january 2013 - seattle natural awakenings

1 natural awakenings January 201 3 January 2013 | Seattle Edition | SeattleAwakenings.com FREE HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good • live simply • laugh more GMO Truths and Consequences Sustainable Weight Loss 5 SECRETS YOU SHOULD KNOW Autism Update Dietary Changes Offer New Hope GET FIT In Just 20 Minutes a Day

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January 2013 Issue


Page 1: January 2013 - Seattle Natural Awakenings

1natural awakenings January 2013

January 2013 | Seattle Edition | SeattleAwakenings.com



feel good • live simply • laugh more

GMOTruths and


Sustainable Weight Loss5 SECRETS YOU

SHOULD KNOWAutism UpdateDietary Changes Offer New Hope

GET FITIn Just 20 Minutes a Day

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Which Vitamins Does Your Body Really Need?

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3natural awakenings January 2013

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Welcome to the January issue of Seattle Natural Awakenings! I used

to believe the phenomena of New Year’s resolutions was limited to a few hardy souls prepared to withstand the voices of their own inner critics, who surely were scolding them for not having enough originality to determine to change their lives throughout the year. However, as I’ve participated with my own resolutions over the past few years, I’ve realized there is great fun and energy in sharing your goals with others. My resolu-tion this year will be to embrace success, both as a business owner and a mother, as well as in all the other roles I play in my life. My arsenal will include a commitment to better “self-care,” something at which I’ve thus far not been very good. My think-

ing has always been that if I chase my goals with all my energy and serve with all my strength, I’ll eventually get there—but I’ve found an engine without fuel can go nowhere at all, and self care is the fuel that keeps us pursuing our goals and serving others. I’ve recently started belly dancing, and this beautiful and flowing art is both exercise and indulgence, and along with walks in nature, good fiction, and craft projects will help me set aside time to refuel and recharge. What about your goals for 2013? If they include slimming down, check out “Sustainable Weight Loss” (page 18) for sensible tips that will help you achieve your target weight without feeling starved or deprived, factors that often lead to diet failure. Diets are not always about losing weight, of course, and the diet outlined in “Addressing Autism” (page 14) may help family members with neurological dis-orders. While studies have not definitively concluded that diet can help autism, some studies suggest a link between gut permeability and the condition, and some families have reported positive results from making dietary changes. “GMO Truths And Consequences” (page 16) brings to light some important facts about genetically modified foods and the very real dangers they pose. As of press time, the grassroots organization Label It WA believes they have gathered enough signatures to get an initiative on the ballot in 2013 requiring the labeling of genetically modified food. This is a critical step toward transparency, consumer choice, and encouraging food companies to favor non-GMOs. If recent history is any indication, we’re likely to face stiff opposition in the form of well-funded opponents like those who contributed to the defeat of a similar bill in California recently. If you feel so led, I would encourage you to help get the word out, or even volunteer for this cause (learn more at LabelItWA.org). I wish you a fantastic and beautiful year ahead, filled with health, joy and happiness.

Happy New Year!

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how To ADvErTiSE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 206-788-7313 or 425-350-5448 or email [email protected]. Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month.

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rEgioNAl MArkETSAdvertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locallyowned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.

contents 5 newsbriefs

8 healthbriefs

11 ecotip

13 globalbriefs

14 healthykids

16 wisewords

18 consciouseating

20 greenliving

22 fitbody

24 inspiration

27 calendar

29 classifieds

31 resourceguide

14 ADDrESSiNg AuTiSM Families Have Reasons for Hope by Brita Belli

16 gMo TruThS AND coNSEQuENcES Health and Safety are Question Marks by Melinda Hemmelgarn

18 SuSTAiNAblE wEighT loSS Five Secrets for Feeling Like Yourself Again by Judith Fertig

20 coMForTAblE SPAcES Enjoying Where You Live And Work by Ann Dorn

22 STAND uP AND MovE! How to Sizzle, not Fizzle by Debra Melani

24 FlowiNg wiTh liFE Authenticity As A Path For Moving Ahead by Rose Jensen

26 YogA To ThE PEoPlE Wahe Guru Cynosure Brings Kundalini Yoga To Seattle by Lynn Noelte

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.






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5natural awakenings January 2013

newsbriefs Space Clearing And Using Your Intuition Workshops In January

A workshop titled, “Space Clearing: Creating Healthy Homes and Businesses,” will be held several times in

January in the Seattle area. The workshop is a hands-on event for participants to ex-plore “Space Cooperating,” a new modality of space pioneered in Seattle by intuitive and writer Robyn M. Fritz of Alchemy West, and her partner, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz. “Space clearing is a holistic, practical, intuitive tech-nique that revitalizes space on an energetic, or vibrational, level, much like vacuuming and dusting keep the physical space clean,” Fritz says. “It helps establish and maintain clear home and business space to promote healthy, bal-anced lives.” “Using Your Intuition” is a five hour workshop on identi-fying and using one’s strongest intuitive ability. “I guarantee you’ll learn to use your intuition to create a more prosperous, fun life,” Fritz says.

“Clearing Homes and Businesses” is offered Wed, Jan 16, 7-8:30pm at Alki Arts, 2820 Alki Ave SW, Seattle; and Sun, Jan 27, 2-3:30pm at Vision Quest, 3602 Colby Ave, Everett. Walk-ins welcome. “Using Your Intuition,” is Sat, Jan 12, 12-5pm in West Seattle. $100, includes private follow-up. Registration required: [email protected] or 206-937-0233. More information: AlchemyWestInc.com/events.

New Alternative Online Talk Show Launches

A new hour-long alternative radio program, Far Out Radio, will commence online shows on January 7 at 10

p.m. Pacific Time. Host Scott Teeters will cover topics in-cluding history, holistic health, green living, music, politics, space and science, UFOs and other alternative topics. “I’ll be doing in-depth interviews you won't normally hear on main stream media,” Teeters says. “People are still interested in fascinating subjects. There are still stacks of re-ally cool, far out things besides a dampening economy. You won’t get hammered here with how awful things are.” Listeners will be able to listen live, as well as access free archives on the FarOutRadio.com website at any time.

For more information: FarOutRadio.com.

LED Lights Make Sense For City And Homeowners

Seattle City Light has recently finished replacing 31,000 street lights with

energy efficient LED lights in the last two years, and expects to replace 10,000 more in 2013, according to city officials. The lights last nine years longer on av-erage, are 62 percent more energy efficient, and will save the city an estimated $2.4 million annually. However, the blue-white light emitted by LEDs can also save home-owners money. “Forty percent of electrical consump-tion in buildings is lighting and 60 percent of building electrical costs are lighting,” says Wayne Apostolik, owner and president of Northwest Homecrafters, a local construction and remodeling com-pany. Apostolik, who has completed advanced courses on LED lighting, cautions that homeowners should be aware of a few requirements for getting the most out of new LED lighting. “Simply replacing incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs in existing light fixtures carries the potential for heat build up and less efficiency,” Apostolik explains. “Specialized light features can help homeowners minimize energy usage.” Apostolik recommends installing LED bulbs with a power factor of .8 or higher, for best performance and low-est cost.

For more information: NWHomecrafters.blogspot.com/2012/11/a-brighter-future.html.

Don’t miss workshops! Clearing Homes And Businesses:

Jan. 16, Alki Arts, West Seattle Jan. 27, Vision Quest, Everett.

Using Your Intuition: Jan. 12, West Seattle

Special: 20 percent discount on sessions

booked by Jan. 31!

Contact Robyn today!Robyn M Fritz MA MBA

AlchemyWestInc.com/[email protected]


Want Healthy, Balanced, Prosperous Places?

Choose Space Cooperating - space clearing that connects your space’s needs and wants with yours.

“My house felt uncomfortable, and so did I. Robyn listened, talked with me and the house, and helped us both clear. I feel great now, and so does the house! We’re balanced, revived

and ready for the next adventure.” - Jody

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6 Seattle SeattleAwakenings.com

Ananda Farms Announces Camano Island Expansion

Leaders at Ananda Farms, LLC recently announced they have acquired nearly

10 acres of property on South Camano Island for the purpose of expanding their farming activities. Members of Ananda Meditation Temple, in Bothell, have pooled financial resources to acquire this property, which will be developed using organic and permaculture methods. For the last three years, Ananda mem-bers have operated a community supported agriculture subscription farm co-op (CSA) from the property at the Ananda Commu-nity in Lynnwood. These operations will continue as the Camano farmland is de-veloped in the coming years, according to Ananda officials. Subscriptions for the 2013 harvest season will be available in January and produce and farm products will be available at select locations during the harvest season. Ananda Communities worldwide have operated organic farms since the founding of the first Ananda Community in 1968.

For more information: 425 778 4628 or AnandaWashington.org/welcome/affiliates/anandafarm.

