jjdp phase ii report appendix february 27, 2008...jjdp phase ii report appendix february 27, 2008...

JJDP Phase II Report Appendix February 27, 2008 Intake: Tables 1-9 Detention at Intake: Tables 10-18 Recidivism: Tables 19-43 Dispositions: Tables 44- 51 Charges: Table 52

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  • JJDP Phase II Report


    February 27, 2008

    Intake: Tables 1-9

    Detention at Intake: Tables 10-18

    Recidivism: Tables 19-43

    Dispositions: Tables 44- 51

    Charges: Table 52

  • Intake Rate



    ages 11-17

    in 20012

    Count of





    of JJDP


    Rate per


















    Large (Alameda, Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange, Sacramento, San Mateo) 1,708,907 28,678 74.5% 1678 1: 0.86

    Medium (Butte, Monterey, Santa Barbara, Solano, Stanislaus) 205,713 7,045 18.3% 3425 1: 1.75

    Small (Calaveras, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Madera, Modoc, Mono, Sutter, Trinity, Tuolumne)

    54,898 2,785 7.2%5073

    1: 2.59

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 100.0% 1955 1: 1.00

    North (includes Butte, Glenn, Humbolt, Modoc, Trinity) 39,273 1,421 3.7% 3618 1: 1.85

    Sacramento (includes Calaveras, Sacramento, Sutter) 148,902 3,629 9.4% 2437 1: 1.25

    Bay (includes Alameda, Monterey, San Mateo, Solano) 283,764 5,715 14.8% 2014 1: 1.03

    Central (includes Fresno, Inyo, Madera, Mono, Stanislaus, Tuolumne) 180,739 7,742 20.1% 4284 1: 2.19

    South (includes Los Angeles, Orange, Santa Barbara) 1,316,840 20,001 51.9% 1519 1: 0.78

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 100.0% 1955 1: 1.00

    Male 1,011,038 27,900 72.5% 2760 1: 1.41

    Female 958,480 10,608 27.5% 1107 1: 0.57

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 100.0% 1955 1: 1.00

    5-11 yrs 2,150,692 1,723 4.5% 80 1: 0.04

    12 yrs 291,656 2,399 6.2% 823 1: 0.42

    13 yrs 283,368 4,452 11.6% 1571 1: 0.80

    14 yrs 274,337 6,293 16.3% 2294 1: 1.17

    15 yrs 272,502 7,391 19.2% 2712 1: 1.39

    16 yrs 270,819 8,389 21.8% 3098 1: 1.58

    17 yrs 267,651 7,861 20.4% 2937 1: 1.50

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 100.0% 1955 1: 1.00

    White 657,373 11,534 30.0% 1755 1: 0.90 1: 1.00

    Hispanic 866,420 17,134 44.5% 1978 1: 1.01 1: 1.13

    Black 183,985 6,412 16.7% 3485 1: 1.78 1: 1.99

    Asian & Pacific Islander 249,369 1,765 4.6% 708 1: 0.36 1: 0.40

    Native American 12,371 157 0.4% 1269 1: 0.65 1: 0.72

    Other or Unknown 1,082 2.8%

    Unknown 424 1.1%

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 100.0% 1955 1: 1.00 1: 1.11

    by Sex

    by CPOC Region


    Characteristics of Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011

    Table 1

    1 Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    by County Size

    by Race / Ethnicity

    by Age at Intake

  • Juvenile

    population ages


    in 20012

    Count of




    % of


    Rate per 100,000

    juvenile pop ages


    Count of



    % of


    Rate per 100,000

    male pop ages


    Count of



    % of


    Rate per 100,000

    female pop ages







    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)Alameda 134,305 2,140 100% 1593 1,504 70.3% 2190 636 29.7% 969 1: 2.26

    Fresno 100,644 4,184 100% 4157 2,788 66.6% 5398 1,396 33.4% 2849 1: 1.89

    Los Angeles 995,537 13,245 100% 1330 10,033 75.7% 1965 3,212 24.3% 662 1: 2.97

    Orange 282,804 5,047 100% 1785 3,953 78.3% 2718 1,094 21.7% 796 1: 3.41

    Sacramento 135,162 2,953 100% 2185 1,981 67.1% 2856 972 32.9% 1477 1: 1.93

    San Mateo 60,455 1,109 100% 1834 803 72.4% 2571 306 27.6% 1047 1: 2.45

    Total 1,708,907 28,678 100% 1678 21,062 73.4% 2402 7,616 26.6% 915 1: 2.62

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)Butte 20,935 628 100% 3000 417 66.4% 3826 211 33.6% 2102 1: 1.82

    Monterey 43,540 1,510 100% 3468 1,054 69.8% 4694 456 30.2% 2163 1: 2.17

    Santa Barbara 38,499 1,709 100% 4439 1,232 72.1% 6212 477 27.9% 2556 1: 2.43

    Solano 45,464 956 100% 2103 689 72.1% 2946 267 27.9% 1209 1: 2.44

    Stanislaus 57,275 2,242 100% 3914 1,555 69.4% 5328 687 30.6% 2446 1: 2.18

    Total 205,713 7,045 100% 3425 4,947 70.2% 4678 2,098 29.8% 2099 1: 2.23

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)Calaveras 4,454 267 100% 5995 202 75.7% 8677 65 24.3% 3057 1: 2.84

    Glenn 3,408 83 100% 2435 55 66.3% 3111 28 33.7% 1707 1: 1.82

    Humboldt 12,445 585 100% 4701 383 65.5% 6066 202 34.5% 3295 1: 1.84

    Inyo 1,945 53 100% 2725 35 66.0% 3528 18 34.0% 1889 1: 1.87

    Madera 14,497 1,065 100% 7346 694 65.2% 9232 371 34.8% 5315 1: 1.74

    Modoc 1,094 67 100% 6124 42 62.7% 7229 25 37.3% 4873 1: 1.48

    Mono 1,228 56 100% 4560 47 83.9% 6912 9 16.1% 1642 1: 4.21

    Sutter 9,286 409 100% 4404 292 71.4% 6072 117 28.6% 2613 1: 2.32

    Trinity 1,391 58 100% 4170 44 75.9% 5995 14 24.1% 2131 1: 2.81

    Tuolumne 5,150 142 100% 2757 97 68.3% 3640 45 31.7% 1811 1: 2.01

    Total 54,898 2,785 100% 5073 1,891 67.9% 6661 894 32.1% 3372 1: 1.98

    Sample Total 1,969,518 38,508 100% 1955 27,900 72.5% 2760 10,608 27.5% 1107 1: 2.49

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Sex and County Size

    Table 2

    Female Intake Rate

    1 Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    Sample Intake Rate RatioMale Intake Rate

  • Intake:

    Count of





    age 12

    % of


    Rate per





    12 yr


    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    13 yr


    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    14 yr


    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    15 yr


    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    16 yr


    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    17 yr


    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged


    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)

    Alameda 2,140 69 3.2% 47 114 5.3% 570 260 12.1% 1328 344 16.1% 1854 431 20.1% 2358 498 23.3% 2687 424 19.8% 2306

    Fresno 4,184 357 8.5% 343 350 8.4% 2401 625 14.9% 4351 725 17.3% 5110 759 18.1% 5339 746 17.8% 5274 622 14.9% 4478

    Los Angeles 13,245 426 3.2% 38 735 5.5% 496 1,465 11.1% 1018 2,255 17.0% 1629 2,756 20.8% 2008 2,979 22.5% 2202 2,629 19.8% 1969

    Orange 5,047 93 1.8% 29 181 3.6% 432 438 8.7% 1076 736 14.6% 1889 993 19.7% 2555 1,236 24.5% 3180 1,370 27.1% 3552

    Sacramento 2,953 122 4.1% 87 159 5.4% 795 348 11.8% 1793 502 17.0% 2650 537 18.2% 2823 659 22.3% 3515 626 21.2% 3397

    San Mateo 1,109 51 4.6% 79 72 6.5% 798 111 10.0% 1308 157 14.2% 1857 200 18.0% 2405 270 24.3% 3243 248 22.4% 2921

    Total 28,678 1,118 3.9% 59 1,611 5.6% 635 3,247 11.3% 1317 4,719 16.5% 1987 5,676 19.8% 2406 6,388 22.3% 2731 5,919 20.6% 2559

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)

    Butte 628 54 8.6% 283 47 7.5% 1592 76 12.1% 2599 110 17.5% 3640 130 20.7% 4399 121 19.3% 3894 90 14.3% 3041

    Monterey 1,510 67 4.4% 144 148 9.8% 2314 261 17.3% 4213 235 15.6% 3815 237 15.7% 3961 301 19.9% 4947 261 17.3% 4286

    Santa Barbara 1,709 91 5.3% 225 80 4.7% 1406 134 7.8% 2463 251 14.7% 4665 338 19.8% 6317 397 23.2% 7584 418 24.5% 7751

    Solano 956 15 1.6% 33 34 3.6% 506 94 9.8% 1449 164 17.2% 2578 176 18.4% 2795 211 22.1% 3295 262 27.4% 4248

    Stanislaus 2,242 198 8.8% 343 131 5.8% 1550 270 12.0% 3296 402 17.9% 4917 409 18.2% 5104 439 19.6% 5498 393 17.5% 5043

    Total 7,045 425 6.0% 203 440 6.2% 1457 835 11.9% 2856 1,162 16.5% 3993 1,290 18.3% 4510 1,469 20.9% 5098 1,424 20.2% 5014

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)

    Calaveras 267 9 3.4% 249 14 5.2% 2357 25 9.4% 3912 54 20.2% 8232 54 20.2% 7397 53 19.9% 8576 58 21.7% 9340

    Glenn 83 9 10.8% 288 4 4.8% 806 9 10.8% 1891 16 19.3% 3252 8 9.6% 1677 23 27.7% 4573 14 16.9% 2887

    Humboldt 585 44 7.5% 402 39 6.7% 2283 65 11.1% 3824 90 15.4% 5164 101 17.3% 5427 132 22.6% 6854 114 19.5% 6419

    Inyo 53 7 13.2% 411 4 7.5% 1667 13 24.5% 4577 8 15.1% 3200 6 11.3% 2120 6 11.3% 2091 9 17.0% 3030

    Madera 1,065 52 4.9% 354 239 22.4% 11446 187 17.6% 9253 123 11.5% 6184 129 12.1% 6308 171 16.1% 8233 164 15.4% 7635

    Modoc 67 10 14.9% 1089 6 9.0% 4348 3 4.5% 2239 8 11.9% 5000 13 19.4% 9028 13 19.4% 7104 14 20.9% 8383

    Mono 56 5 8.9% 432 4 7.1% 2210 6 10.7% 3896 12 21.4% 6218 12 21.4% 6417 7 12.5% 4167 10 17.9% 6173

    Sutter 409 28 6.8% 305 26 6.4% 1997 46 11.2% 3456 67 16.4% 4959 69 16.9% 5446 87 21.3% 6378 86 21.0% 6565

    Trinity 58 6 10.3% 526 1 1.7% 508 3 5.2% 1531 10 17.2% 5882 6 10.3% 2765 10 17.2% 4545 22 37.9% 10784

    Tuolumne 142 10 7.0% 233 11 7.7% 1511 13 9.2% 1847 24 16.9% 3315 27 19.0% 3668 30 21.1% 3831 27 19.0% 3548

    Total 2,785 180 6.5% 355 348 12.5% 4536 370 13.3% 4844 412 14.8% 5331 425 15.3% 5348 532 19.1% 6544 518 18.6% 6531

    Sample Total 38,508 1,723 4.5% 80 2,399 6.2% 823 4,452 11.6% 1571 6,293 16.3% 2294 7,391 19.2% 2712 8,389 21.8% 3098 7,861 20.4% 29371

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.2

    Population by age shown on Table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    16 Year Old Intake15 Year Old Intake

    Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Age and County Size

    Table 3

    13 Year Old Intake 14 Year Old Intake12 Year Old Intake 17 Year Old IntakeIntake Under 12 Years

  • Intake:


    of all





    % of


    Rate per


    pop ages




    % of


    Rate per


    pop ages




    % of


    Rate per


    pop ages




    % of


    Rate per








    % of


    Rate per


    Amer pop






    % of














    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)

