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Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078





















Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS63372.TLP:0352 485014,085646244078







1. READING (Membaca)Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, aupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam kontekskehidupan sehari-hari.

Menentukan gambaran umum, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk “caution”

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/ kalimat dalam teks berbentuk kartu ucapan (greeting card)

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/ kalimat teks berbentuk pesan pendek (short message)

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk undangan (invitation)

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/ kalimat dalam teks berbentuk pengumuman (announcement)

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dari teks deskriptif (descriptive)


Jl.RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS 63372.TLP:0352485014,085646244078







1. READING (Membaca)Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, aupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam kontekskehidupan sehari-hari.

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk “recount”.

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk “procedure”

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk “narrative”

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk label

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk laporan (report)

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks iklan (advertisement)

Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks

berbentuk surat (letter)


P e n e r b i tJl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS 63372.TLP:0352 485014,085646244078







2. WRITING (Menulis)Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks laporan (report) yang pendek.

Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat Kalimat

Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untukmembuat paragraph


Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI ,POS.63372.TLP.0352 485014.085646244078


No Kompetensi Sumber Ragam Teks

1. Menentukan gambaran umum atau pikiran utama

Caution, greeting card, short message, invitation, announcement, descriptive, recount, procedure, narrative, report, advertisement, letter, dan label.

2. Informasi tersurat dan informasi rinci tersurat

Caution, greeting card, short message, invitation, announcement, descriptive, recount, procedure, narrative, report, advertisement, letter, dan label.

3 Informasi tersirat dan informasi rinci tersirat

Caution, greeting card, short message, invitation, announcement, descriptive, recount, procedure, narrative, report, advertisement, letter, dan label.

4. Rujukan kata Greeting card, short message, invitation, announcement, descriptive, recount, procedure, narrative, report, advertisement, letter, dan label.

5. Makna kata/frasa/kalimat Caution, greeting card, short message, invitation, announcement, descriptive, recount, procedure, narrative, report, advertisement, letter, dan label.

6. Menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat

Grammar: Declarative/statement, command/warning/short message

7. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf yang padu

Teks descriptive/ report/recount/ narrative

8. Melengkapi teks rumpang ber-genre report pendek.

- Vocabulary- Grammar: pronoun, conjunction, parts of speech, tense

Kompetensi Berdasarkan Ragam Keterampilan




Sumber Ragam Teks

1. CautionKata atau ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memperingatkan atau memberi peringatan pada orang agar menghindari sesuatu atau tidak melakukan sesuatu.

Do not accept if the seal is broken ! Warning

Do not aim the camera directly into the sun or at other intense light resources that could damage your eyesight

2. Greeting card pesan tertulis yang biasanya berisi ucapan selamat, turut bahagia, dan sejenisnya, disampaikan pada momen tertentu seperti lebaran, natal, ulang tahun, pernikahan, dan lain-lain.

Dear Kadita,Congratulation on your success to be the student of the first rank.Yours,Ratu


Jl.raya pupus kedungpanji.pos.63372,tlp.0352485014,085646244078

English-UN mtsn 2009 —nanang ululanas.spd

3. Short message

Teks yang berisi satu atau sejumlah kecil kabar, informasi, atau perintah dari satu orang untuk seseorang yang lain. Umumnya diramu dalam bahasa yang singkat dan padat.

Please call my wife and tell her I’m attending the meeting. Tell her I’ll be home at 7:30. Our phone no is 022-5403518

Seanu Prabu4. Invitation

My special day is comingI turn to seven and keep growingMom and Dad are having a party

They say it is for meYour smiling gace we hope to see

So come and bring your family, it will be lots of fun

The party begins at three and at five it’s all done

Saturday, February 14, 2009Mahadewi’s house

12 Tebu Ireng Street, Pasir Jati Housing Complex

Informasi atau pesan tertulis yang tujuannya mengajak atau mengundang seseorang atau sejumlah kecil orang untuk hadir pada event tertentu.


Jl. Raya pupus kedungpanji.pos.63372,tlp0352485014.085646244078

English-UN mtsn lembeyan-2009-nanang ululanas.spd

5. Announcement

Suatu tulisan untuk mengabarkan kepada khalayak tentang suatu event atau kegiatan (umumnya) yang akan berlangsung atau diselenggarakan.

AnnouncementTo celebrate the 40th school anniversay, each class is supposed to send one volleyball team, one basketball team, and 2 badminton players for the sport competitions. They will be held from May 21 until June 10. For further details, read the information board next to the wall magazine or contact Seanu Ratu, the chief of the committee, at 085323013144 at any time you wish.

6. AdvertisementMemberitahukan sekaligus menawarkan produk dan jasa, atau juga meminta produk dan jasa. Bahasa yang digunakan umumnya singkat padat, namun komunikatif dan informatif. Beberapa kata acapkali disingkat untuk penghematan kolom dan spasi display.

VacancyWe need educators who meet these qualifications:► (S-1) in English► Less than 35 years old► Good performance

Send Your:►a pplication letter, CV, certificate, academic

transcript, recent photograph to:NYOROCOS COURSE

Jl. Cijoho Landeuh – KuninganPh. 0262 75312

PaperlineGOLDPrestigious Performance


Now Available At:Carrefour, TB Gramedia, TB Gunung Agung and your nearest stationary and copy centers

A 4500 Sheets


Jl. Tjut Nyak Dien Dalam 36Cijoho – KuninganJanuary 4, 2008

Dear Prabu, It has been a long time two years since I last visited your town. In this coming holiday I am planning to have a vacation in your hometown. I’ll be glad if you can accompany me to go to some interesting places there. Don’t forget to take me traditional food courts. Would you please pick me up at the airport as I will fly there so that I can come to your hometown faster. I am looking forward to seeing you again next week. I can’t wait to have a good time together.



Jl.raya pupus kedungpanji.pos63372,tlp.0352485014.085646244078

English-UN mtsn lembeyan 2009 —nanang ululanas.spd

7. LetterPesan atau informasi yang disampaikan oleh satu seorang untuk seseorang. Informasi penting umumnya termaktub dalam body of the letter, yakni bagian antara salam pembuka (Dear …) dan salam penutup (Sincerely yours).

8. LabelSuatu tulisan singkat (kata/frasa) yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan atau menggambarkan identitas suatu barang.

Page 10: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

Jl. Raya pupus kedungpanji.pos,63372.tlp0351485014.085646244078

English-UN mtsn lembeyan 2009 —nanang ulul anas.spd

9. DescriptiveTeks yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang spesifik: seseorang, suatu benda, suatu tempat, seekor binatang. Teks description meng-highlight satu orang/benda/tempat/ binatang secara khusus. Teks description menyodorkan banyak informasi tentang orang/ benda/tempat/binatang tertentu secara gamblang, [sering] rinci, [acapkali] dapat divisualisasikan.

Teks description umumnya memiliki struktur:- identification, pengenalan subjek atau hal yang akan dideskripsikan.- description, penginformasian ciri-ciri subjek—misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis, perilaku, tampilan

fisik, fitur-fitur khas, kualitas, dan sejenisnya.

My Pet

I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie.

Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my cat. They get along well, and never fight maybe because Brownies does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eats shoes. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal.

Page 11: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

Jl. Raya pupus kedungpanji.pos.63372.tlp0352485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

9. ReportHasil pengamatan, penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau studi tentang benda, binatang, orang, atau tempat. Participant (yang dideskripsikan) pada report cenderung general. Data yang tersaji umumnya berupa simpulan umum akan karakteristik, ciri, dan atau keberadaan dan keadaan participant. Tujuan teks report adalah untuk menggambarkan participant apa adanya. Bila yang dibicarakan suatu benda, teks report lebih menyoroti fungsi dari benda tersebut. Teks report lazimnya menyodorkan suatu generalisasi akan participant yang diulas; generalisasi ini umumnya didapat lewat membandingkan yang satu dengan yang lain yang tergolong participant sejenis.

Teks report umumnya memiliki struktur:- general classification, pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.- description, penginformasian ciri-ciri umum/generalisasi yang dimiliki subjek—misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis, perilaku,

tampilan fisik, fitur-fitur khas, kualitas, dan sejenisnya. .

Although gorillas look ferocious, they are really rather quiet apes. They live in family groups in the thickest parts of the jungles.

A gorilla’s feet, hands, and wrinkled face are bare and black. His fur may be short or long, depending on where he lives.

The short-haired gorilla lives in the hot, damp, tropical forests of western Africa, and the long-haired gorilla lives in the cooler air in the high mountains of central Africa.

A gorilla’s arms are so long; they almost touch the ground, even when he is standing up!

Some wild mountain gorillas weigh as much as you, your father, and your mother all weigh together.

