jan 17, 2009 parish bulletin

. Patrick’s 20500 West Maple Road PO Box 10 Elkhorn, NE 68022 stpatselkhorn.org CATHOLIC CHURCH FR. RON WASIKOWSKI, Pastor FR. RODNEY ADAMS, Assoc. Pastor DANIEL PERCHAL, Deacon BUD SIMMONDS, Deacon Masses Saturday .......................................... 5:00 pm Sunday.... 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am & 12:30 pm Monday-Friday ................................. 8:30 am Holy Days .................. Announced in bulletin. Parish Information Parish Office Staff .................... 289-4289 x 0 Terry Krolikowski .......................... ext-1520 Vicki Payton ................................. ext-1521 Fr. Ron ......................................... ext-1523 Fr. Rodney ................................... ext-1522 Adult Formation, Beth Kathol ……… ext-1525 Development, Laura Geisinger ex t-1526 Liturgy/Music, Michael Willis ........... ext-1524 Youth Ministry, Jenni Vankat .......... ext-1527 Fax ................................................. 763-9530 Emergency..................................... 289-4288 Religious Formation Information Religious Formation Office ............ 289-4947 Mary McMahon ............................. ext-1505 Gazelle Johnson ........................... ext-1504 School Information Principal, Don Ridderl .................... 289-5407 Admin. Assistant, Kathy Moritz Saint MISSION STATEMENT We, the members of St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish, Elkhorn, Nebraska, accept Jesus Christ as the Risen Lord. We are a pilgrim people seeking salvation; we are called to worship God, to preach and witness the Gospel, to share the gifts God has given us, and to love and serve our neighbor. We commit ourselves through God’s guidance to model a truly Christian community to all. January 17, 2010 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Sacraments Baptism: “Welcome Your Baby" classes are required for 1st time parents. Baptisms are celebrated with the parish community during weekend liturgies and must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. Call 289-4289 to schedule dates/times. Matrimony: Preparations need to begin at least 6 months prior to wedding date. Call 289-4289 for information. Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick: Available at anytime. Communal celebration in late November. Receiving Holy Communion: Homebound visits can be arranged. Prayer Chain: Contact Lisa Seidl at 763-9770

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Page 1: Jan 17, 2009 Parish Bulletin


Patrick’s 2 0 5 0 0 W e s t M a p l e R o a d

P O B o x 1 0 Elkhorn, NE 68022

s t p a t s e l k h o r n . o r g



FR. RODNEY ADAMS, Assoc. Pastor



Masses Saturday .......................................... 5:00 pm Sunday.... 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am & 12:30 pm Monday-Friday ................................. 8:30 am Holy Days .................. Announced in bulletin. Parish Information Parish Office Staff .................... 289-4289 x 0 Terry Krolikowski .......................... ext-1520 Vicki Payton ................................. ext-1521 Fr. Ron ......................................... ext-1523 Fr. Rodney ................................... ext-1522 Adult Formation, Beth Kathol ……… ext-1525 Development, Laura Geisinger ex t-1526 Liturgy/Music, Michael Willis ........... ext-1524 Youth Ministry, Jenni Vankat .......... ext-1527 Fax ................................................. 763-9530 Emergency ..................................... 289-4288 Religious Formation Information Religious Formation Office ............ 289-4947 Mary McMahon ............................. ext-1505 Gazelle Johnson ........................... ext-1504 School Information Principal, Don Ridderl .................... 289-5407 Admin. Assistant, Kathy Moritz


M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T We, the members of St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish, Elkhorn,

Nebraska, accept Jesus Christ as the Risen Lord. We are a pilgrim people seeking salvation; we are called to worship God, to preach and witness the Gospel, to share the gifts God has given us, and to love and serve our neighbor. We commit ourselves through God’s

guidance to model a truly Christian community to all.

January 17, 2010 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Sacraments Baptism: “Welcome Your Baby" classes are required for 1st time parents. Baptisms are celebrated with the parish community during weekend liturgies and must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. Call 289-4289 to schedule dates/times. Matrimony: Preparations need to begin at least 6 months prior to wedding date. Call 289-4289 for information. Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick: Available at anytime. Communal celebration in late November. Receiving Holy Communion: Homebound visits can be arranged. Prayer Chain: Contact Lisa Seidl at 763-9770

