jj seeds wait waitaj dress young up fairnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3gz95j/data/0126.pdf · ii at forget...

SEEDS We have received a fine lot of and invite you to call at ouri store andexamine this stock before making a purchase This is the finest lot of German Millet ever brought to Richmond r We also wish to purchase yor WOL and guarantee to pay the highest market price for same sell until you get our prices CO lie Richmond Climax IDSFsDAY JULY 10 ICCi Dr A Wilkes Smith Dentist is w located over J B Stouffers ol rg Store 6febtf Hiiv sL tidkiff to repair your dviicles and make them good as w tf Oseopathy is the most rational- e 1 ot treating human ailments rc yes the cause Ii at forget the Old Fiddlers Con- st LIIII will be held in this City- x itiursday night July 17 L t Joan It Pates began tile erec u i iis new residence at the corner s J iud Broadway Inst week I e L A Sunday trains are her n very popular try thorn Low ir trij rates to all stations tf Th iW tiass all sizes and kinds r Frk at Willgings prices al na lowest and quality the best tf tfn ithy is steadily gaining in j b tIle intelligent people over i TV ire land thus assuring one- a s inundation is secure I iriT premiums good music y stands and a jolly good- I s assured all who cttend the big a Crab Orchard July 23 2425 Tat dishes 10 cents each one a gallon buckets 5 cents each o 10 cents per pound TBS CKXT FTORE y xt door to Government Bldg L lyr Your city taxes are now ue Please call andsettle L P Evans tf City Collector inlay round trip ratesonLA N to Versailles Kicholasville T Irvine Millers Creek I fire to all other stations tf NewFNI- v T Saunders has been appointed o < Master at Dulplia this county ic Hayes Stoker resigned lost A FTiittnd sow weight about 300 r Vs A libpril reward is offeree T r return to Powell Bros Jii y II Richmond Ky Federal Jurors Pay Increased T Inited States Marshal of this Ms i has received formal notice from- t 0 v General Knox to the effect is rJcr a recent law passed by hTss the pay of grand and petit urr Ias been increased from 2 to 3- er a oJ S 8- cu tJ ii 4 tJ > 3D o 43 a- cu c- u c tJ- Pt I t3ft Ii ure German SouthernMillet WOOL WOOL DEATHERAGE IWindow shades in stock and made to order Oc up at WilJginge tf All the old fiddlers of the county will be here to try their band next Thursday night- Osteopathy has demonstrated its right to a place among the schools of the healing art It has taken its place ninoiijj the legal methods of treating the sickthe first and only drugless method which has received sanction of the law Fr Rent Four rooms to rent cheap Well lo cated Apply to Thurman Grocery Co tf For Sale Two splendid building lots in the best part of the city One is 00x204 arid the other 100x300 For terms ap ¬ ply at this officemcb2fitf LOSt A Knights Templar charm engraved with name and No Commandery Leave at this office and get reward may7 tf G W EVANS Colored Teachers Supt Wagers desires to call the at ¬ tention of the colored school teachers to the fact that the date of the colored institute has been changed from Au ¬ gust 4 to August n Irof Frank Wil- liams ¬ will be the instructor Ice Cream Supper In order to refurnish their lodge rooms which were recently destroyed by fire the Masons of Irvino Lodge No 137 will give an ice cream supper Saturday July 26 from 7 p in to 1130 pmin the Court House yard at Irvine Kentucky The public is cordially invited to attend Have just received one ot the flu ¬ est lines of diamonds watches clocks lamps candelabras and cut glass that has ever been shown in Richmond Call and examine my stock before mak ¬ ing a purchase in this line apr30 tf LE LANE Real Estate Agents We will transfer buy or sell real estate of every kind city property a speciality Wo also collect rents and attend to the paying of taxes insurance etcfor a reasonable commission Call and see in at the State Bank Trust CompanyC CIIENAUU and L P EVANS aprl6 r Real Estate New Bolldin- jTho excavation for Schlcgels new Art Gallery on Third street was begun last week The two small dwellings on the site have been removed to make room for the new building It will be a twi> story brick building the first floor containing a number of otilce- sMrScblegeliS planning to havo the handsomest as well as the most con ¬ veniont studio in the state I Dont fail to go through the Midway Dr OHobson dentist next doo to Government building- tf Richmond Ky jv My stock of Jewelry cut glass ole was never more complete than now everybodyaprao Officers Elected The Association of County Attorneys of Kentucky at Etill Springs elected MoUoyKuttawaj LaVegaOlements T Davis Pineville Secretary Oaeaper Thin Coin Barefooted 120 pairs of childtens and Misses tan oxfords good style toes dark ahade sizes 81 to 11 and llj to 2 Guaranteed all solid leather former price S125 will close out the lot at 50c a pair Come early and get your choice tf Rice Arnold Saloon Sold Capt Everett Berrys saloon on First street was sold at public auction last Thursday by assignee W R Shackel forJ The property was bought in by l Mrs II Zeimans agent the price befng 500 The stock and fixtures were ap- praised at 1200 The saloon was opened again on Friday morning July Cost Sale at E V Elders Store For 30 days we offer our entire stock of clothing shoes carpets dry goods millinery mattings notions etc at cost Now is the time to get bargains Our loss yonrgain Respectfully tf E V Elder Canthta LIve Wire Cash Miller an employe of the Richmond Electric and Power Com- pany ¬ recuived a severe shock Sunday afternoon which made him think his time had come The linemen were putting up the wires on the Fair Grounds when Miller accidently caught A live wire The current of several hundred volts knocked him out for a while and be had to be taken home but was able to return to work the next day Dope Alley No More Time notorious Dope Alley which has figured in the courts for years and has been known as the abiding place of those with ways that are dark is no more Since B street has been opened through to Irvine street the al- loy ¬ Ifas been made the regulation width and Abo old buildings have been moved back oil the right of way The opening of B street is one of the great- est improvements that has been made in the city in many a day Coming ToDay A letter from Mr Fred D Ballard of Lexington to the CLIMAX says Wo are boosting the Richmond Fair down here to beat the band and the local boys are going to send one of the hot ¬ test delegations that ever went out of Lexington The Drum Corps of 16 members ie going to make Rome howl and by special train the Lexing- ton Elks expect to move on you Wednesday They say they are deter- mined ¬ to make Lexington Day a suc- cess iu every particular So you can keep a sharp lookout for them State Encapment Great preparations are being made for the annual encampment of the State Guards which will be held this year at Mammoth Cave The Second Regiment will go into camp first re maining from July 30 to August 8 the Third Regiment from August 9 to Au ¬ gust 18 The Artillery will go into camp from August 1 to August 13 The Second Regiment will be in better condition than ever before as it has re ¬ cently been supplied with now Khaki uniform and most of the companies have beenrsupplied with new rifles Moving James L Pence tIm well known contractor of Cincinnati who has the contract to move the