job costing training guide - cyma

CYMA IV Accounting for Windows ® Training Guide Series Job Costing Training Guide October 2017

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CYMAIV Accounting for Windows®

Training Guide Series

Job Costing Training Guide

October 2017

Page 2: Job Costing Training Guide - CYMA

CYMA Systems, Inc. 2330 West University Drive, Suite 4

Tempe, AZ 85281 (800) 292-2962

Fax: (480) 303-2969 E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright 1998-2017 CYMA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of CYMA Systems, Inc.

CYMA Systems, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. CYMA Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.

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The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

PASIII, PAS+, CYMAIV, GBS and GBSII are trademarks of CYMA Systems, Inc. Some of the product names mentioned herein have been used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

All trademarks and names are the property of their respective holders.

Revised October 2017

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Table of Contents Set Up Checklist ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 

Maintain Menu ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 

Maintain Jobs .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 

Maintain Jobs - Job Tab .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 

Maintain Jobs - Detail Budget ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 

Maintain Jobs - Detail and Cost Type Budget with Estimate ................................................................................................................ 19 

Maintain Jobs - Summary Budget ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 

Maintain Jobs - Cost Category Budget ................................................................................................................................................. 27 

Maintain Jobs - Cost Code Budget ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 

Budget By Cost Code - Change Order Detail ....................................................................................................................................... 35 

Budget Estimate - Cost Code and Cost Category ................................................................................................................................ 37 

Maintain Jobs - Cost Type Budget ........................................................................................................................................................ 39 

Maintain Jobs - Invoice Tab .................................................................................................................................................................. 43 

Maintain Job Tasks Tab ........................................................................................................................................................................ 49 

Maintain Jobs - Contacts Tab ............................................................................................................................................................... 51 

Maintain Jobs - Activity Tab .................................................................................................................................................................. 53 

Maintain Jobs - Labor Tab .................................................................................................................................................................... 59 

Maintain Jobs - Product Tab ................................................................................................................................................................. 61 

Maintain Jobs - General Ledger Accounts Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 63 

Maintain Jobs - View Detail ................................................................................................................................................................... 65 

Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Open PO Commitments ......................................................................................................................... 67 

Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Invoiced to Date .................................................................................................................................... 69 

Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Payments to Date .................................................................................................................................. 71 

Maintain Base Jobs ............................................................................................................................................................................... 73 

Maintain Base Jobs - Base Tab ............................................................................................................................................................ 75 

Maintain Base Jobs - Activity Tab ......................................................................................................................................................... 81 

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail ......................................................................................................................................................... 87 

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Open PO Commitments ................................................................................................................ 89 

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Invoiced to Date ........................................................................................................................... 91 

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Payments to Date ......................................................................................................................... 93 

Maintain Cost Codes ............................................................................................................................................................................. 95 

Maintain Cost Categories ...................................................................................................................................................................... 97 

Maintain Job Tasks ............................................................................................................................................................................... 99 

Maintain Employees ............................................................................................................................................................................ 101 

Maintain Earnings Types .................................................................................................................................................................... 103 

Maintain Job Types ............................................................................................................................................................................. 105 

Maintain Billing Groups ....................................................................................................................................................................... 107 

Maintain Job Segment Names ............................................................................................................................................................ 109 

Maintain Overhead & Billing Matrix ..................................................................................................................................................... 111 

Maintain Project Manager ................................................................................................................................................................... 115 

Maintain Configuration ........................................................................................................................................................................ 117 

Maintain Configuration - Configuration tab ......................................................................................................................................... 119 

Maintain Configuration - Invoice Defaults Tab .................................................................................................................................... 125 

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Table of Contents


Maintain Configuration - Job Mask Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 127 

Enter Menu ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 131 

Enter Labor Batches ........................................................................................................................................................................... 133 

Enter Billable Charges ........................................................................................................................................................................ 139 

Enter Billable Charges - Labor Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 141 

Enter Billable Charges - Other Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 145 

Enter Adjustments ............................................................................................................................................................................... 149 

Enter Job Transfers ............................................................................................................................................................................ 153 

Process Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 157 

Process Create Purchase Orders ....................................................................................................................................................... 159 

Process Create Purchase Orders - Product Criteria Tab .................................................................................................................... 161 

Process Create Purchase Orders - Selected Products tab ................................................................................................................. 163 

Process Post Labor Batches ............................................................................................................................................................... 167 

Process Apply Overhead .................................................................................................................................................................... 169 

Applied Overhead Calculation Spreadsheet ....................................................................................................................................... 173 

Process Prepare Invoices ................................................................................................................................................................... 175 

Process Prepare Invoices - Cost Plus Invoicing Tab "Markup Only" .................................................................................................. 179 

Process Prepare Invoices - Fixed Price/ETC Invoicing Tab ............................................................................................................... 185 

Process Prepare Invoices - Time and Material Invoicing Tab ............................................................................................................. 189 

Process Multi-Job Invoicing ................................................................................................................................................................ 195 

Process Multi-Job Invoicing - Invoicing Selection Criteria Tab ........................................................................................................... 197 

Process Multi-Job Invoicing - Selected Jobs Tab ............................................................................................................................... 199 

Process WIP to COGS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 201 

Process WIP to COGS - Selected Job Transactions Tab ................................................................................................................... 203 

Process WIP to COGS - Job Transaction Criteria Tab ....................................................................................................................... 207 

Process Reopen/Close Jobs ............................................................................................................................................................... 209 

Process Closed Jobs to History .......................................................................................................................................................... 211 

Reports Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 213 

Reports Listing .................................................................................................................................................................................... 217 

Revenue Recognition for ETC Jobs .................................................................................................................................................... 219 

CYMA Systems, Inc. Contact Information ........................................................................................................................................... 223 

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CYMA Accounting for Windows Training Guide – Job Costing

Copyright 1999-2018 CYMA Systems Inc. 1

Set Up Checklist The Job Costing Setup Checklist guides you through the steps necessary to set up the Job Costing (JC) module for use on a day-to-day basis.

When you access Job Costing for the first time, or if you have not yet completed the necessary steps to set up JC, you will get a message dialog asking if you would like to view the checklist. Each of the items on the checklist should be completed in the order in which they are listed to accommodate any dependencies between operations or data.

Each setup step can be completed by selecting the GOTO button located to the right of each item. The Checklist provides a visual means of identifying the areas that have been completed by displaying a check mark to the left of each completed item. Once all of the items on the checklist have been completed you will no longer be prompted to use the checklist.

Job Costing Setup Checklist

Accounting Periods

When the Accounting Periods button is clicked, the Maintain Accounting Periods dialog box will display. To setup Accounting periods, select Accounting Periods... on the System Manager, Maintain Menu.

See the System Manager On-Line Reference Manual for complete details on setting up Accounting Periods.

General Ledger Accounts

When the General Ledger Accounts button is clicked, the Maintain Chart of Accounts dialog box will display. To setup General Ledger accounts, select Chart of Accounts... on the General Ledger, Maintain Menu.

See the General Ledger On-Line Reference Manual for complete details on setting up your Chart of Accounts.

Maintain Configuration

When the Configuration button is clicked, the Maintain Configuration dialog box will display. See Maintain Configuration for complete details.

Job Types

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When the Job Types button is clicked, the Job Types dialog box will display. See Maintain Job Types for complete details.

Base Jobs

When the Base Jobs button is clicked, the Base Jobs dialog box will display. See Maintain Base Jobs for complete details.


When the Jobs button is clicked, the Jobs dialog box will display. See Maintain Jobs for complete details.

Job Costing Set Up Checklist Command Buttons

Select the Close button to exit the Accounts Receivable Setup Checklist dialog.

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CYMA Accounting for Windows Training Guide – Job Costing

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Maintain Menu

Selecting the Maintain menu from the Job Costing menu bar drops down a submenu that enables you to add or change job configuration and set up data files.

From the Maintain menu you can select:


Base Jobs

Cost Codes

Cost Categories

Job Tasks

Skills/Work Class (See System Manger Training Guide for more information.)


Earnings Types

Products (See System Manger Training Guide for more information.)

Product Lines (See System Manger Training Guide for more information.)

Job Types

Billing Groups

Job Segment Names

Overhead & Billing Matrix

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Project Manager


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Maintain Jobs When Jobs... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Jobs dialog box displays. This operation allows you to enter static information about the Job including the Job ID, Description, Project Manager, Contract Number. Additionally, assign each job a specific budget method, and identify how incurred costs will be tracked in the General Ledger -- WIP or COGS.

Maintain Jobs dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.


To create a new job, enter an ID that represents the job. Job ID's are based upon the Job Mask defined in Maintain Configuration. The first segment of the Job ID represents the Base Job.

To edit an existing job, enter the ID, or select an ID using the browser. Once a record is displayed, click the Edit button to make any desired changes. The Job ID cannot be changed.

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Enter the description of the job (up to 30 alphanumeric characters).

Base Job

The purpose of this field is to establish a parent/child relationship or a link between the base job and its subordinate job phases. (Ex: The Base job is to build a house. The subordinate job phases are: prepare the site, pour the foundation, utility connection, framing, etc.). When entering a new job, this field is automatically populated with the Base Account segment of the Job ID entered above.

An inactive base job may not be used when setting up a new job in Maintain Jobs.

Base Job Description

When adding a new job that contains a pre-defined Base Job, the description of the Base Job will default in view only mode. When adding a new job that does not contain a pre-defined Base Job, this field is enabled to enter the Base Job description. When editing an existing job, this field is disabled. You can edit the Base Job Description at any time by accessing the Maintain Base Job dialog.

When adding a new job, if the Base Job does not exist, it is created from the information you enter in the required fields; e.g. you can add a Base Job without going to the Base Job dialog.

Maintain Jobs Command Buttons

The View Detail button allows the user to view the detail of outstanding Purchase Orders, Invoices to Date and Payments to Date for this job.

The Copy button allows you to create a new job and copy most information from the selected job to the new job. All information on the Job tab will copy except for the Job description, Contract No., Sales Order Number, Start Date, End date, Invoiced to Date, Costs to Date and Payments to Date. All information is copied from the Invoice, Contacts, Labor, Product and GL Accounts tabs. All Budget information is copied. On the task tab, all tasks are copied and the start dates are changed to the current date and the scheduled end date is recalculated based on the number of days.

If the original job (the job being copied) has budgets that were created by using the estimator function to calculate the budget, the user will be given the choice of using the same product and skill unit costs from the original job, or to create the new job with the current SKU unit costs from the products and the current cost from the skills.

The Budget button allows you to enter budgets for the job. The dialog that is displayed is determined by the budget type selected in the Budget Group box above. If you wish to select a different budget type for this job, any previously defined budget will need to be deleted first.

The Edit button allows you to make changes to the displayed Job. Click the Edit button after a valid Job has been entered.

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The Save button validates and saves the data entered. The Save button is enabled when data on the dialog box is changed.

The New button prompts you to save any changes to the displayed job (if applicable) and then clears the dialog box. This allows you to create a new job or select another job for viewing or editing.

The Delete button permanently removes the displayed job from the data file. This button is enabled after the Edit button has been clicked. If the job has any entries in the system (Job Costing, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Purchase Orders) it cannot be deleted.

The Close button prompts you to save any changes (if applicable) and then closes the dialog box. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Jobs - Job Tab The Job tab contains static information about the Job including the Description, Project Manager and Contract Number. The Job tab also consists of a financial overview section to give an quick view of the financial status of the selected job.

Maintain Jobs - Job Tab

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.


Enter a Customer ID or use the browser to select one.

The Customer ID associated with the Base Job will default in. The default Customer ID may be overridden.

The Customer field browser is disabled if the Accounts Receivable module is not installed, however the field remains required. You are required to enter a customer name if not using the Accounts Receivable module. A warning will be displayed if the customer selected is on Credit Hold in Accounts Receivable.

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Customer Description

This view only field displays the customer name.


This view only field displays the current status of the job. The two system assigned options are Open and Closed. The default job status for newly created jobs is Open.

Jobs can be closed and reopened using the Reopen / Close Jobs item on the Process menu. Once a job is closed, new cost transactions (AP, PR, GL) can not be posted to it. You may, however, continue to Invoice against a closed job as well as process GL WIP to COGS movements.

Jobs are automatically assigned a status of Closed once the final Invoice has been generated from the Prepare Invoices process. You may manually close a job through Process Reopen/Close jobs, even if all transactions have not been billed. Any transactions left behind in the Create Invoices process have already been posted for cost purposes, even if an Accounts Receivable invoice will never be created.

Only closed jobs qualify to move to history.


Enter the Location or select one from the browser to be used when invoicing this customer. The browser will list all entries listed on the Ship-To tab of the customer's record in Maintain customer.

Ship To

The view only Ship To field shows the description for the selected location.

Sales Order No.

Enter an optional, user defined sales order number (up to 20 alphanumeric characters).

Job Type

Enter a Job Type or use the browser to select one.

Job Type Description

This view only field displays the Job Type Description.

Contract No.

Enter a contract number for this job (up to 20 alphanumeric characters).

Project Manager

If you wish to assign a project manager to this job, you may enter the project manager's ID or use the browser to select one. This is an optional field.

Project Manager Description

The Project Manager's name displays in view only mode (if applicable).

Use Certified Rates

Check the Use Certified Rates check box to control the default setting for entries entered in the Enter Labor Batches grid.

Sales Rep

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Enter a Sales Rep or select one from the browser. This is the sales rep that will be used when creating invoices through Process Prepare Invoices.

Percent of Days Complete

The Percent of Days Complete field is a calculated field that displays the number of days between the project Start Date and the projected End Date as compared to the system date. Each time the Maintain Job dialog is displayed the program performs this comparison and displays the percent of completion based on this calculation.

Percent of Days Complete can only display a value if both Start and End Date fields have values and the End date is greater than the Start date. The calculation does not take into account holidays or weekends.

The Start and End Date fields are not required fields. The end date will be populated when the Accounts Receivable invoice marked as the "Final Invoice" is posted. If the End Date field is different than the date of the final invoice, the system will update it when the final invoice is posted.

Do Not Exceed Contract Value

Check this box if you want the Invoicing process to validate that the invoice being created does not cause the total amount invoiced to exceed the contract value.

Invoiced to Date/Total Contract %

The Invoiced to Date/Total Contract % field is a system calculated field, which represents a ratio of actual invoices created divided by the total contract (inclusive of all years).

Actual Cost/Total Budget %

The Actual Cost/Total Budget % to Date field is a system calculated field, which represents a ratio of actual Costs incurred to Date divided by Total Budget (inclusive of all years).

Budget Group box

Five different budget types are available. In New mode, the budget type will default with the selection made on Maintain Configuration, but can be changed. A Base Job that has sub jobs with different Invoicing Methods can have different budget types. The budget types available are Detail, Summary, Cost Type, Cost Code, and Cost Category. You may edit budget amounts at any time. If you wish to change the budget method for an existing job, you must first delete the information from an existing budget. After deleting the current budget information you may select a new budget type and enter new budget information.


The Detail budget type is based on building the budget from the ground floor up. The detail budget is used to establish budgets for a defined number of years and periods and within each period define the revenue and cost detail to be incurred. By placing focus in a revenue or cost type cell the estimate button is enabled allowing you to enter budget detail. The establishment of the revenue and cost budgets is based on defining the products and skills, their units and rate/cost, planned for in the period and year. IF, YOU NEED TO HAVE BUDGET DETAIL BY MONTH BY THE REVENUE SOURCE OR COST ELEMENTS PLANNED FOR DURING A PERIOD – USE THIS BUDGET METHOD.


The Summary budget type allows you to summarize original budget amounts, any changes and an estimate to complete. The system then calculates actual costs incurred, total budget and any over/under amounts.

Cost Type

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The Cost Type budget type allows you to summarize budget amounts by revenue and cost types. You provide original budget amounts, changes and estimates to complete by revenue and cost type. The system calculates actual costs incurred, total budgets and over/under amounts by cost type.

Cost Code

The Cost Code budget type allows you establish a budget for each cost code. If you utilize the estimate capability you can define the cost code budget in detail. The detail available is for both revenue and cost purposes but, can not be broken down by period. If, a cost code is going to have revenue, direct labor and other direct costs posted against it you can establish a budget whereby you can make budget analysis possible against the cost code. THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL BUDGETING TOOL FOR USERS OF COST CODES.

Cost Category

The Cost Category budget type allows you establish a budget for each cost category. If you utilize the estimate capability you can define the cost category budget in detail. The detail available is for both revenue and cost purposes but, can not be broken down by period. If, a cost category is going to have revenue, direct labor and other direct costs posted against it you can establish a budget whereby you can make budget analysis possible against the cost category. THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL BUDGETING TOOL FOR USERS OF COST CATEGORIES.

Job Dates group box

Start Date

Enter the date on which the project will commence.

End Date

Enter the date on which the project is expected to be complete. This date must be later than the Start Date.

The End Date field is automatically updated when an Accounts Receivable invoice marked as the "Final Invoice" is posted in Accounts Receivable.

Post Job Costs To group box

Cost of Goods Sold

Select this radio button to indicate that all costs incurred for this job will be posted to the Income Statement Cost of Goods Sold General Ledger accounts as specified on the Maintain Job General Ledger Account tab page.

Work In Process

Select this radio button to indicate that all costs incurred for this job will be posted from Accounts Payable, Payroll and General Ledger to the WIP General Ledger accounts as specified on the Maintain Job General Ledger Account tab page.

Postings to the job's WIP GL accounts from Accounts Payable, Payroll and General Ledger can later be transferred or moved to the COGS General Ledger accounts at user defined intervals or at the completion of each job using Process WIP to COGS feature.

Overhead group box

Apply Overhead

Select this check box to apply overhead to this job when the Apply Overhead Process is performed. The value will default from Maintain Configuration and may be changed.

Apply G&A Overhead

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Select this check box to apply General and Administrative type overhead to this job when the Apply Overhead process is performed. The value from Maintain Configuration is defaulted. The G&A overhead type is applied on all direct costs (i.e. DL, DM, ODC, SUB, Other) and indirect costs (i.e. Applied Overhead). In order for this process to take place, a G&A overhead type must be defined in the Overhead Matrix and this check box must be checked prior to running the overhead process. Once overhead has been applied to a source transaction, the source transaction is disqualified from future applications. In other words, if this flag is off during the overhead application, you cannot turn it on and then reapply the overhead. Corrections will need to be made through Enter Adjustments.

This check box will be unchecked and disabled if a system defined Job Type was selected. The system defined job types are IRID and BP.

If you do not want the system to create G&A Overhead entries you must uncheck this check box. An example of a job where G&A overhead might not be applied is an internal job to build capital equipment.

Financial Overview Group Box

Contract Revenue Column

Total Contract

The sum of the Original Contract amount plus the Billable Change Order amount.

Less Billable Chg Ord

This field is the total of billable change orders (excludes non-billable) from the Budget tab. If no change orders have been entered in the budget the field defaults to zero and the user may enter a value. If a change order amount is entered on the Budget tab, this will overwrite any amount entered by the user.

Original Contract

Enter an optional contract value. The default value is zero.

This amount displays when performing Invoice Preparation for a Fixed Price job.

When detail budget revenue amounts are entered, the contract value is automatically updated to be equivalent to the total revenue budget for this job, inclusive of all years.

Chg Ord/Contract%

This field is calculated by dividing the Billable Change Order amount by the Original Contract Amount.

Budget Column

Total Contract

The sum of the Original Contract amount plus the Billable Change Order amount.

Less Budget

When budget amounts are entered in the budget tab, the total budget is automatically updated to be equivalent to the total budget for this job, inclusive of all years and all cost types.


This field is calculated by subtracting the budget from the total contract.

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This field is calculated by dividing the Profit/Loss amount by the total contract amount.

Actual Column

Total Contract

The sum of the Original Contract amount plus the Billable Change Order amount.

Less Costs to Date

This field is updated each time:

1) an Accounts Payable invoice assigned to this job is posted in Accounts Payable,

2) a Payroll check is printed which contains an earning features assigned to this job, and

3) a user defined General Ledger journal entry assigned to this job is posted in the General Ledger.

4) a entry is made in Job Costing through Enter Billable Charges, Enter Labor Batches, Enter Adjustments, Process Apply Overhead or General Import.

Open PO commitments

The Open PO Commitments field will display the total of all open PO's for this Job.


This field is calculated by subtracting the Costs to Date from the Total Contract.

Financial Column

Invoiced to Date

Use the Invoiced to Date field to enter a beginning balance amount (total invoiced to date) for a job already in process; this field becomes disabled once a transaction is posted to this job. This field is updated each time an invoice assigned to this job is posted in Accounts Receivable. Any amounts entered on the Maintain Job - Invoice Tab in the Beginning Amounts - Invoiced to Date field will be added to this field.

Payments to Date

Use the Payments to Date field to enter a beginning balance amount for a job already in process; this field becomes disabled once a transaction is posted to this job. This field is updated each time a Payment assigned to this job is posted in Accounts Receivable. Any amounts entered on the Maintain Job - Invoice Tab in the Beginning Amounts - Payments to Date field will be added to this field.

Invoices Outstanding

This field is calculated by subtracting the Payments to Date from the Invoiced to Date.

Retainage Not Invoiced

This field includes all JC Billable Charges where the product has a Cost Type of Retainage and the transaction has not been invoiced.

Reference 1-3 group box

The three Reference fields are for additional information regarding the job.

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Maintain Jobs - Detail Budget The Detail budget type is based on building the budget from the ground floor up. There are two different methods that can be used to enter a detail budget -- a detail budget where an estimate is used and a detail budget where an estimate is not used:

Entering a detail budget where an estimate is not used is a fairly simply process. Gross dollar amounts are entered into the cells of the budget grid. This allows you to establish budget amounts for a defined number of years and periods. Within each period you establish the revenue and costs to be incurred.

Entering a detail budget where an estimate is used allows you to establish budgets for a defined number of years and periods and within each period define the revenue and cost at a detail level. By placing focus in a revenue or cost type cell the estimate button is enabled allowing you to enter your budget detail. The establishment of the revenue and cost budgets is based on defining the products and skills. With their respective units and rate/cost, planned for in the period and year. If you require budgets by month in detail for revenue or cost purposes, use this method. Refer to the Budget Estimate topic for important additional information.

Detail Budget Dialog

Refer to the following descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields


Use the drop down menu to select the year in which you wish to enter budget information. Only periods and years that have been defined in System Manager Maintain Accounting Periods are included. Enter the budget amount for each period of each year needed.

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End Date

The End Date represents the ending day for each period as defined in the System Manager Maintain Accounting Periods.


Enter any revenue budget amount.

The total budget amount for revenue is written back to the contract amount field on the Job tab. Any changes made to the revenue budget will update the contract amount field automatically.

Direct Labor

Enter any direct labor budget amount, by period, by year.

Direct Material

Enter any direct material budget amount, by period, by year.

Other Direct Costs

Enter any other direct costs budget amount, by period, by year.


Enter any subcontractor budget amount, by period, by year.


Enter any other costs budget amount, by period, by year.


Enter any overhead budget amount, by period, by year.

When the budget is saved, the total extended cost becomes the budget for this period and cost type.

Print Year Options group box

Current Displayed

Select the Current Displayed option to show only the current year on the budget report.


Select the All option to show all years on the budget report.

Profit Margin group box


Displays the difference between the Total Revenue and Total costs.


Displays the profit margin percent.

Detail Budget Command Buttons

Click the Copy Estimate To Revenue button to copy the Direct Labor Estimate detail to the Revenue detail. The rate will be calculated using the Billing Rate in Maintain Skills. The copy will always be a Replace All instead of an append.

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The Estimate button allows you to enter your budget detail. The estimate button is enabled by placing focus in any cell.

The Duplicate button allows you to duplicate the first entry in all cells for the specified column. The duplicate button is enabled when focus is placed in any cell in the first row.

The Print button allows you to print the Detail Budget report.