Page 2: Jan 17, 2009 Parish Bulletin


Here’s What’s Happening Sunday, January 17 Pantry Sunday 9:30 & 11:00 am LWC 9:30 & 11:00 am Preschool 2:00 pm Parent/Child First Eucharist Retreat 6:00 pm MS Youth Group Boland Hall 6:30 pm Kairos Groups Off Site Monday, January 18 9:15 am Living Your Strengths Parish Conf. Rm 244 6:00 pm Hospitality Committee Teacher’s Lounge 7:00 pm MOMS-St. Cecilia Family Rm 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Parish Center 7:30 pm AA Meeting Rm 331 Tuesday, January 19 6:30 pm Music Practice Family Rm 6:30 pm RF Committee Rm 229 6:45 pm Guardian Angel Committee Rm 236 7:00 pm Living Your Strengths Teacher’s Lounge 7:00 pm Pro Life Committee Rm 331 7:30 pm Athletic Committee Media Center 7:30 pm Bible Study Parish Conf. Rm 244 Wednesday, January 20 11:30 am Sunshine Group Boland Hall Saints Rm 4:00 pm, 5:45 pm & 7:30 pm RF Classes 7:15 pm Bible Study Boland Hall Saints 7:15 pm Catholics Returning Home Family Rm 6:30 pm Teen Bible Study Rm 331 Thursday, January 21 9:15 am Scripture Class Parish Conf. Rm 244 3:45 pm APLS Parish Conf Rm 244 7:00 pm MOMS-St. Margaret Mary Family Rm 7:00 pm RCIA Boland Hall Saints Rm Friday, January 22 6:00 pm Holy Hour for Life Church Saturday, January 23 5:00 pm LWC Next Sunday, January 24 Knights of Columbus One Rose –One Life 9:30 & 11:00 am LWC 9:30 & 11:00 am Preschool 3:00 pm Mission Trip Planning Boland Hall

Mass Intentions Mass Intentions Monday, January 18 8:30 am † Ermelinda Michelletto r.b. Family & Friends Tuesday, January 19 8:30 am † Eugene Pfeifer r.b. Stegman Family 2:15 pm - People of the Parish (Life Care Center) Wednesday, January 20 8:30 am - Special Intention-Theresa Hoy Healing (Marquis Place) r.b. Dave & Rita Persing Thursday, January 21 8:30 am - People of the Parish 3:00 pm - Community at Elk Ridge (Elk Ridge) Friday, January 22 8:30 am No Mass Saturday, January 23 5:00 pm - People of the Parish Sunday, January 24 8:00 am - People of the Parish 9:30 am - Special Intention End Legalized Abortion 11:00 am † Valerian Eikmeier r.b. Don & Karen Eikmeier Family 12:30 pm † Toni Wasikowski r.b. Family & Friends

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our Sunday Goal is the total of Sunday Envelopes, ACH, and Credit Card Collections.

Per Sunday Goal for Fiscal Year 2009-2010:

Sunday Collection: Electronic Funds:

Total Collections:

Church Plate: Votive Candles: Children’s Collection:

Total Other Collections:

Christmas Christmas Goal:

Solemnity of Mary: Heat: Seminary: 1st Offering:

Total Special Collections:



9,182 $33,674

835 28

146 $1,009

$27,000 $35,417


300 365

3,537 397


Sacrificial Offering

St. Patrick’s & Bethany Lutheran Church are holding a Blood Drive on January 25th, from 1:30-6:30pm at Bethany Lutheran. To sign up for your donation ap-

pointment, go on line to www.givebloodgivelife.org. Sponsor code: 33

Sponsored in part by St. Patrick’s Women’s Club

January is National Blood Donor Month

The Knights of Columbus will be accepting donations for their One Rose-One Life campaign next weekend, January 23-24.

Page 3: Jan 17, 2009 Parish Bulletin


Scripture Readings FOR JANUARY 24, 2010 The 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time FIRST READING: Nehemiah 8:2-4a,5-6,8-10 “He opened the scroll so that all the people might see it…and, as he opened it, all the people rose. Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people, their hands raised high, answered, ‘Amen, amen!’” RESPONSORIAL: Psalm 19:8-10,15 “Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.” SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 “Brothers and sisters: As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body….” GOSPEL: Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 “Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed them down to us, I too have decided…to write it down in an orderly sequence for you….so that you may realize the certainty of the teachings you have received.” Daily Scripture for this week Monday, January 18 – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

1 Samuel 15:16-23 Mark 2:18-22

Tuesday, January 19 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Mark 2:23-28

Wednesday, January 20 – Sts. Fabian & Sebastian

1 Samuel 17:32-33,37,40-51 Mark 3:1-6

Thursday, January 21 – St. Agnes 1 Samuel 18:6-9, 19:1-7 Mark 3:7-12

Friday, January 22 – St. Vincent 1 Samuel 24:3-21 Mark 3:13-19

Saturday, January 23 2 Samuel 1:1-4,11-12,19,23-27

Mark 3:20-21

Parish News & Notes page 3

Reminder that everyone is welcome to join us on Wed Jan 20th, for a talk by Patsy Schmidt on the history of Elkhorn. We will meet for lunch at 11:30 in Boland Hall. Cost is $7. Please make your reservation by

Jan 18th. Event is being coordinated by the Sunshine Group. For more info call Dave at 289-4867 or Ron at 359-1056. Everyone is invited.