now Opera House from Irvino street across to Main ar ¬ rived Monday to begin the work At the last meeting of the City Council the petition of D C Wiggins Bro for permission to move the building was refused The action of Ihe coun ¬ cil has since been rescinded and the house will be moved at once The managers have given the contract for enlarging the stage and making other improvements on the building The season will be opened in the new house about September 1st Willging with a force of skill work ¬ men contracts for and does all kinds of papering and painting on the most skillful manner at reasonable prices no vexatious delays tf We carry the largest and most complete line of I Sm ES dt to be found in Rich ¬ mond All the Upto Date styles Our prices are the lowest The new and nobby > things in I a11t1l Ft1a AND Iit rnc 1 tJrJI A full andcomplete line of Mens Underwear Negligee Shirts Collars j and Cuffs f RICE ARNOLD tJ 14a 04J tJp tJ frt tJ 0 C 1 0 S 4tj 0U 1tJ f Se 0C jJ Wait WaitAJ Little Longer The great Elks Fair and Calnival opened at 10 oclock Monday morning with the parade in which every fraternal order represented in the city toojc part The parade start ¬ ed from the Court House at ten oclock the line of march being out Main street to Eighth down North street into Main to the fair grounds The attendance on the first day is said to have been the largest ever seen at a Richmond Fair Yesterday was Ladies day The beautiful Floral Hall was one of the chief attractions the display being by far the handsomest aver seen hire Today Lexington will have the rightofway The Lekington Drum Corps with sixteen peices accompanied by a large delegation of Elks and citizens of Lexington will bepn hand to make themselves seen as well as heard Tomorrow is Queen and Floral Pa ¬ rade day It Will open with thegrand Floral Parade which will end at the grounds where all will do homage to the chos ¬ en Queen of the Carnival On Friday Governor Day Kentuckys young Governor an enthusiastic Elk will grace the carnival with his pres- ence ¬ Saturday Louisville Day we will surrender to the Louisvillians who will come in about seven hundred strong We are unable to say which is the best day for all are great the best we have ever had The best plan is to go every day so as not to miss any of the good things The fair is already a howling success with lots of people enoughnoise and bushels of fun in fact every thing needed to make it a successful enterprise NOT ON TIlE JRA11 Capt Sorcho the Deep Sea Diver Takes a Wife One event which attracted special interest during the Fair last week which was not on the program was the marriage of Capt Sorcho the deep Sea Diver to Miss Myrtle DItachler which took place in the office of the County Judge last Friday afternoon The marriage was a very quiet affair and was witnessed by a few of the Court House officials The ceremony was performed by Rev Dr Marshal of Chicago III Captain Sorcho is one of the chief attractions of Hecks great Midway and Carnival Company He was commissioned as the chief of the rescuing party sent by the Gov- ernment ¬ to search the Battleship Main in Havanna Harbor His bride is from Birmington Iowa and Is a member of Heck oS Zarros Company It was pro- posed to have the marriage take place on the Midway during the Fair but bride objected For that reason lithe event was kept quiet Dr Harry M Blanton Dentist Of ¬ fice over Middletons drug store July litf The Railroad General Manager Browning was hero last Friday with Mr Barnett the road master They inspected the Louisville Atlantic tracks as far as constructed and looked over the Arlington avenue yards Mr Crowning has arrangeda time card that will be very convenient tor Boattyville passengers and our business men will be well pleased with the facilities provided for the ship- ment ¬ of small freight packages as well as car load lots A special Louisville Atlantic car will be loaded daily at Louisville and Cincinnati for points along the line so that the delay of transfer at junction points is avoided Deliveries can in that way be made nearly as quick as by express There will be two trains each way daily and the service on the Short Line will be continued as at present On account of the newness of the track the trains will not run Olla fast schedule between here an J Millers Creek and no special attempt will be made this winter to make close connection with other lines Beatty ville News SoL Miakit makes a specialty of putting on rubber tires Give him a orderIf Candidates At the Fair The Crab Orchard Fair Association has made a good thing out of a number of candidates for both State and county offices who are announced as donors ot special premiums It is a new idea and will doubtless become very popu ¬ lar in the future as the candidates while advancing their own interests are aleqlielping to push the Fair Among the Madison county men who are rep- resented ¬ in the Crab Orchard catalog are Senator McCrearv John B Chen ault candidate for the nomination for State Auditor B B Million candidate for Sheriff of Madison county Among other candidates are Gov J C W Beckham HarryG Tandyrof Paducah candidate for Democratic nomination for Secretary of State Robert L Green Bracken Democratic candidate fon Clerk of Court of Appeals Ben Watt Bowling Green candidate for Demo- cratic nomination for Superintendent of Public Instruction Judge John hughes Mercer candidate for Demo ¬ cratic nomination for Commonwealths Attorney fn the Thirteenth Judicial District Judge M C Saufley candi ¬ date for renomination for Circuit Judge for the Thirteenth Judicial District 11 II Henninger Wayne candidate for Democratic nomination for State Treasurer Robert Harding Danville First Fair fa Forty Years Sjtecial to Climax The Crab Orchard Fair begins July 23rd lasts three days the 23U425 and all indications points to a success TUoy have the most beautiful race course It is tile famous track where Grey Eagle and Wagoner ran their great four mile race one of the great ¬ est races recorded in history They otTer twenty five hundred dollars in purses to be given as premiums and I think they will be awarded with judg ¬ ment and without partiality There will be plenty of refreshments on the grounds and good behavior is one of the points that will be watched with alertness There will behalf fare ratw on all railroads Everybody cordial ¬ ly invited The fair visitors will have free access to the famous mineral wa ¬ ters for which this place fs noted In about three quarters of a mile from the Fair ground Is situated the Sprints Hotel which has a capacityjor fully pix hundred guests Managed by Jo B Willis and good wife who take all pains possible to see that no one goes away slighted Besides Hotel accom modation there is a most b autiful take covering about four acres of ground abounding with fish such as black bass new lights brim perch cat fish som of the bass that have been caught weighing from three to eight Ibs FredMitchell Versailles The reason for Osteopathys won tlerf ul recognition is only In iu performance of cure not merely a fei cases lint a continuous 8UCj cess in healing all the curtbl e Many of the iMafable disease are now cured by O teoptliyv j You cat tW to miss th- thsRtdDnc n Hisj Flotris Oienaolt WituI The voting for tim Queen of the Elks Carnival was brought to a close atI eleven oclock Saturday night when Mks Florrie