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Page 7: January 2013 - Seattle Natural Awakenings

7natural awakenings January 2013

Go Get It Gal Founder Honored

Taryn Kama,

founder of Olympia-based outdoors organiza-tion Go Get It Gal, was recently honored at the Uni-versity of Washington’s annual Women of Courage gala and award ceremony. The fundraising event, which cel-ebrated women of courage in the community, honored 11 women including Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welle, who has sponsored numerous anti-trafficking bills, and Seattle’s real life superhero Purple Reign, the founder of the Purple Reign Campain against domestic violence. “I am deeply honored to be rec-ognized in this way and I am proud to represent Go Get It Gal and all women who push themselves to the limits in the outdoors,” Kama says. Go Get It Gal creates transforma-tive surfing and cycling adventures for women, which include training plans and support for trips designed to encourage lasting friendships and inspire participants to achieve their dreams. This past August, Kama led the company’s first French Alps bike tour featuring some of the most famous climbs found on the Tour de France. “Together, with our friends at the chalet, we all created something truly special together that can only be felt, not explained. We laughed, we rode hard and we spoiled ourselves. Over-all, we had an amazing week in the Alps, riding a variety of terrain, cols [climbs] and areas,” said Taryn Kama of the French Alps tour.

Two French Alps tours are planned for 2013. For more information: GoGetItGal.com.

Greenlake Chiropractic & Nutritional Heal-ing Offers Purification And Detox Program

Dr. Steve Polenz and the staff of Greenlake Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing are offering a 21 day purifica-

tion and detoxification program starting January 12, with an information session and sign-up night on January 8 at 7 p.m. “This program is specially designed to not only purify your body, but to nourish it and help you maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle even after the program is complete,” says Dr. Steve Polenz, who prefers to be known as Dr. Steve. Dr. Steve and his staff will be going through the detox program along with the participants. “After just three weeks, you may experience increased energy, weight loss and diminished cravings, reduced cholesterol and blood pressure, decreased stress, headaches and joint pain, and much more,” Dr. Steve says. He notes that the program is not a diet. “You are encouraged to eat,” Dr. Steve says. “The program includes veg-etables, fruit, oils, butter, brown rice, lentils, organic and free-range chicken and wild fish. You drink a minimum of three protein shakes per day, and you take specific supplements to aid in expelling the toxins that are stored in the fat cells.” The $299 price includes a handbook, weekly support workshops led by Dr. Steve at his office near the Northgate mall, daily emails and online support, and a 21-day supply of supplements and detox supplies. “This program can help jump start you into a healthier life and support a healthy body weight,” Dr. Steve finishes.

The purification and detox program starts Jan. 12, with an information session and sign-up night at 7pm on Jan. 8 at Greenlake Chiropractic & Nutritional Heal-ing, 9750 3rd Ave NE, #103, Seattle, WA. For more information or to register: 206-523-0121 or GLChiro.com.

Class Teaches How To Explore The Subconscious Mind

Certified hypno-therapist Amy Meister-Stetson will be leading “Exploring The Subconscious

Mind Through Hypnosis” on February 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the University of Washington campus. “This class will help participants learn about how the conscious and subconscious minds work and how they determine your habits and behaviors,” Meister-Stetson explains. “We’ll enjoy several fun hypnotic induction exercises and create an effective self-hypnosis induction students can use in the future. You may go as deeply into trance as you would like to, and you may be surprised to discover you can relax into this state more easily each time you practice.” Meister-Stetson recommends students bring an open mind, playful attitude, positive intentions, and optionally a pillow for added comfort. “Everyone can benefit from using the relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques they will learn in this class,” she says.

“Exploring The Subconscious Mind Through Hypnosis” is offered through the University of Washington Experimental College. $20/general public, $15/UW students. Registration required. For more information: 206-543-4375 or Depts.washington.edu/asuwxpcl/courses/view/13WI.18.17901.

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Flame Retardant May Pose Health RisksObesity, anxiety and developmental and reproductive problems have all

been linked to small quantities of a flame retardant frequently used in furniture and baby products, according to a recent, limited study on rats by researchers at Duke University. Baby rats with mothers that ingested small amounts of the chemical Firemaster 550 gained more weight than those that weren’t exposed, and exposed female offspring displayed more anxiety, reached puberty earlier and exhibited abnormal reproductive cycles. Study co-author Heather Stapleton, Ph.D., associate professor of environ-mental chemistry at Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment, is a leading expert on flame retardants, particularly children’s exposure to the toxic chemi-cals they can release. She specifically notes that the new research assessed exposure to doses far lower than those of earlier studies. “This raises red flags

about a widely used chemical that we know little about,” advises Stapleton. “What we do know is that it’s common in house dust,

and people, especially kids, are being exposed to it.” “Firemaster 550 was put on the market with almost no study,” says Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute

of Environmental Health Sciences, which funded the new research. She says the preliminary findings strongly suggest the need for more studies.

FrYiNg PAN FAux PAS Fried foods may please the palate, but cooking them in

the wrong medium, such as sunflower oil, can pres-ent a health risk. Researchers from the University of the Basque Country, in North Spain, have discovered that organic aldehyde compounds become toxic when heated. These chemicals, previously linked with some types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, are generated by the degradation of fatty acids in sunflower and other oils high in polyunsaturated fats, and some remain in food after frying. Oils with higher concentrations of monounsaturated fats, such as olive, peanut or coconut, are less worrisome if frying is the only cooking option.

A gMo-FrEE grocErY liSTAccording to a recent article pub-

lished in Green American maga-zine, 93 percent of Americans believe that genetically modified foods should be labeled. However, only USDA-cer-tified organic products cannot inten-tionally contain genetically modified organisms (GMO), so identifying GMO foods and products in a typical U.S. grocery store is difficult. The fol-lowing information can help. The U.S. Department of Agri-culture (USDA) confirms that large percentages of the nation’s crops were genetically modified in 2011: 94 percent of conventional soy and soy products; 90 percent of cottonseed, a common ingredient in margarine, salad dressings and oils; and 88 per-cent of corn, contained in breakfast cereals, corn flour products such as chips and tortillas, high-fructose corn syrup, soups and condiments. More than 90 percent of the U.S. canola crop also is now genetically modified. The Independent, one of Eng-land’s leading newspapers, reported in 1999 that the artificial sweetener aspartame has been made with geneti-cally modified bacteria since 1965. Aspartame, inconclusively linked with numerous health risks, is present in more than 6,000 products, includ-ing diet sodas. Two other ubiquitous artificial sweeteners, Nutrasweet and Equal, also contain aspartame. The USDA further lists 95 percent of the 2009 U.S. sugar beet crop, used to produce conventional sugar, as genetically modified. Non-GMO alternative sweeteners include pure cane sugar and honey from organic farms.

Source: GreenAmerica.org

Black Pepper Fights FatA simple, widely available spice and kitchen staple may help us trim

our waistlines. New research published in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry gives the nod to black pepper. The study provides evidence of a long-sought explana-tion for the beneficial, fat-fighting effects of the common seasoning. Piperine, the pungent-tasting substance that gives black pepper its characteristic taste, helps block the formation of new fat cells.

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Functional Training Protects Against FallsSeniors that integrate

strength and balance training into everyday activities experience nearly one-third fewer falls, according to a new study published online by BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal). A team of researchers at the University of Sydney, Australia, designed and tested the Lifestyle Integrated Functional Exercise program to reduce the risk of falls in people over 70. For example, a prescribed activity for improving balance was to stand on one leg while working, and for strength training, squatting to close a drawer. The study found that the average rate of falls per year for those in the program was 1.66, compared with 2.28 in a control group.

Keep Tabs on Radiation Exposure

The cumulative exposure to ion-izing radiation used in medical

diagnostic tests from dental and chest X-rays, mammograms, heart health exams and other procedures adds up, often reaching or surpass-ing the recommended lifetime limit of 100 milliSieverts (mSv) set by the American College of Radiol-ogy, according to a recent Harvard Medical School advisory. Among the tests that emit ionizing radiation are computerized

tomography (CT scans), cardiac catheterizations, coronary CT angiograms, cardiac calcium scoring and some types of stress tests. Heart tests that pose no radiation risk include electrocar-diography (ECG), echocardiography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Dr. Warren Manning, chief of noninvasive cardiac im-aging and testing at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Boston, and a Harvard Medical School professor, advises, “One or two CT scans over a lifetime is appropriate. But if you have a condition that requires repeated monitoring, a test that does not expose you to ionizing radiation may be preferred.” Many radiologists take precautions to minimize clients’ radiation exposure, such as performing cardiac CT scans with one-sixth the conventional radiation dose.



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Wisdom from WaterSimply drinking a glass

of water can prompt better choices at the dinner table, con-cludes new research by T. Bettina Corn-well, Ph.D., of the University of Or-egon, and Anna R. McAlister, Ph.D., of Michigan State University. In separate studies, young adults and chil-dren were tested according to their food and beverage choices. When the participants were served a soda, they selected foods that tended to be more salty and calorie-dense. However, when the provided beverage was water, participants ate more raw vegetables.

Supplementation Cuts Colon Cancer RiskA diet enhanced with multivi-

tamin and mineral supple-ments may dramatically lower the risk of developing precancerous colon cancer lesions, according to research published in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. Nearly 150,000 men and women in the United States are diagnosed with this second-most common form of cancer each year. In the study, rats were fed a high-fat (20 percent) diet for 32 weeks. Those fed a high-fat, low-fiber diet and also exposed to a carcinogen, developed precancerous lesions of the colon. The animals that underwent a similar diet and treatment, but also received daily vitamin and mineral supplements, showed an 84 percent reduction in the forma-tion of precancerous lesions and did not develop tumors.

