic. IJOVKlt.N. J. w. S" S CD O o 1 « •§•<) NEGOTIATORS & PROSPECTORS For Iron Ores and Mineral Frojiuty, POWERYILLK, X. -I P. O. nt B00KT0N, N. J. Wu. B. DKCAHP. 1'H. 1'. DiOiv,- 22-ly Miners' Oil Company 122 A 12* MAIM-IN LA SB KliW VOI1K, Tliu liuaiiips* rornicrlytnnicd <>a muli'i- tlio namoof 1', \V. WKAU will lirirafNrbo Lim«n n>; ,hu M1NEJIS' OIL GOMPAKV Lul)ricnti»g ami Uimiin^ Oils for Miners' Use. IXTIIA EK0TNI3, HFERM COMP'D MAO Y, ESTIl A-TALLOW COilP'D, t NATUAAL 1VE8T VXIIOIHTA Those Oils «ro cspiliciatl.Y adn])tod to Mining JlnchineryondnrORQiii'ftntcod tn nuit. RIKTHI WTialo. Olivo, Hcnt"a Foot, J.nrtl, I.oU., Owl am Flfli Oils. iarojilOB furniBhodouapplicatiiiii, and (jundf »pud In prime ordur. 122 k 12t, MnUrn Lime P. W. HUA.'DE', Trcaaiircr. H. r. cr.Aiu, Accnt. MRS. A. BEEBIEM la now l-osdy with all Iho HOIV ntyb-H fm- SPRING of 1875. Fashionable Millinery THE Latest Styles & Newest Desirjnr KEAItLI OPPO8ITB NATIONAL UMIUN BASK Tho larKpttt ami mnut comnieto otoefc of Milli- nory andFuncy Goods tobo found iti Dover, ooniprlnisg Bonnets Hats, Floivox-s, Fea ci-s, Ulbbons; Laces^-rcj aiul HOH'8, Collnis, Ljice ami J--iiicn Sets, Crapes. Mourning IIouuotH aildUolls. A fluo flBHortnu-ut uf . Ihignons, Switches, Braids, fie. AIHO, a very Inrgo variely of ZEPHYR GOODS, And a Duo Htoelt or Furnishing Ooutls. Evcrvthlng mosllie best mnloi-inl nmi niailn tho moil competent aBRlfltnnta, THE WARREN St. BAKERY. T HE BUhBcrlbcr Uavlttg tnhcn tliu Btmul (fonnorly oeciipii-il byfi.I,. Vr.uml) iu now prepared to mipiily Iliu \mh\k ut Diivur MHII JBEiU), 0AKE8, PEES, PASTRY, CONFECTIONERY, vL: A wagon will bo run for Uio Biijiiily of Mia )wn.i\nd vicinity. A lotip cspcriMico in tho UBlncBf, will I buliovu, unaljlo inu In uirft HIP wants oTtny citHtomi'ri N. Il.-A BODtlbalwr'a wagon for fl CLiTEIIfr HALL J.W. BABBITT, PRACTICAL TAILOn. M; "ANY years In Ilio cIotlilnK bH3in"?8 in nloltltlsTOWV taa built un n hrKo L nloltltlsTOW.V, taa built un nd Inereaalng trade and now Ipnda tlto hia lino with tlio larffofit Btnro,'bn>-csl i tic.l wnrKinon and lowprlcaH. lien's all >Vool Double and Twist Suits only - - SIO.OO Good Heavy Suits - - 0.00 " Working Pnnla - 1.00 " " £; cxtrn l.fiO Good Working l'tmla Double extra Sl.Tfi IHILDKEN'S SUITS ASPECIALTY FH03I 52 TO. fn. larso anorhncni or FISH CLOTlli:;u (.* MES, YOUTHS 1 ftml I1UVS. O V E R 2,0011 l'AIII OP PASTS. Don't fall lo call anil soc iho 1U110A1X.S .1)1,1 ) ailonlHhcil at tlio low prlcci for gunililolhiiij;. ra XJ1 XII 1=1 UNION FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS .11. Iloiigliiiul, Proprietor, ROCKAWAY, N. J. Ciiiir and Dry Snml Bolls. ROLLING MILL WORK Engines, Pumping Machines, ALL SIZES OF PULLEYS, MINING MACHINERY AXD- Hoisting Apparatus of all lilndHa npociallty,aiid t'^Di-aislicd at SIiorttiBt Notices ROLLS, Turned and Grooved to Order, GAS PIPES . I Nil FIXTURES COT AND FITTED TO ORDER. BRASS CASTINGS OF P.reitY DKCMPTIOX. l'ii,mi,t ntlomlun ylrcn lo REPAIR WORK. "PEOPLE'S STORE. (ONE PRICK ONLT-: T\ OMIZSTIC I)i;rAIlTMF.NT: miniTTixn, mitnTisn, PILLOV r.vaiNO, Ticurao l.ANNKIJ', tll.AKKCTH, UUII.Ta 1UHHKI1XE!!, 'KVTi riijin A7IH 9TITC1IED; flllNTB, QINOIIAMI, AItNg, l-OTTOV ASD WU118TEO, OARl'ET WAIU?, Ainrji', cii:>T*p, vnuTiia 1 AKD CUILDIIRN'BV -.:AII. W . 9. n,VUBlvr Merchant Tailor, An.1 -Irakr in Mcn'a nml Cblldran's Heady- Srndu Clolltng. SUS3EX,ST.t(8d door from Blackvell, DOVEn^' :c.i totbo public that Ma stock of Rood :s nti unununly tine assortnxmt of ^ ^, .'iince CnHffimorcH and VCBHIIRB, by the 3'nni cut to Jit without clinrgo, or midotaorder lit tliu duirlcBt uiiliri). AIHO conHtnntly I particularly mil nttonHou to my HG AND SUMAIEB STOCK, I cotiRldor myaclfin illred ctitinnnjth Noivurk nnd Now York olotli- T IIOIIRPS, nntl by refcronca tomyprleoB tbt hlii; will riniHIy iliscom tbnt I urn IIH liberal Ibo m(ist liberal. IHf ol, 3d.lo WILLIAM HISION. YELLOW PINE LUMBER! ill roc t frum Iho nuiiufntlunvrn SOO.OOO Suwannee Yellow Pine Lumber, 17-ly J. W. HABHITT. YKLLOW PINE (?PEP 1'LAKX; YELLOW PINE CEILING, t iiricFH t.hidi mnbo it tn tlio intercut of nil mi'diaHLTH to Rivo us a call. Having unrivalad facilities Tor drying and rflHKJnt', WII nro nblo to gintranloo drjuoii and iiniilr. All iirdrru iimrniillr dnlivorcdonenra rcuofL-lmre-'. Thofollnwiiig nizba conaliullf n hand: 1 xr> ' Nn. 1 ] I x 1] inckRtoii pUiih No. l nnd S. 1 k z 1'J x 14inch atop plunk Ho. 1autt 9. U'xl'JxU " " ' 3 im-h Ltnllnff. BAILEY, OBANE 4: WEBSTER, Foot orDrWffo 8t,, Nowark, an Mni.uo Avnjtci:, East Nenark. 45-3m 1830. 1830 JOflH JELLIFF & Co PAiiLOii, LiBiunx. Disjrac nooji ANB UILUUIEU XT'TJIilVIT Hair, Hndi ami l^lrn Leaf MATTRASSES. CIIUIICII, BANK, LODtiE AND OfMCl FUflKITUnK. Mnntcl and I'icr Glasses, COKNICES, LAMBEEQUINS, CUItTAINS and SHADES WOVBN WlIlB MATTHB3ai!a, boat ill til world ; NATIONAL W'IBK SPUINO UED, KlMDALTi'fi Hl'BMO Sl^ATfl. Every aitlctu worratilua tlicibtHtof tlio Lin In tho HUtu. Wu BCII at a laifo discntmt fini NOT York prices. Cull on in aud Have IIIOIKIV. 794 &796 BROAD St. NEWARK, N. J. JOHN JELL1FP. irENItl- M. MTLW511. 11-am WILLIAM HARRIS SUssex Street, Dover, N. J, H AVIHO rcmodobil and rcflttoil my eton am Hov ablu to moat tha want. i>t r cu.tomora with lictlcr accommadaliona ami larger atuek of goods tUau evor before. WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER PLATED WARE of nun dCBlgng—unmriiaEBGd In this Bectiou SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVES TO FIIsTE "WORK. All kinds of repairing carorullj and prauijitiy dona; reeling under obligations to ttio publlo for pnst f&von, Ibopo by good work and tni dealing to merit & conttnunnco of tho mmo. 11-tf WM. HARRIS. CHESTER MARBLE WORKS. J. S. HILDEBRANT. Monuments, 'Tombstones, &c. MADE T&o'nnnn IN EVERY STYLE. T HE undui-ftlKiiuil bcc§ kavu lo jmmmiicotu tlio public Iliot lio is iioiv prepared Iu man- "fucturo nod lvill Uopp coiiBlniitly en liaiid ilir it«st dofllfiiia of MOIST UME33STTS, TOMBSTONES, MANTLKS, &c. Cemctory plots cnclosctl of Qranltn nnd Jlir- blo Posta. Every-jr)b wnrraiitcd to givo coni- ilotc sntlafuction. PtlcoH moderate, J. S. HILDEBRANT, Ori'OHITl£ CuKiTEll HOU 10-Iy OIIESTEH, N. J. j. HAIEHOUSE; (NncOKHHOn T.1 T.. IIA1R1I0IIUB A HI10.,) Cor. Blacklvcll & Sussex Sts., DOVER, N. J. A general roilucliun ID prices or WATCHES, CLOCKS, •JEVELB'Y, SOLID GOLD KINGS, Plum, Et.jjraTod, Enamoloil snd Sngiue-tnrnod. 3PEBA CHAINS and OENTS* "^TiST CHAINS. GOLD AND SILYEE THIMBLES, and EYE a LASSES ofaU de- iriplions. Gold, Silver, Hlocl, Itubbur and aoll. THEPAIIiCHILD OOLD TEN', nDinr- igaril for Haoncy and gonoral eiccllloncc, I cm also lidding tomy stock now styles in irllclcB nf solid nilrcr nml plitod traro, suitable ing presents, FORKS, SPOONS, mil irliclnn Tar tabla into at grcitly roGpcod prlroi. HAIR JEWELRY. DcBlgiiH of oToryiloacriptionponfninod iu lead- ig pattern books, can bo ihu&o to order. EsDcctnl atloutlon given to Ilia ELGIN -WAT0H MOVEMENT, ntlcd tlio Arory Watch. AIBO agent For tbo iOWAHD, WALTIIAH, BPIimOFIELD mill 0IIEIQN WATOn. DpilrlDff &specialty and wirmntod. ENGEAYINa NEATLY DONE. , I* <> E T 1 C, A!|)li[]ln'l(ir the <;reul Sciitulal. menni ACCI-NEH, Aixcuzu, ami mrny Uf nblo idvhtira each utbor tu lluy, Bltmla Du.i.t.voHi^TE, Hkva^c and unan indulged in by. Tracy aud motbcr-lu-lp in tbo CoKTiiuixT Tlicndiiro avuwtt Was licnjKid on bis lirad by liia paator ui in tbo Dt.tiKo.uoou wburo Catb'rino Cm Haw (no sbo allcfjOB) a nhockiuir—very, means KLIZADETH, at ran goat of women ; Bho caiita and rocBtih tllUho Hula our IK-OI anitnuilu'. iu riutUTV, bumoly in feiturc, With true iriMy pluck utniidiiig finn by In Jli'ccher. il tbo QKNIUS tbat tuwrru afar; Alas, tlint a fitaiu ita effuifioaco (bould mm i miaiiB tbo UowuNaonMoulton outpouroi ^Vlicu bo ruturned to upciilt iu tho hoi tbo Lord. Klizaliflh luiljtcd liim—the "tvLlto-noulud 1 yoUDfcresturul ia Ibo JL'IKIKENT-DAV. alurp ou traungrt "IJkoielico of it" teuincda biro liint is & Idas, paroxyiimal and warm, Wlilcli IOIIIUH of tlio flotk may rucjlvu «ilh lianc, fn Lviso, uiiumi'iiiB nnd luiid, Ou ouo Bido ur 1'utlmr, Rent forth iu a cloud- ii tho MARIILKIIIU "poor cliild" roHcmblcd Wboli, with >'»-blto folded banile," BIIO IU eilunt aud taoiublud. ia tlio NAUBKA tbustory arouoea— "A pluRutj," cries tbu public, "o' botb ( 'u for OiiTUBENEaa lo aunsu of decorum Displayed in tbe court, in tbo city, I ho A rum. wui tho I'ISTOI. vrltU ivblcb "lliobcst friend' JIKKDU tlm acquuintaDcu, uow bruuglit to B ond. ti tlio QUEKUNEHB porTadluff tbe enso j Quacr bus baud, ijnocr wife, and (|ucar itnJ er ingraco. Btnnilu fi>r, tlio poor boy who ivl ratber Bud It hard to ducldo upou nbo fa Ills to ilior. In Ibo BciiooniiHL wbo rcud Iu tliu poet; Hlie wan good flvo and twenty, but buv Bliouia hol^now it? lx llioTiiAKcs irbicli tho husband duelj l'ojBCaBed her for months, to ibo Binnedun- Hieaiisbls lot lore, now fondly Uioniocaj Now carping or cant fun; nowsharply con florioua. 'a thii VOLUAKOdiHulmrging black mud Oil tho Plymouth I'omnoil, o'cnvholmod I tbeJlood. * ' .Hands for tho urlliodui Worn,]),' Glnd to ico tbo ltoroiuipr froui cnilDtuc harlcd. EQiuids liko XrLuitiMi-alas, it vaa found \V!i(-n nt lust IIKexplained, It was notblng but soundI la tbo YAWHLNO, contagloiiii and loud, Wlillu Tmoy urntud, irhlcU golzud on tb crowd. is tlio ZERO of credit aud famo To irhleli one nmiit nink-ivo uhall tioon Luo< bis nanio. [FOll THE DION ERA. | A I K i r WEST. EDIXOD XitoK ERA :—Greuley, %vboso uamn stands flrat iu the ranks of phil- osophers and pliilantbopista of tlio nine- toeutli century, would liave immortalized himself had lio novor uttered other words tUan tbeao "Young man, go West," bu without tho kopo of immortalizntton I hereby extend aa iimtatiori to your patrons to make aabort tour to tho Wes over the ERA end the Venn. Central It. B. Our tickets arc purchased just as tho GIIJO A. M. train rolls majestically tip to tho plntform. Wo climb heroically into tho uack car. aud tiiumjihtmtlv uutllu ourselves nud bundles, w|iilo tho iron boi-fio snorts nod pnffa, impatient of dclny, ofid nmidat tljobrightBUnahiuo, and the toot toot of the mettlesome stocd, we are borne away from our friends and bnggngo. Hera ion dilommn. One does not like to travel, in .pieces. Tho expedient of having it expressed to i(s desfication is doniod us. Vexod at our negligence, yet anxious for the welfare of our worldly, goods wo Borionsly con- tomplnto a retni'n to' tho scone of our forgetfulneBs, takiug n naw departure. •We havo but ono otbor refuge—that Rccommodntintr man-lho Conductor. Ho compi,aiitl witb thofoilorn hopo that lie mav have u ltnnacon for nil eiich ilia, ive tell him of the dark cloud whioh at this early, stage of our journey has darkened tho horizon of our bnppiiiess. . Nor nro we disappointed,- promptly at tho first station ho telegraphs bnok, and at Hack- ettstown yre . receive, the gratifyiuj intelligence that a reunion will bo efTootei at Washington, Thero all onr hopes am oontorod for thotime, aud it ii not vith- out sorno farthor trouble that matters arB. thoroughly righted. All honor to the unknown conductor. Job was not the only patient mua who ever existed. Frieuds, go"West. if you irill. start on the 9:60 A. M. train if youcan, but chock your bnggoge. Tho presout system of Union depots existing iu many'of our large cities aud railway centres, contributes greatlyto tho comfort of the traveler, and tho re-cheching of baggage is only a liltlo diversion, relieving the monotonyof waiting. ' The Delaware at Easton shows only by its swollen and discolored surface tho fury and threatcnings it had indulged in only n Ion hours eiuoc, but one needs no very vivid powers, of imagination tu fancy .that the" scattered blocks of icu that float quiotlj on tho surface, but for Divine interference, might have for its ompanion voyager, some luckless life- less form ol humanity; After leaving Eastern wo quickly thread 3ur way for some distance along tho low bimlta of tho Lehigb, whose calmness icoms but assumed us wo' romeinber tho lestruction and death it has dealt out in :he past to many of its votaries. The early spring time is very unfav- orable for traveling, canecinlly for thoso who wish to combine plcasuro with bus* iness. Nature ia robbed of everything that tends to beautify. .Winter dethroned aud despondent, poises reluctantly out from tholaUi scene of his glory, trailing liia pure white garments in the dingy >rown mud that uphoro in the Spring, ind wo sigh over bis inglorious do]iar- :nro, even whilo we hail his successor -ith ooolamations of joy. At Beading we are quite pleased with .10 covered walks' and bridges around tho depot, wboiefirahiteoturecarries ona back in imagination to tho picture of Chinese'Pagodas, aa represented in some juvenile textbook, and dispch tbe un- favorable opinion wo may have formed whilu jjassiug through, the suburbs of tho ity. Judging from the dimensions ot .hair houses, building lots must ba at a lne premium, so tuoy built! mostly [Havenward/ From Enaton to Harriuburg tho Emrfnco af tha country is undulating, tvud must ontaiu BOIUOtine farms, and ona caunot clp noticing tho many fine barns that look vnsily pnhct) like bo^ido tlio poor litllo fnmi houses, both of which, how- tver, nro built down iu little hollows, vhilo miniuturo Kiagaiiisof muduourno lu'ough the yards, forming lagoons near ho centre, which even a duck would ;corn. Innomo Ratios not tworodadis- jint from their present location u fine milding alto, just olovntcd enough to ihod water, but scarcely sufficient to •net in Iho capacity of wind-break, has been rejected. Tlioro they atand, manyof hem gniltleso of Ire a or shrub, moou- acnta of dirty discomfort mnu mouths if the year. After leaving Harrisbum wo pai>s ,Lrongb a region of country duTcring but iligutlr from tho preceding, until wo icar tno monntains, where its mgged- Bovi'ml lirm'rtliut iUrajiitl, umiUl.v \vutu bear JiKtu rii*einblunou lo tho " IJII Juuiulu" of (lie jmtil, Wo itra oil tin "Fust Line"iiud iiuikiiifrtfood liuio, Imi ilio tlittiiiu^Hof nifjlit is ujjon us bufore wo reneh Iho Alk'gliftiiioH, » fiiot whiol we dopiilj* rogrct, the mure when ivi t«iU:ut I hat pulo Lniiii IPIIHDS "UB hi jircaenco. 'J.'lio «coiiery on tlio inouu- Uiian is miid toIm very griintl, that ol Horse-Slmo Jicud being ona of tha fli it, nnd though u. aight of its wjndarfi ginnJeur, lxitli ns regards Hie yondor uf iiutuio, nml thu triumph of mi ml OVG matter, in douk-tl UB, it is uot all lost tc us. Bounding a curve wo tea a light directly acroEA from ua, which wo after- wards found to bo nt tho opposite oxtrctuily o! tbo bend. Above ua an tho durk gray nioimtciu tops reaching uuto the hcarenn, while beneath UB is c dntkneefi as jirofouud ua though uo raj of light had ever poiiotrated its depths. Thin ditrknfcS3 Inkes a doflnito form, and we kuuvr we pro in the Horao-Shoe Bend. Ahmit inltlwny wo passed u locomotivo, no doubt on its return from helping somi othor train up tho liouvy mountain grndo, Uraving the winds nhicli nra noitboi irarni or gontlo, uo ojinn onr v-imlows, grnap onr Imta in ono hand, draw om nrsps tuoio closely with tho other, nnd " ft n revolution. At tlio proper time, istinjjour headH forth into the night, wo sea tho tlireuoDgiuos thnt nro pulling un, ueemiug like nnto tbreo fiery drapous literally cuting and breathing f"r'l» «" shoilding tlioir light buck upon us, Ilngi coluinuaof smoUo nnsowilh ench pnfTi) tlio liihoiiup jnonaloi-R, which uccianu th fla]tpinj? of thoilruganx' wings. Th intPDEo OnrtucM bolow adds to tb weirdnoHS, mid in th« fnsuinotion of tin io ouoforgnts howcompletely 111 life of tho tmvoler in bouud up in this noblest of nil moilcru inToutioua. Oim falsa movo, ona lniBplncod rail, one fntnl plunge, ono moment of tiuio, aoil tlio * 'oltB nml groftEB of tlio dying may ud from thadark gulf bolow—fricudu, worldly pleasures and ambitions behim thorn ; before tliem—eternity, Doesth jdiama as ha drives homa tho rivet, Ma thu iron binds or perfects this powerful muchino BO wouderfuliy liko. realize thnt he holds tha livca o htuidivdi in his hnnda ? " Only a IHtl Haw," but it mny bo IiejiTcu or hall t< some! outi, hihi wo lmvn rtigve«;ed wolinvupasuoil Crcufloi), ii Biimmor rcaort, eituatod on top of the juouotniua. The cold nil' tells us of our proximity to tho Inkca, nm closing our windows wo roaolvo to innki oursolrcs as oomfortablo as possible ; fo at Pittsburgh wo nro to lomo tho Fust Lino, nml wo ltnow not what ia befc <, only that we have to wait. Finally tha Iiiat station in jmssed a™ Uio long furious whistle arouses us from our half stupor, nnd nt 2 A. M. we nre whirled into tho dopofc nt Pittsburgh— thu city of smoke. Walled in nnd cauo- piod byumolio I For six mortal hours wu breathe,- ent, drink, aud b&tho in smoke, tho inonutony relioved only by HID nniiKQoua gnsspfi nt tho dopot which via with onah other iu tboir"ricious com- pounds, and penetrative powors. At about 6 A. "M. wo deport tho city. Tuo nun endravors to cbocr UR, bat hia sickly emilo only mnkca [he dingiest of cities dingier. This mantle of. emoko drapes tho country for milus nround ilio city. Throiiph nil tliis region of country tbuy UHU mostly nsoft coal tlmt burns much tho sftiuo as wood, sending, forth denso volumus of Binoko highly OCIIOUH to aoi sitivo porHoufl, Whoi-o wo loft tlio lino of aaow wo are mblo to say, but probably Boon nfler dosoendiug tha tuountailis ; oartain it id, thnt darliuesa closed round UBin a land unowbound, which daylight retells not to us ngaiu. Hero tho rivers, satiailcd with tbrir labor of Inundation, luvvo nub- Eided, leaving only n. few calces of iea to inark tho BCODO of their Into riot, unless it be n cliargo to*"prollt auil loan" among tlio accounts of somo of tho R. II, com- panies. Tbo wagon roads weuld be irctt.v good were it not for tha rains. The woods abound in early sjirlng flow- ers, nnd tho last buckets lmvo been pitboicd fiom the sugar camps, which orm apart of nearly ovcry farca hero, iho products of which are exchanged with !lio incriihnntfl ''pound for pouud" for ivliilo sugar. Amidst nil this sweetness, fellow truv- dor, I filinll leavo you to "sugar-off," April 9th, 1875. ISAW. llmv Via Did it uti ScoU'it ltur. '•Talkin' about vigilnnles, boje, jest liinro round, an'I'll toll ynu how wo d it on Soott's Bar npee." Wo wore lamped up in tho Siskijou Bang 0 —a jrospectiirg party—grouped in tho vari- ous uosy nttitndos ot catnp-lifo round a 'loriotjs piteh-pino ftro that sent its rud- y glenms deep among tho shadows of tho dousa fir timbar around nnd over- head, iiml tho conversation Imd turned, as uaiml, on tlio caily days of California. As Ualiforuinus, wo have a peculiar fond- nnss for this kind cf rotronpeot. It docs us good to recall the flush Virata wilh their rich jjtrikea, cvoii if the gold- en hnrvuat did slip through our fingers. Wo liko to tell how the boys wiug-dam- tned tho rivor—just round Uio bend, you Icnow—aud took, out a wftsli-pau level full the flrat weak; how Sand Brown mmk nt tlio mouth of the gulcL until iho water drovohim out, nnd an emigrant cama along, wautBix inches iicepor, nnd etruck it rich ; how Noil "ones got "broke-" nt a inonto-bank, got kind of dc-Bpernto, aud picked u » n ropo 'with a borne nt tho end of it—how tho buys followed him aud took; him over to Kanaka Gulch, where Nod, poor fellow I nsked them to seud word to his mother lat tho "Injuns" had got him. and Iiud protesting ngaiust tbo injustice oF lircuwstnntial evuluuca ; how "Twenty- me Joo" aliot ft mnu iiuross his tablo, down nt. Bpnnisli Flat, nnd doait the game nil night with thi) tiurpso lying oa beiich in the samo room ; how au emi- grant, hnuting hia horses ouo uioruiug, mind thn'fnmoiB Gold Hill ledgo, mid old out for a big "honiQ &tako" within wonty-foiirhoui-s; nud'abant Jako Smith, dm rcae'jod -Frisco, ou his way boiap, nd Kiwu cliani'o to double his "pile" t a furo-banl:, but went back toAuior- i>iui Fork. dci'Iarintr iliat "hick always .-asnfiiit him." Tlieso and n thousand [iudrotl ruminisaenccs that made up tlio xciting record of jiioueor life, scorning »w liko n dream, nro told and rotold ith infinite relish, enrrviug IIKback to lories so full, of liberty, so strangely Tho was Tom Gray, ona of host) oauy-goiug fellows on whom bad uck Bcoins to havo u perpatual mort- ige—always on tat elbows, always Itugh- g in the face of misfortnno, always iiinting upn pokor came, forever got- ing up "brolio." Even Tom's trousers iceinod su desirous of parting company vitli their nnfortunnto owner, otcrually lidiug off him, thnt his whole lifo vns ii incessant strupglo to retiiu hia scan- 7 wardrobe. Wo liked him, however, dto was trustworthy, full of experionco, tud fnrailiur with tho history of every [ulch along tlio faco of tha Sierra. Hu lould always command au audience. "Lot mo BOO," ho said, knocking tho ishes out of bis pipe,, "wo struck Scott'i )zv in 'Cl. Thorn uni tho diggins, ioya ; chunks big aa fliit-irons—1D(JI nf itn 1 Vfhy I'vo seeu an onnao paid for , caudlo tu play n, Httlo fuur-lianded by—ncos worth ns litgh as six oun- ces, nu 1 cf a feller got two pnir it gen'- nlly cleaned him. But," bo resumed, after n thoughtful pause, piobnbly spent n contemplation ot the good old ilaya vhen poker bbkua wore more plentiful ban now, "that nin't tbo story, an* oE you'll listen to mo, I'll tell you bow wo xed n chap ouca that wasn't on tho siftl square. "Iu ' b'J, llicro comes an emigrant to .o Bar—a young lnwyer, by tho namo V Smith, lla hail huug out hia aliinglo in tho Statos, but didn't linvo any luck, in' como to Cnlifornia to mako araiao, cat liko tlio rest of us. He was an inno- :ent sort a' feller, &n Sam Patterson nn 1 [ ohowed hima ploco whoro tiiu ood- rock iiilchcil, au' lit! star!c;l in mi' <Vi ilrat-iatc. Every body liked Hmilli; h wo3 nlwavH Kiiigiu' in his claim. Kf y>\ met Liui'twonty liiurti it day, he itlv.-.".v Latin pleiiEiint word. He didn't ilri.ii nor gamble ; bo saiJ thero WJIB H littii wife im' baby back in Illiiioit. that iiftri ed hininoiipy worso than tbo fjmnbhT Smith cubiiitul with nFrenchman by tli nanio of Dr. JJaiil—we culled hit ' Fronchy ' —but lia wasn't vury thick with him, nn' nlwnja cariiod hiu RBck in tha packet uf hiu coat to hia claim. One day Lo forgot it. Frcnchy caiac walkin* down to where ho was rockiu', an' told him his coat was up in tho cab- in, ho was goin' down tho rivar, on' ho liad iMttertako care of it. Bmith wna scared, but ho found his r.nck apparent- ly all right. Every Saturday night he weighed hifl pile, an' tha next titns ho put it in the scales it was short about nil ounces; but ho might bavemado n mistake in the figures, an 1 didn't *ay much tbout it. 'Froncby soon wont over to Humbug, nu' loft Smith alone in tho cabin. Along in tho Fall, Smith's pile had swellou . to nbout 81, 500, an'lio Used to loarc. Ono niglit, Sam nu' I was up to sou liiui, OQ'didn't lie feel good? Howasgoin' in u week, nn' told ua how be was poiu 1 to slip in witli bis minm' rig nn, ttsll bis poor littla wife hD wanbroko—jast to^cc uf Eho would atick to him—an' tlmu puur tbo wholo enckful right into her lap. Yfo were biiBy talkin' about tho old homo;* in tbo Statua, uu' it might have about nina o'clock wbou wo beard a littlo rustle, like a mouse might mnko, up on Bmith'fl bunk. Wo didn't tlmili iiuythingnboufc it for nn hour, on'just as VMloft Smith rcnclicd up for bis coat. It wna light n» a fcathor ; didn't Lava Iho color in it. Wo'begun huntin' round, nn' found that a piecu o' chiukin' Imd been loosened during the day, im 1 thr litlo nistlo we heard was mncla by tin robbor'B lmud. \Vo folt sorry for poor Smith. He never Haid ft word, but sot down au' swollcd up an' choked till tho big tears corns, for the mcetiu' with bin littlo wife WM u long ways off now. Next inorniu' woraised tho Bar, an' tlu boys V'jia torn bio hostile. Thero wasn't a lickatruclc thaUlny. Wotook a drink nil round, Mien Lcld a incotin', resolved that adurncd mean trick had been done, aa' formed ourselves into a vigilnncu committee — every one of us. Smith said Fronuliy wiw thoonly man know whero bo kep' liia money; nu' whou ho told nbout niiuin' tha six oim' oca, wo conclndcJ Frcnchy was the mar wo wanted. Cy. Herd was mado cousta- blu, au' sont to Humbug. Ho found Prendiy ]' startin* for Yrakn, an' ns ho didu't havo any pnpors, ho thought ho would go along au' git a regular war- rant from tho old chief o' tlio vigilantes. Ho got tha warraut, an' I always kocp it to show. Since they chnuged tho eouu- ty to Siskivou—it used to be nil Shasta —some folks want to deny tlinttlicro ever was Acommit too thoro." Drafting out a grcofly memoraiulurn- book, Tom produced the document, beariuj* tho ninrks of ago and tho uunm- takablo stanip of genuineness, rending as follows: KliaHto' I'lnitifl Tu nishl'p V I G E U N T CUM VB IJB liliu To any COUBUIIIO nt BliiHto Plains Towuxliii) :ltU &<\y complaint ltnvlng LnM \w(oto mo Vif,'- Dr lliiiii nf tlio sain« therefore .._.. ' a Bait) Dr IUU1 ami bring him licfora the pco- ii nnd to lio dull willi nonnlinij to thotr Jut' cut A. llolcd "VntKi 183 dhalroiBU of commllco 1 Evidautly proud of his distinction ... cliairman, A. Bolos bus signed this un- ique document three titnas—twice on tho back, once to give it an air of legal formality, again to dirccl Abraunm Thompson to "oorro'tUo within Kit", "Now, boys," remarked Tom, at bo folded tbo relic of tho peoples' court carefully awav, "that didn't hnxa many big words in it, but it meant business. Oj put it into Constable Thompson's bands, au' they aoratoliaJ their man nu' started for UIB bar. When they got thoro with htm, Frenohy was on tho bluff, an' allowed ho would mako saino- body pay for that daj's work. Brought boforo the jury—twelve o' tbo beat man in that camp—be weakened a littlo, but swore JiQ^was innocent, aa' called lite Holy Virgin—wLicli veaa tolerablo strong for a Prenolimau— to witness that ho had not boen ou tba Bar for two weeks. No ono bad noon him on tho Bar within tliut time. Cy Herd found out nt Hnm- bug that Frenchywai thero at sundown the night o 1 tlio robhery, an' nt work soon after daylight tho next lnornin', Tho only evidence wo* Bmitb's opinion ; ho stuck to it that of Freney tlidn't liavo his money bo didn't wnnt a cent, but that wasn't hardly enough to bang n man on. Some o 1 tho boya wanted to hang Vrencliy on general principles, but that wouldn't pan ; thoro was uoino good sqtiaro men on tho jury, nu 1 you bet ho gut a fair trial, "Smith told all ho know. Cy swuru _ tbe Lima Fronchy was at Humbug, au' TVU couldn't flod a track anywhere that fitted his boots. Tho jury wont out under a big oak all alono, talked it over, an' took one Toto; about half was for French/, tbo bolauoe won tod to hang bim anyliow. Ono o 1 tba jnrora was old Beek—& kind o, nntm-al lawyer, ouo i' tlio worst men in an argument you ;vor saw. He know lots, nn' .piokod up ots moro ns ho vent along—just like luiokflilvur, awful sli])pery—an' would gather up ull tho (jold in your conversa- tion into a storo lor future use. Beck would d t n feller into aa Argument, jest na like SJ not take tlio wrong sido, git tborano' your poiuta, flop round, mako you take his eido, an' tlien 'flum- mux' you as ho called it. He wit3 a [ind o' easy-goiu 1 , soft-hearted man, m 1 for lattiu' Frtnohy slido. 'It wouldn't icier do,' be said, 'to lmug a man ou uxpioion ; I don't vrnnt no ghost jab- lenn'Fronch round my cabin.' Bcek iTcd Franolij's nook. He niado up is mind that bo was inucont. an' hu riddled tho evidence just liko lie'tl been n ii regular court. Thero wits Kniiio >ig puiute in Fronohy'fl favur: Iliimlmg mn a good ten milo.i from tho liar, tho iifiht of tha rohbory tbe darkest you jrer saw, tho trail' over tho mountain ;erriblo rough. Itfloomodimpos-iiblo to iinko Iho trip in tbo night; an' Boek pout an hour tryio' to provo that a muu couldu'tbein two places at ona time, swofirin' lioVl Btftn-o noforo bo'tl commit murder. Finally, Smith stopped up,- 'Boys,' says he, 'let mo Ukf) Eronchj* Mit and talk to bim; of lie dont givoino ;hnt money inhalf an hour, I'll think be liu'fc tho man.' They wont out togeth- er. Suith talked easy nn' soft to him it first. Hotold him abou bis wife tan 1 ittio out tint was waitin' for him; how t was vary cant lio had in tho world; ->w hohud toilad for it, piuclied bimnolf savo it, as* of lioffftToit up bo would orgivo nn'novsr expos* him. It wns io uso, Pronoby itill declared his in- locence ; whan, all of n suddoo. Smith umpod to hii feet, drnwod his sii-shoot- •r, an', in a voice BOearnest an' death- ika that tha prisonor'a Hps began to [uivor nn' turn white, bo say«, 'French}, : know you lmvo got my inonoy, an' of, by tbo time the sun goes over tbnt hill, yon don't tellmo 'whero it is, I'll kill you.' Ho bod himcovered, an' I always be- lieve ho would hare shot him liko n make—there was such a queer, devilish ook about hia CTOH tlmt it mado my [csh crawl; but, IDa fewminutes, tlioru vas a loud yell, au' Cy uaid the jury hail igreed. So they bad; they had com- iromised, an 1 ngroed to givo Frcnchy a ittle Bwing— just leave his tip-toes oi. ho Rround—then another, on' if tlmt didn't choko tlio moaoy out of bim, ho was tho wror" insn. Then they come in a body, lookia' mighty aorious, ouo o* them briugiu' a ropo, 'with a rt'gninr hangman's noose at tho ond of it. Tlio 'oromnn reftil tbo vordict, 'Guilty ; to b; jangail beforo sundown.' "Poor Franoby looked at tlio rope, then at tho jury ; ovury faoo •waa ns cold as a stone. HopflTOR wild kind of u wiabful look up tho mountain, but his logs woro hobbled, an'ha weakened right 'M-.-.i, b! whi in-nicy.' H:iro u:iuu^li, rv fli:l. Tliuiiiii;,<in ,iii' Siaitli went lown tin- l-iv.T witii liim a mile, iu whi;ro Ii.' tiv.-I i-iiu iimlfr ,;i bnjkcii bliilV. Vm.'jh.y rcin-'fil up :n higli ua he IMHIII, •iitltvl tli» liiv sick <mt of u cravicp, un' iin'lf;,! it to V.,-< ov.-mu' v.ithont n ivonl. iHitli, in !J;I: j. v, w.tut'"l to K-t Frnnchy _ilc, tho'jiiiy got'lUffr Iiuais tog^tlior. Jruut MIMOV; w.wn't ..1.1 JJa-jl: in-ul. i'oyB,' lit; Pa;.';, 'a mitn that e.iu foot ran 'ii liusnau niUiira liiat v/av, is an awful aiiKtiroua Tin. mnjeatfr nt (lie iwis b'.istc.l widii open. Frenchv'u (fot a havo a liltl« lust-, I', :,hnv him Ama- ;aii9 won't KUud no foo.iahuesi.' That's hvsysthu wuy," !iniil Tom, ipiirt-y; "do man a pu:fi!ivo injm-y, in:i U> OIII; he'll jrgot it; buL jest inipj-it; imhia jndg- icnt, an' lio'II never for^ivu von. The -iry wni ell a;.:raft.'l ou proposition, i'hov pa-sseil ii ritriiifj ii' riisulutifiiis—evt>« nrtlimg vas diitio tlutwa.y: First, tlmt Frcnchy gil twouty-niutt laihe.i DUII'II jare back ; nt'cfmil, that Smitli wan tu ;.o ho whippin'; thir.l, th:it tlio prisoner ihottld I.W\'O SliB'jt.1 l'l:iius within live. ionra ; fitiirili, that ceituiu monov fo'iud m him i.hoiiitl _go tti iny nil jiist du- r«re jciid.' FroucliY wil'i ntub!);>rn a nulc, but- lr.' ivn.3 lakeu to abig bine!;- •iik, in 'rout ef UiiJarlni's store, an' hn .nm tied lauud ii pretty high up, his aot vu.t'.'.ii* on the ground. Olio i>' lie 1I:I;.M \vii-. fmin Miasoiiri, vciisru Hint tiud o' thin;; win comuiou, HOhu fixed ip n pioua i/ riiv.-hiile lariat, nbout throa action^, nn' handod it tu Suitli. Ho vftsn'tou it, «!.' liu^iiu tu li:.'Kfin'l'ronehy io made Iho iiiuust kind of a little ipcecli. 'I c i a ' t vrliiji it rmii,' lie stiya, 'escapt in a fair ii^lit. Frenchy's dono tho fiquni'L 1 tliiuj; with in.*, nn 1 1 forgiro im. I hrul mado up iny mind to kill im, but n;iiv I fuol u:i (fooii, I can't ouch him. I'll U\j:.t liiis crowd, an 1 pay you all for .your dny's work, but dunttwfk Hiol-.d.. thnl. 1 Homo n ' t h o rciwd bcfjuit to (,'mwl, Ijutnu old griz- ly liiukin'. in.iii spuku up, an' snyH : Dint's right; it ain't Bmith'a btisiaesa to a that job ; IID'H only auimmigrant, an' .i nin't fair l-m*!;,. limn to do anything that goes jt»iii Oimsi'icnco ; 'let tho "Dstubli; do it, nu' it will honecordin' law.' Another rasjlntiun was passed, an' Aba Thftiiinion otcp|isd out, eayin' 'that he didn't fancy the job much, but when it man van nu offlcor Lo ought to o his duly, im' hu wouldn't nniryllinoh 'onihiii. 1 Old lieck counted—ono, two, ircL—up to nbout fifteen. Thompsou ••idu't lay on very heavy, fi>Gliu' kind o* sorrj for the pnor devil. Fteiicliy wns Rftine, never fliuclicd ; but ubout thn fifteenth lick, lio mado IL motion an' .vented to spank, for his Hpa begun to froth, an' tha devil was riaia' in him. He looi'ed nt Thompson—hia oyo gli3- toncd jest lilto IL wild-cat*B : 'Sucre bleu /' siiya lio—nil', dnrii him, how it hissed thron(;lntd his white tcoth—'I kill ron, sure' You just bet your life, jYeiioliy bluilad the wrong man. 'You ;ill win?' riiyo Abe. Th«ia he lullud up iis uiccvca nu* took n new hold, an 1 ho vent for him. Ijavil, how tliut piece o* arint did whia through tho air. Wbowl lidn't the fur fly. It ivusn't no foolish- aasa now. llu ntrnck high up—thatwas tho orders ; tbo big welti mined, on' tho uk begun In peel off. Twenty-iiiut;, lirty. 'Iluld on,' cays Book ; 'one too any.' 'Not inucli.' uaya Abo ; 'I've done your dirty work, gentleman, as n mutter of duly, nud no\y I'vo got ii Httlo enterprise o' my own. Kill mo ! BDonkla* thief! "I'll ma if I oau'i .,ini> tho dovil out o' you.' I counted low—oilc, twn, tliroo, four. Frchchy ptftvo a pitiful kind o' moan. 'Hold on, Thompson,' siys ite, 'I never bother you, uwver; ilwn't kill mo.' Wo tool; iim down, mi' ho wi\q a. butl sight. Thn list ten lie-Its broke tho skin, fin' brought blood every liuiu. Ho was wciilr, nn* :ouliu't look up ; but Abo took him in its arms back it' tlio utore, un' bathed him, nn 1 put mnttnng HuiniL'iit on his wounds—put(1 two flnllnrBout of his own pocket for it, just 1 liko Iie'd "been liia irolhcr. Tlmt tats u tuufty.dnv'u wnrli, boys, but tiicvu wii9 n liltlo bright epot in it, likn lliidin' a chunk o' gold inside of a pfrauito bowlder. "Tho jury bole a drink nil rouud, but ' they hadn't got over their mad. First, they weighed ais ounces out o' Frcnohy's Biick to make up Smith's loss. Thou, six more lo pny Cy Herd for u miggot lio lost sleapin' in tho samo room with frcnchy. Then constablc'n fees, an' finally thoru wisn't enough dust loft to lay tho lost claim. 'JToiv, boys,' enyu ild Beck, 'I Ihink justicn ought to bn eatisfiutl. Lot'.'i mnko up n shnkc-jiurso an' givo tho poor dovil n fair start.' Wo shook iu three ounce.*, nn' told him in git nud never bo scon in them diggrna again. An' ho wasn't." "Well," inquired ono ot tlio aiulicnfo, "did it ouro 1-Vcneliy V" (l No," loplicd Tom, "an' I iloii't bolieva imuiehmcnt every cured anyone—only eenros others ; tho durnod .ikut.k rrent right over to Little Shnstn, ttolc a mule, got up and dusted for Jiicksouville, an' M'HS after- ward run out o' thoro for HOIUJ deviltry. Tell you wl*ntit did do, t:io!>j;i|," con- tiuued tho spo.iUcr, giving theih-ca Melc thnt nent the sparks whirling up in u fiery column through tha uotuurQ foli- , "It gavo tho Briv ii rougli name, ui llicro Mnsn'fc another rohbory thero is long ruj I L'auvcmenibor. I don't never want to soo another man whipped, jut, after nil, the vigilaitos kept things itraight, au' jest loolt at tlio difieircnco aow. If a fcllor stealw yom* iwok nn' aya Hbcnil, hocau glL a ku-ycr to uuch uhola in ilio Inw big enough to do n innle thmugh, im' gf Prcnciiy hud leen baforo a regular court tho verdict vonld havo been, innocent mi a Ininb— id Smith onto" luck." Tho cmnp-firo had burnoil low, nnd c crawled into onr blnnkots.' Tom's loniely conclusion forewl an enrncat in- luiry ns to tho comparative cfllciency of -• 1 -7u Jo^ul pcienco nud tlin nimpk'r .oiuLid barn of pioneer iiecsusitv nnd nfoired by (lie ScntL't Lai- minors. EEA-DIATIONS. Gill's latls—:»!d bai'helon;. rin.vod out—a retired actor. The original greenbacks—Frogs. Tba i)utio:it waiter—A yutui g iloolor. Somotbtug nli.nit i-camilH—tlic sliclli. Tho best ptK-hct comiianion—;i full Nevoi- Musi tly clao's. tivnc— Tho most iiini imil of sonic uttiia —Broitchua. Tho relation oE tho ilooimut to tlio Dor-stop—A stL'i.-rnrtlur. Tho rich widow erios with ouo I'yoaml yoices with tlio other. "Whatever YOU dislike in arollu'r, take !nro to correct in yonwclf. Tho beat tehfTraphy—Flnsliin;; n iny if BiuL'ihino into u gloomy honrt. Quito likuly —Hoinuboily Knyii thai lircli-rods ni.'ilii! Uu best baly-jiifiipi'ry. The cconnniir;;! man IHJIUCJ thr>'. grcsil renm tlio nuillicr of nvav<, nnd *iwlN it Mwippi. A tnilor ERVSIIO UUH never think ;-f oiii! )Uii3 etistfuuew withemt singingi "A •hiivgo (o ]ipap I hav?." Kvnry to-iuorrow tin:! two luiiidles.— 'o can tnko hold of il; bv the han.llo i>[ aioty or tho handle of fnitli. rartr t'^s—llioao littlo wliito duilicra jrn liv blonde gQiilleineii v.iio part cir liau* iu tlio middle. Ilhoile Isliuid briKtlc3 with spclling- iDntehes. Hum,' of tlio dielionmy words reach clear ucro.'ia Uio State. A litllo mnii observed tliivt lio hod twit fgntivc qualities ; bo never Iny long iu ed, nnd he never wanted n great coat.

