jean sabiron. cyber langues 2007 un pas de plus vers la tâche découte externalisée …. … pour...

Jean Sabiron . C yber Langues 200 7 Un pas de plus vers la tâche d’écoute externalisée …. … pour une compétence TOUJOURS déficitaire

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Page 1: Jean Sabiron. Cyber Langues 2007 Un pas de plus vers la tâche découte externalisée …. … pour une compétence TOUJOURS déficitaire

Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Un pas de plus vers la tâche d’écoute externalisée ….

… pour une compétence TOUJOURS déficitaire

Page 2: Jean Sabiron. Cyber Langues 2007 Un pas de plus vers la tâche découte externalisée …. … pour une compétence TOUJOURS déficitaire

Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Public Spé (LLCE et LEA), IUFM, P.A.F., F de F

Co-direction de thèses

consultant en Centre de Ressources, conception et intégration de ressources.

Depuis 1991 écoute guidée à distance

Cassette audio BBC, (docs uniques, puis 1,2,3)

Rentrée 2001 : MP3 (docs multiples téléchargés, et Snippets : matériaux créés)

Rentrée 2004 Clé USB (téléchargements multiples)

Rentrée 2007: tous les outils (1/3 x 3) + clé logiciels libres

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

méthodologie initiale présentielle : opérationnalité de l’informatique pour l’écoute

puis écoute hors des murs (… et in situ)

2 approches complémentaires :

- Plateforme Moodle de la Maison des Langues, - approche Top-Down, (finalisée en mai 07):

pas de téléchargement, ni de stockage,mais usage intégré des ressources fléchées.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

L’autonomie (depuis le CRAPEL de Nancy)

• l’autonomie guidée et préparée• modules de formation former des élèves à

l’autonomie et à l’autoformation– choix du lieu et du calendrier, contrat

responsabilisation, apprentissage informel– trace infomatique

• l'apprentissage informel gagne du terrain en entreprise; (Thot 14 06 07)

• - l’acquisition incidente (MacLaughlin)

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007


キキ tendance à faire sortir de l'entreprise une activité qui se déroulait préalablement en son sein 

キキ « On parle d'externalisation lorsque l'activité externalisée était auparavant réalisée en interne »

pas un sous-traitance, …. encore moins une maltraitance.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

la notion d’outil

• Ustilz « équipements, objets nécessaires qu’on embarque pour un voyage »

• un instrument fonctionnel forgé par l’espèce humaine au cours de son histoire pour prolonger et amplifier ses capacités manuelles

• Par essence, un outil est évolutif, il s’ajuste aux conditions de l’environnement physique et anthropologique.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Evolution depuis 6 ans

• Après avoir créé la variété de relations d’un même fait (démarches ACADEME et SNIPPET ; Cyberlangues 2002 & 2003),

• Le repérage de l’existant en ligne, pour un fléchage vers l’apprenant présent ou distant.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Production 1

ACADEME (Apports et Convergences Au-Delà

des Medias) : une illustration

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

El Piercing :

¿Socialmente aceptable ?

Parte 1 – Presentaciones• Dos personas resumen un artículo de un

periódico ……………• 1 : Acento español (00 :56)• 2 : Acento español (00 :52)

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

2 Reacciones

Cuatro reacciones diferentes son presentadas.1: Un hombre y una mujer  (01:24)2: Entrevista a una monja … … . Acento colombiano (01 :25) 3: Explicación de la situación a un niño. Acento mexicano (00:38)4: La directriz de un instituto da su opinión. Acento español

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

– 3 – Extensiones

• Profundización sobre la aceptabilidad del piercing.

• 1: Opinión personal  … …… (00 :36)

• 2: Entrevista de dos periodistas …  (03 :20)

• 3: La directriz de la preparatoria (02 :34)

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Production 2


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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Snippets• Fait divers original, anecdotique, humoristique

• public intermédiaire Lycée ou F. Continue

• Version 1 Britannique, registre « BBC » 4 paragraphes (50’’)

• Version 2 Anglophone AUTRE ORIGINE, même information relatée

» répartie dans les mêmes paragraphes (50’’)

TÂCHE Chercher les différences de formulation

• Version 3 : anglophone , 4 paragraphes

– 10 erreurs factuelles introduites TÂCHE Chercher les différences d’information

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Snippets structure audio

• Piste 1 : Doc 1 ( paragraphes A + B + C + D)• Piste 2 : Doc 2 ( A + B + C + D)• Piste 3 : Doc 3 ( A + B + C + D)

• et 4 pistes supplémentaires pour aider l’auditeur:

4 : les 3 paragraphes A de 1 + 2 + 3 , consécutivement,5 : les 3 par. B de 1 + 2 + 3 , consécutivement6 : les 3 C 7 : les 3 D

= comparaison sans manipulation sans dispersion

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Le numérique favorise la comparaison

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Nouveau champ d’investigation