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Repair and ReuseMending a Throwaway CultureCountries can learn much from each other, and people that know how to fix things now have another model for benefiting their community by reduc-ing the burden on landfills. Conceived three years ago in Amsterdam as a way to help reduce waste, the Repair Café concept—in which citizens gather one or more days a month to social-ize while mending clothes and broken household items like coffeemakers and vacuum cleaners—currently operates in more than 30 locations throughout The Netherlands. The effort in sustainability has been bolstered by a government grant, support from foundations and small donations that pay for staffing, marketing and even a Repair Café bus. “In Europe, we throw out so many things,” says Martine Postma, a former journalist who initiated the idea after attending an exhibit on the benefits of repairing and recycling. “It’s a shame,

because the things we throw away are usually not that broken.” “I think it’s a great idea,” says Han van Kasteren, a professor at the Eind-hoven University of Technology, who works on waste issues. “The social ef-fect alone is important. When you get people together to do something for the environment, you raise conscious-ness, and repairing [something] gives a good feeling.” The forum harbors two other positive aspects: It’s a way for handy retirees and others to ply and mentor skills that may have been dormant and

also saves families the cost of buying a new product, a common occurrence as repair shops vanish along with handy-men that make house calls. The Repair Café Foundation provides lists of tools, tips for raising money, marketing materials and helpful insights for interested groups. To date, Postma has received inquiries from Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, South Africa and Ukraine.

Get Help Repairing And Reusing Your Possessions

Bring non-gas powered items to a meeting of the West Seattle Fixer’s Collective on the first and third Thursday of the month, 6 to 9 p.m. at the West Seattle Tool Library at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center,4408 Delridge Way SW, Seattle. Work on broken items yourself or get help from volunteers. More information: http://www.meetup.com/West-Seattle-Tool-Library or [email protected].

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13natural awakenings January 2013


Cut AbuseGovernment Steps In to Curb Greenwashing

The U.S. Federal Trade Commis-sion (FTC) has issued updated green marketing guidelines in-tended to stop advertisers from making deceptive or unqualified claims about products being envi-ronmentally beneficial or eco-friendly, called “greenwashing.” The FTC said that few products deliver the far-reaching environ-mental benefits that consumers associate with such claims, and they are nearly impossible to substantiate.

The revision is the first since 1998, when phrases like “carbon footprint” and “renewable energy” were relatively new. Using input from consumers and industry groups, new sections address the use of carbon offsets, “green” certifica-tions and seals, and renewable energy and renewable materi-als claims. Marketers are warned not to make broad, unquali-fied assertions that their products are environmentally benign or eco-friendly. Arthur Weissman, president and CEO of Green Seal Inc., a nonprofit environmental certification organization based in Washington, D.C., says, “We hope that there will be enforcement to help rid the marketplace of the many less-than-credible seals and greenwashing that exist.” The new guidelines are not rules or regulations, but general principles that describe the types of environmental claims the FTC may find deceptive. They do not address use of the terms “sustainable,” “natural” and “organic.”

Source: The Christian Science Monitor


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People PowerModified Bicycles Recycle Electronic WasteHarvard graduate Rachel Field, 22, has invented the Bicyclean device, a contender for an interna-tional James Dyson Award recognizing the next generation of design engineers. The Bicy-clean helps people in Third World countries separate valuable recyclable materials from the mountains of refrigerators, computers, cell phones and other electronic e-waste dumped in their “backyards” by richer nations. She aims to show that the needlessly harmful process can be made healthier, using simple bicycle technology that can be implemented virtually anywhere. Her solution is to stand up a bike in the normal posi-tion, but with the back wheel removed and replaced with an enclosed, pedal-powered, grinder-and-separation system. Pushing bits of circuit board down an attached chute onto a grinding mill of coarse cement ejects crushed e-waste fragments. Magnets collect the ferrous metals, and a battery-powered electromagnetic current pushes away non-ferrous metals. The device is more sustainable, plus it deposits and emits much less pollution into nearby waterways and air than other methods.

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14 Seattle SeattleAwakenings.com

Parents of autistic children are encouraged when they witness improvements after eliminating

gluten (wheat) and casein (dairy) from their kids’ diets. Now a parental study supports the correlation—for some kids on the autism spectrum, the gluten- and casein-free (GFCF) diet appears to be connected with remarkable changes. Laura Cousino Klein, associate professor of biobehavioral health and human development at the Penn State College of Medicine, helped lead research that surveyed 387 parents or caregivers with affected children. For those diagnosed with combinations of autism and gastrointestinal issues or

food sensitivities, the GFCF diet brought marked improvements in their autism spectrum disorder (ASD) behaviors—reducing hyperactivity and tantrums; minimizing constipation and seizures; and improving social behaviors. Klein says scientists are still work-ing to understand the interaction be-tween the brain, gut and behaviors, but recent findings suggest that significant links exist. “One hypothesis is that by eliminating dietary triggers in the pres-ence of food allergies or gastrointestinal distress, you’re reducing inflammation or irritability of the immune system, and that’s affecting the way the brain is functioning,” she says.

Dietary Turnaround One Racine, Wisconsin, mom, Cindy Schultz, a tireless advocate for her au-tistic son, says, “As an infant, he either had constipation or diarrhea. There was never a happy medium.” The GFCF diet has improved his health and his ability to communicate. Shauna Layton, in Clinton, Indi-ana, says her son experienced similar bowel problems and she also saw a remarkable turnaround in his language abilities and social interactions as they adhered to a GFCF diet and eliminated sugar and yeast. Other parents from her online support group, Together in Autism, report similar success. “Some children have never talked, and now they are saying ‘Mom,’ ‘Dad,’ or ‘I love you,’ for the first time,” Layton says. A definitive gut-brain link with autism has yet to be identified. Some scientists suggest that kids with autism are more likely to have leaky gut syn-drome (intestinal permeability), which allows peptides from gluten and casein to escape from the digestive tract, cross the intestinal membranes, enter the bloodstream and go to the brain, causing the neurobehavioral symp-toms known as ASDs, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. While the AAP knows of no scientific proof that a GFCF diet will bring benefits,


Addressing AutismFamilies Have Reasons for Hope

by brita belli

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Dr. John Cannell, founder of the nonprofit Vitamin D Council, remarks that fear of sun overexposure has led to the deficiencies. “Vitamin D is not a vitamin,” Cannell clari-fies. “It’s a steroid hormone system that begins in the skin. If children aren’t getting any photons of UVB light, they’re not making any vitamin D.” He notes that the rise in autism rates during the last 25 years tracks with increases in 50-plus SPF sunscreen use, more time spent indoors and a rise in breastfeeding. Because breast milk contains low amounts of vitamin D, since 2003 the AAP has emphasized the importance of parents giving vitamin D supplement drops to breastfed infants. The same vitamin D study showed that the severity of autism correlated strongly with deficiencies of this vitamin and that the higher the level, the less severe the symptoms. Cannell has witnessed this phenomenon via a clinic hosted by the Vitamin D Council, recommending increases in vita-min D levels for autistic children to “high normal levels” and reducing vitamin A, which blocks the action of vitamin D. “We have children on 5,000 to 10,000 units of vitamin D a day,” Cannell reports. “We see improvements in terms of sleep, meltdowns, eye contact, cognitive capacity, fine motor skills, language and reading—across the spectrum.”

Brita Belli is the author of The Autism Puzzle: Connecting the Dots Between Environmental Toxins and Rising Autism Rates.

they note that it’s possible, especially in people suffering from celiac disease. Parents have also observed that food dyes can exacer-bate hyperactivity in children, a connection unconfirmed by the federal government. In 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Advisory Committee suggested further testing, while voting against additional food labeling require-ments for potentially problematic dyes. Meanwhile, some parents affirm that eliminating such dyes has helped them better manage their children’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A 2011 study taking into account 35 years of research found that many ADHD children showed significant improvement after eliminating dyes from their diets; it also registered that greater than 70 percent were positively influenced by various dietary chang-es. The results were promising enough for researchers to con-clude, “A trial elimination diet is appropriate for children that have not responded satisfactorily to conventional treatment.”

The Role of Vitamin D A 2012 study in the Journal of Neuroinflammation found that autistic children had significantly lower levels of vitamin D than control subjects. Vitamin D, the study notes, regulates immune function and thus autoimmunity; when the immune system is disrupted and the body attacks itself, it may play a role in the development of autism.

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The food industry tells consumers that ge-netically engineered foods are safe. On university campuses, agriculture students

learn that such genetically modified organisms (GMO) are both safe and necessary to feed the world. The Council for Biotechnology Informa-tion, a biotech industry-supported nonprofit, even created a coloring book to teach children about the many benefits of GMO crops, including improved nutrition. Most GMO crops have been genetically engineered to withstand spraying with herbicides, such as Monsanto’s Roundup-Ready soybeans, or to produce their own pesti-

GMO Truths and Consequences

Health and Safety are Question Marks

by Melinda hemmelgarn

cides, such as “Bt” corn and cotton. Bill Freese, a science policy analyst at the nonprofit Center for Food Safety, warns us to be leery of simplistic claims that don’t take into ac-count unintended consequences. For example, he points out that, “GMO crops have nothing to do with feeding the world, because almost all genetically engineered crops are corn and soybeans... used to feed livestock in rich coun-tries, or to feed automobiles.” Approximately 40 percent of corn currently is used to make ethanol. Freese adds, “They don’t increase yields and they

don’t increase nutrition.” But GMO crops have led to a staggering increase in herbicide use, putting

both farmers and consumers at greater risk for exposure to these toxins and related diseases, according to the Center for Food Safety.