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Post on 07-May-2018




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Page 1: JOflH JELLIFF & Co - · Offlcc Houra; 7 Ui 0 A.M., 1 l o Dmid t 8 V. U. 18-3Opd SURVEYOR. Surveys, ... MOLLER'S OrERA HOUSE, ... mi'diaHLTH t o Riv us a call




Morris Btreot nair Blaokwoll.

"TI.IUII UP mnwciurnm

_ . - - - J2.0I^ * j i a " - - — 1.01

H) m o n t H - " " " * * " '

il and Queenstown

f fullowliiK Hltinmithlp lines :

NATIONAL,,.i mill Great Wonteru.


Slate Roofing


Oounseller at LawAND




, C,o MMInc formerly oorapM l>>' «>• I ' " - '

I'lrtlciilaraUtonlloii glyciit™ cntt"-

uCi'ct ami Brounil. 1 -1


!iii'l»eiiter and Builder ,

Jobbing promptly attended to.

IIUCKWELI, 81., ujjit '" " " ' ^

11 takwi, ami material famished.

DOVER. N. J.3. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

11 or son ami Cnrringuii lo !•*>(• •



iu (lie Vatlonal Union Bank Buildiii;

lLACFu-.Li.Sr., DOVER, N. J .



Cui. Dlicltwctl and Bautax Ud.DOVER, N. J.

>HiljL-r21Ui, 1BT3. 1 - lyr

A. UII.I.EY,, Otnrtnl

Furnishing Undertaker



.Ml orders promptly attouded to;itSWELl, SlIIEET, Dover, N. J .


images and Sleighs,Of Kvtry DctcrlptlDii.

Bhokwll an J Bergon Sis, u u VEU, n, J .

•tfalar attend™ p i d lo repairing nnd


«!• and ^oaljOT of .11 facrlpliam ofKKSANDMIJNEUAtS

CABEFULLV'CeuilltoAimlBhcil oil application.

DowJIiirrinCouniyN. ' j .

•Uen P a l r a o r & S o n ,•Vcntcra


lluilrtci's.'; N. J.

iromptly attended to.

f. PALMER, Architect.


'gansand Melodeons^paired and Tuned* ' " l n I l» ' l »r Morri« b u m , . Ad-

W. K. WniOHT,

Dovnr, N.J






6|gn and Domestic SagarAWAVSONIIAND.



ORAM, N . J.



ER&,,AI,MEIt)D ° V E E , N. J.

S Cards.II. A.TfENNBTT,""»iTl)r,


Cor, Blackwell & Warren Sts,,(OppoHitoDover Dank,)

DOVEH.H.J.,niflfum'R <>r Womon and Children, and of t)i

]:jo anil Bar ftiwolaltion.Offlcc Houra; 7 Ui 0 A.M., 1 lo Dmid 7 to 8 V. U.


SURVEYOR.Surveys, Levels mid Grades

nmdo for Public andFiivalo Improvements.


[Near tho Canal Bridge.]

8 y BOYEIt, N. J.

.T. M. DASSETT,Civil Engineer and Surveyor,


lfl-Oin p

J. L. CURTIS,Manufacturer of Segars and





Office on Sussex Street,In tlio bullilfngformerly occurilod •» an oiDuu h

Hour; McFnrlun, flrat floor.DOVER, N. J.

Colludiuiifl nttomlwl tu willi rilliiruuci?.Atuo, Agont Tor tho best Lift) aud l'lni lustwu Cuiuiiiiiiiiu.. H-Jy,


WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J.r p i l l t i wdl-ltnown proporlj has recently heeiA. 'oxtum-ivelr improved and modomtEud, fo

tliu •ccommodAllon of tliono nocking A retirciKiiiniiiLT raidoncii. Hitualuil at tlio lioadLftlio h :pQtcong it is ono of tho most deal..MoiilacoH'-f inland roHoit to bo touml withinha Kamo din area of Now York. lit tlio midstif tho flnent ino.mtiiiii Bcoueryof Northern N(

_'orsojr, with iixcolleiit hunting and (labins, QItlua drives, it in not surpoBsod byany otherthfl locality.

fl-nces loava Dover, oifilit mlloB dinliut, on tlionrnrnl of tho Dot. Lark. & Wont, It. II. trnliii

IRA C. COOPERMason and Builder.

Contracts talion for all kinds of llnaon WorJnd Jobbing.

LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT,Furntuhed at short nolico.

S. R. OSMUN.* Dentist,

MOItUISTOWN, N. J.,Holu Proprietor Tor ITorria County (if Fnl.orn'i

Ptttrnt Rtilgc.

Gold Fi l l ing a Spocinlt)'.Liquid Nitrous Oildo fla>, Ac, Ac, &c.

ALLIE'S HOTEL,Succasunna Plains, N. J

A. E . DECAMP, Prov ' r ,murSHotolisaltuatodintlio moat lieanlifuX valloyln Mnrria County, and la not norn.igm>[M>y n»y Ideation Tor hoaltlifiilnosi.

I t la tonliguoua to Bohooloy'a Mountain, tniequl-dlntanl from Btidd'd Lako mid Lako Hopat-

mg, tho country in tlio vicinity being.moan Tor iti lino mountain scenery and oieol-

lont drivoa, Aa an inland summer retreat I t 'tiiong tlio beat. .Llvory attached. 20tf

Mansion House..00 YARDS FROM P . L. & W. DEPOT

1. ar.

Win. BROWN, Prcp ' r .

Eiccllont accammoilallonn far transient _jortnnnciil boarders, also n llvory nod boardingtablo attached to tho honse. raHsongerj taken

nnd from HIIIIC'B Lako nnd Lako HoiwtconTflnnonnblo clinrgOH. 25-tt








(CORN Ell o r SUflSEX i N D CANAI. WTA.,^

DOVJSI t j . lC . J .

all kinds of FOItEION and DOMESTIC


irfltedLagor. ALlW.MINEKALWATEnS, etcnatnntly on lianil.

MOLLER'S OrERA HOUSE,ipaeioua Hall tolw Jut for nil kimlri of ftnti m e U 40-l

A. Beexner,


llnckwoH.St.,iieur Snuees,Davor, N.J.


FOIl SALE.For clDHcriptlonB ofPropcrty anil pirtlculars

inquiro nt ttia ofllco.





Roofa ropi\.roiland painted. Galvnnkea IronConiicoa, autterd, Lcndora nml Ventilators.



HOBO, UocWnorj 011B, ko.Blnsling nnd Mining ?owdor, Fasa, Drill Sf eel,

lli>:jmor«, i c .C*nn1 llnrroff*, Shovel*, TieLB, fto.

voonnEES DUOS.)^jm Mooninroiw, N. 3.



A HE tlin best nnd chenpeat in tho markot.f\_ Having received the grand prha tnoitnlm,l diplomaTof honor at Uio fnmoQi World'arn lnna l Eipodtlon nt WMIDI, Anatrfi, in the,-ear 1B73, for boat mncliiuo In tho world,-iiroIIDW mi exhibition nnd tor sslo on easy tormaat H. D. CJIAHE'8. Largo dlaconnt for cash.



ih: t. !>. i"lui<l"i:


Goodalo & Vouglit's Drug StoreWbol'o !ia will liepkaMoil loittlrml !u nilcallb

pertaining to liiHprojcflKloii. Hr..T<jl>i!fit'i-il^uIlio osncncnua of Hovcn ^UUIK' ulimb f.i>nl[<-a:intiin thct<raullt:ooriJ?ntiHlrv, Hif til wditli l,;,flbeen la tlio City <>r Dovur. 1 litv.? lA,-n , ^ Halpniua in tlio pMrrecllnn of tin;

Nitrous Oxide G-as,which la tlio Ijoutanrstlif.liD now in'iui- r<>i- .!:>-painlcHBextracliuii of loatli. I ul:m ii^c tU>j newlias, tailed tho FLUID or CON';!) UAH.

Teith filled n-ltU gold,from iJiiD.MBilvur jrty conta to OBO dollar.

UcauUrul Sets or Tc, for WO, nilPlates, warra«atl«r«otloii.

I tnko pioaeuro in roftrriiiH I.) llibrol|[>w;ngoLtlumon: •

Itov. E, 0. Mogio, Dr. J . C. Kins,Dr. T, It. OritUnilon. M. II. BU'tcmon,

.', S. B. Jolmstoii,Opposite gogur's- New Ben!!

Orw(lomlnlf It Voiisli's Urn; Sl.'ic.IJOVKlt.N. J.






1 «

• § •< )


For Iron Ores and Mineral Frojiuty,

POWERYILLK, X. -IP. O. nt B00KT0N, N. J.

Wu. B. DKCAHP. 1'H. 1'. DiOiv,-22-ly •

Miners' Oil Company122 A 12* MAIM-IN LA SB KliW VOI1K,

Tliu liuaiiips* rornicrlytnnicd <>a muli'i- tlionamoof 1', \V. WKAU will lirirafNrbo Lim«n n>;,hu

M1NEJIS' OIL GOMPAKVLul)ricnti»g ami Uimiin^Oils for Miners' Use.



Those Oils «ro cspiliciatl.Y adn])tod to MiningJlnchineryondnrORQiii'ftntcod tn nuit. RIKTHIWTialo. Olivo, Hcnt"a Foot, J.nrtl, I.oU., Owl amFlfli Oils.

iarojilOB furniBhodouapplicatiiiii, and (jundf»pud In prime ordur. 122 k 12t, MnUrn Lime

P. W. HUA.'DE', Trcaaiircr.H. r . cr.Aiu, Accnt.

MRS. A. BEEBIEMl a now l-osdy with all Iho HOIV ntyb-H fm-

SPRING of 1875.Fashionable Millinery


Latest Styles & Newest Desirjnr


Tho larKpttt ami mnut comnieto otoefc of Milli-nory andFuncy Goods to bo found iti Dover,ooniprlnisg

Bonnets Hats, Floivox-s, Feaci-s, Ulbbons; Laces^-rcj

aiul HOH'8, Collnis,Ljice ami J--iiicn

Sets, Crapes. Mourning IIouuotHaildUolls.

A fluo flBHortnu-ut uf .

Ihignons, Switches, Braids, fie.AIHO, a very Inrgo variely of

ZEPHYR GOODS,And a Duo Htoelt or

Furnishing Ooutls.Evcrvthlng mosllie best mnloi-inl nmi niailn

tho moil competent aBRlfltnnta,


THE BUhBcrlbcr Uavlttg tnhcn tliu Btmul(fonnorly oeciipii-il by fi. I,. Vr.uml) iu now

prepared to mipiily Iliu \mh\k ut Diivur MHII

JBEiU), 0AKE8,


CONFECTIONERY, vL:A wagon will bo run for Uio Biijiiily of Mia

)wn.i\nd vicinity. A lotip cspcriMico in thoUBlncBf, will I buliovu, unaljlo inu In uirft HIP

wants oTtny citHtomi'ri

N. I l . -A BODtlbalwr'a wagon for fl



M;"ANY years In Ilio cIotlilnK bH3in"?8 innlo l t l t l sTOWV taa built un n hrKoL nloltl t lsTOW.V, taa built un

nd Inereaalng trade and now Ipnda tltohia lino with tlio larffofit Btnro,'bn>-csl itic.l wnrKinon and low prlcaH.

lien's all >Vool Double and

Twist Suits only - - SIO.OO

Good Heavy Suits - - 0.00

" Working Pnnla - 1.00

" " £; cxtrn l.fiO

Good Working l'tmla Doubleextra Sl.Tfi


FH03I 52 TO. fn.

larso anorhncni or FISH CLOTlli:;u (.*MES, YOUTHS1 ftml I1UVS.


Don't fall lo call anil soc iho 1U110A1X.S .1)1,1) ailonlHhcil at tlio low prlcci for gunililolhiiij;.





MACHINE SHOPS.11. Iloiigliiiul, Proprietor,


Ciiiir and Dry Snml Bolls.


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL SIZES OF



Hoisting Apparatusof all lilndHa npociallty,aiid

t'^Di-aislicd a t SIiorttiBt Notices

ROLLS,Turned and Grooved to Order,





l'ii,mi,t ntlomlun ylrcn lo REPAIR WORK.


miniTTixn, mitnTisn, P I L L O V r.vaiNO, Ticurao




Ainrji', cii:>T*p, vnuTiia1 AKD CUILDIIRN'B V

-.:AII. W . 9. n , V U B l v r

Merchant Tailor,An.1 -Irakr in Mcn'a nml Cblldran's Heady-

Srndu Clolltng.SUS3EX,ST.t(8d door from Blackvell,

DOVEn^':c.i to tbo public that Ma stock of Rood:s nti unununly tine assortnxmt of

^ , .'iince CnHffimorcH and VCBHIIRB, by the3'nni cut to Jit without clinrgo, or midotaorderlit tliu duirlcBt uiiliri). AIHO conHtnntly

I particularly mil nttonHou to myHG AND SUMAIEB STOCK,

I cotiRldor myaclfin illredctitinnnjth Noivurk nnd Now York olotli-

T IIOIIRPS, nntl by refcronca to myprleoB tbthlii; will riniHIy iliscom tbnt I urn IIH liberalIbo m(ist liberal.

I H fol, 3d.lo


YELLOW PINE LUMBER!ill roc t frum Iho nuiiufntlunvrn


Suwannee Yellow Pine Lumber,

17-ly J . W. HABHITT.



t iiricFH t.hidi mnbo it tn tlio intercut of nilmi'diaHLTH to Rivo us a call.

Having unrivalad facilities Tor drying andrflHKJnt', WII nro nblo to gintranloo drjuoii andiiniilr. All iirdrru iimrniillr dnlivorcdonenra

rcuofL-lmre-'. Tho follnwiiig nizba conaliullfn hand:

1 xr> 'Nn. 1

] I x 1] inckRtoii pUiih No. l nnd S.1 k z 1'J x 14 inch atop plunk Ho. 1 autt 9.U'xl'JxU " " '3 im-h Ltnllnff.


Foot orDrWffo 8t,, Nowark, anMni.uo Avnjtci:, East Nenark. 45-3m

1830. 1830

JOflH JELLIFF & CoPAiiLOii, LiBiunx. Disjrac nooji



Hair, Hndi ami l^lrn Leaf



Mnntcl and I'icr Glasses,



WOVBN WlIlB MATTHB3ai!a, boat ill tilworld ; NATIONAL W ' I B K S P U I N O U E D ,

KlMDALTi'fi Hl'BMO Sl ATfl.

Every aitlctu worratilua tlicibtHtof tlio LinIn tho HUtu. Wu BCII at a laifo discntmt finiNOT York prices.

Cull on in aud Have IIIOIKIV.

794 & 796 BROAD St.




SUssex Street, Dover, N. J,

HAVIHO rcmodobil and rcflttoil my etonam Hov ablu to moat tha want. i>t r

cu.tomora with lictlcr accommadaliona amilarger atuek of goods tUau evor before.


SILVER PLATED WAREof nun dCBlgng—unmriiaEBGd In this Bectiou


FIIsTE "WORK.All kinds of repairing carorullj and prauijitiy

dona; reeling under obligations to ttio publlofor pnst f&von, Ibopo by good work and tnidealing to merit & conttnunnco of tho mmo.

11-tf • WM. HARRIS.



Monuments, 'Tombstones, &c.


THE undui-ftlKiiuil bcc§ kavu lo jmmmiico tutlio public Iliot lio is iioiv prepared Iu man-

"fucturo nod lvill Uopp coiiBlniitly en liaiid ilirit«st dofllfiiia of


T O M B S T O N E S , M A N T L K S , & c .

Cemctory plots cnclosctl of Qranltn nnd Jlir-blo Posta. Every-jr)b wnrraiitcd to givo coni-ilotc sntlafuction. PtlcoH moderate,



10-Iy • OIIESTEH, N. J .


Cor. Blacklvcll & Sussex Sts.,


A general roilucliun ID prices or


SOLID GOLD KINGS,Plum, Et.jjraTod, Enamoloil snd Sngiue-tnrnod.



and EYE a LASSES ofaU de-iriplions. Gold, Silver, Hlocl, Itubbur andaoll. THEPAIIiCHILD OOLD TEN', nDinr-igaril for Haoncy and gonoral eiccllloncc,I cm also lidding to my stock now styles in

irllclcB nf solid nilrcr nml plitod traro, suitableing presents, FORKS, SPOONS, mil

irliclnn Tar tabla into at grcitly roGpcod prlroi.

HAIR JEWELRY.DcBlgiiH of oToryiloacriptionponfninod iu lead-ig pattern books, can bo ihu&o to order.EsDcctnl atloutlon given to Ilia

ELGIN -WAT0H MOVEMENT,ntlcd tlio Arory Watch. AIBO agent For tboiOWAHD, WALTIIAH, BPIimOFIELD mill0IIEIQN WATOn.

DpilrlDff & specialty and wirmntod.ENGEAYINa NEATLY DONE. ,

I* <> E T 1 C,

A!|)li[]ln'l(ir the <;reul Sciitulal.

menni ACCI-NEH, Aixcuzu, ami mrnyUf nblo idvhtira each utbor tu lluy,Bltmla Du.i.t.voHi^TE, Hkva^c and unanindulged in by. Tracy aud motbcr-lu-lp

in tbo CoKTiiuixT Tlicndiiro avuwttWas licnjKid on bis lirad by liia paator ui

in tbo Dt.tiKo.uoou wburo Catb'rino CmHaw (no sbo allcfjOB) a nhockiuir—very,means KLIZADETH, at ran goat of women ;Bho caiita and rocBtih tllUho Hula our IK-OI

anitnuilu'.iu riutUTV, bumoly in feiturc,With true iriMy pluck utniidiiig finn by In

Jli' tbo QKNIUS tbat tuwrru afar;Alas, tlint a fitaiu ita effuifioaco (bould mm

i miaiiB tbo UowuNaonMoulton outpouroi^Vlicu bo ruturned to upciilt iu tho hoi

tbo Lord.

Klizaliflh luiljtcd liim—the "tvLlto-noulud1

yoUDfcresturulia Ibo JL'IKIKENT-DAV. alurp ou traungrt

"IJkoielico of it" teuincda biro liint

is & Idas, paroxyiimal and warm,Wlilcli IOIIIUH of tlio flotk may rucjlvu «ilh

lianc,fn Lviso, uiiumi'iiiB nnd luiid,Ou ouo Bido ur 1'utlmr, Rent forth iu a cloud-ii tho MARIILKIIIU "poor cliild" roHcmblcdWboli, with >'»-blto folded banile," BIIO IU

eilunt aud taoiublud.ia tlio NAUBKA tbu story arouoea—"A pluRutj," cries tbu public, "o ' botb (

'u for OiiTUBENEaa lo aunsu of decorumDisplayed in tbe court, in tbo city, I ho A

rum.wui tho I'ISTOI. vrltU ivblcb "lliobcst friend'JIKKDU tlm acquuintaDcu, uow bruuglit to B

ond.ti tlio QUEKUNEHB porTadluff tbe enso jQuacr bus baud, ijnocr wife, and (|ucar itnJ

er ingraco.Btnnilu fi>r, tlio poor boy who ivl

ratberBud It hard to ducldo upou nbo fa Ills to

ilior.In Ibo BciiooniiHL w bo rcud Iu tliu poet;Hlie wan good flvo and twenty, but buv

Bliouia ho l now it?lx llioTiiAKcs irbicli tho husband dueljl'ojBCaBed her for months, to ibo Binned un-

Hieaiisbls lot lore, now fondly UioniocajNow carping or cant fun; now sharply con

florioua.'a thii VOLUAKO diHulmrging black mudOil tho Plymouth I'omnoil, o'cnvholmod I

tbeJlood. *' .Hands for tho urlliodui Worn,]),'

Glnd to ico tbo ltoroiuipr froui cnilDtucharlcd.

EQiuids liko XrLuitiMi-alas, it vaa found\V!i(-n nt lust IIK explained, It was notblng

but sound Ila tbo YAWHLNO, contagloiiii and loud,Wlillu Tmoy urntud, irhlcU golzud on tb tlio ZERO of credit aud famoTo irhleli one nmiit nink-ivo uhall tioon Luo<

bis nanio.


A IKi r WEST.EDIXOD XitoK ERA :—Greuley, %vboso

uamn stands flrat iu the ranks of phil-osophers and pliilantbopista of tlio nine-toeutli century, would liave immortalizedhimself had lio novor uttered other wordstUan tbeao "Young man, go West," buwithout tho kopo of immortalizntton Ihereby extend aa iimtatiori to yourpatrons to make a abort tour to tho Wesover the ERA end the Venn. Central It. B.

Our tickets arc purchased just as thoGIIJO A. M. train rolls majestically tip totho plntform. Wo climb heroically intotho uack car. aud tiiumjihtmtlv uutlluourselves nud bundles, w|iilo tho ironboi-fio snorts nod pnffa, impatient ofdclny, ofid nmidat tljobrightBUnahiuo,and the toot toot of the mettlesome stocd,we are borne away from our friends and

bnggngo. Hera ion dilommn. Onedoes not like to travel, in .pieces. Thoexpedient of having it expressed to i(sdesfication is doniod us. Vexod at ournegligence, yet anxious for the welfareof our worldly, goods wo Borionsly con-tomplnto a retni'n to' tho scone of ourforgetfulneBs, takiug n naw departure.•We havo but ono otbor refuge—thatRccommodntintr man-lho Conductor. Hocompi,aiitl witb tho foilorn hopo that liemav have u ltnnacon for nil eiich ilia, ivetell him of the dark cloud whioh at thisearly, stage of our journey has darkenedtho horizon of our bnppiiiess. . Nor nrowe disappointed,- promptly at tho firststation ho telegraphs bnok, and at Hack-ettstown yre . receive, the gratifyiujintelligence that a reunion will bo efTooteiat Washington, Thero all onr hopes amoontorod for tho time, aud it ii not vith-out sorno farthor trouble that matters arB.thoroughly righted. All honor to theunknown conductor. Job was not theonly patient mua who ever existed.Frieuds, go "West. if you irill. start onthe 9:60 A. M. train if you can, butchock your bnggoge.

