jamuna oil ratio

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  • 7/23/2019 Jamuna oil ratio


    Company Name Jamuna Oil

    Accounting Period 2010-2014

    2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

    Balance Sheet Items

    Cash and Equivalents 11,574,866,20 !,80,088,110 !,02!,168,248 !02,2!5,767 277,168,248A"# or $rade %e&tors 1,451,68! 1,018,775,057 ,!08,500 20,16,720 ,!08,500

    'nventor(")toc* and stores 8,261,014,07 8,!26,552,026 07,!42,244 57!,!84,4! 07,!42,244

    $otal Current Assets 2!,012,504,724 15,445,8!,4!8 11,268,176,84! 5,!!2,1!2 1,268,176,84!

    Pro+ert(, Plant and Equi+ent 52!,560,168 47,62,7! 156,!24,25! 11,578,875 156,!24,25!

    $otal ong-$er Assets 6,070,!!0,55 5,278,051,11 216,77,700 176,48,474 216,77,700

    $otal Assets 2,082,8!5,67 20,724,0!4,557 11,485,154,54! 1,1!6,280,606 1,485,154,54!

    $otal Current ia&ilities 21,87,6,555 1!,5!,841,!40 10,!0,201,888 56,25,!84 !0,201,888

    ong-$er oan"Credit 15,242,114 15,242,114 14,762,0!2 165,746,455 14,762,0!2

    $otal ong-$er ia&ilities 15,242,114 15,242,114 14,762,0!2 165,746,455 14,762,0!2

    $otal ia&ilities 22,075,2!8,66 14,14,08!,454 11,07,6!,20 7!50418! 1,07,6!,20

    )hare Ca+ital 1,00!,860,000 12,600,000 57,024,000 57,024,000 57,024,000

    #eserve and )ur+lus 145,717,!2 141,!2,282 1!,078,62! 1!5,126,767 1!,078,62!

    $otal )hareholders. Equit( 7,007,57,010 6,574,51,10! 405,10,62! 401,2!8,767 405,10,62!

    $otal ia&ilities / )E 2,082,8!5,67 20,724,0!4,557 11,485,154,54! 1,1!6,280,606 1,485,154,54!

    et Assets +er )hare A3P) $* 081 67 7106 704 7106

    Quick Error Check (TA=TL&SE) o* o* o* o* o*

    Income Statement Items)ales"#evenues"$urnover 8!,188,2! 1,00,55,465 !,207,!14,7!! 2,205,54,551 !,207,!14,7!!

    Cost o oods )old 4!0,225,744 !88,!!!,16! 2,42,!78,5! 1,87,76,1! 2,42,!78,5!

    ross Prot 462,62,45 621,226,!02 264,!5,780 217,57!,412 264,!5,780

    +erating E9+enses !!6,710,675 284,782,08 255,876,181 216,410,!56 255,876,181

    %e+reciation E9+ense

    +erating Prot"E:'$ 126,251,820 !!6,44!,!4 ,05,5 1,16!,056 ,05,5

    'nterest";inance e9+ense 1!2,262,624 11!,5!2,707 66,457,47 62,564,54 66,457,47

    ther 'ncoe"e9+enses 1,42!,4!!,2! 1,165,75,18! 26,28,265 1,056,758 26,28,265

    et Prot &eore $a9"E:$ 1,666,426,454 1,58,814,!! !4,188,471 1,256,66 !4,188,471

    'ncoe $a9 412,440,547 !!,47,04 2!,260,88! 10,5!1,215 2!,260,88!et 'ncoe"et Prot 1,25!,85,07 1,16,!!5,20 10,27,588 8,725,751 10,27,588

    )hare ;ace"Par 3alue $* 10 10

    Earnings +er share EP) $* 124 112 18 1501 18

  • 7/23/2019 Jamuna oil ratio


    2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

    Statement of Changes in Equity

    u&er o Coon )toc* 48,70! 48,70! 48,70! 48,70! 48,70!

    Aount o Cash %ividends

    Cash %ividends Percentage or*ing Ca+ital 1,1!2,508,16 1,42,142,08 !!7,74,55 !0,0!6,748 !!7,74,55

    ross Prot 462,62,45 621,226,!02 264,!5,780 217,57!,412 264,!5,780

    $otal %ividends Percenage or*ing Ca+ital #atio

    Long-Term Solvency Ratio

    $otal %e&t #atio 076 068 06 065 07!

    %e&t"Equit( #atio !15 215 27!5 18! 267

    Equit( @ulti+lier 415 !15 28!5 28! !67

    ong-$er %e&t #atio 00! 00! 027 02 027

    $ies 'nterest Earned 05 26 014 002 014

    Cash Coverage #atio 05 26 014 002 014

    Asset Management/Turnover Ratio

    #eceiva&le $urnover 07 0 !4456 10!5 !4456%a(s )ales utstanding

    'nventor( $urnover 005 005 !24 !47 !24

    %a(s 'nventor( utstanding 700858 782625 11256 10528 11256

    ;i9ed Asset $urnover 015 01 1478 1246 1478

  • 7/23/2019 Jamuna oil ratio


    2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

    $otal Asset $urnover 00! 005 028 14 216

    Proftability Ratio

    ross Prot @argin 052 062 008 010 008

    +erating Prot @argin 014 0!! 000 000 000Prot @argin #eturn on )ales 140 11 000 000 000

    #eturn on Assets 004 006 000 001 001

    #eturn on Equit( 018 018 00! 002 00!

    Pa(out #atio

    %ividend Per )hare %P)

    'ealy Changes()o*ths +,-

  • 7/23/2019 Jamuna oil ratio


    2014 2013 2012 2011 2010