java script arrays


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Page 1: Java script arrays


Page 2: Java script arrays

Arrays Declaring and Allocating ArrayTypes of ArrayArray Methods


Page 3: Java script arrays

ArraysArray inherits from Object.Indexes are converted to strings and used as names for retrieving values.Not very efficient in most other cases.The JavaScript Array object is a global object that is used in the construction of arrays; which are high-level, list-like objects.One advantage: No need to provide a length or type when creating an array.

Page 4: Java script arrays

Normally, arrays allocate a contiguous block of memory of fixed length. However, in Javascript, arrays are: Object types with special constructors and accessor methods.

Which means, a statement like:

var arr = new Array(100000);does not allocate any memory! In fact, it simply sets the value of the length property in the array. When you construct an array, you don't need to declare a size as they grow automatically.

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So, you should use this instead:var arr = [];Arrays in Javascript are sparse which means not all the elements in the array may contain data. In other words, only the elements that actually contain data exist in the array. This reduces the amount of memory used by the array. The values are located by a key and not by an offset. They're simply a method of convenience and not intended to be used for complex numerical analysis.

Arrays in Javascript are not typed so the value of an element can be an object, string, number, boolean, function or an array.

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Declaring and Allocating ArraysJavaScript arrays are Array objects.

Creating new objects using the new operator is known as creating an instance or instantiating an object

Operator new is known as the dynamic memory allocation operator

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Declare + Initialize ArraysOnly declaration

var arr=[];

Using the conventional Syntax

var arr = [“a” , ”b” , ”c”];

Using the JavaScript Keyword new

var arr = new Array(“1”,”2”,”3”,”4”);document.write(arr[0]+arr[1]+arr[2]+arr[3]);

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Types of Array

Associative Array Index Array

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Associative Array

//Associative array examplevar  person ={ firstName: "Frayosh", Lastname:"Wadia“ }; document.write(""+person["firstName"]+

“ ”+person["Lastname"] );

Javascript associative array is a type of array which stores data using name value pairs The array data can be accessed by specifying the key rather than the index

Output : Frayosh Wadia

Page 10: Java script arrays

Indexing Array

//Indexing Array

<script> var ary = ["A", "B" , "C" , "D" , "E","F"];

document.write(“<br>"+ary[4]); <script>

Output : E

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//Using Loop and iterating the array

<script>var arr=new Array(“1”,”2”,”3”,”4”);



Output : 1234

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Array Methods Concat Join Push Pop Unshift Shift Sort Reverse Slice Splice IndexOf LastIndexOf Length

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CONCATJavascript array concat() method returns a new array comprised of this array joined with two or more arrays.

Syntax:The syntax of concat() method is as follows −

array.concat(value1, value2, ..., valueN);

Return Value:Returns the length of the array.

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//Array method Concat

<script> var a=new Array("Hello"); var b=new Array("World"); document.write("<br>"+a.concat(b));</script>

Output :Hello,World

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JoinJavascript array join() method joins all the elements of an array into a string.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.join(separator);

Parameter Detailsseparator − Specifies a string to separate each element of the array.

Return ValueReturns a string after joining all the array elements.

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//Array Method: Join

<script>var c=new Array(6,7,8,9);document.write("<br>"+c.join("/"));</script>

Output : 6/7/8/9

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PUSHJavascript array push() method appends the given element(s) in the last of the array and returns the length of the new array.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.push(element1, ..., elementN);

Parameter Detailselement1, ..., elementN: The elements to add to the end of the array.

Return ValueReturns the length of the new array.

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// Array Method Push

<script>var d=new Array("Frayosh","Lalit","Sameer");d.push("Muzzamil");document.write("<br>"+d);</script>

Output :Frayosh,Lalit,Sameer,Muzzamil

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POPJavascript array pop() method removes the last element from an array and returns that element.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.pop();

Return ValueReturns the removed element from the array.

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// Array method pop

<script>var e=new Array(1,2,3,4);e.pop();document.write("<br>"+e);</script>

Output :1,2,3

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UNSHIFTJavascript array unshift() method adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.unshift( element1, ..., elementN );

Parameter Detailselement1, ..., elementN − The elements to add to the front of the array.

Return ValueReturns the length of the new array.

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// Array method: Unshift

<script>var f=new Array("Frayosh","Lalit","Sameer");f.unshift("Muzzamil");document.write("<br>"+f);</script>

Output :Muzzamil,Frayosh,Lalit,Sameer

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SHIFTJavascript array shift()method removes the first element from an array and returns that element.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.shift();

Return ValueReturns the removed single value of the array.