    Alameda 2,140 559 26.1% 1183 431 20.1% 1369 780 36.4% 3204 171 8.0% 560 3 0.1% 196 9.2% 1: 1.16 0.47 0.00

    Fresno 4,184 1,019 24.4% 3275 2,193 52.4% 4373 547 13.1% 9108 336 8.0% 2716 14 0.3% 1403 75 1.8% 1: 1.34 0.83 0.43

    Los Angeles 13,245 1,883 14.2% 823 7,427 56.1% 1379 3,174 24.0% 2827 262 2.0% 234 7 0.1% 492 3.7% 1: 1.68 0.28 0.00

    Orange 5,047 2,012 39.9% 1599 2,274 45.1% 2089 239 4.7% 4078 418 8.3% 1018 6 0.1% 98 1.9% 1: 1.31 0.64 0.00

    Sacramento 2,953 1,181 40.0% 1735 526 17.8% 1960 825 27.9% 4468 294 10.0% 1443 15 0.5% 1054 112 3.8% 1: 1.13 0.83 0.61

    San Mateo 1,109 360 32.5% 1397 385 34.7% 2194 151 13.6% 5943 25 2.3% 173 2 0.2% 186 16.8% 1: 1.57 0.12 0.00

    Total 28,678 7,014 24.5% 1331 13,236 46.2% 1711 5,716 19.9% 3373 1,506 5.3% 652 47 0.2% 580 1,159 4.0% 1: 1.29 0.49 0.44

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)

    Butte 628 475 75.6% 3092 80 12.7% 2624 25 4.0% 5071 31 4.9% 2162 14 2.2% 2341 1 0.2% 1: 0.85 0.70 0.76

    Monterey 1,510 335 22.2% 2468 1,020 67.5% 3993 72 4.8% 4746 27 1.8% 1006 2 0.1% 37 2.5% 1: 1.62 0.41 0.00

    Santa Barbara 1,709 699 40.9% 3893 887 51.9% 5017 55 3.2% 5329 33 1.9% 2201 1 0.1% 9 0.5% 1: 1.29 0.57 0.00

    Solano 956 317 33.2% 1569 195 20.4% 2042 280 29.3% 3335 45 4.7% 644 2 0.2% 8 0.8% 1: 1.30 0.41 0.00

    Stanislaus 2,242 1,051 46.9% 3695 859 38.3% 3821 193 8.6% 9164 62 2.8% 1670 1 0.0% 51 2.3% 1: 1.03 0.45 0.00

    Total 7,045 2,877 40.8% 3011 3,041 43.2% 3884 625 8.9% 4615 198 2.8% 1213 20 0.3% 999 106 1.5% 1: 1.29 0.40 0.33

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)

    Calaveras 267 241 90.3% 6444 19 7.1% 4000 4 1.5% 5882 1 0.4% 1 0.4% 0 0.0% 1: 0.62 0.00

    Glenn 83 53 63.9% 2859 26 31.3% 2109 0 0.0% 1 1.2% 2 2.4% 1 1.2% 1: 0.74 0.00

    Humboldt 585 457 78.1% 4691 37 6.3% 3398 10 1.7% 5814 17 2.9% 4789 62 10.6% 5704 1 0.2% 1: 0.72 1.02 1.22

    Inyo 53 39 73.6% 2968 3 5.7% 1 1.9% 1 1.9% 9 17.0% 3226 0 0.0% 1.09

    Madera 1,065 325 30.5% 5588 630 59.2% 8081 41 3.8% 9716 9 0.8% 4091 6 0.6% 52 4.9% 1: 1.45 0.73 0.00

    Modoc 67 56 83.6% 6821 5 7.5% 0 0.0% 3 4.5% 2 3.0% 1 1.5% 0.00

    Mono 56 37 66.1% 4292 15 26.8% 4902 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 7.1% 0 0.0% 1: 1.14 0.00

    Sutter 409 258 63.1% 4980 110 26.9% 4207 13 3.2% 7104 27 6.6% 2324 0 0.0% 1 0.2% 1: 0.84 0.47 0.00

    Trinity 58 56 96.6% 4738 1 1.7% 1 1.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.00

    Tuolumne 142 121 85.2% 2702 11 7.7% 2355 1 0.7% 2 1.4% 4 2.8% 0 0.0% 1: 0.87 0.00

    Total 2,785 1,643 59.0% 4696 857 30.8% 5879 71 2.5% 7435 61 2.2% 2887 90 3.2% 3979 56 2.0% 1: 1.25 0.61 0.85

    38,508 11,534 30.0% 1755 17,134 44.5% 1978 6,412 16.7% 3485 1,765 4.6% 708 157 0.4% 1269 1,321 3.4% 1: 1.13 0.40 0.721

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    3 Population by age shown on Table 1;

    Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 4

    Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Race / Ethnicity and County Size


    Sample Total

    Asian & Pacific IntakeHispanic2 Intake Black Intake

    2 Race and ethnicity are recorded differently in JCPSS than in the US Census. In the Census population data, Hispanic includes all who indicate a Hispanic ethnicity, regardless of race. In JCPSS, the recorder chose either Hispanic or

    White, Black, Asian, or Native American.

    Oth/Unk IntakeWhite Intake Native American Intake

  • Juvenile

    population ages


    in 20012

    Count of




    % of


    Rate per 100,000

    juvenile pop ages


    Count of



    % of


    Rate per 100,000

    male pop ages


    Count of



    % of


    Rate per 100,000

    female pop ages







    Butte 20,935 628 100% 3000 417 66.4% 3826 211 33.6% 2102 1: 1.82

    Glenn 3,408 83 100% 2435 55 66.3% 3111 28 33.7% 1707 1: 1.82

    Humboldt 12,445 585 100% 4701 383 65.5% 6066 202 34.5% 3295 1: 1.84

    Modoc 1,094 67 100% 6124 42 62.7% 7229 25 37.3% 4873 1: 1.48

    Trinity 1,391 58 100% 4170 44 75.9% 5995 14 24.1% 2131 1: 2.81

    Total 39,273 1,421 100% 3618 941 66.2% 4636 480 33.8% 2529 1: 1.83

    Sacramento Region

    Calaveras 4,454 267 100% 5995 202 75.7% 8677 65 24.3% 3057 1: 2.84

    Sacramento 135,162 2,953 100% 2185 1,981 67.1% 2856 972 32.9% 1477 1: 1.93

    Sutter 9,286 409 100% 4404 292 71.4% 6072 117 28.6% 2613 1: 2.32

    Total 148,902 3,629 100% 2437 2,475 68.2% 3235 1,154 31.8% 1594 1: 2.03

    Bay Region

    Alameda 134,305 2,140 100% 1593 1,504 70.3% 2190 636 29.7% 969 1: 2.26

    Monterey 43,540 1,510 100% 3468 1,054 69.8% 4694 456 30.2% 2163 1: 2.17

    San Mateo 60,455 1,109 100% 1834 803 72.4% 2571 306 27.6% 1047 1: 2.45

    Solano 45,464 956 100% 2103 689 72.1% 2946 267 27.9% 1209 1: 2.44

    Total 283,764 5,715 100% 2014 4,050 70.9% 2779 1,665 29.1% 1206 1: 2.30

    Central Region

    Fresno 100,644 4,184 100% 4157 2,788 66.6% 5398 1,396 33.4% 2849 1: 1.89

    Inyo 1,945 53 100% 2725 35 66.0% 3528 18 34.0% 1889 1: 1.87

    Madera 14,497 1,065 100% 7346 694 65.2% 9232 371 34.8% 5315 1: 1.74

    Mono 1,228 56 100% 4560 47 83.9% 6912 9 16.1% 1642 1: 4.21

    Stanislaus 57,275 2,242 100% 3914 1,555 69.4% 5328 687 30.6% 2446 1: 2.18

    Tuolumne 5,150 142 100% 2757 97 68.3% 3640 45 31.7% 1811 1: 2.01

    Total 180,739 7,742 100% 4284 5,216 67.4% 5627 2,526 32.6% 2869 1: 1.96

    South Region

    Los Angeles 995,537 13,245 100% 1330 10,033 75.7% 1965 3,212 24.3% 662 1: 2.97

    Orange 282,804 5,047 100% 1785 3,953 78.3% 2718 1,094 21.7% 796 1: 3.41

    Santa Barbara 38,499 1,709 100% 4439 1,232 72.1% 6212 477 27.9% 2556 1: 2.43

    Total 1,316,840 20,001 100% 1519 15,218 76.1% 2252 4,783 23.9% 746 1: 3.02

    Sample Total 1,969,518 38,508 100% 1955 27,900 72.5% 2760 10,608 27.5% 1107 1: 2.49

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Sex and Region

    Table 5

    North Region

    Sample Intake Rate Ratio

    1 Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    Female Intake RateMale Intake Rate

  • Intake:

    Count of





    age 12

    % of


    Rate per

    pop age



    of 12

    yr olds

    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    or 13

    yr olds

    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    of 14

    yr olds

    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    of 15

    yr olds

    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    of 16

    yr olds

    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged



    of 17

    yr olds

    % of


    Rate per

    pop aged


    North Region

    Butte 628 54 8.6% 283 47 7.5% 1592 76 12.1% 2599 110 17.5% 3640 130 20.7% 4399 121 19.3% 3894 90 14.3% 3041

    Glenn 83 9 10.8% 288 4 4.8% 806 9 10.8% 1891 16 19.3% 3252 8 9.6% 1677 23 27.7% 4573 14 16.9% 2887

    Humboldt 585 44 7.5% 402 39 6.7% 2283 65 11.1% 3824 90 15.4% 5164 101 17.3% 5427 132 22.6% 6854 114 19.5% 6419

    Modoc 67 10 14.9% 1089 6 9.0% 4348 3 4.5% 2239 8 11.9% 5000 13 19.4% 9028 13 19.4% 7104 14 20.9% 8383

    Trinity 58 6 10.3% 526 1 1.7% 508 3 5.2% 1531 10 17.2% 5882 6 10.3% 2765 10 17.2% 4545 22 37.9% 10784

    Total 1,421 123 8.7% 349 97 6.8% 1767 156 11.0% 2873 234 16.5% 4188 258 18.2% 4563 299 21.0% 5035 254 17.9% 4542

    Calaveras 267 9 3.4% 249 14 5.2% 2357 25 9.4% 3912 54 20.2% 8232 54 20.2% 7397 53 19.9% 8576 58 21.7% 9340

    Sacramento 2,953 122 4.1% 87 159 5.4% 795 348 11.8% 1793 502 17.0% 2650 537 18.2% 2823 659 22.3% 3515 626 21.2% 3397

    Sutter 409 28 6.8% 305 26 6.4% 1997 46 11.2% 3456 67 16.4% 4959 69 16.9% 5446 87 21.3% 6378 86 21.0% 6565

    Total 3,629 159 4.4% 103 199 5.5% 909 419 11.5% 1960 623 17.2% 2974 660 18.2% 3140 799 22.0% 3854 770 21.2% 3782

    Bay Region

    Alameda 2,140 69 3.2% 47 114 5.3% 570 260 12.1% 1328 344 16.1% 1854 431 20.1% 2358 498 23.3% 2687 424 19.8% 2306

    Monterey 1,510 67 4.4% 144 148 9.8% 2314 261 17.3% 4213 235 15.6% 3815 237 15.7% 3961 301 19.9% 4947 261 17.3% 4286

    San Mateo 1,109 51 4.6% 79 72 6.5% 798 111 10.0% 1308 157 14.2% 1857 200 18.0% 2405 270 24.3% 3243 248 22.4% 2921

    Solano 956 15 1.6% 33 34 3.6% 506 94 9.8% 1449 164 17.2% 2578 176 18.4% 2795 211 22.1% 3295 262 27.4% 4248

