jesus of levi and judah

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  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


      esus the Levite

    Michael Adi Nachman

    Mowinckel I and II


  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    Jesus the Levite

    Jesus the Levite

    “Blessed is he who comes in the name Yahuah”

    Copyright 2!" #y Michael $di %achman

    $ll rights reserved&%o part o' this #ook may #e used or reproduced #y

    any means( graphic( electronic( or mechanical( including photocopying(

    recording( taping( or #y any in'ormation storage( retrieval system

    without the written permission o' the pu#lisher e)cept in the case o' #rie'

    *uotations em#odied in critical articles and reviews&

    I+B%   978-1-304-18743-7 


  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    Jesus the Levite



    -ne Introduction .


    $ +ources 0

    B Literature 1

    /hree M$I% I+C3++I-%

    4vidence 'rom 'athers houses o' the Levite

    $ Beit 5anan #en +ethi !

    B Beit -nias65oni6Yahuchanan !!

    C Beit Boethus !7

    /he Lord 8hom Ye +eek 8ill Come to 5is /emple !.4 /heophilus the 5igh ,riest and Joanna his 9randdaughter !0

    : $ 9reat Company o' ,riests;

    John the high ,riest or /heophilus the 5igh ,riest 2!

    9 John the ,riest 2"

    5 /he +tatement o' ,olycrates 20

    :our4vidences 'rom the use o' the Memorial name

    $ Baptism and the Memorial Yahuah6Iao "B John the Baptist

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    Jesus the Levite

    -ne Introduction

      This paper presents the thesis that much evidence in the New Testament

    (NT) indicates that Jesus of Nazareth was not just a son of avid !ut also a

    son of Aaron" #e can understand the events and histor$ of the NT and the

    earl$ %hurch !etter if we focus on Jesus as son of Aaron son of &evi" To do

    this we loo' at the fathers houses that is famil$ connections as an important

     part of callin and vocation in first centur$ *srael" The unit of the fathers

    house is one of the 'e$ units +ahuah,*ao -od of A!raham. *saac and Jaco!

    structures his wor' and communit$ around (-en 12/103 1 %hr" 2)" *f we

    focus on the fathers houses. we can see the connections in the tradition of

    the earl$ %hurch much more clearl$"

    The NT shows that there was a competition !etween !eit(house) +eshua and

     !eit erod and !eit Annas,anan especiall$ over +ahuahs temple" The house

    of Annas (includin the son in law %aiaphas) had control of the temple

    durin the entire ministr$ of Jesus and the first seven $ears of the %hurch"


  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    owever John the 5aptist and Jesus had connections to another line of priests

    throuh Mar$s reat randfather &evi. Matthat !en &evi and 6li !en Matthat

    and Mar$(Matt 1 Ta!or 2778)1" This line also related to 9echariah from the

    the course of A!ijah. John the 5aptist represents *thamar !en Aaron as

    opposed to 6leazar !en Aaron2 who produced Tzado' and thus the

    Tzadu''im who have produced a num!er of clans. the sons of 9ado' at:umran. the ;niads and 5oethusians(!ene ezir) in 6$pt and !eit anan

    and !eit ?7 6isenman 2778)3" 9echarias

     prophesied the ministr$ of his son as prophet in the wilderness preparin the

    wa$ for the horn of salvation from the house of avid. the comin of +ahuah"

    e would ive 'nowlede of salvation throuh the forivness of sins(&'"

    1/8>0@?)" The comin of John,*oannes,+ahuchanan the son of priest

    9echarias challened the !eit anan hierach$ !ut more than this the comin

    of Jesus,+eshua,+ahushua of mied avidic and &evite ancestr$(Mt" 1. &'.3. Ta!or 2778)" e was accused of plannin to destro$ the temple the

    controllers of which were from !eit anan(Mt" 28/81. M' 14/>)" *n fact

    from the !einnin the NT the internal evidence indicates he had come to

     purif$ the sons of &evi. that is to continue the wor' of John the 5aptist (M'"

    1/2 Mal 3/1. Mt" 11/17. &'" @/2@)" e challened the function and

    desecration of the temple (Jn" 2/1ff Mt" 21/12. 23/18. 21). and envisioned

    the temple fulfillin its true function as +ahuahs house(Mt" 21/13 *s" 8/@)"

    e did not come in the role of a avidic warrior !ut rather as a &eviticteacher(Mal 2. eu 1@)"

    :uestions reardin the identit$ of the =on of Man (!ar enosh) and

    identit$ of the Messiah were raised in the NT tets and left for men to

     ponder(Mt" 22/44 28/84 M' 12/38 14/82 18/1? &' 27/42.43 1 %or

    1/2)" =o amon some circles the Messiah was understood to !e comin

    from the house of avid as son of avid promised !$ +ahuah to avid

    throuh the prophet Nathan (2 =am @ 1 %hr" 1@ Mt"1/1 M' 1/27 Mt" ?/2@

    Mt" 12/2 Mt 1/22 Mt 27/31 Mt" 22/42 M'" 12/3) !ut Jesus and the NT

    althouh acceptin this desination(M'" 4802 Mt 27/37) appeared to !e

    fillin the phrase with a spiritual content and challenin the wa$ the scri!es

    (Mr" 12/3)and

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    he as'ed the 2 =am @ 1 %hr" 1@) !ut it could also !e a reference to his

    famil$ connection to the sons of Aaron. this idea of Messiah of Aaron is

    reflected !$ the amascus covenanters of :umran who were were epectin

    a Messiah son of Aaron who is the son of &evi" Jesus who approved the

    ministr$ of +ahuchanan the !aptist could well have !een challenin the

     perceptions of the

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    connection and use of the name(Toldot Yeshu Mt" 21/?. 123/3? M'" 11/?

