java session tracking methods

S.Adinarayana,Assoc Prof,Dept of IT,SVECW 1 Java Session tracking methods: Cookies, Sessions, URL Rewriting and Hidden fields what is the primary purpose of any website, isn‟t it the „user‟. Everything that is in the website is all a showcase for the users, and in our website we need various mechanisms to track these user‟s actions, to communicate user‟s info across multiple pages, to save user‟s info/preferences somewhere, etc. This post is a brief introduction to the various such user session tracking mechanisms. So to start with, what exactly is a user session ? Well its basically the whole period for which the user interacts with our website. In technical terms its the series of request-response communication between server and the client. Obviously user sessions ends when this communication ends i.e. user leaves our website. Do i need session tracking ? we use HTTP protocol, and HTTP is an stateless protocol. Which simply means that it forgets things. Yes, it forgets any action that a user performs, it forgets that user has logged in, it forgets that user had added some items in his shopping cart, it forgets that uses has set some screen preferences for himself. In short „HTTP forgets every thing‟. This is called a stateless protocol, which doesn‟t retain its state. So now u say, if our user needs to have a long interaction with the server where she wants the server to remember all her shopping list, what can the poor server do with such a forgetful protocol ? Here we use session tracking where we explicitly write some extra code in our pages so as to write these values somewhere so that the other parts of app can read it fro m there. There are 4 basic ways for achieving this. Session tracking methods: Hidden Fields: URL rewriting Cookies Sessions 1.Hidden Fields Session tracking by Hidden Fields basically involves exploiting the HTML‟s INPUT tag‟s hidden property. As you know that when a form is submitted all the user inputs get submitted to the server. So what we do is, we add some hidden input fields in our pages so that they get submitted along with the user inputs. And what value would this hidden field hold? Actually any value you need somewhere in the app or any value you need your app to remember(maybe number of orders placed, may be user‟s authorization level, absolutely anything). <input name="totalbill" type="hidden" value="1500.00" /> These hidden fields are not visible to the user but can be viewed through the page source. It uses plain HTML tag and no extra setting or config is required to achieve the same.

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S.Adinarayana,Assoc Prof,Dept of IT,SVECW 1

Java Session tracking methods: Cookies, Sessions, URL Rewriting and Hidden fields

what is the primary purpose of any website, isn‟t it the „user‟. Everything that is in the website is all a

showcase for the users, and in our website we need various mechanisms to track these user‟s actions,

to communicate user‟s info across multiple pages, to save user‟s info/preferences somewhere, etc.

This post is a brief introduction to the various such user session tracking mechanisms. So to start

with, what exactly is a user session ? Well its basically the whole period for which the user interacts

with our website. In technical terms its the series of request-response communication between server

and the client. Obviously user sessions ends when this communication ends i.e. user leaves our


Do i need session tracking ?

we use HTTP protocol, and HTTP is an stateless protocol. Which simply means that it forgets things.

Yes, it forgets any action that a user performs, it forgets that user has logged in, it forgets that user

had added some items in his shopping cart, it forgets that uses has set some screen preferences for

himself. In short „HTTP forgets every thing‟. This is called a stateless protocol, which doesn‟t retain

its state. So now u say, if our user needs to have a long interaction with the server where she wants

the server to remember all her shopping list, what can the poor server do with such a forgetful

protocol ?

Here we use session tracking where we explicitly write some extra code in our pages so as to write

these values somewhere so that the other parts of app can read it fro m there. There are 4 basic ways

for achieving this.

Session tracking methods:

Hidden Fields:

URL rewriting



1.Hidden Fields

Session tracking by Hidden Fields basically involves exploiting the HTML‟s INPUT tag‟s hidden

property. As you know that when a form is submitted all the user inputs get submitted to the server.

So what we do is, we add some hidden input fields in our pages so that they get submitted along with

the user inputs. And what value would this hidden field hold? Actually any value you need

somewhere in the app or any value you need your app to remember(maybe number of orders placed,

may be user‟s authorization level, absolutely anything).