Tho presout system of Union depotsexisting iu many'of our large cities audrailway centres, contributes greatly totho comfort of the traveler, and thore-cheching of baggage is only a liltlodiversion, relieving the monotony ofwaiting.' The Delaware at Easton shows only byits swollen and discolored surface thofury and threatcnings it had indulged inonly n Ion hours eiuoc, but one needs novery vivid powers, of imagination tufancy .that the" scattered blocks of icuthat float quiotlj on tho surface, but forDivine interference, might have for itsompanion voyager, some luckless life-

less form ol humanity;After leaving Eastern wo quickly thread

3ur way for some distance along tho lowbimlta of tho Lehigb, whose calmnessicoms but assumed us wo' romeinber tholestruction and death it has dealt out in:he past to many of its votaries.

The early spring time is very unfav-orable for traveling, canecinlly for thosowho wish to combine plcasuro with bus*iness. Nature ia robbed of everythingthat tends to beautify. .Winter dethronedaud despondent, poises reluctantly outfrom tho laUi scene of his glory, trailingliia pure white garments in the dingy>rown mud that uphoro in the Spring,ind wo sigh over bis inglorious do]iar-:nro, even whilo we hail his successor-ith ooolamations of joy.

At Beading we are quite pleased with.10 covered walks' and bridges around

tho depot, wboie firahiteoture carries onaback in imagination to tho picture ofChinese'Pagodas, aa represented in somejuvenile textbook, and dispch tbe un-favorable opinion wo may have formedwhilu jjassiug through, the suburbs of thoity. Judging from the dimensions houses, building lots must ba at alne premium, so tuoy built! mostly[Havenward/From Enaton to Harriuburg tho Emrfnco

af tha country is undulating, tvud mustontaiu BOIUO tine farms, and ona caunotclp noticing tho many fine barns that

look vnsily pnhct) like bo ido tlio poorlitllo fnmi houses, both of which, how-tver, nro built down iu little hollows,vhilo miniuturo Kiagaiiisof mud uournolu'ough the yards, forming lagoons nearho centre, which even a duck would;corn. In nomo Ratios not two roda dis-jint from their present location u finemilding alto, just olovntcd enough toihod water, but scarcely sufficient to •netin Iho capacity of wind-break, has beenrejected. Tlioro they atand, many ofhem gniltleso of Ire a or shrub, moou-acnta of dirty discomfort mnu mouthsif the year.After leaving Harrisbum wo pai>s

,Lrongb a region of country duTcring butiligutlr from tho preceding, until woicar tno monntains, where its mgged-

Bovi'ml lirm'rtliut iUrajiitl, umiUl.v \vutubear JiKtu rii*einblunou lo tho " IJIIJuuiulu" of (lie jmtil, Wo itra oil tin"Fus t Line"iiud iiuikiiifrtfood liuio, Imiilio tlittiiiu^Hof nifjlit is ujjon us buforewo reneh Iho Alk'gliftiiioH, » fiiot whiolwe dopiilj* rogrct, the mure when ivit«iU:ut I hat pulo Lniiii IPIIHDS "UB hijircaenco. 'J.'lio «coiiery on tlio inouu-Uiian is miid to Im very griintl, that olHorse-Slmo Jicud being ona of tha fli

it, nnd though u. aight of its wjndarfiginnJeur, lxitli ns regards Hie yondoruf iiutuio, nml thu triumph of mi ml OVGmatter, in douk-tl UB, it is uot all lost tcus. Bounding a curve wo tea a lightdirectly acroEA from ua, which wo after-wards found to bo nt tho oppositeoxtrctuily o! tbo bend. Above ua antho durk gray nioimtciu tops reachinguuto the hcarenn, while beneath UB is cdntkneefi as jirofouud ua though uo rajof light had ever poiiotrated its depths.Thin ditrknfcS3 Inkes a doflnito form, andwe kuuvr we pro in the Horao-Shoe Bend.Ahmit inltlwny wo passed u locomotivo,no doubt on its return from helping somiothor train up tho liouvy mountain grndo,

Uraving the winds nhicli nra noitboiirarni or gontlo, uo ojinn onr v-imlows,grnap onr Imta in ono hand, draw omnrsps tuoio closely with tho other, nnd

" ft n revolution. At tlio proper time,istinjjour headH forth into the night,

wo sea tho tlireuoDgiuos thnt nro pullingun, ueemiug like nnto tbreo fiery drapousliterally cuting and breathing f"r'l» « "shoilding tlioir light buck upon us, Ilngicoluinuaof smoUo nnsowilh ench pnfTi)tlio liihoiiup jnonaloi-R, which uccianu thfla]tpinj? of tho ilruganx' wings. ThintPDEo OnrtucM bolow adds to tbweirdnoHS, mid in th« fnsuinotion of tin

io ouo forgnts how completely 111life of tho tmvoler in bouud up in thisnoblest of nil moilcru inToutioua. Oimfalsa movo, ona lniBplncod rail, one fntnlplunge, ono moment of tiuio, aoil tlio

* 'oltB nml groftEB of tlio dying mayud from tha dark gulf bolow—fricudu,

worldly pleasures and ambitions behimthorn ; before tliem—eternity, Doesth

jdiama as ha drives homa tho rivet,Ma thu iron b inds or perfects this

powerful muchino BO wouderfuliy lnm.auliko. realize thnt he holds tha livca ohtuidivdi in his hnnda ? " Only a IHtlHaw," but it mny bo IiejiTcu or hall t<some! outi,

hihi wo lmvn rtigve«;ed wolinvupasuoilCrcufloi), ii Biimmor rcaort, eituatod ontop of the juouotniua. The cold nil' tellsus of our proximity to tho Inkca, nmclosing our windows wo roaolvo to innkioursolrcs as oomfortablo as possible ; foat Pittsburgh wo nro to lomo tho FustLino, nml wo ltnow not what ia befc

<, only that we have to wait.Finally tha Iiiat station in jmssed a™

Uio long furious whistle arouses us fromour half stupor, nnd nt 2 A. M. we nrewhirled into tho dopofc nt Pittsburgh—thu city of smoke. Walled in nnd cauo-piod by umolio I For six mortal hourswu breathe,- ent, drink, aud b&tho insmoke, tho inonutony relioved only byHID nniiKQoua gnsspfi nt tho dopot whichvia with onah other iu tboir"ricious com-pounds, and penetrative powors. Atabout 6 A. "M. wo deport tho city. Tuonun endravors to cbocr UR, bat hia sicklyemilo only mnkca [he dingiest of citiesdingier. This mantle of. emoko drapestho country for milus nround ilio city.Throiiph nil tliis region of country tbuyUHU mostly n soft coal tlmt burns muchtho sftiuo as wood, sending, forth densovolumus of Binoko highly OCIIOUH to aoisitivo porHoufl,

Whoi-o wo loft tlio lino of aaow wo aremblo to say, but probably Boon nfler

dosoendiug tha tuountailis ; oartain it id,thnt darliuesa closed round UB in a landunowbound, which daylight retel ls notto us ngaiu. Hero tho rivers, satiailcdwith tbrir labor of Inundation, luvvo nub-Eided, leaving only n. few calces of iea toinark tho BCODO of their Into riot, unlessit be n cliargo to*"prollt auil loan" amongtlio accounts of somo of tho R. II, com-panies. Tbo wagon roads weuld beirctt.v good were it not for tha rains.

The woods abound in early sjirlng flow-ers, nnd tho last buckets lmvo beenpitboicd fiom the sugar camps, whichorm a p a r t of nearly ovcry farca hero,iho products of which are exchanged with!lio incriihnntfl ' ' pound for pouud" forivliilo sugar.

Amidst nil this sweetness, fellow truv-dor, I filinll leavo you to "sugar-off,"

April 9th, 1875. ISAW.

llmv Via Did it uti ScoU'it l tur.'•Talkin' about vigilnnles, boje, jestliinro round, an ' I ' l l toll ynu how wod it on Soott's Bar npee." Wo wore

lamped up in tho Siskijou B a n g 0 — ajrospectiirg party—grouped in tho vari-ous uosy nttitndos ot catnp-lifo round a'loriotjs piteh-pino ftro that sent its rud-y glenms deep among tho shadows of

tho dousa fir timbar around nnd over-head, iiml tho conversation Imd turned,as uaiml, on tlio caily days of California.As Ualiforuinus, wo have a peculiar fond-nnss for this kind cf rotronpeot. I tdocs us good to recall the flush Viratawilh their rich jjtrikea, cvoii if the gold-en hnrvuat did slip through our fingers.Wo liko to tell how the boys wiug-dam-tned tho rivor—just round Uio bend,you Icnow—aud took, out a wftsli-paulevel full the flrat weak; how SandBrown mmk nt tlio mouth of the gulcLuntil iho water drovohim out, nnd anemigrant cama along, wautBix inchesiicepor, nnd etruck it rich ; how Noil"ones got "broke-" nt a inonto-bank, got

kind of dc-Bpernto, aud picked u» n ropo'with a borne nt tho end of it—how thobuys followed him aud took; him over toKanaka Gulch, where Nod, poor fellow Insked them to seud word to his mother

lat tho "Injuns" had got him. andIiud protesting ngaiust tbo injustice oFlircuwstnntial evuluuca ; how "Twenty-me Joo" aliot ft mnu iiuross his tablo,

down nt. Bpnnisli Flat, nnd doait thegame nil night with thi) tiurpso lying oa

beiich in the samo room ; how au emi-grant, hnuting hia horses ouo uioruiug,mind thn'fnmoiB Gold Hill ledgo, midold out for a big "honiQ &tako" withinwonty-foiirhoui-s; nud'abant Jako Smith,dm rcae'jod -Frisco, ou his way boiap,nd Kiw u cliani'o to double his "pile"t a furo-banl:, but went back toAuior-i>iui Fork. dci'Iarintr iliat "hick always.-asnfiiit him." Tlieso and n thousand[iudrotl ruminisaenccs that made up tlioxciting record of jiioueor life, scorning»w liko n dream, nro told and rotoldith infinite relish, enrrviug IIK back tolories so full, of liberty, so strangely

Tho was Tom Gray, ona ofhost) oauy-goiug fellows on whom baduck Bcoins to havo u perpatual mort-ige—always on t a t elbows, always Itugh-g in the face of misfortnno, always

iiinting up n pokor came, forever got-ing up "brolio." Even Tom's trousersiceinod su desirous of parting companyvitli their nnfortunnto owner, otcruallylidiug off him, thnt his whole lifo vnsii incessant strupglo to retiiu hia scan-7 wardrobe. Wo liked him, however,

dto was trustworthy, full of experionco,tud fnrailiur with tho history of every[ulch along tlio faco of tha Sierra. Hulould always command au audience.

"Lot mo BOO," ho said, knocking thoishes out of bis pipe,, "wo struck Scott'i)zv in 'Cl. Thorn un i tho diggins,ioya ; chunks big aa fliit-irons—1D(JI nfitn 1 Vfhy I'vo seeu an onnao paid for, caudlo tu play n, Httlo by—ncos worth ns litgh as six oun-

ces, nu1 cf a feller got two pnir it gen'-nlly cleaned him. But," bo resumed,after n thoughtful pause, piobnbly spentn contemplation ot the good old ilayavhen poker bbkua wore more plentifulban now, " tha t nin't tbo story, an* oEyou'll listen to mo, I'll tell you bow woxed n chap ouca that wasn't on thosiftl square." Iu ' b'J, llicro comes an emigrant to

.o Bar—a young lnwyer, by tho namoV Smith, lla hail huug out hia aliingloin tho Statos, but didn' t linvo any luck,in' como to Cnlifornia to mako araiao,cat liko tlio rest of us. He was an inno-:ent sort a' feller, &n Sam Patterson nn1

[ ohowed him a ploco whoro tiiu ood-

rock iiilchcil, au' lit! star!c;l in mi' <Viilrat-iatc. Every body liked Hmilli; hwo3 nlwavH Kiiigiu' in his claim. Kf y>\met Liui'twonty liiurti it day, he itlv.-.".vLatin pleiiEiint word. He didn' t ilri.iinor gamble ; bo saiJ thero WJIB H littiiwife im' baby back in Illiiioit. that iiftried hininoiipy worso than tbo fjmnbhTSmith cubiiitul with n Frenchman by tlinanio of Dr. JJaiil—we culled hit' Fronchy ' —but lia wasn't vury thickwith him, nn' nlwnja cariiod hiu RBck intha packet uf hiu coat to hia claim.One day Lo forgot it. Frcnchy caiacwalkin* down to where ho was rockiu',an' told him his coat was up in tho cab-in, ho was goin' down tho rivar, on' holiad iMttertako care of it. Bmith wnascared, but ho found his r.nck apparent-ly all right. Every Saturday night heweighed hifl pile, an' tha next titns hoput it in the scales it was short aboutnil ounces; but ho might bavemado nmistake in the figures, an1 didn't *aymuch tbout it.

'Froncby soon wont over to Humbug,nu' loft Smith alone in tho cabin. Alongin tho Fall, Smith's pile had swellou .to nbout 81, 500, an'lio Used to loarc.Ono niglit, Sam nu' I was up to sou liiui,OQ'didn't lie feel good? Howasgoin'in u week, nn' told ua how be was poiu1

to slip in witli bis minm' rig nn, ttsll bispoor littla wife hD wanbroko—jast to^ccuf Eho would atick to him—an' tlmu puurtbo wholo enckful right into her lap.Yfo were biiBy talkin' about tho oldhomo;* in tbo Statua, uu' it might have

about nina o'clock wbou wo bearda littlo rustle, like a mouse might mnko,up on Bmith'fl bunk. Wo didn't tlmiliiiuythingnboufc it for nn hour, on'justas VM loft Smith rcnclicd up for bis coat.It wna light n» a fcathor ; didn't Lava Ihocolor in it. Wo'begun huntin' round,nn' found that a piecu o' chiukin' Imdbeen loosened during the day, im1 thrlitlo nistlo we heard was mncla by tinrobbor'B lmud. \Vo folt sorry for poorSmith. He never Haid ft word, but sotdown au' swollcd up an' choked till thobig tears corns, for the mcetiu' with binlittlo wife WM u long ways off now.Next inorniu' wo raised tho Bar, an' tluboys V'jia torn bio hostile. Thero wasn'ta lickatruclc thaUlny. Wo took a drinknil round, Mien Lcld a incotin', resolvedthat adurncd mean trick had been done,aa' formed ourselves into a vigilnncucommittee — every one of us. Smithsaid Fronuliy wiw tho only man Ui.itknow whero bo kep' liia money; nu'whou ho told nbout niiuin' tha six oim'oca, wo conclndcJ Frcnchy was the marwo wanted. Cy. Herd was mado cousta-blu, au' sont to Humbug. Ho foundPrendiy ]' startin* for Yrakn, an' nsho didu't havo any pnpors, ho thoughtho would go along au' git a regular war-rant from tho old chief o' tlio vigilantes.Ho got tha warraut, an' I always kocp itto show. Since they chnuged tho eouu-ty to Siskivou—it used to be nil Shasta—some folks want to deny tlinttlicroever was A commit too thoro."

Drafting out a grcofly memoraiulurn-book, Tom produced the document,beariuj* tho ninrks of ago and tho uunm-takablo stanip of genuineness, rendingas follows:

KliaHto' I'lnitifl Tu nishl'pVIGEUNT CUM VB IJB liliuTo any COUBUIIIO nt BliiHto Plains Towuxliii)

:ltU &<\y complaint ltnvlng LnM \w(oto mo Vif,'-

Dr lliiiii nf tlio sain« therefore .._..' a Bait) Dr IUU1 ami bring him licfora the pco-ii nnd to lio dull willi nonnlinij to thotr Jut'cut A. llolcd"VntKi 183 dhalroiBU of commllco1

Evidautly proud of his distinction ...cliairman, A. Bolos bus signed this un-ique document three titnas—twice ontho back, once to give it an air of legalformality, again to dirccl AbraunmThompson to "oorro'tUo within Kit",

"Now, boys," remarked Tom, at bofolded tbo relic of tho peoples' courtcarefully awav, "that didn't hnxa manybig words in it, but it meant business.Oj put it into Constable Thompson'sbands, au' they aoratoliaJ their man nu'started for UIB bar. When they gotthoro with htm, Frenohy was on thobluff, an' allowed ho would mako saino-body pay for that daj's work. Broughtboforo the jury—twelve o' tbo beat manin that camp—be weakened a littlo, butswore JiQ^was innocent, aa' called liteHoly Virgin—wLicli veaa tolerablo strongfor a Prenolimau— to witness that ho hadnot boen ou tba Bar for two weeks.No ono bad noon him on tho Bar withintliut time. Cy Herd found out nt Hnm-bug that Frenchywai thero at sundownthe night o1 tlio robhery, an' nt worksoon after daylight tho next • lnornin',Tho only evidence wo* Bmitb's opinion ;ho stuck to it that of Freney tlidn't liavohis money bo didn't wnnt a cent, butthat wasn't hardly enough to bang nman on. Some o1 tho boya wanted tohang Vrencliy on general principles, butthat wouldn't pan ; thoro was uoino goodsqtiaro men on tho jury, nu1 you bet hogut a fair trial,

"Smith told all ho know. Cy swuru_ tbe Lima Fronchy was at Humbug,

au' TVU couldn't flod a track anywherethat fitted his boots. Tho jury wont outunder a big oak all alono, talked it over,an' took one Toto; about half was forFrench/, tbo bolauoe won tod to hangbim anyliow. Ono o1 tba jnrora wasold Beek—& kind o, nntm-al lawyer, ouoi' tlio worst men in an argument you;vor saw. He know lots, nn' .piokod upots moro ns ho vent along—just likeluiokflilvur, awful sli])pery—an' wouldgather up ull tho (jold in your conversa-tion into a storo lor future use. Beckwould d t n feller into aa Argument,jest na like SJ not take tlio wrong sido,git tbo ran o' your poiuta, flop round,mako you take his eido, an' tlien 'flum-mux' you as ho called it. He wit3 a[ind o' easy-goiu1, soft-hearted man,m1 for lattiu' Frtnohy slido. 'It wouldn'ticier do,' be said, 'to lmug a man ouuxpioion ; I don't vrnnt no ghost jab-lenn'Fronch round my cabin.' Bcek

iTcd Franolij's nook. He niado upis mind that bo was inucont. an' hu

riddled tho evidence just liko lie'tl beenn ii regular court. Thero wits Kniiio>ig puiute in Fronohy'fl favur: Iliimlmgmn a good ten milo.i from tho liar, thoiifiht of tha rohbory tbe darkest youjrer saw, tho trail' over tho mountain;erriblo rough. It floomod impos-iiblo toiinko Iho trip in tbo night; an' Boekpout an hour tryio' to provo that a muu

couldu'tbein two places at ona time,swofirin' lioVl Btftn-o noforo bo'tl commitmurder. Finally, Smith stopped up,-'Boys,' says he, 'let mo Ukf) Eronchj*Mit and talk to bim ; of lie dont givoino;hnt money in half an hour, I'll think beliu'fc tho man.' They wont out togeth-er. Suith talked easy nn' soft to himit first. Ho told him abou bis wife tan1

ittio out tint was waitin' for him; howt was vary cant lio had in tho world;

->w ho hud toilad for it, piuclied bimnolfsavo it, as* of lio ffftTo it up bo would

orgivo nn'novsr expos* him. I t wnsio uso, Pronoby itill declared his in-locence ; whan, all of n suddoo. Smithumpod to hii feet, drnwod his sii-shoot-•r, an', in a voice BO earnest an' death-ika that tha prisonor'a Hps began to[uivor nn' turn white, bo say«, 'French},: know you lmvo got my inonoy, an' of,

by tbo time the sun goes over tbnt hill,yon don't tellmo 'whero it is, I'll kill you.'Ho bod him covered, an' I always be-lieve ho would hare shot him liko nmake—there was such a queer, devilishook about hia CTOH tlmt it mado my[csh crawl; but, ID a few minutes, tlioruvas a loud yell, au' Cy uaid the jury hailigreed. So they bad; they had com-iromised, an1 ngroed to givo Frcnchy aittle Bwing— just leave his tip-toes oi.ho Rround—then another, on' if tlmt

didn't choko tlio moaoy out of bim, howas tho wror" insn. Then they comein a body, lookia' mighty aorious, ouo o*them briugiu' a ropo, 'with a rt'gninrhangman's noose at tho ond of it. Tlio'oromnn reftil tbo vordict, 'Guilty ; to b ;jangail beforo sundown.'

"Poor Franoby looked at tlio rope,then at tho jury ; ovury faoo •waa ns coldas a stone. Ho pflTOR wild kind of uwiabful look up tho mountain, but hislogs woro hobbled, an'ha weakened right



in-nicy.' H:iro u:iuu^li,rv fli:l. Tliuiiiii;,<in ,iii' Siaitli wentlown tin- l-iv.T witii liim a mile, iu whi;roIi.' tiv.-I i-iiu iimlfr ,;i bnjkcii bliilV.Vm.'jh.y rcin-'fil up :n higli ua he IMHIII,•iitltvl tli» liiv sick <mt of u cravicp, un'iin'lf;,! it to V.,-< ov.-mu' v.ithont n ivonl.iHitli, in !J;I: j . v, w.tut'"l to K-t Frnnchy

_ilc, tho'jiiiy got'lUffr Iiuais tog^tlior.Jruut MIMOV; w.wn't ..1.1 JJa-jl: in-ul.i'oyB,' lit; Pa;.';, 'a mitn that e.iu foot ran'ii liusnau niUiira liiat v/av, is an awfulaiiKtiroua Tin. mnjeatfr nt (lieiwis b'.istc.l widii open. Frenchv'u (fota havo a liltl« lust-, I', :,hnv him A m a -;aii9 won't KUud no foo.iahuesi.' That 'shvsysthu wuy," !iniil Tom, ipiirt-y; "doman a pu:fi!ivo injm-y, in:i U> OIII; he'll

jrgot i t ; buL jest inipj-it; im hia jndg-icnt, an' lio'II never for^ivu von. The-iry wni ell a;.:raft.'l ou proposition,i'hov pa-sseil ii ritriiifj ii' riisulutifiiis—evt>«nrtlimg vas diitio t lu twa .y : First, tlmtFrcnchy gil twouty-niutt laihe.i DUII ' I Ijare back ; nt'cfmil, that Smitli wan tu ;.oho whippin ' ; thir.l, th:it tlio prisonerihottld I.W\'O SliB'jt.1 l'l:iius within live.ionra ; fitiirili, that ceituiu monov fo'iudm him i.hoiiitl _go tti i ny nil jiist du-

r«re jciid.' FroucliY wil'i ntub!);>rn u» anulc, but- lr.' ivn.3 lakeu to a big bine!;-•iik, in ' rout ef UiiJarlni's store, an' hn.nm tied lauud ii pretty high up, hisaot vu.t'.'.ii* on the ground. Olio i>'lie 1I:I;.M \vii-. fmin Miasoiiri, vciisru Hinttiud o' thin;; win comuiou, HO hu fixedip n pioua i/ riiv.-hiile lariat, nbout throaaction^, nn' handod it tu Suitl i . Hovftsn'tou it, «!.' liu^iiu tu li:.'Kfin'l'ronehyio made Iho iiiuust kind of a littleipcecli. ' I c ia ' t vrliiji it rmii,' lie stiya,'escapt in a fair ii^lit. Frenchy's donotho fiquni'L1 tliiuj; with in.*, nn1 1 forgiro

im. I hrul mado up iny mind to killim, but n;iiv I fuol u:i (fooii, I can't

ouch him. I'll U\j:.t liiis crowd, an1

pay you all for .your dny's work, butdunttwfk Hiol-.d.. thnl.1 Homo n ' t h o

rciwd bcfjuit to (,'mwl, Ijutnu old griz-ly liiukin'. in.iii spuku up, an' snyH :Dint's r i gh t ; it ain't Bmith'a btisiaesa toa that job ; IID'H only au immigrant, an'

.i nin't fair l-m*!;,. limn to do anythingthat goes jt»iii Oimsi'icnco ; 'let tho"Dstubli; do it, nu' it will honecordin'

law.' Another rasjlntiun was passed,an' Aba Thftiiinion otcp|isd out, eayin''that he didn't fancy the job much, butwhen it man van nu offlcor Lo ought to

o his duly, im' hu wouldn't nniryllinoh'onihiii.1 Old lieck counted—ono, two,ircL—up to nbout fifteen. Thompsou

••idu't lay on very heavy, fi>Gliu' kind o*sorrj for the pnor devil. Fteiicliy wnsRftine, never fliuclicd ; but ubout thnfifteenth lick, lio mado IL motion an'.vented to spank, for his Hpa begun tofroth, an' tha devil was riaia' in him.He looi'ed nt Thompson—hia oyo gli3-toncd jest lilto IL wild-cat*B : 'Sucrebleu /' siiya lio—nil', dnrii him, how ithissed thron(;lntd his white tcoth—'I killron, s u r e ' You just bet your life,jYeiioliy bluilad the wrong man. 'You;ill win?' riiyo Abe. Th«ia he lullud upiis uiccvca nu* took n new hold, an1 hovent for him. Ijavil, how tliut piece o*arint did whia through tho air. Wbowllidn't the fur fly. I t ivusn't no foolish-aasa now. llu ntrnck high up—thatwastho orders ; tbo big welti mined, on' tho

u k begun In peel off. Twenty-iiiut;,lirty. 'Iluld on, ' cays Book ; 'one tooany.' 'Not inucli.' uaya Abo ; ' I ' ve

done your dirty work, gentleman, as nmutter of duly, nud no\y I'vo got iiHttlo enterprise o' my own. Kill mo !

BDonkla* thief! "I'll ma if I oau'i.,ini> tho dovil out o' you.' I countedlow—oilc, twn, tliroo, four. Frchchyptftvo a pitiful kind o' moan. 'Hold on,Thompson,' siys ite, ' I never botheryou, uwver; ilwn't kill mo.' Wo tool;iim down, mi' ho wi\q a. butl sight. Thnlist ten lie-Its broke tho skin, fin' brought

blood every liuiu. Ho was wciilr, nn*:ouliu' t look up ; but Abo took him inits arms back it' tlio utore, un' bathed

him, nn1 put mnttnng HuiniL'iit on hiswounds—put(1 two flnllnrBout of his ownpocket for it, just1 liko Iie'd "been liiairolhcr. Tlmt tats u tuufty.dnv'u wnrli,

boys, but tiicvu wii9 n liltlo bright epotin it, likn lliidin' a chunk o' gold insideof a pfrauito bowlder.

"Tho jury bole a drink nil rouud, but 'they hadn't got over their mad. First,they weighed ais ounces out o' Frcnohy'sBiick to make up Smith's loss. Thou,six more lo pny Cy Herd for u miggotlio lost sleapin' in tho samo room withfrcnchy. Then constablc'n fees, an'finally thoru wisn't enough dust loft tolay tho lost claim. 'JToiv, boys,' enyuild Beck, ' I Ihink justicn ought to bn

eatisfiutl. Lot'.'i mnko up n shnkc-jiursoan ' givo tho poor dovil n fair start. ' Woshook iu three ounce.*, nn' told him i ngit nud never bo scon in them diggrnaagain. An' ho wasn't."

"Well ," inquired ono ot tlio aiulicnfo,"did it ouro 1-Vcneliy V" ( lNo," loplicdTom, "an ' I iloii't bolieva imuiehmcntevery cured anyone—only eenros others ;tho durnod .ikut.k rrent right over toLitt le Shnstn, ttolc a mule, got up anddusted for Jiicksouville, an' M'HS after-ward run out o' thoro for HOIUJ deviltry.Tell you wl*ntit did do, t:io!>j;i|," con-tiuued tho spo.iUcr, giving theih-ca Melcthnt nent the sparks whirling up in ufiery column through tha uotuurQ foli-

, " I t gavo tho Briv ii rougli name,ui llicro Mnsn'fc another rohbory therois long ruj I L'auvcmenibor. I don'tnever want to soo another man whipped,jut, after nil, the vigilaitos kept thingsitraight, au' jest loolt at tlio difieircncoaow. If a fcllor stealw yom* iwok nn'aya Hbcnil, ho cau glL a ku-ycr touuch u hola in ilio Inw big enough todo n innle thmugh, im' gf Prcnciiy hud

leen baforo a regular court tho verdictvonld havo been, innocent mi a Ininb—id Smith onto" luck."Tho cmnp-firo had burnoil low, nnd

c crawled into onr blnnkots.' Tom'sloniely conclusion forewl an enrncat in-luiry ns to tho comparative cfllciency of

-•1-7u Jo^ul pcienco nud tlin nimpk'r.oiuLid barn of pioneer iiecsusitv nndnfoired by (lie ScntL't Lai- minors.


Gill's latls—:»!d bai'helon;.

rin.vod out—a retired actor.

The original greenbacks—Frogs.

Tba i)utio:it waiter—A yutui g iloolor.

Somotbtug nli.nit i-camilH—tlic sliclli.

Tho best ptK-hct comiianion—;i full

Nevoi- Musitly clao's.


Tho most iiini imil of sonic uttiia—Broitchua.

Tho relation oE tho ilooimut to tlioDor-stop—A stL'i.-rnrtlur.

Tho rich widow erios with ouo I'yoamlyoices with tlio other.

"Whatever YOU dislike in arollu'r, take!nro to correct in yonwclf.

Tho beat tehfTraphy—Flnsliin;; n inyif BiuL'ihino into u gloomy honrt.

Quito likuly —Hoinuboily Knyii thailircli-rods ni.'ilii! Uu best baly-jiifiipi'ry.

The cconnniir;;! man IHJIUCJ thr>'. grcsilrenm tlio nuillicr of nvav<, nnd *iwlN

it Mwippi.

A tnilor ERVSIIO UUH never think ;-f oiii!)Uii3 etistfuuew withemt singingi " A•hiivgo (o ]ipap I hav?."

Kvnry to-iuorrow tin:! two luiiidles.—'o can tnko hold of il; bv the han.llo i>[aioty or tho handle of fnitli.

r a r t r t'^s—llioao littlo wliito duilicrajrn liv blonde gQiilleineii v.iio partcir liau* iu tlio middle.

Ilhoile Isliuid briKtlc3 with spclling-iDntehes. Hum,' of tlio dielionmy wordsreach clear ucro.'ia Uio State.

A litllo mnii observed tliivt lio hod twitfgntivc qualities ; bo never Iny long iu

ed, nnd he never wanted n great coat.

Page 2: JOflH JELLIFF & Co - · Offlcc Houra; 7 Ui 0 A.M., 1 l o Dmid t 8 V. U. 18-3Opd SURVEYOR. Surveys, ... MOLLER'S OrERA HOUSE, ... mi'diaHLTH t o Riv us a call

THE IK-OX Ell A. Tl.i- : „!„,.

• . ' . : . ! I1

- ; • ' ! •

Kalimlny, M ay ! s!. I S ">• i'. > falling '

lirlT-LpSv'"^ V . [:

!..!.. ;!., ,•,;..• l..;itl

i .^ j .«i , t . i ; i i tii.-:-»-fur

\ . . «s in a Nut Shell.

, i m v. ,. „ Tli.- i.-.i--it in sucinl circles is tbe oo-; , , . , . , . . L.^icti"*' i.I wu-'f.M^inrut «»f M k i Ua Gredv, daughter

! ' "; """' ' ". '' i v , I,,],!, r " f l l H i rmioti; iirintcr ami fitutesnieii, totin- i-..tit*.'!t t i-v " " . 'CVdiiol XiolHtlus Smith. ColoDelHmith

l l l t , m.tu.iu.'.io c a i rr$u>m "»'(jnaiuau-d w i i i , t igh honon from B u h l*arv to c b o a t c s flues at Cambridge, and is (v1 iu tlio ' pruiiiUiug voung Jawyer.