Chenault of this city was declared the winner having se- cured ¬ 15820 votes All day long Sat- urday ¬ the excitement was high as the three leading candidates Miss Chenault Miss White and Miss Bradley were running close together Every few minutes rumors would be circulated lo the effect that the Garrard delegation were coming in with thousands of votes and these rumors would sfJurI the home people on to work the Miss Bradley had 1005 votes registered and how many more her friends were holding back was a matter of conjec tare but was variously estimated at from 20000 to 60000 a splendid testi- monial ¬ of the love of her friends j Miss Sarah White led for several hours with 4665 votes and for a long time looked like a winner Along to- ward ¬ night Mies Whites friends rested for further developments and it was thought that she would enter the field again at the close of the contest andI finish strong About this time Miss Chenaults votes began to pile up in large blocks so that near the closing hour she Lad distanced ell other con ¬ testants At nine oclock to the regret of all a telegram was received from Mr Landrum of Lancaster saying that Miss Bradley desired to retire from the contest After her with ¬ drawal there were but few changes in theslandingof the candidates and at eleven oclock Miss Chenault was de- clared ¬ the winner with 15820 votes Miss Chenault will be crowned Qneen of the Carnival on Thurday and to eether with her Maids of Honor will tie the center of attraction in the mag ¬ nificent Floral Parade The coronation ceremonies will be conducted by Sena- tor McCreary and Hon J A Sullivan Time following is a correct list of those oted for in the contest with their votesFlorrie Chenault 15820 Sallie White 4GG5 Christine Bradley 1005 Katie Smith 80S Mary Collins 100 Carlisle Chenault 61 Sue Hume 05 Emily Chennult 81 Nancy Royce 31 Sue Deatherage 26 Carlisle Walker 23 Bessie Lackey 22 Kerthenia McCord 17 Mattie C Smith 15 Mary Shackelford 14 Auue Bennett 7 Florie Bright 1 C E WOODS T II TICKETS A B FARIS J J NEALE Committee HI s Bradley Withdraws From The Race In withdrawing from the contest for Queen of the Elks Carnival Miss Christine Bradley notofies the Rich ¬ mond Lodge in the following letter Lancaster Ky July 12 To the Elks Lodge Richmond Ky Some weeks ago at the solicitation of several partial young friends I consen ¬ ted to permit myself to be voted for in the contest for Queen of the Carnival shortly to be held in your city I un- derstood ¬ that each Elk who was n friend of mine would bo permitted to vote for me upon the payment of five cents the fund arising therefrom to be given to the Elks Lodge at RichmonJ I learned with very great surprise and uvea greater regret that my friends both at homeand throughout the state have been notofied of my alleged can- didacy ¬ with a view of permitting them to join in contributing large sums of money to secure my election The committed in charge of my alleged can- didacy not only exhibitQd checks and drafts some given for as large amounts as S200 but they show letters from jnany friends directing the committee to draw on them for such additional amounts as may be found necessary They show me further also a signed Agreement of other partial friends in which they agree and obligate them- selves to each other to contribute enough to elect roe regardless of the amount required This state of affairs was so entirely unthought of on my part and in fact so repulsive to me that I can not for one moment think of permitting tiusume of such large sums seIIected vote of ones friends they voting for only the nominal sum of five entsmay bo indeed a very great honor but when the eiectlonis to be bought by large sums of money as is here proposed it i3 an honor which I do not at all de sirfoud which Ido not believe my father now In New York would ape prove of ialsolearn today that this being i jUadison county fair with a number ofher daughters being voted forwhile I am the only nonresidont entered 1- am for that reason being made the sub- ject of some criticism all of which I very much regret and do not wish to longer merit So thanking those friends who have so generously joined in the effort to elect me and assuring then that I shall ever feel profoundly grate mI to each of them yoU have at tin same time dltpctcd the said commit- tee I to return every dollar of the fund to the deori JOY thanks ant with a Btten3 8t of my re fiong for no fmr h wit used YeryhUYraliftIUJtI L1C 1J i PERSONAL Miss Eleanor Chenanlt is visiting Slips Lucy Buckaer in Parii Mrs Bud Dunn has been on the sick list for the last week Miss Elsie Harvey of Louisville is the guest of Miss Mary Little Mr Harry Moffatt of Louisville via ¬ ited friends here Sunday Mrs L J Frazee of Lexington is the guest of friends in the city Mr F B Carr and family of Paris are visiting relatives in the city Miss Estell Walker of Garrard coun ¬ ty was the guest of Miss Dunn last weekProf and Mrs C G Crooks of Dan ¬ ville are the guests of Mis Elizabeth Crowo Misses Lelitla and Bess Crowe left yesterday for a vyeeks visit In Frank ¬ fort Mr William Logan of South Dakota is the guest of Mr and Mrs Jo S Joplin Miss Los Prather of Lexington ar ¬ rived Saturday to visit relatives during the fair Prof and Mrs J W McGarvey have returned from a visit to friends in Lex ¬ ington Miss Elizabeth Smith of Columbus Ohio Is the guest of Mrs Robert L FrenchMr W W Watts returned from Texas last week to spend the summer homeMiss Ashbrooke of Cyn till ana is the guest of Miss Bettie FrenchC Miss Josephine Smith of Shelbyville Is the guest of Dr and Mrs B L Slid delton Miss Judeth Tudor of Irvine is the guest of Mrs Claude Smith on Second street Mr Harry L Schlegel of St Louis is the guest of his parents Mr and Sirs J L Schlesel Dr and Mrs J V Logan are visit ¬ big Rev and Mrs S V Logan at Slid illesboro Miss Caroline Reid of Mt Sterling- is the guest of her sister Sirs DM ChenaultMr Grcenleaf visited friends visited friends in Lexington last week Miss Kit Clienault of Lexington is the guest of her sister Miss Florrie Dheuanlt Mrs Winnie Caldwell of Missouri is visiting her sister Sirs Charles Colyer near Speedwell Miss Cleve McWilllaras entertained- six couples very delightfully last Sun day at dinner Miss Kate Edgar has returned to her home in Paris after a visit to Col and Sirs G M Edgar Mr and Mrs John R Gibson have returned from a visit to relatives at Point Pleasant W Va Messrs Harry L Francis and John Ournside of Garrard county are in the city for the Fair Mrs Chenault Willis of Stanford was the guest of relatives in the city several days last week Mrs Alma legers and children of Oklahoma are the guests of her sister Mrs G W Evans Miss Mary Kate Hunt and Miss Ethel Watts of Clark county are yia jung Miss Mary Evans Mr William P Simmons of Jack- sonville ¬ Fla is visiting his brother Mr George D Simmons Mr Hayden Loavell of Lancaster is the guest this week of Miss Mary Ballard near WliitesStation Mrs Sarah Shackelfurd has returned from Middlesborn where she was the guest of Mrs C M Woodbury Mr Herbert Ballard of Whites Sta- tion ¬ has returned home after a very pleasant visit to Bryantsvlllo oMiss Tommio West was a guest at a houseparty given by Mr and Mrs Alex West of Lancaster last week Mr and Mrs J Will Ilucker leave today for Richmond Ky to remain three weeks Lexington Leader Mr WS Brockman