    &'/13/3 1?/3>Jn" 12/ Jn" 1@/8.11.28 Pistis Sophia)" The contrast !etween

    his attitude to %aiaphas the son of Aaron and erod Antipas is instructive" To

    %aiaphas the son of &evi Jesus ave answer !ut erod Antipas was inored"

    Jesus seems to have modeled his identit$ and ministr$ on 6lijah and 6lisha

    (&'" 4)" These were men of -od and na!iim(prophets) who lived on the iftsand enerosit$ of people much li'e the &evites(1 H 1@2 H" )" 6lijah was

    an epert in sacrifice(1 H" 1>) and his head disciple and successor was

    6lisha(2 H" 2)" &i'e Jesus 6lisha was a man of peace(2 H" 8). and

    succeeded 6lijah at the river Jordan (2 H" 2) much as Jesus succeeded John

    the 5aptist at the river Jordan(Mt" 3)"



    $ +ources

    ;ur main sources are the writins of the priest

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    The su!ject of Jesus and his place in the first centur$ Jewish communit$ has

    of course seen man$ man$ studies" The attitude of some Jews are represented

     !$ the paan %elsus and Toldot Yeshu" These represent him as a sorcerer and

    lead to the conclusions seen in =miths esus the !agician" This line of

    thouht is schewed !$ its focus on the outsiders and the opponents of Jesus as

    his evanelistic movement"The value of this perspective is that the$ ta'eJesus reputation as a healer and miracle wor'er seriousl$" This contrasts

    radicall$ with the various so called Fuests for the historical Jesus. a Jesus

    without sins. wonders and miracles" These three Fuests too' up the !etter

     part of the late nineteenth and the twentieth centur$" The$ came under severe

    criticism from various scholars"

    ;n the whole the$ have not focused on Jesus the &evite" owever studies

    that have included a focus on Jesus the Jew. NT and include the 1?


     centur$wor' of -eier" -eier saw in Jesus a

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    *f our h$pothesis is correct we will see evidence of this in Jesus connection

    with the !enei levi who ruled in the first centur$. his intention !ein to purif$

    them" The connection of the house of +eshua to the house of Annas,anan. a

    =aducee house ma$ !e seen in a disciple companion to /3)" =he was married into the house of erod Antipas throuh%huza4 Antipas epitropos(&'" >/3)" As Antipater. Antipas randfather had

     !een rewarded !$ %aeser with Goman citizenship and the title epitropos 

    Ctrusted adminstrator or overnorE of all Judah(=immons 277>. p"27? J"#"

    1/1??0277 Ant" 14/143) %huza was epitropos for Antipas erod in -alilee

    and hih priests from

    erod the reat onward(avis 1?44. Bermes 277). re!uilt the temple+ahuah oriinall$ !uilt !$ 9eru!a!els eneration. and had started the

     process of appointin hih priests after their selection and had ta'en control

    of the hih priests arments" The$ started !uildin it in 275"%" Knder erod

    the -reat !ut it was not completed until 84A"". under Hin Arippa

    **(Merten 1?@>)"

    The house of anan ot concerned a!out +ahushua and decided to 'ill

    him !ecause of his powerful influence on the nation(Jn" 11/4?02)" The

    house of anan percieved +ahushua the Nazarene as politicall$ danerous to

    the nation of *srael evidencin his influence amon all the people includin

    thus people in hih places and throuhout the nation(Jn" 11/ 7 Jn 3 Mt"

    2@/@ M'" 1/43 &'" 23/1 Jn" 1?/3>) which would !e enouh to upset

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


     pro!a!l$ connected to the priesthood)8contracted a disciple to act as dou!le

    aent. Judah of Herioth. then arrested the head of the house of +ahushua@.

     just after he completed his Chih priestl$ pra$erE(Jn" 1@01>). on the orders of

    anan and Joseph %aiaphas,+osef Haiafa the hih priest with the ) (Jn 1>)" 6ven as the house of Annas had concernsthe ouse of erod also had concerns" erod the -reat in order to secure his

    throne and place amon the *sraelites had married dauhters of families of

    &evi" e married Marramme of !eit asmon and Mariamme of !eit 5oethus

    in 6$pt" *t seems Anitpass epitropos %huza the erodion followed this

     pratice of marr$in into families of &evi !$ marr$in into the house of

    anan. the most powerful Aaronic house in first centur$ Jerusalem (Ta!or


    B  Beit -nias65oni6Yahuchanan

    e had married Marrianmme dauhter of 5oethus" 5oethus was a hih priest

    in the temple of +ahuah in &eontopolis(6isenman 2778 eather 2778)" This

    meant his line was related to ;nias ***,*B who had fled to 6$pt around

    1@@5"%" The line of the 9ado'ites had ruled the hih priest from the time of

    the eile under Ne!uachanezzar (>>5"%" aulstich 1??7)" *n 3125"%". the

    era of the -ree' =eleucid rule in *srael !ean"" owever in 371 5"% the

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    and caused to row from *srael and from Aaron a root of plantin to inherit

    his landE(#ise et"al" 1??? p"2 amascus ocument () A1/0@)" Those

    he too' care of are identified as the remnant" owever adds another 27

    $ears to 1?> 5"%" The remnant rope around li'e !lind men for 27 $ears

     !rinin the date to 1?@>,1?@@ 5"%" The focus of the eplanaion is on *srael

    and Aaron. Aaron points to the hih priest" At that point the remnant areconsidered to have searched for +ahuah with all their heart and so a teacher

    of rihteousness was raised up to them" Man$ scholars have speculated on

    the identit$ of the teacher of rihteousness" eather (2778) ives @ candidates

    with the scholars who propose them. some of which wor' on a completel$

    different chronolo$?" ;ur interest is not to identif$ the teacher of

    rihteousness(#oreh t$edek ) !ut to point out the priestl$ connections whose

    descendants influence the purification wor' of the house of +ahushua in first

    centur$ *srael" The first is the house of 9ado' (5ruce 1?83)" from 375"%"Kntil 1@45"%" The$ produced the priests who ruled in Jerusalem Jaddua.

    ;nias *. =imon *. 6leazar. Manasseh. ;nias **. =imon ** (22>01?> 5"%") and

    ;nias *** (1?>01@45"%"). Jason" #hen Antiochus too' over in 277 it was

    =imon ** who was hih priest" e and a council elders welcomed Anitochus

    *B to the cit$" 5ruce (1?83) considers that he ma$ !e the =imon the Just of

    Jewish tradition (p"12> M" Avoth 1/2). he would !e the eneration precedin

    Antionus of =ocho" e is succeeded !$ ;nias ***" ;nias is the hellenized

    form of oni(5ruce i!id p"12?)" oni is a shortened from of+ahuchanan,+ochanan(5ruce i!id")" =imon ** was son of +ahuchanan (oni)

    and is praised in the contemporar$ !oo' Wisdo# of esus son of Sirach" C The

    leader of his !rethren and the pride of his people was =imon the hih priest .