La multifocalité

Imaginée et conçue

puis …. recherchée en ligne

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Contador gana el Tour de Francia

Alberto Contador sucede a Indurain en el trono del Tour Español Contador gana el Tour de Francia Contador está a un paso del campeonato Contador entra en la historia Gana español Contador el Tour de Francia Contador apalabra el jersey amarillo Alberto Contador, campeón del Tour de Francia Contador gana el Tour Alberto Contador, campeón del Tour 2007 con seis españoles entre ... Contador, aire fresco en los Campos Elíseos Contador hace el sueño realidad Con nervios de acero EL PRIMERO DE CONTADOR EL CICLISMO RECUPERA SU MEJOR CARA «Por supuesto que estoy limpio», afirma el nuevo líder Alberto Contador se coronó campeón del Tour de Francia Alberto Contador se proclama ganador del Tour de Francia Alberto Contador gana el Tour de Francia 2007

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Tour de France or Tour de farce ? Alberto Contador steered clear of trouble on the cobbled streets of the Champs-Elysees to seal overall victory in the 2007 Tour de France. Final overall standings Green jersey (Sprinters) standings :Tom Boonen won the green jersey for the most consistent finisher, White jersey (Best youth) standings Polka dot jersey (King of the Mo untains) standings Allusions in Headlines Contador wins tainted 2007 Tour Contador wins Tour overshadowed by doping Spaniard Contador wins doping-marred Tour de France Contador Wins Scandalous Tour De France Shamed tour to be bitterly remembered

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Astronauts headlines puns & allusions 1. Astronaut Bottle to Throttle2. Astronauts Drank Before Launch3. Astronauts Getting Blasted Before Lift-Off4. Astronauts hit a new high in space5. Astronauts lit prior to blast-off6. Blasted for the takeoff7. Drinking and Driving at NASA?8. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A DRINK PROBLEM9. Lift-off for wide, booze yonder10. NASA astronauts tanked up on liquid courage before flights11. NASA jolted by report of boozing astronauts12. NASA's strange new world13. NASHA ashtronauts too fly to drunk14. Spaced out on wrong rocket fuel15. Astronauts Were Really Flying During Launch

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Excuse Me, Is This Your Phone?.. reported by different countries concerned

Auckland's honesty put to the test

Dutch fail Reader's Digest honesty test

Finns do well in honesty survey -Reader's Digest

Toronto Ranks Second out of 32 Cities Around the Globe

Seoul Ranked Among Most 'Honest' Cities

HK fails finders-keepers mobile phone test

Londoners Lose Out In Honesty Test

Sweden fourth in world honesty league

Paris, 14e ville la plus honnête du monde

………… Les Parisiens pas si malhonnêtes que ça !

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Postman goes extra mile for Potter fans

Postman to the rescue for Harry Potter fans .uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/07/25/nfloods1325.xml25/07/2007 A postman used his own car to carry out a special delivery of the new Harry Potter book to a village cut off by floods at the weekend. Richard Yates, who is based at the Evesham sorting office in Worcestershire, arrived at work on Sa turday to be told delivery rounds were cancelled for the day. Mr Yates, whose dau ghter was eagerly awaiting Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, loaded up his four-wheel-drive with pre-ordered copies and delivered them to Potter fans in his village of Harvington.

Postman goes extra mile for Potter fans London - A postman in Britain has been hailed a local hero for defying rising flood waters in order to deliver eagerly -awaited copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to fans, it was reported on Tu esday.Richard Yates arrived at the Eve sham sorting office in Worcestershire, central Britain, last Saturday to be told that delivery rounds were cancelled for the region.Yates, whose own daughter had been eagerly awaiting the final volume of the wizard's adventures, promptly loaded up his personal four-wheel-drive with pre-ordered copies and delivered them to Potter fans in his village."We had seen the flo odwater and all the post vans outside the main post office earlier in the day and were resigned to not getting the copy," said Chris Haynes, a local fan."But, about an hour later, a 4x4 came up the drive and out got this chap with a big grin on his face and explained what he was doing."

And an intrepid postman used his own car to carry out a special delivery of the new Harry Potter book to children in Evesham, Worcestershire. .uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/07/24/view24c.xml

Postman's special Harry Potter delivery 2132832.ece Richard Yates, a postman b ased at the Evesham sorting office in Worcestershire, used his own car to carry out a special delivery of the new Harry Potter b ook to a village cut off by floods at the weekend, after delivery rounds were cancelled for the day because of widespread flooding

