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  • 8/3/2019 January 29 Newsletter


    January 29, 201

    Love God and Love PeopleThe Christian MessengerFifth Avenue Church of Christ

    115 W. Fifth Ave.Lancaster, OH 43130740-654-0626www.myfacc.come-mail [email protected]

    Brad SeeversSenior Minister


    David TinglerAssociate Minister

    Glen ShadyYouth Minister


    Sunday Services



    8:00 a.m.



    10:30 a.m.

    Bible School


    Evening Worship


    Valentine BanquetFriday, February 10th ~ 6:00 p.m.$5 per personStudents 5th grade and under $.25/year of ageThe evening will include a meal, sweetheart/family pictures, andentertainment

    This fundraiser will support students attending a junior high conferencein April. We will take a donation during the evening with the goal ofraising $500.Tickets will be sold in the parlor beginning today.


    The Annual Congregational Meeting for thepurpose of reviewing 2011 and looking aheadto 2012 will be held on Wednesday, February1, 2012. There will be a carry-in dinner at

    6:00 p.m. and the meeting will follow.

  • 8/3/2019 January 29 Newsletter


    SPIRITUAL STATISTICSJanuary 22, 2012

    Sunday School 811st Morning Worship 87

    2nd Morning Worship 83

    Total Morning Worship 170Evening Worship 39Family Reunion (01/25) 46

    Weekly Budget $ 4,633.00Budget Received $ 4,235.20Sunday Night Small Group $ 15.00Van $ 5.00

    SERVING SCHEDULEJanuary 29, 2012

    At the Table 1st Larry Bussey & Dick Shumaker

    Serving 1stLarry King, Hank Wellman,

    Ray Ayers, Jerry Baker

    At the Table 2nd Ned Tomlinson & Mike Cooper

    Serving 2nd Larry King, George Lambert,Tom Puckett, Neal Rudolph

    Pastor of the week Larry Bussey

    PM Deacon Larry King

    COMMUNION PREPARATION1ST Worship Ray and Margie Ayers

    2nd Worship Norma Holtom




    Worship Ray and Mary Alice Coats2nd Worship Larry and Phyllis Bussey

    NURSERYSunday School Hannah Ross & Courtney Beiter

    2nd Worship Samantha Hendricks & Jean Azbell

    Sunday School Helper Larry King

    VISITOR CENTER1st Worship Shirley Marsh


    Worship Kelly Maffit


    1ST Worship Paul Alexander

    Bible School Carmel Marsh


    Worship Josh Czich

    Evening Worship Jim Puckett


    KEENAGERS LUNCH & TOUR: We had a googroup attend our lunch on Tuesday (1/24). A total o46 shared in the lunch and about one half of the groupparticipated in a most enjoyable and informative touof the Glass Museum.

    KEENAGERS IN FEBRUARY: I am suggesting thawe make the Valentine Banquet, sponsored by ouyouth department, on February 10, our event for thmonth. Do plan to participate in this fundraiser fospecial youth activities. Watch and listen for morinformation.

    WEDNESDAYS: This week (2/1) neither of oustudy groups will be meeting. However, we wilresume on February 8. Chapter 4 will be the focus o

    the 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM groups at that time. Whnot join us, in either of the groups, next week?

    SUNDAY EVENINGS IN THE SANCTUARYThis week (1/29) I am completing the Hard Saying

    of Jesus series. On January 29, the title is You Ca

    Buy Friends? (Luke 16:9). Do read Luke 16:1-9 ipreparation for the message.

    GIANT PRINT BIBLES: I still have some of th

    GIANT PRINT Bibles. They are the NewInternational Translation. These soft cover editionsell for $12.50. You may purchase one by contactinme or stopping by the church office. If you want tpay by check, make the check payable to me.

    FINAL THOUGHT: Always do right. This wil

    gratify some people and astonish the rest.

