javascript with yui

Hacking With YUI Rajat Pandit ([email protected]) 1 Thursday, September 24, 2009

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Page 1: JavaScript with YUI

Hacking With YUIRajat Pandit ([email protected])

1Thursday, September 24, 2009

Page 2: JavaScript with YUI

YUI Core

2Thursday, September 24, 2009

Page 3: JavaScript with YUI

Getting Started• Remember the mantra


• Namespace before you start

YAHOO.namespace("ipc"); = function(o) { alert(o);}

3Thursday, September 24, 2009

Page 4: JavaScript with YUI

YAHOO.lang• Contains utilities functions

• YAHOO.lang.isArray([a,b])

• YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(val)

• YAHOO.lang.isNull(null) // true, false for undefined

• YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(v)

• YAHOO.lang.isFunction(function() {})

• YAHOO.lang.isNumber(o)

• YAHOO.lang.isObject(o)

• YAHOO.lang.isString(s)

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• YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(o,p)

Very useful method to check if the property available in the object is its own or inherited via prototypal inheritance

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YAHOO.lang• Extending Class is pretty straightforward

YAHOO.namespace('ipc'); // = function(info) { alert('class: ' + info);} = function(info) { alert('class1: ' + info);}

// new classYAHOO.ipc.h2h = function(info) { YAHOO.ipc.h2h.superclass.constructor.class(this, info); alert('class2: ' + info);}

// h2h is to extend from mcYAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.ipc.h2h,;

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YAHOO.lang• Overriding testMethod in the inherited

class and also calling the parent method

YAHOO.ipc.h2h.prototype.testMethod = function(info) { // chain the method by calling the parent YAHOO.ipc.h2h.superclass.testMethod.class(this, info); alert('class2: ' + info);};

// creating new instancevar h2hInstance = new YAHOO.ipc.h2h("constructor");h2hInstance.testMethod("testmethod");

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YAHOO.lang• YAHOO.lang.augment allows you to

copy properties from one object to anotherYAHOO.ipc.test1 = function(){};YAHOO.ipc.test1.prototype ={ foo: 10, bar: function() { console.log('blah'); }}YAHOO.ipc.test2 = function() {};YAHOO.lang.augment(YAHOO.ipc.test2, YAHOO.ipc.test1);

now test2 object has the returns 10;

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YAHOO.log• Very useful for debugging where firebug

doesn’t work

• Writing one logging/debugging solution so that it works across all browsers

YAHOO.log(‘debug msg’, ‘log level’, ‘class name’)

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YAHOO.log• Shameless Plug I

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YAHOO.util.Region• Useful API if you are trying to detect if objects are

overlapping or intersecting with any other elements.

• Very useful for implementing drag and drop interactions


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• In case you are looking for something more specific like a pixel on the screen

• More API details available here

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• Very useful API that allows you to do stuff to the DOM

• You can pass an actual node object or its ID, both works

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YAHOO.util.Dom• Get positional information for elements

• YAHOO.util.Event.getXY(e) does something similar, tells you where the event happened

// get valuesYAHOO.util.Dom.getXY()YAHOO.util.Dom.getY() YAHOO.util.Dom.getX()

// set valuesYAHOO.util.Dom.setXY()YAHOO.util.Dom.setX()YAHOO.util.Dom.setY()

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YAHOO.util.Dom• Modify styles and classes of DOM nodes

YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(el, '<name>', '<value>');YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(el, '<name>');YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(el, '<name>');YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(el, '<name>');YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(el, '<class to remove>');YAHOO.util.Dom.replaceClass(el, oldclassname, newclassname)

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• Get all nodes with a specified class name starting from a particular node of a particular type

• document.getElementsByClassName(c) Works for Firefox not for IE

YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(classname, tagName, rootNode)

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YAHOO.util.Dom• Provides the missing DOM API, without

messing up the actual objects

• Keeps it nice and clean

• More interesting API methods at:

YAHOO.util.Dom.insertAfter(newnode, refNode)YAHOO.util.Dom.isAncestor(haystack, needle)YAHOO.util.Dom.getNextSibling(node)YAHOO.util.Dom.getAncestorByClassName(node, classname)YAHOO.util.Dom.getAncestorByTagName(node, tagname)

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YUI Event

• Two components



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YAHOO.util.Event• Basic Event Handling

• Three easy steps

• Define a callback function

• Define the element (get name or actual node)

• Attach callback function to the eventYAHOO.util.Event.addListener(‘el’, ‘click’ fnCallback)YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(

[el1, el2, el3], 'click', fnCallBack


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YAHOO.util.Event• Points to note:

• Attach an event only after the element is available in the DOM, typically after window.onload event

• YUI does the scope correction in the event handler. Provides access to event and currentTarget more consistently

• Also allows you to pass arbitrary object to the handler, the alternate to this is passing values via a) closures b) circular references both complicated ways of doing things.

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YAHOO.util.Event• Callback Function Signature

function fnCallback(e, obj) { // do stuff here}

// passes myobj is the second parameter

YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(el, 'click', fnCallback, myobj);

// if we pass true as the final parameter, the custom // object that is passed is used for the execution scope // (so it becomes 'this' in the callback function)

YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(el, 'click', fnCallback, myobj, true);

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YAHOO.util.Event• Event handler signature continued...

// or pass a totally different mydata = obj // and myobject = this inside the callback function

YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(el, 'click', fnCallback, mydata, myobject);

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Removing Events• Remember IE6 and all its loveliness of

memory leaks??

• Ensure that you have removed all its listeners before you remove a node in DOMYAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(el, ‘click’, fnCallback)

// if reference to the callback function isn’t // available, the following will remove all // listenersYAHOO.util.Event.removeListeners(el, ‘click’)

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Removing Events• To remove all event handlers

• To recurse through all children and remove all listeners

• To remove listeners only for a particular event


YAHOO.util.Event.purgeEvent(el, true)

YAHOO.util.Event.purgeEvent(el, false, ‘click’)

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Getting all listeners• You can get the list of all the attached

listenersvar listeners = YAHOO.util.Event.getListeners(el)

// the listener object has the following structurelistener = { type: ‘’, // the event type fn: ‘’, // function to execute, event handler obj: ‘’, // custom object that was passed adjust: ‘’// scope correction, this or custom obj}

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When to attach handlers?

• Do stuff / attach handlers only when you are sure that the DOM is now fully availablefunction init() { console.log(‘blah’);}YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(init)

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Custom Events• They are awesome!!

• You might want to do multiple things when something happens

• One way is to write all the functions invocations one after the other

• Problem happens for AJAX interactions which run in the async. model

• You can create your own custom events, it uses the delegation pattern.

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Custom Events• Shameless Plug II

• Three easy steps:

• Step 1: Define the custom event

• Step II: Make methods subscribe to the event to be fired, when that happens

• Step III: Fire the event when you think its the right time

var onMyCustomEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(‘onmycustomevent’)


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Custom Events• You can also pass arguments to the

subscribed methods when firing the event{action: ‘fire’});

function method1(event, arg, obj) {}

// event: returns the event object// arg: is the set of arguments passed in the fire event// obj: is the argument that is passed to the subscribe method

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YUI Components• Loads of many hidden gems, widgets etc in the library

• Spend some time at looking at the documentation, tons of examples and API docs

YUI CORE YUI Library Utilities

YUI Controls / Widgets YUI CSS Tools

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References• YUI Homepage

• YUI Theater for presentations

• API Documentation

• YUI 3 - In beta 1(as on 16th September 2009)

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