job satisfaction of employees of hdfc

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  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc







    Submitted t t!e u"i#e$%it& ' R%t!" (Ji*u$) I"

    P$ti+ Fu+'i++me"t ' $e,ui$eme"t ' **e$ -I '$ t!e


    Su*e$#i%ed b& / Submitted b&/

    D$0Nee+im P$ee1 DA2SH SHARMA

    M!#ee$ C++e.e ' BBA PART 3 I- Cmme$4e5 Ji*u$

    M!#ee$ C++e.e ' Cmme$4e5 Ji*u$

    ~ 1~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc




    Preservation, inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in

    the success of any venture. In the present world of cutthroat competition

    project is likely a bridge between theoretical and practical working,

    willingly I have prepared this particular project.

    First of all, I would like to thank the supreme power, the almighty god who

    is obviously the one who has always directed me to work on the right pathof my life. With this grace this project could become a reality I feel highly

    delighted with the way my project report on topic JOB SATISFACTION

    OF EMPLOYEES has been completed.

    I feel elated in e!pressing my deepest sense of gratitude " appreciation to

    my esteemed guide #r. sailesh jain, $%&F' (ife insurance), D$0Nee+im

    P$ee1'o*ordinator, &epartment of business administration, M!#ee$

    C++e.e ' Cmme$4e5 Ji*u$ $+niversity of ajasthan) " D$0R#iS!$m, Principal, M!#ee$ C++e.e ' Cmme$4e5 Ji*u$ for theirvaluable guidance, incessant encouragement and inspiring supervision

    during the completion of this project. For all this kind consideration I-m

    beholden her in my feelings of respects of regards for him.

    I e!press my deep sense of gratitude " reverence for my family for their

    endless love, guidance, moral support, encouragement " untiring co*

    operation throughout my study " work, without which this work would

    never have been completed.



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  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc



    /0!perience is the best teacher. he saying plays a very pivotal role in

    our curriculum where in we try and understand the nuances of the

    theoretical world with a blend of practical e!perience. It-s very important to

    understand how and where to implement what we have studied. 2nowledge

    in itself is a continuous process. 3etting practiced knowledge is an

    important thing for e!istence for any business concern in the competition

    prevailing in an industry a total awareness is the first and foremost thing

    necessary from all aspects, working smarter seems to be as important asworking harder and longer.

    We completed this project on /JOB SATISFACTION OF

    EMPLOYEES in part fulfillment of our BBAcurriculum. he knowledge

    we gathered through this e!posure with the outside world will help us in

    taking a giant leap towards understanding employee-s behavior and


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    I, &526% 6%5#5 &eclares that the project JOB SATISFACTION


    has been done as a part of 'urriculum project as per the rules of +niversity

    of ajasthan. his project has been solely done by me and not copied from

    any other project and I, &526% 6%5#5 declare that the project on

    JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES is my genuine work0

    I further declare that this project has not been submitted earlier at any

    +niversity of Institute for the award of any degree or diploma

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    (BBA3PART I-)

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  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    CHAPTER 8/ C"4e*t ' Jb Sti%'4ti" ' Em*+&ee%

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    CHAPTER =/ A""eu$e%

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    808 CONCEPT

    806 OBJECTI-ES


    6atisfaction is an important goal for organi=ations to reach as it has been

    shown that profitability, productivity, employee retention, and customer

    satisfaction are linked to employee satisfaction.


    he term >ob satisfaction refers to an individual?s general attitude towards

    his or her job. 5 person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive

    attitude towards the job, while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her

    job holds negative attitude about the job.

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  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    I" %im*+e @$d% b %ti%'4ti" i%/3

    >ob 6atisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job.

    here are a variety of factors that can influence a person?s level of >ob

    satisfactionA some of these factors areB*

    C Include the level of pay and benefits,

    C he perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company,

    C he level of pay and benefits,

    C (eadership and social relationships,

    C he job itself.

    :!& t %tud& but em*+&ee %ti%'4ti"

    In my point of view, study of D0mployee satisfactionD helps the company

    to maintain a standards " increase productivity by motivating the

    employees. this study tells us how much the employees are capable " their

    interest at wok placeE what are the things still to be satisfy to the

    employees. although Dhuman resourceD are the most important resources for

    any organi=ation, so to study on employees satisfaction helps to know the

    working conditions " what are the things that affects them not to work

    properly. always majority of done by the machineseGuipments but without

    any manual moments nothing can be done. so to study on employee

    satisfaction is necessary.

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    5lthough committed and loyal employees are the most influential factor to

    becoming an employer of choice, it?s no surprise that companies and

    organi=ations face significant challenges in developing energi=ed and

    engaged workforces. %owever, there is plenty of research to show that

    increased employee commitment and trust in leadership can positively

    impact the company?s bottom line. In fact, the true potential of an

    organi=ation can only be reali=ed when the productivity level of all

    individuals and teams are fully aligned, committed and energi=ed to

    successfully accomplish the goals of the organi=ation.

    5s a result, the goal of every company should be to improve the desire of

    employees to stay in the relationship they have with the company. When

    companies understand and manage employee loyalty * rather than retention

    specifically * they can reap benefits on both sides of the balance sheet i.e.,

    revenues and costs.