    February 5th

    Blood PressureChecks

    (in church outer office)

  • 8/3/2019 January 29 Newsletter


    Cabin Fever Card-Making ClassSaturday, February 4th ~ 9-noon

    $10 per person

    We will be making two Valentine cards, two Easter cards and two birthday cards. A sign-up sheet is posted on the Womens Ministry bulletin board. The last day to sign up is today

    Sunday, January 29th. Come and join the fun!

    SERVING SCHEDULEFebruary 5, 2012

    At the Table 1st Charlie May & Patrick Wersell

    Serving 1stTim Huffman, Richard Boyer,

    Dan Brown, Ray Coats

    At the Table 2nd Mike Cooper & Nick Hinson

    Serving 2nd Tim Huffman,, Dale Thornton,Ned Tomlinson, Rod Troutman

    Pastor of the week Mike Cooper

    PM Deacon Tim Huffman

    COMMUNION PREPARATION1ST Worship Dick and Marg Shumaker


    Worship Mike and Deb Cooper

    GREETERS1ST Worship Don and Judy Gardner

    2nd Worship George and Alberta Ellis

    NURSERYSunday School Laura Wersell & Thea Kallenberg

    2nd Worship Nick and Tracy Hinson



    stWorship Mary Alice Coats


    Worship Bev Puckett


    1ST Worship David Will

    Bible School Bill Kelly


    Worship Jeff Crook

    Evening Worship George Lambert

    Joy in Christ Life GroupA Bible-study on the Book of Philippians

    Every Monday at 1:30 p.m.Led by Scott Brown

    At Larry & Phyllis Busseys150 King Street, Lancaster

    This verse by verse Bible study will help you

    rediscover your joy in life. The theme of joypermeates the pages of this book from start to

    finish. The joy you will discover during this groupis what you need in the midst of hard times.

    There is a sign-up sheet in the coat room for thoseinterested in participating in this group, or you

    may contact Scott or Phyllis if you would like morinformation.

    Vacation BibleSchool

    June 11-15, 2012

  • 8/3/2019 January 29 Newsletter


    Library SundayFebruary 12thPreschool thru 5th Grade

    Please meet in the classroom area for a Kids SongCelebration. If you wish, come prepared with an

    instrument or a favorite song! We will then travel to

    the Children's Library (located on the stage - Room116), for a Bible story and Craft Time. Parents are


    For the future, please mark your calendar ....KidsLibrary Sunday, every other month, on the first

    Sunday of the month. The next Library Sunday willbe April 1st.

    Hope to see you there!Mark Your Calendar

    Sunday, February 12thCarriage Court Service

    Wednesday, February 15th

    Elders Meeting

    Monday, February 20th

    Book Nook

    Facility Management Meeting

    Tuesday, February 21st

    Dorcas Meeting

    Saturday, February 25th

    Crafters Bee

    Sunday, February 26th

    Food Pantry Sunday


    George Andrews Ron Ogden Rick Azbell Anna Lockhart

    Liz Reed Connie Lane Dorothy Henderly Wanda Dicks

    Jan Foss Mary Marsh Dorothy Herman Sharon Brit

    Betty Sparks Jeane Goldfarb Ed and Norma George Don Taylor

    Stacy Byers Our Troops Cooper and Nicholas Shank Judy Fricker

    Esther Boyer Norman Devine Bruno Dipietrio Mike Kiger

    JK Pumpelly Virginia Brink

  • 8/3/2019 January 29 Newsletter


    Core Values...Values central to the life, mission and vision of Fifth

    Avenue Church of Christ are:

    Christ-Centered WorshipWe make it a priority every Sunday to celebrate Jesus

    through our music. (Romans 11:36-12:1-2). We focus oJesus through grace-based preaching and teaching &

    understand the Bible is our authority (2 Timothy 3:16)

    Church Health and Biblical BalanceChurch health becomes reality when God's people seek

    harmony & live consistently. We expect every member protect the unity of Christ's Church. (Romans 12:16; 1

    Peter 3:8)

    Global EvangelismWe are constant to our founding call to worldwide

    evangelism, proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ is the

    Savior, Healer, and Soon-Coming King (Acts 20:27).