<input name="totalbill" type="hidden" value="1500.00" />

These hidden fields are not visible to the user but can be viewed through the page source. It uses

plain HTML tag and no extra setting or config is required to achieve the same.

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2.URL Rewriting

Have you ever sees such a url which looks weird with all those question marks and equal-to signs.

The above URL is basically containing some information along with the main URL. It can be broken

as „‟ and „topic=animation‟. So now the landing page

„posts.php‟ can now access the value „animation‟ through the URL parameter named „topic‟.

This is a catch. If the URL can pass information through itself, why not do it explicitly by modifying

the URL ourselves in our pages. By this be achieve URL rewriting. So in our plain old anchor HTML

anchor tags we‟d form a URL with values in it(appending to URL, separated by question mark). This

also uses plain HTML tags and so no extra configs are required for it.


Ordinary URL: <a href=""> Click here

for posts </a>

URL Rewriting: <a

href=""> Click here

for posts on Animation </a>


Cookies were originally invented by Netscape to give „memory‟ to web servers and browsers. Cookies

are one of the most common browser side data storage techniques, where we can save a Key-Value

pair right on the client‟s machine, and can be used to send information to the server anytime needed.

Cookies can be used for various interesting implementations like saving passwords of an login

account(just like the Remember Me checkbox on most login boxes), interesting welcome messages

tracking number of times user had hit the website, user‟s preferences (screen layout, color preference

etc) and many more. Cookies can be easily created by simple java code:










// make cookie (Key-Value pair), first being key, second being value.

Cookie cookie = new Cookie("email_pwd", "p@ssw0rD");

// define the lifespan of cookies(seconds)(not mandatory).

// Unlike sessions, cookies even stay when user closes browsers.

cookie.setMaxAge(365 * 24 * 60 * 60);

response.addCookie(cookie); // save cookie.


Following code bit can be used to retreive cookies saved on the system and searching out our

cookie(created above):

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String cookieName = "";

// collect all available cookies into array allCookies[]

Cookie allCookies [] = request.getCookies ();

Cookie ourCookie = null;

if (allCookies!= null)


// iterate through all cookies,

// 'cookie' holds the value of cookie held in array for current iteraion.

for (Cookie cookie : allCookies)


// find our cookie by its name: email_pwd

if (cookie.getName().equals ("email_pwd"))


ourCookie= cookie;






Cookies are definitely amongst the easiest ways of session tracking through programming, but the

big drawback being that “They are stored on client side”. This is a drawback because client may

disable hi cookies(therefore tracking fails), view his cookies (unauthorized access to our info) , or

even delete them(delete our info). So basically user gets power in his hands to control our tracking

mechanism, and that is definitely not a thing i‟d enjoy experiencing. We are the programmers and we

decide how our tracking must work, not the users.


To avoid client side dependency in the tracking mechanisms, java has its own Session Tracking API,

which takes care of maintaining data storage and retrieval of data from the server. The servlet

container which holds our app will itself take care of session and error management. Each user has a

unique session for himself which remains active as long he is interacting with our app or until he

logouts from the portal (Note: another special case is when he is inactive for more than a permitted

period of time). The code below illustrates the same:

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String name = "James Bond";

session.setAttribute( "userName", name );


And retrieving from sessions on your JSP couldn‟t be easier:

Howdy &lt;%= session.getAttribute( "userName" ) %&gt;, Welcome back

Sessions are very effective in most cases, just that we need to be cautious while adding data to

sessions. Generally we should add values to sessions and remove them as soon as its purpose is

served, or we may end up with overloading our sessions with lot of crap values. Again it must be

noted that the session would terminate once the user leaves our portal, hence all values associated

would also be lost, i.e. a user cannot view his saved preferences/values when he comes back the

second time to the portal.

This is all about session tracking mechanisms, the choice depending on the complexity of


For very simple requirement with 2-3 pages URL rewriting or Hidden fields may suffice.