    7n the revenue side of the balance sheet, loyal and committed employees

    are more likely to go Dabove and beyondD to meet customer needs and are

    highly motivated to work to the best of their ability. oth of these traits are

    crucial for continued customer commitment and ongoing revenue and

    growth for the company.

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    7n the cost side, loyal employees stay longer, resist competitive job offers,

    do not actively look for other employment and recommend the company to

    others as a good place to work. hese four behaviors positively influence

    the cost side of the balance sheet because they are leading indicators of

    employee retention. he longer companies keep their employees, the longer

    they can avoid having to pay to replace them.

    In other words, rather than focusing only on retention $that is, trying to

    retain employees who have already decided to leave), organi=ations should

    proactively recogni=e the benefits of understanding, managing and

    improving employee loyalty. he most successful organi=ations are those

    that can adapt their organi=ational behavior to the realities of the current

    work environment where success is dependent upon innovation, creativity

    and fle!ibility. 5dditionally, the dynamics of the work environment have to

    reflect a very diverse population comprised of individuals whose

    motivations, beliefs and Jalue structures differ vastly from the past and

    from each another. 5rguably, the most valuable, but also volatile, corporate

    asset is a stable workforce of competent, dedicated employees, since such

    an employee base gives companies a powerful advantageA depth of

    knowledge and organi=ational strength.

    7ne of the key steps to understanding and improving employee loyalty is

    by acknowledging the importance of the following factors in building

    loyalty and satisfactionB

    roadly*defined responsibilities rather than narrowly*defined job


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  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    Provide employees with well*defined career paths $including a

    succession plan), mentors and tuition reimbursement for job*related


    rain employees, even if it makes them more attractive to the

    competition. Without seeing an opportunity on the hori=on, few high

    potential employees will stay with a company and allow themselves

    to grow stagnant.

    5cknowledge non*work priorities by recogni=ing and responding to

    employees? needs for greater balance in their lives, since employees

    will develop loyalty for organi=ations that respect them as

    individuals, not just as workers.


    1. o check the level of employee satisfaction among job work assignees.

    . o analy=e the work related stress.

    4. o study the attitude of employees toward their work and job security.

    8. o find motivational factors of employees.

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    9. o find out how much employees are participation in dicision*making.

    :. o find out how much employees are satisfied with their salary level.

    A"t!e$ **$4! t t!e i%%ue ' +&+t& i% t 4"%ide$ t!e

    #+ue ' t!e 'i#e IG%/

    I"te$e%ti". @$1/

    Ko one wants to do the same boring job over and over, day after day.

    5lthough any job will reGuire some repetitive tasks, all jobs should include

    at least some parts that are of high interest to employees.


    Information is power and employees want to have the information they

    need to know to do their jobs better and more effectively. 5nd, more than

    ever, employees want to know how they are doing in their jobs and how thecompany is performing overall. It is vitally important to open the channels

    of communication in an organi=ation to allow employees to be informed,

    ask Guestions, and share information and to inspire them to share the vision

    of the company.


    #anagers today are faced with an incredible number of opportunities and

    problems and, as the speed of business continues to increase, the amount of

    time that they have to make decisions continues to decrease. Involving

    employees in decision*making, especially when the decisions affect them

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    directly, is both respectful and practical. Kot only do those closest to the

    problem typically have the best insight as to what to do, involving them in

    decision*making will increase their commitment and improve the success of

    implementing new ideas or change. 6imilarly, management needs to follow

    through on promises and live the values they preach.


    Few employees want their every action to be closely monitored. #ost

    employees appreciate having the fle!ibility to do their jobs as they see fit.

    3iving employees latitude increases the chance that they will perform as

    desired, as well as bringing additional initiative, ideas, and energy to their

    jobs. 0mployees also need to be encouraged to achieve their best potential.



    5ccording to this theory a person is satisfied when he gets training from his

    >ob what he wants. he more he wants something or the more important it

    is to him, the more satisfied he is when he received it. In other words, />ob

    6atisfaction will vary directly with the e!tend to which those needs of an

    individual which can be satisfied are actually satisfied. Jroom views

    satisfaction in terms of the positively valued outcomes that a job provides

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    to a person. hus, job satisfaction is positively related to the degree to

    which one-s needs are fulfilled. he fulfillment theory suffers from a major

    drawback. 6atisfaction is a function of not only what a person receives but

    what he feels he should receive.


    +nder this theory, it is believed that a person-s job satisfaction depends

    upon his perceived eGuity as determined by his input* output balance in

    comparison with the input*output balance of others. 0very individual

    compares his rewards with those of a Lreference group-. If he feels his

    rewards are eGuitable in comparison with others doing similar work, he

    feels satisfied. >ob 6atisfaction is thus a function of the degree to which job

    characteristics meet the desires of the reference group. For e!ample, one

    study of the effects of community features on job satisfaction revealed that

    workers living in a well to a neighbourhood felt less satisfied than thoseliving in poor neighbourhood.


    Frederick %er=berg and his colleagues developed the wo factor theory

    satisfaction. 5ccording to this theory satisfaction and dissatisfaction are

    interdependent of each other and e!ist on a separate continuum. 7ne set of

    factors known as hygiene factors $'ompany policy, administration,

    supervision, pay, working conditions and interpersonal relations) act as

    dissatisfiers. heir absence cause dissatisfaction but their present does not

    result in positive satisfaction. he other set of factors known as satisfiers

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    $achievements, advancement, recognition, work itself and responsibility)

    lead to satisfaction.