    Total 5,715 202 3.5% 67 368 6.4% 873 726 12.7% 1782 900 15.7% 2277 1,044 18.3% 2686 1,280 22.4% 3253 1,195 20.9% 3054

    Fresno 4,184 357 8.5% 343 350 8.4% 2401 625 14.9% 4351 725 17.3% 5110 759 18.1% 5339 746 17.8% 5274 622 14.9% 4478

    Inyo 53 7 13.2% 411 4 7.5% 1667 13 24.5% 4577 8 15.1% 3200 6 11.3% 2120 6 11.3% 2091 9 17.0% 3030

    Madera 1,065 52 4.9% 354 239 22.4% 11446 187 17.6% 9253 123 11.5% 6184 129 12.1% 6308 171 16.1% 8233 164 15.4% 7635

    Mono 56 5 8.9% 432 4 7.1% 2210 6 10.7% 3896 12 21.4% 6218 12 21.4% 6417 7 12.5% 4167 10 17.9% 6173

    Stanislaus 2,242 198 8.8% 343 131 5.8% 1550 270 12.0% 3296 402 17.9% 4917 409 18.2% 5104 439 19.6% 5498 393 17.5% 5043

    Tuolumne 142 10 7.0% 233 11 7.7% 1511 13 9.2% 1847 24 16.9% 3315 27 19.0% 3668 30 21.1% 3831 27 19.0% 3548

    Total 7,742 629 8.1% 342 739 9.5% 2814 1,114 14.4% 4331 1,294 16.7% 5071 1,342 17.3% 5267 1,399 18.1% 5498 1,225 15.8% 4890

    Los Angeles 13,245 426 3.2% 38 735 5.5% 496 1,465 11.1% 1018 2,255 17.0% 1629 2,756 20.8% 2008 2,979 22.5% 2202 2,629 19.8% 1969

    Orange 5,047 93 1.8% 29 181 3.6% 432 438 8.7% 1076 736 14.6% 1889 993 19.7% 2555 1,236 24.5% 3180 1,370 27.1% 3552

    Santa Barbara 1,709 91 5.3% 225 80 4.7% 1406 134 7.8% 2463 251 14.7% 4665 338 19.8% 6317 397 23.2% 7584 418 24.5% 7751

    Total 20,001 610 3.0% 41 996 5.0% 509 2,037 10.2% 1072 3,242 16.2% 1774 4,087 20.4% 2252 4,612 23.1% 2571 4,417 22.1% 2488

    Sample Total 38,508 1,723 4.5% 80 2,399 6.2% 823 4,452 11.6% 1571 6,293 16.3% 2294 7,391 19.2% 2712 8,389 21.8% 3098 7,861 20.4% 29371

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.2

    Population by age shown in table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 6

    Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Age and Region

    17 Year Old Intake13 Year Old Intake 15 Year Old Intake 16 Year Old Intake

    Central Region

    South Region

    Intake Under 12 Years 12 Year Old Intake 14 Year Old Intake

    Sacramento Region

  • Intake:

    Count of





    % of


    Rate per

    White pop





    % of


    Rate per


    pop ages




    % of


    Rate per

    Black pop





    % of


    Rate per

    Asian pop






    % of


    Rate per

    Native Amer

    pop ages





    % of


    no pop













    North Region

    Butte 628 475 75.6% 3092 80 12.7% 2624 25 4.0% 5071 31 4.9% 2162 14 2.2% 2341 1 0.2% 1: 0.85 1.64 0.70 0.76

    Glenn 83 53 63.9% 2859 26 31.3% 2109 0 0.0% 1 1.2% 2 2.4% 1 1.2% 1: 0.74

    Humboldt 585 457 78.1% 4691 37 6.3% 3398 10 1.7% 5814 17 2.9% 4789 62 10.6% 5704 1 0.2% 1: 0.72 1.24 1.02 1.22

    Modoc 67 56 83.6% 6821 5 7.5% 0 0.0% 3 4.5% 2 3.0% 1 1.5%

    Trinity 58 56 96.6% 4738 1 1.7% 1 1.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    Total 1,421 1,097 77.2% 3788 149 10.5% 2639 36 2.5% 5000 52 3.7% 2574 80 5.6% 4154 4 0.3% 1: 0.70 1.32 0.68 1.10

    Sacramento Region

    Calaveras 267 241 90.3% 6444 19 7.1% 4000 4 1.5% 1 0.4% 1 0.4% 0 0.0% 1: 0.62

    Sacramento 2,953 1,181 40.0% 1735 526 17.8% 1960 825 27.9% 4468 294 10.0% 1443 15 0.5% 1054 112 3.8% 1: 1.13 2.57 0.83 0.61

    Sutter 409 258 63.1% 4980 110 26.9% 4207 13 3.2% 7104 27 6.6% 2324 0 0.0% 1 0.2% 1: 0.84 1.43 0.47

    Total 3,629 1,680 46.3% 2182 655 18.0% 2189 842 23.2% 4499 322 8.9% 1490 16 0.4% 959 113 3.1% 1: 1.00 2.06 0.68 0.44

    Bay Region

    Alameda 2,140 559 26.1% 1183 431 20.1% 1369 780 36.4% 3204 171 8.0% 560 3 0.1% 196 9.2% 1: 1.16 2.71 0.47

    Monterey 1,510 335 22.2% 2468 1,020 67.5% 3993 72 4.8% 4746 27 1.8% 1006 2 0.1% 37 2.5% 1: 1.62 1.92 0.41

    San Mateo 1,109 360 32.5% 1397 385 34.7% 2194 151 13.6% 5943 25 2.3% 173 2 0.2% 186 16.8% 1: 1.57 4.25 0.12

    Solano 956 317 33.2% 1569 195 20.4% 2042 280 29.3% 3335 45 4.7% 644 2 0.2% 8 0.8% 1: 1.30 2.13 0.41

    Total 5,715 1,571 27.5% 1471 2,031 35.5% 2415 1,283 22.4% 3487 268 4.7% 491 9 0.2% 626 427 7.5% 1: 1.64 2.37 0.33 0.43

    Central Region

    Fresno 4,184 1,019 24.4% 3275 2,193 52.4% 4373 547 13.1% 9108 336 8.0% 2716 14 0.3% 1403 75 1.8% 1: 1.34 2.78 0.83 0.43

    Inyo 53 39 73.6% 2968 3 5.7% 1 1.9% 1 1.9% 9 17.0% 3226 0 0.0% 1.09

    Madera 1,065 325 30.5% 5588 630 59.2% 8081 41 3.8% 9716 9 0.8% 4091 6 0.6% 2469 52 4.9% 1: 1.45 1.74 0.73

    Mono 56 37 66.1% 4292 15 26.8% 4902 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 7.1% 0 0.0% 1: 1.14

    Stanislaus 2,242 1,051 46.9% 3695 859 38.3% 3821 193 8.6% 9164 62 2.8% 1670 1 0.0% 51 2.3% 1: 1.03 2.48 0.45

    Tuolumne 142 121 85.2% 2702 11 7.7% 2355 1 0.7% 2 1.4% 4 2.8% 0 0.0% 1: 0.87

    Total 7,742 2,592 33.5% 3599 3,711 47.9% 4552 783 10.1% 9116 410 5.3% 2504 38 0.5% 1710 178 2.3% 1: 1.27 2.53 0.70 0.48

    South Region

    Los Angeles 13,245 1,883 14.2% 823 7,427 56.1% 1379 3,174 24.0% 2827 262 2.0% 234 7 0.1% 492 3.7% 1: 1.68 3.44 0.28

    Orange 5,047 2,012 39.9% 1599 2,274 45.1% 2089 239 4.7% 4078 418 8.3% 1018 6 0.1% 98 1.9% 1: 1.31 2.55 0.64

    Santa Barbara 1,709 699 40.9% 3893 887 51.9% 5017 55 3.2% 5329 33 1.9% 2201 1 0.1% 9 0.5% 1: 1.29 1.37 0.57

    Total 20,001 4,594 23.0% 1233 10,588 52.9% 1592 3,468 17.3% 2910 713 3.6% 461 14 0.1% 274 599 3.0% 1: 1.29 2.36 0.37 0.22

    38,508 11,534 30.0% 1755 17,134 44.5% 1978 6,412 16.7% 3485 1,765 4.6% 708 157 0.4% 1269 1,321 3.4% 1: 1.13 1.99 0.40 0.721

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    3 Population by age shown in Table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Sample Total

    2 Race and ethnicity are recorded differently in JCPSS than in the US Census. In the Census population data, Hispanic includes all who indicate a Hispanic ethnicity, regardless of race. In JCPSS, the recorder chose either Hispanic or White, Black,

    Asian, or Native American.

    Black Intake Asian & Pacific Intake Native American Intake Oth /Unknown Intake RatioHispanic2 IntakeWhite Intake

    Table 7

    Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Race / Ethnicity and Region

  • Juvenile


    ages 5-11

    in 20012

    Count of





    5 year



    6 year



    7 year



    8 year



    9 year



    10 year



    11 year


    Total count

    of 5 to 11

    yr olds

    % of



    Rate per


    young pop

    age 5 - 11

    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)

    Alameda 145,798 2,140 1 2 5 2 3 13 43 69 3.22% 47

    Fresno 104,085 4,184 3 3 12 24 56 97 162 357 8.53% 343

    Los Angeles 1,113,267 13,245 1 2 6 14 39 96 268 426 3.22% 38

    Orange 321,920 5,047 0 0 2 3 10 18 60 93 1.84% 29

    Sacramento 141,020 2,953 0 1 2 4 15 30 70 122 4.13% 87

    San Mateo 64,311 1,109 0 0 0 4 5 10 32 51 4.60% 79

    Total 1,890,401 28,678 5 8 27 51 128 264 635 1,118 3.90% 59

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)

    Butte 19,072 628 1 0 2 4 8 13 26 54 8.60% 283

    Monterey 46,626 1,510 1 0 1 6 9 14 36 67 4.44% 144

    Santa Barbara 40,525 1,709 0 1 6 5 11 20 48 91 5.32% 225

    Solano 45,569 956 0 0 0 1 3 2 8 14 1.46% 31

    Stanislaus 57,729 2,242 2 2 7 15 34 53 85 198 8.83% 343

    Total 209,521 7,045 4 3 16 31 65 102 203 424 6.02% 202

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)

    Calaveras 3,611 267 0 0 1 1 0 2 5 9 3.37% 249

    Glenn 3,129 83 0 0 1 0 1 4 3 9 10.84% 288

    Humboldt 10,943 585 0 1 3 3 4 12 21 44 7.52% 402

    Inyo 1,704 53 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 7 13.21% 411

    Madera 14,692 1,065 0 0 2 8 10 14 18 52 4.88% 354

    Modoc 918 67 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 10 14.93% 1089

    Mono 1,158 56 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 5 8.93% 432

    Sutter 9,184 409 0 0 1 1 2 5 19 28 6.85% 305

    Trinity 1,140 58 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 6 10.34% 526

    Tuolumne 4,291 142 0 1 1 0 0 3 5 10 7.04% 233

    Total 50,770 2,785 0 2 9 15 20 49 85 180 6.46% 355

    Sample Total 2,150,692 38,508 9 13 52 97 213 415 923 1,722 4.47% 80

    1 Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Young Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011

    by County Size

    Table 8

  • Juvenile


    ages 5-11

    in 20012

    Count of





    5 year



    6 year



    7 year



    8 year



    9 year



    10 year



    11 year


    Total count

    of 5 to 11

    yr olds

    % of



    Rate per


    young pop

    age 5 - 11

    North Region

    Butte 19,072 628 1 0 2 4 8 13 26 54 8.60% 283

    Glenn 3,129 83 0 0 1 0 1 4 3 9 10.84% 288

    Humboldt 10,943 585 0 1 3 3 4 12 21 44 7.52% 402

    Modoc 918 67 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 10 14.93% 1089

    Trinity 1,140 58 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 6 10.34% 526