So the question is: Are GMOs the panacea industry wants us to believe, or are they contributing to chronic disease? Here are three claims commonly heard about

GMOs, generally made by the bio-technology industry and their funded


Claim: GMOs are safe.

Fact Check: Little research exists on the long-term effects of consuming GMO foods. According to Douglas Gurian-Sherman, a senior scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, safety assessments have left us with significant uncertainties about whether GMO food is safe or not. However, concerns voiced by the Center for Food Safety revolve around potential allergens and toxins from both herbicide and pesticide residues and new genetic material. New research from the European Union published in Food and Chemical Toxicology adds to growing concerns about the risks. Researchers discovered that rats fed GMO corn and drinking water containing Roundup herbicide experienced negative health effects during their two-year lifespan, including mammary tumors and disabled pituitary function in females, and liver and kidney damage in males. These outcomes were attributed to the endocrine-disrupting effects of Roundup, as well as the genetic makeup of the engineered corn. What makes this study unique and troubling is that it’s the longest such study period to date. Most studies funded and conducted by industry last just 90 days—not long enough to fully document potential harm. Michael Hansen, Ph.D., a senior scientist at Consumer Reports, states in a memo to the American Medical As-sociation’s (AMA) Council on Science and Public Health, “Unlike all other developed countries, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not require safety testing for GE [genetically engineered] plants.” Hansen explains, “In addition to the FDA not requiring any pre-market safety testing, there is virtually no indepen-

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dent safety testing of these crops in the United States, due to intellectual property rights. When farmers buy GE seed in the U.S., they invariably must sign a product steward-ship agreement that forbids them from giving such seeds to researchers.” Plus, “Researchers must get permission from the biotech companies before they can do research, which means there is a paucity of independent research.” The good news is that last June, the AMA recommend-ed mandatory pre-market safety testing to better character-ize the potential harms of bioengineered foods.Claim: GMO crops use fewer pesticides, and those used are safer than most others and break down quickly.

Fact Check: Roundup herbicide is increasingly sprayed on a growing number of herbicide-resistant GMO crops, including corn, soy, canola, sugar beets and most recently, alfalfa. By tracking the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s pes-ticide use data, Charles Benbrook, research professor at the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, at Washington State University, discovered that herbicide-resis-tant crop technology led to a 527-million-pound increase in herbicide use in the United States between 1996 and 2011. With the growing presence of herbicide-resistant weeds, new GE forms of corn and soybeans have been developed to resist stronger and more dangerous herbicides, such as 2,4-D, one of the two ingredients in Agent Orange, a defoliant used in the Vietnam War. Benbrook projects that these new GMO crops could drive herbicide usage up by about another 50 percent.

According to Warren Porter, Ph.D., a biologist and environmental toxicology professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Theo Colborn, Ph.D., president of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, glyphosate, the active chemical ingredient in Roundup, is an endocrine disruptor, meaning it interferes with hormone systems. Porter says we can expect higher levels of herbicide residues in GMO food crops. A report from the U.S. Geo-logical Survey (USGS) found that glyphosate is now com-monly found in rain, streams and air during the growing season. “Though glyphosate is the most widely used herbi-cide in the world, we know very little about its long-term effects to the environment,” cautions Paul Capel, a USGS chemist. A Canadian study showing that the Bt toxins from GMO corn are showing up in umbilical cord blood and the blood of pregnant women is another concern. Monsanto claims Bt is harmless and will break down in our digestive tracts. But we have no way of knowing the effect of these toxins on developing fetuses, says Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Ph.D., a senior scientist with the Pesticide Action Network.

Learn more and take action at LabelItWA.org.

Melinda Hemmelgarn, aka the “Food Sleuth,” is a registered dietitian and award-winning writer and radio host at kopn.org, in Columbia, MO ([email protected]). She advocates for organic farmers at Enduring-Image.blogspot.com.

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Starting in the 1970s, natural foods advocate and journalist Kathleen Barnes, of Brevard, North Carolina, avidly practiced vegetarianism, yet through the years she still gained weight. Searching for answers, she shared her findings

in an array of books that include 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health: A Take Charge Plan for Women (co-authored with Dr. Hyla Cass) and Rx from the Garden: 101 Food Cures You Can Easily Grow. “When I at last learned which key foods to add to my diet, I lost 100

pounds—and kept them off,” says Barnes. Burn fat. Foods with thermogenic properties help heat up the body and may help burn fat. “You feel a flush when you eat or drink them,” Barnes notes. Chili peppers, curry powder, horseradish, mustard, garlic, onion, wasabi, ginger, black pepper and radishes are especially good choices in cold weather, when we want to feel warm anyway. The intense flavors delivered by such foods help us to practice the prin-ciple of portion control, Chester Ku-Lea, a health and nutrition consultant in Vancouver, British Columbia, says, “Adding these foods to dishes generates a higher rate of caloric burn, and their powerful flavors prompt people to eat far less than they normally would. Plus, red, cayenne and jalapeño peppers, hot sauces and any other spicy foods are all very low in calories.” Enhance mood. We don’t want to feel hungry or deprived when trying to lose weight. The protein in turkey, chicken and cold-water fish like salmon and mackerel helps us feel more satis-fied and on top of things. Barnes also suggests eating low-fat cottage cheese, avocado, wheat germ, whole-grain crackers and bananas to help increase serotonin levels and feelings of well-being. “When you crave something sweet or feel like you’re crashing mid-afternoon, that’s the time to eat a small amount of these foods to get you back on track,” she advises. Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure, agrees. This Mill Valley, California, nutritional psychotherapist recommends complex carbohydrates such as whole grains to keep us on an even keel during weight loss. “This means pushing away the leftover cake and eating sensible carbs to stimulate serotonin,” she says. Promote digestion. The fiber in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains helps move things along in the digestive system, making our bodies work more efficiently. Barnes favors drinking peppermint and other herbal teas and incorporating sage, dill, oreg-ano and other herbs in savory dishes to aid digestion.


Health experts agree that many foods can play multiple roles in weight loss.

SUSTAINABLE WEIGHT LOSSFive Secrets for Feeling Like Yourself Again

by Judith Fertig

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19natural awakenings January 2013

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According to a recent University of Illinois study, soluble fiber found in oat bran, fruits, vegetables and nuts not only facilitates digestion, but also supports the immune system. Professor Gregory Freund, who teaches at the university’s medical school in Champaign, explains, “Soluble fiber changes the personality of immune cells—they go from being pro-inflammatory, angry cells to anti-inflammatory, healing cells that help us recover faster from infection.” Feel full. Hunger pangs can derail anyone’s best efforts to eat better. Barnes learned that liquids, includ-ing up to two quarts of water a day, help retain a satisfied feeling. In cooler months, she makes soups that incor-porate leafy green vegetables, onion, garlic, chili peppers and herbs. An apple a day might keep the doctor away—and help in other ways, as well. “Apples have a high water content and are packed with fiber, two factors that leave you satiated,” says Keren Gilbert, a registered dietitian and founder of Decision Nutrition, in Great Neck, New York. “For a tasty protein-packed snack, top apple slices with natural almond butter.”

and slowly munch each ruby-colored seed, or stop at a coffee shop to sip a latte made with low-fat milk. Barnes’ evolved natural foods strat-egy has helped her maintain a desirable weight for many years now. “Sustainable weight loss involves sustainable eating,” she says, “finding healthy foods that we can enjoy for the rest of our lives.”

Award-winning cookbook author Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFood AndLifestyle.blogspot.com.

Accept treats. Leaving room for a treat, like a piece of fine chocolate, can leave us feeling satisfied rather than stuffed, says Katherine Harvey, a regis-tered dietitian in Kansas City, Missouri. Indulging in a little sweet treat from time to time reinforces the perception that eating right can be simple and pleasurable, says Barnes. In cold months, she likes to bake apples sweetened with Stevia and cinnamon, or poach pears in fruit juice and spices. She might break open a pomegranate

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20 Seattle SeattleAwakenings.com

Comfortable Spaces Enjoying Where You Live and Work

by Ann Dorn

Interest in alternative techniques to improve home and business spaces is growing, as seen by the increase in

practitioners, associations and courses using eco-conscious, sustainable modalities. One alternative modality is space clearing, which focuses on sup-porting the well-being of both people and their spaces on a level that is often felt but unseen. “Space clearing is a practical, ho-listic and intuitive technique to create the healthiest, most balanced spaces to live, work, and prosper in,” says Robyn Fritz, owner of Alchemy West and practitioner of what she terms “space cooperating.” “Space clearing revitalizes space

on an energetic and vibrational level, much like vacuuming and dusting keep the physical space clean,” Fritz ex-plains. She points out that most people instinctively understand this. “Are you comfortable and re-freshed at home, or tense and restless? When you’re working and shopping, do you feel invited and intrigued or stagnant and unfocused?” Fritz asks. “The difference is the comfortable, inviting home and business are clean, healthy spaces that have experienced some form of space clearing.” Fritz says that space clearing helps because everything and everyone undergoes change and has emotions, including the spaces people live and


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work in. Helping spaces become healthy and balanced gives people the foundation to feel and perform at their best, according to Fritz. “Everything around us, human and otherwise, has a distinct vibration, or ‘energy.’ When the vibrations are unbal-anced, or ‘stuck,’ people and spaces can clash,” Fritz says. “When the vibra-tions are balanced, they mesh. Space clearing gets the vibrations to sync.” Vibrations are affected by emo-tions and events, Fritz says. “Everything we feel, think, or do affects our physical and emotional bodies. As we go about our busy lives, bits of these changes are left behind, where they mix with everyone else’s bits and get stuck, becoming part of the space’s vibration. Space clearing helps clear out stuck bits—the pieces that don’t belong there—while also acknowledging and creating positive change.” This makes space clearing useful for ongoing or seasonal maintenance as well as unique situations like real estate buy/sell, remodels, or new con-struction. “Our relationships with our spaces change, just as they do with people. Space clearing helps with change, whether you’re looking to establish or alter a relationship with a space. That could include buying a new home, clearing electromagnetic frequencies, remedying trauma, or facilitating life changes like marriages, births, illnesses and death.” Fritz says that results can be astounding. She points to homes that have quickly sold after being on the market for months and to people who have experienced personal and creative breakthroughs after learning to work with their spaces. “We all need an edge in our fast-paced, high-stress world. Well-nourished, vibrant spaces feel good and promote our own well-being. The bottom line: the better your space feels, the better you, your family, and your staff and clients will feel. It’s an edge we can all use.”