For cases you may need to save more of data, sessions may be preferred. For some cases cookies

may be preferred inspite of their drawbacks, where we may need to save client’s info(which would

persist even if user closes browser).

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accessing the value of any form into the database

import java.awt.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; class FormData{ public static void main(String[] args){ Frame f=new Frame(); Label label1=new Label("Emp No: "); Label label2=new Label("Emp Name: "); Label label3=new Label("Salary: "); final TextField text1=new TextField(20); final TextField text2=new TextField(20); final TextField text3=new TextField(20); Button b=new Button("Save"); b.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ int v1=Integer.parseInt(text1.getText()); String v2=text2.getText(); int v3=Integer.parseInt(text3.getText()); try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", "root", "root"); Statement st=con.createStatement(); int i=st.executeUpdate("insert into data(eno,ename,sal) values("+v1+",'"+v2+"',"+v3+")"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Data is inserted successfully"); } catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println(ex); } } }); Panel p=new Panel(new GridLayout(5,2)); p.add(label1); p.add(text1); p.add(label2); p.add(text2); p.add(label3); p.add(text3); p.add(b); f.add(p); f.setVisible(true); f.pack();

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} }

steps to database connectivity

Follow these steps:

1) Import the following packages in your java file:***

import java.sql.*;

import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;

import oracle.sql.*;

2) Load and Register the JDBC driver:***

DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());

or you can use Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");

3) Connect to database:***

a) If you are using oracle oci driver,you have to use:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:oci8:", "root", "root");

where is the TNSNAMES entry and root is the username and password.

b) If you are using oracle thin driver,you have to use:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection


"root", "root");

where localhost is the host,3306 is the port, roseindia is the database and root is the username and password.

4) Querying the database:**

a)create statement:

Statement st = conn.createStatement();

b)write query and execute the query:

ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * from student");

5) Close the statement,resultset and connection:**

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/*overall code for db connectivity*/

import java.sql.*;

import oracle.sql.*;

import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;

public class OracleExample {

public static void main (String[] args) {


DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:

@localhost:3306:Oracle", "rose", "rose");

Statement st = conn.createStatement();

ResultSet rs = sql_stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * from student");

String str = "";

while (


System.out.println(rset.getInt(1)+" "+ rs.getString(2)+" "+







catch(Exception e){}



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Creating Database Web Applications with Eclipse

The Eclipse Web Tools and Data Tools Projects deliver a feature-rich environment for

developing Java EE database-driven web applications. This tutorial walks you through the

process of creating a simple database web application using Eclipse WTP/DTP, Tomcat, and the

Derby database engine.


Creating database-driven web applications in Java has traditionally involved a steep learning

curve. Even if you already know how to write Java programs, and have a basic understanding of

web applications, the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) stack is daunting. Learning to use the

Servlet API and JavaServer Page (JSP) technology to generate dynamic content is just the

beginning. Installing and configuring an open source Java EE web application server and a

DBMS, and getting them to talk to each other, can require significant developer effort.

In this article, I will demonstrate how the combination of Eclipse Web Tools Platform, Eclipse

Data Tools Platform, Tomcat, and Derby help to "lower the bar" by virtually eliminating the

server administration issues, allowing developers to focus on the task at hand: building the web

application. I will assume that you understand the basics of SQL, and are familiar with HTML

and basic web application concepts.


You will need the following software to build the project:

1. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 3.3

Eclipse can be downloaded from The Eclipse IDE for

Java EE Developers distribution packages together all of the Web Tools Platform

components and their dependencies in a convenient all-in-one download archive. To

install, simply extract the archive to your hard drive.

2. Tomcat 6.0

Available from This tutorial was written using

version 6.0.14.

Note: If you're a Windows user, I recommend downloading the zip distribution and

extracting it, instead of getting the packaged Tomcat installer, which installs Tomcat as a

Windows service (not an appropriate configuration for use with Eclipse WTP).

3. Derby Plugin for Eclipse

Get the Derby Plugin for Eclipse ( and, available at

Note: The plugins contain the Derby engine. You don't need to download the standard

Derby distribution for this tutorial.