, i l l ' «iiu»c.iu«;ni-i' "I tLo K i s rt'purlcil tbnt oi:r naval tquadn>n• iiiiulwrs of Watt f timn- in the Gulf <>t Meiico ia lo li« reinforced

1,1 OIIKT iniii wtirks inennwviiiouceoflbB Mexlran u n t i l e s, , , , , , , „„ - , , - , .unst kuoffK tluwe who u » ih* X c M U l l 0 r i I « l s '

r v , - l l i ' ru ehipli-Mji-iit, tlint wlion Uml Jt id reported iii \V<it*iiiptoti Hint tUe!,!'•> .if .•>•! fills"iiiul Hi*-' demand fur it I Ctovrrumuul contentyUtra important ac-' ] ' • • ' • • • •• '-•> it l'^5 l1"1""- wJW8 t o " l l l l l ' i l Hun regarding Cuba,f'i't'' Tli.-vMnisti.U'i Iteawaru Hint tin-1 p. l u i H )¥ntoii will »oou make another,„!.. ,..f ll.-.iir.r..tlniii|l(>tli:tcaaii.leof-| t * t ,,; M tlie Dritiuli Cliawiel hif,v. nml i:..M i-ibc-r f f f

; L ' j ^ v [ h ^ l i ^ 1 bis lifUaviiif; dress. H« will rrou from

ti»"'fLn"m t uin-eLsomil'U' fur tlifir pro-J The ceremony of imposing the ber-i.]iiV<T* LJ I'-U tlii'i" !•-> " f i t fin Hume-! ri-it? u]>»u CnrJnial McClo^kej tookl l .n t !-•- tti-iii tlwv li"*1 l l '- ' 'n L't ' ttinjjipln^'ou Tuesilay withRTcat i tomimtSt .

ilh- ii iJ nf l874, nor dn woj l'jiliick'a Cathedral in Jfew "Vork.

e nfnul of Stato Treasurer Maokey,fi sicriHces ure do-1

nflr:n,.|, I H L - . 1 1..V

i o r . - l l u i i ! i r t i ^ 0 v.liist; ciiJaiiii-'t.i ii revival of lr:i<Io in th

more eiisc-atialEastern nml

i i 'iiom> < Tb

tlivsire :i

ihlenlly ln.pi> tb:it tlic | miucr ii

ive tin- v--"l'l'* lllL1 m I ' ! ! " 1 L ' C * :

I!'-' iiiinJipIu of IK ' "ins '••'r

-. i:i f.ivlilv,

..f I

.1 fndi•h N

nit tlmliims 1

the> lo

Ins, aud tboy Imvei hardship uu tbegtr to pay him war. The miner mayr of tliu comliiued>rl high prices for

mliffiited, butlii'e tact. At many points

ii e-Kil unws iu ciutact with, nml if tho juice of tho Utteri ltif;li puint.tlio soft coal will be

Tu sumo extent

"'• -thoJjHi tw•1- ;liitiiniiuotii

v bwiiextent t c l i W E O, tho Btntisties of

llirro reui-s sliowingtitle to lava a umc-h

' liialtiiior BTimth than (lie mitbrncitc.;,.,1

: JJnt Unit which ijisprives tlie miners of

uiiiteu to etmiui liia books en use a greatoicitomoilt iu I'liiladophia. It is tboupbttliut Mr. Mai-liev's notion will injure in tbe approaching State

Tli a flro i: IlL'rainn, >\ Y-, Ou'Tuos-:l tlie basinets portion of:IR n lose of ovor 91O9,-

ic Unite j

tho torn(JOO.

The Prince ot Wales was onJnsUileJ as Grand Master of tli<Grsud LnJgo of Maxim of Eoglnod,

The Pniuian Gurernmont has instilti-tod lcgnl proecedings fnr tlm remoral oftho Prince llishojj of Bceslat] for ' 'tioti of tho ccclusiflitical lows,

Tbo carpet inamifactiiren throughoutGroat Uritniu Luve decided not tu 1

tboir prnducU tu tho Pliilndolpljia 1_bitiun hcoauGt) of tlie" cxistonco of tbeprohibitory tariff.

Tbe l'rcsklcut has appointed JudgeEilwnril3 Pien-epont AtlorneY-Genirol.vice Williams resigned.

The river at Oiaahn, Neb., in biglic:


CLOTHINGi i |e «,f S»r. Uuof cb*rge, or tu intorially >n<l



fiTe but tnnpor»rj. Ouri'lijivt iu pnngtwuj .(•mpU bot t lo i i to pi»c ymi in up|Hjrlliuity In jle«tIt fre* ofcliu-ee tbmt;»u I.IIJ t>ot'.mi;_ci!.l j

d bf Hubert K ..v, UiiiT, X. J. '

SEVEEE COLD :OIiSfff1JMrK'^£l"K.^!bvrap. It ii purely Vt'^L'^tjlc auil i*uutH*f tlje jLoFt rciiifdi M kuowii fur L\tti^(;iit C'tJilH, llrun* jthat ujav kail tML*»[iMim;>t'U'j. D.'i,« ofo vetj jtii-aiiug "iistiiu>( it raiiif-'t f*,] i,, Li <,r Bruit •

clii"l nil" **rc*«ft;«Vi Irmiwuy'tiiiio. Haln. !i .U-WlUi"«to U- liad Kltt:- ni<'('H.\i:i)Kiit ItuU-rl Ki!l|i.*vV«lniK»u.r,lU.i»iT! S I.

lore I'einuiulug uuclaliuedi I'oaf Office, nt Doier, N*, J.

Ajiril 30th,, Webitcr J. Kunil, AnJruwi, liobcn I'. llowL'll, Wittern»n. A. Uttiug, Tlini. W.c, Abncr UcDuuaU, Mirtiu


a Utlor"tndel«othtiA. UREMIA, 1'. U.

HUCKWKLL-.U MoiTiiloMii, X. J., yriiUv,April 30tb, of I'm-uuiuul*. *ftur i short ill-Bbil, Sid AH HARITOIH), WJcluW (if tll« lllH'lhuid li^ckvrdl, di-c'd, >|OJ 7t jura,Tbe frk'ndi uf Die hiuiljr mud uf i'cr uu-lii>

law Bttuui'l B. IliUey u v luvnud to itvoijLl tliein*r»l ficrriwM t t bw In to re.idcticu ou Sou Mit. tin Muodij, May .11, »t 13 u'doak A. M.




ilL'tcrutlutd tuw;t(ue_tl)f ma

i f ( th

emllu Iu DOYEH, »uil iitl

CUSTOM --Tir n-:lm been cirofulh >uWted auil com prince all

grade* ami qnilitl^ ot finest



Y E S T I N O S . »="•••. "'••



liitlitrto IK'OII tlieir mam rcb-miccw-s ')*• t i e perfect untler-

lii'twc-cn tlie various! liitDC-ijwn-purations. Tlie wtrike :ig;iiiict

o:ily the ScUnvlkill;, the W.vominc rc-

UKADYMADK CLOTHINGeoiuptiilta cturrUiltig Iu tho hue or Men1!,Yonlh'l«ua CblSdren'ii VMT, nude up iu Mtylci. Alw»vg i full line of

Gents' Furnishing Goods,



i^ve (!>-li'rmluoi] tli!;lf UU «tH>Orvi*Itillt. I ninU K1VI> II in.11)0 Will H.I' tt. Vt 1

ll.tiT illl-'il.

11BNTri at.lH\i\luf tliu C>r aiitiva |.11 .,, Ui.


• jr.- w

..1 t

Icirililo ,«mll!iRtii:i..iiI h , . Ere broke uiil

iisiV mill, i.:i tin- "••l l J


if tli*; luilroaH L'umjmiiiC!r iiiiil t-acli lucmboriilh with tlio olhcre, the

dvh onliuitrily iuiiiiouce tunicnr other of P, I1D?OU cempeting era-

rira to vJcM to tl]n deinninl.i of aihiuatioii i>f wm-kmen.iw <1id lately

ilkf iruu liiamifatlurors of Pitbiburgli,Imveiio t'sbtencp. Tlio Itoadlng Itait-

uvuinicv-i, tlio jpnliiiiBifls, nor tlio huutili*v \v ,icli used to distract the iudivjdualilreratow <>[ the Sohujlkitlregion behira[be i)ort ol ita lauilr — ' -- ' -— W j - ' - " " ' •

lami or » slugln cor.

lia, anij tlio thine

»Uww«J^tw«d/ U i id l1 i 0 ^r t i n f«w^cuts ff..:» lautt-ilii-Lntf Md J.ipon . h y a lnri) ,1S t I l 0 Jteadln0Clonipan.Tr.tiTiiig iuiulcqmitPtotliH tnsk uf mill-1 • v t't ]l()Vl.CV(,ri from auy Btnngtbmiff the lire, pui»)ov.-.lar WM r--M.rt.-n i j . ^ t ] ] p p u i p i O T ( i p , ,,f the oaal rrHoas., tin* tuTfrnl Hocks i.f bitihliiiL". blown , h f^.m*their strict conf«lera>i. to clK-L-t tlie ]-atb t.f the Uainfs. At i { .^ t ,xl ( l ,1 . i l ! l l c l l £ h o w a thai no oombina-

jtiiiu <if Inliorcrs can nuccaed far miyIrtii'ftli of tinift in knoplng up tlietr vagc»wb«:i Ihu miturnl But of tho tida is JQ thoopposite ilirectioii. I t ia now prettywull known Ut nil people tbnt tbeaj nru

' liuril tiuu'3, nnd worthy (0 rank in that•>K;vy with any tiuiM tho cjuntry tius1 wi'tlsiu thirty years. Aventgi

iMistuscitfiiprcviiit-i, unking it iibs^lililo t-i uliram Iriiatwort!).stij the iituut uf utiil !•*:Bnitioli, wUile n.i ljutll (e|iam i1c*tr»ved ciiin.ui.ii-,mt iiniwttaililf. Ai lea

.. imvc been kilK-.l h? filliuffml nituor Bpi'Hks nf fl


.... of tlio l>c*t bu'iiut.ta lilot-ks unUintiiil.i>r 4>f lino resiilfntH's. Tli» loss isrudrlv pstimatul ul S750,0[10. No ro-liortVoE tlio iiiMiraiico liavf us yi-t IH-BU

1 C S U ,i.,rc.i ,t ib. -..iu..;J?ox Hirer uu Litlie UiiniDb3t'<i, i- nextlo Wilvrailtee Ilio moat imiK.rtaut mul]tiitcrinisingciiy in Wisconsin. I t lms fttioinilation of unite llftccn ttiunsnud amiIH ttitimli'd in tlio mi-s t of a wcJl-jit'opk-clfont]try. I t in the wut oi ilio lambortmdo iif Koitbcm Wisconsin, im in-dimtrj- in vbicli its c»|tital is ulmont ex-I'liisirch* invPiiletl. Some ship-buildingis Ami in it-s vicinity, nnd b^i . Ies tlioXortlmcetcni ltnilrcKiil it lms in Nnnmicrtliivo Blcamlioat linos. Tiic city WHShtigoly wooiii'D-lmilt, nuJ it i futilitiesX t i i l i H f i m-tlioaiy

n rtncccocictlUiccrentioiuit s


men, whlkcil from Vinclniiil t<m We.lneH.lny ewu'mff VMI 1oovcml n mini lyiuy uloutrsi

. . . , ; Jersey Hiiilmul 1ln.-n;t mill face covered withThey mirtflJ tho vroitndad iuqn, bu t iver.unable to get an iiitclliailili! ratf? Itlieir iiiiK3tious. Ho wan put upon 11 tram,but iliwl licfora reudiiug Hit? ili*imt. Ant'lnniinfttion on tho ground refil led "thpf lBd iugofnc lnb with blood macm it. Later in tlio evening » German'IVHH nrrested on BHspieiou, but lit?iifcxd to rscapofrom tholoel:-iip iluriiidtlio night. Tiio town was aroused, nhcnrch instituted, nml tho s u s p i r e d -mm re-arrested nnd lodgtid in tho j;ii]JmlKoton. Tliu inurdcrpd mini wasevidently a German and supposed tti boJosepli Obert , titty j e a n of ORC,Auclmu, Wurtumbiirg. ' Iinnrdcrar gnvo tho nnmcriclnvnrEz. H o hnd in 1»J posfiBsi.HTO (KiiitaiiiiUR ortU'Hs which ure M\\I\min\tn liuvc I;ocu stolitii from bis v i etim. Uo uaa brouebt lo Miltvilie fioiUiidgelon, and Hiibseqiieutly conf ine

tho uihicrB wait for tlio Beading corpor-ation to decide to protect thom from thanvilx of a general fall iu priceswbila theytiiki! all tbo benefits "f itH T11 Jb*iiglaiif]for move tlmn two years there has beena Kunnessiou of just HUCII CODUSU aa theonoimw Kiiiuy on i" Ponnsylvauin, amin uvery iinjHirtnnt luatnopR, no fa.ras U(lmvL' i)l)S!>rv£dt tbo cmploycra hava sneccnlcd in forping a rcduotion, Wo diiiotcnturiuto UID Rrtat question, wlmlfun or filicnild bo done to improve thocondition of the laboring clauses. Thatis uot involved. Certainly tlio peneruleouilltinu of tho laborer is uot to ho im-proved bv giving mm class of lnborcrsiidviiutngoa in wliioh tlio mass of laborershave no share, and which tbo minorlt;are ouly cnubled to onjoy by incittm oua unjiisl impoHition on tbo majority.—DL-TJ coal is not onlj a direct Bonreo of

(Us« to till wbo barn it asit also tontl to prolong tho

.._ , ...I..u.BHjn by pro7eatiriB somekinds <>f nimnifiiohiriug from being carriert on im extensivoly na they •would b«ith clicnper fuol. Tlio Lelilgh AQCKdmylUill minors will fnitin their p r uout effuri, mid it ia right that iheyBhmih"niL—-V. J*. Tribune.

THK AMBBICAX CARDINAL.—Tbo cure-1 of conferring tbe berctta on Car-

A i-titlisioii ficciircl on tinul l'Dtotunc lluiliund, unxi

Motidit.r. Ton persons wereiujurrd end four fan* v t re

)iDj»lfctely deotroyal.A revolution broke oat in B'Jiiriu ]nut

in^uth, but was cjniuklT suppreised bymilituir, nlxi ottnoted tha rehpU juj",oPaz and killed liftj-ciglit of tlieni,

11 mini mimlcrs by ncsroos are report-•d frnm Memphis, Tenn., Detroit,Ticlj., nijfl'Georgetown, Del.

A firo bmko out in tlio Weber Furoi-ne Mnuufuctoiy, in Dotmit, Mijb..liur.ik.r, nnd rlostrnyed property mined

it over SaoO.OW.

Tberc fire 1,332 claimants bofore tbeirnrtu of Alnbni^a (Jlaftui. nnd i\a wlulo

mm claimed is 312,073,401,14,

Tbo arrest of ox-Congressman lioweu1 aoilth Curollnn, on noliargo nf niur-}r. is a fit tiny nud tint uneiiintiteditpirl of tbat Bentlctnun'a Jibe! suittiiiuHt The G'lttrhston Xeia nn<i Curier.ut an tbchowicida laid to Bo won'a ac-mnt wiiscummittcil oleveu yean ngn,

his conrictioii iv hardly prounble.

It h n-Y'itrlc-A tint it demand will bemado liy tlm Uritish Qovernmont forrcpnrfiliou nf tlie injury doiH by tliInUonof tlm twnty (f tS'n*hingt«iiby tbeUnited Htnton OororniaBiit i 'ditties on iiroservuil Ush.

Cuustftblo Casey and Police Officer:tcib.scnner WLTB shut and severelyvnunded TlitmJuy, in Plymouth Toffii-diii). Pa., uhilu attompLiiifr to levy uponiho goodn of Jmaes Oonucll. Tha «uole

nuell farailv united tu opjioao tb§ o£ , nud sir ot tboin waro arrratcj nftorndesporato figlit.

Tho experiment' of IransfubiDg blooda.1 just boon appliod to Gcnornl Ftanktinir, rtho has for some time b u bee

prostrated with pnrniyaU at liia home atSt LnuJH. His ounces of blood wore in-jected into hjn veins, nnd tlio rcot)lt ii-lid to bo favorable.

Two companies of tho ftixth XI, 9.Cftvalrj uttnokod ft party nf raiding Ch'«y*enno Indians four hundred miles iromKutiRua City and killed tweaty-teren,

its. . i i 1 H H n . . i tt, 'n**.*. *.^1 <* —

^"'»^U , . . „| l?k ' . l fuel, but it



f Fnracui

Tliera lotlior mid in tho Hiizlctonregion on Thursday night of last wcelsin which one mnn nns killed. Ihehouse of Jotepb jron iaon. whero JuscplKly, vkoaa place Iind Iwen iittncked thiprevious niRhi, and liis brother i» lav.-V. Lnndoiiiiriiii, vfoco staying. >vore ntiackpil by a mob. Ely escaped, butLandvnbmu wmt bndlv beaten, nnd ro-inivod a lies1! wound in the head frtnn 11imiskut ball. Hoilrcdtwo nlntol «'amoniip tho crowd, nutl futnlly wornime o[ thorn, who diod in a few minutes.While tboy whero attending to theircatnntdes, Lnndcnbruii escaped. TUrliody of the dead miner was uubBoquentty ftiund uy ft party Trbo started aftertlie mob, and wait identified as tbnt ofa leader iu Wednesday nigltt'11 disturb-iincc. Landcalinin, who in said to havebeen ono of (lie merclmat^ doing buai-n onfl of tlin tncrclm-t- g

K in Hazlulou, who refused ioiff d h l fi

uesK in Hazlulou, who r e f u d msistt!ie filieriff, and who vn* nlmiys frieudlyti> tho miner*, lion now requested Gencr_10.Hb(traoto extend uml streugthoitlio military out. posts.

All :larcd11 the Ossgo Indinns have tlocla.._. on tbe whitaa. They havo ilonamore than mont of our readers woulddo if they were OsaRcs. A year since astraggling parly largely composed ofwomen und children, returning frombnlTttlo bnutinff. was nttacked bv a bodyof Kansas uiilitin, who tilled scTernlwarriors after disarming them. The.Stdto Iiaa i-cfuied to puuiah tlio limrdo:rrs nr mate atonement for the outraga .1 HI tbe contrary, tho deed ha« beensanctioned aud an nntc-datcd coui-":-!—gir<tu to the commander cf tboto pntect them. Tlm Indians killedwere order]v members of a peacefultribe, wunse'ciiiLfslmvakriit tlicirmdig-iiaut- warriors back tlins fur from hos-tilities. 2{ow, liDwe?er, tbc.v nrc rajKrt-t-cd to bo takiDg-rerenffo. Tlio Inrtiuuiniad is uot eminently logical, nnd —•ceance for blood Bpilled by nrmed vu»«smen inBarbnur County will full pnnci-rallr upon unarmed whilo vonea nudrhildrcn olltfildfl o( Barbotir Cotiiily.

Travel on tlm Union Pacific Ilnilroadw.w limctically BUFpendetl for n wool: tWinjnricatn tho track aud heavyfnlb of suow. From the lStli to tho 22d110 tratns paesod eitht-r unnl or weat fromOgdeii, in Utah. Tho damago lias beenrepaiml, i"«l frnvel rcinmed nn nsuoi.

dinal McCloatey took 'plnnn .inamiuR in St. I'atriok'a Cathadral, _O H Arciiliislioii Bayley foil tho fluty tcwhittb he was designated by Ilio Pujie ufconferring Iho iuaignia of liia Uigaityupon tlio new Cardinal. Ovor 300 pro-late and priraM froo various narla of thocountry took part iu tho procession audtbo subspquont cereuionies. A choir c0110 hundred voice;, with n band otwenty-four instrunxitiU, snppliod musiiiiriiiitrcd for theoccflflion. Many prominnit citizcus n i t b i u t b e Cathedral, nncnn imwonto moss of IIOOIIIQ in tbo streetsand on tbo surrounding houses, watciiodihe procession and tbe proceedings withintm-tf. None of tlio national authori-ties who hnd been invited wero in atton-tlmioc. Tho cliurali was miguiflcontlydecoratod, mid tbo offiointinp clcijp-minml attcudnnti apponrod in their riaha:rnbe.i.

SHY? PATHSTI.—Tlift following \ntauwere mu«<l to citi icnnof tho SUtoSun- Jt'i-scy daring thn week oudiiApril 20tli 1S75 :

Sliiiwl-iiiiis—*GcorRO Ilnrlzfl, Nuwark.p i n s G Rff rroccas—1\

soy City.VUt Di

Q. Matliicasen


IVUito Dipgor*—H- VJ, King, Canaan.Hot-Air Furnace--"Win. ilcFnrland,

ing Bods—W. B. Mnnn, Cam'

"iootand Glove 13attoncr—G. Stack-pole, Elizabeth.

VentilfttiDC Beds—Ebcnozer L. Bob-ertB, Plainficld.

Reported by Fiteli & Fitch, Couuacl-loni at Law and Solicitori of FAIOAU, 21Park Itoir, Now York, througU V/m. T.Leport, Atlornoy at Law and Corrcapuiiding fcjo]icitor,tfoTer, N. J .

X. J. Eorronux. Excunsios.—Tho Ex,ceutivo Committee of tbo State Editori-al .Vsaociiitiun held a meeting at Mason-ic Hall, New Bmnsvick, on Thursday,nud aftor coninilcring -various proposi-tiouK rtliitive to tlie annual Summer ex-cursion, appointed a Bub-committee tovidit Orkney Springs, Va., and otherplaces, for tho purpose of ascertainingdefinite forms aud reporting to a futnremeeting of tho committee. Tho placesmost pwiniiicntly msntioncd were Loaglirancb, Watkins Gleti, Bedford Sprinpi,Oettyalmrg and Orkney Springs, Va.Tlm matter will probably b2 dotcrmincdearly in May.

Tbo Consolidated Virginia, ope of thebonanza iaimug c<«nr—'~~ " " " ' — " •er dWidcml of Si,making S2,G00,00Oied. Tho ore now boing cxnthed asanyaover S100 por ton, 15 per cent beinggold. * Ouo of tlio San Francisco paperaestimates tho vealtli whicb bus flowedinto tbat city from the Oombtock lode at"the gruator part of 6200,000,000."

Tho lido of European Summer trayelhas fairly wt in. Tivo atc*niiUipB clear-ing from New York ou Satnrday carrieddntl.lTOjiaasenpcra,

BEOAK3 nl the l>,»t brmids.

SODA am! MINKIlAL WATliltSaul PIIU'ITA uf ill linil* in tlicif arjiotn.

-;o;- ,

ICE CHEAM.I tlwll cngiRt tiluim'iTolj- tlis prctuDt BtMiu

3 Hie U« Cn»ni IIUIIDCMI, mid IIIKII tact) atII timcy .11 tiicfllput (]n*lii.T ut m-itii ot ell


SHERIFFS SALE!CUncuryofNnwJor«j_K.r of mort-

git-od iimmiliL-i, Wburuls lilia*lwth 1). Hhlp-niiu i* CoraiilitinatU. indTlioimi K. An-lwi-anil 'itioraii D. bin ffilu »ro DufonduiiB.HttumilJlB to Mar T o t m . A. I). IMS.


BV virlna or I bo «l>ovo B|,(cd writ of fl.Hfacim ID my lumif, I tliilt I IIHIU fur talc

t I'ulilio VcnJuc at tl.o Hsunlun Home Hi.tut,n UurHslowD, N, J., mi

MO.NDAV, tlie 81(t day ufJIAi' licit,A. ii. IRTJ, IjL'lwutin tbc Lonnof 12 oV!m-k M.

aSVoc) ( I1 31 \Ut\i t t 3 ' l kA. ii. IRTJ, Llwutin tbc Lonnof 12 oV!mk»aSoVioc)( I1, 31,, \Ut\it tUKSTOt 3o'cl

I ho fttU<rnnoii (ifnnldJay, ill Ilia! trad or.iiuol ofl»Ddmd prenniQg liuum, Ijlusaudmg iu (lie Tuwniblp* or lloibory and Ji-Oi r-

ton, in l ie County or Murrla sn>t Ktaltuf SvvtJorwy, Itoundtd ana duKTitind ai follows :

ifcrinnliiL' at |L« middlo uf l(oct»w»y rlvitrlilt line of Saaiutl Novel* sumy «u a

e niirth mtva dogioca »ntl oao-Lilf iuttE bcaii of kt»no> nn tha luulhweiterhr ille

ot uid rifor tint ii tue beginning coruev of**lilK««1*turt»y i tlionoo runninnnadweilUDaa a deed rrain John O. Kranciico to KIcbulaa

aWpmm, iHte«l ll»reh StU, 1B3B; (1) northOT«D and one-naif Jcgroei aJuDg uid lluu

iWBnty clinluiind flftjr links; tLceco (1) nurtlirottj-»o*en dfgreei and «, UU neat twenty-•et«u cbaiDi alone tba Una of landi Ute of?t>_-rl« Uordoa, d « « « f l , ta * _nbj>o » k _«Ur-

% tlie rent to flight.D killed.

y e y ,Two soldiers

fhreo rivet steamers were burned atNew Orleans, on prUlny. A. larRo autn-b f persons woro uu board. I wont?throo pomoi known to hnve parish-ed. Utlmrs arc ntill missing, but tbojmaj be nlivo.

Tlio Trcafitiry ilepnrtuiuut has de-Biiatched a number of clerks to Londonwjth 811,000,000 of fivoper cent, bonds;being the last aupscriptioa of tlio syndi-cate.

Dauiol O'Loary, of Qbipago, underW l k l l t J l l in SI hours t

iitbo Ptiiladelpbla Sink, begining at 12o'clock ou Friday night. Ho ooaplc-ted 110 miles nt 11:08 o'clock on Satochty night, hsving ninde tbe distanciwitliamilo to spare, in 55 minutea leaithan tlio time-jirexcribod, ' I t ii tho besttimo ou roconj, beallng all ;of Westou'ie f f o r t s . ' " ' • ' ' • • " . ' • . - ; - S

! l vv • - - ,.

Tho Ei-GoHfcdoraW (Hood, wloloattliobaUlfllias just begun fsrniliig.iu._

In tbo New HaiQaUt list for 1875 #i*Governor EnglUli'; oppoftw t i ^ i ' "tisaossment for real • estate

A mooting of tbo E i _tho Minors' aud Labsrsn'-Anooiitionran hold Thursday nt PotUvill«, Fa.,md it wna derided to «ontinue the strik*now going on in tlio coal regions.

*-•-«:AHHO'P ESCAPE.—On Friday evening

lost Mr. Charles 1). Smith, of Trenton,bad been to Shark Ilrrcr, and. returningthrough iho pines, ho noticed that tbewoods wero on flro about 150 yards tobin left, aud lio immediately applied tbawhip to liis horse, and drove on alongtho nnrruw road way, but had not gonefnr tfben Im discovered t lat tha vood)were ou firo all around, and that hacould not proceed farther-in that direc-tion. In attempting to turn round, thewagon upset ?nd was •aMgutty damaged,bat by tlint of hard work wna riglited,and, upon driving back, found that tboflro lia'd alobed up tbe rond over vhichho bad just passed, and that tha kvinaeiof escape were cut off, Mr*. Smith hal-loed for OHKISUIUCC, nt tbo tup of lilavoice, which fortunately arrivo<] ia thnpersona of BCVCTO) mev} wbo bid •tortcdbut to warn the iuhabitants of the dan;er; laanagad to rescue him aud thtrig, bat not before tbe curtains and topof the •wagon wore destroyed and tinhorso badly burned, so badly that it itfeared tha animal cannot recover. . Mr.Smith, tras bnrncd about the fooehands and arms.

Tho "tramp" problem bus bnan pret-ty well solved in Newark. Wills trampworl:, may ho answered Affirmatirely.They Trill when tlipy are made to. But

i tmmpNinety-

when tboy j e t ftwere before judga

Hills, of Newark, on Monday of lastweek, anil twooty-ioven fulled to tell>ttmight storj ; accordingly' they wesent to work for thirty days each. Thenen'9 of this notion noon spread rapidlynmong the tramping fraternity, and onTuesday night only thirty-soveo appliedfor lodgings, lens than half of the small-rat number that has applied at any timeduring tho winter.


(ho boit, cle*nTei\nndcaileVt trosiTtoVeiirThit-1 m»iln. Th»t thuy ue now being Mod Ii " "cat Kngliib IloBplUli In pro Terence lathcr Trnn nuda !• infficient tccommenijLIT tlicia to lodaco unj ono who ii obliged to

wew » trn« to ret car. A full B|«k or theBfinnlno ^'nigc* Hard Itubber Tnji*ofl of allnizci,botli Mnclean' ' — " *— '

Jnly Ulb, 187*.



,m, fniiti, mitfl, cuafI. OWe too & fall.




By virtun of *n onlur ot Ihu OrpUni1 Couitof the Counly of Morris, mailo on Toemhy

Hit uiuetcenth diy of Jauunrr, 1875, tlio\UtK, Admini/tratora of W. Unlbart,di'c'il, will offer (nr ml.- »f Public Tfpiluo, ou

MOUNT PHEEDOM,On tbi- unfa ttitil fnim Mormtown to Kucci

•iiunt, lUndi idjouroei uml I

TUESDAY, May 18th, 1875,M ouo o'elM-k I1. M.tbe

FARM of 21 ACRES.Tlio improrepicntB iro » largo dooblo dwe)

]|0K. l « n *i"l « u l building* in Rood repairThere ii »lio 00 tlio prctuliici a gooO DlackinittlKhop wilU ID tKflUmtly ovUblTibcil LmalotH.

Tlioro la G »cre< or wood Und, llii balanceIKIUK in an excellent vLate of ckiinTitiaii. Thoro

c Tlmt-clMi ipule orcliartli on tuo brm,jeotbor wltb otliet- fruit, ptiin. eliorrlci, Ac.

Tlioro IR »n •icdletit well or waisr at tha door.The property Ii »i tinted nenr tlio Ml. Freedom

Cliurcli, la close proximity to itorei, poit-oDlep" - 'nlhaaK.

(lier parlicnlam iiVlfl

loo (3/ nurtbcliaim and

k ith

ilcRTceiweat thlrty-luKs cbtlun tud tliTrtj-DTlink*; (6) loath tuu denreci wcit olgbl eli lnand fifty Uuka to a de&d hickory tree wIlL•tonei br it, being * corner of a wood lot liteof Cliarlci Gordon, dee'd; (?) touth dglity

bnk» to a IIUDG heap; (8) mnth ten

dogtcoi irost—._ .....Jly-hiur link! to »

•null Itlckorr wltU piouoi tounJ 11, beinc aooruoroflandilataor Simud Ikimaii, dse'd ;theaco (4) norlU ferty-tix desrfti woit fourchtlni to % itous heap I Ihcnco(S) narlli elglity

liean; (9) ><iqth r)!tr>xit tlcfjrtn-i c-nt twioliiini (10) toulti ilxty-nlno ilegruoaeUia A chain* and fifty linki into the middle ofltockawir rlrer; thoaci (ii)down (he middleof itld riVor lh» ncveral cr.nnes tliereut tu Iboplflco of iMfglntilng, eDQtaming one bumlroAterra mom or I« i . Being U10 inmo premiuMUocribod in x do.d of eiHTejanco from Jn«UhMeeker, William tl. Cany md Jamei II. Fao-chrr, Cotnmiuionari appolntotl u? tbe Urphiun'Oinrt, cf the County of llorrii and Htala of





dqnu wltb iicatneitiaaddUp»tcb. Booka' " to Older and HiKtzfnoa bound hi

any atylo ikilred,




Music and Musical Instruments,B A L L S A N D BATS,


, deed, to tho uidbeirinff date October SOtttMorrii Ooupty d otd

Dated March 23d, A. D. 1810.

recorded inlber9Ttt),A

[AN, Hhtriff.

ADJOUEHED SEEEITr'a BALE,In Cliauoory nf New Jer»ey-Fl. h. For Bile of

nnrtqaeed preraitea. M'bereln Jtmei J ,ID wii] Joo w. HRIIBB aro tlio OompUin*mtiUi

£. liAlf

„_. 1 dot) n, nnaine_JW, Oliarlea F. Maryotl and Uwj _vife, Jeremiah ElKhime, Jitnci Carson, AlfredDolt and lUtrard Dell, Administrator* of JueeDoll, deceued; New Ion ». Kltcht.lL fisridVtennn, William H"«luo and Bifili Hvaiiic ar«DofendAHti. Ilaturnihto May Term, i«4 .

;. HAAO nOUAINE, Sol.Tbo silo In behalf of tho above partitu atindi

adjourned tu Ubo plac« »t tbo Muuioii HOIIHOHotel, iu Morriitown, N. J., on'


A.D*. 1W5,Iwtvreen lbs Lour) 0! 12 31. and G

°--°? -' * ' JESSE HQPFMA.N,Elieriff.

SALE OP LAND!Thainb«crlbor,A>lailiiialr«lur of Conrad a

dethoof, d«o'd, will aell »t


FRIDAY, JUNE 4th, 1875,between the hcmri of 1? and 5 o'clock V, M..that i l to say a t 3 o'clock, t i e huoie and lot ufaald dofuaud. «i(uate4 un tlie back road lc«d>i f D e i l l to l l o c l d d j i iaald doing frolauda

yofuaud. «om Denrill

f J bj>ndUiE

IbdjoiningIn lBz2i

lauda of Jubn Slit**. Tb« HOUiE In lBz2ifact, and contains B»« ro>jnis. Ibo LOT con-Ulna OK£ACREofRraund,williDAltM. Alao,will be offered fur aalo it tlm fltrao tlmo.alolndjoioimt tb> above tueatfnncd nroperty, cou-tafptne U A01UM orUHDTiBO-vir Uai.

l i t d k n o r f V l J o f iilo by


Boot and Shoe StoreOF DOVER i s

WILLIAM LETCIIEB'S,Ntirly oppoiile tbo National Union Stale

• • . Ax EXCXLLZXT BiLEcnox ov

Gaiters and Shoes for Ladies,lliise* and Children, and

Hen's Light & Heavy Boots.A great T»rl»tj far crery ileicdpUoa of wew

r ItEPAIRING prompt attanded to.