    son of ;niasE (6ccl" 7/102 5ruce i!id" p"12>)"17" This was all durin the 27

    $ears of ropin descri!ed !$ " =irach than's +ahuah for choosin the

    9ado'ites as priests CE-ive than's to him who chooses the sons of 9ado' for

     priestsE(5ruce i!id" p" 12? 6z" 47/48 43/1? 44/1 4>/11)" A competin

    house to the house of +ahuchanan in that da$s was the house of To!ias(5ruce

    ? These include 6ze'iel. ;nias *B. an un'nown priest. $canus **. +ahushua. John the 5aptist and James the !rother of

    Jesus" =ee eather G"(2778) The secret *nitiation of Jesus at :umran (&ondon/ #at'ins) for details and !i!lioraph$"17 The Wisdo# of Sirach a document contemporar$ to =imon ** also ives us some insiht into succession in the house of

    Aaron" CJust as a covenant was esta!lished with avid son of Jesse of the tri!e of Judah. that the 'ins heritae passesfrom onl$ son to son. so the heritae of Aaron is for his descendnants aloneE(=ir 4/2 Gisle$ 277?)" Gisle$(277?)

    comments on this tet Cthe descent in the avidic line wor's differentl$ from the descent of the children of Aaron" "

    escent in the avidic line is onl$ from father to son. while descent from Aaron passes throuh all children. male and

    femaleE(i!id 277?. p"1)CNew Testament

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    i!id)"5eit oni and !eit To!iah inter married" The house of ;nias were more

    conservative than the house of To!ias" =imon a captain of the temple who

    ma$ have !een from the house of To!ias (5ruce i!id" 133) had a Fuarrel with

    ;nias *** and !ean to slander him to the =$rian authorities" e informed the

    =$rian. Apollonius the overnor of %oeles$ria. a!out wealth availa!le in the

    Temple in Jerusalem" The 'in of =$ria was informed and sent his chancelloreliodorus to Jerusalem" e was welcomed !$ oni ***. !ut when aainst the

    appeals of the priests he tried to ta'e the temple treasur$. includin that

     !elonin to widows and orphans he had a divine encounter with a divine

     !ein and felt he just escaped with his life(** Macc 5ruce i!id. 123)" e left"

    owever the feud !etween =imon the captain and oni *** continued until

    oni *** felt he should o to Antioch to clear his name"#hile he was there

    Hin =eleucus was assassinated !$ eliodorus" 5ecause of this Antiochus

    6piphanes ascended the throne" oni *** was still in Antioch"Jason,*esoun,+ahuahua the !rother of oni *** approached Antiochus *B" e

    ot approval of Antiochus and was appointed hih priest despite his !rother

    still !ein alive" #hen the time to pa$ the tri!ute came Jason appointed

    Menelaus,Menachem(5ruce 1?83) as envo$" *nstead of simpl$ pa$in the

    tri!ute he out!id Jason tellin Antiochus *B he could raise more funds"

    Althouh he was not of the house of 9ado' he won the priesthood((5ruce

    i!id p"13@)" Jason escaped to transjordan (p"13@)11" Menachem !ri!ed

    Andronicus a militar$ officer of Antiochus *B to assassinate oni ***" e was'illed in the precincts of aphne12" ;nias *B13 on the other hand fled to

    6$pt ca" 1@@01@5"%"(Nachman. =on" 2712. p"87)" e ot permission


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     !rother (1430134)" *n 1475"%". there was an assem!l$ in Jerusalem where it

    was areed =imon would receive the title ethnarch. 'ohen adol. and

    supreme commander of the Jewish people" These titles were declared

    hereditar$ until a true prophet should arise(Nachman" =on 2712. p"878)"

    =imon was followed !$ descendants John $rcanus(1340174). Aleander

    +annai (1730@8)" *n this period a conflict arose !etween the Tzadu'im(=aducees) and the

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    Hidron valle$ (6isenman 27781> Murph$0;%onnor 1?>71?) the tom! of the

    course of ezir" &i'e the course of A!ijah from which John the 5aptist came

    this is another one of the twent$ four courses mentioned !$ the %hronicler (1

    %hr" 24/1)" The$ are the 1@th in the c$cle and so would !e connected to

    6leazar and at the time of avid with 9ado' not Ahimelech(1 %hr" 24/8)" The

    inscription on the tom! ma'es it clear it was a mausoleum of the priestl$house 'nown to Josephus and the Talmud as the 5oetheusians Can incredi!l$

    wealth$ famil$ ih0 A")

    1> 6isenman G". (2778) The New Testament %ode. The %up of the &ord. The amascus %ovenant and the !lood of %hrist.

    (&ondon/ #at'ins

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    and his sister 5ernice (Acts 23)"

    #e surve$ the evidence showin how much the house of

    Jesus(+ahushua) and the sons of Aaron especiall$ the first centur$ house of

    Annas interacted"The evidence points to the fact that durin the first decades

    of the %hurch of Jesus %hrist,+ahushua ha mashiach was closel$ associated

    with the priesthood" The tradition of the %hurch is that the %hurch evensupplied to Jerusalem and *srael their most hol$ person. the hih priest in the

     person of the disciple whom Jesus loved. a John and had as catechist a son of

    Annas !en =ethi. head of the most powerful priestl$ house in first centur$

    Jerusalem(Bermes 277) named Theophilus (Acts 1 &u'e 1. Bermes 277)"

    /he Lord who ye +eek will come to 5is /emple

    #e have seen some of the connections +ahushua had to the !enei &evi

    in Jerusalem" The fact that +ahushua went to +ahuchanan the !aptist for theinitiation of his preparation for pu!lic ministr$ is not without sinificance"