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4. JRE 6.0

Sun's JRE is available from

Getting Started with Derby

Derby is an open-source pure-Java Database Management System (DBMS). I picked it as the

DBMS for this article because it is freely available, integrates nicely with Eclipse, runs on all

platforms that Eclipse runs on, and, most importantly, is far simpler to install and administer than

traditional DBMS's.

Like most popular DBMS's, Derby has a client/server architecture. The Derby engine runs as a

server process, accepting connections from client applications. To use Derby, you start the Derby

server, then you use Java database management tools to connect to the Derby server, create and

populate databases, run queries, and so on. The Derby plugin for Eclipse described in this article

integrates the Derby server controls into Eclipse, so you can start and stop the Derby server from

the Eclipse environment. The plugin also stores the database files in the workspace, simplifying


Installing the Derby plugin for Eclipse is fairly straightforward. Here's how to do it.

1. Unzip the two Derby Eclipse plugins ( and into your eclipse installation folder (ECLIPSE_ROOT).

Detailed instructions are available here:

2. In your ECLIPSE_ROOT/plugins folder, you should have a folder named

org.apache.derby.core_10.2.2. Copy the file derbyclient.jar from that folder to your

TOMCAT_ROOT/lib folder (if you're using Tomcat 5.x, install into

TOMCAT_ROOT/common/lib). This installs the Derby JDBC driver into Tomcat for use

in a DataSource.

Eclipse organizes files in the workspace into projects. When you use the Derby plugin for

Eclipse, you create an empty Java project, and then you "Derby enable" it. This project then

becomes the repository for all of the Derby databases that you create in your workspace.

Follow these steps to create a Derby data project in Eclipse:

1. Start Eclipse. If you have an existing Eclipse workspace, I suggest choosing a new

workspace folder for this tutorial.

2. Choose Window > Preferences from the menu to open the Eclipse Preferences dialog.

Navigate to Connectivity > Driver Definitions. Select the Derby 10.2 folder and click


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3. In the New Driver Definition dialog, select Derby Client JDBC Driver and click OK.

4. In the Provide Driver Details dialog, select the derbyclient.jar file and click Edit Jar/Zip.

Navigate to the location of the derbyclient.jar file on your system and click OK.

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5. Click OK in the Preferences dialog.

6. Create a new Java project by selecting File > New > Other. Select Java > Java Project

and click Next. Enter the name data for the project, choose the option to create separate

source and output folders, and click Finish.

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7. This project will hold your Derby database for this tutorial. In the Package Explorer,

right-click your new project and choose Apache Derby > Add Apache Derby Nature. This

action marks the project as a Derby project, capable of storing one or more Derby databases.

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8. Next, right-click your data project and choose Apache Derby > Start Derby Network


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9. This action starts the Derby server. You should see the following message appear in the

Eclipse Console:

10. The Derby server will run as long as you have Eclipse open. If you close Eclipse, the next

time you start Eclipse, you will need to start the Derby server again. The server accepts

connections only from the local host, which is just what you want for a development


Creating a Derby Database

Now that you've installed Derby and started the Derby server, you will create a new database to

hold the data for your web application.

To create a new Derby database, you must use a Java DBMS management tool to connect to the

Derby server with a specially formatted connection string that includes the name of the database

you want to create, and an option that tells the Derby server to create the database. Here's how to

accomplish the task using the Eclipse Data tooling included with the Eclipse IDE for Java EE


1. Select Window > Open Perspective > Other. Choose Database Development from the


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2. In the Data Source Explorer view, right-click the Databases folder and choose New.

3. In the New Connection Profile dialog, choose SQL Model-JDBC Connection, and click

Next. (We won't be using the Derby Embedded Database option, which prevents multiple

JVM's from concurrently accessing the database.)

4. On the next page, enter the name sample for your database and click Next. Leave Auto-

connect at startup unchecked.