Flood cannot stop Potter delivery land/hereford/worcs/6912783.stm Villagers resigned to a weekend of no Harry Potter due to rising flood waters were cheered to receive a surprise from their local postman. Richard Yates, of Harving ton near Evesham, Worcestershire, was unable to do his normal round because of floods. He loaded up his car with pre-ordered copies of the new Harry Potter book which were in the sorting office and delivered them around the village. A neighbour said it was a wonderful gesture in the midst of flood misery. 'A big grin' Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling's latest and final novel in the series, went on sale on Saturday.Chris Haynes, whose copy was delivered by Mr Yates, said he had been resigned to not receiving his pre-ordered book."We had seen the flood water and all the post vans outside the main post office earlier in the day and were resigned to not getting the copy."But, about an hour later, a 4x4 came up the drive and out got this chap with a big grin on his face and explained what he was doing.. He estimated Mr Yates had up to 20 copies in his car which he was taking to houses nearby. "It was wonderful in the midst of all this horror and misery," he said. Eve sham was the scene of dramatic rescues over the weekend as it beca me cut off by flood water. Mr Haynes had spent the previous evening helping to salvage the village hall and toys and books from a play group from the floods. "It was a lovely gesture," he said.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007


Opération mentale élémentaire

… et compulsive (Gaonac’h)

À l’écrit comme à l’oral

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007


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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

BA staff with a cross

Headlines nov 20 1 The Archbishop of York has appealed to British Airways after one of their workers lost an internal appeal to let her wear a Christian cross over her uniform. 2 The Archbishop of York has appealed to British Airways to think again about a woman employee who has lost her appeal to wear a Christian cross over her uniform. 3 The Archbishop of York has criticised B ritish Airways after one of its workers lost an internal appeal to let her wear a crucifix over her uniform.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

The News of the World Headlines R4 0126 6 p.m. news

• 1800 A News of the World reporter has been jailed for four months for plotting to hack into the telephone messages of aides working for the Royal Family.

• 1815 The royal editor of the News of the World has been sentenced for four months in prison for tapping the phone calls of members of the Royal Family.

• 1830 The News of the World’s royal editor, Clive Goodman, has been jailed for four months for hacking into the telephone messages of aides

working for the Royal family.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Statistiques LLCE G8 12 étudiants

Identifié correctement en première audition séquencée 3 fois

Total /12

Après Messages 2 & 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A News of the World 1 1 2 2 News 1 1 1 3 1 World 1 1 1 1 4 1 journalist 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 has been 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 jailed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 2 for four months 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 four 2 for plotting 1 1 1 3 1 to hack into 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 the telephone messages

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

telephone messages of aides 0 0

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

A News of the Wor ld journalist has been jailed for four months for plotting to hack into the telephone messages of aides working for the Royal Family.

Transcription réussie Nb/12 % A News of the World journalist

4 33

has been jailed for four months *

10 83

for plotting 4 33 to hack into 9 75 the telephone messages 10 83 of aides 0 0 working for 7 60 the Royal Family. 6 12

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Redondances & manipulations

QuickTime™ et undécompresseur TIFF (non compressé)

sont requis pour visionner cette image.

QuickTime™ et un

décompresseur TIFF (non compressé)sont requis pour visionner cette image.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Analogie diachronique

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

A 380 8 00 du matin

• The world's biggest passenger plane, the Airbus A380, is about to take to the skies for the first time.

• Unveiled in January, the twin-deck jumbo jet will, weather permitting, make its inaugural test flight from Toulouse airport in the south of France.

• Thousands of spectators are expected.

• Our Europe correspondent, Chris Morris, is in Toulouse:


• Everything about the A380 is big. A five hundred and fifty five seat double decker super jumbo.

• It is by some distance the largest commercial airliner in the world.

• Some airlines have talked about fitting it with gynasiums or casinos

• and airports around the world have already begun work on modifying terminals so they can cope with the size of the plane.

• But the A380 have never actually flown.

• For Airbus this is an important day and the culmination of years of work.

• On its first flight the A380 will be packed with electronic equipment which will test all aspects of the plane's performance.

• Airbus promises that it will carry passengers further than a Boeing 747 at a lower cost per person.

• The A380 is due to enter service in the middle of next year but its commercial viability has yet to be proven and Airbus' competitors remain sceptical.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

A 380 18. H 00

• The world's biggest passenger jet has completed its maiden flight in southern France.

• The Airbus A-380 took off from Toulouse Airport -- next to the factory where it was assembled –

• then flew for nearly four hours, during which engineers carried out their first series of airborne tests on it.

• More tests will be carried out on the aircraft -- which contains systems and components made in Britain -- in the coming year.

• Our Europe Correspondent, Chris Morris, sent this report from Toulouse:



• From the assembled crowd of thousands a cheer as the largest commercial airliner ever built took to the skies for the first time.

• The A380 will be able to carry more than five hundred and fifty passengers

• and Airbus promises it will be quieter and more efficient than any current long haul aircraft.

• The first flight went well.

• The plane was packed with electronic equipment to test every aspect of its performance.

• Nearly four hours after take-off from Toulouse the A380 performed a low level flypast and then landed without a hitch.

• The chief test pilot, Jacques Rosay, had clearly enjoyed himself.

• ROSAY: In a nutshell you can say that you handle this aircraft, this large aircraft, as you handle a bicycle.