State Secretary ot tile College Y M 0 A work was the guest of Mr C R Bjucher Friday Miss Mollie Fife has as her guests this week Mrs George Land Mrs C E Smith and Mrs Thomas Combs of LexingtonMaj D Harris and wife of Richmond were here yesterday return- ing ¬ from Crab Orchard Springs Inter ¬ iorJournalMr Robertson of Gaines- ville ¬ Texas is visiting his old home in this county for the first time in twenty eight years Mrs D B Carter of Ladoga Ind and Mrs Lou Mershon of Atlanta guests of Mrs John Morshon visited relatives in Danville last week Miss Luxle Ballard gave a Iing Pong party Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Edna Schlegel and guest Miss Elizabeth Feeney cf Lexington Miss Marie Harbor of the Ruth Hargrave Seminary Key West or rived Thursday after spending a monthwith friends in New York and Washington Miss Kate Blanton who lisa been tie guest of Mrs Hal Grimes for sev ¬ eral weeks left tor Paris Wednesday to spend the rest of the summer Har rodsburg DemocratI The Midway Shows Time executive romtnitten were very fortunate in securing hacks Midway aud Carnival shows for the Fair ai d the success of this department now shows hew fortunate wa their selec ¬ tion The nnnio of lltck A Kirrn now means tho best that cnn be had in this class of entertainments The Statue turning to lire aniljhe Palace of Illu ¬ sinus time Hull of Living pictures time Fairies Well the Finder Detective are all excellent shows and should be seen by every Visitor nt the Fair AVe feel sale in suyiug that when once they are visited you will want to see them again Capt Louis Forchos deep sea divers is another wonderful attraction that all should see Capt Sorcho has been l awarded medals by the Government and by many scientific societies of this and otfier countries His entertain ¬ ment is instructive M well as entertain ¬ tug Snake lid tiia great snake show 1111 which tho snakes are tint tho feature ii drawing great crowds The Crystal Pavilion and many other attractions too numerous to mention all deserve a Visit Ilemeinber you dont see the fair until you ace it all aud when you gee Hook Jt Zarro Midway you se this boat that is fheRalaceol Illusions I the ff ibwt show llthC Midway DOC ffai1Joit 13 i1 II DRESS UP FOR THE FAIR Young Man 4 And come to our big stock for the Fixings The Elkst Carnival will be one of the grandest events in the history of good old Madison county The belles and beaux will come from far andnearfrom mountains and blue grass from city and town And of course youll want to look your best for the occasion so scan the lists below and come quick for an early pick Flannel Suits Will dress you in comfort and style at small cost 5 to 10 T V 4 Negligee Shirts Fine display of the newest fashions 50cJJ50 7JNeckwear Just from New York the latest shapes in newest silks 25 and 50 cts Wash Ties 5 to 25 cts in OF BY OR for 50 75 and 85c Two for Go and 85c Ladies 9Sc 125 150 and 198 Vici newest 2t to 7 worth 2 our price Men Shoes Kid 4 250 our lOc soft sole Shoes red tan white blue 25c We J 0 8 to You are to our The Ccsl Liniment For Strains Mr F p Wells the merchant at peer Turk Long Island N Y says I alwavs Chamberlains 1ain I Balm as the best liniment for strains I used it winter for a severe lame liess in the side resulting from a strain and was greatly pleased with the quick relief and cure it For sale ty Stockton Hagan 1m Old Fiddlers Coutest Julv 17 Says the Children Statistics will prove Ihat a large per ¬ centage of deaths among ohildren may to traced to arirluir fuii- the early souring of milk by buuitna Cholera Infantum la the most fatal Disease of infancy and common es r clally with fed infant Perry pavis Painkiller in the emergency is time best remedy and anti saves tummy II childs life while the doctor is com- ing 25 and We bottles The army of success Is often but shattered ncome Doesnt tucks if the cxpensos are greater Didyoti ever figure out jdmt sickness costs you per year di c br8f bill medicine huhetc to say nothing of the Bufferinc strikes like a knife in the back if lef iilosiev with Perry Davis tIle terrors of this disease are iff Painkiler relieves muscular ramp lumbago neuralgia and sci ticn 25 and 50 cent bottles i Risen saints ou ht not to wear tleir Irravd clothes iilllsin ore was lirnfilicd and tho crude processes then tjn use allowed a largo of metal to escape arid thaii- QSS in some cases to a for The stomach is just liko a stamp mill In this respect that when II is not in perfect order it allows the escape and waste of much of the yiv nuLls nutriment contained in the food loss when means the ilosa of mans greatest fortune health ilence offers a remedy for this con- dition In Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis ery It corrects the weakness hI time prevent waste and loss bt puts the stomach and of and nutrition into a condition of health which ena- bles ¬ them to save and ill thin tin the food wlucH is eaten In all ci luconaUi the used PItet wUl smd the UlU 0 White Duck Trousers YonlIwant a pair or two 1 Low Cut Shoes Large collection of stylish shapes at 250 up assortment in Rich ¬ mond 152550 cts WalkOver Shoes Most satisfactory Shoe made at the price 350 and 4 Straw Hats and Felt Hats Fine Belts Suspenders and Gloves everything thats right Style Quality and Price Dontt delay your coming COVINGTON BANKS SELLERS EVERYTHING WORN MAN BOY IN SliDES 11AND SLIPPERS Kreiders Celebrated Patent Slippers Children Go Rothchilds Patent Upper Strap Sandals Children Patent Vamp Strap Sandals Ladies Patent leather Vamp Manish Oxfords shapesSunrise Rothchilds Chrome styles branded price last 150 175 Infants Moccasins Infants black CLOTHING beequaledBoys Mattings to 25c Window Shades 65c invited inspect MILLINERY DEPARTMENT recommend Thursday complications mobilization mistakes prosperity Rheumatism Painkiller percentage amounted continuous stomach nourishment digestion assimilate BUtriraent contained = epiIIy 1r114oiesi prtU4aRti7- olv Hosieryr ELDERS BARGAINS Baby Caps lOc to 250 Misses Hats 25c to 250 Ladies Hats 75c to 750 VELDERto fortunestu PHllHEYS t fpiiir hili BAllO Rift Qq AUiR6TlYf affoL1 ItRTUfff PetfM1ticifflFIvY8D fflWUCiD 1 6011 tf HOW len Y 1HIlTJS I OfRPpLICATIOP BEFORE YOU GO for your summer vacation call at VICTOR BOGAERTVS Ask to see of the unique pretty yet inexpensive nov ltit s- in Sterling Silver article for the seashore und lakeside Victor Bogaert MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND IMPORTER 57 E MAIN ST LEXINGTON K The San Old Story J A Kelly relates an experience sim ila to that which has happened in al- most every neighborhood the Uuited Stales anil has been told cud retold by thousands of others lie says Last summer I had an attack dveeniery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy which I used scoot ¬ ding to directions Iud With entirely satisfactory results4The trouble was controlled much quickPrtlJan former attacks hn Iui < Mr Ia a ic ell known eltlzftn ol fl by8tndcJIIIn J II Summer complaint is unusually pre ¬ valent among children this season A wtiirrslaimmily CnJitCholera of the best patent medicine n tinfnrt > need and which Is always kept on hand at the tome of ye scribe Tnfai I hut tlltlpantwho l5eneIit little sutfertrB wlm may ttotbe umlofamilyshould eFi1eiauylii iw U Tor iiii by fccktoii < l1a gsaIn i I Ii II ls m I T 4- ii 1 I I I I 1m I I 1a 0sj II II i cJ Ii 7 J