February event will be a lenten talk by Fr Tom Greisen.

Remember: The first and the last, who once died but came back to life, says this “I know your tribulation and poverty, but you are rich. Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Rev 2:8b-9a, 10b


JOIN OTHER INQUIRERS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RCIA PROCESS. St. Patrick’s is holding a causal gathering

for those who desire to learn more about the Catholic Faith. This gathering is a great opportunity to meet other inquir-ers and to learn a little more about the RCIA (Rite of Chris-tian Initiation of Adults) process which starts in the fall. Our 1st meeting is January 28th from 6:00-6:45pm in Boland Hall. We will continue to meet every other week but there is no obligation to come every time, just whenever you can! If you are interested in joining us or have questions, please contact Beth Kathol at the Parish Office – 289-4289 ext. 1525 or email [email protected]

14th Annual EPS -Essential Pregnancy Ser-vices Benefit and Awards Dinner

January 31 at the Hilton Omaha, 1001 Cass Street. The evening in-cludes a hosted

bar, gourmet dinner and silent and oral auctions., Mary Maxwell will emcee and the Westside Jazz En-semble will provide entertainment. Tickets are $125 per person or $60 for those 35 years or younger and members of the clergy/religious. Purchase online at www.essentialps.org or by calling 554-0121. Proceeds from the dinner will help EPS continue to provide their services to mothers and babies in need.

Did you turn in a picture for the parish directory in-stead of having one taken? Olan Mills has returned those photos. If you would like the picture, it can be picked up in the parish office between 9am and 6pm Mon-Fri. The photos will be held for two weeks, until Jan 25th, after which time photos remaining will be disposed.

Page 4: Jan 17, 2009 Parish Bulletin


School News INTERESTED IN ST. PATRICK’S SCHOOL FOR 2010-2011? If you are interested in

enrolling your child(ren) for the 2010-2011school year at St. Patrick’s School, please go to the school website and click on the Admissions link. Applications are now being accepted. The registration process begins in February. Send

applications to the School Office through the Sunday collection basket, the U.S. Mail or you can hand deliver it. No registration fees are required until your child is accepted. CURRENT STUDENT REGISTRATION FORMS WILL BE SENT HOME THURSDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 2010– In order to allow new families earlier notification of their status, acceptance or waitlist, the registration process will begin in January rather than February this year. Please note that the “Current Student 2010-2011 Registration” forms will go home on January 21st. They will be due back by January 28th with the $100 registration fee per child to hold their spot. Please make sure you have completed the 2009 Stewardship Appeal form, found on the Parish website, to keep receiving the parishioner tuition rate. Families on the ‘waitlist” will be notified of their status in early February via letters mailed to their homes.

page 4

Provided by St. Patrick’s Youth Ministry

St. Pat’s Parish Center

Free Will Donations Accepted

Made to Order Menu: Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, Scrambled

Eggs, Hashbrowns, Coffee, Orange Drink

Come eat a meal as a family or use this as an opportunity for service!

Youth Ministry News TEC Retreat – Please pray for the following teens attending the Archdiocesan TEC retreat this weekend: Danielle Dyer and Hannah Park.

SPY-C Mild Night – this Sunday, Jan. 17th from 6:00-7:30 pm in Boland Hall - Middle school youth group night for 6th-8th graders. Topic: Peer Power

Teen Choir - 8th graders and older lead music for the 12:30 pm Mass on the fourth Sunday, January 24th. Practice directly before Mass at 11:30 am in the Family Room. A cantor for the psalm is still needed. A practice CD of the psalm is available by contacting Michael Willis, [email protected].

Bible Study with Bob & Todd – Great Adventure Bible Study led by Bob Wolf and Todd Morgan Wednesday, Jan. 20th 6:30-8:00 pm in Rm 331 of the school. Note: time and location adjustment.

TACOS Meeting – High school leaders meet next Sunday, Jan. 24th 1:30-3:00 pm to plan for the next few weeks.