At night the father gorilla sleeps on the ground. But the mother and the baby gorillas sleep in big nests of stick and leaves on the ground, or in the lower branches of trees, where they are safer from prowling animals.

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

10. NarrativeJenis teks berupa cerita atau dongeng yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca. Ciri utama teks narrative adalah terdapatnya masalah (atau hal yang dianggap masalah atau pelik) dan langkah yang diambil untuk merespon masalah tersebut—ini umumnya berupa solusi atau penyelesaian. Konten teks narrative dapat berupa cerita khayalan atau kisah nyata yang mendapatkan bumbu-bumbu perekayasa.

Teks narrative umumnya memiliki struktur:- orientation, pendahuluan atau pembuka berupa pengelanalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat.- complication/crisis, pengembangan konflik atau pemunculan masalah.- resolution, penyelesaian konflik atau langkah yang diambil untuk merespon masalah.- reorientation, penutup—ungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan cerita sudah berakhir, ini sifatnya opsional.- coda, perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita; sifatnya opsional.

There was once a king who was very powerful and rich. But he was unhappy, because he felt ill all the time. No doctors knew how to cure him, nor did any medicine do him good. One day, he called all his wise men to his palace and asked them what to do. “There is only one way,” said a very old man. “If you can find a happy man, take his shirt and wear it, you’ll be so on cured.”

So the king sent his men to search for all the happy men. They traveled all over the country, but they could not find one. There was nobody who was completely satisfied.

The men were very tired of being long search, and did not know when to go home. Just as they were worrying about that, they saw a workman who was singing merrily while he was at work.

“Are you happy?” they asked the man.“Yes, I am happy as a lark,” answered the man.“Give us your shirt,” said the men. “We’ll give you as much money as you need.”“Alas!” cried the man, “I haven’t got a shirt.”

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

11. RecountJenis teks yang kontennya melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian, atau kegiatan yang menimpa seseorang, atau berupa pengalaman seseorang. Tujuan teks recount adalah untuk memberitahukan atau hiburan.

Teks recount umumnya memiliki struktur:- orientation, pendahuluan atau pembuka berupa pengelanalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat.- events, rangkaian kejadian/peristiwa.- reorientation, penutup—ungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan peristiwa/kejadian/ kegiatan sudah selesai.- komentar pribadi akan peritiwa yang diutarakan, sifatnya opsional.

On Sunday, my friend and I went to Lake Kintamani in Bali. The water was clean, the temperature was cool and there were trees surrounding the lake.

On Monday, we visited Tanah Lot. We took pictures of the temple. The scenery was amazing. There was holly water beside the rocky hill and there was a hole occupied by a big snake which was considered sacred by the local people.

On Tuesday, we went to Sangeh where many wild monkeys walked freely and climbed the trees. In the afternoon we went home.

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

12. Procedure

Untuk memberi petunjuk tentang langkah-langkah/metode/cara-cara melakukan sesuatu. Teks procedure umumnya berisi tips atau serangkaian tindakan atau langkah dalam membuatu suatu barang atau melakukan suatu aktifitas

Teks procedure umumnya memiliki struktur:- goal, tujuan kegiatan.- materials, bahan-bahan/barang, sifatnya opsional.- steps, serangkaian langkah

Rose Flovered Agar Agar♦ 32 g agar agar strips, cut into short strands and cooked for 1 hour.♦ 1,5 liter water♦ 700 g rock sugar, broken into smaller pieces♦ 5 pandan leaves, tied into a knot♦ 1 ½ tsp rose essence♦ 2 drops pink or red food coloring1. Put agar agar strips and water into a pan and bring to a gentle boil over a medium—low fire till agar

agar dissolved

2. Add rock sugar and pandan leaves and boil for about 5 minutes or until it is dissolved. Discard pandan leaves. Add essence and coloring. Stir to mix well. Pour the mixture into a square tin or agar agar moulds.

3. Leave to cool for 5 to 10 minutes, then put it in the fridge to set for 3 hours. Serve sliced into squares or any shape you fancy.

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan gagasan utama

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan gagasan utama wacana tersebut dengan tepat.

Menentukan gagasan utama

Clue: - main idea/information- title

- the text …about …

- topic

- the text describes

Tips:- Judul- Kalimat pertama (+ kal. terakhir)- Setiap kalimat pertama

Satu paragraf

Lebih dari satu paragraf

- Kata yang paling sering munculPilihan berupa nama benda/ orang/binatang

Gagasan utama adalah hal atau tema yang diusung atau dibicarakan dalam suatu teks. Dengan kata lain, gagasan utama merupakan gambaran umum wacana/teks, yaitu apa yang menjadi tesis penulis—secara spesifik apa maksud si penulis menuliskan teks tersebut. Apabila kita dapat mereduksi bacaan pada teks menjadi suatu kalimat, bunyi kalimat itulah yang kita namakan pikiran utama.

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Calories per day

Boys Girls

Ages Calories Ages Calories

9 –11 2,200 9 – 11 2,200

12 – 14 2,650 12 – 14 2,150

15 – 17 2,900 15 – 17 2,150

The text is about the number of calories that _____.(A) children need per day based on their ages(B) old people have to consume daily(C) all people must burn in a day(D) the boys need in a whole day (UN 2008 No. 8)

gagasan utama

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)


The text is about the number of calories that _____.(A) children need per day based on their ages(B) old people have to consume daily(C) all people must burn in a day(D) the boys need in a whole day (UN 2008 No. 8)

The text is about the number of calories that _____.(A) children need per day based on their ages(B) old people have to consume daily(C) all people must burn in a day(D) the boys need in a whole day (UN 2008 No. 8)

The text is about the number of calories that _____.(A) children need per day based on their ages(B) old people have to consume daily(C) all people must burn in a day(D) the boys need in a whole day (UN 2008 No. 8)

Page 17: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.

What is the text mostly about?(A) Peter(B) Peter’s hobby(C) Peter’s family(D) Peter’s elder brother(UN 2008 No. 10)

gagasan utama/ inti teks

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)


Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.

What is the text mostly about?(A) Peter(B) Peter’s hobby(C) Peter’s family(D) Peter’s elder brother(UN 2008 No. 10)



Page 18: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. “Brownie”, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are schoked. Some hunters calim the brown bear can outfight a tiger.

A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1,600 pounds. But home when the brown bear is born, it weigh less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate. You would weigh almost 10,000 pounds when you were fully grown!

39. What does the text mostly tell about?

a. Brown bears. c. Fighting tigers.

b. Strong hunters. d. Alaska people.

(UN 2007 No. 39)

gagasan utama/ inti teks - judul

- orang/binatang/benda/ tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)






JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. “Brownie”, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are schoked. Some hunters calim the brown bear can outfight a tiger.

A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1,600 pounds. But home when the brown bear is born, it weigh less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate. You would weigh almost 10,000 pounds when you were fully grown!

Page 19: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

What does the text tell us about?

a. The kangaroo

b. The koala

c. The wombat

d. The sugar glider(UN 2007 No. 8)

Text 1

The sugar glider is a marsupial, just like the many other Australian animals—the kangaroo, the koala and the wombat for instance. The sugar glider is a possum—very similar to the tupai in Indonesia. It basically lives in trees. It eats leaves and fruit. However, the Australian sugar glider has a very special skill. It can jump from tree to tree like a tupai but it can also ‘sort of fly’ as well. In fact, it glides or terbang layang in Bahasa Indonesia. When it jumps from one tree to another it spreads its four legs out wide; and its extra skin also spreads out and functions like a parachute.





8.gagasan utama

nama binatangTips: hitung, mana yg paling banyak muncul dlm teks

… tells us …… about… main …… topic… title… describes

clue - judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)

Page 20: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Young Stars

The finalist of “Akademi Fantasi Indonesia 1” (AFI) are wonderful young people.

Mawar who was born on 26 February 1985 is a cute girl. She has straight, short hair. Her bright skin, chubby cheeks, and lovely smile make her look very marvelous. She is not very tall. However, her weight which is 40 kgs matches her body well and makes her look cute.

Unlike Mawar, Ve looks tall. She is 1.69 meters tall. She looks slim. She weighs 45 kgs. Compared to Mawar, Ve looks darker. The 22-years-old girl has blacck, straight hair.

Another finalist is Ismail who is better known as Smile. The young man who was born on 16 September 1983 looks much bigger and taller than his two female friends. He is tall and muscular. His complexion is fair and his hair is short and straight.

Text 1 UN 2007 Kode 45 (B)

The text is about ____.

a. Mawar AFI

b. Ve AFI

c. Ismail AFI

d. The finalists of AFI UN 2007 Kode 45 (B) No. 8

gagasan utama/ inti teks

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)


Young Stars

The finalist of “Akademi Fantasi Indonesia 1” (AFI) are wonderful young people.