The Delete button permanently removes the displayed budget from the data file.

Click the OK button to save the budget.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Jobs - Detail and Cost Type Budget with Estimate The Budget Estimator allows you to define a detailed list of materials and skills needed to make up the total budget amount for the job. This feature is available for both the Detail budget type and the Cost Type budget type. To enable the estimate button, place focus in any cell. Depending upon the cell that is referenced, you will have the opportunity to define an estimate for skills, products, or both. When the estimate is saved, the total extended cost becomes the budget for either the period and cost type (Detail Budget) or just the cost type (Cost Type Budget).

If a Revenue or Subcontract cell is active when the Estimate button is selected the Skill/Product estimate dialog will display. If a Direct Labor cell is active when the Estimate button is selected the Skill estimate dialog will display. For all other cells the Product estimate dialog will display.

Skill/Product Estimate Dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Skill ID

Enter the Skill ID or use the browser to select one. A Skill ID cannot be entered if a Product ID has been selected.

Product ID

Enter the Product ID or use the browser to select one. A Product ID cannot be entered if a Skill ID has been selected.


The description from the skill will display and may be overridden.

Cost Code

Enter a Cost Code or select one from the browser to associate with the product. The cost code column will only display if Use Cost Codes option is selected in Maintain Jobs.

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Enter the anticipated hours or units needed for the selected Skill ID/Product ID.


The Rate/Price of the selected Skill or Product will display and can be changed.

Ext Cost

The extended cost is displayed in view only mode.

Burden Pct

Enter the Burden Percentage for this line.

Burden Amt

The Burden Amount column will display the Ext Cost times the Burden Pct amount.

Total Cost

The Total Cost column will display the total of the Ext Cost and The Burden Amt.

Vendor ID

Enter the Vendor ID for the selected Product. This column is not available if a Skill is selected.


Enter the Vendor PO number for this line.

The PO number will be filled in if a Purchase Order is created for this record, through Process Create Purchase Orders.

Delivery Date

Enter the expected Delivery Date for this line.

Task ID

Enter an active Task ID or select one from the browser.

Performed By

In the Performed By field enter the name of the person/company to complete the task. The value will default from the Task ID, but may be changed.

Start Date

Enter the expected Start Date for this line.

End Date

The End Date will calculate based on the Task Days associated with the Task ID. The value may be changed.

Skill Estimate Dialog

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Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Skill Level

Enter the Skill ID or use the browser to select one. If a skill does not exist, you may leave this field blank.


The description from the skill will display and may be overridden.


Enter the anticipated hours needed for this particular skill.

Unit Cost

The unit cost will default from the skill cost assigned to the skill and may be overridden.

Ext Cost

The extended cost is displayed in view only mode.

Burden Pct

Enter the Burden Percentage for this line.

Burden Amt

The Burden Amount column will display the Ext Cost time the Burden Pct amount.

Total Cost

The Total Cost column will display the total of the Ext Cost and The Burden Amt.


Enter the Vendor PO number for this line.

The PO number will be filled in if a Purchase Order is created for this record, through Process Create Purchase Orders.

Delivery Date

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Enter the expected Delivery Date for this line.

Task ID

Enter an active Task ID or select one from the browser.

Performed By

In the Performed By field enter the name of the person/company to complete the task. The value will default from the Task ID, but may be changed.

Start Date

Enter the expected Start Date for this line.

End Date

The End Date will calculate based on the Task Days associated with the Task ID. The value may be changed.

Product Estimate Dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Product ID

Enter the Product ID or use the browser to select one. If a product does not exist, you may leave this field blank.


The description from the product will display and may be overridden.


Enter the anticipated units needed for this particular product.

Unit Cost

The unit cost from the product is displayed and may be overridden.

Ext Cost

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The extended cost is displayed in view only mode.

Burden Pct

Enter the Burden Percentage for this line.

Burden Amt

The Burden Amount column will display the Ext Cost time the Burden Pct amount.

Total Cost

The Total Cost column will display the total of the Ext Cost and The Burden Amt.


Enter the Vendor PO number for this line.

The PO number will be filled in if a Purchase Order is created for this record, through Process Create Purchase Orders.

Delivery Date

Enter the expected Delivery Date for this line.

Task ID

Enter an active Task ID or select one from the browser.

Performed By

In the Performed By field enter the name of the person/company to complete the task. The value will default from the Task ID, but may be changed.

Start Date

Enter the expected Start Date for this line.

End Date

The End Date will calculate based on the Task Days associated with the Task ID. The value may be changed.

Budget Estimate Command Buttons

Click the Print button to print a budget report.

The Delete button permanently removes the displayed budget from the data file.

Click the OK button to save the budget.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Jobs - Summary Budget The Summary budget type allows you to summarize original budget amounts, any changes and an estimate to complete. The system calculates actual costs, total budget and any over/under amounts.

Summary Budget Dialog

Refer to the following descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Actual Costs

This view only field displays the actual costs to date associated with the job.

Original Budget

Enter the anticipated budget amount.

Budget Changes

Enter any changes in the original budget. Negative values are permitted.

Total Budget

This view only field displays the sum (or difference) of the original budget amount and any budget changes. The grand total of the budget will update the Total Budget field on Maintain Jobs.

Estimate To Complete

Enter the expected amount to complete the job.

Over/Under Amount

This view only field displays the difference between the total budget and the estimate to complete. Overages are displayed as negative dollar amounts.

Summary Budget Command Buttons

The Delete button permanently removes the displayed budget from the data file.

Click the OK button to save the budget.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Jobs - Cost Category Budget The Cost Category budget type allows you establish a budget for each cost category. If you utilize the estimate capability you can define the cost category budget in detail. The detail available is for both revenue and cost purposes. THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL BUDGETING TOOL FOR COST CATEGORIES.

Cost Category Budget Dialog

Refer to the following descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Cost Category

Enter a cost category or use the browser to select one. Only active cost categories are permitted. A cost category may only be selected once per job.

Budget Units

Enter the number of units required to complete the job.

Unit Cost

Enter the unit dollar amount.

Budget Amount

Access to this filed allows for entry of a single dollar amount and or through the Estimate button a budget can be entered in detail for a cost category by Product ID/Skill, quantity/Unit Cost. (For more detailed information on Budget Methods see the Tutorial, Maintain Budget Methods)

Billable Chg Ord

Enter the billable change order amount.

Non-Billable Chg Ord

Enter the non-billable change order amount.

Revised Budget

This view only field equals the value of the amounts entered in the Budget Amount, Billable Change Orders and Non-Billable Change Orders..

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Cost To Date

Equals the value of the actual cost incurred for this job by this Cost Category.

Calc % Comp

Cost to Date divided by the Revised Budget gives the percentage completion.

Field % Comp

Enter the percentage the Field Engineer estimates this job complete, this may be different than the Calc % Complete.

Est To Complete

If the user has a dollar estimate to complete the job that is better than the Calc % Comp and the Field % Comp. Input the dollars to complete the job.

Cost to Complete

This is a calculated field based on what is entered in either Calc % Comp, Field % Comp or the Est to Complete fields.

Revised Est Cost

This is a calculated field based on Actual Cost to Date and the Cost to Complete amount.

Over/Under Amt

This is a system calculated field that shows whether the cost for this Cost Category is over or under Budget.

Over/Under Pct

This is a system calculated field that shows the percentage of the Over/Under Amount divided by the Revised Budget Amount.

Markup Pct

The percentage from the JC Maintain Cost Category table will default here. They can be changed for specific job, and a zero percentage can be entered indicating that all cost for this cost category will be invoiced at cost.

Contract Amt

The Contract Amt field shows what the contract amount should be excluding non-billable change orders for this Cost Category.

Original Profit

The Original Profit field is system calculated using the following: Contract Amount - Original Budget = Original Profit

Revised Profit

This is a system calculated field using the following: Contract Amount - Revised Estimated Cost = Revised Profit

Invoiced %

The Invoiced % is calculated by taking the Invoiced to Date and dividing it by the Contract Amount.

Invoiced to Date

The Invoiced to Date displays the amount of invoices that have been created.

Amt Rem to Inv

The Amount Remaining to Invoice is the difference between the Invoiced to Date and the Contract Amount.

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A dropdown with values ”Yes” and ”No”. If No is selected the then the Cost Category will not be invoiced. This flag can be changed.

Cost Category Description

The Cost Category Description field is read only and will show the description of the Cost Category for a selected line.

Print Options


Choose this radio button if you would like to print the Budget report in Detail


Choose this radio button if you would like to print the Budget report in Summary.

Units Cost Variance

Select the Units Cost Variance option to print the Units Cost Variance budget report.

Cost Code Budget Command Buttons

The Estimate button allows you to enter your budget detail. The estimate button is enabled by placing focus in any cell.

The Order Detail button allows you to enter detail for the Billable Chg Ord and Non-Billable Chg Ord fields.

The Print button allows you to print a Budget Report.

The Delete button permanently removes the displayed budget from the data file.

Click the OK button to save the budget.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Jobs - Cost Code Budget The Cost Code budget type allows you establish a budget for each cost code. If you utilize the estimate capability you can define the cost code budget in detail. The detail available is for both revenue and cost purposes. THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL BUDGETING TOOL FOR COST CODES.

Cost Code Budget Dialog

Refer to the following descriptions and requirements.

Click the Estimate button to display the Estimate dialog.

Click the Order Detail button to display the Change Order dialog.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Cost Code

Enter a cost code or use the browser to select one. Only active cost codes are permitted. A cost code may only be selected once per job.

Budget Units

Enter the number of units required to complete the job.

Unit Cost

Enter the unit dollar amount.

Budget Amount

Access to this filed allows for entry of a single dollar amount and or through the Estimate button a budget can be entered in detail for a cost code by Product ID/Skill, quantity/Unit Cost. (For more detailed information on Budget Methods see the Tutorial, Maintain Budget Methods)

Billable Chg Ord

Enter the billable change order amount.

Non-Billable Chg Ord

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Enter the non-billable change order amount.

Revised Budget

This view only field equals the value of the amounts entered in the Budget Amount, Billable Change Orders and Non-Billable Change Orders..

Costs To Date

Equals the value of the actual cost incurred for this job by this Cost code.

Calc % Comp

Cost to Date divided by the Revised Budget gives the percentage completion.

Field % Comp

Enter the percentage the Field Engineer estimates this job complete, this may be different than the Calc % Complete.

Est To Complete

If the user has a dollar estimate to complete the job that is better than the Calc % Comp and the Field % Comp. Input the dollars to complete the job.

Cost to Complete

This is a calculated field based on what is entered in either Calc % Comp, Field % Comp or the Est to Complete fields.

Revised Est Cost

This is a calculated field based on Actual Cost to Date and the Cost to Complete amount.

Over/Under Amt

This is a system calculated field that shows whether the cost for this Cost Code is over or under Budget.

Over/Under Pct

This is a system calculated field that shows the percentage of the Over/Under Amount divided by the Revised Budget Amount.

Markup Pct

The percentage from the JC Maintain Cost Code table will default here. They can be changed for specific job, and a zero percentage can be entered indicating that all cost for this cost code will be invoiced at cost.

Contract Amt

The Contract Amt field shows what the contract amount should be excluding non-billable change orders for this Cost Code.

Original Profit

The Original Profit field is system calculated using the following: Contract Amount - Original Budget = Original Profit

Revised Profit

This is a system calculated field using the following: Contract Amount - Revised Estimated Cost = Revised Profit

Invoiced %

The Invoiced % is calculated by taking the Invoiced to Date and dividing it by the Contract Amount.

Invoiced to Date

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The Invoiced to Date displays the amount of invoices that have been created.

Amt Rem to Inv

The Amount Remaining to Invoice is the difference between the Invoiced to Date and the Contract Amount.


A dropdown with values ”Yes” and ”No”. If No is selected the then the Cost Code will not be invoiced. This flag can be changed.

Cost Code Description

The Cost Code Description field is read only and will show the description of the Cost Code for a selected line.

Print Options


Choose this radio button if you would like to print the Budget report in Detail


Choose this radio button if you would like to print the Budget report in Summary.

Units Cost Variance

Select the Units Cost Variance option to print the Units Cost Variance budget report.

Cost Code Budget Command Buttons

The Print button allows you to print a Budget Report.

The Delete button permanently removes the displayed budget from the data file.

Click the OK button to save the budget.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Budget By Cost Code - Change Order Detail The Change Order Detail dialog is accessed by clicking the Order Detail button on the Cost Code Budget dialog. This dialog is used to track change order details for this job. The total of this dialog is returned to the Budget by Cost Code dialog.

Budget By Cost Code - Change Order Detail dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions

Data grid columns and fields

Line #

The Line # is a system defined value and cannot be changed.


Enter a valid Date for this change order.

Change Amount

In the Change Amount column enter the amount for this change order.


In the Description column enter a description for this change order.

Budget By Cost Code - Change Order Detail command buttons

Click the Delete button to delete all lines in the grid.

Click the OK button to save any changes and exit the dialog.

Click the Cancel button to exit the dialog without saving any changes.

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Budget Estimate - Cost Code and Cost Category The Budget Estimate dialog display when the Estimate button is selected on the Cost Code or Cost Category budget dialog.

Budget Estimate - Cost Code and Cost Category dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Skill Level

Enter an active Skill Level or select one from the browser. You may only select a Skill or a Product on a single line.

Product ID

Enter an active Product ID or select one from the browser. You may only select a Skill or a Product on a single line.


Enter a Description for this line. The Description of the Product or Skill will default but may be changed.


Enter the number of Units/Hours for this line.

Unit Cost

Enter the Unit Cost for this line.

Ext Cost

The Ext Cost field will display the number of units/hours times the unit cost.

Burden Pct

Enter the Burden Percentage for this line.

Burden Amt

The Burden Amount column will display the Ext Cost time the Burden Pct amount.

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Total Cost

The Total Cost column will display the total of the Ext Cost and The Burden Amt.

Vendor ID

Enter an active Vendor ID or select one from the browser.

Delivery Date

Enter the expected Delivery Date for this line.

Task ID

Enter an active Task ID or select one from the browser.

Performed By

In the Performed By field enter the name of the person/company to complete the task. The value will default from the Task ID, but may be changed.

Start Date

Enter the expected Start Date for this line.

End Date

The End Date will calculate based on the Task Days associated with the Task ID. The value may be changed.

Estimate Command Buttons

Click the Print button to print a proof report of the Estimate.

Click the Delete button to delete the entire Estimate. To Delete one line of the estimate, select the line and press Delete on the keyboard.

Click the OK button to save the Estimate and exit the dialog.

Click the Cancel button to exit the dialog without saving any changes.

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Maintain Jobs - Cost Type Budget The Cost Type budget allows you to summarize budget amounts by revenue and cost types. You provide original budget amounts, changes and estimates to complete by revenue and cost type. The system calculates actual costs incurred, total budget and over/under amounts.

Cost Type Budget Dialog

Refer to the following descriptions and requirements.

Click the Estimate button to display the Estimate dialog.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Job Cost Types

This view only column displays revenue and the six cost types.

Actual Costs

This view only column displays the actual costs to date associated with the job.

Original Budget

Enter the anticipated budget amount.

Budget Changes

Enter any changes in the original budget. Negative values are permitted.

Total Budget

This view only field displays the sum (or difference) of the original budget and any budget changes.

Est To Complete

Enter the expected dollar amount to complete the job.

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This view only field displays the difference between the total budget and the estimate to complete. Overages are displayed as negative dollar amounts.

Actual Cost Profit Margin group box


This view only field displays the amount of the Profit Margin based on the Actual Costs column.


This view only field displays the percentage of the Profit Margin based on the Actual Costs column.

Original Budget Profit Margin group box


This view only field displays the amount of the Profit Margin based on the Original Budget column.


This view only field displays the percentage of the Profit Margin based on the Original Budget column.

Total Budget Profit Margin group box


This view only field displays the amount of the Profit Margin based on the Total Budget column.


This view only field displays the percentage of the Profit Margin based on the Total Budget column.

Print Options group box


Select the Detail option to print the detail budget report.


Select the Summary option to print the summary budget report.

Units Cost Variance

Select the Units Cost Variance option to print the Units Cost Variance budget report.

Cost Type Budget Command Buttons

Click the Print button to print a report for the current budget.

The Delete button permanently removes the displayed budget from the data file.

Click the OK button to save the budget.

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Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Jobs - Invoice Tab The Invoice tab allows you to set up information regarding the invoicing method for the job. Most options will default based on setting in Maintain Configuration - Invoice Defaults tab, but may be changed as needed for individual jobs.

Maintain Jobs - Invoice Tab dialog box

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Invoicing Method

The invoicing method from the base job is the default and may be overridden. The available invoicing methods are Fixed Price, Time and Material, Cost Plus and Estimate to Complete.

Invoicing a Fixed Price job will require entry of the invoice amount for a Job. The amount to be invoiced is the contract amount agreed to by the customer and the service provider.

The Time and Material Invoicing Method is used when incurred Labor hours are to be invoiced at a defined billing rate and other direct costs are to be invoiced at the actual cost incurred. Example: The standard consulting billing rate is $100/hour the system will invoice all incurred consulting hours at

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$100/hour. If there are any other direct costs the system will invoice these costs at the actual costs incurred. A markup may be applied to the actual costs.

NOTE: Using the Time and Materials Invoicing Method but special Labor or Product Pricing is required enter these rates in Maintain Job. Example: The standard consulting billing rate is $100/hour but this customer is an old friend and they are only charged $50/hour. Enter this rate at the job level and the system will use it.

The Cost Plus with a Profit Percentage Invoicing Method can only be entered at the Base Job level. When Cost Plus Invoicing is selected, a profit product must be established and entered along with the profit percentage. The system uses this Cost Plus Invoicing Method for the Base Job and its associated Jobs. Jobs that are associated with a Base Job can override the Cost Plus Invoicing method by only selecting a Fixed Price or Time and Material Invoicing Method. Example: (1) Base Job is a Cost Plus Profit Percentage type but an associated job is entered into where Time and Material Invoicing is required. This is allowed. (2) Base Job is a Cost Plus Profit Percentage type but an associated job is entered into where Cost Plus with Markup is required. This is not allowed. You would have to set the associated job requiring Cost Plus Markup as a new Base Job.

The Cost Plus Markup on Invoicing Method is used when direct costs incurred on a job are to be "Marked Up based on an agreed to Percentage". This Invoicing Method uses the actual direct costs incurred and marks them up based on the figure entered. This marked up amount (i.e. direct costs multiplied by mark up percentage) is the amount that appears on the customers invoice.

The process for Invoicing an Estimate to Complete (ETC) Job is similar to invoicing a Fixed Price Job. The timing and amounts to be invoiced are defined by the contract. When Invoice Preparation is accessed, only billable charge type transactions are displayed. The data grid for this invoicing method allows you to select charges and/or create the transaction lines for the invoice. Special Note - Whereas, the amount to be invoiced in the other invoicing methods (i.e. Fixed Price, Cost Plus and Time and Material) commonly represents the amount to be recognized as revenue for financial statement purposes, in a contract where revenue is to be recognized by the ETC method no revenue should be recognized based on invoicing. Under an ETC method the revenue to be recognized is based on the General Ledger Journal Entry recorded according to the information provided by the CYMAIV Job Cost Revenue Recognition Report. When invoicing an ETC type contract the entry is usually to debit Accounts Receivable and credit Progress Billings a contra inventory account.

Entries entered in Job Costing Enter Billable Charges are considered billable items and not costs. That is, the value entered for a Billable Charge is the billable amount.

Billing Group

Enter a Billing Group or select one from the browser. Jobs that have the same billing group can be billed together through Multi-Job Invoicing.

Fixed Price group box

Invoice by Cost Code

Check the Invoice by Cost Code check box to add more functionality and columns to the Process Prepare Invoices - Fixed Price tab.

Budget for this job must also be by Cost Code.

Invoice By group box

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Cost Type

Select the Cost Type option to group all incurred costs by cost type (i.e. Direct Labor, Direct Material, Other Direct Cost, Subcontract, Other and Overhead) in the Process Prepare Invoices dialog.

Cost Code

Select the Cost Code option to group all incurred costs by cost code, in the Process Prepare Invoices dialog.

Cost Category

Select the Cost Category option to group all incurred costs by cost category, in the Process Prepare Invoices dialog.

Use MarkUp % From group box

Cost Plus Invoicing %

Select the Cost Plus Invoicing % option to markup the costs based on the percentages assigned in the Cost Plus Invoice Markup Percentages group box. These percentage values are found on the Invoice tab in Maintain Jobs. This is the default option and can be changed.

Job Cost Code/Category

Select the Job Cost Code/Category option to use the markup percentages assigned to the Cost Code/Category on the Budget screen in Maintain Jobs.

Maintain Cost Code/Category

Select the Maintain Cost Code/Category option to use the markup percentages assigned to the Cost Code/Category in the Maintain Cost Code or Maintain Category dialogs. The Cost Code percentage will be used if the Cost Code option is selected in the Invoice By group box. The Cost Category percentage will be used if the Cost Category option is selected in the Invoice By group box.

Beginning Amounts group box

Invoiced To Date

Enter the Invoiced To Date amount that have been billed through another system. This amount will be added to invoices generated by the program and the total displayed in Maintain Jobs on the Job tab in the Invoiced to Date field.

Payments To Date

Enter the Payments To Date amount that have been received through another system. This amount will be added to payments entered into the program and the total displayed in Maintain Jobs on the Job tab in the Payments to Date field.

Invoice Direct Labor By group box

The initial setting for these options will default from Maintain Configuration but may be changed.

Actual Cost

Select the Actual Cost option to see the Actual Cost in the Process Prepare Invoices dialog.

Skill Rate

Select the Skill Rate option to see the rate associated with the Skill instead of the actual cost, in the Process Prepare Invoices dialog.

Use GL Sales Accounts From group box


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Select the Job option to use the Sales accounts assigned to the job in Maintain Jobs on the GL Accounts tab.

Job Type

Select the Job Type option to use the Sales accounts from the Maintain Job Type dialog. If no Sales Account has been defined, the sales accounts will be obtained from Maintain Jobs.

Cost Code

Select the Cost Code option to use the Sales accounts from the Maintain Cost Code dialog. If no Sales Account has been defined, the sales accounts will be obtained from Maintain Jobs.

Cost Category

Select the Cost Category option to use the Sales accounts from the Maintain Cost Category dialog. If no Sales Account has been defined, the sales accounts will be obtained from Maintain Jobs.

Product ID/Skill ID

Select the Product ID/Skill option to use the Sales accounts from the Maintain Products or Maintain Skills dialog. If no Sales Account has been defined for a Skill, the sales accounts will be obtained from Maintain Products for the Product that is defined for the skill.

Retainage group box

Product ID

Enter an active Product ID or select one from the browser. The Product ID will default from the Base Job but may be changed. This product will be used to record the retainage amount withheld on the Accounts Receivable invoice. Upon Job completion a separate invoice should be created to recover invoice amounts previously retained. The product selected must have a retainage cost type. The Product description displays in view only mode.

NOTE: Prior to creating this final invoice, set the retainage percentage to zero


Enter the percentage of retainage to be used to calculate retainage when this job is invoiced. Retainage refers to the pre-determined amount (percentage) to be withheld from the invoice until job completion. Retainage can be calculated for any job, regardless of the invoicing method. The invoice(s) will be reduced by the percentage entered here. A separate invoice can be created for retainage only upon job completion.

Cost Plus Invoice Markup Percentages Group Box

These boxes are only available if Cost Plus Invoicing % is selected in the Use MarkUp % From group box found on the invoice tab in Maintain Jobs.

Direct Labor

Enter the Markup percentage that needs to be added to all Direct Labor costs.

Direct Material

Enter the Markup percentage that needs to be added to all Direct Material costs.

Other Direct Costs

Enter the Markup percentage that needs to be added to all Other Direct Costs costs.