    +ochanan was from the %enei A%iyah*+" The eihth division of the sons of

    Aaron" e !ein a direct descendant of Aaron sees a reatness in +ahushua

    which he himself did not have" ;ne wa$ this could !e eplained in famil$

    terms is if +ahushua was a level of holiness a!ove +ahuchanan" =ince &evi

    was the holiest tri!e in *srael and the tri!e set apart as !ein the

    representatives of +ahuah. and lived of the tithes and offerins of *srael. for

    Jesus to !e holier than +ahuchanan meant he had to most li'el$ !e also from

    the tri!e of &evi" This sense of the hol$ superiorit$ of &evi is seen !oth in the

    amascus document. and the Testa#ents of the T"el)e Patriarchs" *n *sraels

    tradition onl$ Moses was more hol$ than Aaron"22 This connection to &evi is

    confirmed !$ the citation of Malachi 3 as relatin to the ministr$ of +ahushua

    and +ahuchanan" *n !atthe" Jesus applied the passae to +ahuchanan

    +ahuchanan sent disciples to as' +ahushua if e was the one to !e epected

    or if the$ should epect another" #hen we read this term CepectE in reard

    to first centur$ *srael. different Jewish roups are found to !e epectin

    different characters" Man$ scholars associate the 5aptist with the sons of9ado' in :umran(Ta!or 2778 eather 2778)" Accordin to their documents

    the$ were epectin the Messiah of Aaron and *srael" The amascus

    covenant states CThose who are faithful to him are the poor ones of the floc'"21 This formulation follows that of the inscription on the Tom! of 9echariah where the mauseleum is called that of the !ene

    hezir another of the 24 courses"22 And perhaps +ahushua his successor who was speciall$ selected from *srael to lead thm in the war of possessin the

    land and spent more time in the hol$ place than Moses did"


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    These shall escape in the ae of visitation !ut those that remain shall !e

    delivered up to the sword when their comes the Messiah of Aaron and

    *srael(%0A1?/?011)" ;ther :umran documents epected two Messiahs one

    of Aaron and one of *srael(1 :=?/?011)" Jeiwsh traditions reflected in the

    Mishna and the Talmud epected 6lijah and ,or the ol$ =pirit !efore the

    resurrection of the dead(Mt" 1@/11 6leazar !en Jair) or the$ epected aMessiah !en avid and a Messiah !en Joseph"+ahushua sends an answer to

    +ahuchanan and when +ahuchanans disciples were leavin. said to the

    crowd/ C#hat did $ou o out to the desert to seeD """A prophetD +es. * tell $ou

    and more than a prophet. this is the one a!out whom it is written C* will send

    m$ messener ahead of $ou. who will prepare $our wa$ !efore $ouE(Mt"

    11/17 Mal 3/1)"E +ahushua is clearl$ alludin to Malachi 3/1" 5$ citin this

    we see +ahushua placin +ahuchanan in the role of the one preparin the wa$

    for the comin messener of the covenant (Mal 3/1)" ;ne of the messenerstas's was to purif$ the sons of &evi(Mal 3/3)" *n Mar's -ospel. a citation is

    made from Malachi 3 C=ee. * will send m$ messener. who will prepare the

    wa$ !efore me"E

    The amascus %ovenanters mar'ed some of the criticisms of Malachi

    and had specific rules to avoid ma'in the same errors23" The !oo' contains a

    specific !lessin for those who feared +AKA and honoured is name"

    The$ were written into a scroll of remem!rance ( sepher $ichron and would

     !e is jewels ( segulah) who would !e spared in the future" And as noted inMar'. one of the special focuses of Malachi is referred to John the 5aptist.

    and as a result the prophec$ applies also to Jesus" =o. !aptism connects with

    the foriveness of sins which was a priestl$ operation in the Jewish culture"

    *n the normal contet people would turn to Jerusalem. to where +AKA

    had placed his name(1 H" >/37087)" The$ would then confess the name

    +ahuah and turn from their sins and -od would forive(1 H" >/3). for is

    e$es and is heart were on Jerusalem !ecause is name was there" #e see

    this in the pra$er of =olomon24" owever. in the first centur$ John had one

    out to the desert (as had the 6ssenes whom he ma$ !e connected with) to the

    Jordan" And people were floc'in to him to receive the foriveness of sins"

    This indicates that +AKALs name must have !een with him as it was

    afterwards with Jesus (Jn 1@)"

    23  % 8/13. 4:28 4102. % 27/1?027"24  1 Hins >


  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    4 /heophilus the ,riest and Joanna

    /he isciple who was known to the 5igh ,riest #ut not as a isciple

    The writer of the ospel of John is a priest(#estscott 6dersheim) from the

    evidence present in the ospel" is detailed 'nowlede of Jewish practices in

    the -ospel of John point to this idea. at the same time he was a close disciple

    of Jesus" #e now come to a possi!le priest who was not the writer of a ospel !ut the recipient" The most ecellent Theophilus of &u'e1and Acts 1" &u'e

    and Acts were written specificall$ for one person. even if the$ would !e read

     !$ man$" #e should epect therefore that the$ would contain some

    information specificall$ of interest to that one person" *n ths case of

    Theophilos one lad$ appears in the ospel and as a witness of the resurrection

    who does not appear in an$ of the other !oo's of the New Testament" er

    name is Joanna,+ahuhana and she is ver$ wealth$" #e first loo' at the secret

    disciple in John and tr$ to draw possi!le deductions usin the house model"John records/ C=imon /1)

    #hile the tet does not sa$ specificall$ that he was a priest. there are

    evidences evincin this fact2" This disciple had the a!ilit$ to influence the

    irl watchin the door and to et

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    The author in this paper suests this disciple who ot

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    A and lived in Ti!erias which he !uilt in 21 A" =ince Ti!erias is !ut

    1'ms from %apernaum2>. it would have !een eas$ for Joanna to connect

    with the ministr$ of Jesus. headFuartered there. and at the same time her

    randfather would not 'now she was a disciple"

    Joanna means +ahuah is raciousL the same as John" Anderson (i!id") alsoshows that Joanna stands at the centre of a chiastic structure in &u'e 24/>0

    112?" *n this case. &u'e does not need to mention who she is married to.

    Theophilus 'nows who she is" Joanna is made a witness of the resurrection in

    &u'e" =upport for AndersonLs thesis comes from a ossuar$ which has !een

    found and reported !$ 5ara and lusser (1?>8) in The 0ssuary of

    Yehohanah grandaugher of the high priest Theophilus" This ossuar$ is ver$

    interestin for in our case" The inscription is in three lines/

    +ehochanah Joanna  +ehochanah !at +ehohanan Joanna dauhter of John

    5ar Theopholos ha'ohen haadol =on of the hih priest

    This was accordin to 5ara and lusser (i!id") Cthe first 'nown mention of a

    hih priest in an ossuar$ inscriptionE (p" 41). althouh the inscription is in

    Aramaic. the title of the hih priest appears in e!rew" Accordin to the two

    authors. +ehohanah could not have died !efore her randfatherLs appointment

    as hih priest in the sprin of 3@A" =he ma$ have lived to see her uncle

    Ananus son of Annas have Jaco! the Just 'illed37. and her uncle Matthias !ethe last leitimate hih priest" Another interestin point is that Cthe reference

    to the hih office of her randfather indicates that she was pro!a!l$ not

    2>  1 nsight  vol ** 1?>>.17??2?  A the$ remem!ered

      5 the eleven

      % the others,rest (sam ree' as %)

      Mar$ Madalene  Joanne

      Mar$ Mother of Jaco!  % the other , rest of the women

      5 the Apostles  A The did not !elieve his words" *n a !lo G Andersen sa$s CA chiasmus is a literar$ device

    that arrnaes words and ideas into two parllel and inverted passaes . with an odd mem!er placed at the

    verte. where the two passaes intersect" * am sorr$ i havenLt !een a!le to locate the !lo aain"37  #h$ was Ananus son of Ananus so upset with +aacov ha tzaddi'D Accordin to eesippus Jaco!

    had pra$ed in the hol$ of holies and wore the petalon" This report we have from 6use!ius and

    6piphanius !oth usin heessipus"1?