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Post on 12-Jul-2020




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Page 1: jJ SEEDS Wait WaitAJ DRESS Young UP FAIRnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3gz95j/data/0126.pdf · Ii at forget the Old Fiddlers Con-st LIIII will be held in this City-x itiursday night July

SEEDSWe have received a fine lot of

and invite you to call at ouri store andexaminethis stock before making a purchase This isthe finest lot of German Millet ever brought toRichmond r

We also wish to purchase yor WOL andguarantee to pay the highest market price forsame sell until you get our prices


lie Richmond Climax


Dr A Wilkes Smith Dentist isw located over J B Stouffersol rg Store 6febtf

Hiiv s L tidkiff to repair your

dviicles and make them good asw tf

Oseopathy is the most rational-e 1 ot treating human ailmentsrc yes the cause

Ii at forget the Old Fiddlers Con-

st LIIII will be held in this City-

x itiursday night July 17

L t Joan It Pates began tile erecu i iis new residence at the corners J iud Broadway Inst week

I e L A Sunday trains are hern very popular try thorn Low

ir trij rates to all stations tf

Th iW tiass all sizes and kindsr Frk at Willgings prices alna lowest and quality the best tf

tfn ithy is steadily gaining inj b tIle intelligent people over

i TV ire land thus assuring one-

a s inundation is secure

I iriT premiums good musicy stands and a jolly good-

I s assured all who cttend the biga Crab Orchard July 23 2425

Tat dishes 10 cents each onea gallon buckets 5 cents eacho 10 cents per pound

TBS CKXT FTOREy xt door to Government Bldg

L lyr

Your city taxes are nowue Please call andsettle

L P Evanstf City Collector

inlay round trip ratesonLAN to Versailles

KicholasvilleT Irvine

Millers CreekI fire to all other stations tf


v T Saunders has been appointedo < Master at Dulplia this countyic Hayes Stoker resigned

lostA FTiittnd sow weight about 300

r Vs A libpril reward is offereeT r return to Powell BrosJii y II Richmond Ky

Federal Jurors Pay Increased

T Inited States Marshal of thisMs i has received formal notice from-

t 0 v General Knox to the effectis rJcr a recent law passed by

hTss the pay of grand and petiturr Ias been increased from 2 to 3-er a


S 8-

cu tJii



o43 a-cu c-uc tJ-Pt It3ftIi

ure German




IWindow shades in stock and madeto order Oc up at WilJginge tf

All the old fiddlers of the countywill be here to try their band nextThursday night-

Osteopathy has demonstrated itsright to a place among the schools ofthe healing art It has taken its placeninoiijj the legal methods of treatingthe sickthe first and only druglessmethod which has received sanctionof the law

Fr RentFour rooms to rent cheap Well lo

cated Apply to Thurman GroceryCo tf

For Sale

Two splendid building lots in thebest part of the city One is 00x204arid the other 100x300 For terms ap¬

ply at this officemcb2fitfLOSt

A Knights Templar charm engravedwith name and No CommanderyLeave at this office and get reward

may7 tf G W EVANS

Colored Teachers

Supt Wagers desires to call the at¬

tention of the colored school teachersto the fact that the date of the coloredinstitute has been changed from Au¬

gust 4 to August n Irof Frank Wil-


will be the instructor

Ice Cream Supper

In order to refurnish their lodgerooms which were recently destroyedby fire the Masons of Irvino LodgeNo 137 will give an ice cream supperSaturday July 26 from 7 p in to 1130pmin the Court House yard at IrvineKentucky The public is cordiallyinvited to attend

Have just received one ot the flu ¬

est lines of diamonds watches clockslamps candelabras and cut glass thathas ever been shown in RichmondCall and examine my stock before mak¬

ing a purchase in this lineapr30 tf L E LANE

Real Estate Agents

We will transfer buy or sell realestate of every kind city property aspeciality Wo also collect rents andattend to the paying of taxes insuranceetcfor a reasonable commission Calland see in at the State Bank Trust


aprl6 r Real Estate

New Bolldin-

jTho excavation for Schlcgels new ArtGallery on Third street was begun lastweek The two small dwellings on

the site have been removed to makeroom for the new building It will be

a twi>story brick building the firstfloor containing a number of otilce-sMrScblegeliS planning to havo thehandsomest as well as the most con ¬

veniont studio in the state

I Dont fail to go through theMidway

Dr OHobson dentist next dooto Government building-

tf Richmond Kyjv My stock of Jewelry cut glassole was never more complete thannoweverybodyaprao

Officers Elected

The Association of County Attorneysof Kentucky at Etill Springs elected

MoUoyKuttawajLaVegaOlementsT Davis Pineville Secretary

Oaeaper Thin Coin Barefooted

120 pairs of childtens and Misses tanoxfords good style toes dark ahadesizes 81 to 11 and llj to 2 Guaranteedall solid leather former price S125 willclose out the lot at 50c a pair Comeearly and get your choice

tf Rice ArnoldSaloon Sold

Capt Everett Berrys saloon on Firststreet was sold at public auction lastThursday by assignee W R ShackelforJ The property was bought in by

l Mrs II Zeimans agent the price befng500 The stock and fixtures were ap-

praised at 1200 The saloon wasopened again on Friday morning

July Cost Sale at E V Elders Store

For 30 days we offer our entire stockof clothing shoes carpets dry goodsmillinery mattings notions etc at costNow is the time to get bargains Ourloss yonrgain

Respectfullytf E V Elder

Canthta LIve Wire

Cash Miller an employe of theRichmond Electric and Power Com-


recuived a severe shock Sundayafternoon which made him think histime had come The linemen wereputting up the wires on the FairGrounds when Miller accidently caughtA live wire The current of severalhundred volts knocked him out for awhile and be had to be taken homebut was able to return to work thenext day

Dope Alley No More

Time notorious Dope Alley whichhas figured in the courts for years andhas been known as the abiding placeof those with ways that are dark isno more Since B street has beenopened through to Irvine street the al-



Ifas been made the regulationwidth and Abo old buildings have beenmoved back oil the right of way Theopening of B street is one of the great-est improvements that has been madein the city in many a day

Coming ToDay

A letter from Mr Fred D Ballard ofLexington to the CLIMAX says Woare boosting the Richmond Fair downhere to beat the band and the localboys are going to send one of the hot ¬

test delegations that ever went out ofLexington The Drum Corps of 16

members ie going to make Rome

howl and by special train the Lexing-

ton Elks expect to move on youWednesday They say they are deter-



to make Lexington Day a suc-

cess iu every particular So you cankeep a sharp lookout for them

State Encapment

Great preparations are being madefor the annual encampment of theState Guards which will be held thisyear at Mammoth Cave The SecondRegiment will go into camp first remaining from July 30 to August 8 theThird Regiment from August 9 to Au ¬

gust 18 The Artillery will go intocamp from August 1 to August 13

The Second Regiment will be in bettercondition than ever before as it has re¬

cently been supplied with now Khakiuniform and most of the companies

have beenrsupplied with new rifles


James L Pence tIm well knowncontractor of Cincinnati who has thecontract to move the now Opera House

from Irvino street across to Main ar¬

rived Monday to begin the work Atthe last meeting of the City Council

the petition of D C Wiggins Bro

for permission to move the buildingwas refused The action of Ihe coun¬

cil has since been rescinded and thehouse will be moved at once Themanagers have given the contract for

enlarging the stage and making otherimprovements on the building Theseason will be opened in the new houseabout September 1st