Summer Mission Trip – High school youth - wanna do service work this summer? Choose between Great Falls, Montana, July 10th-18th or Omaha, Nebraska, July 18-24 both with Young Neighbors in Action. Contact junior Emily Seevers, sophomores Stephanie Sperry or Jen Tunink, or Jenni Vankat for more info. Initial information meeting Sunday, Jan. 24th from 3:00-4:00 pm. Parents encouraged to attend the informational meeting.

Breakfast – Our second Pancake breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 31st in the parish center from 8:30 am-12:30 pm. 6-12th graders and their families are needed to help cook and serve. Shifts are 7:30-9:30, 9:30-11:30, and 11:30-1:30. Enjoy a family meal together from our made to order menu of pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and hash browns, then help out! Contact MJ Nachreiner or Jenni Vankat to volunteer.


Our recent snow storm and cold weather have forced yet more events to be re-scheduled. (And yes, the Holy Spirit is testing our

patience.) The Confirmation Parent/Candidate Retreat (8th Grade and above) has been rescheduled for Wednes-day, February 3, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. in the church.

Thank you to all of the volunteers who assisted with set-up and clean-up, along with those who greeted families and distributed

materials during our 1st Eucharist retreats this weekend. Thanks also to those who assisted us by providing refreshments. Our parish community is blessed to have so many willing volunteers to help with the faith formation of our young children.

Page 5: Jan 17, 2009 Parish Bulletin


The Sacrament of Baptism at St. Patrick’s

Participation in “Welcome Your Baby,” a pro-gram geared to assist expec-tant and/or new parents in raising their children, is re-quired of all first-time par-ents anticipating Baptism. Pre-registration is necessary, so contact the parish office (289-4289xx 0).

The dates/times for celebrating Baptism during our regularly scheduled masses are:

February, 2010 • Sunday, February 7 at the 9:30am mass • Sunday, February 14 at the 11:00am mass • Sunday, February 21 at the 12:30pm mass • Saturday, February 27 at the 5:00pm mass

March, 2010 • Sunday, March 7 at the 9:30am mass • Sunday, March 14 at the 11:00am mass • Sunday, March 21 at the 12:30pm mass • Saturday, March 27 – No Baptisms as we cele-

brate Palm Sunday! April, 2010

• Saturday, April 3 at the 9:00pm Easter Vigil liturgy

• Sunday, April 11 - No Baptisms as we cele-brate First Eucharist at all liturgies

• Sunday, April 18 at the 8:00am mass. (Confirmation at the 11:00am and 1:00pm masses)

• Saturday, April 24 at the 5:00pm mass

You're Invited! Make plans now

to attend the 11th Annual Dinner/Auction on February 13th!

Invitations were mailed this week to all parishioners and school families. So get your friends together and get your reservations turned in early for best seating. It's going to be another fun and memorable evening that you won't want to miss! Also, don't forget about Tag Night on Monday, February 1st! Contact Dana Bird at [email protected] or 315-9689 for more information if you are interested in helping at this fun prep night.

Stressed? Catholic Conversations Stress Management “minimizing the number of grays”

Rescheduled for Friday, Jan 29

7:30pm in Boland Hall Social time at 7:00pm

Sister Marie Micheletto, RSM, M.A., L.P.C., LMHP, is a Sister of Mercy of the Americas, a psychothera-pist and an educational humorist. She does pre-marital, marital and individual counseling, provides mentoring and in-services to hospice staff, and is a national and international speaker, as well as facili-tator of retreats. Sr. Marie’s talks are laced with humor and wisdom. Come for some laughs and deeper understanding of our faith!

Drinks and snacks provided—free will offering. Registrations appreciated!

Please contact Beth Kathol at 289-4289 ext. 1525 or [email protected] to register.

WHY DID I DO THAT? Have you ever wondered why you do the things the way you do? Well, we have a way to find out! Living Your Strengths is a 4-week series in which participants join a

small faith-sharing group. You will have the oppor-tunity to finally discover and understand what your innate gifts are and how to use them in all aspects of your life. This is a great program to do with your friends, spouse and adult family members! New sessions are being offered:

Tuesdays, January 26th – February 16th 7:00-8:30pm in the Teacher’s Lounge

Mondays, February 1st – 22nd 1:30-3:00pm in the Family Room Mondays, February 1st – 22nd 7:00-8:30pm in classroom 226

Contact Beth Kathol in the Adult Formation Office at 289-4289 ext.1525 or [email protected] to register or for more information.