Notice-Tbe tank accoanta and notra of the

•crlb«r aro left In the hinda of my father.IlnUio N. Omtln, for eolleetioo at my Ute

ice of builnoii in ltoc)t»way. An tarly wt-tm-nti* rMpciml lynq icd

OEOIIOE I*. QtJBTIN.kiway, April Slat, 1875, 20-2


A nn* atom room on SDIMS utrect; itrROilso, buidMme front, and la a rood loca-

tion. Will Ixt let on tiuomblo tcrmi. Applyto J . J . BACKOFF,



r Ttiof





m-Je of wrought i ron, is low

ILLT Heatini,' Apparaiuu, nbo o|»ratcJ by an; nor-ti»n only (JticD a Uay,ivli<1«;iuu trnlj 'mcc a 0av,wbi!o

mil tltutn. Jl maaaiUL-ii In small dwcllinpiwill an tu Urn* builihuga. I'atuiied io -theuUii USaU-n, Onat tlritain. I'raiu-o, IILISLUII],iriuinv, Auania, tt'Jil KUBWH. U,< I BIS liutt-.0 iu IUO, uiviii),->' a:ilisrui'tiuii. 1'urrlhvr liarticultrii njijily t j




PAIILOU FL'ItNACK,r forty diDcmit i-iiti'ma of PAIil-Oll,nod COOKISU BTltVKS; FCHS.\L-l->,



Ijmpn, r^ntems khd I«ilbi> Fixluic«. Tin,pprand Iron Ware. Knotlu^, lluttiTS, Ai>.

t lowest market rolir.. \f;cni» fur


ALLK.N & M0Mft\(lTO.V,

D O V E U , X* .1

-;w I § 1 1 a l l

ml I'VcryOitng that kept Initoro.



aiorrla Connly BarroffBteU MBrr,

Al'niti 10th, 1&7S.n tt.o muter of Abrahim J. Kinnicull 1l u t e Klanlcntt, Kieeiitom or Huian K1D_cutl.dcc'U. tturrogata's Ord<Tto LimitCrctl-

ON appilaatiou or tba above mmed Kiec-utore, It Is otdomJ bj tho Hurrogi

tbat wid Kiecutori i-no public noticuilio creditor! of tlie estate uf uid dcrodtiit .brine in tlieir ilubU, da in 1 ml a and claim*agalnit tho aamc, uudur natli, witblu ninemonths from tills date, by sotting nn a copy <ibli order, within twenty daya horcarter, in fli)f tbe must pablia placei in ilio coanty of Mor-ris fur two motillm, »ud »IM> vrlltilu tlm nuld

* adierlUinK tlio Hamo in tbo[bin Slilo,

ris fur two motillm, »ud »IMtwenty lUyi by adierlUinRIHOH En* oneo?tUonowtpipF tb l iFor tho aamo ipaeo ol time (tlio8urroB»tojuilK.For tbo aamo iIng a u ; fur iLcIf a n ; credit

Ripom <>(ttio8u

unnime (t t io8uriop;»to,_,0tu bu unnucvBBar)); and

l c t t hlblt I I1Ing a u ; fur iLcr notice tu bu unnucvBBar)); aIf a n ; creditor ihall neglect to ejthlblt I I1bor debt, dumaud and cliim within tliu iaporiod of nine montlu, pnlill.i notice lie.OR gl*<ait afuirtald. niiuh creditor ahall bo furovdobarreu ul liii or Let action t l iutcW againtbe u i d Executor*.

K. E . WILLIS, tiiirrogato.A true copy from tliu minute 1. • 1B-U


I EOCKAWAY,ami will carrj ou

SariioasIn all tts branches si heretofore.anco of tha fiver* of my old cm turners sad thilatrctugp of tba public Is ret [wet Tally aollcitr

PETER GLANNAN.AprilUlb. 1H73. 17,




OONPEOTIONERIES,Nati, OnpKci,' Toy., Pipel. En«lop.i, 5I».




-f lm UorrUlown, S. 3.

A^PDfE HAMJ TO LET.A- able for atcr-ct ioclcti«i, ii oflered to tea«n& , t t f " ^ j 5 ' j .•"•• H.U I. rtmld ID tli.bulldJnjt" er.

ii-tt C1UB.WAT80S.

NOTICU!tboldora otthe Union Tornpiki

at Woodpart, N. J., on tbe ttrond" — lltli 187' * - " " •


Scraiitoii. U!iigh & Bituminous

O O J&. XJ ,

l'lIOSWIA'lE mirl LONE 1)D9I,


Yl[\Y. CLAY, ri!U. IiniCK,


COPIX0. WUiS, LIXTKI.H, i-te, lie.

Ol lilt.'

LOWEST MAKKET PEICE8.Cual of all nizes ct.nHtnntly an IIBIUI, flnj

ildivrrrf !•' «i.v l»f' <•'«'« ''"! "' vkinlff. nn BLuUell ilm-l,.lj.lo1r Bcigmsi.Offloc nn thckrcnll Btrci'l, uci t | to Gage ,t

JjOfEB, K. J.

inaj l.c ntlilrtsBtd tlirongl. thol'oslOflico Lock Itos 28, or loft at A. Ilootncr'i t,mc6

niai.UwcllHtiwt.ncsr Hiifiscx. •


, >. .i.




HOUSEKEEPING GOODSia gr**t T*rioij, or b'prices. IHMHKHI ond 7

id Seotdi Table Uncnn; ricarkt Fruit CSoiln;ajitiiN, Tonol* and Tunillngii; Wliito mi'1

Coloml Counterpanes; Linen DinpiT.«, At-,,l low priccf,





Alpaoas, Mohairs and Brilliautiueu.GREY mid TLAID MIXTURE3.

Abui, bcit rnciflc 1'^roxlrs uud Caiulmrk.

TO CAPITALISTS.A Valuable Property for SalefTlHE iitbwrilicr Imnu iliwoii^ n

I from Dover, iilTurH fur HIID bii



200 ELIGIBLE IitllLDINQ LOTSwltli atrccti opened anil craCi'd. Tho Inmonta arc a fine COTTAOE In wlilfbHie, with barn* and other outbuildings.

This ia on* of tlio flneat luvwtnieulicapital everoflrrcilin tliiifieutimi. Thugromidia bigh and drr, with Road wator, and thrlocality is fa it building up—about 20 lipuneahaving lieen ercclcit 011 thin nrepctty Iu ihelast four yearn. Fnr tenns, clo, apply to


•If DOVEIt, N, J





TANKS nna 0EE BUCKETScoiiBttmlty on baud.

RBPAIRIKG 1'ROSirri.Y ATTKNliEI) TO.IWfcr to Morris County Machine A Co


n iHK Hnil,;rnl(,'ucd b jX named liotcL So-novr prtijmboirdm frnm sft dnllaM per tveulE up, ming to roouiM. I tntpiid tu net n KUIX! talilkpO]i n rmiiwctiililu bonw. Aim ntloi'lu'd to tliohotel ia a wood Iiveiy anil Kxahango HlHnnoaBHiTcanimKca Iu let, nudi>arllcfl tito any imrt of tlio count/ at rennonaldo rate.cood bar js t t o l . I 10 Ilio hotun wlieroo any imrt of tlio counood bar js attaolie.Ie fnitnd C I I bnd »d l

at renolie.I 10 Ilio hotun wliero .brands "f all liin.l* nf Hni

l !W ct«., and W>cln.t fa f

. . . Jeal* atouffinK. Tlitiikful fur pa»t Uxur* from I hi

jituenftof ])ou-r in HIT latu imBiiicna. I liopihyitrici atumiinn to I»IIS[IIM4 to mrri' - en 11.

nuaiicaof tliu same. S. L. I'Ob^D'.Iloraut kfint hr thu thy. tvetk or 111 (intli. At-

:titlve hint I or ii juiy bd round at tliu Blablcn,P. 8. llavim; bwn ocK»R«d in tli<< bold bita-

i>na burnrc, Iflntt-jr nijteir tbat I know tlieaula of tlic {lublic and >>tiall cuiUnvor to muut

W. H. McDAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental



i* and iliHpatceasonable tonn


DOVER, N.J.,Oniler Qjo. liiibunlf i Co.'i Sw:

DGfCinbi.* Stth, 1670. l-iyr

Real Estate for Sale 1Tbu entile or Die late D H M Tilltlc, nt



»d amlVroaiib'iria'nO, l u r U f S e h K l lwkeil wub frnlt trecfl, Tlicro U n nmniimiriDc of walcr nt tbo door ^hlc-lt can be nnireifaxaiUblo In any way ilontmble. Housu

.jDlaim iov«n rrximii bcililo tullii, Utcbvncellar, Ac. Bltuatwl in ilm centre or tho villa-eu ctoso")"1°ilnil'}- to tcbwil, ctiireb, more,

abowr, mllli and olhor conrenlcncca. A fewrepairs and imnmmcntB would convert thisproperty inio »ljcantltnl ronntry liomc. If not•MD.]i,posodoralpritato «Ult»fluia•I I'DDLIO ATTCTIftN lo Iho Wghrat liiddrr oil

WEDNESDAY, May 26th, 1875.Parties wjaliing Lopun-hano nt iirivatfl oalu nr

F MoU^ r t l ™ • l pU 'a"' " T l i r r ^ '

tb«a. -JOBNBO?, fDated April 30tb, 1575.

aany pur• iu(naf«mwUlnioftfactoryiormaDnficiu'riirfjiiuTnoaci

Pouc«Ionpvcninimeaiatolr. FortonnJ clcapplj to MATTHEfr HIOI.F.H, or "

AAC \V. HRAUIXO,r i t t

Pouc«Iapplj to


JONES' PATENT COMPOUND BED SPRING.f high or lim- priccn cornpelitore, and In fumiBlicd nt a iirico v


'cut illustrate* a sol of wirings In pcnpoctiTO, ready for tho bedstead. In inlroduo-

Aili«ooiintli,ll,»tml,J. E. CUTLER, Dover, N". J.



11 DOVEE, N. 3.


At til tltuca a vUoUn a;lot-tin- nf


POULTRY, FISH, etc.jAnnoi-ltUy made nr HA3IS. AII1:i-i i

FRUITS and VEGETABLES-in UiPir waimi. \Ylml.-islr ami Retail. ,

AI (UU niarkbt []u< ^valeat care U mm 'aUntly tatvii in tmlwtinK jud Ifilltm; nil bind. Iol men I, nnd iho prnjirlvmr bv iviniiii of lone I




B L A R K W E L L ST.,


DOVEIt, N. J,,



*l t« iirder, prooiplly nml cboipl,..

OYSTERS•' .lili ' l! ! ""•"• ' ' ' ' " " ' "J1". <"•* »'*i IT Ilio hmilrcl!"•»»<• j "tllionttoa. Tbeehotmillinniliiir

i l l i , | FOKEIGN ana DOMESTIC SE0A11S,

anupply or |10U" aflVlcl a!l

I. WvriiBS, CONFEOTIOXKliy, t | , . .

McKinnon Brothers,MANUFACTURERS.

County amfStata I

— i g psnbaeribcr, uf> that i

r „„,„,.,iity or nbajif, h nowro ustiBHively Ly tbe

oiay lupcnl '


is retained in itsinVrr.-wdnmmracturr mill• liflhiVPd tlial

The Material is Superior,


r l.Jica,

c, lo (In. o turned 11rAXDIlIlOAD AXES. CHISEW*, D!UW-

INQ KSIVKH, .MILL l'ICKHami oiijcr PIIRCII tools lvil| bo ninnuraclnrcd or

a Hamo inali'ntl and willi tlie earan cam that• jnado iho lloetnivny Aie no popular.

Morris CirculiTcourt."I0USBA5DV (

J.UirS JllUiv. I lam...TOIlCEI.I,.r»l,?Rir,,, ib.l . «,« „, ,

:• l.unjroil iiollan,,mod Onlr n-rvcj cu'lu^epnlilrd Ik;-onvbrnsrv, liijs.

M . . p

l to »j»iic« to rn; e m i | , .




Jobbing in Geceral.



[onicr. AT IHE Rronr or im:r.ii i nrnim,]


D O V K I l , K . ,T.

COJ1PANIES l l E P R E S E N T H ) :


A:-»c.h SH.CK.CCI).

ATLAS "I Il.UiTFOrilJ.A»vi» sr,:»,ci2 is.

UKliWAI, iJ NEW 1'OllK,ASSL'U $370,001).


Assetn ?285,l)00.

OLO11E nl CUHC'ACiO, " 095,000.



E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,OtSMAL PIBK AS» LirK

Insurance Agents,Office, Old I r o n H a n k Biiil.lliLp.


IXItoH..:, ORO. H.lloss, ffTErtlts Bm:E r.

A. J. COE, Collector,DOVEIt, N. J.

COMl'J A'lRI REPRESEXTEh.American Hulual lus^ 0j,, of Howard

K. J.j Asaotfj over 31,103.000Heroliaut3' Mutual Ina. Clo., of Newark,


PiraaiBli'a Jtuhial Ius. Ocv, of Hewark,H.J., AssuU ovsr 000,003

Gurniauin Hut-au] Ins. Oo., of NewarkH.J., Ojjiital, 200,000

JEtna Iuauraiico Oouiinny, of Karlfonl,Osno., AKOSJ, , D,OO0,O00

Continental Imuranct: Ouuipany, of IhviYork. Capital, 1,000,000

Mutual BsncStLifa Ins. Oo,, ofHomik.

.M.J. ' , .AMCI». 20,000.000


Apothecary,Sickcrsou Street,





And Fancy ArticlesAc, &v.

Physicians' Proscriptions.CitMirilr minixiniidci! nt oil liirow.

WiXKS AXD LIQUOItHl'»r lloillcinnt rurpoics.

Sweedish 'Leeoh.esC:ilistftlltly(l


C'littnj;''. WODI, Uiilch, lla- uii-.l IrcniLi Can"''.Liinli'iiuifl, Oil C'lnilm. tir li.iBijHli mil AnK:- ]

icn.1 iiinaiirni'luiv; 3Ial4, IiiiKK.Dniirfji.l.', film

Ila«i»i,-L«, Cm-bin,:, i t .\\V mato nml Tay Ci.rp.l, n,l nn.l h: f

Cloth, limliL-nnil-liau^SSij.U.a, nn l ji«:.'.'«:il(

imipn "ill tor.

W S-IJAUlirj'T.



EVEltY Llam-li I.r tbt I,,iSiiif«H ii.«h ^» J Inp-nre nml iiooil imatL novv ainlii"

riaiiig camjeca. blnelo or ilouliloflliB Mbf JfJ renRoiiRliii ratcw. Fliira rnrnlRuwllor 17i>

Pte. IlorBtK Imniiloil l..v tlio day or \mtk. '

HUSSEX STEEKT.' ivmr NitiE o? niVEii U!i!iin£.l


A. KANOllSE, L'roiiiilior-1



^:'H or iiv

DESIGNEDuml tsccntnl, auil instcrinl fiiniisliviL

PLAXStnid SPECIFICATION \rnmlfllifil, ami contracts taUcu forsSw**'11

Tlin JICHI rrfi;rf>nppii pivrn' ns to enpai-ilj '?very 1,ruiich .,f tbo Xm-Annz, an*1 nit vvAimmnt.-c-]. l ipn' .n, >'•'•


TIMOTHY, HEP T<H'|nnd ullier GKAI33 SEEER.,,UIuarriiQCiitnf


Page 3: JOflH JELLIFF & Co - · Offlcc Houra; 7 Ui 0 A.M., 1 l o Dmid t 8 V. U. 18-3Opd SURVEYOR. Surveys, ... MOLLER'S OrERA HOUSE, ... mi'diaHLTH t o Riv us a call

II.rrl.tor, Kprfal, •Jm A. H.: Duror Fx-. 110 i. SI.! Hulottatoiio Mail, 7.31 A.

',', i-ulon», 8.47 A. U. i Dln th.mptaI : , ' , , !.2» r . JI.; TtooujU M.I1, 2.53 r . M.;

i 6.35 P . M .CHESTER BRANCH :

n. BTAtioKB. mrwxnu.M A.M. I'. I I .

' io ' Cbeitor 8-W 0-65Hurti



UoIron.* 8.13


Weekly Statement of Iron OreI'AUSIKa TUB HlCKETTSTOW:* SCALES, VIA


EVEKIHO, April 2Dth, J.876.

BTATIO5B TOOK. TOMountain Via*

Sir. \Viilbmn i.iwjinubr «r tha L a b ; ViiHmuio, Lnki> I IUJUIIOIIK, has tho ttlditfcnUu, hale), v t a H i i.onrlv .loui.lcf Hit ra|iai-II

jH«p.iratEfiiiB far fiumnior .visitor*. On W-IICRIIU.V IIIH Bk'Mnboa! made Uu flrnl]

Mi-inherit of llm FrBli>rully who «b!i tu a l k iIliaiUiUiMtioiiof t i c MtKODio Xoniple in NtJTiirt city, on tlio 2d of J u n e , cBl l pnw.itluli.;l» ovw ui tbor IU* D. L . 4 W. or UlJlmnHuml* n l h a i r llio u iua l faro far the ruuntuud iiver tho Erin i t ono and a hair vei:inilti except from plauca beyond Syracuse,

Stuuo tlw recen t M. E . Uuifurooca the Miluq1(»B sjipol.ilc.1 Uov. J . M. Tut l lu tu thu Mounojic M. E. Cltarfio, mill Mr. Tut t lu has tak(•ill ilia rcniduiiue at Hint j ikco . Ho Is onotho most rc-spccUid, a s well as uac ut Iho l«g|min in l en iu Urn Couforouco, sl id wo wlihim a successful minis t ra t ion a t that iihi

GOT Oil).

25Outer B. It. tnorton'B, Oorwin'a.

7 05ISO 03

Lor«l J D I I I K K * .

UYkvmo Way.Court eoinmoncfi ncit Mondiy.

Tlie Ico wont off of Lalitj Hqmtoong tli it w

Ins.The Haulier cntPttiL-ntiB its BTtli volume.

IfntTiston-ii and Madlmm are pro'twinc; It' tpll ench other.

Tlio new Board ot Clioaen Froolmldnnt nicoliTuesday, Mny 13lli.

r<irt Morrli bus a new Pnst OlUco wild I n

Mr. "Jims. II> Ming ia erecting a fine rcniitenctncir tlio Cheater depot.

A friend Informs ua tint there aro ttvonly-uiiHgroceries iu Morfistown.

Charter election noxt Monday. Pol In OJWI:l«imlo A.M. to 7 P.M.

TTorrlBtoinilBtoIiaroa clmta on tha lOlh—Melville, Ms gin Icy & CoakoV

Mr. Win. Johns of Irani* lost & fine you tiglinrsa llic oilier day, valued at 1700. , '

A Ulmiing elorm of mow, tho list xta lmpoof llio BtDion, vfailed UB last Saturday night,

Tim Trails of llio past Winter deatrojod oia thousand feet ofmdn water piping in Jlorrla-town.

Tho enterprise ofWatari tiaa again croppedout In a hundtomo new awning ia front of Ma

Mr. Caleb Corblo sprained an anklo whileciiKORod in bi« ifork at tlio car nil ops on

.In iulcrcnlhiff •pomniitnlcntinn from'nni1 mid cn-elknl contributor, " Isnw." willt»c found upon tlio drat pace

A Rlrong effort will hit mado tli In sonemi, woniidurnland. to haven siuWalticoniitrncteil fmmlUir-lmell street lo Bt. MMJ'II Church.

Tho M. E, fhhhalh Scliool purptwe holding Alint Da; pio-nlfl some ttmothn preaout month.Uiiu cxart ilstL- linn not jot Wen annonnccd.

Mr. 8. D. ilmld, or BUnhii|io, ID mailing «r-niii(Tcmfnli In erect ecvern) new ilwelUnRsonloU rcconlly ntirtlimti liy him to that pineo.

At a. roeont Hpolling insfeh in Victor T/idge,1.0. of O .T . , or Mfllbrook, n o unders tuml t h a tMn. T . F . Molt was tho successful competi tor .

No happier mnu could bo found Ia Dover onTuesday (ban Foreman Bcnnott ot tho Btcaroert'oinpapr, " Boilg" says be will b r ing lilm u p a

Tlio regularmint occur

montlily drill of tho flro dHpart-t Thuntday ovenlug. I f tlio

tiea-thar i« pleasant nn cnt -donr drill will b enunwodla. f

H.XL-WIOQ Still Ih, tho miming man of Boun-Ion, tins not yst been fotmd. T h o rlvoi is alillMug dragged, and other i t ronuona efTorlsmulotoIhidl i lDi .

Dr. R, H. Johns Ion and U r . Win, H, Bulierlearo town to-day for a t r ip to P l o n d a , tbo

' otyerlii or which are pleasure *nrl tho houcflt ofllxi Doclor'a hoallli.

-Mr. II . Chapman will lead Hid prnyei- wool inenn Sunday nftornoon a t ibo Y. M. 0 . A. rooms .fialjocl: Jolni, r v chap , nnd 17tli vprso. Allarutordii l ly invited.

Tliomai Coon, a Ilockaway saloon fcoopor,vai required by Jus t ice J U H B C U to f a m i e hsf-ctirlty to answer a charRO or Bloallng oi&btitollnrB from ITugh Leonard.

Tlicre wlU bo a spoiling mutch In tbo ProBby-iorlsn CUurcIi. ItocbaKsy, - Tueiflay oven Ingt i u l , M * ? 4 t h . AdraiBBlon S5 cen t s . Proceedsfor llio bcnofU of the L t d t c s ' Society. -

Tlio regnlar monthly meet ing or Protect ionHo.l- and l a d d e r Company happen ing on cloitlan nlghl, J[onday noxt, hfti bean adjourned to


y , jt y eTPninB following, immediately after

1'. J . JJnguiro lisa opened a ta i lor ing es tab-lishment in Uio liHBflniont unde r Van NCBB*lurncKfl nhop, 8n»ftei ntrcet. Mr.. MaguiroMwleralaaOi his hiiKliiGBftlborongblyatid shouldfllCCFCil.

iir. It. r . Goodman of ths Snwaox needierVM Dovor a vinit on Wednesday, tn& v u wall

, r««Tcj hy tho mary friciida lioro of Itin eolid*PW-r ho nwna. Always dniu In wlien ran aro"'hwy.IlnrtfcctG.

Tim "CaiiJj Man" In form H na tlia.1 It in IIIBIntention to dlgo-.nttnao hta bcor nalouti nnSuHex Ktrcot ai HOOII n< hl» prewnt «toA In"Uiimtflfl, Succeaj to tlio "Dandy Man" and

Urn Bntiton Domocrallc charter ticket In n«imiMra: Mayor, John JaxquoB; Clcik, P.W."•mtnoiiilii; CotiueJiEion, Thomas KodRkiMlwl MeNalr, Houry Beardemoro; Iusitectn.ittou Kinion, Thonj_B U»lns.

n t t j e lorry to tearn that Ibo coniiuniilca-»nti fnmi Cbcitcr list week eoanlatcd nr gmI*reprK«DtalIonB all tlia way tbrongh. I t"McTidontly written with mallcloua intont al-coir " Been iBd niirni101"' nnd cnuiplelcly tie*

Senator IlBiiilolpli liti t gouaiiio "RtuarfP» "ling Dr den. Washliigton. Ho purcbanod« worn a fnmily in whono POSBCBBIOII it h»d bocn""•"evenly years, and tboro IB no doulit of itstEtonmcM, i t bag been realored anil Is iu

•""Hunt condition.3lr. Alfrvd Qosu-ClarV, principal of llin Choa.

»r public achool, requeati GI to correct tbo7Z™Men.l..l*>»H«oIiHlefi tbat Bcbool lo take

fottcravlllc school. Ho haa iBO,to Pottersville, aud lias

iiina o'clock nn SnnrtayuDg menfforoenwgedin

h pstreet, noticed iu aw last, whon a

ra,t out cf » winOow and & pistolthan,. ForianAtclynooiiowsliit,

Erry, OB coraptalnt of his wira, was ar-J U U 1 J

, " • u % cut faco Itwonld .LL,n i . » OB c mJ J IU,° w " " t tbo barBMn, JUBIICO Wood ro-. !„ . . m l o furntah locori tT to lteop tho

e h^ l e r_*»ecUDiiof Donoton will bo holdb a r o nominated tbo

•Ilio funeral of tho iato Wil l lun Wileoi, kilted

t o overflowing, -ondl


i t f n i .

se t for tho punishment of crlraoa whichit n miademeador for any m e m b e r Df a Board1'rcfboldorn, Commoo Cnundl. or any puUiofllccr toticiuk-ruslQd In i contract for bnildIiiB, rejiairB, or furnlablDK gupjillcs ot anyor to 1-ueoniD Bnroty Tor otbor p«non« tntoiCBt0d.

A concert of voeal ami instiwill bo RITOTI In tho Baptfit Chureb at Drakovlllo, on Friday evening; next, lj%y 7tli. Tboconcert will be made up of homo talon t, underthe direction of Sir. J . A. DoCamp, and willwell repay all who attend. /The receiptsbo appropriated to tbo purcboio of a DOW OIfur tlio church

Wo nro requested to iltny tlio itatomont ITpubiio last week t lu t 11.000 of Uio Uxos of 187!wore not collected, Mr. Sylvester Diekomwas collector thou UB notr, and tho isscrlionan unjust Imputation upou him. Tho amounlof taxes luat tliat ytut was only $UB, vfbioh ;acquainted with tlio liuslncis irill admitprutty CIGDO collcotlug.

IlniltaniU who wuit (o spand tlio day aw_from homo licit MonOay, olBallonoorkR, and'Iio ovonlBg in counting vutes, can mollify tbolr

'IveiforlliDlrabsencfl iy purchaalng for thornHnoBDtof toilot artloloa nnd pcrfuraorica at

Killgore'B. VTUehorcr way election goes theftdloa will stick to Killfiorog articlesilandordsofoicolloDco.

Tlio HorriB County Tcmpcianuo Alllancoulllhold Its next rrgulir acialun at HcCahiBVlllc,

Thuriday, May Cth, at 10J A. M. EachChureb, Huncliy Hciiool, Young Hen's ChristianABHoi'latfon nnd TrinporKiico Organlzawithin tlie enmity in ri1 quested to Bund

K, whoao nameB ahould bo ucnt tuII. Havldgc, fiecrctary, Vurrlitiwii,

TliortnldoticPB ofJftiiK's'N.Cnriull and James!«VariuMurriiitflnn wcrncutcri'dltyUrglai

ami Iho rcElilcnco nr II. II. Heritor attumpleWnnday nt(jlit. At tbo bonseB or Iho tier«cinlleni(jn tbo oiicrations of tho tblcr•a dlHcnvcrnd In time to prevent nnyUiinj;UB (-t.ilnn, but nt tho houae of Mr. Corlnll

two nnlclics and (20 In monoy were taken.

On Saturday a man called upon, Mr. JameiWebb, i>f Hanuvor, to toBotlato lor tlio pur-•Lano of properly vlilcli Sir. IV. had offoriid fDr

lalo. Upon HID itiTltatfon or Mr. TVcbb, tlioitrongor remained with him all niglit andSunday, lint Hlyly departed Sunday night,tatenlttg off nidi Mm a »10rt watch aijd

overcoat. Tbo theft wai not discovered tuMonday mom Inn;

A roducllnn In. tho prices of exonfaiou ticket!on tbo SI. k E. road takes place to-day. Hero-after eicurntnn tickets from Dovor to Now Yorkmd"return 12; io Mowarli, IJ.BO. From Mar-Utotrn to Noiv York and re tarn, 11.80 j to

Kowirk, 11.20. Tboio tickets will only bo goodfor tko day issued and tbo dty/oUovring-^iceptTfhcn ianticd on Saturday, when they will bogoodoiiMonday.

The Jcraoyman esyu: A conaidorablo per-tion Df tlio machinery of the Bnecdwci] iroWortBfaat boon botod and tent to BoQtlandjivhero It will be usod for tho purpose nf ninn-lfaolnrlnc sugar tniohlnery. Tliore l i nn bns-WHS boing enrried on Bt tho Speedwell Worksit prcHint, although the boll leruu^ four timesinch day, bi-cnimo of a peeullnr rlmiso In t!irllioftbo late Stephen Yall.

ThoTolIon-IiiBlsone of tbo anourmnni rom*nunlcatloaB we tome I lines recolva: "Editor[ilenHO y.ut In thin in' thu era as a warm:ipraonB who pnianei dogg aronnd walnut growihrro liEH'bepn two nr three do^u iioUnnd oneof thant onr nld oooc dog inos ami anntber fine

ii2 hound or tho earno flinlrlc. t* there la agood donl of suniiidon on ono persnii^ I wilany bo careful what you aro a hont.r

On Bnnilay evening, Mr. Ocorge McUiirtryt young man rcelillufT uoar Monillmm) wi•llomly injnrail l.y tho kick of » liorHD. T

wontln 'olhe stsblo and laid his liandtm tl..irao, whieh kicked bfm in the month, cnttfng

off about 1} inches or his under lip, and break-Ing tho loft Bido of blB upper Jft" lota slivers,clearing all tbo -toclh from Iho irokou jaw.Vs. J.. S. nnd I . II. StiSer nttomlcd la tboTOumls at once—Jeraeymsn.

Oncom[ilalnlof tlio "Candy Man" lust Salnrdaj niffht, Msrilial Anultngo arrcttod JohuHiilloir or Teato and Frederick Caso of TorOram,lnrf]gbtinc; in Tmnarlba's nalooa. AninTCBtigatlon before Jnatlcoango BlioweJ thatCaso had mado an unprovokod attack nn Hoi'IDW. Tlio latter wnadiaoIiarRCil and Caw veafined tSan&cosls, and ordered oommlttod tillboth woro paid; but having no monoy ho wmdischarged on Monday to BOVP oipensc.

Wcilflc, tbo {ihotographcr, deserves hoiuffailed ft public lioncfnctor, for having reiiucctthe prices or pictures t a correspotiil with tbopacket books oftho people In tbeso panic tiiIlia gallery In tho finest In this ction, hnppliancoB lor dnlng work nro of tlio bo*t, midnil his piotiirot iliow that ho 1B B miBtor of.tbiart bo praclicci. In tho taking of obildron'splcttiros he linS uo tuporior. AH should bntheir iilolnros taken while llio cheap prices last.

Decoration day, tha 80th (nut., Is enumeratedamong tho> ilayi sot apart by tbo hws of thisBtato as a legal holiday. That day occurs thiyear on Sunday, for which tho law linn eapoo!ally provides: "When that day. falls on thofirst day of tbo week, tbo day preceding It shallbo ii holiday, and it aball bo lawful to requiropayment ol all notii, cnecks and bills of ox-change- duo and payable on such holiday ta bomails on tlw secular day )>rovIoitB thi

A grand "May Day Foeflv*l of Bong," will boclvon In Wastlngton ITalt. Morrlatown, oiFriday ovcnlna; of next wcok, nndnr the dlret<tion of Prof. H. W. fleapter, who recently con-ducted tho Oratorio of " Either" in that place.Tlia sraudchorus will oomtist of 100 children1!volt-en, ITIUI tbo noloB liy Jilas Ella KnappSouRer, jiersonallnc tho Quooa of tlio Fairioa.The «eli--tmns will be from tbo cantata of11 Flora's Frsljval," and the entertainment willinclude ijuarloUcB and trioi by male voices.

Tiiopei,]i!u of Torcr aro to bo treated .toernudnpdllngmalcbih tlio old M. E. Chnrclion Tucmlsi.i evening next. (Jlasaoa will bo fann-ed nnilei- Italian, Iho irorila will bo given out bya iKjdsRogtto, and nil dijpnled dccUionB will borefem-d tdjiuififu wiio Vflll bo appointed. Theflrul prlzo will bo a gold pcu and pencil, thaemi a photograph album, anil tlii third auEK.vpliaii paper cutler. 'Ilia esoreliBB will Invarloil with t-lnglnq* Tli ore will no doubt 1>conaidc-rable nmiiacnient und a good attendanciA nominal price of adiiiiBKlon will bo charged.

Wunuilernlaiid that Oipt. TIIOB. Anileraoii.of Iho Ian flrm of Amloraon A Johnnnn of NOIT-ton, line concluded tu locatu in Dovor and willopen an oiuco in tlio National Uniou Dankbuilding. Ho will Mill retain bis comiectlon,howeror, with tin Newbaa far many yenrs held a prominent positionin Suiscx, politically and Bociall.r.ond Isgon-trolly acknowlctlgoil to bo ono of tbo foiemoiilI&wyeruiu Ilia count;. Ha l i a gentleman (ifability, high cbarnclor, and good nodal rjnal-

Forthe juirpoio of providing a library for tboPins Department Mayor RJcbarda ban sub*Bcrlbod flOO, Dr. Colmnbns IJcach t50, and LII. Jollcy t&O. This Is t n eiceilcntand wo lio])0 soon to too tbesa sums

itcd by many other contributions of moncTand l«iol:a from tho poojilo generally. Tliu

ins eontimnios arc compoicd of a One climof tneu, and ono of tha rooms In tbo now cugluabouse Is admirably adaptntf far a reading roomind Wintry. To ahow tbo interest the tircmenlako In their 'urganiiuiliuD, il mny bo slntojthat tba dilirrcnt ctuopanloa have expended iaall ftlwnt 12,000 for iirivatu ]irji>crir, trhlcbthey now mni.

A man in Alleutown ppsacuBcs ft copy of tboOuo Hundred Year Almauae, pnbllKbod in1300, wbh-b ,iokets tomo fourteen years from

Tliolo numlwr ucunrrioff tietwoon 1800 and19DO as years lo bo mured by untisutlly Htortnyweather. Tbo conlleraan has cibBprrrd wilh

•iouB Interest tha iulfiUnient of llm in-ciilc-iorn, which ho saya liaa boon aiagnlnrly com-plete, tlie stormi not falllni; niaro than a dayapart from Lho day Indicated. Tb0 calculationDts ilunn a period of sovcro cold in Uio latterart ofMay, 1873, Uils be inn ono of tbn four-

irau toora.whcn It la prcdTolcdirodial! have[rout m tills lilltudo. nud grape-vfada willttooxa and to destroyed union* protettoJ. -1\ia hoped tlio prediction nay not bo rcrillcd.