Subcontract Costs

Enter the Markup percentage that needs to be added to all Subcontract Cost costs.

Other Costs

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Enter the Markup percentage that needs to be added to all Other Costs costs.


Enter the Markup percentage that needs to be added to all Overhead costs.

Fixed Fee

Check the Fixed Fee check box if you need to add a fixed amount during the Prepare Invoice process.

Fee Amount

Enter the amount that needs to be added.

Last Invoice Only

Select the Last Invoice option if the amount is only to be added when creating the final invoice.

Per Invoice

Select the Per Invoice option if the amount needs to be added to every invoice.

Product ID

Enter or select from the browser a valid Product ID. The Product ID is used when creating the invoice.

Product Description

The view only Product Description field will display the description of the product selected.

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Maintain Job Tasks Tab The Tasks tab allows you to track multiple tasks for each job.

Maintain Job - Tasks Tab dialog box

Data grid Columns and Fields


Enter a Task Code or select one from the browser


The Description will default in from the task code, but can be overwritten.

Cost Code

Enter a Cost Code or select one from the browser

Performed By

The Performed By field will default from the Maintain Tasks table, but can be overwritten.

Start Date

Enter the Start Date for this task. The default is today's date.

Task Days

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Enter the number of days to complete this task. This will default from the Task Code if Task Days was entered on the code.

Schd Comp Date

The Scheduled Completion Date field will be calculated based on the Start Date and Task Days. This date can be overwritten.

Actual Comp Date

Enter the Actual Completion Date in this field.

Chg Ord No

Enter a Change Order Number up to two alphanumeric characters.


Enter any notes or other applicable information relating to this task, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.

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Maintain Jobs - Contacts Tab The Contacts tab allows you to enter contact information for the job.

Maintain Jobs Contacts Tab dialog box

DataGrid Columns and Fields


Enter the contact name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.

Phone Type

Select a phone type from the drop down. The options are U.S. Phone, International Phone, Email, and Fax. The Phone/Email field will be formatted differently based on the selection.


Enter the phone/e-mail information.


Enter a description for this contact.

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Maintain Jobs - Activity Tab The Activity Tab allows you to view all current or historical transactions that have been posted to a job. The information on this tab remains in the data grid even after the job has been Invoiced, Closed, or moved to History. This allows you to view, at a glance, all activity associated with a job, both current and in history.

Billable charges do not appear on the activity tab, unless the charge was entered on the Other tab in Enter Billable Charges and the "costed" flag was checked.

Activity Tab dialog

Refer to the following field description and requirements.

Display Group Box


Select the All option to view all records in the data grid.


Select the Selected option to view only the selected records in the data grid.

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The "Selected" option is enabled when records are selected. You may select individual records by pressing the selection box to the left of the line or all records by using the Select All button at the bottom of the grid.

Include Group Box


Select the Costs check box to show only cost transactions in the grid.


Select the Charges check box to show transactions that were entered through Enter Billable Charges.


Select the Invoiced check box to show only those transactions that have been invoiced.


Select the Non-Invoiced check box to show only those transactions that have not been invoiced.

Sort Order Group Box

Date (Ascending)

Select the Date (Ascending) sort order option to sort the records in ascending order in the data grid based upon transaction date.

Date (Descending)

Select the Date (Descending) sort order option to sort the records in descending order in the data grid based upon transaction date.

Product ID

Select the Product ID sort order option to sort the records in the data grid based upon the product ID.

Cost Code

Select the Cost Code sort order option to sort the records in the data grid based upon the Cost Code.

Cost Type

Select the Job Cost Type sort order option to sort the records in the data grid based upon the job cost type.

Cost Category

Select the Cost Category sort order option to sort the records in the data grid based upon the Cost Category.

Transaction File Group Box


Select the Current option to view records in the current transaction file.


Select the History option to view records in the historical transaction file.

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DataGrid Columns and Fields

The data grid has User Column functionality. For more information go to the Data grid - User Column topic in the System Manager Help.

All columns and fields in the data grid are in view only mode and may not be edited.

Transaction Date

The Transaction Date column displays the date of the transaction in view only mode. You may sort the data grid based upon this option.

Cost Type

The Cost Type column displays the cost type associated with the transaction. You may sort the data grid based upon this option.


The Source column displays the module where the transaction originated.


The Prod/Skill field displays the product ID or the Skill ID associated with each transaction.

All transactions require a product ID in order to meet the invoicing requirements in Accounts Receivable. For this reason CYMAIV will assign "system products" to transactions originating in the General Ledger.


The Description defaults in unless the description was overridden during transactional entry. For example, if you override the product description when entering an Accounts Payable invoice, the overridden description will display.


The Unit/Hours column displays either the number of units, if the transaction references a product; or the number of hours, if the transaction references a skill assigned to a payroll transaction.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost column displays the cost of the product or the hourly rate assigned to the skill.


The Rate column displays the billing rate for the product.


The Certified? column will display if the transaction was entered with a certified rate.

Original Amt

The Original Amount column displays the result of the unit/hours multiplied by the cost/rate.

Cost Code

The Cost Code column displays the cost code associated with the transaction. This column is only displayed when the Use Cost Codes feature is enabled in Maintain Configuration.

Cost Category

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The Cost Category column displays the cost category associated with the transaction. This column is only displayed when the Use Cost Codes feature is enabled in Maintain Configuration.


The ID column displays either the Vendor ID for transactions originating in Accounts Payable or the Employee ID for transactions originating in Payroll or Job Costing.


The Name column displays either the Vendor Name for transactions originating in Accounts Payable; the Employee Name for transactions originating in Payroll; and the Name entered in Billable Labor Charges for transactions originating in Job Costing.

Billable Labor Charges entered through Job Costing will display a name in the name column if a name was entered into the Name field when the Labor Charge was created.


The RefNo column displays a reference number that links each transaction back to its source document.

This field is used only for transactions originating in Accounts Payable, General Ledger and Payroll. For transactions originating in Accounts Payable, the RefNo represents the Accounts Payable Invoice number; for transactions originating in General Ledger the RefNo represents the General Ledger Batch ID; for transactions originating in Payroll the RefNo represents the Payroll checkline record number.


The Invoiced? column indicates whether or not a transaction has been processed through Invoice Preparation.

Trans Class 1

The Trans Class 1 column displays the Transaction Classification Code associated with the transaction. This column is only displayed when the Use Transaction Classification Codes check box is checked in Maintain Configuration.

Trans Class 2

The Trans Class 2 column displays the Transaction Classification Code associated with the transaction. This column is only displayed when the Use Transaction Classification Codes check box is checked in Maintain Configuration.

Selected Cost Totals By Job Cost Type Group Box

Direct Labor

Displays the total direct labor costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

Direct Material

Displays the total direct material costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

Other Direct Costs

Displays the total other direct costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

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Subcontractor Costs

Displays the total subcontractor costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

Other Costs

Displays the total other costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.


Displays the total overhead costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

Selected Totals group box


The Units/Hours field displays the total units and hours of the selected transactions.


The Cost field displays the total costs of the selected transactions.

Billable Charges

The Billable Charges field displays the total amount of billable charges for the selected transactions.

Click on the Select All button to select all transactions in the grid.

Click on the Deselect All button to clear the selections.

Print Options group box

Secondary Grouping

Select the Secondary Grouping for the Activity Tab Proof Listing.

Click on the Print Button to print the Job Activity Tab Proof Listing

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Maintain Jobs - Labor Tab The Labor Pricing tab is used for selecting the Skill Codes that will be needed on this job. This tab allows you to specify, by Skill Level, the hourly billing rate to be used for this job, if different than the company standard billing rate.

Maintain Job - Labor Tab Dialog

Refer to the following descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Skill Level

Enter a skill level or use the browser to select one.


The skill level description is displayed in view only mode.


Enter the Qty to be used for this skill level. This value will be used if the Auto Invoice value is set to yes to create a transaction record in either Process Prepare Invoices or Process Multi-Job Invoicing.

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Hourly Billing Rate

The hourly billing rate defaults to the company standard billing rate as defined for this Skill Level in the Job Costing Maintain Skill Level table. This billing rate can be changed for a specific job; for example we normally charge $125 per hour for programming, but the customer negotiated a rate of $90 per hour.

When the Billing Method on a job is "Time and Material" there is a hierarchy for the billing rate when running the Prepare Invoices process. The program will first go to the Labor Pricing tab on the Maintain Job dialog to get the skill level hourly billing rate. If the Labor Pricing tab does not contain an entry for the skill level, the default hourly billing rate associated with the Skill Levels will be used.

Ext Rate

The Ext Rate column will display the calculation of Qty times Hourly Billing Rate.

Auto Invoice

The Auto Invoice column is used to determine if this transaction should be created automatically in either Process Prepare Invoices or Process Multi-Job Invoicing.

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Maintain Jobs - Product Tab The Product tab is used for selecting the Products that will be needed on this job. This tab allows you to specify, by Product, the billing rate to be used for this job, if different than the company standard billing rate.

Maintain Jobs - Product Tab dialog box

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Data grid Columns and Fields

Product ID

Enter a Product ID or select one from the browser.


The Description field will display the description of the product. This field is read only and cannot be edited.


The U/M field will display the SKU/Selling unit of measure of the product. This field is read only and cannot be edited.

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Enter the Qty to be used for this skill level. This value will be used if the Auto Invoice value is set to yes to create a transaction record in either Process Prepare Invoices or Process Multi-Job Invoicing.

Billing Rate

Enter the Billing Rate for the Product for this job. This is the billing rate that will be used when creating invoices.

Ext Rate

The Ext Rate column will display the calculation of Qty times Hourly Billing Rate.

Auto Invoice

The Auto Invoice column is used to determine if this transaction should be created automatically in either Process Prepare Invoices or Process Multi-Job Invoicing.

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Maintain Jobs - General Ledger Accounts Tab The General Ledger Accounts tab is used to assign General Ledger accounts to be used for a specific job. There are three sets of General Ledger Accounts; one set is the General Ledger accounts by Job Cost Type for Jobs marked as "Charge Job Costs to COGS" on the main job page. The second set is the General Ledger accounts by Job Cost Type for Jobs marked as "Charge Job Costs to WIP" on the main job page. The third set of General Ledger Accounts by Job Cost Types is for the Job Sales Accounts. These accounts are used if the Job option is selected in the Uses GL Sales Accounts From group box on the Invoice tab in Maintain Jobs.

General Ledger Accounts Tab Dialog

Refer to the following descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Job Cost Accounts group box

Charge Job Costs To:

Select the appropriate method for charging job costs. The default will be the selection entered on the Job tab, either WIP or COGS.

Job Cost Types

The six standard job cost types are displayed in view only mode.

General Ledger Accounts

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The General Ledger accounts established in Job Costing Maintain Configuration will default. All General Ledger accounts are required on this tab, and GL accounts entered in JC Maintain Configuration, may be overridden here for a specific job.


The General Ledger Account description is displayed in view only mode.

Job Sales Accounts group box

Job Cost Types

The six standard job cost types are displayed in view only mode.

General Ledger Accounts

The General Ledger accounts established in Job Costing Maintain Configuration will default. All General Ledger accounts are required on this tab, and GL accounts entered in JC Maintain Configuration, may be overridden here for a specific job.


The General Ledger Account description is displayed in view only mode.

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Maintain Jobs - View Detail The View Detail dialog is accessed from the View detail button on Maintain Jobs. From this dialog you can choose from three options.

Maintain Jobs - View Detail dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions

View Open PO commitments

View Invoiced to Date

View Payments to Date

Maintain Jobs - View Detail command buttons

Click the OK button to access the selected option.

Click the Close button to close the dialog and go back to the Maintain Jobs dialog.

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Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Open PO Commitments The Open PO Commitments dialog is accessed from the View Detail dialog on Maintain Jobs. This dialog provides information regarding open Purchase Orders for the selected Job.

Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Open PO Commitments dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Job ID

The Job ID and description of the currently selected job will display in these fields.

Data grid columns and descriptions.

Order No

The Order No column will display the number of the purchase order entered in the Purchase Order module.

Vendor ID

The Vendor ID column will display the vendor associated with the purchase order.

Order Date

The Order Date column will display the date of the purchase order.

Committed Amt

The Committed Amt column will display the remaining amount to be received on the purchase order.

Delivery Date

The Delivery Date column will display the delivery date entered on the purchase order.

Job Description

The Job Description will display the description of the job selected in the grid.

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Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Open PO Commitments command buttons

Click the View Document when a line is selected in the grid to display a copy of the Purchase Order.

Click the OK button to close the dialog.

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Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Invoiced to Date The Invoiced to Date dialog is accessed from the View Detail dialog on Maintain Jobs. This dialog provides information regarding invoices that have been created for the selected Job.

Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Invoiced to Date dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Job ID

The Job ID and description of the currently selected job will display in these fields.

Data grid columns and descriptions.

Invoice Date

The Invoice Date will display the date of the invoice.

Invoice No

The Invoice No will display the invoice number.


The Type will display the type of invoice.

Customer ID

The Customer ID will display the customer associated with the invoice.

Invoice Total

The Invoice Total will display the total of the invoice.


The Balance will display the amount of the invoice that is remaining to be paid.

Job Description

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The Job Description will display the description of the job selected in the grid.

Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Invoiced to Date command buttons

Click the View Document when a line is selected in the grid to display a copy of the Invoice.

Click the OK button to close the dialog.

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Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Payments to Date The Payments to Date dialog is accessed from the View Detail dialog on Maintain Jobs. This dialog provides information regarding payments that have been entered for the selected Job.

Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Payments to Date dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Job ID

The Job ID and description of the currently selected base job will display in these fields.

Data grid columns and descriptions.

Deposit No

The Deposit No field will display the deposit number of the deposit entered in Accounts Receivable.

Bank ID

The Bank ID column will display the bank associated with the deposit.

Deposit Date

The Deposit Date column will display the date associated with the deposit.

Check/CC No

The Check/CC No column will display the data entered in the Check/CC No field for the deposit.

Amount Paid

The Amount Paid column will display the amount entered for the deposit.

Method of Payment

The Method of Payment column will display the method of payment associated with the deposit.

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Job Description

The Job Description will display the description of the job selected in the grid.

Maintain Jobs - View Detail - Payments to Date command buttons

Click the View Document when a line is selected in the grid to display a copy of the Invoice.

Click the OK button to close the dialog.

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Maintain Base Jobs When Base Jobs ... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Base Jobs dialog box displays. This operation allows you to enter default information about the job including the base job number, description, etc. plus assign each job a specific billing method, and how costs will be tracked in the General Ledger.

Maintain Base Jobs dialog box

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Base Job

To create a new base job, enter an ID that represents the base job. Base Job ID's are based upon the Job Mask defined in Maintain Configuration. The first segment represents the base job.

To edit an existing base job, enter the ID, or select an ID using the browser. Once a record is displayed, click the Edit button to make any desired changes. The Base Job ID cannot be changed.

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The purpose of this field is to establish a parent/child relationship or a link between the base job and its subordinate job phases. (Ex: The Base Job is to build a house. The subordinate job phases are: prepare the site, pour the foundation, utility connection, framing, etc.). The Base Job ID will default when entering subordinate jobs in Maintain Jobs.

Base Job Description

Enter a Base Job description (up to 30 alphanumeric characters). The base job description will default when entering a subordinate job in Maintain Jobs.

Maintain Base Job Command Buttons

Click the View Detail button to see detail regarding Open PO Commitments, Invoiced to Date transactions and Payments to Date

Click the Copy button to copy the setup of this base job to a new base job.

The Edit button allows you to make changes to the displayed Base Job. Click the Edit button after a valid Base Job has been entered.

The Save button validates and saves the data entered. The Save button is enabled when data on the dialog box is changed.

The New button prompts you to save any changes to the displayed base job (if applicable) and then clears the dialog box. This allows you to create a new base job or select another base job for viewing or editing.

The Delete button permanently removes the displayed base job from the data file. This button is enabled after the Edit button has been clicked. If the base job is used in any subordinate job it cannot be deleted.

The Close button prompts you to save any changes (if applicable) and then closes the dialog box. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Base Jobs - Base Tab The Base Tab contains default information about the job including the base job number, description, etc. The tab also allows the assignment of a specific billing method, and how costs will be tracked in the General Ledger.

Maintain Jobs - Base Tab dialog box

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Customer ID

Enter a Customer ID or use the browser to select one. The customer ID is not required.

The Customer ID will default on all subordinate jobs entered in Maintain Jobs. The default Customer ID may be overridden.

The Customer field browser is disabled if the Accounts Receivable module is not installed.


Enter a Location or select one from the browser. This location will default on all new jobs for this base job.

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Customer Name

This view only field displays the customer name.


This default status is active. Once all subordinate jobs have been closed the status can be changed to inactive. An inactive base job may not be used when setting up a new job in Maintain Jobs.

Defaults group box

Invoicing Method

Use the drop down menu to select the Invoicing Method. The Invoicing Method selected will default on all subordinate jobs and may be overridden. The available Invoicing Methods are Fixed Price, Cost Plus, Time and Material and Estimate to Complete. The default Invoicing Method is Fixed Price. Subordinate jobs may use any combination of invoicing methods, this field is simply a default. The Invoicing Method assigned to the job in Maintain Jobs is the one used to determine how the job will actually be invoiced.

Invoicing a Fixed Price job will require entry of the invoice amount for a Job. The amount to be invoiced is the contract amount agreed to by the customer and the service provider.

The Cost Plus with a Profit Percentage Invoicing Method can only be entered at the Base Job level. When Cost Plus Invoicing is selected, a profit product must be established and entered along with the profit percentage. The system uses this Cost Plus Invoicing Method for the Base Job and its associated Jobs. Jobs that are associated with a Base Job can override the Cost Plus Invoicing method by only selecting a Fixed Price or Time and Material Invoicing Method. Example: (1) Base Job is a Cost Plus Profit Percentage type but an associated job is entered into where Time and Material Invoicing is required. This is allowed. (2) Base Job is a Cost Plus Profit Percentage type but an associated job is entered into where Cost Plus with Markup is required. This is not allowed. You would have to set the associated job requiring Cost Plus Markup as a new Base Job.

The Cost Plus Markup on Invoicing Method is used when direct costs incurred on a job are to be "Marked Up based on an agreed to Percentage". This Invoicing Method uses the actual direct costs incurred and marks them up based on the figure entered. This marked up amount (i.e. direct costs multiplied by mark up percentage) is the amount that appears on the customers invoice.

The Time and Material Invoicing Method is used when incurred Labor hours are to be invoiced at a defined billing rate and other direct costs are to be invoiced at the actual cost incurred. Example: The standard consulting billing rate is $100/hour the system will invoice all incurred consulting hours at $100/hour. If there are any other direct costs the system will invoice these costs at the actual costs incurred.

NOTE: Using the Time and Materials Invoicing Method but special Labor or Product Pricing is required enter these rates in Maintain Job. Example: The standard consulting billing rate is $100/hour but this customer is an old friend and they are only charged $50/hour. Enter this rate at the job level and the system will use it.

The process for Invoicing an Estimate to Complete (ETC) Job is similar to invoicing a Fixed Price Job. The timing and amounts to be invoiced are defined by the contract. When Invoice Preparation is accessed, only billable charge type transactions are displayed. The

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datagrid for this invoicing method allows you to select charges and/or create the transaction lines for the invoice. Special Note - Whereas, the amount to be invoiced in the other invoicing methods (i.e. Fixed Price, Cost Plus and Time and Material) commonly represents the amount to be recognized as revenue for financial statement purposes, in a contract where revenue is to be recognized by the ETC method no revenue should be recognized based on invoicing. Under an ETC method the revenue to be recognized is based on the General Ledger Journal Entry recorded according to the information provided by the CYMAIV Job Cost Revenue Recognition Report. When invoicing an ETC type contract the entry is usually to debit Accounts Receivable and credit Progress Billings a contra inventory account.

Entries entered in Job Costing Enter Billable Charges are considered billable items and not costs. That is, the value entered for a Billable Charge is the billable amount.

Job Type

Enter or select from the browser the Job Type that you want to default when setting up new jobs with this base job.

Cost Plus group box

Profit Product

Enter the Cost Plus Profit Product or use the browser to select one. This product will be used to record the cost plus profit on the Accounts Receivable invoice. The Product description displays in view only mode. It is recommended that the product used has a Job Cost Type of Revenue.

Profit %

Enter the percentage of profit to be used to calculate profit when a cost plus job is invoiced. The profit percentage entered here will be calculated on the direct and indirect costs incurred. A profit will be calculated for all sub jobs with a Cost Plus invoicing method.

To calculate an invoice based upon Cost Plus Markup percentages entered in Maintain Jobs, you should not enter a Cost Plus Profit % in this field. It is the invoicing method of the sub job that determines if a profit is calculated (Cost Plus jobs only). If there is a profit percentage on the base job (regardless of default invoicing method) and the sub job is cost plus, a profit will be calculated. The markup percentages on a sub job are only used in the absence of a profit percentage on the base job.

Retainage group box


Enter the Retainage Product or use the browser to select one. This product will be used to record the retainage amount withheld on the Accounts Receivable invoice. Upon Job completion a separate invoice should be created to recover invoice amounts previously retained. NOTE: Prior to creating this final invoice, set the retainage percentage to zero on the Base Job. The product selected must have a retainage cost type. The Product description displays in view only mode.


Enter the percentage of retainage to be used to calculate retainage when this job is invoiced. Retainage refers to the pre-determined amount (percentage) to be withheld from the invoice until job completion. Retainage can be calculated for any job, regardless of the invoicing method. The invoice(s) will be reduced by the percentage entered here. A separate invoice can be created for retainage only upon job completion.

Financial Overview Group Box

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Contract Revenue Column

Total Contract

The sum of the Original Contract amount plus the Billable Change Order amount.

Less Billable Chg Ord

This field is the total of billable change orders (excludes non-billable) from the Budget tab. If no change orders have been entered in the budget the field defaults to zero and the user may enter a value. If a change order amount is entered on the Budget tab, this will overwrite any amount entered by the user.

Original Contract

Enter an optional contract value. The default value is zero.

This amount displays when performing Invoice Preparation for a Fixed Price job.

When detail budget revenue amounts are entered, the contract value is automatically updated to be equivalent to the total revenue budget for this job, inclusive of all years.

Chg Ord/Contract%

This field is calculated by dividing the Billable Change Order amount by the Original Contract Amount.

Budget Column

Total Contract

The sum of the Original Contract amount plus the Billable Change Order amount.

Less Budget

When budget amounts are entered in the budget tab, the total budget is automatically updated to be equivalent to the total budget for this job, inclusive of all years and all cost types.


This field is calculated by subtracting the budget from the total contract.


This field is calculated by dividing the Profit/Loss amount by the total contract amount.

Actual Column

Total Contract

The sum of the Original Contract amount plus the Billable Change Order amount.

Less Costs to Date

This field is updated each time:

1) an Accounts Payable invoice assigned to this job is posted in Accounts Payable,

2) a Payroll check is printed which contains an earning features assigned to this job, and

3) a user defined General Ledger journal entry assigned to this job is posted in the General Ledger.

4) a entry is made in Job Costing through Enter Billable Charges, Enter Labor Batches, Enter Adjustments, Process Apply Overhead or General Import.

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Open PO commitments

The Open PO Commitments field will display the total of all open PO's for this Job.


This field is calculated by subtracting the Costs to Date from the Total Contract.

Financial Column

Invoiced to Date

Use the Invoiced to Date field to enter a beginning balance amount (total invoiced to date) for a job already in process; this field becomes disabled once a transaction is posted to this job. This field is updated each time an invoice assigned to this job is posted in Accounts Receivable. Any amounts entered on the Maintain Job - Invoice Tab in the Beginning Amounts - Invoiced to Date field will be added to this field.

