japan. emperor hirohito pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race...


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After WWI Japanese economy is on the rise after WWI Exports rise greatly Japan becomes an industrial power Japan expands through out East Asia, while western powers are distracted in Europe Japan takes over the land Germany had possessed in East Asia.


Page 1: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years


Page 2: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

Emperor Hirohito• Pledged “to preserve world peace

and benefit the welfare of the human race”• Ruled for 63 years

Page 3: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

After WWI

• Japanese economy is on the rise after WWI • Exports rise greatly• Japan becomes an industrial power• Japan expands through out East Asia, while

western powers are distracted in Europe• Japan takes over the land Germany had

possessed in East Asia.

Page 4: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years


• Japan becomes Democratic• Members of the Japanese parliament use new

powers• 1925- all adult men of any age able to vote• Some changes added to women’s rights in

Japan • The Zaibatsu bribe government

Page 5: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

• Japans rapid expansion start to effect relationship with Western powers

• Japan slows expansion to keep relationship with Western powers

• 1922 – Japan agrees to limit it’s navy. (agreement between France, Britain, and United States)

• Also agreed to leave Shandong

Page 6: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

Japans hidden problems

• Rural peasants were excluded in nations prosperity

• Low wages for factory workers • Lower class started looking to socialist ideas

(Marx and Lenin)• Younger tradition revolting over tradition – Adopts western fads and fashions– Reject family athority

Page 7: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

• Tension between military and government• Conservatives and military officers angered over corrupted

government• Condemned western influences • Destructive earthquake hit Tokyo in 1923• Earthquake plus widespread fires caused 100,000 deaths loss of

650,000 buildings • Tokyo recovered slowly as Japan meets a worldwide economic crisis

– the Great Depression

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Page 9: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

• Great Depression causes Japanese exports to fall, and peasants close to starvation

• Economic down fall causes more discontent within the military officers and ultranationalists

• Ultranationalists angered that Japan halted expansion, felt the Japanese empire was minuscule in comparison to western empires.

Page 10: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

• United States, Canada , and Australia had racial policies against the Japanese immigrants, causing more of an outrage within the country.

• Japanese nationalists continued to demanding expansion, wanting to take over Manchuria, China for its rich natural resources

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Page 12: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

Manchurian Incident • Occurred in 1931• Group of Japanese officers causes an incident, to make an excuse

to take over Manchuria.• Japanese officers blow up tracks on a Japanese train track, and

blamed it on the Chinese.• Without permission from their government they stormed

Manchuria.• After conquering all of Manchuria they placed a puppet state

called Manzhougou putting a past Chinese emperor Puyi as the head of state.

• Though the government was angered by the military’s actions the people of Japan sided with the military.

Page 13: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

• Japan leaves League of Nations due to the opposition given by the other member states over the aggression against China.

• Japan nullifies agreements to limiting naval armaments• Early 1930s ultranationalists gaining support from the

people.• Many politicians and business men against expansion

were assassinated by members of extreme nationalists• By 1937 the military dominated the government

Page 14: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years

• Government starts to take down any socialist and suppresses democratic freedoms

• People started to worship the emperor, forming a cult • Started teaching children complete obedience to the

emperor and state at schools• Taking advantage of the civil war in China Japan starts to

take it over expecting to conquer all of China, though when WWII spreads into Asia they change their plans.

• In 1936 Japan sides with Germany and Italy, – signs the Tripartite Pact in September 1940 (the Axis powers)

Page 15: JAPAN. Emperor Hirohito Pledged to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race Ruled for 63 years