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


     !uried in the in the tom! of her famil$. for reason which elude usE" 5ara and

    lusser (i!id") o on to sa$ in the foot note that Cthe famil$ tom! ma$ have

     !een inaccessi!le after @7 %6" Another possi!ilit$ is that +ehohanah suffered

    from an incura!le disease such as lepros$"E *f then we maintain that this reat

    randdauhter of Annas and randdauhter of Theophilus was a disciple of

    Jesus and who came to him for help with her sic'ness (&u'e >/3). this mihteplain the reason wh$ she was !uried apart from her famil$" The $ear 3@ A

    is eactl$ when the persecution !ro'e out aainst the %hurch !ecause of the

    speech of =tephen and his insult to the temple31. which the people didnLt ta'e

    too 'indl$ too32" Another interestin o!servation is that CThe name of her

    father. +ehohanan. was with 6leazar the most common names of priest in

    antiFuit$E" #e notice also that !oth the name of the father and the dauhter

    contain yod heh and )a) the full version theophoric names containin

    +ahuah" or Aramaic names this is impressive" or after the eiles theAramaic names tended to !e shortened removin heh and some vav so

    Jehozada' in 6zra is Jozada' and +ehoshua !ecame +eshua" This priestl$

    famil$ clearl$ saw it as important to preserve the name +ahuah"

    &et us turn out attention !ac' to this +ehohanan father of Joanna. or

    rather John father of Joanna" #ho amon the first centur$ hih priests could

     possi!l$ !e identified as John the ApostleD *f we review the first centur$ hih

     priests. we find that onl$ one !ears the name John and he was the son of

    Annas the most powerful hih priest in the first centur$ and the one.

    accordin to the ospel of John. who had the first cross0eamination of Jesus"

    John then !ecomes the hih priest who inherits the petalon which !ears the

    name +ahuah" The priestl$ line finds its continuation in John as does the

     promise of +ahuah that he would alwa$s protect the famil$ of &evi" The

    %hurch then literall$ inherits the priesthood and the name +ahuah find its

    dwellin place in the %hurch. with that petalon. 

    31  CA reat man$ priests of the priests " Man$ of the ordinar$ priest were hum!le and pious men.

    unli'e the wealth$ ecclesiastical politicians of the hih priestl$ families" *f mem!ers of the temple staffwerattachin themselves to the church. such activites as =tephens was !ound to produce tension with

    his more conservative fellow %hristiansas wellas with the ewish rulersE onald -uthrie in *B< ;ne

    Bolumen%ommentar$ 1?@732  ;n the other hand it is just after man$ priests turned to the faith and in &u'e it is the first time a

    disciple was arrested and the chief priests are not mentioned as !ein involved in the arrest" *n addition

    the hih priest sa$s ver$ little to =tephen. just CAre these thins soDE" The rest is the mo!"27

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    : $ 9reat Company o' ,riests; John the high ,riest or /heophilus

    the 5igh ,riest

    =tron support for this position. that the %hurch impacted the priesthood

    reatl$ and continued its wor'. is also represented !$ the witness of &u'e in

    Acts" There. he records CAnd the word of -od 'ept on spreadin and the

    num!er of disciples continued to increase reatl$ in Jerusalem. and a reatman$ of the priests were !ecomin o!edient to the faithE" This phrase Ca

    reat man$E is clearl$ important in this respect" #ho were these priests and

    wh$ did the$ !ecome o!edient to the faith at that timeD There were a lare

    num!er of priests who joined the %hurch just !efore the mart$rdom of

    =tephen" &u'e has !een esta!lished !$ the wor's of such scholars as

    emer(1?>?) and -asFue(1?@). 5ruce (1??7) and Marshall (1?>7)as a first

    class historian" #hen he sa$s a lare num!er of priests we need to ta'e him

    seriousl$" Marshall (1?>7) simpl$ s'ips over the verse" owever. 6llicot(1?@1) pic's up the sinificance/

    The fact is ever$ wa$ sinificant" No priest is named as a follower of our

    &ordLs" None. up to this time. had !een converted !$ the apostles" The new

    fact is connected with the new teachin of =tephen" And the main feature of

    that teachin is an anticipation of what was later proclaimed more clearl$ !$

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    esta!lishin the priestl$ tradition of the 'indom of -od. which !ean with

    John the 5aptist" The Life Application(1??1) &i%le notes that CJesus had told

    the disciples that the$ were to witness first in Jerusalem(Acts 1/>)" *n a short

    time. their messae had infiltrated the entire cit$ and all levels of societ$"

    6ven some priests were !ein converted. an o!vious violation of the wishes

    of the council that would endaner their position"E

    The Life Application &i%le down pla$s the num!ers of priests and seems

    to see their conversion as surprisin" 5ut with &u'eLs historical assertion of

    their conversion. we need to perhaps wonder what the possi!le causes of their

    conversion were" The first cause ma$ have !een the sins. wonders and

    healin which were ta'in place at the hands of the apostles" Accordin to

    Acts . two persons in the conreation dropped dead havin had their sins

    eposed" *mmediatel$ afterwards. it is recorded that the$ were hihl$rearded !$ the people !ut no one else dared to join them" The level of

    holiness demonstrated when Ananias and =aphira dropped dead ma$ have

    impressed priests who were used to the idea of those violatin -odLs holiness

    droppin dead. as with two sons of Aaron and possi!l$ an$ hih priest who

    entered the hol$ of holies unworthil$" The Mishna asserts that on approachin

    the a$ of Atonement. a second hih priest should !e availa!le in case the

    first one dropped dead. and the first entered with a rope around his le in case

    he dropped dead and had to !e pulled out"