    6everal studies designed to test the two factor theory provide little support

    to this theory. he same factor may serve as a satisfier for one but a

    dissatisfier for another. It appears from this theory that a person can be

    satisfied and dissatisfied at the same time.


    5ccording to this theory job satisfaction depends upon what a person

    actually receives from his job and what he e!pects to receive. When the

    reward actually received are less than the e!pected rewards it causes

    dissatisfaction. In the words of (ocke, />ob 6atisfaction and dissatisfaction

    are function of perceived relationship between what one wants from one-s

    job and what one perceive it is actually offering. In other words,

    satisfaction is the difference between what one actually received and what

    he feels he should receive. his theory fails to reveal whether over*

    satisfaction is or is not a dimension of dissatisfaction and if so , how does it

    dissatisfaction arising out of the situation when received outcomes are less

    than the outcomes one feels he should receive.


    his is a combination of eGuity and discrepancy theories. (awlers hs

    adopted the difference approach of discrepancy theory rather than the ratio

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    approach of eGuity theory. From eGuity theory the concept of comparision

    has been selected to serve as an intervening variable. +nder this theory

    satisfaction is defined as the difference between the outcomes that one

    perceives he actually received and outcomes that one feels he should

    receives in comparision with others. when the individual feels that what he

    actually received is eGual what he perceives he should receive there is

    satisfaction. hus an individual-s reception of his reward is influenced by

    more than just the objective amount of that factor. ecause of this

    psychological influence the same amount of reward aften can be seen Guite

    differently by two people, to one it can be a large amount , while to another

    person it can be a small amount.


    eference group defines the way an individual looks at the world.

    5ccording to this theory job satisfaction occurs when the job meet the

    interest , desires and reGuirements of a person-s reference group. In other

    words, job satisfaction is a function of the degree to which the job meets

    the approval of the group to which the individual looks for guidance in

    evaluating the world and defining social reality.

    he social reference group theory is similar to the need fulfillment theory

    e!cept than it takes into account not the desires, needs and interests of the

    given individual but rather the point of view and the opinion of the groups

    to whom the individual looks for guidance.

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    CHAPTER / 6




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    I"di" I"%u$"4e I"du%t$&


    (ife insurance came to India from 0ngland in 1

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    o regulate India insurance business first insurance act came in 1@1 as life

    insurance company act and provident fund act. hese act consist of

    premium rated abeles and periodical valuation of companies. In the first

    two decade of Hthcentury many life insurance companies were started. 6o

    the insurance acts came in 1@4< to governing life and non life insurance

    companies and provide strict state control. In 1@9: the life insurance

    corporation of India $(I') was creating to spreading life insurance much

    more widely particularly in rural areas. In that year (I' had 9 =onal offices,

    44 divisional offices and 1 branch offices. 1@9; the business of (I' of

    sum assured of HH crores, 1HHH cores in 1@;H, and ;HHH crores in 1@

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    he general in insurance business in India, on the other hand, can trace its

    roots to the riton insurance company (td, the first general insurance

    company established in the year 1

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    similar reforms in 1@@8, the committee submitted the report and some of

    the key recommendation included.

    Insurance regulator I&5 set up.

    HHH*I&5 starts giving licenses to private insurersB %&F'

    standard (ife Insurance, I'I'I prudential and 2otak (ife

    Insurance first private insurers to sell a policy.

    HH1*oyal 6undaram 5lliance first non*life insurer to sell policy

    HH anks allowed selling insurance plans.

    P%%ibi+itie% '$ i"%u$"4e 4m*"ie% i" I"di0

    Further deregulation of the market. 3reater concern for the


    Kewer products and services.

    'ompetition and Guality consciousness.

    T!e I"%u$"4e Re.u+t$& De#e+*me"t Aut!$it&

    I"%u$"4e A4t/33

    he passage of the Insurance s5ct, 1@4< and its subseGuent amendments in

    1@9H and 1@@@ are serious attempts to bring order in the business of

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  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    insurance in India. he 5ct attempted to address various issues relating to

    the business. 6ome of them areB**

    Protection of policy holder interest.

    (imiting the e!penses of insurance organi=ations.

    0stablishment of tariff advisory committee.

    6olvency levels to be maintained.

    'reation of Insurance organi=ation.

    &efining the roles and responsibilities of various functionaries

    associated with the business.

    I"%u$"4e Re.u+t$& "d De#e+*me"t Aut!$it& A4t

    he passage of Insurance egulatory and &evelopment 5uthority 5ct in

    1@@@ can be seen a dividing line for insurance business in India.

    It was an outcome of the implementation of the recommendations of a high

    powered committee, which suggested the setting up of a statutory body

    called the Insurance egulatory and &evelopment 5uthority in 1@@:.

    his body was later renamed as I&5 with the passage of I&5 5ct by

    the parliament.

    Obe4ti#e ' IRDA A4t/

    o protect the investor-s interest.

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    o promote orderly growth of insurance industry in the country,

    including registration of insurance companies

    o administer the provisions of Insurance 5cts.

    o devise control activities needed for smooth functioning of the

    insurance companies including investment of funds and solvency

    reGuirements to be maintained by insurance companies.

    o lay down the accounting methodology to be adopted .

    o adjudicate on disputes.