Mawar who was born on 26 February 1985 is a cute girl. She has straight, short hair. Her bright skin, chubby cheeks, and lovely smile make her look very marvelous. She is not very tall. However, her weight which is 40 kgs matches her body well and makes her look cute.

Unlike Mawar, Ve looks tall. She is 1.69 meters tall. She looks slim. She weighs 45 kgs. Compared to Mawar, Ve looks darker. The 22-years-old girl has blacck, straight hair.

Another finalist is Ismail who is better known as Smile. The young man who was born on 16 September 1983 looks much bigger and taller than his two female friends. He is tall and muscular. His complexion is fair and his hair is short and straight.

Text 1 UN 2007 Kode 45 (B)

Page 21: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

A rain forest, a very dense forest is usually found in tropical areas. These forests have warm climates. Rain forests also receive a high amount of rainfall. A special trait of these forests is the large amount of plants and animals living in them.

Another trait of the rainforest is the forest canopy. This canopy is formed by the branches and leaves of the large trees. The canopy forms a green roof over the forest. Most birds live in the branches of the canopy.

Unfortunately, rain forests are rapidly depleting. People are clearing more and more rain forests for timber. Some people are cutting down trees illegally. This is called illegal logging. If the forests are cleared, many animals and plants may become extinct.

39. What is the text about?

a. Plants and animals.

b. Illegal jogging.

c. Tropical areas.

d. Rain forest (UN 2007 No. 39)

gagasan utama

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)

… tells us …… about… main …… topic

… title… describes

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

Page 22: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

What is the Significance of Rabbits’ Large EarsA rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrow in the

ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossil which can be attributed to this family came from North America but now they are found in every part of the world. Compared to its small body rabbit has large-sized ears.

A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones.

You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface of its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets.

Shortened from: Children’s Knowledge Bank, Look Out. Rohan Book Company.

What is the main idea of paragraph 2?(A) How enemies surround a rabbit.(B) How a rabbit detects its enemies.(C) Why a rabbit has many enemies.(D) Why a rabbit likes fighting. (UN 2008 No. 42)

gagasan utama … tells us …… about… main …… topic… title… describes

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/ tempat : hitung

mana yg paling banyak muncul- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal

(+akhir)- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal

+akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)

What is the Significance of Rabbits’ Large EarsA rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrow in the

ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossil which can be attributed to this family came from North America but now they are found in every part of the world. Compared to its small body rabbit has large-sized ears.

A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones.

You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface of its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets.

Shortened from: Children’s Knowledge Bank, Look Out. Rohan Book Company.

tidak ada cara atau alasan

What is the Significance of Rabbits’ Large EarsA rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrow in the

ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossil which can be attributed to this family came from North America but now they are found in every part of the world. Compared to its small body rabbit has large-sized ears.

A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones.

You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface of its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets.

Shortened from: Children’s Knowledge Bank, Look Out. Rohan Book Company.

Page 23: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)

quarters of Borneo also belong to Indonesia. Both islands are the second-and-third largest islands in the world, after Greenland.

Many geographers divide the more than 13,600 islands of Indonesia into three groups: (1) the Greater Sunda Islands, (2) the lesser Sunda Islands, and (3) the Mollucas. Indonesia also includes Irian Jaya, which is part of New Guinea.

The Greater Sunda includes Borneo, Sulawesi, Java and Sumatera. The Lesser Sunda Islands extend from Bali eastward to the Timor. The Mollucas lie between Sulawesi and New Guinea. The western part of New Guinea is called Irian Jaya, an Indonesian territory. Compared to the other regions, Irian Jaya is the most thinly populated.

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia that consists of more than 13,000 islands. The islands lie along the equator and extend more than 5,000 kilometers. Many of the islands cover only a few square kilometers. But about a half of New Guinea and three

The Indonesian Archipelago

15. Paragraph two talks about ____.

a. the three divisions of Indonesia's islands.

b. the greater Sunda islands.

c. the Indonesian geographers.

d. the position of Indonesia. (UN 2007 No. 15)

gagasan utama/ inti teks - judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

Page 24: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The Indonesian archipleago is by far the world’s largest group of 13.667 islands which stretches across 5,120 km (3,200 miles) of tropical seas like a string of emeralds. When sperimposed on a map of North America, Indonesia stretches from Oregon all the way to Bermuda. On a map of Europe, the archipelago extends from Ireland past the Caspian Sea. More than 200 million people inhabit this archipelago. Known to anthropologists and naturalists as “The Malay equatorial line”, the equatorial line is an imaginary line dividing the earth into two parts from east to west in the tropical zone. This makes Indonesia have two seasons, the wet and dry season. Because of its location many kinds of flora and fauna live here. According to the astonomical location, Indonesia lies between 60 North Latitude and 110 South Latitude and between 950 East Longitude adn 1410 East Longitude.

The Mightiest Archipleago

What is paragraph one about?

a. The length of Indonesia

b. The Indonesia’s product

c. The size of Indonesia

d. The Indonesia’s people

gagasan utama … tells us …… about… main …… topic… title… describes

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/ tempat : hitung

mana yg paling banyak muncul- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal

(+akhir)- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal

+akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)


Page 25: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan gagasan utama

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan gagasan utama wacana tersebut dengan tepat.

Clue: - main idea/information- title

- the text …about …

- topic

- the text describes

Tips:- Judul- Kalimat pertama (+ kal. terakhir)- Setiap kalimat pertama

Satu paragraf

Lebih dari satu paragraf

- Kata yang paling sering munculPilihan berupa nama benda/ orang/binatang


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan gagasan utama

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan gagasan utama wacana tersebut dengan tepat.

Page 26: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour of Europe. They were travelling on a guided tour to five countries. They were going to travel through Netherland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France for two weeks.

The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the 1st day of the travel, the guide told them to check their passports, their traveller checks and their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safely.

They travelled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music, and video. The guide stopped the coach at many famous places. He explained the cultural importance of the places. They stayed in big hotels for the night and ate in the restaurants.

On the way, they stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In the big towns they went shopping. They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They enjoyed the two-week tour.

The text is about _____.(A) travelling(B) shopping(C) tracking(D) visiting(UN 2008 No. 20)

gagasan utama/ inti teks - judul

- orang/binatang/benda/ tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf lainnya)



Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour of Europe. They were travelling on a guided tour to five countries. They were going to travel through Netherland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France for two weeks.

The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the 1st day of the travel, the guide told them to check their passports, their traveller checks and their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safely.

They travelled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music, and video. The guide stopped the coach at many famous places. He explained the cultural importance of the places. They stayed in big hotels for the night and ate in the restaurants.

On the way, they stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In the big towns they went shopping. They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They enjoyed the two-week tour.

Page 27: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

A shepherd took his sheep out to pasture, but when it was time to return to the sheep pen, he found that some wild goats had become mixed up with his flock. Nonetheless, he was very please that the flock had grown by itself, and he closed the goats into the pen along with sheep.

The next day was rainy and the shepherd decided not to go out. He gave his sheep only a small handful of food, while he gave much bigger rations to the goats. He thought that if he treated them well, they would stay with him. In spite of this, as soon as the shepherd opened the gate, the goats ran out and he was unable to catch them again.

“Ungrateful beasts,” shouted the shepherd after them. “I treated you better than the other!”“That’s why we are going,” answered one of the goats. “If you prefer us new animals to

your sheep, how will you treat us if you find some more animals in your flock?”So do not be to happy if someone shows you that they prefer you to their old friends. You

too will soon be an old friend and could be replaced just as easily.

The text tells you about a shepherd, his sheep and ____.(A) the pasture(B) wild goats(C) his friends(D) all beats (UN 2008 No. 27)

gagasan utama/ inti teks - judul- orang/binatang/benda/ tempat : hitung

mana yg paling banyak muncul- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal

(+akhir)- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal

+akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)




Page 28: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS,63372.TLP:0352485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Amelia’s house was in a quiet place. It was a hilly village. The garden of her house was beautiful. Flowers with various colors grew there. Amelia grew some roses. She’s a nature lover. One day Amelia closed her book. She felt tired after studying hard. She stood by the window. She could see the mountain from there. It was a beautiful bluish green. “How beautiful. How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of that mountain without climbing.”“If you want to fly up there, follow me,” said a soft voice. Amelia was surprised.“Who are you? Why did you come without permission?”“My name is Yuli. My home is a bit far from here. I want to be your friend, Amelia” saif the girl.“You know my name,” said Amelia“I often hear your mother calling you,” Yuli answer. She reached out her hand to Amelia. Amelia shook Yuli’s hand.“Why is your hand so cold? Are you ill?” asked Amelia, worried.“I haven’t been to school for few days,” said Yuli.“If you were sick, why aren’t you in bed now?” asked Amelia.“The fresh air will make me better, Amelia,” said Yuli pulled Amelia’s hand. She wanted Amelia to follow her.“Oh, no. I cannot go now. I must do my homework.”“Okay. How about tomorrow? My mother will make some delicious cakes for me. You must taste some, Yuli,” said Amelia.“Thanks Amelia. You are so kind.” Yuli waved to Amelia and then she was gone. Amelia’s mother was puzzled to see her daughter talking alone.