• It's very very easy to fly and the qualities of the aircraft are absolutely immaculate.


• But this is just the beginning of a long process of testing for the A380

• and industry analysts caution that it's not yet a proven success.

• Airbus has already secured orders for more than one hundred and fifty of these huge new planes but it needs to sell hundreds more.

• Airports around the world will have to modify their terminals to be able to accommodate it and environmentalists argue that bigger isn't necessarily better.

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Top-Down (Mai 2007)

ViséeUsage par l’apprenant

Sans fourniture,

sans duplication

ni stockage par le Centre de ressources

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Illustration de l’approche Top-Down

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Children 'not exercising enough'

BBC Radio 4 Listen Again : entre 600 et 900 disponibilité permanente

4 messages successifs entre 6.00 et 9.00=>

exemple du 28 mai 07 : Children 'not exercising enough'

27’’ => curseur Real Player => ….

20’’ => curseur Real Player => ….

25’’ => curseur Real Player => ….

1’05 => curseur Real Player => ….

( message scripté disponible 24h)

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Children 'not exercising enough' 2007/05/28 Professor Kamlesh Khunti from the University of Leicester, who helped research the study, said tackling obesity in children

was crucial for the government and those working in healthcare.

He added: "This study shows that overall the physical activity levels in inner-city schoolchildren are very low.

"Parents, schools and community health providers need to address the results of these findings to reduce the future risks of developing diabetes and heart disease in children."

Increasing awareness The British Heart Foundation described the findings as "alarming" but said the key to getting people of all ethnic groups to take the issue of obesity seriously was to increase awareness of the risks of heart disease.

Dr Mike Knapton, the charity's director of prevention and care, added: "Research like this will help us to better tailor health care and health education to today's multicultural UK population."

In January an MPs' report warned the government it had been too slow to react to rising levels of childhood obesity.

Despite a target to halt the rise of obesity among under-11s by 2010, the Commons public accounts committee said little concrete action had been taken.

But the government insisted progress was being made in encouraging healthy food choices and physical activity.

need to address the results of these findings to reduce the future risks of developing diabetes and heart disease in children."

Increasing awareness The British Heart Foundation described the findings as "alarming" but said the key to getting people of all ethnic groups to take the issue of obesity seriously was to increase awareness of the risks of heart disease.

Dr Mike Knapton, the charity's director of prevention and care, added: "Research like this will help us to better tailor health care and health education to today's multicultural UK population."

In January an MPs' report warned the government it had been too slow to react to rising levels of childhood obesity.

Despite a target to halt the rise of obesity among under-11s by 2010, the Commons public accounts committee said little concrete action had been taken.

But the government insisted progress was being made in encouraging healthy food choices and physical activity.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

1 Chi ldren 'not exercising enough' 2 007/05/28 audio 27’’=> http://www. m => Curseur Real Player => 2’50 Children lack exercise Children l iving in inner-city areas are not getting enough exercise, the British Heart Foundation says. A study funded by the charity found more than half of schoolchildren asked watched TV or played computer games for more than four hours every day. Less than half said they exercised at break or walked to school, with south Asian pupils less likely to do so. Researchers spoke to 3,500 pupils from whi te and south Asian backgrounds at five secondary schools in Le icester. The foundation's study said the level of inactivity was fo und to be worse among girls, wi th only 12% saying they did any kind of physical activity at break time. A history of diabetes or heart disease in parents is a r isk factor for development of the conditions in their children. But the researchers found that children with a family history of either condition were just as likely to be inactive as those without. The British Heart Foundation said the findings were especially wor rying b ecause south A sians had a 50% higher death rate from heart disease than the rest of the population. Professor Kamlesh Khunti from the University of Leicester, who helped research the study, said tackling obesity in children was crucial for the government and those working in healthcare. He added: "This study shows that overall the physical activity levels in inner-city schoolchildren are very low. "Parents, schools a nd community health p roviders need to address t he results of these fi ndings to r educe the fu ture r isks of developing diabetes and h eart disease in children." Increasing awareness The British Heart Foundation described the findings as "alarming" but said the key to getting people of all ethnic groups to take the issue of obesity seriously was to increase awareness of the risks of heart disease. Dr Mike Knapton, the charity's director of prevention and care, a dded: "Research like t his will help u s to better t ailor health care a nd health education to today's multicultural UK population." In January an MPs' report warned the government it had been too slow to react to rising levels of childhood obesity. Despite a target to halt the rise of obesity among under-11s by 2010, the Commons public accounts committee said little concrete action had been taken. But the government insisted progress was being made in encouraging healthy food choices and physical activity.