    I"di" I"%u$"4e Cm*"ie%/

    With the rapid growth of the Indian Insurance industry, in particularly

    serving a #iddle 'lass that is growing on both si=e and wealth every year,

    it is hardly surprising that Indian insurance companies are growing, and

    playing an increasingly important role in the nation-s financial services


    his increasing market is creating considerable competition among Indian

    Insurance 'ompanies in an industry that H years ago was relatively small.

    o date, India-s Insurance egulatory and &evelopment 5uthority $I&5),

    has granted registration to 1 private life insurance companies, there are

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    currently 14 Indian insurance companies in the life side and 14 Indian

    insurance companies operating in general insurance .

    3eneral Insurance 'orporation has been approved as the Indian reinsurer

    for underwriting only reinsurance business. Particulars of the Indian

    insurance companies including both life insurance companies and general

    insurance companies are given belowB

    I"di" i"%u$"4e 4m*"ie%

    1. (ife insurance corporation of India

    . 5llian= ajaj life insurance company limited

    4. irla sun*life insurance company limited

    8. %&F' standard life insurance co. limited

    9. I'I'I prudential life insurance co. limited

    :. IK3 Jysya (ife Insurance company limited

    ;. #a! Kew york life insurance co. limited

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    1. 5KP 6anmar assurance company limited

    14. &abur '3+ life insurance co. pvt. (imited

    18. Kational insurance company limited

    19. Kew India assurance company limited

    1:. 7riental insurance company limited

    1;. +nited India insurance company limited


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    Kational insurance company (td, founded in 1@H:, is the oldest e!isting

    insurance company in India.

    0arlier, the insurance sector had only two state insurers N life insurers i.e.

    life insurance corporation of India $(I'), and general insurers i.e. general

    insurance corporation of India $3I').

    In &ecember HHH, these subsidiaries were de*linked from parent company

    and were declared independent insurance companiesB oriental insurance

    company limited, Kew India 5ssurance company limited, national

    insurance company limited and +nited India insurance company limited.

    &ue to the increase in the Indian economy, more and more people are

    taking active participation in this industry as investors, or may be on* roll

    employees in this industry.

    C!++e".e% '4i". i"%u$"4e i"du%t$&/

    T!$et ' Ne@ E"t$"t% /3

    he insurance industry has been budding with new entrants every other

    day. herefore the companies should carve out niche areas such that the

    threat of new entrants might not be a hindrance.

    here is also a chance that the big players might sGuee=e the small new


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    P@e$ ' %u**+ie$% /3

    hose who are supplying the capital are not that big a threat.

    For instance, if someone as a very talented insurance underwriter is

    presently working for a small insurance company, there e!ists a chance that

    any big player willing to enter the insurance industry might entice that

    person off.

    P@e$ ' Bu&e$%/ 33

    Ko individual is a big threat to the insurance industry and big corporate

    houses have a lot more negotiating capability with the insurance

    companies. ig corporate clients like airlines and pharmaceutical

    companies pay million of dollars every year in premiums.


    he 3lobal Indian Financial services brandB heir customers will

    enjoy the benefits of dealing with a global Indian brand that

    understands their needs and delivers customi=ed pragmatic solutions

    across multiple platforms. hey will be a world class Indian financial

    service group. heir technology and best practices will be

    benchmarked along international lines while their understanding of

    customers will be uniGuely Indian. hey will be more than a

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    repository of their customer-s savings. hey, the group, will be a

    single window to every financial service in a customer-s universe.

    he most preferred employer in financial servicesB 5 culture of

    empowerment and a spirit of enterprise attract bright minds with an

    entrepreneurial streak to join us and stay with us. Working with a

    home grown professionally managed company, which has

    partnerships with international leaders, gives their people a

    perspective that is universal as well as uniGue.

    he most trusted financial services companyB hey will create an

    ethos of trust across all their constituents. 5dhering to high standards

    of compliance and corporate governance will be an integral part of

    building trust.

    Jalue creationB Jalue creation rather than si=e alone will be business



    heir #ission $as stated in the 'ompany?s website )B

    o be the top new life insurance company in the market.

    his does not just mean being the largest or the most productive company

    in the market, rather it is a combination of several things like*

    'ustomer service of the highest order

    Jalue for money for customers

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    Professionalism in carrying out business

    Innovative products to cater to different needs of different


    +se of technology to improve service standards

    Increasing market share

    T!ei$ -+ue%/


    Providing long term financial security to our policy holders will be

    our constant endeavour. We will be do this by offering life insurance

    and pension products.


    We appreciate the trust placed by our policy holders in us.

    %ence, we will aim to manage their investments very

    carefully and live up to this trust.


    ecognising the different needs of our customers, we will be offering

    a range of innovative products to meet these needs.

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    %&F' rand identity based on consumer perception and group


    2nowledgeable of the latest business practicesA has incorporated the

    best but believes that ultimately successful business decisions are

    based on instincts rather than logical processes.

    Jalues Indian traditional and rituals.

    %&F' is the Guintessential Indian entrepreneur in touch with the

    global world.

    'onstantly looking for new opportunities to grow business and make


    elieves in Lno guts, no glory-.