Payments to Date

Use the Payments to Date field to enter a beginning balance amount for a job already in process; this field becomes disabled once a transaction is posted to this job. This field is updated each time a Payment assigned to this job is posted in Accounts Receivable. Any amounts entered on the Maintain Job - Invoice Tab in the Beginning Amounts - Payments to Date field will be added to this field.

Invoices Outstanding

This field is calculated by subtracting the Payments to Date from the Invoiced to Date.

Retainage Not Invoiced

This field includes all JC Billable Charges where the product has a Cost Type of Retainage and the transaction has not been invoiced.

Reference 1-3 group box

The three Reference fields are for additional information regarding the base job.

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Maintain Base Jobs - Activity Tab The Activity Tab contains activity for all jobs with the same base job value.

Maintain Base Jobs - Activity Tab dialog box

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Display Group Box


Select the All option to view all records in the data grid.


Select the Selected option to view only the selected records in the data grid.

The "Selected" option is enabled when records are selected. You may select individual records by pressing the selection box to the left of the line or all records by using the Select All button at the bottom of the grid.

Include group Box


Select the Costs check box to show only cost transactions in the grid.

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Select the Charges check box to show transactions that were entered through Enter Billable Charges.


Select the Invoiced check box to show only those transactions that have been invoiced.


Select the Non-Invoiced check box to show only those transactions that have not been invoiced.

Sort Order Group Box


Select the Job sort order option to sort the records in ascending order in the data grid based upon the full job number.


Select the Source sort order option to sort the records in ascending order in the data grid based upon the module the transaction orginated.

Date (Ascending)

Select the Date (Ascending) sort order option to sort the records in ascending order in the data grid based upon transaction date.

Date (Descending)

Select the Date (Descending) sort order option to sort the records in descending order in the data grid based upon transaction date.

Product ID

Select the Product ID sort order option to sort the records in the data grid based upon the product ID.

Cost Type

Select the Job Cost Type sort order option to sort the records in the data grid based upon the job cost type.

Cost Code

Select the Cost Code sort order option to sort the records in the data grid based upon the Cost Code.

Cost Category

Select the Cost Category sort order option to sort the records in the data grid based upon the Cost Category.

Transaction File Group Box


Select the Current option to view records in the current transaction file.


Select the History option to view records in the historical transaction file.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

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All columns and fields in the data grid are in view only mode and may not be edited.


The Job column displays the full job number of the transaction.

Transaction Date

The Transaction Date column displays the date of the transaction in view only mode. You may sort the data grid based upon this option.

Cost Type

The Cost Type column displays the cost type associated with the transaction. You may sort the data grid based upon this option.


The Source column displays the module where the transaction originated.


The Prod/Skill field displays the product ID or the Skill ID associated with each transaction.

All transactions require a product ID in order to meet the invoicing requirements in Accounts Receivable. For this reason CYMAIV will assign "system products" to transactions originating in the General Ledger.


The Description defaults in unless the description was overridden during transactional entry. For example, if you override the product description when entering an Accounts Payable invoice, the overridden description will display.


The Unit/Hours column displays either the number of units, if the transaction references a product; or the number of hours, if the transaction references a skill assigned to a payroll transaction.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost column displays the cost of the product or the hourly rate assigned to the skill.


The Rate column displays the billing rate for the product.

Original Amt

The Original Amount column displays the result of the unit/hours multiplied by the cost/rate.

Cost Code

The Cost Code column displays the cost code associated with the transaction. This column is only displayed when the Use Cost Codes feature is enabled in Maintain Configuration.

Cost Category

The Cost Category column displays the cost category associated with the transaction. This column is only displayed when the Use Cost Codes feature is enabled in Maintain Configuration.


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The ID column displays either the Vendor ID for transactions originating in Accounts Payable or the Employee ID for transactions originating in Payroll or Job Costing.


The Name column displays either the Vendor Name for transactions originating in Accounts Payable; the Employee Name for transactions originating in Payroll; and the Name entered in Billable Labor Charges for transactions originating in Job Costing.

Billable Labor Charges entered through Job Costing will display a name in the name column if a name was entered into the Name field when the Labor Charge was created.


The RefNo column displays a reference number that links each transaction back to its source document.

This field is used only for transactions originating in Accounts Payable, General Ledger and Payroll. For transactions originating in Accounts Payable, the RefNo represents the Accounts Payable Invoice number; for transactions originating in General Ledger the RefNo represents the General Ledger Batch ID; for transactions originating in Payroll the RefNo represents the Payroll checkline record number.


The Invoiced? column indicates whether or not a transaction has been processed through Invoice Preparation.

Trans Class 1

The Trans Class 1 column displays the Transaction Classification Code associated with the transaction. This column is only displayed when the Use Transaction Classification Codes check box is checked in Maintain Configuration.

Trans Class 2

The Trans Class 2 column displays the Transaction Classification Code associated with the transaction. This column is only displayed when the Use Transaction Classification Codes check box is checked in Maintain Configuration.

Job Description

The Job Description field display the description for the job for a selected line.

Print Options group box

Secondary Grouping

Select the Secondary Grouping for the Activity Tab Proof Listing.

Click on the Print Button to print the Job Activity Tab Proof Listing

Selected Cost Totals By Cost Type group box

Direct Labor

Displays the total direct labor costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

Direct Material

Displays the total direct material costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

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Other Direct Costs

Displays the total other direct costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

Subcontractor Costs

Displays the total subcontractor costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

Other Costs

Displays the total other costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.


Displays the total overhead costs and a percentage of the total costs for the selected transactions.

Click on the Select All button to select all transactions in the grid.

Click on the Deselect All button to clear the selections.

Selected Cost Total

Displays the total costs of the selected transactions.

Selected Billable Charges Total

Displays the billable charge total of the selected transactions. This total is the total quantity times the Unit Rate for all selected activity records.

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Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail The View Detail dialog is accessed from the View detail button on Maintain Base Jobs. From this dialog you can choose from three options.

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions

View Open PO commitments

View Invoiced to Date

View Payments to Date

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail command buttons

Click the OK button to access the selected option.

Click the Close button to close the dialog and go back to the Maintain Base Jobs dialog.

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Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Open PO Commitments The Open PO Commitments dialog is accessed from the View Detail dialog on Maintain Base Jobs. This dialog provides information regarding open Purchase Orders for the selected Base Job.

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Open PO Commitments dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Base Job ID

The Base Job ID and description of the currently selected base job will display in these fields.

Data grid columns and descriptions.


The Job number of the individual job will display in this column.

Order No

The Order No column will display the number of the purchase order entered in the Purchase Order module.

Vendor ID

The Vendor ID column will display the vendor associated with the purchase order.

Order Date

The Order Date column will display the date of the purchase order.

Committed Amt

The Committed Amt column will display the remaining amount to be received on the purchase order.

Delivery Date

The Delivery Date column will display the delivery date entered on the purchase order.

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Job Description

The Job Description will display the description of the job selected in the grid.

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Open PO Commitments command buttons

Click the View Document when a line is selected in the grid to display a copy of the Purchase Order.

Click the OK button to close the dialog.

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Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Invoiced to Date The Invoiced to Date dialog is accessed from the View Detail dialog on Maintain Base Jobs. This dialog provides information regarding invoices that have been created for the selected Base Job.

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Invoiced to Date dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Base Job ID

The Base Job ID and description of the currently selected base job will display in these fields.

Data grid columns and descriptions.


The Job number of the individual job will display in this column.

Invoice Date

The Invoice Date will display the date of the invoice.

Invoice No

The Invoice No will display the invoice number.


The Type will display the type of invoice.

Customer ID

The Customer ID will display the customer associated with the invoice.

Invoice Total

The Invoice Total will display the total of the invoice.


The Balance will display the amount of the invoice that is remaining to be paid.

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Job Description

The Job Description will display the description of the job selected in the grid.

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Invoiced to Date command buttons

Click the View Document when a line is selected in the grid to display a copy of the Invoice.

Click the OK button to close the dialog.

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Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Payments to Date The Payments to Date dialog is accessed from the View Detail dialog on Maintain Base Jobs. This dialog provides information regarding payments that have been entered for the selected Base Job.

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Payments to Date dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Base Job ID

The Base Job ID and description of the currently selected base job will display in these fields.

Data grid columns and descriptions.


The Job number of the individual job will display in this column.

Deposit No

The Deposit No field will display the deposit number of the deposit entered in Accounts Receivable.

Bank ID

The Bank ID column will display the bank associated with the deposit.

Deposit Date

The Deposit Date column will display the date associated with the deposit.

Check/CC No

The Check/CC No column will display the data entered in the Check/CC No field for the deposit.

Amount Paid

The Amount Paid column will display the amount entered for the deposit.

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Method of Payment

The Method of Payment column will display the method of payment associated with the deposit.

Job Description

The Job Description will display the description of the job selected in the grid.

Maintain Base Jobs - View Detail - Payments to Date command buttons

Click the View Document when a line is selected in the grid to display a copy of the Invoice.

Click the OK button to close the dialog.

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Maintain Cost Codes When Cost Codes ... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Cost Codes dialog box displays. This operation allows you to define cost codes that can later be used to stratify costs for reporting and budget purposes. Cost Codes are enabled when the Use Cost Codes check box is selected in Maintain Configuration. Once Cost Codes have been defined, they are linked to a Cost Category. Cost Codes are linked to Products on the Maintain Products Purchasing tab. Cost codes are only written to the GL when posting in detail.

Maintain Cost Codes dialog box

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Cost Code

Enter an ID to represent the cost code (up to 10 alphanumeric characters).


Enter a description for the cost code (up to 30 alphanumeric characters).

Cost Category

Select the cost category this cost code will be assigned to. All cost codes must be assigned an active cost category.

Markup Pct

Enter a percentage that will be applied to all costs with this cost code in Prepare Invoice. This field is optional and defaults to 0%. The markup % entered here will default when establishing a Budget By Cost Code on Maintain Job.

Sales Account

Enter or browse to an active GL Sales Account. If a Job is to be invoiced by Cost Code, then the JC Prepare Invoice program will first use the sales account on the specific cost category, and if not setup it will then use the sales account on the product.


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The status defaults to active for new cost codes.

Maintain Cost Codes Command Buttons

Click the OK button to save the data.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Cost Categories When Cost Categories ... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Cost Categories dialog box displays. This operation allows you to define cost categories for cost codes. Cost Codes are enabled when the Use Cost Codes check box is selected in Maintain Configuration.

Maintain Cost Categories dialog box

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Cost Category

Enter an ID to represent the cost category (up to 6 alphanumeric characters).


Enter a description for the cost category (up to 30 alphanumeric characters).

Markup Pct

Enter a percentage that will be applied to all costs with this cost category in Prepare Invoice. This field is optional and defaults to 0%. The markup % entered here will default when establishing a Budget By Cost Category on Maintain Job.

Sales Account

Enter or browse to an active GL Sales Account. If a Job is to be invoiced by Cost Category, then the JC Prepare Invoice program will first use the sales account on the specific cost category, and if not setup it will then use the sales account on the product.


The status defaults to active for new cost categories.

Maintain Cost Categories Command Buttons

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Click the OK button to save the data.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Job Tasks When Job Tasks ... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Job Tasks dialog box displays. This operation allows you to enter Job Tasks that can then be assigned to Jobs.

Maintain Job Tasks dialog

Data grid Columns and Fields


Enter a Code for the Task, up to 6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter a Description for this task.

Task Days

Enter the Number of Days that it takes to complete this task. The number will be used to calculate the Scheduled End Date for the task when it is assigned to a job. The number can be overridden at that time.

Cost Code

Enter a Cost Code or select one from the browser.

Performed By

Enter the name of the Person or Company that will be completing this task.


Select a status for this task. The available options are Active and Inactive. You will not be able to add inactive codes to jobs.

Maintain Job Tasks Command Buttons

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The OK Button will save new or edited entries and close the dialog.

The Cancel Button will close the dialog box without saving changes.

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Maintain Employees When Employees... is selected from the Maintain Menu the Maintain Employees dialog box displays. The Maintain Employees dialog box allows you to set up and maintain employee personnel information as it pertains to labor entries in Job Costing.

Maintain Employees dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions

Employee ID

Enter an Employee ID or select one from the browser, up to 14 alphanumeric characters.

Social Security No

Enter the Social Security No for this employee.

Last Name

Enter the Last Name of the employee, up to 20 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the First Name of the employee, up to 20 alphanumeric characters.

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Enter the Middle Initial of the employee.


Select a Status from the drop down. Inactive employees will not be available in the Enter Labor Batches dialog.


Enter the Address of the employee.


Enter the City of the employee.


Select a State from the drop down.


Enter the Zip Code of the employee.


Enter the Country of the employee.

Default Hours

Enter the Default Hours for this employee. This amount will default when entering employee transactions in the Enter Labor Batches dialog.

Hourly Rate

Enter an Hourly Rate for the employee.


Enter an active Job. This job will default when entering transactions for this employee in Enter Labor Batches.

Cost Code

Enter a default Cost Code or select one from the browser.

Skill Level

Enter a Skill Level or select one from the browser.

Earnings Type

Enter a default Earnings Type or select one from the browser.

Trans Cls 1

Enter a default Transaction Classification Code or select one from the browser.

Trans Cls 2

Enter a default Transaction Classification Code or select one from the browser.

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Maintain Earnings Types When Earnings Types... is selected from the Maintain Menu the Maintain Earnings Types dialog box displays. Record the Earnings Types, Description and Rate Multiplier for earnings that will be recorded in Enter Labor.

Maintain Earnings Type dialog

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Earnings Type

Enter an Earnings Type ID, up to 10 alphanumeric characters. (Same size as the PR Earnings Short Name Field)


Enter the description for the earnings type (up to 20 alphanumeric characters). This is a required field

Rate Multiplier

Enter the rate multiplier for the earnings type, the default is 1.0000 (must be a positive quantity)


The status defaults to Active for new codes. Only Active earnings codes can be used in the JC Enter Labor screen.

Click the OK button to save changes and close the dialog.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog without saving any changes.

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Maintain Job Types When Job Types ... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Job Types dialog box displays. Each job created must be assigned a Job Type. The Job Type can be used to classify and sort jobs.

Maintain Job Type dialog box

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Job Type

Enter an ID to represent the job type (up to 7 alphanumeric characters). Two Job Types are automatically added by the program. These are IRID Independent Research & Develop and BP Bid & Proposal.


Enter the job type description (up to 30 alphanumeric characters).


This field is used to indicate an internal job type (i.e. vacation hours, sick hours, inventory, capital assets). Internal jobs are processed like any other job; the only difference is they cannot be invoiced through the Prepare Invoice process. If you assign an Internal Job Type in Maintain Jobs the Apply G&A Overhead check box will be disabled in order to prevent G&A Overhead from being applied to that job.

Sales Account

Enter a General Ledger Account number or select one from the browser. This account will be used to post the sales transaction if the Job Type option was selected in the Use GL Sales Accounts From group box on the Invoice tab in Maintain Jobs.

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Maintain Job Types Command Buttons

Click the OK button to save the data.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Billing Groups When Billing Groups... is selected from the Maintain Menu the Maintain Billing Group dialog displays. The Billing Groups dialog is used to set up groups to be used in Process Multi-Invoicing. A billing group is assigned to the job through Maintain Jobs and the billing group can be selected during the Multi-Invoicing process to pull in transactions for all job in that billing group. This will allow one invoice to be create for multiple jobs regardless of their billing method.

Maintain Billing Groups dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions

Group Code

Enter a Group Code to identify this group, up to 7 alphanumeric characters


Enter a Description to identify this group, up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Maintain Billing Groups command buttons

Click the OK button to save any changes and close the dialog.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog without saving any changes. If changes have been made you will be prompted to save.

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Maintain Job Segment Names When Job Segment Names is selected from the Maintain menu, the Maintain Job Segment Value Names dialog box displays. This allows you to assign a description to a value found in a specified job segment. The segment name can then be used to filter certain Job Costing reports.

These entries are also used to control what job segments and segment descriptions show in the browser when browsing for a job segment in CYMAIV; such as when you run reports equal to a segment.

For example, let's use the following job mask:

Job Mask: && . &&& . &&&

Job Length: 8

Number of Segments: 3

Segment Number

Segment Length

Segment Name

Segment Type

Sort Order

1 2 Job Alphanumeric 1

2 3 Sub Job Alphanumeric 2

3 3 Phase Alphanumeric 3

Using this operation, you can assign each segment a value and description.

Segment Value


2 Sub Job 01 Site Prep

2 Sub Job 02 Excavation

3 Phase 01 Electrical

3 Phase 02 Plumbing

Maintain Job Segment Names dialog box

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Refer to the following DataGrid column descriptions and requirements.


Use the drop-down list to displays the job mask segments for the current company. Select the segment that you want to name.


Once the Segment is selected, this column displays the appropriate segment mask, such as pound signs (#) for numeric values or ampersands (&) for alphanumeric values. Enter a valid value found in the selected segment, the Browser is available to select one.


Enter the segment name (up to 30 alphanumeric characters).

Maintain Account Segment Names Command Buttons

Click the OK button to save the account segment names and close the dialog box.

Click the Cancel button to confirm saving any changes to the displayed record (if applicable) and then close the dialog box.

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Maintain Overhead & Billing Matrix The Maintain Overhead & Billing Matrix allows you the ability to define different overhead types (i.e. Manufacturing and Engineering Overhead, Fringe Overhead, Material Handling Overhead, G&A Overhead, etc.) the base cost to apply overhead on, and the percentage by year to apply. The Apply Overhead process will automatically post applied overhead to jobs and creates General Ledger journal entries for posting. This process is enabled when the "Apply Overhead" flag is checked in Job Cost Maintain Configuration. Note: If a job has been defined as a Cost Plus job, the applied overhead costs can be invoiced as separate line items on the Accounts Receivable invoice.

Maintain Overhead & Billing Matrix

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Overhead Type

Enter the Overhead Type ID (up to six alphanumeric characters.) Each overhead type entered requires you to define a cost type that the overhead is to be applied on. For situations where different overhead types are required for different types of direct labor (i.e. Manufacturing, Engineering, etc.) you will need to establish the applicable overhead type to the appropriate skill level. (Remember, Skill Levels are assigned at the Employee level.) Direct Labor overhead types must be assigned to the appropriate skill in Maintain Skills so that DL overhead entries will be created. Once the record is saved the Overhead Type may not be changed.


Enter the Overhead description (up to 30 alphanumeric characters). This is the description that will be printed on the AR invoice. If you need to include the percentage on the invoice you can enter it as part of the description, for example "Engineering OVH @ 100%". The description field can be edited at any time.


Select Yes or No from the drop down menu. No is the default. There can only be one G&A entry per year in the matrix. When a record in the grid has a "Yes" entered in the G&A column, the cost type column is disabled. The reason for this is that the G&A percentage will be calculated and applied against all cost types (i.e. direct and indirect costs). After having established the G&A overhead type you are required to check the "Apply G&A Overhead" check box on Maintain Jobs, for each applicable

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job, in order for the G&A applied overhead entries to be made. G&A calculations are performed after the non-G&A overhead JC Transactions are calculated and created. Once the record is saved this field may not be changed.


Select Yes or No from the drop down menu. No is the default. There can only be one applied fringe overhead and it is linked to the cost type Direct Labor only. Once the record is saved this field may not be changed.

Product ID

Enter a valid Product ID that is to be used to capture the applied overhead. All Product ID’s used in this matrix must have a cost type of "Overhead”. In Maintain Products Purchasing this Product ID is established with a cost type of "Overhead”. This Product ID will be used when the GL journal entry is created that applies the overhead and will show on the various cost reports in the overhead section. Also, this product is the one that appears on the customers AR invoice.

If you are using Cost Codes, any product selected must have a cost code selected in Maintain Products.

Cost Type

Select the Cost Type for which you want to have the defined overhead applied to. The system will review all cost transactions posted against a job for a particular cost type (i.e. DM, DL, Subcontract, etc..) and apply overhead defined in the overhead matrix grid. Applied overhead for different Direct Labor (DL) types is possible when employees are assigned or linked by specific skill levels. This allows Manufacturing and Engineering, for example, to have different overhead rates. The other cost types (DM, ODC, SUB, OTH) can only have one overhead type per year in the matrix. Once the record is saved the cost type may not be changed.


Select the year for which the overhead record applies. The current year is the default. Once the record is saved the year may not be changed. The year must be open and defined in System Manager Maintain Accounting Periods.

Beg Prd

Select the period for which the overhead application should begin. The default is the first period of the year. Once the record is saved the beginning period may not be changed.

End Prd

The final period of the year is displayed in view only mode.

GL Account

Enter the GL account to be used as the credit account when overhead is applied. The debit account is the overhead GL account assigned to the job. This account can be changed at any time, however changing this account during a year will require you to manually change prior period postings.

Cost Ovh Pct

Enter the percentage of overhead to be applied for costing purposes. You may enter three digits to the left and two digits to the right of the decimal. This percentage can be changed at any time; however, changes that result due to a difference of previously applied overhead are not retroactively posted. Changing the overhead percentage will require a manual GL Journal entry to adjust prior postings for both current and closed jobs.

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Bill Ovh Pct

The Bill Ovh Pct is the applied overhead percentage that will be used for Cost Plus Invoicing with a Profit Percentage.

For the majority of users the Cost and Bill Overhead Percentages will be one and the same. For those end users that require invoicing by Cost Plus Profit Percentage method, entered on the Base Job, may have a need to have two overhead percentage rates.

Maintain Overhead Matrix Command Buttons

Click the Copy button to copy the Overhead records from one year to another year.

This process can only be completed once for a given year.

Click the OK button to save the data.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Project Manager When Project Manager... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Project Manager dialog box displays. Each job created can be assigned a Project Manager. The Project Manager can be used to classify and sort jobs for reports.

Maintain Project Manager dialog box

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Manager ID

Enter an ID to represent the project manager (up to 6 alphanumeric characters).

Product Manager Name

Enter the project manager's name (up to 30 alphanumeric characters).

Maintain Project Manager Command Buttons

Click the OK button to save the data.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Configuration When Configuration ... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Configuration dialog box displays. This operation allows you to select default General Ledger accounts for WIP, COGS and Sales, Skill Levels and "Other" Job Cost Types. This dialog also contains a tab pages that allows you to set invoicing defaults and a job mask.

Maintain Configuration dialog box

Maintain Configuration tab pages:


Invoice Defaults

Job Mask

Maintain Configuration Command Buttons

Click the OK button to save the data.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Maintain Configuration - Configuration tab When Configuration... is selected from the Job Costing Maintain menu the Maintain Configuration dialog box displays. This operation allows you to select default General Ledger accounts for WIP, COGS and Sales, Skill Levels and "Other" Job Cost Types.

Maintain Configuration - Configuration tab dialog box

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Default Job Cost Type WIP General Ledger Accounts group box

Select a default WIP General Ledger account for each of the following job cost types. You may use the same GL account number for each job cost type or assign each cost type a unique GL account number. This account will be used as the default account for each WIP job that is configured under Maintain Jobs. However, for each job, you may elect to use the default GL WIP accounts or change them to a different GL WIP account.

Direct Labor

Direct Material

Other Direct Costs

Subcontractor Costs

Other Costs


Default Job Cost Type COGS General Ledger Accounts group box

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Select a default COGS General Ledger account for each of the following job cost types. You may use the same GL account number for each job cost type or assign each cost type a unique GL account number. This account will be used as the default account for each COGS job that is configured under Maintain Jobs. However, for each job, you may elect to use the default account or change them to a different COGS account.