2 Children 'not exercising enough' 2007/05/28 audio 20’’ => => Curseur Real Player => 1’19 Children lack exercise Children living in inner-city areas are not getting enough exercise, the British Heart Foundation says. A study funded by the charity found more than half of schoolchildren asked watched TV or played computer games for more than four hours every day. Less than half said they exercised at break or walked to school, with south Asian pupils less likely to do so. Researchers spoke to 3,500 pupils from whi te and south Asian backgrounds at five secondary schools in Le icester. The foundation's study said the level of inactivity was found to be worse among girls, with only 12% saying they did any kind of physical activity at break time. A history of diabetes or heart disease in parents is a r isk factor for development of the conditions in their children. But the researchers found that children with a family history of either condition were just as likely to be inactive as those without. The British Heart Foundation said the findings were especially worrying because south Asians had a 50% higher death rate from heart disease than the rest of the population. Professor Kamlesh Khunti f rom the University of Leicester, who helped research the study, said tackling obesity in c hildren was crucial for the government and those working in healthcare. He added: "This study shows that overall the physical activity levels in inner-city schoolchildren are very low. "Parents, schools and community health providers need to address the results of these findings to reduce the future risks of developing diabetes and heart disease in children." Increasing awareness The British Heart Foundation described the findings as "alarming" but said the key to getting people of a ll ethnic groups to take the issue of obesity seriously was to increase awareness of the risks of heart disease. Dr Mike Knapton, the charity's director of prevention and care, added: "Research like this will help us to better tailor health care and health education to today's multicultural UK population." In January an MPs' report warned the government it had been too slow to react to rising levels of childhood obesity. Despite a target to halt the rise of obesity among under-11s by 2010, the Commons public accounts committee said little concrete action had been taken. But the government insisted progress was being made in encouraging healthy food choices and physical activity.

3 Chi ldren 'not exercising enough' 2007/05/28 audio 25’’=> http://www.b => Curseur Real Player => 2’40 Children lack exercise Children living in inner-city areas are not getting enough exercise, the British Heart Foundation says. A study funded by the charity found more than half of schoolchildren asked watched TV or played computer games for more than four hours every day. Less than half said they exercised at break or walked to school, with south Asian pupils less likely to do so. Researchers spoke to 3,500 pupils from whi te and south Asian backgrounds at five secondary schools in Le icester. The foundation's study said the level of inactivity was fo und to be worse among girls, wi th only 12% saying they did any kind of physical activity at break time. A history of diabetes or heart disease in parents is a r isk factor for development of the conditions in their children. But the researchers found that children with a family history of either condition were just as likely to be inactive as those without. The British Heart Foundation said the fi ndings were especially wor rying b ecause south A sians had a 50% higher death rate from heart disease than the rest of the population. Professor Kamlesh Khunti from the University of Leicester, who helped research the study, said tackling obesity in children was crucial for the government and those working in healthcare. He added: "This study shows that overall the physical activity levels in inner-city schoolchildren are very low. "Parents, schools a nd community health p roviders need to address t he results of these fi ndings to r educe the fu ture r isks of developing diabetes and h eart disease in children." Increasing awareness The British Heart Foundation described the findings as "alarming" but said the key to getting people of all ethnic groups to take the issue of obesity seriously was to increase awareness of the risks of heart disease. Dr Mike Knapton, the charity's director of prevention and care, a dded: "Research like t his will help u s to better t ailor health care a nd health education to today's multicultural UK population." In January an MPs' report warned the government it had been too slow to react to rising levels of childhood obesity. Despite a target to halt the rise of obesity among under-11s by 2010, the Commons public accounts committee said little concrete action had been taken. But the government insisted progress was being made in encouraging healthy food choices and physical activity.

4 Children 'not exercising enough' audio 1’05 => => Curseur Real Player => 3’25 Children lack exercise, report *** (2 colours : in the introduction and in the report ) Children living in inner-city areas are not getting enough exercise, the British Heart Foundation says. A study funded by the charity found more than half of schoolchildren asked watched TV or played computer games for more than four hours every day. Less than half said they exercised at break or walked to school, with south Asian pupils less likely to do so. Researchers spoke to 3,500 pupils from white and south Asian backgrounds at five secondary schools in Leicester. The foundation's study said the level of inactivity was found to be worse among girls, with only 12% saying they did any kind of physical activity at break time. A history of diabetes or heart disease in parents is a risk factor for development of the conditions in their children. But the researchers found that children with a family history of either condition were just as likely to be inactive as those without. The British Heart Foundation said the findings were especially worrying because south Asians had a 50% higher death rate from heart disease than the rest of the population. Professor Kamlesh Khunti f rom the University of Leicester, who helped research the study, said tackling obesity in children was crucial for the government and those working in healthcare. He added: "This study shows that overall the physical activity levels in inner-city schoolchildren are very low. "Parents, schools and community health providers need to address the results of these findings to reduce the future risks of developing diabetes and heart disease in children." Increasing awareness The British Heart Foundation described the findings as "alarming" but said the key to getting people of all ethnic groups to take the issue of obesity seriously was to increase awareness of the risks of heart disease. Dr Mike Knapton, the charity's director of prevention and care, added: "Research like this will help us to better tailor health care and health education to today's multicultural UK population." In January an MPs' report warned the government it had been too slow to react to rising levels of childhood obesity. Despite a target to halt the rise of obesity among under-11s by 2010, the Commons public accounts committee said little concrete action had been taken. But the government insisted progress was being made in encouraging healthy food choices and physical activity.