    Fellowship and MinistryAfter people begin their journey with Jesus, we will equ

    them to find a ministry based upon their strengths. Wwant everyone to serve in some capacity. (1 Corinthian

    12:12-27) We also want His church to be the livingevidence of His love and power to the world.

    DiscipleshipWe do not want you to "get religion" here at Fifth Aven

    Church of Christ in Lancaster. We are all about teachinyou that Jesus seeks a daily relationship with Him throu

    a life of obedience. In other words, we want to see thethings you are taught actually change your lifestyle &

    your daily decisions.

    Social ConscienceWe place high value on the sanctity of human life, of

    Biblical marriage and morality, and we welcome ethnidiversity (Isaiah 56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).

    Pastor of the WeekLarry Bussey

    Lips, Mirrors, and ReligionJames 1:19 - 27

    Brad Seevers preaching

    Sermon Notes ________________________












    How Can I respond today?

    At FACC we look to the Bible for guidance on allissues. We believe that Gods Word is clearconcerning what a person must do to become aChristian.

    Trust that Jesus can bring you to salvation. Turn (repent) from the sin in your life. Confess your desire to make Jesus the Lord

    of your life. Be baptized (immersed) in water for the

    forgiveness of sins and to receive the HolySpirit into your life.

    To make this life decision for Christ, we ask that youcome forward during our commitment song at theconclusion of the Sunday message. Baptized believersare welcome to become members at FACC by comingforward on Sunday morning or by seeing our SeniorMinister to discuss this further. We ask that youcomplete a series ofCurious classes to help you better

    understand what you are committing to as a member.



    Exalt Gods Greatness; Evangelize Gods Work Equip Gods People Express Gods Love through Jesus Christ


    To Love God and Love People!

  • 8/3/2019 January 29 Newsletter


    Sunday School Classes for All AgesClasses at 9:15 unless noted

    Nursery (Birth through 3 years old)Jesus Loves Me

    Room 102Courtney Beiter, Coordinator

    Young Children (Ages 4 through 2nd

    Grade)Who is Jesus?

    Room 101Deborah Will, Teacher

    Middle Elementary (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades)Be Wise and Trust God in His Power

    Room 106Sheri Puckett, Teacher

    Junior and Senior HighActs of the Apostles

    Room 301Nick Hinson, Teacher

    Young Ladies Class (8:00 a.m.)Genesis

    Room 214Cassie Bull, Teacher

    Ladies ClassSermon on the Mount:

    Returning Gods Love with Our Life

    Room 209Beverly Puckett, Teacher

    Mens ClassBiblical Definitions

    Room 205Tom Puckett, Teacher

    Adult ClassCurious 101

    (A Study of Salvation and Purpose)

    Fellowship HallBrad Seevers, Teacher

    Harmony Adult Class

    God Establishes a Faithful PeopleRoom 204Dave Tingler, Teacher

    Philothean Adult ClassParables

    Room 108Jim Love, Teacher

    Adult ClassApologetics

    Room 214

    Glen Shady, Teacher

    WELCOME TO FIFTH AVENUE! At FACC, we focus onloving God,loving people, and turning the world

    upside down.

    We are happy you chose to worship with us today. Wehope you return next week and bring your friends with

    you. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out aSilent Roll Call Card, located on the back of the pew,

    you can then place it in the offering plate as it is passed.

    Thank you. For more information about our great church,contact our minister, Brad Seevers atBrad@new-

    churches.org or call him at 740.550.9882. Have a greatweek and may God bless your life.

    Life Group #1 Forgotten God

    Every Sunday @ 6:00 PMLed by Brad Seevers

    Location:Tim & Marie Huffman's

    1900 Lake RoadLancaster, Ohio

    This life group will help you better discover the work of theHoly Spirit in your life. This study is based on the book,Forgotten God, by author Frances Chan. It's time for thechurch to reverse the years of neglect by pursuing the Spirit-filled life of effectiveness that God desires and we desire!