Living Your Strengths

John Bosio, author of Happy Together, the Catholic Blueprint for a Loving Marriage, and his wife Teri, will present an evening for married couples to reflect and rekindle their romance on Thursday, February 11th, at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Cost is $25.00 per couple which includes a copy of the book “Happy Together”; or $15.00 without the book. Wine & light

refreshments will be served. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Omaha Family Life Office. Registration requested by February 4th. Forms are available on the Archdiocesan website at www.archomaha.org/newsevents/events.html or you may call the Family Life Office 402-551-9003.

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Page 6: Jan 17, 2009 Parish Bulletin


St. Patrick's will be hosting its first Chess Tournament on Saturday, January 23rd from 9 am - 1 pm in the Parish Center. The tournament is open to all children in grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade. You do not have to be a member of the St. Patrick's Chess Club to compete in this tournament - all are welcome. To participate in this tournament,

please email Teri Fisher at [email protected] to receive a registration form. Late registrations will be accepted at the door before the tournament starting at 8 am.

Jan 23, 5:00 PM

3rd Sun In Ord Time Jan 24, 8:00 AM

3rd Sun In Ord Time Jan 24, 9:30 AM

3rd Sun In Ord Time Jan 24, 11:00 AM

3rd Sun In Ord Time Jan 24, 12:30 PM

3rd Sun In Ord Time

Lector M Thiele - Lector K Lynch - Comm

Rich Panowicz - Lector M Rasmussen - Comm

C Olson - Lector D Obenauer - Comm

J Ricketts - Lector L Meyer - Comm

R Fowler - Lector J Fowler - Comm


Stacie Becker Janelle Cook Stacie Iossi Bil Martin Ann Martin Dan Perchal Janet M Schonder Ann Marie Seevers Emily Seevers Christi Speck

Annie Badalucco Eddie Biwer Maria Karstrom Todd Morgan Maribethe Mrsny June Schlegelmilch

Cathy Brodersen Karen Eikmeier Mary Galligan Marge Gell Rochelle McGill Carol Obenauer Jan Oligmueller Jacqueline Pletan Scott Tomsu Bob Welshiemer

Joseph D'Elia Joey D'Elia Colleen Gawley Dan Hanus Lisa Hanus Michele Nolan Marty Nolan Mary Reed Kathy Ricketts Joe Wherry

Gina Antisdel Becca Brasher Mark Constantino Emily Fay Ryan Nelson Mary Vondra


Elaine Hodge - Life Care Center Suzanne Kibbe - Life Care Center Paula Kramer - Lakeside

Gary Blum - Heritage Point Mary Turley - Elk Ridge

Judy Matton - Brookstone Sue Whorlow - Brookstone

Server Garrett Connor Kelly Seevers Julia Smith

Megan Brichacek Lexi McGargill Kathryn Noel

Connor Mazzei Morriah Nelson Adam Thomsen

Ashley Chovanec Shane Henderson Kirsten Meyer

Tristan Carlson Joe Fees Michael McCarville

Sacristan Paula Perchal Dick Mrsny Dolly Welshiemer Wendy Anderson Joseph Fees

Children’s Stewardship Being grateful for what I have Being polite Carrying firewood for my neighbor Cleaned my room, gave toys from my room to kids Emptied the dishwasher Made hot cocoa for my parents while they were shoveling Let my little brother sleep with my favorite stuffed animal Making my fried who moved feel special & loved Made my bed before school Helped my Mom shovel Helped my bother put a puzzle together

MONTH 4 Developing Baby Spiritual Adoption Program “I had a dream today!” Well, your little baby now weighs six ounces. He has fingernails and eyelashes. He has his own unique fingerprints, which will

remain the same until he dies. His taste buds are working. His sense of hearing is developing and pre-sent at 14 weeks. There are no major developments anymore. At this month rapid eye movements (REMs) can be detected – a sign of dreaming. Your spiritually adopted baby is already well-formed, in-ternally and externally. All he needs now is time to gain weight and grow strong. What a miracle he is!

Friday, January 22 is the 37th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings legalizing abortion during all nine months of pregnancy (Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton). The U.S. Bishops have designated January 22nd as a day of penance for the

violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion, and of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life. Please offer some form of prayer and penance on this day and attend Mass to pray for an end to this violation of the rights of the unborn. Or attend the

HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE at St. Patrick’s, on Friday,

January 22, 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Come join with other at this evening of prayer.

page 6

CYSL Soccer Registration Deadline Approaching—After January 24th, a $20 late fee will be added to all registrations and spaces will be given out on a first come, first served basis. Register now at: http://leagueusa.com/registration/index.jsp?

SportsOrganizationId=240. If you have questions about CYSL Soccer, please contact Mike Meyer at [email protected]. For registration questions please contact Renee Shotkoski at [email protected].