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STAND UP AND MOVE!How to Sizzle, not Fizzle

by Debra Melani


As millions of Americans ponder quitting newly launched fit-ness resolutions after finding it

tough to squeeze in toning workouts or sweat off a few extra pounds, research-ers implore: Don’t give up. Just pump out 20 minutes a day of any kind of exercise—take a brisk walk, jog, lift weights—and stop sitting so much. Re-sults can bring a healthier, more youth-ful feeling of well-being, akin to what explorer Juan Ponce de León sought in

the Americas long ago. In a recently completed study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers followed up with more than 18,000 middle-aged men and women that had been tested an average of 26 years earlier for cardiorespiratory fitness via a treadmill test. They com-pared those results with the individuals’ current Medicare data at the Cooper Institute Clinic, in Dallas, Texas “We found those who were fitter

had a much lower rate of heart failure, chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, certain kinds of colon cancer and coronary artery disease,” says co-author Dr. Benjamin Willis. “Fit people that did become ill did so at a much later age than their non-fit counterparts. They were able to enjoy a healthier life longer.” Researchers found that for every higher MET fitness level (standard metabolic equivalent, a unit for mea-suring fitness related to the amount of oxygen used by the body during physi-cal activity), the risk of chronic disease decreased by about 6 percent. “So those that can raise their fitness levels by three METs have an estimated 18 to 20 percent reduced risk of developing a chronic disease,” Willis explains. The take-away message is, “Just move,” says study co-author Dr. Laura DeFina. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rec-ommends investing in a weekly total

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of 150 to 300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of vigor-ous exercise, either of which can be broken down into two or three 10-min-ute increments a day, DeFina confirms. As simple as it sounds, few people are doing it, something New York Times fitness columnist Gretchen Reynolds underscores in her recent book, The First 20 Minutes: Surprising Science Reveals How We Can: Exer-cise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longer. “Most of us sit an average of eight hours a day, whether it’s at a desk or in front of a television,” Reynolds says. “The human body was not meant to be sedentary.” More than three-quarters of Americans are not meeting exercise recommendations, with one-quarter remaining completely sedentary, the CDC reports. Breaking this cycle does not need to be difficult, Reynolds notes. “You get the benefits from just moving. Start by standing up more and moving around in your office.” Reynolds, who hops on one foot while brushing her teeth and reads standing up using a music stand, says studies have shown that bad things happen to bodies that sit for long stints, even those that start each day with an hour of exercise, and good things happen to bodies that stand often, even if it’s just for two minutes every half-hour. “For instance, when you stand, the big muscles in your legs and back contract, releasing enzymes that stabilize blood sugar,” Reynolds says, echoing findings of a study of more than 120,000 men and women published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The re-searchers found that the combination of both sitting more and being less physically active was associated with

a significant increase in accelerated death rate, particularly in women, at 94 percent, as well as men, at 48 percent. As Reynolds’ book title suggests, the majority of health benefits are de-rived from the first 20 minutes of ex-ercise and begin to flatten out after 30 minutes or so. Dr. Carl Lavie, medical director of cardiac rehabilitation and prevention at the Ochsner Medical Center, in New Orleans, points out that this timeframe supports general health. He and Reynolds agree that to reach specific goals, such as increased running speed or dramatic weight loss, moderate levels won’t do the trick, so do more, if possible. The most vital message, experts agree, is to do something every day, consistently. Willis observes that, “The effects can quickly reverse if you stop.”

Freelance journalist Debra Melani writes about health care and fitness from Lyons, CO. Connect at Debra Melani.com or [email protected].

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good and help us heal.


Nearly everybody has experienced the sensation of feeling stalled or

stymied in their lives, unable to move forward, and the reasons we get “stuck” may be as varied as the people to whom it happens. “I see a lot of clients who lack the confidence to follow their dreams, clients with chronic health problems that limit them in some way, and clients with addictions – not necessarily to drugs or alcohol, but addictions to food, bad habits, or unhealthy relationships,” says Health Kinesiology practitioner Sue Mariconda. In her West Seattle-based practice, Mariconda uses muscle testing to ask the body what it needs to over-come obstacles and challenges. “We often spend a lot of time lis-tening to loved ones – or even our own inner critic – about the way we need to be in the world, rather than listening to our own heart and what we know to be true,” Mariconda says, explaining how people come to find themselves hover-ing in the same routine, or unable to reach their dreams. “When we don’t live an authentic life – not being true to ourselves – we cannot be truly happy. Much of the time it comes down to fear. The state of be-ing stuck can be stressful to the body’s energy system, whether we realize it as being stressful or not,” she continues. “When our energy is out of balance, our body is not functioning at optimal levels and as a result we can have issues with our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.”

As the body becomes stressed, the energy imbalance intensifies and often exacerbates the problem of being stuck. “If we’re lucky, we wake up one day and realize that the way we’re liv-ing our lives isn’t serving us, and we want to find a different, easier way,” Mariconda says. “Many times, however, people have to have a crisis of some type, hitting ‘rock bottom’ before realiz-ing that it’s time to make changes; that’s how it was for me.” Mariconda herself experienced a health crisis before finding Health Kine-siology, which helped her heal physi-cally and find the energy and desire to pursue her dreams. “Fortunately, even when we don’t consciously know the path out of being stuck, our bodies and our energy system know the answers,” Mariconda says. “The rewards of becoming unstuck offer endless possibilities,” Mariconda says. “We’re really only limited by the reality that we create for ourselves. Once we discover and release the things that are holding us back, we can have improved health, better relationships, and live up to our full potential.”

Sue Mariconda is the owner of Butterfly Balance Wellness Center and works with clients using Health Kinesiol-ogy, Reconnective Healing and Access Bars. Butterfly Balance Wellness Center is located in West Seattle at 3515 SW Alaska Street, 2nd Floor. For more infor-mation: 206-755-9900 or ButterflyBalance.com.

Flowing With LifeAuthenticity As A Path To Getting “Unstuck”

by rose Jensen

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25natural awakenings January 2013

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Wahe Guru Yoga cynosure in Greenwood has been open nearly half a year,

and students continue to discover the transformative practice of Kundalini yoga with teacher Frytz Fatehpal and his wife Yana Hari Baldev. “Our teachers actually said that one would be crazy to open a yoga center in this economy,” Hari Baldev explains. “We felt precisely because of the state of current affairs in the country we should make the teachings more available.”

“Wahe Guru Yoga is Seattle’s first yoga cynosure completely dedicated to the teachings of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation,” says Fatehpal. “Kundalini yoga is known as ‘the mother of all yogas,’” he continues, explaining that if each yoga is a facet of a diamond, Kundalini Yoga is the whole diamond, and it’s effect is fast. “It is the complete mind, body, spirit practice,” he says. “Kundalini yoga includes all parts of yogic science: pranayam, mudra, mantra, kriya, and more,” Hari Baldev says. “It’s purpose is to awaken you to

Wahe Guru Yoga CynosureBringing Yoga Science To The People


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your destiny. It takes you from where you are to where you want to be.” “All participants are encouraged to listen to their own bodies” says Fatehpal. “It is important that a student works within their own realm of ability. Wahe Guru classes are noncompetitive and foster group consciousness and community.” “Will you get a physical workout? Most definitely. Yet, with Kundalini Yoga you get the physical and so much more,” Fatehpal explains. “Praction-ers often experience increased cellular energy, release of disease in the body, clearing blocks in the body and energy fields, and increased focus and brain function.” “When we vibrate the cosmos the cosmos will vibrate back. It is simple,” Hari Baldev says. “The power of our collective efforts will heal each other. It is a timeless, proven science. It works. All one needs to do is choose to have the experience, and choose to awaken to higher consciousness.”

Wahe Guru Yoga cynosure offers classes Monday through Friday, with one class on both Saturday and Sunday. Wahe Guru Yoga is located at 7415 Greenwood Ave. N, Seattle. For more information: WaheGuruYoga.com or 206-783-9243

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27natural awakenings January 2013

NoTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Email [email protected] for guidelines and to submit entries. Alternatively, visit SeattleAwakenings.com to submit online.