What does the story tell about?(A) A mysterious girl.(B) Amelia’s new friend.(C) A little girl in a village(D) A quiet place in a village (UN 2008 No. 14)

Amelia’s house was in a quiet place. It was a hilly village. The garden of her house was beautiful. Flowers with various colors grew there. Amelia grew some roses. She’s a nature lover. One day Amelia closed her book. She felt tired after studying hard. She stood by the window. She could see the mountain from there. It was a beautiful bluish green. “How beautiful. How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of that mountain without climbing.”“If you want to fly up there, follow me,” said a soft voice. Amelia was surprised.“Who are you? Why did you come without permission?”“My name is Yuli. My home is a bit far from here. I want to be your friend, Amelia” saif the girl.“You know my name,” said Amelia“I often hear your mother calling you,” Yuli answer. She reached out her hand to Amelia. Amelia shook Yuli’s hand.“Why is your hand so cold? Are you ill?” asked Amelia, worried.“I haven’t been to school for few days,” said Yuli.“If you were sick, why aren’t you in bed now?” asked Amelia.“The fresh air will make me better, Amelia,” said Yuli pulled Amelia’s hand. She wanted Amelia to follow her.“Oh, no. I cannot go now. I must do my homework.”“Okay. How about tomorrow? My mother will make some delicious cakes for me. You must taste some, Yuli,” said Amelia.“Thanks Amelia. You are so kind.” Yuli waved to Amelia and then she was gone. Amelia’s mother was puzzled to see her daughter talking alone.

Page 29: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Amelia’s house was in a quiet place. It was a hilly village. The garden of her house was beautiful. Flowers with various colors grew there. Amelia grew some roses. She’s a nature lover. One day Amelia closed her book. She felt tired after studying hard. She stood by the window. She could see the mountain from there. It was a beautiful bluish green. “How beautiful. How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of that mountain without climbing.”“If you want to fly up there, follow me,” said a soft voice. Amelia was surprised.“Who are you? Why did you come without permission?”“My name is Yuli. My home is a bit far from here. I want to be your friend, Amelia” saif the girl.“You know my name,” said Amelia“I often hear your mother calling you,” Yuli answer. She reached out her hand to Amelia. Amelia shook Yuli’s hand.“Why is your hand so cold? Are you ill?” asked Amelia, worried.“I haven’t been to school for few days,” said Yuli.“If you were sick, why aren’t you in bed now?” asked Amelia.“The fresh air will make me better, Amelia,” said Yuli pulled Amelia’s hand. She wanted Amelia to follow her.“Oh, no. I cannot go now. I must do my homework.”“Okay. How about tomorrow? My mother will make some delicious cakes for me. You must taste some, Yuli,” said Amelia.“Thanks Amelia. You are so kind.” Yuli waved to Amelia and then she was gone. Amelia’s mother was puzzled to see her daughter talking alone.

The first paragraph is about ____.(A) the dream of Amelia(B) the setting place of the story(C) how the story happened(D) the problem faced by Amelia (UN 2008 No. 15)

Amelia’s house was in a quiet place. It was a hilly village. The garden of her house was beautiful. Flowers with various colors grew there. Amelia grew some roses. She’s a nature lover. One day Amelia closed her book. She felt tired after studying hard. She stood by the window. She could see the mountain from there. It was a beautiful bluish green. “How beautiful. How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of that mountain without climbing.”“If you want to fly up there, follow me,” said a soft voice. Amelia was surprised.“Who are you? Why did you come without permission?”“My name is Yuli. My home is a bit far from here. I want to be your friend, Amelia” saif the girl.“You know my name,” said Amelia“I often hear your mother calling you,” Yuli answer. She reached out her hand to Amelia. Amelia shook Yuli’s hand.“Why is your hand so cold? Are you ill?” asked Amelia, worried.“I haven’t been to school for few days,” said Yuli.“If you were sick, why aren’t you in bed now?” asked Amelia.“The fresh air will make me better, Amelia,” said Yuli pulled Amelia’s hand. She wanted Amelia to follow her.“Oh, no. I cannot go now. I must do my homework.”“Okay. How about tomorrow? My mother will make some delicious cakes for me. You must taste some, Yuli,” said Amelia.“Thanks Amelia. You are so kind.” Yuli waved to Amelia and then she was gone. Amelia’s mother was puzzled to see her daughter talking alone.

Page 30: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

Jl. Permai RAYA,PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.TLP.0352485014.085646244078



1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan gagasan utama

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk iklan, siswa dapat menentukan gagasan utama dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan gagasan utama

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk iklan, siswa dapat menentukan gagasan utama dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.

Clue: - main idea/information- title

- the text …about …

- topic

- the text describes

Tips:- Judul- Kalimat pertama (+ kal. terakhir)- Setiap kalimat pertama

Satu paragraf

Lebih dari satu paragraf

- Kata yang paling sering munculPilihan berupa nama benda/ orang/binatang

Page 31: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


This hair tonic is processed from the leaves of the quinine tree to help stimulate hair growth. Apply evenly on scalp every morning or evening particularly on areas where hair is thinning and lightly massage.

What does the text tell you about?(A) Hair cut(B) Hair style(C) Hair dresser(D) Hair treatment(UN 2008 No. 25)

gagasan utama/ inti teks

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf lainnya)


obat penguat

Page 32: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Find the correct spelling and

pronunciation more than 80,000 words

with this

electronic dictionaryMade of strong plastic

Comes in two colors:

Dark gray and light blue

$ 104.50

11. What is being advertised in the text above?

a. A strong plastic. c. A correct spelling.

b. A complete dictionary. d. An electronic dictionary.

Apa yg sedang diiklankan dlm teks? inti teks

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf lainnya)


Page 33: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

11. What does the advertisement tell us about? a. Many kinds of trucks. b. Farming tools. c. Heavy duty equipment and machinery. d. Many construction machineries. (UN 2007 No. 11)

gagasan utama/ inti teks

- judul- orang/binatang/benda/

tempat : hitung mana yg paling banyak muncul

- teks [1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal (+akhir)

- teks [>1 paragraf]: baca kalimat awal +akhir pargf 1, dan setiap kalimat pertama pargf laiinnya)


Page 34: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersirat wacana deskriptif tersebut dengan tepat.

- True/Not true

- Except



1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersirat wacana deskriptif tersebut dengan tepat.

Informasi rinci merupakan jenis keterampilan untuk memilah informasi.Informasi rinci mencakup jenis soal:- menentukan pernyatakan yang benar (true) atau tidak benar (not true) berdasarkan paparan teks- mengkategorikan informasi kedalam cakupan tertentu

Page 35: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. “Brownie”, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are schoked. Some hunters claim the brown bear can outfight a tiger.

A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1,600 pounds. But home when the brown bear is born, it weigh less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate. You would weigh almost 10,000 pounds when you were fully grown!

40. Which the statement is NOT TRUE according the text?

a. A brown bear eats meat.

b. Brown bears can beat a tiger.

c. Brownie will keep away when it sees people.

d. Brown bears are tame animals. (UN 2007 No. 40)


Page 36: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The director of the Indonesian Import Companyrequest the company of

Mr. John TaylorManaging Director of Woolcat Ltd,


on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversaryof their company at the International Club

in Jakartaon 10 September at 8.15 p.m.

(Dinner at 9.00 p.m.)


Zu Bakir, Indonesia Import Company,250 Serang Road

Jakarta, Indonesia.

Which statement is TRUE based on the text above?

(A) Mr. Zu Bakir is the director of the International Club.

(B) The invitees should inform Zu Bakir about their coming.

(C) Mr. Taylor is the director of the Indonesian Import Company.

(D) The Indonesia Import Company is located in Hampshire England.

(UN 2008 No. 31)

X pihak yang diundang harus memberitahukan akan kedatangan mereka

Repondez s’il vous plait Haras dijawab/memberi konfirmasi kepada



Page 37: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Which statement is TRUE based on the pictures?

a. Faisal is the youngest child.

b. Reihan is the oldest child.

c. Taris is younger than Ratih.

d. Faisal is older than Listy. UN 2007 No. 6

6. Look at the pictures!

Name : ReihanAge : 14 years oldHeight : 155 cm

Name : FaisalAge : 10 years oldHeight : 145 cm

Name : TarisAge : 15 years oldHeight : 157 cm

—est = paling —er = lebih





Page 38: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

quarters of Borneo also belong to Indonesia. Both islands are the second-and-third largest islands in the world, after Greenland.