    %&F' is seen as a leader in their field, not only in thoughts but also

    in their ability to spot opportunities and build on them.


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    6tarted operation in 7ctober HHH.

    Keed for private players to establish brands.

    Keed to create a brand platform that would be uniGue, relevant and

    emotionally compelling.

    ased their brand positioning on providing financial freedom* /6ar

    utha kar jeo.

    0!pressed through all customer touch points N

    5ds#erchandising'orporate 6tationery etc.


    o be a top five player in this industry in this, %&F' (ife Insurance need to

    increase &istribution width and depth trough the country. Insurance is sold

    primarily through three sales channelsB

    Tied .e"4& "et@$1/

    sales manager recruit and develop life advisers who in turn prospects for

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    customers and sell insurance. It is a tide agency, as these agents $life

    advisers) are their e!clusive sales agents .key to success of a tide agency

    is that each sales manager has a large number $successful 6#s) have a

    team of < to 1H contributing (as) 7F (IF0 5&JI606 who deliver 4*8

    policies month on month consistently.

    A+te$"te 4!""e+/

    sales mangers works with channel partners who can use their channels

    sales force to sell insurance of their brand. 'hannel partners in alternate

    channel can be either a corporate agency or a broker. 5 corporate agency

    will always be e!clusive for their brand and sell for their company. 5

    broker will be a multiband player and works for the benefit of the

    customer. 5lternate channels sales manager, apart from managing

    e!isting partners, identify new partners, built relationships and use the

    channel sales force to increase sales from that channel.

    ;$u* %+e%/

    sales mangers sell to corporate institutions where a group of

    homogeneous character can be covered under a single insurance policy.

    ypically they work in the area of employee benefit programme .heysell products like 6uperannuation, 3ratuity, 3roup (ife 'overs , 0&(I

    and group credit term covers .2ey difference from the first two channels

    is that this channel does not insure individual lives but insures groups of


    ~ 49~

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    ~ 4:~


    Country Wide

    Recognition Need Base Analysis

    Same Standard Services

    in all Branches Fair Deal in all

    Transactions Customers Centric

    Approach Infrastructure


    Freuent !o" Rotation

    #ess num"er of

    advertisements $idden Charges

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc



    ~ 4;~


    Scope in !aipur as it is in

    the developing phase %nly &'( of insura"le

    people have anyinsurance

    $igher possi"ility of

    gro)th in Indian share*ar+et


    #IC,s Brand Name

    -eople of !aipur prefershort.term investmentrather than in insurance

    /pcoming private

    insurance companies0

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    5 company can invest millions in technology and facilities, but it is of little

    value if employees are unsatisfied. 0ngaged, enthusiastic, motivated

    employees are essential for business success.

    ~ 4

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    3#?s 0mployee 0nthusiasm 6trategy focuses on engaging employees with

    positive leadership behavior and effective management. 3# wants to be a

    desirable place to work, an employer of choice worldwide and a place

    people enjoy coming to every day. 3#?s policy is to emphasi=epersonal

    safety, economic stabilityand employee development.

    3# is committed to developing and deploying employee skills, talent and

    potential effectively to achieve its business goals. 6ee employee training.

    3#?s approach is to instill a performance culture across the business that

    inspires employees to do their best, empowers them to make decisions,rewards accomplishment, embraces challenges and embodies high

    e!pectations. y providing employee professional development

    opportunities in the conte!t of this performance culture, 3#?s aim is to

    increase levels of job satisfaction N as measured in staff surveys N while

    delivering improved business results.

    Se4t$i+ Cm*$i%" ' F4t$% I"'+ue"4i". Jb

    Sti%'4ti" i" I"di" B"1i". Se4t$

    It has been observed that degree of job satisfaction of private sector banks

    was found to be significantly lower than in public sector banks. 5t least two

    reasons were found to be responsible for the low job satisfaction level of

    employees of private sector banks. When data were analysed, surprising

    results were found. In the study, job satisfaction was measured by a tool

    developed by 6inha $1@@H). >ob satisfaction was measured on the basis of

    ~ 4@~
  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    five variables. hese are $i) pay, $ii) work condition $for e!ample, safety,

    heat, noise, and dust), $iii) service conditions $for e!ample, security,

    promotion, and welfare), $iv) relation with superiors, peers, and workers,

    and $v) company as a whole. 5mong four variables, the degree of

    difference is not noticeable. ut low scores of the third variable, service

    conditions, were found to be responsible for overall low degree job

    satisfaction in private sector banks.

    0mployees of private sector banks perceive that their jobs are not secure. In

    fact, the effect of an open economy, globalisation, and privatisation can be

    seen more easily in private sector banks than in public sector banks. In

    private sector banks, the environment in highly competitive and job

    security is based on performance and various other factors. hough it is

    true that this environment provides a challenging job profile, it also creates

    a less secure environment. Industriousness, dedication, devotion, and

    commitment are not enough to secure a job. he high level of performance

    of an individual is also based on various factors. hese may be market

    situation, e!istence of competitor, and government policies. Where these

    factors are adverse in nature, performance automatically suffers. &uring

    this period, employees feel insecure, which reduces overall job satisfaction.

    In public sector banks, welfare policies are clearly defined and legally

    enforced. etirement, pensions, gratuity, and other related welfare policies

    are effectively e!ecuted. 6o there is no problem with social security. In

    private sector banks, welfare activities are neither well planned nor well

    e!ecuted. 0mployee turnover is very high and job security is very low.