FRIDAY, JANUARY 4Heart Fire Yoga – 7:30-9pm. Join Michael Faith, author of Heart Fire: Practices to Awaken, Expand, and Engage Your Heart, as he shares from his book practical, heart-centered ways to align with the cycles of life. Learn about this five-step cycle and how to channel the wisdom of the heart to help navigate cycles with bravery, strength, and grace. $10. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookShop.com/events/4552.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 5Heart-Warming Winter Soups – 12-1pm. Chilly winter days call for satisfying soups the whole family will love. Join Bastyr University’s Kelly Morrow, MS, and learn the secrets to creating nutrient-packed, vitamin-rich soups using fresh, local ingredients and easy-to-grow vegetables, herbs and spices. Soups will be vegetarian, gluten and dairy free. Recipes provided. Free. Molbak’s, 13625 NE 175th St, Woodinville. 425-483-5000. [email protected].

MONDAY, JANUARY 7Women & Wealth – 7-8:30pm. Break the Rules: creating a financial asset to free one’s self from the 9 to 5. We will discuss: Who is creating mul-tiple income streams in today’s environment, and how and what would it take to transition from a full time job to financial independence. Free. Roy Street Coffee & Tea, 700 Broadway Ave E, Seattle. Registration required. 206-552-8819. Bit.ly/seattlehealthfreedom.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 88-Fold Path to Awakening – Meditation as a Way of Life – Tuesdays through January 29. 7-8:30pm. This four-part class series uses the 8-Fold Path described by Patanjali in his famous “Yoga Sutras” to teach meditation not only as a daily practice but as a way of life. We will practice techniques such as chanting, visualization, affirma-tion, mantra, and breath control & awareness as

steps towards higher, superconscious awareness. $50. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726. AnandaWashington.org.Learn to Meditate: Inner Peace Through Relax-ation & Concentration – Tuesdays through Janu-ary 22. 7:30-9pm. Meditation can transform one’s life. Learn to relax the body, quiet the mind, awaken intuition and experience greater joy and creativ-ity in daily life. This 3-session course includes in-class practice, tips on establishing a practice at home, online guided meditations, unlimited re-take policy, and ongoing support in-person or online and more. $45 + text. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell Everett Hwy, Bothell. Registration required. 425-806-3700. AnandaWashington.org.

wEDNESDAY, JANuArY 9FREE Program Information Session – 6-9pm. Start a new career, add additional skill sets to a health care practice, or enhance personal & family health. Spend an evening exploring Ba-styr’s five new non-credit weekend programs: Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy, Indigenous Wisdom Teachings, CranioSacral Therapy & Medical Qigong. Meet the instruc-tors & attend two free mini-workshops. Gen-eral Public & Health Care Practitioners welcome. Free. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.Write Your Year – 7-8:30pm. Celebrate the new year by releasing what is ready to go and setting intentions for the future through writing. Writer Lara Simmons guides through a four-part series designed to get creativity flowing and the life one desires manifested. $12 per class or $40 for series. East West Tea Garden, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookShop.com/events/4585.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 10The Rise of Meditation & Yoga in the West: What is Ananda and what is Self-realization?

– Thursdays through January 31. 7-8:30pm. With Nayaswami Hriman McGilloway and guest teacher Murali Venkatrao (Jan 24). In this series we will provide an overview of the precepts of Sanaatan Dharma. Topics include: karma and reincarnation, how the universe was created, what is the purpose of life, how does yoga and meditation help, who was Jesus Christ and a brief history of Ananda. $40 or donation. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell Everett Hwy, Bothell. Registration required. 426-806-3700. AnandaWashington.org.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 11Forming the Life You Want: A Weekend Retreat with ThresholdArts – January 11-13. Threshold-Arts supports and empowers individuals facing a major threshold in their relationships or work, or who wish to improve their ability to navigate defin-ing moments in their lives. In this retreat, we will focus on how we steward and sustain ourselves as individuals in connection with others and our work. Be equipped with tools to respond to circumstances in a way which empowers one to deliberately shape their life. $245. The Whidbey Institute at Chinook, 6449 Old Pietila Rd, Clinton. Registration required. 360-341-6050. WhidbeyInstitute.org or ThresholdArts.org.Essential Oils & Aromatherapy: Foundations – January 11-13. The “Foundations” class is the first class in the new Essential Oil & Aromatherapy Cer-tificate Program. Take this class alone as an excel-lent introduction to using essential oils, or continue on to complete the remaining seven seminars in the program. No prior experience needed. General public and health care professionals welcome. $375. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.Living a Soul Centered Life – 7:30-9pm. Best-selling Hay House author Sarah McLean is an inspiring, contemporary meditation teacher who makes meditation accessible to everyone. Whether a beginner or an experienced practitioner, Sarah’s workshop will enlighten, engage, and encourage every student to expand their meditation practice and create a soul-centered life. $10. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookShop.com/events/4549.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 12Body, Brain & Spirit: How NutriScience & NeuroScience Can Feed Your Soul – 10am-5pm. The health of the body begins in the brain, but where does the health of the brain begin? Dis-

Gifts with heart& soul!

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MONTHLY DINING EVENTWednesday January 16th, 6:30pm

at the Mount Baker Community Club, SeattleYou don’t need to be a vegetarian to enjoy a delicious multi-course vegetarian dinner. Catered by a different restaurant or chef each month. $15 plus tax for members, $20 plus tax for guests, children half-price.VegofWa.org/monthlydining.aspx or 206 706 2635 for reservations.

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28 Seattle SeattleAwakenings.com

cover ways of restoring your optimal well-being by feeding your body, brain and spirit. Learn how cutting-edge nutritional science and social and affective neuroscience can suggest small, doable steps that will result in dramatic changes in your overall body chemistry. Small and thoughtful shifts can dramatically strengthen cognitive function, ultimately reduce stress, enhance relationships, and restore vitality. $85. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.Intuitive Communications: How to Talk with All Life – 12-5pm. Includes theory, hands-on practice, and brief private follow-up! Learn to tap one’s strongest intuitive ability to create a more vibrant, comfortable life in five fun hours. Talk with animals, homes, businesses, plants, all life. Leave with the confidence to claim personal power. Limit: 10 people. $100. Alki Beach, Seattle. Registra-tion required. 206-937-0233. AlchemyWestInc.com/events.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16Vegetarians of Washington Monthly Dining Event – 6:30pm. One doesn’t have to be a veg-etarian to enjoy delicious vegetarian food. Enjoy a gourmet, multi-course vegetarian dinner (dairy and egg free) catered by a different restaurant or chef each month and hear an insightful speech from our president, Amanda, on a key vegetarian topic, and meet lots of interesting people. All attendees will receive a special free gift to take home. $15 plus tax for members, $20 plus tax for guests and non members. Children are welcome. The Mount Baker Club, 2811 Mt Rainier Dr S, Seattle. Register: 206-706-2635 or VegOfWa.org/MonthlyDining.aspx.Seeing Autism with HANDLE Eyes - an Intro-duction – 6:45-8:15pm. See autism through the eyes of the unique HANDLE approach, developed by Judith Bluestone, author of The Fabric of Au-tism. Peg Simon, certified HANDLE practitioner gives a free introductory talk in preparation for HANDLE 2-day class Jan. 26-27. Free. The Shore-line Library, 345 NE 175th, Shoreline. Registration required. 425-778-3082. [email protected] Clearing: Creating Healthy Homes and Businesses – 7-8:30pm. Workshop on using space clearing to establish and maintain clear home and business spaces that nourish healthy, balanced, prosperous lives. Explores Space Cooperating, a new clearing modality that talks directly with the space to mesh its needs and wants with human ones. Hands-on workshop includes tools, hiring

a professional, and promoting sustainability. $10. Alki Arts, 2820 Alki Ave SW, Seattle. 206-937-0233. AlchemyWestInc.com.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 17Hiking the Camino de Santiago: An Artists Journey – 7-8:30pm. Local author Marcia Shaver offers an evening of story, photography and artwork based on her combined 1400+ miles on northern Spain’s Camino de Santiago. Joined by personal trainer, Sheri Goodwin, they will share useful infor-mation on how to train, what to pack, when to go, routes and places to stay. $10. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookShop.com/events/4554.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 19Mindset Alchemy Intuitive Consultations – 12-5pm. Intuitive insight, crystal energy healing, and practical life, business and creative coaching with intuitive Robyn M Fritz, MA, and Fallon, the citrine Lemurian quartz. Find one’s heart’s path; explore relationships, career, creativity; develop creative projects; clear home and business space; talk with animals, guides, the deceased. $60/half hour. $100/hour. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle WA. 1-800-587-6002. EastWestBookShop.com.Yogasana Intensive: Wisdom of the Ancients: Applying Yoga Sutras to Hatha Yoga – 1:30-4:30pm. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is an ancient text on the path of Raja Yoga. A study of this extraor-dinary work provides insights into the theory and practice of all aspects of Yoga. In this Saturday workshop, we will introduce the Yoga Sutras, and have an uplifting, experiential study of 3 key apho-risms related to Hatha Yoga. Designed for all levels and for students considering yoga teacher training. $50. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell Everett Hwy, Bothell. Registration required. 425-806-3700. AnandaWashington.orgCrystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath – 7-8:30pm. Experience the exquisite sound and vibration of the crystal singing bowls, and rejuvenate in a “Sound Bath.” Be transported on an angelic sound journey, which will re-connect one with their heart, and as-sist in releasing anything that is no longer serving one’s highest good. $15. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way, NE, Seattle. Register: 206-523-3726. Return2Heart.com.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 20Sound and Color Healing Workshop – 3-6pm.