    Total 35,202 1,421 1 1 6 8 14 34 59 123 8.66% 349

    Sacramento Region

    Calaveras 3,611 267 0 0 1 1 0 2 5 9 3.37% 249

    Sacramento 141,020 2,953 0 1 2 4 15 30 70 122 4.13% 87

    Sutter 9,184 409 0 0 1 1 2 5 19 28 6.85% 305

    Total 153,815 3,629 0 1 4 6 17 37 94 159 4.38% 103

    Bay Region

    Alameda 145,798 2,140 1 2 5 2 3 13 43 69 3.22% 47

    Monterey 46,626 1,510 1 0 1 6 9 14 36 67 4.44% 144

    San Mateo 64,311 1,109 0 0 0 4 5 10 32 51 4.60% 79

    Solano 45,569 956 0 0 0 1 3 2 8 14 1.46% 31

    Total 302,304 5,715 2 2 6 13 20 39 119 201 3.52% 66

    Central Region

    Fresno 104,085 4,184 3 3 12 24 56 97 162 357 8.53% 343

    Inyo 1,704 53 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 7 13.21% 411

    Madera 14,692 1,065 0 0 2 8 10 14 18 52 4.88% 354

    Mono 1,158 56 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 5 8.93% 432

    Stanislaus 57,729 2,242 2 2 7 15 34 53 85 198 8.83% 343

    Tuolumne 4,291 142 0 1 1 0 0 3 5 10 7.04% 233

    Total 183,659 7,742 5 6 22 48 102 171 275 629 8.12% 342

    South Region

    Los Angeles 1,113,267 13,245 1 2 6 14 39 96 268 426 3.22% 38

    Orange 321,920 5,047 0 0 2 3 10 18 60 93 1.84% 29

    Santa Barbara 40,525 1,709 0 1 6 5 11 20 48 91 5.32% 225

    Total 1,475,712 20,001 1 3 14 22 60 134 376 610 3.05% 41

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 9

    Young Juveniles Entering the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011

    by Region

    1 Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

  • Juvenile


    ages 11-17

    in 20012

    Count of




    Count of


    detained at


    Detention as

    a percent of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Large 1,708,907 28,678 5,267 18.37% 308 1: 1.01

    Medium 205,713 7,045 623 8.84% 303 1: 0.99

    Small 54,898 2,785 150 5.39% 273 1: 0.89

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 15.69% 307 1: 1.00

    North 39,273 1,421 152 10.70% 387 1: 1.26

    Sacramento 148,902 3,629 606 16.70% 407 1: 1.33

    Bay 283,764 5,715 927 16.22% 327 1: 1.07

    Central 180,739 7,742 606 7.83% 335 1: 1.09

    South 1,316,840 20,001 3,749 18.74% 285 1: 0.93

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 15.69% 307 1: 1.00

    Male 1,011,038 27,900 4,666 16.72% 462 1: 1.50

    Female 958,480 10,608 1,374 12.95% 143 1: 0.47

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 15.69% 307 1: 1.00

    5-11 yrs 2,150,692 1,723 127 7.37% 6 1: 0.02

    12 yrs 291,656 2,399 253 10.55% 87 1: 0.28

    13 yrs 283,368 4,452 614 13.79% 217 1: 0.71

    14 yrs 274,337 6,293 1,004 15.95% 366 1: 1.19

    15 yrs 272,502 7,391 1,230 16.64% 451 1: 1.47

    16 yrs 270,819 8,389 1,431 17.06% 528 1: 1.72

    17 yrs 267,651 7,861 1,381 17.57% 516 1: 1.68

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 15.69% 307 1: 1.00

    White 657,373 11,534 1,259 10.92% 192 1: 0.62 1: 1.00

    Hispanic 866,420 17,134 2,869 16.74% 331 1: 1.08 1: 1.73

    Black 183,985 6,412 1,417 22.10% 770 1: 2.51 1: 4.02

    Asian & Pacific Islander 249,369 1,765 279 15.81% 112 1: 0.36 1: 0.58

    Native American 12,371 157 18 11.46% 146 1: 0.47 1: 0.76

    Other 1,082 174 16.08%

    Unknown 424 24 5.66%

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 15.69% 307 1: 1.00 1: 1.601

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    Table 10

    3 The ratio of the rate per population in the row category relative to the rate per population in the entire sample.

    by Sex

    Ratio of row

    category to

    overall rate3

    by County Size

    by CPOC Region

    by Age at Intake

    by Race / Ethnicity

    Juveniles Detained When Entering a California Juvenile Probation System in 2001¹

    Ratio of

    other race


    to white

    Detention Rates and Ratios

    2 Source: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online.

  • Juvenile

    population ages


    in 20012

    Count of




    Count of



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    juvenile pop

    ages 11-172

    Count of




    Count of



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 male


    ages 11-172

    Count of




    Count of



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    female pop

    ages 11-172






    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)Alameda 134,305 2,140 489 22.9% 364 1,504 370 24.6% 539 636 119 18.7% 181 1: 1.31

    Fresno 100,644 4,184 376 9.0% 374 2,788 319 11.4% 618 1,396 57 4.1% 116 1: 2.80

    Los Angeles 995,537 13,245 2,817 21.3% 283 10,033 2,145 21.4% 420 3,212 672 20.9% 139 1: 1.02

    Orange 282,804 5,047 779 15.4% 275 3,953 617 15.6% 424 1,094 162 14.8% 118 1: 1.05

    Sacramento 135,162 2,953 568 19.2% 420 1,981 436 22.0% 629 972 132 13.6% 201 1: 1.62

    San Mateo 60,455 1,109 238 21.5% 394 803 179 22.3% 573 306 59 19.3% 202 1: 1.16

    Total 1,708,907 28,678 5,267 18.4% 308 21,062 4,066 19.3% 464 7,616 1,201 15.8% 144 1: 1.22

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)Butte 20,935 628 76 12.1% 363 417 46 11.0% 422 211 30 14.2% 299 1: 0.78

    Monterey 43,540 1,510 136 9.0% 312 1,054 111 10.5% 494 456 25 5.5% 119 1: 1.92

    Santa Barbara 38,499 1,709 153 9.0% 397 1,232 123 10.0% 620 477 30 6.3% 161 1: 1.59

    Solano 45,464 956 64 6.7% 141 689 46 6.7% 197 267 18 6.7% 82 1: 0.99

    Stanislaus 57,275 2,242 194 8.7% 339 1,555 157 10.1% 538 687 37 5.4% 132 1: 1.87

    Total 205,713 7,045 623 8.8% 303 4,947 483 9.8% 457 2,098 140 6.7% 140 1: 1.46

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)Calaveras 4,454 267 13 4.9% 292 202 11 5.4% 473 65 2 3.1% 94 1: 1.77

    Glenn 3,408 83 10 12.0% 293 55 7 12.7% 396 28 3 10.7% 183 1: 1.19

    Humboldt 12,445 585 49 8.4% 394 383 38 9.9% 602 202 11 5.4% 179 1: 1.82

    Inyo 1,945 53 2 3.8% 103 35 1 2.9% 101 18 1 5.6% 105 1: 0.51

    Madera 14,497 1,065 15 1.4% 103 694 11 1.6% 146 371 4 1.1% 57 1: 1.47

    Modoc 1,094 67 9 13.4% 823 42 6 14.3% 1033 25 3 12.0% 585 1: 1.19

    Mono 1,228 56 11 19.6% 896 47 9 19.1% 1324 9 2 22.2% 365 1: 0.86

    Sutter 9,286 409 25 6.1% 269 292 20 6.8% 416 117 5 4.3% 112 1: 1.60

    Trinity 1,391 58 8 13.8% 575 44 6 13.6% 817 14 2 14.3% 304 1: 0.95

    Tuolumne 5,150 142 8 5.6% 155 97 8 8.2% 300 45 0 0.0% 0

    Total 54,898 2,785 150 5.4% 273 1,891 117 6.2% 412 894 33 3.7% 124 1: 1.68

    Sample Total 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 15.7% 307 27,900 4,666 16.7% 462 10,608 1,374 13.0% 143 1: 1.291 Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Juveniles Detained at Intake into the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Sex and County Size

    Sample Detention RatioMale Detention Female Detention

    Table 11

  • Count


    at intake

    % of


    Rate per





    detained at


    % of


    Rate per


    age 122


    detained at


    % of


    Rate per


    age 132


    detained at


    % of


    Rate per


    age 142


    detained at


    % of


    Rate per


    age 152


    detained at


    % of


    Rate per


    age 162


    detained at


    % of


    Rate per


    age 172

    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)

    Alameda 10 14.5% 7 17 14.9% 85 63 24.2% 322 79 23.0% 426 115 26.7% 629 110 22.1% 594 95 22.4% 517

    Fresno 13 3.6% 12 16 4.6% 110 56 9.0% 390 78 10.8% 550 68 9.0% 478 80 10.7% 566 65 10.5% 468

    Los Angeles 48 11.3% 4 116 15.8% 78 258 17.6% 179 457 20.3% 330 593 21.5% 432 693 23.3% 512 652 24.8% 488

    Orange 10 10.8% 3 19 10.5% 45 56 12.8% 138 113 15.4% 290 158 15.9% 406 195 15.8% 502 228 16.6% 591

    Sacramento 18 14.8% 13 41 25.8% 205 82 23.6% 422 112 22.3% 591 100 18.6% 526 113 17.1% 603 102 16.3% 554

    San Mateo 11 21.6% 17 16 22.2% 177 16 14.4% 189 28 17.8% 331 49 24.5% 589 64 23.7% 769 54 21.8% 636

    Total 110 9.8% 6 225 14.0% 89 531 16.4% 215 867 18.4% 365 1,083 19.1% 459 1,255 19.6% 537 1,196 20.2% 517

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)

    Butte 3 5.6% 16 6 12.8% 203 8 10.5% 274 15 13.6% 496 14 10.8% 474 15 12.4% 483 15 16.7% 507

    Monterey 4 6.0% 9 5 3.4% 78 16 6.1% 258 26 11.1% 422 23 9.7% 384 32 10.6% 526 30 11.5% 493

    Santa Barbara 1 1.1% 2 7 8.8% 123 13 9.7% 239 23 9.2% 427 33 9.8% 617 32 8.1% 611 44 10.5% 816

    Solano 1 6.7% 2 0 0.0% 0 12 12.8% 185 15 9.1% 236 11 6.3% 175 12 5.7% 187 13 5.0% 211

    Stanislaus 2 1.0% 3 8 6.1% 95 19 7.0% 232 38 9.5% 465 37 9.0% 462 39 8.9% 488 51 13.0% 654

    Total 11 2.6% 5 26 5.9% 86 68 8.1% 233 117 10.1% 402 118 9.1% 413 130 8.8% 451 153 10.7% 539

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)

    Calaveras 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 3 5.6% 457 1 1.9% 137 7 13.2% 1133 2 3.4% 322

    Glenn 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2 22.2% 420 1 6.3% 203 1 12.5% 210 3 13.0% 596 3 21.4% 619

    Humboldt 5 11.4% 46 2 5.1% 117 4 6.2% 235 3 3.3% 172 9 8.9% 484 17 12.9% 883 9 7.9% 507

    Inyo 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 1 16.7% 348 1 11.1% 337

    Madera 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 3 1.6% 148 3 2.4% 151 4 3.1% 196 2 1.2% 96 3 1.8% 140

    Modoc 1 10.0% 109 0 0.0% 0 2 66.7% 1493 1 12.5% 625 1 7.7% 694 2 15.4% 1093 2 14.3% 1198

    Mono 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 1 16.7% 649 2 16.7% 1036 3 25.0% 1604 2 28.6% 1190 3 30.0% 1852

    Sutter 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 3 6.5% 225 1 1.5% 74 6 8.7% 474 8 9.2% 587 7 8.1% 534

    Trinity 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 4 40.0% 2353 1 16.7% 461 1 10.0% 455 2 9.1% 980

    Tuolumne 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2 8.3% 276 3 11.1% 408 3 10.0% 383 0 0.0% 0

    Total 6 3.3% 12 2 0.6% 26 15 4.1% 196 20 4.9% 259 29 6.8% 365 46 8.6% 566 32 6.2% 403

