java ee 7 for weblogic 12c developers

Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Java EE 7 for WebLogic 12c Developers An overview of supported APIs in 12.1.3 and other features Bruno Borges Principal Product Manager and Java Evangelist Oracle Latin America August, 2014

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WebLogic 12c (12.1.3) already bundles some Java EE 7 APIs with commercial support. Mostly for modern


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Java EE 7 for WebLogic 12c Developers An overview of supported APIs in 12.1.3 and other features

Bruno Borges Principal Product Manager and Java Evangelist Oracle Latin America August, 2014

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• Bruno Borges

– Principal Product Manager, Java Evangelist – Oracle Latin America

– @brunoborges – [email protected]


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Java Enterprise Edition Platform

Java EE 7


Java EE 7

– Batch

– Concurrency

– Simplified JMS

– More annotated POJOs

– Less boilerplate code

– Cohesive integrated platform – WebSockets


– Servlet 3.1 NIO



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Java EE 7 APIs

JAX-RS 2.0

JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0 Servlet 3.1

JSF 2.2 EL 3.0 JSP




ation 1





rs 1



I 1.1


ency 1


JPA 2.1

JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0

Batch 1.0

JCA 1.7

JavaMail 1.5

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WebLogic Server 12.1.3 Mobile, Developer Productivity

WLS 12.1.3 Clients





ADF Mobile





Web Sockets (JSR 356)

TopLink Data Services

Server-Sent Events

JAX-RS 2.0

WebSocket Emulation



cket Em



JAX-RS 2.0, WebSocket 1.0

JSON Processing API 1.0

JPA 2.1

Server-Sent Events

WebSocket Emulation



Change Notification


JSON Programming API

HTTP/S, JSON/XML WebSocket, Server-Sent

Events, Long polling

Java EE 7 APIs

Additional WebLogic Value-Add

Oracle Confidential – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 6

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APIs supported by WebLogic 12.1.3

Java EE 7 APIs

JAX-RS 2.0

JSON-P 1.0

Web Socket 1.0

JPA 2.1

Enabled by Default in WebLogic 12.1.3

Deployed as Shared Library

PRE_CLASSPATH Adjustment/Patch

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Enabling JAX-RS 2.0 in WebLogic 12.1.3

• JAX-RS 2.0

– Defaults to JAX-RS 1.1 (Java EE 6)

– Deploy jax-rs-2.0.war as shared library

– Reference it from weblogic.xml in applications

Deployed as Shared Library







$> java weblogic.Deployer

-username weblogic -password welcome1 -library –deploy

-targets AdminServer,Cluster1,DynClusterA


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Enabling JPA 2.1 in WebLogic 12.1.3

• JPA 2.1

– Defaults to JPA 2.0 (Java EE 6)

– By adjusting PRE_CLASSPATH variable inside • Or apply patch 17814796 (MOS; OPatch)

– Application’s persistence.xml descriptor must set JPA version = 2.1



$> opatch apply $PATH_TO_PATCH_17814796

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Java Persistence API 2.1 Enhanced version of standard Java API for Object Relational Mapping

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JPA 2.1

• Schema Generation

– javax.persistence.schema-generation.* properties

• Unsynchronized Persistence Contexts

• Bulk update/delete using Criteria

• User-defined functions using FUNCTION

• Stored Procedure Query

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JPA 2.1 – Schema Generation

<persistence ... version="2.1"> <persistence-unit ...> <properties> <property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action" value="drop-and-create"/> <property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create-target" value="create.sql"/> <property name="javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source" value="insert.sql"/> </properties> </persistence-unit>

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JPA 2.1 – Unsynchronized Context

• Decide if/when data must be written to the database @PersistenceContext(synchronization = SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED) private EntityManager em; ... em.persist(book); ... em.joinTransaction();

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JPA 2.1 – Bulk Update/Delete

• Bulk Update

– CriteriaUpdate<Employee> q = cb.createCriteriaUpdate(Employee.class); Root<Employee> emp = q.from(Employee.class); .set(e.get(Employee_.salary),, 1.1f)) .set(e.get(Employee_.status), "full_time“) .where(, 10000));