Willging with a force of skill work¬

men contracts for and does all kindsof papering and painting on the most

skillful manner at reasonable prices

no vexatious delays tf

We carry the largest andmost complete line of

I SmESdt to be found in Rich¬

mond All the UptoDate styles Ourprices are the lowest

The new and nobby >

things in I

a11t1l Ft1aAND Iitrnc 1tJrJI

A full andcomplete lineof Mens UnderwearNegligee Shirts Collars jand Cuffs f
















Wait WaitAJLittle Longer

The great Elks Fair and Calnival opened at 10 oclockMonday morning with the parade in which every fraternalorder represented in the city toojc part The parade start ¬

ed from the Court House at ten oclock the line of marchbeing out Main street to Eighth down North street intoMain to the fair grounds The attendance on the first dayis said to have been the largest ever seen at a RichmondFair Yesterday was Ladies day The beautiful FloralHall was one of the chief attractions the display being byfar the handsomest aver seen hire Today Lexington willhave the rightofway The Lekington Drum Corps withsixteen peices accompanied by a large delegation of Elksand citizens of Lexington will bepn hand to make themselvesseen as well as heard Tomorrow is Queen and Floral Pa ¬

rade day It Will open with thegrand Floral Parade whichwill end at the grounds where all will do homage to the chos ¬

en Queen of the CarnivalOn Friday Governor Day Kentuckys young Governor

an enthusiastic Elk will grace the carnival with his pres-ence


Saturday Louisville Day we will surrender to theLouisvillians who will come in about seven hundred strongWe are unable to say which is the best day for all are great

the best we have ever had The best plan is to go everyday so as not to miss any of the good things The fair isalready a howling success with lots of people enoughnoiseand bushels of fun in fact every thing needed to make it asuccessful enterprise


Capt Sorcho the Deep Sea Diver Takes a Wife

One event which attracted specialinterest during the Fair last weekwhich was not on the program wasthe marriage of Capt Sorcho the deepSea Diver to Miss Myrtle DItachlerwhich took place in the office of theCounty Judge last Friday afternoonThe marriage was a very quiet affairand was witnessed by a few of theCourt House officials The ceremonywas performed by Rev Dr Marshalof Chicago III Captain Sorcho isone of the chief attractions of Hecksgreat Midway and Carnival CompanyHe was commissioned as the chief of

the rescuing party sent by the Gov-


to search the Battleship Mainin Havanna Harbor His bride is fromBirmington Iowa and Is a member ofHeck oS Zarros Company It was pro-posed to have the marriage take placeon the Midway during the Fair but

bride objected For that reasonlithe event was kept quiet

Dr Harry M Blanton Dentist Of¬

fice over Middletons drug storeJuly litf

The Railroad

General Manager Browning was herolast Friday with Mr Barnett the roadmaster They inspected the Louisville

Atlantic tracks as far as constructedand looked over the Arlington avenueyards Mr Crowning has arrangedatime card that will be very convenienttor Boattyville passengers and ourbusiness men will be well pleased withthe facilities provided for the ship-


of small freight packages as wellas car load lots A special Louisville

Atlantic car will be loaded daily atLouisville and Cincinnati for pointsalong the line so that the delay oftransfer at junction points is avoidedDeliveries can in that way be madenearly as quick as by express Therewill be two trains each way daily andthe service on the Short Line will becontinued as at present On account of

the newness of the track the trainswill not run Olla fast schedule betweenhere an J Millers Creek and no specialattempt will be made this winter to

make close connection with otherlines Beattyville News

SoL Miakit makes a specialty of

putting on rubber tires Give him aorderIfCandidates At the Fair

The Crab Orchard Fair Associationhas made a good thing out of a numberof candidates for both State and countyoffices who are announced as donorsot special premiums It is a new ideaand will doubtless become very popu ¬

lar in the future as the candidateswhile advancing their own interests arealeqlielping to push the Fair Among

the Madison county men who are rep-


in the Crab Orchard catalogare Senator McCrearv John B Chenault candidate for the nomination forState Auditor B B Million candidatefor Sheriff of Madison county Amongother candidates are Gov J C W

Beckham HarryG Tandyrof Paducahcandidate for Democratic nominationfor Secretary of State Robert L GreenBracken Democratic candidate fon

Clerk of Court of Appeals Ben WattBowling Green candidate for Demo-cratic nomination for Superintendentof Public Instruction Judge Johnhughes Mercer candidate for Demo ¬

cratic nomination for CommonwealthsAttorney fn the Thirteenth JudicialDistrict Judge M C Saufley candi ¬

date for renomination for Circuit Judgefor the Thirteenth Judicial District11 II Henninger Wayne candidatefor Democratic nomination for StateTreasurer Robert Harding Danville

First Fair fa Forty Years

Sjtecial to Climax

The Crab Orchard Fair begins July23rd lasts three days the 23U425 andall indications points to a successTUoy have the most beautiful race

course It is tile famous track whereGrey Eagle and Wagoner ran theirgreat four mile race one of the great ¬

est races recorded in history TheyotTer twenty five hundred dollars in

purses to be given as premiums and Ithink they will be awarded with judg ¬

ment and without partiality Therewill be plenty of refreshments on thegrounds and good behavior is one of

the points that will be watched with

alertness There will behalf fare ratwon all railroads Everybody cordial¬

ly invited The fair visitors will have

free access to the famous mineral wa ¬

ters for which this place fs noted Inabout three quarters of a mile from

the Fair ground Is situated the SprintsHotel which has a capacityjor fullypix hundred guests Managed by JoB Willis and good wife who take allpains possible to see that no one goesaway slighted Besides Hotel accom

modation there is a most b autifultake covering about four acres of ground

abounding with fish such as black bass

new lights brim perch cat fish som

of the bass that have been caughtweighing from three to eight Ibs


The reason for Osteopathys wontlerf ul recognition is only In iuperformance of cure not merely a feicases lint a continuous 8UCj

cess in healing all the curtbl eMany of the iMafable diseaseare now cured by O teoptliyv j

You cat tW to miss th-



Hisj Flotris Oienaolt WituIThe voting for tim Queen of the Elks

Carnival was brought to a close atIeleven oclock Saturday night whenMks Florrie Chenault of this citywas declared the winner having se-


