jennifer kitchen2 hw220-02-unit4project

FOOD BORNE ILLNESS 1 The Spinach Scare: A Bacterium Found in the Meat Industry Finds its Way into the Produce Market Jennifer Kitchen May 15, 2011 HW220-01

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The Spinach Scare:

A Bacterium Found in the Meat Industry Finds its Way into the Produce Market

Jennifer Kitchen

May 15, 2011


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On September 14th, 2006, the Center for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) sent out a

health alert that stated, between August 25th and September 3rd, eight states had encountered 50

cases of E. coli 0157:H7 infection and preliminary investigation had indicated that prepackaged

spinach was most likely the culprit. Among the 50 cases, and eight patients developed

hemolytic uremic syndrome; this can cause anemia, kidney failure, internal bleeding, and

damages internal organs. One patient had died (CDC, 2006). Many people in America were

shocked. Produce with E. coli was not something that was common. By October 12, 199

persons had been infected in 26 states (CDC, 2006). Almost two months after the first case

almost all of the contaminated spinach was off the market shelves. The investigation had

provided the information needed to track the spinach back to its producer. The U.S. Food and

Drug Administration (FDA) released a report, in March of 2007, stating that the spinach

outbreak “was associated with contaminated Dole brand Baby Spinach and resulted in 205

confirmed illnesses and three deaths”. In a short amount of time spinach had made people

across America sick. Three women died because a plant food was contaminated with a

bacterium which is most commonly are found in contaminated meat. What is E. coli? Could

the outbreak have been prevented? What has changed in the food industry as a result of the

spinach outbreak?

The human body has bacterium, that we coexist with, which helps maintain homeostasis.

Escherichia coli 0157:H7 is a mutated form of a bacterium which is found in abundance in the

digestive system to help humans digest foods, synthesize vitamins, and defend against

dangerous organisms (Schlosser, 2005). The E. coli, in the digestive system, assists the body by

breaking down foods and keeping the body running smoothly. E. coli 0157:H7 is a fairly new

mutation, is found in animal feces, and does not help the body, instead it can ravage it. Not all

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people become ill when infected with E. coli 0157:H7, while others may suffer from mild

diarrhea. Still others may develop severe abdominal pains accompanied by watery then bloody

stool (Schlosser, 2005). Children, elderly, and anyone who may have a compromised immune

are more apt to have severe issues when eating contaminated foods. The severity of a case of E.

coli 0157:H7 poisoning can also depend on how much of it was eaten and how much verotoxin

is released. E. coli 0157:H7 can release a toxin called verotoxin that attacks the lining of the

small intestine and can cause permanent health issues (Schlosser, 2005). Serious infection by E.

coli 0157:H7 can result in impairment of the kidneys and even death (Schlenker & Roth, 2011).

The human body is a natural “fighter” but sometimes toxins in the body can overwhelm the


E. coli 0157:H7 outbreaks, more often associated with contaminated meat, in recent years

has been found in produce. The spinach contaminated with E. coli 0157:H7 was sold in grocery

markets across the U.S. and was bought by many people who would have never thought produce

would hold such a potential for harm. Before the spinach outbreak many people still felt safe

from being infected E. coli 0157:H7. Many believed, if they stayed away from beef products,

the most common food source of infection, they would be safe. Robert Kenner calls the spinach

outbreak “a wake-up call… We suddenly realized we were all vulnerable” (2009). Many people

never think about where the food at the store comes from. Many people do not worry about it

because food sold in America is supposed to be safe. That is why we have the FDA, to ensure

that food is good and will not cause us illness. Americans know that the FDA and USDA

regulate food safety and standards. There are inspectors that are there to ensure the places were

food is grown, manufactured, packaged, and stored are clean and sanitary. These government

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departments “keep watch” over the food industry, so that Americans do not have to worry about

suffering a foodborne illness.

Schlenker and Roth remind people that everyone in the business of food, from the grower

to the marketer to the preparer, are responsible for food safety (2011). Contamination can be

caused from elements that our food came into contact with; while growing, while being

prepared for the market, and even in our own kitchens. Consumers should read labels to find

out how fresh the foods are and must take care to ensure food is properly prepared and stored.

E. coli 0157:H7 can be destroyed by heat and often outbreaks are caused by undercooked foods

or foods that did not go through pasteurization (Schlenker & Roth, 2011). The consumer may

know the store they shop in is clean, but what is wrapped up with the purchased food can be

unseen. Consumers do not see the people who prepare our foods for market unless they work

for the company they buy from. This means that, as a consumer, one must trust foods to be safe

or they can do their part in following proper handling, cooking, and storage recommendations

because no measures of safety can ensure that our food is 100% safe.

So, how did the spinach become tainted anyway? Maybe the manure that was used on

the crop was the culprit, but it could have been the water used for irrigation. When the manure

used to fertilize crops is not composted first or the water used to irrigate and clean crops

contains animal feces vegetables can be contaminated with E. coli 0157:H7 (Food & Water

Watch, 2009, p.22). This bacterium is found in the feces of animals. Manure that has been

composted has been “baked”, which means that as the organic materials in the compost break

down energy is released and the composting pile warms up, killing many organisms while

helping others strive. If manure has not been composted pathogens may thrive and once on the

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produce, E. coli 0157:H7 stays with the produce as gets picked, washed, and moves on down the

line. The line is then tainted and other produce that comes down the conveyer is contaminated.

Hundreds of bags of spinach can be bagged in a matter of minutes and ready to ship out. This

made it easy for the “bad “spinach to make it to groceries all over the country in a matter of


The contaminated spinach led to a nationwide recall and illness was encountered across

the states from the produce which was farmed in one region of California (Food & Water

Watch, 2009, p.41). E. coli 0157:H7 contaminated spinach, from one small area of the U.S.,

was let out onto the market and made more than 200 people ill in a matter of a couple months.

Spinach, a food that is recommended in our diets as a good source for vitamins and minerals,

made people sick. Americans did not understand how this could happen, for our food industry

has “quality control” and foods are taken off the line on a routine basis to ensure quality.

Somehow, the spinach had become contaminated with a bacterium that was not commonly

found on produce, but in meats, and it had made it through the quality check. Quality checks on

fruits and vegetables would not need to include looking for bacterium that would not be found

on produce. This made it easy to overlook. While quality control looked for quality issues that

may occur with spinach they completely missed something that made hundreds sick.

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Center for Disease Control and prevention, (2006). Multiple States Investigating a Large

Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections. Retrieved from

Center for Disease Control and prevention, (2006). Questions and Answers about E. coli

O157:H7 Outbreak from Fresh Spinach. Retrieved from

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2007). FDA Finalizes Report on 2006 Spinach Outbreak.

Retrieved from


Food & Water Watch, (2009). Food, Inc.: another take; food sovereignty for U.S. consumers

(p.41-43). New York; Public Affairs.

Food & Water Watch, (2009). Food, Inc.: another take; food safety consequences of factory

farms (p 22). New York; public Affairs.

Kenner, R., (2009). Food, Inc.: exploring the corporate powers behind the way we eat; the

making of food, inc. (p. 30). New York; Public Affairs.

Schlenker, E. and Roth, S., (2011). Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy.

Missouri; Elsevier Mosby.

Schlosser, E., (2005). Fast Food Nation: the dark side of the all-American meal (p.193 & 199).

New York; Harper Perennial.