Many geographers divide the more than 13,600 islands of Indonesia into three groups: (1) the Greater Sunda Islands, (2) the lesser Sunda Islands, and (3) the Mollucas. Indonesia also includes Irian Jaya, which is part of New Guinea.

The Greater Sunda includes Borneo, Sulawesi, Java and Sumatera. The Lesser Sunda Islands extend from Bali eastward to the Timor. The Mollucas lie between Sulawesi and New Guinea. The western part of New Guinea is called Irian Jaya, an Indonesian territory. Compared to the other regions, Irian Jaya is the most thinly populated.

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia that consists of more than 13,000 islands. The islands lie along the equator and extend more than 5,000 kilometers. Many of the islands cover only a few square kilometers. But about a half of New Guinea and three

The Indonesian Archipelago

17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. Most of Indonesian population live in Irian Jaya.

b. Indonesia has more than 13,000 islands.

c. Borneo is the third biggest island in the world.

d. The Mollucas is between Sulawesi and New Guinea. UN 2007 No. 17

Page 39: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersirat wacana deskriptif tersebut dengan tepat.

- True/Not true

- Except



1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersirat wacana deskriptif tersebut dengan tepat.

Page 40: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The Lamb and The Wolf

One day the wolf was slaking his thirst at a stream when he chanced to see a lamb, also drinking, at some distance down the stream.

Outraged, he growled, “You are muddying my drinking water, now I shall eat you”

The lamb protested, “But, Sir, how can I be muddying your drinking water? I am farther down stream than you are. The water is flowing from your part of the stream to where I am.”

“Upstream or downstream, your drinking is muddying my water, and I shall eat you.” So saying, the wolf leaped upon the lamb and devoured him.

28. The following facts made the wolf get angry with lamb, except ____.

(A) the lamb muddied the water

(B) the wolf wanted to eat the lamb

(C) the lamb drank at the same stream

(D) the lamb protested him UN 2007 No. 28

Page 41: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersirat wacana deskriptif tersebut dengan tepat.

- True/Not true

- Except



1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersirat wacana deskriptif tersebut dengan tepat.

Page 42: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

12. United tractors Tbk offers us the following things, except, ____. a. construction machineries b. factory machineries c. many kind of trucks d. concrete mixer UN 2007 No. 12

Page 43: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi tersirat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi tersirat tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi tersirat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi tersirat tersebut dengan tepat.

Yang dimaksud dengan ‘informasi tersirat’ adalah informasi yang tidak tertera jelas dalam teks. Informasi tersirat merupakan jenis informasi hasil suatu inferensi dari data-data atau informasi-informasi dalam teks. Untuk dapat menjawab pertanyaan ini dibutuhkan keterampilan ‘reading between the lines’. Informasi tersirat menuntut para siswa untuk menggali informasi yang teimplikasikan, dan acapkali menuntut pelibatan pengetahuan lain—cotext—di uar apa yang nampak pada teks. Yang tergolong pertanyaan informasi tersirat adalah:1. mencari simpulan wacana2. menentukan nilai moral3. menentukan tujuan teks

Page 44: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Purpose of the textClue: - purpose

- the writer wrote the text to/for …

- (communicative/social) function

- (all options begin with) To …

- intention

Tips: - Once, long time ago, in olden time

- surat

- Steps /… then … then … then …

Paragraf 1

- ways

dongeng hiburan to entertain , to amuse

- how to …

- pengumuman to announce- Undangan to invite

Page 45: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Students Writing Contest

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submission of poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays for this year’s Student Writing Contest.

CATEGORIESPoetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays.

MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only, please) double-space, and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution. Of this information, only title should appear on the manuscript itself.

POSRMARK SUBMISSION BY DECEMBER 1< AND SEND TO:Student Writing ContestThe Atlantic Monthly77 N. Washington SteerBoston, MA 02114

Source: WWW.theatlantic.com/about/contest.htm

What is the purpose of the text?(A) To describe the students writing contest.(B) To announce the students writing contest.(C) To amuse the students writing contest.(D) To retell the students about writing contest. (UN 2008 No. 5)

tujuan / peruntukan teks Tips:- pengumuman to announce- undangan to invite- surat paragraf 1- dongeng (once, long time ago, in olden time) to amuse, to entertain- steps (first, second, third) how to … / ways

Students Writing Contest

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submission of poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays for this year’s Student Writing Contest.

CATEGORIESPoetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays.

MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only, please) double-space, and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution. Of this information, only title should appear on the manuscript itself.

POSRMARK SUBMISSION BY DECEMBER 1< AND SEND TO:Student Writing ContestThe Atlantic Monthly77 N. Washington SteerBoston, MA 02114

Source: WWW.theatlantic.com/about/contest.htm

Page 46: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Tikka Kebab

Ingredients:1. Cubes of lamb2. Squares of green pepper3. Onions4. Salad5. Tikka seasoning mixture

Steps:1. Cut onions into quarters2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of green

pepper and onion squares on bamboo skewers and marinate them in Tikka seasoning

3. Grill them4. Serve them with a salad (curry like

seasoning from India)

What does the writer write the text for?(A) To inform how to serve a salad.(B) To explain how to make a salad.(C) To tell how to make Tikka Kebab(D) To discus how to make cubes of lamb

(UN 2008 No. 35)tujuan / peruntukan teks

Tips:- pengumuman to announce- undangan to invite- surat paragraf 1- dongeng (once, long time ago, in olden time) to amuse, to entertain- steps (first, second, third) how to … / ways

Page 47: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The director of the Indonesian Import Companyrequest the company of

Mr. John TaylorManaging Director of Woolcat Ltd,


on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversaryof their company at the International Club

in Jakartaon 10 September at 8.15 p.m.

(Dinner at 9.00 p.m.)


Zu Bakir, Indonesia Import Company,250 Serang Road

Jakarta, Indonesia.

What is the purpose of the text?(A) To invite someone.(B) To inform people.(C) To send a message.(D) To remind someone.

(UN 2008 No. 30)

tujuan / peruntukan teks

Tips:- pengumuman to announce- undangan to invite- surat paragraf 1- dongeng (once, long time ago, in olden time) to amuse, to entertain- steps (first, second, third) how to … / ways

Page 48: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Dear Emily, How are you doing? Remember me? We met at “Smutzer Primate Museum” in Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta last month. I am really glad that you chose my country to spend the vacation. Sorry, I cannot enclose our photos here, because you know, my youngest brother, Irfan, deleted them. I had not kept them yet in the camera. Here I give you some photos of Irfan’s birthday. We celebrated it by having lunch together. You can see my big family. My mom roasted 3 big fish for us. And we had hot chili sauce of sambal to eat with that roasted fish. Hm … yummy! How about your activity this semester? You’re in class 11th, right? I want to know about Victoria. I want to be your pen pal, so I can improve my English, and you can improve your bahasa Indonesia, too. Okay, that’s all for the first letter. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Send my love to your mom and grandma. Bye!

Your pal,Mirda

The writer’s purpose of writing this letter is _____.(A) to get a photo(B) to have pen pal(C) to go to Victoria(D) to tell her experience

(UN 2008 No. 38)

tujuan / peruntukan teks

Tips:- pengumuman to announce- undangan to invite- surat I want to …; I would like like ….

paragraf 1- dongeng (once, long time ago, in olden time)

to amuse, to entertain- steps (first, second, third) how to … /



Page 49: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

What is the Significance of Rabbits’ Large Ears A rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrow in the

ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossil which can be attributed to this family came from North America but now they are found in every part of the world. Compared to its small body rabbit has large-sized ears.

A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones.

You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface of its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets.

Shortened from: Children’s Knowledge Bank, Look Out. Rohan Book Company.

The purpose of the text is ____.(A) to amuse the story(B) to retell rabbit’s habitat(C) to describe rabbit ears.(D) to describe a rabbit likes fighting

(UN 2008 No. 43)

tujuan / peruntukan teksTips:- pengumuman to announce- undangan to invite- surat paragraf 1- dongeng (once, long time ago, in olden time) to amuse, to entertain- steps (first, second, third) how to … / ways

Page 50: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

A Possum In The House

Once there was a small possum who went to visit my house. The possum was very tired and hungry. He went to different places to find food, so he made a big mess around the house.

First, he went into the cupboard in the big kitchen. After that he went into the small washing basket. The possum’s next stop was the study room. Here he perched on the top of the bookshelf. Next, he went to the lounge and hid in the stereo. After visiting the lounge, he went to the bathroom. In the bathroom he squirted all the toothpaste out. Then he hid in the toilet.

Finally, the possum went to the bathroom and slept on the bed. He looked very cute when sleeping.

Why did the writer write the text?