Redondance entre le texte initial et les 4 audios successifs

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Étapes d’opérations de traitement BN & HN

1 Déconstruction de l’écrit initial

(1è moitié du texte)

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Children 'not exercising enough' units Children living in inner-city areas are not getting enough exercise, the British Heart Foundation says. A study funded by the charity found more than half of schoolchildren asked watched TV or played computer games for more than four hours every day. Less than half said they exercised at break or walked to school, with south Asian pupils less likely to do so. Researchers spoke to 3,500 pupils from white and south Asian backgrounds at five secondary schools in Leicester. The foundation's study said the level of inactivity was found to be worse among girls, with only 12% saying they did any kind of physical activity at break time. A history of diabetes or heart disease in parents is a risk factor for development of the conditions in their children. But the researchers found that children with a family history of either condition were just as likely to be inactive as those without. The British Heart Foundation said the findings were especially worrying because south Asians had a 50% higher death rate from heart disease than the rest of the population.

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Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Children 'not exercising enough' 25 Verbs & expressions

Children living in inner-city areas are not getting enough exercise, the British Heart Foundation says. A study funded by the charity found more than half of schoolchildren asked watched TV or played computer games for more than four hours every day. Less than half said they exercised at break or walked to school, with south Asian pupils less likely to do so. Researchers spoke to 3,500 pupils from white and south Asian backgrounds at five secondary s chools in Leicester. The foundation's study said the level of inactivity was found to be worse among girls, with only 12% saying they did any kind of physical activity at break time. A history of diabetes or heart disease in parents is a risk factor for development of the conditions in their children. But the researchers fou nd that children with a family history of either condition were just as likely to be inactive as those without. The British Heart Foundation said the findings were especially worrying because south Asians had a 50% higher death rate from heart disease than the rest of the population.

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Children …. 12 verbspréparation de l’écoute

Quel sujet ? Infinitif Quel(s) complément(s) ?

get exercise












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….. Au début était le verbe

• la charge sémantique du verbe (FLE)• le sujet et le complément dans un énoncé :

association entre les trois

=> création de liens synaptiques • relation causale entre les verbes : dans quel

ensemble se situe la phrase, quelle séquence logique entre unités de sens ?

Com-prendre = inclure

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Prêt pour l’écoute

• Facilitation de la compréhension par la reconnaissance de l’attendu

• Économie cognitive par la reconnaissance plus rapide de la 1ère syllabe accentuée des mots prévus (Ségui 1989)

• Préparation de façon sécurisante l’étude de textes de plus en plus complexes.

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Top-Down: trame générique

SUJET DU JOUR Phase 1 amorçage sémantique (si disponible : VIDEO ON LINE) lecture active de 2 textes en ligne TEXT 1 http://……….. TEXT 2 http://………..

Phase 2 apprêt méthodologique : mise en page des 2 textes en A4 paysage ; ex. :

TV film claims Tesco and Sainsbury's stores flout hygiene rules 22 MAY,,2085224,00.html Undercover TV film shows staff altering sell-by dates Stores say BBC programme paints a false picture Two of Britain's biggest and most profitable supermarkets are tonight accused of putting public health at risk after secret filming revealed members of staff deliberately extending sell-by and use-by dates on fresh food - and of selling food unfit for human consumption to unsuspecting customers. In a series of …………………..

Supermarkets accused over hygiene 22 MAY Food hygiene rules have been flouted at branches of two major UK supermarket chains, a BBC investigation has found. Undercover reporters from Whistleblower say customers were misled about freshness of food on the meat and fish counters at Sainsbury and Te sco stores. Sainsbury said …………..

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Phase 3 compréhension : lecture en parallèle : confirmation, inférence des mots inconnus, repérage : périphrases, équivalents, et 12 à 15 verbes spécifiques au sujet.

sur T de texte, créer un tableau de 3 colonnes et de 15 lignes, et mettez verticalement dans la colonne centrale, les 15 verbes sélectionnés, mais à l’INFINITIF ; ex :

require to ti p off belie ve co m mit leak identi fy inclu d e drink tories sa y sno o p co n cern e d put un der s urveilla n ce co m mit vie w clos e a lo o pho le

Phase 4 reconstruction : A partir de ce seul tableau sous les yeux, pouvez-vous activer votre mémoire à court terme, et esssayer de retrouver sujet et complément(s) de chaque verbe

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Compréhenion Audio 1 Comparaisons entre 2 nouvelles brèves de ce jour ; ex :

Diffusé à 6.30 http://……….. Curseur Real Player => 0’11 headline 24’’ Et à 8.00 http://……….. => 7’40 headline 2 x’’