    Sample Total 127 0.3% 6 253 10.5% 87 614 13.8% 217 1,004 16.0% 366 1,230 16.6% 451 1,431 17.1% 528 1,381 17.6% 5161 Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Population by age shown in Table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    12 Year Old Intake 13 Year Old Intake

    Juveniles Detained at Intake in the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Age and County Size

    17 Year Old Intake

    Table 12

    16 Year Old Intake15 Year Old Intake14 Year Old IntakeIntake Under 12 Years

  • Count of








    ed at


    % of












    ed at


    % of





    c pop

    ages 11-






    ed at


    % of












    ed at


    % of













    ed at


    % of


    Rate per






    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)

    Alameda 2,140 559 70 12.5% 148 431 109 25.3% 346 780 243 31.2% 998 171 39 22.8% 128 3 2 66.7%

    Fresno 4,184 1,019 79 7.8% 254 2,193 197 9.0% 393 547 41 7.5% 683 336 55 16.4% 445 14 2 14.3% 200

    Los Angeles 13,245 1,883 305 16.2% 133 7,427 1,582 21.3% 294 3,174 803 25.3% 715 262 45 17.2% 40 7 0 0.0%

    Orange 5,047 2,012 221 11.0% 176 2,274 432 19.0% 397 239 43 18.0% 734 418 66 15.8% 161 6 1 16.7%

    Sacramento 2,953 1,181 182 15.4% 267 526 133 25.3% 496 825 194 23.5% 1051 294 47 16.0% 231 15 1 6.7% 70

    San Mateo 1,109 360 77 21.4% 299 385 90 23.4% 513 151 27 17.9% 1063 25 4 16.0% 28 2 0 0.0%

    Total 28,678 7,014 934 13.3% 177 13,236 2,543 19.2% 329 5,716 1,351 23.6% 797 1,506 256 17.0% 111 47 6 12.8% 74

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)

    Butte 628 475 56 11.8% 365 80 9 11.3% 295 25 4 16.0% 811 31 1 3.2% 70 14 5 35.7% 836

    Monterey 1,510 335 27 8.1% 199 1,020 99 9.7% 388 72 5 6.9% 330 27 0 0.0% 0 2 0 0.0%

    Santa Barbara 1,709 699 51 7.3% 284 887 91 10.3% 515 55 2 3.6% 194 33 4 12.1% 267 1 0 0.0%

    Solano 956 317 14 4.4% 69 195 14 7.2% 147 280 31 11.1% 369 45 4 8.9% 57 2 0 0.0%

    Stanislaus 2,242 1,051 77 7.3% 271 859 80 9.3% 356 193 22 11.4% 1045 62 9 14.5% 242 1 0 0.0%

    Total 7,045 2,877 225 7.8% 235 3,041 293 9.6% 374 625 64 10.2% 473 198 18 9.1% 110 20 5 25.0% 250

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)

    Calaveras 267 241 11 4.6% 294 19 1 5.3% 211 4 1 25.0% 1 0 0.0% 1 0 0.0%

    Glenn 83 53 5 9.4% 270 26 5 19.2% 406 0 1 0 0.0% 2 0 0.0%

    Humboldt 585 457 36 7.9% 370 37 6 16.2% 551 10 1 10.0% 581 17 2 11.8% 563 62 4 6.5% 368

    Inyo 53 39 2 5.1% 152 3 0 0.0% 1 0 0.0% 1 0 0.0% 9 0 0.0%

    Madera 1,065 325 6 1.8% 103 630 7 1.1% 90 41 0 0.0% 0 9 0 0.0% 6 0 0.0%

    Modoc 67 56 5 8.9% 609 5 1 20.0% 0 3 1 33.3% 2 1 50.0%

    Mono 56 37 4 10.8% 464 15 5 33.3% 1634 0 0 4 2 50.0%

    Sutter 409 258 18 7.0% 347 110 6 5.5% 229 13 0 0.0% 0 27 1 3.7% 86 0 0

    Trinity 58 56 7 12.5% 592 1 1 100.0% 1 0 0.0% 0 0 0

    Tuolumne 142 121 6 5.0% 134 11 1 9.1% 214 1 0 0.0% 2 1 50.0% 4 0 0.0%

    Total 2,785 1,643 100 6.1% 286 857 33 3.9% 226 71 2 2.8% 209 61 5 8.2% 237 90 7 7.8% 309

    38,508 11,534 1,259 10.9% 192 17,134 2,869 16.7% 331 6,412 1,417 22.1% 770 1,765 279 15.8% 112 157 18 11.5% 1461

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    3 Population by age shown in Table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Asian Detention Rate Native Amer Detention RateBlack Detention Rate

    Table 13

    Sample Total

    2 Race and ethnicity are recorded differently in JCPSS than in the US Census. In the Census population data, Hispanic includes all who indicate a Hispanic ethnicity, regardless of race. In JCPSS, the recorder chose either

    Hispanic or White, Black, Asian, or Native American.

    Hispanic2 Detention RateWhite Detention Rate

    Juveniles Detained at Intake into the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Race / Ethnicity and County Size

  • Oth/ Unk




    at intake % of intake









    to: Black Rate


    to: Asian Rate






    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)

    Alameda 196 26 13.3% 1: 2.34 1: 6.74 1: 0.86

    Fresno 75 2 2.7% 1: 1.55 1: 2.69 1: 1.75 1: 0.79

    Los Angeles 492 82 16.7% 1: 2.20 1: 5.37 1: 0.30

    Orange 98 16 16.3% 1: 2.26 1: 4.18 1: 0.92

    Sacramento 112 11 9.8% 1: 1.85 1: 3.93 1: 0.86 1: 0.26

    San Mateo 186 40 21.5% 1: 1.72 1: 3.55 1: 0.09

    Total 1,159 177 15.3% 1: 1.85 1: 4.50 1: 0.63 1: 0.42

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)

    Butte 1 1 100.0% 1: 0.81 1: 2.23 1: 0.19 1: 2.29

    Monterey 37 5 13.5% 1: 1.95 1: 1.66 1: 0.00

    Santa Barbara 9 5 55.6% 1: 1.81 1: 0.68 1: 0.94

    Solano 8 1 12.5% 1: 2.12 1: 5.33 1: 0.83

    Stanislaus 51 6 11.8% 1: 1.31 1: 3.86 1: 0.90

    Total 106 18 17.0% 1: 1.59 1: 2.01 1: 0.47 1: 1.06

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)

    Calaveras 0 0 1: 0.72

    Glenn 1 0 0.0% 1: 1.50

    Humboldt 1 0 0.0% 1: 1.49 1: 1.57 1: 1.52 1: 1.00

    Inyo 0 0

    Madera 52 2 3.8% 1: 0.87 1: 0.00

    Modoc 1 1 100.0%

    Mono 0 0 1: 3.52

    Sutter 1 0 0.0% 1: 0.66 1: 0.00 1: 0.25

    Trinity 0 0

    Tuolumne 0 2 1: 1.60

    Total 56 1 1.8% 1: 0.79 1: 0.73 1: 0.83 1: 1.08

    1,321 196 14.8% 1: 1.73 1: 4.02 1: 0.58 1: 0.761

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    Oth/Unk Detention Rate Ratio Ratio Ratio

    3 Population by age shown in Table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online.



    Juveniles Detained at Intake by Race / Ethnicity and County Size continued

    Table 13 (continued)

    Sample Total

  • Juvenile


    ages 11-17

    in 20012

    Count of




    Count of


    detained at


    % of


    Rate per


    juvenile pop

    ages 11-172

    Count of



    Count of



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    male pop

    ages 11-172

    Count of



    Count of



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    female pop

    ages 11-172






    Butte 20,935 628 76 12.1% 363 417 46 11.0% 422 211 30 14.2% 299 1: 0.78

    Glenn 3,408 83 10 12.0% 293 55 7 12.7% 396 28 3 10.7% 183 1: 1.19

    Humboldt 12,445 585 49 8.4% 394 383 38 9.9% 602 202 11 5.4% 179 1: 1.82

    Modoc 1,094 67 9 13.4% 823 42 6 14.3% 1033 25 3 12.0% 585 1: 1.19

    Trinity 1,391 58 8 13.8% 575 44 6 13.6% 817 14 2 14.3% 304 1: 0.95

    Total 39,273 1,421 152 10.7% 387 941 103 10.9% 507 480 49 10.2% 258 1: 1.07

    Sacramento RegionCalaveras 4,454 267 13 4.9% 292 202 11 5.4% 473 65 2 3.1% 94 1: 1.77

    Sacramento 135,162 2,953 568 19.2% 420 1,981 436 22.0% 629 972 132 13.6% 201 1: 1.62

    Sutter 9,286 409 25 6.1% 269 292 20 6.8% 416 117 5 4.3% 112 1: 1.60

    Total 148,902 3,629 606 16.7% 407 2,475 467 18.9% 610 1,154 139 12.0% 192 1: 1.57

    Bay RegionAlameda 134,305 2,140 489 22.9% 364 1,504 370 24.6% 539 636 119 18.7% 181 1: 1.31

    Monterey 43,540 1,510 136 9.0% 312 1,054 111 10.5% 494 456 25 5.5% 119 1: 1.92

    San Mateo 60,455 1,109 238 21.5% 394 803 179 22.3% 573 306 59 19.3% 202 1: 1.16

    Solano 45,464 956 64 6.7% 141 689 46 6.7% 197 267 18 6.7% 82 1: 0.99

    Total 283,764 5,715 927 16.2% 327 4,050 706 17.4% 484 1,665 221 13.3% 160 1: 1.31

    Central RegionFresno 100,644 4,184 376 9.0% 374 2,788 319 11.4% 618 1,396 57 4.1% 116 1: 2.80

    Inyo 1,945 53 2 3.8% 103 35 1 2.9% 101 18 1 5.6% 105 1: 0.51

    Madera 14,497 1,065 15 1.4% 103 694 11 1.6% 146 371 4 1.1% 57 1: 1.47

    Mono 1,228 56 11 19.6% 896 47 9 19.1% 1324 9 2 22.2% 365 1: 0.86

    Stanislaus 57,275 2,242 194 8.7% 339 1,555 157 10.1% 538 687 37 5.4% 132 1: 1.87

    Tuolumne 5,150 142 8 5.6% 155 97 8 8.2% 300 45 0 0.0% 0Total 180,739 7,742 606 7.8% 335 5,216 505 9.7% 545 2,526 101 4.0% 115 1: 2.42

    South RegionLos Angeles 995,537 13,245 2,817 21.3% 283 10,033 2,145 21.4% 420 3,212 672 20.9% 139 1: 1.02

    Orange 282,804 5,047 779 15.4% 275 3,953 617 15.6% 424 1,094 162 14.8% 118 1: 1.05

    Santa Barbara 38,499 1,709 153 9.0% 397 1,232 123 10.0% 620 477 30 6.3% 161 1: 1.59

    Total 1,316,840 20,001 3,749 18.7% 285 15,218 2,885 19.0% 375 4,783 864 18.1% 119 1: 1.05

    Sample Total 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 15.7% 307 27,900 4,666 16.7% 69 10,608 1,374 13.0% 21 1: 1.291

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.2

    Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/


    North Region

    Juveniles Detained at Intake into the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Sex and Region

    Table 14

    Female Detention Sample Detention Male Detention

  • Count


    at intake

    % of


    Rate per






    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    age 122



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    age 132



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    age 142



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    age 152



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    age 162



    at intake

    % of


    Rate per


    age 172

    North Region

    Butte 3 5.6% 16 6 12.8% 203 8 10.5% 274 15 13.6% 496 14 10.8% 474 15 12.4% 483 15 16.7% 507

    Glenn 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2 22.2% 420 1 6.3% 203 1 12.5% 210 3 13.0% 596 3 21.4% 619

    Humboldt 5 11.4% 46 2 5.1% 117 4 6.2% 235 3 3.3% 172 9 8.9% 484 17 12.9% 883 9 7.9% 507