    #ost employees are from middle class Indian families. hese employees

    ~ 8H~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    have seen the golden period of public sectors and government jobs during

    their growing stages. 6o the effect of welfare schemes of government jobs

    and public sectors cannot be easily eradicated from their psyche. Private

    sector employees are ready to work hard but they demand pensions,

    security, and sometimes an easy lifestyle.

    hese findings in the banking sectors could be e!tended to e!plain the job

    situation in other service sectors. In terms of security, promotion, and

    welfare policy, there is a clear difference between public and private sector

    employees. It was stated earlier that when we compare the job satisfaction

    of employees in public and private sector banks or in other service sectors,

    the public and private sectors become the main factor of comparison. In

    India, the public or private sector factors neutralise all other factors of

    comparison. For e!ample, in India, a public sector insurance company like

    (I' will always be preferred by a new entrant, if he has a choice.



    ~ 81~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc








    esearch is a systematic and continues method of defining a problem,

    collecting the facts and analy=ing them, reaching conclusion forming


    he systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis,

    dissemination, and use of information for the purpose of assisting

    management in decision making related to the identification related to

    solution to problems and opportunities .

    ~ 8~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    #arketing esearch is the function that links the customer, concumer, and

    public to the marketer through information* information used to identify

    and define marketing opportunities and problemsA generate, refine, and

    evaluate marketing actionsA monitor marketing performanceA and improve

    understanding of marketing as a process.

    he study of research methods provides manager knowledge and skill

    needed to solve the problems and meet the challenges of a fast*paced

    decision*making environment. hree factors that stimulate an interest of

    managers in research study are

    he manager-s increased need for more and better information.

    he availability of increased techniGues and tools to meet this need.

    he result information overload if discipline is not employed in the



    esearch methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It may

    be understood has a science of studying how research is done scientifically.

    In it we study the various steps that all generally adopted by a researcher in

    studying his research problem along with the logic behind them.

    he scope of research methodology is wider than that of research method.

    hus when we talk of research methodology we not only talk of research

    ~ 84~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    methods but also consider the logic behind the method we use in the

    conte!t of our research study and e!plain why we are using a particular


    S @e %!u+d 4"%ide$ t!e '++@i". %te*% i" $e%e$4!


    Problem statement

    7bjective of study

    esearch design

    &ata collection

    6ample design

    6tatistical tool

    (imitation of study


    5 framework or blueprint for conducting the research project. It

    specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the

    information needed to structure andor solve research problems. 5

    good research design lays the foundation for conducting the project.

    5 good research design will ensure that the research project is

    ~ 88~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    conducted effectively and efficiently. ypically, a research design

    involves the following components, or tasksB

    &efine the information needed.

    &esign the research.

    6pecify the measurement and scaling procedures.

    'onstruct and present a Guestionnaire or an appropriate form for

    data collection.

    6pecify the sampling process and sampling si=e.

    &evelop a plan of data analysis.


    he task of data collection is begins after a research problem has been

    defined and research designed plan chalked out. &ata collection is to

    gather the data from the population. he data can be collected of two typesB

    ~ 89~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    Primary &ata

    6econdary &ata

    P$im$& Dt

    he Primary &ata are those, which are collected afresh and for the first

    time, and thus happened to be original in character.


    Personal Interviews.

    elephonic interviews.



    Se4"d$& Dt

    he 6econdary &ata are those which have already been collected by

    someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical

    tool. #ethods of collection of 6econdary data






    7ld records.

    In this project I am using both the method of data collection

    ~ 8:~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc



    5 sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given

    population. It refers to the techniGue or the procedure and the researcher

    would adopt in selecting items of sample. 6ample design may as well lay

    down the number of items to be included in the sample i.e. the si=e of the

    sample. 6ample design is determined before data are collected. efore

    going trough sampling design, let us learn some terms.

    P*u+ti"/he aggregate of all the elements, sharing some common set of

    characteristics, that comprises the universe for the purpose of the research


    In this project all the employees of %&F' 6tandard (ife Insurance of

    >5IP+ branch, is the population


    5 subgroup of the elements of the population selected for participation in

    the study.

    In this project sample si=e is 8H employees

    Sm*+i". U"it/

    he basic unit containing the elements of the population to be sampled.

    In this project sampling unit is employees.

    Sm*+i". Te4!"i,ue u%ed i" %u$#e&333

    ~ 8;~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    Konprobability 6ampling echniGues.

    'onvenience 6ampling.

    Konprobability sampling techniGues do not use chance selection

    procedures. ather, they rely on the personal judgment of the researcher

    where as probability sampling procedure each element of the population

    has fi!ed probabilistic chance of being selected for the sample.

    In our survey, we have used nonprobabilty sampling techniGue because

    there is no way of determining the probability of selecting any particular

    element for inclusion for the sample, the estimates obtained are not

    statistically projectable to the population. We have selected the sample with

    help of 6ales #anager and their (ife 5dvisors.