With Shaunna Touchi and Nini Guerard. Uncover useful secrets of sound and color healing. Explore using tuning forks and crystal singing bowls in conjunction with powerful yet simple color visu-alizations and how to correspond specific colors to individual parts of the body. $35. East West Book-shop, 6500 Roosevelt Way, NE, Seattle. Register: 206-523-3726. Return2Heart.com.

MONDAY, JANUARY 21Tribute to Martin Luther King & Mahatma Gandhi – 7pm-8:30pm. Presented by East West staff members and members of Ananda Meditation Temple. The message of nonviolence as a means of achieving social justice grows each year in rel-evance and importance to the world today. In this annual tribute to these two great souls, we combine music with selected readings to tell their personal stories of courage and of faith. Free. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookShop.com/events/4605.Women & Wealth – 7-8:30pm. Break the Rules: creating a financial asset to free one’s self from the 9 to 5. We will discuss: who is creating mul-tiple income streams in today’s environment, and how and what would it take to transition from a full time job to financial independence. Free. Roy Street Coffee & Tea, 700 Broadway Ave E, Seattle. Registration required. 206-552-8819. Bit.ly/seattlehealthfreedom.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23Indigenous Wisdom Teachings: Energetic Ar-mour - Protecting & Strengthening Your Energy Body – Wednesdays through June 2. 6pm-9pm. In a world where people encounter negativity, toxicity and the misuse of power, people must be attentive to protecting one’s self and the environ-ment from intrusive energies. In this course attain ancient knowledge shared by the medicine men and women of the Americas which will support one in their personal life or enhance personal repertoire. Become empowered with skills and tools to as-sist with energetically challenged people, toxic relationships or uncomfortable environments, as well as establish energetic boundaries to prevent energy depletion, and strengthen your energetic architecture. $175. Register by Jan 16 for a dis-count. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.

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29natural awakenings January 2013

Fee for classifieds is $1.00 per word per month. To place listing, email content to [email protected]. Deadline is the 12th of the month.



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save the dateFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8NW Yoga Conference – Feb 8-10. Featuring workshops, dance, a marketplace, children’s pro-grams and more. Lynnwood Convention Center, 3711 196th St SW, Lynwood. 425-299-2794. NWYogaConference.com.

SUNDAY, MARCH 3Indigenous Wisdom Teachings: Methods for Revitalizing & Sustaining the Body – 9am-6pm. Acquire tools for self-care and self-health that will bring joy, vigor, and peace to one’s personal life. Learn methods to restore, revitalize, and pro-actively maintain a energetic and physical body. Explore the relationship between the energy body and its influence on physical health and longev-ity, as well as awaken the power of the brain, increase mental acuity, and create conscious pathways. Take this class individually, or as part of the new Inner Journey & Wisdomkeeper pro-grams. General public & health care practitioners welcome. $175 - Register by 2/17 and receive a discount. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.

SATURDAY, MARCH 9Change Your Breath, Change Your Life – 9am-5pm. On average people breathe around 24,000 times per day and breath retraining has been shown to efficiently and safely reduce blood pressure, improve sleep, regulate hormones, create mental alertness, help with focus, as well as decrease stress. No prior expertise required. $99. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10Weigh to Go! – Wednesdays through June 10. 6-7pm. Weigh to Go! is a 9 week weight manage-ment and lifestyle program developed by Bastyr’s nutrition and clinical health psychology faculty. This unique and comprehensive program combines individual counseling with weekly group sessions to help meet personal goals for a healthier lifestyle. $300. Bastyr Center for Natural Health, 3670 Stone Way N, Seattle. Registration required. 206-925-4662. BastyrCenter.org/content/view/1293.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 26The HANDLE Approach to the Autism Spec-trum – January 26-27. In this 2-day workshop begin to understand behaviors by recognizing the underlying neurological irregularities which they communicate, learn how to use Gentle Enhance-ment® to prevent crises, support healthy develop-ment, and help individuals reach their life and learning goals and gain a toolkit of gentle, effective activities which can be used to reduce stress, and improve learning and focus. $350. Early discount available. Health Research Associates, 6505 216th St, Ste 105, Mountlake Terrace. Registration re-quired. 425-778-3082. Handle.org.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 27Space Clearing: Creating Healthy Homes and Businesses – 2-3:30pm. Workshop on using space clearing to establish and maintain clear home and business spaces that nourish healthy, balanced, prosperous lives. Explores Space Cooperating, a new clearing modality that talks directly with the space to mesh its needs and wants with hu-man ones. Hands-on workshop includes tools, hiring a professional, and promoting sustainabil-ity. $10. Vision Quest Educational and Wellness Center, 3602 Colby Ave, Everett. 425-252-1591. VisionQuestCenter.com and AlchemyWestInc.com.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 29Stanford Healthy Lifestyles Program – Tuesdays through October 12. 7-8:30pm. Healthy Lifestyles is a scientifically proven program that uses group dynamics and one-on-one coaching to help achieve personal goals. Whether it’s losing weight, exercis-ing, reducing stress or curbing an undesirable habit, the YMCA’s Healthy Lifestyles Program will help change current lifestyle habits into positive life behaviors. $50 members, $90 community. The Y at Carol Edwards Center, 17401 113rd Ave NE, Woodinville. Registration required. 425-485-9797. YMCANorthShore.org.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 31Essential Oils for Colds, Flu, Viral & Bacterial Infection – 6-9pm. Discover how essential oils have been used safely and with proven efficacy for the herpes virus, shingles, MRSA and other viral and bacterial infections. The antimicrobial action (antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral) of essential oils is one of their most effective properties, and has been documented by extensive research and evalu-ation. Experience the essential oils through smell, and observe demonstrations how to successfully select and apply essential oils for microbial infec-tions and illness. $65. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3059. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2Massage Made Easy – 9:30am-5:30pm. Give friends and family the gift of relaxing massage. Anyone can learn the basic massage strokes to relieve aching muscles, relax a tense body, or just offer comfort. Receive hands-on experience giving simple massage to the neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, hands and feet. Handouts and massage lotion are included. Enroll for full price and a friend en-rolls free. $125. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.

Page 30: January 2013 - Seattle Natural Awakenings



sundayWing Chun Class – 11am-1pm. Wing Chun is a Martial Art with emphasis on efficiency, conserving energy and center line theories. Wing Chun focuses on body stability, footwork and hand techniques. All ages welcome. Contact instructor prior to class to ensure there have not been cancelations. $10 per person + dry food donations for Northwest Harvest. Friends, Philosophy & Tea, 13850 Bel-Red Rd, Bellevue. 206-349-9376. SpringTimeWingChun.wordpress.com.

Family Fit – 4-5pm. Get active together. Children ages 6-14, along with a parent or two, will get active, make new friends, and play hard in a sup-portive and gently structured environment. Sample activities may include camp and picnic games, old-school P.E. games, frisbee, walleyball, scooter races, etc. YMCA core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility are paired up with good old-fashioned fun, laughter, and physical activity to create quality family time. Free with member-ship. Daily rates available. Northshore YMCA, 11811 NE 195th St, Bothell. Registration required. 425-485-9797. YMCANorthShore.org.

mondayFeldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 6:30-7:45pm. With Becci Parsons. New strate-gies for unwinding, relaxing and recovering from life’s challenges. Cultivate resilience and become your most potent self. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. M-illumino.com.

Pranic Healing Clinic – 7-9pm. 3rd Mon. Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine that balances, harmonizes, and transforms the body’s energy processes. This pub-lic clinic is an opportunity for you to experience a meditation for world peace and a brief healing with a pranic healer. Free. Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488. Meetup.com/SeattleMeditationNow.

tuesdayForest Restoration with the Nature Consortium – 10am-2pm. Nature Consortium hosts volunteer work parties year round several times per week in the West Duwamish Greenbelt located in West Se-attle. During the fall and winter we remove invasive species, mulch, and plant native plants and trees in Seattle’s largest remaining forest. Other seasons are devoted to maintenance and monitoring. To fulfill our mission to connect people, arts, and nature, performing artists–such as singers and instrumen-talists–play in the woods during many of our work parties. Free. West Duwamish Greenbelt, 4408

Delridge Way SW, Ste 107, Seattle. Registration required. 206-923-0853. NatureC.org/volunteer.

Seattle Greendrinks – 5:30pm. 2nd Tues. Informal social networking to connect and unite those work-ing or interested in environmental issues. Locations vary. Details: SeattleGreendrinks.org.

Sustaining Vitality Qigong – 7-9pm. Discover Chinese Qigong, the study of internal energy and the natural way to enhance or maintain a healthy energetic lifestyle. Class includes medi-tation and movement exercises. Suitable for all levels including beginners. $10/class. Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Rm 5, Seattle. Contact Dennis at 425-775-9609. [email protected]. Fmi-Qigong.com. Tribal Style Bellydance – 7-9pm. With Shay Moore. Classes get people moving to the global groove as they develop core tribal bellydance movements with strength, grace, and flexibility. Women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and experience welcome. $75 per 6-week session. M’Illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-525-0363. DeepRootsDance.com.

Meditation & Mysticism: The First Six Steps – 7:15pm. Join us for a six-week series of classes offering a practical approach to living a spiritual life and beginning or deepening your meditation prac-tice. All are welcome. Free. The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488. Meetup.com/SeattleMeditationNow/events/74587232.

wednesdayFeldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 11am-12pm. With LeeAnn Starovasnik. Engage the brain and body in new ways while learning to move more easily, more comfortably and even more playfully. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. M-illumino.com.