Direct Labor

Direct Material

Other Direct Costs

Subcontractor Costs

Other Costs


Default System Product Sales General Ledger Accounts group box

Select a default General Ledger Sales account for each of the following job cost types. You may use the same GL account number for each job cost type or assign each cost type a unique account number to attain visibility by cost type. These are the revenue GL accounts that will be used when an Accounts Receivable invoice is created. However, for each job, you may elect to use the default account or change them at the Job level, on the Maintain Job GL Accounts tab. When ”Use GL Sales Accounts From” JOB is selected it will look to the GL Accounts tab for its Sales Accounts to use during the invoicing process. To clarify, when a General Ledger journal entry containing a Job number and a Job Cost type is posted to GL, a transaction for this entry is written to the Job Costing transaction file. This Job Costing entry may eventually become an Accounts Receivable invoice (through the Job Costing Invoice Preparation process). The invoice that is created in Accounts Receivable will contain the Sales accounts defined here, and may be changed. For each job, you may elect to use the default sales account or change it to a different sales account prior to printing the Accounts Receivable invoice, depending upon your needs.

Direct Labor

Direct Material

Other Direct Costs

Subcontractor Costs

Other Costs


Options group box

Post Job Costs to GL in Detail

Select this check box to post transactions to the General Ledger in detail. Detail posting writes an individual line for each transaction in the batch. Summary posting summarizes entries by a unique combination of GL account numbers, job numbers and job cost types.

Post Thru GL

Check the Post Thru GL option to have the General Ledger batches created by the Job Costing module to be automatically posted to General Ledger.

Create JEs for Labor Batches

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Check the Create JEs for Labor Batches to default the Create Journal Entries check box in Enter Labor Batches to be selected.

Apply Overhead

Select this check box to turn on Apply Overhead for all new jobs entered. This can be overwritten at the job level.

Apply G&A

Select this check box to turn on Apply G&A Overhead for all new jobs entered. This can be overwritten at the job level.

Include Job Fields in GL Entry Screens

Select this field if you would like three additional columns added to the Enter Journal Entry and Enter CD Checks screens. The columns will be job number, cost type and cost code. The Cost Code column will only display if the "Use Cost Codes" option is check in Job Costing Maintain Configuration.

Use Cost Codes

Select this check box to indicate that the company uses Cost Codes and Cost Categories to further breakout JC costs. When selected, the Cost Code field will be enabled in Enter Purchase Orders, Enter AP Invoices, Enter AP Recurring Invoices, Enter AP One-Time Invoices, Enter Payroll, and Enter Manual Payroll Checks grid. The field will also be enabled for Maintain Products, and Maintain Employees for Salary Features.

Default Cost Category

Enter a Default Cost Category or select one from the browser. This will be the cost category assigned to new Cost Codes.

Default Job Cost Type

Select the Default Job Cost Type from the drop down list. Available values are Direct Labor, Direct Material, Other Direct Costs, Subcontract Costs, Other Costs, and Overhead. This will be the default when new Products are entered through Maintain Products. It will also be the value that will be written to any existing products when job cost is initially configured. You may change this value at the product level.

Accrued Payroll Account

This field is optional and will be used as the offset credit account when JC Enter Labor entries are posted. A warning will be given if the user attempts to post a batch without this account.

This credit account should be the same account as was used in recording the payroll expense. If you are using CYMA payroll, the expense for all payroll earnings transactions should be this account. If entering a Journal Entry to record payroll expense, this account should be used for that entry. This will ensure that this account will eventually clear.

Job Defaults group box

Job Type

Enter a default Job Type. This Job Type will default when setting up new jobs, but may be changed at that time.

Budget Type

Select a default Budget Type. This Budget Type will default when setting up new jobs, but may be changed at that time.

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Post Job Costs To


Select the COGS option to default the Charge Job Costs option on the GL Accounts tab to COGS when setting up new jobs.

Work In Progress

Select the Work In Progress option to default the Charge Job Costs option on the GL Accounts tab to WIP when setting up new jobs.

Use Job Level Defaulting In group box


Select this check box to use job level defaulting in AP and PO. When this option is selected General Ledger accounts assigned to the job (WIP or COGS) will be used as the default accounts when entering either a Purchase Order or an Accounts Payable invoice. When this check box is not selected the GL account will default from the product expense account (if any) and then the vendor's GL account.


Select this check box to use job level defaulting in Payroll. If this box is checked, the GL accounts in Enter Payroll, Enter Quick Payroll, Enter Adjustments will default from the Direct Labor GL Account field for the selected job. If the box is unchecked the GL accounts in Enter Payroll, Enter Quick Payroll, Enter Adjustments will default from the Employee features.

Inventory Control

Select this check box to use job level defaulting in IC. If this box is checked, then when entering an IC Issue to a job the GL account will default from the Job COGS/WIP account. If not checked, then the IC Issue will default the COGS account from the product or warehouse. The GL account can always be overridden.

AR & Sales Order

Select this check box to use job level defaulting in Accounts Receivable and Sales Order. If this box is checked, the Sales GL account in Enter Sales Orders, Enter Invoices, Enter Recurring Invoices, Enter Volume Billing Invoices and Enter One Time Invoices will default from the Sales Accounts based on the "Use GL Sales Accounts From" option in Maintain Jobs. If this box is unchecked it will use the normal defaults as invoices or sales orders entered directly into those modules.

Default Product IDs group box

Skill Levels

The Default Product ID for Skill Level is needed in the situation where you want to point a majority of your Skill Level Codes to a single Product ID in Maintain Skill Levels. This field is strictly for convenience and is used for billing purposes.

"Other" Job Cost Type

The Product ID for the Job Cost Type "Other" is needed in the situation where a transaction being pushed to Accounts Receivable doesn't have a Product ID -- a required field for each invoice line item. An example would be an Accounts Payable invoice line item without a Product ID -- a non-required field. When the Accounts Receivable invoice is created, it will use the Product ID entered in this field as the default for billing purposes. Obviously, you may override this entry in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice when necessary.

Certified Hourly Rate to Pay Employee

Pay Higher of Skill or Employee

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Check the Pay Higher of Skill or Employee option to default the higher amount between the Skill ID or the Employee hourly rate, if using certified rates. If this option is off, the employee rate will default for non certified hours and the skill rate will default for certified hours.

Default Transaction Classification group box

Use Transaction Classification Codes

Select this check box to enable transaction classification codes in Job Costing. When selected the following datagrids will contain Transaction Classification Code columns: Enter Billable Charges and Process Prepare Invoices.

Trans Class 1

Enter the default transaction classification code to be used during data entry or use the browser to select one.

Trans Class 2

Enter the default transaction classification code to be used during data entry or use the browser to select one.

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Maintain Configuration - Invoice Defaults Tab The Invoice Defaults tab is used to set options to help the set up of new jobs. These options will default when entering a new job in Maintain Jobs. The options can be changed on the individual jobs.

Maintain Configuration - Invoice Defaults tab

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Invoicing Method

Select the default Invoicing Method from the drop down. The selected option will default on all new jobs.

Cost Plus and Time & Material Job defaults group box

Invoice By group box

Cost Type

Select Cost Type to have the Invoice By option set to Cost Type when setting up a new job.

Cost Code

Select Cost Code to have the Invoice By option set to Cost Code when setting up a new job.

Cost Category

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Select Cost Category to have the Invoice By option set to Cost Category when setting up a new job.

Invoice Direct Labor By

Actual Cost

Select Actual Cost to have the Invoice Direct Labor By option set to Actual Cost when setting up a new job.

Skill Rate

Select Skill Rate to have the Invoice Direct Labor By option set to Skill Rate when setting up a new job.

Cost Plus Markup Percentages group box

Enter the default markup percentages to be used for Cost Plus Jobs. When setting up a Cost Plus Job these will default into the Cost Plus Invoice Markup Percentages area of the Invoice tab in Maintain Jobs and can be overridden.

Use GL Sales Accounts from group box

The Use GL Sales Account from group box determines the default location for Sales Accounts when setting up new Jobs. This option will default into new jobs, but may be changed.


Select the Job option to obtain the Sales Accounts from the Maintain Job - GL Accounts tab.

Job Type

Select the Job Type option to obtain the Sales Accounts from the Maintain Job Types.

Cost Code

Select the Cost Code option to obtain the Sales Accounts from the Maintain Cost Codes.

Cost Category

Select the Cost Category option to obtain the Sales Accounts from the Maintain Cost Category.

Product ID/Skill ID

Select the Product ID/Skill ID option to obtain the Sales Accounts from the Maintain Products or Maintain Skills.

Summary Invoice Text By Cost Type group box

The Summary Invoice Text entered in the following job cost type fields will be used when an Accounts Receivable Summary Invoice form is selected during the Process Print Invoices. Enter a text label for each cost type as you would like it to appear on the summary invoice form in the blank white field to the right of each default text label. If left blank, the system will use the default job cost types listed below.

Direct Labor

Direct Material

Other Direct Costs

Subcontractor Costs

Other Costs


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Maintain Configuration - Job Mask Tab The job mask determines the job number length, number of segments in the job number, type of separator, base job segment, and each segment's length, type, name, and sort order. The job mask is used, when creating jobs, to format the job number and provide some control over what values can be entered and for reporting purposes. Each segment represents a different job hierarchy; typical segments may include: main job, sub-job/phase, task, activity. All billing and reporting can now be performed down to the lowest segment level.

Give careful consideration to the design of the job mask to ensure that it fits the needs of your company, now and in the future. Once the job mask is entered and saved, only the Type of Separator, Segment Name, and Sort Order can be changed. You can define an account length of up to 10 characters (not including separators) with up to five segments. The Base Job Segment defaults to the first segment and cannot be changed. Each segment should be established to represent a specific reporting need. For example, the first segment represents the base job number while additional segments may represent a sub-job, phase, task, or activity. The segments cannot be subdivided, therefore, each segment should represent the lowest level of a specific reporting need. Select reports can be filtered based upon a range of values for each segment in the job mask. To provide additional flexibility, a given segment can be defined to only allow numeric, alphabetic, or alphanumeric characters. The type of segment separator character and the sort order also allow you to control the look of job numbers when they are displayed or printed on reports.

Job Mask tab

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Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Custom Job Mask

To create your own job mask, choose the Custom Job Mask option button.

Recommended Job Mask

To use the job mask recommended by CYMAIV choose the Recommended Job Mask option button.

Job Length

Enter the total number of characters for the job number (up to 10 characters), or click the spin box arrows to select the number of characters.

Number of Segments

Enter the number of segments that will divide the account number (up to 5 segments are allowed), or click the spin box arrows to select the number of segments.

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Type of Separator

Select a symbol from the drop down list box to be used to separate the segments during data entry, for display purposes, and reporting. The separators available are: hyphen (dash or minus sign) (-), period (.), forward slash (/), and backslash (\).

Base Job Segment

Segment number one "1" is the default and cannot be overridden.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Once you click on the DataGrid (after entering the Number of Segments), one line for each segment displays. Complete each line for each segment.


This view-only field displays the segment numbers one through the number entered in Number of Segments.


Enter the length of the segment.

Segment Name

Enter a name to describe the segment, such as Base Job, phase, etc. (up to 12 alphanumeric characters).

Segment Type

Select from the drop down list the character format for the segment. The available formats are: Alphabetic, Alphanumeric, and Numeric. Only uppercase letters are allowed in the alphabetic and alphanumeric mask (lowercase letters are converted to uppercase).

Once the Job mask has been entered and saved, the only changes allowed to the Segment Type are:

1) Change Numeric type to Alphanumeric, or

2) Change Alphabetic type to Alphanumeric.

Sort Order

Enter the number that corresponds to the order in which you want the segment to be placed when sorting account numbers.

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Enter Menu

Selecting the Enter menu from the Job Costing menu bar drops down a submenu that enables you to enter job costing data.

From the Enter menu you can select:

Labor Batches

Billable Charges


Job Transfers

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Enter Labor Batches Enter Labor allows the entry of direct labor hours and gross pay costs attributed to jobs directly in the JC module, when not utilizing the Payroll module. This is not a payroll system and does not issue checks or provide any other payroll type reports. For those companies that do government contract jobs, the JC module will store information that can be extracted in order to complete a Certified Payroll form WH-347.

Enter Labor Batches dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Batch #

This is a system generated number. When New is selected, the batch number will be -1 and will no longer be selectable. Upon save, the batch number will be assigned.


Enter the description of the labor batch.

Create Journal Entries

Check the Create Journal Entries if you want the posting process to create a Journal Entry in the General Ledger Module. The check box defaults based on the Create JEs for Labor Batches setting in Maintain Configuration.

Accrued PR Acct

Enter the Accrued PR Acct or select one from the browser. This account will default from Maintain Configuration and can be changed. The GL account entered here will be used in the journal entry to offset the values entered in the grid.

Batch Hours

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Enter the total number of hours combined for all employees. This field will help you to determine if all hours have been entered for this batch.

Batch Employees

Enter the number of employees you will be entering payroll for.

Start Date

Enter the Start Date for this batch of labor entries. The Date in the data grid will default to the Start Date.

End Date

Enter the End Date for this batch of labor entries.


The Status box will report Open until the Batch has been posted.

Labor Job

Enter an active Job or select one from the browser. The job selected will default into each line in the grid. The Job can be changed at that time.

Sort Option group box

The Sort Option group box is only available when the dialog is in view only mode. To put the dialog into view only mode, either select an already saved batch or save the current batch and reselect.


Select the Entry option to sort the grid in the order that the records were entered.


Select the Date option to sort the grid by the date column.

Employee ID

Select the Employee ID option to sort the grid by the Emp ID column.

Job ID

Select the Job ID option to sort the grid by the Job column.

DataGrid fields and columns

The data grid has User Column functionality. For more information go to the Data grid - User Column topic in the System Manager Help.


The Date field will default to the Start Date, and can be overridden. Subsequent lines in the grid default to the value in the previous line. Upon save the program will validate the dates within the grid with the Start/End date in the header. This date will be used for the GL Journal Entries and the JC activity transactions.

Emp ID

Enter or browse to an active Employee ID.

Earnings Type

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Browse or enter the Earnings Type for this entry. If one has been established at the employee level it will default in this field.


Enter the number of Hours this employee has worked for this job for this earnings type. This field will accept a positive or negative value. The hours will default to the Default Hours set up on the Maintain Employee dialog for the entered employee.


Browse or enter a valid Job ID.

Customer ID

The Customer ID column displays the ID associated with the customer assigned to the Job in Maintain Jobs.

Customer Name

The Customer Name column displays the name of the customer assigned to the Job in Maintain Jobs.


Check this box if the entry is to use the Certified rate for the hours recorded. This field defaults from Maintain Configuration. If this value is ”No” then the hourly rate on this line is not for a certified payroll and therefore the program will use the Hourly Rate from Maintain Employees. If the value is ”Yes” then the hourly rate on this line is for a certified payroll and the program will use the Skill Rate from Maintain Skills. No matter the source (Maintain Skill or Maintain Employee) this rate is written to the Unit Cost field in the JC transaction file.

Cost Code

Browse or enter an active Cost Code. This field will only appear if ”Use Cost Codes” is checked on the JC Maintain Configuration. If so, then this becomes a required field.

Skill ID

The Skill ID field will default from the Maintain Employee, but is enabled to enter or browse to another active skill ID.

Hourly Rate

The Hourly Rate field defaults based on the formula Hourly Rate or Skill Cost (if line is flagged as certified) times the Earnings Type rate multiplier. (Hourly Rate from Maintain Employee – Skill Cost from Maintain Skill). If the Pay Higher of Skill or Employee option in Maintain Configuration is checked the higher amount between the Skill ID or the Employee hourly rate will default, if using certified rates. This field is enabled for override.

Ext Rate

The Ext Rate field displays the results of multiplying the number of Hours time the Rate.

GL Account

Enter a GL Account or select one from the browser. The GL account will default based on the Job selected. This field will be disabled if the Job is a WIP job. This field can be used to record the debit account (Ex: this employee department’s payroll expense) for the transaction.

The posting of a line without a job will create a GL Journal Entry but will not create a JC Transaction.

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Enter a Description for this transaction (up to 255 characters). This description will be written over to the Accounts Receivable module. If billing in detail the description will also appear on many Job Costing reports including the labor entry reports.

Trans Code 1

The Trans Code 1 column is only available if Use Transaction Classification Codes was selected in Maintain Configuration. This value will default from the Employee.

Trans Code 2

The Trans Code 2 column is only available if Use Transaction Classification Codes was selected in Maintain Configuration. This value will default from the Employee.

Total Hours

This is a system calculated accumulation of all hours in the data grid for this batch. Upon the post this number will be compared with the Batch Hours control total to see that they match.

Employee Name

The Employee Name field will display the name of the employee.

Enter Labor command buttons

Click the Customer button to display the Maintain Customer dialog. If a single line is selected in the grid the Maintain Customer dialog will be populated with the information for the selected customer.

Click the Proof button to print the proof report. The proof report can be printed at anytime. The proof report is not a requirement of posting.

Click the Post button to create the Journal Entries and write the transactions to the Job.

It is important that only one user at a time performs the posting of labor, either from this dialog or from Process Post Labor Batches.

Click the Edit button to edit a saved Batch record.

The Save button validates and saves the data entered.

The New button prompts you to save any changes to the displayed invoice (if applicable) and then clears the dialog box. This allows you to create a new batch record or select another batch record for viewing or editing.

Click the Clear button to clear the entries in the grid.

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Click the Delete button to delete the entire batch record. Use the keyboard delete button for deleting individual highlighted lines.

The Close button prompts you to save any changes (if applicable) and closes the dialog box. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Enter Billable Charges When Billable Charges... is selected from the Job Costing Enter menu the Enter Billable Charges dialog box is displayed. The Billable Charges dialog box is for the purpose of entering billable charges for labor and other types of charges that do not have costs associated with them. An example of the type of charges you would enter here are charges for equipment use or mileage/travel and subcontractor hours. The first tab is used to enter Labor Charges. By entering a Skill level the labor type field allows you to record the charge to either labor or subcontract. The second tab is for entering other billable charges, (i.e. charges that have a Job Cost Type of DM, ODC, OVH, and OTH).

Each of the billable charges entered here must first be set up as a Product in the Maintain Product file and include a Unit of Measure, Job Cost Type, and a Sales price.

If a job will need a 'specific' billing rate, description, or unit of measure, then the product should be added to the Product Pricing tab in Maintain Jobs, likewise specific labor rates should be added to the Labor Pricing tab. Example: the standard billing rate for mileage is $0.50 per mile, but since this job is for the government we can only invoice $0.35 per mile. The $0.35 would be entered on the Product Pricing tab of Maintain Job.

A labor entry must first be set up as a Skill Code and linked to a Product ID in Job Costing Maintain Skills. Example: we employ both Jr. and Sr. Engineers. In the Maintain Skills table an entry is created for each. The standard company billing rate for a Jr. Engineer is $100.00/hour and the standard company billing rate for a Sr. Engineer is $200.00. Both skills are assigned a default product called "Direct Labor". After the skills have been defined, you may enter labor charges against a job. In this example, if we select the Sr. Engineer, the standard company billing rate of $200.00 will default and may be changed per job.

When Payroll entries are posted to a Time and Material job, the standard company billing rate is used unless specific pricing for a job has been established on the Labor Pricing tab in Maintain Jobs.

Once all billable charges are entered and saved in this dialog box they will be stored in the Job Cost Transaction file where they will eventually be Invoiced to the customer in Accounts Receivable. Once the total quantity has been processed through Prepare Invoices and an Accounts Receivable invoice has been created, the entries no longer appear in the Billable Charges dialog. If only partial amounts have been processed, the remainder can be adjusted or deleted. Once an entry has been saved the hours or units cannot be changed to a negative value.

Billable charges (Labor and Other) can be edited up until the time they have been processed through Prepare Invoices and an Accounts Receivable invoice has been created. Billable charge entries may also be made with a negative quantity or rate. If the Billable Charges are found to be incorrect after the Accounts Receivable invoice has been created, they must be corrected in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoices. However, corrections made in the Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice dialog will not update the Job Costing transaction files.

Changes made to Accounts Receivable invoices that originated in the Job Costing module DO NOT update the Job Costing transaction file. In other words, if you need the invoice information stored in Job Costing to agree to the Accounts Receivable module, you will need to make all changes in the Job Costing module prior to sending the invoice to Accounts Receivable. Editing the invoice in Accounts Receivable after it has been sent from Job Costing will not update the Job Costing files.

Enter Billable Charges Other Tab

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Enter Billable Charges Labor Tab

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Enter Billable Charges - Labor Tab The Billable Charges Labor Tab is an alternate means of entering labor charges against a job. An example of the type of charges you would enter here are subcontractor hours and if an outside payroll source is utilized.

Enter Billable Charges Labor Tab Dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.


Select the Job ID or use the Browser to select one. The job description displays in view-only mode.

Project Manager

The Project Manager assigned to this job displays in view only mode, if applicable.

Total Entries

The Total Entries field display the total number of entries in the data grid. This field is populated and updated upon saving.

Sort Order GroupBox


Select the Date option to sort the records in the datagrid based upon the transaction date.

Skill ID

Select the Skill ID option to sort the records in the datagrid based upon the skill ID.

DataGrid Fields and Columns


Enter the Skill ID or select one using the browser.

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The description assigned to the product will default, and may be overridden.

Cost Code

Enter or select from the browser an active Cost Code for this transaction. The Cost Code column will be visible and a value required if the Use Cost Codes checkbox is checked in Maintain Configuration.


Enter the date associated with the transaction.

Each subsequent line in the datagrid will automatically populate the date field with the date used in the previous transaction line. This will continue to occur until you save and close the dialog. When you return to this dialog to enter additional other charges, you will be required to enter the date on the first new transaction line. Once this has been accomplished, each additional transaction line will auto populate the date field.


Enter the number of hours. This field must contain a value greater than zero. Negative values are also permitted.


The rate defaults from the labor skill code rate assigned to the Labor Pricing tab in Maintain Jobs. If a rate is not assigned to the Labor Pricing tab, the rate will default from Maintain Skill Levels. This is a required field, which can not be a negative value and may be overridden.


The Total field displays the result of the hours multiplied by the rate. This is a view only field.

Labor Type

The default labor type is Direct Labor, you may also select Subcontractor from the drop down menu.


Enter a user defined name such as an employee number or name if not using CYMAIV Payroll, a subcontractors name or a company name (up to 30 alphanumeric characters).

Trans Class 1

Enter the Transaction Classification Code or use the browser to select one. This value will default from Maintain Configuration and may be overridden.

Trans Class 2

Enter the Transaction Classification Code or use the browser to select one. This value will default from Maintain Configuration and may be overridden.

Enter Billable Charges Command Buttons

Click the Job button to access the Maintain Job dialog for the selected job.

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The Save button validates and saves the data entered. The Save button is enabled when data on the dialog box is changed.

The New button prompts you to save any changes to the displayed invoice (if applicable) and then clears the dialog box. This allows you to create a new invoice or select another invoice for viewing or editing.

The Close button prompts you to save any changes (if applicable) and closes the dialog box. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Enter Billable Charges - Other Tab The Billable Charges Other Tab is for the purpose of entering billable charges for other types of charges that do not have costs associated with them. An example of the type of charges you would enter here are charges for equipment use or mileage/travel. Other Charges include charges that have a Job Cost Type of DM, ODC, OVH, and OTH.

Each of the other charges entered here must first be set up as a Product in the Maintain Product file and include a unit of measure, a Job Cost Type, and a billing rate (Sales price).

Enter Billable Charges Other Tab Dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.


Select the Job ID or use the Browser to select one. The job description displays in view-only mode.

Project Manager

The Project Manager assigned to this job displays in view only mode, if applicable.

Total Entries

The Total Entries field display the total number of entries in the data grid. This field is populated and updated upon saving.

Sort Order GroupBox


Select the Date option to sort the records in the datagrid based upon the transaction date.

Product ID

Select the Product ID option to sort the records in the datagrid based upon the product ID.

DataGrid Fields and Columns

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Enter the Product ID or select one using the browser.


The description assigned to the product will default, and may be overridden.