• Bulk Delete

– CriteriaDelete<PhoneNumber> q = cb.createCriteriaDelete(PhoneNumber.class); Root<PhoneNumber> p = q.from(PhoneNumber.class); q.where(cb.equal(p.get(PhoneNumber_.status), "out_of_service");

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JPA 2.1 – Define Named Stored Procedures

@Entity @NamedStoredProcedureQuery(name = "archiveOldBooks", procedureName = "sp_archive_books", parameters = { @StoredProcedureParameter(name = ”date", mode = IN, type = Date.class), @StoredProcedureParameter(name = "warehouse", mode = IN, type = String.class) }) public class Book {...}

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JPA 2.1 – Call Named Stored Procedures

StoredProcedureQuery query = em.createNamedStoredProcedureQuery("ReadAddressById");

query.setParameter("P_ADDRESS_ID", 12345);

List<Address> result = query.getResultList();

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JPA 2.1 – Call SQL Functions from JPQL


FROM Employee e

WHERE FUNCTION(‘isLongTermEmployee’, e.startDate)

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JSON Processing API 1.0 Standard Java API for processing JSON structures

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JSON-P 1.0

• API to parse and generate JSON

• Streaming API

– Low-level, efficient way to parse/generate JSON

– Provides pluggability for parsers/generators

• Object Model API – Simple, easy-to-use high-level API

– Implemented on top of Streaming API

• Binding JSON to Java objects forthcoming

Standard API for JSON Processing

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JSON-P 1.0

"phoneNumber": [ { "type": "home", "number": ”408-123-4567” },

{ "type": ”work", "number": ”408-987-6543” }


Example of JSON structure

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JSON-P 1.0

JsonGenerator jg = Json.createGenerator(...); jg.writeStartArray("phoneNumber“) .writeStartObject() .write("type", "home“) .write("number", "408-123-4567“) .writeEnd() .writeStartObject() .write("type", ”work“) .write("number", "408-987-6543“) .writeEnd() .writeEnd(); jg.close();

Example of Object Model API for JSON-P

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JSON-P 1.0

{ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "age": 25, "phoneNumber": [ { "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" }, { "type": "fax", "number": "646 555-4567" } ]


Iterator<Event> it = parser.iterator();

Event event =; // START_OBJECT

event =; // KEY_NAME

event =; // VALUE_STRING

String name = parser.getString(); // "John”

Example of Stream API for JSON-P

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JAX-RS 2.0 A Standard Java API to build RESTful services and clients

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JAX-RS – Java API for RESTful Web Services 2.0

• Client API

• Message Filters and Entity Interceptors

• Asynchronous Processing

– Server and Client

• Common Configuration

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Client API for JAX-RS 2.0

// Get instance of Client

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();

// Get customer name for the shipped products

String name =“../orders/{orderId}/customer”) .resolveTemplate(”orderId", ”10”) .queryParam(”shipped", ”true”) .request() .get(String.class);

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Async Client API for JAX-RS 2.0

Future<String> future = ClientBuilder.newClient()





try {

String body = future.get(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {...}

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Async Server API for JAX-RS 2.0

@Path("/async") public class AsyncResource { @GET public void asyncGet(final @Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResp) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { String result = veryExpensiveOperation(); asyncResp.resume(result); } }).start(); } }

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Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Developing WebSocket Applications using the Java Standard

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WebSocket Overview

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WebSocket Overview The WebSocket API in HTML5

• Enables use of WebSocket in HTML5/web applications

• Open/Close connections

• Send/Receive messages

• Fully asynchronous

• Event driven, listen and respond to events

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WebSocket Overview Browser Support for WebSocket API

•Broad base of support for WebSocket in modern browsers

•Firefox 28+, Chrome 33+, Safari 7+, IE 10+

•Including mobile browsers

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The WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455) Protocol Overview

• Defines handshake and data transfer

• Introduces new URI schemes

– ws-URI = “ws:” “//” host [:port] path [ “?” query ]

– wss-URI = “wss:” “//” host [:port] path [ “?” query ]

– # MUST be escaped as %23 (URI fragments are meaningless)

• Imposes an Origin Security Model

• Supports extensibility

– Tunnel other protocol by supporting sub-protocols, extend protocol features by supporting extensions

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The WebSocket Protocol Opening Handshake









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The WebSocket Protocol Protocol Upgrade