15820 votes All day long Sat-


the excitement was high as thethree leading candidates Miss ChenaultMiss White and Miss Bradley wererunning close together Every fewminutes rumors would be circulatedlo the effect that the Garrard delegationwere coming in with thousands ofvotes and these rumors would sfJurIthe home people on to work theMiss Bradley had 1005 votes registeredand how many more her friends wereholding back was a matter of conjectare but was variously estimated atfrom 20000 to 60000 a splendid testi-monial


of the love of her friends j

Miss Sarah White led for severalhours with 4665 votes and for a longtime looked like a winner Along to-


night Mies Whites friends restedfor further developments and it wasthought that she would enter the fieldagain at the close of the contest andIfinish strong About this time MissChenaults votes began to pile up inlarge blocks so that near the closinghour she Lad distanced ell other con ¬

testants At nine oclock to the regretof all a telegram was received fromMr Landrum of Lancaster sayingthat Miss Bradley desired to retirefrom the contest After her with ¬

drawal there were but few changes intheslandingof the candidates and ateleven oclock Miss Chenault was de-


the winner with 15820 votesMiss Chenault will be crowned Qneen

of the Carnival on Thurday and toeether with her Maids of Honor willtie the center of attraction in the mag ¬

nificent Floral Parade The coronationceremonies will be conducted by Sena-tor McCreary and Hon J A SullivanTime following is a correct list of those

oted for in the contest with their

votesFlorrie Chenault 15820Sallie White 4GG5Christine Bradley 1005Katie Smith 80SMary Collins 100Carlisle Chenault 61Sue Hume 05Emily Chennult 81Nancy Royce 31Sue Deatherage 26Carlisle Walker 23Bessie Lackey 22Kerthenia McCord 17Mattie C Smith 15Mary Shackelford 14Auue Bennett 7Florie Bright 1



CommitteeHI s Bradley Withdraws From The Race

In withdrawing from the contest forQueen of the Elks Carnival MissChristine Bradley notofies the Rich ¬

mond Lodge in the following letterLancaster Ky July 12

To the Elks Lodge Richmond KySome weeks ago at the solicitation of

several partial young friends I consen ¬

ted to permit myself to be voted for inthe contest for Queen of the Carnivalshortly to be held in your city I un-


that each Elk who was n friendof mine would bo permitted to vote forme upon the payment of five centsthe fund arising therefrom to be givento the Elks Lodge at RichmonJ Ilearned with very great surprise anduvea greater regret that my friendsboth at homeand throughout the statehave been notofied of my alleged can-


with a view of permitting themto join in contributing large sums ofmoney to secure my election Thecommitted in charge of my alleged can-

didacy not only exhibitQd checks anddrafts some given for as large amountsas S200 but they show letters fromjnany friends directing the committeeto draw on them for such additionalamounts as may be found necessaryThey show me further also a signedAgreement of other partial friends inwhich they agree and obligate them-

selves to each other to contributeenough to elect roe regardless of theamount required This state of affairswas so entirely unthought of on mypart and in fact so repulsive to methat I can not for one moment think ofpermitting tiusume of such large sums

seIIectedvote of ones friends they voting foronly the nominal sum of five entsmaybo indeed a very great honor but whenthe eiectlonis to be bought by largesums of money as is here proposed iti3 an honor which I do not at all desirfoud which Ido not believe myfather now In New York would ape

prove ofialsolearn today that this being

i jUadison county fair with a numberofher daughters being voted forwhileI am the only nonresidont entered 1-

am for that reason being made the sub-ject of some criticism all of which Ivery much regret and do not wish to

longer merit So thanking those friendswho have so generously joined in theeffort to elect me and assuring thenthat I shall ever feel profoundly grate

mI to each of them yoU have at tinsame time dltpctcd the said commit-teeI to return every dollar of the fundto the deori JOY thanks antwith a Btten3 8t of my re fiong for no

fmr h wit used

YeryhUYraliftIUJtIL1C 1J


PERSONALMiss Eleanor Chenanlt is visiting

Slips Lucy Buckaer in PariiMrs Bud Dunn has been on the sick

list for the last weekMiss Elsie Harvey of Louisville is

the guest of Miss Mary LittleMr Harry Moffatt of Louisville via¬

ited friends here SundayMrs L J Frazee of Lexington is

the guest of friends in the cityMr F B Carr and family of Paris

are visiting relatives in the cityMiss Estell Walker of Garrard coun ¬

ty was the guest of Miss Dunn last

weekProfand Mrs C G Crooks of Dan ¬

ville are the guests of Mis ElizabethCrowo

Misses Lelitla and Bess Crowe leftyesterday for a vyeeks visit In Frank¬

fortMr William Logan of South Dakota

is the guest of Mr and Mrs Jo SJoplin

Miss Los Prather of Lexington ar¬

rived Saturday to visit relatives duringthe fair

Prof and Mrs J W McGarvey havereturned from a visit to friends in Lex ¬


Miss Elizabeth Smith of ColumbusOhio Is the guest of Mrs Robert LFrenchMr

W W Watts returned fromTexas last week to spend the summer


Ashbrooke of Cyntill ana is the guest of Miss BettieFrenchCMiss Josephine Smith of ShelbyvilleIs the guest of Dr and Mrs B L Sliddelton

Miss Judeth Tudor of Irvine is theguest of Mrs Claude Smith on Secondstreet

Mr Harry L Schlegel of St Louisis the guest of his parents Mr and SirsJ L Schlesel

Dr and Mrs J V Logan are visit ¬

big Rev and Mrs S V Logan at Slidillesboro

Miss Caroline Reid of Mt Sterling-is the guest of her sister Sirs DMChenaultMr

Grcenleaf visitedfriends visited friends in Lexingtonlast week

Miss Kit Clienault of Lexington isthe guest of her sister Miss FlorrieDheuanlt

Mrs Winnie Caldwell of Missouri isvisiting her sister Sirs Charles Colyernear Speedwell

Miss Cleve McWilllaras entertained-six couples very delightfully last Sunday at dinner

Miss Kate Edgar has returned to herhome in Paris after a visit to Col andSirs G M Edgar

Mr and Mrs John R Gibson havereturned from a visit to relatives atPoint Pleasant W Va

Messrs Harry L Francis and JohnOurnside of Garrard county are inthe city for the Fair

Mrs Chenault Willis of Stanfordwas the guest of relatives in the cityseveral days last week

Mrs Alma legers and children ofOklahoma are the guests of her sisterMrs G W Evans

Miss Mary Kate Hunt and MissEthel Watts of Clark county are yiajung Miss Mary Evans

Mr William P Simmons of Jack-sonville


Fla is visiting his brotherMr George D Simmons

Mr Hayden Loavell of Lancasteris the guest this week of Miss MaryBallard near WliitesStation

Mrs Sarah Shackelfurd has returnedfrom Middlesborn where she was theguest of Mrs C M Woodbury

Mr Herbert Ballard of Whites Sta-


has returned home after a verypleasant visit to Bryantsvlllo

oMiss Tommio West was a guest at ahouseparty given by Mr and Mrs AlexWest of Lancaster last week

Mr and Mrs J Will Ilucker leavetoday for Richmond Ky to remainthree weeks Lexington Leader

Mr WS Brockman State Secretaryot tile College Y M 0 A work wasthe guest of Mr C R Bjucher Friday