(A) To entertain readers.

(B) To show how to do something.

(C) To describe what possum is.

(D) To inform readers about what happened. (UN 2006 No. 16 KBK)

Tips:- pengumuman to announce- undangan to invite- surat paragraf 1- dongeng (once, long time ago, in olden time) to amuse, to entertain- steps (first, second, third) how to … / ways

Page 51: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepsister and stepmother. They were very bossy. She had to do all the housework.

One day an invitation to the ball came to the family. Her stepsister did not let her go, so Cinderella was very sad. The stepsister went to the ball without her.

Fortunately, the fairy good other came and helped her to get to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella danced with the prince. The prince fell in love with her then he married her. They lived happily ever after.

The communicative purpose of this text is to ....

(A) entertain the readers with a fairy tale.

(B) describe how Cinderella went to the ball.

(C) persuade the readers to read the story.

(D) inform the readers about Cinderella's marriage.

(UN 2006 No. 29 KBK sma)

Tips:- pengumuman to announce- undangan to invite- surat paragraf 1- dongeng (once, long time ago, in olden time) to amuse, to entertain- steps (first, second, third) how to … / ways

Page 52: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The Tyrant Who Became a Just ruler

In the olden times there was a king who was so cruel and unjust toward his subjects that he was always called The Tyrant. So heartless was he that his people used to pray night and day that they might have a new king.

One day, much to their surprise, he called his people together and said to them, "My dear subjects, the days of my tyranny are over. Henceforth, you shall live in peace and happiness, for I have decided to try my rule henceforth justly and well.”

The King kept his words so well that soon he was known throughout the land as The Just King. By and by one of his favourites came to him said, "Your Majesty I beg you to tell me how it was that you had this change of heart towards our people."

And the King replied, "As I was galloping through my forests one afternoon, I caught sight of a hound chasing a fox. The fox escaped into his hole, but not until he had been bitten by the dog so badly that he would be lame for life. The hound, returning home, met a man who threw a stone at him, which broke his leg. And the horse, starting to run, fell into a hole and broke his leg. Here I came to my senses, and resolved to change my rule. 'for surely,' I said to myself,' he who does evil will sooner or later be overtaken by evil."

The communicative purpose of this text is ....(A) to criticize a work of art(B) to describe particular person(C) to describe how something is accomplished(D) to entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience(UN 2006 No 48 KBK-sma)

Page 53: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd



TLP (0711) 41039

To: Fino, class II B.


Would you please attend our meeting that will be held:

Day/date: On Saturday May 31st, 2006

Time : At 11 a.m.

Place : In the school hall

Agenda: Final preparation for wall magazine competition 2006.

Please come on time. See you later

Devina Farhan

Secretary Chairperson

What is the purpose of writing the letter?

(A) To confirm a meeting agenda.

(B) To ask people to prepare a meeting

(C) To invite someone to attend a meeting.

(D) To inform somebody that the meeting is cancelled.

(UN 2006 No 21 KBK )

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Dear Joko,

I just got a call from Tina. She told me your father passed away a week ago. I’m sorry to hear such bad news. Please accept my condolences. I know it must be hard for you and your family, but time heals all wounds.

Take care of yourself, will you? And if you and your family need me for anything, just call me, ok?




The purpose of the letter is to ____.

(A) apologize

(B) show sympathy

(C) express gratitude

(D) express happiness

(UN 2006 No. 43 KBK)

sorry to hear condolences

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

1. The voter goes to the party representative and gets a “How to Vote” card.

2. He/she then goes to the polling clerk who crosses out their names to show they have voted.

3. The clerk then gives them a ballot paper.

4. They then go to a polling booth where they vote for the party who they want to vote for by putting a number for each person on the voting paper.

5. When each person has finished voting, she/he puts the ballot paper into a ballot box.

6. He/she then goes and watches the results on TV.

What is the purpose of the text?

(A) To show how to vote.

(B) To describe the clerk’s jobs.

(C) To give a report about the party.

(D) To inform readers the result of the voting.

(UN 2006 No 36 KBK)

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd



- … we can learn that

- … we can/may conclude - … the moral value …

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big, black snake sleeping under tree. When he saw the snake, the mouse deer was frightened. When he wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fell on top of a tiger which was sleeping not far from the snake. The tiger woke aup and took hold of the mousedeer. He told the mousedeer that he was going to eat him for lunch. “Please don’t eat me now,” said the mousedeer. “I have something important to do.

“Look,” said the mousedeer. “That is the king’s belt. He asked me to stay here and watch it while he was away in the forest”. The tiger looked at the snake and said, “That is a beautiful belt. I need a belt like that. Can I wear it?” he asked the mousedeer.

“Oh all right,” said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around the tiger. Then the snake woke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted itself tighter and tighter, until the tiger couldn’t breathe. The tiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But the mousedeer turned and run away into the forest.

29. After reading this story, we can learn that ____.

a. we have to behave like the mousedeer.

b. we have to find a way to save ourselves from danger

c. sleeping black snake was a dangerous animal

d. we have to be careful with the mousedeer (UN 2007 No. 29 Kd 12)

pesan moral yang bagus-bagus, dan normatif, bersifat umum

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The Lamb and The Wolf

One day the wolf was slaking his thirst at a stream when he chanced to see a lamb, also drinking, at some distance down the stream.

Outraged, he growled, “You are muddying my drinking water, now I shall eat you”

The lamb protested, “But, Sir, how can I be muddying your drinking water? I am farther down stream than you are. The water is flowing from your part of the stream to where I am.”

“Upstream or downstream, your drinking is muddying my water, and I shall eat you.” So saying, the wolf leaped upon the lamb and devoured him.

29. We can learn from the story that …

(A) Never drink the water.

(B) Never clean our body on the stream.

(C) The bad will always beat the good.

(D) The strong will always rule the weak (UN 2007 No. 29 Kd 45)

Apapun alasanya, pada certita soal, serigala tetap memakan domba itu

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

A shepherd took his sheep out to pasture, but when it was time to return to the sheep pen, he found that some wild goats had become mixed up with his flock. Nonetheless, he was very please that the flock had grown by itself, and he closed the goats into the pen along with sheep.

The next day was rainy and the shepherd decided not to go out. He gave his sheep only a small handful of food, while he gave much bigger rations to the goats. He thought that if he treated them well, they would stay with him. In spite of this, as soon as the shepherd opened the gate, the goats ran out and he was unable to catch them again.

“Ungrateful beasts,” shouted the shepherd after them. “I treated you better than the other!”“That’s why we are going,” answered one of the goats. “If you prefer us new animals to

your sheep, how will you treat us if you find some more animals in your flock?”So do not be to happy if someone shows you that they prefer you to their old friends. You

too will soon be an old friend and could be replaced just as easily.

Which is the moral value you can learn from the story?(A) Never ever trust to the new one.(B) Don’t threat your friend as enemy.(C) There are not good things on the old one.(D) Don’t forget the old friend if you get the new one.

(UN 2008 No. 29)

pesan moral yang bagus-bagus, dan normatif, bersifat umum

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk iklan, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk iklan, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.

Who, where, when, how, why


Kalimat terpenggal/rumpang

Informasi tersurat merupakan data atau informasi yang secara eksplisit dinyatakan pada teks. Yang dimaksud dengan ‘informasi tertentu/specific information adalah informasi yang tertera jelas dalam teks dan biasanya tentang nama, tempat, tanggal, tahun, dsb. Pertanyaan ini dapat dijawab dengan cepat, benar, dan mudah tanpa siswa mengetahui/memahami tentang isi bacaan. Menentukan informasi tersurat mengharuskan siswa menggunakan keterampilan men-scan informasi faktual.

Page 61: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Find the correct spelling and

pronunciation more than 80,000 words

with this

electronic dictionaryMade of strong plastic

Comes in two colors:

Dark gray and light blue

$ 104.50 12. From the advertisement above, we know that ____.

a. the price of the item is Rp 104.500,-

b. one of the item’s colours is dark blue.

c. there are more than 80,000 words in the item.

d. the item comes in many colours. (UN 2007 No. 12)

informasi tersurat /factual

harga barang itu Rp 104.500,-

salah satu warna barang itu adalah biru tua

abu tua dan biru muda

terdapat lebih dari 80.000 kata dalam barang itubanyak warna

hanya dua warna

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.

Who, where, when, how, why


Kalimat terpenggal/rumpang

Page 63: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

What is the Significance of Rabbits’ Large EarsA rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrow in the

ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossil which can be attributed to this family came from North America but now they are found in every part of the world. Compared to its small body rabbit has large-sized ears.

A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones.

You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface of its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets.

Shortened from: Children’s Knowledge Bank, Look Out. Rohan Book Company.