    Modoc 1 10.0% 109 0 0.0% 0 2 66.7% 1493 1 12.5% 625 1 7.7% 694 2 15.4% 1093 2 14.3% 1198

    Trinity 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 4 40.0% 2353 1 16.7% 461 1 10.0% 455 2 9.1% 980

    Total 9 7.3% 26 8 8.2% 146 16 10.3% 295 24 10.3% 430 26 10.1% 460 38 12.7% 640 31 12.2% 554

    Sacramento Region

    Calaveras 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 3 5.6% 457 1 1.9% 137 7 13.2% 1133 2 3.4% 322

    Sacramento 18 14.8% 13 41 25.8% 205 82 23.6% 422 112 22.3% 591 100 18.6% 526 113 17.1% 603 102 16.3% 554

    Sutter 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 3 6.5% 225 1 1.5% 74 6 8.7% 474 8 9.2% 587 7 8.1% 534

    Total 18 11.3% 12 41 20.6% 187 85 20.3% 398 116 18.6% 554 107 16.2% 509 128 16.0% 617 111 14.4% 545

    Bay Region

    Alameda 10 14.5% 7 17 14.9% 85 63 24.2% 322 79 23.0% 426 115 26.7% 629 110 22.1% 594 95 22.4% 517

    Monterey 4 6.0% 9 5 3.4% 78 16 6.1% 258 26 11.1% 422 23 9.7% 384 32 10.6% 526 30 11.5% 493

    San Mateo 11 21.6% 17 16 22.2% 177 16 14.4% 189 28 17.8% 331 49 24.5% 589 64 23.7% 769 54 21.8% 636

    Solano 1 6.7% 2 0 0.0% 0 12 12.8% 185 15 9.1% 236 11 6.3% 175 12 5.7% 187 13 5.0% 211

    Total 26 12.9% 9 38 10.3% 90 107 14.7% 263 148 16.4% 374 198 19.0% 509 218 17.0% 554 192 16.1% 491

    Central Region

    Fresno 13 3.6% 12 16 4.6% 110 56 9.0% 390 78 10.8% 550 68 9.0% 478 80 10.7% 566 65 10.5% 468

    Inyo 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 1 16.7% 348 1 11.1% 337

    Madera 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 3 1.6% 148 3 2.4% 151 4 3.1% 196 2 1.2% 96 3 1.8% 140

    Mono 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 1 16.7% 649 2 16.7% 1036 3 25.0% 1604 2 28.6% 1190 3 30.0% 1852

    Stanislaus 2 1.0% 3 8 6.1% 95 19 7.0% 232 38 9.5% 465 37 9.0% 462 39 8.9% 488 51 13.0% 654

    Tuolumne 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2 8.3% 276 3 11.1% 408 3 10.0% 383 0 0.0% 0

    Total 15 2.4% 8 24 3.2% 91 79 7.1% 307 123 9.5% 482 115 8.6% 451 127 9.1% 499 123 10.0% 491

    South Region

    Los Angeles 48 11.3% 4 116 15.8% 78 258 17.6% 179 457 20.3% 330 593 21.5% 432 693 23.3% 512 652 24.8% 488

    Orange 10 10.8% 3 19 10.5% 45 56 12.8% 138 113 15.4% 290 158 15.9% 406 195 15.8% 502 228 16.6% 591

    Santa Barbara 1 1.1% 2 7 8.8% 123 13 9.7% 239 23 9.2% 427 33 9.8% 617 32 8.1% 611 44 10.5% 816

    Total 59 9.7% 4 142 14.3% 72 327 16.1% 172 593 18.3% 324 784 19.2% 432 920 19.9% 513 924 20.9% 521

    Sample Total 127 7.4% 6 253 10.5% 87 614 13.8% 217 1,004 16.0% 366 1,230 16.6% 451 1,431 17.1% 528 1,381 17.6% 5161

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.2

    Population by ages shown in Table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 15

    17 Year Old DetentionUnder 12 Years Detention 12 Year Old Detention

    Juveniles Detained at Intake in the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Age and Region

    13 Year Old Detention 14 Year Old Detention 15 Year Old Detention 16 Year Old Detention

  • Count of








    ed at


    % of


    Rate per

    White pop

    ages 11-






    ed at


    % of


    Rate per


    pop ages






    ed at


    % of


    Rate per

    Black pop

    ages 11-






    ed at


    % of


    Rate per

    Asian pop

    ages 11-







    ed at


    % of


    Rate per Native

    Amer pop ages


    North Region

    Butte 628 475 56 11.8% 365 80 9 11.3% 295 25 4 16.0% 811 31 1 3.2% 70 14 5 35.7% 836

    Glenn 83 53 5 9.4% 270 26 5 19.2% 406 0 0 0 1 0 0.0% 0 2 0 0.0% 0

    Humboldt 585 457 36 7.9% 370 37 6 16.2% 551 10 1 10.0% 581 17 2 11.8% 563 62 4 6.5% 368

    Modoc 67 56 5 8.9% 609 5 1 20.0% 0 0 0 3 1 33.3% 2 1 50.0% 1923

    Trinity 58 56 7 12.5% 592 1 1 100.0% 1 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Total 1,421 1,097 109 9.9% 376 149 22 14.8% 390 36 5 13.9% 694 52 4 7.7% 198 80 10 12.5% 519

    Sacramento Region

    Calaveras 267 241 11 4.6% 294 19 1 5.3% 211 4 1 25.0% 1471 1 0 0.0% 0 1 0 0.0% 0

    Sacramento 2,953 1,181 182 15.4% 267 526 133 25.3% 496 825 194 23.5% 1051 294 47 16.0% 231 15 1 6.7% 70

    Sutter 409 258 18 7.0% 347 110 6 5.5% 229 13 0 0.0% 0 27 1 3.7% 86 0 0 0

    Total 3,629 1,680 211 12.6% 199 655 140 21.4% 394 842 195 23.2% 1003 322 48 14.9% 203 16 1 6.3% 28

    Bay Region

    Alameda 2,140 559 70 12.5% 148 431 109 25.3% 346 780 243 31.2% 998 171 39 22.8% 128 3 2 66.7% 277

    Monterey 1,510 335 27 8.1% 199 1,020 99 9.7% 388 72 5 6.9% 330 27 0 0.0% 0 2 0 0.0% 0

    San Mateo 1,109 360 77 21.4% 299 385 90 23.4% 513 151 27 17.9% 1063 25 4 16.0% 28 2 0 0.0% 0

    Solano 956 317 14 4.4% 69 195 14 7.2% 147 280 31 11.1% 369 45 4 8.9% 57 2 0 0.0% 0

    Total 5,715 1,571 188 12.0% 176 2,031 312 15.4% 371 1,283 306 23.9% 832 268 47 17.5% 86 9 2 22.2% 139

    Central Region

    Fresno 4,184 1,019 79 7.8% 254 2,193 197 9.0% 393 547 41 7.5% 683 336 55 16.4% 445 14 2 14.3% 200

    Inyo 53 39 2 5.1% 152 3 0 0.0% 1 0 0.0% 0 1 0 0.0% 0 9 0 0.0% 0

    Madera 1,065 325 6 1.8% 103 630 7 1.1% 90 41 0 0.0% 0 9 0 0.0% 0 6 0 0.0% 0

    Mono 56 37 4 10.8% 464 15 5 33.3% 1634 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 50.0% 4762

    Stanislaus 2,242 1,051 77 7.3% 271 859 80 9.3% 356 193 22 11.4% 1045 62 9 14.5% 242 1 0 0.0% 0

    Tuolumne 142 121 6 5.0% 134 11 1 9.1% 214 1 0 0.0% 0 2 1 50.0% 2273 4 0 0.0% 0

    Total 7,742 2,592 174 6.7% 425 3,711 290 7.8% 924 783 63 8.0% 2439 410 65 15.9% 1623 38 4 10.5% 327

    South Region

    Los Angeles 13,245 1,883 305 16.2% 133 7,427 1,582 21.3% 294 3,174 803 25.3% 715 262 45 17.2% 40 7 0 0.0% 0

    Orange 5,047 2,012 221 11.0% 176 2,274 432 19.0% 397 239 43 18.0% 734 418 66 15.8% 161 6 1 16.7% 85

    Santa Barbara 1,709 699 51 7.3% 284 887 91 10.3% 515 55 2 3.6% 194 33 4 12.1% 267 1 0 0.0% 0

    Total 20,001 4,594 577 12.6% 140 10,588 2,105 19.9% 302 3,468 848 24.5% 697 713 115 16.1% 72 14 1 7.1% 16

    Sample Total 38,508 11,534 1,259 10.9% 192 17,134 2,869 16.7% 331 6,412 1,417 22.1% 770 1,765 279 15.8% 112 157 18 11.5% 1461

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    3 Population by ages shown in Table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    White Detention

    2 Race and ethnicity are recorded differently in JCPSS than in the US Census. In the Census population data, Hispanic includes all who indicate a Hispanic ethnicity, regardless of race. In JCPSS, the recorder chose either Hispanic or

    White, Black, Asian, or Native American. The category "Other or Unknown" race/ ethicity in not included in this table

    Table 16

    Juveniles Detained at Intake into the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011 by Race / Ethnicity

    2 and Region

    Black DetentionHispanic Detention Native Amer DetentionAsian Detention

  • Oth/ Unk



    at intake % of intake





















    North Region

    Butte 1 1 100.0% 1: 0.81 1: 2.23 1: 0.19 1: 2.29

    Glenn 1 0 0.0% 1: 1.50 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 0.00

    Humboldt 1 0 0.0% 1: 1.49 1: 1.57 1: 1.52 1: 1.00

    Modoc 1 1 100.0% 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 3.16

    Trinity 0 0 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 0.00

    Total 4 2 50.0% 1: 1.04 1: 1.85 1: 0.53 1: 1.38

    Sacramento Region

    Calaveras 0 0 1: 0.72 1: 5.00 1: 0.00 1: 0.00

    Sacramento 112 11 9.8% 1: 1.85 1: 3.93 1: 0.86 1: 0.26

    Sutter 1 0 0.0% 1: 0.66 1: 0.00 1: 0.25 1: 0.00

    Total 113 11 9.7% 1: 1.98 1: 5.04 1: 1.02 1: 0.14

    Bay Region

    Alameda 196 26 13.3% 1: 2.34 1: 6.74 1: 0.86 1: 1.87

    Monterey 37 5 13.5% 1: 1.95 1: 1.66 1: 0.00 1: 0.00

    San Mateo 186 40 21.5% 1: 1.72 1: 3.55 1: 0.09 1: 0.00

    Solano 8 1 12.5% 1: 2.12 1: 5.33 1: 0.83 1: 0.00

    Total 427 2 0.5% 1: 2.11 1: 4.72 1: 0.49 1: 0.79

    Central Region

    Fresno 75 2 2.7% 1: 1.55 1: 2.69 1: 1.75 1: 0.79

    Inyo 0 0 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 0.00

    Madera 52 2 3.8% 1: 0.87 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 0.00

    Mono 0 0 1: 3.52 1: 0.00 1: 0.00 1: 10.26

    Stanislaus 51 6 11.8% 1: 1.31 1: 3.86 1: 0.90 1: 0.00

    Tuolumne 0 2 1: 1.60 1: 0.00 1: 16.96 1: 0.00

    Total 178 12 6.7% 1: 2.17 1: 5.73 1: 3.82 1: 0.77

    South Region

    Los Angeles 492 82 16.7% 1: 2.20 1: 5.37 1: 0.30 1: 0.00

    Orange 98 16 16.3% 1: 2.26 1: 4.18 1: 0.92 1: 0.48

    Santa Barbara 9 5 55.6% 1: 1.81 1: 0.68 1: 0.94 1: 0.00

    Total 599 103 17.2% 1: 2.17 1: 4.99 1: 0.52 1: 0.11

    1,321 130 9.8% 1: 1.73 1: 4.02 1: 0.58 1: 0.761

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    Ratio RatioRatio

    3 Population by ages shown in Table 1; Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations"

    Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/


    Table 16 continued

    Juveniles Detained at Intake by Race / Ethnicity2 and Region continued

    Sample Total

    Oth/Unk Detention

  • Juvenile


    ages 5-11

    in 20012

    Count of




    Count of

    5 year



    Count of

    6 year



    Count of

    7 year



    Count of

    8 year



    Count of

    9 year



    Count of

    10 year



    Count of

    11 year



    Total count

    of 5 to 11 yr



    % of county


    Rate per


    young pop

    age 5 - 11

    Large Counties (pop > 700,000)