    =econdl$. with the head on clash with the hih priests over the name

    and the trial with the =anhedrin. it is clear the Apostles won that !attle" The

    Anel of +ahuah released then from prison and all the priests 'new a!out it"


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    $ear 38 A" This !ein the case. it would !e Jonathan or Theophilus who

    were hih priests when the priest !ean to floc' into the %hurch" Annas did

    not seem so aressive aainst Jesus when he Fuestioned im in John 1>"

    /2>.33?/1? &'"@/2711/1

    Jn"1/8..1.1?.28.2?. 32. 47 3/28.2@ /33.38 4/117/41 Ac" 13/2402)

    %aiaphas(Mt" 28/3. @ &'" 3/2 Jn" 11/4?. 1>/13.14. 24.2> Ac"4/8)

    Annas(&'"3/2 Jn" 1>/1324 Ac"4/8). Ananias(23/224/1) Jonathan(Ac"4/8).

    Aleander(Act 4/8). Malchus (Jn 1>/17). Matthew &evi(Mt"?/? 17/3.M'"3/1> &'"8/1 Ac"1/13) Joses 5arna!us(Ac"4/38 ?/2@ 11/22. 2. 37

    12/2 13/1. 2. @. 43. 48. 7 14/12.14.27 1ff 1 %or ?/8 -al" 2/1. ?. 13 %ol

    4"17). 9echariah son of 5erachiah33 (Mt" 23/3 &'" 11/1)" Most are

    assined to the temple in Jerusalem and one to the temple in heaven" The

    heavenl$ hih priest is Jesus" The 5oo' of 2e%re"s ta'es this as its su!ject"

    ;ur focus now is on the hih priests who are supposed to have ministered in

    the earthl$ temple and so are supposed to !e sons of Aaron" urin the period

    when the %hurch was !ein formed a and the NT was !ein written. Josephusmentions the followin hih priests in Jerusalem" =imon !en 5oethus(240

    5"%"). Matthias !en Theophilus(04 5"%). Joseph !en 6llem(45"%") and

    Joazar !en 5oethus (45"%") were appointed !$ erod the reat" 6leazar !en

    5oethus (45%D). Jesus !en =ee(D). Joazar(08A"") were appointed !$ erod

    Archelaus the 6thnarch" Ananus or Annas !en =ethi(801A"") was appointed


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    %antheras were appointed !$ erod Arippa *. randson of erod the -reat

     !$ Aristo!ulus and 5ernice the dauhter of erods sister =alome(Bermes

    277. p"33)" Joseph !en %amei. Ananias !en Nede!aeus (4@0? A"") were

    appointed !$ erod of %halcis(4404> A"")" *smael !en

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    +ahuah in that period often descri!ed as the word of +ahuah(ossum 1?>)"

    The anel -a!riel indicated 9echarias would have a son who would !e reat

    in the siht of +ahuah"The appearance of an anelic !ein to rihteous

     persons in order to accomplish acts of redemption is a common motif in

    *sraels histor$" This oes riht !ac' to A!raham and the three men (-en 1>).

    Moses and the !urnin !ush (6od 3). and the captain of the hosts to Joshua(Joshua /13ff)" #e can also compare the case of elodorus in 2 Macca!ees

    3" *t is then John the &evitical priest of the eihth course of A!ijah. which

     precedes the course of +eshua(1 %hr" 24/17) who then !aptises +eshua the

    son of avid and related to Aaron,John on his mothers side throuh Mar$

    and 6liza!eth(&'" 1/38 Ta!or 2778. p"83)"The marr$in of the tri!e of

    Judah and &evi toether is not new" Aaron the first hih priest married

    6liza!eth sister of Nahshon. head of the tri!e of Judah in the

    wilderness(Nu"1/@. 2/3. @/1@. 6" 8/23. Gu" 4/27) and she !ore Nada!. A!ihu.6leazar and *thamar the four sons of Aaron. 6leazar succeeded Aaron as hih

     priest" This meant 9echarias and *oannes came from *thamar(1 %hr" 2/801>)

    At the same time. Jesus received an anointin of the ol$ =pirit(*s" 81/1).

    which appeared as a dove ( yonah34  in e!rew)" This for some Balentinian

    %hristian roups represented receivin the name +ahuah(ossum 1?>.

    :usipel)" =o. in this !aptism. some see a transfer of the name +ahuah from

    *oannes the priest to Jesus the son of avid"#e also have the interestin point

    that the Ga!!is ma'e much of those who are masters of the ood name or  %aal she# to)" This means the$ are a!le to do miracles usin the name" *n

    Toldot Yeshu the Jewish counter ospel. Jesus is said to perform miracles !$

    usin the name or its four letters(=chonfield 1?3@)" 5ut Jesus sa$s he casts

    out demons C!$ the =pirit of -odE (Mt" 12"2>). thus parallelin the idea of

     Name and =pirit" ossum (1?>) refers to the idea of !ein vested with the

    name" The intimate connection !etween the son of avid and the son of

    Aaron reminds us of the ordination of Hin =olomon when C9ado' the priest

    then too' the horn of oil from the tent and anointed =olomonE(1 H" 1) That

    event also too' place at a !od$ of water" 5ut there are perhaps more parallels

    3 Ta!or.J" (2778) The idden istor$ of Jesus. is Go$al amil$. and the 5irth of %hristianit$ The Jesus $nast$(New

    +or'/=imon and =chuster)38it was a $onah which pointed Jesus out to John and it was the sin of $onah which Jesus promisedthat eneration"