Which part of rabbit’s body produces natural oil? Its ____.(A) forepaws(B) mouth(C) ears(D) tail

Page 64: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH


HT @ O



JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat tersebut dengan tepat.

Who, where, when, how, why



1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat tersebut dengan tepat.

Kalimat terpenggal/rumpangJawaban butuh [sedikit]`interpretasi

Informasi rinci tersurat merupakan data atau informasi yang secara eksplisit dinyatakan pada teks. Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat mengharuskan siswa menggunakan keterampilan men-scan informasi faktual. Kemudian menghubungkan informasi yang satu dengan yang lain untuk diinterpretasikan.

Page 65: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH


HT @ O



JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big, black snake sleeping under tree. When he saw the snake, the mouse deer was frightened. When he wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fell on top of a tiger which was sleeping not far from the snake. The tiger woke aup and took hold of the mousedeer. He told the mousedeer that he was going to eat him for lunch. “Please don’t eat me now,” said the mousedeer. “I have something important to do.

“Look,” said the mousedeer. “That is the king’s belt. He asked me to stay here and watch it while he was away in the forest”. The tiger looked at the snake and said, “That is a beautiful belt. I need a belt like that. Can I wear it?” he asked the mousedeer.

“Oh all right,” said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around the tiger. Then the snake woke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted itself tighter and tighter, until the tiger couldn’t breathe. The tiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But the mousedeer turned and run away into the forest.

27. Where was the tiger sleeping?

a. In the middle of the forest.

b. Next to the mousedeer’s house.

c. Near the black snake sleeping under the tree.

d. Far away from the place where the mousedeer fell. (UN 2007 No. 27)

kata tanya informasi specific

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HT @ O



JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat tersebut dengan tepat.

Who, where, when, how, why



1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat tersebut dengan tepat.

Kalimat terpenggal/rumpangJawaban butuh [sedikit]`interpretasi

Page 67: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH


HT @ O



JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.

From the text we know that Peter is ____.(A) the writer’s youngest brother(B) the writer’s elder brother(C) a naughty boy(D) a friendly boy (UN 2008 No. 11)

Based on the text we know that the writer is ____ years old.(A) fourteen(B) sixteen(C) eighteen(D) nineteen (UN 2008 No. 12)


14 + 4 = 18

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HT @ O



JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Calories per day

Boys Girls

Ages Calories Ages Calories

9 –11 2,200 9 – 11 2,200

12 – 14 2,650 12 – 14 2,150

15 – 17 2,900 15 – 17 2,150

How many calories does a thirteen old boy need per day?(A) 2,150(B) 2,200(C) 2,650(D) 2,900 (UN 2008 No. 9)

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HT @ O



JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk undangan, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk undangan, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.

Who, where, when, how, why


Kalimat terpenggal/rumpangJawaban butuh [sedikit]`interpretasi

Page 70: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

You and Your Partners are invited

to attend

Eleanor Mckays’

15th Birthday

in The Cocino Green House

24th January 2008 at 7:00

How old will Eleanor Mackays be in 2016?(A) 20(B) 21(C) 22(D) 23 (UN 2008 No. 2)

When was Eleanor Mckays born?(A) In 2003(B) In 2005(C) In 1993(D) In 1995 (UN 2008 No. 3)

2008 = 15

2016 = 8


2008 - 15 = 1993

Page 71: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dari wacana tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dari wacana tersebut dengan tepat.

Page 72: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis.The underlined phrase can be replaced with ____.(A) dislike sport(B) really likes sport(C) hates sport very much(D) finds sport not really entertaining

UN 2008 No. 13

tidak sukasuka

benci, tidak sukatidak menghibur

Page 73: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. “Brownie”, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are schoked. Some hunters claim the brown bear can outfight a tiger.

A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1,600 pounds. But home when the brown bear is born, it weigh less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate. You would weigh almost 10,000 pounds when you were fully grown!

41. “But if it is wounded with a gun or if the mother bear and her cubs are shocked, ...” (line 3). What does the underlined word mean?

a. Male bears. c. Group of bears.

b. Baby bears. d. Other bears. (UN 2007 No. 41)





yg lain

danibu bapakanak

father, dady

children, baby

Page 74: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dari wacana tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana naratif, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dari wacana tersebut dengan tepat.

Page 75: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Amelia’s house was in a quiet place. It was a hilly village. The garden of her house was beautiful. Flowers with various colors grew there. Amelia grew some roses. She’s a nature lover. One day Amelia closed her book. She felt tired after studying hard. She stood by the window. She could see the mountain from there. It was a beautiful bluish green. “How beautiful. How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of that mountain without climbing.”“If you want to fly up there, follow me,” said a soft voice. Amelia was surprised.“Who are you? Why did you come without permission?”“My name is Yuli. My home is a bit far from here. I want to be your friend, Amelia” saif the girl.“You know my name,” said Amelia“I often hear your mother calling you,” Yuli answer. She reached out her hand to Amelia. Amelia shook Yuli’s hand.“Why is your hand so cold? Are you ill?” asked Amelia, worried.“I haven’t been to school for few days,” said Yuli.“If you were sick, why aren’t you in bed now?” asked Amelia.“The fresh air will make me better, Amelia,” said Yuli pulled Amelia’s hand. She wanted Amelia to follow her.“Oh, no. I cannot go now. I must do my homework.”“Okay. How about tomorrow? My mother will make some delicious cakes for me. You must taste some, Yuli,” said Amelia.“Thanks Amelia. You are so kind.” Yuli waved to Amelia and then she was gone. Amelia’s mother was puzzled to see her daughter talking alone.

‘…make some delicious cakes for me.’ (UN 2008 No. 17)The word ‘delicious’ means _____.(A) bad smell(B) nice taste(C) bitter taste(D) stale flavor

‘…make some delicious cakes for me.’ (UN 2008 No. 17)The word ‘delicious’ means _____.(A) bad smell(B) nice taste(C) bitter taste(D) stale flavor


‘…make some delicious cakes for me.’ (UN 2008 No. 17)The word ‘delicious’ means _____.(A) bad smell(B) nice taste(C) bitter taste(D) stale flavor

bagus, enak

‘…make some delicious cakes for me.’ (UN 2008 No. 17)The word ‘delicious’ means _____.(A) bad smell(B) nice taste(C) bitter taste(D) stale flavor


‘…make some delicious cakes for me.’ (UN 2008 No. 17)The word ‘delicious’ means _____.(A) bad smell(B) nice taste(C) bitter taste(D) stale flavor

Page 76: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk iklan, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk iklan, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.

Page 77: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH


HT @ O



JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Find the correct spelling and

pronunciation more than 80,000 words

with this

electronic dictionaryMade of strong plastic

Comes in two colors:

Dark gray and light blue

$ 104.50

13. “Find the correct spelling and pronunciation.”

The underlined word means an ordered set of ... which form a word.

a. alphabet c. letters

b. sentences d. paragraph UN 2007 No. 13

yang membentuk suatu kata


Page 78: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

VACANCYNative speaker Eng TeachersRequired Exp/C TEFL preferredPh Louis 8564791 – 92, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.Monday to Saturday

The word ‘Required’ is similar in meaning to ____.(A) called(B) helped(C) trained(D) needed UN 2008 No. 19

lowongan kerja

Page 79: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk peringatan/pengumuman, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional bentuk peringatan/pengumuman, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dari teks fungsional tersebut dengan tepat.

Page 80: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH


HT @ O



JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd



You find this notice at the gate of a housing complex.

It means that only the ____ who own the houses at the housing complex can go there.(A) security guards(B) participants(C) people(D) guests

(UN 2008 No. 1)

penghuni = orang yg memiliki/mendiami suatu rumah

Page 81: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The following warning means that pedestrians should ____ the grass

Keep off the grass

(A) not cut(B) not water(C) not keep(D) not walk on

(UN 2008 No. 4)

menjauh, melepas

Menjauhlah dari rumput = tidak menginjak/berjalan di atas rumput

Page 82: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

7. What does the notice on the right mean?

a. Do not throw rubbish in the room.

b. Do not destroy everything in the room.

c. Do not sleep in the room.

d. Do not speak in the room. (UN 2007 Kd 12 No. 7)

Keep The Room CleanJagalah ruangan ini

tetap bersih

Jangan buang sampah di ruangan ini

Jangan merusak setiap barang di ruangan ini

Jangan tidur di ruangan ini

Jangan bicara di ruangan ini

Page 83: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

43. Look at the following notice


What does the notice above mean?

a. We are not allowed to walk near the place.

b. We are not allowed to come in the place.

c. We are forbidden to get out from the place.

d. We are forbidden to put something in the place. (UN 2007 kd 12 No. 43)



Page 84: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


The notice means that ___ the grass.

a. we are allowed to cut

b. we are allowed to pick up

c. we must not walk on

d. we must not clean(UN 2007 kd 45 No. 7)

menjauhlah dari rumput

kita diijinkan untuk memotonguh rumput

kita diijinkan untuk memetik rumput

kita tidak boleh berjalan di atas rumput

kita tidak boleh membersihkan rumput

Page 85: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


This notice means ____.

a. Throw your rubbish here

b. Do not throw rubbish here

c. Bring your own rubbish

d. Do not pick up the rubbish

dilarang sampah dilarang buang sampahThis notice means ____.

a. Throw your rubbish here

b. Do not throw rubbish here

c. Bring your own rubbish

d. Do not pick up the rubbish

UN 2007 kd 45 No. 21

Page 86: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan rujukan kata

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan rujukan kata dari wacana tersebut dengan tepat.