5. Fill out the final page as shown. Note carefully the selections: Choose the Derby Client

JDBC Driver from the driver dropdown; accept the default Database name

("SAMPLE"); use any non-blank User ID and non-blank password (the password is

ignored by Derby).

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6. Click Finish. The connection wizard will display a new connection in the Databases

folder named sample. Right-click the sample icon and choose Connect to open the

connection. This will cause Derby to create the database. The database files are stored in

a folder named sample in your data project. If you want to see them, switch to the Java

perspective, right-click the data project and choose Refresh.

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To create a backup of your Derby database, simply stop the Derby server,

make a copy of the sample folder and its subfolders, and restart the server.

Restoring the database is just as simple: stop the server, replace the sample

folder structure with the backup copy, and restart the server.

Now that the database is created, it's time to create a table for our application and populate it

with some data. The current version of the Data tooling doesn't include any wizards to create a

table, so we'll create a table using SQL Data Definition commands.

To execute SQL commands using the Eclipse Data tooling, you will create a SQL File, which

provides an editor that allows you to enter and execute SQL statements.

1. Choose File > New > SQL File. Click Next, and enter scratch (or whatever) as the

filename. Select sample from the Connection profile name dropdown, and select

SAMPLE from the Database namedropdown to associate the SQL file with your Derby

sample database. Click Finish.

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2. A blank SQL editor will open. Copy and paste the following code into the editor: 3. CREATE TABLE app.posts ( 4. post_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH


5. postname VARCHAR(50), 6. comments VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL 7. ); 8. 9. INSERT INTO app.posts(postname, comments) VALUES('Fred Jones', 10. 'Derby is cool, and the Eclipse plugin makes using it a snap!');

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11. INSERT INTO app.posts(postname, comments) VALUES('Wilma Harris',

'Tomcat lets me register DataSources using a file in my web project?

That''s great stuff!');

12. Right-click in the editor and choose Execute All.

13. The SQL Results tab will appear to show the results of the execution.

14. Now, back on the Data Source Explorer tab, browse to find the table that was created.

Right-click the Posts table and choose Data > Edit to view the contents in an editable


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Creating a Web Project(J2EE)

Now that the database is in place, we're ready to begin creating our web application. A J2EE web

application consists of a collection of dynamic resources (such as Servlets, JavaServer Pages,

and other Java classes), static resources (HTML pages and images), and configuration files, all

organized in a standardized directory. Eclipse helps you organize your web applications using a

type of project called a Dynamic Web Project. When you create a Dynamic Web Project, you

must select a Java EE web application server, which provides libraries needed by the project.

Follow these steps to create the project.

1. Select File > New > Other. Select Web > Dynamic Web Project and click Next. Enter the

Project Name demo, and click New beside the Target runtime dropdown.

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2. Select Tomcat 6.0 and click Next.

3. Select your Tomcat 6.0 installation folder (the root folder of the extracted Tomcat

download archive). Click Finish.

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4. Back in the New Dynamic Project wizard, click Finish to create the project.

5. The application will use JSP tag libraries that you must download and install into your

project. Browse to

standard.cgi and download the distribution (or, you can

get them from the completed sample that accompanies this article). Copy the jstl.jar and

standard.jar files from the download archive into your project's WebContent/WEB-

INF/lib folder. When you've done this, you may need to right-click on the project and

choose Refresh. In the Java EE Perspective's Project Explorer, you should see them listed

both under Web App Libraries and under the WEB-INF/lib folder as shown here (note

that if you're using the Java perspective, with the Package Explorer, you won't see them

in the WEB-INF/lib folder):

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Next, we'll tackle the issue of database connection management for our application. Servlets and

JSP pages that access a database are usually designed to obtain a database connection for each

incoming request, and release the connection when the request has finished processing. Since

opening and closing database connections is usually an expensive operation, an efficient web

application makes use of JNDI connection pooling to speed up database access. The application

server maintains a pool of connections to the database, and makes them available to the web

application via a DataSource object.

Since connection pools are managed by the application server, not the web application,

configuring connection pooling can be a pain. Fortunately, Tomcat 6.0 makes it really easy.