Tim K'nnaa Catholic Chilidi nf Murrist'tHiiidcriuj,' till' projt-el ti!n\wu-

h ij, p

iii-iir il^tplaw, thc-ir

0 lb«?r 15 fl

plaw, thcir prctii^l bury- JVDSI.-.H „! tliobt in liio l.-.-trl <>r II In-M it i],.. Jha

k (it U V. Siiwhancrl c.r Mr. C. M. U

i tlind adjoining Hut projurty of W. II. Og

W. Mi.cliliiif.rf> nnd 1-:. L. L'-UBcbury b>OiKiK'ttz. who Mlfh it tutbocburc-b/ur *S,B3ITho -ikfo nil] Jju.'tiniliali-ly bo pnparudlinen, and Iho bodies ii'ili-rrud in tlmnjiIng c'°utid retuuri'i] In iiunutiounx practtraliln,-Bnnncr,

f>t-r\ for Mny ban the foil owing ou oniI.OWU'H dhtinguiHlitd citizenB: 'JtUOBH" art well DS porlliegs of tlltl N

raiti-tb at tnlilo 'ilcoly illustra ed lost win tor at Ha rhill,

On the njoniirjK aflor Mr. HiHavtebad lociurnd In thvt phtiu, La enterlbs breakriat rcom of tbo hotol, and on tuliia Heat at ihu table was approach ml l,y a plump,Jne-lookloi; girl, who nurvod lbiu(,'3, and who,with a kindly umllc bcatnlKc; from 1ir.r ifice/.lofliiM] o\er hia shouluir, cud LliInquired, "Tea or coffue, I ico fa leak or porkIV'aa Uio lecture LAUUELZ attended ks t evculiijiir. Harto?" Mr. Hnrto'courkouHly replioitbat It wfta, and iu subauad tonou imimilodprafuronce fur porcina iitiBtentntioi), and Hi

ip that cheon, ct:. Didn't Lndn- who I ul•fat about? Well, IUTIIEH.


It abb cry mid Utg.tuijr,of the moat ningulur CUBCB of LTIIIIO H

curred at Drakovillu tliv c o k : Clnrksoii B . Ammcrman, a married manabout SO years of ago, baa been living wi th hla

ir and tiro children for somo timo pas t a t thohouse of h i t father, Joaeph lv. Ammermantliat placo. The wife of tbo younger Ami

i in tho recipient or au annuity, whichlives imui her guardian. On Monday ehslived no Instalraunt from th i s aourco

1401, of which sum about 1100 was in 8 u c i tS a n k notes . Oa Monday uiglit sho ivas robiutdor tliis en t i re sum, Iho circnmatanrsg of ivblc

aro tcry p is told by AiiTurcnt par-mnfllctlng." 3o»!uli E. Ammci-maii

t ba t abou t balf-imat ten o'clock t b a t ni(?liyoung Ammcrmau camo ' to hla IIOUBO In com.pauy w i t h Patr ick Ar thur , for many years

is tier a t tho Drahovlllo Uous : . young Am" - ' • • • • • - • , anuod With i

liionoy from hiieulureil tha hous

telisr kuifo and furetd tbijfu, while Pat remained at tho dooi

guard with a shovel.. Tlicn both of HID raat'alidoenmped.

The Blury ol young Aniniennaii'., molhcr midIs wile, liowuvor, nro uunsldorably OifTjrt-nt,lie «Ulur JII-B. AuimeiniBu eUtca Hint her »iiunit bud naoHiouil (Us nf inn unity cineo ho vit

four years nld, ami thinks ho was uiazod nihiB oi't'sBloi], Tbo father says ho thinks liiias iBiio, and tbaf ha has bcou a wild, »U>BO-lutfl Mluw nud liaa caurud bltn cuiiKldcrnlIroutjle and fspunsc. Tlio wmuen uaj tliyouug Ammarraaii iirot tamo lo Mn niolliand told her that Louisa (Ma urifo) had rocoiv

3y. This BIID donlcd. Then Pat catta her, aud gave her and her children Homecako, which they tbluk was saturated withlaud anutn, for tliey aooii after went aalccn. Hiibo gave l.or a bottle of »lilnti>, which sba did

pthiiy think Pat nlolo tbo money, whichvae In a pockat Iu hor tlrnej. 1)3 thia as it may,tlio mon secured tho money aud went t.i Boiiu'ehotol, Mino Hill, whom thoy Blepttbat nlglit.

On Tv.tuKlay anil Wednesday both mon eigagcdin a goncral ilrnuk, ntuoug oihur plac<vlaltinf; Dover and dl splay Ing their monc;Euritig tho evening of the latter day Pat wtcaught bnd lodged in ths lock-up. Tho soui?cningAmnicnnan returned to Bono's hotel,

Slino Hill, and sflcr courting tha servant giiif the bouaa, Sarah Itucklii, fur half nn honr,ont for Rov. Pierce Hogera nnd was married ticr. All tho psriles at tho hotol, ths giiIncluded, claim Ibat thoy wero ignorant of thbet tbat Ammcrman bad a wifu Jiving, Earlyn Thursday morning Uarshnl Anult np.o nrri'n tho Bccno, and nrrcBted jnun« Arummnanihllo In hoi with wifo No. 2.On Tlmrjilay forenoon all tba pa it fen nppea

Lcfoio Jnilgo Wood. Tbo u'ena trim n nrone, cud formed an interesting tableauiiuiiun nature. Tho father mia vrrj-nnxiouB tomyo bis Eun jnitilsliea, while his inntlicr am'life wuro cq,milly nnilotis to HITCIHI hint findnvo Pat sufll-r. M'ifo No. 2 oat iu tlm nIntit, buxom KojjHdi girl, n eorry 1

liridc, bur chad-it BUfTuncd with lilutihim. Mr.ppcared fur tlio Stato and by his ndvicoilfBCharecd. Tho eldiT Mn. Amnitr-

man ttion sprang forward and BIUI! l'nt must biuid, fur he Imd ntlompUid to com mil a, rnpip-ii tlio yuungt>r Mrs. Aitinieinuui, wLkh shiAd preventod.

Mr. Import nexlqucBllonod young Ammcrmanwho seemed to Iw in a half drunken crane, andanswered i-otklcanly. He admltlod tliat i a waimarried tho nlgbt bofoi-e, bntaanlbd that hibid been jiravlonaly married In HorrUtoirn tihis proBcut xtlte by Itov. Mr. Hut In. Ho explained tho fact of having so much monoy by

lying that ho hidworkod bard and aaved It,lit admitted lie hail dono no work since laatIntor, Ho bad carried tbo monoy In tils

pockot all tlto timo; ho might bavo aped ni ~170 at Bouu'i hotel; ho bad been livinf* at li

nd at otbor plnccrn; he had soen hla futbrrnro beforo, ho thought.'Tho elder Am merman remarked t int wife No."muiit he a widilcr row.1

Mr. Done, proprietor of tbo hotel, hnndei](250 ever to Juugo Wuoil, wbleU ho na: ' 'merman had given him to keep for him.

In d;fanU vt ball Aimnonnnn was committeda turnlt n, liDailug on TliuraOny next.'After tho prorecdlugs wore over

llBgusting scene was enacted on tho walk. TliailJcr aim. Animorraan and BBverol sympatheticfumalux, paraded wire No, 1 and bor childroiIxfoia wlfa No. S for bor Inupocllon, amlaujhed at thol(.ua of having tlio latter fur]auc.htnr>in-]awy while <tho bndcr of a fow hours:culd only turn hof' head from them, anrpatiently wait for tLo wngon which w»» to

ivoy hor.aivoy from her tormentors. It waiman-like to kick an Injured woman, ani


C o n Orum,Wo, tho pooplo of Port Omin, want to knovio reason why tlio duluga and undoing of oui

•illago aro not chronicled in tho columns of tho[ION E I U as hcrcloforo. Sir, onr cxtatanco liaabeen fgno»d lately. AYhy IB this? lit It in

iute^uonce *(ng somo ueaert) of onr lito cliron-!cr hnvlug ciilnrcd auolhcr Slato—n united

date—ono of the in oat • important—yet not-und in the map. Woli, joy bo wllh him,Well, sir, wo bavo got on K«<]. and clso u

Oonotablo; thanlis to our fellow citizens ofRandolph tcwnallp. I bopo thoy won't Ihluk

ungrateful. Nor, I liope, will our worthyIciale think >vo undervalue Ib!

,hoir services wliou I say wo would willinglythem ofT for a well thut would giro^a a

ion tlnuouB supply of pure water. Law 1B good,it tho IOBByou havo to do with it tho bolt

md tbo best uso wo can make of a eonstato liavo no iicud nT hia iunlces. Hut of

.tcr t'ivo UH abundance, puro and uimJoll>il. TIIA minci have drainod our wellsit ilioao wlm hove ciatenis hnvo to UEO raintor .'iir al) purpoaes. Tliofa wbo hare no[term have to fetch it fmni Ibo upring nonr

;!io 1' CHirjinj; two pnlla of witter thatif bo condnclvo to tbo bcsllh of Hi

mdy i jicrsyii wlio noeilB oiorclao, but itI(BHU awful xlnln on tbo temper. Buppoao

ilio old man, just como home from tbo mine,* d with elinginu a hammer round all dny,iml'oxpeidirfr to hnvo nothing to do but cat

nipper; Instead of which, Beesio' tbo wifeof hlf bufiotn calln hta nltontlon to two emptypalls, nt tbo Aft mo time telling " she can't mako

itil bo fotelicfl aomo wntcr. Jack looka ather with as little affection in his glnnco us howould look on a lai collector, and with (per*

blessing on tho water, bo picks up thopails savagely, troadti on lho tall of tho dog, for howling, .goes off growling, corneaback ditto, s iu dnwu to hia (upper with a

untciianco graphically described by BCBSIOliofrnj " an pleasant aB a COW'B hUBband'B,"

ir a thnudcr clonil. In fact tbat trip ta tboprfDR i t the Piano haa made things generallyincomfortably. This water question forbidsno giving any account or other iloms of newsnr feav of Twuiipyltig too much of your valuablejuee. Yours, Ac,

Itiax IBTS.

Itcportiho Trustees of School District Nu. 3, Hino1, for tho flflcalyosr end ing April 1st, lB7Ii:

cn.Balance in hatulaof TcwusLlnColloc-

tor, April 1st, 1874, * $1,707.71,pporllonmcut from Htato appropri-ollon. townnhip tax and aiirplua rov-

1,7111.71,ni*t raised liy special Difltrlct tax,' o or HpGclal tax In Dover Bonk,

Ixpeudcd for tnadiora ' wag-H,[•pairing sclioul IIOHBU,

'nc l , -ciijcnlals,

il.incoon l o a d April Jat , H7S,

2,8.13.10] ,017.14

EITJ>H M I L U R , District Clork.

liatAmong lim

ruls FUmcll

in-winy or hfli«*.'»tIliu AH

of On nu!i!i] and K.I, 'if Kunruov, Mr. (luu. Dmiforth, mid M«nnrH. Win. L. Klnpr, 11.i.dJul;^ Jjidgcrwooil of Mori-iutui/u

i! tu t euldei nf HetiaUi]UiiJ()l[ib, uli> firo(|U'!nl or certain ladiiH ot M a m a count / , foponaienioti tu huld Wabhingtou t e a parties itbo headquarter*, was Rrintod, Lair or tho proils be dovotud to tho in tu rents-of thfi Asuocit ion. I t wan agreed to p u t a now roor ou tin

ain IKIUBC, Ui MjinJr t b o walls mid ceil inB

l lland pu t them in a ponslbl thoioriginal couditiun, and to ihellao tho floors.—

Tim executive commitleo were empoweredpurelaso old furniture fur lho different rootor tho hoiiHfj, aud It nos FUggCEtc'l tliat Backpersons OB tnar have old-fasbluuc-d fithoir ponsi-EBloli that they would part witlishould bo reiiuoslotl to confer with tlio extlvu committee. Tho subject of the nextnual meeting, lo bo held on lho 21th of Jtininoit, WUB iliBcuasud at length, when it wiagreed that a twitting of tLo xtocklioldorn bibolilnttho Huii(]iiiii,rt.jra about uoonday, KIICII l-rcsidunt llandulph iroulil

umGiitconcerDiiiglbcbuuiueGsiiiriirsortbcAssociation. At four P. H. an oral, on on Clou-oral WaHblnglou cud his auMlatloas with Mor-riatuwn.wUllwdcUverod by Mr, Ooorgo WIlinrn Curlls, Mr. JaT.iea Parton, or nomo ctliLnull-known orator yet to bo sulected, and tihear which tbo public will ho luvltod. Aitboro would bo no rcom In tho Hcjadquartifor BO largo a crowd of persons RI would natur-ally nsacraUu on this occauion, the firator willspeak from iho fiout atoop ot tlio honso, andthe audience bo gathomd umlor tlia old (njn the lawn; Otbur gnnllcmou will bo thoro tiipeak,and Prosident Grant, with SDoratarl,L-'isli and IlobcBon, aud olbot1 mombcrB of theCfUiiDotwlll.ltIs prosont. HOHO-lulIoiiBivcropasBcdorilerins tbo procuring u

largo Nutloiin.1 flagi, and tbo oroetlonofBaft polo one hundred Toot iu height. A com

illtco wns appointed to confer with tbo hillouin tho matter of forming a Ladles AuxilliaiKociely of tlia Waibington Aaaociation, and Ibohope was generally oi pressed tliat tlio ladios

)uld euro II tbemHclvtlund their offiirts tu aid In furnishing iho 'liead•quirlern ami In llio colleotiou of curiojitioa,

The tlianki of tlio Ansoclallon were tenders>Mrn, OL'II.N. O. linlulod for a copy of the

Ulster C'ouuly Oazotlo, containing an accountof tho death of Washington, an•! lo Mmms. JiHIT ft. Co., of Newark for nliandsomo framu <llonls county oak that mirrouuds tbo summd for a fine oak staud on which to place H*C|;i»try book. AIHO, to a Trenton pottery Unanr tlicir olTcr tu jircKcnt Jlio AaancJullon with a:omplulo Olniier act with Ihiit arnm tborcon. Tho niceling was a valuableme to tho Association, much important biiai-ICSH being transacted, ami on Its close MIOBOirewnt dined with Boun tor 11 nuilo I ph . - r epub -


Tho Ccuteuulul F o n r d t .II laalongtimoBlncc Sussoi has colebralL_

Ibo Bniiivorgary of our Independence, and weJURtil Bonn to dlBcusa tbo proprloty of having airaiid outburst on thoPourtu of July, 18TG; ourmndredtb birthday, ft culcbratlon in which each

township In tho county should ba repruuonUx].A pood program mo could bagotteu up bogin-nliiff with bolls and camion titsunrlBO, filled Inwith HUOOL-hoa and iirocoitioQB during tbo day,and closing with flronurku and music In thoivonlng. If wo woro loput our shoulders tu tinTIIOOI, WO couhl tuako tlio day long lo ho roiiemberod.

Tho above, clipped from tbo Sussex llcgintcr•ojiludBUBOf what wo so strongly ndvocatetnatjoat—a grand county cololiralion in bmio)f Ibo centenary or American Indopondonco, nlie old Wanliingfon llcadquarlors, on tho i t lif July, 1870. The preparations of mich a cele-limlion eanimt boeommeueedinlimo neityoalo makuit tliD-iuwcBfl it nhould Iio. Tbo tltui

:OII1IIIL'IICO tha arrangeniontB la now, nud il[a vrlth rui-prlim that wo noto that Morribto

not n I ready taking tbo initiatory steps.- OJiltcea Khould bonpimintcdand thoactivo

jcratlon nf all the towns in tho county shouldIio secured at hast a m r in atlvanco tu tho onHint we may havo a ileninnGtraiion al Jlorrii

mn on that dny akin to that lie hi iu Coucornd Lexington lant wool:. Lot It Iio U day thi

shall "vivo all tho chcriiibot. events of that pe-riod iu our inlnilu; lut nil tho old revolutionary

•Hen bP i-ovli)wod at WaBhlngtiim, and lot ua liavo a pageant that shall ex-

litblt- lit mice tho cutttiimos, nianuore nud mili-tary drcna of that time, Its anus and equtp-

ts, iiltl-frtBhlonod Implements or Ullageinauufart uro, and in lllllug cDntraBt tushow Hi

oha madoaaan Indcpcndont peo-)lo, a graud rcproaontation of all tho arts, tradend vocation* of tho comity. Lut oar orator bo

at onco Kolfoted who will have timo to preparehistorical adtlrcBn, which shall portray tli

part Morris Connly took in iho drama of tl:Ilovoltitlon. In short, oa our county bears DOlittle distinction aB being tho headqmrton ofWashing ton In tbo darkest days of our nation's

ggla for rrAidom, and is rich In other histo-rical osfiocialions of that Urns, lot an thon co

omorate it tna manner t int irlllovlmw thatiavo not forgot leu tho heroism of onr mcoatry,md that wo veil ajipreclnto the privllegCB tkoiioeriflces conferred upon us.

Mr. David Morehonno of Morrintowa has Jtdeposited with tho Wasliington Aesociatlcin tivaluablomomoutoBs, historical ol Washingtonand tho Revolution, Tho flrjt la throo rolumosof tho Gccius of Liberty, (wculily) for Iho years1709,1700 aud 1800. Thoy a

d l l th hwoll preserved

ty pr

nnd complslc, with the nxecntian of throo nhers, and cmhroca tho first three yceraof Hipubllcallon, enmmoncing with Vol. 1, No. 1,—

nro perhaps iho oldest and best historicalrecords of Ihin Boclion, and a new iu turcet con-.res in them when It Ia staled thoy containrei-y full account oF tho deatu of Washlngtoi

id roports of tbd icrvieoB and ceromoniCB holdIn tho loading citlon of tbo Union whon tho oven!

icanioknow. Thcsoaccounls ruu throaglivoral numbers of tho paper, tho column rules;lug roTorsod und tho paper put in mourning

luring their publication,Tho aoninB of Liberty n a g pnlliuhod by Ja-

cob Mann, and afterwards purchased by H. P .Hall, from irliom Mr. Morokouto Bocarod tho;opioi in qu Tbo Association, may con-

If npon having socurod so intor-'u&blo an acnulBltlan to tlicij

gratulato iieating andloum. .

Tho second ii a most Intorosline relic of theovolntion, balng tbo sward carded by Cipt.

Jamos Ilogori, while serving in tho patriot ar-my under Waililugtou. -Tha hall aud guard

o braas and tho Undo, which ii 2 feet 8J m<i In longtlt, although deeply corroded wltli

mat, still exhibits ovlJcnca of ha ;ice beetof tlio beat upriiifr (tool. Captain lingers lived

a Hpo old ago, aud plthin the memory ofany of aur older citizens. Ho naw active

'Ice In tko war for Indopeudcnuo aud lifs swordsal fitting rutic fur tbo A sand at Ion to pouMany who I'IBTO mm tho iword in th

OannbroDlco.during tlio pott few dayn haveupon bearing ils lilatory, exprcsHcd txtigratification at handling' It.—Uanncr.

Tim work of grading tip to tho canal bridge is>citig pushed forward frith a vigor tbat betoken, bettor passage over that artificial mountain.—

i Ibat tba canal company Itorp a I'CB] "iblo dlBlnnco from tho job and Aro far from lcud-

liand to help iio tho work inado'iieeenby tho additional story put upon tlio walli.—Tbo thing may evince a llttlo montal acumon ontho part of tbo company, though it Is a verypoor exhibition of Ingenuous ceas,

Tbo Presbyterian minister from Pnrslppmypreached in Itocltaway last Sabbitb, anil gave auexcellent dlBCourso Iron tho eta Command-ment. Tho subject was trotted practically and

such away as to awakott thought upon the•oqulsitoa to a life of atrict Intogrity. In jusiry,iconomy, prajor, and trust In Ood won* shewn

Ir practical rolatbns to lifj nnd haiipi-

Tho ainglng-chafi coutlitucs tu lloutiuh, Mr,illor on tlio violin, Dr. Jacksuu on tlio hass-

'lol and Miss Elizi H'Kiniioii on tho organ,nake B fullitccompiiiimcntofiustrunicDtal mu-

i convert Is ospcclod at tbo do no of this

Utv, Frank P. Utrr r ,It in with much gratification »nd pleasure

0 atlompt this Blight tribute to ouryoitugman, the llov. V. V. Bcrrj, vho last Sub-

liatb supplied tbo pulpit of tho PronbylortanChurch. Hid manner nnd matter wero BUCII as

hold bia auditors lo tho slrkitoit atlentlnn,and ha displayed an ability which plainly mark*

1 pOBicHscd of moro ttmu ordinary talcots.wo Uitiuvo beiLg hia first sennons iu bisiplaoo, liavo mot with tba hlglicit onco--n tram HIOKO who hud tho plcasaro oMioar-

ng Ibom, and the earnest deeirnlBoiprosica liyill that wo may frequently bo privileged to

to linn bere. Ilia depth or thonjiht'nndatucsa o[ manLcr plainly ovlpco that bis

icart U In bk work and thKt ho will ba a usefulncceHafcl laborer .n tbe glorioiis canao

'hich boliBserponieii.

Allarrprcii-ntnllitnt. f "That EifplltJi*."IJovr-K, N. J., April 2Qtk, 18"ft Dovin, S. J., April 26Ui, Jfl75.

Mn. IJUITOH :—Tbo kst ^Dminunlc^tloa f4.'E»iToa:—It will bo we» from Ih6 Troai-"i'ux-r.iyt'r" is BO mada up of misrepreaou* report tbat tba corporation authoritiesiuiiB Hint I liiliik a lew cf them slioald-nrtcpipiiit « revenue, from other oooxcooiilfd. Ho ujRumcB Iu tho first pines tU»t l Using tli* dtlxom, uf •4,000 u

IILM or HID (uwn will <:ni»d on to |30,O00: aur share of tbe ro»d monoy, flnea,o Int ol Mny. Tiiln is dimply fooliih. I, etc., which snini wo coati! n t b»vo wllb-tttcnidiit sbnws thu cut iro dabt to ba *2c/» maiiicioal tiovernmoiit. Tiiln amount isid it IB publicly jirui-laimed that the Com Meat to pay tho fotoreat on tlie public deb

Council will bo hold reeponBiblo, as iluA wi|MS out the fiullro principal In ul -liitK. fur any lucreilsa of the ilobt. Ho»"i, without aMi,niug for my iiit-ruaiiu in thoikuof afloallUK'dubt wliun there la *d!ile prujwrly during that time. Hbouldtlncan tlierc bo tnt-b a Tha Cote of iucreiitu kocp up in tliu uuxt OH in tin

diht io/1, by Mr. Scgur's mlniiiilstralioiiflt tuu yean, it would Lu done Koonor. Itbeou funded, and !2,0fX) of iL paid by tbo ill bo soen from tbit that tbo " Eluphaut" can

iduiiiiUi.ration of tho phuo out o» made to paymonoy allowed for tbo ordinary inponaos itboul tuxnllou oilier tban nuongb to loop

)ar. ' ho machinery In motion ; su Ihal asaDuanciaIio IMJ3 "tbo Treasurer's report wilpwiulalian I presumo mou c»n l>o fuuad irhi

likely give UR all tho Horns, good, barill gladly aksumo tho corpomtlou debt at iindifferent." Ilia report has Iwoiipubllalijremiuni If thla revenue, which, i i entirelyIt now remains for " Tiu-1'jiycr" to j«ilorl?ed from uowren out el do of corporttlitboliadmidiiidlffurcnt Itomv. If it bo ttaxjlion, can bo aot aaido for UB liquidatlo

" Tfii-Poyer" waB a Without a corjinrntlnii wo would bo entitledtuvru, this icpart, pu'pnif 130 pur «illo Tor 'road imDroTomciita, r.imi either cnu of bin, itho licciiao fcef, lines, etc., vblch are no inoo

rulIneuB in striklne coutroat ivitli hia iBldcrable Items, would go to Ihi L-OUIIIn one of his reports Is au itini of over autlioritii

for "uundry eoutracts." I wouldlik<Mr. Editor, what you would call Niicb

good, bad, or Indirfdrciit?"Ilut tho groat point or bin a

tbo expense attnehed to tho tiro dop;

Iu tbo Jodguient of all who hnvo tl;junincd the cost of this dnpaitmei•on purchaaud economically, andgnrdtoconnnlBaloiiB. WohiToaflrgtj

ilupurtmcut la over? particular, and* ie in a central location, all it afDdiiiK 118,000—an lnstitutloi

already paid fur Itself aud will contifBO, over and over again an Ibu years f

lint as a sop to-the flramen ho sajcan ha"*! a cliango and koap up u f<Iep»rtm«nt In tbo bargain." This l/\7

irlanco wilh tho Btalomonln of niopposition to tbo prosout adinlulst!may mean tiulhing. I am reliablytliat Bomo of those moiplacrukd l>y tbeuo snippcr-suapp^ta

IVDB llroinon." ARtunst Iliia I fohst. TlioCrenienortljiiplacoP .

respect a flood dins or men. Thc;fi"gat all times lo do their duty, o.^rexpenso in perfecting tlinlr organi/fi1

ilon.v ludlHiian.llv any Inluutluii ou h <uio thb town. Of course tu-orl.v)11'1

ro x-tAcn and lax payers, and hH'n""'right tiivotoas they pli-aKo lU.'J"Puycr" Jiaii. A FiBBiiAh- AKU A P"-

DOVKU, Apr! (*•"'•Mn. EIUTOU:- Ai thfs in your la»<I<>"

prior to tbo cHartcr clcillou of nt^.v,words by way of compel Isuf<»t b

lug—a comparison of tlm tnxe^'wlttikxau of Morrlstown at U i o U ^ 'iaxes aro a burdon, and &.re if1/ ' ' 'urn on Council, nnd jufii an tmipi-'apl

Bubmlt, so long will they tvto boImpoBGtl. Tbo quefltiim pmonj I

t m UO golngja ski ou; tho people "If I hoy -/bo

th i At

long will tho people submit? T^isonIbis : Tho taxablo properly f rpon

,Ion of Dover Ia about 180(1,000, prBBoiadmitted debt, wlilch ell can »2G,00O.Tho taxable properly In tbottionHorrlstorvii la about «,00(1,000*'r pres-ent debt !B only flG,OOU. Our ((Counciltool; it npon ttouiBclvcn in thefay, ant'ffltliout notlcu to Ibo tax paj« «» «if tlio Lcgkiaturo last uiutor P"Qm tbitax payers *1D,OUO In nddltlni^ouimoi.Council cf JIorrlBtown RBkedfx payera

ir Uioir cmiHont to ralwo iT^oi cf thocglBlulunt In uddltiou, and l|t «<uuncil wan rubuliod and Pni°oinetdin their cam.Ono legacy nf tho prcaontftratlon Is

that to-day land owners oi' tha cityliini'.s cnu diunoso of bnlldhflllle thoeaInaido cannot. Purchasers Ma:

lionvj, and tho eyaloin oj lh'ir ytiar higher nud biiakci

ifrald of tho corporation, f

TJila Bbould not ho so, f thA truthlotirl ibBtandlng; nnd wo cf«> tl«> ksi

I hopo Ibo eltlzoiiB mm'tpel 'dulynoxt Monday. It may bof'"gh to calltbo attention of tbo tax pif!" f a c t thatin onr Trcitnarcr'u roi»rps not makeiftlli tlmt UiLTo'nro up uttSBBalmt uiban tboso ho repor ts , Uflvoa i t to URcopy o r bin a m o u n t s . . W »H bo so ,

m l t h e m arc dobla he ." Inform u siliont. . We don't moan thfahiR bol i raenIho 22.1 of April aud the f of May, b n t

""• > o t

Committco can loll ah.

One tblug morei. 'Tliipc.k>» of thompnlouicnt to our charf^in 187J,haibeeu spread out boforo i'larantoo thatalllsriglt. Ifworoadfotbo conclusion that tho ,Ml1 " ^ raort-BaKo on tbo onglno houiJllogal contractand can only be paid a M for in thatsixth ncclion. It wan l"iry. to partdothat section. WOJIU heyo otiit. The•equBl allows Just has been ro-

" ~ It was child'1* tha first place,and lo havo it publiohiWook is it was,was like tbo bay "whou* in tlio dirk ;"yot let ns bo fair and JM parties, lot tbolax payers fall in nnd.t° D'l o u r <lehti

reported and uur{ Enod . h*<* »n^

indiiTurent, and mako;><llot c

Lt against fuluiMddobt*.


f tinthan tho min{-

riamo gcnoral ideas—tho gored JUPON oiwlth its garnitureof flounces, shirriufil ctc-> (

bincil; tho TAni-ref. "t polonalso, withs ncoessary trlmniP^Ei looping, puff-tg «nd finishing 'Mm COHBIOE, withB ruff, or its eoilivJfl. bows, and what

iot;andltsalcove^t>E. In her fiat weIOIO tho (ujao, or I'y mofliflod nhapo ;

ittbofoath'w.Bcarf.a: "and on iton i t t h e f o a t h . ,

lB, t l iat WO B0i>" "1O he«a-drciB of*"1 B*°™» formLho grown np


w o * " 1 nform,wo Ba ' sc i rc l ty oFbntfniiR.

Iwith, however, ar scarcity otuannua.Her boots, ties, fpor« aro Identical inBtylo ivItli'Uioiopoludr, and hiparaiol, and ge/l^tto acccssorica arosingularly Blmilaf oWcr lmiicn toll ui

' itdklng fcal>l|D ^ r c n n of girls h&ilways cxlil<|it 'a «" outijrotrth ofdvanco and!8 n r ' I ' 0 af-'°* DB 'ri " t u o


Hnwovor, to || daflntto. Tor mlsiM,is-for their (.'roif'"" ornatlwrfl, tfua-• ' • • • ' -""oinanil. TLo buanun

1, up to this Ume, iretlio Htreot,

itrlpcd i t u o[turial in combinatiaii

UU tlio plain j l l f t ' r cashuicro, or aomotber of tlia aty. 'nrssy, nil-wood innter-

FaBhion ^llroctsr| tba plaid* or^ntripos

cnerallyfon^OW'noroihiidDB of thoilor-Uiougl)mBr ftnd n o r o opproprHo, wo think! a 6 ° ° r '»« wcnrerB, aro

IIIOHU of liter wh'ch coraminglo ia tho(Irlpos or pla^ D n d definite colon*, BUCII

I Bestial, pl*» crlmsou^and groon.Pnrtlcnlar1°r'l | r. tha'present eeiion,:o tho nri'Hi ; 'n!ncUC»P8 forgirl-bablos,

of Ui' doviHoil a|id flnlnhcd Inr B0 jtliat thoy rival tiioao of lac

d e l i y3 chllO. ftlircdy b^l In tho

[ toimJ, theroi-thotcxl

wtilo for comfort toto hefttth, they caninfant's wardrobe.

icro aro many nan anilmd pattern:of

seful L novelircallo'na |n l1^ ^omun too iiiimoioitti to

'tlOH.j- T . , ••' • ' '.

inrlcnlilo Cunt.

My Uliccvi;rc'y injured ia * collision

md fur (i*! c o u ' ( 1 scarcely set up andBl^flcr" trying varlnna llnlmonts

[aLhilmcnt or Camphor Cream,did no,! " l i o f ' n l l > 1 l t uS ^ in thonniEli-

inil rent autonidlinjonl, after a fewUcills rntlroly cured.

,' Jons GUEEK.iatta Station, April 20th, 1875.) ChoBtcrllrancb.

l£*?i«n&lata?Iffl!on?SSS;|,oat]Keura]gii, Bora Throat, Hptilns,its o i« . Iliirna Pains In the Limbs,

I)[j ASD CATTUi IT WILL ClltlCilDBjr Foot, Splint s,p tiff Jem I H, SanclcW,\ RrrnlcliPH, ^wolllngB, Bruges,

'lenb Cfl Lamarjcss of all kinds.Hold f" ifJfW, A. Vonght.DniBBiBti D.. jjci)>crt Killgoro, Bam'l Trowarlha,, u . p i i , B. S. A J. A. Lyon, II. F . 4 J .\ Sctfil by Oram, Il&nca & Co., Port

)ram :|Jeam, and I. N. Iloneh; Iioeliawny;ipaiali•, SnwMniiMj A. ltolwrtj, prako-lle ' ; | . llludlo A do., Hinoparof1. Teabo Mine; Utrylwr

Tho plain tnith Is tills, Ur. Editor: ThoroIn ubotit thin Innu a certain ulass of peuplo whoaro alwoyn cunicg tho corporation, anil rotalways granping for its control. Tlioyhadctrol of ibo town once and run tho tax-payers indolt over 17,000 in ono your, according to thoirown showing. Can any ouo ico that they did

than was dono iu lho last year, when the»ry expenses of tho Iowa woro aboat 10,000

leg! than during tbelr hat ye%r ? Their wliuliargnmont Is aheoccat baldtrdaah, citculiteJ

iiy to fuist tbetaaolvai in powor, and gainanother grip on tba tonu treasury.