1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis

pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

URAIAN Menentukan rujukan kata

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah wacana deskriptif, siswa dapat menentukan rujukan kata dari wacana tersebut dengan tepat.

Clue: he, his, him, she, her, it, its, they, them, their, this, that

Page 87: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. “Brownie”, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are schoked. Some hunters claim the brown bear can outfight a tiger.

A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1,600 pounds. But home when the brown bear is born, it weigh less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate. You would weigh almost 10,000 pounds when you were fully grown!

”But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or ...” (Par 1, line 3)The underlined word refers to ____.A. the mother bearB. the cubsC. a tigerD. brownie

Page 88: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


2. WRITING (Menulis) Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks

fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.

URAIAN Menyusun kata acak.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah kata acak dengan 5 – 8 kata, siswa dapat menyusun kata acak tersebut menjadi kalimat yang bermakna dengan tepat.


2. WRITING (Menulis) Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks

fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.

URAIAN Menyusun kata acak.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah kata acak dengan 5 – 8 kata, siswa dapat menyusun kata acak tersebut menjadi kalimat yang bermakna dengan tepat.

Page 89: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

in – your – the – best – speech – on – congratulation – contest – performance!1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(A) 7 – 4 – 9 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 8 (B) 7 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 9 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 8 (C) 7 – 6 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 9 (D) 7 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 6 – 2 – 9 – 4 UN 2008 No. 49


congratulation on your …


Page 90: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

meet – the library – 3 p.m. – in front of – please – at – me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(A) 5 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 1 (B) 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 5 – 6 (C) 5 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 3 (D) 4 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 7 UN 2008 No. 50

di awal, di akhir

please verb-1

Page 91: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

you – not – in – thank – for – area – smoking – this

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The best arrangement to make a sentence is ____.

a. 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 6 – 4

b. 5 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 6 – 4

c. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 6

d. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 3 UN 2007 Kode 12 (A) No. 49

thanks you for

thanks you for

Page 92: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


2. WRITING (Menulis) Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks

fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.

URAIAN Menyusun kalimat acak.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah kalimat acak dengan 5 – 8 kalimat, siswa dapat menyusun kalimat acak tersebut menjadi paragraf yang padu dan bermakna.


2. WRITING (Menulis) Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks

fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.

URAIAN Menyusun kalimat acak.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah kalimat acak dengan 5 – 8 kalimat, siswa dapat menyusun kalimat acak tersebut menjadi paragraf yang padu dan bermakna.

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

1. In the end, the Crow had no more cake because of her foolishness.2. The crow was proud to hear this.3. One day a hungry fox was walking alone in the jungle.4. As soon as she opened her beak, the cake fell down.5. The Crow had a piece of cake on her beak.6. The cunning Fox caught the cake happily and ran away.7. Then she started to open her beak to sing for the fox.8. “Oh … beautiful Crow! You are the best singer I’ve known in the world. I really

want to hear your melodious voice. Please … sing me a song now!9. He saw a crow perch on a branch of a tree.

Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above?(A) 3 – 5 – 2 – 8 – 4 – 9 – 1 – 7 – 6(B) 3 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 9 – 4 – 1 – 6(C) 3 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 4 – 1 (D) 3 – 9 – 5 – 8 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 1 UN 2008 No. 47

Coherence = kalimat yang satu memiliki hubungan/keterkaitan dengan kalimat lain.

Hindari penggunaan pronoun di kalimat awal

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

1. Why was it named like that?2. A brontosaurus was as long as four big elephants standing in a line.3. The man who named it thought that when such a big animal walked, it must

have made a noise like thunder.4. The word brontosaurus means thunder lizard.

The best arrangement of the sentence above is ____.(A) 4 – 2 – 1 – 3 (B) 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 (C) 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 (D) 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 UN 2008 No. 48

Coherence = kalimat yang satu memiliki hubungan/keterkaitan dengan kalimat lain.

Hindari penggunaan pronoun di kalimat awal

awali sebuah paragraf dengan ide yang umum/general

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

30. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1. The animals have been pushed back and their natural habitat has been reduced.

2. The government has located reserves to protect both animals and plant life.

3. Many natural forests where animals live are being destroyed.

4. One of them is the Bogor Botanical Garden.

5. People have cleared the land to cultivate crops.

a. 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 4 c. 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2

b. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 d. 5 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 2

awali sebuah paragraf dengan ide yang umum/general

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

1. Samarinda is the capital city of East Kalimantan.

2. People like to relax and enjoy the sunset in the places.

3. It is located at the edge of the river Mahakam.

4. But now, the government has changed the area along the river into a city garden and recreational places.

5. People call it as River City.

6. There are so many houses along the bank of the river.

The correct arrangement of the sentences above to be a coherent paragraph is ____.

a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6

b. 1 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 2

c. 1 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 3 – 2

d. 1 – 5 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 2 UN 2007 Kode 12 No. 50

Coherence = kalimat yang satu memiliki hubungan/keterkaitan dengan kalimat lain.

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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd


2. WRITING (Menulis) Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks

fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure dan report) naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.

URAIAN Melengkapi teks rumpang.

INDIKATOR Disajikan sebuah teks naratif pendek dengan 3 rumpang, siswa dapat melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut dengan kosa kata yang tepat.

Teks rumpang / Cloze procedure

- Vocabulary

- Grammar conjunction pronoun


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JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The Hounds of the Underworld

One night a thief was returning home from a robbery. It was ...(34) night because it was very late. Nothing could be heard but the sounds of small creatures. He met ...(35) along the road. All the people had had a deep sleep.

Suddenly he heard the low bark of a dog coming from the sky. He heard another and naother, louder and nearer. He felt very scared ..(36) he saw some dogs and huntsman with a black face and horn behind them coming nearer.

34. a. crowded c. very busy

b. busy d. very quiet UN 2007 No. 36


karena saat itu sudah larut tak ada yang bisa terdengar



sangat sibuk

sangat sunyi

Page 99: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The Hounds of the Underworld

One night a thief was returning home from a robbery. It was ...(34) night because it was very late. Nothing could be heard but the sounds of small creatures. He met ...(35) along the road. All the people had had a deep sleep.

Suddenly he heard the low bark of a dog coming from the sky. He heard another and naother, louder and nearer. He felt very scared ..(36) he saw some dogs and huntsman with a black face and horn behind them coming nearer.

35. a. everybody c. nobody

b. some people d. somebody UN 2007 No. 35

Dia bertemu … di sepanjang jalan Semua orang sudah terlelap tidur

setiap orang

beberapa orang

tak seorangpun


Page 100: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

The Hounds of the Underworld

One night a thief was returning home from a robbery. It was ...(34) night because it was very late. Nothing could be heard but the sounds of small creatures. He met ...(35) along the road. All the people had had a deep sleep.

Suddenly he heard the low bark of a dog coming from the sky. He heard another and naother, louder and nearer. He felt very scared ..(36) he saw some dogs and huntsman with a black face and horn behind them coming nearer.

36. a. when c. but

b. although d. HoweverUN 2007 No. 36

dia merasa takut … dia melihat

beberapa anjing dan para pemburu





Page 101: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

Rino has a parrot named Coly.It has ____ (44) feathers. They are yellow, blue and red. Coly is very noisy. ____ (45) always imitates the human voice. It has a curved bill. It also has feet with two toes pointing forward and two backward. The feet help it to ____ (46) on the branches and hold food. UN 2008

44. (A) ugly(B) nice(C) colorful(D) beautiful

45. (A) It(B) Its(C) They(D) Their

46. (A) fly(B) take(C) grip(D) bring

Page 102: Jl. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI,POS.63372,TLP:0352 485014,085646244078 English-UN MTSN LEMBEYAN 2009.NANANG ULUL ANAS.s.Pd Oleh: NANANG ULUL ANAS.S.Pd BEDAH

JL. RAYA PUPUS KEDUNGPANJI.POS.63372.TLP.0352-485014.085646244078

English-UN MTsN Lembeyan 2010-Nanang Ulul Anas.S.Pd

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