Tomcat allows the developer to configure the database connection pool using a configuration file

in the web project. We'll use that feature to simplify this tutorial.

The technique discussed here also works for Tomcat 5.5. If you are using

Tomcat 5.0 or older, or another application server, you must consult your

application server for information on configuring a DataSource.

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1. Choose File > New > File, select the META-INF folder, and enter the name context.xml.

2. Copy and paste the following into your context.xml file (you may have to click on the

Source tab at the bottom of the editor to be able to paste). This defines a DataSource with

the name "jdbc/SampleDB". Our application will retrieve database connections from the

pool using this name. 3. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 4. 5. <Context> 6. <Resource name="jdbc/SampleDB" auth="Container" 7. type="javax.sql.DataSource" 8. username="app" password="app" 9. driverClassName="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver" 10. url="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sample"

11. maxActive="8" />


If you want to use a different DBMS, simply change the driverClassName and

url to values appropriate for your database, and make sure you install your

DBMS's JDBC driver in Tomcat's common/lib folder.

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Writing the Application

Standard Java EE web applications use servlets and JSPs to generate dynamic content. For this

tutorial, we'll create a JSP page to allow the user to interact with the database. You don't have to

know Java to write JSPs; the JSP Standard Tag Library provides all the capabilities a simple

database application needs.

We'll begin with a simple page that displays the comments in the Posts table.

1. Choose File > New > File. Fill out the dialog as shown, making sure that the

WebContent folder is highlighted.

2. Next, paste the following code into the page: 3. <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-



5. <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri=""


6. <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>


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8. <sql:setDataSource dataSource="jdbc/SampleDB" />



11. <html>

12. <head>

13. <title>Speak To Me, Please</title>

14. </head>

15. <body>


17. <h1>Speak To Me, Please</h1>


19. Welcome to the Acme Corp. feedback site.


21. <h2>Here's what your fellow workers have said:</h2>

22. <table border='1'>

23. <tr><th>Worker</th><th>Comment</th></tr>


25. <sql:query var="qryPosts" >

26. SELECT postname, comments FROM app.posts

27. </sql:query>


29. <c:forEach var="row" items="${qryPosts.rows}">

30. <tr>

31. <td><c:out value="${row.postname}" /></td>

32. <td><c:out value="${row.comments}" /></td>

33. </tr>

34. </c:forEach>

35. </table>


37. </body>

38. </html>

Notes about the code:

The taglib directives allow the use of the <sql:> and <c:> tags from the JSP Standard Tag Library.

The <sql:setDataSource> tag references the JNDI DataSource whose attributes are defined in the context.xml file you created earlier. The JSP engine retrieves a connection from the DataSource for use by queries later in the page.

The <sql:query> tag executes a query against the database and exposes the results in a JSP page variable named qryPosts.

The <c:forEach> tag iterates over the results of the query. The items expression "${qryPosts.rows}" references the collection of rows returned from the query and exposed via the qryPosts JSP variable. The body of the <c:forEach> tag emits a row of the HTML table for each row in the query result set. Each time the body is evaluated, the iterator variable row references the next row of the query result set.

The <c:out value="${row.postname}" /> expression inserts the value of the postname field of the current row of the result set.

If you're using an application server other than Tomcat 6.0, and you don't know how to configure a DataSource, you can embed the connection attributes directly in the JSP page. You won't get connection pooling, but you can at least get the sample working by replacing

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line with the following lines:

<% Class.forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"); %>


dataSource="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sample" user="app"

password="app" />

If you do this, you may also find it necessary to copy the derbyclient.jar file to your project's WEB-INF/lib folder to make the JDBC driver class available to your application.

Testing the Application

We haven't finished the application yet, but let's take a break from coding to test the existing


1. Right click on demo.jsp and select Run As > Run on Server. Select the Tomcat 6.0 server,

and click Finish.

2. Eclipse starts the Tomcat application server. After the server starts, you should see a page

like this.