Cost Code

Enter or select from the browser an active Cost Code for this transaction. The Cost Code column will be visible and a value required if the Use Cost Codes check box is checked in Maintain Configuration.


Enter the date associated with the transaction.

Each subsequent line in the datagrid will automatically populate the date field with the date used in the previous transaction line. This will continue to occur until you save and close the dialog. When you return to this dialog to enter additional other charges, you will be required to enter the date on the first new transaction line. Once this has been accomplished, each additional transaction line will auto populate the date field.


Enter the number of units. The default value is 1.0000 and may be overridden. Negative values are also permitted.


The unit of measure defaults from the value assigned to the Purchasing tab of Maintain Products and may be overridden.


The rate defaults from the price field on the Sales tab of Maintain Products and may be overridden.


The Total field displays the result of the units multiplied by the rate. This is a view only field.


Check the Costed box if you want the cost of this item to be posted to the General Ledger. A journal entry will be created when the costed transaction is invoiced in Process Prepare Invoices. Only non Inventory type products can be costed.

Unit Cost

This view only field shows the unit cost of the product in Maintain Products.

Trans Class 1

Enter the Transaction Classification Code or use the browser to select one. This value will default from Maintain Configuration and may be overridden.

Trans Class 2

Enter the Transaction Classification Code or use the browser to select one. This value will default from Maintain Configuration and may be overridden.

Enter Billable Charges Command Buttons

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Click the Job button to access the Maintain Job dialog for the job of a selected line in the grid.

The Save button validates and saves the data entered. The Save button is enabled when data on the dialog box is changed.

The New button prompts you to save any changes to the displayed invoice (if applicable) and then clears the dialog box. This allows you to create a new invoice or select another invoice for viewing or editing.

The Close button prompts you to save any changes (if applicable) and closes the dialog box. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Enter Adjustments When Enter Adjustments... is selected from the Enter Menu, the Enter Adjustment dialog displays. This dialog is used to enter adjustments to a job.

Enter Adjustment dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Reference No

Enter a Reference No for this transactions.


Enter a Description for this adjustment.

Create Journal Entries

Check the Create Journal Entries check box if a Journal Entry needs to be created in the General Ledger.

When this box is checked the total of adjustments must equal zero. This will ensure a balanced Journal Entry.

Eligible for Invoicing

Check the Eligible for Invoicing check box if you would like bill these transactions through the Prepare Invoice process.

Adjustment Date

Enter the Adjustment Date for this transaction. This date will be used for the JC transaction and for the General Ledger Journal Entry, if one is created.

Data grid Columns and Fields

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Enter a valid Job or select one from the browser.

Skill ID

Enter a valid Skill ID or select one from the browser. This field will be grayed out if you have selected a Product in the Product ID column.

Product ID

Enter a valid Product ID or select one from the browser. This field will be grayed out if you have selected a Skill in the Skill ID column and display the name of the product associated with the Skill.

Cost Code

Enter a valid Cost Code or select one from the browser. This column will only be displayed if the Use Cost Codes check box is checked in Maintain Configuration.

Earnings Type

Enter a valid Earnings Type or select one from the browser. This field is only available if a Skill ID is selected.


Enter the units or hours for this adjustment.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost will default from the Skill or Product record selected. This value may be changed.

Ext Cost

The Ext Cost field will display the value of the Units/Hours field times the Unit Cost field.


The Invoice? field is a drop down field that has the options of Yes or No. Selecting Yes will make the adjustment available in the Prepare Invoice dialog. Selecting No will prevent the adjustment from showing in the Prepare Invoice dialog. The default setting is Yes.

Account ID

The Account ID will show the General Ledger account number associated with the Job. This field will only be populated if the Create Journal Entries check box is checked. The account number can be changed.


Enter a Description for this transaction (up to 20 alphanumeric characters).

Trans Class 1

Enter a valid Transaction Classification Code or select one from the browser.

Trans Class 2

Enter a valid Transaction Classification Code or select one from the browser.

Job Description

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The view only Job Description field will show the job description for a selected line.

Product Description

The view only Product Description field will show the product description for a selected line.

Skill Description

The view only Skill Description field will show the skill description for a selected line.

Cost Code Description

The view only Cost Code Description field will show the cost code description for a selected line.

Account Description

The view only Account Description field will show the account description for a selected line.

Enter Adjustments Command Buttons

Click the Proof button to print the proof report.

Click the Post button to write the transactions to the job and create the General Ledger Journal Entry (if selected).

Click the Clear button to clear all transactions in the grid.

Click the Close button to close the dialog without saving.

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Enter Job Transfers When Job Transfers... is selected from the Job Costing Enter menu the Job Transfers dialog box is displayed. This dialog box will be used to transfer job transactions that reside in the Job Cost Transaction file from one job to another. A transfer can be for the full quantity or a partial quantity. If the transaction type is "Cost", an adjusting General Ledger journal entry will be created in the system journal "JC". These journal entries must then be posted through the Post Journal Entries Process in or to complete the transfer in the General Ledger.

An adjusting General Ledger journal entry will NOT be created if the transaction type being transferred is a "charge".

The normal sequence for invoicing jobs starts with job costs and charges being written to the Job Costing Transaction file from the source modules (i.e. Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Inventory, Payroll). Based on the completion of a job, or on a pre-defined invoicing schedule, the project manager will inquire on a job in the Job Costing Prepare Invoices process in order to see what can be invoiced to the customer (applies to Cost Plus and Time and Material jobs only). If while viewing the transactions on the screen or on the proof report the project manager notices transactions that were entered incorrectly, those transactions can be transferred to the correct job in Enter Job Transfers.

If the quantity is something that will never be Invoiced, the user should set up a user defined job and transfer the quantity to it for future action. This would handle the situation where 10 widgets were ordered for a job and only four are actually used. The remaining 6 widgets need to be put in stock or returned to the vendor. The quantity of 6 items would be transferred to a job called "Stock" or "Return".

Once the Job ID has been entered, the program will find and display all "uninvoiced" transactions in the Job Costing transaction file for this job. Once the qualifying transactions are displayed in the data grid, you are permitted to access the quantity field in order to transfer a partial quantity from the original job to another job.

The following processes take place during the posting of a job transfer:

1) The "transfer to" job number will replace the "transfer from" job number on the individual line items in the Job Costing transaction file if the full quantity was transferred, in other words, the entire transaction is assigned a new job number;

2) If a partial quantity is transferred, the quantity is adjusted on the original Job Costing transaction line and another Job Costing transaction line is created for the quantity being transferred to the new job. For example, Job 100 has a remaining quantity of 10 widgets, of which five widgets are transferred to Job 200. Upon completion of the posting, Job 100 will show a remaining quantity of 5 and a new transaction will be created for Job 200 displaying a quantity of 5 widgets.

3) Finally, a General Ledger journal entry will be written to the system journal "JC" transferring the transaction from one job to another. Only "cost" type transactions will create a journal entry. If unbilled "charges" need to be transferred to another job you may simply delete the line in the data grid and re-enter it for a different job. If the charges have already been billed, a manual General Ledger journal entry must be used to complete a transfer.

The Proof report is the audit trail that records the detailed information about each job transfer. We strongly recommend that you print this report in hard copy, prior to posting, for future reference.

Enter Job Transfers Dialog

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Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.


Enter the job number of the job you are transferring costs from, or use the browser to select one. The job description, customer and customer name display in view only mode.

As soon as the Job number is entered, the data grid is populated with all uninvoiced transactions for this job, both costs and charges. Although charges can also be transferred from one job to another, a General Ledger journal entry is not created for the transfer of charges. To transfer items that have already been billed use the General Ledger Enter Journal Entries process.

Project Manager

The Project Manager assigned to this job displays in view only mode, if applicable.


The Customer ID and Name assigned to this job displays in view only mode

Transfer To

Enter the job number of the job you are transferring to, or use the browser to select one. The job description is displayed in view only mode. The "Transfer To" job number may not be the same as the "transfer from" job number selected above.

Transfer Date

The Transfer Date controls the period and year in which the General Ledger batch will be posted.

Sort Order GroupBox


Select the date option to sort the records in the datagrid based upon transaction date.


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Select the product option to sort the records in the datagrid based upon the product ID. When this option is selected the grid is sorted first by product and then by date.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

All fields in the datagrid are in view only mode with the exception of the unit/hours field. The unit/hours field is enabled allowing you to input the quantity to be transferred.


The transaction date is displayed in view only mode

Trx Type

The transaction type is displayed in view only mode. There are two types of transactions, Cost and Charge. Both transaction types can be transferred between jobs. Only Cost transaction types will create a journal entry. Costs can originate in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Inventory and Payroll and represent actual costs associated with the job. Charges are entered through Job Costing Enter Billable charges. Charges are used strictly for invoicing purposes and are not posted to a job, hence the Costs To Date field on Maintain Jobs is not updated by these transactions, an example of a charge would be equipment rental.

Cost Type

The cost type associated with this transaction displays in view only mode.


The product ID displays in view only mode.


The product description displays in view only mode.


The unit/hour field will default the remaining, uninvoiced units or hours for this transaction and can be changed. The changed amount may not be greater than the default amount remaining, nor can it be changed to a zero or a negative value. For example, if the quantity shown is 10, you may transfer any positive number greater than zero and up to 10. For negative original quantities, the same logic applies -- if the quantity shown is -10, you may transfer any negative number up to and including -10. Quantities of zero are not permitted. A positive amount may not be changed to a negative amount and vice versa.


The cost/rate associated with this transaction displays in view only mode.


The total field displays a calculated value, unit/hours multiplied by cost/rate.


The ID displays in view only mode, if applicable. Transactions originating in Accounts Payable display the vendor ID, transactions originating in Payroll display the employee ID.


The name displays in view only mode, if applicable. Transactions originating in Accounts Payable display the vendor name, transactions originating in Payroll display the employee name. Labor charges originating in Job Costing display the user defined name entered when creating the charge, if any.

Enter Job Transfers Command Buttons

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Click the Deselect All button to return all selected transactions to a non-selected status.

Click the Select All button to include all transactions in the transfer.

Click the Post button to post the selected transactions.

The proof listing prints a list of the transactions to be posted. We recommend printing the proof listing prior to completing the posting process. This report can be used for verification of the transfer and later for reference.

Click the Print Proof button to print a detailed proof report listing of the individual transactions to be transferred. When selected, the Create Report? dialog box displays, allowing you to select the report destination and select the printer. Once the proof listing is printed and closed, to continue with the posting process, simply press Post. This allows you to abort the posting if the data printed on the proof listing is incorrect.

The New button clears the dialog box and returns focus to the Job field allowing you to select a different job.

The Close button closes the dialog box. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Process Menu

Selecting the Process menu from the Job Costing menu bar drops down a submenu that enables you to process job costing data.

From the Process menu you can select:

Create Purchase Orders

Post Labor Batches

Apply Overhead

Prepare Invoices

Multi-Job Invoicing


Reopen/Close Jobs

Closed Jobs to History

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Process Create Purchase Orders Selecting Create Purchase Orders... from the Process menu accesses the Process Create Purchase Orders dialog box. This dialog box is for automatically creating Purchase Orders based on estimates set up for Job Budgets.

Process Create Purchase Orders dialog box

The dialog consists of two tabs, Product Criteria and Selected Products.

Product Criteria tab

The Product Criteria tab contains selection criteria that will limit the products and jobs that are processed.

Selected Products tab

The Selected Products tab displays the products that fulfill the selection criteria entered on the Product Criteria tab.

Process Create Purchase Orders Command Buttons

Select the Find Now to find all products based on the criteria selected on the Product Criteria Tab and display the Selected Products Tab.

Select the Select All button to select all products, listed on the Selected Products tab, for processing.

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Select the DeSelect All button to remove the selection from all products listed on the Selected Products tab.

Select the Print Proof button to print the proof report.

Select the Create POs button to create the POs in the Purchase Order Module.

Based on settings in Maintain Sales Rep and Maintain Buyers, e-mails will be sent after the Purchase Orders are created.

Select the Close button to exit the dialog without creating Purchase Orders.

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Process Create Purchase Orders - Product Criteria Tab The Product Criteria tab contains selection criteria that will limit the products and jobs that are processed. Once the criteria has been selected click the Find Now button to display the results on the Selected Products tab.

Process Create Purchase Orders - Product Criteria tab

Refer to the following fields and descriptions

Data grid columns and fields

Job ID

The Job ID option allows you to select products based on the Job.

Product ID

The Product ID option allows you to select products based on the Product ID.


The Skill ID option allows you to select products based on the Skill.

Delivery Date

The Delivery Date option allows you to select products based on the date of delivery assigned in the estimate grid.

Cost Code

The Cost Code option allows you to select products based on Cost Code.

Cost Category

The Cost Category option allows you to select products based on Cost Category.

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For more information regarding the Selection Criteria go to the Selection Criteria topic in the System Manager Help.

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Process Create Purchase Orders - Selected Products tab The Selected Products tab displays the result of the options selected on the Product Criteria tab.

Process Create Purchase Orders - Selected Products tab

Refer to the following fields and descriptions


The Job number and description for the selected job will display in these fields.


The Customer ID and name for the selected job will display in these fields.

Display group box


Select the All option to display all products in the grid that matched the selection criteria given on the Product Criteria tab.


Select the Selected option to display only products in the grid that have a value in the SKU Order Qty column.

Sort By group box

Product ID

Select the Product ID option to sort the grid by the Product ID column.

Cost Code

Select the Cost Code option to sort the grid by the Cost Code column.

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Delivery Date

Select the Delivery Date option to sort the grid by the Delivery Date column.

Vendor ID

Select the Vendor ID option to sort the grid by the Vendor ID column.

Unprinted PO Type group box

Purchase Order

Select the Purchase Order option to create purchase orders for the selected items. The resulting purchase orders will need to be printed in the Purchase Order module prior to being available for receiving or invoicing.


Select the Requisition option to create requisitions for the selected items. The resulting requisitions will need to be converted to Purchase Orders and printed in the Purchase Order module prior to being available for receiving or invoicing.

Data grid columns and fields

Product ID

The Product ID column displays the Product ID in view only mode.

Skill ID

The Skill ID column displays the Skill ID in view only mode.


The Description column displays the description of the skill or product in view only mode.

Cost Type

The Cost Type column displays the Cost Type in view only mode.


The SKU U/M column displays the SKU Unit of Measure in view only mode.


The Units/Hours column will default the amount from the estimate, but the value can be changed.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost column displays the cost of the skill or product from the estimate grid in view only mode.

Ext Cost

The Ext Cost column displays the calculation of Units/Hours times the Unit Cost.

Delivery Date

The Delivery Date column displays the Delivery Date entered in the estimate grid for the job budget.

Drop Ship

The Drop Ship column has a drop down to designate if this product should be drop shipped.


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The Warehouse column displays the warehouse the product should ship to.

Qty Available

The Qty Available column displays the current quantity on hand in view only mode.

Vendor ID

The Vendor ID columns displays the Prime Vendor for this product. This value can be changed.

Cost Code/Cost Category Description

The Cost Code/Cost Category Description will display the cost code and category for a selected line.

Vendor Name

The Vendor Name field will display the name of the vendor for the selected line.

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Process Post Labor Batches Select Post Labor Batches... from the Process menu to access the Post Labor Batches dialog box. The Reopen/Close Jobs dialog box allows you post the labor batches entered through Enter Labor Batches to the General Ledger.

It is important that only one user at a time performs the posting of labor, either from this dialog or from Enter Labor Batches.

Process Post Labor Batches dialog

Refer to the following fields and descriptions.

Selections group box


The Field column is a read only column that lists the selection parameters, so you can limit the records for processing.

Batch Number

The Batch Number is a system defined number assigned at the time the labor batch was saved.


Specify the selection criteria relation that applies to a given field option. The default value is "All". Available Relation options include: All, Between, Equal To, Greater Than, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than, or Less Than Or Equal To

Value 1

The Value 1 field becomes enabled and is required if the following Relations are chosen: Equal To, Between, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal to, Less Than, and Less Than or Equal to. For Between, this column will contain the first value you choose in the range. For the remaining listed Relations, it will contain the specified value you choose based on the field that is displayed in a given row. The Browser is available to specify the data for the field listed on the row.

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Value 2

This column will be enabled and required only if the Between Relation is selected. Specify the highest end of the range in this field. The Browser is available for data selection.

Reference No for Journal Entry

Enter a value to be used for the Journal Entry that is created, up to 6 alphanumeric characters.

Print Destination group box

The Print Destination group box is to define where you would like the proof report to print.


Select the Screen option to view the proof report on the screen.


Select the Printer option to print the selected printer.


Select the File option to export the report to a file.

Process Post Labor Batches Command Buttons

Click the Post button to create the General Ledger Journal entries.

Journal Entries will not be created for batches that have the "Create Journal Entries" check box unchecked in Enter Labor Batches.

Click the Setup Printer button to change the selected printer or change options for the selected printer.

Click the Cancel button to exit the dialog without creating journal entries.

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Process Apply Overhead Overhead costs are indirect costs (i.e. rent, supplies, indirect labor, employer fringe, etc.) that are incurred during the year that are not charged directly to a job. Through the Apply Overhead process CYMAIV will apply these costs based on their relationship to the direct cost types incurred by the job. Applying Overhead should only occur after the processing and posting of Accounts Payable, Payroll, Job Cost Transfers, Inventory and General Ledger Journal Entries. After these postings the direct costs incurred by the job are now available for the applied overhead calculation. Based on the dates entered in the applied overhead dialog the system will apply the overhead percentages based on data entered in the Overhead Matrix to the applicable source transactions.

There are two special overhead types: "Fringe" and "General & Administrative". The Fringe overhead type is applied on jobs for any incurred direct labor. The purpose of applying Fringe overhead on all incurred direct labor is to reflect a fully burdened direct labor dollar. The General & Administrative overhead type is applied on all Direct Costs (i.e. DL, DM, ODC, SUB, Other) and Indirect Costs (i.e. other Applied Overhead).

The Job Cost Apply Overhead process will do the following:

Create new records in the JC Transaction file - with a JC Cost Type of "OVH". A job costing transaction "record" will be created for each unique combination of job number and overhead type. Note: The overhead transactions will include the Cost Code established on the product, if any.

A General Ledger entry with a journal type of "JCOVH" has been created and requires posting in GL. The journal entry will be written with the date entered in the Transaction To field. A journal entry will be written for each job by the applied overhead type. All overhead types will be recorded in the job’s overhead cost type. The debit will be the job’s OVH GL account (i.e. WIP or COGS). The credit will be the Applied Overhead GL account that resides on each record in the Overhead Matrix.

Once a direct cost transaction has had overhead applied, a flag is set which prevents the direct cost transaction from having additional overhead types applied when additional overhead types are added at a later date. For this reason, it is extremely important for you to establish your overhead matrix in its entirety prior to processing any overhead transactions against source cost transactions.

Once the system has made the first pass to determine what direct costs should have overhead applied it makes a second pass. On the second pass the system will apply the General & Administrative overhead for qualified jobs. The reason is that to apply General & Administrative overhead the indirect overhead amount applied previously on the direct costs is required. Remember - General & Administrative overhead is applied on both direct and indirect costs.

The Overhead Matrix dialog allows you to define different types of applied overhead and their applicable percentages (i.e. Manufacturing Overhead, Engineering Overhead, Fringe Overhead, Material Handling and General & Administrative). The Apply Overhead process automatically creates General Ledger journal entries and maintains separate "OVH" overhead records in the Job Costing Transaction file. If a job in Maintain Base Jobs has been defined as Cost Plus with a Cost Plus Profit percentage, these overhead entries are available to be invoiced as separate line items on the AR invoice.

Process Apply Overhead dialog box

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Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Job Range group box

Use the Job Range group box to select the range of jobs that you would like to Process Overhead. Overhead will only be applied to a job if the appropriate boxes are checked in Maintain Jobs.


Enter or select from the browser and active Job.


Enter or select from the browser and active Job.

Date Range group box

Use the Date Range group box to select the range of dates that you would like to Process Overhead. Enter the date range of those transactions to be processed. Only posted transactions within the date range that have not had overhead previously applied will qualify. The date entered in the To field will be used as the transaction date in both Job Costing and General Ledger.

Apply Overhead from:

Enter the first date for including transactions.


Enter the last date for including transactions. Options group box

Create Journal Entries

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Select the Create Journal Entries if Journal Entries should be created in the General Ledger module.



Select Detail to print the detail proof report.


Select Summary to print the detail proof report.

Process Apply Overhead Command Buttons

Click the Print Proof button to display the proof listing. This report should be used for verification of accuracy prior to creating the overhead entries. Report destinations include screen, printer and file.

This process may not be reversed. Any transaction that is processed now will be disqualified from future processing. After this process is complete, any corrections will need to be entered as manual journal entries.

Click the OK button to being processing. Please be sure that you have backed up your data files prior to running this process.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. You are prompted to save any changes (if applicable). Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Applied Overhead Calculation Spreadsheet

JC Apply Overhead Proof Listing (Detail)

Apply Over Head From: July 1, 2006 to July 30, 2006

Date Cost type

Product ID and Description Unit/Hours Cost/Rate Ext. Cost Ovhd % Overhead Amount

COPY1.00 Copy Center

7/3/2006 DL LAB - Labor 8.00 15.00 120.00

7/3/2006 DL LAB - Labor 8.00 38.00 304.00

7/4/2006 DL LAB - Labor 8.00 15.00 120.00

7/4/2006 DL LAB - Labor 8.00 38.00 304.00

7/5/2006 DL LAB - Labor 8.00 15.00 120.00

7/5/2006 DL LAB - Labor 8.00 38.00 304.00

7/6/2006 DL LAB - Labor 6.50 15.00 97.50

7/6/2006 DL LAB - Labor 7.00 38.00 266.00

7/7/2006 DL LAB - Labor 9.25 15.00 138.75

7/7/2006 DL LAB - Labor 9.25 38.00 351.50

Sub Total Labor 80.00 265.00 2125.75

7/30/2006 OVH LABOVHD - Labor Overhead 80.00 265.00 2125.75 55.00% $1,169.16

7/30/2006 OVH FRINGE - Fringe Overhead 80.00 265.00 2125.75 18.00% $382.64

Total Labor Overhead $1,551.80

7/10/2006 DM NI - Non Inventory 1.00 500.00 500.00

7/30/2006 OVH MATOVHD - Material Overhead

1.00 500.00 45.00% $2,25.00

7/10/2006 SUB WORK - Sub Work 1.00 500.00 500.00

7/10/2006 SUB WORK - Sub Work 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

7/30/2006 OVH SUBOVHD - Sub Contractor Overhead

2.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 35.00% $1,050.00

7/30/2006 OVH GAOVHD - G&A Overhead 1.00 8,452.55 45.00% $3,803.65

Total Job Overhead $6,630.45

2125.75 direct labor

1169.16 labor overhead

382.64 fringe overhead

500.00 direct material

225.00 material overhead

3000.00 sub contract work

1050.00 sub contract overhead

8452.55 Total Amount used to calculate G&A Overhead

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Process Prepare Invoices When Prepare Invoices ... is selected from the Job Costing Process menu the Prepare Invoices dialog box is displayed. This dialog box is used for gathering and pushing billable transactions from Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory, General Ledger and Job Costing to the Accounts Receivable module. Only transactions referencing a job that have been updated through "Accounts Payable Post Invoices", "Payroll Print Checks", General Ledger Post Journal Entries", saved "Job Costing Billable Charges", posted "Job Transfers" and posted Inventory transactions are candidates to be included on an invoice. Once the transactions are sent to Accounts Receivable (by pressing the "Create Invoice" button) for invoicing, they are no longer available to the Prepare Invoice process.

The "Create Invoice" button is disabled if CYMAIV Accounts Receivable is not installed. A proof listing can be printed to provide the invoicing information for these jobs.