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    with the anointin of avid which had to !e done in private. !ecause =haul

    was alread$ 'in" CAnd +ahuah said arise. Arise. anoint him for this is he"E

    Then =amuel too' the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his

     !rothers and the =pirit of +ahuah came mihtil$ upon avid from that da$

    forwardE (1 =am" 18)" =o aain we see that it is the senior &evite

     jude,prophet at the time who anoints avid and immediatel$ the =pirit of+ahuah came upon him" owever. unli'e this case the !aptism of Jesus was

    not a national event !ut it is similar in that at the anointin +ahuah spo'e

    confirmin the choice and sent the spirit (1 =am" 18/12ff)" John the 5aptist

     !aptised Jesus and reconised im3@as the =on of -od3>" e later testified/

    CThis is e on !ehalf of whom * said. After me comes a man who has a

    hiher ran' than *. for e eisted !efore me" And * did not reconize im !ut

    in order that e miht !e manifest to *srael. * came !aptizin in water" * have

     !eheld the =pirit descendin as a dove out of heaven. and e remained uponimE" There was also what Ga!!is call a %at qol, or heavenl$ voice spea'in

    in the third person in Matthew where!$ John was addressed" *n Mar' and

    &u'e the voice addresses Jesus directl$" Jesus su!mission to the !aptism of

    John ave him a reference point he could later use in his discussions with the

    chief priests and elders" e could refer to it and Johns priestl$ prophetic

    authorit$ clearl$ carried some weiht (Matt" 21/2)" This ma$ hint at

    9echariah perhaps !ein held in reat respect amon the *sraelites and John

     !ein from a well 'nown famil$"This is more in line with the thin'in ofJames Protoe)angeliu#. which has a tradition that 9echariah was the hih


    5 /he +tatement o' ,olycrates

      A title of the son of avid to come.

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    Apostles and oes on to list some of the reat saints and apostles who had

    lived. ministered and were !uried in Asia" *n his letter he ma'es a statement

    which raises a serious historical pro!lem" is statement was as follows/

    *n Asia reat luminaries sleep who shall rise aain on the last da$. the da$ of

    the &ords advent. when e is comin in lor$ from heaven and shall search

    out all his saints0 such as .31 &e">/?. 18/4)" e was a

    witness (Acts 1/>. 2/32)a teacher and sleeps or is !uried in 6phesus"

    #e o!serve

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    seem to need further clarification are the claim that John !ecame a priest and

    the claim that he wore the petalon"

    " *n sa$in John wore the petalon he does not sa$ this in an$ wa$ so as to

    ma'e a theoloical point" or him. it was simpl$ a matter of fact. in the same

    wa$ that

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    Althouh there is much evidence to the contrar$42. some still !elieve that the

    hih priest onl$ said the name +ahuah once a $ear on the holiest da$ of the

    $ear. +o# kippur as a!ove" This was in the holiest place on earth. the qodesh

    qodeshi#" And of all *srael it was onl$ the hih priest who was allowed to

    utter that name" ;ne thin is certain accordin to 6odus it was Aaron alone

    in *srael who wore the mitre" *f then the mitre was used !$ the various hih priests down to the destruction of the temple. the final one to use it would !e

     pro!a!l$ Matthias son of Theophilus who was appointed !$ Arippa **"

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    a!out Januar$ to March in the $ear 3@48" Now. whereas it is not completel$

    impossi!le for him to !e the John. "

    ere. the ather ave the =on is name which is ealted a!ove all" ossum(1?>) asserts IThe secret name which is iven to Jesus is identical with the

     Name of the ather o!viousl$ is the proper name of -od" Jesus is then

     !elieved to have !een vested with the name of -odE4? Thus we see that the

    name accordin to the Gospel of Philip is worn and not spo'en" And it is

     possessed !$ more than one person not onl$ Jesus" or ossum. the name is

    +AKA" ;ne issue is less certain the time of !ein clothed with the name"

    B John the Baptist

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     !aptised in an$ name it had to !e that of +AKA" o we have evidence of

    others in the period !aptisin in the name of +AKAD The answer is aain

    in the affirmative althouh !elated" There is a toseftah which relates a dispute


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    immersed themselves so that the$ could utter the name +ahuah" As we have

    alread$ noted. John the 5aptist was considered a prophet and just a lance

    throuh the masoretic tet indicates that throuhout the &aw and the

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    ministr$ was drawin to a close" +AKA is conspicuousl$ present in the

    case of 6li$ahu and 6lisha and Jesus who compared John with 6lijah (Matt"

    1@/12) and is own connection with 6li$ahu and 6lisha (&u'e 4/2. 28)"

    *f indeed the name +AKA was used at the !aptism of Jesus as seems ver$

    li'el$. we would epect a memor$ of the idea in the collective memor$ of theearl$ %hurch" or Jesus is the one whom the %hurch follows" as the %hurch

    then an$ recollection of the connection !etween !aptism and the name


    C =eceiving the %ame

    #hen did this investiture ta'e placeD :uispel (as cited in $att. 1?8)

     !elieves the crownin too' place at !aptism (p" 288)" This is !ased on his

    understandin that the IBalentinians thouht that at that moment the Name of

    -od descended upon Jesus """ (i!id". p" 2)" This is interestin !ecause in the period names and !aptisms were definitel$ connected" or eample. the

    disciples were !aptisin people in the name of the ather and the =on and the

    ol$ =pirit (Matt" 2>/2) and

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    words can !e applied here “It would #e untena#le to think that John

    would a#rogate the re*uirements o' the Mosaic Law 'or his 'ollowers”

    @p& "7?A& 4liah had the prophets o' Baal e)ecuted as a group and John

    was seen as coming in 5is +pirit and power o' 4liah although o' course

    he denied identi'ication directly with 4liah&

     ,riests and Baptism>

    *n his &aptis#al Pra/is in the &ook of (e)elation. -ieschen (+6AGDD)

    asserts that

    This paper will demonstrate that Gevelation evinces earl$ %hristian !aptismal

     prais wherein the initiate received a mar' that was the !estowal of the

    ivine Name as a seal" urthermore. it will !e arued from the tet of

    Gevelation that this reception of the ivine Name. washin. and clothin in

    white was understood to !e the foundational priestl$ preparation for the earl$%hristian m$stical eperience of the presence of -od. especiall$ in the


    irstl$ we note that it is John the 5aptist. a priest of the sons of Aaron. who

    was !aptisin in the Jordan Giver" This could !e descri!ed as a &evitical or

     priestl$ act as it had its oriin in &eviticus/ CGitual immersion in water from a

    livin water source 0 esta!lished as a practice in the !oo' of &eviticus 0 was

    understood to render the Jews rituall$ clean. ena!lin him or her to entercertain pure or sacred areas (such as the Temple precinct) and to participate in

    specific reliious events and in Jewish societ$ as a wholeE (

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     !$ washin people in the waters of !aptism" The$ came and were immersed.

    confessin their sins" *n other words. throuh their confession and !aptism

    their sins were washed awa$"

    owever. in the Temple !ased societ$. people received foriveness of

    sins in a num!er of wa$s" irstl$ the$ had the sacrifices. the sins offerinsand the trespass offerins" These were desined to prepare for the foriveness

    of their sins" The same with the a$ of Atonement where the hih priest

    would intercede for the whole nation and o!tain the foriveness of his sins.