Prayers for Peace – First Wednesday. 7-8:30pm. On the first Wednesday of every month, the members of all of the Centers of Light pray for peace, creating a surge of positive energy for people all over the world. Open to all faiths, it is a chance for hearts and minds to make a real difference in the world. People pray for healing, spiritual awakening, love, solutions to hunger crises, war – anything that the world needs in order to become a place of peace. Free. The Cen-ter of Light, 8917 Lake City Way NE, Seattle. Sites.google.com/a/centersoflight.org/seattle.

Wednesday Wellness Talk – 7-8pm. 3rd Wed. Join us for a series of free monthly talks on a variety of health and wellness topics on the third Wednesday of each month. Topics to be announced - check website for updates. Space is limited; please call to reserve a seat. Free. Butterfly Balance Well-ness Center, 3515 SW Alaska St, 2nd Fl, West Seattle. Registration required. 206-755-9900. ButterflyBalance.com.

thursdayForest Restoration with the Nature Consortium – 10am-2pm. See Tuesday description. Free. West Duwamish Greenbelt, 4408 Delridge Way SW, Ste 107, Seattle. Registration required. 206-923-0853. NatureC.org/volunteer.

Weston A Price Foundation Seattle Chapter Monthly Meeting – 3rd Thursday. 6-8:30pm. A Nourishing Traditions/Weston Price style potluck begins at 6 with a presentation at 7. Contact the organizer for food suggestions if you’re new to NT/WAPF and don’t know what to bring. This month Dr. Tim Gerstmar, ND will be doing a Q&A session. Bring questions about gut health, thyroid issues, immunity, GAPS, prolotherapy, etc. Firefly Kitchens, 844 NW 49th St, Seattle.

Baby Diaper Service 101 – 6:30-7:30pm. 2nd Thurs. Mark Stief, owner, will present the ins and outs of diaper service, share best practice cloth diapering techniques and educate expect-ant parents on the health and environmental benefits of cloth diapers. $10/family. Parent Trust for Washington Children, 2200 Rainier Ave S, Seattle. Registration required. 206-634-2229. BabyDiaperService.net/Baby/Diapering-101.

Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 6:30-7:30pm. See Wednesday description. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. [email protected].

fridayInterPlay – 10:30am-12pm. An improvisational practice that playfully explores the things a body can do: move, make sounds, tell stories, sing, and experience stillness. Based on life-affirming body wisdom principles and the transformative power of play. $10 suggested donation. M-illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. M-illumino.com.

saturdayFeldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 9-10:15am. With LeeAnn Starovasnik and Vicki Robinson. Learn to move more easily and more comfortably while improving your sense of balance and overall well being. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. M-illumino.com.

Forest Restoration with the Nature Consortium – 10am-2pm. See Tuesday description. Free. West Duwamish Greenbelt, 4408 Delridge Way SW, Ste 107, Seattle. Registration required. 206-923-0853. NatureC.org/volunteer.

Page 31: January 2013 - Seattle Natural Awakenings

31natural awakenings January 2013


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Manufacturer and retailer of natural, chemical-free latex mattresses designed to provide a comfortable and supportive alternative to traditional spring mattresses. See ad page 6.


JoY oF hEAlTh SoluTioNSPatricia SullivanSeattle & Woodinville206-920-5528JoyOfHealthSolutions.com

Get to the cause of your issue or ‘story’ easily and with great results! Resolving anxiety, pain, allergies, digestive, immune i s sues , i n ju ry, s t ruc tu ra l challenges and more.


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Committed to providing 100% pure cotton diapers for your baby. Convenient weekly pickup and delivery of cloth diapers and accessories. Better for baby’s skin, more sustainable than washing at home. See ad page 14.


iNTEgrATivE DENTiSTrY9730 3rd Ave NE, Suite 205Seattle, WA [email protected]

We are a holistic dental practice specializing in safe mercury filling removal, non-surgical periodontal care, and TMJ/orthodontic treatments. We welcome new patients! See ad page 11.


circlE oF hEAliNg Snohomish, WA 425-210-2532CircleOfHealingEssentialOils.com

Offering aromatherapy products to help live a healthier, happier and more balanced life using all organic ingredients when available so you can be sure that you are receiving the most effective products possible. Local classes and hands-on workshops available.


ThrivE NATurAl FAMilY MEDiciNEDr. Scott Moser, ND LMP5020 Meridian Ave N, Ste 104Seattle, WA 98103206-257-1488Info@ThriveNaturalMedicine.comThriveNaturalMedicine.com

Thrive offers botanical medicine, nutrition, physical medicine, nutraceuticals and counseling to treat the whole family. Most insurance plans

accepted. Book an appointment today and Thrive!


M’illuMiNo6921 Roosevelt Way NESeattle, WA [email protected]

At m’illumino, we are dedicated to your transformation through movement. Take a class, try private sessions, discover your own innate grace. See ad page 10.


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Live more sustainably with GladRags washable menstrual pads and menstrual cups. Join the community of women who have decided to make a lower carbon footprint every month! See ad page 9.


liFT Your SPiriTS wiTh DENA MAriE!425-350-5448Dena@Dena-Marie.comLiftYourSpiritswithDenaMarie.com

Classes, Workshops and Re-Treats that will Lift Your Spirits! Individual consultations by appointment.

NEw FEMiNiNE PArADigMDr. Karen Fox360-269-4955

Turning Fears Into Pleasure and Living the Life of our Dreams. We touch on all areas of life: Self, Family, Health, Finances, Career, a n d R o m a n c e . G r o u p o r individual classes available. Spring Goddess Classes and Fall

Abundant Living Classes.

SoNgDog hEAliNg & DrEAMcrAFTCamilla Paynter, M.A.206-914-3769SongdogDreaming.com

Spiritually informed hypnotherapy and Reiki for life transitions, personal growth, healing and more. Connect with deep inner wisdom and live life’s bigger story.


kANJiN [email protected]

Kanjin Yoga is a path to abundant health and wellness helping people live better inside their bodies. Specializing in Yoga Nidra, Gentle Hatha Yoga, we offer classes and workshops for groups and organizations.

Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Natural Directory, email [email protected] to request our media kit.


Page 32: January 2013 - Seattle Natural Awakenings

For months, a friend had been advising me to visit her chiropractor, Dr. Dick Shepard. I wasn’t looking forward to visiting yet another new healthcare provider. I knew they all meant well, but so often, I left healthcare offices feeling unseen and unheard, and definitely, unhealthy. However, my friend had assured me that Dr. Shepard was not your ordinary chiropractor!

Almost within moments of stepping inside Dr. Shepard’s office, I realized this experience would, indeed, be different, and my tension began to evaporate. Just being there felt good. I also quickly learned that Network Care or NSA is unlike other chiropractic methods. It could be considered deeper, and yet it usually feels much gentler than a conventional chiropractic adjustment. The patient’s only task during an adjustment is to relax and breathe while Dr. Shepard uses gentle, triggering touches to help the body release tension. Dr. Shepard explains that he “is looking for tension in the body, which the patient might not even know is there”.

He has discovered that most people unconsciously carry tension throughout their bodies and this tension can result in any number of symptoms in-cluding chronic pain, depression and/or anxiety, digestive distress, headaches, TMJ, sleep disorders, and loss of vitality. With just the slightest touch, Dr. Shepard helps the body release and redirect that tension. The patient’s immediate responses vary from deepening of the breath to involuntary movement and/or to vocalization, all leading to feelings of greater relaxation and well being. The longer-term results are often amazing and go far beyond relief of pain and symptoms to include improvements in emotional and physical health, as well as improved quality of life.

8 3 0 1 8 t h Ave nu e N W • S e a t t l e , Wa s h i n g t o n 9 8 1 1 7

Seattle’s Hidden Healing Gem

fa c e b o o k . c o m / D r D i c k S h e p a r d

In my experience, the effect of Dr. Shepard’s care has been startling. When I began care, it seemed unlikely that those brief and mysterious sessions with Dr. Shepard would lift my depression and resolve my chronic pain; and yet, they did. I was soon amazed at how much better I felt after each session. And, that feeling of well-being persisted as I began to shift physically and emotionally in subtle, and not so subtle, ways. Not only have my original symptoms changed, but I also feel a greater sense of ease in my life and in my body.

Instead of looking at what’s wrong with your body, they focus on what is already working well; and, expanding on that, I experienced amazing results! I’m truly glad I followed my friend’s advice and visited “Seattle’s Hidden Healing Gem”!

Not surprisingly, healing has been a lifelong journey for Dr. Shepard. He received his degree Summa Cum Laude in Chiropractic, and he continues to study both conventional and non-conventional healing modalities. When in chiropractic school, he quickly chose to specialize in Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) because of the depth and breadth of changes he saw and experienced. Also, Dr. Shepard has achieved the highest level of NSA certification and has served on staff with Dr. Donald Epstein, the founder of NSA. And, coming from a long lineage of healers, he understands that true healing is about healing the entire being, not just parts of the person. Dr. Dick Shepard has been in practice for 18 years.

[To read this complete article, please see our website.]

By Eliza Secrist Fletcher

“not your ordinary chiropractor”DR. DICK SHEPARD

206-525-4155 • www.networkcare.org