- l’aide des documents écrits vous permet même de scripter le 2ème message. ; ex :

Compréhenion Audio 2 Comparaisons des 2 reportages de 1’ -1’20 ; ex : Diffusé à 7.00 http://……….. => 6’29 Et http://……….. => 4’09 - confirmation des énoncés attendus, et périphrases, et repérage des indices complémentaires - discrimination parmi les distracteurs : Voici des verbes spécifiques à la thématique utilisés dans d’AUTRES documents écrits en ligne sur le même sujet : figurent-ils également dans les messages audios que vous écoutez aujourd’hui (sous une autre forme verbale, ou temps, éventuellement) G bgb r Hj ,r ,tr , Ey( j (ye

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Phase finale vérification des verbes de ces audios à l’aide du scriptage en ligne, et comparaison finale avec les documents écrits initiaux.

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• VIGILANGUES (Veille Internet et Guidage immédiat )

• fléchage de ressources en ligne à potentialité langagière, culturelle, et communicative. (SPA ?) `

• l’abondance informationelle nous permet de privilégier les processus du top-down et de l’analogie.

• Procédure d’accès direct au texte, et à l’audio (par curseur temps de Realplayer)

• Invitation de l’apprenant à un stockage individuel et temporaire en vue d’un usage personnel en formation.

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L’herméneute devient tisserand

Image Google

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Qui dit « Toile » dit « Tissage »

La toile tisse des liens : derrière le fait de civilisation il y une cause :

• relier les repères en termes de causalité, de cause à effet Prix des maisons en GB / Nurses & teachers priced out London

• « relier le trait que l’on étudie à son contexte historique, socio-économique, voire géographique, éviter une approche fragmentaire; atomisée, présentation pointilliste et finalement gratuite de faits disjoints » , C. Briane, et A. Cain,

• L’abondance des informations ne favorise pas les entités globalisatrices (d’après P. Lévy)

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Herméneutique selon Pierre Lévy

• Les signes : éléments symboliques d’une culture

• L’objet principal de la communication n’est ni le message, ni l’émetteur, ni le récepteur, mais l’hyperxtexte.

• le filet sémiotique : le réseau de relations dans lequel sera pris le message. L’activité interprétative est association

=> Le méthodologue est herméneute.

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Top-Down d’août 07

• Mattel Fisher Price TOYS recalled• Call for black role models scheme BA price-fixing• Australian FARMER's online romance• LIBYA & France arms deal Houses to rise by 40 %• PAKISTAN 60th anniversay, … & India’s celebration• WALKING exercise experiment• Four in 10 primary school leavers fail three Rs• Australian farmer & the crocs• Fire chiefs back duck rescue The Nazi of Oradour• COASTLINE right to roam ramblers TEA TROLLEY is back• Government 'must act on e-crime' Cannibals say sorry.• Skilled MIGRANTS plans China stops imports• ARCTIC Pole race Greek priest wife 's lover• OLYMPICS health risks

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La veille informationnelle en éducation -

Commun@utice ©Thot/Cursus 1-5-2007 thèse de Jean-Paul Pinte des compétences informationnelles l’enseignant doit a pprendre à acquérir de l’information … la trier en vue d’un e diffusion sélective, l’évaluer et à la transformer en connaissance former les enseignants à former des élèves à l’autonomie et à l’autoformation faire aussi admettre que savoir chercher et analyser une information est plus important que de savoir le strict contenu du cours.= maîtrise des outils de recherche et de veille => module de formation à la veille informationnelle Role de l’université, des salles de veille sont appelées à jouer un rôle important dans le processus de veill e informationnelle, un rôle de production de l’information, mais contrôle, de vérification d’une information proposée par un étudiant par exemple. Les outils autorisant les rétroactions type Web 2 sont évidemment mis à constribution. les bibliothèques participent à l’acquisitio n des connaissances par ce partage d e connaissance et surtout constante ouverture sur le monde de l’information. pousser l’information essentielle vers les utilisateurs de l’information.

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Du blog informatif pour enseignants

…… au blog formateur pour étudiants ?

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• L’apprenant peut il passer lui-même d’une situation d’information à une situation d’auto-formation ?

• Quelle méthodologie ?• Quelques pré-requis ?

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Les conditions de cette autodidactisation

Nomade (gr : nemein)

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Compétence informatique pour les langues en autonomie 1

Procédures techniques et outils

• Usage du curseur Realplayer et étirement pour déplacement précis

• Copier pour son usage personnel • T texte + usage des tableaux pour ordre aléatoire• Audacity ou autre .. + Itunes pour SPLIT (silence

après chaque phrase)

• Stockage version 0 et Synth, puis synth de synth

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Compétence informatique et documentaire pour les langues en autonomie 2

• Connaissance des outils et ressources en ligne en accès public :

documents publics : Amnesty, World Bank, OCDE

sites de citoyens militants Advocacy groups, Action network

archives des sites de presse BBC, NPR, WPR,

sites de débats :Talking Points ou

moteurs pour l’audio :

moteurs agrégateurs et qui catégorisent :,

et de façon graphique (cartes sémantiques) Kartoo

sites de presse multilingues : Project Syndicate……………..