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The WebSocket Protocol Keep Alive: Ping and Pong

Ping Frame

Pong Frame

Ping Frame

Pong Frame








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The WebSocket Protocol Closing Handshake








Close Frame

Data Frame

Data Frame

Data Frame

Close Frame

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Developing WebSocket Applications using the Java Standard

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0

• Creating a WebSocket requires a Java class that acts as an Endpoint

– Participate in lifecycle: establish connections with peers, handle errors, close connections

– Send and receive messages

• Endpoints can be created from: – Annotation based approach using WebSocket Annotations, @ServerEndpoint

– Programmatic API where Java class extends WebSocket API class

• Endpoints can be defined as:

– Clients which connect to one server only at a time

– Servers which many clients can connect to at any time

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Annotated ServerEndpoint Example

import javax.websocket.OnMessage; import javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint; @ServerEndpoint("/echo") public class EchoServer { @OnMessage public String echo(String incomingMessage) { return String.format( "I got this (%s) message so I am sending it back!”, incomingMessage); } }

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Annotated ServerEndpoint Example

@ServerEndpoint("/echo") public class EchoServer { @OnMessage public void onMessage(Session session, String message) { session.getOpenSessions() .forEach(s -> s.getBasicRemote().sendText(message)); } }

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Annotated Path Parameter Example

@ServerEndpoint("/users/{username}") public class UserEndpoint { @OnMessage public String handle(String message, @PathParam("username") String user) { return “message “ + message + “ from user “ + user; } }

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Programmatic Endpoint Example

public class ProgrammaticEchoServer extends Endpoint { @Override public void onOpen(final Session session, EndpointConfig endpointConfig) { mySession.addMessageHandler(new MessageHandler.Whole<String>() { public void onMessage(String text) { try { mySession.getBasicRemote() .sendText(“I got this (“ + text + “)” + “so I am sending it back !”); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } }); } }

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Responding to Lifecycle Events

Annotation Programmatic API

Open Event @OnOpen public void onOpen(Session session, EndpointConfig config)

Message Event

@OnMessage • Create instance of relevant

javax.websocket.MessageHandler • Register with Session

Error Event @OnError public void onError(Session session, Throwable throwable)

Close Event @OnClose public void onClose(Session session, CloseReason reason)

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Receiving Message from Peers

• Annotate a suitable method with @OnMessage

• Implement an appropriate MessageHandler interface

• Add it to the Session

@OnMessage Void handleText(String message) @OnMessage public void handlePartialText( String message, boolean isLast)

SimpleHandler implements MessageHandler.Whole<String> { ... } session.addMessageHandler( new SimpleHandler());

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Receiving Message from Peer with @OnMessage

Message Type Annotated Method Form

Text public void handleText(String message)

public void handleReader(Reader r)

public void handleTextPieces(String message, boolean isLast)


public void handleBinary(ByteBuffer bytebuf)

public void handleStream(InputStream is)

public void handleBinaryPieces(ByteBuffer bytebuf,

boolean isLast)

Any Object public void handleObject(CustomObject co)

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Receiving Message Programmatically from Peers

Message Type Message Handler Interface

Text MessageHandler.Whole<String>



Binary MessageHandler.Whole<ByteBuffer> MessageHandler.Partial<ByteBuffer> MessageHandler.Whole<InputStream>

Any Object MessageHandler.Whole<CustomObject>

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Programmatic Endpoint Example

public class ProgrammaticEchoServer extends Endpoint { @Override public void onOpen(final Session session, EndpointConfig endpointConfig) { mySession.addMessageHandler(new MessageHandler.Whole<String>() { public void onMessage(String text) { try { mySession.getBasicRemote() .sendText(“I got this (“ + text + “)” + “so I am sending it back !”); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } }); } }

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Asynchronous and Synchronous Sending Modes

Mode Usage Interface and Method

Synchronous • Most commonly use mode • Send methods block until transmission

of message is complete


void sendText(String message)


• Send methods return immediately before transmission

• Future and Callback options for completion handling


Future sendText(String message)

void sendText(String message,

SendHandler handler)