Miss Mollie Fife has as her gueststhis week Mrs George Land Mrs C

E Smith and Mrs Thomas Combs of

LexingtonMajD Harris and wife of

Richmond were here yesterday return-ing


from Crab Orchard Springs Inter¬

iorJournalMrRobertson of Gaines-


Texas is visiting his old home inthis county for the first time in twentyeight years

Mrs D B Carter of Ladoga Indand Mrs Lou Mershon of Atlantaguests of Mrs John Morshon visitedrelatives in Danville last week

Miss Luxle Ballard gave a Iing Pongparty Wednesday evening in honor ofMiss Edna Schlegel and guest MissElizabeth Feeney cf Lexington

Miss Marie Harbor of the RuthHargrave Seminary Key West orrived Thursday after spending amonthwith friends in New York andWashington

Miss Kate Blanton who lisa beentie guest of Mrs Hal Grimes for sev ¬

eral weeks left tor Paris Wednesdayto spend the rest of the summer Harrodsburg DemocratI

The Midway Shows

Time executive romtnitten were veryfortunate in securing hacks Midwayaud Carnival shows for the Fair ai dthe success of this department nowshows hew fortunate wa their selec ¬

tion The nnnio of lltck A Kirrn nowmeans tho best that cnn be had in thisclass of entertainments The Statueturning to lire aniljhe Palace of Illu ¬

sinus time Hull of Living pictures time

Fairies Well the Finder Detective areall excellent shows and should be seenby every Visitor nt the Fair AVe feelsale in suyiug that when once they arevisited you will want to see them againCapt Louis Forchos deep sea divers isanother wonderful attraction that allshould see Capt Sorcho has been l

awarded medals by the Governmentand by many scientific societies of thisand otfier countries His entertain¬

ment is instructive M well as entertain ¬

tugSnake lid tiia great snake show 1111

which tho snakes are tint tho featureii drawing great crowds The CrystalPavilion and many other attractionstoo numerous to mention all deserve aVisit Ilemeinber you dont see thefair until you ace it all aud when yougee Hook Jt Zarro Midway you se

this boat that is

fheRalaceol Illusions Ithe ff ibwt show llthCMidway DOC ffai1Joit





Young Man4

And come to our big stock for the Fixings

The Elkst Carnival will be one of the grandest events inthe history of good old Madison county The belles andbeaux will come from far andnearfrom mountains andblue grass from city and town And of course youllwant to look your best for the occasion so scan the listsbelow and come quick for an early pick

Flannel SuitsWill dress you in comfort and styleat small cost 5 to 10 T V


Negligee ShirtsFine display of the newest fashions50cJJ507JNeckwearJust from New York the latestshapes in newest silks 25 and 50 ctsWash Ties 5 to 25 cts



for 50 75 and 85cTwo for Go and 85c

Ladies 9Sc 125 150 and 198Vici

newest 2t to 7 worth 2 our priceMen Shoes Kid 4

250 ourlOc soft sole Shoes red tan white blue 25c


J 0 8 to

You are to our

The Ccsl Liniment For Strains

Mr F p Wells the merchant atpeer Turk Long Island N Y says Ialwavs Chamberlains 1ain I

Balm as the best liniment for strainsI used it winter for a severe lameliess in the side resulting from a strainand was greatly pleased with the quickrelief and cure it For salety Stockton Hagan 1m

Old Fiddlers CoutestJulv 17

Says the Children

Statistics will prove Ihat a large per¬

centage of deaths among ohildren mayto traced to arirluir fuii-the early souring of milk by buuitnaCholera Infantum la the most fatalDisease of infancy and common esr clally with fed infant Perrypavis Painkiller in the emergency istime best remedy and anti saves tummy

II childs life while the doctor is com-ing 25 and We bottles

The army of success Is often butshattered


Doesnt tucks if the cxpensosare greater Didyoti ever figure outjdmt sickness costs you per year di cbr8f bill medicine huhetc to say

nothing of the Bufferincstrikes like a knife in the back if lefiilosiev with Perry DavistIle terrors of this disease areiff Painkiler relieves muscularramp lumbago neuralgia and sciticn 25 and 50 cent bottles

i Risen saints ou ht not to wear tleirIrravd clothes

iilllsin ore waslirnfilicd and tho crude processes thentjn use allowed a largo of

metal to escape arid thaii-

QSS in some cases to a forThe stomach is just liko a

stamp mill In this respect that whenII is not in perfect order it allows theescape and waste of much of the yivnuLls nutriment contained in the food

loss when means theilosa of mans greatest fortune health

ilence offers a remedy for this con-

dition In Dr Pierces Golden MedicalDis ery It corrects the weaknesshI time prevent waste and lossbt puts the stomachand of and nutritioninto a condition of health which ena-bles


them to save and illthin tin the foodwlucH is eaten In all ciluconaUi

the used PItetwUl smd

the UlU


White Duck TrousersYonlIwant a pair or two 1

Low Cut ShoesLarge collection of stylish shapes at250 up

assortment in Rich ¬

mond 152550 cts

WalkOver ShoesMost satisfactory Shoe made at theprice 350 and 4

Straw Hats and Felt Hats Fine Belts Suspenders and Gloveseverything thats right Style Quality and Price

Dontt delay your coming




Kreiders Celebrated Patent Slippers Children Go

Rothchilds Patent Upper Strap Sandals ChildrenPatent Vamp Strap Sandals

Ladies Patent leather Vamp Manish OxfordsshapesSunrise

Rothchilds Chrome styles brandedprice



Infants Moccasins Infants black


Mattings to 25c Window Shades 65c

invited inspect





mobilization mistakes









assimilateBUtriraent contained

= epiIIy1r114oiesi




Baby Caps lOc to 250Misses Hats 25c to 250Ladies Hats 75c to 750



PHllHEYSt fpiiirhiliBAllORift Qq AUiR6TlYf affoL1 ItRTUfff

PetfM1ticifflFIvY8D fflWUCiD1 6011 tf HOW len Y 1HIlTJS IOfRPpLICATIOP

BEFORE YOU GOfor your summer vacation call at VICTOR BOGAERTVSAsk to see of the unique pretty yet inexpensive nov ltit s-

in Sterling Silver article for the seashore und lakeside



The San Old Story

J A Kelly relates an experience simila to that which has happened in al-

most every neighborhood the UuitedStales anil has been told cud retoldby thousands of others lie says

Last summer I had an attackdveeniery and purchased a bottle ofChamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarhoea Remedy which I used scoot ¬

ding to directions Iud With entirelysatisfactory results4The trouble wascontrolled much quickPrtlJan formerattacks hn Iui<

Mr Ia a ic ell known eltlzftn olfl by8tndcJIIIn



Summer complaint is unusually pre ¬

valent among children this season A

wtiirrslaimmilyCnJitCholeraof the best patent medicine n tinfnrt >need and which Is always kept on handat the tome of ye scribe Tnfai I huttlltlpantwhol5eneIit little sutfertrB wlm may ttotbeumlofamilyshouldeFi1eiauyliiiw U Tor iiii by fccktoii < l1agsaIn i




















II IIi cJ Ii