    5mong nonprabability sampling techniGues, the sampling techniGue

    applied here is convenience sampling. 'onvenience 6ampling attempts to

    obtain a sample of convenient elements. he selection units is left primarily

    to the inerviewer. 'onvenience 6ampling is the least e!pensive and least

    time consuming of all sampling techniGues. he sampling units are

    accessible, easy to measure, and cooperative. In spite of these advantages,

    his form of sampling has serious limitations. #any potential sources of

    selection bias are present, including respondent self*selection. 'onvenience

    6amples aer not representative of any definable population.

    ~ 8

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc



    5 Ouestionnaire, whether it is called a schedule, interview form, or

    measuring instrument, is a structured techniGue for data collection that

    consists of series of Guestion, written or verbal, that a respondent answers.

    Obe4ti#e O' A ue%ti""i$e

    It must translates the information needed into a set of specific

    Guestions that the respondents can and will answer.

    5 Guestionnaire must uplift, motivate, and encourage the respondent

    to become involved in the interview, to cooperate, and to complete

    the interview.

    5 Guestionnaire should minimi=e response time

    CHAPTER ?~ 8@~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc




    ANALYSIShe analysis of this project begins with analysis of each Guestion.

    ~ 9H~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc



    #anagers need information, not raw data. esearch helps in generating

    information by analy=ing data after its collection .data analysis usually

    involves reducing accumulated data to a manageable si=e, developing

    summaries, looking for patterns and applying statistical techniGues. 6caled

    responses on Guestionnaires and e!perimental instruments often reGuire the

    analyst to derive various functions, as well as to e!plore relationships

    among variables.

    In various cases when we deal with statistics we find that the variables are

    related to each other or we can also say two variables seem to move in the

    same direction such as both are increasing or decreasing or even some

    factors tend to move in the opposite direction also means one is increasing

    and the other is decreasing. 5nalysis has been done by applying various

    statistical tools to study the basic factors that lead to >ob satisfaction among

    >ob Work 5ssignees. Jarious important factors identified during the study


    C >ob security

    C #otivation D 5ttitude

    C 6tress

    Re%*"de"t b& ;e"de$

    M+e 6>

    Fem+e 88

    Tt+ 7


    ~ 91~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc



    %ere we can see ma!imum number of respondent is male that is ;M and

    female are only

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    Fi""4e ?

    *e$ti" ?




    %ere we can see ma!imum number of respondent are for

    marketing department that are out of 8H respondent

    :$1 E*e$ie"4e ' Re%*"de"t

    E*e$ie"4e i" &e$%

    N0 '


    8 +e%% t!e" 8 &e$ 8?

    6 m$e t!e" 8 &e$ 87

    ~ 94~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    9 +e%% t!e" 6 &e$ =

    m$e t!e" 6 &e$ ;



    ~ 98~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    %ere we can see that employees are not e!perienced.19 employees are

    having the e!perience of less than 1 year and 14 of less then year.

    Sti%'4ti" +e#e+ @it! t!e b

    S0 NO0 Sti%'4ti" Le#e+ N0 '


    8 Li1e #e$& mu4! 6?

    6 Li1e %me @!t 87

    9 Neut$+

    Di%+i1e %me @!t 8

    ? Di%+i1e #e$& mu4! Ni+

    Em*+&ee %ti%'4ti"

    ~ 99~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc



    he data in the above table reveals that majority of respondents $9) were

    highly satisfied with their job and 1H of respondents are satisfied with their


    his show that employees are satisfied with their job.

    Sti%'& @it! t!e be!#i$ ' m".eme"t "d t!e$





    N0 '


    ~ 9:~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc




    Sti%'ied 66

    6 Sti%'ied 87

    9 Mde$te ?

    U"%ti%'ied 6



    U"%ti%'ied 8

    TABLE ? S!@% Sti%'4ti" +e#e+ @it! t!e be!#i$ '

    m".eme"t "d t!e$ em*+&ee%

    Fi. ? 3S!@% Sti%'4ti" +e#e+ @it! t!e be!#i$ 'm".eme"t "d t!e$ em*+&ee%

    ~ 9;~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    he data in the above table reveals that majority of respondents $)

    were highly satisfied with the behavior of other employees and 1H of

    respondents are satisfied and 9 are moderate.

    C$ee$ "d .$@t! **$tu"itie%

    S0" P$e'e$e"4e% N0 ' Re%*"de"t%

    8 Ye% 9

    6 N

    Tb+e S!@% C$ee$ "d .$@t! **$tu"itie% '$em*+&ee%0

    Fi.3 S!@% C$ee$ "d .$@t! **$tu"itie% '$ em*+&ee%0

    %ere we can see ma!imum number of respondent are think that there

    career and growth opportunities offered by the job is that is @HM .

    ~ 9

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    his shows that in %&F' 6tandard life career and growth opportunities

    offered by the job.

    P$ti4i*ti" i" De4i%i" m1i".

    S0" P$ti4i*ti"

    N0 '


    8 67397 86

    6 9737 87

    9 73?7 =


    ? Ab#e 7


  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    hat is only : respondent are participating in the above:HM decisions and

    1 are participating in HM*4HM.