    his famil$Ls sins and *srael sins" 5ut John. a priest. came offerin the

    foriveness of sins on another level. and JohnLs activit$ onl$ prepared people

    for the one who was comin in the name +AKA" Althouh it is li'el$ that

    at the !aptism the people were returnin to +AKA and so at some point.

    either !efore or after the$ were immersed. the$ would call on the name+AKA. this prepared them for when the$ would !e immersed not in water

     !ut in the ol$ =pirit" *t is clear that ol$ =pirit is understood !$ John to !e a

    far more powerful wor' of -od than his !aptism in water" The ol$ =pirit to

    John represented the presence of +AKA imself" or he claimed to !e

    fulfillin *saiah 47/ CA voice of one callin in the wilderness prepare the wa$

    of +AKA ma'e straiht a hihwa$ for our -od"""And the lor$ of

    +AKA will !e revealed and all man'ind will see it toether"E *n settin

    himself in this contet. John understands the ol$ =pirit !aptism the

    revelation of the lor$ of +AKA"

    4 Calling on the name o' Yahuah

    ;ur first evidence that the earl$ e!rew Nazarenes saw a connection

     !etween the name +AKA and !aptism comes from the scriptures the earl$

    %hurch refer to in preachin the ospel and !aptisin Jews and later -entiles"

    *n Acts 2/21.

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    foriveness of $our sins and $ou shall receive the ift of the ol$ =piritE8"

    5e saved from this perverse eneration"""And the &ord was addin to their

    da$ !$ da$ those who were !ein saved

    Thus we have the prophec$ +AKA shall save those who will call on his

    name" The$ are !aptised in the name of Jesus %hrist. in order to !e saved"Thus to call on the name +AKA is to repent and !e !aptised in the name

    of Jesus %hrist" *t is practicall$ certain that

    occurrences of this phrase in Masoretic Tet. ?8 refer directl$ to +AKAeloheinu and 2 in aniel to Adonai 6loheinu. !ut aniel also uses +AKA

    6loheinu" This was not a s$naoue so. there is no need to assume that he

    was usin adonai in this contet" ;n the other hand. we are not certain if he

    was spea'in Aramaic or e!rew and we do not 'now with certaint$ which

    word he used when he referred to +AKA !ut we 'now +AKA was

    intended" The onl$ alternatives are Adonai and Mar$a and there is no stron

    evidence to suest that he had an$ reason to chane the name of +AKA

    to another name"

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    cross as a seal of the !eliever !ein !aptised and the name +AKA. the

    tetrarammaton" *n the #estern Tradition. the repentant was first !aptised

    and then iven the sin of the cross as a seal of the unction followin"

    ossum (1?>) descri!es it as a Cpost !aptismal signatio crucis of the

    forehead associated with unction and performed with or without oilE (p" 171)"

    owever. in the =$riac spea'in %hurch. the tradition was different and the$connect the seal of the sin of the cross with the name +AKA" Accordin

    to ossum (i!id"). in =$riac %hristianit$ the sealin of the unction came

     !efore the actual !aptism" And whereas in the #estern Tradition the sin of

    the cross was a s$m!ol of the name +ahuah or the cross upon which he died.

    in the =$riac spea'in %hurch this was not the case" C*t had retained its

    sinificance as an em!lem of the ivine NameE (i!id". p"171)"

     Narsai. a fifth centur$ Nestorian %hurch ather who lived in 6dessa.illustrates this in his Liturgical 2o#ilies" #hen the priest anoints the

    candidate. he Csins the floc' with the sin of the &ord. and seals upon it is

    idden Name !$ the outward loo'E %onnoll$. 1?7?)" Narsai (i!id") also

    writes that Cthe Name of the ivinit$ loo's out from the sin on the

    foreheadE (i!id". p"4)" The sin is the cross and here the divine name is said

    to loo' out from the cross" ossumLs (1?>) arument is that althouh Narsai

    is Fuite late. he reflects an earlier tradition" This tradition is reflected in the

    =$riac 0des of Solo#on and the Acts of Tho#as" ere the unction is called a

    CsealinE and the seal is the Name" irstl$. in the Acts of Tho#as we see that

    as Thomas !eins the rite he calls on the Name" e sa$s/

    """Jesus. let Q$ourR victorious

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    name of the ivinit$ he mies in his hands with the oilQ"""R"""Throuh the

    anointin the !eliever receives the Name/ C#ith the Name hidden in it Qi"e"

    the oilR he sins the visi!le !od$. and the sharp power of the Name enters

    even into the soulE"

    This connection !etween the three s$non$ms Name.

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


    5ruce. "" (1??7) The Acts of the Apostles" (-rand Gapids Michian/


    5ettenson. " (1?@7)" The Later 8hristian ;athers" ;ford/ ;K7) Tyndale 7e" Testa#ent' Acts (&eicester/ *B

  • 8/9/2019 Jesus of Levi and Judah


      Appendi 1

    *n Jesus the &evite the author see's to demonstrate that Jesus was

     percieved as a son of &evi in some earl$ %hristian circles" *f this were the

    case we would see this reflected in traditons the teachin. practice and personalities of the earl$ %hurch" The people of the earl$ %hurch tradition

    would include man$ priests and levites and even prophets amon his

    disciples" The teachin would include man$ cultic and liturical concepts"

    The practices would include man$ cultic and liturical rites or practices.

    whether percieved as liturical or maical" The results of the research show

    that the house of Jesus (!eit +eshua) does indeed show much evidence in

     people. teachin and practice of the &evitical nature of Jesus ministr$" e had

    man$ disciples and relatives which in the tradition are from the tri!e of &eviincludin his mother. her !lood relatives. 9echariah. 6liza!eth and John the

    5aptist his earl$ disciples came from the discples of the &evite John the

    5aptist" is and the earl$ %hurchs ministr$ was a teachin. preachin and

    healin ministr$ all connected with ministr$ of &evi. the %hurchs practices

    were liturical in ever$ wa$" This means the New Testament. the persons

    mentioned and the histor$ of the earl$ %hurch can !e seen from a new

    levitical perspective" Man$ dilemmas reardin the identit$ of the =on of

    Man are removed" Much data in the ead sea scrolls and the Testa#ent of the

    T"el)e Patriarch=s is iven a clear place in relation to the New Testament""