    ***************Life Group #2 Joy In ChristA Bible-study on the Book of Philippians

    Ever Monda @ 1:30 .m.

    Led by Scott BrownLocation:Larry & Phyllis Busseys150 King StreetLancaster, Ohio

    This verse by verse Bible study will help you rediscover yourjoy in life. The theme of joy permeates the pages of this bookfrom start to finish. The joy you will discover during thisgroup is what you need in the midst of hard times.


    Life Group #3 Mens FraternityOur first study is entitled: What Men Need to Hear.

    Ever Tuesda @ 6:30 PMLed by Brad Seevers

    Location:FACC Fellowship Hall

    This is going to be our version of Guysnight out! Each week we will praytogether study together and laugh together.Occasionally, we will go somewhere and beadventurous together. Come hang with us!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/3/2019 January 29 Newsletter


    February 2012Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    AnnualCongregationalMeeting, 6pm

    2 3 4Cabin FeveCard-MakinClass 9-noo

    5Blood PressureChecks (in

    outer office)

    Forgotten God6pm(at Huffmans)

    6Joy in Christ1:30pm

    (at Busseys)

    7What MenNeed to Hear


    8Seniors Study10am and 6:30pm

    Family Reunion6:30pm

    9 10ValentineDinner 6pm


    12Library Sunday

    Carriage CourtService 2pm

    Forgotten God6pm

    (at Huffmans)

    13Joy in Christ1:30pm(at Busseys)

    14What MenNeed to Hear6:30pm(FellowshipHall)

    15Seniors Study10am and 6:30pm

    Family Reunion6:30pm

    16 17 18

    19Forgotten God6pm(at Huffmans)

    20Joy in Christ1:30pm(at Busseys)

    The BookNook 6:30pm

    FacilityManagementMeeting 7pm

    21DorcasMeeting, noon

    What MenNeed to Hear6:30pm(FellowshipHall)

    22Seniors Study10am and 6:30pm

    Family Reunion6:30pm

    23 24 25

    Crafters Be10am-2pm

    26Food PantrySunday

    Forgotten God6pm(at Huffmans)

    27Joy in Christ1:30pm(at Busseys)

    28What MenNeed to Hear6:30pm(FellowshipHall)

    29Seniors Study10am and 6:30pm

    Family Reunion6:30pm

    The birthday list for February is posted on thebulletin board in the coat room

    Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

  • 8/3/2019 January 29 Newsletter


    ABC Memory Verses

    The children's and youth ministries are making a strong focus on memory work.The main foundation of this effort will be our ABC verses. Whether you are a

    parent, worker, or just interested congregant, it would be a great support to the kidsand teens for you to take on the challenge of memorizing these verses.

    A. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)B. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31)C. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right (Ephesians 6:1)D. Depart from evil, and do good (Psalm 34:14)E. Even a child is known by his actions (Proverbs 20:11)F. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our

    Lord (Romans 6:23)

    G. God is love (I John 4:8)H. How awesome is the LORD Most High (Psalm 47:2)I. I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he

    dies (John 11:25)J. Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the

    Father except through me(John 14:6)K. Keep your tongue from evil (Psalm 34:13)L. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all

    your mind and with all your strength (Mark 12:30)M.My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge (2 Samuel 22:3)N. No one can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24)O. O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever (Psalm 118:1)P. Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God (Psalm 147:1)Q. Quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools

    (Ecclesiastes 9:17)R. Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the

    forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts2:38)

    S. Seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6)T. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me (Matthew 11:29)U. Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. (Psalm 127:1)V. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name (John

    16:23)W.When I am afraid, I will trust in You (Psalm 56:3)X. Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves (2

    Corinthians 13:5)Y. You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14)Z. Zion heard, and was glad (Psalm 97:8)