    Sti%'4ti" Le#e+ ' Em*+&ee%

    S0NO0 Sti%'4ti" Le#e+ N0 '


    80 Hi.!+& Sti%'ied >

    60 Sti%'ied 8?

    90 Mde$te ?

    0 U"%ti%'ied 87

    ?0 Hi.!+& U"%ti%'ied 8

    Tb+e=3S!@% Sti%'4ti" Le#e+ ' Em*+&ee% @it! t!e %+$&

    FI;=3 S!@% Sti%'4ti" Le#e+ ' Em*+&ee% @it! t!e


    ~ :H~
  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    he data in the above table tells us that majority of respondents $19) are

    satisfied with the level of salary which they are getting and only $@) of

    respondents are highly satisfied with this statement and $1H) respondent are

    not satisfied with the salary which they are getting.

    M".eme"t i% '+eib+e "d u"de$%t"d% t!e

    im*$t"4e ' b+"4i". m& @$1 "d *e$%"+ +i'e0

    S0 NO0 Sti%'4ti" Le#e+ N0 '


    8 St$".+& .$ee 8=

    6 A.$ee 87

    9 U"de4ided =

    Di%.$ee 6

    ? St$".+& di%.$ee 6

    TABLE >3S!@% M".eme"t i% '+eib+e "d u"de$%t"d% t!eim*$t"4e ' b+"4i". m& @$1 "d *e$%"+ +i'e0

    ~ :1~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    FI;3> S!@% M".eme"t i% '+eib+e "d u"de$%t"d% t!e

    im*$t"4e ' b+"4i". m& @$1 "d *e$%"+ +i'e0

    he data in the above table tells us that majority of respondents $1

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    Le#e+ Re%*"de"t%

    8 St$".+& .$ee =

    6 A.$ee 86

    9 U"de4ided 88




    di%.$ee 9

    TABLE387 S!@% !@ m"& em*+&ee% .$ee @it! t!e 4m*"& b"u%


    Fi.387 S!@% !@ m"& em*+&ee% .$ee @it! t!e

    4m*"& b"u% *+"%

    he data in the above table tells us that majority of respondents $1) are

    agree with the bones plan which they are getting and $

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    strongly agree with this statement and $11) respondent are undecided and

    $:) are disagree.

    I% "& 4!".e i% $e,ui$e t im*$#e t!e @$1i". 4"diti"

    S0" P$e'e$e"4e% N0 ' Re%*"de"t%

    8 Ye% 96

    6 N =

    TABLE388 S!@% !@ m"& em*+&ee% 'ee+ t !#eim*$#eme"t i" @$1i". 4"diti"%

    Fi.388 S!@% !@ m"& em*+&ee% .$ee @it! t!e 4m*"&

    *& %4+e "d b"u% *+"%

    ~ :8~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    %ere we can see ma!imum number of respondent are think that change is

    reGuire to improve the working condition of the company opportunities is

    that is

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc




    ~ ::~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc



    here are various limitation faced during the study as the study basic

    related to the human psychology and behavior basically. 6ome of the

    problems face during the study areB*

    C while collecting the data it was noticed that most of the

    respondent were getting struck at statement, they were actually

    related to make out whether the statement is related to their job or

    routine life .

    C 5nother major obstruction found the study was respondents were

    Guite reluctant in giving their original details.

    C 0ven it is not noticed that some of the data entry operations

    were not even ready to fill in the Guestionnaires, so their responses

    were most of the time neutral.

    ~ :;~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    CHAPTER M".eme"t i% '+eib+e "d u"de$%t"d% t!e im*$t"4e '

    b+"4i". m& @$1 "d *e$%"+ +i'e0

    6trongly &isagree

    ~ ;8~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc





    6trongly 5gree

    087 A$e &u .$ee @it! t!e 4m*"& *& %4+e "d b"u% *+"%

    6trongly 6trongly 5gree +ndecided &isagree

    5gree &isagree

    088 D &u 'ee+ t!e$e i% 4!".e $e,ui$e i" &u$ de*$tme"t

    t im*$#e @$1i". 4"diti"%

    R06 K7

    086 R"1 t!e '++@i". mti#ti"+ '4t$ 44$di". t &u /3

    FACTOR RAN2(8 t )8 i% !i.!e%t

    Promotion QQ

    eward and ecognition QQ

    5chievemant QQ

    %igher authority and responsibility QQ


    ~ ;9~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    NAME /3 0

    MOBILE NO/3 0





    ~ ;:~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc




    C. R. Kothari: Research Methodology(New Age

    !"licatio#$% editio# &''

    hili) Kotler: Mar*eti#g Ma#age+e#t% editio# &'',

    M.-.Mathew: Ris* Ma#age+e#t a#d i#s!ra#ce(R S A$%

    editio# &'/'

    0.S.S!dha: Orga#i1atio#al eha2io!rs (Mali* 3 Co+)a#y%

    4ai)!r$ editio# &'/'

    R.C.hatia: !si#ess Orga#isatio# a#d Ma#age+e#t% third

    editio# &''

    5S.Rao: 6!+a# Reso!rce Ma#age+e#t: seco#d editio#

    #ew 7elhi%&'',

    ~ ;;~

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    C.A.Code: Orga#isatio#al eha2io!r (theory a#d


    6.Naraya#a#: I#dia# I#s!ra#ce( A ro8ile$ editio# &''9

    We"sites e#gi#e$ e#gi#e$




    co#o+ics Ti+es

    Ti+es o8 I#dia


    ~ ;

  • 7/26/2019 job satisfaction of employees of Hdfc


    !si#ess Today

    !si#ess World