Note: If Eclipse has problems starting the server, make sure you don't already have

Tomcat running on your system. If you have an instance of Tomcat running, you should

stop it before trying to test your application in Eclipse.

3. Try adding a new row to the Posts table using the Eclipse table editor I mentioned earlier.

After you save the new row, you should be able to click Reload in the web browser, and

the new row should appear.

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Letting Users Leave Feedback

This application doesn't allow users to contribute feedback. Let's enhance the JSP page to

provide a form that users can fill out to add comments.

Switch to the JSP editor and copy and paste the following code just above the closing </body>


<form action="demo.jsp" method="post">



<td>Your name: (optional)</td>

<td><input type='text' name='name' value="${name}"></td>



<td>Your comments:</td>

<td><textarea name='comments' rows="6"





<td><input type='submit' name='action' value='Submit'>





When the user clicks the submit button on this form, the name and comments

entered by the user will be submitted to the demo.jsp page for processing. A message

indicating success or failure will be placed in a JSP variable named msg to inform the user of

the result of the processing.

Next, we need to write the code to process the form submission. Insert the following code at the

top of the page, after the <sql:setDataSource> tag:

<c:set var="name" value="${}" />

<c:set var="comments" value="${param.comments}" />

<c:if test="${param.action == 'Submit'}">


<c:when test="${not empty comments}">


INSERT INTO app.posts(postname, comments) VALUES(?, ?)

<sql:param value="${name}"/>

<sql:param value="${comments}"/>


<c:set var="msg" value="Thank you for your feedback." />

<c:set var="name" value="" />

<c:set var="comments" value="" />


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<c:set var="msg" value="Please supply some comments." />




Notes about the code:

When the user submits the form, his name and comments are submitted to the JSP page. The <c:set> statements retrieve those values and place them in local JSP variables named name

and comments. If this is a form submission, the action parameter will be "Submit", and the code inside the

<c:if> block will execute to process the submission. On the initial page load, the action parameter will be empty, and the code inside the <c:if> block will not execute.

The user may opt to omit his name, but must supply some comments. The <c:when> test verifies that the comments variable is not blank.

The <sql:update> tag is used to execute an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement against the database. The question marks (?) indicate places in the query where user input is substituted.

The <sql:param> tags supply values for the ? placeholders. The contents of a JSP variable named msg is displayed at the bottom of the form. Here, msg

is set to indicate to the user that the submission was successfully saved. If the user failed to enter comments, this code is executed, and sets msg to indicate to the

user why the submission could not be successfully processed.

After entering this code, save the changes. Switch back to the browser view and click Reload.

You should see a form appear:

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Try entering some comments and clicking Submit. The page should process the submission, and

you should see your comments appear in the table. Check the database table using the table

editor; you should find that the comments have been saved there.

Deploying the Database

When you are ready to deploy the application to a production Tomcat application server, you

must copy the Derby database data folders to the application server computer. You then have a

couple of options for accessing the Derby database from your deployed application.

You can install Derby on the application server computer, and run it in client/server

mode. Your application connects to the database using the same technique as I've

demonstrated in this article. The drawback to this approach is that you have two server

processes to manage: Tomcat and Derby.

You can use Derby in embedded mode. In this scenario, the Derby engine runs inside the

Tomcat process. You don't have to stop and start Derby separately from Tomcat. For

more information, refer to the Derby website.

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The Eclipse Web Tools Project, combined with Tomcat 6.0, Derby, and the Eclipse Data Tools

Project, reduces the burden of server administration, delivering a convenient platform for Java

EE database web application development. This article demonstrated how to construct a simple

Java EE web application using these tools.


The completed sample is available. You can import it into Eclipse by renaming it to demo.war,

choosing File > Import, and selecting Web > WAR File. Note that the database is not included;

you must set that up following the instructions in the article.

If you want to know more about JSP application development, here are some resources that can

help. Sun JSP Documentation JSTL Quick Reference JSTL Specification and Reference Eclipse Web Tools Platform Eclipse Data Tools Platform Tomcat Derby SQL