All selected line item transactions for a job are included in one Accounts Receivable invoice that is dated in the period selected in the appropriate invoicing tab in the Prepare Invoices process, even though the original transactions may be from multiple periods. Invoice forms have been designed to control the level of detail that is printed for the customer.

To fulfill the Product ID requirements on the Accounts Receivable Invoice, transactions for cost types of DL and SUB will extract the product ID from the skill code assigned to the transaction. Note: All Skill Codes require a Product ID in Maintain Skills . General Ledger transactions will be assigned a default System Product to fulfill this requirement.

This Prepare Invoices dialog box has four tabs, the Invoice Selection Criteria Tab, the Fixed Price/ETC Invoicing Tab, the Cost Plus Invoicing tab and the Time and Material Invoicing tab. The Invoicing Selection Criteria tab is used to find transactions regardless of billing method. One of the remaining three tabs will become active depending upon the billing method assigned to the job you entered on the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab. The design and the fields on the Invoicing tabs will vary depending on the Invoicing Method type assigned to the job on Maintain Job.

The Invoicing Selection Criteria tab allows you to specify a single job at a time. Upon pressing the Create Invoice button, the program returns to the Selection Criteria tab allowing you to select the next job for invoicing or review.

Invoicing Selection Criteria Dialog

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Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Enter Job Transaction Criteria Group Box

Use the DataGrid to enter selection criteria for selecting transactions based on the following fields:


This view-only column shows the fields available for user-defined selection criteria. The options are as follows:


The Job option allows you to process transactions based on the Job ID. Only one job can be processed at a time.

Transaction Date

The Transaction Date option allows you to select transactions based on the date. All transactions up to and including the date entered, that have not previously been invoiced, will appear on the appropriate invoicing tab.

This is the date the program will use for finding Job Costing transactions that have not previously been pushed to Accounts Receivable for invoicing. Entries originating in the Payroll module are written to the Job Costing transaction file using the frequency period end date. For example, if the biweekly frequency current pay period is 09/01/03 through 09/15/03, when the costs are written to the transaction file, they are dated 09/15/03.

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The Date range selected here will be written to the Accounts Receivable invoice in the Invoice Description field.

Cost Code

The Cost Code option allows you to process transactions based on the Cost Code.

Cost Category

The Cost Category option allows you to process transactions based on the Cost Code.

Skill ID

The Skill ID option allows you to process transactions based on the Cost Code.

Job Cost Types Group Box

The individual checkboxes in the job cost types groupbox are for determining which cost types to include in the selection criteria. By default, all six cost types will be included, you may override this selection by unchecking any of the job cost types that are not wanted.

Direct Labor Direct Material Other Direct Costs

Subcontractor Costs Other Costs Overhead

Retainage Only

The Retainage Only check box is used to prepare the final invoice for any retainage amounts withheld from previous invoices. Retainage refers to the pre-determined amount (percentage) to be withheld from the invoice until job completion. Retainage can be calculated for any job, regardless of the invoicing method.

Invoicing Tab Dialogs

Cost Plus Jobs

Fixed Price/ETC

Time and Material

Invoicing Selection Criteria Command Buttons

Click the Job button to view, edit or create jobs.

Select the Find Now button to locate the data matching the selection criteria. This button is only enabled when the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab is active. When selected, the appropriate Invoicing tab becomes active and the DataGrid lists the transactions meeting the criteria, if applicable. The DataGrid allows you select which transactions will be invoiced. Switch tabs to change the selection criteria and click the Find Now button again to display transactions meeting the new selection criteria. This gives you the option of preparing invoices for multiple jobs in one session.

Additionally, any entries on the Labor and Product tabs of the job, that have the Auto Invoice field set to Yes, will be brought into the grid for invoicing.

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Posted journal entries that have already been through the Prepare Invoices process are excluded from the applicable datagrids.

Fixed Price and ETC Invoicing method tabs display billable charge type transactions. The data grid for these billing methods allow you to select charges and/or create the transaction lines for the invoice.

Click the Select All button to select all transaction lines for invoicing. This button is not applicable to the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab.

Click the Deselect All button to return all selected transactions to a non-selected status. This button is not applicable to the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab.

Click the Print Proof button to display a detailed proof listing. This report should be used for verification of accuracy prior to creating the invoice. Changes made after the invoice has been created are not written back to the Job Costing transaction files. Report destinations include screen, printer and file. This button is not applicable to the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab.

The Create Invoice button is used to create an invoice in Accounts Receivable. If the Base Job or the Job in Maintain Jobs - Invoice Tab contains a retainage percentage, this amount will be calculated during invoice preparation. A separate line will be created for retainage, if applicable. A separate line item will be created for each transaction line selected. The invoice may then be accessed in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoices. This invoice is similar to a standard Accounts Receivable invoice in that it may be printed and posted as usual. This button is not applicable to the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab.

Changes made to an invoice after it has been sent to Accounts Receivable are NOT written back to the Job Costing transaction file. For this reason, all necessary changes should be made in the Prepare Invoices process prior to creating the invoice.

When the invoice has been created, many fields in the Job Costing transaction file are updated to reflect the actual amounts that have been invoiced. These fields include any adjusted units and adjusted invoicing rates. A flag is set indicating that these transactions have been invoiced, and are no longer available to the Prepare Invoices process.

Click the Close button to cancel the operation. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Process Prepare Invoices - Cost Plus Invoicing Tab "Markup Only" The Cost Plus Invoicing Tab in Prepare Invoices is used to create invoices for jobs that have been configured with a Cost Plus billing method. When a Cost Plus job is entered in the selection criteria tab of the Prepare Invoices process, this is the screen that will display.

A Cost Plus job is a billing method that gathers the actual costs incurred, grouped by cost types, and multiplies them by a markup percentage when creating an Accounts Receivable invoice for the customer. In the CYMAIV program, only the actual costs that originate in Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory and the General Ledger are considered "COST" type transactions and qualify for a markup percentage. The markup percentages for each of the six job cost types are defined in Maintain Jobs.

Transactions entered through the Job Costing Billable Charges dialog do not qualify for a markup percentage. These entries are invoicing charges and not costs. Any transaction originating in Billable Charges contains a transaction type of "CHG" and as such will not have the markup percentage applied when the Accounts Receivable invoice is created. Additionally, you may not override the markup percentage field in the Prepare Invoices process. All 'charges' should be entered with the appropriate markup percentage included in the amount.

When a Cost Plus job is entered in the selection criteria tab, each individual line item currently residing in the Job Costing Transaction file for this job, up to and including the date requirement on the selection criteria tab, that has not previously been invoiced, will be displayed as individual entries in the data grid below. If a line item in the data grid has a source of Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory or General Ledger ("COST" transactions), the Unit/Hours and the MU % fields are enabled for override and the cost/rate field is disabled. If a line item in the grid has a source of Job Costing (CHG transactions) then Unit/Hours and Cost/Rate are enabled for override, and the MU% field is disabled.

If the Project Manager identifies a transaction that was entered incorrectly, the transaction should be de-selected before processing, and then later transferred to the correct job in the Job Costing Enter Job Transfers dialog. When a "CST" type transaction is transferred to another job, a journal entry is automatically created in the General Ledger.

For Cost Plus and Time & Material jobs when a transaction is a DL or SUB transaction type both the Product ID and description will be those assigned to the Skill Level used in the transaction. This Product ID and description will be what is used on the Accounts Receivable invoice.

Cost Plus Invoicing Tab Dialog

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Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Job ID

This view-only field displays the job selected on the selection criteria tab.

Job Description

This view-only field displays the job description associated with the job selected on the selection criteria tab.

Customer ID

This view-only field displays the Customer ID assigned to this job.

Customer Name

This view-only field displays the customers' name.

Project Manager

This view-only field displays the name of the Project Manager assigned to this job.

Job Invoicing Information

Contract Value

The Contract Value field is view only and will display the Total Contract Value from Maintain Jobs. This value is the total of the Original Contract value plus any Billable Change Orders.

Invoiced To Date

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The Invoiced To Date view-only field displays the total amount previously invoiced to this job. This amount is updated each time an invoice with this job ID is posted to Accounts Receivable.


The Balance field is view only and will show the difference between the Contract Value field and the Invoiced To Date field.

Display Group Box


Select this radio button to display all transactions in the data grid. This option is selected by default.


Select this radio button to display only selected transactions in the data grid.

Sort Order Group Box

The Sort Order group box is used to select the way you want the records sorted in the grid. The default sort option is defined in Maintain Jobs on the Invoice tab in the Invoice By group box.


Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their date, with the oldest date on top.

Date (Desc)

Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their date, with the most recent date on top.

Job Cost Type

Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their job cost type.

Cost Code

Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their cost code.

Cost Category

Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their cost category.

Invoice Date

Enter the date to be used to create the invoice in Accounts Receivable. The current Accounting Date will default. This date may be edited in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice and/or when printing the invoice, if needed. The final invoice date, that will be used for posting this transaction, is determined by the date selected when the invoice is printed. This date may be edited up until the time the invoice has been printed.

Posting Date

Enter the date to be used when posting the invoice in Accounts Receivable. The current Accounting Date will default. This date may be edited in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice, if needed.


The Prefix field is used to add a value to the invoice number to help identify multiple invoices. If a prefix is entered, the invoices will be created with the prefix followed by sequential numbering. The invoices will be created as manual invoices in Accounts Receivable and can be printed through the Process Generate/Print Invoices using the Reprint option.

Final Invoice

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The Final Invoice check box indicates that this will be the last invoice created for this job. The default is unchecked. When selected, the job will be flagged as having sent the final invoice to Accounts Receivable. Upon posting the final invoice to Accounts Receivable, the program will update the job status and all associated transactions to "Closed", populate the Job End Date with the system date and qualify the job to be moved to history.

Cost Plus Invoicing Tab DataGrid Fields and Columns

The data grid displays all qualifying transactions with a selection box to the left of each line. Qualifying transactions are those that meet the selection criteria entered on the selection criteria tab and those transactions that have not previously been invoiced.

The data grid has User Column functionality. For more information go to the Data grid - User Column topic in the System Manager Help.

Trans Date

This view-only field displays the original transaction date.

Cost Type

This view-only field displays the job cost type associated with each transaction (DL, DM, ODC, SUB, OTH, OVH).

Cost Code

This view-only field displays the job cost code associated with each transaction.

Cost Category

This view-only field displays the job cost category associated with each transaction.


This view-only field displays the Product ID assigned to the transaction. For entries originating in General Ledger, the Product ID is assigned by the system and is based upon the cost type selected when creating the journal entry. System products include (DL, DM, ODC, SUB, OTH, OVH).


The Unit/Hours field will default the open quantity, e.g. the remaining, uninvoiced quantity. This quantity may be overridden for all transaction line items, both cost and charge type transactions.


Defaults by using the above described search hierarchy and may be overridden.


The MU% column displays the markup percentage for this transaction and may be overridden.

Amt to Invoice

The amount to invoice field is calculated by the system, the calculation is Units x Bill Rate.


This view-only field displays the source module of the original transactions. Valid sources include Accounts Payable, Job Costing, Payroll and General Ledger.

Line ID

This view-only field displays the Line ID of the original transaction as stored in the subsidiary module. For Payroll entries, this is the payroll check number; for Accounts Payable entries, this is the invoice number; for Journal Entries, this is the Batch ID; for Job Costing entries, this field is unused.

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This view-only field displays an ID associated with the transaction, where applicable. For transactions originating in Payroll, this is the Employee ID; for transactions originating in Accounts Payable, this is the Vendor ID.


This view-only field displays the name associated with the transaction, where applicable. For transactions originating in Payroll, this is the Employee name; for transactions originating in Accounts Payable, this is the Vendor name; for transactions origination in Job Costing Billable Labor charges, this is the optional name assigned to the transaction (usually an employee or a subcontractor name).

Trans Class 1

The Trans Class 1 view only field shows the transaction classification code assigned to the original transaction.

Trans Class 2

The Trans Class 2 view only field shows the transaction classification code assigned to the original transaction.

Never Invoice?

The Never Invoice? field is a drop down box that has options of yes and no. If yes, is selected this line can never be selected for invoicing. If no, is selected then this line can be selected for invoicing.

Product/Skill Description

This view only field show the description of the Product or Skill of a selected line.

Selected Invoicing Totals by Job Cost Type Group Box

Below a total per cost type is displayed. The totals are calculated based upon the selections made in the data grid and are comprised of all of the extended line item dollar amounts for what will be invoiced in Accounts Receivable for each of the six job cost types. These fields are recalculated each time transactions are selected and deselected within the data grid.

Total Amt Selected

This view-only field displays a calculated amount that is based upon your selections in the data grid. This total includes all six cost types, with appropriate markups, and is the amount that will be invoiced in Accounts Receivable. This amount is dynamically updated when transactions are selected and deselected.

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Process Prepare Invoices - Fixed Price/ETC Invoicing Tab The Fixed Price/ETC Invoicing Tab in Prepare Invoices is used to create invoices for jobs that have been configured with either a Fixed Price or an Estimate to Complete (ETC) billing method. When a Fixed Price or ETC job is entered in the selection criteria tab of the Prepare Invoices process, this is the screen that will display.

A Fixed Price job can be invoiced either at the completion of the job or at pre-defined milestones. Fixed Price and ETC Invoicing method tabs display billable charge type transactions. The user will enter the product and its amount to create the Accounts Receivable invoice amount..

The "Final Invoice" check box is used to indicate this will be the jobs last invoice. A job is considered closed once the Final Invoice has been posted in Accounts Receivable. The posting of the final invoice will mark the job and all transactions (in the Job Costing transaction file) belonging to this job as "closed", update the "End Date" on the Maintain Job dialog with the system date, and qualify the job to be moved to history. You may also reopen a closed job, if necessary, using the Reopen/Close Jobs on the Process menu.

Fixed Price / ETC Invoicing Tab Dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Job ID

This view-only field displays the job selected on the selection criteria tab.

Job Description

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This view-only field displays the job description associated with the job selected on the selection criteria tab.

Customer ID

This view-only field displays the Customer ID assigned to this job.

Customer Name

This view-only field displays the customers' name.

Project Manager

This view-only field displays the name of the Project Manager assigned to this job.

Job Invoicing Information Group Box

Contract Value

This view-only field displays the contract value amount, if any, entered for this job in Maintain Jobs.

Invoiced to Date

This view-only field displays the total amount previously invoiced to this job. This amount is updated each time an invoice with this job ID is posted to Accounts Receivable.


This view-only field displays the difference between the Contract Value and the Invoiced to Date amounts.

Final Invoice

The Final Invoice check box indicates that this will be the last invoice created for this job. The default is unchecked. When selected, the job will be flagged as having sent the final invoice to Accounts Receivable. Upon posting the final invoice to Accounts Receivable, the program will update the job status and all associated transactions to "Closed", populate the Job End Date with the system date and qualify the job to be moved to history.

Invoice Date

Enter the date to be used to create the invoice in Accounts Receivable. The current Accounting Date will default. This date may be edited in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice and/or when printing the invoice, if needed. The final invoice date, that will be used for posting this transaction, is determined by the date selected when the invoice is printed. This date may be edited up until the time the invoice has been printed.

Posting Date

Enter the date to be used when posting the invoice in Accounts Receivable. The current Accounting Date will default. This date may be edited in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice, if needed.


The Prefix field is used to add a value to the invoice number to help identify multiple invoices. If a prefix is entered, the invoices will be created with the prefix followed by sequential numbering. The invoices will be created as manual invoices in Accounts Receivable and can be printed through the Process Generate/Print Invoices using the Reprint option.

Fixed Price/ETC Invoicing Tab DataGrid Fields and Columns

Fixed Price and ETC Invoicing method tabs display billable charge type transactions. The data grid for these billing methods allow you to select charges and/or create the transaction lines for the invoice.

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The data grid has User Column functionality. For more information go to the Data grid - User Column topic in the System Manager Help.

Product ID

Enter the Product ID or select one using the browser.


The Description assigned to the product will default and may be overridden.

Cost Code

The Cost Code view-only field displays the job cost code associated with each transaction.


Enter the Quantity you wish to invoice.

Unit Price

The Unit Price will default from the Sales Price assigned to the product and may be overridden.

If invoicing by cost code the unit price will be suggested based on amounts already invoiced. If the amount invoiced is greater than the budgeted amount, the price will default to zero. The amount may be changed. It is suggested that any zero amount lines be deleted so zero amount lines are not created on the Accounts Receivable invoice.

Invoice Amount

The Invoice Amount field is calculated -- quantity multiplied by unit cost. This column displays the total of all items entered.

Trans Class 1

Enter the Trans Class 1 code or select from the browser.

Trans Class 2

Enter the Trans Class 2 code or select from the browser.

Cost Category

The Cost Category assigned to the Cost Code will display in this column.

Additional Columns

The following columns will be added to the grid if the budgeting method is by Cost Code and the Invoice by Cost Code option is checked in Maintain Configuration - Invoice tab is checked.

Contract Amt

The Contract Amt column will display the contract amount entered for the cost code budget.

Costs To Date

The Costs to Date column will display the costs that have been posted to the cost code.

Budgeted Costs

The Budgeted Costs column will display the budget amount entered for the cost code budget.

% Costs

The % Costs column will show the total of the Costs To Date column divided by the Budgeted Costs column.

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Revenue Earned

The Revenue Earned column will show the total of the Contract Amt column times the % Costs column.

Invoiced to Date

The Invoiced to Date column will show the total of all invoices created to date.

Est. Invoice Amt

The Est. Invoice Amt column will suggest the remaining amount to invoice.

Column Totals group box

The following fields will display totals based on lines selected in the grid.

Contract Amt

The Contract Amt field will display the total of the Contract Amt column for selected lines.

Revenue Earned

The Revenue Earned field will display the total of the Revenue Earned column for selected lines.

Costs To Date

The Costs To Date field will display the total of the Costs To Date column for selected lines.

Invoiced To Date

The Invoiced To Date field will display the total of the Invoiced To Date column for selected lines.

Budgeted Cost

The Budgeted Cost field will display the total of the Budgeted Cost column for selected lines.

Amount To Invoice

The Amount To Invoice field will display the total of the Invoice Amount column for selected lines.

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Process Prepare Invoices - Time and Material Invoicing Tab The Time and Material Invoicing Tab in Prepare Invoices is used to create invoices for jobs that have been configured with a Time and Material billing method. When a Time and Material job is entered in the selection criteria tab of the Prepare Invoices process, this is the screen that will display.

Time and Material Invoicing Hierarchy

A Time and Material (T&M) billing method will create an Accounts Receivable invoice based upon designated labor billing rates and actual cost for the material. Billing rates are determined by using an invoicing hierarchy as described below:

The program will first determine the original source of the transaction.

If the transaction originated in Job Costing Billable Charges, the billing rate entered with the transaction will be used.

For transactions that originated in Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory or General Ledger, the hierarchy is as follows

For Direct Labor or Subcontractor cost types use the special labor rate defined on the Labor Pricing tab, if none, use the labor rate defined in Maintain Skills;

For all other cost types (DM, ODC, OTH, OVH) use the special product Billing Rate defined on the Product Pricing tab, if none, use the cost of the transaction entered in Accounts Payable, Inventory or General Ledger;

When a Time and Material job is entered in the selection criteria tab, each individual line item currently residing in the Job Costing Transaction file for this job, up to and including the date requirement on the selection criteria tab, that has not previously been invoiced, will be displayed as individual entries in the data grid below.

All fields in the data grid are disabled with the exception of Units/Hours and Cost/Rate, which can both be overridden prior to creating the actual invoice. If the Project Manager identifies a transaction that was entered for the wrong job, the transaction should be deselected before processing, and then later transferred to the correct job in the Job Costing Enter Job Transfers dialog. When a "CST" type transaction is transferred to another job, a journal entry is automatically created in the General Ledger.

For Cost Plus and Time & Material jobs when a transaction is a DL or SUB transaction type both the Product ID and description will be those assigned to the Skill Level used in the transaction. This Product ID and description will be what is used on the Accounts Receivable invoice.

Time and Material Invoicing Tab Dialog

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Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Job ID

This view-only field displays the job selected on the selection criteria tab.

Job Description

This view-only field displays the job description associated with the job selected on the selection criteria tab.

Customer ID

This view-only field displays the Customer ID assigned to this job.

Customer Name

This view-only field displays the customers' name.

Project Manager

This view-only field displays the name of the Project Manager assigned to this job.

Job Invoicing Information

Contract Value

The Contract Value field is view only and will display the Total Contract Value from Maintain Jobs. This value is the total of the Original Contract value plus any Billable Change Orders.

Invoiced To Date

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The Invoiced To Date view-only field displays the total amount previously invoiced to this job. This amount is updated each time an invoice with this job ID is posted to Accounts Receivable.


The Balance field is view only and will show the difference between the Contract Value field and the Invoiced To Date field.

Display Group Box


Select this radio button to display all transactions in the data grid. This option is selected by default.


Select this radio button to display only selected transactions in the data grid.

Sort Order group box

The Sort Order group box is used to select the way you want the records sorted in the grid. The default sort option is defined in Maintain Jobs on the Invoice tab in the Invoice By group box.


Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their date, with the oldest date on top.

Date (Desc)

Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their date, with the most recent date on top.

Job Cost Type

Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their job cost type.

Cost Code

Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their cost code.

Cost Category

Select this radio button to sort the transactions in the data grid based upon their cost category.

Invoice Date

Enter the date to be used to create the invoice in Accounts Receivable. The current Accounting Date will default. This date may be edited in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice and/or when printing the invoice, if needed. The final invoice date, that will be used for posting this transaction, is determined by the date selected when the invoice is printed. This date may be edited up until the time the invoice has been printed.

Posting Date

Enter the date to be used when posting the invoice in Accounts Receivable. The current Accounting Date will default. This date may be edited in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice, if needed.


The Prefix field is used to add a value to the invoice number to help identify multiple invoices. If a prefix is entered, the invoices will be created with the prefix followed by sequential numbering. The invoices will be created as manual invoices in Accounts Receivable and can be printed through the Process Generate/Print Invoices using the Reprint option.

Final Invoice

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The Final Invoice check box indicates that this will be the last invoice created for this job. The default is unchecked. When selected, the job will be flagged as having sent the final invoice to Accounts Receivable. Upon posting the final invoice to Accounts Receivable, the program will update the job status and all associated transactions to "Closed", populate the Job End Date with the system date and qualify the job to be moved to history.

DataGrid Fields and Columns

The data grid displays all qualifying transactions with a selection box to the left of each line. Qualifying transactions are those that meet the selection criteria entered on the selection criteria tab and those transactions that have not previously been invoiced.

The data grid has User Column functionality. For more information go to the Data grid - User Column topic in the System Manager Help.

Trans Date

This view-only field displays the original transaction date.

Cost Type

This view-only field displays the job cost type associated with each transaction (DL, DM, ODC, SUB, OTH, OVH).

Cost Code

This view-only field displays the job cost code associated with each transaction.

Cost Category

This view-only field displays the job cost category associated with each transaction.


This view-only field displays the Product ID assigned to the transaction. For entries originating in General Ledger, the Product ID is assigned by the system and is based upon the cost type selected when creating the journal entry. System products include (DL, DM, ODC, SUB, OTH, OVH).


The Unit/Hours field will default the open quantity, e.g. the remaining, uninvoiced quantity. This quantity may be overridden for all transaction line items, both cost and charge type transactions.


Defaults by using the above described search hierarchy and may be overridden.


The MU% column displays the markup percentage for this transaction and may be overridden.

Amt to Invoice

The amount to invoice field is calculated by the system, the calculation is Units x Bill Rate.


This view-only field displays the source module of the original transactions. Valid sources include Accounts Payable, Job Costing, Payroll and General Ledger.

Line ID

This view-only field displays the Line ID of the original transaction as stored in the subsidiary module. For Payroll entries, this is the payroll check number; for Accounts Payable entries, this

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is the invoice number; for Journal Entries, this is the Batch ID; for Job Costing entries, this field is unused.


