jan caha - visibility analysis on uncertain surfaces

Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces Jan Caha InDOG Conference 2013 Department of Geoinformatics Palacký University Olomouc

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Page 1: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Visibility Analysis on UncertainSurfaces

Jan Caha

InDOG Conference 2013

Department of GeoinformaticsPalacký University Olomouc

Page 2: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Visibility calculation

3 Fuzzy surfaces

4 Possibilistic visibility

5 Conclusions

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Page 3: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions


∙ visibility analysis sometimes also referred as viewshedoperation

∙ application in landscape planning, acheology, location oftransmitters and receivers, various ecological applications andobviously determinations of ideal locations for viewing towersand hiking trails

∙ uncertainty of the surface is very important because thecalculation of visibility is extremely sensitive to any changesof surface

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Page 4: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Surfaces with uncertainty

∙ surfaces always contain some amount of uncertainty∙ uncertainty can have various sources∙ usually modelled by statistics and consequences on visibility

are estimated by employing Monte Carlo method∙ such model captures only relatively specific type of

uncertainty, and is not well suited for situations where theuncertainty is caused by lack of knowledge

∙ fuzzy surfaces provide better framework for assessing impactof uncertainty on visibility

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Page 5: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Visibility calculation

∙ most of the research on visibility calculation in GIS wasperformed by Peter Fisher

∙ several aspects that determine the process and may varybetween implementations: approximation of source andtarget point and process of inferring elevations from thegrid

∙ the most important part of the algorithm is determination ofso called Line of Sight (LoS)

∙ the line is formed by points Pi = {1, 2, . . . , n}∙ each point Pi has and elevation e and distance d from the

viewpoint V∙ the important is an angle 𝛼i , by their comparison visible

points can be identified

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Page 6: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Visibility calculation - Calculation of 𝛼i

V Pi





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Page 7: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Visibility calculation

∙ 𝛼i = arctan ΔhΔd

∙ point Pm on LoS is visible if 𝛼i < 𝛼m for all m < i , otherwisethe point Pm is invisible from the viewpoint V

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Page 8: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Visibility calculation - LoS

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Page 9: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Fuzzy surfaces

∙ fuzzy surface is surface in which value at the position x , y isnot represented by exact number z but by fuzzy number z̃

∙ contains uncertainty of the input data and in some cases ofuncertainty that arise from the process of interpolation ofthe dataset

∙ allows creation of derived characteristics such are slope,aspect, profile curvatures and visibility with uncertainty ofthe surface propagated to it

∙ requires use of fuzzy arithmetic and possibility theory

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Page 10: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Visibility on fuzzy surfaces

∙ the ΔH will not be a crisp number but a fuzzy number, Δdremains crisp number


∆hmin ∆hmaxαmin


V Pi



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Page 11: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Visibility on fuzzy surfaces

∙ comparison of fuzzy 𝛼i to determine visibility needs to bedone in the framework of possibility theory

∙ possibility and necessity of exceedance are used to determinepossible and necessary visible parts of the LoS

∙ there are several possible outcomes:∙ Πi = 𝒩i = 0 → invisible∙ Πi = 𝒩i = 1 → visible∙ Πi > 0 and 𝒩i = 0 → possibly visible but not necessary∙ Πi = 1 and 𝒩i > 0 → possibly and necessary visible but not

absolutely sure

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Page 12: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Visibility on fuzzy surfaces

0 1 2 3 4 50








necessary visibility line

possible visibility line

Comparison of possible and necessary visibility of points C, D, E from viewpoint Awith respect to the point B

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Page 13: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions


∙ concept is extension of the classic viewshed operation forfuzzy surfaces

∙ Monte Carlo is not necessary correct solution∙ proposed way to handle vagueness and lack of knowledge

about the surface∙ obtaining two values - possibility and necessity of visibility

instead of just probability of visibility offers more information∙ future work should focus on comparison of visibility calculated

using proposed approach and classic statistic methods on LoSand also on presentation of case studies

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Page 14: Jan Caha - Visibility Analysis on Uncertain Surfaces

Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, geoinformatics.upol.cz

Introduction Visibility calculation Fuzzy surfaces Possibilistic visibility Conclusions

Thank you for your attention.

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