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Example Encoder

public class AuctionMessageEncoder implements Encoder.Text<AuctionMessage> { @Override public String encode(AuctionMessage object) throws EncodeException { JsonObject json = null; switch (object.getType()) { case AuctionMessage.AUCTION_TIME_RESPONSE: json = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("type", object.getType()) .add("communicationId", object.getCommunicationId()) .add("data", (int) object.getData()).build(); break; } return json.toString(); }

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Example Decoder

public class AuctionMessageDecoder implements Decoder.Text<AuctionMessage> { @Override public AuctionMessage decode(String s) { JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(s)); JsonObject json = jsonReader.readObject(); return new AuctionMessage(json.getString("type"), json.getString("communicationId"), json.getString("data")); } @Override public boolean willDecode(String s) { return s.contains(AuctionMessage.BID_REQUEST) || s.contains(AuctionMessage.AUCTION_LIST_REQUEST) || s.contains(AuctionMessage.LOGIN_REQUEST)); }

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Configuring Encoders and Decoders

• Annotation

• Specify encoder and decoder values on @ServerEndpoint

• Programmatic

• Add encoder/decoder classes to ServerEndpointConfig object

@ServerEndpoint( decoders = { AuctionMessageDecoder.class }, encoders = { AuctionMessageEncoder.class } ) List<Encoder> encoders = new List<>(); encoders.add(AuctionMessageEncoder.class); encoders.add(AuctionMessageDecoder.class); ServerEndpointConfig config = ServerEndpointConfig.Builder .create(AuctionEndpoint.class, "/bids”) .encoders(encoders) .build();

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JSR-356: Java API for WebSocket 1.0 Uses Servlet Security model - Example of secured WebSocket in web.xml

<security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>Secure Customer WebSocket Endpoint</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/customer/feed</url-pattern> <http-method>GET</http-method> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint> <role-name>CUSTOMERS</role-name> </auth-constraint> <user-data-constraint> <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee> </user-data-constraint> </security-constraint>

<login-config> <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method> </login-config> <security-role> <role-name>CUSTOMERS</role-name> </security-role>

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Tyrus – Reference Implementation

• Official Page


• User Guide (1.8)


• Used by – GlassFish 4.0+

– WebLogic 12c (12.1.3+)

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WebSocket Protocol Fallback in WLS 12.1.3 Enabling WebSocket Use Across All Environments

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Configure Web Applications for WebSockets Fallback Support

• Import orasocket.js in HTML

• Modify web.xml

• No changes required in existing , compatible code!!

<web-app version="3.0"> <context-param> <description>Enable fallback mechanism</description> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> </web-app>

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Bonus: Server-sent Events Feature of Jersey, JAX-RS Reference Implementation

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Server-sent Events

• Part of HTML5 Specification

• Server Push Notifications

– Client opens connection with Server

– Server sends message to Client

– Client can’t send messages to Server

– Connection is maintained opened until either Server or Client closes it

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SSE Client Side

var url = ‘webresources/items/events’;

var source = new EventSource(url);

source.onmessage = function (event) {



source.addEventListener(“size”, function(event) {

console.log( + ‘ ‘ +;


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SSE Server-Side – Implemented with Jersey

private final SseBroadcaster BROADCASTER = new SseBroadcaster(); @GET @Path("events”) @Produces(SseFeature.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS) public EventOutput fruitEvents() { final EventOutput eventOutput = new EventOutput(); BROADCASTER.add(eventOutput); return eventOutput; }

Still pending standard API

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SSE Server-Side – Implemented with Jersey



public void addFruit(@FormParam("fruit")String fruit) {


// Broadcasting an un-named event with the name of the newly added item in data

BROADCASTER.broadcast(new OutboundEvent.Builder().data(String.class, fruit).build());

// Broadcasting a named "add" event with the current size of the items collection in data

BROADCASTER.broadcast(new OutboundEvent.Builder().name("size").data(Integer.class,



Still pending standard API

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Differences between WebSockets and SSE

WebSockets Server Sent Events

Over a custom protocol Over simple HTTP

Full Duplex, Bi-directional Server-Push Only, Client->Server is out-of-band (higher latency)

Native support in most browsers Can be poly-filled to backport

Not straight forward protocol Simpler protocol

Pre-defined message handlers Arbitrary events

Application-specific Built-in support for re-connection and event id

Require server and/or proxy configurations No server or proxy changes required

ArrayBuffer and Blob No support for binary types

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