    Alameda 145,798 2,140 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 10 0.47% 7

    Fresno 104,085 4,184 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 13 0.31% 12

    Los Angeles 1,113,267 13,245 0 0 0 2 2 10 34 48 0.36% 4

    Orange 321,920 5,047 0 0 1 0 2 0 7 10 0.20% 3

    Sacramento 141,020 2,953 0 0 0 0 4 4 10 18 0.61% 13

    San Mateo 64,311 1,109 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 11 0.99% 17

    Total 1,890,401 28,678 0 0 1 2 8 23 76 110 0.38% 6

    Medium Counties (pop between 200,000 & 700,000)

    Butte 19,072 628 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 0.48% 16

    Monterey 46,626 1,510 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 0.26% 9

    Santa Barbara 40,525 1,709 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.06% 2

    Solano 45,569 956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Stanislaus 57,729 2,242 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0.09% 3

    Total 209,521 7,045 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 10 0.14% 5

    Small Counties (pop < 200,000)

    Calaveras 3,611 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Glenn 3,129 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Humboldt 10,943 585 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 0.85% 46

    Inyo 1,704 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Madera 14,692 1,065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Modoc 918 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.49% 109

    Mono 1,158 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Sutter 9,184 409 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Trinity 1,140 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Tuolumne 4,291 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0

    Total 50,770 2,785 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 0.22% 12

    Sample Total 2,150,692 38,508 0 0 1 2 10 27 86 126 0.33% 61

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.2

    Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Young Juveniles Detained at Intake in the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011

    Table 17

  • Juvenile


    ages 5-11

    in 20012

    Count of




    Count of

    5 year



    Count of

    6 year



    Count of

    7 year



    Count of

    8 year



    Count of

    9 year



    Count of

    10 year



    Count of

    11 year



    Total count

    of 5 to 11 yr



    % of county


    Rate per


    young pop

    age 5 - 11

    North RegionButte 19,072 628 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 0.48% 16Glenn 3,129 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Humboldt 10,943 585 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 0.85% 46Modoc 918 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.49% 109Trinity 1,140 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Total 35,202 1,421 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 9 0.63% 26

    Sacramento RegionCalaveras 3,611 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Sacramento 141,020 2,953 0 0 0 0 4 4 10 18 0.61% 13Sutter 9,184 409 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Total 153,815 3,629 0 0 0 0 4 4 10 18 0.50% 12

    Bay RegionAlameda 145,798 2,140 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 10 0.47% 7Monterey 46,626 1,510 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 0.26% 9San Mateo 64,311 1,109 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 11 0.99% 17Solano 45,569 956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Total 302,304 5,715 0 0 0 0 1 6 18 25 0.44% 8

    Central RegionFresno 104,085 4,184 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 13 0.31% 12Stanislaus 57,729 2,242 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0.09% 3Inyo 1,704 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Madera 14,692 1,065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Mono 1,158 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Tuolumne 4,291 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0Total 183,659 7,742 0 0 0 0 0 4 11 15 0.19% 8

    South RegionLos Angeles 1,113,267 13,245 0 0 0 2 2 10 34 48 0.36% 4Orange 321,920 5,047 0 0 1 0 2 0 7 10 0.20% 3Santa Barbara 40,525 1,709 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.06% 2Total 1,475,712 20,001 0 0 1 2 4 10 42 59 0.29% 4

    Sample Total 2,150,692 38,508 0 0 1 2 10 27 86 126 0.33% 61

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.2

    Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 18

    Young Juveniles Detained at Intake in the California Juvenile Probation System in 20011

  • Juvenile


    ages 11-17

    in 20012

    Count of




    Count of



    at intake

    Count with



    % of


    Rate per


    juv pop

    Count with



    % of


    Rate per


    juv pop

    Count with



    % of


    Rate per


    juv pop

    Count with



    % of


    Rate per


    juv pop

    5-11 yrs 2,150,692 1,723 127 227 13% 11 253 15% 12 356 21% 17 410 24% 19

    12 yrs 291,656 2,399 253 482 20% 165 475 20% 163 596 25% 204 596 25% 204

    13 yrs 283,368 4,452 614 1,111 25% 392 1,061 24% 374 1,154 26% 407 1,076 24% 380

    14 yrs 274,337 6,293 1,004 1,786 28% 651 1,641 26% 598 1,631 26% 595 1,449 23% 528

    15 yrs 272,502 7,391 1,230 2,038 28% 748 1,715 23% 629 1,631 22% 599 1,444 20% 530

    16 yrs 270,819 8,389 1,431 2,100 25% 775 1,606 19% 593 1,455 17% 537 1,471 18% 543

    17 yrs 267,651 7,861 1,381 1,794 23% 670 1,239 16% 463 1,248 16% 466 1,223 16% 457

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 9,538 25% 484 7,990 21% 406 8,071 21% 410 7,669 20% 389

    White 657,373 11,534 1,259 2,329 20% 354 1,875 16% 285 1,951 17% 297 1,818 16% 277

    Hispanic 866,420 17,134 2,869 4,588 27% 530 3,877 23% 447 3,861 23% 446 3,683 21% 425

    Black 183,985 6,412 1,417 1,921 30% 1044 1,727 27% 939 1,744 27% 948 1,711 27% 930Asian & Pacific

    Islander 249,369 1,765 279 380 22% 152 265 15% 106 273 15% 109 220 12% 88

    Native American 12,371 157 18 33 21% 267 36 23% 291 31 20% 251 34 22% 275

    Other 1,082 174 234 22% 171 16% 166 15% 162 15%

    Unknown 424 24 53 13% 39 9% 45 11% 41 10%

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 9,538 25% 484 7,990 21% 406 8,071 21% 410 7,669 20% 389

    Male 1,011,038 27,900 4,666 7,603 27% 752 6,614 24% 654 6,801 24% 673 6,508 23% 644

    Female 958,480 10,608 1,374 1,935 18% 202 1,376 13% 144 1,270 12% 133 1,161 11% 121

    Total / Overall 1,969,518 38,508 6,040 9,538 25% 484 7,990 21% 406 8,071 21% 410 7,669 20% 389

    1 Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    by Race / Ethnicity

    Recidivism in Year 1

    by Age at Intake

    Table 19

    Characteristics of Juveniles with a New Law or Technical Violation in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year After Intake1

    by Sex

    Recidivism in Year 2 Recidivism in Year 3 Recidivism in Year 4

  • Juvenile


    ages 11-172

    Count of




    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Large Counties

    Alameda 134,305 2,140 528 25% 393 443 21% 330 471 22% 351 472 22% 351

    Fresno 100,644 4,184 800 19% 795 845 20% 840 752 18% 747 678 16% 674

    Los Angeles 995,537 13,245 4,179 32% 420 3,051 23% 306 3,159 24% 317 3,084 23% 310

    Orange 282,804 5,047 1,314 26% 465 1,104 22% 390 1,098 22% 388 973 19% 344

    Sacramento 135,162 2,953 921 31% 681 662 22% 490 687 23% 508 651 22% 482

    San Mateo 60,455 1,109 239 22% 395 200 18% 331 216 19% 357 205 18% 339

    Total 1,708,907 28,678 7,981 28% 467 6,305 22% 369 6,383 22% 374 6,063 21% 355

    Medium Counties

    Butte 20,935 628 76 12% 363 85 14% 406 106 17% 506 119 19% 568

    Monterey 43,540 1,510 261 17% 599 260 17% 597 284 19% 652 233 15% 535

    Santa Barbara 38,499 1,709 285 17% 740 338 20% 878 341 20% 886 312 18% 810

    Solano 45,464 956 237 25% 521 226 24% 497 230 24% 506 214 22% 471

    Stanislaus 57,275 2,242 297 13% 519 375 17% 655 358 16% 625 400 18% 698

    Total 205,713 7,045 1,156 16% 562 1,284 18% 624 1,319 19% 641 1,278 18% 621

    Small Counties

    Calaveras 4,454 267 12 4% 269 14 5% 314 19 7% 427 25 9% 561

    Glenn 3,408 83 11 13% 323 6 7% 176 11 13% 323 12 14% 352

    Humboldt 12,445 585 127 22% 1020 118 20% 948 108 18% 868 99 17% 796

    Inyo 1,945 53 6 11% 308 10 19% 514 8 15% 411 7 13% 360

    Madera 14,497 1,065 153 14% 1055 149 14% 1028 129 12% 890 121 11% 835

    Modoc 1,094 67 14 21% 1280 14 21% 1280 5 7% 457 5 7% 457

    Mono 1,228 56 6 11% 489 2 4% 163 1 2% 81 2 4% 163

    Sutter 9,286 409 36 9% 388 57 14% 614 50 12% 538 23 6% 248

    Trinity 1,391 58 14 24% 1006 9 16% 647 8 14% 575 6 10% 431

    Tuolumne 5,150 142 22 15% 427 22 15% 427 30 21% 583 28 20% 544

    Total 54,898 2,785 401 14% 730 401 14% 730 369 13% 672 328 12% 597

    Sample Total 1,969,518 38,508 9,538 25% 484 7,990 21% 406 8,071 21% 410 7,669 20% 3891

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 20

    Recidivism in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year After Intake1 by County Size

    First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year

  • Male


    ages 11-172

    Count of




    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Large Counties

    Alameda 68,668 1,504 415 28% 604 363 24% 529 392 26% 571 384 26% 559

    Fresno 51,652 2,788 600 22% 1162 667 24% 1291 619 22% 1198 571 20% 1105

    Los Angeles 510,553 10,033 3,461 34% 678 2,627 26% 515 2,748 27% 538 2,688 27% 526

    Orange 145,419 3,953 1,086 27% 747 956 24% 657 971 25% 668 865 22% 595

    Sacramento 69,363 1,981 663 33% 956 509 26% 734 535 27% 771 525 27% 757

    San Mateo 31,238 803 184 23% 589 162 20% 519 179 22% 573 173 22% 554

    Total 876,893 21,062 6,409 30% 731 5,284 25% 603 5,444 26% 621 5,206 25% 594

    Medium Counties

    Butte 10,899 417 48 12% 440 64 15% 587 78 19% 716 90 22% 826

    Monterey 22,454 1,054 216 20% 962 213 20% 949 233 22% 1038 189 18% 842

    Santa Barbara 19,834 1,232 220 18% 1109 253 21% 1276 269 22% 1356 259 21% 1306

    Solano 23,386 689 180 26% 770 180 26% 770 187 27% 800 172 25% 735

    Stanislaus 29,184 1,555 236 15% 809 319 21% 1093 301 19% 1031 339 22% 1162

    Total 105,757 4,947 900 18% 851 1,029 21% 973 1,068 22% 1010 1,049 21% 992

    Small Counties

    Calaveras 2,328 202 11 5% 473 12 6% 515 17 8% 730 25 12% 1074

    Glenn 1,768 55 8 15% 452 5 9% 283 9 16% 509 9 16% 509

    Humboldt 6,314 383 82 21% 1299 79 21% 1251 81 21% 1283 70 18% 1109

    Inyo 992 35 3 9% 302 6 17% 605 6 17% 605 4 11% 403

    Madera 7,517 694 116 17% 1543 116 17% 1543 96 14% 1277 91 13% 1211

    Modoc 581 42 10 24% 1721 7 17% 1205 4 10% 688 2 5% 344

    Mono 680 47 6 13% 882 2 4% 294 1 2% 147 2 4% 294

    Sutter 4,809 292 29 10% 603 49 17% 1019 43 15% 894 20 7% 416

    Trinity 734 44 11 25% 1499 7 16% 954 7 16% 954 6 14% 817

    Tuolumne 2,665 97 18 19% 675 18 19% 675 25 26% 938 24 25% 901

    Total 28,388 1,891 294 16% 1036 301 16% 1060 289 15% 1018 253 13% 891

    Sample Total 1,011,038 27,900 7,603 27% 752 6,614 24% 654 6,801 24% 673 6,508 23% 6441