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// Array Method: Shift

<script>var g=new Array(1,2,3,4);g.shift();document.write("<br>"+g);</script>

Output : 2,3,4

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SORTJavascript array sort() method sorts the elements of an array.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.sort();

Return ValueReturns a sorted array.

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//Array Method:Sort

<script>var h=new Array("Frayosh","Lalit","Sameer","Muzzamil");h.sort();document.write("<br>"+h);</script>

Output : Frayosh,Lalit,Muzzamil,Sameer

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REVERSEJavascript array reverse() method reverses the element of an array. The first array element becomes the last and the last becomes the first.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.reverse();

Return ValueReturns the reversed single value of the array.

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// Array method: Reverse

<script>var i=new Array(4,7,2,1);


Output :1,2,7,4

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SLICEJavascript array slice() method extracts a section of an array and returns a new array.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.slice( begin ,end);

Parameter Detailsbegin − Zero-based index at which to begin extraction

end − Zero-based index at which to end extraction.

Return ValueReturns the extracted array based on the passed parameters.

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//Array Method: Slice

<script>var k=new Array("A","B","C","D","E");document.write("<br>"+j.slice(1,4));


Output :B,C,D

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//Array Method:Slice

<script>var j=new Array("A","B","C","D","E");document.write("<br>"+j.slice(2));<script>

Output : C,D,E

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Javascript array splice() method changes the content of an array, adding new elements while removing old elements.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.splice(index, howMany, [element1][, ..., elementN]);

Parameter Detailsindex − Index at which to start changing the array.

howMany − An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove.

element1, ..., elementN − The elements to add to the array.

Return ValueReturns the extracted array based on the passed parameters.


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Remove Values

//Splice method used for removing elements

var j=new Array("A","B","C","D","E");j.splice(2,2);document.write("<br>"+j);

Output :A,B,E

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//Array method :Splicevar l=new Array("A","B","C","D","E");j.splice(2,0,"S","H");document.write("<br>"+j);

Add Values

Output : A,B,S,H,C,D,E

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//Splice method used for adding and removing elements

var j=new Array("A","B","C","D","E"); j.splice(2,2,"S","H"); document.write(“<br>"+j);

Output :  A,B,S,H,E

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IndexOfJavascript array indexOf() method returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex);

Parameter DetailssearchElement − Element to locate in the array.

fromIndex − The index at which to begin the search. Defaults to 0, i.e. the whole array will be searched.

Return ValueReturns the index of the found element.

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// Array Method: IndexOf

<script>var ar=new Array("A","B","C","D","E","F","G");document.write("<br>"+ar.indexOf("F"));</script>

Output :5

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Javascript array lastIndexOf() method returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present. The array is searched backwards, starting at fromIndex.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex);

Parameter DetailssearchElement − Element to locate in the array.

fromIndex − The index at which to start searching backwards. Defaults to the array's length, i.e., the whole array will be searched.

Return ValueReturns the index of the found element from the last.


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// Array method :Last Index Of<script>

var index = [8, 5, 8, 130, 44,8,16,15];document.write("<br>"+ index.lastIndexOf(8,6));


Output :5

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LENGTHJavascript array length property returns an unsigned, 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in an array.

SyntaxIts syntax is as follows −array.length

Return ValueReturns the length of the array

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// Array length returning the length of the array

<script>var ar=new Array("A","B","C","D","E","F","G");document.write("<br>"+ar.length);</script>

Output :7

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Adding ElementsJavascript allows you to declare and empty array and add values later on

Eg. var cities=[]; cities[0]="Delhi";


orYou can simply add values during declaration

Eg. var cities=[“Delhi",“Mumbai",“Chennai",“Bangalore"];

orCreate an Array instance(new) and add values

Eg. var cities=new Array(“Delhi”,”Mumbai”,”Chennai”,”Bangalore”);

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Deleting Elementsdelete array[number]

Removes the element, but leaves a hole in the numbering. Returns Boolean value

array.splice(number, 1)

Removes the element and renumbers all the following elements. Returns the deleted value.

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Deleting Elements//deleting Elements using delete

var cities=["Delhi","Mumbai","Chennai","Bangalore"];delete cities[1];document.write("<br>Array after using delete :"+ cities);document.write("<br>Displaying element at 1st position:"+cities[1]);

OutputArray after using delete :Delhi,,Chennai,BangaloreDisplaying element at 1st position:undefined

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//deleting using splice


var cities=["Delhi","Mumbai","Chennai","Bangalore"];document.write("<br>Deleted Element:"+cities.splice(1,1));document.write("<br>Array after using splice:"+ cities);document.write("<br>Displaying element at 1st position:"+


OutputDeleted Element:MumbaiArray after using splice:Delhi,Chennai,BangaloreDisplaying element at 1st position:Chennai

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