Of cotirau no bavo got a debt of I20,OUO,bid. no onoatUimpta ta coaccal, but havo wi

not also got lomoihlug to sliowforit? Inoiiabort years onr town has emerged, from arillago mnd bolo into a growing young city,

with eictlletit itrects and w|llii, and otherImjirovcmonta, and for all these wo ire onlyiu dubt 18,000, of widuh sum 17,000 wai saddled•pan UB in ouo yuar by tbiB begun roforin cltqi

W« have pjntsod bfjnnil gniug In dabt tor strootand ordinary tnwn imrrovomcnti, ntfd duringtho last year by oconumy wo bavo paid offf2,OQOortlmtdoli{;htru] " lORacy" loft ns byformer CltlBons' administration, KD-callcd. Aud

mo othor fellow do not toll us th«•roiBo In tho valno of our.rcal citato, v.

in MQloly owing to tbo improvunionls undo sincetucorpurallon of thu town. 1 thsroforo

ro all Bcnidbla peoplo to judge whether tliuilumonts niailu by "Tax-rayor" arulotlicrsintended for tho public good, or whotli

tlioli Ntorloi aru tlcutianaoting cant, dauiguud:ial


Tbo tftlftueo of our dubt-II8,000-!• furlewuroaopattiuimt. Of this debt 17,000 ro-udliiij BI a mortgage upon the euglnu'liuinvlilch wilt be tiiiicu up wbou tho vcm&lui.

bonds aro Bold, aud Ihia la what crowdi tho aililt bus fuw to tbo forge ot distraction. Thoywant to tlcklo Ilia ikcinou bjr aaylut;. as "TaxI'uyer" does, that they vrill koo)> u,» a good cgoiilzatlon if Ihcy get Into (tower (?)and yotluenly avow tbumvclvos opposed to fsHulng 'nofa bonds, io toko up this mortgage Thoyno trying to ait unco, two aloob.and tbo fall

they will receive noxt Monday *tl> bo apt Icbreak thoir necks. Aa lo ths valuo and efficlcu-cyofthlsdopartmtint, for whlnh this dabt ofllS,-000 was created,'wo leave the public to Judge.

ibenufuur last Cuundl wnro all taxpajom, Boma of tuom among tlio ticaviosti

ind it I* BlniNty abiurd to luppaso theywould expeud larjta guinr, foolishly; of which

nld have Iu ]>ay their jiroportion.AXOTUXBTAX 1'AVXI

Town Nomliia-ltoaii'.

inly fur Iho purptMo ofirrutirying thu pol l t i f f

A Fli>(-cl;>u Conerrt.It t'lvt*u» Iho (,'reuttil|ilciauroto rmU (bat

Prof. It. Vf. &sKurftUIi;iVL'airrauitt'oMwrl utvox'nl mnai'Mu this lown on WuilurEdut UVLIIIIIL-ot m i l neifc, l loj Bib, in H.L: I-rritlijuriniiChurcli. I'rff. fkaHcr will l.i- ancit.uaon Ibis o.n-unloti Ly hit danyhlor, MIKB TlllaKnapj) Seaccr, lujuuiu, and Ibe Lent talaiitolUorrUtown and M*diaon. Amoug thu pnrty areinciudod of IssKingor MorrlBtowu, suprwQ MrW. E. Cliiircli, Pn'iidenl or Ibo 1". M. V. A. ofrtornntuim, 1«IM, iml 3[imt Kiuuia V.Tunujion,nf HadlHOit, pleliiHt. Tbil Inal named led

i» tiller* of Alfred Teiinj-un, tlm Poet Lnuread of England.

I'rof. Meager in a guotlcmaa of tbe iluoalUHifftl rultuto, and will bo rcinembDrnd m

tbo one under whoio d ircclion thu Oratorio ut" wai rocontly prebcuttd with aud

high fiiTor both in IXotrisloivn and SladkouHis danglitcr, Miss Ella Kn app Scegur, iu tbouc

itertaintnentri created a considtrablc Bousa-tiouby her alllitiei, and made herself a uul-

faTorilowith tbepooplo"f hotliThis con»ert will compriso selection"£»lber," ballnJu, etc., and in nu iiUtintorystop to producing tnn Oratorio compk-lc In thinplace. If uuccoBBful in this vuituro Prof.Beagor will at onco begin organizing a riiorus

for (bin purpose, making selections frcDover, Itockairay, Chester and otbor placeB.

'Tbe high character of thu eati'rtilonictit pro-posdd for uext Weducadty ovtnlnp cannot betm.fiVDr.lily in ok an of. Tbo succoes bo bmet with In Uorriuloivn and Madison, bothrhlch places contain many fluo mnilcal critics,

la a guarantee that tlio concert will ba all tbaia promlHd. Wo alncoroly trust our pooplo wilgivo him incU * welcomo rtccptiou next Wed-nosilay ovanlnp, that tbo tuccoaiof the Ora-torio wilt tie Hcoured be-jund the pogalbllity of i


IlmeliittulowN.• m u m OF nEonoE x. BEHWKIK.

Orctt eicltcmont BIB caused at tho Hteko'ls-town Sominory last tiundar morniDg, tho 25tb,it U o'clock, by tho doaih or Qoorgo l^nwick,rho was one of tho best Bluduutiiof tbo I

tuts. JI( was takon sick Thnnday uigbta very sevore headache nnd Friday morning wasnot acualllo, nnd coutinued In that alalo unUlbodied. On Monday afternoon at 12:00 his ro-tualm wero circled iuto tbo parlor, WIJ

ft* snug and a ]iraycr was ofTurcd U.Ellison of WothliiKton, wbo wna hiformer p&slor. Tha ocriglon drew all of tinatudouts around him da*irom nf paying tholaat Iributo of rcn]Mct to ono whoio meniory willbo held in (bo ufghcil Tcucratlon l.y hiiatci. Aflor a few remarkB wero niado hy Itcv.Ur.Ellison tliottudontH lurmcd liiapr

lUslluwod the ruinalus to llio ikipot, whtrao Tersos of "Kwect Dy-nnd-Uy" wciiii

tor which Ibo remaluB vrcro taken to lh Intorexiddin'oat Hubuken I'.vlhc 1:38 ttnlu.


Aro yon goin^ to paints, Uf BO RO to the Dm;Stun of \V. A. Vougbt, Dover, and oxamlno tin

im|do card of coloru of tho house and villilady nilied paints. Over ana hundred hcium-i

paiulcd b.r tbo no !u thin vicinity, oml nut om"«J, they ato ponnauont indduralile,

dry (luickly with n firm hard glonsy flurf(iri\I'J

tho* w

Tlio llepubhean eauoui waa bold last oveiiiugi Holler's Opera. IIuuso. Jnu>o Wood,. Cliair-ian of Inst caucus called the moeUsg to oi

Win. H. McDavit wai chosen to preside, and J,Howard Lampson'oledod Searotarr. I tmoFcd and carried that tho ncrninelloEB bemado hy acclamation. Dr. Qcach nominatedGeorge lUchihlH fur Kayor. Tlia nomlnsivaa unanlmonsly ratified. Tlia other oflkerinucilnated aro au Jullovi:

lloeordcr—Dr. T. R. Crlttcnden.Aldcnuan—Dr. Columbus Jleacli.Common Councilmeii-Chirlea V. Gage, Itaao

W. Hearing, Bodgwlok R. Bennett.M tho nomluatlons wtrd ruado without op.

Dfittlon and unanlmoualy r*l!Qcd.Tlio Clerk read Ibo ticket nominated, wlilch

was applauded, , ' . .A fow remarks wero tnado bv Dr. Betcli npoi

ttio necessity of active work, aftor which theellng aojoutocd.

' rnz crnzuti ' GACODS - ^ .B held in Whitlocks Uall. Warren Bcguiled tlio mooting toordsr. fas.n.Kolghtomi elected Chairman and Wv J . Brace, Soara-

tary. Mr. Nelghbonr retarnod bis thanks fortho honor and oxplalneJ the object of ths meet-ing. I t was moved and earrlsd that the Chairuppnlnt a Committee to niako the nomination!Tho Chair appointed us such Committee, War-

n Segur, I I . P. Sanderson and Thoi. B. Jar-B. Mr. Jarrls declined aorvlug and Ur. T.. A

tJticklo was appointed and declined, bat [JOChiir said ho was not Incllned^to rccalvo thedcclln&tion of BO many. Thecommittcereliredind retarnod with tbo following nofnlniUoii


Mayor—Daniel O. WhtfrluB.liocordor—Chas, A. Uillon.

. Alderman—L. C.'Blortrlrtu,•Common Cohncllmcn—Im 0. Ccopar, W.

Sogar, Wm. A. Dickorson. - .On inoI ion t h o ' report wan sccented mul

adopted, and the raeutlng ndjouniotl.

Don't forget the inlo ot tlio property of O.Boatty, located on..Falrriew ivontie, atli o'cloithlu afternoon. In front of llin Honaloii Housi'


A fatal barolng nccident occured at l'atorson,early on Suniliy morning. Marin FIlEgcrUil.

girl employed in tho llanimtUn Bldrt Fac-tnrv, nnd boirdlng with k Mrs. Loailoror, onElm street, had somo tceih oxlraclod nn Batur-ihty,and being norrbuu,allowed hor tamp to burnduring tho uigUt. Alwut •.•'cluck, through

no acaldont, probably, ,4bo lamp iraa orur-ncd, and set fire to tho Lcd-clalhlng.of Uu

girl. Tboro vuvo Uvu chlldrvn slvoiilug In tl|6room with bor, and, without thinking of horiolf,ibo caught them up and ran ont iato the streetinto tbo heavy storm. 'The wind fanned thidarneii, and •)(!»• Fittgcnld was' io bidlyItiimud Ibat itlio <1Iod in alwut an hour.

liev. IV. 11,'UcKcc, ot Sparta, wai t-lcitcdHoiicMtor of tho Proabyt«ry of Newton, andltov. li. Hf. Conway, nf Anbury, TemporaryClork. May 7th, was appointed for tho lnBtal-iion of Ilcv. Mr. Webster, at Washington,

ltev. W. JI. Ilelden or Sro&chtflle. I I . Jf.8]Uivd of Harmony. Eldora Dr. J. O. Jobmnnif UUiratown, aud Johnson Brown cr NorthlardjstoD, woro elected Coumlsalonera t o lho

next denoral Assembly, which moota in Olcve-ind, Ohio, In Slay, -ThtpUuosl tlie Fa]l tnact-

ixgnfP»Bhytory wis fxed at Sparta.—Heels-T. •Tlio town of fortland, bordering on tho

Delaware, had a sensation last week. A youngfrom Warren county had' l7ocn acrosa thoon a sparkltigexcursion, andonhisrolnrn) at a Uta hpnr, he elumblod on a piece D(

Iron that was lvlng. in the, fppt wall qf thobridge, and lalt a |tartofhilioalp tboro. Thafinding of this, logsth'cr with aub ldha t . ind

•atks of blood, near tho J c n o j pier, cintcdabplb to iMllove that a mnrder h id been com-

mitted. Tbo ficts, hovoTer, leaked ont, endow all Is qniet on tho'Delaware,ltcr. William W. Holley, formerly rector of

GhrJit Chnrch, Kowlon, and now or lbs Hack-mBick Episcopal Church, hai gliren Domeiiiirjioni: from th« palpli reg»rtilng snch

amnMment ai dancing, th» theatw, card pity-ing and tdhart*, UTlnff that tbey werfl harm-leBiwhcnnot iodolgodin to exceu ; and that

h t m ipeaking io OhriiUani,,UKT kneirwhat i rai ainfol; that inch pleasures were as

amleus as chess cr back'ffaonxioD. * r ' 'Tho dwelling boaso of Christopher. BbO4-

malitr. near Columbia, was distroyed by Or*'on WoilnftdayallornDoniMi. Tha familyat dinner at tho t ins, tba fln waswhich by tbii tliUDhailconilderablalifwdway,and a hoary wind blowing, the eatita deatrac-tion of tba bnllding wai but a few mometiti.Jrr. H. loitaithlBhouaeholdgoodB. Tboi« waaa small inauranoo of *300 on tbs properly.- , ;

Tin ucw Council of HBckotbtown liivacloctcd for their presiding officer AugustnaCuller. W. O. Snlpliln wan elect oil Treaatircr.Dr. Cook, ono of tho Council otoct, declined toqualify cm account ofiiroresalonril dutlca, Th.p

" remains vacant fttfeen dayi, and If no onecall! for an election, the Connclll will make anappointment at their next mooting,

Tha Amateur DJISQ Ball Olnb or Newton IBinking acltvo prcpaiatiouB for tho comingoaion. They aro lining pliycrt, anil hard ta

•Wardon for Warren Connty, by GQV. Bcdlo,

Tho^aitonFlroDcptrtnjontFHI hold-tin:ipnnal parade on .Monday, Way i l lu ,

Ur. Darld Vin Kirk, of BlalrBlowu, i-o-oloctaJUBIICO of the Pcaco,at tha receut election, habold tho office for thirty-tour.years.

Q UBSOIUPTION8 now received at

tun now ClrculntiugLiurnry.

H afflfaonio, &)utln*ick, Cullbf, Tuy!oln:ci, Dick™, ficott, Italock, Ilarlnul,

J n » d a , Kllol, ana other antlinin.

BOOKS iu dnpllcato can bo suppliod on slorfc notice.

EEADLNG tnattci- of all kinds iuclal-iug Doily, Weekly nnd MonthlyPapers and Mngazinca.







DOVEIt, N. J. 17-1






DOTEE, N. .T.,aud lias stockod 11 iu a coinplolo manner.

Daily and Weekly Newspapers,UONTiTIJES AND O T H E I l 1 'En iODICAU,

it iho Btoro o r supplied {o.ciiBtomera In townliy carr ier . Aemiii . luie sunortitmiit u r


tser STATIONERY. -®aA contntato aBsortment of all Iho leading

papers anil envelope.DOOKH-Tlio woUktionn author a ou Land nr

.ipplled bv order, and a largo number of chil-dren's books.

Variety Good*, Pictures and Frames, 1'er-jniory and Toilet Artie lie, TOVH or all kinds.

Pens and Pencil*, QimoB, Checkers, DomlnoeB,etc. Pen Knives and Fockot BOOKB, Collars,Ties, CuiTs, SHEET MUSIC, and a eencralvariety of smaUarticles nnnocessary to mention.

CONFECTIGNEIir—I have deiennlnod tomake oonfeotionory a. specially or my bnslnoaa,and ehall thoreforo keep on hind a oholco andnil snpply of CANDIES, NUTS, etc., from tbo

loading confectlonon. Give me a call. Youmot Jules tbo old nowi and variety stand ofi place. (19-tf) Wm. MOIUUSOX




The arnbuvtbor bai opened hooka Trfioroln allpenoni deeiroua of diipoiinsoTtheirheuBCiandiata.oraiiyroaleBUteofiihatevorcharM.tor, may giro deecrtptioai of, tlieir property,and There tbow deiirom or purchasing may

• d a tirt of propcrtlta tot Mle.Boieral propcrtioa hftv« alrcndy UponpUcod

i mv bands Tot u lc , de*criptiana of wbloli willippeir noit ircok. • le-If


!. A. GTT;TiEK - - AuctioiiGori

Tbe saliBcribor will sell at Tnblta Aaotioa

SATURDAY, May 1st, 1875,Iain lionno and lot at

F O XL TV O E L ^ a . XkdC.

Tba property 1B i!tna|ed »bnK tho Canaloppoiita the ore duck, iud Ii HWUblo for iprivato dweilitiff or aaloou pnrpoiea. Tlio lota60i200; tnaKOodBtalnofcnlUvatlou. The

tiDUia conWIiisilargorooms wftUcollar kitchenmdor tho whole, JCwm coot hnV«0 and «*1IOUID attichiid. Very flno hitrinp of wiler noar;ho houaa, TflnMBj Aporllon or tho pnr-liaaa tnoney may Ntnafn OTX bond and roort

Rago. 8alp to Uko plus oa tho pnmisoi atour u clock P, II.


I ' M H T l l K


. \ . T A V L O i t ,


vtil-T» t^ii- II.'M With -j Jur;,: titfh'k el

sac A. n iv E! s s- A N H -




HOUSE CLOTHING' a l l ik-Mci'i|)tii'[iH. Iiitui fi'rins1 Boola of all tucttdnjf; Hivlt'H r.tid iiKjdiiriiiitilirnvoiuctitii.CurrvJ B I H IIorHii Jlru»licn, J la l lo rc , Tumu andHRKJ Collars. Also t h e


SINGLE aud DOUBLE HARNESSliotli l l^ht und heavy, n n lmml. All LIIKIH ntJlortiwm ninlo Iu ordur of tho bent i n a t e m i x lu-ll killed workmen, a t rudticcd llguri-s,

A. TAYLOH,O f t . :ilHt, 1H71. DOVEIt, X. J.

The New Empireliot-AIi*. Gas & Jlase-fourn-


Also, u I^irge AnEortnivnt'of o t h e r BlyloH<>f (Ju'jkiiiK Htoyru, ] tan go"..' I ' a r W -

6tovt.B, i r . ,


Hti I'd ware, Cut lery ,ln»H,- Wumk-n, Copiicr, I'lain mid .Tn])ounc<il

T I S W A R B .Oil Clothn, CarnelB, L a m p s , l 'alntu and Oil),

Uird lingoa, Font horn, Pmtt ' r t Antrnl Oil (nou-


Jtooiin^, Pliunbiiig and JobWm-k iiromnlly al tci idcd to.

Bonnell's Patent Straw Cutter,The heal ever made.

"airliaiik'B Sculcs a t Manufac-turer ' s priced;

ml Iron, Connor, llrass, Leid, Itagi nndJASLPS ! fnuiy'!fc!c*O.,

HockaVnv, March 1, IB7U.


— A N D -

THE C1IEAPKST.Tho hantUomcal and Iho Sent.


3tnvpreparcivlth oitra facllitlei for pui-„ on RIATE HOOFING In aU the vorlouB

cam bi nations of ulylps mil colors wllcli nay bodosignod ot roqnirod ind vbioh Hoofing Slate ir> eminently iiuallBcii to product), •Tbo beat ouallty or Shto will bB lined nndur work warranted to produce all tbo gonil

cffccti or a tight and durable roof.ALLEN, I'ALMEBSi SON,

10 tf . Dover. K. J.



: STH.EET,(MKAll THE utVElt UniDOE,}

will Iu inpplicd tuc prciont SOBJOII vrilh

Choice Meats and Vegetables,IN TUE1I1 VnOPEB TUtKB.. .-.


CINCTNNATI HAMS,Ilia boat In tho marliet. Wo make a »p«ei._..,of killing all our own moat, and therefor* knowtlmt IIIH of tho beat. All kinds of

kept on hand i\» BOOH aa thoy appear Iu thomirkeU, and sold at romioiiablo pricen,ohlshBBt market prieoa paid (B CSU', fcrHidcB.VcB] tikinB tnd Snoop BUna, bought'

at the market. Oailomon lappHod by vigon- i TaesdajB, TliursdijB anfl Batonlayi,'

A cull will mtisfy alt tint what vo kbenjaonly or tho bt-Bt. . , . . • - : " . -j: •.; '

to tho linDcUngon

STBEET,itely ocouplod by It, I) . Walters,.I ahull boliiHBod to Bco'all ray old friends at my new.Darters, Trhorowlth Inonatcd room and fudl-HOB I am liettor able to moot tlicir i nn t i .

OYSTERSIn all styloi, tnd by the quirt ur (.omit.

PARTIES, BALLS, e t c Huppliad.

JtEALS at all hours. Support for parties atlowest ratctn. Tlio best brands nt

CIOAltS always an hand.

E S P E C I A L N O T I C E .

I am now onxogod in erecting an addition, tomy bulldlnfvnml will open, »bott Mar 1st, a new

BILLIARD ROOM,with two fine tables.

QEO. A. ELAKCHAIID,Apr! nth, 1875.

S E A S O N , 1 8 7 5 !

Headquarters of Morris Countyroil ;

Flowersm U E UNDEItBlGVED, THANKFUL FOIl1 paBtpatronsge, would roamotftilly coll HID

attention of tho cUtxena or Dorer and vlrinltrto ouo of tbo ' , '


PLANTS^bfifonntl in tho Stftto. I ' l i r e on liaiid \itU MMrtment of Ptantl, V k u »nd Ehruli-

ta ltW f Ihi aimito, »hich I •£Tpro-abort notloo, anil •{ uound

itU MMrtment otaiy nlt«W. for IMredlo ftunish on abort•w prices •• (nn be found.

ocm H*rM X\E. Cor. PB

JUoTtl i t i iwii , Jr. J . ,

tau ilrool«, Dtjer, «U1 toceho prompt

» ' . ' • « • 0. EHOAIES.


LEAD, 00PBEB, iiiUSS, *c.' A T


Or aililrflBi hy t a i l ] .

GKXTB. China • CLang solli at Bight.L Necoiiary as snap. Uoods free.M«r Cniyo Qnxvo MF'(iCo,,Po8lott.




UIUD i-vor \,,i.,..; f»r tin.- ivauou tvu ilu nn lIUHV tbo i n t e n v t upon inir muiiL'y liy .rimtiiip ito u t , o r IIJO jd'Iiiitipal by cuut rac l ln t j Ijad iltljlu.

I t v.'uiild Iir im;icdiiib]i) U: c m i i n n a t e o u rttint gtiielt, lint will brlf'fly n ty It cumpTistH



DRY GOODS,I rail .111.1.1.Kf.r.1 iMur l iumn .


nr xiTl liimlx nud nf tliu Iio 1

nf tliu Wot iinaliliM of IIION uii'l HT1SEL, I u .t'lniliii« SloflmiiiV 'JVV.IM.



•>r lliolnt.-Kl, nml liamkuiiu'ML ilt'Klgii^.



BOOTS and S H O E S ,

Lime, Cement and fertilizers.


Klini-titit,. I'mrdiT nml Fulifng Tnrlilo.


or lVnnU Lei<li<>'H ' Journal.

Call anil bo convinced Ibat [t luiys ynu In Lur:ir»)Bh InHtcnil nrt'rcdit. " -




Merchant Tailor,MORniSTOAVN, Si. J.,

IB now In receipt of tho Iitcal Hprlno Fashionn.u dcliacitod hi Ur. J . I). W > B t , U n Spmtra»nd Mr Wm. Qleocruss, 737 Broadway, N. V.

Tho priacip&l ehanso to noto In tbe fit Tienthis Spring will bo tho long Frock Coat BIIIItlio largo PnntfaloouB.

BPIlINfl OVEIICOATS will iilno l,o cut ninthlonger than heretofore. •

Tha matt fanhlonablo gnr.ili tax Drum SnltBwill bo IMack Diftgonal Worstods, very sma.lLtrail. . Largo ptalda and flatliy iisttcma aroBtnong ths Ihliiga of tliu past. '

For BuBincBH Bnlta tlio nowoat alvlcs nill be ,» yory •mall chock pf ihrk colors, In Fronchand Amoncui uootla. Pantaloons will bo nudemoitlrofiinalTclieekamlliuo hair linocood«.A « r r fall llaa of tho atiovo-tuinicd ROOUH milbe found lu my stock at all times,

X li&vo noir nu hand the lamicsT and bestnolecled ilosk of new '

SPRINQGOODS AIn evorr vaiioty, thai liuy bo found in this \>a.nofttioStito. Jl»kliigupFinoOlqtli:.n' "" -*"i i tsy ptiiiclpal buBlnesB, bnt I Uo not connQO' •DiystU to tfiat ontiroly, as my customers wiltfind a, l a n e atoek ;ot Catilniercs Bultahla forllaalnenHmUand'BOYS' WEA1!, that will bo

Gouts9 Enmisliing Goods,lomtantly on hand, BHI31T8 made to order,ind warranted to fit. TliocuTTrsonEnnTsiKSTi nndor ray personal charge, and aU orders willa pieoiK; flllad at tho lowest priceK, anditlsfaotion Riurantccd to all.

c, I \ I I . H O F F A I A N 1 ,11Mf •; : ' METtOHANT TAnX)I t .




Ol»™ o « r OEO. M0H.U1DS t Co.'» RIOIIE,.






AIKD, a laigo BBsorlmcntol




AT ran




13-0m Monmsroin.-, S . .1.


nuitiufacluaTH o r

Champagne Cider, Scda Water,

G inge r Ale, &c.

Bottled Ale & Porter

}- aud !m-i

SOVBR,I T AVISO all tho inoilcrn nutcbltnI I iirovomcnU lo co nil net tho bdcilitiin arc HIICII na m enable UB I I

jnlora entrusted lo uu with prompt HUBS ami care,ilntiennff oiirsplvcs also ttmt wo arii enabled tifuniiBhnboltprflrticlotlmii iHiy cst ' "

i thla part. oftLoKtatc.ordem (.ar mail or otherwise pr__.,

13-ly TIIOS. V

Page 4: JOflH JELLIFF & Co - · Offlcc Houra; 7 Ui 0 A.M., 1 l o Dmid t 8 V. U. 18-3Opd SURVEYOR. Surveys, ... MOLLER'S OrERA HOUSE, ... mi'diaHLTH t o Riv us a call

Dickes*son iz,lmve fiillv ilemou.Htr:it™l that tlieir




— A X P -

COLORED DRESS GOODS!is uin'iju:i!ii.'d In' any in this vicinity. AhviiVM on h a d uu cx-

'k-nsiv.- assortment of

Dress Goods for all Seasons!PRINTS! CASSIMERESH SHAWLS!!!

:iud in short, everything iu the Dry Goods line that the laiUW need.

— • • • - » » • - * - •

Builders' Hardware of every descriptionWOOD AND WILLOW WARE




Wall-Paper and Window Shades.


J;:T.SF.V.Successor lo Hcgur?s B u n k a n dto llie "I nioii 1'anli al Uoter."

Capital,-$100,000.ATTENTION" UtVKH TO Ti l l : PUJ.t'HASEand « l « or ail the r..lfc«twti of all

Draft* co the tnioii Hunk of IAWIIOU, Kui-iand,nnd Provincial Uauk i't Ireland.M. H. mCKEILSOX - - - Priiniiltiut.WAHIUIX SJKiL'It - . . . CanliK-r.


Capital, - $150,000.


•jU-tf rtDIO.N"



Clover and Timothy SEED,Flows. Bone Manure,

Super-Phosphate of Lime,Cement, Plaster, &e.



Tin* Ludio-V and Gentlemen will please bear in mind Unit IL J. IloljurtB1

Patent Parabola Needles,The very best in the vorU," Hilvcry in polish nnii graceful in aliajie; also Roberts'

Finest Itiizor Steel I'ockct Cutlery, Scissors and llnzorn,

Dover Savings Institution,


G F F I C E H 8 :HENIU* DAKEIl . . . . Frcil-ltnt.JIAHI.ON H. DIOKEItSON - Vicc- IWdcot .A'AItKENSEGUit - - - - TTCMUWT.

Henry Halter.M.I I . ]JicLer«il.Thou. II. Critic;. .

l WhAlex. WigO. it. HinE. A. HticJt,t. ifaHlc



U S T E E S :John Nance.JHS. W. Drotbertou,

.., Ian. II. Neighbour,Chiw. W.Tunii,Stephen 0. licrry,JaniPrt B. Lomt,Jas. A. Goo.Iale,Wm. II. MeDatit,

n, iUrtin V. li. Searlujl.iubartl Jenkins,

TliI* Iiistituli.JD li imw i.rnr .u.uu.M. ^ ^

° m » f i r m di

(live HA a pall.

Elegmit of Piniali ami Keen o( Etlge.

We arc BOUXD to II for LES9 PIIOFIT titan uny-other lin Dover. ^***

i.iuUavi*:inccrtBi aliall con

I mi* deposited on tiptc tuber ami DCCGWIKTI mim-u•HI happen licit after the dqinitlt in•A1SHKS SEOUi: - - -n-i), i i , 1117:1. a-tf

^am^i'ii ami open

Turning upon alliy of March, June.

lie Miners' Savings Bank


r THX orncx of TUB NATIONAL Vmos DISK.

SIX per tout, interest will be paid on deposit*nude on or before the first dayj of Mines.

cvs, S ipraaen ind DICEJTOEJ..Mr Open daily from 0 o'clock A. u . to i:lock 7. u.

M A N A G E E S :


HENRY McFARLAN, President.EPHRAIlt LINDSIXY, Yico PieB.deut.

JAV 8. TREAT, Troaiurer.over, Fob. 17,1873. 12-tf

GAGE <fc H A L S E Y



Blackwell Street, Dever,"N. J.


C)RAM, HANOE &P O R T, isr,






Dover, S. J.

Orders fop Sawing and Planing

promptly i-xvcntt-d,

Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,Hats & Caps, Boots <& Shoes

CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE>Mining Materials of all kinds.


Lime, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &e.ALSO, DEALERS IN


Stoves. Stoves.TUE OLD STAND.


Hot Air Furilaces,Of tlio latest And muni improved styles, (0

nnning rmblin and private Lnililingi. A lu£lUHOrlment of Stoves, cheap fur c u b .COOK, PABLOB, HEATING

STOVES, RANGES,Ac. Also a variety of

T • A, 1VrT=»tCtt



' STOVES l" STOVES 11Reduction in Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram.

-H of cvtfry tiricrlpUon, iv w ptcpnrcd to toll

All Kind* r,f the wj Intent r!r . or

Cooking Stoves, Parlor & Heating Stoves, Itangec", &c.

Tinwaio, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing,A very fine mwrlnient of

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &c,~^* Ami » vatfel) <>^other ortfelca uaaally t r p l In a well supplied Tin Store.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRINGX?atl/Uonc and pi om|>t1y n-ttpiid<.'d t o . Vfo gtiarnntcc1 in LTbflitlflfa' t lon.


Merchant Tailor,Ulackwcll Street,

DOVElt, N. J .

I C , lake! p l cunre in ftnnoundDg to tlio• cilbenn of Dover and Tidnttr uiftt lio

lim Iftkoli the no*r i tore <m D!&ckwoll itrcct, ad<JolDjng \\1ilUock ft Lcvii*. wtacn) lie Inteiidimndnc t in j » FIIIST-CLAIM

Merchant TailoringEstablishment,

JUiIiia* mi band a large ijuck or



DIAGONALS.Alsokflno lino of tbo Beit Anliicbhewillmttonp tanriluriiiDible Ktjies. »t twenty per cv s j Iirictfl. Also % fine assort

Ready-Made Clothingf i r Men and Boy. '

Gents' Furnishing Coods.

rican Grata,t t o n p tanriluriri lli« tnoit ftlll-t twenty per cent beluw Lrokd-o % f i e assortment of





Liverpool , Qucc i ix town, Glan-gow. Xtomloiitlcrrr, I^ontlon,

Bris tol o r CariUIT.For TICKETa and rjrticiilars cppljr to



^4NK ol IKELAUD «t L0W-



O F isrr».


V t i l C I U T.UI.Oit aud Cl.OTIIIEH,

T a t e . pltaaare In nt.Ufrinc tlic imlilic <Duver ami vicinity tli.t lie m e . tho


I11 selecting hi . a^ock for tlio abovo aaaiou. aircsard to STYLES and PRICES, eonalallall kjnil. anil grade, of material for


and BOYS' WEAR,at pi ire* In nuii eserjlwdi'n pocket. Alm> *


fur old toil young, Aba, i-onstint!/ on 111full lino of


Thanking tbu public for past Cirori, I momrdklly luvito every ono to como and »»'-!«LbemiolTPt before going elwwhoro.13-tf HE DOES A3 HE SAYS.


T \ R E 3 3 GOODS,



ro i x i x u n r . HUT KSOUSII C M .at, OLOTU, UMIXKT, u c u .




LEADliliS, mid nil klndu of JnbLlug In my III -,done in tlm btJit manner noil ot thd «borle»llotica. Higltett price* psld fur old Irou.

Copper lea 1 »nd pnirter taken in n c hfor G«<HI>.

December Sltli, 1870. 1-1 rr



Wines and Liquors,fur family medical a to. All IT arc* Q ted

gtcnlnc and perfect!/ pure.

Martell's and Hennessy's

C O G N A C B R A N D T .








every thing clue In tho lino of Uialulectcditnckof


Wholesale Ordersfor l iqnon and wioei ptonipttt fllleil. 1

Ktoro on rfUSHEX HTitELT la tbe

NEW BltlCK BUILDINGnrth MCQ nf the ItiTcr DriORC

L . D . SClIWAItZ.


A JOY FOREVER."And tbo woplu of tlio nortliDrn part of thisCounty nilliln,. that it nlll l<a.v them tn pa r .c l m e HulmtHtitial fiunitun-, ol t i t newer'deslsm, ot


Parlor, Diniug-Room- A N B -




HOUSEKEEPERS.wbethor nowbeginnen, or old Tctoram, t»-Imt lo c*JI to bo coa luaal thit to [J0 f«lbefor furnJtarB would br tn Uro woric.

PICTURE FRAMESof i l l lalndi & ipcclaltj .


... «ll iU bnnchoa properly m i cheiplrdomTbu frrc»tc»t care uid mtUntion will, u hentfcipi, bo RlTcn to .

•UNDERTAKING.tiica preurred with

„. . -nalurUUoftbo baslinhortcit ootiiniodam »ppli» , „ —having con<i da rabio experience, Ittelto parfomiitt duties utlifactorltT and re ins-ibly toward those who require such aervfcei.

ai p. 0. YAWO£H.

of »U tino. DciDK poucaiicd of all llicncei pertaining to tha trade, and

«nbio experience, I feel eonfldenl

Hanking hourafromS i . K. to i r.u. Prompt•;ntion mten to tbo i i m r b n o aod mle o(

i and o tb or Sccnrilius; tUe collect to u ><lgn anddomciUc paper, drafts, chucks, i e .















Dealers in




Glass Ware,

Wood & 'Willow Ware


Iron and Steel,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Powder , Fuse a n d Minim;

Materials constant ly on


Cor. Blackwell and Morris Streets,



Choice i in Dover,taap.and


Free Wood,Jnstk-o of Uio 1 Police SfagiMrate.





GEO. W. DRAKE,Tlie h r g e i t and mail mcceMfal Dealer in

BOOTS and SHOESThat ever did B u i l t " " in

MOBRISTOWN,Hii just finlataed itocldofi hii Store with

SUMMER GOODS.Which aurpaiiei injtbing in ttio line,

b point of


Superiori ty of Material ,

Erer bafore ofTored.T H E C E L E B R A T E D

E. C. BUST'SLadles, Misses and Children':

SHOES,Warranted altraji to nt, are to be found la

thli StorA In the greatest profusionof ntjlci md meamromentg.