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Procédures intellectuelles et compétence critique 3

Au delà la capacité de traitement de l’information de bas niveau,

les opérations de H niveau :

Catégorisation, conceptualisation,

hiérarchisation, opérations d’analogie,


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• De mêmes supports

• croisées :audio / textes / vidéos

• synchronique

• et diachronique

Synthèse :

• pas de texte in extenso

• mais 15 mots ou concepts (surcharge cognitive !)

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aspect ludique, puzzle à résoudre

• compétence de manipulation (Anderson )

• Flexibilité cognitive

O=> la mémorisation est la trace d’une expérience

et des contextes d’usage (liens synaptiques)

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Tâches d’écoute de l’audio en ligne  1


- verbes reconnus, et leurs formes ou aspects- chiffrages et quantités - noms propres - mots reconnus mais inattendus dans le contexte

comparaison entre notes sur l’écrit et notes audios : »o quels liens entre mots

notés ?»o hypothèses sur

l’incongruité des mots inattendus dans le contexte.

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2 Traitement du script de l’audio (version « 0 »)

– Remplacez toutes les formes verbales par infinitifs (version « VERBS » )

– Enregistrez sous MISSING verbs, et remplacez verbes par …………

- créer un exercice lacunaire (version « 1/5 »)

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Activités phonologiques

A A partir du script de l’audio : Repérage-Hypothèses surl’accentuation des mots, puis des syllables les formes faibles et réduites les continuums vraisemblablesles liaisons entraînant assimilations et élisions

Surligner d’une couleur, noms propres et géographiqueset d’une autre les connecteurs.

B audition-vérification

C traitement du script : Préparation pour un exercice ultérieur: Enlever toutes majuscules, ponctuation, paragraphes

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D à partir de l’audio MP3, créer avec AUDACITY:

Version SPLIT (avec silence après chaque phrase ) pour répétitionVersion INACHevée pour production

à destination du baladeur ou PDA, pour un usage nomade différé, dans le confort du lieu choisi

à tête reposée (importance de la lenteur pour la maturation) en vue de communiquer, en présentiel ou à distance

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• L’apprenant peut il passer lui-même d’une situation d’information à une situation d’auto-formation ?

• L’apprentissage est-il le transfert d’une compétence dans un nombre croissant de situations et de complexité croissante ?

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De nouvelles situations potentielles pour l’apprentissage

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Didactisation à plusieurs; nouvelles tâches

universitaires ? A MICHELIN : travail collaboratif: (le 26 mai 2006) à

l’aide des 20 sites de presse suivant : …………

recueillez ce que vous apprenez de la culture d’entreprise familiale française

ou bien les expression de louange du défunt

ou encore les termes utilisés pour caractériser Bibendum ?

B « Dans les titres de Google News US, consacrés au meurtre chez les Amish, relevez ceux qui ne sont une description des faits mais des allusions CULTURELLES ? »

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Top-down : la France vue d’ailleurs

• Roissy muslim luggage handlers

• A Royale victory

• The Thierry factor

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Du blog étudiant au blog …

proposé à des publics spécialisés : Professionnels



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Le blog Vigilangues :

La visée initiale Depuis le 18 septembre 2006 le blog a pe rmis d’explorer et de soumettre des ressources trouvées en ligne (recherchées ou rencontrées fortuitement dans une activité de veille), e t d’en flécher l’accès afin

d’informer les collègues de suggérer des usages ponctuels ou intégrés dans des séquences de formation et de contribuer à notre formation continuée.

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et par qui ?


www.Conception.univS ?

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Appareils intéressants

• PDA ( Palm Tungsten E2)

• Bientôt !!!!!! !

• … le portable ??

Page 79: Jean Sabiron. Cyber Langues 2007 Un pas de plus vers la tâche découte externalisée …. … pour une compétence TOUJOURS déficitaire

Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

MP3 (caractéristiques, suite)

- Alimentation par USB - Oreillettes NON ! => (casques semi-ouverts)- Le Y pour 2 casques- Le top A-B pour un passage en boucle- Ecran 2 lignes

- …..

Page 80: Jean Sabiron. Cyber Langues 2007 Un pas de plus vers la tâche découte externalisée …. … pour une compétence TOUJOURS déficitaire

Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

plus que jamais notre métier est un ART

Page 81: Jean Sabiron. Cyber Langues 2007 Un pas de plus vers la tâche découte externalisée …. … pour une compétence TOUJOURS déficitaire

Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

Page 82: Jean Sabiron. Cyber Langues 2007 Un pas de plus vers la tâche découte externalisée …. … pour une compétence TOUJOURS déficitaire

Jean Sabiron . Cyber Langues 2007

[email protected]