This view-only field displays an ID associated with the transaction, where applicable. For transactions originating in Payroll, this is the Employee ID; for transactions originating in Accounts Payable, this is the Vendor ID.


This view-only field displays the name associated with the transaction, where applicable. For transactions originating in Payroll, this is the Employee name; for transactions originating in Accounts Payable, this is the Vendor name; for transactions origination in Job Costing Billable Labor charges, this is the optional name assigned to the transaction (usually an employee or a subcontractor name).

Trans Class 1

The Trans Class 1 view only field shows the transaction classification code assigned to the original transaction.

Trans Class 2

The Trans Class 2 view only field shows the transaction classification code assigned to the original transaction.

Never Invoice?

The Never Invoice? field is a drop down box that has options of yes and no. If yes, is selected this line can never be selected for invoicing. If no, is selected then this line can be selected for invoicing.

Product/Skill Description

This view only field show the description of the Product or Skill of a selected line.

Selected Invoicing Totals by Job Cost Type Group Box

Below a total per cost type is displayed. The totals are calculated based upon the selections made in the data grid and are comprised of all of the extended line item dollar amounts for what will be invoiced in Accounts Receivable for each of the six job cost types. These fields are recalculated each time transactions are selected and deselected within the data grid.

Total Amt Selected

This view-only field displays a calculated amount that is based upon your selections in the data grid. This grand total includes all six cost types and is equivalent to the amount that will be invoiced in Accounts Receivable. This amount is dynamically updated when transactions are selected and deselected.

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Process Multi-Job Invoicing Selecting Multi-Job Invoicing... from the Process menu accesses the Process Multi-Job Invoicing dialog box. This dialog box is for billing multiple jobs at the same time.

Process Multi-Job Invoicing dialog box

The dialog consists of two tabs, Product Criteria and Selected Products.

Invoicing Selection Criteria tab

The Invoicing Selection Criteria tab contains selection criteria that will limit the jobs that are processed.

Selected Products tab

The Selected Jobs tab displays the jobs that fulfill the selection criteria entered on the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab.

Process Multi-Job Invoicing command buttons

Click the Job button to access the Maintain Job dialog for the job of a selected line in the grid.

Click the Edit Detail button to access and adjust the detail of a selected job. The Edit Detail button will display a grid similar to the Process Create Invoices based on the type of job is selected.

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Select the Find Now to find all products based on the criteria selected on the Invoicing Selection Criteria Tab and display on the Selected Jobs Tab.

Additionally, any entries on the Labor and Product tabs of the job, that have the Auto Invoice field set to Yes, will be brought into the grid for invoicing.

Select the Select All button to select all jobs, listed on the Selected Jobs tab, for processing.

Select the Deselect All button to remove the selection from all jobs listed on the Selected Jobs tab.

Click the Create Invoices to create invoices in Accounts Receivable.

Select the Print Proof button to print the proof report.

Select the Close button to exit the dialog without creating invoices.

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Process Multi-Job Invoicing - Invoicing Selection Criteria Tab The Invoicing Selection Criteria Tab contains selection criteria that will limit the jobs that are processed. Once the criteria has been selected click the Find Now button to display the results on the Selected Jobs tab.

Process Multi-Job Invoicing - Invoicing Selection Criteria Tab

Refer to the following fields and descriptions

Data grid columns and fields

Job Fields

The Job ID option allows you to select products based on individual values for each Job segment. A field will display, with the description, for each segment set up for the job mask.

Transaction Date

Billing Method

Job Type

Billing Group

Project Manager

For more information regarding the Selection Criteria go to the Selection Criteria topic in the System Manager Help.

Job Cost Types group box

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The individual checkboxes in the job cost types groupbox are for determining which cost types to include in the selection criteria. By default, all six cost types will be included, you may override this selection by unchecking any of the job cost types that are not wanted.

Direct Labor Direct Material Other Direct Costs

Subcontractor Costs Other Costs Overhead

Retainage Only

The Retainage Only check box is used to prepare the final invoice for any retainage amounts withheld from previous invoices. Retainage refers to the pre-determined amount (percentage) to be withheld from the invoice until job completion. Retainage can be calculated for any job, regardless of the invoicing method.

Invoicing Defaults group box

Invoice Date

Enter the date to be used to create the invoice in Accounts Receivable. The current Accounting Date will default. This date may be edited in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice and/or when printing the invoice, if needed. The final invoice date, that will be used for posting this transaction, is determined by the date selected when the invoice is printed. This date may be edited up until the time the invoice has been printed.

Posting Date

Enter the date to be used when posting the invoice in Accounts Receivable. The current Accounting Date will default. This date may be edited in Accounts Receivable Enter Invoice, if needed.


The Prefix field is used to add a value to the invoice number to help identify multiple invoices. If a prefix is entered, the invoices will be created with the prefix followed by sequential numbering. The invoices will be created as manual invoices in Accounts Receivable and can be printed through the Process Generate/Print Invoices using the Reprint option.

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Process Multi-Job Invoicing - Selected Jobs Tab The Selected Jobs tab displays the result of the options selected on the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab.

Process Multi-Job Invoicing - Selected Jobs tab

Refer to the following fields and descriptions

Data grid columns and fields

Job ID

The Job ID column displays the Job ID in view only mode.


The Description column will display the description of the job.

Customer ID

The Customer ID column displays the Customer's ID associated with the job.

Invoicing Method

The Invoicing Method column will display the invoicing method assigned to the job in Maintain Jobs.


The Manger column with display the Project Manager assigned to the job.


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The Prefix column will display the value entered in the Prefix field on the Invoicing Selection Criteria tab.

Amt to Invoice

The Amt to Invoice will display the total of the detail that will be invoiced. To adjust the amount, select the line to adjust and click on the Edit Detail button.

Invoice Date

The Invoice Date will display the invoice date that will be used when creating the invoice. The date will default to the current accounting date.

Posting Date

The Posting Date will display the posting date that will be used when creating the invoice. The date will default to the current accounting date.

Final Invoice

The Final Invoice column is used to designate if the invoice to be created will be the last invoice. Upon posting the final invoice to Accounts Receivable, the program will update the job status and all associated transactions to "Closed", populate the Job End Date with the system date and qualify the job to be moved to history.

Customer Name

The Customer Name field will display the name of the customer for a selected line in the grid.

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Process WIP to COGS Select WIP to COGS... from the Process menu to access the WIP to COGS dialog box. The WIP to COGS dialog box allows you to transfer Job costs from the Balance Sheet Inventory WIP General Ledger accounts to Cost of Goods Sold General Ledger accounts on the Income Statement. This is a process that will move costs (create journal entries) for jobs that are flagged WIP jobs (costs are charged to Inventory - WIP) on the job tab page of Maintain Jobs. The source of these costs are: Accounts Payable invoices, Inventory, Payroll Print Checks and General Ledger Enter Journal Entries. Jobs that are charged directly to COGS will not be affected by this process as their costs have already been posted to the Income Statement.

The business reason for companies wanting to charge their job costs to an inventory account (WIP) is that a project may take several months to complete and a company may not be able to create an invoice and record revenue until the project is complete. If all costs are expensed to an Income Statement COGS type account as they occur, the Income Statement will only show costs and not revenue. This process then accomplishes matching revenue with costs.

In order for the WIP to COGS process to take place, the original posting of job costs from Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory and General Ledger must have already been posted within the CYMAIV General Ledger modules "Post Journal Entries to General Ledger process". Once a transaction has been processed through WIP to COGS, a flag is set in the General Ledger to indicate this movement has already occurred, as such, only previously unprocessed transactions will appear in the data grid.

The WIP to COGS dialog consists of two tabs, Job Transaction Criteria Tab and Selected Job Transactions Tab. The Job Transaction Criteria Tab is for entering selection criteria to determine which transactions will be displayed, and the Selected Job Transactions Tab allows you to control which job costs will be moved from the WIP General Ledger accounts to COGS General Ledger accounts.

Job Transaction Criteria Tab

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Selected Job Transactions Tab

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Process WIP to COGS - Selected Job Transactions Tab The Process WIP to COGS - Selected Job Transactions Tab will display all transactions that meet the criteria entered on the Job Transactions Criteria tab. This tab will display after the Find Now button is clicked.

Selected Job Transactions Tab Dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

Show All Transactions Meeting Criteria

This option button is selected by default. When selected, the DataGrid displays all unprocessed transactions that met the selection criteria entered on the Job Transaction Criteria tab.

Show Transactions Selected For Processing

This option button is only enabled when there are transactions selected for processing. When selected, the DataGrid displays only the transactions which have been selected for processing. All others are cleared from the DataGrid and may be retrieved by selecting the Show All Transactions Meeting Criteria option button.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Upon selecting the Find Now button the DataGrid lists the unprocessed transactions that met the selection criteria entered on the Job Transactions Criteria tab.

The DataGrid columns appear grayed out and are in view-only mode.


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The jobs with transactions meeting the selection criteria are listed in this column. When the selection box to the left of the line is pressed, the job description is displayed below the data grid.

Cost Type

This view-only column displays the job cost type for the corresponding transactions.


This view-only column displays the date the corresponding transactions were posted to the General Ledger.

Record Type

This view-only column displays the batch Record type.


This view-only column displays the document number.


This view-only column displays the cost amount of the transaction.

Batch ID

This view-only column displays the General Ledger Batch ID this transaction was included in.


This view-only column displays the General Ledger WIP Account Number that the cost was originally posted to.

General Ledger Posting Date

The General Ledger Posting Date controls the period and year in which the General Ledger batch will be posted.

Job Description

This view-only field displays the description of the selected job.

WIP to COGS Command Buttons

Select the Find Now button to locate the data matching the selection criteria. This button is only enabled when the Job Transaction Criteria tab is active. When selected, the Selected Job Transactions tab becomes active and the DataGrid lists the transactions meeting the criteria. The DataGrid allows you select which transactions to move. Switch tabs to change the selection criteria and click the Find Now button again to add transactions meeting the new selection criteria to the selections. This gives you the option to select transactions by jobs meeting specific criteria.

Posted journal entries that have already been moved to the COGS General Ledger accounts are excluded from this data grid.

Click the Select All button to select all the transactions for movement.

Click the Deselect All button to return all selected transactions to a non-selected status.

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Click the Process button to begin the movement of transactions from WIP to COGS.

Click the Print Proof button to print the detailed proof listing report. When selected, the Create Report? dialog box displays, allowing you to select the report destination and select the printer.

Click the Close button to cancel the operation. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Process WIP to COGS - Job Transaction Criteria Tab The Process WIP to COGS - Job Transaction Criteria Tab is used to limit the transactions that need to be processed. Once the Find Now button is clicked the information on this tab will be used to determine which transactions to display on the Selected Job Transactions tab.

Job Transaction Criteria Tab

Refer to the following steps to select WIP transactions that may qualify to move to COGS:

Enter Job Transaction Criteria GroupBox

Use the DataGrid to enter selection criteria for selecting transactions based on the following fields:

For more information regarding the Selection Criteria go to the Selection Criteria topic in the System Manager Help.


This view-only column shows the fields available for user-defined selection criteria. The options are as follows:


The Job option allows you to process transactions based on the Job ID.

Cutoff Date

The Cutoff Date option allows you to process transactions based on the cutoff date.

This is the date the program will use for finding journal entries that were written to a WIP account and that have not previously been through the WIP to COGS process.

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Job Cost Types GroupBox

The individual checkboxes in the job cost types groupbox are for determining which cost types to include in the selection criteria. By default, all six cost types will be included, you may override this selection by unchecking any of the job cost types that are not wanted.

Direct Labor Direct Material Other Direct Costs

Subcontractor Costs Other Costs Overhead

WIP to COGS Command Buttons

Select the Find Now button to locate the data matching the selection criteria. This button is only enabled when the Job Transaction Criteria tab is active. When selected, the Selected Job Transactions tab becomes active and the DataGrid lists the transactions meeting the criteria. The DataGrid allows you select which transactions to move. Switch tabs to change the selection criteria and click the Find Now button again to add transactions meeting the new selection criteria to the selections. This gives you the option to select transactions by jobs meeting specific criteria.

Posted journal entries that have already been moved to the COGS General Ledger accounts are excluded from this datagrid.

Click the Select All button to select all the transactions for movement.

Click the Deselect All button to return all selected transactions to a non-selected status.

Click the Process button to begin the movement of transactions from WIP to COGS.

Click the Print Proof button to print the detailed proof listing report. When selected, the Create Report? dialog box displays, allowing you to select the report destination and select the printer.

Click the Close button to cancel the operation. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Process Reopen/Close Jobs Select Reopen/Close Jobs... from the Process menu to access the Reopen/Close Jobs dialog box. The Reopen/Close Jobs dialog box allows you to either reopen a job that had been previously closed or close a job that is currently open. This process should be limited to the Job Costing System Administrator or Project Manager.

A job is closed by the system when the "Final Invoice" is processed in Accounts Receivable Post Invoices. Since the status of a job is a display only field, this process provides you with a means of reopening a job that requires additional posting of costs and charges. Jobs cannot be closed if there are open transactions in other modules.

If a job with an open status will not receive a final invoice in Accounts Receivable or the final invoice had been created without the "final invoice" indicator flag, this process will enable a user to manually close a job.

Changing the status of a job to "closed" does not transfer the job to history. To transfer jobs to history select Closed Jobs To History from the Process menu.

Closed transactions that have already been moved to history can also be reopened through the Reopen/Close Jobs process. When a historical job is reopened, the transactions in the historical transaction file are physically moved back to the current transaction file. You may reopen and close a job an unlimited number of times.

Reopen Close Jobs Dialog

Refer to the following field descriptions and requirements.

DataGrid Columns and Fields

Job Number

This view-only column displays the job number.


This view-only column displays the job description.

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Customer Name

This view-only column displays the customer name associated with the job.

Billing Method

This view-only column displays the billing method established for the job.


This view-only column displays the job status, open or closed.

Jobs with a current status of "open" will be changed to "closed" and jobs with a current status of "closed" will be changed to "open". This process allows you to toggle the status of open and closed jobs at the same time.

Prime jobs can be opened or closed independent of the sub-jobs assigned to it and vice-versa.

Reopen Close Jobs Command Buttons

Click the Select All button to select all job for processing.

Click the Deselect All button to return all selected jobs to a non-selected status.

Click the OK button to process the selected jobs. This button is enabled after a selection has been made.

Click the Close button to cancel the operation. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Process Closed Jobs to History Select Closed Jobs To History... from the Process menu to access the Closed Jobs To History dialog box. The Closed Jobs To History dialog box allows you to move transactions for all jobs with a "closed" status to history. The Job Costing move to history process is different than moves to history in other CYMAIV modules in that:

What makes this process unique is that all transactions for a closed job will move to history together. In other CYMAIV modules, individual invoices and their payments are moved as units. One advantage of this feature is ease of report writing in that all transactions associated with a particular job will either be in one place or another. A job will reside either entirely in the current files or entirely in the historical files;

All job transactions residing in the Job Costing historical transaction file can be moved back the current Job Costing transaction file by way of the "Reopen" feature located under Reopen/Close Jobs on the Process menu.

This process should only be accessed and performed by a System Administrator.

Closed Jobs To History Question Dialog

Only jobs that with a closed status can be moved to history. A job is considered closed once the Final Invoice has been posted in Accounts Receivable. You may also 'manually' close a job using the Reopen/Close Jobs on the Process menu. Once all jobs needing to be moved to history have been flagged with a closed status, you may move them to history.

Closed Jobs To History Command Buttons

Click the Yes button to begin the process. Once the process has been started, in may not be cancelled. Upon completion, you will be provided with a message indicating which job(s) transactions

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were moved to history. Alternately, if no qualifying jobs can be found, a different message will be displayed.

Jobs may not be moved to history independently. When Closed Jobs To History is accessed from the Process menu, CYMAIV will search through the Job Costing files to locate all jobs with a closed status. When this process is complete, all qualifying jobs, together with their respective transactions, will have moved to history together.

Select the No button to cancel the process. Pressing the ESC key performs the same function.

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Reports Menu The CYMAIV Job Costing module offers a wide range of reports. The reports are organized into categories which utilize the standard Windows expanding/collapsing tree structure convention.

Each category may be expanded to display all the report topics within that category by clicking your mouse on the plus symbol to the left of each category. To collapse a category click the minus symbol to the left of the category. To launch an individual report:

1. Click on the report title, which enables the Continue button and the Destination group box.

2. Select the destination for your output and click the Continue button.

3. Enter the selection criteria and click the OK button.

A report may also be launched for display by double-clicking on the report title.

Reports are date sensitive and each offers selection criteria that allows you to print the specific data you desire. Refer to the following descriptions for the report categories that are available in the CYMAIV Accounting for Windows Job Costing module.

Entry Listings

The standard entry reports provide complete listings of information regarding job costing transaction records.

Ledgers Reports

The standard ledgers allow you to compare budget to actual information in various formats; labor billing variance and revenue recognition reports.

Module Profile

The standard module profile reports allow you to print your company data.

Job Costing Report Menu Dialog

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Show group box

All Reports

Select the All Reports option to display all reports available within the module.

User Reports

Select the User Reports option to display the user reports selected within the module. For more information see the Report Menu User Reports topic in the System Manager Manual.

Report Menu Command Buttons

Click the Add User Reports button to display the Add User Reports dialog. From this dialog you can add/remove reports from the User Reports list.

The Add Custom Report button allows you to add customized or new custom designed Crystal Reports to the Report menu tree structure.

The Delete Custom Report button allows you to remove customized Crystal Reports from the Report menu tree structure. This button is only enabled when a custom report is highlighted.

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Click the Continue button to output the report to the selected destination.

Click the Close button to close the dialog box.

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Reports Listing Entry Listing

Transaction Listing

Transaction Listing (History)

Transaction Listing (by Product)

Transaction Listing (by Job Segment)

Direct Labor Entry Report

Certified Payroll Worksheet

Budget Reports

Budget Type of Detail

Budget to Actual Comparison (PTD/ITD Summary)

Detail Actual (PTD Detail)

Detail Actual (ITD Detail)

Budget Estimate Purchasing Report

Budget Listing

Budget Listing (Summary)

Budget Type of Summary

Budget to Actual Comparison (PTD/ITD Summary)

Actual (PTD Detail)

Actual (ITD Detail)

Budget Type of Cost Type

Budget to Actual Comparison (PTD/ITD Summary)

Cost Type Actual (PTD Detail)

Cost Type Actual (ITD Detail)

Cost Type Budget Estimate Purchasing Report

Budget Type of Cost Code

Budget to Actual Comparison (PTD/ITD Summary)

Cost Code Actual (PTD Detail)

Cost Code Actual (ITD Detail)

Job Cost Summary (Cost Code)

Job Billing Summary (Cost Code)

Budget Estimate Purchasing Report

Budget Type of Cost Category

Budget to Actual Comparison (PTD/ITD Summary)

Cost Category Actual (PTD Detail)

Cost Category Actual (ITD Detail)

Job Cost Summary (Cost Category)

Budget Estimate Purchasing Report

Analysis and Misc Reports

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Labor Billing Variance Report

Job Status Report

Task Report (By Job)

Revenue Recognition Report

Job Listing

Job Listing (Summary)

Job Listing (Summary by Base Job)

Job Listing (Summary by Job Type)

Job Audit Report

Module Profile

Job Type Listing

Skill/Work Class Listing

Product Listing

Project Manager Listing

Cost Code and Category Listing

Employee Listing

Earnings Type Listing

Task Listing

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Revenue Recognition for ETC Jobs This tutorial is intended to assist you in recording revenue recognition before delivery for estimate to complete jobs. For the most part, recognition at the point of sales (delivery) is used because most of the uncertainties concerning the earning process are removed and the exchange price is known. Under certain circumstances, however, revenue is recognized prior to completion and delivery. The most notable example is the long-term construction contract accounting where the percentage-of-completion method is usually applicable.

Percentage-of-Completion Method -- Revenues and gross profit are recognized each period based upon the progress of the construction, that is, the percentage of completion. Construction costs plus gross profit earned to date are accumulated in an inventory account (Construction in Process), and progress billings are accumulated in a contra inventory account (Billings on Construction in Process).

General Ledger Account Flow:

To record the cost of construction:

1. Construction in Process Debit - Balance Sheet Inventory account

2. Materials, Cash, AP, PR Credit - Balance Sheet AP, Cash, etc.

To record progress billings:

3. Accounts Receivable Debit - Balance Sheet Accounts Receivable account

4. Billings on Construction in Process Credit - Balance Sheet Contra Inventory account

When rendering progress billings, use this account instead of the sales account established. A product called Billings on Construction in Process will also need to be established. The progress billing amount, per period, is determined contractually.

Progress billings are recorded to a General Ledger Billings on Construction in Process account. This account is a Contra Inventory account and not a Revenue account. Over the life of the contract the amount in this account will equal the Contract Value. Additional accounts needed are a General Ledger Revenue account for "Revenue from Long Term Contracts: and a Cost of Goods Sold account called "Construction Expenses from Long Term Contracts".

The progress billing terms have nothing to do with incurring costs.

To record cash collections:

5. Cash Debit - Balance Sheet Cash account

6. Accounts Receivable Credit - Balance Sheet Accounts Receivable account

Based on the above entries, revenue for this job has not yet been recognized. What has occurred is the accumulation of costs against a job from all sources and based on the contract's progress billing terms invoices have been rendered.

All of the above entries are recorded by the system when posting to the General Ledger from each CYMAIV subsidiary module respectively. To determine "Recognition of Revenue and Gross Profit" the following data is acquired from the Job Costing Revenue Recognition report.

To recognize revenue and gross profit:

7. Construction in Process Gross Profit Debit - Balance Sheet Inventory account

8. Construction Expense Debit - Income Statement COGS Expense account

9. Revenue from Long Term Contracts Credit - Income Statement Revenue account

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The Job Costing Revenue Recognition report will provide the information needed to record the manual journal entry.

When recording the journal entry to recognize revenue, it is very important to select the "Create Reversing Entries" check box and assign the appropriate period for the reversal. The purpose of creating a reversing entry is that the current month is always recording the contract financial results on a cumulative basis. In the last month of a contract, the journal entry should not be reversed.

This particular journal entry will contain the appropriate job number, however, the job cost type field should be left blank. This will indicate to the system that you are recording a Job Costing Revenue entry, which will not update the "Costs to Date" field on the Job and will not create a transaction in the Job Costing Transaction File. This is the only time a journal entry should contain a job number without an associated job cost type. An appropriate message will appear each time a job number is assigned to a journal entry without an associated job cost type to prevent errors in recording journal entries.

Each month the Job Costing Revenue Recognition Report will supply data for a new entry based on the actual costs incurred and or a change in the budget amount.

General Ledger Journal Entry

The information to record the journal entries is arrived at using the following method:

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Construction in Process Gross Profit (debit) is equal to the Gross Profit multiplied by the percentage complete.

Construction in Process Long Term Contracts Expense (debit) is equal to Revenue from Long Term Contracts minus Construction in Process Gross Profit (Inception to Date Actual).

Revenue from Long Term Contracts (credit) is equal to Contract Value multiplied by percentage complete.

Percentage complete is equal to Inception to Date Actual cost incurred divided by the Total Budget cost.

When actual costs incurred exceed contract value, these excess costs should be expensed immediately. No additional monthly revenue should be recorded until additional contract value is obtained.

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CYMA Systems, Inc. Contact Information

CYMA Systems, Inc.

2330 West University Drive, Suite 4

Tempe, AZ 85281

(800) 292-2962

Fax: (480) 303-2969

email: [email protected]

When contacting CYMA Systems, Inc. for technical support, please have the following information available:

CYMAIV Account Number (if known)

Windows Version

Network Operating System (if applicable)

CYMAIV Version