Cheaper tUnn a t any otbeiStore i n MorrU County.


COTTAGE R O W ,Next to Wuhington Hall Building,

Morristown, N*. J.

ERE worka «UI agalu rcromo SUnCH 1.1_ JS-5. OlIATESTOSESanlHOSOMENT!or t ie U . t 1UPOIITED and AHEUICAN Marble anil Granite, and will be got up to onkiand add at tbo loweal pcuiblo rate.. I hint-y on to n i l beforo parchaaiaR clMwhcre, aawill .Qdearor to toll aa low a . tho kvcBt ario my work aa weli aa fbe beat.

THOS. JOHNSON, Aceul.M O I U I I S B T ^ D O T E B , N. ,

1,'ext door to the laox EnA offico. l W t a



Hardware, Iron and Steel,


Cos. WJWUI>OTOI« A S P B * * " Bmrxrs ,


Wooden Ware andHonsckeeping Goods,


PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,•nd Munfutnrera' Article* (tn«rm!lj.

Lime, Cement, Plaster,

30nnRC9. JXIwn, S*pt. 23d, 1971.

ita of lime, mil illlittrt.

it. rooa



' l i jcuUf Uifft-llinVf.iu beat in tUu «

\:, C'aiiiU 820,(IO0,0i)a.

r J tANCHESIEB,Capital 810,000,000.

^EPOOL,CpiLt l 810,000,000.

Cnpitul $5,000,000.



Y. Jeracy City,Capital 8300,000.

,, •• 300,000.

" 300,000.

" SOO.000.

'• 200,000.

"'r:'ii»b^iirrth-kl.-H.'" l-i. fa. .1.-

^iTibl ia Yrvlixl, ot tlic M*n-' • • - » • • • • » • •jrridtnwn, 5..J.,<»i.

3IOSBAV, (he 3.1 ilny i1873, Leliv.'iu i U hi.tin

inVlouk T. M., lliitt i« I'.- tfu-rwtm "I nant iU

ri«iil, litlo_uud inl.-r

from a tlivDai iR't inr,r ci.nitr of uaiJ Itroad air .

,..i witli linn or eilge oi the towing putli ulMorrm Canal, sa" ' ':u in the top of it,

_ an the ni-eil.B nilpgreeH wi.«t fiftj font

• - • t t o n . i . i l m . C U ioui' LiiuJrifil fuL-tOU'.ll lelldrHrCcFl

e'bunilrc I rJot" tV'tlio place «r beginninE,lntaininp 11 te thounnnJ sqauro fuet uf land ;ul is thu same land and jircnilm s t in t were

•uy*d to EHzabiilh KittltB, wife of Jacob

»iilio (Lo


y oaiiJno (LounaiiJ uiKbt iiumlrbd

nn.i recordcHu book It 8, nfI ' t ffi f th C l ka'veiU, cftKo W>i, fir.. In tho office

IJ( llie Cuuntjor SIorriB ; icceivuuAusuat BiJtli, 187P

Diitod Hi

Mnrria Common l'k-an—.tlonzn 3Iorr

du bon. i!l ttr. OH docketi-d jiiilgiutuniablo Hay Tuno, 1H73.

NEIOIIJiOL'I. & 81IITII, -Uty'a.lSInrri- Comm

(k T K

T ) V virtuo of Uio tlircc abovo atat*:il writs orX > tier! racial In u.y liaiid.-^ I MIMII expo*. f»rHloftt lMLIw Vendiio, nt tbo iUnmaa I l onuHotel, In Mormtomi, N . J . , 0 . .

M O N D A Y , tho 10th day uf. MAY n e s t ,A D . 1«75, Iiotwerii thu hinufi of 12 M. and 5,'clock P. Jl., that \t to KIT, at 2 o'clock iu tlm.ft-'inmm ul HAIII day, all tlio enlato, rif-lit, lltli:n<l iiitorciitortl)ftUi:r.>nilant,in ami ID all tliatwrtain lot, tract or parcel nf Innd and premises

ommon r i

nablo May T

tract r pjorciiiBfltr particulaanil being in tue Toof StorriB m d

Lehigh, Scranton.


WAlKltS' NEW SCALE 1'IANOS,•trv Hw l^ft raaile: tbu touch tlssti.'.

.Ituwiilful. pur tlioy

Tlie Concerto Stop ii a luwlimuan vuice. Afieulft wautt'i

TfacbnrR, Minisr. School*, Lod«cn, etc P|«;''ia

nt's to the trade. Iliastrati-'l imailed. " •


riv-ti it) t:ii!Kr*uri«Itttat Uiiortn vs i;roa,lmt nn.: iiuailnd amiri.o uurtli tuo degreesI he gri'tind a t tlic wen C0H1M0M and FRONT BRICK,


D R A I N TU.E, OAT3N TILE,Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,

Masons' Material, &c. Aud All Throat Diseasen,U S E


A IKIED ,UiD SUHE REMEDY.For HBIL. by Dru^giita gcnurally, ami

Bergen Street, near R. R.


on tlie roail Uadins rrom


By M. Sigler,AT LOW HUCF.S.


with Chroinow. fccua stnmi'. ' •P. OI.VCK, Xuw UcuforJ

1,000 AgciiW Tcafhers, Stmlcnle, c , ;. V M , wanted to ntll CENTESSIAL HA/1. -TEBlt o[ Ihe V. &. l t ["'»VEABS I'ltOOIltSS. Alon Globe.—Sot a LVXU


io Xcst BsnUOp

SHERIFF'S SALE.Morrii Coantv Comtiifiu Pl.-ns-John T, Wilar

litnry II. Wll*ou and Kiimiicl J. AnustmVi. Vl-Ut Slatisim. FI. fii.tluljon. el t.T. i

... ^gjjjjJjJ^ajy,™*

n andVi.ta.

I ' lcaa-Jolin M. Kulglit andTstr-rMatlwii. Fi. l».•kiitnl jmitsmcut. II"-1-

W. T. LEI'OltT, Atli.nioy.

'nniafululpli/iu• ,r Sew Jcr

hip nD,_.inty ofj u t t c l d i d bound til as

Ik-ginning nt a stabo •tmiJlng on tlio smithBide or CbrjBtnl Htrcet, beiug tli,s (oiirtb tormtr(if a lot or Iiud 50 by i(>0 fuel nn utirnu fiido nrsaid Htreot conveyed hy said Abxnuder J l .gcarinn "nil wife to AlfredTaylor, by deed datodFebruary 3d, A. D. 1671, anil rccurdud iu tlioJtorris County record of decUn, in bookA Bofdct-da, pnccH U20. i c , and ruu» tlicuco - -Ihu third course of said Taylor1* lot ; (1)

ikgroog ---' "-'-*•• — '- *tlieneo (2) parallel with «ald eo'uth lino oiCliry-lal i l n e l south fifty-llvo degr^fl and ill-teen minute! went ono liundrL-d and lltty feulIt} % maho find heap of j4loj.i!H| IJOLU^ AIUO «L cor'nor of tliu lot sold Ly said Soaring mid wife tnoiio JCMO Fftwlon ; thonco (a) v*n\M with lltstcuurBO, nnrtU tUiny-fimr decree* and tlfteon

in" on the loath Mu ol Baitl CbrjnUl at.l B&U1 ChrjnUl a t n w t ;81 do and lino nf said

d ift istreet iionU firty-flTC tirgrcei and tirtctuten cm o»fi hundred anil fifty feet, to llieulaee of l-rginning, cmlaiiiina till -- e feot of land.

l a ? t lng and KKrvbiR thennnt , a tract of• 'ulng live thousand, squire t«ut, here-

eyed by tbo mid I'cier Malhmn auuAT. Andcinnn, Iiy d t td tlatcd recorded in Slnrrta Com '

hndeuntaiult f e con1


IRON anil


tofoirifu n o<], 1673,


BAKER & EMERbating CQiiiiderably o

Oor. BLAOKWELL 4 E N Sta.,

of a finoI tho latest

iavc aloctcd It with an f

both foreign and domcalino of LADIES DUES.S Gpattcrni and designs.

BOOTS andt)ES.A suecial departm


HARNESS, SADDLES,HOitSK CI.OTHINO«i HOUSE ruusisiiixo oooon of m s

description. Tbe larg.iat, b?Mt an.l thca[wgtHsortinont nt









liio tiiMii and Torknr l .sthcr LAD.KH1

JHULH Aui-ntiiforCLAllU'S GENUINEIIOIWE CIJl ' I ' ISU 3IACIHSE8. Clipping" 'a and CimibB, nnil all gofiils ittTlaimtiff to


encribcd lioiniulor M. S o a n H

Iet«r Matiaou nu.l Alfriiuk Jlatlnon,ilecd dated April i th , A. 1). 1373. and reenrdndIn tho Morris Connty nconl uf deedi, in liool:i 'B f h U5 d 6H Ac

And'niore fully sd of conveyance from Al

-nd wife to I let«r Matiaou nilecd dated A i l i th A 1)I h iIn tho Morris Connty ni'B, fohoa U5 and 6H, Ac.

JESSE HOFFMAN, Sheriff.Dated liarcli 1st. 1875. 17-3

H o m i Coun ty Surrnguti;'* urtlci-.MARCH 2fliU. 1B75.

In the matter of fiamiKl B . Wilkijon, Admintrator of Slailnda Clnua, dee'd. HurrogatOrder to Limit Crftliturs.

of l loabc' ordered by thctiurrogato thai

•aid AdminUtrator pivo public notice to thecrcditont of tbi estate nl said deccdont to bringIu their tlcbta, demaudf nnil claim* sgalimt (1•ame, under o&tb, itltliln nino mouths froi' " date, by setting np a copy of this order,

tin twenty dme hsreafk-r, in live of thejt pnbllc place* In tbe County of Morris for

two nunthi, knd alao within t tu H M tweLtjdays by ndrcrtlsing the samo In the Ino» En.

io of thonowBpapors of this State, far the earnace of tlrao (tbo Sarrosato Judging any fiir-

_er notloo to bo unnecessary); atfU if anycreditor ihall neglect to exhibit his or her dnbi

md and claim wit bin tbe said period of tiinbs, public DOIICO being RITCII aa aforesaid

_ creditor eh all bo loroter debarred of hiior her action tborcfor against tho mid Admin-• tratnr. A true copy Irom Iho minutos.

1G-1DW K. K. WILLIS, Surrogalp.

ADJOUHNED SHERIFF'S SALE!In Chancery of Now J e n e y - l ' l . fa. P J T P»1O .

mortRBced priininuf. Wherein William (Wldr ic t la Complainant, ami Jane liarUnnd John W. E a r K her bnibanil. JnhGrimes und I n karlex, eiccntoi u of h i rba rEarlPfl, deceancd, John Emmoii-, and BnlpmuDalrimplo aro J)ercndnnlB. Ileturuablu 1Fohruary Term, A. 1). 1873.

E. M. WHITE, Sol.Tho sals in behalf of .ur> above parties xtam

•ilJDurueil to tako j.laca at tho Mamlou HornHotol, inMon1stowii ,N.J. ,on

3IOXDAY, MAY 3d,A. t l . 1875, between the hours of 11 M. ando'clock I*. SI.

17-jg JES8B IIOFrMAS, Shenff.

A GOOD is BO a n



IncIudiDR tbo fii


ADJOUEHED SHEEIFF'S SALE ISamnnl W. TliompBon 7«. Nathan DaTl*. Fronl

Davis and F. A. Page. N«w Jersoy SupremeCourt, Morris Connly. Fi. fa. do bon. el t r -in case. Iletiirniblu February Term, 1S71.

A. MANNERS, Attorney,Tlio nato Iu btlialf of the abovo parties ittan

•iijanrncil to take placo a t Iho Mansion JInusoHotel, In Uorrfslovn, N. J., on

M O N D A Y , M A Y 8 J ,A. D. 1875, between the' lionrs ol 12 M. nrnlo'clock I'. M.

17-Iw JESSE HOFFMAN, Sheriff.

FX.0U11 in Tarioua bniuli






ldecled t toct of fino and LrlcB almayi on h imf . I


rch 27 th, 1875.

ADIOUEKED SHEEIFF'S SALE II Q Oiancery of Sew Jeracr-Ff . Ta. For sale

mertgaged pro mines, Wherein SylvaniiB Law-renco li Complainant, anil Tliomas F.Wagneand Rarah his wife, and SIoscs S. Anpk-Ratinro Dofondantfl. ilctnrnablu U> Job m a rTerm, A. D. 187J. IVui. HOLT, fiol.The aalc in boliilfofllio above par lien nlaiui

odjonrncJ to tako placo at (ho Mansinn lion:Hotel, in MorrUtown, K. J., nn

MONDAY, MAY SJ,A. U. 1875, lictweeu tbo hours of 12 IX. ami

\ 7 - 4 w ' ' ' JESSE IIOFF1TAS, Slier.lT.


WARNE'S FLOUR D|ratent Pariilan Flnar tlO SOperbblTalent Pariilan F l ai'writy, very bcit, 15Viola iplendid proce •>!., tldltVmlaTiplendidproceii, iSDOpcrcwilCbieflain Patent rrocen, 15 '.5 par c

perbbl . 1Cryital, splendid, t i Mper cut. , 13 IRoanokc, aplendtd, t l j j p tHalf bbli. flour, eood,Whita Wheat, p*{.DoaWoEitra, •' " - . . IBoekwbett Flour, psrewt. - • IWheat Middlingi, " " - - IGoodFa-d, «Wbaat Dnn, "Cuckwhoit Brao, " 'Boltad Coin M » l , ••Coarse Corn Meal,Cracked Com for Chlclum*,

~ ~ and Oat Foe_ Jiffyf, Corn and Oat Foci.,Oatmeal. _ - , - . - - CJ

Crackd Com fPnre Ilje, CornOatmeal,Oats and Corn by the hmhel

for 10 ctnti. „ANo.lartiele.s....." " mtry, £


. utter,]! Tor 40 cents. F i tcti. doz . ; shall kJ

J. e. \ua

ADJOTIEHED SHEEIFr'3 SALE!In Cbancorv of Xew Jersey—B. Ta. For ral

mortpaccd pn>mists. Wlicreiti J. SowWillsin Coiniilaln nil. and ZmAw.r II. Coir i -CUra MR win', and Thomas Youngs, are I)e-frndaiitii. Iteturnalilo to Febniarv Tpni., .'D. 11)75. AUaUSTUS W. CUXUlt, Sol.

I i n E Bale hi behilfor the above psrlicd Blan.'JL mlluunicd to talic phen at t!ig llaiutnIOUIL- Hold, fn Morridlowa, S. J., ou

MONDAY, MAT 3.1,A.D. 1875, bctireen tho hoars of 13 M. ft.:..

" l S " ' !* JESSE nOFFSIAN', Sheriff.

ADJOtTHHED SHEEIFF'S SALB.Chancery of New Jersey—H. fa. For win ...

tnortgiccd promiBct. Wherein Isaac li.Cnr-irin is Complaluanl, nml Felix A. Southardand Sarah his wife, and Samnnl T. Ijiwronaro Defondaiits. Ilctunubk' October Tern1874. KcioiiBJvn & Sana, Solr'i.

m i l E « le In behalf of the abovo parties slantX adlnnrm.ll to toko pi BOO at the Mnn»iu

House IIDUI, iu MorristOTTu, N. J . , onMONDAY, 3UY 10th,

A. D. 1B75, between tho hours of 12 M. and^clocla.l1. JL

18-iw JESSE nOFFi lAS, KhcrilT.


UNDERTAKE!At the Old Stand on SUB

D O V E R , N.rine recently i

tho bnsines 'il i

ADJOURNED SHERIFF S SALE !Morris Circuit Conrl—Fi. fa. do bon. ct toL.

Ilarlan J ' . Smd r u n TB. Vanirl D. Stllci,returnable to October Terra, IHU.

Wm. T. LEPOHT, AU'y,Tl.o mlo In behoir of thu EIK-.YO parties slaml

ailjonrned to tako plico at tho Mansion HornHutel, ID MorrUtonn, N. J., on

MONDAY, MAY lOtb,A. D. 1B7B, between Iho hourn or 12 M. ando'clock P. i l .

1B-4W JE83E II0FF1IAN, SherilT.

THE lufa icr ibe , Ur inco-partnorship, In tho bnsine

Honed, wonld rt»tHMtfaily inforthat thoy aro now batter preparefnlfll bnrfil orders with tho nlmmThfl rorj best applianco now bin the presorratlon of th d din the presorritlon of tha dead, an—aTenienta in the bniinein will b«

iieailan and practically teited will tiltiifutoiy reialti, 'mi m i n f o . (6-tf) aurcEL t. •

ADJOURNED SHERIFFS SALE 1I In Chancery or New Jersey—n. fa. Tor nail

martfraRed prnmism. frlictfiin Tanl Oriiin Complainant, and Klhfl il. WJnto anil A;....M. hit iriro. Poison S.icklo, Andrew It. Kcainurn Dcrcndontii. ' rtfturnnWu lo l 'obrnirT«rm,A.D.lB75.

Kriniinnm A SUITII, »ilrTlio » ln in behalf of,tbooliovn p r l l cn uti

mljoanicd to take t-bec at the ManaW [I.Uut:l , la Morriatown, N . J., on

MONDAY," MAY lOtli,I A. D. 1875, l*twccn tho honra of 13 31. and

18-tw JESHE IIOFF1IAN, EilierllT,










CROUKI3UV, T i n , Wooden andWil low W « T C .

(iroceries and provisions.Fancv G

fcv Groceri

tlilos In

, Canned Onodfl, DriodFrnitii,B, SiUKBM, Spices and ovcr

ho Uroiotj- line.



I-IARDAYARE:Iron, Steel and Mining ?lntoriaU or all kinds

Putrdor and I-'OHV. Hicnni and Oa« Tino nullFillinga, Cut Nailn, linildcrs' Hardware, Black-Finltlinan-lCurmiitors' Tools, Steam Packlnfofallkimlg.

oing Inrsa nliolcBalo liujcrs. wo aroonablct1

itfrr all guod« at clmapi'Ht ratta.Cttn. DLACIiVnvLL and SUSSEX. St.,


lotepq«s iiirtuno. A T2 page book ciplnining oTeryid copy ot Iho Wall fit. ltevfoir.SENT F R E E . JOHN HICKLIXd A Co.,

Danbcrg and Iirolurf, 7^ Broaaway, N. V.2lM


JURUBEBAbaa cBUlilUliud iieolf an a par Tact regal i tor andBUIIE nrJtEor for disorders of tliu system ansingrroni iiiiprupor action of tbo Li ter and itowcU.

IT 13 NOT A p m a i C , but, I>y stimnl „Iho iccrcitlTa oruam, coolly nnd (rraduallyrtraoTCB all impurlt iOB, and regulates tlio c "


VEGETABLE TONICrliich asHislB (licCKtinn, and thus stimulate*

tbo apputito for Tood nocciadty to lovfgoratbo weakened or Inactive organ*, and gtritrcngtb to nil th; vital forces.

It uamea ita own rccommcniiaUon, a« tlarceand ri[)idlyincroaBlDgsalcatcatiry. Friiiiu dollar a bottle. Ask your druggist for i

JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAYACo.,Wholesale AgoutB. (2(Mw) rhiladclpbia, Ta.


Its now rcadv again for ilia Fall and WmteiTrade with a hrgely Increased etock of


LIGHT AND HEAYY.Oik Spokei, 11 to 3. Hickory Hnotcg, 7-9 to l i .Ilubn, 3i to w\, Iiim», 7-S lo 2J. yhafif, lifflltandhuavr, l ' u | t s . Neck iokea. Iluckllunnora.Klniph Rttnccn. CarriaKn' tlnxti; aUo Trnek.

ight and Heavy Whet •]*, nt wboellactoryratca.


I lnrins bad a long eiperionea in tIliisii.oaH-nal.lti mo to IHI a compeor an ; article c l ] itl thny jcnion f

tlm Carriagia competent Jndgr

n ; rticle cnuneclci] nitli tho bniinces, amany jicnions favorind mo nilh theirorjera raa>relyiii«n-niy fnraisUlnB tliem willi au articlenmtable to their t rutu , and ot an reasonabl' ' n i a* " n , b o o l l t a i l i e < i » l »ny other place.

(irupTH lit letter for C&rHaca and Rfrf"h Or-iiampiits will bo Knllauly Illkd by atatlns foiwlut purpono tbey aro wanted, and gnndlnamonny crn-URb lo cover Ibo amount. Yipalronago 1 renncctfTiHy solicited.

n.T. HANDEIISON,K Onpoaito Dorcr Dcnot.

ijipi,.• tJm.J'i':1.;.^:;iil(;. {••:• oi!ic,jll^Ildl.mtnti'

ichivr.r." iisoi.Hifrr., r. JMII";

• T' ['(•(.• 1-

Oliir*, ?.I'.^or.ilifs-lnail. Aria.i,lHofimnfla,

r.-|, ItnaiiI-.:, vitll t'i':iri t oiii' culiru '•mulAiil-.itiin.i:i3O]i:inf nininiriiil il v fiCL'f minfnrr.Ui»r thofi1

iiiltiiniciilvifiK.-afitt1,1'sertiiij'tlior;- vnriou«E::I'V. Tlicro i

vi, Illhioir,Ui^lJ, Knl,

i i ' i , I'lil.ii'-

.liil i.T.iatl'.ir.Micutitii;

loiiiiiciraiHlira. I i i ihdrSaiiowprfnl

orgiiiw. issiiocnihar-

UKMOnEST-PAlTEUKB tnr K]imiBil Simimct nlll I" rradr fnr .Ul.v, tvflor FriJav, Marcl. mill. B.n'l l'>r

talalocuj' W.S.IIAIIIII'IT,, w t

k am«i»m«Ti,J.4.

( ; i i r w n n WYr.:;?i u . 1JITTCI:S, r.i thov will epecdily iv-l;it/;f tin: •l.ivk-.-ularcfl TIECH! mnltor vdthivhicli llso liov.-cb tiro Ioailotl, at tlic wimei i l t i i K the Ecerotions o[ the

nllv lTntoring tint liriilthyili{.'.:f.liro orgniin,

»r Imligpf.tion,' Hentl-

H.r.i-t,in tin-

„..-.!, Dirrjiu'sp, X.i!w Klomm-Ii, Jlnil Tittto In tlio

i:iliiiv.» AK.u-kt. l'.iliiltnli<m of Uio[••f!r!iil;i::lio:i of Llic Lungs, Poill.-:,.., II[ the Kli luvp, :iiul n liun-('.•-•/[ii.'i.i r.v.i-.i'ouin, urn tlie ofl-i-,f IJv-lKl^'iii. On? biiltlo will


, Krystni l X

Kul ,h SSwelled


v::sr, ;>i

"~ ~."^v~i;'-"


••ii':ia!ii»r.::, J i e r r . i i i . i l A flee«•.';«, 7:>iiiilii™* o i Uio S k i a ,.'., t i i ' . In tluiaO, lib i n flHui<n.;:l Uis(:iiscn, WALREB'S; ;:'j K1IOV.'H ilich" gixot

:;-:i iu '.Iii- iiiostob&iinato anilI

ll pcrgvrifli

: Oooil: Sj-xtemaiic.... _ ...eiiiplntcniatin---

_....japerii for tho .inerti... .—jrtigomeiiU, afiould Kiidsurcm* to;u«i.I1. Ilowt'll A Co., 41 Park How, Nevrlorlt, furtheir 1'AMPILLEMlOOK (nlnety-»evt-iith edi-tion), containing lists of over 2JI0O iic»vB|mpers--" BHtiniatcB, Bhowlng tbo cost. Advortmo-

ls taken for leading papers in many HtnleFtrenieudont reduction from pub Mailers'

ratui. GET TUE BOOK. . J-!j|



lii!!;i;imuili;i'v nml Chronici i .M' . i .Ui i i iM. i , C'tini, JJiliuiiK, I t umi t l cu t

, :.i:il h.ti'n:iiUi:!:f. J?i:viw, DiwrtKca of Uio| IJl.-'inl, T.ivir, h i i l iu 'vs , nml Ulmlder, tboso •

JJiLlfif' I:«v;1 r .ocqiiii!. Hncli Diseases arc(•;.!:.';(.] In- Yi;i ; i lr i lUli)uil .

^ t ' c i i l i i i i f aU JJi>:( i t ist ls.~l?Mfioa3 cn-pifj.'il in 1'i.iuts Mid Snuci 'nls , aiieli asltltiiuliit.;,'i"vpi:-foltr-ii.«.-1 GoliVbcatoi-H, nndSliur-rs, f.s i.iH;v adv.uipa i u : l i f c , nre s u b -ject t o pfur.ljhia of Uie Bowels . T o j -uardnnniimt, HI IB . tltlco (I illloC of V.'ALKClt'a

i'M;3 ot'CiisionrJly.D i s c jiM'K,Enii»tiniis. Te t t e r ,

T H E 11ESTDaily.llOaycar. Semi-Weekly,f.1. -Wecklv.ia.

I'OSTAOH FREE TO TUB 8UIl3CMnEH.Hpccinien Cnpieg and AdTcrtlsIng IIHIPH Frn>.Weekly, in clubs of 30 or mnro.onlv I I , ii(i>tjiS.'paid. Addn i i T B E TRIBUNE, S . Y. 4-ly

Pushiles, Boils, Cai'biuiclcH, Iting^voiina,Scald Hrnd, Soro Ejcs, Erj^ipulaB, Itcli,

. t o $•*<) per day. Acbntu nnutLil, Allclaiees of nortiuj; peojile of both sexes, yoim?and old, mako moio money at vrorl: fur iu. i:;tbelr onn localiteit, duringtbdir Fparc innnmi:-nr sil tlin time than nt any thin? t-Uo. \\\-1 :i'i>employment that will puy ImoilsmntlT for IVLI *nonr't work. Fall partlcnlara, lcrn», Ac . M Mfree, Bend il a yimr a-Jdrcss at oticc. Doh'tdelay. NOH- is the time. Don11 Iwjt fur >vmkor biiHlticxN tlsewlirn-, until von have leantulKhatwouffiir, Q. STINSOS & Co., Purllnn.),Maine. 1-Iv

Crooked Boots and Shoos.IETALLKht , provenDII tfic eid<

L rOS 'a PATENT METALLIC STIFFENTliikeep them atrftight, prevent rulining niug off u l th j l f i iweariug off unevenly on tlic eidea, or ripijlnj;

ttio Beams; make a tout last 1ml(longer. HnMand applied by Boot nnd Slioo Pent IT a nmlllanulactorcrs *TcrTwbcre. Local and tiav-ehni; AOENT* wanted to introduce. Html Z>' - l U a u d b e j p b t a r b eel for aamplopair, ta X.LY0X, solo Sfanuractanr, 51 fc'Ulo" i v V o t k . lHAw

ig Ilihlo dyer published, fienil for nnr extra!tms lo Agents. NATIONAL I'UIJLISIIII.Ci

Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Jft-lw

iiJuScr.rfii.DJi.CLilcjrRtiinnoftheSlun.H.nraDia;:n;l U.iii'i.:,.:-i oi tho .Skin ,;f ivhattver nameof iiiiture, iu-0 Htr-r.i11y ilitR vp iintl eniTictiuiit of tho fiv.sicm in n bhori timo by thous2of Ihcseliitkrs.

IMii.'Ciiiu', i'.iiil QUIET Worms,Hu-k.iu^iu liicr.y,Um(jfi:o many thousands, tireL'ilfftu.'.l!y ile.-troycU r.iid. removed. Jfopyoti'm of mciiiei:ic, uo vennifugea, uolinthclniiiiitiea, will fi-oo tlio syntcm .fromv.-onus like these SiiUTS.• i"oi- l 'cju.ilo ('mniiljiiutM, in youngrtr old, warrictl or-Kiuglc, nt the dawn ofivouiauhooil in1 tho turn nt life, UicaoToniuUiUor:- ili.splny c« jlccidcd iiiflnoucotliat ir.ijiruv.iiinjiit is F.ooa pertieptible.

.JlHl-lslice.—In ;;11 LT-IICS of jmiiidiec,rpEt n.iiircil th:ifc votiv livrr i^ not tlotugitsn-orlt. 'i'l:-,' only w iblo Iro.ihnmit is tol)roi!K)lrt the M:ei'fliti:i of tiic biln nndlavof ii • ]-'or tliia purpose HSO ii

il iUnttil wlicn-ilii iiuimritifs burstingi in l'iir.iil'-i;, KninliouH,> ii v.iii-u vim 'ihul i t t>b->inli in llio -voii:;,; clDanso:'i'j \,.r.v ivrllntrn will tell


How cither BOX may faKinate and K»)Htlit|]ovoandafrectionBoranrneriU)nttioyvh[x>t<'iuitintly. Tli in simple, mental acquirement nil [can iiosaess, free, b j mail, far 25 ctH. tojjolliiTwilb a marriagcr guide, Kgnitinn Orach,Dreams, Ilinti toLadicH, Wcdiflng-Kight Khii I,&c. A queer book. Adilrma ' .

ltWw T. WILLIAM & Co. Puui. Plilln. |

A F O H T U S E I N IT. ' UveryfamilT buvs itSold by Agents. Addrcis ' -

4w O. B. VALKER. TLrie, Pn.

st Family Paper In AiaciimoB, free. i11TQ Co^aOODroailnar, X. V.!

lint out ; needed• llara free by m

Iv H. U. Wail,HITE & Co,, N





pclii hnKt

odj-. Tl i r o tu >ecuru a homo.cLmp. Kiiit f a c i n

.11 liartB ofthe world. ;It i-unlaim tlio SEW IIOMEHTF.AD and TIMI.I ;:!

LAwa,vfith otuer lutercBtingmuttur fraiml tii:'.1 •! - tbia paptr.


New CUDHKT lor April Just uiit. Ai'kln^ r,O. V. DAVIS, I

Lam! Commissioner U.r .11.1! . , i

CARPETS.I am now offering at rcr r loir nrlcpB a 1 I IT -:

and complfitc atcck nf Cnrnota, Oil C.othi, Mat- :tinsa, etc., of tbo latuat atvlot. - ;

M E S THE WEAK S T K 3 , .

v;i fioltiiicn of Ike l'soloxUla 'ofJi-on, ia no csmbinctl astoJiavaIhc rlun'iictci'of nn ailment, ttif.'(s*7;/ illt/rstcil and ttsstnilltrtcfttri.'/j //;.•! lilaod a.t tha simplest]"o't:!. It. t;icirancs tlio quantityof Xclnrrfs O,i;t. VitaUstntfAtjciit, Ivan -m iho hlcod, andc-:ii'C!it(ti.ihoxiattiuHtl3,i} simplybtlTonittf/u))fInvlffovalingantli'ltaUzteiff the System, Thacn-vlchvil and vitalized blood pev-i)!catcs ever}/ pni't oftlie hottiftrcjiait-ltif/ (taiiiagcs and tvustc*scavchhiy out morbid seerc-tionn, an (I Icavhiff r.othUifj foveUr.atiw to feed upon.

Tli in is the f' f l


secret of 1ho tB of thia r

45 c U to tl.Oll nir. viltl.25 to (1.B0 i*r \tl i

1.00 to 1 V!1CS t

s the secret of 1ho tvoilitccccB of thia remedy inD l L i r Comczivl::g Pysnepsia, Liver Com-

TAi'ESTitv » i.oo to i .« \wr. V.i. ^ r ' I : l t > »™P«y» CJirojiic Dinr -BODY BnussEtS" Los lo j>er. j ' i . vlicca,EcilH,!JTci'voii3AfVocilons,\-ELVET8andAXMIS8TKIl3 eqaaily U . C h m R;yX p c v c r S f H u m o r s ,

f u S u b ^ d a l w ^ a S ^ 1 1 1 0 1 1 ^ *™ -•• Coiislltuaonal Tlsor, •« r Orders by mall promptly'itteDdoil to. I Oissar.- ; t!iO Kidneys nnd

STEPHEN A. SPJENCEIt, ! Blntldc, Fcmalo Complaintfl,333 SKTH ATE., near 21th St., K. V. ' K"fl ('U MscnitB* orlffttuittuff ill

' - ' « bail state of tltc blood, or ac-"'ppt;ntct1 b[l tlcbiltt}/ ov «1pt0-

, t., K. VLalo of Columbian Hall, 231 Gram. fit. £04wr.,0OO AOESTS VASTEO for QENU1NE CIHTlOri i

I .IFi: and LAUOKS or \

LIVING-STOHE. jBy Ito». J . E. CnAUDUSS, who frnm hi '

personal writlnRB (indndinj tbo "L.iHi3otT..HALS,") nnfolas xividly hii grand acbieTemsntK,alio (ho cnriosities wooden and wraith of that \roaiTolona conntry, fruits, miuorala, renlf

• trpat. Phll*i1nlnliU ' .....

AQEMTSWAKTTD7Hen or woratn 131 k3

rials of iho sjiMem. JJclntf frr.o,j'i'r,::i .HIOJHJI. in any form, ito£t:;;r.;.:-;i.',v dTcr.ta arc not fol-ir.if?:'. I-if correspondfnrf rcac-irjy. it'.a. arnpermanent, iiifiz-rr.yj .-fj-c-j.'f/.'/:. vigor, mul ncnf(.•jr i:>'Pt;? cfthosifatcM,<••.;;! hr.lUU-.'j up uu Ira;s Ccii-

i.'1.'.1.-:,-.•••:r.iis7:avobcetichtltttfril'• I',';;.! /:.••''; c't'tl-t jviJifif'. 'f f)'("'$ah;:.'; ;•; .•.';.•;•, • »tf?rrUi7 * c i v <>•i:;.'-,.-. O .••-•',.;•.", I:cr.Zt!:~, {.:::'.