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 21

    Male Recidivism in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year After Intake1 by County Size

    First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year

  • Female


    ages 11-172

    Count of




    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Large Counties

    Alameda 65,637 636 113 18% 172 80 13% 122 79 12% 120 88 14% 134

    Fresno 48,992 1,396 200 14% 408 178 13% 363 133 10% 271 107 8% 218

    Los Angeles 484,984 3,212 718 22% 148 424 13% 87 411 13% 85 396 12% 82

    Orange 137,385 1,094 228 21% 166 148 14% 108 127 12% 92 108 10% 79

    Sacramento 65,799 972 258 27% 392 153 16% 233 152 16% 231 126 13% 191

    San Mateo 29,217 306 55 18% 188 38 12% 130 37 12% 127 32 10% 110

    Total 832,014 7,616 1,572 21% 189 1,021 13% 123 939 12% 113 857 11% 103

    Medium Counties

    Butte 10,036 211 28 13% 279 21 10% 209 28 13% 279 29 14% 289

    Monterey 21,086 456 45 10% 213 47 10% 223 51 11% 242 44 10% 209

    Santa Barbara 18,665 477 65 14% 348 85 18% 455 72 15% 386 53 11% 284

    Solano 22,078 267 57 21% 258 46 17% 208 43 16% 195 42 16% 190

    Stanislaus 28,091 687 61 9% 217 56 8% 199 57 8% 203 61 9% 217

    Total 99,956 2,098 256 12% 256 255 12% 255 251 12% 251 229 11% 229

    Small Counties

    Calaveras 2,126 65 1 2% 47 2 3% 94 2 3% 94 0 0% 0

    Glenn 1,640 28 3 11% 183 1 4% 61 2 7% 122 3 11% 183

    Humboldt 6,131 202 45 22% 734 39 19% 636 27 13% 440 29 14% 473

    Inyo 953 18 3 17% 315 4 22% 420 2 11% 210 3 17% 315

    Madera 6,980 371 37 10% 530 33 9% 473 33 9% 473 30 8% 430

    Modoc 513 25 4 16% 780 7 28% 1365 1 4% 195 3 12% 585

    Mono 548 9 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0

    Sutter 4,477 117 7 6% 156 8 7% 179 7 6% 156 3 3% 67

    Trinity 657 14 3 21% 457 2 14% 304 1 7% 152 0 0% 0

    Tuolumne 2,485 45 4 9% 161 4 9% 161 5 11% 201 4 9% 161

    Total 26,510 894 107 12% 404 100 11% 377 80 9% 302 75 8% 283

    Sample Total 958,480 10,608 1,935 18% 202 1,376 13% 144 1,270 12% 133 1,161 11% 1211

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 22

    Female Recidivism in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year After Intake¹ by County Size

    First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year

  • 4th Yr Ratio

    Young Offender


    ages 11-132

    Count of





    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per


    juv pop







    age 13


    Large Counties

    Alameda 165,803 183 31 17% 19 32 17% 19 47 26% 28 51 28% 31 1: 0.08

    Fresno 118,662 707 107 15% 90 147 21% 124 185 26% 156 177 25% 149 1: 0.38

    Los Angeles 1,261,501 1,161 272 23% 22 225 19% 18 272 23% 22 302 26% 24 1: 0.06

    Orange 363,863 274 48 18% 13 48 18% 13 71 26% 20 63 23% 17 1: 0.04

    Sacramento 161,021 281 62 22% 39 52 19% 32 93 33% 58 86 31% 53 1: 0.14

    San Mateo 73,337 123 28 23% 38 25 20% 34 33 27% 45 34 28% 46 1: 0.12

    Total 2,144,187 2,729 548 20% 26 529 19% 25 701 26% 33 713 26% 33 1: 0.09

    Medium Counties

    Butte 22,024 101 11 11% 50 18 18% 82 24 24% 109 25 25% 114 1: 0.29

    Monterey 53,021 215 30 14% 57 33 15% 62 41 19% 77 42 20% 79 1: 0.20

    Santa Barbara 46,213 171 22 13% 48 32 19% 69 44 26% 95 53 31% 115 1: 0.29

    Solano 52,282 49 15 31% 29 8 16% 15 15 31% 29 14 29% 27 1: 0.07

    Stanislaus 66,179 329 31 9% 47 41 12% 62 49 15% 74 69 21% 104 1: 0.27

    Total 239,719 865 109 13% 45 132 15% 55 173 20% 72 203 23% 85 1: 0.22

    Small Counties

    Calaveras 4,205 23 1 4% 24 0 0% 0 1 4% 24 4 17% 95 1: 0.24

    Glenn 3,625 13 2 15% 55 1 8% 28 1 8% 28 2 15% 55 1: 0.14

    Humboldt 12,651 83 20 24% 158 22 27% 174 27 33% 213 20 24% 158 1: 0.41

    Inyo 1,944 11 0 0% 0 2 18% 103 1 9% 51 2 18% 103 1: 0.26

    Madera 16,780 291 24 8% 143 31 11% 185 26 9% 155 39 13% 232 1: 0.60

    Modoc 1,056 16 2 13% 189 1 6% 95 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 1: 0.00

    Mono 1,339 9 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 1: 0.00

    Sutter 10,486 54 2 4% 19 5 9% 48 13 24% 124 11 20% 105 1: 0.27

    Trinity 1,337 7 0 0% 0 1 14% 75 1 14% 75 3 43% 224 1: 0.58

    Tuolumne 5,019 21 1 5% 20 4 19% 80 8 38% 159 9 43% 179 1: 0.46

    Total 58,442 528 52 10% 89 67 13% 115 78 15% 133 90 17% 154 1: 0.40

    2,442,348 4,122 709 17% 29 728 18% 30 952 23% 39 1,006 24% 41 1: 0.111

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 23

    Sample Total

    Youngest Offenders, Under age 13, Recidivism in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year After Intake¹ by County Size

    First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year

  • 4th Yr Ratio 4th Yr Ratio

    Young Offender


    ages 11-132

    Count of Young




    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per


    juv pop









    Large Counties

    Alameda 38,128 604 152 25% 399 147 24% 386 163 27% 428 165 27% 433 1: 1.11

    Fresno 28,552 1,350 310 23% 1086 356 26% 1247 316 23% 1107 281 21% 984 1: 2.53

    Los Angeles 282,345 3,720 1,253 34% 444 999 27% 354 1,035 28% 367 962 26% 341 1: 0.88

    Orange 79,685 1,174 304 26% 382 264 22% 331 269 23% 338 244 21% 306 1: 0.79

    Sacramento 38,352 850 279 33% 727 213 25% 555 242 28% 631 229 27% 597 1: 1.53

    San Mateo 16,939 268 57 21% 337 51 19% 301 70 26% 413 52 19% 307 1: 0.79

    Total 484,001 7,966 2,355 30% 487 2,030 25% 419 2,095 26% 433 1,933 24% 399 1: 1.03

    Medium Counties

    Butte 5,946 186 32 17% 538 31 17% 521 43 23% 723 45 24% 757 1: 1.95

    Monterey 12,355 496 98 20% 793 119 24% 963 121 24% 979 95 19% 769 1: 1.98

    Santa Barbara 10,822 385 87 23% 804 130 34% 1201 124 32% 1146 103 27% 952 1: 2.45

    Solano 12,847 258 85 33% 662 87 34% 677 89 34% 693 81 31% 630 1: 1.62

    Stanislaus 16,367 672 102 15% 623 144 21% 880 146 22% 892 148 22% 904 1: 2.32

    Total 58,337 1,997 404 20% 693 511 26% 876 523 26% 897 472 24% 809 1: 2.08

    Small Counties

    Calaveras 1,295 79 4 5% 309 4 5% 309 6 8% 463 8 10% 618 1: 1.59

    Glenn 968 25 5 20% 517 3 12% 310 7 28% 723 5 20% 517 1: 1.33

    Humboldt 3,443 155 50 32% 1452 54 35% 1568 40 26% 1162 42 27% 1220 1: 3.14

    Inyo 534 21 2 10% 375 4 19% 749 4 19% 749 1 5% 187 1: 0.48

    Madera 4,010 310 45 15% 1122 55 18% 1372 66 21% 1646 40 13% 998 1: 2.56

    Modoc 294 11 4 36% 1361 4 36% 1361 2 18% 680 0 0% 0 1: 0.00

    Mono 347 18 2 11% 576 2 11% 576 0 0% 0 1 6% 288 1: 0.74

    Sutter 2,682 113 14 12% 522 21 19% 783 28 25% 1044 11 10% 410 1: 1.05

    Trinity 366 13 3 23% 820 5 38% 1366 2 15% 546 2 15% 546 1: 1.40

    Tuolumne 1,428 37 9 24% 630 9 24% 630 12 32% 840 10 27% 700 1: 1.80

    Total 15,367 782 138 18% 898 161 21% 1048 167 21% 1087 120 15% 781 1: 2.01

    557,705 10,745 2,897 27% 519 2,702 25% 484 2,785 26% 499 2,525 23% 453 1: 1.161

    Based on the 21 counties in the Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 2 Longitudinal Sample.

    2 Source for pop data: Puzzanchera C, Finnegan T and Kang W (2007). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations" Online. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/ezapop/

    Table 24

    First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year

    Sample Total

    Offenders age 13-14 Recidivism in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year After Intake¹ by County Size

  • 4th Yr Ratio 4th Yr Ratio

    Older Offender


    ages 14-172

    Count of Older




    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per

    100,000 juv


    Count with



    % of


    Rate per


    juv pop









    Large Counties

    Alameda 55,194 1,353 345 25.5% 625 264 19.5% 478 261 19.3% 473 256 18.9% 464 1: 1.19

    Fresno 42,251 2,127 383 18.0% 906 342 16.1% 809 251 11.8% 594 220 10.3% 521 1: 1.34

    Los Angeles 406,064 8,364 2,654 31.7% 654 1,827 21.8% 450 1,852 22.1% 456 1,820 21.8% 448 1: 1.15

    Orange 116,307 3,599 962 26.7% 827 792 22.0% 681 758 21.1% 652 666 18.5% 573 1: 1.47

    Sacramento 56,198 1,822 580 31.8% 1032 397 21.8% 706 352 19.3% 626 336 18.4% 598 1: 1.54

    San Mateo 25,134 718 154 21.4% 613 124 17.3% 493 113 15.7% 450 119 16.6% 473 1: 1.22

    Total 701,148 17,983 5,078 28.2% 724 3,746 20.8% 534 3,587 19.9% 512 3,417 19.0% 487 1: 1.25

    Medium Counties

    Butte 9,022 341 33 9.7% 366 36 10.6% 399 39 11.4% 432 49 14.4% 543 1: 1.40

    Monterey 18,156 799 133 16.6% 733 108 13.5% 595 122 15.3% 672 96 12.0% 529 1: 1.36

    Santa Barbara 15,979 1,153 176 15.3% 1101 176 15.3% 1101 173 15.0% 1083 156 13.5% 976 1: 2.51

    Solano 18,868 649 137 21.1% 726 131 20.2% 694 126 19.4% 668 119 18.3% 631 1: 1.62

    Stanislaus 23,792 1,241 164 13.2% 689 190 15.3% 799 163 13.1% 685 183 14.7% 769 1: 1.98

    Total 85,817 4,183 643 15.4% 749 641 15.3% 747 623 14.9% 726 603 14.4% 703 1: 1.81

    Small Counties

    Calaveras 1,969 165 7 4.2% 356 10 6.1% 508 12 7.3% 609 13 7.9% 660 1: 1.70

    Glenn 1,465 45 4 8.9% 273 2 4.4% 137 3 6.7% 205 5 11.1