jeff atwood - how to talk so your community will listen and listen so your community will talk

How to Talk So Your Community Will Listen and Listen So Your Community Will Talk Jeff Atwood

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How  to  Talk  So  Your  Community  Will  Listen  and  

Listen  So  Your  Community  Will  Talk  Jeff  Atwood  

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The  Stack  Overflow  Trilogy  

May  2009   Aug  2009  July  2008  

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March  2009  

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June  2009  We  violate  the  first  rule  of  Fight  Club  

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July  2010  We  allow  creaMon  of  sites  by  voMng  

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This  site  is  all  about  geNng  answers.    It’s  not  a  discussion  forum.    There’s  no  chit-­‐chat.  

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“InnovaMon  is  not  about  saying  yes  to  everything.  It's  about  saying  NO  to  all  but  the  most  crucial  features.”      –  Steve  Jobs  

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Can  you  say  NO  to  your  users?    (in  a  nice,  educaMonal  way  of  course.)    If  not,  then  you  have  a  problem.  

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February  2012  

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Why  are  these  Stack  Exchange  sites  failing?    •  look  at  this  cool  LEGO  thing  I  built!  •  buy  and  sell  rare  LEGO  kits  to  each  other,  people  who  get  it    

•  share  an  interesMng  LEGO  story  •  ask  about  the  best  ways  to  build  LEGO  •  ask  about  the  best  places  to  find  LEGO  •  hanging  out  and  talking  about  non-­‐LEGO  stuff  with  other  LEGO  enthusiasts  


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We'd  love  to  get  your  expert  advice  on  our  thing.    I  probably  don't  use  your  thing.  Even  if  I  tried  your  thing  out  and  I  gave  you  my  so-­‐called  Expert  advice,  how  would  it  ma_er?    

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Why  are  you  asking  me?  Why  don't  you  ask  your  community  what  they  think  of  your  thing?  

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And  if  you  don't  have  a  community  of  users  and  customers  around  your  thing,  well,  there's  your  problem  right  there.    

Go  fix  that.  

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A`er  spending  four  solid  years  thinking  of  discussion  as  the  established  corrupt  empire,  and  Stack  Exchange  as  the  scrappy  rebel  alliance,  I  began  to  wonder  –  what  would  it  feel  like  to  change  sides?  What  if  I  became  a  champion  of  random,  arbitrary  discussion,  of  the  very  kind  that  I'd  spent  four  years  designing  against  and  constantly  lecturing  users  on  the  evil  of?    

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You  need  a  tool  to  listen  to  your…    

Audience  Fans  

Customers  Patrons  Users  Friends  Creators  


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I  already  built  an  X-­‐Wing;  could  I  build  a  be_er  Tie  Fighter?    

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What  is  efficiency?      When  was  the  last  Mme  you  got  a  useful  search  page  hit  on:    -­‐  A  chat  log?  -­‐  A  forum?  -­‐  A  blog?  -­‐  The  Facebooks  or  The  Twi_ers?  -­‐  Stack  Exchange?  

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How  much  of  the  content  being  produced  results  in  useful  arMfacts  to  other  folks  that  show  up  as  search  page  results?    -­‐  The  Facebooks  or  The  Twi_ers:  almost  never  -­‐  Chat  log:  0.01%  -­‐  Forum:  1-­‐2%  -­‐  Blog:  5%  -­‐  Stack  Exchange:  10%  or  more  

Of  course,  uMlity  to  others  may  not  be  the  goal…  

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Stack  is  a                    Scalpel  

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Discourse    is  a  table  knife  

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 Stack  Exchange:  

Is  this  useful?    Discourse:  

Is  this  illegal?  

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Stack  Exchange  is  a  system  of  “no”.    This  strictness  and  discipline  reliably  produces  amazing  learning  arMfacts.  A  strongly  curated  and  moderated  system.    Discourse  is  a  system  of  “yes”.    It’s  free!  More  fun,  more  social,  more  engaging,  but  at  a  cost:  efficiency  goes  way,  way  down.    

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…  and  the  emperor  was    PLEASED  

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I  could  never  give  you  Stack  Exchange.  It’s  not  open  source.  And  even  if  I  did,  you’d  probably  cut  yourself  (and  your  users).    Discourse  is  an  open  source  system  of  rainbows:  it  is  free,  easy  to  install,  has  far  fewer  rules,  and  designed  to  work  as  a  fundamental  building  block  of  community  for  all  online  groups,  from  Mny  to  huge.  

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We  want  to  bring  the  same  innovaMon  to  forums  that  we  brought  to  Q&A  with  Stack  Exchange.    But  a  system  of  opinions  is  a  very  different  beast.  It  is  far  more  subtle.    Biggest  difference?  You  can’t  vote  an  opinion  up  or  down.  

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There  is  no  “reputaMon  system”  in  Discourse.      Your  opinion  about  the  coolest  X-­‐Man  is  no  more  valid  than  mine,  nor  does  it  make  you  more  “expert”.          btw  Wolverine  obvs  

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There  is  a  trust  system.    It’s  just  not  as  visible.    (IntenMonally.)    

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We  want  Discourse  to  funcMon  and  have  an  “immune  system”  even  in  the  absence  of  any  formal  moderators.    We  believe,  strongly,  that  healthy  forum  communiMes  must  push  out  spammers,  bad  actors,  and  those  who  are  cruel.  

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Turns  out  for  opinion  communiMes,  being  there  and  reading  a  lot  of  the  content  is  crucial  to  the  early  trust  levels.  

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They  can  get  to  trust  level  1  by...    •  entering  at  least  5  topics    •  reading  at  least  50  posts  •  spend  a  total  of  10  minutes  reading  posts  


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On  Stack  Exchange,  civility  is  mandatory  at  all  Mmes,  and  frequent  incivility  is  a  bannable  offense.  But  kindness  is  irrelevant:  either  the  facts  and  science  and  data  support  your  posiMon,  or  they  do  not.    On  Discourse,  you  won’t  o`en  be  able  to  fall  back  on  facts  and  science  and  data  for  opinions  –  so  kindness  to  your  fellow  users,  and  how  you  treat  them,  is  how  you  will  be  judged.  

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The  enemy  is  no  longer  popularity,  but  cruelty,  trolling,  and  to  a  lesser  extent,  being  too  off-­‐topic.        

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It  should  also  be  FUN  

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Imagine  a  party  for  doctors.                  

“Can  you  look  at  this  mole  on  my  arm?”      

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Discourse  is  just  a  baby;  launched  Feb  5  2013.    WordPress  is  our  spirit  animal.  We  want  to  do  for  Forums  exactly  what  WordPress  did  for  Blogs.    But  we’re  WordPress  in  2006!  

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